#I’m so bad at describing outfits bc I have almost no idea what right words describe clothes
fenharel-babe · 11 months
Solas’s outfit. What are the green things he wears?? Stockings?? Leggings?? Pants??? I’m talking about the beige sweater with the wolf jaw necklace. His like casual outfit, you know???
I’m writing a different fic, literally so sad and in character depth for my lavellan, and I have to describe his outfit and I am STRUGGLING.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
You’re not like most people who enjoys Valentine’s Day. Can a certain redhead change that?
A/n: just a late valentine related imagine for all of u bc I’m incapable of posting this sort of stuff on the exact day. enjoy! (I’m finally using this iconic gif don’t mind me)
Word count: 1,753
Warnings: fluff
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The 14th of February is just another normal day for you. You always find Valentine’s Day cheesy, you don’t see the point of celebrating it. That sort of thing isn’t as important as Christmas or Halloween. Not that you're bitter because you're single, you couldn’t care less about that, it just isn’t the occasion for you.
Tony outdone it this year. The compound looks like it was powdered pink and red overnight from all the decorations when you step out of your room. You almost don’t want to know what the main area looks like. Sam and Wanda are probably getting started on breakfast which would consist of everything shaped like hearts.
Your plan for the day is to stay in your room, only coming out for snack and drink refills, simple as that.
“Hey, Happy Valentine��s...” you pretty much tone out every v-day greeting that came your way, rolling your eyes playfully as you sit down with everyone, greeting them with the usual good morning. You expect the compound to be deserted by midday since surely all of them have plans with their partners for the rest of the day, which is perfect. For you. And for them, of course, yeah.
Sam and Bucky made their way to you. “So, Y/N, how are you?” Sam greets. You already suspect that they were hyping you up for something. “Food good, coffee good... sleep well?”
You turn to them with a smile on your face. “Alright, what do you want?”
“Well,” Bucky lets out a breathy laugh. “Sam here was just helping me-”
“That is not what’s happening. What he wanted to say was,” the birdman cuts him off. “We both wanted to take you out to dinner tonight, we can’t settle on who, so we’re letting you pick.”
You blink. They have to be joking. Do they not notice your routine during this time of the year? After socializing with the team you’d grab a day’s worth of snack, head back to your room, lock the door and lose your mind on video games until the next day.
Unhealthy, but it's for one day.
“Only if you want to,” Bucky adds hastily.
“Come on, this is a chance of a lifetime!” Sam insists, wiggling his eyebrows.
“We’ll go to your favorite restaurant.”
“It’s just a friendly date.”
What you fail to notice was Natasha listening to the events happening. Her foot taps against the floor as she discreetly waits for your response, taking coffee sips and bites of food and looking away whenever she looked like she's eavesdropping. No one else is paying attention, everyone has their own conversations.
Inside, she pleads that you’d turn both of them down, just because she’s planning to ask you out herself. They just beat her to it.
“I appreciate the thought but I’m sorry, I have plans,” you shrug. “Why don’t you take each other out instead? Not literally.” You give them another smile and walk out of the room, coffee in hand. 
Sam and Bucky nods indicating they understood. Sam tells his friend that if he had more appeal you’d agree to the date. But they take you up on your advice, already planning a guy’s night.
Natasha almost cheers when she hears the first part, only to spiral when she hears that someone had already asked you beforehand. You're unavailable. She could ask you out any day, but you deserve something extra special. She sees this day as her only chance to confess her feelings for you.
Her eyes trail you as you walk out, turning to Wanda when you were out of sight. “Do you have any idea who asked Y/N out?”
“I don’t,” Wanda replies, a bit distracted. “They’re lucky, I’ve never seen Y/N show interest in anyone since I met her. Anyway, I have to go, Vision and I have a whole day planned...”
Natasha huffs while people slowly file out of the kitchen. As far as she knows, Tony's with Pepper, of course, Wanda and Vision, Steve is probably going to join Sam and Bucky on their night out, and Clint is back at his farm celebrating with his wife.
And you’re with that person, which most likely someone who isn’t on the team otherwise she’d know. She's left by herself to mope.
Few hours have passed, maybe three, it’s lunchtime. As you suspected the compound is empty, so you make your way to the kitchen to make yourself something to eat.
Boxed mac and cheese is the only thing you knew how to make.
You almost drop your stirring spoon at the sudden voice. You feel embarrassed about your choice of outfit, you feel and look like a grizzly bear while she looks stunning, even if it’s just plain workout clothes.
“Hey, Nat.”
“I thought you were... out with someone?” Knowing you, she might’ve misunderstood when you said you ‘had plans’. You look so cozy she would love to hug you on the spot if she isn’t so sweaty.
You let out a curious hum, turning off the stove. “I was?” You giggle. “Where’d you hear that?”
“I didn’t, just, I assumed you’d be,” she mutters and finishes her water bottle. 
You're now grabbing a bowl for the mac and cheese you made. “I mean, Sam and Bucky did ask me if I wanted to but... y’know, if I’m being honest they’re not really my type.” You pause to look at her who was staring back. “Have you eaten? This batch I made is enough for three people, I think.”
Natasha nods at your offer. “They did say it was a friendly date.”
You stop scooping the macaroni and perk your head up with a grin. “So you were listening.”
“Not like I had any choice, I was in the same room.” Quick save.
Then there's  a minute of comfy silence as you clean the area you made the meal on, putting the pot away and stuff.
“Why don’t you have a date today?”
“Anyone would kill to go on a date with you, Nat.” Is what you say in your head. But instead you say, “Well, you know, I didn’t expect you be here too.”
Natasha shrugs and before she could answer you add, “No one’s caught the notorious Black Widow’s attention yet?”
She chuckles at your words, looking up at you. “Who did you think I’d go out with?”
“I dunno, Steve-”
“God, no,” she quickly cuts you off and laugh,  you laugh along but at the same time sigh in relief.
“Crap, I just remembered I have a game to finish,” you hold the bowl of cheese and macaroni and stick two spoons on the side. “I’m cordially inviting you to my room, you are very much welcome, after you change.”
Natasha tells you she’ll see you there in a bit.
“Huh. I just noticed you do this every Valentine’s Day,” Natasha notes as she takes everything in. Your PlayStation's on, your trash bin is almost full of snack wrappings, couple of beers tucked at the side of your bed. “Cozy.”
“Why, thank you,” you say sarcastically, picking up a controller and waving a vacant one at her. “Feel free. Or you can just watch me fail at this game.”
Natasha decides to join the game a little later, now she's lost in thought on how someone like you spends such a day like this, or how beautiful you looked as your eyes dart at every direction of the screen and how you sometimes bite your lip when you're that focused in the game.
It's always the little things she likes about you.
Glancing at you one more time before eating a spoonful of mac, she turns back to the TV to watch how you're doing.
But you're witty, kind and easy to get along with, why wouldn’t you have a date - or why wouldn’t you want a date on Valentine’s Day?
If only you knew how she feels, she’d make sure to treat you well. Like you deserve. She’d take you on dates you’d enjoy every time the 14th rolls by. If you don’t like the holiday for some reason she’d find a way-
“NO WAY,” you cover your mouth and bump your head to Natasha’s shoulder in defeat, making her come back from her trance to look at the big red words on the screen, indicating you lost. “I almost had it!”
Natasha leans into your touch and pats your back. “You can try again.”
You groan. “I definitely will but for now, I’m gonna take a break.”
“Great,” she shifts a bit to get comfy, switching to Netflix and choosing whatever’s trending right now. “I’m just curious but, do you like someone?”
You hum in response, sipping on a beer, not completely processing what she said. “I - yeah. I guess so,” you tug the blanket closer and pout at the movie that’s on. You don’t like romance movies. You always prefer an action or a mystery one any day. “Do you?”
Natasha feels her heart ache for a moment. “Yeah. She’s kind and sweet, goofy but can still seriously kick your ass type.” Your eyes land to her hands. You knew fully well Natasha isn’t straight, she admitted and definitely doesn’t act like it. “There’s just something about her that makes me... love her.”
“She sounds great,” you mumble, starting to get lost in your own thoughts. “I guess I just-” you hesitate, just because the woman you're about to describe is the same one sitting next to you. “I feel bad for her that someone like me likes her.”
“Why would you think that?” Natasha chuckles, shaking her head.
You shrug. “She’s amazing. So out of my league, I’d say she’s so close but so far away but that would be really cheesy and ugly,” you laugh. “I don’t know, she deserves way better.”
Natasha hums. “Sometimes I think she needs to her worth, because what she doesn’t know is, she’s very much amazing in her own way.”
Looking up at her from her shoulder, your eyes light up and you don’t know when it happened, but you just found her lips pressed against yours softly.
Even if it was just a short kiss you feel breathless when she pulls away to look at you again.
“Just so we’re clear, we’re just describing each other like idiots right?”
Natasha leans in to kiss you again.
oh my god I want a hug
[shameless plug] check out my natasha romanoff ambience here
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remmyswritings · 4 years
our secret pt. 4// regulus black x reader
ok so i’ll admit this one definitely has a bit less of regulus x reader dynamic but that’s only bc we see more regulus and sirius / reader and sirius, reader with her best friend Stephanie (surprise @firewhisky-kisses​) and then one more towards the end that’s a surprise.... I really hope you all like this one :) <3
taglist: @summer-writes @willowbleedsonpaper @obsessedwithrandomthings @firewhisky-kisses @potterverseimagine @in-slytherin-we-trust @masterofthedarkness @imboredandneedalife @lila-lilakk @strawberriesonsummer @62442-am @nebulablakemurphy @kashishwrites @pcseidcnsvoid @mytreec @curious-curios @jenniweaslee @cherrycolakxsses @peeves-a-legend @booksmusicteaandanimals @heart-of-tempered-steel 
part 1
part 2
part 3
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“Love,” you looked up from the newspaper to see your husband standing in the kitchen doorway, “what are you still doing here? I thought you said you had to get into the office early.”
“Oh I do,” then you motioned toward the stairs behind him, “but you brother is currently busy hogging all of our hot water.”
Regulus came over and placed a long kiss on your head, “I’m sorry that he’s been staying here for so long darling.”
“Reg, you know that doesn’t bother me, what does is how long he takes in the shower.”
As if you manifested him with your words, Sirius came strutting into the kitchen, his hair still wet from the shower, “Good morning fire + whiskey. What are we discussing on this fine morning?”
You and Regulus both rolled your eyes at the nickname Sirius had given you. When you first heard it, it was when Sirius sat in the middle of your living room completely wasted… that was 4 months ago. 
“We were wondering what exactly it is you do in the shower Sirius,” the glint in your eyes shining as brightly as ever, “we might have to start charging you for every shower you take.”
“Alright, I’m sorry,” Sirius ran his hand through his hair, “And thanks for letting me stay here, I really do appreciate it.”
You reminded Sirius, just as you did every morning, that you were fine with him taking over your guest room. You knew that him and Reg both deserved a life where they could actually spend time with another… Now if only you could find someone for Sirius.
After finally being able to take a shower you rushed around, hoping to get to work as soon as possible. When you hopped down the stairs, you found Regulus standing at the door with your bag in hand, “Don’t worry everything is already packed.”
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?” you gave him a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Hmm,” Regulus pulled you in for one more kiss, “I’m not sure, let me get my notebook where I keep track of how many times you tell me you love me.”
Regulus acted as if he were going to carry you back into the house but instead turned you around and set you down on your front porch, “I love you and I hope you have a nice day at work.” 
“Do you think I’ll ever have what you two have Reg?” Regulus turned around to see Sirius leaning against the bannister with a look of longing in his eyes. 
Regulus nodded his head and squeezed Sirius’ shoulder, “I think you will. Say, I think Y/N might know someone who would be a good fit for you, why don’t you ask her?”
“Are you sure?” Sirius turned to look his brother in the eyes, “When it comes to my wife, I believe in her 10000%.”
While Regulus and Sirius were talking you had apparated near one of the stops on the tube and rushed towards the entrance of the Ministry of Magic. You were grateful to have gotten a job at the Department of International Magical Cooperation when you and Regulus returned to London but you definitely did not like your boss who gave you hell for every little mistake you made. Thankfully you weren’t greeted by him when you walked into the office instead you found your good friend Stephanie there, holding a cup of your favorite caffeinated drink in her hand.
“To what do I owe this greeting today?” You smiled at Stephanie as you grabbed the drink out of her hand. 
She smirked, “How about me getting our boss off your back for the rest of the week?”
“I swear Steph, you are the absolute best,” you took a sip of your drink, relishing in the comfort the warmth brought you. 
The two of you walked down the hall and towards your desks knowing that the second you sat down you’d be bombarded by your male coworkers asking for you to send notices for them and whatnot. When lunch time rolled around, you and Steph stepped out of the Ministry and headed towards the cafe the two of you found on your first day at work. 
“Alright Steph, you haven’t said a word about your date at all,” you looked over at your friend to see her making a face, “So was it really that bad?”
“Ugh,” her head fell into her hands as she groaned, “it was so bad that I don’t have the words to describe how bad it was.”
You thought back to the past couple months of watching Sirius also go on blind dates only for them to all crash and burn, “Do you have any plans this weekend?”
“No, I don’t,” she looked at you to see the twinkle in your eye that let her know you were scheming, “whyyy?”
“Just trust me,” you looked down at your watch, “and would you look at that we have to head back to the office.”
You were so tired when you made it home that you almost forgot about your plan. Well, you almost did until Regulus brought up the question that Sirius had asked him after you had left. 
“Would it be crazy if I set up a friend of mine with your brother?” your fingers danced over Regulus’ shoulder and down his arm to meet his hand.
He placed a couple light kisses up and down your neck, “No, I don’t think so. I take it you are talking about Stephanie?”
You hummed in agreement as Regulus slowly trailed up to your jaw, “You should mention her to Sirius tomorrow at breakfast.”
“Ok,” you shifted closer so that instead of resting on the pillows, you used your husband’s chest for support and soon fell asleep.
When you woke up the next morning you found yourself face-to-face with Regulus’ sleeping form. It was rare for you to wake up before him, so you took advantage of the sight in front of you. Your fingers slowly ran up and down his face, trailing down his nose before drawing the outline of his lips. Surprisingly, Regulus hadn’t woken up to your touch, so you brought your lips to his forehead and then his eyelids and then his nose, which is when you finally felt him start to stir.
“Hmm, I could get used to waking up like this,” he muttered, his voice still scratchy from having just woken up.
You started to pepper his jawline with kisses, making sure to avoid his lips knowing that the action would bother him, “Are you sure you want to be woken up like this?”
“Can you please kiss me already?” Regulus whined.
“Mhmm,” you leaned down very slowly, your lips practically touching when you suddenly jumped out of bed, “how about later?”
Regulus whined at the loss of your touch and could only watch as you grabbed your outfit for the day and jumped into the shower. When the hum of the water filled the air he begrudgingly headed towards the kitchen where he found Sirius standing at the counter with a cup of coffee in his hands.
“Good morning, where’s the fire to your whiskey?” Regulus sat down across from his brother, who was making him a cup.
He motioned to the upstairs portion of the house, “She’s currently enjoying our hot water since you aren’t getting wet.”
“That’s nice,” Sirius muttered.
Regulus faced his brother and looked at him inquisitively, “Are you okay Sirius?”
Sirius sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, “I’m not sure… I don’t know. That French girl that I went on a date with a couple weeks ago stopped by yesterday to talk and she said she doesn’t quite understand why I acted as if I wanted an actual relationship with her, but that is what I wanted!”
“Hey,” Regulus spoke softly, “You’ll find that person.”
“And how can you be so sure about that Reg? Whenever I find someone who seems interested, turns out all they want is a good fuck and that may have been what I wanted a couple years ago but not anymore,” Sirius groaned in frustration.
“Well,” Regulus hesitated, “Y/N told me last night that she’s been thinking about setting you up with a friend of hers at the office. She thinks you’ll be good for one another.”
When Regulus finished the sentence, you appeared at the doorway of the kitchen, “I heard my name. Are you trying to summon me darling?”
“Love,” Regulus pulled you into his arms, “I was just mentioning your friend to Sirius.”
“Oh perfect!” You turned to face Sirius, noting how disheartened he looked, “Sirius, I really do think she’ll be perfect for you.”
Sirius nodded his head, “What is she like?”
“Well her name is Stephanie, she was a Puff back at Hogwarts. She’s a super loyal person, honest, and very strong and quite frankly she has this adorableness to her but she isn’t willing to get dirty if need be,” you watched as Sirius' eyes lit up at her description, “and she wants to be with someone who will accept her for who she is completely.”
“Do you think she’d like me?” Sirius’ voice sounded so vulnerable.
You nodded, “I think she’d love you. Why don’t you come up with some date ideas with Reg and I’ll see if she’s free this weekend.”
Looking at the time, you rushed over and gave Sirius a big hug before you and Regulus met at the front door where you gave him a long kiss on the lips and the two of you said your goodbyes and I love yous.
Sirius soon came up with just the idea for his date and after begging slightly to his younger brother he set up your backyard with a multitude of fairy lights. After sending a letter to you before lunch time, you convinced Stephanie to stop by your place for dinner and made sure to let her know that she wouldn’t be having dinner with you and Regulus.
When you arrived home to see what Sirius had created, you knew your suspicions were right and confidently left Sirius alone as you took Regulus out to muggle London with you. As you and your husband went to the movie theater, Stephanie arrived at your house all dressed up.
She knocked on the door only to her surprise for Sirius Black to open the door for her, “Hello.”
“Hi Stephanie, I’m Sirius,” he opened the door further, “Why don’t you come on in?”
She walked into the house to see that the fairy lights had been extended to the main hallway, filling the room with a golden shimmer. When she made it to the kitchen, she saw that Sirius was still preparing dinner, “I hope you don’t mind waiting a bit.”
“No not at all. What are you making?” She leaned in closer, the smell consuming her every thought as she ended up with her chest pressing against Sirius’ back.
He turned to see her standing so close to him but in a way that was different from how his previous dates did, “oh, it’s this pasta recipe that Y/N mentioned you really liked. I hope I do it justice to be honest with you.”
“The fact that you are even making me dinner right now, is absolutely amazing,” she took a deep breath in, “and it smells really good.”
A couple minutes later, Sirius levitated some plates over and served dinner for the both of them, but instead of heading towards the dining table he led Stephanie to the backyard where he had set up a table for two.
“I hope you don’t mind being outside,” Sirius blushes slightly as Stephanie stood at the doorway in shock at the sight in front of her, “I just knew that the stars would look extra beautiful tonight and I wanted to share that with you.”
Stephanie finally turned to Sirius, “This is the best thing anyone has done for me before.”
The two of them sat down and conversed for hours on end. Even after they had finished their food, and Y/N and Regulus had returned from their night out, and Sirius brought out a blanket for the two of them to stargaze for a while. They were so caught up in one another they hadn’t even realized that they’d fallen asleep in one another’s arms, only to wake up the next morning with the sun shining in their faces.
“I’m so sorry,” Sirius looked down bashfully, “I didn’t mean to keep you here with me all night.”
Stephanie reached out and cupped Sirius’ face, “Sirius, I had the most amazing time last night and not once did I think about wanting to leave.”
“Could- could we do this again sometime?” Sirius looked at Stephanie with a face that reminded her of puppy dog eyes.
She nodded, “I’d love to… that is if you’d like to.”
“Ya, ya,” he nodded his head eagerly, “I’d love to as well.”
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tsaritsa · 6 years
the end is the same (for everyone)
hi guys. here’s the 6k fic i wrote for day 1 of royai week. i incorporated all 3 themes bc i’m that Hoe
warnings: allusions to child trafficking (but it has a happy ending)
“He knew we were on a lead! But sure, let’s just drag us out of that because of some third-rate mobster-”
It was late afternoon at Central Headquarters, with the sun lazily hovering in the sky, drenching the Western Wing in deep hues of orange and pink. The majority of the administration personnel had already turned in for the day; instead leaving the night staff flitting around the building like moths around a candle. Edward had only been inside Central Command a few times in the short years since he became a State Alchemist, but it still gave him pause when he considered just how vast the place was.
They certainly weren’t in Resembool anymore.
He threw up his hands in frustration as they rounded the corner and opened the door to the office they’d been given direction to. “Al, he knew! Next time he asks for my help-”
“I can’t think of a time when I’d be asking for your help Fullmetal, but I certainly wouldn’t be complaining about it as much as you are,” Mustang answered smoothly, standing up from the desk he had been hunched over, ink stains all over his hands. “You have been ordered to join this mission and you will perform your duties as such.” He turned to Lieutenant Hawkeye, who Edward realised wasn’t in the familiar navy of the military uniform – none of the occupants in the room were, actually. Blues had been replaced with blacks, uniforms with formal suits, and for the Lieutenant – a slinky black number that was practically dripping in what he could only assume were diamonds. It almost looked like armour, with the way the fabric was sewn, and how the gems laid on top of on another, interlocking in a complex pattern.
Mustang cocked his head to the side as he considered the Lieutenant. “Do you need more diamonds?”
Hawkeye hummed and stretched her arm out to inspect her shoulder better – the diamonds glinted and dazzled with every movement. “I think we should be fine now, sir. Anything more and I wouldn’t be surprised if Bobby suspected we were there for him.” She turned to face the brothers properly, an expectant look on her face. “You have received the dossier we sent to Eastern Headquarters, correct?”
Edward and Alphonse nodded.
She gestured to the couch, accepting the file the Colonel handed her. “Then tell me your role. This operation has to go smoothly, and the last thing we want is for you to get caught in the crossfire if something goes wrong.” Hawkeye settled herself neatly by the low table, adjusting her dress as she knelt down. It was a far cry from how he had seen her before – Lieutenant Hawkeye wasn’t someone Edward would personally call scary…but her no-nonsense attitude left Edward with the impression that she didn’t have the time to suffer fools. How Mustang made himself an exception to that rule was a mystery.
“We’re acting as decoys, right?”
The Lieutenant nodded. “Us two, as well as Colonel Mustang will be acting as a lure for Bobby Carlsberg. The event we’re attending tonight is a charity function that’s actually a front for a black market auction. The man has done far worse than peddling illegal goods on the side, but we need to arrest him with an actual crime to ensure we can make all the other charges stick.”
“What has he done?” Alphonse asked.
Hawkeye’s lips thinned. “It doesn’t need to be repeated,” she said firmly, shaking her head. “In any case I’m sure more will be uncovered once we have jurisdiction over his financial records and can do a through sweep of his townhouse apartment. But those aren’t details necessary for tonight. What I need from the two of you is absolute compliance with any orders I give, or that the Colonel gives tonight. This isn’t an operation where you can just fight your way out-”
Edward scoffed. “We’re not that bad-”
“Tell that to the expense reports the Lieutenant is continually filling out on your behalf,” Mustang said pointedly from one of the desks, not looking up from his work. “I’m not in the mood for a tantrum tonight, Fullmetal. This is our only chance to get this guy and I will not have you screwing it up for me.”
“Please, Edward. We know you and Alphonse are capable – but in this instance you’re simply playing the role of a child.” Hawkeye’s tone was less acerbic, but no less insistent. “Working as a team is the best way to catch this man.”
Edward crossed his arms over his chest. “Then why aren’t we including Al in this? If it came to blows, then-”
“Alphonse is a civilian. We are not endangering his life when there are plenty of soldiers to spare first.” Mustang pushed himself away from his desk, passing the Lieutenant a small bracelet that glinted in the office light similarly to the gemstones attached to her dress. “Is that too gaudy for Mrs Phillips?”
Hawkeye shook her head, a small smile curling up her lips. “Such a shame you won’t let me keep these diamonds – I could afford to rent a better apartment if you kept me supplied. I doubt the lapidists would notice you transmuted them.”
“Knowing you, you’d only adopt more dogs. The economy would crumble overnight as you bought out every breeder in the country.” Mustang’s tone was teasing, and this annoyed Edward for reasons he couldn’t quite explain.
“I thought State Alchemists weren’t meant to use their abilities to create personal wealth.” The words were careless and thrown out, and he knew he had overstepped as soon as he had uttered them.
Mustang’s jaw tensed, and he knelt down next to the Lieutenant as she extended her wrist towards him. He was quiet for a moment as his fingers worked over the catchments. “And I thought you had been told before that I won’t have any backtalking when we have a job to do. We ordered you here because you are beholden to, and I will use any advantage in my arsenal to ensure this operation goes smoothly. If you do not follow my orders tonight, you will be court-martialled Fullmetal.” His hands dropped from the Lieutenant’s wrist and he looked squarely at Edward, eyes hard. “Do I make myself clear?”
Edward sunk further into the couch. “Yes sir,” he mumbled.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that-”
“Yes, sir,” he said louder, irritation as clear as a bell. Mustang’s eyebrow lifted slightly, before he sighed.
“Lieutenant, I can trust you to get Fullmetal ready?”
Hawkeye nodded shortly, watching as the Colonel strode away towards where Havoc was preparing some handguns, hands shoved deeply into his pocket. “I wouldn’t try my luck if I were you,” she admonished, standing up and dusting off her knees. “There’s a lot riding on tonight.”
Hawkeye shook her head, signalling him to follow her. “We’ll be back in a moment, Alphonse,” she said, opening the door and waiting for Edward to pass through.
He kept quiet as he followed her down the hallway. It was…strange seeing her out of her uniform, truth be told. The idea of her having a life that existed outside of the military – one that didn’t revolve around tailing Mustang – still seemed like a foreign concept, like those old adventure movies with the fantastical creatures that he and Al would watch when Mr Smith brought his projection box to Resembool.
The Lieutenant stopped before a door, and unlocked it, glancing down the hallway as she did so. Inside was what Edward could only describe as a costume closet and he found himself wedged between boxes marked ‘shoes’ and a rack of black suits. Hawkeye ran her hand over the selection, her tongue poking out as she peered at tags. “I guess you could always do some alterations if the pants don’t fit well,” she said, selecting one of the coat hangers and holding it at length. She passed the suit to Edward before stretching up onto the balls of her feet – as her arms lifted to pull back a box on the highest shelving level, he noticed the shoes she was wearing. The dark fabric of her dress had hidden them before but now, even in the dusty yellow light of the supply-closet-cum-undercover-outfit-storage, the diamond embellishing covering the nude satin of the heel glinted and sparkled.
“The Colonel really goes all-out for this stuff, doesn’t he?”
Hawkeye nodded as she rifled through the box. “It takes a bit of time – I spent most of the afternoon with him sewing all these diamonds on – but we’re mingling with the highest that society has to offer in Central and they’re very good at sniffing out those who don’t belong.”
Edward frowned. “Why not use alchemy? I do it with my coat all the time.”
Hawkeye laughed – a proper one, that caused her lips to stretch widely across her face. “The Colonel is very talented when it comes to alchemy, but we agreed it would be easier to simply do it by hand, rather than risk ruining the dress if he calculated a part of the transmutation incorrectly.” She handed him a tie – a deep burgundy one with flecks of gold thread woven in the silk – and pushed the box back into its place.
He adjusted the suit and tie in his arms as she shifted next to him, peering into one of the boxes labelled ‘shoes’. “I didn’t realise the Colonel could sew.”
“How did you think he managed with his gloves otherwise? I taught him the basic skills when we were younger-” she abruptly paused, hands hovering over another box before she sighed. “It goes without saying, Edward,” the Lieutenant said quietly, voice barely carrying over the hum of the heating pipes overhead, “but in the same way that we carry you and your brother’s secret – you will carry ours as well. Is that understood?”
Edward nodded quickly. There was no mistaking the ‘we’ – both on the level of the inner team themselves, undoubtedly entertaining his brother with jokes while they waited for the two of them to return; but also, the deeper meaning. It wasn’t hard to catch wind of the rumours, not certainly when he was still seen by most of Eastern Command to be something of an oddity and not truly considered part of the Colonel’s men. The most salacious ones were whispered in the mess hall with an air of incredulity and exaggeration – but there were little comments thrown his way, ones that he sometimes didn’t understand and sometimes wished he didn’t. He might’ve only been fourteen, but Edward wasn’t that unobservant.
The two of them reminded him a bit of binary stars – the theorised phenomena where the gravitational push of each affected the other in a constant, ever-shifting dance. It was easy enough to argue that was simply a result of the Lieutenant’s skill as a bodyguard, but even in the environment of his office, where danger was supposedly at its lowest, the two of them still shifted and adjusted, seemingly unaware of their actions. A shared history made a lot of sense, he supposed, accepting the shoes she passed him, still deep in thought. But it also raised questions of just how long they had known one another, and he had remembered the Colonel making a comment about the trials of trying to flirt with girls when he was a teenager and learning alchemy at the same time –
Yes, perhaps there were secrets better left untouched. Mustang’s alchemy was legendary with good reason, and men had killed for less.
He blinked rapidly as Hawkeye rested her hand on his shoulder, head cocked to the side in concern. “Are you okay?”
Edward nodded. “Yeah. Where do you want me to get dressed?” He followed her out of the small closet and waited as she locked the door.
“There’s a bathroom just around the corner. Come back to the office when you’re done.”
He shuffled into the office twenty minutes later, the tips of his ears burning with shame. The pants had been fine – one quick transmutation later and the fabric no longer bunched embarrassingly at his ankles. But the tie – the bloody tie! It wasn’t something he had ever learned how to do – there were no fancy school uniforms when he and Al were kids, and even if he did wear a military uniform, the need was only if you were a cadet. The fabric was crumpled tightly in his automail hand as he shut the door as quietly as he could manage, not wanting to attract any attention towards himself, but it was too late: as if on cue, everyone in the office turned their heads towards him expectantly.
Second Lieutenant Havoc grinned at him brightly from where he sat, his hands full of ammunition clips. “Looking good Chief!”
Mustang looked up from the desk he sat at. “Havoc’s right – you don’t scrub up too badly at all, Fullmetal. But where’s the tie?”
Edward sullenly held up the offending fabric. “I’ve never had to do one of these before.”
A small smile pulled at the older man’s lips – one that Edward was surprised to recognise not as unkind, but sympathetic. “Lieutenant, can you-”
“You know how to tie a tie better than I do, sir,” Hawkeye answered, in a manner that Edward felt was a bit more pointed than it necessarily needed to be, not looking up from a clipboard Sergeant Fuery had given her. “And I daresay you know more than just the Windsor knot.”
Mustang nodded, chastened. He beckoned Edward over, pushing himself away from the desk, which he realised was covered in blueprints and diagrams as he neared. Exits had been circled in thick red marker, with the Colonel’s familiar handwriting spread across the paper, scratched out furiously in places.
“I couldn’t do my own tie for the longest time either,” Mustang told him, flicking up the collar of his shirt and smoothing down the fabric of the tie to lie flush to his shoulders. Edward shifted awkwardly at the contact but said nothing. “My mother had to tie them all for me and then I just loosened them enough to get them over my head. But it’s bad form for the fabric to be twisted continuously.” His hands were sure and methodical as he worked the fabric. “Let me know if it’s too tight for you – can’t have you fainting in the middle of all this.”
“I thought a black tie dress code meant a black tie.”
Mustang nodded. “True. But you’re a child, and children are allowed to break the stupid rules that adults make up. It’s also so my men can identify you quickly in case of emergency.”
Edward snorted. “Would’ve thought you’d be basing that on my height-”
The knot was pulled up against his throat firmly, but not uncomfortably as Mustang drew back to admire his handiwork. “No, that would be unprofessional, Fullmetal, and I don’t have time for mucking around tonight.” He smoothed the collar back down and dusted the tops of his shoulders quickly. “And now you’re all set. We’re moving out in ten, so keep close by.” He tossed some white gloves his way, and Edward caught them easily.
“What’s wrong with my gloves?”
Mustang gave him a sceptical look, sitting back down. “Mine aren’t stained with oil.”
Jerk. Edward turned on his heel, and walked to where Al was perched, hilariously oversized on a chair that somebody had brought him. He rested his bare hand on his brother’s head, absorbing in the cool steel. “You’ll be okay without me?”
Alphonse nodded energetically, armour clinking. “Yeah! Mr Fuery is going to be in the building over handling all the communication, so I’ll be hanging out with him. It won’t be as fun as what you’re doing though.”
Edward laughed, rubbing the helmet. “At least you’ll be safe if things go sideways tonight.”
Alphonse scoffed. “If you’re going to be there, something is going to go wrong, brother.”
He flicked the top of Alphonse’s head, wincing as pain bloomed briefly across his finger. “I don’t think the Colonel has left any space in the plan for me to muck up. Anyway, you should have more faith in me! I’ve been in plenty of situations where things could’ve gone badly but didn’t.”
“Only because things were already bad enough by the time you came onto the scene,” Alphonse muttered.
Edward opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by the door to the office opening once more.
“Hughes,” Mustang replied in a bored fashion, standing up. “Everybody’s ready on your end?”
Hughes nodded, winking at the boys as he crossed the room. “We’re good to go on your order. Team Arthur and Bruno are already in position.” He turned to Hawkeye and placed a hand dramatically over his heart.
“First Lieutenant, I’m sure Roy has already told you numerous times how wonderful you look tonight, but truly, you will outshine every guest there.”
Hawkeye tucked some hair behind her ear. “I hope you don’t mean that literally, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes. The plan rides on our ability to identify our target.”
He held up his hands in defeat. “Right, right, we have a job to do, and there’s no time for dad jokes – by the way, have you seen the latest-”
“Later, Hughes.”
The subsequent briefing had been quick and to-the-point: they couldn’t arrest Bobby until after lot number two-hundred and fifty-two, and the little radio headsets that Fuery had kitted them out with would only work within a certain range in the building – if they strayed too far from the main floor they’d run the risk of losing the signal and his team would be unable to forewarn them of any issues. The earpiece felt uncomfortable in his ear but there was no point – nor time – to complain. Within minutes he was being escorted into a flash-looking car and sitting opposite the Colonel and Lieutenant.
“I still don’t understand why you needed me on this mission.”
“Bobby has a thing for blonds,” Mustang replied darkly after a beat and Hawkeye sent him a furious look.
“We weren’t going to tell him-”        
“He’s going to find out anyway Lieutenant-”
Edward frowned. “I don’t get it. Lieutenant Hawkeye is blonde, so-” Realisation dawned on him and he felt the contents of his lunch churn dangerously in his stomach. “I see.”
Hawkeye was staring daggers at her superior officer, who in turn was watching the city lights flicker by as they made their way down West Avenue. “It is insulting that you don’t think me capable, sir.” The title was thrown out bitterly, and Edward shrank back into his seat as best he could. This was a conversation he had no wish to be involved with.
“You’re more capable than any other person in the military, dear,” the Colonel answered finally, as the car slowed down in front of the glittering Heritage Hotel, “but we have a job to do and I need my wife-” he stressed the word as Havoc opened the door for him, “to be supporting me as best I can tonight.”
The Lieutenant stared at him, stony-faced as he offered her a gloved hand. “Of course, sweetheart,” she responded, a practiced smile forming on her face. “Come along, son,” she said to Edward as she accepted Mustang’s hand. “We have an auction to attend.”
Two hours into the evening and Edward was near ready to tear his hair out in frustration: auctions were the most boring thing he had ever attended in his life, and he had been subjected to some frankly inane military ceremonies before. Lieutenant Hawkeye stood out in the crowd in her bejewelled dress, but not by far – Edward was sure he had seen the entire wealth of his hometown on many a neck tonight. The numbers being tossed towards the auctioneer were absurd too – but he had long given up on his game of calculating just how much money was being transferred, instead busying himself with arranging his string beans by various qualities; first by length, then by shade, then –
“Bobby en route.” Fuery’s voice crackled in his ear and Edward felt himself stiffen despite the fact that he needed to appear as uncaring as possible. The Lieutenant had sat up straighter as well, though she masked it well by leaning to whisper something in the Colonel’s ear, who smiled after a few moments. The two of them seemed completely at ease in the roles of new money banker and ditzy socialite wife – it didn’t quite make sense to Edward why nobody was questioning his presence there: he hadn’t seen anyone near his age and he’d spent a good portion of the night people-watching from the second floor while his superiors blended in with the dancing couples below. He had noticed Bobby skulking at the edges of the dancefloor and had made a mental note to keep his distance while he wasn’t within shouting distance of either of his ‘parents’. Alphonse was right: he did have a unlucky habit of trouble finding him, and the fight that he had witnessed in the drive over put to rest any ideas of sorting the problem by himself. Trouble was sure to find him tonight, in the form of a man who boring name belied the monster within, and Edward was more than happy to delay the inevitable for as long as he could manage.
Bobby Carlsberg was a thin man with thinning hair and an even thinner moustache that only served to make the man look as sketchy as his report indicted him to be. There was an oily, slippery aspect to him too: and when he spoke Edward felt the revulsion slide down his spine unpleasantly.
“I must say sir, I have been admiring your wife all night and I’ve only just gathered up the courage to come say that.”
Everything about the man screamed sleaze and dishonesty – Edward shifted in his chair, adjusting the way he rested his head on the back of the chair so Bobby would be obscured by his fringe. The less he had to see him, the better.
Hawkeye’s laugh was airy and almost as disturbing as the man who stood before them. The auctioneer droned on in the background – some dusty old vase depicting a field of wheat was being frantically bid between two old men who looked to both have one foot in the grave already.
“You’re far too kind sir! Victor told me I had been turning heads, but I was terrified it was for the wrong reasons!”
Oh. That was why the dress had been sewn with what looked like a million diamonds – it wasn’t as a method of blending in with the society here – but to be seen, even amongst a dense crowd. For him to be seen.
“Nonsense! Your husband has an excellent eye for the latest fashion. Bobby extended his hand, and ‘Victor’ rose to shake it, a charming smile on his face. “You’re a very lucky man. The name is Bobby Carlsberg.”
“Victor Phillips. And yes, I am lucky. More than I will ever know,” Mustang said proudly, glancing back at his ‘wife’, his eyes passing over Edward as he did so. A warning. He sat up a little straighter and fiddled with his beans.
“Can I ask what interests you in this auction tonight, Victor?”
Mustang signalled a server to being them another chair and placed an order for some whiskey. “Well,” he began, casting the most obvious furtive look Edward had ever seen before leaning in closer to Bobby. “There have been a lot of very interesting auctions, but one has really caught my eye. Do you know about number two-hundred and fifty-two? I hear there’s a surprise included by request of the seller. I have a hunch I know what it is, but I’m dying to find out.”
Bobby’s eyebrows shot up. “A surprise?” His gaze slid to Edward, who grinned as toothily as he could manage before shoving all thirty-two string beans into his mouth.
“Alexander!” Hawkeye’s voice was playful as she leaned over the table to bat at his arm, but there was an undercurrent of sharpness woven into his ‘name’. “Don’t make me send you back to etiquette class.”
Victor laughed loudly. “Ah, boys will be boys, my fair-faced friend! As soon as a girl as pretty as you comes along he’ll change his tune.”
“Nobody will ever compare to my sweet Violet,” Mustang replied, his eyes glittering as he took the Lieutenant’s hand and kissed the ring on her finger. She smiled benevolently, before rising from her seat and leaning close to kiss the Colonel on his cheek.
“You’re too kind, sweetheart,” she said softly, her hands resting lightly on his shoulders. “But I must dash for a moment.”
They watched her leave, and Roy waited until she had passed through the ornate stained-glass doors before leaning in conspiratorially. “I have an inking the surprise in two-hundred and fifty-two might kick my wife down to second place.” It was incredible how well Roy could change the tone of his voice to mimic that of Bobby’s. The other man’s eyes were wide, glancing quickly between him and Edward.
“Do you mean-”
Mustang tapped the side of his nose, smirking. “I thought you might be a kindred spirit because you were one of the few who hasn’t bid on anything yet. I fear I’m not well-versed in the language here in Central but-”
“Not to worry my good man,” Bobby responded easily, his body relaxing as he accepted the whiskies from the server, passing one to Mustang with a lecherous grin. “We’re a little more refined than other places but I assure you the sights are even more pleasant than you could possibly imagine.”
It took everything in Edward’s willpower not to vomit his dinner as auction number two-hundred and fifty-two took to the stage. It was a necklace – even more ornate than the one the Lieutenant was wearing. Hawkeye flipped through her programme and gasped audibly as the auction house employs set up on stage.
“Oh – ! Victor! You must get that necklace for me. Bethany will go positively green with envy at Monica’s garden party next month!”
Mustang and Bobby shared a knowing smile. “Of course dear. But our good friend Bobby here also wishes to buy the necklace for his wife. We may be out of our depth, love.”
‘Violet’ pouted. “I guess we’ll have to see,” she said, disappointed. Her hands rested in her lap, fiddling with her fingernails. The tension was palpable as the auctioneer stood behind the podium and cleared his throat.
“Tonight, our last piece up for auction is the priceless Louiban set – a dazzling necklace that can be taken apart to make three more stunning necklaces. Ladies, this is a piece that only comes up for auction every blue moon, and it’s unlikely to be sold again for another sixty years. Can I get the bidding started at thirty million cenz?”
Edward choked on the water he was drinking, and the Lieutenant shot him a sharp look. Her entire posture had changed in a single moment; no longer was she a vapid socialite, but the woman he knew as the ‘Hawk’s Eye’ – and with good reason too. Other servers had slowly put down their trays – Team Arthur and Bruno were preparing too for what had every possibility of becoming a bloodbath.
A literal one.
Bobby looked back at Edward, before winking deliberately and he raised his hand. “Sixty million!” he called out in his oily voice.
What happened next was utter chaos.
The Lieutenant leapt across the table to pin Bobby down; Edward felt his chair being pulled back violently by some unknown force and then a pair of strong hands grab onto his upper arms. Shots rang out and they echoed loudly in the ballroom; there was a second of silence while everyone looked for the source of the original commotion, and then screams erupted as the high society of Central began to scramble for their nearest exit. Edward briefly caught sight of the Lieutenant wrestling with Bobby on the ground, a gun flung out of her reach while Mustang was dealing with his own mystery assailant.
Edward realised very quickly that the person dragging him away was not from Team Arthur or Bruno – and he roared as he clapped his hands together before slamming his palm onto this automail forearm as best he could manage. The scream behind him told him his aim had been true, and he fought off off the other arm that went to wrap around his neck.
He didn’t recognise the man who fell back to the ground, clutching at his shoulder that was bleeding profusely, but decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea to let him escape. The sound of his automail arm shattering the man’s jaw was immensely satisfying. Dimly, he could hear Fuery’s voice yelling frantically in his ear about something –
More shots rang out across the ballroom and Edward whipped his head to the front of the stage, breaking into a run. The crowd was thinning now, and he could see Mustang running towards the front of the ballroom too. It was probably only a matter of seconds before he caught sight of Hawkeye, standing over the twitching figure of Bobby Carlsberg with a gun firmly aimed at his head. Her dress had ripped: a thousand diamond crystals were scattered around the two of them, sparkling in the growing pool of blood despite the wound Bobby was desperately trying to staunch.
“Get the medics here, sir,” she said firmly, shrugging off the hand that tried to lower her gun. “We’re not risking him dying out on this floor so his operation keeps going.”
Mustang sighed and nodded, turning towards one of the approaching undercover servers. He looked pale – almost as pale as Bobby, who was busy swearing black and blue that he’d get her for this, the cocksucker –
Edward stood next to her, and she shook her head, gaze and gun still firmly aimed at Bobby. “You don’t need to see this,” she told him firmly. “Havoc and Breda will be here in a moment to escort you out-”
“That is an order, Fullmetal,” she said tightly. “Go.”
A warm hand clapped on his back. “We’ll be alright here Edward,” Roy’s voice came from his right, his hand steering him away from the situation before him. “Simon here is going to deliver you to where Sergeant Fuery is. He’ll bring you back to Headquarters after you’ve been checked over.”
“The Lieutenant-”
“She’ll be fine.” The Colonel’s tone was worryingly hesitant. “We’ll see you back for the debriefing soon.”
Said debriefing took a lot longer than the briefing had: Edward was sure he had started to doze off towards the end as leaders from Team Arthur and Bruno recounted their version of events for the record. As far as he could tell, the operation had gone as smoothly as could be expected: Bobby, most importantly, had been captured alive, and so had a number of his associates. The child who was to be sold off had also been successfully located in a separate sting that happened elsewhere at the same time.
Edward recounted his own version of events quickly: “Some guy tried to pull me away but I stabbed him and then punched him to make sure he didn’t run off.” Hughes sat next to him on the couch, writing away furiously in a notebook. After what felt like hours, he closed it and stretched his hand.
“The rest can happen tomorrow. The details are all accounted for,” he told Mustang. “Your job is done, and Central Headquarters thanks you for your service.”
Mustang nodded and waved his hand in a dismissive fashion. “Everybody get some rest tonight,” he called out as they began to shuffle out of the office. Edward blearily opened his eyes – when had he shut them? – and spied the Lieutenant sitting opposite him, curled up with a dinner jacket resting loosely on her shoulders.
“You did some quick thinking tonight,” she told him, pride evident in her voice. “I’m sorry it came to that.”
Edward shrugged. “We caught the bad guy,” he said simply.
“Hardly a good reason,” Hawkeye replied, standing up and stretching her arms above her head. He could see the need for the jacket now – in the fight with Bobby, a whole section of the dress had torn down the side. Diamonds were hanging on by mere threads, and Edward quickly ducked his head when he realised he could see the skin stretching over her ribcage, already marred with dark purple bruises. She nodded at Hughes, before wrapping the jacket tighter around herself, and slipped into Mustang’s office.
Edward let himself doze once more and was dimly aware of a blanket being draped over him.
Later, he woke to the smell of takeaways and low chatter and got himself a plate, sitting next to his brother and hearing his versions of events. From what he gathered, it had been very boring with Sergeant Fuery for Alphonse; it was only within the last five minutes before all hell broke loose that he could pick up on anything exciting.
However, there had been a friendly stray in the alleyway behind their building and so Alphonse had spent most of his time playing games with the cat and talking to the soldiers positioned there. Edward let himself drift off while Alphonse continued to talk, watching the remaining soldiers talk in low tones to each other over heaping piles of chips and fried rice. It struck him as strange that he hadn’t seen neither the Colonel or the Lieutenant since the food had arrived – glancing towards the door that led to the inner office, Edward made up his mind to let them know, if nobody else was going to. Almost everyone had gone home by this stage; the outer office was nearly empty as he walked towards the door that was left slightly ajar.
In hindsight, that should’ve been his first warning.
His hand was raised ready to knock as he pushed on the door – the heavy wood gave way under the pressure of his hand slowly, and Edward paused as he took in the scene before him.
The light was low in the office, as the two of them sat on top of the desk, looking out over the parade grounds. Hawkeye had discarded the jacket – which Edward realised was Mustang’s dinner jacket and was resting her head on his shoulder. In the dim light, he could almost make out their hands intertwined as they spoke to one another in low tones.
It was hard to look away, and even harder when Mustang turned and pressed a soft kiss onto her bare shoulder.
A hand reached out from behind Edward and pulled back the oak door. He twisted jerkily, so tired at this point he didn’t have the energy to cry out in surprise.
Hughes raised his eyebrows deliberately as he shut the door with a definitive click. “Not now, kid,” he said quietly, guiding Edward back towards where the remaining men were, dealing out cards and promising to go easy on Alphonse. “That’s a story for another time.”
167 notes · View notes
reneehearts · 5 years
🌼🌿botanical asks🌻🌙
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? Unicorns or fairies
lavender; soundcloud or vinyls? Soundcloud
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read? Gone Girl
lunar mist; do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? Depends on who it is
bird of paradise; what was the best thing that happened to you this month? I feel like a lot has happened this month I can’t pick one thing
gardenia; what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? Take chances
lion’s fairytale; would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? Ocean
whirling butterflies; would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes
marmalade skies; do you plan your outfits? For the most part, at least a general idea especially on weekdays
apricot drift; how do you feel right now? Tired, anxious,’excited, nervous
everlasting daisy; what’s the last dream you remember having? I can’t remember last nights but the night before that, I got in a huge fight with my best friend :(
queen’s cup; what are you craving right now? Something sweet
lavender dream; turn ons/offs? Turn one- great body, humor, kindness turn offs- not caring about health, thinking that things should be handed to you, obnoxiousness
water lilly; when was the last time you cried? why? Last weeeeek? Like Wednesday or Thursday
lily of the valley; did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? I really don’t even know who that is tbh
winterberry; do you bite or lick your ice cream? Lick or eat off spoon
honey perfume; favorite movie ever? Remember the Titans
desert rose; do you like yourself? Sometimes
snapdragon; have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? Yes I met the Jonas brothers and pierce the Veil and kinda saw zac Enron
night owl; how many countries have you visited? 2 including the one I live in
heliotrope; have you ever been in a castle? Nope but I’m supposed to your one in April!
creams and sky; what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? Gotten very very very wasted almost BO drunk in NYC with ppl who didn’t know the city - I’m shocked I made it home
lantana; what’s on your mind right now? Life, love, health
pumpkin patch; what’s your zodiac sign? Leo ♌️
tulip; name 5 facts about yourself. My favorite food ever is ice cream, I love Australian shepherds and monkeys, I’m in grad school, I was a dancer growing up, I can lick my elbow.
daphne; do you believe in karma? I think so
queen of the meadow; ever been in love? Yes
wisteria; whom do you admire and why? I admire a couple people, the list has gotten smaller and smaller tho as I’ve gotten older
angel’s face; what was your favorite bedtime story as a child? Those baby Mickey Mouse books
remember me; did you make someone laugh today? Yes
iris; do you believe in ghosts? Not really ghosts, maybe more spirits
lilac; if you could go back in time which time period would you visit? 1920s
caramel kisses; would you want to live forever? why/why not? Depends, would I be living forever at the age I am now or should I get older and older and older and have a shorty quality of life
primula; what makes you sad? Animal abuse, lack of compassion in the world, the greediness only the world, when people don’t treat me they I want to be treated
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not? So far, yes
queen anne’s lace; who do you trust the most? Either my mom or dad
lady’s slipper; what did you have for breakfast today? Cereal, chewy bar and protein cookies
forget me not; do you have any regrets looking back in your life? Kinda
lunaria; what’s your favorite fictional universe? Narnia
violet; favorite tv show? Friends
sunflower; share a favorite quote. The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who can’t fly” Nietzsche
snowdrop; what does your ideal day look like? Wake up around 9:30 -10 have a leisurely breakfast and cuddle with my pup, spend some time outside bc it will be nice and sunny! Go to a festival/craft fair/the beach and enjoy the fresh air with a friend or s/o and then shower, get a little dressed up, for for dinner and drinks, go home and have a couple more drinks and 😉 and then finish it off with dessert and cuddling
tiger lily; do you have any hobbies? Reading, dancing, spending time with my dog, watching baseball
peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you. I don’t have one off the top of my head
tea rose; what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared? Travel to Germany
honeysuckle; do you usually date people your age or older/younger? Older
sweet pea; who means the world to you? why? There are a handful of people and it’s because they support me and make my life enhanced, Each in their own ways
love in the mist; best books you’ve ever read? Water for elephants, gone girl, the likeness
foxglove; who is your favorite cartoon character? Minnie Mouse
magnolia; coffee or tea? Coffee
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved? Loved
snowflake; are you a dog or a cat person? Dog
bell flower; what is your biggest addiction? Ice cream/social media
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy? I’m gonna be honest...not really
moonflower; what’s your favorite color? Purple
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not? Parents it’s prettt good, sister it waivers
sundrop; are you a morning or a night person? Probably more morning
poppy; have you ever dealt with a mental illness? Yes and still do
clover; how would your friends describe you? Kind, funny, caring, sweet
dandelion; do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert? Mostly introvert but extrovert around the right ppl
lilly; what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? Nothing I’m embarrassed about
anemone; describe yourself in 3 words. Kind, observant, intuitive
lotus; best memory as a child? Being with my Pop Pop
angelonia; what is your eye and hair color? Light brown and blonde
dahlia; do you like crystals? Sure, why not
buttercup; if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? The fact that not everyone can afford housing and has healthcare
baby’s breath; what’s your hogwarts house? From buzzfeed quizzes I’ve taken- hufflepuff
calendula; biggest pet peeve? When ppl don’t use their blinkers/are bad drivers in general, when people interrupt me or anyone else, people who are always late (no consideration for others time), when two radio stations are playing the same song at the same time, and I’m sure there are others I just can’t think of rn
blanker flower; would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet? Depends on my mood and how long th e cocktail party is and who will be there haha
blazing star; share a secret. I really can’t think of something that NO one else knows about, I disclose different things to different ppl depending on my relationship with you
carnation; would you rather live longer or happier? Happier
petunia; who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why? No clue
bluebell; do you wear glasses? Yes!
nymphea; forest or river? River
orchid; do you like exercise? I like the feeling after exercise and feeling strong and for but the actual exercising part? Not really lion
pansy; do you like poetry? Not really
morning glory; any special talent that you have? I can lick my elbow
0 notes
slaivetanaka · 8 years
slaive character chart (it long)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Slaive Tanaka Reason or meaning of name: uh when i was 13 i made him and he was born into slavery so he just rolled with it when he broke out the storys dumb i gotta redo it lmao// or change his name Character’s nickname: Kitten Reason for nickname: bc hes a catboy what do you want from me.... Birth date: January 13th Physical appearance Age: 20 How old do they appear: 20 Weight: variable, current story hes a shape shifter so it depends on his mood but hes like never skinny. id say 140 pounds ish? at least. hes usually got a lil chub Height: 5 feet Body build: pear shaped, nice hips, thighs n booty Shape of face: quite round with it getting more pointed towards his chin but not by much Eye color: his right eye is always colored but his left eye is a slightly dark red Glasses or contacts: he wears glasses to be cute sometimes lol Skin tone: pale, like almost grossly pale Distinguishing marks: a mole under his left eye, stretch marks on the back of his thighs and his butt and his hips, and patchy scars on the back of his neck Predominant features: he has really sultry and soft lips so he has a nice smile. his skin is also super soft and squishy Hair color: black Type of hair: silky and only slightly thick. not very textured but he mooses the back to make it spike slightly like sasuke hair Hairstyle: bangs cover his right eye, behind where his ears would be is mused to be fluffier and slightly spiked Voice: very very sweet, but not childish or naiive sounding. feminine, relatively normal, maybe a little high pitched. intonation is slightly motherly, cracks when he gets nervous/excited Overall attractiveness: hes hot lets face it. hes pretty attractive! Physical disabilities: i mean hes a clumsy ditz but nothing like a disability besides his right eye going slowly blind being behind his hair Usual fashion of dress: at home - off the shoulder shirts/dresses, never wears pants at home. out n about casual - flowy dresses, stockings, cute socks, bibs (those are like the shorts overalls). out n about tryin too hard - he wears lolita sometimes lmao so like sweet lolita with lots of accessories and hair clips and ribbons
Favorite outfit: off the shoulder sweater dress with noooo pants and cute thigh highs Jewelry or accessories: he wears a red fleece collar with a gold tag with an S on it Personality Good personality traits: Kind, Generous, Perceptive, Motherly, Loyal, Determined, Studious. Bad personality traits: Overly generous, Naiive, Stubborn, Ditzy, Overzealous, Blunt Mood character is most often in: Peppy! Sense of humor: jyushimatsu makes him laugh... and things like shitty tumblr memes... Character’s greatest joy in life: his dead mom :) Character’s greatest fear: losing his little brother Why? why?????? uh because thats his lil baby brother hes 8 years younger than him he loves him  What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? uh losing his brother lmao hes all he lives for Character is most at ease when: he’s in the bath with hot cocoa and candles lit Most ill at ease when: he’s forced into new situations with no warning Enraged when: someone harasses someone else or his baby brother is hurt Depressed or sad when: he thinks about his mom or on just bad days Priorities: taking care of his brother and gaining enough money to live without worry Life philosophy: Do unto others as you want done unto you If granted one wish, it would be: To be filthy stinkin’ rich Why? He would want his mom back, but knows she passed because she was sick, so he wants to focus on keeping his brother and himself safe and well taken care of Character’s soft spot: his broooother, animals Is this soft spot obvious to others? oh yeah aaaabsolutely Greatest strength: his determination, physical strength, and flexibility Greatest vulnerability or weakness: being deceived, pretty people, kids (he cant be mean to ppl hes attracted to or that remind him of his brother lol) Biggest regret: not spending more time with his mom Minor regret: not knowing what to do about his brother was being bullied Biggest accomplishment: getting an apartment for his brother and himself Minor accomplishment: getting hired at a maid cafe lmao Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: when he was little he couldnt understand why his bits were different from his moms and he cried about it, when he failed baking, when he went to a garden and tried to feed the ducks and was surrounded by them and had to be rescued by a group of strangers Why? uh bc its embarrassing lmao Character’s darkest secret: shhh thats private its a secret Does anyone else know? nope not a soul Goals Drives and motivations: mainly his brother Immediate goals: keeping he and his brother fed Long term goals: moving up in an art industry and becoming famous How the character plans to accomplish these goals: he has a few friends who are in college courses for art so he talks to them about it a lot to improve himself How other characters will be affected: he and his brother will be better off! Past Hometown: super countryside japan Type of childhood: difficult but happy Pets: none but he wants tons of pets First memory: smelling his moms pancakes early in the morning Most important childhood memory: learning to make those pancakes with his mom Why: he eats em all the time and it reminds him of her Childhood hero: his mommmmm Dream job: being an artist Education: none Religion: none Finances: self sufficient farm life lol Present Current location: outskirts of kyoto city Currently living with: his brother Pets: none Religion: none Occupation: maid cafe worker/chef Finances: uh i dont know what this means hha Family Mother: Karen Relationship with her: he loves her so much Father: none Relationship with him: none Siblings: Karin Relationship with them: he adores him, he was adopted and named after his mom Spouse: none :c Relationship with them: none Children: none Relationship with them: none Other important family members: Grandpa, Karen’s mom, who was like his dad but too old to do much.  Favorites Color: Red Least favorite color: None, but if he had to choose then green Music: J-pop, happy music, kikuo Food: mom’s pancakes, hearty soups and pastas, chocolate Literature: ehhh none Form of entertainment: drawing Expressions: Never give up, Do unto others as you want done unto you Mode of transportation: Biking Most prized possession: His collar Habits Hobbies: Drawing, singing, cooking/baking, biking around town Plays a musical instrument? Flute, piano, violin Plays a sport? nope How he/she would spend a rainy day: Huddled under a kotatsu with Karin drinking warm drinks Spending habits: junk food and clothes Smokes: No Drinks: Rarely Other drugs: No What do they do too much of? eat.. junk,... food.... What do they do too little of? socialize Extremely skilled at: baking Extremely unskilled at: sports Nervous tics: biting his lips, his ears lowering, tail twitching, shaking his leg Usual body posture: slouched and tired at home, but straight and hands together in public, arms are relaxed around friends tho but he stands very straight Mannerisms: playing with the bangs on the left side of his head, rubbing his arm with the other hand, blinking a bit too often, rocking on his feet or when he sits Peculiarities: uhhh i have no idea Traits Optimist or pessimist? Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat Prefers working or relaxing? relaxing Confident or unsure of themself? Unsure Animal lover? ABSOLUTELY Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: “Needs to be better, better, better” One word the character would use to describe self: “Cute!” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: PARAGRAPH UGH “About me? Well, I’m pretty hard working, and I like to think I’m nice! But you can always be nicer, yknow? I’m happy to meet new people and try new things but only when I have help doing so, haha. I work at a maid cafe with a lot of cute, sweet girls, they’re really nice! Oh, but I’m supposed to describe myself, um... I like sweets? I’m very flexible! And I love spending time with my brother! Nice to meet you!”
What does the character consider their best personality trait? “Perceptiveness!” What does the character consider their worst personality trait? “Stubbornness...” What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? “My thighs or my lips!” What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? “My stretch marks, they make my skin feel uneven...” How does the character think others perceive them: “A weirdo probably~” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “I want to be stronger!” Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Anxious but optimistic Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Not if they’re friends, but if they’re coworkers or strangers he might Person character most hates: his birth parents Best friend(s): Karin! Love interest(s): n/a Person character goes to for advice: :’) he prays Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Karin!! Person character feels shy or awkward around: anyone he finds attractive Person character openly admires: Karin~ Person character secretly admires: n/a Most important person in character’s life before story starts: uh his mom After story starts: Karin
HOLY SHIT THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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