#I’m sorry for those who need to use alt text for this I forgot the key detail
harukowitch · 7 months
So I’ve been reading by @meesterblu called “The Boy with the Moon on His Chest, and Other Tales.” It and it’s inspired me to draw a few scenes. Not finished with the other two yet but wanted to share some of it now.
This was a small scene but I still enjoyed it. It made me smile at the adorable sibling dynamic between Usopp and Reiju. She may think that she is still learning to be human but she has protective older sibling role down pat.
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hswriting · 1 month
The Moment I Knew- Part 3
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[Image Alt ID: a collage of 5 pictures on a light blue background. First picture is of a burger and fries in a take out box. The second picture is of a hospital hallway. The third picture is of a note written on a piece of loose notebook paper that reads “ps. I never told you but I was falling in love”. The fourth picture is of a snow covered road. The final picture is of a person covered up under a blanket with a book on their lap. End Alt ID]
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Masterlist Part 2 Part 4
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3.4k words
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Harry released a new song on his YouTube channel and it has Millie in tears
He starts playing on his keyboard a soft like song.
You’ve never known, how would you? I’ve never told you how I felt. You’re with him now I see you. Come over to your house and he’s there. No matter how hard I try to forget that you exist, the world shows me you again. Here we go again.
It’s always been you somehow. Even when you’re with him. It’s always been you somehow. Somehow.
Now I’m knocking on your door, hoping you remember me. Feel like I’m on a merry go round.
The song continues on and I feel myself crying. It’s so raw. So emotional. He likes somebody so much but he can’t be with them. And while it doesn’t sound like our situation is the same, it hurts a lot to listen to.
I miss Kellen so much. We had so many good times. It felt like magic between us. Somewhere along the line he wanted someone else, but I was stopping him. I hated to let him go but I deserve more than that. Kellen was supposed to be the one. And I can’t even stand to think of dating anyone else but him, but I want to. I want someone to love me for me, not only love me when I’m wanting to have sex. I want someone who will talk to me instead of push me away like Kellen did. I want someone who loves me the way that I love. So wholeheartedly and honest. So fearless and brave. Someone who isn’t ashamed to have me.
I may not be ready now, but I will be. Eventually.
I finish up my journal log and shut the book. I take it to my room and tuck it in my sock drawer even though no one would touch it. I don’t want to risk any wandering eyes. I grab my laptop and open it at the table to start my transcribing job for this week when I hear a knock at the door. I assume it’s Harry because who else would it be? Maybe he forgot something or needs to tell me something he doesn’t want to talk about on the phone. I pause my music and go answer the door.
Kellen is standing there on the steps in a black sweatshirt and grey sweat pants. I feel anxiety creep through my body from my stomach to my fingers and toes.
“What are you doing at my house?”
“I wanted to talk to you. You won’t answer my calls and texts.”
“I wonder why Kellen.”
“Please let me in? Let’s talk.” He says. I know how stubborn he is. He won’t leave until I talk to him. So I let him in. He kicks off his boots and walks to the couch. He sits down. He doesn’t seem anxious or nervous. I sit down in the chair across the room.
“Millie I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done what I did to you. I want to explain.” He begins.
“Go ahead.” I tell him flatly.
“She trapped me at her house. She made me say those things to you.”
“Who. Sam?”
“Yes. She said she has liked me forever. She made me sleep with her. Millie you have to believe me.” He pleaded. “I love you. I fucking miss you.”
“Why should I believe you? You called me crazy. You said I wasn’t ’putting out’. You didn’t sound forced. You meant every word you said.” I scolded. “You cheated on me, and are here lying to me. You want me back so you don’t have to be alone. I won’t be manipulated like this.”
“Baby I promise you I’m not. I miss you.”
“I missed you at my birthday party. I missed you when you weren’t there to celebrate with me. Fuck Kellen, I missed you when you stopped wanting to come over any more than one day a week. I missed you when I was down and needed someone and you ignored me to do who knows what.”
“I’m not done. I’m not taking you back. I hate you for what you did. I’m so angry and upset. You made me feel worthless! You wouldn’t have bragged to your friends what you did had you been forced Kellen. I’m not stupid.”
“You’re going to regret letting me go. You’re gonna regret every minute I’m not beside you. You’re pathetic without me. I feel bad for the next asshole who likes you.”
“Get. The. Fuck. Out.” I say with gritted teeth trying not to cry again. He slides his boots back on and slams the door. It’s quite for a beat, but then there is yelling outside. I can’t quite make out what they are saying. I hurry as fast as I can to put a coat and boots on and run outside to see Kellen in front of Harry’s car. Harry is stepping out of it.
“Perfect fucking timing. Of course you would try and scoop her up like this after she breaks up with me. What a hero!” Kellen says.
“That’s not what’s happening Kellen and you know it.”
“I know that you like her. You always have. Did you think I didn’t notice how you looked at her when we would all hang out?”
“Kellen. Stop.”
“No. If I’m gonna be thrown away like trash you guys are gonna know what I have to say before I go.”
“You better leave her alone. She doesn’t want anything to do with you.” He says. Before I can even blink Kellen punches Harry across the face. I try to run to him but I slip on the ice and land on my back, hitting my head on the ground. My vision gets blurry and I soon black out.
- - -
When I come back from blacking out, I am in an ambulance. I look around but I can’t move my head. I try to look around but all I see is paramedics.
“What happened?” I ask.
“You slipped and hit your head. You lost consciousness you also cut the back of your head on a rock or ice. You need to try and be still. We have you in a brace and are bandaging up your head.” The one woman said.
“Where is he?”
“Where is who honey?
“I can’t remember. Why can’t I remember?”
“You’ll remember soon. Post concussion amnesia doesn’t typically last long.” She says as she applies more bandages.
We finally reach the hospital and they take me in and carefully take me out of the brace. I guess it’s just a precaution since I fell. They remove bloody bandages and stitch up my head where it was cut. They said I will have to have the stitches removed in a few weeks. They gave me some papers on post concussion procedures. They said they would have my discharge papers as soon as they could.
A man I recognize walks in and I suddenly can remember his name. Harry.
“How are you feeling Millie?”
“My head really hurts. Both the headache and the stitches.”
“I was really worried. I didn’t know you were standing outside. You fell and I saw blood and panicked.”
“I don’t really remember what happened.” I told him. “Lady said I should remember stuff again soon.”
“You don’t remember?”
“No. What happened to your face?” I say looking closer to see a light bruise appearing.
“It’s not important.” He says. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay since it was my fault.” He said, letting the last part slip.
“Your fault? Harry tell me what happened.” I demand.
“I don’t know what happened before I got there, but I pulled into your house to give you the earmuffs you left in my car. When I got there Kellen had just slammed your front door. He saw me and started arguing and fighting.” As he recounts the events, I slowly begin to remember.
“You’re going to regret letting me go. You’re gonna regret every minute I’m not beside you. You’re pathetic without me. I feel bad for the next asshole who likes you.”
“I know that you like her. You always have. Did you think I didn’t notice how you looked at her when we would all hang out?” Kellen came over and tried to get me back.
“It’s always been you somehow. Even when you’re with him.” Harry’s song.
“He said some really mean things. I’d regret this. He said you liked me.” I said, telling him that I remember. “Why would he say those things?”
“Millie I-“ he starts but the doctor comes in with discharge papers. Tells Harry to make sure I don’t do anything too strenuous and to relax for the next 24 hours. Harry walks me out to his car in silence. He opens the door for me and helps me in. He walks around to the other side and hops in.
“Can I go home?”
“You can go wherever you want to. The doctor did say you really need someone to keep an eye on you for the next 24 hours to make sure you’re okay. If you want me to be that person I can, or I can call Rachel-”
“Rachel isn’t going to come over. If you don’t mind you can be my person. Does that mean we have to go to your house?”
“It’s up to you. Where do you want to be? If you want to stay at my house you can, but if you want me to stay at your house I can.” He says and I take a moment to think. My house is messy, but I don’t want to force my way into his house and eat all of his food and take up that kind of space. I’m lucky he even still wants to be around me after he got punched in the face in my behalf. I can’t ignore what Kellen said about Harry liking me. Harry told me he wasn’t trying to be like that and take advantage, but what if Kellen was right? Harry seems too sweet to ever want to try anything like that. But the chorus of his song rings in my head. This much thought makes my head hurt even worse.
“You can stay at mine. You’ll probably need clothes though if you want to change.”
“Right. I’ll stop at my place and grab my things and then we can go to yours. Sound like a plan?” He says and I nod. He makes a few more turns and we are at his place again. “Do you want to come in?”
“I think I’m gonna sit here and close my eyes for a second. My head is pounding.”
“Okay. I won’t be long.” He says. He quickly jumps out and goes inside. I want to text Rachel to see what she knows about Harry and these accusations into liking me, but I know I’m not supposed to be on my phone. I close my eyes and lay my head against the cold window. I drift off.
I am startled when I hear the drivers door open and Harry is climbing back in. He throws his bag into the back seat and buckles his seat belt. “Didn’t mean to scare you, love. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I just dozed off I guess.” I tell him sleepily. He drives the short distance to my house and parks. I let him open my door again and we walk to the front of the house. I grab my keys from my purse and begin to pick out the one to the door, but my fingers don’t want to work. They are slow to grab the key. I try to put it in the lock but can’t seem to get it where it needs to be.
“Would you like help?” He asks gently. I nod and hand him the key. He swiftly puts it in and opens the door. We kick off our boots and I find my way to the couch. Harry turns on my small heater and covers me with a blanket. “It’s about dinner time. Did you want me to fix something for you? Or do you want me to order out?”
“I can cook, it’s okay Har.” I tell him and he seems a bit surprised by the nickname.
“You need to rest. Let me help you out. You’re recovering.”
“I just remembered, weren’t you supposed to go to work?”
“I called out. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He says and my heart melts a little from it. He didn’t have to stay, but he did.
“That was sweet. I appreciate it.” I say. “Where do you want to get food from?” I ask him. “I’ll let you cook another day if you really want to.” I said and he chucked. We bounced ideas back and forth before we decided on burgers. He had them door dashed to us. While we are waiting, he sits in the chair where Kellen sat this morning. He grabs his bag and pulls out his journal.
“Do you mind?” He asks. I shake my head. He opens a pen and begins to write. He hums on and off as his pen dances across the page. He is so focused on what he is doing, that he begins to chew on the pen. He brings his knees up into the chair and writes with the journal in his lap.
“Are you working on a new song?” I ask. His eyes shoot up at me and he gives me a smile.
“How did you know?” He questions.
“You hum and then stop to write. Him again and stop. It was just a guess.”
“Yeah. Just trying to figure out how some of the words should go.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Your songs on YouTube are wonderful.” I tell him and heat rises to his face.
“You listened to them?” He asks sheepishly. He places the ribbon in his journal and closes it.
“Yeah. You mentioned it earlier so I came home and listened to it while I wrote in my journal. You have a really beautiful voice Har.”
“Which songs did you listen to?”
“All of them. ‘Falling’ is my favorite.” I tell him. I don’t think he could blush any more than he is now.
“Well, if you like it so much, you should come and see me perform this weekend. If you’re feeling better.”
“I will be there.” I tell him and he smiles from ear to ear. “Your music is just so raw. So emotional. It made me cry.”
“I’m sorry I made you cry, but I do write about things in my life that are very personal.”
“I can tell. I wanted to ask who your song was about that you released this morning? That’s if you want to share, I don’t want to make you.”
“Just about someone in my life. I don’t really feel comfortable sharing that yet. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s okay to not want to talk about it. As long as you’re happy having it out there is what’s important.”
“I am. I really like the way it turned out.”
“Me too.” I tell him. “Can you play it for me? I’m not supposed to be on my phone or I would.”
“How about I do you one better.” He says softly and pulls out his phone. He comes closer to me and sits in the floor. He presses play and an instrumental starts. His wonderful voice fills my ears. I study his features as he performs.he does it loud enough so I can hear, but he is careful not to have it too loud and worsen my pain. His eyes are shut to start, really focusing on the words. His face is so peaceful. Beautiful even. His eyes open to reveal a sparkling green looking at me as he sings the chorus. Before I know it, the song is over, and he sits and stares at me for a moment before getting up and going back to his chair.
“Any comments?” He asks. I shake my head.
“No. It was perfect. Even better in person.” I tell him. He picks his journal up and sets it in his lap again, but doesn’t open it. He takes a long hard look at it, curls hanging over his eyes.
A knock is rapped on the door. Harry answers it and collects our food and drinks. I sit up slowly and uncover myself. He sits the food on the coffee table and starts taking things out of the bags. He passes me my bottle of water and encourages me to drink that before I drink my soda that I got. I don’t feel like putting up much of a fight so I drink it all and place the bottle back on the table. We eat while talking to each other more about things we didn’t know about each other.
He broke his arm when he was 11 in a trampoline wrestling match with his friends. He once played a drinking game with Jason and the crew. He doesn’t remember much but he woke up with a full face of makeup (luckily no pictures were sharpied onto his skin that night). He likes to listen to old records that remind him of his dad. He also has a baby niece that he babysits from time to time named Layla.
“So do you have any family? You don’t really talk about them, and I don’t see any pictures.”
“Um, no I don’t. My parents died when I was really young. I don’t remember them. I don’t know if I have any aunts and uncles. I was in a group home until I was 18.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m not hurt about it. I just wish I had been adopted so I could have had some sort of family.” I tell him. He looks sad. “Really, don’t be upset for me. I’m okay”
“I know you are. I just don’t know what I would have done without my family. I can’t even imagine.” He says.
“One of the plus sides of growing up in the group home was that I learned I could choose my own family. Not blood, not being adopted, but I can choose who I keep in my life. It’s a work in progress. I haven’t found anyone worthy of the title yet, but I know they are out there somewhere.”
“I hope you find them soon.” He says, putting no pressure on me to label him or anyone else in my life. I give him a smile. We finish our dinner quickly. I grab a book from my bedroom and read for a few minutes before drifting off.
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“Hey. Millie. I know you’re tired but you have to wake up for a few minutes.” I hear a voice say. I grunt. “I know, love, but it’s just for a minute and then you can go back to sleep.” He says. I open my eyes to see Harry.
“I’m alive. I’m not brain dead. May I go to bed?” I ask him. He nods.
“Of course love. Just needed to check in on you. Come here.” He says. I close my eyes again and he scoops me up. I bring my arms to my chest and he gently carries me to my bed. I didn’t realize how strong he was. I know I’m not exactly light to carry. His cologne smells amazing. I’ve never noticed it before. He tucks me in and brushes the hair off of my face before turning off my light and closing the door. I fall back asleep only to be awoken again a few times through the night to make sure I’m okay.
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In the morning I allow him to make breakfast. It’s adorable how he tied up his hair and put in my apron. He did not go light on breakfast either. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice.
He does the dishes when we are finished. He journals while I read some more of my book, and before we are aware, the 24 hour watch period is over. Harry doesn’t say anything when his timer goes off. He just shuts it off and keeps writing.
“You really are allowed to go home Har, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“It’s up to you. I know it’s been 24 hours but if you want me to go I can. If you want me to stay I will.”
“I’ve got a pretty busy day of work since I missed yesterday. If you want to stay you’re more than welcome to I just need to shower and hop on my laptop.”
“If you’re going to work, I think I’ll go home, but you can message me, okay? I work tonight until 7, but I’m allowed to have my phone.”
“Okay. Thanks again Harry. It really means a lot.”
“It’s no problem, love. You have a good day, okay? Don’t stress yourself out today. You’re still recovering.” He says as he slides his boots and coat on. “If you need anything please call me.” He says. I nod and he walks out the door.
I begin my work and the day passes by quickly.
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Masterlist Part 2 Part 4
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skorchinq · 2 years
Bows Only: The Power of Anemo!
[IDs in alt text]
We last left off having finally ascended past AR 35 (and immediately jumping up to AR 39). With the shop reset coming up, a five star was guaranteed to be soon on standard banner, but the real question was if I could get a 5* on Venti’s banner before it ended...
But first, one more thing I pulled before the month ended:
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Ooh, new weapon! This could be good for Fischl or Collei, lemme just ascend it real quick--
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And then, the month of October began, and I went to the shop for my 5 intertwined and acquaint fates.
And in the FIRST SINGLE PULL, on I believe 50-something pity...
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So of course, I instantly stopped pulling. We gotta save those remaining 4 fates for whatever bow character comes next, we’re not going for cons!
(Though, I have to admit, as someone who’s had him C1 for pretty much all the time I’ve had him on my main, I find it a little bit jarring that his charged shots only have one arrow on this account.)
I switched over to the standard banner and, on the FIRST SINGLE PULL I MADE, it turned gold again! Could it be? Is Tighnari coming home?
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so fun fact Despite still not having Jean on my main and having literally only gotten Qiqi a few days ago as I’m writing this, I have gotten Keqing on my main. Several times. And it was always immediately following a Venti. So, uh... this is kind of ironic.
I spent the last 4 single pulls. Nothing but blues. I ascended Venti and Keqing for 2 more acquaint fates. And, wouldn’t you know it, on the very last one, at a mere 6 pity, we got another 5*, and it was--
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Well. anyways. It’s time to get everyone’s favorite bard up to speed with the rest of the crew!
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By the way, are you all familiar with that one daily commission you can get in Mondstadt where Jilliana asks you to clean a Statue of the Seven, and you need to use anemo to blow the elemental dust away?
And did you know that if you go to the statue after Jilliana asks you too, see the dust, and don’t clean it off, it actually remains there after the day is over and the commission can no longer be done? That the statue is just permanently dirty until you clean it?
Because I learned that the hard way!
For the sake of my sanity, the first task we must do with our newly acquired anemo is clean these statues!
Here’s some before and after photos of Venti’s hard work.
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Great job, Venti!
You know, it’s funny, cause there’s a dialogue option in that commission where the Traveler asks Jilliana why the wind doesn’t just blow the dust off the statue, and she answers that the Anemo Archon already does so much and we can’t ask him to clean his own statues.. and yet. He’s the only one who can.
I’m sorry for taking so long to finally clean these Statues of the Seven, Jilliana.
I’m sorry to Venti, for making you clean your own statues.
But most of all...
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I’m sorry, Neko, for taking so long to clean up Asase shrine. Now would you PLEASE UNLOCK MY CO-OP.
(And I’m sorry again to Venti for making you clean the shrine, too. Yes, I know it’s full of cats, but you’re the only one who could do it and it needed to be done!)
You know what I suddenly just remembered. I still haven’t done Kaeya’s story quest. I didn’t do it at first because there’s a part you need cryo for and I didn’t have cryo at the time, but... I’ve had Diona for a while, now. I just kinda forgot about that.
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Although, looking at the story quest tab, the event should probably take precedence, huh? We’ll do Kaeya’s quest another time.
Oh, and now that co-op is unlocked... I can finally enter the teapot!
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Gee, I wonder...
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(I say as though I do not also keep him in my teapot 24/7 on my main account)
See, the thing about the teapot is that most of the crafting recipes require wood, which I can’t collect with bows...
I do actually have a bit of wood. 5 logs to be specific. 3 were from when I chopped a tree to get sunsettias at the very beginning of the game with Aether, before I even got Amber. I expected it to be the only wood I’d ever have. 
I’m. not sure where the other two came from. They just sort of?? appeared in my inventory?? One I even saw being picked up by my characters... it was while I was fighting some hillichurls in dragonspine for a daily commission, and the in the middle of the fight on the left side of my screen I see “pine wood x1″ and I’m just like. Huh????
I tested some of my characters’ skills on some trees afterwards to see of one of them could actually collect wood, but, no luck. My next best guess is that maybe the shield mitachurl’s attack where it whacks you with its shield can knock wood from trees? But I don’t really know how I’d test that, so...
My point with this all is just that I have no access to wood-- at least, not until I do the Sumeru Archon quest and unlock Sumeru reputation. There’s a gadget you can get as a reputation reward there that can collect wood. But that’s a long way off, since I’ve pretty much been ignoring Archon quests on this account for now. I’ll probably wait at least a couple months more before doing the Sumeru Archon questline on this account, so it’s not so fresh in my memory from doing it on my main.
But, even so, I’m trying to make my teapot look as lovely as possible with the furniture I’m given as gifts/rewards and the blueprints that don’t involve wood!
Anyway! Enough about the teapot. Now that we have anemo, we also have access to Cecilia Garden, AKA the Mondstadt weapon domain. Which means we can finally upgrade that Stringless (which I’ve decided to give to Venti), as well as a few other weapons looking for another ascension.
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Holy crap, foddering 5* weapons gives a ton of exp! Well, that’s convenient! At least the 5* catalyst I got is useful for something, then.
Anyway, look what I got from wishing more on Venti’s banner B)
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New bow!
And I know, I know, I said I wasn’t going to pull on Venti’s banner anymore, but I needed more starglitter, okay? Why, you might be asking? Well, for this, of course!
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Amber’s got a phys dps / shotgun build, so having her C1 makes her much more powerful!
Now that I’ve got what I needed, I’ll stop pulling and start saving for real. Our next priority will be doing some story quests and hangout events, as well as grinding up our characters for the next Adventure Rank ascension, which is coming up quick! Actually, one we reach AR 45, we unlock the highest level of artifact domains... it’s a good thing our co-op isn’t locked anymore, it means we can easily farm some artifacts for our characters!
What would you all recommend farming for? Mainly asking for our current characters, but if you have suggestions for bow characters we haven’t gotten yet I’d love to hear that as well!
And remember, character details are on in the character showcase, so feel free to take a look at all my chars’ builds!
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vixenpen · 4 years
Dabi smut with a teacher. Like in some quirkless au or something (He’s scarless but hella pierced and tatted), he had to pick up kid!Shoto one day and he sees his hot black teacher (Sis got thickness and curves for days, even in simple clothes) So he consistently picks up Shoto (even when he doesn’t have to) just to hit on her and when he finally scores a date with her, he’s at his limit after seeing her in casual wear and how amazing her personality is.
I LOVED this request. I had so much fun writing it and the details were amazing! I hope you enjoy
Hot For Teacher (Dabi x Black Reader) Quirkless AU
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“Ah, come on kid,” Dabi sighed, expelling a stream of smoke as he waited at the curb for his baby brother to get out of school.
He rolled down the window to air out the car and watched the stream of middle schoolers burst through the double doors and head to their respective busses or cars.
“Shooo,” Dabi groaned, “where are you? I got shit to do, kid.”
He enjoyed hanging out with his youngest sibling, and he had no problem picking the kid up, but he also had a business to help run. If he didn’t get back to the shop in an hour and a half like he’d promised Hawks, he’d get an earful about responsibility and time management and blah, blah, blah.
He leaned back in the driver seat, deciding to give Shoto another fifteen minutes before he texted the kid.
Just then another wave of kids exited the building, Dabi’s bright blue eyes scanned them before landing on the finest woman he’d ever seen in his life.
Her cream colored silk blouse popped beautifully against her rich brown skin and a pair of slacks hugged her wide hips. Her makeup made her dark eyes sparkle and red lipstick painted her pouty mouth.
Dabi sat up, turquoise eyes running up and down that beautiful body of hers as the sexy teacher strutted past to talk to parents and wave good bye to students. When she turned around, his eyes slid down to the fattest ass he’d ever seen and he licked his lips.
Damn it must be hard as hell for her students to concentrate in class.
She turned again and began walking back towards the school. Fuck! If he didn’t stop gawking he would miss his chance. He couldn’t let that happen.
Holding his cigarette between his lips, Dabi quickly stepped out of the car and took leggy strides to catch up with the teacher.
“Excuse me.”
She turned around, her big dark eyes landing on him. Immediately Dabi knew she was sizing him up and wasn’t impressed. She gave that same disapproving teacher look Fuyumi gave whenever she was put off by someone.
Regardless, he flashed her his most charming smile. He may not be a goody two shoes like these other khaki wearing dads out here, but he knew he looked damn better than any of them.
“Sorry to bother you ma’am. I was just hoping you could help me out.”
“Sure,” she smiled back, showing off a pair of pretty white teeth. “Let’s start with that cigarette. It’s against our school policy to be smoking on the premises so if you could.” She cocked a brow expectantly.
Dabi cocked his own pierced brow back in response, but quickly stubbed out his cigarette on a nearby janitor’s cart and threw it away in the accompanying trash can.
Her smile widened. “Great. Now, how can I help you?”
Dabi chuckled. “Well, ya see, I just got this new phone and cleared out all my old contacts. Ya know, new year, new me and all that,” he shrugged, “anyway, my contacts are pretty empty now. So, I was wondering if I could get yours.”
She let out a little snort of amusement.
“That’s your pick up line? How many Girls have had the misfortune of hearing that one?”
“You’d be the first,” Dabi smirked back. “Figured the usual ‘hey beautiful, what’s your name’ line wouldn’t exactly help me stand out.”
“Trust me, you don’t need help standing out.” She replied, eying him again.
“Then that means I’m ahead of the game, right?” He held out a hand, “I’m Dabi.”
Tentatively, the teacher shook it. “Ms. Y/n.”
“Ms. Y/n, huh...” Dabi repeated slowly, his eyes ran over you with a barely masked longing. “Not ‘Mrs’?”
“Not yet.” You replied.
“How soon are you looking to change that?” Dabi asked, his smirk growing a bit smaller and more intimate.
“Who said I was looking to change it at all?”
“Certainly not me,” he replied, “that’s why I asked. I would love to talk more about how much you don’t want to change it over dinner sometime though.”
You fended off a smile. You were not about to give this over confident asshole any encouragement.
“Sorry, but I make it a point not to date my student’s parents.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not a parent then.”
“Oh? So you just like to stroll on the campuses of random middle schools and hit on the teachers for fun?”
Dabi chuckled again.
“I’m here to pick up my little brother. Ah, hell, speaking of which, I actually could use your help with that. Kid hasn’t come out yet and I’ve already been here over half an hour.”
Your pretty face immediately crumpled with worry.
“What’s your brother’s name?”
“Todoroki Shoto.”
“Oh!” You looked surprised. “Shoto. I think I saw him headed towards the baseball field. I think the team has practice today.”
“Dammit! Really? Well, I better go say hi to the kid anyway. You mind, uh, leading the way?”
“Sure.” You shrugged.
Turning, you took the lead and guided Dabi towards the baseball diamond behind the school. You could feel the man’s eyes on your ass the whole way, and couldn’t help but put an extra switch in your hips as you did. Much to his appreciation.
You had to admit the man was fine as hell. The black undercut with lines cut in the side, his multiple piercings and even the colorful tattoos you saw peeking from under his fitted black tshirt were hot as hell. However, you had long since given up on bad boy types. You preferred nerds. Still a little light flirting wouldn’t hurt anything, right?
“There he is.” Dabi stated once the two of you verged on the field. He held up his hands to his mouth and called out: “Yo, Sho!”
The boy looked up, heterochromatic eyes widening in surprise.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had practice today you little half and half?”
“Why don’t you ever check mom’s texts?” Shoto shouted back. “She told you to come later.”
You snickered as Dabi pulled out his phone and checked his text messages.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned.” He muttered to himself. “Alright, kiddo, I’ll be back in an hour!”
“Can you stop shouting and leave now?! I have to concentrate.”
Dabi laughed before turning back to you.
“Anyway, thanks a lot for your help Ms. Y/n.”
“Just doing my job.”
“Still, I would love to thank you properly. Maybe over coffee.” He said, sounding hopeful.
“Before it was dinner.” You quipped, playfully.
“I know. I‘m just planning for future dates.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It was nice meeting you, Dabi.” With that you turned and strutted off.
“I hope you know I’m gonna keep trying until I get a yes or no.” He called after you.
As you entered the school’s back entrance you could hear Shoto shouting: “Can you please stop hitting on my teachers? I have to see them everyday!”
Unfortunately for Shoto, his plea seemed to go in one overly pierced ear and out the other because almost everyday since then, Dabi made it a point to stop and talk to you when he came to pick up Shoto.
“Hey there, Ms. Y/n. My contacts are filling up fast. You sure you don’t wanna reserve a spot?”
“Sorry Dabi, but my no dating policy extends to immediate family members as well.”
“I hated to cancel our reservations, but you’re left me no choice, Ms. Y/n.”
“Nobody told you to make reservations, Dabi.”
“Dinner was lonely the other day. If only I had a beautiful black queen to keep me company.”
“I’m sure There are plenty of black queens out there that would have loved to accompanying you to dinner.”
“Yeah, but they wouldn’t have been you.”
Dabi was unrelenting. Always complimenting how amazing your outfits looked on your skin tone, how flattering your make up was, or if you wore a new hairstyle or new jewelry.
You couldn’t lie. The attention was both flattering and refreshing. Since becoming a teacher, you usually only got hit on by studious academic types. Attractive yes, but straight laced and all the same with their game
Unfortunately a disturbing amount of married dads also tried their luck with you.
But Dabi was different.
He may have been a far cry from your usual type, but he was always perfectly respectful and even funny. Not to mention he was much closer to your own age than other men that came on to you.
He must have started bribing Shoto for help or asking him about your interests too. Because sometimes when he would see you, he’d have a new book to give you or your favorite iced tea from a cafe you always frequented. Which, admittedly, was pretty damn cute.
The tatted up alt boy was actually growing on you. So one day, when both of you least expected it, you finally agreed to give him your number and go on a date.
That was the first time you ever saw him straight up smile. Not smirk or grin. He actually beamed. Just like a little boy who’d been told he could have a puppy.
Ok, ok. You admit it—he was cute.
Hopefully, that charm would extend over to dinner.
When the big date came, Dabi cleaned himself up. Opting out of his usual dark attire for a deep blue fitted Ralph Lauren polo and skinny khakis. He even took out some of his piercings in an attempt to look more presentable. He thought he cleaned up pretty nice if he did say so himself, but it was nothing compared to what you strutted in wearing.
Dabi had gotten used to your stylish but conservative work attire. He was so used to your hot teacher look, that he forgot you probably had some regular clothes in that amazing wardrobe of yours.
And damn did you pick out the most show stopping dress you had. You wore a wine colored dress that cut low in the front showing off those juicy tits of yours and stopped above the knee. The heels you wore made your thighs look even yummier and your ass was jiggling out of control with every step.
Down boy. Down boy. Down boy.
He scolded himself.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely, Dabi?” You teased.
“I’m Touya tonight, beautiful.” He struck a pose like a GQ model. You laughed. “Dabi was that guy that kept hitting on you, Touya’s the guy that’s gonna try not to screw it up.
“Oh,” you ran a manicured finger along his solid chest, “well, I agreed to a date with Dabi, but I guess Touya could be fun too.”
Dabi licked his lip, and your eyes fell on his tongue piercing, hungrily.
“Depending on how well the night goes, you might see Dabi come out later tonight.” He replied, suggestively.
You rolled your eyes, but could feel your cheeks (and your pussy) warming.
“Boy! Come on.”
Dabi as Touya opened the door to the restaurant and ushered you inside.
The restaurant he took you to was definitely a high end place; complete with soft candle light, a jazz quartet, and a maître d’.
The chemistry the two of you had definitely translated over dinner.
Dabi was just as funny as he always was and he was genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you. He hung on to your every word about the funny things your students did in class. He enjoyed hearing your college stories. He even knew some of the books you enjoyed reading and could talk literature easily.
You discovered that he was the co-owner of a tattoo and piercing shop. He was the oldest of his siblings. And he enjoyed traveling and learning new things.
Dabi enjoyed vibing with you. He loved that your personality and sense of humor was just as amazing and substantial as that body he wanted a piece of so bad.
Dinner rolled into drinks and lasted well into the night. By the time the two of you were done it was damn near four A.M.
From that night on, you and Dabi became practically inseparable. He picked you up from school right along with Shoto for dinner after work, swung by with coffee, bought you any and everything you wanted (he does come from money after all) and after a year of dating, you became more than just a ‘Ms.’
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Heatwave x female s/o?
Funny enough it's a certain someone's birthday today! Let's give a bitch one of her faves ;)
(Warning; SUPER long)
"Kade, hurry it up."
"Don't rush me, I'm almost done!"
Kade huffed. They had agreed that once a week, Kade was supposed to wash his alt mode. He had an especially muddy rescue today, Heatwave was always huffy after a mess, but today, he was especially finicky. It was why Kade was sitting there, buffing in the fresh coat of wax that Heatwave demanded he have on. He pulled away, and after seeing it was done, lightly patted his hood.
"Alright pretty boy, you're done. Imma go and eat a sandwich."
"Didn't we stop at a drive thru before we got here?"
"You whining makes me hungry."
Heatwave scoffed. He waited until Kade got into the house, before he helped himself out of the driveway, and pulling into the road. Just had to do one thing first, in case they came looking for him.
"Chase, you copy?"
"Yes, Heatwave, I copy."
"Good. I'm handling your patrol shift."
"But Kade isn't-"
"No one knows that. Look, I just need to let out some steam, Chase. You know how Kade is."
"...understandable. Keep me updated."
"Will do."
He hung up the call, sighing in relief. Good, they bought it. He made a left towards the beach, before he came to a halt, just before he made it to the parking lot. There she was. The reason why he wanted to look like a goddamn sports car today.
Brown hair that fell to her shoulders, fair skin, jewelry that dangled, and she was as glittery and stunning as a fallen star. He pulled up right in front of her, giving her just a small honk to get her attention. Her eyes lit up right when she saw him.
"Hey! I was just about to text you!"
He pulled down the window, giving the illusion that she was talking to someone inside.
"Sorry. Had to keep the hood looking nice for you. Like what you did with your hair."
She had gotten bored waiting for him, and had stuffed her hair full of little flowers. Alongside the glitter- this girl was far from boring.
"Thank you! I got you one too. Assuming you're gonna let me in?"
"Course, scoot into the driver's seat."
He opened his door, letting her hop into the driver's seat. She placed a little flower on the dashboard, before she buckled herself in.
"Sooo I take it this is the tour you promised me?"
She was from off island, so she was a little lost around here. He pulled out of the lot, and went back onto the road.
"Yeah, I'll show you around. You still got a week on the island, right?"
"Yep! I'm liking the sights so far. And the locals are definitely nice, and not just on the eyes."
Based on the way she strummed her fingers across his dashboard, she wasn't talking about the humans. He turned to the left, trying to remember to put on his blinker as he did so. She was, something.
"Well, we try to have some hospitality. Especially for tourists who just run into any ol' vehicle."
She huffed, arms folded across her chest.
"The door was open, and I've always wanted to see the inside of a fire truck."
Heatwave chuckled. What a story that was.
"Kade! Close the-and he's gone."
Heatwave groaned. Whenever he saw Hailey, that idiot always forgot the rules of the ride; shut the door when you get out. It was like coming into a closed room, and leaving without shutting it. Just plain annoying. He was about to shut the door, when there was a sudden weight in his driver's seat. He adjusted his rear view mirror. A girl. Tourist, given that he'd never seen her before.
"Cool! A real firetruck! I've always wanted to see one on the inside!"
Not a carjacker, thankfully. Just someone who was curious. He turned on his screen on the inside, and put on his best robot voice.
"Step away, citizen, this is official-"
He stopped once she tapped the screen, right at his nose. She looked fascinated by him, as if this is the first time she'd ever see technology.
"Woah! They have a computer in this thing- that's new! I'll only sit here, just for a second! I've been waiting for a friend."
She sat down in his seat, facing the outside and starting to mess with her phone. He was about to lay on the horn, when she sighed under her breath.
"Come on...I've been waiting two hours, guys."
She got ditched. He wasn't nuts about someone who literally just helped herself to his interior, but Heatwave wasn't sparkless. Not seeing Kade in the distance, he sighed.
"Input address."
She looked at the map he put on the screen. She hesitated for a second, biting her lip in thought.
"Uhm...I dunno where it is exactly. Its the uh, the hotels nearby, I think?"
Heatwave knew what she meant. He put the address on the screen, and turned on the light that signaled for a seatbelt. She looked around, as if she was doing something bad, before she grinned, and (finally) shutting his door, then put on her seatbelt. He tried to be quick about this (Kade was SUCH a whiner if he couldn't find Heatwave in the same spot he left him at), despite the fact that traffic was fairly heavy.
"That's so cool, you can drive yourself! Oh you are SO cool! I wonder where's the sirens on this thing?"
Heatwave shouldn't. Those were for emergencies. But traffic wasn't letting up, Kade would call and nag at him for leaving, and...well. She looked like she could use a pick me up. He let the button flash for her, and right when she pressed it, the sirens started to blare. She jumped in the seat, giddy as a sparkling.
"Oh thats so cool!"
Heatwave WAS pretty cool, when he really thought about it. She geeked out well until they reached the empty looking parking lot, then he put it in park.
"Please unfasten your seatbelts, and exit the- ow, the scrap is that?"
She stared at the face on the screen as she started to get out.
"There's something on the seats, it's...ITCHY."
She looked around at her seat. Glitter. She gave an embarrassed smile, before shrugging.
"I'm sorry, I got glitter on you. It's kinda my signature thing- wait. Is that...pre-recorded?"
Oh no. He tried to focus on the voice, rather than the itchiness.
"It's nothing to be concerned about-"
He sighed in relief when she dug her hand into his seat, easing that itch. She pulled away quickly, and he knew that face of shock.
"Oh my god. You're not...just a robot. Oh my GOD-"
He pulled his shades back up, realizing it was too late to keep up the robo act.
"Look, okay, I'm not just a truck. But you NEED to keep it a secret. Do you understand?"
She stared at him for a second, trying to take it all in. She slowly started to form her words, taking a step back.
"Uh...are you gonna take over the world or something?"
"If I did, I wouldn't be sitting here with glitter on my seat."
She clearly had a million and one questions, everyone did, but he didn't have time to answer. He cut her off before he could speak.
"I just need to know if you can keep a secret."
"...i can. Especially since you helped me. I won't tell anyone, promise."
"Good. Now, I gotta hurry back, you stay safe. And uh- stop sitting in random trucks. Its kinda rude."
He shut his door, about to take off, when she gripped onto the door handle. He stopped, watched her as she scribbled on a napkin, before tucking it in his windshield wipers.
"In case you need me to say a proper sorry."
With that, she turned, and walked inside. He looked wround, and after making sure no one could see him, transformed, and looked at the napkin. A string of numbers that didn't make any sense.
Weird little human.
"Funny how after that you just couldn’t leave me alone, huh Heats?"
"I'm a rescue bot. Helping people is what I do. By the way, I'm STILL not over the glitter."
"You just mad because I'm cute."
She WAS cute, he'd give her that. He pulled up to a drive thru (the one Kade always went to), chuckling.
"Just order something, I don't want you hungry for where we're going."
"Oh sure, I got some spare cash-"
"No. I said I was going to treat you, and I meant it. There's a wallet in the glove box, use the cash."
She took it out, raising a brow.
"Who's 'Kade'?"
"Friend of mine. He owed me the money, so don't sweat it."
Well. He SORT of did, for dealing with him on a daily basis. After ordering fries, a shake, and nuggets, they were off. She raised a brow as she took a sip of her drink.
"Where ARE we going anyway?"
"Wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, would it?"
"Can I at least get a hint? Please?"
"Okay, okay. One hint. It's got more flowers."
She thought about it for a second, and he wanted to laugh. She had such a cute scowl when she was in deep thought. Wasn't even looking out the window to see where that they had in fact, stopped by now.
"Is it...a flower shop?"
"No, but good idea for next time. Look outside."
She looked outside, and he felt her cute little feet stomp on by his pedals in excitement.
"No way!! Let me out, I wanna see I wanna see!"
"Hold your turbo horses!"
He tried to make it sound like it was scolding, but the laughter betrayed him. He unlocked the door, and like a fresh sparkpubby, she bolted. He had found this spot, full of flowers, and secluded from most of the usual hiking trails. Someplace they could really, and honestly be alone.
"It's SO pretty here! Why aren't there more people here?"
He watched her use her phone to take plenty pictures, and in a way, it was sweet, knowing she HAD to remember this place.
"No one really knows. Small island, lots of mysteries. You grabbed the blanket right?"
She stopped, before taking off her backpack and nodded. It was more of a tarp, given the size, but she did bring it. She set laid it out, and after getting her food, she sat down on her knees, giddy as hell.
"So. Am I finally gonna see the real Heatwave? Mr 'rescue bot leader'?"
They had been texting a lot since they first met, she knew damn well that stuff like that made him feel a bit frazzled. She really saw him as this incredible being. If only he knew he saw her the same way. He took a deep breath, just as he learned in yoga.
"Okay. I can show you. But you need to keep calm, okay?"
"I can do calm!"
"I love the enthusiasm, but freckles, come on."
Her said freckled face scowled as her arms folded across her chest.
"Fine. I'll be calm. Promise."
He transformed, and knelt down, trying to make himself look smaller. It didn't really work. She gawked at him, little eyes wide and mouth open.
"I...get it. It's a lot, and it's weird and confusing-"
"You did NOT tell me you were hot."
It was Heatwave's turn to be surprised. She wasn't repelled him; she was ATTRACTED to him. Oh no. Oh no, he was tracking her eyes- she was giving him a total once over, clearly trying to take him all in. He cleared his throat, tipping his hat down to cover his optics a bit. She REALLY thought he was 'hot' (which he learned meant 'attractive' and not 'on fire').
"Could uh...could the hot mech take a seat with you?"
She scooted a bit, patting the spot next to her. He was careful with the flowers, before he finally sat down. Heatwave found it difficult to make eye contact again, they both did. What do you do when a girl you REALLY liked called you 'hot'? Do you say 'you too'? Or 'thanks'? He was apparently super obvious with his feelings, she opted to get the ball rolling.
"So? Tell me about yourself! All I know is your name, and that you're a firetruck."
He finally turned to look at her. He had not much to say, but he did have a lot to LOOK at.
"I'm Heatwave, leader of the rescue bots on Griffin Rock. I come from the planet Cybertron, and I help citizens of this island anyway I can. I do rescues. I've also been in a few parades, but I don't like thinking about that. Kid's have REALLY gross hands..."
She chuckled, clearly amused. The whole time he was talking, he was super distracted. Her eyes looked like stars, her hair was soft yet wild, like the ocean, and her...mouth. Humans always looked squishy to him, but this one had such soft lips. They were glossy, and they looked so precious as she ate. The way her tongue licked the salt off of her tiny fingers-
"Huh? What? What's wrong?"
"You were staring kinda off into space? And you're steaming!"
Oh no. He really was. He checked his HUB, and sure enough, temperatures were above normal. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.
"Sorry, sorry. It uhm...happens."
"You sure you don't want me to like. Feel your forehead or something?"
He was about to say no, but the idea of her hand on his metal...well. One touch wouldn't hurt.
"If it'll make you feel better. Knock yourself out."
He lowered himself down to her level, and she pressed her little hand against his forehead. Oh she was so soft.
"Woah. You are WARM. Like a heater! Oh this is nice actually."
She put both hands on him, now at the sides of his face. Her smile was...so close to him. Her eyes were full of wonder and comfort. She felt comfortable with him. He wasn't self concious about his looks, but knowing that someone so pretty, so full of wonder, found HIM attractive- it made his processor spin.
"You...you got a lot more freckles than I thought. Don't think I could count them all."
"Sounds like quitter talk to me, Heats."
Oh the way he smiled at her. He felt joy plenty of times, but this. This was something so incredibly different.
"I don't back down from a challenge. One. Two. Three. Four. Five...six..."
He was losing track. She smelled prettier than any flower here, her breath was hitting his lips. Then, it happened. Her lips pressed against his, and his spark was absolutely thumping. He hadn't ever...kissed someone before. He never wanted to, up till now. He, as carefully as he could, even pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. It was so sweet, so soft.
Then Heatwave got carried away. He pulled her closer to him, steam hissing from his frame as his glossa kept rubbing against her lips. Her mouth was small, but he demanded entry. She was eager to give it to him, and his glossa got a taste of hers. Still sweet from the shake she just had, it was a taste he wanted more of. He held her in place, not wanting to let this feeling go. She tasted so good, she was so warm, so soft, and wet, and-
"What's wrong?"
He pulled away when he noticed it. She averted her gaze, cleaning the oral lubricant Heatwave had left around her mouth.
"What...do you mean?"
"You're warm. Really warm. And your legs are pressed together. Did I hurt you?"
"No! No, I just...uhm...okay, this is embarrassing. I uhm...forget it, it was just that kissing you and..."
He looked confused for a moment, before he gestured to her.
"If I made you uncomfortable or hurt you, I really should take a look at it. Unless you want me to take you out to see someone?"
Heatwave wasn't dumb. He just knew you shouldn't be poking around someone's bits unless you absolutely had to. She leaned back into his hand, spreading her legs apart, and giving him permission to look. He lifted her skirt up, and saw, to his surprise, that humans had a valve. Didn't have the biolights he was usee to, but still so soft, hot, and at the moment, wet. She groaned into her hand, totally embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I just. You had your tongue out and it just, uh-"
"Oh. You like my tongue?"
Heatwave decided to be bold. He lifted her up, and slowly ran his glossa alongside her folds. Oh the way her legs shook once she felt him. He pulled away, a huge smirk on his face.
"Aw, you good there, freckles? Lookin' a little shakey."
Her face was flushed, her frame shook like a helpless bolt bunny- she was precious.
"Can you just...a bit more? Please Heatwave?"
Who was he to say no to someone who damn near tasted like rainbows?(it was a saying Blades used here, he assumed he was using it right) he brought his mouth up to her again, and dove back in. Only this time, he savored her. He lapped at her little folds hungrily, glossa threatening every once a while to bury himself into her. He felt her little hands grab onto his helmet, felt her legs squirm as she whined for him.
"S-shit, Heatwave. You're...mmph!"
He looked up at her, seeing how she clamped her hand over her mouth. She was enjoying this so much, she was even trying to hump his glossa, desperate for more. With his free hand, he clicked open his spike panel, letting his hand slowly stroke his currently leaky spike.
"Keep making those noises. I like it. I REALLY like it."
She gave him what he wanted, moaning and whimpering helplessly as her fluids started to drip down his face. It felt so good, stroking his spike to the sound of her little mewls.
"W-wait, wait a second."
He pulled away, forcing himself to put his tongue back into his mouth.
"What's wrong?"
"I just. Didn’t want to finish like that. You deserve something too."
He let her go as she wanted to, before he found himself laying back, watching her as she faced away from him. He twitched upon feeling her hand at his sensitive metal, then her hot breath at his tip.
"Wait, I dunno if-"
Then her mouth was at his tip. Oh the way electricity shot up his spinal ridge.
"N-never mind. That. Keep doing it. Way more of that."
Heatwave couldn't just sit there and be lazy piece of scrap metal. He lifted up her skirt, and instead of using his glossa like earlier, he started to use his servos. He sat there, holding onto her cute ass, thumb rubbing in between her folds, all while she sat there, little tongue rolling against his spike, slurping and licking at the transfluids that came from him. He watched as heat rolled from his mouth and into the open air.
Then she came. All it took was a few quick, fast circles against her folds, and she cried out against his metal, dripping from her legs, down to his just waxed body. Suffice to say, hearing her little sounds, watching her as she she tried all she could to please him-it was too much for Heatwave. He overloaded right after, hand digging into the dirt underneath him. He wanted to sit there, basking in the afterglow, when he looked up. He didn't just stain his chest, he stained her pretty shirt. He sat up with a bit of a jolt, knowing he fucked it up.
"Fucking shit- I'm sorry, I'm usually messy but that was an-"
She chuckled, shaking her head, and wiping the bits of overload from her lips.
"It's just a shirt. Really, it's fine."
Heatwave wasn't a usually a 'no it's not' kinda guy. He usually believed when people left it at that. But something about the way she wiped her face free of his overload, made him think differently.
"Why don't I take you back into town, buy you some new clothes?"
"I mean....if you're offering and all."
Heatwave chuckled. Yep. He definitely had the hots for her.
"Kade! Heatwave is back!"
Dani called out from the kitchen. It was well into the night at this point by the time Heatwave pulled in. Kade rushed out to meet him before he made it into the garage.
"Where have you been? Chase has been trying to-"
"I kept him updated on the situation across town, so unless an emergency happened-"
"An emergency DID happen!"
Heatwave finally decided to hit the breaks and pay attention.
"What happened? Is everyone safe?"
"You drove off, and I left my wallet in your glove box- had to cancel MY date because you didn't come back."
Heatwave sighed in relief. It was stupid, sure, but at least it wasn't a real emergency.
"Alright, hop in and get it."
He opened his door, and Kade reached in to get it. Once he hopped out, Heatwave drove into the garage to explain himself to the rest of the crew. Then he heard Kade yell from behind him.
He should feel guilty. But remembering her smile? He absolutely didn't.
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sushiburritonoms · 3 years
Ooh, #13 for Sacred Texts, because that's one of my favorite questions on these types of lists. And if you'd like (I know they could involve spoilers, etc), 2, 4, and 5, as well. Because I'm absolutely loving that fic and am very curious. :D
Hi Anon!
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
So normally I don't listen to music at all when writing, I'm one of those 'need a quiet space of her own' puritans. I was never able to listen to music while studying either, I think it's some focusing problem but I'm not about to self diagnose.
BUT for Sacred Texts I had a section in Chapter 3 where the teens listen to music in the car and for that I had to listen to top 50 hits in the US for this year to get a sense of what is popular right now. This fic is set in an alt universe 2021. No pandemic and the election in 2020 was Palpatine vs Mon Mothma (don't ask me who Sheev's Vice President is, I just know its not Dooku as I have plans for him later. In this universe nearly all the old Jedi are librarians). So some real life events like the postal service in the US being taken over by right ring sycophants happens in this universe. Some of the music I picked in chapter three was because it was a meme and it was funny (Toxic because of this video of Luke's entrance in the Mandalorian). I wanted to show that Poe was bilingual and to show that Luke's community is diverse so I picked Todo de Ti. I liked it because in English the chorus is "It's because I like everything about you" and I thought that was rather sweet and fitting for a Din/Luke story. But nothing deeper than that, I just liked the beat. I picked Doja Cat Kiss Me on advice from the Boba/Din/Luke server. Again I liked the beat there's nothing deep there except its probably something Luke doesn't like. So I guess if you want to get into the mindset for that chapter, try listening to whatever is on the radio at the moment and that's the world of the teens.
2: What scene did you first put down?
Actually this story is based off a short Tumblr fic I wrote for @darkisrising. Its my most popular post! You can see I took some of the dialogue from that short fic and used it in Sacred Text. At first this was going to be a one shot, I was like 'piffth why would Luke Skywalker, dreamer, ace pilot and the most eager boy in the universe become a librarian of all things.' But then I realized that is kinda what ends up happening in the movies, he goes from this eager hopeful farmer to this wise powerful Jedi. I was kinda interested in what happens in that in-between phase of life when someone is not quite middle aged but is starting to realize that the adult life they are living isn't exactly the life they expected to live when they were a kid. That's why I decided to redo the short story into a longer fic because I wanted to know why a modern AU Luke would want to work with children in a library without it being a crack story of 'we made him a librarian because librarians are hot, teeeheee'.
I also saw a lot of Jedi values reflected in public librarianship. Public librarians are dedicated to serving the intellectual and social needs of a community. It is a very hard service orientated profession because you deal with the public all the time, you deal with censorship, homelessness, poverty and (if you're in the USA) the drug epidemic. I think of public library staff as Jedi honestly, they are my heroes, they are so much more than book shelvers and women with cat eye glasses and cardigans (but seriously cardigans are the best item of clothing ever, I can't dis). I called the story "Scared Texts" in honor of the tiny tree library Luke keeps in The Last Jedi, but also because of the democratic/civic values of the library as an institution of knowledge all around the world.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I liked the DILF line in chapter 2 because the thought of Obi-Wan saying that out loud cracks me up. But so far, I really like these two lines from chapter 3:
In Jedha it often felt like he was flying solo; crippled even, in a plane that was broken and past prime, jittering a path forward that had no real destination. The days blurred together and the only way Luke was even able to tell the passage of time was by the inches that Finn and the other kids gained in height.
I like that it fits how Luke sees himself right now but also gives you a clue into his life before librarianship. It tells you how fond he is of the teens and yet how unbearable it is to see them grow up and get ready to leave you. Since I also worked with kids I constantly had these cohorts of children that I would bond with, develop relationships with and then see them off into the real world. Its really quite a complicated emotion and for Luke who wants companionship and a family, but can't get his act together to date, its doubly hard.
5: What part was hardest to write?
Up to this point, Chapter 3 was the hardest. Ask @bronze-lorica or Dark, I deleted whole sections and started again. I rewrote sections of the Luke and Leia phone call because I wasn't getting their relationship right. I always struggle with pacing, either I go too slow or too fast and so of course this story is no exception. I like how chapter 3 came out now, its made chapter 4 much easier (which will be out sometime this week I hope).
I'm sorry this was probably way too long and beyond what you wanted to know. I love to ramble about my thought process. Thank you for asking anon! I really enjoyed answering these.
ALSO Thank you for saying you're loving the fic, that means so much! aksldfjasd sorry I forgot to say that earlier!
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(I’m the one who just sent an ask about Musa but I hadn’t finished yet whoops) do you think she would have problems with her magic underwater or is fighting in water a more common occurrence she might have prepared for. (Would it change in the infinite ocean) Also what do you think about bloom struggling underwater at first (because water conducts heat away from a source better than air) Let me know your thoughts?
Hi! You know how Musa has trouble with her powers working underground in S2 (maybe it was just in Shadowhaunt idk) because of different frequencies and how the air resonates? Do you think she’d have a similar problem underwater 
- [missing text from misfired Ask]
Part of the problem with being underground would be the reverberation, the way sounds bounced back off of the uneven surfaces, but Musa would have some experience with music halls and other inside places that would have helped her get a handle on things if she'd had the time to do so. 
A second part of the problem is the mineral makeup of the caverns, we see crystal structures further in and different crystals have different reaction to vibrations ('new agey' sounding but true), this might have thrown her off a little as well. 
The combination of unknown surfaces (in both shape and composition) would have made it difficult but: this is literally the only time we see her have trouble underground in this way. 
In the first three seasons the group is underground a couple of times, in season 1 they take the catacombs to Cloudtower but we don't see anything more than the girls walking for a few seconds, so it might just not have come up? By the end of the season all of the Winx are in Shadowhaunt and have no apparent trouble, even Flora who had trouble because “there are no living plants down here” which means the writers either forgot, or the girls have been receiving some off screen training to learn how to accommodate  the problem. 
Or the Charmix somehow compensates for them. It should be noted that the reason Musa 'had trouble' was because she threw a sonic bomb into a crevasse in the wall which is always going to destabilise a cave, normal sonar-like attacks would have had less destructive force in their backlash and ended up more like too loud echoes most likely. 
When it comes to being underwater, I think Musa actually would have had an easier time adapting than some of the others. 
Aisha obviously would have had little to no problem, and for Musa she would have only had to adjust for the difference in how fast and far sound travels through water as opposed to air, water being a better conductor for sound and allowing it to travel further would basically just strengthen her spells. 
Her home on Melody is shown to be close to a whale site, which suggests Musa is familiar with the concept of underwater sonar and she may even had dabbled with it previously. 
It's hard to say how much trouble Tecna would or should be having adapting to the two environments, I think 4Kids had her unable to even transform, but the other translation don't even mention Tecna being part of the illusionary test Faragonda puts Flora and Musa through in season 2. Despite often being away from obvious technology, (I'm thinking specifically of her time in Omega) Tecna has never seemed to suffer for its lack. 
Flora might have difficulty underwater, since her reasoning for the underground was the lack of plants, it would be interesting to know how much her powers depend on the specific plants around her and whether or not she'd be familiar enough with aquatic plants to realistically adjust her powers accordingly. 
Bloom and Stella realistically should have struggled the most with the change to water. Bloom because of the change in thermal conductivity and because, you know, water is not historically good for fire, and Stella because the speed of light is different in water and changes depending on any  kind of 'contaminant' whether organic or mineral, it would also affect how the light dispersed. 
While Bloom might be able to compensate once she gets used to the difference, (and it would probably take a while) Stella would likely always have a little trouble. 
This of course is all depending on how much 'structural integrity' magic actually gives the spells, how much it does beyond stopping any backlash on the caster and ensuring the energy makes it to the target. (Or next closest surface.) 
The Harmonix and Sirenix are specifically meant for underwater use, so it's likely they come with something that would be considered 'auto correct' for the spells, lessening the difficulty of adjusting for water resistance, water composition and other factors. 
By the time the Winx made it to the Infinite Ocean they'd been on several sub-aquatic adventures and would have been reasonably adjusted to the basics of underwater magic, but given that the Infinite Ocean is supposed to be an ocean which is infinite, there's a chance it has a much higher water pressure than the other oceans they've visited which would have affected all of them a little. 
Admittedly that should be compensated for by the Sirenix, but they might still have to relearn a few steps in their adjustments. It's hard to say whether Alfea would offer a class or classes which deal with learning how to adapt to various environmental impacts on a power type, on the one hand: aquatic Forms exist which should do the job for you, but on the other hand: those Forms have been basically cursed for like, 20 years. 
I'm sorry, this is more rambling and incoherent than I wanted, there's just so much left unmentioned in canon that it makes it hard to really discuss these sorts of finer magic details. 
If we go with hard cartoon canon, then the only time the Winx had real trouble underwater was when they dove too deep and water pressure made their wings useless, but even that brings into question: was that a normal thing for all fairies (doubtful since season 3 happened partially underwater), or a specific weakness of the Believix form? 
Since they get their upgrade and go, does that mean the Form compensates for them, or was there some off screen teething problems we didn't get to see? 
Then there's the question of: okay, my specific elemental type doesn't historically do well underwater, but fairies have non-elemental spells which I know several of, how do they fare?
If we're talking Alt Con then I can throw all kinds of things out there like: 
Harmonix and Sirenix compensate for the high pressure of the water, where other Forms are designed to account for low air pressure (or in Astralix/Cosmix case – the vacuum of space), so past a certain depth all non-aquatic Forms suffer for it. 
Part of the Forms is adjusting the structural integrity of spells to work better (or more in line with what a fairy expects) in their specific environment. (So when (underwater) Musa aims a sonic boom here, it goes here instead of blasting everywhere plus a mile extra, or Bloom aims there and her fire based spell makes it there because the spell was insulated for the journey between points A and B.) 
Past a certain depth in the ocean, water doesn't boil, the pressure's too high, the atoms can't move apart properly, but in shallows? Oh you better believe Bloom once tried to 'fire off' a spell and had it flash boil a crap ton of water which exploded on her, Stella has absolutely blinded herself, and yes, once as a child Musa nearly deafened herself while playing with whales.
(Because yes, Alfea has classes on environmental adaptability of elemental based spells, because: “just because specialty Forms exist, it doesn’t mean you’ll have the time to go and get it before you need it, and sometimes getting it is more trouble than it’s worth.”)
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A Night Under The Stars
AN:My high school proms theme was ‘A Knight Under The Stars’ *stage whispers* because our mascot was a knight so I hella ripped them off. also you know the normal shit I suck at writing. Alt title ‘Apparently the only word i know is and’
“Go to prom with me doll.”
You were sitting in the hall finishing up the rest of an English paper when he had sat himself directly in front of you.
“Excuse me?” You looked up at the boy sitting cross legged before you. His hair was a mess from his motorcycle helmet. He was breathing hard from running up the few flights of stairs to get from the parking lot to you. But overall he was still as gorgeous as he always was.
“Go to prom with me.” He said again giving you a thousand watt grin.
“That’s it Barnes? No extreme prom-posal, no giant teddy bear or flowers?” You try to sound offended but you can’t keep the smile from your lips.
“You and I both know you ain’t one for extremes doll.” He says inching closer to you so your knees are cased in under his long legs. “ But I did bring lunch to sweeten the pot.” He says leaning over to his backpack to grab the bag of food. He had gone all the way to your favorite restaurant 45 minutes away from your school just to bring you lunch. You couldn’t help the smile that quickly spreading across your face.
“You skipped Spanish didn’t you?” You ask as he finishes pulling the food out.
“Tal vez.” He says as he hands you a container of food and a snapple.
“I don’t know…” you say leaning back against the lockers behind you. “There’s a really good movie on the same night that I really don’t wanna miss.” You bring your hands up to your chin in a mock gesture of consideration.
He pulled you further into him, your legs straddling either side of his hips, his arms wrapped around your waist. He peppers your face with kisses starting at you cheek, then down to your neck and back up to your nose. You can’t help the giggles that spill from your lips as his scruffy chin tickles you. He’s looking into your eyes now and his blue eyes stop your giggles immediately.
“What?” You ask nervously.
He smiles at you before leaning forward to capture lips in a kiss and you melt into it, kissing him back just as fast as he leaned in to kiss you.
You and Bucky weren’t dating, you both liked each other a lot and openly flirted back and forth, but there was nothing ( besides the dozen or so kisses you had shared over the past 3 months ) that had indicated to you that he wanted to be in an actual relationship with you.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He kisses your lips one more time before he slides from underneath you.
“Can’t wait Doll.” He says with a wink.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” You slam your face into the desk before you and sighed heavily.
“Ow.” You muttered into the desk.
“Stop doing that!” Natasha yells as she pulls your head up and lays her jacket where it had just been to prevent you from slamming it again.
“You’re gonna go to prom with him and look amazing that’s what you’re gonna do.”
“But how? My dad hates Buck there is no way my dad will let him come to get me.”
“I hate when you don’t put that pretty little head on your shoulders to use. You have 3 friends who are going to prom.” There’s a pause as she waits for it click in your head. “You have 3 houses you can get ready at.” she adds and you still don’t get it.
“Oh my fuc- James can pick up from any of those 3 houses.” She’s staring at you expectedly.
Your eyes shoot open when it clicks and she must know you get it because your eyes have gone comedically wide.
“TASHA PLEASE LET ME GET READY AT YOUR PLACE!” You give her the best set of puppy dog eyes that you can manage.
“I’m gonna say no if you don’t stop making that dumb face.”
“Tasha please!” you whine at her.
“I’d be a horrible friend if I said no after giving you such a great idea.”
“I could kiss you right now.” You jump up to hug her, but she holds her hand flat in front of you.
“I don’t want gross Bucky germs.”
Your parents weren’t entirely thrilled that you didn’t get ready for prom at home, but you promised to take loads of pictures for them. So you packed all the stuff you need for tonight. Your dress and shoes, the makeup you would need, extra clothes and shoes, because you had no plans to sleep in your prom dress this night.
When you made it to Natasha’s house the first thing you did was text Bucky.
“You guys are disgusting.” She yelled at you from her bathroom.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said as you smiled down at your phone.
Buck: Can’t wait to see you tonight doll. You’re gonna look great.
“That! That’s what I’m talking about that doofy grin on your face.”
You tried to stop the smile that was plastered on your face, but it just wouldn’t go away. Your cheeks hurt from smiling but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“What if he brings his motorcycle?” Natasha asked from inside of her closet.
Y/N: Please tell me you aren’t bringing the bike?
Buck: 😉 see you soon doll.
Y/N: Bucky!! promise me you aren’t.
He didn’t bring the bike. Thank goodness. You don’t know if you would have forgiven him  if he ruined your dress and hair with that bike. The car he rented wasn’t crazy like the bright red Escalade monstrosity that Tony had pulled up in. Instead it was a matte black Infiniti and a part of you wonder what the hell he was thinking but the smile on his face when he had jumped out of the car was enough to stop all the questions you had.
You did as you told your parents you would and took loads of pictures. Pictures that ranged from you and Natasha putting your makeup on to you and her eating chips in full makeup and prom gowns.
But your favorite by far, was a picture your parents would probably never see. It was a candid that Sam had taken on his phone. You were seated on the stairs your head titled back in laughter as he stood above you, in his all black tuxedo, his eyes crossed just so, his hands in front of him like a dinosaur, with his mouth wide open showing off his bright artificially blue colored tongue. The second Sam had sent it to your phone you made it your phone’s background.
You and Bucky left the house first, to your surprise. Him insisting that you needed to have dinner before you arrived at prom, but then he got on the freeway and you knew you wouldn’t be going to prom that night.
“So where are we really going?” You asked after you had been on the freeway for about 15 minutes.
“It’s a surprise. Are you mad that we aren’t going?”
“Of course not,” You really weren’t. What would you be possibly missing out on? Drunk and/or high students, loud music, sex in bathroom stools, far too cramped room, sweaty musty bodies pressed together? Pass. “Wish you would have told me before I squeezed into this dress though.” You gave him a reassuring smile as you leaned forward to take your shoes off.
“Well I’m sorry for that, but I hope that this night makes up for it.” He looked over at you for a split second before his eyes were back on the road ahead.
He drove on the freeway for another hour and a half. The entire time you both sang along to whatever cheesy song played on the radio. Occasionally he would sneak glanced at you from the corner of his eye. Watching the way your hair flowed from the breeze of the open window.
God you were perfect and he hoped upon hope that he didn’t ruin this night. He hadn’t really thought this completely through but you, apparently, trusted him to take you almost 2 hours away from the planned destination and that was already more than he expected.
When the car finally stopped and Bucky had opened your side of the car door your eyes immediately shot up to the sky. The stars were brighter than you had ever seen them back in the city and the moon was full and glowing reflecting perfectly off the water in front of you. It was picturesque and you wondered briefly if that was what being in a horribly romantic comedy was like.
“The beach.” You whispered in awe and he patted himself on the back.
“I was thinking we could spend the night under the stars.” He tried to sound as confident as possible when he said it but there was a real and heavy fear in the pit of his stomach that you would still say no.
“I mean or we could just have dinner and drive back.”He offered after you didn’t reply quickly enough for him.
“I mean it’s whatever you want to do.” He was making an absolute fool of himself and he couldn’t keep his mouth closed.
“An entire night under the stars?” You questioned.
“If that’s what you want doll then yes.” You didn’t sound like you wanted to leave so that was a good sign.
“I don’t want sand in my butt though.”
He had not taken the sand into consideration when he planned this. He vaguely remembers hearing Steve’s voice muttering some warning about sand. It is far too late to think about blankets and towels now and he slaps his hand against his forehead a little to roughly.
“But we can sleep in the car right?” You ask when you move his hand away from the bright mark on his forehead.
“Of course.” He replies as he laces your fingers together.
“Then yes. I’d love to spend a night under the stars with you.”
The first thing that he insisted on doing was walking along the empty shoreline and you sure weren’t gonna complain. It was a warm night and when the breeze came carrying the water from the sea with it you were more than content.
The conversation that was had flowed more easily then Bucky had imagined it would under this now intimate environment. He pictured a more awkward  scenario where you both stumbled over your words and tripped over each other, but that never happened and it was perfect
It’s your stomach growling that snaps Bucky from his thoughts
“I forgot to grab the food out of the car! I’ll be right back don’t move!” He jogs towards the car then turns around abruptly.
“I mean you can move if you want. Just don’t go too far. I mean run if there’s danger bu-”
“Bucky, food please.”
“Right! I’ll be right back.”
He took off in the direction of the car scrambling to unlock it. He mentally beat himself up for not grabbing his backpack when you had first arrived. Scolding himself even further for having to leave you on a dark and empty beach by yourself.
When he makes it back to you, you’re sitting in the sand further away from the water drawing small circles in the sand, your knees tucked under you, and he thinks you’ve never looked better.
“I’ve come bearing gifts!” He says as he seats himself besides you.
“My hero.” You joke at him.
He wills himself not to blush at that and fails.
“I never took you for such a romantic, Barnes.”
You’re sitting in front of a tiny fire pit, not nearly big enough to give off significant heat, but it’s perfect for roasting marshmallows for s’mores, watching him slowly and carefully twirl the chop stick what the marshmallows are speared on.
“What can I say you bring out the best in me.”
“So I was thinking.”
“That’s never good. The last time you thought something Sam ended up on a roof.”
He beamed remembering how easy it was to trick Sam into the makeshift catapult to then be launched haphazardly onto the roof of Tony’s apartment.
“That was justified even the fire department laughed.”
“Still not justified.”
“Whatever you say doll.”
He clears his throat before he begins again. “I was thinking about something really important though. Something I wanted to talk to you about for a few months now, but I wasn’t sure if I should then Steve yelled at me for 3 hours because I was missing too much Spanish class running to get us lunc-”
“Bucky?” A hundred and one things go through your mind when he starts to ramble and not one of them is positive.
He keeps his eyes downcast at the gooey white marshmallow-y mess in his hands before he takes a deep breath and looks you square in the eyes, his icy blue ones meeting your warm bright ones. Looking at you like this under the light of the moon and stars is so unbelievably intimate to him and he wants to chicken out. There’s a voice on the inside telling him that this is so stupid and you could do so much better than him and he wants to listen to it so bad. But there’s an even louder more demanding voice, Natasha’s voice, telling him to get his shit together. So he does. He takes one more deep breath in and when he breaths out the words come tumbling off his lips.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
You almost choke on graham crackers and chocolate.
“What?” You’re dumbfounded. You liked Bucky a lot but never had you ever thought he wanted to be in a relationship with anybody let alone you. He didn’t seem to ever wanna be tied down.
“Will you b-”
“Yes!” It’s loud and screechy but you don’t care, can’t care. Not now, not when the person you have wanted to be yours for months now has finally asked you to be his. Maybe later when you’re telling Natasha the story will you pretend it went smoothly and you were calm, but now? Now you are to happy to care about how flushed your face is, how shaky your hands are.
“Doll, C’mere.” He can’t stop the smile that is threatening to split his face in half as he scoots the already small distance over to you.
“Girlfriend?” He asks and the smile on his face gets impossible bigger and his eyes are crinkling at the edges and you can tell that he’s just as happy as you are.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Before you can reply his lips are on yours in an instant. Compared to all the other kisses you and he had shared this one is different. It’s not rushed and sloppy like the first few you had and it’s not drawn out or hidden like the more recent ones. It’s perfect and slow and sweet and it’s everything to you.
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