#I’ve peed on six of these fucking things
myshruum · 1 year
lmao I’m pregnant what the actual fuck
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iddybiddysquish · 9 months
Fate - Chapter Six
Plot Description: What would happen if someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities; writer has DID themselves) got a god of death as another personality? Follows the plot of the anime and manga mixed including dialogue directly from the anime where appropriate. Character x cast of death note
Very minor self insert/OC that I've made into a vague reader insert that involves the reader being concerningly intertwined with Kira and his happenings against their will and seemingly against fate.
Fandom: Death Note
Gender: Female
Warnings: Dark and triggering content regarding death, suicide, mental illness and mentions of rape (character history - no rape in the story). Making out is described. Will add more as I progress the story.
Notes: Uploading early bitches! <3
Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading!
- December 27 -
“Fuck!” I cried, shooting out of bed and groaning as I pulled my stitches rushing out of bed whilst cursing, “I slept in till three-fucking-o’clock?! Goddamn fanfiction!” 
Slowing down, slightly, as to prevent a major bleed and a shameful hospital visit for something so stupid, I ran to the bathroom, snatching my medical kit as I went, and peed whilst swapping my bandages out with as much delicacy, and speed, as possible. As hygienic as that was.
From there I ran back into the room and threw on some appropriate clothing - turtleneck and some thick, winter leggings - before rushing to the kitchen. Noting a ‘two’ on my microwave as I passed it, I paused, a heavy frown evident as I looked back at the clock.
“Are you fucking serious…?” I groaned and complained before stomping to the kitchen, angrily, as I got my breakfast ready at a normal rate.
‘I forgot my fucking clock is an hour ahead…’ I anime cried as I ate my cereal, ‘Why is life so cruel… Better yet, why am I so cruel?’
Yesterday was the day I had most of my old stitches and all staples removed. They also noted my bullet wound was healing well and that I should be completely stitches free soon, so I was in good enough of a mood to try out the train today. 
‘Mono did an extra shift at his work this morning and it finishes in an hour.’ I noted, ‘So! Since I need to get used to the public transport, and I am desperate for a drive, I told him I’d meet him at his work and we’d both try and get the underground back instead of the bus.’ I hummed, pausing as I washed my bowl, ‘Besides, I want to get a caramel creamy cooler from Costa as a celebratory treat~!' I practically squealed at the thought.
“I never see Costa nearby.” I pouted, before fist bumping, “So this will be good, as there’s one where he's stationed this shift!”
Humming and singing to myself, I finished drying my dishes before going and collecting my things as I noted it was getting closer and closer to three o’clock. Immediately I began putting on a thicker coat, beanie and a scarf since it was especially cold out, before searching for some gloves, adding them to my attire once they were located. As soon as I left and locked my door, I immediately put my keys away and brought out my phone and put on my headphones. 
‘Fortunately, I know the route to the underground from here.’ I mused, ‘I’ve walked with Mono a few times to prepare for when today would come, so all I have to do is get my ticket and double check the platform, since Mono already told me to get the Yamanote line.’
As soon as I had arrived, I bought my ticket after showing my disabled railcard, and made my way down. However I had to pause for a moment as a huge crowd had gathered around one particular store. Frowning, I forced my way through, trying my best just to get to my line in time, only to freeze as I passed another person, my eyes wide as I saw a man had collapsed and, presumably, died as police and forensics were beginning to zip him up in a body bag and take him away.
I gulped at the sight, the horrid image of Kiichiro Osoreda being hit by a car coming back into my head.
‘I’ve seen more dead bodies in person in the last few weeks I’ve been here than in my entire life!’  I grabbed my head and shook it, forcing the memory out of my mind, ‘Maybe mama was right? This place is a death trap waiting to spring on me!’
After a few deep breaths I shook my head again and began to more roughly shove through the crowd, trying my best to get away from the corpse and towards my train, which at this point felt like a finish line towards safety and comfort. I felt a tear fall as I saw the door open and ran immediately into it and took a seat in front and adjacent to the open doors, breathing heavily.
Immediately I began to focus on my breathing as the train filled up and began to move. I sighed with relief, feeling appropriately far away and counting from the drama I was far too unprepared for today.
Gulping I immediately brought my mask up and over my face to lock in the warmth and give me comfort, taking in my mothers perfume I occasionally spray on clothing and my childhood teddy bear for that exact reason. Taking a deep breath I sighed with relief, panic beginning to slowly drain from my body, and my senses coming back to me.
It was then I gasped in realisation and immediately messaged Mono.
Me: Someone died in the underground station by our flats.
Me: They were taking him away when I got there, but I saw his face.
Me: He looked like he died in pain… 
I gulped, a tear slipping out of my eye at the memory. I sniffled, wiping the tear away aggressively as the realisation that anyone around me could be a criminal dawned upon me. 
‘In all of my years, this is the only time I’ve personally seen someone die.’ I bit my lip, ‘Baring that in mind, at the moment, it’s unlikely that he wasn’t killed by Kira.’
As soon as my phone buzzed, I dived on it, looking for comfort. Even if it wasn’t coming from direct touch, I was desperate for any form of human connection that this would easily suffice, especially knowing I would be seeing, and feel, him in a few hours.
Mono: Jesus Christ I’m so sorry, Ai.
Mono: Are you okay? How are you coping?
Mono: Did you go home? It’s okay if you did.
Mono: In fact I think it might be best for you to not continue and make the journey alone.
I let out a breath as I swallowed, immediately looking around before typing back.
Me: I’m on the train. Should be with you in an hour and a half ish.
Me: I’m okay. I’m coming, still. I want to. I need the break.
Me: If I went home I’d just be stewing in my own thoughts with nothing to do, anyway. Should try and continue with my life with some semblance of normalcy, right? Or else what’s happening will just eat us all up alive.
As I sent the last message I jumped in surprise as my own phone buzzed, Mono having responded clearly before reading my messages.
Mono: Sorry brb. Call.
I sighed, but nodded, even though he couldn’t see it. It was then I looked up and took in my surroundings slightly, becoming bored as nothing terribly interesting stuck out. Pouting, I looked ahead and over to my left, pausing when I saw a man on his laptop, speaking into a walkie-talkie as discreetly as possible. I immediately looked away, but kept an eye on him from the corner of my eyes, curious and bemused by his frantic writing. It was then I noted an envelope and shrugged, figuring he was doing some odd work, though I felt a weird sense of déjà vu the more I looked at him.
‘Have I seen him somewhere before-?’
Mono: Back.
Mono: How far away are you?
I smiled before letting out a puff of air. As I checked my watch I relaxed back into my seat more, crossing my legs as I did.
Me: About an hour and 20ish?
Me: Got on about 20 minutes ago.
Me: How’s work?
And the conversation continued from there for the remainder of the journey. Though I wanted to daydream and just listen to music instead, there was no chance I was getting that luxury until the way back, where I had him as a safety blanket sitting next to me. 
As the doors opened, I saw the strange man ahead of me rise first, so I waited for him to finish before I, too, would get up to leave. However I paused when he put an envelope on the luggage rack and made his way out of the train. 
Like the idiot I was, I was staring at the envelope with confusion, until, from the corner of my eyes, the man collapsed before me. I froze up for a split second, confused. However I quickly snapped myself out of it and immediately ran out of the train before the doors could close, shoving past some guy in a hoodie and beanie, and went to the man, who was clutching at his chest for dear life. 
I quickly realised he was having a heart attack as he fell onto his stomach and began to reach towards the train, desperately. Any attempt I made to turn him over so I could try and start chest compressions, as I had been taught years ago, failed and I found myself struggling against the force generated from this man’s instincts. 
As he fought against me, I felt deep concern and almost fear for this man’s life, but allowed my gaze to follow his hand. However all I saw was a blur of grey, black and orange inside the window of the grey and green train, leaving me baffled and concerned.
I shook my head roughly.
‘It doesn’t matter right now.’ I resolved, ‘I can go back over this later; this man, however, has no time for me to be thinking about it right now!’ 
As the man began to go limp, I sprung into action, forcibly shoving him over with as much strength as I could muster. The motion was heavy enough I felt some of my remaining stitches complain, but I ignored it. I had finally got him onto his back and I immediately began chest compressions.
“One…” I breathed, forcing my entire weight into the heels of my hands whilst also trying my best not to rip my stitches, I pushed, again and again and again.
“... seventeen…” I looked around frantically as I noted people watching and recording. But no one was calling an ambulance. 
“Oi!” I snarled at one of the girls who was recording, “You! Yeah, you!” I glared, “Call a fucking ambulance you fucking moron!” 
The girl immediately fumbled with her phone, shocked by my outburst, but did as requested whilst I shook my head.
‘If I didn’t specify her to do it, no one would have done it.’ my glare hardened, ‘Humans suck.’
I could vaguely make out what she was saying on the phone, and only relinquish my interest once I noted she hadn’t said anything stupid. That being said, I couldn’t pay complete attention as I was and needed to be completely focused on making sure his airways were open as I tilted his head back and lifted his chin slightly. 
“... thirty!” with that I covered his nose and took a deep breath before blowing into his lungs twice, before going back to compressions.
‘It’s a heart attack!’ I noted, ‘Which suggests Kira.’
“... nine…!” I breathed heavily, my body getting weak and sore under the demand, but I kept going strong.
‘Either way - criminal or not - he’s not dying on me!’
After a few more counts my brow began to form a sweat and I, again, I gave mouth-to-mouth twice with deep breaths, before moving back to the chest compressions, pushing his blazer away further. However I found myself taking in a deep breath as his ID fell out of his pocket and opened, showing the man’s FBI ID.
‘Raye Penber…’ I frowned, though as the dots connected in my mind, my eyes snapped open, wide, my actions floundering for a split second under the shock wave that just went through my body.
‘It’s him…!’ I gulped, ‘The man from the bus! The FBI agent and the other man who stayed with me up to the ambulance!’ I shook my head, feeling a tear fall down my cheek and onto the man’s shirt, visibly staining it. 
‘No… he doesn’t deserve this!’ I shook my head violently, ‘Raye! I’m not going to let you die! I will bring you back from Kira’s control!
‘Kira…’ I snarled, ‘I will find you!’
It was then that I felt hands on my shoulder. However, not caring who it was, I shook my head and shoved the hands off me roughly with my shoulder as I leaned back over Raye, not allowing my hands to leave his chest as I continued compressions. 
“You can’t die on me! You need to fight against Kira!” I panted, my full attention back on the chest compressions as a new found energy spread through me, “You hear me, Raye?!” I cried, my compressions getting rougher and harder, as though that might make any difference to the situation.
I desperately pumped, tears forming and falling as I began to cry. It was then, presumably, whomever had tapped me before, came into view. I didn’t look, but could tell from the corner of my eyes that it was a police officer. I shook my head at him as he rested his hand on my shoulder as another police officer came over and took his pulse on his neck. I immediately wiped away my tears and snot before taking a deep breath and giving him mouth-to-mouth again, twice, hiccuping as I attempted to go back to chest compressions. However, the police officer took this opportunity to try and interject, putting his arm around my front, gently, as he tried to lead me away. I shook my head violently.
“No!” I begged, “Please! He can’t just die like this!” I heard a light sigh from the police officer ahead of me, who appeared to be giving me a sympathetic look, but I couldn’t tell through my tear-soaked glasses. 
As I tried to go back to the compressions, the police officer’s grip tightened, attempting to, again, gently pull me back. Of course, I fought, but at this point I hardly had the energy to contend with him, as it slowly dawned on me that he had been dead since I rolled him over. 
I hiccupped and sniffed as I attempted to stop the tears, feeling embarrassed, scared and out of it, especially as the paramedics came, almost immediately checking for heart activity with presumably some form of cardiac monitor. As they began to remove their device, that’s when I gave in, because I knew that meant he was completely gone.
I couldn’t help the new wave of tears and unregulated sniffles and cries that came from me when I noted that they were pronouncing his time of death. However, I allowed the policeman to pull me away from the body, crawling back alongside him as he did, before slumping, all energy having left me as I attempted to take deep breaths, mentally and physically exhausted. 
The policeman stayed crouched by me, though he moved ahead of me as he attempted to hide the body with his own, apologising as he did. I couldn’t really make out his words, but after a few minutes I concluded that he was beginning to try and get a response from me. 
As the police officer was called to the side by the second police officer from earlier, I lost control. 
“Sorry…” I noted that the police heard me and turned to look at me, “I need to get out of here.” Shaking my head, I rose up and ran as fast as I could towards the exit, shoving through the crowd roughly and unapologetically, as I made my way towards the closest thing I had to home at that moment: Mono, who was at his work. The police officers were startled by this and called after me, however I was certain they didn’t follow. 
‘After all, they themselves were sure it was a Kira incident, so what’s the point in stopping the only person who tried to save him?’ I shook my head, ‘It isn’t Kira. It can’t be. I must just be seeing things! Like that time in the London underground! When I saw all those people who kept trying to smother me!’ I nodded, tears making it hard to see, though my pace never slowed.
I don’t know how long it took me to get to Mono and I don’t remember the journey well, if at all. However, I do vaguely remember falling into the station and collapsing as Mono was coming back from presumably another call. I remember him sliding to my side and helping me up as he pulled me into the back and began to comfort me, rocking me in a cuddle whilst saying things I couldn’t hear over my own breathing and heartbeat. 
At some point we left and got the bus instead of the train, making our two hour journey back to our flats. I know I put music on, but anything I recall feels like light and airy, silent stills that had been put together so poorly that the images jerk, some missing altogether and others lingering for longer.
‘Delayed and stuttering meets frozen and stuck.’
I don’t remember much else. Apparently Mono learnt what happened partially by call from the other PCs as well as some from me whilst we were on the bus and after we arrived home, though this is completely blank for me. He stated I had regressed into my child-like state and once he told me to go to bed, I did. 
Right now, I’ve just woken up from my ‘nap’ and am staring at the ceiling in a slight daze. My head felt completely void of thoughts, though I tried so desperately to think; my head rarely ever this empty and when it is, it’s hardly a good sign.
It was dark outside by the time I was able to move at all. From there it took somewhere between a few minutes to a few hours for me to actively sit up in my bed. As I did, I noted that my backpack was right next to me, on the right. 
Without thought, I immediately opened it and brought out the white book full of ideas. And I began to read.
Or space out. Depends on your definition.
A lot of the words felt alien, some making my head hurt from thinking too hard as I attempted to remember it. Of course, I recognised all of them, though they felt as common as my communication with my distant cousins - that is to say, not.
Despite not quite feeling right, I had a deep urge to write down what happened today. Everything I could remember. Everything I thought leading up till right now. 
So I did. I wrote and wrote till I felt satisfied. Now I wasn’t just empty, but also complete. 
It was then I felt grateful that the complete feeling overtook the empty, and I was able to rest peacefully for the remainder of the night.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Hot Girl Summer
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Summary: Dean and the reader are enjoying a day at the beach when Dean notices the reader is still dressed on the scorching hot summer day...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Square: Positive Body Image
Word Count: 1,300ish
Warnings: language, body insecurities
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story bingo!
“How are you not boiling?” asked Dean. He was seated next to you in his lawn chair on the lake shore beach. Shirt off, swim trunks pushed up some, sweat covering his face behind his sunglasses and baseball cap. He grabbed his beer from the cooler between you, chugging it down. “Want to dip in the water to cool off for a minute?”
“Go ahead. I gotta run to the bathroom,” you said.
“Pee in the lake.”
“I’ve already peed in the lake today.”
“Oh my God.”
“You think none of those other people out in the water have peed in it? At least half of them, I guarantee it.”
“Dean. You’re being gross.”
“At least I’m not being silly.”
“About wanting to use a hygienic bathroom?”
“First off, it’s a county park bathroom. Taking a piss in the parking lot would be more hygienic. Second, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” You narrowed your eyes behind your sunglasses, Dean reaching a hand over, resting it on your t-shirt. “Would you take off your shirt and shorts and go swimming with me? Please?”
“There are people here,” you said quietly.
“I don’t look like that,” you said, nodding at the woman that stood from her chair nearby and started to walk into the water, wearing a tiny red bikini.
“I’d be concerned if you did. I might think you were a shifter or something.”
“Y/N. Do I have six pack abs?” he asked, poking his stomach.
“You’re normal and muscular. Your thighs are smaller than mine.”
“Your arms are smaller than mine,” he said. You rolled your eyes, Dean sliding his hand down to yours. “Your hands are smaller than mine. Why does it matter about being smaller?”
“Because that’s what’s pretty and I don’t want people looking at me all day.”
“Because you haven’t been obsessively staring at every single woman on this beach all morning yourself. Whether they’re a size zero or twenty, you’ve stared at every single one and they’ve stared at you already. They’re already looking so why give a fuck?”
“It’s just...some days I think I look great and others I don’t and today is one of those ones where I don’t. I just don’t want someone staring at my stomach or hips or thighs or boobs or whatever and saying stuff. It’s always...it’s always the clothes look good on the model or the bikini looks good on the mannequin when I buy it and then I just…”
Dean squeezed your hand before resting it on your thigh. 
“You don’t have to convince me of anything sweetheart. I know what I see in you. I know what I see and what I love. I know I can’t tell you how attractive I find you and suddenly you’ll feel that way about yourself. I don’t like me sometimes. Most of the time. But I get shoved in my face how to be a man more than what I should look like so I don’t think I’ll ever know to the extent women get it. I just want to go swimming with my girl and have some fun today, not solve both our body insecurities in one discussion. If you want to wear your shirt and shorts that’s okay. I’d like it if we could just have fun today and not sit here baking in the sun fretting the whole day.”
“Me too,” you said quietly. You took off your sunglasses, Dean ditching his and his hat on top of the cooler. “Let me put some more sunscreen on your shoulders first.”
You grabbed the bottle and squirted some of the cool liquid on his back, Dean humming as you rubbed it in.
“Your freckles have really come out today already,” you said.
“You’re gonna have to play your counting game tonight,” he chuckled. You wiped the excess down his back and arms, Dean standing as you set the bottle down. He held out a hand for yours but you looked down at yourself instead.
Two hours you’d already spent spinning your wheels, nitpicking your body, wondering why you couldn’t fit in smaller shorts. Wondering why you took up more space than you thought you should. You looked to the right, a woman in a white bandeau top and floral high waisted cheeky bottoms. She looked about your height, your size. But she had a big smile on her face, looked so fucking good and pretty. The guy she was with wasn’t hiding the fact of how he was openly taking her in, a big smirk on his face. The girl seated a ways back in a different group of people wasn’t hiding it either.
“Would you put some more on me?” you asked, glancing at the bottle.
“Sure,” said Dean. You pushed down your shorts as he picked it up, kicking them off and leaving them on your chair. Your shirt came off next and you adjusted your bottoms some as Dean squirted the sunscreen into his hand. “Let me get your chest so you don’t burn.”
“Don’t try to cop a feel,” you teased, hating how it sounded a little forced.
“Don’t tempt me,” he chuckled. You looked past him as he made sure to get the newly uncovered spots, Dean’s lips brushing your ear after a moment. “Okay?”
“I’m okay. Let’s go cool off, Dean.”
“That’s a cute shirt,” said Dean late that night as you were out to dinner at a place near the lake and your cabin you were renting. He took a bite of his chicken sandwich and hummed. “Is it new?”
“Bought it awhile ago,” you said. It was a tube top with a bottom that flowed out at the hips and had a cutout in the back, showing off more skin than you normally were comfortable with.
“I like it,” he said, letting out a quiet burp. “Wanna get this ice cream thing for dessert? It’s still pretty warm out.”
“Sure,” you said, surprised to see a dirty glare cross Dean’s face. You spun around when you saw he was looking behind you. Two guys were leaving the bar area for a table, both of them staring at what you guessed was your back. You sighed, Dean grumbling to himself. “Dean. Let it go.”
“You’re not meat,” he mumbled.
“The tall one’s been checking you out from the second he got in.” Dean leaned over and kissed you, shooting the guy a warning glance. 
“I think he got the message,” you said.
“Better have,” he mumbled. “See? The only the one that hasn’t thought you were hot this whole time is you.”
“Well...maybe I don’t think I’m hot but maybe I’ll be less nervous to show some skin, wear what I want to wear.”
“You’re still gonna wear my shirts though right?”
“Good cause that shit is extra hot. Like you in that dark henley and those shorts fucks me up in a good way.”
“I could just wear nothing at all?” you teased. He grinned, leaning closer across the table. “That’ll be second dessert.”
“Yes it will,” he hummed. He pecked a quick kiss to your lips, slipping back into his seat. “Have fun today?”
“A lot of fun,” you said. “After I got out of my head.”
“Good,” he said quietly. You reached over the table and grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Dessert?”
“Let’s make it to go,” you said. “Save it for after your other dessert.”
“Sounds perfect to me sweetheart.”
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queenshelby · 3 years
Time for Change – Part Seven
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,290
Warning: Pregnancy, Infertility
Notes: Not based on Cillian’s life. This is fiction guys! Also, the next few parts will be short but frequent!
Exactly two weeks ago, Cillian ended his relationship with Danielle and told her that he would be moving out and was filing for divorce.
Whilst you and Danielle weren’t exactly close, she asked you whether you would be able to help with the children while she was working through some things like schooling.
You knew that the separation certainly took a toll on them all and, without hesitation, agreed to her request. You thought that, after what you did, this was the least you could do for her.
But, despite your best efforts, Danielle didn’t make things easy for Cillian, threatening him and manipulating the children which was something you despised.
This, however, didn’t change the fact that, unbeknownst to Danielle, you spoke to Cillian daily and, whilst he clearly struggled with not seeing his children as often as he would have liked, he felt as though he was in better place now that he was staying on his own.
You and Cillian still saw each other, once or twice per week while each of you worked through your separations. Yet, neither of you were willing or prepared to start something new and you certainly didn’t want James or Danielle to find out about your secret relationship.  If they did, you knew that things would become much more difficult for you and your children.
It was Thursday evening when you called into Danielle’s house to drop off some forms the school had issued for the upcoming excursion.
When you arrived at Danielle’s house, she offered you some wine and dinner and, after a bit of convincing, you agreed to stay for an hour.
‘Where are the kids?’ you asked when you sat down at the kitchen table and Danielle poured you a glass of wine.
‘Staying with Cillian until Monday’ she said, which made you smile.
‘I am glad you are letting him see them Danielle’ you said just as Danielle plated up some lasagne for you which had come straight from the oven.
‘Are you still feeling sick?’ Danielle asked, noticing how pale you looked and going by the fact that you only just picked on the piece of lasagne she had offered you.
‘Yes, but I am going to see my doctor on Friday to get it checked out’ you said, pushing the plate aside and excusing yourself once again in order to use the lavatory.
‘I am curious Y/N…did you take a pregnancy test?’ Danielle then asked when you returned to the kitchen, causing you to laugh before taking another sip from your glass of wine.
‘You know I can’t have children Danielle, that’s why we adopted Chloe’ you reminded her.
‘Well, I’ve heard of stranger things happening before. There is no harm in taking a test now then, is there?’ Danielle laughed and you realised that she clearly had been drinking too much already.
She told you to wait there while she went into the bathroom and, before you knew it, she returned with a whole box of pregnancy tests.
‘Well, now I am curious as to why you have pregnancy tests in your house’ you laughed while filling up your wine glass.
‘Don’t mention this to anyone but, about a year ago, I went off the pill, thinking that I might be able to conceive again’ she explained and your eyes widened immediately.
‘Please tell me that Cillian knew about this’ you then said somewhat concerned and Danielle shook her head with some embarrassment.
‘No and I know I did the wrong thing Y/N, so please don’t judge me’ Danielle said before explaining to you that, obviously, it never happened and telling you that Cillian and her didn’t have sex for over six months and that she was sure that he had been seeing someone else for the past month or two.
‘But none of this matters now that he has left me, probably for some young slut’ Danielle huffed out, failing to acknowledge all of the marital problems they were having over the past two years.
‘Danielle, you both need to take responsibility for the separation. I know you’ve been having problems for over two years’ you said calmly and Danielle nodded and, after you both talked about your failed marriages for a little longer, she insisted that you take the test.
‘Fine, I will pee on the damn stick’ you huffed out eventually, grabbing it off her and disappearing into the bathroom.
When you reached the bathroom, you unwrapped the test before placing it onto the vanity and getting comfortable on the toilet.
You couldn’t believe that you were actually doing this, taking a pregnancy test after you had been told that you wouldn’t be able to conceive naturally many years ago by a doctor in America.
Doing what had to be done, you peed on the stick and, when you were done, you dried it off with some toilet paper and washed your hands before carrying it back into the kitchen where Danielle was waiting for you.
Without looking at it, you handed it to Danielle.
‘Happy now?’ you laughed before reaching for your glass of wine but, just as your hand took hold of the glass, Danielle pulled it away from you.
‘Uh Y/N, no more of this for you for a while’ she grinned with excitement.
‘Why?’ you asked somewhat confused and, just when you did, she turned around the test and showed it to you.
‘You are pregnant!’ she then said and your chin dropped.
In this moment, you didn’t know whether to scream, laugh or cry. This could not be happening, you thought.
‘This test must be fucking wrong. I can’t be pregnant’ you said anxiously before disappearing in the bathroom again with another pregnancy test from the box which Danielle had left on the kitchen table.
To your surprise, this test also returned a positive result and you immediately began to crumble.
‘So, perhaps you and James can work things out then huh?’ Danielle asked and you shook your head before beginning to cry.
‘I can’t…fuck. What the fuck have I done?’ you shouted and cried, tears tumbling down your face.
‘Oh my god Y/N, it’s not James’s baby, is it?’ Danielle then asked and you shook your head.
Of course, it wasn’t his baby. You hadn’t had sex with James for a very long time and, in order for it to be his, you would be well and truly showing by now.
‘Who is the father then?’ Danielle then asked.
‘Just someone I met a little while ago’ you then said knowing that you really couldn’t tell her that you had slept with her husband and that the child was his.
‘I just don’t know how this could have happened Danielle? I was told that I cannot conceive naturally’ you explained.
‘Perhaps it wasn’t you who was at fault. Maybe it was James? Did they ever test his sperm or did they just assume you were the one with the problem following your accident?’ Danielle asked and, as soon as she did, you realised that the child James supposingly had with his secretary probably wasn’t his either.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
Small Competitions - Emmett Cullen
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Having a massive vampire boyfriend was more complicated than anyone would think, not that many consider this as a possibility. It was your life, while it was fun there was always gonna be some struggles. The biggest obstacle you faced in your relationship was that nothing was fair; no game, race, or small competition of any kind was going well in your favor. 
“Listen babe, it’s just a game.” Emmett says smirking in my direction, standing about ten feet from me. 
“You only say that because you always win! I never get to win anything!” I exclaimed, pouting at the sad truth. “You’re a-”
Before I could even finish my sentence, Emmett sped over to my side. He grabbed my waist from behind and whispered into my ear.
“I’m a what, babe?” He says in an alluring tone, taking my breath away for a second, before I remember that he cheats in every game with the whole vampire thing.
“You sir, are a big fat cheater.” I said matter-of-factly. I folded my arms and turned to look him in the eye. 
“Ouch, that’s harsh babe. I can’t believe you think I’m fat!” He says chuckling, once again trying to give me a small kiss. 
It was hard to stay mad at my handsome mate, especially when he always managed to put a smile on my face. Whether it be his humor or his chaotic energy. I just shook my head, letting out a small sigh.
For instance, yesterday he felt the need to race the birds. Yes, we both knew he would beat the birds flying south for the winter. But did he just need to be sure he could? Of course he did. 
He also just absolutely super duper needed to race you yesterday too. The only difference was that  Edward and I were driving Edward’s Aston Martin while he ran next to the car. 
“Well babe, what is the deal for today?” I ask, raising my eyebrow and trying not to giggle too much. 
“I think that we should have another small competition.” He says, wiggling his eyebrows and swinging our holding hands side to side. 
“What’s this small competition?” I question. 
“I thought we could maybe do something you might have a chance at.” He says, mocking me for always losing. 
“Ok, so I get to choose then?” I say, finally excited about a competition. 
He nods, agreeing to my request. 
“Well, I think we should see who is a better artist.” I say, winking at him. I knew he had the artistic coordination of a six year old as opposed to me being in accelerated art programs my entire school life. For once, this is something I can win. I smirked to myself, trying not to giggle with excitement. 
“Honestly, I don’t think that this would be fair. The only competitions that are liable are strength or speed anyway. We could wrestle?” He suggests, not ready to lose to me for the first time since we started dating four years ago.
“Or we could have a makeup competition?” I offer, knowing he would do equally bad in both. 
“Ok let’s do that.” He says, with the false confidence that I know would be the end of him. He totally thinks it’s easier than what it really is. 
We run upstairs into our shared bathroom and I grab my arsenal of makeup. We both get an hour to see who can do a better face of makeup, and yes he was putting it on himself. I loved that Emmett can have fun, no matter what we did. He was truly a beam of light in a life, brighter than the sun itself. 
I watch as he begins with just taking foundation on a dry sponge and rubbing it all over his face, what a rookie, I’ve got this in the bag. I can’t help but think to myself and laugh and what I imagine his finished product would look like. 
“What the hell?” 
I hear Emmett mumble to himself at least twice a minute. Music to my ears.
I try to not peek as I do my makeup, making sure I face away from him in an effort to not give any hints on accident.
After the ear-deafening alarm on my phone finally rings, I cannot contain my excitement. 
I turn around, and that’s when I see it.  
Emmett is smiling ear to ear, but I cannot believe my eyes. 
He has mascara in his eyebrows? Red lipstick not only on his lips, unfortunately around his mouth and chin. The blue eyeshadow, oh the blue eyeshadow. The uneven wings of eyeliner that almost touch the end of his eyebrow. Far too much contour, the blush is clown-like, and you could see his highlight from the international space station, for sure. There is glitter everywhere. The foundation was beyond patchy, unblended, and straight up just disturbing. I’m not sure where he learned how to do makeup like this, he’s got to stay off of instagram makeup algorithms, it’s clearly dangerous. 
I laughed, I laughed so hard. I almost peed my pants laughing so hard. 
“Oh (Y/N), you shouldn’t laugh at me.” Emmett says, getting up to pick you up playfully pretending to wrestle you.
This makes you laugh harder as you couldn’t stop looking at the monstrosity that was his makeup. You run downstairs into the living room, Emmett playfully chasing behind you. 
“Uh, Emmett. You look- beautiful?” Esme says confused. 
I guess they came home from their vacation early. The laughter can’t stop erupting from me, losing my breath. 
“Good job son, you look fabulous.” Carlisle teases. 
“Oh my god, I’ve got to get this off. But when I do, I’m coming for you, (Y/N).” Emmett says teasing, before he runs away to the bathroom to go scrub his face. 
I sat waiting on the couch, explaining to Esme and Carlisle exactly what caused Emmett to do this. 
As I laughed with two of the nicest people I’ve ever met, I was quickly picked up by a running Emmett before I could even realize what was coming my way, being playfully thrown onto our bed upstairs. I laughed looking up at my massive laughing boyfriend. Happier than anything to not only have won something for once, but to also be in his arms. 
Word count: 1060 
So I finally fulfilled the first request submitted to me. Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you all enjoyed. Send more requests please! 
I just want to also quote this request:
“I’d honestly sell my soul for some Emmett content.” 
Well now you don’t have to sell your soul and I hope you enjoyed what I wrote. 
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noonaishere · 3 years
Work of Art [J.JH] - thirteen | water and wallflowers
“There you are! I was looking around for ten minutes,” Yuta said as he walked over.
“Hey.” Anna tried to play it cool.
“Hey…” Yuta’s smile softened into an apologetic look. “I’m sorry I haven’t had any time for you lately.”
Anna shook her head. 
You stood behind Yuta and wordlessly asked Anna, “Do you want me to stay?” She shook her head at you. You nodded and stood next to Yuta again.
“I’m going to check out Johnny’s set.” Not really a lie, as the music had started playing before Yuta walked over.
Anna nodded and Yuta turned and did the same. “Good to see you,” he said.
“You too,” you smiled and made your way over to the room where the DJ setup was with your drink.
You stood against the wall for a few moments before someone walked over and noticed that your cup was almost empty. Unable to communicate that they didn’t have to refill it, they did anyway. This happened five or six times before you downed the contents and put the cup on the floor hoping no one noticed it. You drunkenly slid your hand into your pocket and pulled your phone out. If Anna wanted to complain about Yuta or anything, you wanted to be sure you were ready. You had a text from someone else instead.
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Jaehyun appeared in front of you, you guessed from the crowd of people dancing; you were looking down and didn’t see. He slid his phone into his pocket, a beer in his hand and a half smile on his face. You did the same, minus the beer and with a look of confusion instead.
“Have you been here this whole time?”
“I’ve been here for a while.”
“Looking at me?”
He laughed. “I was dancing. The thing you normally do to music.”
“Ahhhhhh,” you nodded.
“Then I saw you over here by yourself.”
You nodded again.
“Are you okay? You look a little drunk.”
“I feel a little drunk. Or… more than a little.”
“Should we get you some water?”
He drank his beer and put it next to your cup on the floor before bringing you to the kitchen and getting you a cup of water. Anna and Yuta were nowhere to be seen.
“How did you get so drunk?”
“Eunji gave us soju and people kept coming over and refilling my cup.”
“Ahh. It’s like a... politeness thing.”
You nodded as you downed the water. “It feels like a drunkenness thing.”
He mimicked your nod before taking the cup from your hands and refilling it, again with water. “You could be right about that. People tend to get very drunk when soju is involved.”
You nodded again and sipped the water. 
You stood together for a few minutes, you sipping your water and him watching you carefully. You figured he was trying to figure out if you felt sick or not before you gulped the water and asked: “Where’s the bathroom?”
He laughed. “How much soju did you drink?”
“I don’t know… I think people refilled it…” you trailed off and thought hard for a few seconds. “Five or six times?”
“Five or six?”
You nodded.
“One more cup of water, then I’ll take you to the bathroom.” He took the cup from your hands and refilled it again. It was filled to the top this time.
You sipped it before realizing. “Oh, I’m supposed to drink it like, politely, right?” You tried to mimic the way Eunji had showed you, half-remembering. 
“Maybe try that when you don’t look like you’ll spill it on yourself.”
You looked at him for a second before drinking it the way you did normally. Maybe you were more drunk than you thought.
Once you finished it, he took your hand and led you to the bathroom, where you stood in line together for a few minutes before it was your turn.
You locked the door behind you and stood still for a moment in the silence and felt the room sway around you. Yep, you were definitely drunk. You were thankful Jaehyun found you when he did. You went and peed and while you were washing your hands you looked at yourself in the mirror. Who the fuck would have ever thought you’d be drunk at a party halfway around the world? Not you, that’s for sure.
You dried your hands and opened the door to Jaehyun leaning against the wall, waiting for you.
“Don’t go anywhere, okay?”
You nodded and leaned on the wall on the other side of the door while he walked into the bathroom. You waited for a minute or so, and he came back out.
“I’m glad you didn’t wander off.”
“Why would I wander off? I’m a drunk adult, not some toddler with no sense of self-preservation.”
He laughed. “Would you like to go dance? I sort of left Taeyong on the dance floor.”
You shrugged. “Sure.”
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Lone Star Episode 2x10 Hate Watch
If this ends up in the main Lone Star tag I apologise in advance, because I a) genuinely don’t know what that is and b) never intended for it to go there.
As always - if you love this show, great! I hate this show and I like to complain about it, and at this point I am only watching for Judd, Grace, Tommy and Buttercup.
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Let’s do this fucking thing:
So Mateo lives in a share house situation like Buck did in season 1 of 911
Wow his friends are kind of assholes
Wow his friends are really fucking stupid
'I need new friends' understatement of the CENTURY
Oh wow Tarlos are moving in together ommggggg you guysssss they've developed this relationship so welllllll /sarcasm
Thank GOD we can go back to our regularly scheduled Rob Lowe-apalooza after last week's Judd and Grace fest
I think Buttercup should go live with Carlos as well though just saying
He was just getting his rocks off with the neighbour dog everything is fine
Fats Domino! Wow okay Lone Star great music choice
Hey Donovan the lacrosse douche is HOT
What is a sweet cream, I know not of your American treats
Question – do machines in America not have auto shut-offs?
Love these assholes filming this poor girl what the fuck, people have no goddamn empathy anymore
No masks on literally anyone at all
Nice for Nancy to actually have lines, good for her
These assholes with the phones though fuck these guys
I'm sorry I said he was hot I regret thinking he was hot
Damn Marjan 10/10
Oh no it's the Owen broods a lot show
Is Mateo going to move in with Owen?
Oh fuck he is, isn't he
God poor Mateo
Just Rob Lowe casually lifting weights with Mateo in the gym while they have a deep conversation
What a legend
It's been way too long without Grace and Judd in this show
He loves her so much
17 minutes in and I'm going to say that this episode has been very boring so far
Are there any fics that have paired Owen and Mateo up yet? Because I 100% think that will happen
Also when we were envisaging a roommates storyline for 911, we weren't envisaging it for Lone Star OKAY
One hundred percent someone has already written a fic about these two drunk fucking and listening to Steely Dan
21 minutes and I'm so bored
I broke out the chocolate covered almonds, my cat has gone to sleep… it's grim
Oooh Owen cancelled the surgery – why? Because he's a little BITCH
How does nobody know his house blew up? If a house blew up in my town, that would be front page news
Maybe Austin doesn't have a local newspaper though
Yeah that's right we still use newspapers here don't judge
I shouldn’t have opened these almonds, I'm 100% going to eat them all
Oh my god Grace
What the actual fuck were you thinking
These are caps lock of concern okay? I'm WORRIED
Look when you're in a bad situation, just eat some ice cream, I get it
This kid is throwing a 10/10 temper tantrum
Why the fuck is Owen going up? He's the captain. Who runs things if he does all the things?
He's such a fucking knob I swear to god
Also question - why didn't they just climb out one of the conveniently placed windows near the child having a temper tantrum on the roof?
Yeah your friends actually care about you Owen? I have no idea why but maybe you shouldn't be fucking complaining about them you numpty
I would’ve peed myself 100%, no way I can hold my bladder for 6 hours
She ate that whole thing, damn girl I've been there I get it. Obviously not stuck in the backseat of my car but like eating a whole pint of ice cream, yeah, I've been there.
Gina Rodriguez is a blessing to this show
"Get up Dad," TK says in a monotone
I wish the camera in 911 lingered on Eddie's ass the way it lingers on TK's ass, ngl
But in a respectful way, of course
Is this a fucking intervention jfc
Why am I watching this shit
The crossover was such a high point wasn't it? Remember when Eddie was running around in the filter looking so goddamn amazing… those were the days.
This show is so dumb. Nobody in the OG would do this to Bobby. It's so fucking corny and it only serves to prop up Owen as a character to the detriment of all the other characters
It's just an opportunity to blow smoke up his ass
One hundred percent Rob Lowe did the "smiling depression" thing in Parks & Rec – maybe Owen needs to pay a visit to Dr Richard Nygard, I hear he's doing amazing things in Pawnee, Indiana
It's amazing how much I like Rob Lowe in Parks & Rec and can't stand him in this show
I'm typing a lot because this show is dumb as fuck and it's also SO BORING
This is so boring
Ronen sucks so much
There's been like one interesting emergency and one boring one and the rest of it has just been Rob Lowe's bullshit
Except for Grace and Judd, god I love them
These two are amazing and they have such great chemistry. They can do some storylines on this show so well and the rest of it is just garbage
Okay he's fine
This show really needs to stop toying with my emotions
Also absolutely no masks whatsoever in this show at all this episode, amazing. Haven't seen one.
Okay so overall I would say that the Grace and Judd stuff was great and everything else was terrible.
I also did NOT finish the almonds, admire my self control! Admire it!
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Diaz to CLEANSE god look at that man holy shit
Remember the crossover guys? That was amazing
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kay-diggle · 4 years
uhm the jk drabble im-🥵 can i request rainy day smut with jiminie🥺
Rainy Day
Summary: The rain keeps you inside but you and Jimin find a way to entertain yourselves
Pairing: Jimin x Female Reader, Established Relationship 
Genre & Rating: Smut, 18+
Warnings: Smut, somewhat of a plot, dom!jimin, sub!reader, fingering, oral (m. recieving), vaginal intercourse, mention of squirting, unprotected sex, bit of a fluffy ending
Length: 4.2k
Notes: HELLOOOO!! So, I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for with this request. I kind of added a bit of a story line/backstory in this one which I never usually do which caused it to be more fluffy,so I hope the smut makes up for that LOL! It did take me like 3 days to write and it’s way longer than what I’m used to writing, so I hope you enjoy it.  Again, feedback is always welcomed (but this doesn’t give an excuse to be rude) and MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
Kay-Diggle’s Masterlist
You and Jimin had only started dating six months ago. The first three months were filled with hand holding while walking through the park, cuddles and movie nights, and extremely intricate dates that Jimin loved to plan for you. He was the more romantic one between you two after all. 
Everything was going well until he had to leave for tour. The communication between the two of you began to falter on both ends. You were busy working while Jimin’s time was occupied with singing for thousands of adoring fans every night. Although both of you were sad and missing each other, neither of you complained; you just enjoyed the small moments you were able to share when you could spare a minute to talk on the phone. 
The last time you had talked to Jimin, he explained that you wouldn’t hear from him for a day or two because the tour had become crazy busy. So, to say you were confused when you opened the door to your apartment and he was standing there would be an understatement.
“SURPRISE!!” he yelled, smile bright as ever. 
He walked past you into your apartment and then turned back towards you. He saw your shocked face and couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit, watching you close the door and turn back towards him. You gave him a once over and felt the excitement rush through your body as you jumped on him, forcing him to catch you. You hadn’t even noticed the bouquet of red roses, your favorite flower, in his hand that you were currently crushing.
“AHH!! What are you doing here?” You asked, finding your way out of his arms and your feet back on the ground. 
“Well, I had three free days in between shows and talked my managers into letting me fly back here for the weekend,” he smiled shyly. 
“Awww! I’m happy that you wanted to see me Jimin, but shouldn’t you have stayed and rested?” you asked, suddenly concerned. You knew touring took a great amount of effort and a toll on his body and only wanted to make sure he was healthy.
“Yes, but it’s our sixth month anniversary today, so i thought why not…”
“Oh Jimin… oh my gosh honey, I’m so sorry I forgot,” you frowned, feeling genuinely terrible. He found a way to fly out all the way here for today and you had completely forgot, and now you felt like the worst girlfriend in the world. 
Jimin noted your change in mood and immediately moved to comfort you, wrapping his arms around your waist and looking down into your eyes. 
“Hey… it’s okay. Look, I already know you said you’ve been crazy with that project at work and stuff so it makes sense that you forgot. These things happen. It’s fine, I promise,” he kissed your cheek and you looked up at him lovingly, trying to figure out what you could’ve done to ever become this lucky. 
“Besides….” he continued. “You can always make it up to me later,” he smirked, giving you a suggestive look while rubbing his hands up and down your sides. 
You only laughed lightly in response. You and Jimin hadn’t had sex, or even remotely talked about it yet, so his forwardness made you way too flustered, and he noticed. 
“So,” he started to change the subject. “I have the whole day planned out for us.” 
“Oh, yes. So why don’t you go get dressed for me, and we’ll be off to have the BEST. DATE. EVER!!” 
Only, it wasn’t the best date ever. Honestly, it was the furthest thing from it.
When you went to have breakfast together, the waitress blatantly flirted with Jimin the entire time, annoying the crap out of you. Then as you were waiting for your taxi to take you to the next secret location he had planned, a dog had peed on your favorite boots and you knew the smell would only follow you for the rest of the day, which it did. And finally, when you got to the botanical gardens that Jimin planned for you guys to walk through, it started pouring down raining. You had only been out for two hours and it was barely 1 o'clock yet. 
Needless to say, both you and Jimin returned to your apartment soaked and annoyed. You decided to change into some dry clothes while Jimin dressed in some basketball shorts and a tee that he had previously left at your place before the tour. 
When you both sat on the couch, with only the sound of raindrops pelting your window, you turned on the TV and began channel surfing while Jimin watched you silently with his arms crossed around his chest and a permanent scowl on his face. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” you sighed. 
“Hmmph” he looked away from you. 
He sighed loudly and dramatically before turning his entire body towards you and taking your hands in his. 
“It’s just… it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other and we haven’t had the chance to talk a lot. I missed you and it’s our anniversary and I wanted to do something special for you and then it rained,” he pouted and looked into his lap.
“Hey,” you lifted his head and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “It’s okay. Honestly! I mean we always hang out inside. Why’s this time different?”
“Because we’ve been together for half a year now and I already feel like a shitty boyfriend as is.” 
“Listen to me, you are far from a shitty boyfriend, okay. Jimin, I-” you hesitated. Neither of you have said the “Big L” yet and you weren’t sure if the timing was right, so you grabbed his face and kissed him instead. 
You used your mouth to tell him everything you were too scared to say out loud. As expected, Jimin got the message loud and clear. 
While your tongues collided in a fight for dominance that he was  clearly winning, Jimin’s hands found their way to your hips. He rubbed lightly for a little bit, and slightly moved them down further as if he was testing the waters. When his hands finally reached your ass and he gave your right cheek a slight squeeze, you moaned into his mouth. 
“Mmh.. you like that y/n?” he asked, concentrating his mouth on your neck now. He left little pecks and licks in that sensitive area of your neck, making you struggle to respond with your mouth gaped open. 
He squeezed both cheeks this time and harder, prompting your response. 
“Yes baby, I love the way that feels,” you whispered quietly into his ear. 
“Mmm.. good girl,” he said as his hands now traveled from your ass and up to your breasts. He cupped both in his hands and began to massage them. “And how about that?” 
Again, the feeling of his hands on your body left you unable to speak even though he wasn’t doing much. And when he moved from your neck to look in your eyes, expecting you to answer him, he was met with you silently looking back at, obviously flustered with red cheeks. Seeing this, he grasped your hips, pulling you to straddle his lap and he moved his hands underneath your shirt, feeling your bare breasts for a moment before pinching both of your nipples. 
You let out a surprised gasp and immediately found yourself getting more wet because of his actions.  
He looked up in your eyes and when you saw how lust filled his own were, you couldn’t help the amount of liquid that gushed out of you and into your panties. 
“Babygirl,” he tsked. “When I ask you a question, I want an answer,” and he pinched your nipples even harder, making you wince. 
“Fuck yes, that feels amazing,” you wrapped your arms around his shoulders now. “And I think I know where your hands will feel even better…” you trailed off. 
He raised an eyebrow at you questioningly. You moved to take off your shirt while his hands were still underneath it, now giving him full access. Usually you’d be more shy, but seeing how much he wanted you, you felt a boost of confidence shoot throughout your entire body, and the longing look on his face only made you want to do more. Originally, you intended to move his hands into your pants, but now you wanted to focus on his pleasure.
With that, you shimmied off his lap and found your way to your knees between his legs, looking up at him with the most seductive face you could muster. He didn’t say anything, only looked down at you with a questioning stare. But when your hands reached for the waistband of his shorts, he stopped you. 
“Y/n, we don’t… you don’t have to. I didn’t mean to make you feel like we had to do anything. We don’t. I’m sorry if I pushed you into-” 
“Jimin, stop. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. Just relax love,” you smiled and went back to taking his shorts off. 
He raised his ass off of the couch lightly to assist you in undressing him, taking off both his shorts and boxers in one go, and then took off his shirt and tossed it somewhere on the floor of the living room along with your own. 
When you saw his penis for the first time, you were mesmerized. It was by far the prettiest you had ever seen. With his precum leaking out of his tip adding onto its beauty, you grasped it in your hand with a loose grip. You looked up at him before you licked a stripe from the base of his dick up until the head, tasting the salty precum. You did this a few more times while stroking just to get a feel for it before Jimin finally spoke up. 
“Baby, what you’re doing is great and all but please,” he groaned and bit his lip as he felt you tighten your grip around his dick the second he started speaking. 
You decided then to get serious. Licking him just one more time, you moved to put just the tip in your mouth and began sucking. At this, you felt his dick harden even more, prompting you to deep throat him. You felt the veins around his cock in your throat as you swallowed and the sound of Jimin’s whimpering at your actions made you swallow even harder. He was thick as it is and with him lodged in your throat, you were having a hard time and he could tell. 
“Breathe through your nose baby, it’s okay,” he said trying to guide you through it. 
Following his instructions did make it easier, but you were still struggling so you ended up coming off him anyways, deciding to stroke his dick instead. He looked down with a disappointing look and quickly shook his head. Standing up, he bent over and gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail. 
“You said you’ve been wanting to do this for a LONG time y/n, so you have to do it right baby.” 
He removed your hand from his dick and replaced it with his own, stroking it lightly while still maintaining eye contact with you. When you moved your hands to sit on your things, he moved his dick towards your lips, smearing the precum and saliva mixed together on your lips. 
“Open,” he commanded. 
You let your mouth fall open and felt his dick go down your throat once again. With his hand at the back of your head holding your hair together, he guided your mouth up and down his length. Your jaw went slack, letting him take over and fuck your mouth at his own will. Things got nasty really fast, with your spit reaching from his dick, down your breasts and to the floor. He bent down slightly to take your breast in his hand and play with your hard nipples some more, pinching and pulling them to his will. With his hands working on you and the way he was grunting, you were turned on beyond belief. His sounds only got better as you moved your hand up to him, rubbing his balls with your palms. 
Your other hand absentmindedly traveled down to your covered heat, rubbing yourself through your shorts and panties. It felt good and you couldn’t help but moan onto his dick, the vibrations hitting him hard and nearly causing him to cum  straight down your throat. 
Jimin looked down to see what had you moaning, and saw how fast your hand was moving beneath you. He pulled your mouth off of his dick and bent down to pull your hand away from him and yourself as well. 
“Did I say you could touch yourself? Or weren’t you supposed to be focused on sucking my cock like you asked me to do? Hmm,” he asked sarcastically, pulling you up to stand by your hair and bending you over onto the couch. 
“I’m sorry Jimin, it’s just letting you fuck my face turns me on so much baby,” you said as you laid your cheek against the couch cushion. 
“Hmm… I’m sure it did you little nasty slut,” he spanked your ass cheek, making you moan out. 
You felt his hand release your hair, and then travel down the arch in your back to the waistband of your shorts, pulling them off along with your damp panties. He then pressed a finger right against your clit which had you gasping in surprise but pushing yourself back towards him at the same time.
“Just look at how fucking wet you are for me, my baby. And all this just from sucking my dick? Hmm, you loved sucking my dick so much that you ruined your panties?” he pressed his finger harder into your clit. 
“Yes, I love it so fucking much. Hmm please fuck me Jimin!” 
He turned you over and leaned down to kiss you. It seemed like in this moment, he slipped out of his dominant persona and was back to your loving boyfriend that was sweeter than candy. 
“Are you sure you really want to, y/n? We really don’t have to, I promise.” 
“Yes Jimin, please. Please fuck me. I just want your dick inside me so bad right now,” you said as you reached down and began stroking him again. 
Jimin growled before he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He carried you into your room and placed you on the bed gentler than you were expecting. However, he wasn’t so gentle when he grasped your ankles and pulled your body towards the edge of the bed where he was standing so that your legs were hanging off the bed. 
He collected both of your wrists in his hand and leaned over your body to plant them over your head. He kissed your lips once again while his other hand stroked your thigh. When you saw him open his mouth again, you stopped him immediately. 
“Jimin, if you ask me if i’m sure again, i’m going to kick you out,” you bucked your hips against his own. 
He chuckled at this, and then looked at you darkly. 
“Fine. How about this, I’m going to let your hands go and if you move them, I’m leaving you like this. Alone,” he challenged you. 
You raised your eyebrow at him as he let your wrists go, licking his pointer and middle finger and swiping them down your slit. You couldn’t help the loud moan that you let out. It felt good to finally get the friction that you were yearning for down there. He made sure to touch everywhere but your clit and meanwhile, you were struggling to keep your hands where he placed them. And it became even more of a struggle when he pressed his fingers directly against your clit again and rubbed slowly, what seemed like the figure 8. Your breathing haltered, and you decided that you couldn’t wait anymore. 
“Jimin baby, it’s time now. Please.” 
“Hm.. I don’t know love, that didn’t sound too convincing to me. Beg me. And hurry up before I change my mind about fucking you.” 
“Baby, I need your cock in me so badly. Please give it to me. I’ll do whatever you say. I promise I’ll be a good little slut and keep my hands where you want them. My body is yours. Just please-” 
You couldn’t continue your sentence and left your mouth hanging wide open, letting out a soft “oh” at the feeling of his dick unexpectedly pushing into you and bottoming out. 
Jimin’s length was thick, so you thought the stretch to accommodate his entry would hurt more, but seeing as though he had gotten you so wet, you barely felt any pain. No, the only thing you felt was the pleasure that came from him sliding against your walls. You hadn’t had sex since a few months before you and Jimin became official, so this was definitely something you had been missing. 
On the other hand, for Jimin, it felt euphoric to be inside of you. The feeling of your heat being completely wrapped around him had him on cloud 9. He gave you a moment to adjust, but once he saw that you didn’t need much time, he began to slowly pull out of you, letting out low moans, and push back inside. Continuing his movements, he eventually set a rhythm at a mild pace and added more movement of his hips. He wanted to drag this out for as long as he could to cling to the feeling, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that if he went all out. 
For you it also felt amazing, but you weren’t entirely satisfied. At the moment, you didn’t know if you could form a coherent sentence and felt the urge to move forward and grab his hips to guide him and show that you needed more. However, you didn’t want to move your hands from their position and risk the chance of Jimin actually pulling out of you and leaving, so you opted for wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you and ultimately deeper inside you. 
At that, Jimin halted his movements with a whispered “fuck.” He looked at you and you couldn’t help but smirk at him. You loved seeing that your actions could affect him as much as his did you. 
“You think that was cute huh? Let me show you something cute then, slut.” 
He moved your hands himself, pinning them to your sides and giving you an authoritarian look that said ‘you better not even think about moving these.’ Then he unwrapped your legs from his hips and pushed your ankles forward, planting your feet on the edge of the bed, outside of his thighs. Afterwards, his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, moving your head forward and giving you a great view of his dick that was currently buried deep inside of you. 
The moment his eyes caught yours is also the moment you felt his movements start back up, but unlike before, he was going faster and harder. His pelvis was smacking against yours hard, and you felt his balls hitting your butt as well. The sound of skin slapping on skin turned you on even more, but what was doing it for you the most was being able to visually see what was happening. You couldn’t look away and Jimin realized this rather quickly. 
“Look at the way your pussy is just swallowing my dick. You like it don’t you? You like how it looks, love how it feels?” 
“Yes, FUCK I love it,” you sobbed out. 
At this point, you had tears rushing down your cheeks because of his handiwork. It felt too good and the fact that you couldn’t move your hands was driving you even more crazy. You decided to grasp the bed sheets in a tight grip instead just so you didn’t completely lose your mind, and Jimin couldn’t be bothered with reprimanding you, too lost in his own pleasure. 
You were both crying out at this point, and you swore that you’d never heard anything that sounded better. You knew you would cum soon and with the way his dick was pulsing like crazy inside of you, so would he. 
“Jimin please, please just let me touch you. Please, please, please, please, please,” you chanted out like it was a mantra with each of his thrusts.
Once he gave you a groaned out “go ahead,” the first thing you did was rub your hands all over his body, starting with his arms, then shoulders, then chest, just wanting to feel him. All of him. And you really did once he let go of your neck and grabbed the back of your knees to push them towards your chest. The new angle allowed him to go even deeper and hit new spots, including that special one. With this, you literally screamed out. 
“There it is,” Jimin gloated and sent you a devious smile to which you couldn’t respond. Your mouth was literally left in that “oh” position, and you felt like it would never move from there again. 
With every thrust into your spongy button, Jimin was sending you closer and closer to your end. It had never felt this intense before and you were literally at a loss for words. Closing your eyes, you gripped Jimin’s wrist just to feel his skin which made him actually pay attention to you and realize just how close you were. 
“Y/n… hmm… y/n open your eyes baby. Look at me while you cum.” 
At his instruction, you open your eyes to see his own peering straight into yours and that was all it took. You felt the knot in your stomach tighten and then disappear as you began to convulse around his dick. You literally saw stars and it was as if you had blacked out for a moment. 
“Holy shit! You just fucking squirted. I can feel it running down my balls.” Jimin said, halting his movements while still inside of you. “Fuck that’s so hot,” he added in a whisper while staring directly where your bodies connected.
You were still out of it so his words really hadn’t registered with you until you dropped one of your hands from his wrist to feel the sheets under you completely soaked. You looked down for a moment until you felt Jimin twitch inside you again, realizing he hadn’t finished himself. 
“Baby, please cum. I need it. Please,” you egged him on. 
With this, he bent down closer to you and continued his fast thrusts, solely focusing on his own pleasure now. It was almost hard to move inside of you, as you had gotten unbelievably tight after your orgasm, but the juices from your squirting helped a lot. In a few seconds, he was close, way too close. 
“I’m close… fuck I’m going to cum. Where do I cum y/n?” he looked down into your eyes while biting his lip. 
“My chest. My body. Anywhere, just please cum. I want to feel it.” 
He pulled out of you, letting your legs down and stroking himself until his hot seed spilled all over your stomach and chest.
“You are fucking amazing,” he hunched over your body, leaning down to kiss you. 
This one was passionate and filled with so much emotion, exactly like what you’d expect a kiss from your boyfriend to be like after you’d just had sex together for the first time. Pulling away from your lips, he gave you a gentle smile that you returned before he walked into the bathroom. While he was away, other than the throbbing between your legs, the only thing you could think about was how you were to get the stain from out of your carpet. Jimin returned with a wet wash rag to clean the mess he had made on your body. 
Later that night, you found yourself letting out a content sigh while leaning your back against his body in the bath you were currently sharing. His fingertips lightly traced shapes against your leg, his thoughts straying back to what had just happened between the two of you.
“You know, I’ve never made a girl squirt before,” he whispered in your ear.
“Hmm.. well I’m happy I could be the first,” you turned towards him, the water sloshing as you planted a peck on his cheek. 
Just when you were about to turn back, his wet hands caught your cheeks, making you look back up at him. 
“I love you, Y/n. So much.” 
In that moment, you swore you had never smiled bigger in your life. 
“Jimin, I love you too. So much,” you added. “And I’m excited to for the next six months of our lives together.” 
“Six months? No. I’m excited for the rest of our lives together,” he smiled pulling your closer and leaning in.
You two shared another passionate kiss as you could still hear the rain outside of your window. 
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
Allison Hargreeves x reader
Summary: Your ability had scared you your entire life, and it wasn’t until you found someone like you that you learnt to accept it.
A/N: I took this request because reader doesn’t grow up with the Hargreeves, so she’s not really family and a romantic relationship is posible, but I won’t write siblings x reader if the reader is a Hargreeves too.
Warnings: swearing.
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So this was it, you were on your way to meet your so called siblings and you were terrified to say the least, you had known about them your entire life, but it wasn’t until now, on your thirties, that you decided to contact them, and every single thing around you was making you nervous.
You were late, and considering that one of them was a time traveller, you weren’t really hoping that they would be as late as you. Maybe the dress you wore was too short, maybe it was too casual; maybe everyone was staring at you because you had something on your face; maybe there were a lot of maybes.
A thought crossed your mind and you didn’t like it at all “well, if we don’t get along, I could always make them love me.” No. You weren’t going to do that, for once in your life you had to be brave and face them with the truth, without manipulating them.
Though when you walked into the restaurant and saw them all waiting for you, using your ability seemed more appealing than ever.
“Hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you all.” You sat down in between Allison and Vanya, trying not to look at them as if you’d known them all your life. You didn’t want to seem like the stalker that you actually were.
“What you are is late.” By the annoyance in the voice you could tell that was Five talking to you, but you couldn’t be sure because it was damn hard to make eye contact with six people at the same time. Even if you wanted to manipulate their emotions, it would take you a while to do it one by one.
But it wasn’t like it was hard either.
“So... in your email you said that you had read Vanya’s book, so I’m guessing there’s no need to introduce us.” You slowly nodded at Luther. “And we’re here to get to know you, so why don’t you tell us about your life? What’s your power?”
“Really? That’s what you want to know? You’re making it sound like we want something from her.” That was Diego, but you gave them both a soft smile because what could they possibly want from you?
“It’s ok, I didn’t think that. My life has been easy, if I’m being honest, I can... control people’s feelings, and I’ve used it many times to get what I want. I’m not proud of it, but I walked in here promising myself that I would be completely honest with you guys, so you don’t have to worry about me doing that to you. I’m done with manipulation. That’s why I wanted to meet you, because I want to learn how to use it for good.”
“Aww no way! You’re just like Allison here! Ben says that he thinks you’re pretty nice, by the way.” There was something about Klaus’s smile that made you feel more comfortable, so from there you just kept sharing little stories that made everyone laugh till it started to really feel like you belonged with them.
“I realized I had it when I was in kindergarden and this dumb kid was messing with me, so I just looked at him and made him laugh until he peed his pants.” You smiled at the memory of when life was simpler and you weren’t harming anyone with your gift.
“No way me too! I rumoured Diego into peeing his pants everynight for like two weeks!”
“You did?!” Allison laughed at Diego’s expression and holy cow she looked like an angel, no wonder she was known as a Hollywood hottie, though hottie wasn’t enough of a word to portray how beautiful she looked on that exact moment.
Oh no, fuck no, you could not fall for someone you just met, you absolutely could not fall for a straight girl. Again.
“Y/N? Are you still with us?” Her hand moving in front of your eyes bringed you back to reality. “I said that we should have a girls night at my place.”
“Sure, why not, Vanya are you coming?”
“I can’t, I have rehearsal, maybe next time.” And with those words she left, and so did her brothers, leaving you alone with Allison, as if fate was punching you in the face.
“Shall we?” She offered you her arm and you started walking out of the restaurant, it was getting late, and she looked even better under the light of the lamposts and the moon.
She guided you through empty parks and crowded streets and it felt as if you two were dancing to a song that no one else could understand, you had found someone that made you feel less lonely, and it was special to the point that even walking together felt like a private joke.
By the time you reached her apartment your stomach was twirling with anxiety and your cheeks were as red as two apples, you looked as if you were drunk, but you hadn’t even touched a drop of alcohol during your lunch.
And that was about to change. As soon as you entered Allison ran to the kitchen and started pouring drinks for you both. You sat in her couch and sighed deeply. It was a happy sigh, you felt relaxed for the first time in forever.
“You know what’s the worst?” She sat besides you and placed your drinks on her coffee table. “When people call me manipulative, like it’s my fault. I didn’t even ask for this, I was just born with a curse and I had to learn how to use it so the world wouldn’t step on me.”
“Yeah I get that, I’ve spent thirty years hating myself for something that I can’t even control. Up till now, I couldn’t quite understand what was so wrong with being different, then I met you.” You looked into her eyes and you saw compassion, understanding and admiration? But it wasn’t fake, you weren’t causing it. “You and your siblings, I mean.”
She got closer to you and grabbed your hands. “Y/N, I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable but I want you to know that I’ve never met anyone who understands me the way you do, and I know we met like five hours ago but I feel as if we’ve been connected our entire lives, and I think I really want to kiss you right now.”
You smiled softly, letting go of all of your doubts and fears. “Then what are you waiting for?”
And so, she kissed you, and you both felt as if you were being born again. It’s what happens when soulmates find each other, they share all the emotions they’re feeling through their touch, and for the first time in your life, you were kissing someone that felt genuine affection for you, the same way that you felt for her.
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Trick or treat, sweetie?
I wanted to do something for Halloween, but I'm a little skeptical, and spirit stories and these things don't really do much to me BUT thinking about Sharp Objects and all the True Crime cases I’ve heard, I managed to write this, and I think I did something decent thanks to the hinny discord that helped me choose the costume for our couple
It was Halloween day, which meant that almost all teenagers in town would lie to their parents saying they were going to get candy when in fact, they would be in the forest drinking, making out behind the rocks, or throwing themselves into the clearing that was there close by.
Ginny would be no different.
She had convinced Harry to wear a couple costume, not because it was just tacky and funny, but because his ass would look much better on Princess Leia's costume than it did on her. Also, she was much more suited to Han Solo than Harry.
‘’You look great.’’ She said, hitting his ass as soon as her boyfriend came out of the bathroom, still fixing his wig on his head
"This shit itches" Harry complained, sitting on the edge of his bed so that Ginny could straighten the clip that held the fake hair back. "You look hot." His hand also hit her ass, staying there. "Your mother would die if she knew we were like this.''
‘’She knows, and she said that as much as you look good in white, you should wear Han Solo’s clothes’’ Ginny kissed him quickly, squeezing his chin and sucking on his lip ‘‘I disagree. I think men in skirts are sexy’’
‘’I’m happy that I like your beauty standard’’ The boy stood up, putting the last details before looking at her ‘’Ready?’’
‘’I’ve always been’’ Ginny lifted her chin, taking his hand and pulling him out of the room. Of course Lily asked the two of them to stop for a photo, commenting to James about the two being beautiful and that Harry should start wearing a cape like that more often because it did so much for his shoulders.
‘’Behave yyou two! I don't want to go to the police station to take out two stupid teenagers'' James warned them before they left the house, which Harry promptly confirmed and calmed them down about the two of them being home before one in the morning (everyone knew it was a lie, but at that day they would all pretend to be true)
‘‘Han Solo who should drive’’ Ginny reminded him, sitting in the passenger seat while warning Hermione that they were already on  way
‘’If he had a driver’s license, for sure. For now, let me do it.'' Harry left his hand on her thigh, as he always did, following the old path they used to reach the clearing, passing through the town square where the children were having fun, gathered to start picking up sweets or throwing toilet paper at someone's house, and going straight until they reached the street of the pig slaughterhouse, to finally reach the road.
‘’Mione said she’s also going’’ She said ‘‘Do we have to buy anything?’’
‘’No, I left the drinks with Seamus yesterday. We just need to get our nice ass over there’’ Harry smiled ‘‘I hope you won’t be jealous when everyone looks at mine, instead of yours’’ Ginny laughed, denying and shrugging
‘’Feel free, I’m not jealous’’
‘’Ah, sure’’ Harry used all his sarcasm, barely taking his eyes off the empty road ‘‘It’s ugly to lie, Han’’
‘‘I’m not lying’’ She defended herself ‘’When did you see me jealous?’’
‘’Yesterday when that girl flirted with me at the market’’ He barely stopped to think, which made her a little irritated, even though she was amused
''Ah, so you admit it was a flirtation'' Ginny tossed her hair behind her shoulders, crossing her legs and looking out the window, seeing the city a little further away now ''I remember you saying it was just her way''
‘’But she’s like that. Ask Nev’’ She looked at him, arching an eyebrow and holding back laughter
‘’Nev didn’t have sex with Kimbely’’ Ginny argued
‘‘I don’t know’’ Harry shrugged ‘‘She is very friendly’’
‘’And what do you know about that?’’ She poked, still staring at him with a raised eyebrow and a smug smile on her face
‘’Nothing, just what-- What the fuck!?’’ Harry braked the car with much more speed than was recommended, the noise echoing down the empty road, seeming to shake the trees that lay there. Ginny bounced forward, her body being stopped by her seat belt, but her head hit the panel, causing an irritating pain.
When she looked up to look at the road in front of her, a curse escaped her mouth, staring at the woman standing in the middle of the road, all dressed in white while carrying an ax dripping with blood.
‘’Do you think we should see if everything is okay?’’ Harry asked, gaping at the scene, still staring at that woman
''I think you should back up and runaway from here'' She replied, scared to death ''It's the fucking woman in white, what are we still doing standing around?'' The woman in white , the urban legend of that small town that, a few years ago, had been the local of three brutal deaths.
The three girls were not even fifteen when they disappeared, one at a time; the first disappeared in the summer, some said that she had run away with her boyfriend, others said that she had killed herself in the clearing, and it was only after three weeks of searching that her body was found, on the roof of the pig slaughterhouse, all dismembered.
The second was in the fall of that same year, but she had not been gone for more than three days, and her body was found hanging from the traffic lights on the main street, exposed for all to see.
In the meantime, the parents were already in a panic, and no more children or teenagers were seen alone on the street, the doors were closed before six and no one left the house at night. For a city with less than 5,000 inhabitants, that was the biggest terror they had ever faced.
The third disappeared after a year, on the anniversary of the death of the first, she had disappeared after going for a bike ride on the way to a friend's house, and for months no one had any news or evidence of the disappearance. On the anniversary of the death of the second, her body was found half on the roof of the slaughterhouse, and the other half, hanging from the traffic lights.
It was chaos.
When a truck driver pleaded guilty - a few months of panic and terror for everyone in the city afterwards - everyone pretended to be more relieved. He never confessed the reason for killing the three girls so brutally, but it didn't matter, the population would pretend to be peace again. Even if one of the boys who lived on the way to the clearing, claimed that he had seen a woman in white carrying the body across the road, dragging it into the forest.
The police always denied it, saying that there was no chance of a woman committing something as horrible as that, but the population never let themselves forget the legend. Sometimes, someone said that he had seen a woman dressed in a great bloodstained robe walking around the city. Another said he had seen her in the clearing. Another said that she was always around the slaughterhouse ..
And now, there was a woman in a white dress full of blood, an ax in her hand, in front of Harry's car, looking like the devil as she looked at them.
Her hair was blond and looked dirty with dirt and something Ginny hoped was not dried blood, her eyes were big and dark, like two holes in her pale, almost skeletal face, and all over her bust were marks of scrapes and cuts.
‘’The car doesn’t want to start’’ Harry almost screamed, turning the key and seeing that nothing was changing
''What?! No! I will not die! This shit will call and we'll go over that motherfucker'' Ginny shouted in response, nervous to the last strands of hair for seeing that the woman was starting to walk, using her free hand to clean what looked like blood dry, from her cheek.
''I do not know! Damn!’’ Harry hit the steering wheel, and the horn barely seemed to startle her, and maybe, she was already less than two meters away from them
‘‘Where’s the knife I always leave it here?’’ Ginny opened each compartment, shivering as she rummaged through Harry’s mess looking for metal
‘’She has a fucking ax, what the fuck are you going to do with a knife? She will kill you before you can say the word ‘Please’ ’’ He looked at her, looking like a piece of paper so white, then turning forward and moving the key again
‘’Harry, she’s getting close’’ Ginny whispered, terrified that the woman could hear her trembling voice
‘’I know, I’m trying’’ The blonde was walking more and more, starting to laugh like crazy, loudly and laughing with her head back, dragging the ax on the road floor, causing a terrible sound of the blade on the asphalt
''Trick or treat, sweeties?'' Her voice sounded loud but at the same time it seemed to be whispered, her black eyes blinked towards them both, and the moment she got close enough to touch the hood of the car, lifting her ax and ready to break the windshield, Harry managed to turn the key.
The noise of the engine echoed and the tires sang with the sharp reverse they made, moving further and further away from the woman who now ran towards them
‘’Go over it !!’’ Ginny screamed, terrified of how fast she could be
''I'm not going to jail!'' He also shouted, changing lanes so he could accelerate and got out of there, but he couldn't avoid when the woman threw herself on top of the car, rolling over the hood and falling on the road, staying still dirtier than before, but not looking dead. She was still laughing out loud and was able to move, looking like she wanted to get up.
'’Don't you dare stop. I swear Harry, I'll kill you!’’ Ginny felt her heart racing to the point of thinking she was having an attack, barely able to breathe properly ‘’ Accelerate and let’s go ’’
‘’Shit Gin!’’ Harry stepped on the gas, much faster than the law allowed, and left, feeling completely shaky ‘‘Damn I think I’m going to pass out’’
''I swear to you, if I hadn't gone to the bathroom before we left, I would have peed in my pants'' She took a deep breath ''What the fuck was that?'' Ginny asked, still looking back as if she expected see her again
''I do not know! Where did that fuck come from?’’ He said
‘’From hell’’ Ginny said. Harry had the audacity to laugh, but he didn't seem very happy ‘’I need a strong drink’’
‘’Me too’’ He replied, parking the car in the middle of the trees and listening to the sounds of music and conversations, some headlights were on and you could see the bodies walking from side to side. Harry squeezed Ginny's thigh, as if to confirm that she was there. ‘’Do you want to drink and then have sex in the back seat? I think I need to discharge the adrenaline’’
‘‘I don’t think you’ve ever come up with anything as good as this’’
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kyberled · 3 years
A collection of prompts and starters taken from the first episode of Polygon’s Cyberpunk Red campaign series: [x] 
Content warnings for death, strong language, and mentions of violence and drug use. 
Feel free to change names and pronouns as needed!
“We’re recovering from several man-made disasters, and kites are popular again.”
“Oops, that’s too much armpit.” 
“I don’t know who you know.” 
“You will be remembered.” 
“You’re not allowed to say that word on here, my dude!” 
“Boop, banned!” 
“Headshot! ... Sorry.” 
“There is maybe a job down there for us, and I could use a lift.” 
“Do you want me to come up and meet you up there, or  do you wanna come down here?”
“Doc, these guys gonna be okay?” 
“He was sliced and diced and blown apart.” 
“Saw a really sad thing today.” 
“I’m not sure how we’re going to get paid for this, actually.”
“Sometimes, you get paid in other things, like trust or friendship.” 
“Let’s mop up these two dipshits and figure out who did it, then hit their head several times.”
“I just realized I called these dead people dipshits.” 
“I know all of this because he was saying it in Alf roleplay.” 
“They’re very fast, but they’re faster the wealthier you are.” 
“And they’re all like, armed, right?”
“Yeah. They’re super armed.”
“Work up a gentle demeanor, if I can.”
“This one? This one? That one? This one?”
“I’ve got a lot of cool.” 
“I promise you... You will not die.” 
“I mean, everyone dies, [NAME]. You shouldn’t promise that to someone.”
“But what I’m saying is it won’t be my fault.”
“I am so sorry for this situation.” 
“Just gonna pretend that didn’t happen.” 
“I don’t think they were looking for [NAME].”
“I think they were looking for SOMEBODY.” 
“You guys are really fuckin’ bad at this.” 
“I’ll admit, I can be a little bit bad bad at comforting folks who need it. But I’ll tell ya’, I’m really good at pounding peoples’ skulls into concrete over and over again, until they tell me exactly what I would like to know.” 
“Did you mean to threaten this guy?” 
“All I wanna know is what happened here, so we don’t have another mess to mop up. And that mess I’m talking about is potentially... You.” 
“I mean, steal from the rich, no harm done!”
“And snort what you get.” 
“It is what you said, it’s what you implied. Are you going back on your word?” 
“If I knew, I’d have blackmail, and I wouldn’t be here.” 
“Reach out if you ever need anything.”
“Reach out if you ever need anything, and I was mostly kidding about the head bouncing stuff. But I will do it! But I was mostly kidding.” 
“Call me if you need to know anyone.” 
“We’re not best friends, but I just thought it would give that parasocial relationship to people.” 
“Guys, don’t say other things.” 
“You’re making it sound like there’s more than one person-- There’s only one person in the bathroom, and it’s me, [NAME]!”
“I just needed a little bit of help in here. It’s nothing to worry about.” 
“And we WILL wash our hands.” 
“Can you wait until we’re out of the bathroom to talk about this?”
“It wasn’t even weird!”
“It was very weird.”
“And wash your hands!”
“This one’s zooted.” 
“Leaving it a little open-ended, there, [NAME].”
“Soft touch.” 
“Your eyes are so gentle.” 
“... That’s a good argument.” 
“I got some papers, don’t worry how I got ‘em.” 
“I’m sorry, that was really defensive. I came at you with all that defensive energy.” 
“I can get one, if ya’ need!” 
“I’d like you to remember that I helped you, and someday, maybe, when I need you...” 
“That’s not what I’m gonna need you for, but, thank you.” 
“What’s up everyone, I just walked into a locked room.” 
“Wow, special treat for you guys today!”
“Wow, special treat for you guys today: It’s two locked doors.”
“I guess it’s a bust for today.” 
“Your... Co-dependent.... Thing, is very strange.” 
“Is this like a riddle?” 
“Do you like to pick your own lock?”
“I sometimes pick my own lock, like, to practice.”
“Your lock’s been picked.” 
“My door’s been picked?!”
“I’m old school, what can I say.”
“If they just wanted to destroy it, why wouldn’t they just destroy it?”
“You’re blowing my mind, here.”
“We can stop it.”
“You don’t need to hate [NAME], you just need to love money.”
“I was already in the van-- I wasn’t in the van, but I got in the van because I wanted to come see you.” 
“I think you got, maybe one of those three is right.” 
“I ain’t never heard of him, no.” 
“Shit. I could’ve done this my fuckin’ self.” 
“I’ll look it up for you, you’ll owe me a favor.” 
“[NAME], this guy’s dead.”
“[NAME]’s dead, he died six years ago.” 
“You’re asking the important questions, [NAME].”
“Privacy is nonexistent.” 
“I don’t wanna meet a ghost.” 
“Forsooth! We’re here.” 
“I don’t see any problems with the plan.” 
“It is striking me as very strange, now that I’m thinking about it.” 
“We both drive. ... I also drive. It’s a-- Two-person... Driving... Car.” 
“I have trouble with the break and the gas at the same time.” 
“He just sits on my lap.” 
“And you shouldn’t! And you don’t.” 
“It was like on the news.”
“It’s really hot out in the van, can I get a CapriSun?”
“I already peed.” 
“Put your smart thoughts in my dumb head.” 
“It’s a very strange slogan.” 
“I’m so glad we’re sitting down for this drink.” 
“This was, like, a decade ago, which is like 100 years ago.” 
“You guys aren’t cops, right?” 
“We’re not cops.” 
“We split a paycheque.” 
“The ol��� waitin’ game.” 
“Let’s use our two braincells.” 
“If honesty if cool, let’s be honest.”
“Fuck yeah, come on! Shoot it into my fuckin’ veins, baby!”
“Thanks a lot, buddy. Thanks a fucking lot.”
“Welcome to this most righteous cafe.” 
“Garcon! First, I would like you to tell me what an egg cream is, and then, I would like an egg cream.” 
“I brought a juice box from the car.” 
“This fuckin’ rules!” 
“Is he super hot?”
“We did it! We heisted! We killed some people! Could we be any cooler?”
“I hope it’s the fucking cast of Friends!” 
“I’m not gonna stop you from doing that.” 
“Who the fuck is this jabroni?” 
“Name’s [NAME]. Just passing through, looking for a bit of information.” 
“I don’t wanna be too forward here, but unless you’re willing to talk with me on this particular topic, your love life ain’t gonna be the only thing that’s D.O.A.”
“That’s really good shit talk.”
“You’re gonna badmouth me and my besties?”
“You gonna come in here and sass us?”
“Well, you can bully [NAME]. He’ll just fuckin’ sit there and take it.”
“I will toss your salad and scramble your eggs.”
“You’re gonna talk right now, or you’re cancelled.” 
“This is our town!” 
“How you doin’?”
“Fuck you! Thank you.” 
“No, not that - why did you shoot people?” 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to escalate.” 
“I don’t live on the streets, I have a perfectly adequate apartment.”
“I’m sorry, that’s on me.” 
“You guys know the person you’re trying to blackmail is dead?”
“I guess it isn’t your day, your month, or your year? ... Or your week?” 
“Hey, okay! I mean, where the fuck did you come from, but yeah, this guy gets us!” 
“I did just say that your blackmail’s useless.” 
“And that’s where you should stop that sentence!” 
“In the shipping business, that’s what we call... I don’t know what we call it.”
“It’s a goof-’em-up.” 
“The problem with trucks, is, uh... Have you ever seen a bird?”
“Have you ever seen a bird that just really scared you?” 
“I’ve seen a video of a bird.” 
“If you have to steal, I don’t give a shit. Steal from somewhere else.” 
“So fuck you, I guess, fuck you.”
“I’m so sweaty, it’s so hot in here.”
“I’ll delete your accounts!” 
“You think you’re a big man.” 
“You mother fucker! I can’t believe you’d do this, to ME!”
“You just killed a man! In cold blood!” 
“I wish somebody had told you it was gonna be this way.” 
“Well, I hate to see people leave the forum.”
“I’m a moderator, this is just physical moderating.” 
“I did do that.” 
“And now we’re fighting back to back!”
“Aw, we’re the real besties.” 
“I’m very proud of all of you.”
“I’m very proud of all of you, and I’m certain that will last this whole time.” 
“I feel like I shouldn’t have a shotgun.” 
“Ba-bum bum ba-da-ba-da--” (gunshot)
“I can’t fucking follow that up!” 
“So I don’t fuckin’ care.” 
“What now?! WHAT NOW?!” 
“You guys need to leave!” 
“Way ahead of ya’, mac!”
“Way ahead of ya’, mac!” (smashes through the window)
“You did a great job of just destroying this woman.” 
“I hope these people never see me again, I don’t want to come back here.” 
“Make sure to like and subscribe!” 
“We haven’t killed anybody, have we?” 
“Let’s wrap this up right now, or I’ve got a feeling there won’t be a reunion show.” 
“Okay, okay, you guys are not cool.”
“We being chill about this?”
“I don’t know what we’re gonna do with this thing, it’s useless.”
“You keep saying that, and I keep not believing you.”
“Find somebody else to rob.”
“Find somebody else to rob. Rob somebody with money.”
“Did any of you see the thing that I did where I put the guy’s head on the counter and I hit him with a stool two or three times?” 
“[NAME], if you can promise to fight that well, I can get a lot more jobs for you.” 
“I’d also love to just hang out, if that’s a thing you would be interested in.” 
“You guys had to be there.”
“[NAME] jumped through a window.” 
“Avast! Above, I see... [NAME]!”
“Let’s just say we had to wine and dine ‘em.”
“I hit a guy in the head with a stool.”
“Let’s just say we had to wine and dine ‘em. ... I hit a guy in the head with a stool.” 
“That sounds about right, yeah.” 
“The only reason you’ve been surviving this long is because of the philanthropy of others.”
“I’m too smart for this.” 
“I think we took care of them.”
“If I were them, I wouldn’t come back around here.”
“But they are still alive.”
“If you decide that you do want them dead, you know who to call.” 
“And thanks again for everything you do. ... Oh, by the way, [NAME] died.” 
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Hey, I'm doing good too. Just normal amounts of stressful stuff right now. Just moved to a country I've never been to before but can't complain, things are not as hard as the last time I did this so. Thanks for asking! Yeah, I saw you posting about some pretty scary health issues before, I'm glad you came out of that alive and hope you're healthier now!
The nerve some people have! Haha I know I would be pissed if people were questioning my intelligence like that especially after a couple of drinks in haha. Though I do like taunting people when I play group games, I'll be like "don't need to try that hard guys, you're gonna lose anyway" just to mess with them or just call people sore losers if they accuse me of cheating haha (they're probably right on the accusations tho). People get real mad sometimes it's kinda funny. 😂
Omg literally laughed out loud reading this! Hahaha, how did you manage to fall over a road sign then end up in a ditch? lol omg hope you didn't get hurt too bad 😂 I was trying to downplay my drunken escapades but since you shared yours I should tell you my worst one:
I was at this summer street party at night and got drunk on something made out of tropical herbs and cachaça (which is about 48% alcohol), drank 3 and a half bottles of that like it was apple juice, made friends with a bunch of strangers in a bathroom queue (who tried to talk to me weeks later but I had no idea who they were), had to be held by my best friend while I peed (mostly missing the toilet), fell in the middle of the street and scraped my knee, threatened this boy who was helping me walk and told him not to try anything funny or I would beat him up, then dragged my friends to the beach and left them shortly after to go make out with my ex, came back with lipstick all over my mouth and chin and when my friends asked what I was doing I said I was just talking to my ex and they were like NO YOU WERE NOT, hahaha then I kissed all my girl friends on a dare and we danced under the full moon, then I told my best friend I had to puke so she took me to the ocean but I changed my mind and happened to step on a dead turtle on the way back and started crying bc of it, but last month my best friend told me it was a rock I had stepped on (I believed it was a dead turtle for 7 years!). Had the worst hangover of my life the next day. ✌️✨
Ah I'm happy you liked it! I've never listened to Six musical before but it sounds fun! I can see why you like it haha made me want to dance around my apartment 💃. And hey if liking musicals is your thing then it's great, I'm sure Hozier will understand if he's not your top artist of the year. 😋 Here's my "damie" Pinterest board if you or anyone else wants to check it out, totally recommend making one if you're a visual person like me!
Oh I could talk about Dani and Jamie forever I think. I love the beast in the jungle speech too and it's so painful to watch, VP delivered that beautifully, but I have to admit I'm always a crying mess from episode 1 when older Jamie starts reciting that song about being sad while waiting for her lover to return, this show is fucking cruel I hate it and love it at the same time hahaha. Omg your mom 😂 but I mean it's truly an honor to be compared to someone like Dani, no? She's really great even if she needs a little help haha (don't we all).
Aaah you're amazing! Thank you so much, I'll read this pirate AU soon!
I used to draw a lot, really loved doing it when I was a kid as I said before, and all throughout adulthood too but I haven't done that in almost a year now bc I've got a bit of a case of burnout I guess, it just takes a lot of effort to do it when it shouldn't be like that at all. I used to do fanart too, for other fandoms. Even made one for Dani x Jamie but ended up not liking how it turned out haha. I've got a lot of respect for writers and fanfic writers also! Yall can make words make sense in really interesting and beautiful ways, build worlds so enthralling I can see them vividly in my head. Writing is such an incredibly fascinating skill to have! And I guess the most important thing is that we enjoy doing these things right? Even if we think we're not particularly good at it.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend! 👋✨
Good I'm glad you're doing great but sorry you're dealing with stressful stuff!! Hope living in a new country goes well for you I'm so jealous that you've lived in different countries I'd love to live somewhere else even if just for s few years!! Awwh thank you so much I definitely came out of it alive and am feeling so much better now thank you I mean I do some pretty ditzy things so when people say it to me it's pretty deserved sometimes, I'm secretly smart and people just don't expect it so I never mind too much haha I might have to start saying the things that you do and just taunting them over it I mean, I usually do win even when they make me answer different questions so I will definitely have to start saying things like that to them Haha I love that you're just like "yeah they're probably right in their accusations" I agree seeing how mad some people get over games and stuff is funny (it's me I'm people I hate loosing games depending on what it is and I am very competitive) So it was very dark and all we had for light was my roommates flashlight on her phone but while we were walking home a friend of ours that lived else where kept texting her to make sure we were still safe (my phone as dead at this point) so while she was texting him her flashlight was facing down and someone had moved this road sign to the footpath and it was on that sits on the floor so while I couldn't see it I walked into it and fell over it but while I feel I grabbed hold of it and flipped with it and fell in a ditch with it on top of me... I was fine and was just laid laughing while my friend looked down at me and in the most northern accent ever just said "get up you dickhead." and helped me off of the floor and then asked if I was okay... and I was so it was all good!! Haha 😂 I love this drunken story that sounds like one hell of a night and is a roller coaster from start to finish!! I'm sorry you thought you had stood on a dead turtle for 7 years though, someone really should've told you that it was just a rock!! But that sounds like my kind of night!! I love nights like that... stories that will last a life time... the only down side is the hangover... luckily I have only ever had one hang over in my life and it wasn't the morning after the road sign fiasco... I felt surprisingly good the morning after that haha 😂 It's such a good musical it's about Henry VIII wives and I just love everything to do with his wives and that musical is so much fun and actually gives a little insight to the lives the six Tudor queens had away from Henry and with him because at school we're mainly just taught about him which sucks!! I loved the Hozier song and am definitely gonna have to listen to more of his stuff!! I love musicals so much I mainly listen to musical soundtracks at the minute- usually, Legally Blonde and Six on repeat haha 😂 Ooo thank you I will definitely check out this Pinterest board thanks for sending it to me!! I could talk about them forever too... since watching Bly Manor my niece has been asking me so many questions about it and I am more than happy to talk to her about it haha!! The beast in the jungle speech just breaks my heart every time I relate to it so much and VP just delivers it so beautifully!! Oh yeah now I know at the beginning that it's older Jamie I am just a wreck the whole show is just so beautiful and heart breaking at the same time I LOVE IT!! Even though it makes me sob- I keep putting myself through it!! I mean, yeah I was happy that she said it Dani is great but it was the way she said it... my mum can be something else sometimes... she said she thought Dani was like me the first time she does the accent when she says "I've fallen quite in love with London" because I just randomly do accents a lot too but it was the way she was like "She needs help... but I like her she reminds me of you" I was just like... "Should I go get help?" I still don't know the answer to my question about if I need help or not but I mean I probably do need it You're welcome I really hope you like it!! It's a
great fic I love it!! Yeah I get that if stuff starts taking too much effort and burns you out you're not gonna wanna keep doing it so it's understandable that you stopped!! I think fan art is great and I really would love to be able to do it myself but I just don't have the skill it takes!! Awwh it's a shame you didn't like the Dani x Jamie one you did I would've loved to have seen it!! Honestly there are so many talented writers out there and when I read their fics I am just in awe of the worlds they have built and the stories they have created we are so blessed in this fandom to have so many amazing writers and so many amazing fics out there Oh yeah definitely its important to enjoy what you do!! I know I love writing and love writing fics for Dani and Jamie so I think I'll be doing it for a while even if I'm not great at it haha Awwh thank you very much I hope you have a great weekend too!! ☺️
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vaspider · 5 years
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As promised... the story of how I was attacked by a ghost. 
So you understand, this is the house that I lived in at the time, 336 W Chestnut St in Lancaster, PA. This house still looks exactly like this today. It had previously been a large house with most of the property on that block being its yard, and it was divided into four apartments sometime before 1999, when we lived there. The whole first floor was one apartment, the second floor was divided into two one-bedroom apartments -- front and back -- and the top floor was its own apartment.
We lived in the front of the second floor. I was totally obsessed with this house from the moment we visited it, because I was 22 and it had a turret window. This was obviously the coolest place that any human being could ever live, and I wanted to live there so badly. The fact that it didn’t have laundry on-site? Whatever. The steep stairs? Okay, fine. It had a turret window.
Foolish child. 
From the moment we moved in, things started to get really weird. My cat Schlager, who had previously been a snuggly sweetheart and super chill, got a chronic case of the hisses and zoomies. She would never settle down.
Things started moving around the apartment: my glasses, my keys, my hairbrush, books, my laptop charger (yes, I had a laptop in 1999, I was that kind of nerd). I often felt like someone was standing next to me or leaning over me, especially when I was home alone, and I heard footsteps moving around in the next room when no one was home. 
When we’d lived there for about six months, I was sitting home alone at around 10 PM. We owned a standing mirror which is one of @mistresskabooms‘ dad’s most prized possessions because it belonged to his late mother. (And no, we never had any other issues with the mirror, it isn’t the mirror that’s the issue.) That mirror sat near the sink in the bathroom nook in our bedroom, facing toward the bed. 
While I sat on the bed playing on my laptop, I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye, and looked up, thinking it was Schlager. I looked up just in time to see a semi-translucent tall, thin man, dressed in Victorian clothing and holding a top hat in his hand walk past me in the mirror. Like, I was sitting on the bed, and I only saw him in the mirror, but his presence blocked me somewhat from view. I could kind of see myself through his body.
I screamed at the top of my lungs and leapt out of the bed, flailing around. Look, it wasn’t the greatest reaction, but what would you have done? Right. 
He didn’t react to me screaming at all, just kept walking. 
After that, I didn’t like being home alone much. It happened, though, because I worked at the time at a CopyMax and Matt, MK’s dad, worked at a bar. So I’d get home around 6 PM and often was home for five or six hours every night. I kept trying to get people to come over and hang out, or get out of the house whenever I could, and when I couldn’t do that, well. 
I got stoned a lot. It was much, much easier to ignore whatever the fuck was going on in my apartment if I was too stoned to give a fuck. My cat and I spent a lot of time basically glued together, and I covered the mirror whenever I was home alone, or turned it to the wall. Fuck that noise, I didn’t want to know if whoever that was kept visiting me.
One day I got locked out of this apartment at night, and climbed up the fire escape to break in through the window which accessed the fire escape. As soon as I started trying to force the window, something kind of like a mix between a siren and a howl started roaring in my ears. The entire time I was trying to force the window open, and eventually did, the roar continued. My hands started shaking -- I was terrified. Once I got into the house and closed the window again, the sound stopped -- but my cat kept running back and forth across the apartment for a few minutes as I shook and tried to get my breath under control. 
When our girlfriend would visit, or other friends, they hated leaving the apartment at night. There was no functional light in the hallway (a safety issue, but our landlords didn’t give a fuck) because the light was on the electric bill of the other apartment, and the old lady who lived there didn’t want her bill run up by a light on all night. 
When people went down the steep inside stairs in the dark, they’d hear voices whispering their name -- specifically, this happened to our girlfriend a lot. The first time she heard someone whispering Eva, Eva, as she left, she thought I was calling down the stairs to her because she’d forgotten something. Several times, when she was leaving, not only did she hear whispers, but she felt someone touching her face and hair. 
So yeah, I hated being home alone, and people hated visiting us at night.
All of this was nothing compared to the night I was attacked, however. I’ve mentioned previously that I was stoned a lot to deal with the fact that the house was actively hostile to everyone there, but I need to impress upon y’all that at the time this happened, I was cooking, and I was stone cold sober. 
Matt had gotten home from the bar, so it was around 1 or 2 AM, and I didn’t have to work the next day, so I’d stayed up to make dinner and spend some time with him. I remember very distinctly that I was making couscous (no celiac dx yet) and chicken breasts marinated in Italian dressing, sauteed with veggies. It was my go-to meal for late nights when we wanted something simple, yanno?
Anyway, dinner was almost done when Schlager got a serious case of the zoomies. I ignored it, because at that point, my cat freaking out a lot was sadly normal. Yep, she’s running. Probably whatever lives here is acting up again, and freaking her out. I’m gonna have to pet her and calm her down once I’m done cooking.
Now, to understand what happened, you have to have a kind of visual of the layout of the apartment. The front room -- with the turret -- was our living room and the middle window looked out from our kitchen. Between the kitchen and the living room was a breakfast bar, and the sink, stove and fridge were on the far wall. If you faced the stove, the living room was behind you, and all you could see was what was on the stove; standing in front of the stove meant there was a wall right by your left shoulder. 
Okay, so, I’m standing at the stove, stirring the chicken. Dinner’s almost done, yayyy! Schlager starts freaking out, running back and forth. Oh, great, well, that’s fun. 
And then I hear footsteps coming around the end of the breakfast bar. 
Now, normally, if Matt was home, the only shit that happened was the nonsense in the stairwell, and only then if he wasn’t leaving the apartment with us. The ghost, or whatever it was, didn’t bother him. It bothered Eva, and me, and our friend Blaine, but it usually left Matt alone and didn’t come around if Matt was home. 
So I assumed that it was Matt, coming to check on dinner. I turned, spatula in hand, to greet my spouse and tell him that dinner was almost done! 
Except... there was nobody there. At least, nobody that I could see. 
In the same moment that I realized there was nobody I could see standing there, something hit me -- really hard -- in my solar plexus and shoved me up against the wall behind me. A voice very similar to the howl/siren thing, very much not human, snarled, “YOU!” as my knees went weak and my legs went out from under me. I started screaming like my hair was on fire. I think I peed my pants. I don’t really know. My head started swimming, my breath was knocked out of me, and as soon as I got my legs back underneath me, I ran from the kitchen into the bedroom, screaming and sobbing, and clung to Matt. I begged him to go turn off the stove and dish up dinner, and wouldn’t let him out of my sight for the rest of the night. 
We moved as soon as we could get out of our lease, and moved into another haunted house, this one in Millersville. The Millersville house’s ghost was a ghost cat, though, and the ghost cat just liked to lay down on the bed next to Schlager. She was never any trouble. I was barely aware of her, comparatively, and only knew she existed because I woke up several times to the weight of two cats on either side of my feet in the middle of the night, but we only owned one cat. 
So, yeah. That’s the story of how I was attacked by a ghost in the apartment I lived in before MK was born. 
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cofffeeekinks · 4 years
Katsune no Hanayome Ch. 5
Normally, y’all gotta wait till Friday, but today is labor day so you get a bonus chapter and I’ll post again on Friday as usual. 
This is a commission multi-chapter fic, for @eggyboi13, who has been so patient with me in regards to how long I’ve been taking to get this out. I’m hoping to get a new chapter out every Friday.
If you want to show me your support, consider asking for a commission (only for art though) or leaving a tip in my ko-fi.
Katsune no Hanayome Chapter 4
Rated: Mature (18+)
Trans!Bakugou Trans!Todoroki Trans!Kirishima
Later chapters will contain things such as: s e x , lots of it. Heavily pregnant s e x.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]
The trio, now in the middle of their month long pregnancy, often helped with clients when they could. Izuku’s clan often supplied potions for many of the different yokai in the spirit world and so they had many customers. They didn’t have to work, and Izuku actually advised against it. He didn’t want them to over do it and hurt themselves or their babies. However, all three boys couldn’t just sit around and eat all day, they had to do something and that meant help around the shop.
Most of the time yokai would ask for some sort of healing potion, or a good luck potion. A few have even asked for a sex potion, that of course would only work with willing partners. The yokai were friendly to the trio, congratulating them on their pregnancy and wishing them luck. After seeing many yokai throughout the day, they never expected to see anyone they recognized. And yet, here they were. They were staring at Iida and Shinsou at the other side of the counter.
But they were different, or at least Shinsou was.
Shinsou had a cute pair of cat ears perking from atop his head and a tail that wiggled about. He was also heavily pregnant, and from the looks of it he would probably be bedridden soon.
“Wh-what are you three doing here?” Iida asked, his voice shaken with surprise.
The three glanced at each other, unsure what to say but as usual Katsuki was the one to speak up first, “We got knocked up by a sexy fox so I guess we live here now, and from the looks of it, you kinda did the same?”
“Sort of.” Iida looked over at Shinsou.
Shinsou rolled his eyes, “Listen, just because I hung out with you all doesn’t mean I was a human.” he began to explain, “I was young, saw this handsome human and I knew I’d have to work to spirit him away.”
“Hey, that’s kinda cute.” Eijirou said with a smile, “Oh, maybe our babies will be friends?”
“Agreed.” Iida nodded.
“So, are you two here for some potion or something?” Shoto asked, getting impatient with the chit chat,  “Like, why are you here?”
“Oh yes!” Iida answered, “We’d like some pain killers, for when he goes into labor.”
And with that awkward interaction, Iida and Shinsou departed.
Eventually though, as the days passed, it wouldn’t be so easy to move around and work at the front of the store. Katsuki was the first to drop from that position. Him being pregnant with a group of six kits, he quickly began to out grow robes of the largest size. Of course, it didn’t help that he was always being fed. And not just him, of course, Eijirou and Shoto were just about always stuffed with food as well. They had each gained at least 100 pounds in the course of their time pregnant, Katsuki a little more though. Katsuki was so fed up with nothing fitting, he opted to walk around naked. Why the hell not? He was pregnant and moody and nothing fit so he might as well just have this. It was a shock to the servants and when they asked, politely, “Please, why don’t you put some clothes on?”
Katsuki would respond with, “Fuck off.” or something similar.
Then, if Izuku caught him out and about without any clothes on, he’d whisk him away into another room and the two would bang each other for hours. But as fun as walking around in the nude is, Katsuki eventually became too big to move and was bedredden.
About four days into his bedrest, one of them who would no longer have to carry that giant belly around. The first one to go into labor was not Katsuki but rather a certain red haired gentleman who was carrying triplets. It was a surprise to the servants, who all had a betting pool with the majority of the participants betting toward Katsuki. He was the biggest out of the three, surely he’d be the first to pop, but no. It was Eijirou.
It happened late at night when a new sensation woke Eijirou up from his sleep.
“Did I just…” he spoke out loud as a wet liquid began to trickle down his legs and over toward Izuku.
Eijirou watched as the liquid spread over toward Izuku. It barely had to touch the tip of his finger for him to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked over at Eijirou staring back at him.
“I’m sorry, I think I peed.”
Izuku sat up, the smell of the liquid hitting him and alerting him that no, no this was not pee, “Eijirou, your water broke.” he announced with urgency.
“My water broker but --,” he was then hit by a sudden and powerful contraction, causing him to let out a little yelp.
Izuku quickly left to fetch a potion for Eijirou, it was supposed to numb the pain of childbirth but childbirth demands to be felt and not everything was numb.
“This is fucking bull shit, Izuku!” he screamed, his qurik activating and resulting in the bed boards breaking.
Katsuki and Shoto watched on in slight horror.
“I’m never doing this shit for you ever again!” Eijirou screamed, “No one is because as soon as I’m done pushing these babies out, I’m ripping your dick off!”
“Please dont…”
“Eijirou, please focus.” the midwife tried to redirect his attention, “This one is ready to come out, now I need you too --.”
Eijirou then bore down and pushed the first of Izuku’s children out. Ren slid out of Eijirou, screaming and crying. He was a big infant and was very much excited to be alive.
Everyone instantly fell in love with him, the midwife cleaned him up and passed him to Izuku who held him to his neck, scenting him. Ren was passed around to Shoto and Katsuki as well. They, unknowingly washed their scent on the baby.
The next baby to come into the world was Aiko, and only half an hour later, the first girl, Sakura was born. All of the newborns were scented, swaddled, and would be cared for.
Katsuki was the next of the trio to give birth, to which he was both relieved and horrified because yay, finally but then oh my gosh I’m scared. So, since they knew the remainder of the babies would arrive soon, Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuku decided to have some sexy fun. Eijirou sat out, he was still healing and exhausted from the birth of his triplets. Instead he spent the remainder of the night snoozing or tending to the needs of his little newborns.
During their sexual escapade, Katasuki’s bliss turned into pain the moment he felt a pop along with water gushing out of him and onto Izuku’s dick.
“Shit.” he swore.
Izuku and the servants helped clean up the mess, while Katsuki was prepared for birth. The painkilling potion didn’t work as well as Katsuki wanted and as the pain of childbirth branched out from his spine he began to sob.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” he breathed, then screamed as a ripping contraction tore through him.
“It’ll be okay.” the midwife soothed, “You’ll see your little ones soon, I just need you to breathe through the pain and push as hard as you can.”
Katsuki nodded, he squeezed Izuku’s and Shoto’s hands as he pushed with all he had. Haru and Maru were born only 30 seconds apart, to which the midwife said, “You don’t want to keep going so quickly, at this rate, you’ll rip.”
Ten minutes of agony later, Katsuki was tired of keeping an easy pace and he pushed out Tobi. Then Hana and Kana were born only two minutes away from each other. By the time there was only one baby left, Katsuki was exhausted. It took him forty five minutes to push out the smallest of his litter, Kiki.
With a smile, Katsuki stared at his little babies with awe. They wiggled and cried, and to his surprise Katsuki couldn’t wait to have more. That was his final thought before passing out a seconds later from exhaustion. He spent the entire next day sleeping, and no one disturbed him.
Shoto was the last to give birth, and he was overdue when he finally asked Izuku to have the midwife induce him and she did. Katsuki and Eijirou were there with him, they had known he had been a little fragile during his time being pregnant and knew he needed all the support they could provide. They were at his sides, each holding a hand. Izuku took position next to the midwife to aid in this birth.
Izuku’s instinct to assist the midwife was right. The first of Shoto’s litter would cause complications.
“It’s --I can feel the first one comming down…” Shoto stammered.
“Slow down.” the midwife advised, then stated, “This is going to be a breech birth. The legs are coming out first, Mr. Midoriya, I need you to put your hands here and --”
Shoto screamed, he was starting to feel a burning sensation leaking from his pelvis and radiating upward. It was getting hard to breathe. Katsuki turned and kissed him on the forehead, Eijirou whispered, “Hey, you can do this. Breech or not, you can get this baby out.”
“I can’t do this!” Shoto shouted, “Stop, stop stop! Make it stop!! It hurts, please I can’t--,”
Shoto was ripping. He could feel himself tearing.
“Now, I need you to push hard!” the midwife ordered, “We have to get the head out, now. Okay, push push push!”
Shoto wasn’t even sure he was pushing at this point, it was all so painful. His vision was blurring as he looked down and noticed the midwife and Izuku handling a very quiet and limp infant.
“What, what’s wrong...?” Shoto asked, breathing hard and seeing black splotches.
He overheard the midwife say something about ‘...not breathing…’
“Is she okay?” Shoto asked, “Why isn’t she crying?”
Katsuki and Eijiro both reassured him that everything would be fine and indeed it was because a few seconds later, little Sachi began to cry and with a smile Shoto passed out. Shoto was only knocked out for a few minutes before it was time to resume the rest of his labor. Which was easy and not as painful as the first. Mari, Touka, and Touya were all a breeze to push out.
Afterwards, Shoto ended up having to be bedridden for the next month to allow himself to heal.
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miafic · 4 years
Fall AU (Part 7)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
“Heyyy!” Jon crowed as Zakk opened the front door.
“Hey,” Zakk replied, and he tugged Jon into a hug, which Jon returned with the arm that wasn’t balancing pizza boxes. In a low voice, Zakk murmured into Jon’s ear, “Take the volume down a little, please. He’s anxious.”
Jon nodded as he pulled back. Then he gave Lucas a kind smile. “Hey, man.”
“Hi,” Lucas said politely.
“Hi. I’m Jon,” Jon stated, and he passed the two boxes to Zakk and stretched his hand out.
Lucas moved forward to shake it. “Lucas. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You, too, man. You, too.” When Jon kept shaking Lucas’ hand and didn’t let go (or stop staring at him) after several seconds, Zakk lightly cleared his throat. Jon let go immediately.
“Lucas, why don’t you go pick a spot on the couch?” Zakk suggested. “You take the pizzas, and we’ll get some drinks and be right there. Go ahead and start eating. You want me to get you some juice?”
Lucas nodded, took the food, and wandered away.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Zakk turned to Jon and whispered as nicely as he could, “Staring at him doesn’t work. Making him feel weird backfires every time, because he thinks he did something wrong or he realizes that he’s missing pieces of what’s going on, and he beats himself up for it. I know it’s hard - trust me, I know. But you have to treat him normally.”
Jon looked a little sheepish. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I don’t do this psychology stuff.”
“This isn’t ‘psychology stuff,’” Zakk snapped. “This is my fucking marriage.”
Jon nodded and put a hand on his shoulder.
Zakk’s eyes closed, and he stepped forward into Jon’s chest. Jon hugged him without hesitation. “I’m sorry,” Jon said quickly. “I’m sorry, brother.”
“He actually remembered something about me today,” Zakk admitted, laughing a bit as he thought back to the moment. “He told me he remembered me being with him while he was sick. It took a minute, but I figured out he was talking about - he had his appendix out when we were in grad school, and I was with him through the whole thing, minus the operating room, obviously. He’s had little memories about other people, but he finally remembered me.”
“That’s awesome, man. Hey - we’re gonna get him back.”
Zakk gave Jon a brief squeeze of gratitude before straightening up and pressing his fingers over his face. “Ugh,” he said aloud before letting out a tired laugh. He went to the fridge, where he pulled out a jug of apple juice. “Can you grab a diet coke can for me, please?” he asked Jon while he went to get a cup. “And help yourself. Whatever you want, dude.”
“You got it.”
“Are you okay to go spend some time talking to him?”
“Of course.”
“But, Jon, remember, you gotta act like he’s a new person. He gets frustrated really quick - his tolerance for negative emotion is really low, and if it’s tested, he’ll have an outburst. So be patient, and don’t ask him if he remembers anything. Seriously, treat him like you just met him.”
Jon nodded like he was up for the challenge and took the two ice-cold cokes into the living room.
Zakk could hear them start making small talk, so he took his time taking some deep breaths and getting napkins. When he felt like he’d pulled himself together enough to join them, he found the pair side by side on the loveseat. Jon had a partially-eaten slice of pepperoni in one hand and his other arm stuck straight out. Lucas was bent over it, studying Jon’s tattoo sleeve.
“-playing the harp. She’s an angel, see? She’s got wings.”
Lucas reached out with pizza-grease fingers to touch the artwork, and Jon didn’t bat an eyelash. As Lucas’ hand traced over his skin, Jon slightly bowed his head, though. Zakk figured that he was saying a silent prayer.
“Okay!” Jon said loudly as he walked back into the room, clapping his hands and rubbing them together excitedly. Dinner had been over for few minutes, and Jon had stepped out to make a call. He returned in much higher spirits. “I got a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” Zakk asked sharply.
“Yeah, it’s a surprise!”
“For him?” Lucas asked, motioning to Zakk.
“It’s for both of you.”
Zakk eyed Jon unhappily. “Can I talk to you, please?” He grabbed Jon by the elbow and dragged him back out the way he came. “What are you doing? Did you bring the kids here? Because if you did, they need to leave. Immediately.”
“I didn’t bring the kids,” Jon sighed, shaking his head like he thought that was a crazy idea. Which it was. “It’s a good thing.”
“Jon, I’m sorry, but it’s a miracle that we got through the last forty minutes without a meltdown. He hates surprises normally, and now-” Zakk was cut off by a knock at the front door. “Who the hell is that?”
“That’s the surprise.”
“What is it?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“There’s somebody at my door, and I’ve got a husband who doesn’t even know my name, and you’re really not going to tell me what’s going on? Jon. Seriously. Please.” 
But then the door creaked open.
“Lucas, wait!” Zakk cautioned, and he jogged toward the front door. Lucas bumped right into him as he was fleeing away. Zakk caught him and held him. “Shh, it’s okay. What happened, what happened?”
“There’s a man, and he has a big dog, and it jumped on me-” he whimpered.
“A man and a dog?” Zakk repeated.
“-and I didn’t like it.”
“No, of course you didn’t. Jon! Lucas, of course you-” But then, a one-eyed German Shepherd came zooming happily into the room and up to Zakk’s leg. “Oh!” Zakk cried.
Lucas grabbed Zakk tighter.
“Lucas, it’s okay; this is a nice dog. This is a friend. Look!” Zakk let go of Lucas and crouched down. The dog bounced on its little feet and licked all over Zakk’s face. Zakk laughed, his nose scrunched up. “Hi! Hi! Look at you!” He turned around to talk to Lucas some more, but Lucas had hurried into the kitchen and had found a place behind Jon.
“It’s okay,” Zakk promised. “She’s a friend.” He leaned down to press his forehead against Baby’s. “I missed you so much!” he whispered to her.
“She peed all over the bottom of your mailbox,” Big T said as he made his way into the space. “Sorry - all I got to say was hello, and he ran right out of here. She was so happy to see him, you know, and she got loose, and I was kinda spooked, honestly, seeing him like that…”
Zakk gave Baby a visual command to sit and then got up from the ground to give T a hug, too. “It’s okay. Thank you for taking care of her. Is she behaving?”
“She’s been great,” Big T replied. Zakk knew that he was being truthful when he added, “She’s actually been so good that we’re thinking about getting a pet, too.”
“I’m glad to hear it, man.”
“Yeah, the church could use a critter. Jon wants a dog. I think we should get a cat.”
Zakk was about to respond, but Lucas let out another sound of distress, so Zakk turned. Baby had skittered away from her spot at Zakk’s feet and was heading for Lucas and Jon. Zakk gave a gentle whistle, capturing Baby’s attention. “Come here.”
Reluctantly, Baby walked away from Lucas and over to Zakk, who led her back to the front door.
“Lucas, hang with Jon for a couple minutes, okay? I’ll be back soon.”
There was quiet, so Zakk and Big T went ahead outside. “I’m gonna see if I can get her to burn off some energy,” Zakk explained. He spent the next few minutes rolling around in the grass with Baby, scratching her, throwing sticks for her to chase… No wonder Lucas loves taking her on jogs and playing with her at the dog park, Zakk realized; this was a pretty good stress reliever.
After six or seven minutes, Baby flopped onto the grass, panting hard.
“Alright, time to go in,” Zakk declared. Baby got slowly back onto her feet and followed Zakk to the front door. “Let’s get you some water, okay, and then you can go see your daddy.”
As Baby lapped up half a bowl full of cool water, Zakk went to find Lucas on the couch.
“My snuggle friend is back,” Lucas announced to Jon, and the words were so jarring, so out of place coming out of Lucas’ mouth that Zakk couldn’t have chastised Jon for laughing if he’d tried.
“I’m here,” Zakk affirmed. He chose to ignore Jon’s giggles entirely, and luckily, Lucas did, too.
“Where’s the dog?” Lucas slid over to make space for Zakk, who took the cushion to his right.
“Having some water.”
A little nervously, he wondered, “Is it coming in here?”
Zakk shrugged, although he couldn’t imagine Baby staying away from Lucas one more second longer than necessary. It was hardly a moment before she came trotting in with her mouth open in what looked like a smile.
Lucas made his distressed noise again and grabbed hard at Zakk’s arm, and Zakk tucked him into a hug. “Shh... It’s okay,” Zakk promised.
“It only has one eye!”
“I know.”
“I don’t like this dog!” Lucas said urgently.
“Why not?” Zakk frowned.
“It’s too big!”
Baby hopped up onto the couch on Lucas’ left side and nudged at him with her wet nose. When he didn’t give her affection, she sat down and looked at him in confusion.
“Look, Lucas.”
Lucas looked. In response, Baby’s tail thumped against the sofa. “It likes me,” he observed.
Zakk stayed quiet, just watching.
“It won’t hurt me?”
“No. Never.”
“This is a girl dog,” Lucas decided, but he still didn’t reach for her.
“She is a girl, yes.”
Baby gracefully laid down and rested her chin on Lucas’ leg. He tensed, gripping Zakk hard again, but after several seconds of Baby staying still, he hesitantly reached down to pet her head. As soon as he made contact with her, her tail started wagging again, and after a few seconds, she rolled onto her back.
“She wants a belly rub,” Jon supplied.
“I know.” Lucas gently scratched her, and she wiggled happily. Lucas leaned down to give her a kiss, but before he did, something must have happened, because he sat back up with his eyes open wide.
“What’s wrong?” Zakk asked in concern.
“I know this dog. Her name is Baby.”
“That’s right!” Zakk responded as Jon and Big T started applauding on the other couch.
“Baby,” Lucas quietly repeated, and he leaned down so that she could lick his forehead. “I know this dog. I know this dog.” He looked at Zakk. “This is my dog.”
“This is your dog, yes.”
“I have a dog,” Lucas said happily, transferring his gaze back to Baby.
“You sure do.” Zakk leaned on his shoulder and fought hard against the urge to kiss Lucas’ cheek. I love you, he whispered in his mind.
“Does she live in our house?”
“She can if you want her to,” Jon offered, and Zakk shot him another look. But it was too late.
“I want her to,” Lucas said firmly. He scratched Baby underneath her chin. “You’re staying.”
Zakk couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, Baby Girl. Looks like you’re staying.”  
Lucas looked at Zakk and beamed. 
Part 8
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sneyrwrites · 4 years
|2| |Ace| Levi Ackerman x Reader
✘Ace : BloodSport ✘
|Wordcount: 6081 | Previous: ✘
Inspiration Song : You’re gonna go far kid -The Offsprings 
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Even tho Annton didn’t lie when he took me to the abandoned  house, he wasn’t completely honest.
Yes, it was true that the people who went to the fights as spectators placed bets on the fighters, but he failed to mention that the betters were nobles, from the high society, escorted by a few members of the Military Police and the Garrison. An enormous part of them even took their lovers along, girls way too young to be their wives, barely above 17 years old, wearing tight and colorful dresses, looking like they were about to assist to a big gala or something.
Eventually there was the middle class man in the crowd too, but The Basement was majority concurred by some of the most wealthy people inside the walls. Hypocrites that assisted with the sole purpose of satiating their thirst for depravation and violence . The basement was a place where everything was permitted, a law free zone where one could take the decency mask off, and just succumb to their most primal state of violence.
It was pretty obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells that the Basement wasn’t a proper place for a thirteen-year-old girl. The first time I stepped a foot in the dark room I almost peed my pants. Everything from my posture to my shaking hands screamed that I didn’t belong there, but the firm grip of Annton’s hand on my wrist impeded me to leave. I don’t even remember the wrestlers’s names, too focused on the stench circulating in the humid air to care about what was going on inside the circle. With thirteen years I didn’t recognize the smell, but at nineteen and with six years of experienced i was an expert pinpointing the metallic smell of blood mixed with the sweet touch of ale.
Men with expensive looking suits and their escorts filled the subterranean floor, their clothing contrasting with the dirt floors and the blackened walls because of the torches smoke, that gave what little ilummitation they could in the chamber. The spectators crowded around a white circle that was painted on the floor, elbowing one another to get to the front row, where the most sadistic hoped to get sprayed by the loser’s blood. Up and against the walls there were a few rows of bleachers, reserved to those who could afford it, they were a sign of wealth and status.
My first fight took place two weeks after Annton showed me the basement for the first time. When we were there they settled the date. One soldier from the military police had found another brat my age to face down. Apparently when two kids fought, it was a special treat, The basement hosting the double amount of people it usually would.
The last Saturday of September got earlier than expected. I had used my time to fiscally prepare, running laps and lifting heavy things I found around the house, doing sit-ups and pushups and all the exercises you could imagine. I hanged a pillowcase filled with heavy stuff to make it contendent and used it to practice my punches, trying to dodge the bag when it came back full force towards my nose. Keyword being ‘try’.
I tried to mimic the progression of hits my father had taught me in front of the mirror in the living room. My movements were sloppy, and my technic was nonexistent. There was no chance in hell I would win the fight. The fear was consuming me. If I came home with a black eye or a few teeth missing my father would notice just how fucked up i was, if I made it home after, Annton was prone to throw my sorry and beaten ass inside a prison cell as soon as i were conscious again. But the other option wasn’t good either, If I won the fight it implied beating another kid unconscious, another boy in the same predicament i was in.
An hour after my father left to the wall to keep guard i sneaked through the door, an old black cape that Mrs. Argón had given it to me a last winter draped around my shoulders, protecting me from the chilling wind. Annton had instructed me to take some spare clothes to fight with in a bag, so i packed the most basic things i had, a white tank top and some old black cotton pants that had a few holes on the lower end, so i ended up cutting them up at the knee.I also packed a pair of handwraps, the more injury’s i could avoid the better, that way it was easier to keep the fights a secret from dad.
The streets were silent and a layer of frost was forming in the windows I passed by. I would be lying if I said I didn’t have another way out. Annton was extorting me with prison time, but realistically I could run away and he would never find me, he didn’t have my address or my actual name, if I disappear it was game over.
Then why was I on my way to the lion’s den willingly? The idea of finally being able to stop begging on the streets for food was appealing. If I won I would get paid, besides for once in my life I was having the control over something, it didn’t matter that it could potentially get my nose rearranged. The fear was undeniable, it was there, lurking in the back on the back of my mind, but at thirteen years old I could be tempted by the idea of a better life.
At the end of the street, almost in front of Wall Rose I could distinguish Annton’s figure, leaning against a cart attached to two horses. The diver’s back was facing me, him not paying attention to us at all. The sound of my foots steps alerted Annton, who lifted his gaze from the ground and smiled at me.
“I thought you had backed down in the last minute.” He joked, I didn’t answer, the silence stretching between us. “Anyway, get in, it’s a long ride, the guards on the door knows about the event, so there’s no need to worry”
Without emitting a word I got in, Annton following right after. The sudden jerk of the cart because of the horses starting to run made me fall face first onto the wood planks. Heat crawled up my neck as Annton bursted out laughing. if the driver had reacted the same way, I would head dived out of the cart.
I got up and Annton grabbed me by the arm, trying to stabilize me.
“Thanks” I scoffed once I could finally sit on one of the apple crates that functioned as stools.
“You’re welcome kid” He said, looking at the narrow street we were traveling, leaving wall Rose behind.
The road seemed remotely familiar, the only other time I transited it I almost fainted from the panic, so i couldn’t recall much, a few buildings were familiar, but come on, every building was a copy of the one next to it.
The ride was lengthy, grazing the two hours of travel. Half of the time I spend it snoozing off, the constant rocking of the cart lulling me. Every now and then a rock on the wheel would shock me awake. Resigning my slumber, knowing full well I would not rest, i opted for talking to Annton. I could barely make out his face in the darkness, the moon nowhere to be found, only a few stars illuminating us.
“Annton...” I started, a grumble from him told me he was paying attention, so i continued “Who am I going against?”
Curiosity was one of my flaws. Ever since the date was settled I couldn’t stop imagining the fight.
“From what I’ve been told, you’re going against a kid from the underground city. “Annton turned to me " I think they found him fighting for food down there, the guard offered him money if he assisted the fight, and I heard there’s even the citizenship on the table.”
His words took the air out of my lungs. That kid had it ten times worse than me. A sudden wave of guilt hit me. Annton noticed my change of demeanour and he let out an exhausted sigh, rubbing his forehead.
“Why did I even opened my mouth…” The muttered words left his mouth" Listen kid, I choose you because I thought you were desperate enough, you are a decent fighter, you could handle yourself against a man almost the double of your age.” He said matter-of-factly. “If you feel even a little of remorse for that kid, he will break your nose. You two are not enemies, but he will not hesitate. He wouldn’t mind killing you if it meant he could take off from that shithole. Do you want to die? "  I shook my head, stunned by his logic " Good, then you must fight. If you don’t fight you don’t win, and if you don’t win you won’t survive ¿Understood?
“What if I lose? " I asked, my voice low, almost imperceptible. Everything had been an awful idea. The whole “doing something for myself and taking the reins of my life” thing was going south.
“It all depends on how you loose. If it’s for you not trying, then I’ll find out the coward you really are and I’ll throw you in a cell to rot myself.” The harshness of his words slapped me across the face. “ However, if you lose from lack of experience, you’ll do better next time, and you’ll keep fighting until you can pay you debt.”
I nodded, understanding his words.
“I trust on you Ace, there’s a reason I chose you… Don’t let me down”
His words did something in my interior. Maybe it was because it was the first time someone had said anything like that to me. No one had had faith in me before. My resolution to fight came back ten times stronger.
I could do it, I was going to give my all into this fight, no matter what.
The remaining of the trip we spend it on silence, only stopping twice to switch horses. Before I even knew we were right in front of Sina.
We both got down from the cart and he dismissed the driver, setting the meeting point for the way back. Once the sound of the hooves dissipated in the distance Annton walked up to the concrete wall. He looked up and whistled like a bird. My eyebrows went up. What an amazing dumb skill to have. Another identical whistling responded, and an elevator started to descend, I could distinguish another person on it.
Once it got to the floor, a woman got out of it and throw herself into Annton’s arms, smashing their lips together. I could feel a blush invading my face, I wasn't used to those kinds of affection, and the level of intimacy they shared made me really uncomfortable. I adverted my eyes, trying to give them some privacy.
Once they separated Annton called me over, I walked over to them and he gestured towards the girl with his arm.
“Ace this is Hale, my… Friend” I couldn’t stop my sceptic look. Friends didn’t kiss that way from my understanding. Apparently she agreed with me because she slapped the back of his head, annoyed.
“Charming as ever Ann.” Her frown dissolved into a smile when her eyes found my own. “Oh god! You’re so pretty!” Her big blue eyes shone with enthusiasm. She grabbed my hand, leading me to the wooden lift. “Try to keep your face intact tonight. Let’s go”
With a pull on my arm, she got me inside. Annton following behind and closing the door.
“So… how’s Wall Rose doing Ann” Hale Aked, her black hair slapping me in the face because of the wind. I took her in, the patch on her jacket displaying a green unicorn. Military Police.
“Meh, same as always. There’s nothing interesting” Annton placed his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. “My last two weeks consisted on waiting for Ace’s first match” The excitement on his voice sounded authentic.
“First match? Oh honey,  you must be so nervous.” One of her hands patted the top of my head “Don’t worry, we won’t leave you on your own. I’ll even bet on your favor.”
That didn’t help at all.
They kept talking and I shut them off. Once we were on the top of the wall another guy received us, greeting Annton with a friendly hug. He looked me up and down.
“So… this is the renowned Ace huh?” He said with a deep voice. “She’s smaller than what I pictured. How old are you, girl?”
“I’m thirteen…” I said, Annton looking at me with a shocked expression.
“Shit Ace! Why didn’t you said anything!? You’re still a kid, i woul’ve thought twife before offering the deal.” Since when was he considerate " I thouth you were at least fifteen.”
“Dean is fifteen” Said the other guy " Though luck Ann, seems like you made a poor decision” He chuckled, palming Annton’s back.
Annton rubbed his face with his hands a few times and he sent a confident smile my way .
" As if.  Ace is going to kick his ass. Right, kid?”  I didn’t answer, this asshole was sending me to my doom.
“That’s Enogh Ivo. Don’t try scare her. Cant you see she’s already nervous? " Hale intervined, tying to defend me.
Ivo got down to my level. He was big, enormous,  around 6’2. His hand found a place in the top of my head, petting it as if I was a dog. With him in that position I could appreciate his features. His green eyes studying me with the same intensity as I was. He couldn't be older than nineteen, his face was young, without a beard or wrinkles, only smooth and healthy looking skin.
" I’m sorry kid, I know you will be just fine” He  pissed me off. He was underestimating me, and with a reason, but still, it was annoying.
I slapped his hand away.
“Thanks.” I said dryly. Annton and Hale laughing at Ivo’s flabbergasted expression.
“Huh… she’s got an attitude, I like it. She’s definitely going to be okay.” He said, getting up. He turned to the couple. “I wouldn’t be too worried about her.”
The four of us descended to the other side of the wall. I limited myself to observing them. Anyone could see they got along just fine, as they were comfortable with each other, joking around and pushing one another. A longing feeling made its way into my chest. I never had the chance to make friends, with my father often away and my constant begging on the street’s there wasn’t much time left to socialize.
Hale turned my way and smiled at me. Almost on instinct I smiled back, and hers grew bigger. She was young too, around the same age as Ivo. The doubt on  how these three soldiers ended up on the illegal world of  The Basement  was eating me away, but i tried to ignore it.
As I was walking down the streets of the wealthy town I realize just how much of an outcast I was. The children with lucky enogh to have been born inside wall Sina would never have to go through what I had. The exasperating need, and the dependence on other people’s goodwill to survive.
Annton was guiding the group, leading the way in the dark as if he knew it like the back of his hand. We made it to the entrance of a tunnel and without missing a beat he got in, descending the steps.
A long and dark hallway stretched out in front of us, seemingly going on forever. We made our way in silence, the only sound was the tapping of our footsteps on the stone floor.
“This tunnel connects with the ones leading to the underground city. “ Hale’s voice broke the quiet " The basement is right in the middle. You’ll know when we get there” Her hand found my shoulder in the dark and she squeezed it, comforting me.
Hale was right. After fifteen minutes i could hear the commotion. Lug voices and laughs, people stomping their feet in sync, almost like a heartbeat.
“Seems like they already started” Said Annton, quickening his pace.
“Come on Honey, you need to get ready. We better hurry” Hale took my hand and made me follow her lead, mi shorter legs trying to keep up.
I could see a few feet away the light of a torch slicing through the darkness. As we got closer, the fuss grew louder. 
Once we got there I noticed a hole in the wall, almost as if someone knocked the tunnel wall with a hammer. Next to the jagged edges of the entrance there were two metal rings that supported the torches.
Annton got inside, with Ivo following behind him with a spring in his steps.
I hesitated for a moment. Hale clenched my hand, giving me a little of security.
“Be careful, there’s a step.” She said, smiling at me.” Don’t worry Ace, I’ll be right behind you.”
I took a deep breath in and I felt around with my foot until I found the step she mentioned. A few steps in and a heavy curtain stopped me in my tracks, the deep red colour out of tune with the gray of the walls. A man was in front of it.
“Hey Mick” Greeted Hale
He nodded in acknowledgement.
“Who’s the brat?” He asked, a thick finger pointing at me. “Spectator or Youngblood?”
“This is Ace.” She said. It only took my fake name for him to let us trough, stepping away from the opening on the curtains. I looked perplexed at her and she just winked an eye at me. I thanked the wardrobe of a man, and he nodded once again. A man of few words it seemed. " The perks of being a competitor”
“How did he knew my name?” It was the first time I saw the man. The first time i assisted we entered trough another set of tunnels on the other side of the city, the ones the nobles used.
“Annton putted you on the list, the guards memorize the names to make sure no one who shouldnt be here get’s in, otherwise the business could be ruined.” Hale had to raise her voice above the cheering of the swarm of nobles. 
The place was packed, everyone crowded around the circle where two girls were sparring. A knot formed in my stomach with only watching them, and I tear my gaze from them quickly. Swallowing was hard, the nerves getting the best of me. Hale noticed my anxiety, and taking my hand she dragged me to a less transited area.
“Let’s go to the backrooms so you can get ready. Okay?” She didn’t wait for my anser and she dragged me straight to the opposite end of the place.
The backrooms where only a few small compartments with the same heavy fabric as the entrance separating them from the rest of The Basement. I touched the curtains with the tip of my finger, and my eyes opened like saucers. It was velvet. Someone had to sell their kidneys to afford them. Velvet was expensive as hell, a luxury only a few could pay for.
 Throwing my embarrassment out of the window, I took the fabric to my face, petting my cheek with the soft material. It was almost like touching a cloud. My pillow back at home seemed filled with nails in comparison.
Hale noticed my amazement and giggled.
“Those were donated by Lord Reiss. He comes around quite often” She said  ”You better get changed, there are only two fights left  before yours, and for what I could tell, this one is about to end.” As soon as the word left her lips, the sound of a gong filled the air, which I supposed it meant the end of the match.
Once I was in my comfortable clothes, I took the handwraps and tried to wrap my joints, but they came undone each time I tried. The injuries on my knuckles had healed, a fresh layer of slightly pink skin covering them. The scars would stay there for sure, but oh well, what could you do?
When she saw me struggling with the wraps Hale took them from my hands and proceeded to do it herself. Her fingers worked expertly on my hands, tightening the fabric just the right amount, trying not to constrict the blood flow too much. When she finished with both of my hands, she gave me a friendly squeeze.
“Your hands are freezing.” Hale stated, rubbing my fingers i between her hands, trying to warm them up. “It must be the nerves”
I nodded.
“You know you can talk to me if you want to, right?” Her eyes were gentle.
“Yes, it’s just that I’m a little anxious, I don’t want Annton to regret his decision” I expressed my fear out loud for the first time. Hale’s grip on my hands tightened up.
“I know it seems like Annton is only getting advantage from you. But ever since he found you he wouldn’t shut up about how excited he was for your fight“  She said. “I don’t want you to think I’m only defending him because we’re together. But Annton knows what is like to live on the streets, and when he saw you I think you reminded him of his past. It’s not my story to tell, but by bringing you here he is, on his own twisted way, trying to help you. If you win you get paid, and that’s better than not knowing when you’re going to eat tomorrow or not.”
Shit. So Annton wasn’t only interested in the money. A new flame of determination ignited in my chest. I was not only going to win for myself, i would do it for Annton and his younger self too. I didn’t understand how a young and beautiful girl could be interested in someone much older than her.
“Come here, let me braid your hair, if it’s loose like that someone could grab it, and trust me, it’s not a nice feeling.”  Her hands digged into my hair, braiding it with an amazing level of skill.
I couldn't hold back my curiosity any longer.
“Hale, How old are you guys?… Isn’t Annton a little too old,” I asked. “Not like there’s anything wrong with that… it’s just that i found it a little odd… not that it’s odd.” I was just rambling, too embarrassed to think straight.
She bursted out laughing. The shame intensified.
“You’re funny, Ace.” She said, finishing the braid, letting it fall over my shoulder, a simple ribbon holding it together. The intricate pattern that she twisted the hairlocks in brought a smile to my lips.
I had never learnt how to braid my hair. With a decease mother and living with a grown up man who barely knew how to wash his own socks I never had the chance to. 
I turned to face her, and she had moved to the wall, leaning against it, watching me, amused from my previous nonsense.
“Annton is twenty-one”  My eyes opened with surprise, damn he was rough on the edges. Hale laughed at my expression. “I know what you’re thinking, but try not to mention it, he’s sensitive about his looks. Ivo and I both are twenty years old. The three of us had been together since we joined the military, and we’re as close as we were back then.” I nodded in understanding.
Hale opened her mouth, about to sai something only to be interrupted by the gong.
The fear rushed through my body, chilling my core. It was my turn, the time had come. I was supposed to go out there and beat some other kid, and I thought I was ready, but my feet were nailed to the ground for some reason. I was unable to move.
Hale’s arm circled me.
“Hey Ace, don’t worry. Annton Ivo and I are going to be on the crowd, and if things get ugly, Hitch will stop the fight.” She shook me a little, almost like she was trying to get the anxiety out of my body, and snapped me out of my trance. “You’re going to do just fine. And if not then it’s all right, you get up and you try again. If you don’t fight, you can’t win.”
Her last sentence brought me back to my conversation with Annton in the cart, and the deep desire to make him proud gave me the strength I needed.
I felt like I could understand Annton a little better  he wasn’t mean only for the sake of it, it was his way of helping me out. He was projecting his younger self on me, he wanted to be for me the person he needed so desperately and didn’t have.
With a leveling breath I stepped out of the backroom. I wasn’t sure of what i had to do, but Hale didn’t leave my side. Holding my hand, she pushed her way through the sea of bodies, until we reached the front row, almost inside the circle. In the middle of it there was a man with the Military Police uniform on.
His presence was imposing. Standing taller than Ivo, around the six foot five inches, he smiled at the roaring crows, mischief shining in his eyes. He took his hands to his face and shouted.
“Are you ready!?” The response from the mob was deafening.
Shoulders collided with mine, making me lose my balance. My eyes searched the rows of heads. Right in front of us Ivo and Annton were making their way trough, pushing and insulting the guards that tried to resist them. Once his eyes found us, Annton Smiles at me and nodded one time, Ivo on the other hand screamed my name at the top of his lungs, clapping along.
A chuckle slipped trough my lips. For once in my life I had someone cheering for me, instead of pitying me. A warm feeling made its way through my chest. I was not about to spoil the start of something good. 
The guard on the circle opened his mouth once more
“I said… Are you ready!?” This time my cheers joined the rest, my hands up in the air. 
The warm laugh of Hale resonated by my side,  and my eyes were on the other two dorks, my smile widening when I saw them laugh too.
“Tonight we have a little treat for all of you.” The crowd went wild again, and Hitch tried to calm them down with a finger on his lips, his other hand signaling them to quiet down.” I know, I know. You must be wondering Hitch? What are you talking about? " The smile on his voice was obvious " We have two youngbloods in here tonight, and they’re going to fight for the first time in The Basement”  If I thought the spectators were nuts before now they reached a new level, jumping around, and pushing one another. y eyes went to the bleachers, where a few nobles were nodding their heads, leaning forward with interest.
“Is Dean anywhere around?” Hitch asked.
From the far end of the crowd a figure was coming trough as the people kept screaming. He shoved Ivo and Ann away with his hands and he got into the circle.
Dean was fifteen, but he could easily pass by as a thirteen year old. I knew about the rumors of the habitants of the underground city. Because of the lack of sunlight they didn’t grow that much, Dean was barely half an inch taller than me, his body build almost the same as mine, the only thing that told us apart was his eyes. There was no doubt on them, he had his eyes on the prize ad he was going for it.
The people chanted his name as Hitched grabbed him by the wrist and parade him around the circle. When he passed by me he winked an eye at me and he sent a crooked smile my way.
“Oh honey, I think he is underestimating you, so you better go out there and kick his butt.” Hale shook my shoulders.
A fraction of my stress dissipated with her light tone.
“Alright alright.” Hitch returned to the middle, Dean right behind him. “Is Ace in here with us tonight?”
When i heard my name i didn’t even had the chance to react, Hale’s hand shoving me forward, almost making me fall face first. I thought I heard a ‘Sorry’ from her, but I couldn’t be sure, the roaring crowd drowning her voice.
Hitch repeated the same process of circling me around, some people clapped and cheered me on, others looked at me from head to toe, their eyes screaming what their mouth didn't. They thought I was going to be crushed by Dean.
When I passed by them Ann and Ivo extended their hands, and I gave them a high-five.
Once we were done Hitch placed me in front of Dean. His green eyes analyzed me, sizing me up. The thought of how many times had he found himself in the same position, jus about to fight in the crime-ridden underground city? His black hair fell on his forehead, a few loose curls brushing his brow. I trailed down my eyes and i noticed his shirt was nowhere to be found, I tried not to let it affect me, but i couldn’t help my lingering gaze on the pale skin of his chest. Dean noticed it and he smiled brighter, a set of dimples on his face.
“You like what you see Girl?” He asked, getting inside my personal space, his voice barely above a whisper, only for me to hear. Hitched grabbed his face with a hand and pushed him away.
“Leave the teasing for later Boy” Hitched laughed “Rules are simple kids. No biting, unless you want to sweetheart” he winked “No low blows, no spitting, and leave the claws for another occasion. The fight stops when one of you can't keep up or gives up. Fists up, and clash them.” He took a few steps back.
Dean’s wrapped up hands collided with mines with a little more force than necessary. it was his way of intimidating me. And it was working.
Without another word, Hitch signaled the start of the match with a gesture of his hand.
I raised my guard up as Dean got closer to me, the nerves bubbling up in my tummy. Three blows made their way to my face, but I avoided them, messily and with no technique whatsoever, but they hadn't strike my head, so i was satisfied.
People’s screams were loud, spitting loose words like “Come on” And “Hit him” into the air.
I tried to throw a punch to Dean’s face, but he took my arm and swiped my feet from under me. My back collided with the ground and my spine reverberated from the impact. He lifted his fist and directed it to my head, trying to knock me out, but I rolled away and jumped to my feet. The crowd was roaring his name and he took a step back, spreading his arms, as saying ‘What are you waiting for?’
“Come on cutie, we don’t have all night.” he said, his guard up once again.
I din’t respond, too busy searching for an opening. With two steps he was infront of me, winging a punch to my face, i dodge it, but the moment i did his hands grabbed me by the soulders, and he brought his knee up, smashing it against my abdomen, the pain exploded. I thought he woul let me go after one punch, but he kept going. i needed to get him off of me and fast.
I resisted on last knee and when he retreated his leg to throw another i traped his elbow against his chest, linking my free arm around his other arm i twisted my hips and bended my legs, sending him to the floor with a heavy thud. Ivo’s cheer made it’s way to my ears, but i didn’t have much time to rejoice on my little victory.
My stomach was aching from the blows and i could feel a bruise forming. Dean got up and started to throw one fist after the other, all to my head. I waked back, trying to avoid them, until the hands from the spentators stopped me.
“Don’t go out of the circle, sweetheart. First warning.” Hitch’s voice sounded, but I barely registered what he said.
A fist punished my cheek and I felt the skin tearing, the warm and slow trickle of my blood going down the side of my face. It was going to hurt in the morning, but at the moment the adrenaline rush subdued the pain.
His merciless blows came fast and steady. I would like to say I dodge them all, but I would be lying.
Dean was repetitive and predictable, so taking my chance when he retracted his fist I took a step forward, going under his arms and flooring him.
Once we both were on the floor, I immobilized him with my weight and threw punches at his face. A few of them impacted, but the big majority didn’t get through, his arms covering his head. I made the mistake of letting my arms too far away from my face, and Dean shot his arm up, hitting me straight in the chin. I fell sideways, and the taste of blood was in my mouth.
Shaking my head I got up and lifted my arms, covering my bruised face, Dean rushed to me and threw a right hook, trying to hit my temple, but I blocked it with my elbow, grabbing the back of my neck. The impulse of his blow made him end up in my personal space, so I smashed my opposite elbow straight into his nose. The crunch raised the hairs on the back of my neck, and the blood started to gush out.
Screaming with pain Dean grabbed his face, and at the moment he took a step back I kicked him in the middle of his chest, sending him on his back to the floor, his head hitting hard against the floor, disorienting him. With a conviction I didn’t know I had I threw my body into his, my hips holding him still, and as if he was the same drunken bastard from the alleyway,  my fists unloaded all of my weight into his face.
The whines of pain that came out of his mouth made my heart coil with guilt, but it was a fight, we both had agreed to it and he had no problem on beating me senseless. I closed my eyes and kept going, waiting for Hitch to put a stop to the fight, Dean wasn’t even defending himself anymore.
A heavy hand on my shoulder halted my movements. The gong sounded and the screaming from the crowd erupted.
Once I was on my feet Hitch grabbed my wrist and lifted my arm in signal of victory, a dull ache traveling through my limb.
The spectators got into the circle surrounding me. Congratulations and praises were said by unknown faces, the shiny jewelry on their necks blinding me slightly. Slaps on my back and shoulders were delivered my way as well as a few jars with ale. I felt lost, Hale and the others were nowhere to be found. With a shot stature I felt like I was drowning, the high from the fight retreating, causing the pulsating pain on my face and torso to surface.
Out of the blue a pair of hands grabbed me from under my arms, lifting me up in the air, and putting me down on someone’s shoulders. When I looked down, I recognized Ivo’s dark hair. From my new perspective I founded Hale and Ann out of the crowd.
With a few long strides Ivo made his way to them, leaving the exited mob behind.
Annton had an arm around Hale’s waist, and a smile on his face. Hale was the first to speak.
“Ace! You listened to me and kicked his butt!” She clapped, like a little girl high on sugar “I told you it would be fine” 
“Thank you” I said, still on Ivo’s shoulders, he was not putting me down.
He patted my calf, calling my attention.
“Now let’s go get the prize!” He exclaimed, rubbing his hands together, almost tasting the money.
Before the giant i was on could turn around Annton called me.
“Hey Ace!” My eyes took in his gentle expression " Nice work you did…You’re gonna go far Kid”
I smiled at him, grateful.  Ivo turned around, taking me to the women who recollected the bets.
                                                    Next: ✘
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@regalillegal  Omg, i hope this is what you meant for “Tagging”, i’m new on  the blogging thing. Sorry i’m such a mess ;u;
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