#I’ve done this platonic-but-not dynamic to death and I’ll 100% do it again in the future
mongooseblues · 3 years
Bless You Father for I Have Sinned (Fleabag, Hot Priest) 1/1
Did anyone watch Fleabag and/or want to read about a hot priest sneezing?
This works just fine as a standalone if u haven’t seen the show but for context: Hot Irish prob alcoholic “cool swear-y” priest and recovering sex addict and all-around hot mess main character (who doesn’t have a name) strike up a “friendship” that is just a poorly veiled excuse for spending time with someone they want very badly to fuck but can’t bc priesthood vow of celibacy and whatnot.
Here’s ~2k words in which I continuously get off on the idea of blessing a priest and unresolved sexual tension I also don’t resolve.
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“Fuck you, calling me Father like it doesn’t turn you on just to say it…”
It happens for maybe ten minutes before it starts to stick out to her. Because it’s cold, as it always is on early-spring nights in London, and while they’re both fully dressed (unfortunately), neither is probably quite dressed enough to be out in a garden at this hour. And they’re a bit drunk—not that drunk, they’re both pretty practiced—on the G&Ts he’s so fond of for whatever reason. He specifically likes the kind you get already mixed in a can, which are especially shit, but it’s almost endearing that he likes those in particular. Well, very endearing actually. Goddamn this man—or… hmm, poor choice of words.
It doesn’t really grab her attention until he combines the sniffling with pinching his nostrils together.
“You alright, you’re quite sniffly?”
“I know, I dunno what’s going on,” he says, and punctuates it with a harsher sniffle than the ones previously unacknowledged, “Think ‘m just cold.” He zips his sweatshirt up a bit as if to illustrate.
“We could get you a blanket and swaddle you up like baby Jesus.”
He laughs. She extracts from her coat pocket a pack of cigarettes, takes one herself and angles the carton toward him in offering. Mostly because she wants him to scoot closer to her on the bench as she flicks the lighter for him. The flame illuminates the angles of his face in orange, the back of his fingers grazing her hand by happy accident, and yes, it’s a little pathetic that this momentary skin-to-skin contact is as erotic as it is to her, but that’s what you get when you fancy a priest isn’t it?
“They’re always describing him as being swaddled. Odd word, swaddled. Sounds kind of violent.”
“It does kind of,” he agrees, leaning back against the bench and exhaling a stream of smoke into the night air. Her plan worked, he’s ever so slightly closer to her now, post cigarette exchange, close enough that when he sniffles she can feel the slight vibration of his shoulders through the loose fabric on her coat sleeve. It unites them like an accidental spark of electricity she can sense just faintly enough to feel jumpy. Or turned on. Or both.
She really shouldn’t be this shameless about trying desperately to corrupt a man of the cloth she wants to get under. Maybe she’d feel properly guilty if she wasn’t quite so fucking horny.
“So you did read more than just the passages I marked for you?” He asks, at once surprised and pleased and maybe nervous, grinning but also looking away for a moment as if he could disguise all of that.
“Not really, just the birth of the ol’ lord and savior. It seemed like it’d be climactic.”
“Was it?”
“Can’t say I climaxed reading it, no,” she says with a cheeky look that elicits the laughter she’s looking for, “No offense but it’s really quite boring, this book you love so much.”
“Yeah… that’s a tragically common sentiment among reviewers.” He’s scratching at his nose with the back of one wrist with such intensity it’s unmistakeable how much it’s bothering him.
“Don’t care much for the writing style either, I have to say.”
If the irritation could be resolved with a mouse-like scrunch of the nose he’d have figured it out by now, and clearly he hasn’t because he still has to shrink into his crossed arms like an accordion with a fairly high-pitched, vocal and thus somehow Irish-accented, “Hehh-ishhYUE!”
“Bless. The only way I was able to get through it was by imagining you in every speaking role.”
It’s a sentence meant to provoke him, not unlike most of her sentences, and for a minute as her eyes are on her own exhaled smoke and he fails to respond, she wonders whether it sounded even weirder than she meant it, but as it turns out he’s just about to sneeze again — squinting into the distance and bringing an arm to his face in slow motion.
“Mmff-SHOO!” He blinks in surprise as he resumes his previous position on the bench, now shifted just a bit farther away from her. Damn.
“Ugh, sorry. Every speaking role?? Ohfuck— ahh-ishSHEU!”
“You imagined me as Jesus??”
“No I mean Jesus, are you okay, did you catch something?” Of course she imagined him as Jesus.
“Ooh I hope not,” he says with a nervous look, “that’d be lousy timing.”
“The lord works in mysterious ways.”
“Thuh-that he does—” A sudden inhale, a crooked arm rising at a much hastened speed. It begins in a manageable way, somewhat controlled, but then it seems to get away from him.
“Hh… hehd’SHHUE!”
“Bless you, Father."
He mumbles a thank you bookended by soft snuffling.
“Maybe he’s sent you a plague of sneezing. He does that sometimes doesn’t he? Send plagues?”
His face just scarcely conveys amusement before it’s hijacked again by the same expectant expression, but he still attempts to talk through it, even as irritation becomes evident in every feature. “S-sometimes…”
She thinks about saying bless you in advance but decides instead to just wait for him to succumb to it. A flicker of lashes, a reveal of the very tips of canines, his entire face crinkles around his visibly twitching nose. It pulls him downward and then forward in that order, as he collapses into a crooked arm as if stumbling despite being seated.
An especially desperate, “hehhSCHOO!” that begins quietly but certainly doesn’t end that way.
“God bless you, Father, again.”
“Wow,” he says with a sniff, knuckles swiping under his nose in a single smooth motion, “Maybe I’m allergic to you. My body’s having a reaction.”
“Is it?”
An eyeroll and a grin, and then he goes back to scratching at his aggravated face in a manner that’s becoming aggressive.
“Well stop manhandling your nose that’s clearly not working.” Before she can think better of it, she takes his elbow to pull the offending arm away from his face. She can feel his muscles tense with the movement, but when she looks up at him there’s only a blurry-eyed smile chased by a nervous huff of a laugh. Another line she can’t uncross but doesn’t particularly want to.
The therapist hadn’t needed to point out that her all-consuming attraction to someone she couldn’t have was probably a healthy coping mechanism of her recently adopted abstinence. She hadn’t really expected this though — for her advances to not be rejected entirely. She hadn’t planned for hope to cease feeling like such a daft, one-sided notion.
“Should I even be blessing you or is that overkill? Or am I even qualified to bless you? Can one bless a priest if they’re not like, anointed or something?”
“You can bless me,” he confirms, looking like he’s barely got a handle on controlling his own eyebrows. Or lips for that matter. God, that mouth, those lips. Parting by accident the way she’d like to make them open on purpose.
“Little greedy of you. You’re not blessed enough as is?”
“Neh—neverhurts…” He pitches sidewards with a slurred, tellingly tipsy, “hehh-ESHHyoooo!”
“Bless you…”
“Thank you,” he sniffles with embarrassed necessity, bringing the back of a sleeve to his nose.
“Hold on, I think I have some tissues,” she says as she feels around in her bag in the darkness, “Well, cocktail napkins at least.” Another knuckle brush as she hands them to him. How arousing. How pitifully arousing. She really should come up with ways to hand him things more often.
“Ahh you were holding out on me,” he says, and then after a gentle blow, “Sorry.”
“You are coming down with something aren’t you?"
He thinks about it, bringing the napkin away from his nostrils with a final follow-up dab. “I dunno, maybe?”
“Do you feel ill?”
“Mostly just very itchy.”
How many other chances will she get… She reaches a hand to gingerly press the back of her fingers against his forehead. He blinks a few times in response, rapidly and reflexively, and swallows back a smile. There’s a burning in her stomach that’s neither pleasant nor unpleasant.
“Um, you feel okay I think?” She says, attention course-corrected back to the cigarette crumbling in her hand, but still glancing at him to measure the aftermath of the relatively bold gesture and they lock smiling eyes in the process.
If he really wanted to ward her off he’s doing a phenomenally shitty job of it. She knows he wants her. God if only that was enough, to know he wanted her.
“I think you’re right I’ve been sent a plague of sneezing. Probably trying to tell me something.”
“Something about how your new friend could take care of you?”
He grins with half of his mouth. “Or something about how I probably shouldn’t be drinking G&Ts in the middle of the night with my new friend who I like a little too much.”
Oh he… really shouldn’t have given her that.
“ExxSHHUE!!” He shakes the whole bench with this, then straightens back up, not looking entirely recovered, and says almost to himself, “And about how I probably shouldn’t tell my new friend that I like them a little too much.”
“But you did anyway and he hasn’t, I dunno, smote you down yet.”
Irritation is still etched into his features, his chest slowly swelling with air, hastily fiddling with the napkins.
“Are you actually going to sneeze again? You haven’t finished?”
He shakes his head as his eyes close and seizes into a rushed, “hehESHHyue!"
“It’s a plague I can’t stop! Snf, it’s out of my hands."
She knows the night’s over, she does. She gets the sense that she’d been invited to overstay her welcome, but it’s getting past that point now. Whenever she leaves after being around him her face hurts from smiling like an idiot the whole time and she comes away aching in more ways than one. That ache is starting already, another sign they’ve stretched this interaction too long once again.
However, alcohol. “If you tell me to leave and you sneeze again perhaps we’ll know whether or not it was divine intervention.”
“He might just be punishing me now anyway,” he sighs, remembering a cigarette he may not have taken a single drag from, neglected and foreshortening in his fingers.
“We haven’t done anything we’re just talking. I’m a—what is it, parishioner?”
“That is a word, yes. Snf! Though it implies someone who’s actually going to church to, you know, practice their faith."
“I’m a parishioner here to…” she’s not even sure what to say, she still doesn’t know shit about Catholicism aside from the fact that it’s a massive cockblock, “seek your… counsel? Guidance? Guidance counseling.”
He puts a hand over part of his face, tired but amused. “You can’t act innocent even when you’re trying your best, can you?"
She almost snorts. Is this what he thinks trying her best looks like?—No, don’t actually say— “Who said I was trying my best?”
Why can’t she stop herself from saying things like that to him? The only thing that’s going to stop her now is a ‘no’ that’s actually firm enough not to give way when she presses against it relentlessly. He honestly needs to just get it over with before he really gives her too much to hold onto. She’s not going to win out over God, the guy’s pretty fucking stiff competition.
Goddamnit, just break her heart already, what the fuck is he waiting for? This should have ended ages ago, and now it’s getting dangerously close to too late.
Was it unfair to assume he’d be stronger than her? Or is he trying to hurt himself too? A duetted exercise in masochism, mutually assured destruc—
“—ESSHHYUE!” He looks at her through wet lashes, bleary and sheepish and drunk and cute and fuck.
She sighs loudly, looks skyward and says, “Right, you’ve made your point! I’m leaving!”
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
I have a question but I just want to say first that I love your theories. They’re very well thought-out and interesting. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you could explain how Mike is queer-coded? I’ve seen you mention it and I’ve seen others talk about his attraction to androgynous El, but is there more? Thanks!
ALOT MORE! I talked about it here in the past- but without getting too much into s3 (since I’ve already talked about s3 byler extensively).I’ll just have links for everything I noticed in s3 at the bottom of this post. In regards to s1 and 2, Mike was heavily coded as queer. But most significantly this was done in s1- arguably he was more queer coded than Will ever was. I won’t get into all the details (we’d be here all day) but the highlights, at the top of my head are-
- Mike in his his basement has a red heart being propelled by a rainbow.
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- 4 separate characters said El looked like a boy, but Mike doesn’t care! Even one of the men thought El might be the missing ‘Byers boy’. When El loses her wig , Troy said “she doesn’t even look like a girl” to the cops. But Mike just calls her “really pretty”
-Nancy says “I thought you were acting weird, but I thought it was because of Will” And Mike responds “I thought you were acting weird too I thought it was because of Steve … Do you like Jonathan now”?” Nancy: “No, do you like Eleven?”. They literally compared the explicit love triangle between Steve/Nancy/Jonathan to the Will-Mike-El dynamic!
- Mike literally uses gender inclusive pronouns when talking about crushes using the word “someone” (3 times), and embarrassing himself because he can’t articulate the difference between friendship and romance. When he could of simply given the 80s heteronormative  answer of ‘when a boy likes a girl’.
Mike: “ you go to school dances with someone. 
You know someone that you like” 
El: “a friend?”
Mike: ‘not a friend uh … uh someone like a” (gives up and kisses her)
-Mike’s mom said “ What’s been going on with Will, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you. I just … want you to feel like you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to HIDE anything from me” (she even emphasizes the word ‘hide”  (which is heavily queer coded)
- when Will ‘dies’, “we can be heroes” by David bowie (a bisexual singer) plays,   “And we kiss as though nothing could fall and the shame” is the lyric that plays when Mike returns to his house and cries in his mother’s arms over the ‘death’ of Will. Do I have to explain how ‘kissing and shame’ are queer-coded . And how such a lyric is oddly romantic- if we’re supposed to see their bond as nothing but platonic XD
-his dad jokes “Absolutely not” *turns to wife* “our son with a girl?”.
- when Lucas makes fun of his crush on EL, Lucas gets down on one knee  and says “ I love you so much, will you marry me?” and literally 1s later, we’re introduced to the bullies and the idea (for the first time) that Will is ‘gay’, and Mike is in the forefront of the scene and unlike his friends he is THE ONLY ONE physically assaulted (like a gay-bashing) .  They leave Lucas and Dustin unharmed. Even though Lucas just proposed to another guy- which should have gotten him a beating by the homophobic bullies.
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It’s supposed to subconsciously hint Mike is queer like Will, and likes Will. The first interaction with the bullies, they mention Will being ‘gay’ right after they mention Mike’s crush on androgynous El and have a guy propose to Mike. Mike says to “ignore them” ( the homophobic remarks) but is assaulted anyways. And when asked what happed he doesn’t want to tell El the details cause he’s ashamed . 
2nd time the bullies talk about Will, Mike is once again in the forefront, unlike his straight friends who are in the background . But this time Mike initiates the confrontation), as the bullies say Will is “flying in fairyland with all the other little fairies. All happy and gay”. Mike was literally on the verge or tears at this comment (despite being happy a few moments earlier , telling the others to ‘act sad’ because they’d look suspicious other wise). But this is the comment where Mike snaps and pushes Troy back (because he took it personally/wanted to defend Will). 
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The framing of Mike once again being in the front and snapping at the homophobic remarks (these gifs don’t do it justice, just rewatch the scene -Mike eyes water at the remarks). Then the last time the bullies appear , Mike jumps off the cliff and “flies like a fairy” (like Troy said) thanks to El . Troy at the police station even uses the word “fly” not levitate.
- Mike proclaiming “I’m the only one who cares about Will!” Seems like something a kid with a crush might say ( because obviously his other friends care about Will). But he thinks he cares the most.
-Mike sneaking out to find Will, as Steve sneaks in to Nancy’s. They both even make eye contact (and pretend not to have seen each other).
- they share dinosaur toys , in s1 and 2 they appear to be the only ones with dinosaur toys.
- The s1 mom hug scene where Mike feels he lost Will is paralleled in s3 - signifying how he lost him a 2nd time.
- Mike in the 1st ep being the one to insist on looking for Will in the rain (callback to s3). But he never went looking for El when he saw her through his window? Even when Mike saw Will’s dead body, the second he heard his voice he convinced his friends to help rescue him!
- You remember the binder (from s1) that Mike keeps, filled with 100s of Will’s drawings, and how he caresses the drawing after thinking Will was dead. That’s totes platonic.
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- Will in all 3 seasons identifies as a wizard. But in s2 Mike (the paladin) says Will is a cleric. Meaning this reflects how Mike actually feels about Will. In d&d, they have similar moral values, powers, and generally need and depend on each other in the lore of d&d. Paladins have similar healing powers to clerics, but clerics have stronger healing abilities - which is interesting since Mike has always been viewed as the protector. But to Mike Will has helped him (maybe deal with the loss of El and other trauma) , just by being there. And if Mike says Will is a cleric,despite Will still identifying as a wizard in s3, it shows how deeply Mike actually feels about Will. It shows he views Will as one of the only people who understands him and views him as a healing presence and his moral compass.
“ strength of conviction gave many paladins a sense of common fellowship but did not always endear them to others. In many cases, paladins did not get along quite as well with other non-paladin adventurers, with the exception of clerics with similar beliefs.”
“A Paladin tries to hold to the highest standards of conduct, but even the most virtuous Paladin is fallible. Sometimes the heat of emotion causes a Paladin to transgress his or her oath (of honesty, courage, compassion, honor ,and duty). A paladin who has broken a vow typically seeks absolution from a cleric who shares his or her faith or from another paladin of the same order. After a rite of confession and forgiveness, the paladin starts fresh.
-Mike stands next to Will under the rainbow poster
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- Mike forces Will to dance with a girl, but you literally see Mike’s shocked expression like  ‘what,why’d I do that ?’ And after this, they show Dustin looking sad about Max/Lucas dancing and then they have Mike get into the frame (next to Dustin) and look sad when Will/girl are dancing in the same exact frame as Max/Lucas. As they switch between these 2 shots.
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- All the mileven byler parallels or byler scenes were almost ALL initiated by Mike. If the parallels were meant to show a one sided love triangle (on Mike’s end). They would of made Will the instigator not Mike! Parallels can be watched here , start at 6:50)
-Mike initiated the “crazy together’ line- and in s3 he said ‘blank makes you crazy’. So subconsciously he knew the line had romantic connotations.
-Mike initiating the hand hold (with a zoom in shot) and in the show this is only done for romantic pairings. Also Mike being the one to initiate the ‘arm thing’ which is generally romantic. But in s3 , Lucas also does this, saying “I am spending quality time with my girlfriend’
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-Mike saying, asking him to be his friend was the “best thing I’ve ever done”
-Mike constantly following Will around, asking if he’s okay or biking to his house to check on him. In s3 running out to chase Will to the garage and apologizing, and running into a storm to apologize a 2nd time.
YOU SEE A PATTERN! Mike is whipped! And is the one constantly chasing and pursuing Will, not the other way around! Before s3, people always portrayed Will as the (stereotypical- problematic trope of ) a sad-pinning-gay in a one sided love with Mike. It’s like people didn’t even watch the show (and just assigned tropes/stereotypes they wanted, that weren’t actually there). Will (probably too shy or scared to- because of homophobic taunts) never initiated a single byler moment- it was ALWAYS Mike!!! If people were actually objective, they would of thought it was Mike who was the one pinning! I talked about it here. 
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We literally only saw Will pine or be jealous in s3 when Mike was in a relationship with El/when they fought.  
The cannon Spotify playlists
called ‘Mike’s basement beats’- These are character playlists that Spotify and St worked on together after s2.
-his first song is “small town boy” an 80s LGBT anthem about living in a small town and being queer and bullied. Every band member was openly gay.
-his 11th song is ‘don’t you want me’ from a “celebrate your gay pride” album
I’m not repeating my literal essays so here are the links to pretty much all my s3 byler meta.  (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
- brief s3 mentions) it’s implied Will and Mike go on movie double dates all the time (right after he makes out with El). He celebrates the holidays (generally associated with introducing s.os) with Will/El. The breakup with El is treated comedically - and all Mike does is complain and burp on the couch. The byler breakup is serious (with the backdrop of rain)while Mike was visibly upset he hurt Will and apologized twice almost immediately . Running to the garage and then into the rain and banging on his door (s2 callback). The “it was the best thing I’ve ever done “ shed scene was shot purposely more romantic than the pool shed scene of “you’re the most important thing in the world to me”. The fact he think “blank makes you crazy”,and he used a similar line on Will in s2. The fact that Mike equates falling in love with girls as a part of growing up and his love for El as something “old people” say. While his affections for Will , he believes are childish (like d&d) and something he has to grow out of. The “I love her” scene was treated comedically. The last Mike/Will exchange vs Mike having his eyes open and not kissing El back . Not remembering he said “I love her”, and dismissing it as something he said in the heat of the moment. Mike looking back at the Byers house , then flashing to Will crying, than flashing back to Mike hugging his mom. Then those scenes having a monologue about not wanting feelings to change but how it’s inevitable.
Also we see in s3 (in El’s room) the return of the heart being propelled by a rainbow.
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No hate, but I’m honestly flabbergasted when people think Mike is straight when he’s literally MORE queer coded than Will. Is it just my autistic brain seeing things as obvious, that others easily miss- or just people refuse to see it … or heteronormativity getting in the way?
gif credit : (not sure about the first 2, tell me if they’re yours so I can give credit), last 3 by  eggogorgon , the last gif by cath-avery
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twilightofthe · 4 years
Tell me ALL your SW faves
Aaaaaa thank you!  This took a while cuz this got long, lol sorry!  Aight, so here’s ALL my SW faves for this ask prompt list!
FAVE MOVIE: Revenge of the Sith.  10000%.  It just has everything!  You get to see the Obikin relationship in all its glory, first and foremost, how much those two loved each other more than anything and knew each other better than anyone, and just how much they genuinely got along and then we got our hearts broken watching them have to fight after Anakin made his Goof Of The Millennium and just oooooof all the feels about my boys!  Seeing Padmé and just loving her so gotdang much for being strong and wanting the best life for everyone, all while she was so scared and had so little support from anyone, and just couldn’t do it in the end.  Seeing the end of the Republic, how after a thousand years, just, *poof*, just like that in like two days (yes, I know Sidious was planning it for over a decade but still), the horrific fascination on how Sidious was able to do that.  Just the brilliance of Sheev’s character, how you despise him, but how brilliantly everything was pulled off.  The angst of Order 66, how especially after TCW you love these characters SO MUCH and then you gotta watch them DIE HORRIBLY BY THOSE THEY TRUSTED, THOSE WHO NEVER HAD A CHOICE EITHER.  Did I mention feeling so freaking bad for Obi Wan and his Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day???  Because I really do, he’s so good and kind and we see his life fall apart and ugh I love him.  And y’all, watching Anakin Skywalker fall from grace like the brightest angel he was, you hate him for what he did, but you still can’t help but love him and cry for him and his loss because he was so good, and he did not deserve all this to happen to him but he did it to HIMSELF AAAAGGHHHH.  Also, Obes and Ani were at peak prettiness this movie!!  Just asdfkjglkdskajsrlk best movie love so diggity dang much
FAVE PAIRING: Oh, how EVER will I choose– Obikin.  It’s Obikin, all the way, no contest.  I know I’ve yelled about it a million and one times so I’ll save y’all the rant on how much I adore these disasters and their relationship and how I think they’re goddamn soulmates and the most interesting dynamic in the entire Saga.  I ship them romantically and platonically and just everything, they’re so fucking important to one another and that’s why it hurts so much to watch them fall apart, and that’s why I’m so incredibly happy that they get to canONICALLY SPEND THEIR ENTIRE AFTERLIFE TOGETHER BECAUSE FORCE GHOSTS HELL YEAH.  If I had to pick just secondary fave romantic and platonic relationships, hmmmm that’s hard.  BUT, I’m gonna have to go with Kanera for romantic; SWR was what got me back into Star Wars and one of my favorite parts of it was watching Kanan and Hera, how much I loved them separately, but just how much they were a team together and I love them and I was unbelievably upset when Jedi Night happened (and I still have a rant about how animated Star Wars kills off their romantic couples in the exact same manner, pls ask me about how TCW’s The Lawless and Rebels’ Jedi Night had basically all of the same plot points that ended in killing off a romantic lead).  For other fave platonic relationship, gonna have to go with Luke/Han/Leia BROT3 (separate from Hanleia as a romance, which is probs my 3rd fave).  These disasters were the original Golden Trio, they saved the galaxy together all while yelling dramatically and having each other’s backs to the bitter end (or, at least ‘till the end of ROTJ lol) and I just love them as a team so dang much
FAVE TV SHOW EPISODE: Okay, since there are four TV shows, it’s only fair for me to pick one (or more don’t judge me) from each!  Let’s see, from The Clone Wars, my fave eps have to be the entire Mortis trilogy arc in S3 because Obes/Ani/Snips family dynamic, Force Shenanigans, BEAUTIFUL scene designs, Anakin angst, just so many good things oof, and also Dooku Captured from S1, which I just adore because Obikin snark, annoying Grandpa Dooku, Hondo Fucking Ohnaka making everyone look so bad at their jobs, I just love it agh.  Whoops that was technically four faves, so gotta do four for Rebels too!  Gonna go wiiiiith World Between Worlds from S4 for Badass Ahsoka Tano, Ezra being brave and talented, Sheev being Absolutely Ridiculous, and just the overall Force Shenanigans cuz canon time travel y’all; The Lost Commanders from S2 because Rex is awesome, Kanan angst, and really good Kanan and Ezra bonding and Jedi awesomeness, Fire Across the Galaxy from S1 because of Ghost fam dynamics, Kanan angst, more Kanan and Ezra bonding, and just good stuff, and Twilight of the Apprentice in S2 (lol what about my username?) for being creepy and cool and maKING ME CRY ANAKIN YOU STUPID THRICE COOKED TOILET SEAT LEAVE AHSOKA ALONE.  *cough*  Ok, fine, I’ll stick with only one ep for the other two series.  For Resistance, gonna have to go with the latest ep, actually!  We get to see Kaz being clever and caring about his fam on the Colossus, really cool designs for Aeos and its people, Tam angst, and just everyone shining!  For The Mandalorian, it’s gotta be the finale, Redemption, we get Din name, Armorer kicking everyones asses and me loving it, BABY YODA DOING THE HAND WAVE, Din getting over his issues with droids and connecting with IG only for IG to FUCKING DIE, DIN AND BABY YODA BEING AN OFFICIAL CLAN OF TWO, Taika just knocking this whole episode out of the park with the funny scouttroopers at the beginning who still deserved the ass-whooping they got for fucking murdering Kuiil and hiTTING BABY YODA YOU SLIMY FUCKNUGGETS–
FAVE CHARACTER: Alright, look, I can narrow it down to FIVE and that is IT.  I just love too many Star Wars characters, I can’t go lower than top five!  Ok, so my four favorites are Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa, Kanan Jarrus, and Finn Skywalker-Dameron-Tico (i SAID what i SAID.)  AIGHT so for starters, a lot of my favorite characters in different franchises fall under various archetypes I have for faves.  Obi Wan fits one of my more popular ones: “Old, reluctant and more than slightly-questionable parental badass with a mysterious past that makes you love them all the more when you realize just how beautiful and tragic and deserving-better they were when that past is revealed”.  I latched onto this dude from the start when I just liked the OT (tho Leia was always my fave lol), and I wanted to know about him, and then when I finally started getting into the PT and TCW, it was just a steady stream of “oh no he’s hOT?” “oh no he’s sAD?” “oh no he’s nICE?!? REALLY FUCKING NICE AND A BIT OF A MESS HELP” and then I just totally latched on because he’s hypercompetent at literally everything and looks damn good doing it and boy do I have a thing for competence, charming as all hell and goes through so much and comes out strong despite the fact that fate hates his fucking guts and tries to destroy his life constantly and guys he tries so hard and he’s kind of messy sometimes and a bit of a dick and I love him all the more for it because he’s trying, none of that do-or-do-not shit, he is doing his damn best and deserves happiness and not Anakin tearing him apart.  SPEAKING OF SAND MAN.  Ugh, so I love Anakin to fucking death and that makes me REALLY MAD ABOUT IT BECAUSE HE MAKES EVERYONE ELSE I LIKE SAD.  So I love Anakin regardless because he’s not your typical protagonist.  He’s fucking brilliant, hot when he fights, is amazing at fighting and flying and building stuff and there’s that competence thing for me again, oh boy!  He’s funny and kind and he cares.  And somehow, this bitch manages to have the two most beautiful, amazing people in the galaxy in love with him and willing to do basically anything for him like the fuck?!?  Jealous much??!?!?!?!  I am!!!!  He’s so fucking bright and it’s impossible to look away.  He’s also a dorky, messy disaster who’s not good with people or feelings or emotions and he panics over stuff and doesn’t know self-control and is kinda really bad at his job a lot and pushes away the people who care about him and screws up literally all the fucking time and he always feels like he’s drowning and alone and I get to watch him crash and burn under the weight of it all.  Basically, minus the anger issues and the child murder and the murder in general, I kinda relate a lot to Anakin.  I feel like a self-hating mess who doesn’t know how to control my ow head and the world hates me a lot too.  I can project my mental issues onto him, enjoy the good parts of him, live vicariously through the things he does that I can’t like be loved by pretty people and be hot and athletic and smart, and then when he crashes I can side-eye and remember that at least someone’s doing worse than me lol.  So yea, I love this messy boi to death and he’s the one I get the best characterization reviews on, so I guess we have an understanding.  Leia I loved since as a kid.  I’d want to be her, brave, talented, smart, strong as hell and snarky to boot.  I realize that Leia fits another fave character archetype of mine: “Powerful young adult raised for greatness, did not ask for all the horrible shit that’s happened to them, highkey wants a break and for the bad guys to just roll over and die, is generally clever, hypercompetent, and 100% done with everyone else’s shit, overdramatic as all hell and enjoys insulting people”.  Her and Han were my first Star Wars ship and she just always made me happy seeing her kick names and take ass.  She’s gone through almost as much hell or maybe more so than Obi Wan, she also keeps getting back up and fighting, she deserved SO MUCH BETTER than what the Sequel Trilogy gave her and you may quote me on that.  She’s also gorgeous and I wanted to wear all of her clothes (bikini not included).  I also love her relationship with Luke and I am so goddam happy it is now canon that Leia Organa did Jedi training and can use a lightsaber!!!  She has a lightsaber!!!!!!!!!!  Ugh oof I love her.  Kanan fills the similar “mentor” archetype as Obi Wan does, but with a smidge of youth because he’s younger when he gets dropped into this role.  He’s more of a punk, more of a mess, and oof.  Basically I’ve said it a zillion times how Rebels resparked my love of Star Wars, but really, it was Kanan on the screen that did it.  It happened when the Rebels season 3 premiere eps ended up on the TV and I saw it and I thought in order 1. holy shit that Maul fucker’s actually alive? and 2. Oh no sad blind Jedi man!  He’s cool and mysterious and I want to know why he’s sad and who made him sad and also want to give him a hug!!!  He was my fave character all throughout Rebels and his training dynamic with Ezra, struggling to help this kid all while flying by the seat of his pants because he had Issues and no clue what he was doing and no support and ugh, he was smart and brave and I’m so sad he’s dead and yea.  Finn!!!!  Last but not least!!!!  He was my favorite character from The Force Awakens.  People have said it before, but he was just so new, a rebel Stormtrooper stolen and brainwashed at birth, finding the good guys and fighting to do the right thing!  Possibly Force Sensitive!  Super duper cute!!!  Funny and kind, dammit, when not many other people in the galaxy were!!!!!!!!  I was so, so sure Finn was gonna be a Jedi along with Rey at some point, that might have been my biggest letdown when I saw TLJ, but ugh I just loved his enthusiasm and his war within himself, ultimately loving his friends and trying to do what was right at the risk to his own safety, even though that was why he ran scared in the first place!!!!!  I shipped him with Rey and with Poe and now I am NOT above the post TROS Jedistormpilot shipping!!!!!  Finn was just always the most interesting part of the Sequel Trilogy for me and I personally feel like they could have done more with his character.
FAVE ACTOR/ACTRESS: Aight, so I try my best not to “stan” anyone famous because literally no one is perfect and everyone’s done something problematic at some point and if I dare say I like a famous figure, someone’s gonna find something about them and come after me all “OMG THIS PERSON DID/SAID/IS X YOU MONSTER GO DIE!!11!!1″.  In terms of performance, I think all the actors in Star Wars did a lovely job and I’m happy with all of them!  If I had to crush on any, it would probs be Ewan McGregor, John Boyega, or Diego Luna cuz, uh, they hot.  If I had to pick one I liked most, it would honestly probs be Carrie Fisher.  Maybe that’s just partially from missing her now that she’s gone, but I really admire her advocacy and transparence for mental health, and she just seemed like such a funny, kind, strong person.
FAVE PLANET: Aight, this is HARD and I refuse to only pick one planet!  Ok, gonna start off with Coruscant because an endless city planet made up of lights is amazingly gorgeous and it has a Jedi Temple stacked on top of a Sith Temple and is just so cool aaaaa.  Also love Felucia just for being so bright and colorful and pretty.  Mortis for being just as weirdly gorgeous and also Weird Force Shit.  Lothal for the beautiful mountains, the wolves, and the fucking lightspeed center of the planet passage what, Dathomir is delightfully creepy to look at, Crait is really cool with the salt and the red and the ice foxes, Kashyyyk because Wookiees and it’s pretty and I love their treehouses.  Basically if it makes me clap my dumb monkey hands and go “oooh pretty!”, I love it.  The more “not like Earth” it is, the more I love it.
FAVE SPECIES: Hmmmmm, this is a tough one…….  There’s just so many cool-looking species that we know so little about, ya know?  I wanna say either Togrutas or Wookiees.  Togrutas just because the character design is incredible and so fun to work with and also I love Ahsoka, and Wookiees because they have such an interesting culture and backstory and also I want to give Chewbacca a hug.
FAVE CONCEPT: Uhhh, not quite sure I get the question; you mean like just story concept in general?  If that’s it, I’m gonna have to go with just the whole concept of the Force and the Jedi in general.  I mean George, George my man, what the fuck?  How the hell did you come up with this?!?  Mystical psychic space wizards with magic abilities to connect with and use the sentient godlike life force that combined the entire galaxy together.  Oh and also they have COLORFUL GLOWING LASER SWORDS?!?!?  It’s honestly one of the most creative things I’ve seen in popular culture, and that makes me sad that Star Wars now seems to be trying to separate itself from what I think is its most interesting quality because “ugh not EVERYTHING should be about the Jedi guys!”, when like, y’all, without the Jedi, the entire SW universe is basically just another military scifi war story……  Just my opinion tho.
FAVE SHIP: Ok, since pairing was already up there, I assume this means actual ship?  Well, uh, gonna have to be square with y’all, I’m a bad Star Wars fan for this part; I’ve never been the one to memorize ship names and designs and know the exact make and model number of some fancy ship, I’m real bad at that lol.  I’ll say my favorite ship is the Ghost.  Hera flies it and the Rebels Fam lives on it and it’s super cool and it makes me happy!
FAVE WEAPON: LIGHTSABER.  LIGHTSABER LIGHTSABER.  LIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABER.  Y’all, c’mon, what did you think I was gonna pick? xD  Lizard brain want glowy shiny colorful big stick that goes whoosh!
FAVE BACKGROUND EXTRA: Again, not entirely sure what this means, but do you mean fave background character?  If so, then it’s a tie between Wilrow Hood and his ice cream machine for the memes, that one clone in TCW who yeets a plate of toast at Cad Bane’s face, or that one background soldier who scoots between Han and Leia arguing in ESB and also Hera and Kanan arguing in Rebels (yes I do headcanon it’s the same guy lol)
FAVE MOMENT/SCENE: This one’s actually pretty easy.  Anakin dying in Luke’s arms in ROTJ, and then his ghost showing up to Luke later at the Ewok party.  I just care so ridiculously much about stupid Anakin and his stupid story and mistakes, and even before I was a prequels stan and had only seen the OT (and wasn’t a huge Vader fan, believe it or not), some part of me just felt so solemn, so fragile watching this, watching the giant monstrous machine falling apart as he fades away to reveal a weary, tired old human man, and it always made me wonder, what the hell happened to him to turn him into that thing?  Seeing that young, beautiful man, basically Luke’s age, showing up as a ghost later, just the fascination, the tender look he shared with Old Ben, just how young he was, that made it all the more mysterious and knowing what I do now, it’s just so much better because my poor, horrible Disaster Man finally did the right thing and he finally found peace and it’s just the only ending I could be happy for Anakin with,  And Luke, I always felt so bad for Luke, being so strong, so brave, finally getting his father back for like five damn minutes and then having to lose him again and just hurting for him but also knowing that it was gonna be okay because Luke had more family now, the ghosts, and Han and Leia and Chewie and R2 and 3PO and Lando and everyone.
FAVE KISS: Luke and Leia (HANG ON LET ME SPEAK) forehead kiss in The Last Jedi.  I know (this one) isn’t meant as romantic, and I know the question is probs about a romantic one and I know that it’s not even a real mouth kiss.  But.  That Luke and Leia scene was my favorite part of the entire movie.  Again, I was missing Carrie a lot, and ugh, after all these years, after not getting to interact the entire previous movie and not at all during this movie, the ONE scene with Carrie and Mark and the pure emotion of it all just knocked me out of my fucking seat.  You could see how connected they were as siblings, how much Leia had missed Luke, how much he had missed her and how sorry he was for leaving, sorry for Ben, sorry for having to leave her again now, Leia knowing Luke was about to die, and just, acceptance.  Love and acceptance.  It was just a final, tender kiss on the forehead, and it was perfect and yeah.  If I do have to pick a romantic lip smooch, it’s probably the Hanleia classic “scoundrel” kiss in Empire Strikes Back.  I still remember watching ESB the first time as a KID and being all eeeeeeee are they gonna– YES they kissed they kissed they kissed finally! and that’s enough for me.
FAVE FIGHT: Obi Wan and Anakin on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith.  WIthout question.  It’s brilliantly and precisely choreographed to show the intricate nuances of the Obikin breakup in alllllll of its painful glory.  It breaks my heart every time I watch it because every time I watch it I still hope it’s gonna end differently.  That Anakin realizes he can’t kill Obi Wan and ditches Sidious and goes back with Obi Wan to save Padmé.  That Obi Wan realizes he can’t let Anakin die and saves him from burning and from Sidious and takes him back too.  That Obi Wan at least puts Anakin out of his misery which would be godawful painful, but would save him from the horrid life as Vader.  That while they’re fighting, a lava monster appears like in the concept art and Vader and Obi Wan have to put aside their differences and fight the thing and remember how much they mean to each other.  But ugh, this fight was beautifully choreographed and was originally supposed to be a MULTI-MINUTE SINGLE SHOT WHAT THE HELL???  Oooof Hayden and Ewan did such an amazing job and the whole thing just rips my heart out every time in the bestworst way possible
 FAVE LINE OF DIALOGUE: Now THIS is hard, I’m not the best at picking favorite lines.  Hmmm, this is HARD.  Let me think.  Gahhhh, it’s hard because I have so many lines I like and I can’t even just narrow down a couple!!!  Ultimately, it’s probably gonna be Yoda’s monologue from Empire Strikes Back: “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter…”  Just that entire line saying how basically all of us are more than the sum of our parts, that everyone is their own sparkling light made of stardust, I loved it as a kid and I love it now. 
FAVE BOOK/COMIC: Answered here
FAVE HERO: Gonna go with Obi Wan!  I already rambled about why I love him, but y’all……. I love him.
FAVE VILLAIN: Anakin Skywalker/Darth McFucking Vader.  I loved him when he was a hero and the silly poor sad boy makes me sad when I see him as a villain all while being an overdramatic asshole and it just makes me wanna hit him with a newspaper for ruining his life and everyone else’s I love him.
FAVE OUTFIT: Answered here
WHEW.  That was all of the faves, thanks so much for asking me!!!  Sorry this took so long to do, this was kinda a hell week haha!
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acioo · 6 years
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                  under the cut are exactly 1000 verse tag ideas under the following categories:                   brotp, enemies, exes, fwb, otp, parents, siblings, toxic relationship,                   unrequited, & wanted connection with exactly 100 tag phrases per each one.                   please like or reblog this if you found it helpful !
you ask if i think it’ll hurt like this forever
we’re not those kind of kids
one can’t function without the other
people are good at heart
the kids with no religion
nobody hates the truth like we do
endless dumb fun
they turned her into a nightmare so i’m going to be theirs
for her i can try to be human
we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite
more than friendship but less than dating
we make the king scream for mercy
extensions of each other
all the gods, heavens, and hells are within you
this time we are not afraid
we win because we do not know how to lose
we will be monsters alone in this world with only each other
you look at me with this heady mixture of awe and love and bottomless trust
a sweaty summertime tangle of lips
our nights are perfumed in obsession
he’s lighting a cigarette even though he would never let you touch one
i took care of that thing for you
let them remember me
the only one who really knows anymore
all you have to do is ask
the best at making me feel better
piggeypack rides & inside jokes
living in each other’s back pocket
the impractically rebellious & the impractically kind
the best thing that’s ever happened to me
all you need is love
i will remember. will you?
i like you more than i planned
but we hold on
i love you inside & out
best friends with an idiot
not used to people sticking around when things get bad
here comes trouble
sitting on the library floor
sending out emails for the cult meeting
strange women society
making forests quiver
my one kin
where i go you go
our meeting was bad for society
a true friend & hot piece of ass
to a fading friend
a dynamic duo
then we fight together
don’t tell anyone the big bad wolf is a puppy in disguise
ideas that seemed good at three am
i know i’m a shit friend but oh god i’m trying
the gang screws the government
dead boys club
friends can break your heart too
can’t stop us
there is thunder in our hearts
bro homie man calm down
bored & covered in paint with an idea
i could be your family
we can be heroes
teenage feelings
i can’t live without you
i want to be loved but don’t feel like i deserve it
don’t give up! you’ll be great someday
i tolerate you
who made you think you weren’t worth it
if we fall we fall together
we are the kids you can never kill
we hurt & burn & bloom
friends that became family
alive by spite alone
as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story
local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway
just children thrust into war
it’s like being friends with a five year old child who’s also an alcoholic
double trouble
i’m pretty cool but also i cry a lot
unity ; standing together as one
you’re pretty neato
in the end you’re my very best friend
just get in the fucking blanket fort
oh for fuck’s sake here we go again
please don’t leave me like the rest
something about you made me feel alive
sitting on a rooftop at two am & talking about life
whatever you do you’re still my best friend
i’d do anything to keep you safe
so what are you doing this weekend?
let’s be miserable together
trouble usually finds us
my annoying best friend
i’d do anything to make it up to you
all we have is now
down for whatever
we’re good at surviving
death doesn’t discriminate
you suck less than most people
platonically calls you babe
so i did a stupid thing again
better him than me
always ready to argue with you
the only thing that comes easily is the anger
laughing at your worthless jokes
awe-inspiring & ferocious & terrible
hell is other people
the game was getting a little old
plenty of monsters know how to play at being human
dream on fucker
you and me now! for worse or for better
she tears at my lungs
still working on going to hell
tangle them in bedsheets & take their heart
stop brewing up wicked things
fucking unbelievable
are you done yet?
you should be scared of me
the problem is you
monsters aren’t meant to live happily ever after
testing my patience
leave or die
this a warzone
give me a break
can you take a punch?
let my thorns prick your fingers
made of threats
you were an iceberg & i had no lifeboat
fighting & fucking
see you in hell
sinking my talons into your neck
bang bang you’re dead
keeping you at a distance
a fire blazing between us
i will taste the copper tang of your dying breaths
don’t growl at the wolf
the only thing she makes me feel anymore is rage
try to scare me, i dare you
what does it take to make you angry?
you are dumb and an ass: dumbass
sorry you evil prick
you look like shit
a lifelong rivalry
please stop talking
seeing them brings only pain
i’ll swallow my blood before i swallow my pride
i choose violence over peace
stupidity isn’t cute
i’m not cutting myself up for you again
sometimes hearts are vacant
i can’t stand a mess of a person
no enemy is safe
using poetry in a street fight
i don’t care if you burn
i tried to be kind
rot in hell
you want battle? i’ll give you war
hate spitting out of each other’s laugh
choose your last words this last time
not to sound bitter
true evil is above all things seductive
basically i’m a badass / basically he’s a moron
i hope the halo burns when i shove it down your throat
we should really have angry sex sometime
i liked your nose before
allergic to you
he’s not a monster, just a villain
stop making others suffer for your personal hatred
aren’t we all sinners
am i an asshole?
i’m going t hell anyways
do not tell me what i can and can’t do
you don’t know shit about me
they paid the price
you underestimate my power
an eye for an eye
people are poison
wanted: dead or alive
as mad as a dad in traffic
to make out with you or kill you
martyr me i dare you
i hate you more than you hate yourself
please stop framing me for murder i didn’t do that one
do not touch me
sorry you’re an asshole
throwing rocks evolving to throwing insults
asshole of the year & competition
you tried to cross the wrong person
if i’m cute when i’m angry you must find my phenomenal
done being a brat yet?
you are the villain of this story
bringing a murderous rage
an abomination among us
everything about you is wrong
i’ll be nicer if you’ll be smarter
gay judgement
some people should get punched in the face
better than you
a strange game of chess with only two royals
what doesn’t kill me might make me kill you
pain is but fuel to my rage
suddenly we are strangers again
we deserve a soft epilogue
you changed everything
she didn’t realize she was saying goodbye
we are good people and we have suffered enough
it’s never been rustier
the people you love don’t stay dead
healing takes time
maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime
you haunt me
your relationship will one day dazzle a psychologist
suddenly, everything is okay again
you say you hate him (but it’s so clear on your face)
i know i’ll see your face again
still overthinking why he stopped caring about you
when i think of january i think of you
everything is just so wrong!
part of why you can’t trust men
sorry to my unknown lover
i forgot just why i left you
he doesn’t believe in anyone but himself
he never saw himself the way i saw him
they haunt her dreams
she now knows the trouble of underestimating troublemakers
i’d hold her like she was china instead of plastic and she’d get oh so bored
somebody always has to love more
being apart from your soulmate hurts
i hope you’re thinking of me
you will always fall in love
our love did not know how to die quietly
if memories could bleed, if dreams could scream
taste of broken trust
we have fallen a long way
your love should be unconditional for one person or nothing at all
the devil’s love song is for the rest of her kind, not for you
all the signs screamed stop, but we could not see them
i see you holding hands and i feel angry
i’d give anything for you to hold me one last time
now i’m alone in the dust
if you ever fall in love again please fall in love with me
i don’t want us to be strangers again
still looking as good as i left you
i can’t find you in the body sleeping next to me
losing her was different from the usual pain
you couldn’t patch up the holes in his heart
i’m sorry for coming in and fucking up your life
you wonder if you knew him once ; you cannot remember
the world doesn’t stop for any of us
love is but a neurological con job
not heartbroken
no more love notes
love will tear us apart
you made me think i was good
girlfriend from hell
i don’t know if you noticed but i’m long gone
left in the dust with the taste of broken trust
the people i’ve left & the ones that i kept
send my love to your new lover
you know you should have stayed
we really cared for each other
do you still think of us
your name is synonymous with hurt
it still hurts
she didn’t learn how to love early enough
i hope hurting me haunts you for years
i feel sick when i remember how i opened up for you
loving you has fucked me up
you don’t fall until it’s over
i miss you so much it hurts me every day
you both think the other is staring at the ground
it always gets worse before it gets better
he isn’t coming back you thought
all the sparks were gone
i should hate you
you chose to burn me
sometimes endings are made of teary eyes & the saddest of smiles
i never really got to say goodbye
you used to call me baby
maybe one day i’ll feel nothing
me so sorry
you broke my fucking heart
who said i stopped loving you?
picking up the mess you left behind
the boy who broke her heart is the only one who can make it feel whole again
you tried to love me & i tried to let you
what i do isn’t up to you anymore
what’s a soulmate to a rebel?
it was never like that
what if your heart’s a liar?
what was i supposed to do?
accepting the love we think we deserve
maybe i’ll meet you in another life
she could’ve been your moon but you were focused on dimly lit stars
stay i whispered as you shut the door behind you
i don’t want anyone else to ever touch you
we outgrew each other in angry uncoordinated ways
you left & the world kept going
a letter to the boy who stole me
this thing was a masterpiece before you tore it all up
she’s no longer your girl
him and his pale long fingers tangled in your hair
same kiss & lips ; never the same touch
his cold lips against your neck
slender fingers on your upper thigh
nothing sets you off like how you want him
free sex training lessons
can’t differentiate between lips & hearts anymore
his mouth is your confessional
he’d never let anything real happen
what we do is secret
this is no longer safe ground
“ my parents aren’t home ”
the only legacy we’ll leave is the graffiti beneath the high school bleachers
we are the avoiders
just us ; you find out
desired but never loved
you lost track of the rules
you taste like sunshine
it’s so different when we wake up
thrill chill fulfill me
with both of his hands, his eyes, his mouth
star-crossed knuckles at breakfast time
marking you the darkest shade of red
she’s the breathe on the back of your neck
i draped her thighs over my shoulders and drank
the kiss was a one time thing
the possibility is electric
the lie: it doesn’t mean anything
chapstick that started on someone else’s lips
and i keep waking up in your bed
it was supposed to be just once
is it the alcohol or the taste of him
she tastes like every dark thought i’ve ever had
she touches you like you're fragile
he tastes how he sounds: honeyed and warm
countless one-night stands
we say that it is just sex but it’s getting blurry
my heart is too big just for one of you
i’ll seduce you with interesting scientific facts
shining every night
our chaos is what sets us apart
no feelings he said
passionate as a sin
we keep telling ourselves that nothing is happening
just friends don’t kiss like that
i’m in like, she’s in love
me you and the moon
two girls one bed
this sort of lust isn’t allowed
the signs scream do not touch
her gaze is too gentle for your hard fingers
we didn’t get the chance to get past that bed
you’re in my veins, you fuck
it hurts ; lusting after the lion boy
vulnerable and yet still strong
touching everything but her heart
we don’t speak besides assurances
i taste good & bad in you
we call this bravery
this started as friends
drinking her in
lost in translation
maybe i asked for too much
what’s love to a fuckboy
i’ve never even kissed you
yes but only because you asked
they were a poem in four parts
go somewhere with me
you are my two am thoughts
please don’t use me i am broken
eat me! love me! consume me! devour me!
be a slut do whatever you want
feelings of detachment
there’s more where that came from
you are what i desire
you already know how this is going to end
sexual history: often
catching feelings like a disease
don’t get attached
send nudes
everyone winds up kissing the wrong person
gets turned on by danger
i bruise like a peach & i’m twice as sweet
the warmest light is your body
that's fucked up but i like it
that’s gross! (unless you’re up for it?)
gay hooligans
i will gladly slam you against a wall and make out with you
suck my dick written in pretty calligraphy
a best friend who occasionally gives you orgasms
you look cute when i’m doing you
in the gay way
come over and eat what my mom made
i want to respectfully have sex with you
seducing you with interesting science facts
teasing you is what i’m best at
i know what i want & i’m gonna get it
desired but never loved
can we just be strangers again
do you feel like a young god
love her, but leave her wild
i lived to love, my darlings
you are my sunshine
tell me i’m good for you
you’re my mess
of all the things my hands have held you are the best
it was like loving the sun
how sweet it is to be loved by you
he makes you feel like when you were at the top of a hill and your bike’s brakes stopped working
the overwhelming desire to kiss
i want to hold hands & waste time with you
i wanna spend the rest of my sunsets with you
we loved with a love that was more than love
i want to be in your arms
your heart could fill an ocean
a love that is not easily buried
you love like the world ending
i find your laughter in the softness of humanity’s neck
i want to explore haunted houses with you
no one’s made my heart beat this fast before
i’ll steal you the moon
sometimes i feel like i’m going to collapse under the weight of your eyes
you understand now why they lost their minds
heaven’s a place on earth with you
he loved you like he discovered fire
did my heart love till now?
your smile lifted the world off of me
i care what you think
a love that makes the god’s jealous
you can only think of his name
no butterflies in my stomach: just shooting stars & supernovas
please i beg quietly don’t give up on me yet
known as something the star’s made
a roaring war when you touch
in her kiss i taste the revolution
the thoughts of him kick drum your veins
touching him feels like a leap of faith you didn’t know you had
tangled in each other
the lies & truth of love
people can read it in your eyes & how you hold each other
he makes you immediately sober up
making your blood tremble with something you don’t understand
he loves you so much more than you do
just kiss me again
one love two mouths
i fell in love with a heart that beats so slow
holding moonlight in your hands
i wanna come home to you
you don’t ever have to go
kiss me like you miss me
fuck you’re beautiful
that star reminds me of you
acknowledging the bad, embracing the good, & growing
my whole sky craves an island of tenderness
she was the moon & i was the stars ; our sky was glorious
he’s not just a boy and that scares me to death
sunlit lovers
spilling like honey from our lips
way too in love
my first & last love
she is what keeps me going
only a fool for you
you’re my future
love comes slyly like a thief
3rd base is when they see you having an anxiety attack
wrapped in your arms i felt like everything could be okay
you have the sweetest soul i have ever seen
i’ll suck your dick if you take your meds
grab the monet & let’s gogh
and i’d choose you ; in a hundred lifetimes, worlds, any version of reality
in the end they died
tragic backstories & height difference
may we meet again
in love with an idiot
you’re so weird (don’t change)
i love you fucker
wanna go to hell together
finger guns but like with emotional attachment and a lot of love
you’re a disaster wanna date
lonely for only you
i can’t believe you’re real
you’ve shown me the light
i wasn’t even looking when i found you
i always think about you
my partner my soldier my fault
worth your weight in gold
my favorite piece of art
we deserve happy
i’ve always belonged to you
great things take time
baby be my lollipop
he was pretty cute for a monster
stopping time one kiss at a time
can’t meet your soulmate if you don’t makeout with strangers
take me back to the night we met
you complete me
soulmates aren’t just lovers
a montage of love
when is a monster not a monster? when you love it
loving you because of & despite the bad
please stop destroying what is left of your heart
laying on the roof of your ‘97 pontiac
he inherited his mother’s charm
knowing how it feels to be cast away
they say: you’re a little too much for me
daddy issues written on your forehead
cosmically impossible
who would want a kid like me?
a letter to my daughter
please don’t give up on me
repeat after me: everything will be okay
her father’s daughter
blood of warriors
anxiously waiting to call that line
a bad childhood doesn’t equal a bad life
we’ve made it this far
her mother cried the day she was born
we didn’t think the monsters could ever be like us
even though there were tears there were tissues too
fearless children who love the light
they forced her into greatness
she calls her parents by their names
i will love you & love you & love you
wasn’t working well from the starter
so afraid of an empty nest
are you proud of me, mama? papa?
inherited her mother’s black anger
a figure in the distance, a movie reel of old pictures
everything my mother prayed i wouldn’t be, i became
you taught me so many things about myself didn’t know
i never did learn much of anything from my mother
the wolf in this fairy tale
loved the point of madness
master of fate
raise hell, kid
he came out of the womb like hannibal sacking rome
didn’t your mother ever tell you not to leave a good thing waiting
to love to the point of madness
when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother, “what will i be?”
he loved her more than his whole life
when will i be good enough for you?
it’s all good when i have you by my side
maxing out daddy’s credit cards
i took nine months to form your heart, do not let anyone break it in seconds
mother says there are locked rooms inside all women
my poor mother begged for a sheep but raised a wolf
every place my mother prayed i wouldn’t go, i went
mother, know, i have pasts inside me i did not bury properly
mother never taught me that just because someone desires you doesn’t mean they value you
born with a thick skull
the people who were supposed to love you more than anyone in this world
spoken to with corporate coldness or demonic tongues
parents who loved them the way we once loved angry gods, leaving offerings and praying for gentle winters
birthed in the form of cherry blossoms
hiding from their dark clouds, boarding up the shutters
kid, you’ve got to love yourself
what came first: humans or despair?
legacy was more important than anything
a lonely child born to lonely parents
it feels so scary getting old
i’m but my mother’s daughter & because of this i can do anything
my parents strength & anger lives in me
original family disappointment
sorry i’m a shit daughter
i love you baby
please come home (i hope you’re okay)
demonic possession & daddy issues
fight for her
just like her father
until every last galaxy dies you have me
which to ask forgiveness for: what am i or what i’m not
i will always stay with you
family first
fairytale childhood
those raised in glass houses
daughter of smoke & bone
one love one house
to die knowing your life was my life’s best part
gay on my mother’s side
nobody’s ever going to love me this much
a collection of horrible people
using “heir” like we are in a shakespearean play
cursing me with happiness
following a set of unwritten rules
this was not the boy they used to know
it just made him kind
to have a precious few people back
you hurt. it’s okay, i hurt too
thank you for always being there for me
was that a compliment?
she was overpraised as a child
better / not bitter
somebody somewhere cares
the oldest or coolest person on earth
fuck you dad
i’m so very proud of you & how hard you’re trying
thank you to someone who always saw the best in me
it ends or it doesn’t
i swear i’m trying my best
they could never see eye to eye
comparing the twin scars on our forearms
let’s run away together
i love you even though i shouldn’t
two types of the same fool
well used to tragedy
merry band of weirdos
to my siblings: please stop
hurt my sibling & i will kill you
broken dreams club
world’s okayest sister
future cellmate
a force to be reckoned with
your smile lifted the world off me
don’t even think of touching her
a good bro
we may not have had a lot but we had each other
the scorned brother & the only one to make it still
the one with it all
you think you deserved the pain but you didn’t
i can’t remember who the dead one is anymore
i love you / you are not alone / you are daylight
it makes me so mad that they did that to you (and me)
she holds up my sky
always together
i am aware of who you are and what you do
i’m coming for all the monsters that ever touched him
we have blood made of gods and heroes
take back our skin
six am sunrise shining down on us
take back our streets
it’s time to tear their castle down
you don’t know what it’s like to not be wanted
built on the same pretty lie
we learned the truth too late
as golden as they come
no matter what i have you
a drop dead moron
together they’re a fucking hurricane
sour milk children who hiss and spit in father’s eyes
burning down the streets we used to roam
entitled to financial compensation for all this drama
neverending bickering
you used to be so kind
“ even her mugshots were cute “
we have claws for a reason
not mature enough for this
he tried to make everything okay (but he failed)
raised to give themselves a reason to be prideful
they only inherited the same sad eyes
born into needless wealth
carbon copies of one another
sometimes… i can’t even recognize you
the only person that appreciates the irony of legacies like her
the looks she gives him when she sees how he’s tearing himself apart is too much
together they paint an imagined picture of their long gone parents
we were only ever told how to tumble not how to fly
we trust the siren song to call us home
born into the silver of the moon
we are not like the others
i like being alive at the same time as you
your voice is the only answer to my problems
thank you for loving me through it all
if your life must be a battle, don’t fight it alone
promise you’ll come back for me?
never fall for one of them
our old man is a bad man
we’ve all got our secrets
billionaire boys club
sorry i’ve been mean
afraid together
rich girls don’t have hearts
everything is changing
don’t tell them i killed my old self
watch your fucking language little one
why are you always so mean to me
mayhem caused
born to think like martyrs
i’ll find the bad dreams off if they come to get you
something that happened a long time ago and continues to affect us today
there’s nothing wrong with being different
an unremembered bond
don’t touch him
remember you can’t save everyone ; but have to try
no longer making our parents proud together
a golden cage is still a cage
surrounded by idiots
where’s all the time that heals
the hippies
like realizing stuff
you were alone before they left you
please don’t leave me
we met evil when we were only children
the kids with the big big plans
why the fuck do you put up with me?
i feel at home with you
have you seen her?
fighters but not by choice ; by heart
not totally useless, possibly a bad example
star child are you listening? i died that day
i might be an asshole but i’m your favorite asshole
every time she knocks i can’t help but let her in
in these empty church halls religion shifts and turns and blurs
you feed me small bits of your petrified heart
our love is a monster
lulling me to a hundred year slumber with your kiss
love from the lips of people who don’t understand such a thing
just pretending you don’t know he’s going dark again
a love that’s not easily buried
you were never a saint: i loved in shades of wrong
dipped my hands in holy water just to touch her
they wanted you to save them first
i don’t have any more control
how do you still love me after i’ve broken you
he doesn’t feel anything much less love
you have to let me go
make an altar of this stolen flesh
i love you even with your hands around my throat
i call her the devil cos she makes me want to sin
at least it’s something
these violent delights have violent ends
you were crying, but it was beautiful
i will never know who you were supposed to be
the crazy kind of love
pretending to forget how our scars got there
when love kills
he’s suffocating you but you don’t want to breathe
i will make you crumble to the ground
my heart beats in starts until the spell is broken
there’s a body lying next to him
just let me cry a little longer
i did not know desire does not mean value
killing each other with toy guns
it was a lesson in listening to your head over your heart
i wanted too much and you wanted too little
we weren’t meant for each other
he’s bleeding out
you filled up where used to be empty but only with black
you made me lose my softness
the ones who like me the most are always bad
they threw each other to the wolves
we pretend this works
you say my eyes are getting too dark now (boy, look at my mind)
someone could love you more
you’re my today & tomorrow & i am your yesterday
something about you makes me want to do things i shouldn’t
you taught me how to love wrong
you watch her crumble under the weight of your sins
maybe you were the poison and not the cure
loving him was your destruction
you don’t know why you jumped after her
you always tasted like blood a little too damn much
cities fell when you left me
you make my heart shake bend & break but i can’t turn away
i may not know what love is but i know this isn’t it
it’s easier to destroy something you love than let it leave
did you ever really love me at all?
oh god i am bleeding oh god i am bleeding oh go
 i don’t want to be alone
why did you clip my wings
this is breaking my heart
you made me cry you fuck
self destructive tendencies aren’t a relationship quality
i’m a bad influence but damn i’m fun
fear makes the wolf look bigger
don’t believe his lies
not everyone you lose is a loss
i’m so scared loving you was the only good thing i ever did
you still feel like home
i love you (not delivered)
set a fire down in my soul
heartbreak is not beautiful
i should have trusted my trust issues
kiss the boys and make them die
i think i need you because you don’t need me
they broke the wrong parts of me
i could tear you apart if i wanted
we both wish this was better
and in the end all i learned was how to be strong alone
this destruction will be your rebirth
so the poem hurt you (it was supposed to)
he looks at you like your his entire world
i’m an entire person not a vague concept you dreamt
a perfect match but sadly matches burn
never fucking good enough
loving you could be so fun if i wasn’t so blue and you weren’t so numb
i call your name but it’s fading
you were nothing before you met me
everything i didn’t say
this girl wasn’t like wildfire — she was wildfire
it hurts
teenage tragedy
please could you be tender
a wolf will never be a pet
always disappearing on me
nothing ever ends poetically
why do i still love you?
we are the monsters
am i the villain in your story?
i’m sorry i stabbed you. i love you.
i can’t do this anymore
i’ve fallen in love with someone who can’t be reached
cosmically impossible
just one kiss would solve it all
you’re looking at me how you used to before i broke your heart
what do you know of loneliness? of heartbreak? of biting your tongue to draw blood?
i could never regret meeting you
you don’t even realize how amazing you are
the story still ends
you’re all that’s left for me
i’m so glad someone so beautiful exists at all
i can’t ever believe that anyone ever really starts to fall in love with me
even though you want to speak you say nothing
you want to ask if he meant it when he kissed you
something hurt in you the same way rainclouds hurt before they break open
i’ve been in love with you for so long
unable to stop worrying what she’ll say when she finds out
no proof & one touch
killing me silently
god you hated me or hated that you loved me at least
an insatiable desire
i don’t want to be your friend i want to kiss your neck
the ones you love become ghosts inside you
can’t shake the memory of the summer you stomped my heart out
time doesn’t fucking heal anything
i just needed you to know once
never enough
you sit there & your tongue is tied
the best i can do is a fake smile & dead eyes
maybe one day i’ll stop thinking about you
give me a try
god grant me serenity to not destroy myself with want for this boy
i yearn for her to see past the veil
your glance lingers too long
please look away ; you are too much
a warmth i am too numb to feel
i just don’t want to get hurt
like pandora’s box
a love that makes the moon blush
you don’t have to say anything
our lips do not cannot never will touch
if they don’t come back, you sleep in the middle of the bed, make enough coffee for yourself alone
is it just that you’re not good enough
when he leaves you stay behind like always
she said i love you so damned much, just not like that
the world around you is all knives and chipped teeth and she is too soft to not save
you could never hold her like she deserved
i never needed anyone (until you)
in dreams i meet you in warm conversation
to bathe in one’s own blood
i’ve never felt more alone
we wake in lonely beds in different cities
i probably couldn’t live with or without her now
like a sun is trying to escape me
you consume me
if i told you i loved you what would you say
eventually but not today i think it will stop hurting
i’m drowning myself in alcohol when i really want to drown myself in you
i always think about you
i can’t imagine not loving you anymore
i’ll be your slaughterhouse
i don’t want realism, i want magic
i loved the idea of you more
how to unlove someone
i love everything you hate about yourself
the truth is i’m in love with you
i woke up wanting to kiss you
in a room full of art i’d still stare at you
you made me forget myself
there was just something about you that made me feel special
warning: you must fall in love with me
platonically hurting hands / burning
this bed was fit for two
treat her better
does she hold on to you the way i used to?
i just want to pretend
you make me feel lonely & loved at the same time
holding onto your call
i’m sorry that i fell in love tonight
i can barely breathe
maybe if my heart stopped beating it wouldn’t hurt so much
still sleeping like we’re lovers
maybe it wasn’t you but the idea of you
there’s nothing i can do except bury my love for you
it was all fun and games until i fell in love
you’re looking through me & i can’t see past you
you’re never gonna love me so what’s the use
you hurt me so why the fuck am i apologizing
somebody catch my breath
learning to live without you
please don’t say you love me
my love for you was never much of a choice at all
meeting you felt like wandering into a dream
i’m sorry i couldn’t hold myself back anymore
this is me letting you go
just waiting to feel your touch
living with a shattered heart is hard
you can’t love a legend
i know what we are & what we are not
all that’s left are echoes
my memories were loud enough to drown the silence
you want them to fill the void in your heart
you want them to take away the emptiness
you want them to make you feel complete
i can feel it under my skin
i might really become somebody someday
we are in daylight now
too rich & divine
a whole universe in my mind
a wildness in you
desire is the kind of thing that eats you and leaves you starving
full of heartache and poetry
i am worthy and powerful
we do not perish
let us be reborn in the morning light
her eyes are closed
someone will strike a match on it and they’ll explode
they have something bad inside of them
hurricanes of thoughts
some quality content
desire washes over in waves
the beauty that is yet to come
six feet deep
i cannot afford luxuries like rest anymore
this body's a curse
it’s a great day for being sad
love is love is love
partners in crime
a short story on indiscretion
even a curse sounds holy
biting down upon my lips
a queen’s rise
the words that burn my life
an amorphous kind of reality
your life was a long line of fine
like hell you’re doing that
not violent or malicious: a result
softness as a shield
he can’t fake that
begging for a second of time
thank you for your interest in a life full of pain
please try again & again & again
the person you were & the person you became
no maps of the change
the right way to fall in love
can we just live in the moment?
living life on a line
an ex-almost
my braveheart
it’s always more with you
stay alert & stay alive
come on baby light my fire
ballpark music
am i making sense?
coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just fuck
everybody knows i’m a mess
murder! intrigue! sex! drugs! classics!
forget about it
you still hurt
do not go gentle into the good light ; rage rage against the dying light
i don’t want to relate to anyone
we should talk
we will be gods
don’t forget me
water in vodka bottles
taking trains to nowhere in particular
say you love satan
just trying to not get arrested again
in the sewers again
the devil’s music
who’s going to stop me?
a date in hell
only the good die young
survivor riddled with arrows
i have seen the future
talk to me (i’m scared to speak)
drive him wild with hints that you know when he will die
are you afraid of yourself?
you are necessary i need you
i like you more than i planned
the sun will come up
i got by own back
help the ghost find his past life
sent here to make shit worse
and all i loved i loved alone
survival mode is not meant to be how you live
your thoughts kill you, don’t they?
as far as anyone knows you do not feel anything
i am so in love (please do not break my heart)
i hope you know how loved you are
fifteen minutes late with starbucks
alluring like wildfire and summer storms
wake up
not afraid to heal
don’t panic
i took care of that thing for you
i made me
midday criss not midlife crisis
just survive somehow
what are some of the ways you’ve died?
the hero of this story
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bughead · 6 years
I’m a Bughead shipper but I just know Barchie is gonna happen. That’s how it supposed to be and how Roberto has planned it from the very first start. Bughead was not supposed to be that popular, he probably regrets it now because he can’t actually do what he wanted without pissing off his most popular fandom. I’ve learned to chill. Whatever happens will happen. It’s unfortunate.
literally nothing you just said makes me believe you’re a bughead shipper. in fact, i think i’ve seen almost the exact same wording on twitter from b*rchie accounts. i’ll leave you with an answer i gave all the way back in february��
the episodes that he specifically writes show nothing but bughead and varchie endgame. i really don’t think he’s here for b*rchie or any sort of love triangle between our core four.
he wrote 1x01, which painted betty and archie’s relationship as completely platonic on archie’s side. and her confession of feelings at the school dance 100% backed up the theory that betty was “in love” with archie because she thought they’d be perfect together. it was grounded in fantasy much more than it was in reality. archie was immediately enthralled with veronica, and straight up told her he’d never had romantic feelings for betty
he wrote 1x02, which ended with betty at pop’s beginning to accept that archie didn’t want to be with her, and that she wasn’t going to hold onto her hurt and let it stop her from becoming friends with veronica, AND it was the moment betty and jughead first interacted. he saved their first interaction until after the BAV “triangle” was over. you can’t meet the right one until you’ve let go of the wrong one. it’s pretty much been established that betty’s crush on archie blinded her to all else, so in the scene where that smoke is finally starting to clear……oh, there’s jughead
he wrote 1x11 (fun fact: this aired on my birthday), which was a good episode for varchie because it was really the start of their relationship–but it was a HUGE episode for bughead. we had jughead, who has been shown to be desperate to get his family back together, choose betty over making that happen. we had betty furious at everybody accusing fp and hurting jughead, and she told her mom that jughead was just as much her family as she was. she LOVES him. that was not just the first bughead declaration of love, it was the first time we heard it from betty period. she asked archie if he loved her in episode one, but she never said that she loved him. she tells veronica “the boy i like.” that’s pretty significant, in my opinion  
he wrote 1x13, which was obviously a big episode for bughead and varchie. veronica and archie finally became a couple with betty’s blessing. betty referred to veronica and jughead as the people they were meant to be with. betty and jughead were called soul mates. veronica brought up her insecurities about b*rchie to archie, and he told her (for a second time) that he’s only ever felt friendship for betty. we had the first scene of bughead and varchie together cuddled up as couples at pop’s. veronica and archie had sex. betty and jughead exchanged i love yous. it was a giant hit against b*rchie and the BAV love triangle, ESPECIALLY when you find out the tiny hints of those things that were in the episode, roberto was told to add in. something that’s also super telling: the alternate ending for this episode (in case they didn’t get renewed for s2) was jughead moving in with the coopers
he wrote 2x01, which was an important one for varchie. a lot of people like to complain that their relationship is very physical. that was addressed in that episode. veronica told betty that sort of thing was easy for her, the emotional stuff was harder, but she wanted to try because she cares about archie so much. and she does a great job of pushing herself out of her comfort zone. archie tries to push her away and she refuses to let him. at the hospital, the doctor told archie to talk to his dad (who was in a coma) about good things–he talked about veronica. the hallucinations fred had, the things he didn’t want to miss in archie’s life, were his graduation, his engagement to veronica, and his wedding to veronica. that scene was so extravagant. RAS went all out with the varchie wedding, and it wasn’t even real. bughead was super well written too. we had adorable flirting, but also betty was open about her worries with him. it was beautiful communication and ended with her telling him she would support him no matter what, and they had a beautiful kiss in the rain
he wrote 2x12, which had two more clear married!varchie references. the first being archie mesmerized by veronica in her white dress, and the second being her blurring out everybody except him as she said “i do” for her confirmation. veronica spent the whole episode wanting to shield archie from the evils of her family, and then when she was finally going to tell him her dad was involved with the mafia, archie told her he already knew and basically professed his undying love for her. we had bughead return to their s1 dynamic, AND had them acknowledge that they’d lost that trying to protect each other instead of facing the ugliness together. they’re not just boyfriend and girlfriend, they’re partners. they get shit done when they’re together. they give each other great ideas and refuse to let the other give up. they rebounded (somewhat) on those big secrets and communication problems they were having. jughead came clean about everything, and while betty didn’t, i think RAS did a good job of painting her struggle. i didn’t get the vibe that she didn’t tell jughead about the kiss with archie because it meant something to her. i got the vibe that, after jughead basically told her that her breaking up with him through archie is what drove him into toni’s arms, she was scared to tell him that she’d also kissed him. you see her pause their make-out, wanting to tell him, but then deciding not to because she probably thinks he’ll stop. the fact that she kissed archie and lied about it could cause her to lose him, again–so she says “i want all of you. tonight.” he might not want another night when he finds out, so she’s going to take what she can get while she can. i think the idea that he’d break up with her over a kiss is ridiculous, but it’s a real fear for her. –back on topic, roberto made sure that he was the one to write their first time. RAS writing both varchie and bughead’s first time is not a coincidence 
he wrote 2x22, which was a lighter varchie episode, but a MASSIVE one for bughead. we opened with jughead in a coma dreaming about betty standing over his grave, holding his prized beanie, crying, and telling him to come back to her. roberto wrote betty telling our narrator that he needs to come back because their story isn’t over. their story. he low-key implied riverdale is bughead’s love story. anyway, this dream is what brings jughead back from the brink of death. and then later when fp tells him they’re leaving town, he angrily tells him that he’s not leaving betty. jughead holds betty over his blood family, something we saw in 1x11 as well (written by roberto). on betty’s side, we have this guilt, and pain, and anger eating her up (and not just in 2x22, she’s struggled with her “darkness” since season 1). one conversation with jughead and she’s able to face her father and confidently tell him that she’s not like him. she’s not a bad person, she’s not evil. that’s some true love stuff. and them babysitting polly’s twins? well, i’m just gonna leave this here
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then we have the HOTEL scene. this part got trimmed, but roberto originally wrote that scene opening with betty telling jughead she wanted to stay there forever. betty and jughead laughed and smiled in that scene more than they did pretty much the entire season. he asked betty to be his queen, and she asked if he was asking her to join the serpents, and he said sort of. the scene was intentionally written to sound like a proposal. roberto is so hyped for married bughead that he had to get them pre-engaged in the second season 
roberto is varchie & bughead endgame, everything he writes points to it
roberto has stated a few times that they were taking a risk pairing betty and jughead together, but he felt like (and was hopeful) that the audience would take to them–which they did. he was the first person to ever make that leap, and end the BAV love triangle and have betty and jughead fall in love, and it paid off HUGE. why would he look at that and feel regret?? i imagine the dude feels pretty fucking prideful. i could go on and on about how unfounded your claim that “roberto has planned [b*rchie] from the very first start” is, but i think i’ve already made my point 
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evotter · 5 years
jan, march, sept + one of your choice, love. have a great day, u icon
thank u kyra i adore u
january: what was the first fic you posted this year?
the first fic i posted this year TECHNICALLY was the epilogue of a different path. the first standalone was chewbacca (aka my introduction to the jily world once again and i have such a soft spot for it)
march: do you listen to music whilst writing? 
yes! pretty much always; if it’s not music, it’s a TV show.
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
quite literally anything you’ve left on any of my fics BUT there are a few that i hold dear to my heart. i’ll post them under the cut cause they are LONG :’)
ancient: the first fic you ever posted online?
hahahaaaaaaa. it was my own version of rick riordan’s the son of neptune before the actual book was published. it was on ff.net, and the first chapter got 7 reviews, and i felt so good about myself after that lmfao. who knew i’d still be writing 8 years later?
ask me questions!
OKAY so i have 3 top favorites:
from a different path:
okay so i had seen this in someone else’s bookmarks the other day, thought it was an interesting concept—especially since i too love slytherin!percy and strongly subscribe to ofswordsandpens’ headcanons about it—but didn’t give it another thought until i was listening to a video about the cursed child and went: wait, there’s a percabeth hogwarts au that i saw somewhere. and immediately i hunted this down and i’m just in awe? i tore through it. belatedly, i realized that i made a mistake: i didn’t write down my thoughts as i was reading, which is definitely a disservice to you. however, here are a generalized list of things that i loved.
first of all, with hogwarts au’s, there are three main aspects that i look for: plot, characterization, and quality of writing. normally, fics of this size lack one or more of these key factors, but i was astonished to find that the plot is tremendously tight and intriguing (my lip bled from biting it so much because i’ve been stressed to the max), you write these characters with such distinct voices i can easily picture them saying everything—except, of course, now in a little british accent—and your writing flows so well, it feels almost like i’m reading an actual harry potter book, just with percy and co. you also do a masterful job of weaving together aspects of the pjo universe with the established canon of hp.
and there are so many specific things that i love. primarily, the way you write the relationships in this story; not just concerning percabeth (though i will get to that in a minute), but also with each of the interactions between all of the characters. i applaud you for how you handled luke/annabeth and rachel/percy, and the friendship among them all is just incredibly well done. i especially love how well you wrote connor and zoë and just, a lot of characters that i don’t often think about when i think of pjo. grover and percy’s friendship especially is heartbreaking, i just. he’s so protective because he loves his friends and holy fuck i also love how you wrote grover in this. but i just adored how you wrote annabeth/percy—the love between them, both platonic in its early stages and the romantic all throughout, was doubly apparent. i ached when they kissed each other’s cheeks, and i inwardly cheered when she kissed him in the locker room. there was just such a natural progression, to me, of their relationship. and man did i dig it. i’m excited (and maybe a little scared) to see where you take their relationship in the future.
boy, this is getting long. sorry. but some more just little quick things: loved the b99 reference, with both of their competitive natures playing out in a similar way to jake and amy’s. i kind of want to go back and see if i can find any other references that i missed because i was just too engaged in the story to catch them. also, zoë’s death killed me all over again, thanks for that. i like how you’re working the kronos plot in, and i can’t wait to see how the Final Battle plays out. what else? oh! professor hestia? beautiful. eventual maybe professor percy? outstanding. percy kissing the top of annabeth’s head? breathtaking. rachel being a quidditch commentator? earth shattering. (truly i cackled when i saw that.) mrs. o’leary being a cat? incredible. how you incorporated percy’s water powers? stunning.
ooh, this exchange was beautiful and had me cackling it was so in-character:
“None of us are dying.” Connor clarifies. “Not you, not me, not Annie, not the rest of us.”
“I might have to dispute that.” Annabeth says, from Percy’s other side. “Call me ‘Annie’ one more time, Stoll, and I’ll kill you myself.”
Connor only grins at her. “Sorry, love. No more ‘Annie’. Can I call you Beth?”
okay, so i just finished chapter nine and i am blown away. sorry for how long this comment was, but a fic of this magnitude truly warrants it. i can’t wait to see what happens next.
i leave you with just two words: “holy shit.”
from a different path: 
god, oh my god, am i the only dumb bitch who didn’t get what the prophecy was??
anyway, i stumbled on this fic last year, patiently waiting for its completion, and now that i’ve rediscovered it, i’m so glad i finished it all in one go! i couldn’t imagine the tension of waiting for the next chapter, especially since the tension is so well-crafted!! i hardly noticed the tonal shift even as the story got darker and darker as it led up to the war, and in that way i was reminded of how extremely similar it felt to reading the hp books for the first time! you nailed percy very well i might say, and the awkward-yet-caring relationship he has with his dad. i daresay you gave connor and zoe more characterization than rick riordan himself, and the percabeth you wrote is perfect to the nth degree. i appreciate that you didnt bother with all the love triangle and unrequited feelings nonsense as well.
but i have to say, even as i cried at sally and paul’s wedding, or at dionysus’ quiet mourning for castor, what really struck with me most was the way you handled silena. for that, i have no words. that was a job extremely well done. thank you so much for blessing us with this fic.
from chewbacca (a comment from u!): 
A girl in a bright yellow hooded raincoat stumbles into the cafe on one of the slowest nights James has ever seen. Her coat is dripping all over the floor he’d just cleaned (but it’s fine) and when he leans over the counter he sees that her boots match the coat.
First of all!!! Thats the best opening line in the world and nobody can convince me otherwise. I want to become a publisher just so that if you ever write a book, I’d be able to publish it. ( like omg, what an honor??? )
She looks like sunshine, standing there with the amount of yellow in her wardrobe. Briefly, James wonders if that’s her favorite color. It’s got to be.
Im going to quote this whole fic but I really love these lines? Like, you have this distinct style of writiting that I aim to acheive and you’re literally such a rolemodel!!! These are my favorite kind of fics to read. Funny story but I was going through a ‘no thanks Jily’ mood (  a horror, i know !! ) but your fics are just,,,,exceptions? You could write about trash and I’d love it and ask for you to sign me up.
 “Say it again, but convincingly this time.”
ooof this dialogue??? let me breathe
This is the longest he’s stood still since he started working. It’s actually a miracle.
and the funniest person award goes to YOU. also, the most talented and cutest but thats neither here nor there.
james taking care of fleamont, switching off the lights gives me just a nice and realistic vibe? its so simple but i love how you added it.
honestly at this point, ive been sucked again by the fanfic. it feels less like a fic and more like a masterpiece that belongs in a museum but anyway.
“James is supposed to be helping.
James is on his phone.”
ugh i love ur mind. im rereading and its so nice and lovely. even if its like 1am and im exhausted, this fic is sustaining me.
“Do it off the clock, would you?”
have i mentioned how much i love that scene with euphemia? she seems like such a lovely mom. i love ur euphemia the most. and ahh, both of them just rushing to the hospital ? another 100% good scene.
“Euphemia smiles too, but looks at Fleamont rather than at her son. “Yes,” she says. “It really does.””
fic? or shakspeare? HMMM
A girl in a bright yellow hooded raincoat stumbles into the cafe on one of the slowest nights James has ever seen // “Get fucked.”
the fic!! has made a circle!!! i love how it begins and ends along the same lines. I really want to know how??? are you so talented im in love.
i just really love this fic, okay? i love how james is just the kindest, lily is allowed to have feelings, its just so soft and warm. and it makes someone feel loved, want love anyway.
the dynamic between the characters are just so real and great and im astounded, in short.
your sirius is everything. so many fics potray him as a dick??? which is first of all #rude and also, not at all true. you made me love these characters even more so i sincerely hope you never stop writing.
you’re such a beautiful writer and the way you string words together is just poetic and gorgeous and all the other good adjectives you can think of. i read your spiderman x reader too and i was a goner for you. EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS SO GOOD. i read it so long ago but i can vividly remember peter whipping the mask off and she just going wtf stop on the window ledge. what im trying to say is that you leave this lasting impression on people that make them remember random scenes and words / prose long after they’ve read it which is a remarkable feat, i believe.
and im so sorry im not on tumblr rn bc i cannot keep recing this fic but i have told my friends about your writing and they loved it too. you’ve got like a million fans. when i do get back from my hiatus, im going to keep recing your fics and people will cry because their universe will shift thanks to the newfound joy of your presence in their life.
lastly, im more of a dog person and that, more than anything, should tell you how much i love this fic. i love u. and basee on your writing, i want to hug you, be your best friend and make you cookies bc again
6 notes · View notes
miss-musings · 6 years
Some wild or not-so-wild predictions about Episode IX (with some TLJ meta/analysis)
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So, for the record, these crazy-ass wild predictions (or maybe not so wild???) are based on: 1) evidence of themes, motifs, character development and story arcs from TFA and TLJ; 2) overall story arcs and whatnot from both the Prequel Trilogy and the OrigTrig; 3) other media (TV shows) within the Star Wars universe; 4) other media outside of Star Wars that I feel like share some thematic/character parallels and that I know are very popular among modern audiences; and 5) fan metas that tie into all of this.
So, in no particular order and with plenty of art to break up the text…
And in case this isn’t going to be obvious… SPOILERS FOR THE LAST JEDI!!!
Across the 8 Star Wars films we have three possibilities for the way titles are worded: A/The (Adjective) (Noun) ; (Noun) with a verb somewhere in the phrase; (Noun) of the (Noun). So far in this new trilogy, we’ve had the first two. But we haven’t had (Noun) of the (Noun) yet. This has been the case with the third installments of each trilogy: Revenge of the Sith (III) and Return of the Jedi (IV).
I imagine IX will fit this pattern; and, while I doubt it will have “Jedi” or “Sith” in it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it had the word “Balance” in it. Like “Balance of the Force” or something, except that I imagine they might be kind of nervous about using “Force” again in a title so soon, considering they have The Force Awakens and another property The Forces of Destiny.
But, I’d bet money “Balance” is in the title. Maybe not a lot of money. Like $5 or something, but still. I’ll bet money on it. Maybe… “Power of the Balance.” Because Balance has very much been a recurring theme/motif in this trilogy, and I’m 100% certain we’re going there (which we’ll get into more below).
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PREDICTION TWO: Character Dynamics
Okay, so for a more general observation of the Core Three Characters of each of our trilogies – Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padme ; Luke/Han/Leia – we had a romantic pairing between two of the three characters (Anakin/Padme ; Han/Leia), and a sibling or pseudo-sibling bond two of three characters (Anakin/Obi-Wan ; Luke/Leia). And the remaining connection of the triangle (Padme/Obi-Wan ; Luke/Han) was more of a friendship than anything else.
Now, looking at our main three characters of this NEW trilogy, I’ve seen a lot of people arguing that it’s Rey/Finn/Poe. No, it’s really not. As much as I like Poe, he’s really more of the Lando or Yoda or Mace Windu of this series. He has an important role, but initially he’s more of a side character (especially considering that he doesn’t really get any character development until TLJ). This is evident in the marketing for TFA and the fact that Poe was supposed to die in the crash on Jakku.
No, Rey, Finn and Kylo are the main three of our story. With that, the bonds between them become more evident: Rey and Kylo are the romantic pairing as we clearly see in TLJ; and Rey and Finn are going to be more of the pseudo-sibling pairing (Sorry, FinnRey, shippers. I enjoy their dynamic but I see it being more platonic.) That will presumably leave Finn and Kylo to one day become friends, although it probably won’t happen in the events of Episode IX.
It’s evident that Rey and Finn deeply care about one another, and while there were hints to a possible romantic pairing between them – like the “cute boyfriend” comment and the “stop holding my hand,” awhich might’ve been done as either comic relief or shipping fodder – I don’t see them getting together unless Kylo dies (which I HIGHLY doubt, and we’ll get into more below).
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Finn is the first person who ever cared about Rey and treated her like a real person, like family. That’s partly why she’s so attached to him; that and he’s just generally a good guy. Likewise, Rey was the first person to believe in Finn, and it’s obvious that she means a lot to him. They’re the first real connection they made after they escaped their respective shitty lives (scavenging on Jakku and working for the FO). But Finn only ever calls her his friend, and he and Rey never exchange any dialogue in TLJ. He hasn’t really talked to her since Starkiller Base, before he fell into his coma; they’ve both seen and done a lot since then. They’re really not the same people that they were on Jakku, and while they will always care about each other, their lives are moving in different directions to a certain degree.
Anyway, sorry that was long way of saying: Rey and Finn aren’t getting together; Rey and Kylo are getting together. At least romantically. I imagine Rey and Finn will still be a big part of each other’s lives at the trilogy’s end.
PREDICTION THREE: Length of the Time Skip
I doubt it will be shorter than six months, but I don’t think it’ll be more than three years. We need enough time for the Resistance to have built up their forces again, but not so long that I think Hux will have overthrown Kylo Ren (because it was very obvious that he’s not at ALL pleased with Kylo as Supreme Leader).
A year or a year-and-a-half seems pretty reasonable. Any more than that, and I think you’re going to have to explain why the hell Hux hasn’t killed Kylo Ren or why either the Resistance or FO hasn’t found out about the Force Bond (because I definitely think that’ll be making an appearance).
PREDICTION FOUR: Basic Plot Outline
On that note, here’s how I think the movie might go. We’ll get into the specifics of some of these later.
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Since taking over as Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren has been mostly brooding. He doesn’t give a lot of orders, but mostly kind of lets Hux run things. He’s so incredibly conflicted, given everything that happened in TLJ. He is not at all stable emotionally or spiritually. He shuts himself in his chambers and doesn’t do much but wait for the Force Bond to connect him with Rey. They don’t really say anything to each other, even though both of them want to but can never find the words. Or something like that.
(EDIT: I could’ve sworn I put this next prediction in my original draft, but I guess not. Oh, well. Adding it back in now.) Leia’s death will be shortly before the events of this movie. In fact, it’ll probably be mentioned in the opening Title Crawl. News of her death or the feeling of his mother being gone (as he might sense it through the Force) will cause Kylo to break routine and leave his quarters to go on a solo trip to some location that reminds him of his mom. Alderaan is gone, so maybe wherever Leia and Han raised him?? As long as it wasn’t one of those planets that Starkiller blew up. Wherever. It’ll be somewhere that reminds him of his mom.
(EDIT:) Side note: I’m not sure what will cause Leia’s death. She might’ve died in battle. That’d at least be badass. But losing her husband and twin brother within a week of each other might’ve taken a strain on her physically and emotionally, much like what happened to Carrie Fisher’s mom, Debbie Reynolds, IRL. But, I think death in battle would be more fitting. Although, if that’s the case, Kylo won’t have ordered it.
As Kylo is visiting this site connected to his mom, Rey will either be on Jakku or Tattooine – delving into her own origins (visiting her parents’ graves in the junker desert) or into Luke’s/Anakin’s and trying to learn more about the Force. She will have constructed a new lightsaber: either one that’s totally unique to her (maybe like a staff size?), or one that uses half of the kyber crystal from the Skywalker Lightsaber (and Ben will use the other half for his saber at the very end, after he’s redeemed).
While they are both alone and on their personal journeys, the Bond will activate and they will finally say something to each other for the first time since TLJ. It won’t be much, and there will still be some anger/resentment/hostility between them, but it will be poignant and emotional. Rey will probably say something about how his mom never gave up on him, etc.
At some point while Kylo/Ben is visiting this location that reminds him of his mom, he will probably hear some audio of his mother speaking to him through the Force (they might use an earlier clip of Carrie/Leia saying “Ben” or something, they way they used the Alec Guiness/Old Ben dialogue in Rey’s Forceback).
Luke will appear as a Force-ghost to either Kylo or Rey or both at some point during the film, but this point (when they’re both on their respective journeys of nostalgia) seems the most likely. He’ll probably spout off some exposition-heavy dialogue (possibly giving Rey her third official lesson, if they decide the TLJ deleted scenes aren’t canon), and then tell Rey she’ll have to face Kylo again.
In the meantime, the Resistance has been cooking up some big plan to take down the FO’s most recent base/big gun/whatever. Poe is now in charge of the Resistance since Leia’s death. Finn and Rose are potentially a couple now, and they’re also major Resistance leaders.
Either the Resistance will win some major victory or the FO will start to fracture as Hux takes more power from Kylo. Something will have to kick Kylo back into full Renperor mode. Something will threaten his position of power and he will feel as though he has to retaliate. But, Hux won’t be killed off, either in battle or by Kylo, until the third act of the movie.
There will be a gigantic space battle in either the second or third act. Poe will probably be the one to kill Hux, if Kylo doesn’t.
Finn will likely find out about the Force Bond, if Rey hasn’t told him during the Time Skip.
If there’s an element where the Resistance has to send one of their own to infiltrate the FO base, Rey will do it. Finn will initially volunteer at first, but Rey says she has to face Kylo and give the Resistance its best chance to win.
Somehow Rey and Kylo will face each other in the final act of the film, likely after she’s sought him out on a FO base. Or they find each other on the battlefield.
Since the end of TLJ, Rey has gotten considerably stronger in the Force, especially her combat abilities. She and Kylo will be a literal even match. They know each other so well and are both so strong that almost every attack is ineffective. I really HOPE (not predict, but hope) that this fight will either have some kind of a dance feel to it or go back to Episode IV, when it was an homage to old samurai films. Like when they’re both trying to do one-shot kill moves on each other, but keep blocking it.
Okay… now as to how the fight will end… I truly believe that it will end in a draw with both of them being hurt to the point where they can’t fight any more, probably with inverse/opposite/complementary/mirroring injuries. The injuries will be major, but not life-threatening.
While they’re laying there, not fighting any more and experiencing a shared/parallel pain, they’ll both vocalize their feelings for one another. And probably kiss. And while they kiss, they have Force visions on how to resolve this conflict: to balance the Force by becoming Gray Jedi (Force-wielders who use both the light and the dark sides, in balance) TOGETHER.
Kylo will proposition to Rey to join him as a Gray Jedi, which she will accept.
Once they realize this, the two will go back to their respective sides, and figure out some kind of compromise/system where neither the Resistance nor the FO exists, but some kind of balanced government system where everyone feels represented and no one is oppressed.
Everyone celebrates the creation of this new system, the destruction of the old system(s), and Rey and Kylo leave their friends to become tandem Gray Jedi Masters who will teach the next generation of Force users all about the full scope of the Force. They’ll also totally become a couple and maybe we’ll see a Force-vision of the future, where they have kids or something.
Together, Ben and Rey will have brought balance to the Force and the galaxy at large!
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Kylo letting Hux run most things would be a good reason for Hux not having killed him yet. And Kylo brooding rather than being a bad dude makes a lot of sense if he’s going to be redeemed and live. And it’s clear from the effort that’s gone into Kylo Ren’s character that he WILL be redeemed, and because we’ve already done the Redeemed Hero Dies route (Vader), Kylo will get to live, albeit probably scarred/injured/handicapped or something. He can’t do TOO much more evil stuff or otherwise he’ll be considered TOO unredeemable for average audiences. Killing Han, killing a bunch of innocent people and Resistance combatants, and trying to kill Luke are all pretty unredeemable, but eh. He killed Snoke, and Rey, Luke and Leia all believe in his goodness. Seeing his conflict early on in Episode IX will clue the audience in on his being redeemed by the end of the movie.
I’m basing a lot of this on Zuko’s character arc from the Avatar: The Last Airbender series and Sasuke from the Naruto universe (which we’ll talk about more in a second).
Rey’s arc, much like Luke’s in Episode VI, will be somewhat overlapping with the main War plot, but will ultimately take place parallel to it. Luke was on a journey of discovering himself, the Force and helping Anakin Skywalker to redeem himself. Rey, likewise, is on a journey of discovering herself, the Force and helping Ben Solo to redeem himself. Her main story will intersect with Finn/Poe/Rose/the Resistance’s, as Luke’s did with Han/Leia/Chewie/the Rebellion’s, but it will ultimately take place mostly separated from them.
With Carrie gone, they are going to have to have some kind of carry-over from the OrigTrig, and Luke as a Force-Ghost makes the most sense. He’ll do the Ben Kenobi role of getting the main characters to fight each other and figure out whatever the Force is trying to tell them. Because, as a Force-Ghost, Luke’s consciousness is one with the Force, or whatever; so he knows exactly what needs to happen for Balance to be achieved.
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There will have to be something plot-wise to make Kylo snap out of his vulnerable state and back into his Renperor self because we’re going to need tension that he might kill Rey in their final duel, or at least destroy the Resistance. That way their final battle will have higher stakes.
Rey’s Force powers have leaned more toward the Sensing/Emotive side. Her first “awakening” is the Force-back, but even before that, she’s first aware of being called by the Force (the Lightsaber). She then figures out how to turn Kylo’s Force-sensing interrogation technique back on him, and senses his greatest fear. She also figures out how to use the Jedi Mind Trick, which she will ABSOLUTELY use again in Episode IX, and it’s only later that we see her using more of the physical attributes of the Force (pulling stuff toward you, combat enhancement, etc.). Rey is more naturally drawn toward sensing things via the Force, like the Tree, the Island (in her dreams) and the Lightsaber, and when she senses the Force as whole and then the Dark Side (the cave) in TLJ. So, during the Time Skip, she will have trained in learning how to use the Force to enhance her combat abilities, because it always felt to me like those were earned from her harsh life on Jakku rather than something inherent she had because she was Force-sensitive. (I mean, she didn’t even realize she was Force-sensitive until the Lightsaber scene on Takodana; but she’d been fighting off assholes all her life.)
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Force Bond is exposed to either the FO, the Resistance or both. This might be why Hux tries to usurp Kylo; and I doubt the Resistance will take Rey’s connection to Kylo all too well, considering that he tortured Poe and almost killed Finn (EDIT: and they might blame him for Leia’s death). Rey might make up for this by excusing herself from the main action of the War and offering to take down Kylo alone.
Now, what’s all this about the Gray Jedi and bringing “balance to the Force”?
(EDIT: Linking to the Wookieepedia article on “Gray Jedi” here.)
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So, this is what all the eight movies have been leading up to – the prophecy that Anakin was supposed to fulfill. At the end of VI, the Sith (Vader and Palpitine) die and only one Jedi (Luke) survives to pass on what he has learned. This is not balance. At the time, we didn’t know about the whole prophecy thing and the OrigTrig was just about the good guys winning and the bad guys losing. But, over time, Star Wars has evolved to show us that this world – like ours – is a lot more GRAY. That’s what the Clone Wars series was about; that’s what Rebels (as far as I know) has been about; and that’s what the PT was sort of hinting at. That’s what THIS new trilogy has been hinting at, especially with the Finn/Rose subplot in TLJ. (EDIT: Which I wrote a whole meta analyzing and defending the importance of that subplot. Read it here.)
That’s not to say the FO hasn’t committed atrocities and the Resistance isn’t made up of people who have suffered and want better lives. But, as we saw with Finn, there’s a possibility that Stormtroopers are good people who don’t like what they’re being told to do. And, as was hinted at in TLJ, there are plenty of people who don’t like the Resistance. Because, in a war, no side is all good or all bad.
The whole Star Wars franchise kicked off as WWII In Space! But, since WWII, we’ve entered several conflicts where we (the U.S.) weren’t always in the right and the enemy wasn’t always in the wrong. There’s a TON of gray area in our conflicts now.
Anyway, this is all a very long way of saying that the OT’s understanding of the Light Side and the Dark Side isn’t well managed. As we saw with Luke at the end of VI, he let his anger, hatred and rage against Vader flow, but he didn’t become evil. He stopped himself, and realized that Vader was much more like him than he previously wanted to admit.
But, then in the PT, we see that the Jedi’s belief system is very lop-sided. They can NEVER let their emotions get the better of them. They have to be stoic, mindful, “celibate” (more or less), and detached from the world around them. They are encouraged to be compassionate, but not to love or become attached to people. This is a philosophy that isn’t going to fly well among modern audiences.
(EDIT: There’s a really great video Pop Culture Detective did on this very topic today. Linking to it here.)
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Like with the War side, the answer is that we (the audience) are something in between. We do sometimes let our emotions get the better of us, which CAN be a bad thing sometimes, but not always (as “Inside Out” taught us, it’s unhealthy to lock certain feelings away). But, at the same time, most people aren’t evil and hate people so much that they want to destroy them.
So, the answer for The Force side of Star Wars is a balance: a coexisting of the extremes and the meeting of the two halves (Kylo and Rey). In TLJ, Luke’s big thing is that the Light Side WILL exist without the Jedi; and that the Force is ALL ABOUT A BALANCE: life/death, light/dark, heat/cold, peace/violence, etc. The Jedi is a RELIGION that used the Force, but there are plenty of other Force-users in this universe who aren’t Jedi or Sith (like Ahsoka Tano or Chirrut from Rogue One). The Gray Jedi can be the religious practice (the way of life) of Kylo and Rey. They can use both sides of the Force without being overcome by one or the other, by keeping them in a balance. I don’t know exactly how this would work, as I haven’t read TOO extensively into this topic, but I know it’s possible as I believe there were some Gray Jedi in the Legends Universe. I suppose it might be a bit like the Guardians of the Galaxy (another popular Disney property) – Kylo and Rey wouldn’t be all bad (because then they’d be evil) or all good (because then they’d be boring), but a little bit of both or something in between.
The happy ending to this entire saga isn’t about the Light snuffing out the Dark, the good guys killing all the bad guys, because the whole idea is that the Force and the world needs to be brought into balance. As much as we want the heroes to win, we also want the ending to be reflective of our human nature – both how we succeed and how we fail. This Gray Jedi ending would be reflective of that and bring the whole saga to a nice end.
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I mean they wouldn’t have put a fucking YIN-YANG SYMBOL in the Meditation Pool on Ach-To if the idea behind the trilogy wasn’t about bringing the Force into balance. I wonder if it’s a good thing Rey took those ancient Jedi texts, because maybe they hint at if/how the Ancient Jedi (not the ones in the PT) were more in balance in the Force than our PT Jedi were.
We see this nicely encapsulated into Rey and Kylo as characters. Rey who embodies the Light, but has plenty of darker tendencies (like getting mad, charging at Snoke in a fit of rage and aggression); and Kylo who embodies the Dark, but has plenty of lighter tendencies (like telling Rey to detach herself from her past and let it go). They are a literal fucking YIN-YANG SYMBOL as people, side by side. But combined and intertwined… if you put a Yin-Yang symbol in wet paint on paper, and then mixed it together, what would you get?
A gray circle.
Gray Jedi is the answer, people. No question about it. At least in my mind.
Now, about the fight. Why do I think Rey and Kylo will have to wound one another and kiss?
Well, the draw/wound thing is something I stole from the Naruto universe.
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For those of you who are unfamiliar… the main character Naruto (on the left) is very much the “light side” of his universe. His rival Sasuke (on the right, and who has a redemption arc similar to what we’ve seen of Kylo’s so far) is very much the “dark side.” There’s a point where they get sun and moon symbols on their respective hands, and each holds half of the same power source, although they manifest it differently based on their respective abilities/personalities.
Now, the entire series is built-up to this final showdown between the two. Naruto is not trying to kill Sasuke, but needs to stop him, because Sasuke IS trying to kill Naruto and bring an end to things/people Naruto loves. And, it physically ends in a draw. The two lose their dominant arms: Naruto loses his right; Sasuke, his left. Their wounds are a literal mirror of each other (see below). And in that shared pain, they find an understanding, and Sasuke decides not to kill Naruto but to come back over to the “good” side (more or less), to stop being a murderous asshole, and to start atoning for his crimes. (So, in a way, Naruto wins the fight on an emotional level, as he brings Sasuke over to his side.)
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That’s very much where I see this Rey/Kylo thing going. There are so many parallels between these four characters and their respective arcs, it’s ridiculous.
With Kylo and Rey, each of them will be trying to kill the other so their respective side will win the War. A draw (with a major non-fatal injury) is the only way I see this fight ending in a way that will bring them into balance with each other and the Force at large.
Also, we’ve never had a movie lightsaber fight end in a draw before, to my recollection: Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon; Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul; Count Dooku injured/beat Obi-Wan and Anakin (I guess he ran away from Yoda, so you might count that); Count Dooku injured/beat Obi-Wan in the rematch and then Anakin killed Count Dooku; Obi-Wan injured/beat Anakin; the Emperor forced Yoda to run away; Obi-Wan allowed Vader to kill him; Vader beat/injured Luke; Luke beat/injured Vader in their rematch; Rey injured/beat Kylo; and there wasn’t really an actual lightsaber fight in TLJ.
It would fit the whole “balance” motif for neither to win or lose the fight, but instead the two come to an understanding and compromise.
Now. The Kiss.
Why do these two little fuckers have to kiss, IMO?
Well, do you all remember the Disney Channel TV Show “That’s So Raven”? The main character (Raven) is a psychic; and there’s an episode where she meets a male psychic. And, while they have 0 romantic interest in each other, there’s a point where they continue escalating their physical proximity/touching, because it allows them to better use their powers. There’s a point where they have to kiss in order to find Raven’s BFF and some other people.
And, as we saw with Rey and Kylo in TLJ, these two are oozing with sexual chemistry and Force power. I mean if they see each other’s futures whenever they touch hands, what the hell are they going to see when they kiss? (Or if they ever had sexy times… but this is a family-friendly movie, so that’s not going to happen on screen; the kiss is the closest we’re going to get).
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I mean, c’mon you guys… everything we saw in TLJ is building up to them kissing and the Force coming into balance as a result of their combined lives/knowledge/destinies or whatever.
Also, as others have pointed out, they’re not going to kill off Ben Solo. The Skywalker family is too much of a commodity, and there’s so much possibility in leaving him alive and with Rey. I mean think of all the spinoff movies and TV shows we could have of them and their kids??? (EDIT: Just like how the Legends Universe focused in part on the kids of Luke, Han and Leia.) Rey is too well-loved by the fans to kill her off, and Ben/Kylo has gotten too much character development to not get redeemed. His kids with Rey would sell toys and tickets and subscriptions like crazy.
So, why do I think Ben/Kylo will proposition Rey, instead of the other way around (which would seem more natural)?
Well, in TLJ, each saw the other turning over to their side in a vision of the future. Rey says that Kylo won’t bow before Snoke and will turn, and she’ll help him. Kylo says that when the time comes Rey will turn and join him.
Now, from a physical standpoint, these visions were true after the Praetorian Guard fight. Kylo physically turned against Snoke and killed him, but emotionally was still attached to the Dark Side. Rey did physically join Kylo by his side in fighting the Guards but was still emotionally attached to the Light Side, or really, the Resistance. Neither ACTUALLY came over to the other’s side. Kylo didn’t want to join Rey politically, and she didn’t want to join him spiritually.
But now, they’re going to find that compromise where they meet in the middle both politically and spiritually. Kylo was right in TLJ: the old THINGS (political organizations, religious ways) should die, but Rey was right in that the PEOPLE should be saved. The only way to achieve both goals is to end the War, the FO, the Resistance, the Sith and the Jedi… and create something new. A compromise that works for everyone and brings the much-needed balance to the Force and the galaxy.
Each of them WILL join the other. Rey’s vision will have to be right that Kylo will turn from the Dark Side, and Kylo’s vision of her turning from the Light and joining him will have to be true as well.
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So, like any proper proposal of marriage/political alliance/spiritual alignment, I think Ben should be the one to suggest it. That way, we the audience can see the fruition of his redemption arc, etc. (Also, we have to come full-circle on the Space!Mr.Darcy thing.)
Anyway, I’ve now rambled on about this for QUITE long enough. Just wanted to throw out some ideas and see what you guys think and if you have predictions of your own. (EDIT:) And, to quote Preston Jacobs, “I’m probably wrong about half of this.” There’s plenty of hints of where the franchise is going, but I’m sure there are some details I will have gotten wrong. Which is fine. This can be my headcanon for the next two years.
I guess there’s nothing else to say other than, “May the Force be with you, always.” Cheers, guys! And thanks for reading!
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
Jon "sweet" Snow
We all know that, Jon, is a sweet ball of fluff. So I’m just sitting here wondering, if he’s soooo in love with Miss D., where the hell is the sweetness and the tenderness he’s shown Sansa for the past 2 seasons? Where is the sweetness and tenderness and closeness with Miss D.?
NOWHERE to be bloody seen.
All of Sansa’s and Jon’s scenes, some of them even when they’re apart, had romantic tropes in them, all of them, so if Miss D. and Jon are supposed to be this big romance, where the hell are the romantic tropes, did they happen off screen, or something? 🤷‍♀️😂
They could've had Jon compliment Miss D’s dress, since she changed outfits pretty much every episode, but nope, they could’ve showed him jealous of Jorah, and possessive towards Miss D., but nope they didn’t, he didn't laugh with Miss D., not even ONCE, he’s not triggered and is totally unbothered by Miss D. hugging Jorah, same thing when Jorah kissing her hands, like he is bothered by every man who mentions Sansa, they don’t even need to touch her, just say her name, and he goes in angry kitten mode, but for Miss D. who he is supposedly MADLY in love with, NOTHING. They could’ve had Miss D. give him/offer him a lighter cloak, since his furr one, from Sansa, is clearly way too heavy for Dragonstone, they could've shown him ditching Sansa’s cloak for the one Miss D. had given him but nope, they could've brought Miss D. up, in the conversation between Jon and Jorah in the wight hunt, but NOPE.
So many missed opportunities, I wonder why 🤔🙃
I asked a friend who doesn't ship neither Jonsa nor J*nerys, and they said this:
 “The way they shot Jon’s and Sansa’s scenes, the sweet moments, the dialogue, the awkwardness between them, I can see why you ship them, I must admit they are, really cute together. (He ships Arya with Gendry and Brienne and Jaimie, thos are his only ships on GoT, the other ships are just meh to him 🙈🤷‍♀️😂)
Jon and Miss D. on the other hand? Dragonstone has been boring af, the scenes between J and D were pretty bland and dull, if you ask me. IF, I had to choose between the two ships, I’d definitely choose Jonsa, because the dynamic between them is amazing, they have a strong foundation, they have a strong bond, and they are happy around eachother, whilst Jon looked miserable in Dragonstone, and around Dany, who kept shoving “Bend the knee” down his throat at any chance, and he couldn't wait to leave in episode 5.
Their scenes were boring and just, off, if they meant to show them fall in love, they failed miserably, they did such a great job with Jon abd Sansa, and I don't even know if they mean to have them end up together, but Jon and Miss D. as a couple, have no depth at all, because the communication, at least to me seemed one sided. They should’ve shot their scenes, the same way they shot Jon’s and Sansa’s, had they done that, they might've convinced me, because I’m just not feeling it, at all. I still don’t ship neither, but yeah, Jonsa would be my choice, Jon and Miss D. feel way too forced, sudden and way too rushed, on Jon’s part at least, and that’s all I have to say about this.” 
100% agree with what he said. 👌🙃
Below I'll list a few quotes and a few scenes, which should not have been in the show, if D&D meant to make us believe their relationship was platonic, and was meant to stay that way.
“New dress? [...] Yeah, it’s... I like the wolf bit” 
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“I will never let him TOUCH you again, I’ll protect you, I promise.” 
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“If I fall don’t bring me back.” (couldnt find a gif for this one sorry) which translates to, she's the one who gave me purpose again, she's the one I'm fighting for, I don't want to come back into a world, where she is gone, where she killed herself, because I couldn't keep her safe, because I lost, because I failed her. Let me stay dead, I couldn't live with myself. 😢 And if, that, is not REAL, powerful LOVE, then I don’t know what is.
More under the cut. ☺️✌️💙
I also don’t think we’ve see Jon laugh and smile in 5 seasons, as much as we've seen him smile and laugh, in 2 seasons with, Sansa. 
I mean, look:
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Look at this little smol, look at how happy he is for his new Stark cloak, that Sansa made for him, with love, and with her own, lovely hands. ☺️ so Basically Sansa cloaked him
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And Jon cloaked her, in his old cloak, I mean, they're practically married 🤗😂😂
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Do you know who Jon also smiled like this with? Mhm, yep, Ygritte. 🤗
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“Do you think I’m Joffrey?”
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“Until I return, the North my heart is yours.” Most poetic declaration of trust, and love, I’ve ever heard in my life.
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“I love Sansa, as I loved her mother”
*literally snarls and growls like a wolf* “TOUCH my sister, and I'll kill you myself.” 
Like DAMN that’s pretty wild, it’s literally what a male alpha would do, to mark his territory, if you ask me.
Look at him:
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“What you did for HER, is the only reason I’m not killing you.” *aggressively grabs Theon*
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“Does she miss me terribly?” *cricket sounds* *death stare*
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Where is that with Miss D.? Where are all these romantic tropes? Where are the scenes where they both open up to each other, where they share their hardships, where they bond? WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE?
When does Jon smile again, after leaving Sansa, and Winterfell? 
With Tyrion, when he arrives in Dragonstone, and when does it do it again? With Tormund & co., after, he’s left Dragonstone.
With Miss D.? Nope, nothing, nada. 
But when do we see just a tiny glimpse, but like a tiny, tiny glimpse of Jon’s sweetness towards Miss D., and all of a sudden, might I add? In 7.06, which was such an odd and weird contrast to how he was behaving towards her just an episode earlier, not even turning to look at her one last time, like, again, he did it with Sansa, if he's sooo in love with Miss D. why not turn and wave goodbye to her too? Jorah turned instead lmao 😂 
So y'all mean to tell me that Jon did a 360° turn, in one episode? Please. 😂
So why the sudden change? 
Well, Jon, bless his heart, saw Viserion die, the moment he sank into the lake, Jon knew, he knew the NK would turn him, just like he turns his horses, just like he turned that Polar bear, so he knows without her dragons, they’re fucked, they’re all fucked, because he saw first hand what her dragons can do, and therefore realizes what an ice dragon can do. You know, for one thing, fly, and second spit blue fire, which according to their legends, is even hotter than normal dragonfire..how nice, right? The Night King has a dragon, that’s the last thing they needed. 
He could have an army of 1.000.000 people, and it would be useless against an ice dragon. He’s kissing her ass in 7.06, and the ass kissing will continue in 7.07, and I assume, partly, even in S8, he has to kiss her ass, because he needs her dragons. 
Do you really think Jon would fall/be in love with someone who can’t get her priorities straight? Who is so power hungry, selfish, and entitled, that she puts the Iron Throne before an army of bloody dead men, white walkers and the Night King? “Do you expect me to just leave my conquering of the 7K behind me, to fight the dead?” emh, yeah? idk if you got the memo, but they’re coming to kill us all, you included? Viserion is dead because of her, the Night King now has a dragon, because of her. 
Had she not been so stubborn, the NK would not have a dragon. “No, as soon as I leave, Cercei comes in.”, let her come in, who tf cares, the dead are coming for the North, for the South, for me, for you, for all of us, and the thing you put first, your priority is that damned throne? “I care about the people” she says, she cares about “the people” my ass, she’s a hypocrite, and Jon knows it, she literally confirmed it to him, in 7.05. 
He’s not in love with her, nor will he ever be, he’s playing the game, he’s working as double agent, again, and doing what he thinks is best, he’s doing what needs to be done to save his people and those he loves, he’s doing it to save the world. 
He saw on the beach in Dragonstone, that she listened to him, partly tho, she still went on a barbeque spree, but she “somewhat” listened to him, so here, I think he realized that to, her, his opinion matteres, that he has/could’ve some power over her, that he could use to his advantage. Now, think if he managed to make her fall for him. 
Jon is not stupid, at all, making her fall for him, might not be the honorable thing to do, but it’s the right thing to do for his people, for Sansa, for Arya, for Bran, and for the rest of westeros, he’s basically saving everyone’s asses. But, especially, to protect those dear to him, he’s willing to play dirty, and he will do it, he is doing it. D*ny is in love with him, at this point, that’s obvious, but Jon? Jon isn’t. 
As so many have pointed out, he has kept himself at a distance, Dany has told him things about her, since day one, she opened up to him, but Jon? He hasn’t opened up with her about anything, about himself, about Sansa, about his death, about why he was killed, about who did it, about the dagger to the heart, about Ghost, and that’s because he does not trust her, he’s weary of her, he knows she’s dangerous, he’s seen her in full tantrum mode, and he’s seen she’s very, very impulsive and hotheaded. 
In his eyes, their only chance, is for him to have influence over her, to be sure she will fight with them, no matter what, to ensure that, when the Northerners don’t kneel, because he bloody well knows they won’t, “the Northerners are proud” – Sansa, she doesn’t barbecue them all, she doesn’t kill Sansa, who the Northerners might make their Queen, after word spreads that Jon bent the knee. 
The thought of Sansa, his sister, the woman who gave him purpose again, the Little Bear (Lyanna), who literally made him King, Arya who is his beloved little sister, which he thought dead, and thst he missed so very much, and Bran who is his beloved little brother who he also thought was dead and he missed very much, being burnt alive for not kneeling, terrifies the hell out of him, obviously, and at the same time makes him determined to do what has to be done. 
We’ve all seen that Miss D., can, be merciful, but, only, if she cares about the person, only if it serves her and her “purpose. People who mean nothing to her? They can burn, usually no trial is even needed, ya know? She’s tyrannical like that. lol 
So yeah, his plan has logic, if they refuse to bend the knee, and she’s in love with him, and he has power over her, to control her and manipulate her, for the greater good, if he pleads for their lives, she won’t burn them, kill them, because that would hurt Jon. 
That’s his plan, and it’s a smart one, dangerous, but smart. Our Jonny boy, is finally starting to listen to the advice Sansa gave him, “you need to be smarter than father” he’s leaving his honor behind and doing not the honorable thing but the smart thing, the thing that will keep his people alive, “you need to be smarter than Robb” he’s not falling in love with Miss D, but instead, unlike his father and his brother, he is doing what has to be done, he won’t repeat his father’s, and brother’s mistakes, he has played dirty before, he’s going to have to do it again. 
Jon poured his soul to Sansa, told her he died, how he died, who did it, what he’s been through, everything, and Sansa did the same, told him everything that happened to her, what ramsay did to her. While with Dany he tells her nothing about him, he is weary of her, and keeps her at a distance. 
So yeah, in conclusion, our sweet, tender boy, hasn’t displayed any sweetness and tenderness towards Miss D., until he realized, “The Night King has a dragon now, fuck. We’re fucked, without her dragons, we’re truly fucked and stand no chance.”, and even then, you can’t compare it to how sweet, tender (and mild lol sorry, I had to 😂😂), and gentle Jon is towards Sansa, because what he’s pulling with Miss D., is an act.
The differences in tone, the conversations, sweetness, touches, lingering looks, between Jon and Sansa and Jon and Miss. D., are so blatantly different/obvious, it’s crazy, mostly because they're pretty much nonexistent between Jon and Miss D. 🙃
At this point, J*nerys is canon, yes, and they will get their b*atbang/sex, but will they ever get the pure, sweet scenes/moments of genuine love, like the ones that we have between Jon and Sansa? No, they won’t, so they can keep and enjoy their boatbang, we’ll have the real deal in S8. ✌️
#JonsaIsComing 💙
Jonsa GIFs bonus round 🙃✌️💙
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I obviously could add more GIFs, there are plenty more, but this post is ridiculously long already, so I'll stop here. 😚✌️💙
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