#I’m used to hee being more spiky
brahmenbones · 7 months
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fbfh · 4 years
leo x reader relationship and intimacy hcs pt 2
As with all steamy/nsfw works all characters are 18+
Let’s get started ‘,:)
Aight i’m gonna say it if i haven’t before i genuinely don’t remember-
Leo and Nico are tied for first place in terms of stamina
Percy is in a close second and he’s very salty about it
And pretty much everyone else is within the reasonable to high stamina zone
So this boy could just
He’s non stop
Insatiable if you will
Aka at least a little horny all the time 
But like in a sweet way
He loves you so much it’s always coming from a place of wanting to be close to you and make you feel good
Loves to go down on you
A lot
Like could spend hours between your legs
And has at least once or twice
Goes apeshit when he’s going down on you and you grab his hair
I have a personal headcanon that he’s great at rapping seamlessly between spanish and english so uh 
Do with that what you will
To quote min yoongi, Leo’s got some tongue technology
And knows how to use it
You never fail to return the favor though
The only word that comes to mind for him is euphoric
He’s come to the conclusion that he can’t compare which is better, when he goes down on you or vice versa
It’s apple orgasms with the hottest person in the world and orange orgasms with the hottest person in the world
They’re different but both fucking fantastic
He holds your hand a lot in the bedroom
Like he’s pretty grabby
We can all agree on this
But as soon as one of his hands finds yours, he doesn’t let go
The other one will kind of roam around jumping from place to place cause he can’t get enough of you
But his other hand will be locked with yours, fingertips brushing lovingly against your knuckles, thumb rubbing the side of your hand
Makes out with you a lot when things get heated
Like a lot
He’s very kissy
Doesn’t like positions or situations where he can’t kiss you nearly as much
If you get embarrassed or flustered by eye contact he kisses your neck and collarbones more
You being comfy is his top priority
Also I feel like I need to mention
Demigods either have massive horse choking schlongs or ultra gorilla grip coochies
Like “shouldn’t logically be able to fit but can bc of god magic” kinda dicks
I’m talking exclusively buying durex xxl xtra wide xtra long condoms
This goes for all the fellas
You can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands
Or could if I was capable of being killed
Shopping for stuff is always fun with him
You two end up laughing and giggling like middle schoolers in a sex ed class
Not in like a tee hee sex is scandalous way
But I feel like being able to laugh abt stuff w your partner is rlly important 
Also sex doesn’t always have to be super serious all the time yk??? 
“raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens” “sticking my dick in rotisserie chickens” is funny for a reason yk
Plus there’s not much you wouldn’t be able to laugh about with Leo 
I ended up writing a one shot about last minute condom shopping with leo by accident so i’ll link it once it’s posted
God help me
He dances with you a lot
Does he feel you up and grind a little??
Or a lot???
More like a lot
Definitely a lot
Especially in the kitchen
He thinks dancing in the kitchen is really cute
You’ve gotten a lot better at dancing since being with him
He also likes giving you piggy backs cause you have full access to his neck
Do with that what you will
Especially if it’s neck kisses and hickeys
Any way shape or form he can be physically close to you he will
And he loves it
Still doesn’t 100% expect you to reciprocate his feelings
Little ones like loving to cuddle you and instigating it
Cause like
Have you met you
Thinks you’re so fucking beyond incredible
He still doesn’t really know how he got you
He can’t think about it too much or it freaks him out
He just ends up giving you a lot of attention when that happens
Usually pulls you aside somewhere to make out
If you get asmr tingles easily
He’ll take full advantage of it
He’ll whisper shit really close to your ears and you just like
Get anime spiky shivers all over your body
Emotional intimacy is also like a huge turn on for him
Like that one scene from new girl (2:10)
So like dirty talk is fun or w/e
But if you really wanna get him riled up
Just kinda run your hands up and down his chest 
Rest your head on his shoulder
And whisper about how much he means to you
“I love being around you”
Leo: on
“You make me really happy”
Leo: on
“I dunno what I’d do without you”
Leo: on
“You’re so important to me” 
Leo: on
Punctuate it with a kiss and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck
Leo: fucking on
Make sure to take a lot of pictures and videos of him and the two of you
Cause he gets a lot of pictures of you
Like a lot
He likes using a polaroid cause he can physically hold them, yk
He has one or two physical pictures of his mom that mean a lot to him
Once you got a butt ton of copies of those two pictures made for him
“Just in case something happened, this is too important to lose”
He hugged you so fucking tight
He’s surprisingly good at photography and shooting videos
Like he has good instincts behind the camera
You’re really surprised when you notice there’s not one picture he’s taken of you that you hate
You each probably have at least a few hickeys somewhere at any given time
Also if I haven’t brought this up yet
Leo in just his boxers is uuuuuh
Really really nice
You usually see him like that one of three (or four) times
He’s either gonna be hovering over you with his hair in his face taking in the sight of you before things escalate further
Lying on his stomach tangled in your sheets first thing in the morning, still reeling and blissed out from the night before
His back muscles also look especially nice then
Or standing behind you kissing your neck while you pour some coffee, his hands on your waist under his shirt you’re wearing
Or, bonus, when you’re straddling his hips, his face bright red as you roll your hips just the right way to get him to buck up a little, and he stops biting his lip to tell you to stop teasing him
To which you happily comply
A lot
I’m gonna stop here or i’ll just go on and on forever and never stop
Just like leo
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nsschaintale · 3 years
Everyone knows the old legend. The Legend of the War Between Monsters and Humans. Or, The Monster-Human War, as it was easier to call. To think humans and monsters used to live in harmony, only to end up
Hiro (jolts awake, screaming and in tears): …...Asgore....... (gets angry) Flowey...he killed Asgore! (looks around; becomes confused) Uuuh, where am I..? Wait, what's that? (sees a black screen with the following display)
                                    Flowey   LV9999    9999:99
                                                 My World
                                      Continue          Restart
Hiro (walks up to it): “My World”? Flowey? I'm in Flowey's world...? (presses continue; is in complete darkness and gets a strange chill running down his spine) I'm cold...? Ah, a light? (walks to it and finds the Save Star, a panel pops up, showing his save file info) My save file! Yes! (about to touch it) Now I can- (sees it crack 3 times; the second time displayed “File erased” before shattering on the third crack) AAAAH!! No, what!?
Hiro was horrified as he watched his SAVE file crack into pieces. His terror soon escalated when he sees Flowey appearing above him, looking larger and flickering with static.
Flowey: Howdy! It's me, FLOWEY. (blep winks) Flowey the Flower! I owe you a HUGE thanks. You really did a number on that old fool. Without you, I NEVER could have gotten past him. (has Asgore's face) But now, with YOUR help... (eyes black out, face melted) He's DEAD... (grins) and I've got the human souls.
Hiro (terrified): Ah...
Flowey (laughs): Boy! I've been empty for so long... It feels great to have a soul inside me again. (blep winks) Mmmm, I can feel them wriggling.... (pity look) Aww, you're feeling left out, aren't you? (blep winks) Well, that's just perfect. After all, I only have six souls. (blep winks) I still need one more... (creepy smirk) Before I become GOD. (grins) And then, with my newfound powers.... (Toriel face) Monsters. (Hiro's face) Humans. (rotating blinking circle face) Everyone. (black face with  white eyes and mouth) I'll show them all the REAL meaning of this world. (vanishes while laughing)
Hiro: You.... If I only had my save file, I can-  
Flowey (reappears): Oh, and forget about escaping to your old save file. (creepy smirk) It's gone forever.
Hiro: N-No....
Flowey (adverts eyes): But don't worry. Your old friend Flowey... (blep winks) ...has worked out a replacement for you! (demonic face) I'll SAVE over your own death. So you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces... Over, and over, and over...
Hiro (steps forward): Th-That won't happen! I-I gonna stop you!
Flowey: ….What? Do you really think you can stop ME? (smirks) Hee hee hee.... You really are an idiot.
Flowey disappeared into the darkness as Hiro's soul was displayed before him. What's strange is that the area remained dark instead of turning gray like normal. The 6 souls that were inside Asgore's containers appeared in a circle, spreading out before vanishing. Suddenly, the area started flashing red as a strange large shadow descended from above. Hiro was uncertain of what was coming, but at least he still had his determination!
Or...he did.
A square light soon shined from the shadow, a smiling face that grinned, eyes that split open to gaze with red sclera and green irises, the red flashing faded, revealing a monstrous creature. The creature is made out of vines, cactus-like arms, thick plant stalks with red thorns, 6 main metal pipes shaped like a flower with 2 “petals” flanking the CRT TV head, 2 around a pair of human eyes, and 2 connected to the mouth of the lower flesh-colored head that has another set of eyes and its nostrils under the TV. This monster looked like it was suspended from the ceiling with the multitude of pipes behind it. It laughed a shrill demonic laugh as its eyes on the TV face flickered between red and green. It was hard to tell if the laugh came from the TV or the normal head. Either way, it terrified Hiro. But that wasn't the only thing he has to worry about. The battle itself-
It's pure chaos!!! Hiro had to dodge the + bullets shot out from the middle now-reddened flickering black eyes as the TV had a white glitchy face looking like it was  screaming, mocking, and trying to escape its prison. Hiro was unable to access his menu to see what the creature is called as he dodged the vines, so he figured that he had met Flowey before this, he called this form “Omega Flowey”. He had to avoid flamethrowers blasting at him from both sides before the Fight button appeared on the field. He managed to hit it, launching his knife at Omega Flowey and landing a weak strike on him. Unfortunately, it didn't look like his attack did anything. Omega Flowey sent out double waves of + bullets from his lower eyes before jutting out vines again. Hiro had to speed away from several rings of his so-called “friendly” pellets, but he knows they're not so friendly anymore. He weaved his way through more + bullets again before seeing the lower left metal petal flashing light blue and the TV displaying the light blue soul with the red light and yellow WARNING flashing behind it. Hiro had managed to survive the first onslaught but not without sustaining injuries as Omega Flowey disappeared except for the TV and the soul in it. Soon, the area was filled with enormous white knives, save for the space he was in. He was hit a few times while dodging the blades until he saw the Act button. He made a beeline for the button and slammed his hand on it.
Hiro: Some...Someone HELP ME!!
As soon as he called out, the knives transformed into green bandages, healing most of his wounds. He noticed that the soul is now orange before Omega Flowey resurfaced, bringing his chaos in for a second round. All of a sudden, giant atomic bombs with Flowey's winking face on them drops towards Hiro. He desperately dodges the explosions as several spiky cactus ball worms with human teeth bounced all over the area. Hiro had to dodge the vines again, but before he managed to get to the Fight button again, the vines stuck him and he perished. As he was floating in the darkness, he was expecting the same voice to tell him not to give up, but this time, a different one came along.
???: It's all just a dream, and you're never waking up!
(laugh is interrupted by a glitchy sound as if a program has glitched before falling into silence)
???: Hee hee hee. Did you really think I was gonna be satisfied.... killing you only one time?
Hiro (jolts awake): Wh-What was... (finds himself before Omega Flowey as he laughs) Uh oh...
The battle resumed with the atomic bombs as Hiro frantically tried to dodge them and the vines. In Omega Flowey's left hand, he held a Venus Fly Trap that drew in a swarm of massive flies while Hiro tried to swat them away and dodge. The same happened as the flower monster pulled another fly trap plant in his right hand, causing the boy to nearly get swamped by flies. As Omega Flowey put the plants away, more atomic bombs dropped. Hiro tried to hide under Omega Flowey's body but to no avail, getting killed in the process and falling into the darkness. That high-pitched shrill laughter rang out around Hiro as he tried to block it by covering his ears.
???: Pathetic... Now you're really gonna die!
Again, Hiro had to return to the battlefield. This time, though, he was able to survive the stages, despite sustaining injuries. He encountered the orange soul with its rings of white gloves that has a black circle with a pair of interlocked rings on them. He had to weave his way between them before touching the Act button. Once he called out for help, he was greeted with the gloves that turned green and has a heart in the circle, giving a thumb's up as he healed himself and spotted the blue soul. Hiro entered the third stage where his sense of the world felt out of control. He constantly felt himself teleporting in random places as he tried to dodge the vines. That was when he noticed the words “FILE 2 SAVED” and “FILE 2 LOADED” pop up several times.
Hiro: File 2 saved...? (dodges + bullets; sees the blue soul appear)
Hiro found himself trapped under a river of stars as a line of ballet shoes tiptoed towards him. He had to avoid and slip past the shoes until the Act button arrived, causing the shoes to lift up and the stars became green music notes, allowing Hiro to heal himself with them before facing Omega Flowey again as he saw the purple soul appear on the screen. Omega Flowey used a fly trap plant again before sending out wave blasts of + bullets and dropping atomic bombs at Hiro. He sent out more blasts of + bullets as Hiro managed to hit the Fight button and sending a knife at the beast. The spiky worms ricocheted all over the area as the ring of pellets followed Hiro while he flew around. Suddenly, red lines aimed at Hiro as several plant stalks with human hands pop up and shoot the index and middle fingers as daisy-tipped bullets while Hiro hit the Fight button again. He had to avoid the flamethrowers, the + bullet waves, and the vines. Soon, the TV screen showed the purple soul, but Hiro didn't notice it as the mouth had light glowing in it. Hiro managed to save himself from being blasted by Omega Flowey's beam. Hiro was taken to a new area where columns of white notebooks scrolled up and down on the sides, trapping the boy between them. Multitudes of words flew out of the pages, many of them being negative ones like “Cruelty”, “Sadness”, “Hatred”, and the like, and Hiro had to dodge them. Eventually, the Act button showed up and he made a beeline for it, dodging “Trapped” as he did. Soon, positive words such as “Hope”, “Happiness”, “Success”, and others like them healed Hiro. As Hiro watched the green soul vanish in the TV screen, Omega Flowey went on the assault again. He sent out more vines and + bullets and disorienting the boy with his constant reloads. After a while, Hiro saw the green soul appear on the screen as the left pipe by the TV glowed with it. Hiro soon found himself before three large flying pans that has flames leaping out of them. Hiro has dealt with fire before and was able to get by them, despite a few burns here and there. He was able to catch up the Act button that got flipped out of one of the pans, and was greeted by what looked like green eggs, healing up the wounds he got before seeing the yellow soul and tossed back into the fray with the flower beast. More + bullets flew at him while he dodged the flies being drawn to the fly trap plant, flying around to avoid the bullet rings and hitting the Fight button before the spiny worms ricocheted around the area again. Hiro felt he was getting exhausted, but managed to dodge the finger guns shooting at him before seeing the yellow soul. Speaking of shooting, Hiro was soon facing a giant revolver.
Hiro: Aaah!
He had to dodge the cross-hairs to avoid the bullets being shot at him. He was hit a few times, but he got through it after hitting the Act button, albeit still weary from fighting. He did get hit again, but by four-leafed clovers being shot out from the revolver. Hiro feared for what may come next, but was surprised that the six souls surrounded him.
Hiro: Huh? What's going on? (watches the souls send their healing items to him, healing the wounds) They're...helping me? Cool! (fully healed; watches the souls float away) Thanks!
Once he returned before Omega Flowey, Hiro saw an indicator by him showing “Flowey's DEFENSE dropped to 0!” That gave him all the confidence he needed to lash out at Flowey. Maybe a little too much confidence. He struggled through bullets, bombs, flames, and everything Flowey threw at him, but with the help of the hidden souls sending him their healing items, Hiro was able to keep slashing at him. This time, he can see a health bar appearing before Omega Flowey. Hiro felt he can finally defeat the giant beast! At least until he misses a bandage while his health was low and dies to a flamethrower.
???: Hee hee hee. Do you even realize what will happen if you defeat me...?
Hiro: Um....
Hiro hadn't actually thought about what would happen if he beat Flowey. All he cared about right now was getting away from the battle. Before he could think more on it, he came face to face with Omega Flowey again. Again, Hiro flew around, dodging Flowey's chaotic onslaught of various attacks as he continuously slashed and slung his dagger, getting the flower's health down. It felt like there was no end in sight, but Hiro kept going, he kept fighting. He kept slashing as much as his little body could handle until the last hit, managing to land a killing slash to Omega Flowey at last.
OFlowey: No...NO!! This CAN'T be happening!!!
Hiro: Yes! I did it!
OFlowey: You...You.... (green bar appears, completely healed; teasing grin) You IDIOT.
Hiro: Eh?
Before Hiro could even register the “FILE 3 LOADED” notification appearing, he suddenly gets blasted by the powerful beam he dodged earlier before getting impaled by vines.
Hiro: Aaaagh...?!
Hiro had to go through this several times, bleeding and healing only to get blasted and stabbed. Out of everything he went through, this was the most painful. He barely had time to scream at the actions as it's cut off by Omega Flowey's repeat loading of his own file. As quickly as it started, the torment ended with Hiro on the ground, low on health and surrounded with the flower's bullets.
OFlowey: Hee heee hee. Did you REALLY think...you could defeat ME!? (TV had Flowey's real face shown) I am the god of this world. And YOU? (white face with hollow eyes fading) You're HOPELESS. Hopeless and alone. (real face) Golly, that's right. (Toriel face) Your worthless friends...(creepy Toriel face)...can't save you now. (smirk) Call for help. I dare you. (creepy grin) Cry into the darkness. (creepy Toriel face)“Mommy! Daddy!” “Somebody help!” (creepy grin) See what good it does you!
Hiro (inwardly panicking as he bumps into the Act button, startling him): AH! H-Help....Help! Please help! Aaaah... HELP!!
(silence except for the sounds of vines and metal)
OFlowey (smiles): But nobody came. (blep winks) Boy! What a shame! (Toriel face) Nobody else.... (Omega face) ...is gonna get to see you DIE!!!
Hiro watched as the bullets drew closer to him. He was so close to leaving...So close... When the bullets hit him, he had expected to die there. Instead, he was healed. This action confused the two greatly.
OFlowey: …..What? How'd you...?
Hiro (looking at himself confused): I dunno!
OFlowey: Well, I'll just-
Hiro (flinches back when seeing the LOAD FAILED pop up; realizes nothing happened): ….Uh..?
OFlowey (sweats): Wh...Where are my powers!?
(the six souls appear around Omega Flowey)
Hiro: Ah!
OFlowey (shaking): The souls....? What are they doing? (gets attacked) NO!! NO!!!
Hiro (covers his face with his arms as the area and Flowey are getting blasted by the souls; peeks between them a few times): Yikes!
The amount of power used by the souls was so immense that the area became flooded with light until it went dark.
Just silence coupled by the wind within the darkness. Hiro lowered his arms, finding himself sitting before Flowey. Flowey is back in his normal flower form, but he doesn't look at the boy, his petals blocking his face from him. Again, Hiro finds himself between his Fight and Mercy buttons, and again, he chose one option.
Hiro (chooses Mercy): …...
Flowey (barely looks at Hiro): … What are you doing? Do you really think I've learn from this? No. (looks away)
Hiro (Mercy): You can try...
Flowey (barely stares at Hiro): ….Sparing me won't change anything. Killing me is the way to end this.
Hiro (Mercy): I won't do it.
Flowey (face has scratches): If you let me live... (straightens up) I'll come back.
Hiro (furrows his brows while pressing Mercy): …..
Flowey: I'll kill you.
Hiro (Mercy): …...
Flowey (crazed smile): I'll kill everyone.
Hiro (hesitates, then presses Mercy): ….
Flowey (crazed look worsens): I'll kill everyone you love.
Hiro (hesitates again, then presses Mercy): ….
Flowey: …
Hiro (keeps pressing Mercy, confusing Flowey): ….
Flowey (glares): ….Why?
Hiro (Mercy): ….
Flowey: Why are you being.. (concerned)..so nice to me?
Hiro (Mercy): Because... I want to....
Flowey: I can't understand.
Hiro (Mercy): …..
Flowey: I can't understand!
Hiro (Mercy): ….
Flowey (teary-eyed): I just can't understand. (runs away)
Hiro finds himself before a sunlit grass patch where Flowey was. Hiro sat on his spot for a while since the battle wore him out, glancing around until he saw a path up ahead. He pushed himself to his feet and ambled his way up the path. This was the exit, he finally managed to reach the way out of the underground. Despite this though, he felt bad for leaving his monster friends behind. As much as he wanted to stay, he had to leave. After taking one last look, Hiro departed past the door, watching it close forever.
It had been a few days since Hiro left the underground. The sense of time was lost on him when he was found emerging from the forest by some hikers. He was missing for two weeks and he remembered why he fell into the underground in the first place. Hiro lost his parents to a drunk driver and ended up in foster care. He didn't really like the place he stayed at and decided to “explore” the area near the orphanage. He didn't intend to get too far until he heard voices beckoning him towards the foot of Mt. Ebott. That was how he ended up in the underground. He still wondered about that voice and those visions he had during his travels underground, but most of all, he wondered how his new friends were. Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, Toriel, everyone. He felt guilty for having to fight Asgore. He did like Asgore's proposal of staying with him and his wife, but that was impossible now. That night while he was sleeping, Hiro gets a phone call. He didn't set up a voicemail with his info, but the person on the other end left a message anyway. Hiro did notice the single message on his phone, so once he finished everything he was supposed to do that day, he managed to find time to listen to the voicemail.
Hiro: Whoa, this voicemail's that long? Who...? (plays it; recognizes Sans's voice)
Sans: Heya. Is anyone there?
Hiro: Ah, it's Sans!
Sans: Hmm, guess not. Well, I'll just leave a message. (sighs) So... It's been a while. The queen returned, and is now ruling over the underground.
Hiro: She did?
Sans: She's instated a new policy. All humans who fall here will be treated not as enemies...but as friends. It's probably for the best, anyway.
Hiro: Oh, that's good.
Sans: The human souls the king gathered seem to have disappeared. So, uh, that plan ain't happening anytime soon.
Hiro: Oh...They musta left after they helped me...
Sans: But even though people are heartbroken over the king... (strained voice) ...and...things are looking grim for our freedom....
Hiro: ? His voice...?
Sans (voice is normal): The queen's trying her best not to let us give up hope. So, uh, hey, if we're not giving up down here... (silent) ...Don't give up wherever you are, okay? Who knows how long it will take, but we will get out of here. Sooner or later...
Hiro: …..I wanna-
Papyrus: SANS!!!
Hiro (jolts): Ah!
Sans: Oh, nobody.
Sans: Here, knock yourself out.
Hiro: Oh, cool!
Hiro (holds the phone from his ear): Uh oh.
Undyne: Hey! What are you up to, punk!? (sounds of something grinding on the speaker) Ngahhhhh!
Undyne: Hey! Who's in charge here!?
Papyrus: ME.
Undyne: Oh... Yeah, that's right! I quit my job as leader of the Royal Guard. Actually, since we won't be fighting anyone... The Royal Guard totally disbanded. There's, uh, only one member now.
Undyne: Yeah!! He is! C'mere!!! (sounds of a scuffle and a slight chuckle is heard)
Undyne: Anyway, now I'm working as Alphys's lab assistant. We're gonna find a way out of this dump once and for all! Oh, yeah, and I'm a gym teacher at the queen's new school. Did you know I can bench-press seven children!? Awesome, right?
Hiro: I wanna see that...
Undyne: …. Hey. I'm sorry about what happened with Asgore. You were just doing what you had to. It's not your fault he....
Hiro (sad): Hmn...
Undyne: ..Ah, darn it. I miss the big guy. (loud smacks) ..Come on, Undyne! Snap out of it! Uh, I guess I'll tell you how Alphys is doing. Well, she's the same as ever. Maybe a little more reclusive than ever. Seems like something's really bothering her. But she can get through it! I'm there supporting her!! That's what friends are for, right?
Hiro: Something's up with Alphys?
Undyne: … Hey, wherever you are, I hope it's better than here.
Hiro: Sort of...
Undyne: It took a lot of sacrifice to for you to get there. So wherever you are, you have to try to be happy, okay!? For our sakes! We'll feel better knowing our trouble was worth it. We're all with you! Everyone is! Even the queen! … Hey! Wait a second! Toriel! Toriel! Do you wanna....? (Toriel's voice is faintly heard) ….Heh, she says she's busy.
Hiro: Eh? Toriel? Is Toriel-
Sans: We wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours.
Hiro: Ah, but I wanna-
Undyne: But call back any time, okay! She'd love to talk!
Sans: Oh, whoops. This thing's almost outta batteries. So, hate to cut this short, but....be seeing you, okay, buddy?
Undyne: See ya, punk! (hangs up)
Hiro sat on his bed, staring at his phone with tears nearly pouring out of his eyes. Hearing their voices made him miss them so much. He wished that there was a way for him to return to the mountain and see them again. Like Sans said, there's no way of knowing how long it will take them to find a way out. He decided to take a short idle walk in the orphanage's garden while following his assigned caretaker and some of the other kids. It's sunset by the time everyone was about to get ready to turn in for the night, yet Hiro was lagging behind, thinking about the voicemail. He was about to enter the house when he sees Flowey again, hiding among the yellow flowers under the window.
Hiro: Flowey? How did you-
Flowey (concerned): Why...? Why did you let me go?
Hiro: Um...I just didn't wanna hurt you.
Flowey: You're just too nice... Don't you realize that being nice...just makes you get hurt?
Hiro: Really...?
Flowey (doubtful):Yes. Just look at yourself. You made all these great friends... But now, you'll probably never seen them again. Not to mention how much they've been set back by you.
Hiro: Ah... (worried) I...held them back....? (realizes) The souls...
Flowey: Hurts, doesn't it? All that progress... If you had just gone through without caring about anyone, you wouldn't have to feel bad now. So, I don't get it.
Hiro: …..
Flowey: If you really did everything the right way... Why did things end up like this?
Hiro (lowers his head): I...I dunno....why....
Flowey: Why...? (looks away) Is life really that unfair?
Hiro: Hmn....
Flowey: … Say. (glances at Hiro) What if I told you...I knew a way to get you a better ending?
Hiro (looks at Flowey curiously): A...better ending?
Flowey (nods): You'll have to load your SAVE file, and...
Hiro: And?
Flowey: Well, in the meantime, why don't you go see Dr. Alphys? It seems like you could have been better friends.
Hiro: Really?
Flowey: Who knows... Maybe she's got the key to your happiness...? (hears the door open; smiles) See you soon. (goes into the ground)
Female Caretaker (spots Hiro): There you are! Hurry and come inside. It'll get late soon.
Hiro: O-Okay... (follows the woman inside)
Hiro mulled over his conversation with Flowey as he went inside the foster home. That night, he couldn't sleep with the message and Flowey's words hanging in his head. Hiro wanted to help the monsters out of the underground, but is Flowey's suggestion the right one? What if something happens? Undyne did mention that Alphys was bothered by something, maybe he can see if he could help her? Is it even possible to go back there? Can he even access his SAVE file without being in the underground? So many questions ran through his head, but he ultimately decided to try it out. It took him the whole night, but he somehow managed to conjure up a save star.
Hiro (shocked): It.....It worked..? (touches it; brings up the SAVE file; sees the last place saved was The End) The End.... This is before my fight with Asgore...
Could he turn back time...? He saw that he was able to redo things down there whenever he “died”, but what about on the surface? He was unsure of what would happen, but once Hiro pressed Continue, the star's light engulfed him. Time seemed to have begun to reverse. While the action seems to have gone unnoticed by many, only one person had definitely caught on to the reversal of time.
Tether (jolts; scratches the page he's writing on): This reverse feeling.... No.... (watches everything going backwards) Hiro... (glares) What are you thinkin', kid...?
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Ladybug and Reine Nuit: Chapter 5
Stormy Weather
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
@miraculousl4dybug tagged as requested!
Part 4 | Part 6
“Uh – coming!” Marinette calls when the doorbell rings. “Manon, no!” Groaning and giving up on getting her phone back from the child anytime soon, she shuffles over to answer the door.
“Alya?” Marinette blinks. “Uh, what are you –?”
“Mireille! Mireille! Mireille!” Manon chants in the background. Alya grins and leans to look around Marinette.
“Well, I came to see if you wanted to go to the park and hang out,” she says. “Adrien’s got a photoshoot on, so I figured we could pull funny faces in the background while he’s posing.”
“Alya! You know his photoshoots are important!” Marinette protests, though she can’t stop the laugh that escapes her.
“To who? Him or his dad?” Alya says dryly. “Well, looks like we can’t do it anyway.”
“Yeah.” Marinette grins sheepishly and scratches the back of her head. “That’s Manon, one of my mum’s friends’ daughters. I’m watching her all afternoon.”
“Couldn’t say no?” Alya says. “Don’t worry, girl, I get it. It took me years to build up immunity to my twin sisters and their baby doll eyes. Hey, what d’you say we get Ella and Etta and take them and Manon to the park together?”
“Well…” Marinette chews her lip and looks over her shoulder at Manon, who’s running around the living room like she’s downed a whole energy drink. “I mean, Nadja never said that Manon had to stay here. And it might help to get out – uh, help? No! She’s…an absolute angel!”
Manon running past while clanging a pot and spatula wipes the pained smile off Marinette’s face as she shrieks and chases after the giggling child.
“Yay!” Manon cheers.
“Manon! Put that down! Ugh, come back!”
Alya snickers while watching the chaos. “You’re just a pushover, Marinette. I have to babysit Ella and Etta all the time, so I’m an expert in dealing with angels.”
Manon comes screeching to a halt when she catches sight of Alya. Not expecting this, Marinette flails as she tries to stop, resulting in her crashing to the floor after losing her balance.
“Who are you, anyway?” Manon demands, frowning at Alya. Alya grins and kneels, while Marinette groans and climbs to her feet.
“I’m a mythical unicorn from the world of Rispa, disguised as a totally fabulous human girl!” she says. “I grant magical wishes, but only to little monkeys to behave!”
“No, you’re not!” Manon says. Then she blinks. “…Are you?”
In response, Alya grabs Manon and tosses her in the air, then deposits her on Marinette’s shoulders.
“Okay, let’s go get my sisters and then go to the park!” Alya says.
“Yay!” Manon says.
“Okay!” Marinette says, wishing not for the first time that she could get people to take her seriously like Alya can.
“Park! Park! Park!” chant three little kids, yanking Marinette and Alya into the park. If Manon had been hard enough to handle alone, then Ella and Etta Césaire ramp the intensity up to eleven, especially being identical twins. Thankfully, Alya knows exactly how to handle them, so they’re more like exuberant children than little monsters from Hell.
Over at the fountain, Adrien is posing while a photographer snaps picture after picture of him wearing a lilac button-up T-shirt and pale grey jeans. The thickset man that Marinette had confronted two weeks ago, who happens to be Adrien’s bodyguard, stands nearby. Marinette gulps; she’s still unsure if he hates her for her show of defiance on Adrien’s behalf, and she doesn’t exactly want to find out.
“I want to see hunger in your eyes!” the photographer declares as Marinette and Alya are tugged past with the children. Adrien looks up at that moment, and when he catches sight of Marinette, his entire face lights up and he gives an aborted wave. “Yes! The passion! The hunger! Perfecto!”
Next to Marinette, Alya pulls a face, poking her tongue out, so Marinette crosses her eyes and gives a silly grin. Adrien snorts rather loudly, covering his mouth and looking down, but this backfires on Marinette and Alya because the photographer then starts celebrating Adrien’s bashfulness and demanding more.
“Marinette, I want a balloon with Mireille on it!” Manon says. “Can I? Pleeeeeease?”
“Yeah!” Ella says. “Balloon!”
“Please, Alya!” Etta says. Alya sighs and then shakes her head with a smile.
“Stay here with Marinette and I’ll get your balloons,” she says. The children cheer and start running around, while Marinette sinks to the ground and watches them through lazy, half-closed eyes. She wants to say that this is the last time she’ll let herself get suckered into this but…yeah, no, she’s a total pushover.
“You!” Adrien’s photographer is suddenly in front of Marinette, pointing at her. Marinette shrieks and jumps to her feet. “I need an extra!”
“Wha – who – me?” Marinette says.
“Sì! To pose with Signor Adrien! He specifically requested you!”
Over the photographer’s shoulder, Adrien looks as though Christmas has come early. It’s not like Marinette doesn’t want to do it, but…she can’t exactly abandon the girls. Alya isn’t back yet, and it’s totally unfair to expect Alya to look after three girls.
“Go on, Marinette!” Alya’s back with three Mireille balloons. “Trust me, I can handle these little angels.”
“Well…” Marinette looks at Adrien again. “I guess if you’re sure?”
“Yep!” Alya says. “We’ll go to Rispa and find us some sad little village kids and grant those wishes! Unicorns unite!”
“Unicorns unite!” Manon, Ella, and Etta cry. With a shrug, Marinette is about to head over to the fountain, but a sudden cackle above them stops her in her tracks.
“Oh no!” she gasps when she catches sight of the girl floating in mid-air, wearing a purple dress and white boots and gloves, with spiky purple and white striped pigtails, an electric purple mask across her pale cheeks, and a large parasol in her hands.
“I am Stormy Weather!” the girl announces. “Don’t worry, it’s only a light breeze!” She aims her parasol at the people below, and an enormously strong gust of wind comes bursting out, sending everyone flying. Marinette screams and tries to grab a nearby tree, only to fall flat on her face when the wind suddenly dies down. “I suggest you get somewhere a little warmer, because it’s about to get chilly!”
It happens almost in slow motion. “No!” Marinette cries, rushing for the fountain, but it’s too late; Stormy Weather shoots a bolt of ice out of her parasol, creating a thick dome of ice that traps Adrien, his bodyguard, the photographer, and the three girls inside. She’s rooted to the spot for a moment while people around her shriek and run, but then she remembers that she’s one of the only two people able to deal with this, and so she darts behind the tree she’d tried to use to anchor herself against the wind.
“We’ll save the girls, Marinette!” Tikki says firmly. Marinette nods.
“Tikki, spots on!”
As Ladybug, she immediately heads for the icy dome and tries to cut it open, but her yo-yo can’t get any traction on the slippery ice and so it just slides right off.
“Don’t worry about us!” Adrien says, his voice muffled by the ice. “Just go and take down Stormy Weather!” He groans. “Ugh, I can’t see the action from here!”
“Where’s Marinette?” Manon says, her lip quivering.
“And Alya?” Ella and Etta chorus. Ladybug smiles in what she hopes is a reassuring manner.
“Marinette’s safe,” she says. “She told me about you, Manon. And as for Alya…she probably got blown away with everyone else. I’ll make sure to find her!”
When Ladybug finds Stormy Weather, she’s slammed Reine Nuit into the ground with wind and ice and has summoned a thunderstorm to no doubt try and zap Reine Nuit with lightning. With a sigh, Ladybug throws her yo-yo to wrap around Reine Nuit’s waist, then pulls her out of harm’s way. Reine Nuit smirks and salutes at Stormy Weather as soon as she realises what’s going on.
“Just in time, angel bug,” Reine Nuit says when Ladybug deposits her on the ground. “I don’t think she’s a fan of cats.”
“I’m not a fan of bugs either,” Stormy Weather growls. “And unluckily for you, ladybugs shrivel in the cold!” She aims a burst of ice at Ladybug, who dances out of the way and then throws her yo-yo at Stormy Weather. The weather girl snorts and leans out of its way. “Is that really all you’ve got?”
“To be fair, I’ve only been doing this for two weeks,” Ladybug says.
“That’s not very ice of you,” Reine Nuit grins at Stormy Weather.
“Hey! Only I get to make weather puns!” Stormy Weather sends Reine Nuit flying over the rooftops with a burst of wind. Then she turns to Ladybug and commands lightning after lightning bolt to shoot down from the skies, and it’s all Ladybug can do to yelp and dodge each electric purple blast. How are they supposed to defeat Stormy Weather when they can’t even land a hit on her?
“Hee-yah!” A silvery baton comes whizzing out of nowhere and strikes Stormy Weather in the head, sending her crashing to the ground. With a snarl, the akuma whirls around and dodges Reine Nuit’s dive for her, then whacks Reine Nuit with her parasol.
“That was a sleety thing to do!” Stormy Weather hisses.
“Hey, that one wasn’t actually half-bad,” Reine Nuit says, reeling back from the whack. Stormy Weather looks torn between preening and attacking, but her bloodthirsty akuma nature wins out and she jumps out of the way of Ladybug’s yo-yo, then raises her parasol and summons a mini tornado on top of the heroes.
“I’m gonna be sick,” Ladybug groans as she whirls around and around in the funnel. The tornado then explodes, sending her and Reine Nuit careening over the buildings, screaming. Ladybug’s head whips around, trying desperately to find a good anchor, and she eventually grabs Reine Nuit by the tail, then throws her yo-yo to catch around a chimney and brings them crashing to a halt on the roof, tumbling over each other because Ladybug may have changed their path, but they were still full of momentum from the tornado.
“Man, she makes Stoneheart look like a piece of cake,” Reine Nuit comments, pushing herself to her feet. “How are we gonna take her down?”
“We find her, for starters,” Ladybug says. She accepts Reine Nuit’s helping hand up. “Then…uh, we wing it? Charm it?”
Reine Nuit holds up a finger. “Can you Lucky Charm me a sick bag?” she says before bolting to the edge of the roof and throwing up. Ladybug wrinkles her nose with a disgusted exclamation, although her stomach feels about the same after the treatment she’d just gone through, so she can’t exactly blame her partner. With a weak groan, Reine Nuit sinks to her knees. “That. Was. Awful. Why don’t they ever tell you about this in the brochure?”
“Sorry that it’s not all adoring fans and fun powers,” Ladybug says dryly. “Where could she have gone?”
As if in response to her question, a nearby big screen flickers to life, revealing Stormy Weather against a green screen backdrop of a map of France.
“Hello, viewers!” the weather girl chirps. “Here's the latest forecast for the first day of summer. Looks like Mother Nature had a change of plans. Summer vacation is officially over!”
“Good thing I like the cold, then,” Reine Nuit says. “Hot chocolate, blankets, fires…what’s not to love? Although it hasn’t been summer for a few weeks now, so I’ve got no clue what she’s on about.”
Ladybug scowls at her and shivers violently. Now that they’re not on the move, the cold is catching up to her, eating into her bones, numbing her hands and feet under her suit, turning her nose into an icicle. It seems that Stormy Weather had been right about ladybugs not exactly thriving in the cold.
“Well, we can’t all be furballs like you, pretty kitty,” Ladybug says. “But at least now we know where to find her.”
Of course the broadcast is a trap and happens to be just a recording. Really, after all the superhero stories Reine Nuit has read, you’d think she’d have been able to at least suspect that this was going to happen. But no, she and Ladybug had just waltzed right into the studio, leaving them utterly at Stormy Weather’s mercy as she fried the building’s circuitry, leaving them in total darkness.
Or, at least, leaving Ladybug in total darkness. Man, between her resistance to the cold and her newfound night vision, Reine Nuit is absolutely killing it here.
“Come on!” Reine Nuit grabs Ladybug’s hand as Stormy Weather cackles and runs away. “I’ll help you, angel bug.”
It’s a mark of how serious the situation is that Ladybug doesn’t fire back with a witty retort, but instead nods and lets Reine Nuit guide her out of the studio and down the hall after Stormy Weather. They burst through the door at the end of the hall, chasing Stormy Weather up a flight of stairs, and it’s purely by instinct that Reine Nuit tackles Ladybug to the ground to prevent a fire extinguisher from slamming her in the face when Stormy Weather throws it down at them.
Thankfully, it doesn’t take them long to burst out into what little natural light there is outside on top of the studio building. But now they’re trapped between massive billboards on all sides, with Stormy Weather floating above them.
“You airheads!” Stormy Weather crows. “You fell right into my trap! Tornado!” She thrusts her parasol up to summon another tornado, only this one is about five times the size of the one she’d created before. If that one had made Reine Nuit sick…well, she doesn’t even want to start imagining what this one will do to her once Stormy Weather unleashes it on her. If there was ever a time to summon a Lucky Charm, Reine Nuit would think it’s now. Apparently, so does Ladybug.
“Lucky Charm!” the red hero calls, then catches a ladybug-patterned bath towel that falls in response. “Uh, what am I supposed to do with this?”
“At least we won’t get wet,” Reine Nuit deadpans.
“Good thing too, since cats hate water,” Ladybug shoots back.
“Hail!” Stormy Weather seems to decide that the tornado isn’t bad enough and that the heroes could really do with some nice, thick chunks of ice raining down on their heads to crush their skulls. Purely by instinct, Reine Nuit shoves Ladybug down and starts spinning her staff like a propeller above their heads, creating a temporary hail shield. But she can’t keep it up for too long, not when her right forearm is starting to seize and cramp.
“I got it!” Ladybug’s voice is a blessed relief. She points at one of the massive billboards surrounding them. “Bring it down, Reine Nuit!”
“Got it! Cataclysm!” Once her ring is sparking with destructive energy, Reine Nuit calls, “My grandma could do better than that, Ice Queen!” to get Stormy Weather’s attention. It works; the weather girl howls and shoots lightning bolt after lightning bolt at Reine Nuit, who dances and ducks and dodges each one until she’s close enough to the billboard that she can run her hand along the base to corrode the metal into dust.
From there, it’s over quickly. Reine Nuit’s distraction gives Ladybug the perfect opportunity to grab Stormy Weather by the ankle and run her yo-yo around a crane and several pipes for leverage, using the bath towel to help her soar into the air on a current created by one of the ventilation pipes knocked out by the billboard. This creates a counterweight that pulls Stormy Weather down as Ladybug floats up, and the crane is yanked around by the yo-yo and rips the parasol out of Stormy Weather’s hands, which Reine Nuit catches and tosses to Ladybug.
“No more evildoing for you, little akuma!” Ladybug declares, snapping the parasol over her knee. A black butterfly wriggles out of the broken pieces and tries to fly away, only to be swiftly captured by Ladybug’s yo-yo. “Time to de-evilise! Gotcha!” Once the pure white butterfly is released, Ladybug farewells it and then throws the bath towel in the air to summon her Miraculous Ladybug.
Just like with Stoneheart, Reine Nuit is mesmerised by the sight of the red and black swarm surging around, repairing the billboard and the pipes, dissipating the tornado and the storm clouds above them to summon back the brilliant blue sky and sunshine, then coursing outwards to fix the rest of Paris. Will this ever become any less wondrous? God, she hopes not. There’s just something so amazingly pure and raw about this that she could watch all day.
Stormy Weather, kneeling nearby, is encased in a purplish-black mass that strips away her villainous skin and leaves a girl with soft blonde pigtails and a blue frilly dress. She blinks and looks around. “Huh? What am I doing up here?”
Ladybug and Reine Nuit grin at each other. “Pound it!” they chorus, fist-bumping.
“Marinette!” Manon cries when Marinette detransforms and emerges from behind a tree.
“Manon!” Marinette kneels to let the little girl crash into her with a tight hug. “Oh my gosh, are you alright?”
“Sure, silly!” Manon says. “Adrien played a bunch of games with us! Did you know that he’s secretly a dragon?”
“Really?” Marinette raises an eyebrow at Adrien, who grins and shrugs. “I had no idea.” She lets Manon down.
“Girls!” Alya comes running from the other side of the park. Ella and Etta’s faces light up and they bolt to meet her.
“Alya, Alya, Alya!”
“Thanks for looking after the girls,” Marinette says to Adrien as Alya reunites with her babbling sisters. “I was so worried! I wanted to – but Ladybug told me –”
“It’s okay, Marinette,” Adrien says, thankfully saving Marinette from having to fumble for an excuse as to why she’d disappeared. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
Marinette throws her arms around Adrien gratefully, although she can’t for the life of her figure out why his face is so red when she pulls away.
“Sì!” The photographer seems to pop out of nowhere. “The sizzling chemistry! You are a perfect match for Signor Adrien, Signorina…”
“Signorina Marinetta!”
“Please, Marinette?” Adrien scratches the back of his neck. “It’d really mean a lot. I think I’m having an off day today.”
With that, how can Marinette refuse? “Sure,” she says. “Alya, you can take care of the girls, right?”
“We’re going dragon hunting!” Alya says. “Who knows how many more dragons like Adrien are out there?”
“Dragon hunting!” Manon, Ella, and Etta cry.
“Come on, girls! We have to find a magic feather before we can hunt the dragons!”
The photoshoot seems ten times more alive now. The photographer – Vincent, Marinette learns – arranges them in poses such as sitting back-to-back on the fountain, then Adrien lifting Marinette in the air like a lover, then Marinette kissing Adrien’s cheek, although the last one makes Adrien look like his face is going to explode from how red it is.
“Stupendous!” Vincent declares, snapping away. “Magnifico! Perfecto! These are the most vibrant pictures I have ever taken of Signor Adrien!”
“Maybe you could model with me more often, then,” Adrien teases when he’s sitting on the edge of the fountain with Marinette in his lap.
“Not unless it’s an emergency,” Marinette says with a grin. At a gesture from Vincent, they change poses so that Adrien is standing up and holding her bridal style. “I like modelling well enough, but I’m much more suited to making the clothes than modelling them.”
Adrien’s eyes light up as he lets her back down on her feet, then turns his back to her so that he can pick her up in a piggyback. “Well…uh, if you ever need a model, you know where to come. Not only because you helped me now, but…well, I’d be honoured to model for you.”
Marinette beams back. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind!” she says.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Rotten Spaghetti Noodles and a Stranger Things Marathon (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)
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Not gonna lie lol Bob’s Burgers inspired me with this one XD
Summary: Poor Deku is forced into a wild goose chase with Reader-chan after a prank goes horribly wrong on the most volatile classmate in 1-A...
Featuring: Precious Cinnamon Roll!! 
You can find this story here too on ao3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17545592/chapters/41570912
You sighed heavily as you sat on the couch of the common room, staring at the girls who were just chatting frivolously with each other as per usual. At first you thought about going over to join in on their conversation, but they talked about the most boring topics sometimes that you decided to just sit and be bored by yourself.
Kaminari was pretty much your partner-in-crime when it came to doing fun things but he was hanging with Kirishima, Sero and Bakugou. Typical boys. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized you probably should have gone with him, even though Bakugou wasn’t crazy about the fact that you were friends with ‘Deku’. Well, that was understatement, he didn’t like that at all, he never had been in fact. Truth was, you grew up alongside him and Izuku, but you met Bakugou first, only to get closer to Izuku and remained his only friend even when Bakugou picked on him and always threw smart-ass comments his way which he hated. You assumed it was jealousy, but that was just your pride talking.
However, the more you thought about Bakugou, the more Izuku started popping up in your mind. Making you sigh in content, smiling fondly at the thought of the sweet, green-haired dork. How you adored him, he was almost too pure for this world to the point where it was almost REALLY annoying because you had a mischievous streak he often fretted over.
“Oh Izuku… you make me wish I was a better person.” You said quietly as you blushed a little bit, looking around and making sure no one could hear you going into ‘lovey-dovey’ mode. So to distract yourself, you finally got up off your ass and headed into the kitchen, maybe eating something could take away some of the boredom.
But you didn’t expect to see Izuku passing by through there, and he perked up upon seeing you. “(Y/N), Hey!” He quickly greeted you with that adorable smile that easily lit up your day every time you saw it, hell it practically sent you in one of your dazes as you smiled shyly and waved. “Hey Izuku…”
“Are you okay?” He asked you, concerned when he saw how ‘out of it’ you appeared, and you blushed warmly as you tried to downplay it.
“Ah yeah! Totally… hehe, I’m just hungry so I’m gonna… get something to eat that’s uh… why I came in here!” You stammered and laughed nervously, quickly opening the refrigerator as if to emphasize your point, even though Izuku looked a little confused by your odd behavior. He smiled at you anyway though, thinking you were cute.
But he flinched when you gasped suddenly, and loudly at the refrigerator.
“Oh Sweet mother of All-Might…” You said in pure awe as you stared wide-eyed at one of the containers you found in one of the deeper parts of the fridge. Carefully picking it up, you brought it out and placed it on the table, but the old, gloppy contents with some black spots and furry looking specks that stained its corners disgusted your friend a little bit.
“Wha… what in the world is that…?” Izuku nervously asked, but at that moment he realized he probably shouldn’t have asked that.
“It’s spaghetti! Remember a month ago when Kaminari suggested that we try foreign food for dinner, so we went with Italian and we decided to save some of the leftovers because it was so good that night?” You reminded him and the memory instantly hit him once it came back to him. “Oh right! I remember that… that was a month ago…?” Izuku asked, making a face. There’s no way that spaghetti could still be good at all if it’s a month old.
Going against your better judgment, you opened it up and the pungent stank quickly hit your nose as you turned away with a small gag, seeing Izuku cover his nose once the smell got to him too. Despite your disgust, you were extremely amused too. “Ohoho WOW… we totally forgot all about this because this stinks to high-heaven… it’s beautiful…” You snickered, and Izuku saw wheels turning in your head…
“You know what we gotta do with this right?”
“Throw it away?”
“Nope~! We gotta drop this on someone outside a window! We might NEVER get another chance like this! When you have rotten spaghetti noodles, you HAVE to drop it on someone. I mean you can’t NOT use it for that kind of thing. We have an opportunity of a lifetime…!” You explained as if it were the simplest idea in the world, but such a terrible idea made Izuku tremble and look panicked. That was practically a death sentence.
“W-What?! Y-You can’t be serious…! A-Are… Are you… are you crazy?!” He asked you, whisper-yelling as he looked around very nervously to make sure that nobody was around to hear this.
“Haha I’m totally off my rocker dude… you know this… now c’mon… it’s not like we’ll get caught. As soon as it hits somebody we’ll run like hell! It’s so easy!” You giggled almost like a mad-woman at the thought, and Izuku just shook even more with a terrified whimper. It wasn’t in his nature to pull pranks like that, and he didn’t really like anyone being mad at him.
“I-I don’t know… i-it sounds like a really bad idea… I mean, for one it’s really mean… and second, if we hit the wrong person, this could lead to some seriously bad consequences… it just… it’s a bad idea… in fact, it’s a horrible idea… we can’t do that…” Izuku thought outloud, hoping that somehow he could talk you out of this. He thought about how it could all go wrong, and who they could end up hitting. Classmates like Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Ashido, Tsuyu and Uraraka might be a little more forgiving if they got spaghetti’d. The rest like Iida, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami would be pissed but not hold a serious grudge, and then there was Todoroki and Bakugou. The worst people to prank…
Todoroki would definitely be pissed about it, but maybe he’d be forgiving if he explained it to him enough. Bakugou on the other hand… would never, ever forgive that.
Izuku shuddered at the mere thought.
“Izuku… I can’t pass up this opportunity… besides, I’m not gonna hit anyone like Todoroki if that’s what you’re worried about. I like the guy. If I’m lucky I’ll hit Kaminari or Iida. I’d love to see the looks on their faces.” You grinned widely and laughed somewhat wickedly as you carried the container, spinning around ever so slightly, much to Izuku’s discomfort.
He couldn’t find it in him to say no to you though. The truth was Izuku would follow you wherever you went, including to yours and his death because he was sure this was going to get you both killed somehow by the wrong classmate. Meanwhile, you were grinning happily as you were taking him up to the balcony of your room and looking downward for some potential victims, holding the container of disgusting, old food in your hands. Smiling widely, almost crazily and giggling so hard you could barely contain yourself.
“Hee-hee Izuku~. You and I are about to do something the world should have done a LONG time ago. This right here is going to make history. Just give me the signal when you see someone.” You grinned wide as you held the now open container of rotten spaghetti noodles as Izuku looked down to make sure nobody like Bakugou or Todoroki were coming.
“Uh…” His better judgment kicked in though, this was a terrible idea and it was going to happen soon as he saw a few heads coming out the door, two blondes, a brunette and one redhead. Oh no.
“Uh oh…! (Y-Y/N)!” He tried to alarm you, but apparently THAT was the signal for you to start.
“Someone’s there! Here we go!” You cheerfully poured down the container, letting the gloppy, thick red sauce and stringy, stale noodles rain down to the earth much to Izuku’s absolute horror as you both stared down, a broad smile across your face while Izuku’s was a look of horror as he shouted.
(insert slow-motion) “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!”
With a loud, squishing plop, the spaghetti noodles finally hit your victim in all it’s disgusting, stinky glory, staining his school uniform shirt with its foul, red and moldy sauce and decorating his blonde, spiky hair with a wreath of stale, wet noodles as he shouted in shock at the random onslaught.
“ARGH!!! What the fuck?!”
“Ewww dude…” Kirishima cringed and backed away slightly when his friend got splattered by old, moldy food, crinkling his nose in disgust when the smell hit him.
“Gross! What… what the hell is that…?!” That was Kaminari’s voice, and he shamelessly covered his nose as he forced himself to not snicker at his unfortunate classmate’s incident.
“Hey that’s… the spaghetti from last month…” Sero figured it out, and he looked a little nervous once he saw their friend’s look of shock quickly turn into an enraged expression as he looked upwards to see the identity of who they assumed would be his murder victim.
“K-Kacchan…!” Izuku froze up like he was hit with a paralysis quirk once he saw that it was Bakugou that you had ended up hitting. Now he was a hundred percent sure that this was going to be the end for you and him.
“Oh shit… is that Bakugou…?” You peered downwards a little bit to get a better look, but instantly regretted that once Bakugou’s seering, crimson red eyes looked upwards and made contact with your now wide, shocked (E/C) eyes as Izuku promptly freaked out and trembled like a leaf.
If looks could kill, you would definitely be dead. You could practically hear his feral growling as he clenched his fists.
“Hide. Hide. Hide! Hide! Hide!!” You and Izuku both exclaimed in alarm to each other, trying to back away as much as you could to avoid being seen by the explosive teen, but it was too late. He already saw you both.
“Deku! Shitty girl?!” Bakugou was livid, and looked ready to kill the two people he’s known since childhood and his friends could see it as they backed away a little bit. Seeing Bakugou angry wasn’t a spectacle, but after that trick. He wasn’t going to let neither of you get away.
However, as scared as you were, you couldn’t let Bakugou terrify you into submission since this was an accident. “Ohohokay… look dude… that was a total fluke on my part… that was supposed to be for Kaminari.” You attempted to reason with the pissed-off blonde, ignoring the indignant ‘Hey!’ coming from the former. “You don’t have to go all Lord Explosion Murder-y on us…” As calm as you were, you should have known better than to try to reason with Bakugou when he was this pissed. To make matters worse, you were snickering the entire time and trying to cover your mouth to quell them.
“Bullshit!! This is your way of getting back at me! And don’t fucking lie to me I'm right aren't I?!” He angrily wiped off the sauce and noodles off himself as much as possible despite how disgusting it felt on his hands and the smell was horrific. Bakugou didn’t believe a word you said. Ever since Izuku acquired One For All, and even after he found out the truth about it, him and Bakugou still weren’t exactly friend-ish yet. And with your own improvement of your telekinesis quirk getting stronger ever since you got to this school, Bakugou assumed that you and Deku were somehow in cahoots together to try and take him down a peg. He wasn’t wrong on YOUR part though.
“N-No! Kacchan we swear we would never!!” Izuku was going to make a vain attempt to reason with him, but you quickly took the floor to protect him.
“He’s right. Leave Izuku alone, besides Bakugou, if I wanted to get back at you, it would have been a LOT worse than this. Though in hindsight this is pretty brilliant. Since that’s rotten spaghetti noodles you’re covered in. I recommend taking a shower though I can smell you from up here!” You explained but didn’t make yourself sound any better as you took the moment to tease him a little bit, wafting your hand for emphasis even though it wasn’t an exaggeration. You can literally smell that rotten spaghetti from up here. And it pissed him off to no end.
“What the hell was that?!”
“Stop taunting him…!” Izuku advised you worriedly, since he knew better than to make Bakugou madder if he was already mad. You didn’t listen.
“I said take a shower because you stink Noodlehead! Get it?!” You snickered and laughed, tears in your eyes when seeing Bakugou practically turn red from such vicious rage. “H-Hey c’mon man… s-she’s just playing…” Kirishima trembled slightly when seeing how pissed his friend was, and he wanted to save you from getting killed by trying to calm down Bakugou but he just ignored him.
“Why you fucking bitch! Don’t you fucking laugh at me! Wait til I get up there I’ll kill you both!!” He declared and quickly made his way inside the building and now you and Izuku couldn’t help but panic a little bit.
“Why did you say that?!” Izuku frantically asked you, looking at you like you had to have been insane to provoke a dragon-tempered boy like Bakugou.
“It was funny!” You gave your rather weak reasoning, but that didn’t matter now that you were both pretty much doomed. At least you would die alongside Izuku, the boy you loved with all your heart. However, a sudden idea came to your head as you grabbed his hand and lead him out of your room.
“W-What are you doing?!”
“I have an idea! But we need Yaoyorozu!” You stated, quickly rushing over to the common room where you thankfully found Momo among the girls. “Momo! Momo we need your help!” Rushing over to the tall girl, you clasped your hands together in a begging manner, much to her shock and confusion.
“What’s the matter?!” She asked in worry once she heard the urgency in your voice. However, once you explained it all quickly to her, she wasn’t very amused at all by how you childishly pranked Bakugou, but she helped you both anyway with what you needed because she wanted to help you and Izuku stay alive.
Bakugou was on the prowl as he marched inside the building, resembling an animal hunting down prey with Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero meekly following behind so they could hold him back in case he really did try to kill you and Izuku.
He knew where your room was, but he assumed the two of you were going to hide somewhere like the ‘cowards’ you were as he went up the first floor. Some of his classmates, quickly backing away when seeing how pissed he was, and at how smelly he was since he couldn’t get the spaghetti stink off of him.
But he didn’t pay attention to all the damn extras, all that matter was finding you and Deku so he could kill you both for making him look like a fool and daring to prank him like that. And he was surprised when he saw you both just lounging on the couch of the common room without a care in the world as he growled like a wild animal.
“You idiots! So you both want to die huh?!” He barked aloud in the once-quiet room, aggressively grabbing yours and ‘Izuku’s’ shoulders roughly only for the bodies in front of him to suddenly collapse, revealing two headless mannequins wearing your blazers with soccer balls bouncing to the ground which acted as the heads as they adorned wigs of Izuku’s messy green hair and your (H/C) (H/S) hair.
“D-Did their heads just fall off?!” Kirishima asked, his eyes wide with horror as he began trembling, having not seen that the bodies were just dummies and not really you or Izuku.
“Y-You really killed them?!” Kaminari exclaimed in the same terror as Kirishima, since he didn’t see the dummies or the soccer-balls either.
Bewildered and wide-eyed, Bakugou picked up the soccer ball with Izuku’s hair, squeezing it hatefully until it popped as he let out an extremely irritated growl. That was the second time you made him look like a fool, he was SO going to kill you both now.
“DEKU!! SHITTY GIRL!!” He screamed so loud you swore the entire building shook. It was definitely loud enough for you and Izuku to hear from downstairs as you ran down to the bottom floor.
“AH! Kacchan figured it out!!” Izuku started to panic again as he ran with you out of the building, although you couldn’t help but snicker because you wished you could’ve seen the look on his face.
“Duh Izuku I heard him! I’m pretty sure the whole fucking country heard him too! Come on! We can’t be here, not while he’s in that mood, I know where we can hide!” You said as the two of you started to run away from Heights Alliance, passing a few of your confused classmates as they watched you run.
However, neither you or Izuku expected Bakugou to show up so soon as you both heard the door slam wide open.
“You two aren’t getting away that easy! You can run but you can’t fucking hide from me!!” Bakugou shouted, immediately chasing after you both. He instantly knew that you were both going to try and hide from him, just like you two always did when the three of you were children.
You both shouted in shock, and Izuku reluctantly turned to see Bakugou coming for you guys with bloody murder in his eyes. “He’s already caught up?!” You asked in shock, confident that your dummies would have distracted him for longer than that. “You dropped spaghetti on him!” Izuku exclaimed matter-of-factly, not that surprised that Bakugou had caught up this fast.
“I know I did Izuku! But I swear my plan was fool-proof!”
“You know Kacchan is no fool! And he was the fastest in every grade in elementary and middle school!”
“Well I guess that means we’re fucked huh?!” You asked while you two kept running, and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit scared that you were going to be fucked if you didn’t think of something fast. However, you and Izuku nearly perked up upon seeing someone from afar, but the red and white was all the indication you both needed to know. And as soon as you saw Todoroki up closer, you grinned and immediately called for help.
“Help us Todoroki!!”
That certainly surprised him as he stopped with a bewildered expression as you and Izuku ran past him fast enough to send wind through his hair. “Midoriya? (L/N)? What’s going on?” He was calm in spite of the fact that you and Izuku were both freaking out as you both took a moment to stop for a minute.
“W-We’re kind of running from someone…” Izuku started off, panting a little bit as you finished his sentence. “It’s Bakugou! And he’s going to kill us! Build a wall of ice or fire fast!” You kind of begged since Bakugou was getting closer.
“Don’t even think about helping them IcyHot! Or I’ll kill you too!” Todoroki paid him no mind though, he heard you call him for help and he did exactly that. In the blink of an eye, Todoroki raised his right side and created a giant wall of ice to block his volatile classmate from getting to you and Izuku. “DAMMIT!!!” Now all three of you heard Bakugou’s enraged shouts, but it didn’t take too long for you to start hearing explosions as he began carving through the wall to get to you, Izuku AND Todoroki. That was three on his hit list now.
“Thank you Todoroki! I think you saved our lives!” Izuku was extremely grateful as you couldn’t help but sigh in relief. That wall would definitely buy you three some time.
Although he was confused, Todoroki started to run with you and Izuku but he was clearly looking for an explanation. “Why is he chasing you two?”
“Oh, he’s just mad because I accidentally dropped some rotten spaghetti on his head. It was hilarious! You should’ve seen his face, I thought he was going to literally explode like a volcano..." As you snickered, Izuku quietly whined a little bit since as much as you found it funny, he wasn't crazy about the fact that yours and his already complicated childhood friend probably hated you two even more now.
"Why would you do that?" Todoroki asked you, his voice sounding somewhat incredulous since he saw no rhyme or reason to doing such a childish act. Because you were friends with Izuku, he had gotten fairly used to your presence and steadily became your friend too, but he found you very strange due to your behavior and penchant for mischief and juvenile jokes.
"Because it's funny! And besides Todoroki, life-lesson, when life gives you rotten spaghetti noodles, you dump it on someone!" You exclaimed and gave your reasoning, but of course Todoroki wasn't amused at all.
"That sounds like nonsense." He stated bluntly, but you just stuck your tongue at him. "So you're telling me that if life gave you rotten spaghetti noodles that you wouldn't dump it on your shitty dad if you had the opportunity?" You raised a brow at him, and that somewhat silenced him a bit as he thought about that. And you laughed a bit when you saw him give the smallest smile when he clearly envisioned that and started to see some of the comedy in that. Including the idea of Bakugou getting spaghetti'd, he was starting to wish he had seen that now just a little bit.
"Not you too Todoroki!!" Izuku exclaimed in slight shock, since dumping old pasta is why they were even running in the first place, and yet you and Todoroki were clearly amused by it.
"DAMN YOU YOU ICYHOT BASTARD!!" Bakugou finally broke through the wall, and you three were far enough now but he could still see you, and the three of you turned to see the same murder in his eyes.
"RUN!!" You shouted as both your friends followed you, and Todoroki seemed to tag along without complaint. He wasn't scared or anything, but he felt that he should probably stay with you and Izuku as long as Bakugou is that angry with you both. He wasn't letting up, and somehow he managed to get closer even though you three were all running as fast as you could thanks to adrenaline as shocked and confused classmates and students alike stopped and stared.
"We need to throw away dead weight!" You suddenly said to Izuku and Todoroki, who both looked at you in slight shock. "WHAT?! You're not talking about one of us are you?!" Izuku asked you, wide-eyed and really hoping you wouldn't go that far.
"What are you nuts?! I ain't throwing away neither of you guys!" You said, and as soon as you saw one classmate you quickly used your quirk.
"D'AH! Why am I floating?! Have I died and gone to heaven?! Why are all the girls still wearing their uniforms?!" Mineta asked loudly, before he saw you and you smirked evilly at him as he shrieked in horror. He let out another pig-like squeal as you sent him flying right towards Bakugou whose eyes slightly widened and he quickly raised his palm to blast away that little punk into the atmosphere as you each heard a scream and a little 'ding'.
"You're bad (Y/N)..." Izuku said with a tremor of fear in his tone as you laughed happily, "I know!!" Cheerfully, you used your quirk to use anything else in your vicinity to toss and block Bakugou from getting any closer, and you did manage to succeed when some of the items, including books, trash-cans, and a few other students to slow him down as you snickered again when you heard Bakugou's enraged roars.
2 Hours Later
After 2 hours of running around and playing wild goose chase with Bakugou, you, Izuku and Todoroki finally outran him and came to the best hiding place you knew he wouldn't find you at. The comfort of your house and in your (style) room.
“(Y-Y/N)… you know that we can’t hide in your room forever right? Kacchan probably remembers that you and I would always come over here to hide from him whenever he was really mad, and not only that, but we still have school to attend even if he’s still going to be mad about what just happened. There’s just no way we can avoid him unless we-”. You stopped Izuku as he started mumbling, looking rather nonchalant as you sat on your bed and turned on Netflix.
“He’s not going to find us here… and even if he does, he can’t get in…” You said breezily, not really worrying about Bakugou at the moment as you relaxed on your bed. “Sit with me Izuku. C’mon, let’s just figure out what to watch.” Patting your bed and gesturing him to sit, Izuku blushed as he nervously made his way over and sat beside you, his face beginning to redden as you scooted closer to him with a content smirk.
Much to Todoroki’s discomfort, whom you had invited into your house on your run from Bakugou. “This feels odd... to see you and Midoriya like this..." He said very awkwardly, even though he was oblivious to how you and Midoriya felt about each other, he just knew that the atmosphere was a little awkward. Especially since he and Midoriya were in a girl’s room, and he didn't quite understand why Midoriya suddenly began to blush like that. Nor did he quite know that this what it meant to be the third wheel.
“Ah. Todoroki. C’mere. Sit with us. Plenty of room.” However, you weren’t going to leave Todoroki out. Izuku was the one for you, but you were a bit of a pervert at heart and didn’t mind a very attractive boy like Todoroki being close to you too.
That surprised the boy, and he appeared unsure for a moment until you patted the free space for him to sit down. “C’mon. Right here it’s cool.” You gently coaxed him, and with that Todoroki slowly made his way over to sit down on your bed, next to you while Midoriya was on your other side. You looked extremely pleased and content as you sighed happily.
“You know. You two are my favorite classmates.” You admitted, which earned a bright blush from Izuku and a light flush of surprise from Todoroki.
“Y-You’re just saying that…” Izuku got rather bashful, avoiding your gaze as his face visibly turned red which you found absolutely adorable.
“Why me?” Todoroki sounded more confused, he was strangely flattered but he didn’t know why you liked him.
“Todoroki. I like you because you’re powerful, and you’re not annoying. Plus you’re a lot nicer to me now! You were a total jackass at first until Izuku got to ya.” That came out rather blunt but cheerful as Todoroki nearly expressed some guilt for his past behavior, since he didn’t treat you with much regard before befriending Midoriya. “And you’re cute so that’s a bonus. The other guys are such guys…” You added, and Todoroki looked almost more surprised when you called him cute.
“Izuku. I like you because you've been my friend since we were both really little. I might have met Bakugou first, but I liked you a lot better. I've always liked you a lot better." You admitted as Izuku began to blush even harder, his green eyes widening as his mouth formed in an 'oh' shape as you continued to speak, blushing warmly, "And not only that but you've stuck with me... even though I'm no better than Bakugou. I always drag you into crazy shit, like today, and yet you still stuck with me. I'm a loser." You chuckled and rolled your eyes in a moment of self-loathing. 
"But you never once said 'no' to me. You knew what you were getting into, you knew all my ideas were insane... but you stood with me the whole time... Izuku you make me wish I was a better person... that's why I like you so much... in fact... that's why I... I like-like you so much..." Your face burned red as you grinned shyly once you finally admitted your feelings for the boy you've known since childhood. Izuku's blush deepened, his look of shock not fading as Todoroki also blushed at the sincerity of your words, he wasn't good at reading feelings but based on the way you were talking to Izuku, it seemed that you liked him as more than just a friend.
"You... like-like me?" Izuku asked shakily, obviously still in shock at the mere idea that someone actually liked him as more than just a friend.
"Duh." You smirked and chuckled, thinking that your feelings were pretty obvious since your other classmates, especially Mina and Asui picked up on it fast and had actually encouraged you to tell him. And you did!
"I-I... w-wow I..." He was smiling wide, trying and failing to conceal his grin as he couldn't stop blushing, but he did look you in the eyes as you smirked and put your arm around him. "(Y/N)... I-I... I like-like you too... I kind of... always have... I kind of always thought you like-liked Kacchan though... since you were always making fun of him..." He admitted, even though part of him also knew that you didn't like Bakugou that way even if you did tease him in a manner similar to how girls taunted boys they liked.
"Nope! Hahaha! That porcupine might be fun to mess with, but I don't like-like him... not even sure I like him either though." You shrugged your shoulders as Izuku tried not to snicker, but he squeaked and blushed crimson once he felt your lips peck him on the cheek. And now Todoroki really felt like the third wheel, this was very awkward, and yet at the same time he was also kind of happy for you and Izuku.
"Do you like me?" He suddenly asked you and you and Izuku looked at him in confusion. However, Izuku wasn't jealous because he knew Todoroki didn't think of you like that. At least he seriously hoped he didn't.
But you couldn't help but smile wide at the heterochromatic boy. "Oh Todoroki of course I like you! I just don't like-like you." You affirmed and that reassured him a little bit, relieved that you liked him. "
"You're both saying 'like-like'. When you say that, does that mean when someones likes another person beyond friendship?" He asked, and you and Izuku both nodded with smiles, and Todoroki seemed to get that now.
"That's it bro. Now... Todoroki, new boyfriend, let's do a Stranger Things marathon." You grinned, putting your arm around your new boyfriend whom was smiling and still blushing, especially when you called him 'boyfriend'. Izuku couldn't believe it, he was ecstatic! Even if Bakugou was still angry and out there looking for you both, he was actually your boyfriend now, and you were his girlfriend! There was nothing that could spoil this feeling...
“(Y/N)!” Suddenly, your mom called you and you groaned in annoyance because you had to sit up from your comfortable spot.
“Yeah Ma?”
“Your old friend Katsuki is outside!” Your’s and Izuku’s eyes widened with shock, horror more evident on his face as he looked ready to freak out again, “AH! I knew it! I knew he’d remember!” He exclaimed, getting up off the bed and peeked out your window, flinching once he saw the still pissed blonde walking towards your house.
“Don’t let him in mom! MOM!!" You pleaded for your mother to NOT let Bakugou in, and although she listened to you. He wasn't going anywhere until you and Izuku came outside.
"He's not going to let this go..." Izuku muttered fearfully as Todoroki sighed at just how vindictive Bakugou could be. Obviously he himself wouldn't have been happy if he got spaghetti'd, but he wouldn't really stake someone out just to beat them bloody.
"I've got a plan..." You said deviously, bringing out your phone as Izuku and Todoroki looked at you, not knowing exactly what your 'plan' was but it was probably something underhanded.
"Don't tell me... you know someone...?" Izuku asked you with a small sigh and you smiled at him and blew him a kiss. "Izuku, I'm not letting Katsuki ruin this for us... sure it might be my fault, but still! I know how to get him to leave us alone..." You said sweetly, and Izuku decided to let you take care of it. You were his girlfriend now, and he trusted you.
"Hello Shinsou?" You smirked as soon as your call went through, and Izuku flinched at the knowledge that you knew Shinsou, and well enough to have his phone number...
"Yeah... I'm gonna need your help..."
There you go again. But Izuku adored you with all of your heart, and you adored him with all your heart too. It was all worth it, even if it was at Bakugou's expense of being spaghetti'd.
In fact, that made it all the more worth it to you. You got Izuku's heart, and you got to dump rotten pasta on Bakugou. This was pretty much the best day of your life.
139 notes · View notes
makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 156: Deku Potter and the Cursed Child
Previously on BnHA: Chronostasis was revealed to be holding Aizawa prisoner on some lower level of the Neverending Basement. He has sexy clock hair which he’s used to basically paralyze Aizawa for the next hour. Deku fought Overhaul for a little bit at 20% OFA and it basically did nothing. Meanwhile Mirio tried to drag Eri away to safety, but ended up collapsing due to blood loss. He told Eri to go and hide, but she wasn’t able to take the guilt of thinking she’s responsible for all this death and carnage, and she went back and told Overhaul she’d go with him if he stopped hurting everyone and fixed them all back up. Overhaul said some more bullshit things which got Deku all fired up again, and our little green hero stumbled to his feet and shouted that he’d save Eri no matter what. And then THANK FUCK, Ryuukyuu and my badass ladies Tsuyu, Ochako, and Hadou came busting in out of nowhere. I really need this girl power squad to turn the tide here because tbh, I’ve had just about enough of this.
Today on BnHA: We flash back to see how the badass lady squad battled Katsukame, the giant vitality-stealing bad guy who kept sucking energy from everyone and converting it into his own power. Just as they were finally wrapping things up, “Deku” appeared and told them that their assistance was needed in the Neverending Basement. “Deku” of course turned out to be Toga, but that doesn’t really matter since in the end she helped the heroes out. Back in the present, Deku asks Ochako to help Nighteye while he goes after Overhaul and Eri. Overhaul tries to escape through the new hole in the ceiling, and Deku leaps after him. Meanwhile we learn through more flashbacks that Eri is actually the granddaughter of the Comatose Boss, and that she was abandoned by her mother (the boss’s daughter) after her quirk manifested and she somehow vanished her father. Overhaul was assigned to look after her and eventually learned that her quirk is able to rewind time. Back in the present (again), Eri’s quirk begins to awaken, and she leaps toward Deku’s arms.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 185 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
everyone, I have an announcement. today, 1/13/19, is an auspicious day. today I am finally going to finish this arc after four long years. or maybe it’s only been a couple months. I lost track of time somewhere in the darkness. but anyways. I’m gonna do it. the binge starts... now
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come to think, we never did learn her actual quirk. obviously it’s something to do with destroying other people’s quirks, because that’s what they were weaponizing her DNA for. but what exactly is it that she does?
so we’re backtracking to “a short time ago”, and Ryuukyuu and her squad have successfully taken down the villain from all the way back in chapter 138
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you see how they did that with no casualties? that’s cuz they’re competent. and also because they didn’t split up like fools, although for the most part that was out of the others’ control. (but them leaving Tamaki was still stupid af)
so they’re hurrying to go help the others
but something is happening??
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oh shit the guy wasn’t fully knocked out
he’s using his quirk to sap their energy
aaaaand he’s getting bigger and breaking free of his bonds
he’s all amped up on quirkroids just like Irinaka was. fuck
so they were stuck dealing with him for another 20 minutes! during which time two whole months passed in the labyrinth of uninteresting chapters. ugh
it looks to me like the ladies ended up having to babysit the cops
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she should have kicked ass at the sports festival. I still don’t know why she never placed. maybe she just got disqualified for asking her opponent too many inappropriate personal questions
-- hey now what is this
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I’m preeeeeeetty sure it’s not!
which means it’s Toga oh my god
so what is she up to?
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it looks for all the world like she’s actually pointing them in the right direction so they can come bail the others out before they lose to Overhaul. total betrayal of the Precepts. yes please. I fucking love it omg
also, just to remind everyone, Horikoshi is terrible at math because if this really is Toga she should have only had enough blood to turn into Deku for like three seconds. I wonder if she’ll be in a rush to get back out of there before her cover is blown
(ETA: shoutout to @temperatezone who Did The Math and calculated that Toga probably has around 35 seconds’ worth of Deku blood, so this scene is indeed plausible, if just barely! and we’ll just have to wait and see if she actually used up all the blood she has with this stunt, or if we’ll be seeing not!Deku make any future appearances.)
fuck yes the girls are wrapping this up now! with coordinated team action!
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good LORD he got big
and they’re smashing through the ground and winding up in Overhaul’s spiky rock room as we saw earlier!
could you guys also smash just one more level down and save Aizawa too, please and thanks
also Deku is there -- the real Deku -- and Ochako is like
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-- oh my god fucking gross, Toga
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“plus chaos”?? is that their new thing?
do you guys secretly want to go to U.A. too. “we’re forming our own team. it’s called the... uh... revengers”
also is this the first time we’ve seen Compress with his missing arm? I forget if he was in the flashback chapter from before. and I’m not gonna go back and check right now because I have more important things to do, namely BINGGGGE
(ETA: kinda glad I didn’t check, because the Robot Arm came as such a pleasant surprise in chapter 160)
look at this elaborate plan they concocted
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was Compress being held hostage?? how much of this arc did I drift through in a boredom-induced haze omg
(ETA: okay so this was never actually clarified, but based on the information we have, it would seem that Tomura was planning on having his minions kidnap Eri when the opportunity arose, and that’s why Twice made a copy of Mr. Compress to save for a rainy day. Compress then used his quirk on himself?, and then simply sat around in one of their pockets waiting for the plan to go into effect.
but this all means that Toga and Twice were both somehow able to lie even under the influence of Nemoto’s quirk in chapter 149, though. so that’s weird. unless they somehow came up with this plan all on their own, in which case it technically wouldn’t have been Tomura’s plan, and so Nemoto’s wording of that particular question would have allowed them to say no. but that seems like a reach. then again, this all does, pretty much. so...)
and also, so we’re back to Twice making more than two copies of things, I presume? or did they do all this with only two sets of them
(ETA: @r5h helped me with this one back in 149; even though Twice can only make two copies of things, each of his clones has the same quirk, and so each of them can make two more copies, etc. etc. although this would mean Twice broke his self-imposed rule of not copying himself. but hey it was for a good cause)
anyway. so Twice is telling Compress that Eri is the core of the Precepts’ operation and that she’s just a little kid
omg. they want Compress to snatch her. like he did with Katsuki omg
listen guys. I’m somehow mostly on your side here. even when you abducted Kacchan, it led to my two favorite parts of the series, so yeah. but if you abduct any more children, particularly this one who has been through enough trauma for a lifetime, you’re going to lose some points again
although why do I feel like even Tomura would end up being way kinder to Eri than Overhaul ever was. I feel like they wouldn’t really hurt her, but they’d probably end up brainwashing and manipulating her much in the same way that AFO did to Tomura. that’s the more classy villain thing to do
(ETA: they’d give her lots of ginger ale)
wtf. apparently Compress is a copy? I’m so fucking confused. can anyone help me puzzle this out seeing as the anime won’t air this for another year. I’m tempted to go find the reddit discussion thread of this chapter and see if they got it sorted
(ETA: bah, the reddit discussion was just a bunch of speculation on what Eri’s quirk actually was and whether she was going to become Orihime 2.0. reddit needs to calm the fuck down sometimes lol)
anyway, so Compress is dropping in on everyone now and bitching about how mean Toga and Twice are to him
Deku’s shouting at Ochako to take care of Nighteye
float him out to safety, I guess? the dude’s already a goner Deku
and he’s running toward Eri
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son of a bitch
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I said how can we make it so he does not see the light of day, Deku!!
are you just standing there while he escapes on this jutting rock elevator like Scar singing “Be Prepared” in The Lion King
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oh for fuck’s sake he’s leaping after him and screaming “I won’t let you!”
right now you don’t have a very good track record for living up to those words, Deku
Overhaul’s all “give it up already”
once again, they’re not the ones dragging it out, you ass
and now, weirdly, he’s being interrupted by a giant rock wearing Mirio’s cape?
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I dub thee “Lemillirock”
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I’m sorry, are we really supposed to believe that a giant fucking rock wearing a billowing cape just somehow got “blown up” twenty feet in the air toward you all on its own?
and what, are they just stopping to admire it now?
Eri’s reaching out to grab the cape
the narration says she wasn’t even conscious of the fact that she was doing it
and she’s remembering Mirio’s whole “a hero’s cape is for safely bundling up scared little girls all snug and secure like warm lil burritos” speech
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is her quirk happening?!
what’s going on omg
Overhaul seems shocked by something
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ahhhhh so she’s the old boss’s granddaughter. that makes much more sense
the boss’s daughter apparently cut her ties with the family after a marriage dispute, and had a kid
and then...
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well that’s nice
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jesus christ. apparently Eri mutated a quirk that had nothing to do with the quirks on either side of her family lineage
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don’t mind me just making a note of this for future theorizing. please, continue
so apparently her quirk just straight up makes things disappear. just disappears ‘em
so the boss told Overhaul to look after her, and to also investigate just what her quirk was
so he did some experiments with rats and stuff
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wait so is this like that thing in Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator that de-aged people, and if you took too much you’d actually be de-aged into negative years??
does this mean that with more training she could master control of it and turn it into a time travel quirk??
(ETA: future number one hero here. for sure. unstoppable. Deku this is your successor. actually you’d better watch out because you and Katsuki will have like 10 years at the top at most before she graduates and arrives fresh on the hero scene to boot y’all from that podium.
fucking imagine. she can heal anyone. stop bad guys by removing their quirks and/or turning them into cute babies. alter the landscape during fights. turn a few chickens into fucking dinosaurs. and that’s just scratching the surface.
is she overpowered? fucking yes lmao. do I care? yeah that’s gonna be a no from me dawg. besides, like her equally overpowered Lemillibrother before her, she probably won’t gain full control of her abilities until she’s all grown up, so it’s all good.)
and apparently he started doing fucked up shit to her right away because she immediately tried to escape starting on that day
Eriiii ;_;
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I need Eri to be adopted by a loving family and pampered and showered with love and affection every day for the rest of her life and they take her to Disney World and she meets the princesses and they all tell her how brave she is for never giving up, and now she finally has her happily ever after
do you remember how these fuckers were actually trying to bribe her with toys. as if that would make everything okay. sorry you’re being held captive and never shown the slightest affection and you’re being constantly tortured and you’re so scared and tired all the time because no matter what you know you’ll never be safe and you’ve even been conditioned to think all of it is your own fault. but here’s some toys. [leaves and comes back to find them unopened] WHY DIDN’T YOU PLAY WITH THEM. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT DIDN’T MAGICALLY MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER
the narration is talking about how Mirio’s actions “shook her heart to the core”, and that she couldn’t bear to see people getting hurt trying to save her
and we’re back in real time and she’s saying “stop please, I don’t want you to die”
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like, so wait. WHERE DID OVERHAUL GO
but you know what. I can just CLICK TO THE NEXT CHAPTER AND FIND OUT. because like, that was the plan anyway :D
the last two omakes are just (1) Horikoshi announcing that the guy who draws Vigilantes drew him something to congratulate him on the new volume, and (2) the picture that said guy drew. which is Toga and Twice, but it’s not really anything special, aside from the fact that there’s a little caption saying “you know, I could ship this!” which, yeah buddy. I feel ya
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jolienjoyswriting · 5 years
Rockman - Exciting Times in L.A, Ch. III
Chapter 3, the finale of "Exciting Times in L.A," a Mega Man fan fiction story.
No plot holes, here, folks.  Just some good-ol'-fashioned forward thinking!  Or… something.
Word count: 4,660 – Character count: 26,759 Originally written: June 12nd, 2019
Wily is revealed, but King is still in it to win it!  How will Rock and Roll save their creator?
Roll, Rush, Albert W. Wily, Rock/Megaman, Thomas Light, King, Bass, Protoman, Mega Man/Rockman, and related characters and properties created by and © Capcom Co, Ltd.
[ ← Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter → ]
    A quick glance revealed to Roll that she was laying in a pile of chairs situated in a staging area of the conference hall.  Another look “up” revealed the owner of the voice…     Standing at the back of the room was a thin, mean-looking man in a lab coat, black dress-shirt and red tie, blue jeans, and brown loafers.  The spiky tufts of gray hair accenting his balding head, the bushy moustache along his lip-line, and the slightly-less-bushy eyebrows were all-too-familiar to Roll…  There was no doubt about it…  The man standing on-stage, holding that microphone and looking so smug, was exactly who he said he was: Dr. Albert W. Wily!
    “Before, my robot was barely able to lay a single hand on that annoying, armored robot.  But, now look the pathetic construct!  Beaten in two hits!”     He paused to cackle… which gave Roll time to get to her feet.     “King just got lucky!  But, never mind that!” she called over the echoing laughter.  After pointing at the mad doctor, she narrowed her eyes and asked, “Where’s Doctor Light?!”     “‘Luck’ has nothing to do with it!” he replied, completely ignoring her question.  “With my new Double Gear System, not even that pesky Megaman will be able to compete!”     “You talk too much!” she snapped.     When Wily just laughed at her, she growled and trembled, growing visibly angrier.     “Stop laughing at me!” the girl furiously shouted.     “Or, what?”     She gave a blink of her green eyes.  Wily wasn’t laughing, anymore.  In fact, he looked pretty intimidating…  Well, as intimidating as a stereotypical “evil scientist” could be.
    “L-look, just tell me where Doctor Light is!” she demanded with a little less enthusiasm.  “And– and, let these people go!”     “My dear robot… these people aren’t being held captive.  They’re free to go at any time!”     “What?”  She gave another blink before shouting, “You’re lying!”     “No, no, it’s true.”     Her attention turned to a nearby man.  He was tall, lanky, and while he didn’t look particularly unhealthy… he looked like he’d missed a few meals.  In fact, he was almost more of a stereotypical “science guy” than even Wily!  That’s how Roll saw him, anyway.     “We really are here of our own accord,” another, much rounder scientist told her.     “Some of us bolted after his UFO was spotted…” a third person – a female roboticist with brown hair and angular glasses – told Roll.     “But, the rest of us stayed behind,” the first scientist finished.     The second one started, “Albert may be a criminally-insane… er, criminal–”     Wily crossed his arms and gave an audible “Hmph!” from on-stage.     “– but, he’s still a scientist and roboticist.”     “We really wanted to hear what he’d come all this way to tell us!”
    Roll didn’t like what she was hearing…  It was hard to believe that so many people had actually put themselves in danger all to satisfy their curiosity.  Ultimately, though… that didn’t matter.  She still wanted to know one thing, and only one thing:     “Where’s Doctor Light?!”     “Found him!”     “Huh…?”
    Roll’s attention turned to her right.  Rock had finally caught up and, to her surprise…     “Doctor Light!”     He was helping the doctor to his feet.     “How does it feel, knowing that you were the one who single-handedly put your own creator in danger, little robot?”     “Wh– wha’…?”     The girl looked back to the stage.  Dr. Wily was smirking, again…     “Everyone in this room was perfectly content to listen to my brilliant ideas and hear about my magnificent innovations…” he chuckled, “but, when you two showed up, I knew you would try and interrupt me.  You always do.  So, I sent King II to distract you.  If you had simply given up instead of fighting…”     The man with the wicked grin gestured to the room.     “No one would have gotten hurt!  Especially your precious maker!”
    Roll looked around… then, she gasped.  She hadn’t noticed it until then… but, there were actually a number of scientists who were standing up and brushing themselves off.  Some had nasty bumps on the heads while others looked a fair bit worse-off.  Even Dr. Light seemed pretty banged-up… and, it didn’t take her long to figure out why.     “Wh… when King knocked me into the room…” she quietly worked out, “the… the shockwave must have…  A-and, all those chairs…  I…”     She was almost ready to cry… but, instead…     “This is your fault for sicking your dumb guard dog on me!”     She got angry, again.
    “King II is more than just a ‘guard dog,’ you simple machine!” Wily countered, his smirk curling into a scowl.  “King II is the next evolution of robot-kind!  Imagine… robots that can be instantly empowered at the-push-of-a-button!  They can work even harder… even faster… and, get our work done even more efficiently!  And, as was demonstrated with King II… the applications for combat are almost limitless!  And, just think…”     He flashed another grin.     “He’s not even using the full power of the Double Gear System!”     “What?”  Roll gave another blinked.  “What’s that supposed to–”     “Double Gear!!”     The girl spun around… only to be grabbed and restrained by the robot twice her height.
    “L-let go, you weirdo!” she cried as she struggled in his arms.  “I’m warning–”     Her eyes went wide.  She’s heard something crack… loudly.     “N-no… s– stop!  Please!!”     King was crushing her… or, trying to.  There was just one thing standing in his way.     “Rush!!”         All-at-once, she realized… she’d messed up – badly.  And, Rush was the one taking the punishment for her mistake.
    “That’s it, King II!” Wily pumped his free fist into the air and he barked from the stage, “Crush that robot!  Show the power that I’ve given you!  Hee hee hee ha haaah!”     “Nooooo…!”     Roll whimpered, her eyes finally filling with tears.  With each passing second, the armor she wore groaned and strained, the metal bending and the cracks becoming more apparent.  She was doing everything she could think of to break free, but nothing was working and it was making her panic, again…  Eventually, the only thing she could think to do was call out…     “H-help me, Rock…!”     Unfortunately… Rock was in no position to do anything, himself.
    “I… I can’t get a clear shot!” he told her as he tried to aim his fully-charged arm cannon at King II.  “I might hit you!”     “Powerless in the face of true genius, are we?”     Rock flinched, his eyes glancing at the mocking form of Dr. Wily.  The villain had hopped off the stage and was walking over to where he and the semi-conscious Dr. Light were.     “S-stay back…!  Please?” he asked with uncertain politeness.  “I… I don’t want to hurt you!  I don’t want to hurt anyone…!”     “Come now, ‘hero…’” Wily said as he navigated the maze of chairs to get over to the two.  “Surely, you can figure out how to fix such a simple problem?”     “I… I…”     “If you shoot me…” he mocked with half-closed eyes and a grin, “then, all your problems are solved – present and future!  If you shoot King II… then, even if you hit your precious little ‘sister,’ she goes free.  And, if you stand there, doing nothing…”     “Gyaaaaah…!!”     “Rock…!!”     The doctor’s grin widened.  “Then, I win.”
    Roll looked on in horror as Rock fired a shot through the ceiling before collapsing to the ground.  It sounded like the doctor… zapped him, somehow, and knocked him out… at least, she prayed that was the case…  Meanwhile, her own situation was getting worse.  Her energy was beginning to drain away – a clear sign that Rush was in no condition to protect her, anymore.  Everything hurt and she felt hot… tired… dizzy… and, completely out of options.  It seemed like Dr. Wily had finally won…     “Albert Wily!”     At least… that’s what she thought.
    “What?”     The doctor grumbled.  As he turned around, though, he noticed something…  Something that made him chuckle.     “Really?” he said with an amused grin.     “Yes, really!”
    Roll blinked a tired eye.  All the other scientists and technicians had fled after King II grabbed her… but, those three from before had stayed and watched everything unfold.  What was even more amazing, though… was that the trio of doctors had Wily surrounded and held up by some odd-looking devices of varying designs and, presumably, functionality.
    “You three think you can stop me, the world-famous Doctor Wily?”     Wily chuckled… then, he burst into laughter!     “Please…  You three mental midgets couldn’t even inconvenience me with those things!”     “Oh, yeah?!”  The beanpole scientist aimed at Wily’s face and shouted, “Eat this!”     To Roll’s surprise – and, to a lesser extent, her amusement – Wily suddenly found his face covered in what appeared to be… steaming-hot spaghetti?!  It even had a meat sauce!
    “Hot-hot-hot…!!”     The mad scientist cried, hopping in-place as he flailed and dropped the microphone.     “Maybe, you should chill out!” the lady-scientist taunted before firing her hand-held device.     “Gack…!”  Dr. Wily had just gotten the pasta off his face before getting his with a spray of… “Br– breath spray…?  Mint-flavored breath spray?!  Are you kidding me?!”     “Never leave home without it!” the lady said with a long, somewhat-annoying laugh.  “You never know who you’ll meet at a science-and-technology expo!”     “And, you…!”     The remaining scientist – the short, round one – blinked and jolted.  Wily’s full attention was directly on him.     “Let me guess…  Your weapon shoots pea soup or some such nonsense?”     “N-no, sir…”     The mad scientist blinked as the guy’s “blaster” sprayed a light stream of water at him.     “I-it’s my kid’s squirt gun, sir,” the scientist explained.     Somehow, Wily almost seemed kind of disappointed…  A second later, though…     “Gah…!”     He was left rubbing his head, angrily glaring at the man who dared to throw a child’s toy at him!
    “That’s it!  King II!” he called to his minion.  “Let go of that broken robot and–”     Dr. Wily narrowed his glare at King II.  The robot was vibrating… but, didn’t respond.     “King II!” he called.  “What’s the matter with you?!”     “It’s… it’s hot…” Roll groaned, still being held aloft by the larger robot.  “It’s too hot…!”     “What?  Wait…  I… forgot to tell him to disengage the Double Gear System, didn’t I?”     As if on-cue, King II suddenly dropped his captive, then collapsed behind her.  Roll huffed and whimpered, relieved to be free… but, she was still too disoriented to try anything.
    “Hmm…  I guess I’ll have to work on venting,” Wily mused to himself.  “The Double Gear System generates a lot of heat, and–”     Dr. Wily paused… then, he looked around.  He was still surrounded by the scientist trio.     “Oh, enough,” he scoffed.  “You couldn’t beat me even if you had real weapons!”     “No, but I can!”     “What– gyah…!”     Without any warning, Roll – who had manually disengaged the Power Adapter – ran up to Wily and… just slapped his still-red face.  And, when he looked down at the girl-robot with her hands on her hips and a look of sincere disapproval on her tired, somewhat-red face… it made him feel far more vulnerable than he actually was.
    “Say you’re sorry!!” she demanded with a pant.     “I… I’m sorry?” he told her, sounding and looking confused.     “Say you’re sorry for ruining the expo!  Apologize to the scientists!”     “I… I’m sorry for ruining your exposition…?” he told the trio – all of which were just as confused as he was.     “Now, apologize for hurting Rush, Megaman, and Doctor Light!”     He gave a suspicious look as he repeated, “I’m… sorry for hurting Doctor Light?”     “Apologize for hurting Rush and Megaman…!” she firmly repeated.     Dr. Wily narrowed his eyes… then, he looked away, crossing his arms.     “Say it…” Roll ordered in a stricter tone.     “No!  I don’t want to!”     “Say it…”     “I don’t want to, and you can’t make me!”     “Say it, or so help me…!”     Wily whipped his head back and shouted, “The Great Doctor Wily doesn’t apologize to household appliances!”     “Fine!” the girl shouted with an angry huff and a childish stomp.     “Fine!” was his response as he looked away, again.     “Jerk!”     “Pest!”     “Meanie!”     “Insubordinate maid!”     “I don’t like you!”     “Well, I don’t like you!”     “Children.”
    Wily, Roll, and the trio of scientists looked to the right side of the room.  Dr. Light had gotten to his feet and, even though he looked a little winded, he was casting a disapproving look their way.
    “Doctor Light!” Roll cried as she ran past Wily and hugged her creator.  “You’re alright!”     “Yes, yes, I’m fine…” he sighed and laughed.  “Goodness, you’re warm, Roll…”     She paused… then, she looked up at the doctor with teary, sad eyes.     “That mean old Doctor Wily hurt Rush!” she cried.  “He hurt Rock, too, and he took all these nice people prisoner!”     “I did not hold these people captive!” Wily countered.  He had already walked over to King II and was checking him for damage.  Strangely, the trio of scientists who had attacked him seemed to be helping him.     “This is all his fault!” Roll continued.  “Why can’t he just be a good-guy, like you…?”     “Because…”     Dr. Wily stood up and adjusted his tie as he looked at the Lights.     “Thomas is an idealist.  Whereas I, Doctor Wily, focus on practical application!”     “You’ll never change, Albert…” Dr. Light said with a sigh and a smile.     “Neither will you, Thomas.  And, that’s why, when it comes to me… you’ll always be second-rate!”
    “Albert isn’t truly ‘evil,’” the bearded doctor told Roll as Dr. Wily shrugged and turned back to his own creation.  “He has good ideas and the knowledge to execute them.  He simply… uses his skills for his own selfish desires, rather than try and help mankind.”     “Mankind doesn’t want my help!” the wild-haired doctor rebutted.  “They’ve made that abundantly clear!”     “That doesn’t give you the right to hurt and scare people, all-the-time!” Roll interjected.     “You know nothing of how the world works!  You’re just a robot!  A robot child!  You came into this world ignorant and naïve, and you’ll continue to be ignorant and naïve until the day you’re decommissioned and replaced by a better, more modern unit!”     The girl blinked… then, she stared at her creator with wide eyes.     “Y… you’d never do that… would you, Doctor…?”     She looked afraid…     “That… is the-way-of-the-world, little robot!” Wily said before Dr. Light could respond.  “You’ll be replaced by a new version just like I’m going to replace this robot with a new one!”     He stood up, again, and adjusted his coat.     “King III will succeed where all others have failed!  Gyah ha ha haaah!!”
    Suddenly, something crashed through the ceiling of the exhibit hall.  Once the dust cleared, all those present could see that Dr. Wily’s UFO had appeared and he was already on-board, gripping King II in a claw from the undercarriage.     “This has been an… interesting experiment,” Wily called as his UFO made its signature, somewhat-annoying “wooing” noise – turned down so he could be heard, no doubt.  “The data from today should prove infinitely useful in my Double Gear System tests.  I should thank you, little robot ‘girl…’”     “‘Roll!’” she angrily shouted.  “My name is ‘Roll,’ and you know it!”     The doctor narrowed his eyes… then, cleared his throat before continuing.
    “I should thank you… but, you were, after all, just… playing your role in my experiment!”     Dr. Wily let loose another cackle… then, he calmed down and settled into his vehicle.     “Until next time, Thomas…”     As the top half of the UFO slid down… Wily wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.  Then… he noisily flew off into the distance, carrying his defeated robot sentinel.
    “Albert will never learn…” Dr. Light said after a few moments.     “Doctor…?”     Roll blinked…  The doctor was hugging her a little tighter than before.  It was kind of comforting… especially after hearing what Wily had said.  Though, all things considered… she would have rather been hugged by–     “Rock!!”     All-at-once, the robot-girl pulled away from her creator and kneeled down beside her counterpart to check on him.
    “He’s… just stunned.”     According to the external gauge on his arm, his Life Energy was still mostly full.  Flipping to another read-out told her that his brain was rebooting – slowly, but surely – and diagnostics reported an electromagnetic pulse to be the culprit.  She sighed, then she looked up at Dr. Light with a relieved smile.     “He’ll be out for a while – I’m sure you already knew that, though,” she said with a little giggle.  “Oh!  But, are you okay…?  I… didn’t hurt you when I sent those chairs flying… did I…?”     “You didn’t send the chairs flying, per se,” he told the girl with a smile of his own.  “That was King’s doing.  Regardless, I’ll be alright after I take some headache pills.  I could do with a ginger ale, as well…”     “Do you want me to get one?”  Roll stood up, looking anxious.  “I can–”     She blinked, pausing as the doctor put his hand on her head.     “I can’t believe you tried to fight King…” he sighed.  “What were you thinking…?”     “I…”  The girl looked away.  “I guess I wasn’t…  B-but, he was just acting like… like a big-fat-jerk!  Saying all those things…  That wasn’t the King we know!”     “Indeed,” Dr. Light said as he stroked the robot-girl’s head.  “King II was a completely new construct.  He had very little to do with the incarnation roaming the world and helping people-and-robots, alike.”     “The real King is waaay nicer!” Roll giggled, again.  “I wanna meet him, someday!”     “‘Someday,’ for certain… but, for now?”  He smiled as he said, “Let’s go home.”
    After a trip back to the hotel room to retrieve their luggage, the Light family climbed aboard Dr. Light’s shuttlecraft and they started on their way back to Colorado.  Rock had woken up around the time they were lifting off, and Roll was telling him everything that happened after Wily had zapped him with that EMP.     “Doctor Light says he’ll run some diagnostics on you when we get home… make sure you aren’t infected with a nasty Wily Virus or something!  But…”     She hugged his arm and brightly smiled.     “You seem fine, to me!”     Although Roll was in a very chipper mood as the two sat side-by-side in the rear of the craft… Rock didn’t seem like he was in the mood to smile.
    “I let you get hurt…” he said with closed eyes.  “I let Rush and Doctor Light get hurt, too…  And, all those other scientists…!  Some ‘hero’ I am…”     “None of that was your fault, Rock…”  She offered a comforting smile as she told him, “If anything, it was my fault!  I was the one who picked a fight with King II!  I… wasn’t expecting him to knock me through a wall, though!  Several walls…”     The boy finally cracked a grin.  Roll was rubbing her head with a closed eye and her tongue out from her grinning mouth.     “You did good, Roll…” he told her.  “I was really impressed!”     Her eyes lit up and she brightly smiled.  “Really…?” she asked with excitement.     “Until King cheated, anyway!” the brown-haired Light ‘bot playfully added.     “Yeah!  He did, didn’t he?”     Roll huffed, crossing her arms.  Then, she paused before looking his way with a frown.     “I did, too, though…  And… I got Rush hurt.”
    The two looked across the way.  Rush – who had reverted to his normal form – was laying on the bench, hooked up to a couple of different computers.  Aside from a few big cracks in his armor and the banged-up CPU cover on his head, he didn’t really look that damaged… but, the diagnostic tools had announced that there was a bit of damage to his circuitry and that he’d gone into “low-power mode,” the fight completely draining him.  It wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed… but, Roll still felt absolutely horrible about it.
    “Rush was modified for this sort of stuff – just like me,” Rock reassured his sister-unit.  “He’s used to getting roughed up…”     “B-but, if I’d just been more careful…  If I hadn’t let King grab us…!”     “It’s okay, Roll…” he told her as she started to get weepy, again.  “Really!”     “But… but…”     “Roll?”     She blinked.  Rock was giving her a neutral look.     “Want a hug…?”     Rock softly chuckled, happily hugging his companion as she finally let all the stress of the day out, crying into his chest and tightly holding him.  It wasn’t the first time he’d been there for her to cry on and he knew it wouldn’t be the last… but, he was relieved, whenever she did.
    Things quickly wound down after the Light family returned to their home.  Rock and Roll carried their pet pup into the workshop and Auto promised to do his best to fix him up, “right-as-rain-in-Spain, das!”  Roll grabbed some gummy candies on her way to her room, then got changed before meeting Rock in the living area to play some video games.  Time really seemed to fly by and, by the time Dr. Light called for bed, they were both pretty tired – especially Roll, who had decided that her repairs could wait.  Just before they turned in, however…     “Hey, Rock…”     “Yeah?”     She decided to have one final conversation with him.
    He stood from his bed, smiling as Roll stood at his open doorway.  They were both wearing matching pajamas – though, hers were pink and his were blue.  When she asked if she could enter, he invited her in with no hesitation.  The two sat on his bed, then he tilted his head.  Roll was staring at the floor, not saying a word…     “Um… Roll?” he called after a while.  “What’s up?”     “I had a lot of fun, today…” she told him, sounding a little shy.  “Even fighting King II was a little fun…  B-but, I more mean before all that happened.”     “Oh?”  He smiled as he told her, “I had fun, too!  I like spending time with you!”     She blushed and asked, “Y-you do…?”     “You’re special to me, Roll.”     Her blush brightened and she could swear her robotic heart was thumping against her chest.  What… was he trying to say?     “I love you, lots…”     Her eyes widened.  And, as she finally looked his way and saw his bright smile… she was sure he was about to say…     “You’re my favorite-and-only sister, after all!”
    Just like that, the girl stopped blushing…  That wasn’t what she was hoping he’d say… but, somehow?     “I knew you were gonna say that,” she told him with a somewhat-hollow chuckle and a softer sort of smile.     “It’s ‘cause we’re so close!” Rock laughed.  “I bet we can even…”     He paused, grinning and waiting…     “Fi… nish each other’s thoughts?” Roll eventually guessed.  When she heard the boy-robot laugh and saw him smile, she couldn’t help but let herself smile, as well.     “Love you, too… goofball.”
    The two shared a hug that lasted longer than Roll had really expected it to.  It seemed like Rock was hugging her a little tight, as well…  She was about to ask him what was up, when…     “You really scared me, today…”     She heard that.     “I-I’m sorry…?”  She paused… then, her own hug tightened.  “I’m sorry…”     “Heh, it’s okay.  I keep forgetting what a tough girl you are!” he laughed as he sat back and smiled.  “But… I just– I’m not sure what I’d do if I ever…”     He didn’t seem to want to finish that thought or even look her way, then.  He almost looked… guilty…
    “I really am sorry I worried you, Rock…” Roll quietly told him.  “If we ever get into a dangerous situation, again… you can be my hero… and, I’ll be your damsel-in-distress.  Okay?”     “What…?”  He blinked, then looked her way.  “Roll, th-that’s not what I–”     He had to blink, again.  Roll had pecked him on the cheek.  A second later, she stood up, brushed the creases out of her pajama bottoms, and walked to the door only to pause and smile.     “G’night… Megaman.”     Then, she left the room and headed to her own.
    For the longest time, Rock sat there with his hand on his cheek, staring out the door.  He couldn’t seem to process what had just happened.  But, after several minutes of thinking, something finally hit him.     “She… really wants to play the ‘damsel’ role, I guess?”     He blushed a little, then rubbed his cheek with a quiet laugh.     “She didn’t have to kiss me, though…  Gosh…”
    After a little more time, Rock turned off his lamp, closed his door to a crack, and crawled into bed, cuddling a spare pillow.  He spent a few more minutes thinking about that kiss… thinking about all the kisses Roll had ever given him…  He kind of liked it when Roll did that since she always giggled and smiled.  But… did he like it?  As he thought about it a little harder… he suddenly remembered something that had happened.  Something pretty important…
    “Where… did Bass go…?”
    Rock’s previous train-of-thought derailed, overtaken by the sudden thought that he never paid Bass back for attacking Roll!  Where did he go, after that…?  Why wasn’t he with Wily…? –––––
    “I’m fed up with the old man…”
    Somewhere in the commercial district of Los Angeles… high on the rooftop of a tall apartment complex… a boy and his dog were camping out and watching the city, at night.
    “‘Light’ this… ‘Megaman’ that…  Hey, Doc!  I wanna beat that little, blue twerp into the ground more than anyone, but even I need a break, sometimes!  Why can’t that bald butt-head just get a hobby, already?”     “You’re one to talk…” called a voice.  “Isn’t your hobby harassing Megaman?”     “Eat me, Proto-Nerd.”     The owner of the other voice smirked.  Seated atop the roof access of the building was a boy wearing a gray body-suit, big, red, boots and gauntlets, and a red helmet with a white, spear-like insignia over a black visor that looked like sunglasses, and of course… a yellow scarf.
    “You know…” the boy in black armor said after taking a sip of his mixed drink, “you’re lucky I don’t kick your ass.  You’re actually worse than Megaman!  ‘Oh, look at me!  I’m a mysterious sometimes-hero who ignores The Big Three!’  Pah!  What’d Wily ever see in you?”     “Potential, Bass,” the robot-in-red told him.  “He saw potential.”     Bass shrugged, then he stroked the dozing wolf-dog laying by his side.     “Whatever.  All I know is that Wily broke the mold when he made me!”     “Is that because you’re so ‘awesome?’  Or, because you were a ‘disappointment?’”     “Why you–!”     He shot a glare at Protoman.  Even though the other robot was smirking… the question he’d asked didn’t really feel like an insult.  More like… a neutral question with smart undertones.
    “You’re lucky I like you…” he sighed before turning back to his drink.     “Us ‘Wily ‘bots’ stick together.  Right, ‘little bro?’”     Bass looked his way, again, and narrowed his eyes.  “That was sarcasm, wasn’t it?”     He smiled.  “Maybe.”     “Why’d you even drag me ‘n Treble away from Wily?!”  He growled before turning and facing Protoman.  “Whaddaya want from us?  Whaddaya want from me…?”     “I was bored,” was the serious-but-casual answer he got.  “Besides… did you really want Wily crying for your help when King II failed to do your job?”     Bass thought about it… then, he just huffed and shrugged.     “It’s a nice night, in La-La Land…” Protoman started.  After sipping his own drink, he added, “Take in the view.  Enjoy some time away from ‘the boss.’”     “He’s not the boss of me…” the other robot quietly murmured.  “I do what I want.”     When the robot-in-red didn’t respond, Bass sighed… then, he smirked.     “Ya know what I like about you, Red?”     “What’s that?” Protoman responded.     “You don’t care.”     “I do.”  He smiled.  “But, only when my ‘family’ is in over their heads.”     “Guess I can relate…”  Bass grinned.  “Wily’s always in over his head.  Idiot.”     The two grinned at each other, then they looked out over the city.
    “Thanks, Red…  We needed this.”
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vertigoambrosia · 6 years
let’s watch fightboys follow the carat gold road
apparently not in english though but i guess they’re busy
also apparently rico won’t be at carat, which what? even i’m gonna be there!
is “one out of twelve” a reference to him being elf zwelf at the christmas academy show?
this is a pretty epic theme for this show
lmao neue hose
wow sometimes i understand words people say!
‘i wanna be cool and strong’ dragan most relatable of all our boys
put it up rn wxw
hee hee glad the chewbacca chant is back
these boys are shitty and mean!
???????emil face turn???
did the nosejob cause it?
i’m not sure i can get used to not hating emil
esp since he looks a bit like my boss that drives me nuts
this match is between three Very Nice Boys
car boy vs galaxy boy vs taekwondo boy
....boys wtf are you doing
this match is fun but is def suffering from the triple threat thing where everyone takes turns being the guy laying on the outside waiting to break up a pin
also man that light needs an nd filter or something cause highlights so light it looks like people are glowing a lil
i want to say it’s making me a little nauseuos but that;s more likely because all i’ve eaten today is cookies and cinnamon pita chips
(i already know who gets into carat and the result of at least one other match so forgive me if i’m not paying 200% attention)
whoops i missed the finish but good for speedy
too bad he’s gonna lose cause marius needs closure
michael dante: still employed
maybe this year he’ll get a character
impress me, muller
oh wait you can’t impress when you’re right next to francis kaspin
not sure how i feel about marius’ new entrance gear but it sure is a look
cute boyz vs boys i have no interest in
hahaha ok muller’s face when francis denied the handshake was pretty funny
hahaha also0 great: francis trying to steal that pin while bald boys square off
man i missed marius
oh i really like that finish
aww francis is mad tho
a Bad Man vs someone who....is from canada
spiky vest canada biceps
boo this man
how dare people chant for andy
it almost feels like wxw can’t quite commit to him being a jerkass all of the time
most of the time, but not all of it
though it doesn’t help that coulton has literally wrestled for wxw like once
i was gonna ask if heel andy is still using that weird french theme, but i want to find out for myself
whatever andy i spent half that match sorting laundry so i can pack
speaking of jerks!
well one thing this lighting is really good for: the details of jurn’s gear
btw aj and jurn are both in love with pete bouncer now
at least according to social media
fucking aj and pete posted insta stories that was literally just them recording each other
oh and aj was resting his legs up on pete’s lap
if emil is gonna be a face he should go back to the booty shorts
haha look at tas; he’s so enjoyin gwatching aj get beat up
it’s so weird booing someone for biting emil; the very first match i saw him in he bit chris colen (rico Disapproved)
aw dragan noooo
bb u need to learn how to dropkick
tee hee i can see his blue underwear
...i have a lot of feelings about whatever the fuck that submission aj just did was
dragan boo boo what happened
:( deflating!
aw don’t be sad dragan
there are worse things to be than everyone’s favorite oestentatiously dressed softboy
the music for bobby promos is always on point
or at least is to someone who can’t understand the lyrics
uh oh is this another root for bobby moment
cause as much as i Despise bones rn, seeing him make bobby squirm was great
lucky kid: still precious, still the best part of any rise entrance
hahaha holy shit the way he did the finger connection thing and just dropped
real talk though they need bobby to be antagonizing nice people again cause i just cannot get into him as a tweener
obviously i’m in the minority, but i don’t like feeling like i’m supposed to root for the openly sexist pig just cause he hasn’t been explicitly sexist in a little bit
oh snap just realized he and riddle are probably gonna fight at carat since bobby called him out a while back
is bones ded?
see the thing is when bones low blows bobby, its a shitty heel thing on bones’ part, but like...bobby kinda deserves it?
john needs to start wearing real pants again cause the shorts make him look stubby
i say it is not coincidence that the “bobby sucks” is coming from women
ignore that they are wearing rise shirts perhaps they are just lucky/kiev/bouncer fands ok???
it turns out it was bobby who died
this match should not have abeen a 3 way and also i know the result and they went the predictable route
tbh i would have been down for kelly vs veda just because kelly is 200% done with veda
*kelly voice* she can’t irritate me....if i knock her out
yo dat bike kick
[i’m not ignoring this match, i’m just also figuring out what to pack]
awww tarkan and the light
ok i swear the editor is going out of their way to get lucky’s lil connection thing in time with the music
hahaha ringkampf having a little fun at lucky’s expense
why you chop walter
ivan did you forget about the giant red mark on your chest last year?
walter don’t kill lucky! or mess up his pretty face!
walter trying to take random swipes at lucky or ivan when he’s on the apron makes me laugh
look at this little boy, so proud of himself
hah @ tarkan’s ‘i didn’t do it’ face
he did
also like how lucky’s favorite way to distract the ref is just to clutch onto him like a clingy child
as i thought: rise girls in the front row are def lucky fans
that’s no excuse for chanting fuck you walter though!
aww don’t fight in front of lucky!
wait why is tim bleeding again
oh! walter giving pete a lil bit of respect!
that match owned what a surprise
uhhh sorry for some reason i spaced out in the fucking main event
barry you’re not being a very nice player right now
holy shit bailey wtf
ref bump? a weird choice
marius tas obviously died why tf would u do that
give tas some beer or something
and everyone cheering him!
barry is a nice player :)
OOOO speedball vs bobby? i could get into that!
this is overbooked so hard though
it’s ok tho cause marius is gonna murder the fuck out of andy soon and it’ll be great
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This or That - SPN
I was tagged by @bluestar86 and then ignored it for 3 days because I suck at doing these things >.> 
I’m going to tag @shardspoon @destiel4life67 @fangirlingtodeath513 and @teenwolf45537 for always being in my notifications ;)
1. demon!dean or soulless!sam?
Demon!Dean!! And not because I love Dean more but we got probably exactly enough Soulless!Sam... We had some build up like oh no something is wrong, and we had the goofy cracky episode about it, and then it turned serious and got resolved in one of The Best Episodes Of The Show Ever so all in all I am completely content and happy there. 
And then demon!Dean was only 3 episodes and the Mark of Cain stuff either side was so LONG and honestly the crack spec in the start of season 10 that Dean would get killed a come back as a demon like multiple times would have improved season 10 so much. You get crack episodes where it’s like oh shit I’m a demon. You get episodes where they use demon!Dean to get shit done. You get the inevitable time when it’s too much of a mess and Something Has To Be Done. I mean the 3 episodes packed in a lot but there are gaps and I think season 10 suffers a LOT from all sorts of random plot jerking around things, like not wanting Dean to be a deomon in the 200th episode just so they could have a musical, etc.
2. balthazar or gabriel?
I don’t really have a preference because I like Gabriel better in canon maybe but there’s SO much fanon about him it even ended up in 9x18 and it takes a serious meta workout to reconcile it all... Balthazar had a much smaller part (although I guess about the same no. of episodes) and at least in the fan fic I read, rarely shows up except to do exactly what he did in canon, basically :P I think he’s much more fun without it being really complicated but Gabriel is far more interesting. Since I’m lazy I’ll pick Balthazar for being fairly low energy to enjoy and of the 2 of them with nearly identical deaths his was way more glamorous to Gabriel’s over-dramatic :P
3. cas’ blue tie or striped tie?
1: I agree with Saz that tbh “no tie” was the best, but I think the classic tie is better. It had a lot more of Cas’s rebellious, scruffy personality in it. I associate it with him being windswept and angry, which are my 2 favourite Cas traits.
4. season 5 or season 12?
Season 5, because it’s just so epic and unlike anything the show has ever done before or since. I do get the old Kripke nostalgia even if I actually prefer pretty much every season since’s emotional arcs and characterisation much more. There’s still something electric about it for all its problems.
5. the colt or the angel blade?
There isn’t really a “the” angel blade... I mean I think the flippy flippy thing is awesome, whoever is doing it, but the Colt has style and history and fires in slo mo and is a one of the kind thing the show was practically built around... It has way more personality, so it’s not really a contest to me. I mean if it was “Dean shooting the Colt in slo mo or Cas doing the flippy flippy thing before he’s about to fuck something up” it would be a much harder question. :D
6. spn verse or au?
Canonverse aaaall the way. 
7. “mystery spot” or “free to be you and me”?
What sort of questions are these?? :P Do you prefer Sam angst or Sam angst with a side of Destiel bonding? I mean it’s not really a choice but are we supposed to get deep with Carver’s writing of some of his more iconic original episodes or what? :D I don’t think these episodes compare in other ways because they’re 10/10 for completely different reasons like crack or plot or character stuff or concept, none of which the other can remotely compare to even when it’s got its own 10/10s. Like the only common thread is the flower boxes in the diner are in the motel room when Cas is getting up in Dean’s personal space. 
Am I in too deep in the meta of this show.
8. jimmy novak or emmanuel?
Jimmy! He’s his own character and we probably need to take a moment to remember him every other time we talk about Cas or Claire so he’s so important even if his role is just the one episode and a few lines in Heaven. I really love everything about him in The Rapture. Also, these are weirdly biased Carver questions so I’m just going to lol that he has the same job and wife as the fake backstory Gabriel pretended to have in Mystery Spot when they confronted him. I have a mental venn diagram for weird little Carver tropes and it *cracks me up*.
Emmanuel is interesting but I don’t see a lot of “variations” of the characters as their own distinct people in the way they often get depicted as unique versions. Like I get separating them out for distinctions of who you’re talking about, but Emmanuel was just Cas with memory loss and his “Emmanuel” identity had very little development or exploration - we really just knew how Daphne found him and how he picked his name and some other little tiny details like his sweater or house... All the rest including healing people and all the stuff between him and Dean was ABOUT and FOR the fact he was Cas and ties into Cas’s characterisation anyway so... I don’t see any need to separate him out except for being clear about what I’m talking about :P 
9. favorite hair: sam’s, dean’s or cas’?
DEAN. It looks so fluffable. And soft. And then spiky and ready for a fight. Dean is his hair. His hair is Dean. Please pat him on the head someone. Or grip his hair really tight and pull it. Hee.
10. “i lost my shoe” or “you have a guinea pig? where?”
“I lost my shoe” is a CLASSIC kind of line that gets put on mugs and bumper stickers and shit. How can I not say it??
11. abbadon or ketch?
Abaddon because she’s terrifying and sexy and deserved to take over Hell and get a whole season as the big bad/Queen of Hell and I am still disappointed. Ketch was fun and all but he was in and out and did exactly what he needed to do in the story. Abaddon just got TEASED to us and then they murdered her awfully instead of letting her be awesome. I’m always going to be frustrated they brought her back and never worked out what to do with her.
12. lucifer or michael?
Michael absolutely any time ever. He’s legit scary and the big bad of the show. Lucifer is a joke and even in season 5 when he’s scary he’s not AS scary or important as Michael. Like yeah he’s the devil or whatever, but it’s all branding. Look at him. It’s all paper thin because he’s the Worst Sam parallel but it’s just like, so what if he was actually a monster with all the expected murdery-ness - Michael’s the Worst Dean parallel and taking THAT bundle of anxiety about what Dean might be and turning it into an enemy is horrifying. 
13. benny or charlie?
Long live the Queen :(
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