#I’m so scared for Neverafter
let-me-sleep-or-die · 2 years
Guys if another season of dimension 20 makes me cry I think I am obligated to start talking about it with my therapist :(
I don’t have enough money to pay for droupout and extra sessions to talk about the things that silly little show has made me feel.
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voxphantasma · 2 years
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starting this weeks neverafter having (mostly) avoided spoilers, drowning in this terrified energy
[IMAGE ID’S: 7 screenshots from episode 3 of dimension 20’s neverafter. the first one is a close up of zac with the caption “that was a fucking 23” and “(players cheering)”. the second one is of zac, murph, and emily sitting next to each other with the caption “do your freaking drawers see that?” (murph is the one speaking). the third one is of siobhan, ally, and lou sitting next to each other with the caption “do your new game mechanics see that?” (lou is the one speaking). the fourth one is of zac/murph/emily with the caption “does he experience woe from that, dude?” (murph is speaking). the fifth one is also of zac/murph, emily but with the caption “he experiences a w-h-o-a whoa” (emily speaking). the sixth one is of siobhan/ally/lou with the caption “it’s either this or crime, brennan. your choice” (lou speaking). and the final one is a close up of zac with the caption “i’m so fucking scared right now” /END ID’S]
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 years
Man the special effects were POPPING OFF in the gander scene in the episode
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faethable · 2 years
“lou wilson pinocchio voice for a whole season??” WELL.
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dashiellqvverty · 2 years
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caifanes · 9 months
i’m both so excited and soo so scared for junior year
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Neverafter finale today…i am..filled with Fear
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silverspadesss · 2 years
i am. SO intrigued as to why pib and seemingly nobody else has had his story crudely changed and is being forced to forget what happened. it’s eating me alive trying to figure it out and i’m LOVING IT.
does jack somehow have a true book and dealt with the giants that way??? is some other higher entity fucking with pib’s story or even his mind and forcing him to forget the changes they made?? if so who??? someone we’ve met already?? but what kind of motive would they have to do that??? is the golden goose involved in some way and what the fuck happened to all the people who disappeared from marienne if the giants didn’t get to them???? i’m going insane i need to KNOW
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wormsdyke · 2 years
experiencing whiplash from the silly little television show that i was so excited to premier happening to hit every single trigger point for my silly little mentally ill brain so i fully cannot watch it
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oh dear, calling it rn, next week’s gonna be another season changing episode
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rainedroptalks · 2 years
Gonna start the new neverafter ep, atleast there’s no combat this time
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i mean they seem to have done pretty good w/ initiative… maybe that will be our savior?
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 years
I’m not emotionally prepared for tonight’s neverafter
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dimension20quotes · 1 year
Neverafter Episode 3 Quotes
Back to all Neverafter quotes
“A bunch of cowards and the bravest little girl in the world.”
“Add it to the Murph museum. Murph’s museum of bad turns.”
“Because what is death if not a mini sleep?
“I don’t have to worry about it? Brennan, I’m really worried about this!”
“I say, the dam’s about to burst and I’m gonna get fucking wet.” 
“Maybe they just got to brunch, Brennan. Maybe they just get some bellinis, Brennan.”
“Mother Goose, more scared than he has ever been in his life, and he has held his son’s bones.”
“Tell my wife that I did cool stuff so that she loves me again and I turn into a human, and then bury me as a human.”
“The stats are with me! I can do it! Fuck, I rolled a five.”
“We never should’ve gotten involved in this, Elody. This is no place for a prince and a princess.”
“Welcome to Ylfa’s bottleneck.”
“Well, Gerard, if the children aren’t running, then you really can’t be running, can we?”
“Who’s going to run the bottleneck? Who’s going to provide the barrel service?”
“You make us level one characters? We’re going to run the same play every time.”
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Episode two ayyyyyyy! Once again this is really long soz
The hype this intro fills me with is unreal.
Siobhan’s daily affirmations “this intro is not a tongue twister and is very easy to say”
The auld lang syne reference cracks me up because we know for sure that both Brennan and Siobhan do actually know the words to auld lang syne, because they sang them in the Unsleeping City finale, but they’re mumbling through it here so as not to disrupt the bit and I love them for it <3
Today’s spelling of Daniel’s last name: Fũks
(I had to look up “u with a tilde” to get that and then copy paste it in bc it’s not available on an english keyboard lmao)
God the whole pleasure district is shut down. Losing my mind at this.
Detective Hunch Curio: Vampire
I attempt to steal the child :|
A full on arms race lmao
They keep calling him The Child
Look at you!!
Imelda <3 they are best friends you’re right babe
There’s always so much banter!
Hank I hate to break it to you but dogs do in fact get hurt in this show.
(Gonna kill that dog 🤪😛✌️)
Why has “you’re my best friend” become such a thing in this show lmao first pib in neverafter now this
Siobhan looks wonderful this episode. She always does, but her hair looks particularly lovely here.
I love how Danielle is playing into the reporter thing
God this is sad.
Lore unlock!
Mind reading is fascinating in this context
Glossaries!!! I want to know what’s in those oh my gosh
You paid attention to the way that I behave good for you!
Hank what
You have been known to whisk!
Imelda <3
How long has he been waiting to say The Fix and the Fucks because that’s Great
Imelda going “it’s me, he knows me” is giving big “I killed him, yeah” vibes
He finds children quite fun! They’re good folk!
On behalf of ALL CHILDREN
The child personification of the conscience realizing that it has power is wild
I love that the facts can be comforting and not just threats
Aww they literally light up when they’re happy
A whole glass of grenadine oh god that sounds awful
Yeahhh that’s a good stick
The intense eye contact on room temperature vodka
Sure ok love that
Ngl I could go for a calzone rn. My brother makes great calzones.
I love it when people use their class feats
They’re rivals it’s healthy it’s fine
“Nothing fans of actual play love more than a murderer” “aww but he’s a good murderer” he’s onto us fuck-
Can I ask you a question? / (sad and scared) Okay -> ME ANY TIME ANYONE ASKS ME THAT
Literally what am I gonna say to that. No? You think I’m gonna say no when you ask me if you can ask me a question?
Imelda that sounded Pointy do you have Lore
I love this world
That seems like a reasonable idea Imelda but you seem too invested in it and I want to know why
Listen sometimes players set things up for us too well and you end up getting excited. Sometimes the party wants to separate of their own accord!
Conrad and The Fix are the two most straightforward communicators and them hanging out is great.
A bread bowl made out of muffin to hold coffee grounds that you eat. Augh.
If I was writing a story ;)
Dome antics!
What shocked Elias? Why is he having such a major fight or flight reaction?
Ooh reflex switches fun
Yes he does!
This person is scrambling so much
I do not know enough about biology for this what comes from the scalp that would require shock troopers??
Babe what
I’ll reprimand you greatly! And loudly! So that everyone looks at us!
Let’s hear it for FEATS
Ooooooh dome animation
Jesus christ Brennan is not holding back on the cop hate this season. Love him for it.
What hold on what
Pain responder oh god
Did someone fucking brain him in an alley after work because he took the file or is he just being mugged or something
Also. Shock officers not allowing the information that he’s been injured to reach his consciousness.
Cell phone? Cell phone would be a heavy thing vibrating near that area if it’s in his pocket?
Actually finding a partner is Not on the priority list for your government at the moment sorry. Why are you lying to this man.
Oh yeah he might not be conscious actually. The eyes are closed.
We love completely improvised lore
Fucks (expletive)
They share a courtyard probably
Conrad’s home is gonna make me so sad I already know
Man sometimes people say things and. We just have to live with them yk.
(Brennan makes that “hlblbblblhblhb” sound)
Sitting in this discomfort is so good actually. There is discomfort and uncertainty and fear here and that is good.
Ichabod. What was Ichabod the wayward interest?
HELP Conrad was so resigned to dying Alex nodded like yeah that makes sense
I relate to The Fix in that I also will share random facts in the hope that it will make someone feel better.
If there was an amount of dead he didn’t want you, he wouldn’t have called me. DAMN.
Hank so genuinely lit up at the compliment
That’s Hank talking.
What is happening and why do I feel about it
I do feel bad that like. The kid’s losing his home.
Repressed trauma memory!
Oh god okay so his conscience made him defend his little sister and it ended incredibly traumatically so the lesson he learned from that was that listening to your conscience gets you hurt and he learned that as a child! So he never had a chance to see that that wasn’t the whole story!
(thoroughly impacted) Okay.
Still find it fascinating that the actual university is in the red light district.
Is it no longer the middle of the night? Wasn’t it the middle of the night? Why are students just now heading to the Big Game
Just a flat no. Love it.
Ammon’s Horn Memorial * look up later
He’s dabbling in the arts!
Oh god but really it makes so much sense that the brain university defunded the arts years ago. Like within the context of who this guy is and how harshly all distractions are dealt with it makes perfect sense that they don’t have art classes.
DC 20 😭
STEM only :(
Lady you are not poor-
Silly little woman :)
Add something fun!
Of course, every time a memory is recalled, it is altered! We demand that you add something cute and fun. Love that.
We try to have fun here
Hunch now is the time to let it GO
We need Stacy Fakename merch
You’re frickin haunted man
Oh god he got jumped.
Let’s just steal it!
De’lux meaning of light. Oy.
(Brennan makes a sound of satisfaction with his punnery)
Exceeded the dc by 10!!
Trapp uses moxie so freely
Oh they’re all getting jumped. Like host body like mental functions I guess?
Ugh, wool! So naturally oily and slippery!
The Fix and his traits <3
Ol’ Johnny Gullible
New life!
He’s gonna break all those bones
He’s so terrifying without trying
What a wild sequence of events
Bro I would also dissolve into mist if someone looked me in the eyes and talked to me like that.
I’m low key worried about what happens if they restore vision without anyone in the buildings to distill the raw visuals
Oh my GOD
Oh my god.
Oh my god????
(cheerful jazz music)
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figscigfigs · 2 years
i’m going to be so real rn because i am so genuinely scared for the neverafter PCs next session, brennan said that the combat they were going into was fucked in any other circumstances besides stealth. they then talked themselves out of a surprise round and failed a stealth check. in the adventuring party they were joking about how absolutely murdered people got by furniture in beauty and the beast and that clip was then posted to every social media and now in the adventuring academy brennan and lou are talking about how GM’s deal with PC death. if that isn’t foreshadowing i don’t know what is and i’m so fucking scared, i can’t lose my little fairytale guys i just got them
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