#I'll almost certainly accept lmao
hmshermitcraft · 2 months
Bdubs is rich, rich enough that he doesn't know what to do with his money. He doesn't want a big house, he doesn't like how gaudy rich decor is, he still has his junkyard pickup from highschool and he'll only replace it when it catches fire (again). He got a full scholarship to college and got a great job right after graduating.
Etho...isn't poor, ok? He's just, modest. He's got a little apartment that's water tight and cozy. he doesn't need a car, skateboards to work and college and he has enough excess money to buy himself a little treat every week. it's senior year, he's living as good as he can.
They ran into each other doing Etho's commute. "Ran into each other" meaning Etho didn't look both ways and Bdubs' shitty breaks can only break so fast, so Etho's day was put on hold because getting hit by a truck is uh, uncomfortable.
He's not dead, just a little fucked up, especially his leg. It doesn't hurt right now but he knows it will based on the angle. He's lying dazed on the pavement when Bdubs reaches him, "FUCK ARE YOU OK OMG IM SO SORRY"
Bdubs brings him to the hospital and surprisingly waits for him to be all fixed up. Then Bdubs covers his medical fees even though he really didn't need to. It's Etho's fault he was hit after all.
Obviously with a broken leg Etho can't get to work, which he tells Bdubs in passing while he's driven home. "O no worries, tell me your schedule I'll take you."
"I can just get a taxi it's no biggie."
"I'm offering u a free ride."
"very correct, lemme see your phone I'll text you."
And so friendship.
And then more???? Idk man I was almost hit by a car today lmao
Where Bdubs won't spend on himself, he certainly would on Etho. If the man let him. He's offered to buy Etho a car, to replace anything that got damaged in the crash, even to pay for any missed work.
The most Etho agrees is the medical bills and a new skateboard. He won't even accept a bike! He only accepted the medical bills because he 'has enough student loan debt' (Bdubs offered to pay for that too. Etho at least considered it for a little longer.)
It takes a while until they meet comfortably in the middle. Etho will happily take a ride from Bdubs - as long as Bdubs lets him contribute fuel money. It motivates Bdubs to actually get a decent ride at some point, though he keeps the pick up.
Most importantly, Etho gets more than one treat a week now. No matter how frugal Bdubs tries to be, it all falls apart when he's presented with sweet treats. They could even call them dates.
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strawberryys-stuff · 4 months
FOOLED || Ao'nung x Sully!reader
part 2 | part 1
change of plans; i'll have to write yet another part for this request bcs i realized i can't write lmao 🥲 i forgot how to do it, so i apologize for this never-ending wait i'm putting u through
enjoy my poor try to write!
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Ao'nung could tell the image of the breathtakingly stunning healer was clouding your mind and found your abrupt bursts of frustration whenever she waved at him with a toothy grin decorating her sparkling turquoise skin quite humorous, attractive even.
Mireya was certainly a beauty among the Metkayina tribe but she was fragile. Your sharp glares and silent growls damaged the unguarded shield around her gracious heart, which forced her feet to carry her sobbing frame inside Ao'nung's marui pod every evening. Despite his warnings and frequent eye rolls, Mireya continued to visit the boy who was clearly becoming irritated by her unannounced appearances outside his home.
He was desperately trying to peel her hands off his muscular arms everytime you were passing by with your sisters, allowing his thick tail to show his annoyance. He would gift you precisely wrapped presents almost every week to reveal his tiny attempts to court you - it started with shimmering seashells that eventually turned into luminescent bouquets - but it was never enough for Mireya as she continued to follow him around like a lost puppy.
Ao'nung wanted your undying love, not hers. He even mentioned it to you during your nightly strolls along the shore, stating that he would rather suffer in solitude than experience mating with Mireya, who basically owned his mother's blessing.
Ronal wished only the best for her firstborn and saw rich, successful future in the Metkayina girl. And the fact that you managed to build an unbreakable bond with Ao'nung in such a short period of time was something she just refused to accept. The idea of seeing Ao'nung with a hybrid, someone who had pure demon blood flowing through their veins, disgusted her.
She observed the way her son seemed to be left breathless everytime you walked away from his tall figure after a polite farewell, which often ended up with Ao'nung chuckling and firing some teasing words after your swiftly moving body. She even caught the way her son spoke highly of you during every dinner, lunch, breakfast - you name it.
She noticed how affectionate her eldest child was whenever he had you by his side, how protective he was over you - she noticed how you were able to handle his childish behavior with ease, no evident struggle present, and yet, she still refused to accept your relationship.
"I am not having this type of conversation, mother." Ao'nung pinched the bridge of his scrunched nose, silencing his growl in deepest part of his throat before it managed to roll off his obnoxiously bold tongue.
He was standing in front of you, shielding your defeated spirit from his stern mother with his lean body. His other hand was keeping you close alongside his tail that robbed you of any escape. Ronal was holding her chin high to display her disapproval once more, but all she received from her firstborn was a disappointed sigh.
Ao'nung brought your intertwined fingers up and proudly pulled you out from his cold shadow. Your drastically different form entered the afternoon sunbeams and blinded Ronal for a split second. Your thin tail was flickering nervously behind you as she inspected the position you were in.
It was awfully obvious what happened during the unusually uneventful eclipse last night, she could sense the abrupt change in the middle of her ribcage - you were officially sharing a neural connection with her son.
The woman began to circle the two of you with a creased forehead and allowed her fingers to wrap around the base of your tail. You hissed through clenched teeth when she left a painful tug behind before her hand moved to your tense shoulders. She spotted a bite mark in the crook of your neck, stifling a snarl.
"Not fully mated." She slapped your precisely knitted braid aside and received a warning growl from your lover. "Just marked," Ronal taunted with a huff, quickly placing one of her hands over her growing belly when your tail twitched her way. "Disappointing."
"That is enough." Ao'nung bared his fangs at the pregnant woman as his hand pushed you forward to create some space between you and his mother. You licked your chapped lips and let your ears fall, trying to ignore her harsh words about your mixed blood and the title people had been using to address you and your younger brother for several years. "She is not an outcast, mom! Quit listing her differences, for Eywa's sake! She is a fucking Metkayina now, accept it!"
"Her rites of passage are unfinished," Ronal reminded her son with a click of her tongue, ignoring his usage of the inappropriate language. "She is not one of us-"
"-yet." Ao'nung interrupted her upcoming remark with a growl and temporarily released your hand to point to his mother's rapidly beating heart. "As for now, I need you to respect my partner - whether you like it or not."
Before the spiritual leader could interject, your furious mate captured your hand once again and dragged you away from the cold-hearted woman, muttering an apology to his younger sister who had to witness the conflict. You bowed to Tsireya quickly and followed Ao'nung out of center of the lively village with flattened ears.
part 3 coming soon! i'm so sorry 😭
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rdbrainz · 9 months
Hi there! If you're still accepting Bleach requests, may I see your headcannons based on the Bleach Jet art of the Espadas and Quincies in delinquent school uniforms (specifically Grimmjow, Nnoitra, and Bazz-B)? That official art just gave me major brain worms, and I really like your art and headcannons >.< Also, do you happen to have a Ko-fi/patreon to send donations to?
ACTUALLY funny enough I've been thinking about this art a lot myself lmao so I do have some headcanons! as for my ko-fi or patreon.. like I said before transferring money out of them is impossible where I am right now but I made a boosty acc (I'll link it in my bio)
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First I wanna add that I just can't see Stark as a high schooler x). He has the vibe of a teacher who somehow ended up with the worst classes in school despite his formidable reputation. Though maybe he was a delinquent himself in the past so he knows how to deal with these little shits. He also has a soft spot for them so as strict as this man can be he cuts them a lot of slack. Like for example I'm sure Nnoitra would smoke in this AU so I think the first day Stark started working with them they met on the rooftop on the lunch break while Gilga was smoking and instead of scolding him Stark just asked for a cig. Nnoitra almost shit himself. I'm also sure he would ask his class to look after his daughter Lilynette so she won't get into any trouble with that attitude of hers. She's probably in middle school or a couple of years younger than them so yeah... the lil sis of the group...
Despite the differences and constant bickering Nnoitra and Grimmjow are basically attached at the hip. I can see them being childhood frenemies actually. Ulquiorra and Szayel are also somewhere in their orbit of course but these two are the worst duo to stumble upon. Very notorious
Ulquiorra is obviously the class president given the armband. He tries his best to mediate the conflicts between his classmates or make them behave better but it's all in vain. Mostly. Some days he's just not in the mood to be responsible and reasonable when dealing with all the bullshit. When trying to bring delinquents to reason you have to be either very respected among them or more fierce than them and Ulquiorra certainly lacks the authority because of his character and swaglessness. He's very scary when mad however. Everybody knows this by now but they just keep trying their fate. Like I'm telling you once he unbuttons his gakuran it's so fucking over
Unlike Grimmjow Nnoitra is actually bothered with his grades enough to try and work for them and/or study (not all the time of course what do you think he's a loser or something?) It includes scaring people into doing his homework, snatching papers out of Ulquiorra's hands right before the class starts (he's used to it so he carries around two sets of hw) or if he REALLY needs to pass an exam he goes to Szayel, the class smartass. The latter is literally equivalent to dying and going through hell to him because he has to abandon all his pride. If you have a shit ton of money you always can try and ask Szayel to help you. Sure. A little bit of humiliation and you actually know the subject. However when it comes to Nnoitra the freak won't let him breathe because: 1) he doesn't need his money, Nnoitra has plenty and it's already stolen anyway so what's the fun? 2) asking a fellow delinquent you have a beef with for help has different means of payment 3) he just really wants to fuck with this guy's head since he thinks Nnoitra is a curious fella. Gilga is well aware of all of this and he's well aware that Szayel will make him polish his boots with his tongue before even considering helping him with acquiring the forbidden chemistry knowledge. So he has to really work for it whether it's a fistfight or running errands for Szayelaporro. It's a good thing Grantz stays true to his word
Grimmjow has a well-accessorized uniform thanks to Nnoitra but his casual clothing is hilariously uncool. I'm convinced this guy has zero taste both in clothing and prints/patterns because he couldn't care less about what other people think is considered fashionable when all he needs personally is functionality and comfort. He knows how to rock a good hairstyle though but if he wants to wear flip-flops outside then so be it
Nnoitra spends all the money he gets on new accessories and CDs (and maybe sometimes porno magazines) for which he constantly gets picked on. If it's someone not from his immediate friend circle then it's not even worth thinking about - left, right, goodnight. As if he's gonna let anyone get too fucking cheeky with him. He's infamous for being called slurs and then bashing the person's head in for this every week because he wears heels and had to endure children being mean to him because of his eye in kindergarten and primary school so it's no big deal really. But if it's Grimmjow then it's a fucking word battle to death he just can't let it slide. Jaegerjaquez really thinks Nnoitra is gonna get strangled by one of his necklaces one of those days but whatever. It's up to him. His music taste however... Now that's something they quarrel about all the time. "I mean I'm not saying anything! Sure you can buy new TOOL CDs all you want.. cough cough... fucking loser.. cough"
Bazz-B was hell-bent on making friends with Grimmjow because he genuinely thinks this guy is awesome. Look at his laid-back attitude and vicious ways! His blue hair, his style! Ohhh, to be like him!!! Jaegerjaquez on the other hand was not very impressed with how annoying Bazz could get with his neverending attempts of talking to him. Too energetic and loud for his liking. He already has Nnoitra and his big fat mouth he constantly runs all he wants so another talkative guy next to him would be too much for his everyday life. He would literally tell him to fuck off and threaten him with a beating of his life but unfortunately it got Bazz even more fired up. Damn weirdo. And a major pain in the ass. They did find a common ground in the end though and it's... A motorcycle that Bazz owns. Bazzard suggested they could take a ride together as a last resort and it was all it took to buy Grimm. Imagine the most excited person you've ever met and they still won't be as excited as Grimmjow was at that moment. Instant fucking boner! "Dibs on driving though" "Deal!" Grimmjow was surprised to reveal that Bazz-B is actually fun to be around and not as annoying as he initially thought he was. Nnoitra made a joke about them having a date the next day though
I think here Bazz-B suffers the same fate as Sakuragi Hanamichi in the beginning of Slam Dunk which is constantly trying to get girls on a date but being brutally rejected each time lmao 😭It's not like he is a bad-looking guy no it's actually the opposite but his personality and hot-headedness are too much to bear for girls he's going after
Askin is a great negotiator and he knows his way around with words but other than that he sucks. He's not a bad guy, just chronically fucking uncool and has to hide behind other people's backs because of mediocre fighting abilities. He also gets in all kinds of stupid situations because he just can't keep his thoughts to himself sometimes which is a bad asset to his cheesiness
Äs Nödt is also not very good at fighting but he's more useful than Askin lol. A smartass and a menace who is talented at collecting data and black-mail on people by eavesdropping and other means. He's the one who proposes the most out-of-pocket ways of taking revenge on other gangs or teaching someone a lesson so you better be careful with him
I hope I'll make more art of this later cuz I'm a bit burnt out rn
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glowingbadger · 7 days
Hi, it’s @libidinous-weeb!! I would like to request some alphabet prompts for SETETH, the dragon daddy who could fix ME.
Could I get M, Y, and…perhaps either D or W? I know you’ve done those letters already but I feel like I know in my heart you could think of more lmao. If not, maybe T then?
No pressure just D and W are my favoritessss
My love!! My husbando of husbandos!! My perfect dragon DILF!! This request was technically further down on my list, but I wanted to post some Seteth thirst-content for father's day lmao so here we are.
For my fellow dilf-fuckers, I'll include a link here to the section of my masterlists containing the frankly baffling amount of Seteth smut I've written here over the years. Tis the season!
Alphabet prompts - Seteth (FE3H)
M (motivation), T (toys), Y (yearning)... and maybe an extra W (wild card) as a treat...
NSFW 18+
Motivation: While Seteth's sex drive is predictably pent up and, as a result, intensely compelling (we'll get to it below), he's also incredibly accustomed to stifling his lusts- so much so that it's practically a reflex at this point. As such, actually pursuing his desires is something that will need to be gently encouraged and teased out of him with time, so for a long while into a relationship with him, he's mostly reactionary about it. It's as though in showing that you desire him, it subconsciously grants him "permission" to express his own lusts in turn- so unless you get really good at reading extremely subtle cues very early on (heated stares that he averts as soon as you catch him, his touch ever so slightly lingering, etc), you're going to have to be the one to initiate things for a while- but when you do, he meets your passionate energy and then some.
Toys: As to the comparatively sparse options presumably available within the intended time period of FE3H, Seteth has a politely curious but ultimately limited interest in them. While it can certainly be appealing to play with a plug or carefully carved dildo of sorts (and I've always enjoyed the idea of him using one specifically to stimulate you during the work day while he's unavailable, or to keep his cum inside of you), it's typically not a significant part of the "main event" for him. He's of course not shy about lubes, massage oils, and the like- as these can be pleasantly stimulating, provided they don't cause too much of a mess. To my mind, it's more amusing to imagine a modern setting, where Seteth is made to confront the sheer quantity and variety of pleasure toys that humans have innovated over the years- including some rather "dragon inspired" ones, on which he has strongly conflicting feelings.
Yearning: Goddess, Seteth wants you, and it's just about compelling enough to break through literal centuries of repression piled on so heavy that he'd almost forgotten he possessed such carnal wants and needs before he found himself with an oh-so-willing partner. In terms of his sex-drive, he's honestly playing catch-up in a way, and he has to relearn how to accept, process and express his lusts in a way that won't quietly drive him mad. It's not even necessarily repression solely due to religious dogma- though his position in the church does require that he conduct himself appropriately to avoid scandal. It's more about the need to avoid A. siring a child by accident (no one needs uknown half-dragons wandering around Fodlan) and B. allowing the wrong person to find out a bit too much about him, and by extension, Flayn (it's tough to hide pointed ears in bed).
Wild card bonus round: This is more a personal chip I've had on my shoulder about writing Seteth smut, but I've always felt strongly that calling him Cichol in bed is something that should only be done with care, during moments of emotional intimacy and vulnerability, and most importantly, only after discussing it with him. Whipping that one out on him mid-sex without warning would just frazzle his nerves and take him completely out of the moment- hell, worst case it could be similar to dead-naming. But with discussion about it prior, or waiting for him to ask you to call him by his old name, it can be an incredibly tender and sensual experience for both of you- a sign of the deep and profound trust he has in you, and his desire to open himself to you completely.
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altschmerzes · 1 month
🌹🌹 Wriggle Up and/or New York Minute pleassssse 🙏
yesssss okay new york minute has taken over my brain for a moment so i'll go with an excuse to share some of that one
('new york minute' is my first fic for the bear, btw, it is a cousin michelle from the christmas episode pov of The Whole New York Debacle. as always i am really really anxious taking my first try at character voices, and picking a pov character who is a minor side character in one (1) episode has been both freeing and anxiety provoking LMAO. so. here's this.)
(also it's.... long. we know this about me and clips.)
As soon as Carmy is under her roof, safely tucked away in her guest room, Michelle takes what feels like her first full breath in since Christmas. It’s not like everything is magically okay now - Carmy certainly isn’t okay, and he’s just one little piece of the whole fucked up puzzle, but she’s finally done something about it. Michelle has found the one piece of that puzzle that she can do anything about at all and she’s done it. That’s the part that’s driven her the most out of her mind - knowing that things need to be done, that nothing is alright in Chicago, and not knowing what to do. Who to try and help, never mind how.
Natalie has Pete and her friends from school. She’s got a home and distance and she’d mentioned while on a walk with Michelle, looking away like she wasn’t sure what the response would be, that she had started therapy after Thanksgiving. And Michael has… Well. When they talk on the phone, Natalie doesn’t have a lot to say about Michael that’s encouraging. Michelle is worried about Michael but it’s not like she can do anything about that. They were close when they were younger but the older they got and the more Donna took a shine to her the more strained her relationship with Michael got. They were a competition of their own, really, or at least a battlefield on the war between their mothers.
Grandpa Berzatto, right? Michael Berzatto. A looming figure gone before any of her generation was born, and so of course the oldest grandchild is named after him - both of them were, at the beginning and the end of the same year, one down each branch of the family tree. Michael and Michelle. They thought it was funny when they were younger. Used to tell people they were twins, when they were real little. It’s not like that anymore. At least Richie is there, though. At least Richie is always there.
Thank god for Richie, said almost no one ever and Michelle several times over the course of her life.
One time, she was seventeen and going out with a guy who was far too old for her and a massive asshole on top of that. When she finally dumped him and his reaction scared her enough to tell them what was going on, Michael and Richie got a baseball bat and a tire iron out of the garage and broke every window and light cover on the guy’s car. Richie took one of the pieces from the tail-light to wood shop class the next day and while the teacher was off making sure some sophomores didn’t lose any fingers using a table saw, he sanded down the edges and put a hole through it, then gave it to her on a keychain. Michelle still has it somewhere. Michelle still has that keychain somewhere and Richie still has Michael and so that’s one thing she doesn’t have to worry about not being able to fix.
So there’s nothing to do for any of them, because Natalie is going to be okay in ways that even Michelle isn’t, and Michael is out of her reach, and Donna is out of everyone’s reach. (Donna needs help. She’s obviously suffering and needs some serious help, but Michelle learned long ago with her own mother that there’s no forcing help on someone who won’t accept it and will stop speaking to you for months if you try to push it anyway.)
But Carmy… Carmy is in her guest room and it’s still pretty early but she thinks he’s asleep and this she can do. This, him, Michelle can help.
(Michael caught her on the way out, when she and Stevie were leaving. She was worried for a moment, because he had that intense look on his face that meant trouble could be coming, and when he said heard you asked Carm to come stay with you for a few days in New York she steeled her nerves for one last explosion for the road. Michael was silent and Michelle was silent and he still had a hold of her arm but he wasn’t squeezing or anything so she let him keep his hand for now. And then he just said Good. Get him the fuck out of here and do not let him come back. Then he gave her a hug so tight she couldn’t breathe and kissed her on the cheek and said love you, Mitch and he was gone.)
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furby-organist · 5 months
// spoilers, some thots, differences between canon and my worldbuilding. adhd style rambling.
- Contrary to like, the pilot and Alastor comic, there was a lot less of Alastor terrifying the shit out of everyone with his presence. I wonder if this is because the people he's seen interacting with are a) The hotel peeps, who are largely a self-selecting group of people who are okay interacting with him, and b) other overlords. Anyway, "almost everyone is terrified of Alastor and he is deeply lonely" is still a very important part of this blog and his development and I'm not changing it.
- Alexa is not an overlord. I'm pretty sure that the team (or Viv?) had said that Alastor wasn't a proper Overlord because he doesn't hold territory, but he's very powerful. Not sure if the series will clarify further or if they've decided he's an overlord. Alexa will continue to not be an Overlord. He controls radio as a mechanism and has the only radio tower in the area but he doesn't control actual territory.
- I was expecting Vaggie and Alastor to butt heads way more haha! Vaggie was not malding as much as I expected!
- I had really hoped to see more Alastor/Angel chaos interaction, especially because we got some fun stuff out of the Hunicast. They seem to get along okay. Though it looks like Angel + Husk are getting pretty chummy and Husk has beef with Alastor
(and they like... paralleled Alastor to Valentino? Which is INSANE to me... listen Alastor sucks as a person, and having his freak ass own your soul can't be fun, but there is a MASSIVE difference between the circumstances that had Husk sign over his soul and Angel sign over his soul. Like one is overlord-on-overlord violence and the other is, like, exploitation of structural violence at minimum. "I'll make you a star, I'll make you rich" etc etc. And there's a MASSIVE difference between the abuse & control that Val does and Alastor doing Diet Labor Trafficking by voluntelling Husk as a bartender.)
so I do wonder in canon how Angel and Alastor COULD be friends if the implied parallel is Husk (or anyone) befriending Valentino. Girl that is insane.
Whatever, I am on the radiodust train until I mf die, Alastor/Angel besties train, chaos friends, I think the funniest possible development on this blog is that (after canonically pulling up to the hotel and being like "girl you are delulu. This is a dumpster fire. and I want front row seats" and Vaggie was like "this freak is going to ruin this project") that he clown tax evasion married the ONE RESIDENT. They went "we could make each other worse. we could make all of this worse" (they did not make each other worse but hell certainly suffers when they open their mouths)
- I've talked extensively in the past on this blog about abuse and how Local Alastor thinks a situation like Angel's should be handled and it's not like how Charlie does Lmao bless her.
- I thought it was so funny that Alastor was like "now I have to go to the tailor" bitch your coat was already raggedy and you came back with a raggedy ass coat.
- Also... Alastor behaved a lot more than I thought he would? He was pretty down to do the job of disposing of the egg bois, even humanely, like he didn't really put up too many fights! Idk he was a behaved manager. I think he is having a good time at the hotel. I love that for his freak ass
- I love how him doing freaky ass facial expressions/lighting is mostly like, Something He Does and most of everyone just kind of accepts it. He really is out here saying wild shit too. "I pulled some limbs too. Hahaha!" lmao yesss Alexa randomly saying morbid ass shit bc he didn't think it through how it comes off was definitely a Thing that's happened and will continue to happen.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
I remember you saying that jm didn't get 3mvs for his album cause they it didn't fit in the budget but when taehyung got multiple MVs even for remixes same with jungkook (who's having mvs for anything atp) how is that not out of budget? So a single SMF2 set was costing them more than how much it will need for taehyung and jungkook's mv in another country?
I remember you saying hobi putting his own money for his listening party... but isn't it not equal to having budget for album? Like listening parties are not companies part to pay so of course hobi would have to do it so why does jm got denied when at the same time other members got more?
Lmao. You remember wrong. Which isn't surprising.
What I actually said is that everything from financing/logistical resources to timing could've influenced whether or not he got those MVs. And that I'm not his mom, girlfriend, or manager, and he's a grown man who can handle his business anyway. So, already, the rest of your ask is moot.
That said, I'd say the SMF Pt 2 shoot was pretty expensive. It certainly didn't look cheap. And you and I both know Tae worked with a different shop for his MVs...
It's been almost a year and you're still stuck on this topic. Please don't waste my time with asks like this. I'll ignore any more asks on the topic because it seems you've not been able to take in new information to influence the narratives you accepted into your head. And shit like that bores me to death.
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kivaember · 3 months
1, 16, 19 for armored core maybe?
like with the other ask, if you look under the read more, you agree to see opinions that may run counter to yours!
the character everyone gets wrong
HM this is tricky since there's a lot of flexibility with the characters to allow for your own headcanons that there's no real incorrect way to portray them. I mean, we've managed to avoid the pitfall of Iguazu being turned into a woobie, bc everyone fully embraces him being a hater loser guyfail, which is how it should be.
Hmm... I think I'll pass on this question bc I can't actually think of anyone that "everyone" gets wrong dfhfdhdf
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
not gonna lie, i sat here for a good while trying to think of something, bc amazingly a lot of people's characterisation/headcanons/etc are pretty close to mine, at least close enough for me to accept or at least understand. mostly i just have nitpicks which seem a bit too petty to flaunt LMAO
like, iguazu being a hater guyfail who's constantly stepping on rakes? freud the fightsexual who in another life 621 would've drawn up a restraining order against? walter caring for 621 but he's so fucking messed up thanks to parental neglect (amongst other issues) that he has no idea how to process/show it? allmind who is both very clever yet extraordinarily lacking in common sense? my fave hcs are widely agreed upon...
HMM. oh wait, there is one minor characterisation i'm kinda meh towards, and that's having Hawkins be like. super old. people have him look like he's in his 60s or smth and almost a grandfather... he didn't sound that old, and while he was certainly old-fashioned in calling Pater 'my boy' or 'son', he came across more like. idk. late 30s/early 40s. that's still being in your prime if you're a fit, healthy human! esp in ac6 verse where humans are likely long lived, esp augmented ones. honestly envision pater/hawkins as like, pater as the young (20s) intern getting involved with his supervisor in his 40s sort of thing. something you'll see in a porno somewhere.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i am shameless. absolutely shameless. i'm never mad, ashamed or horrified to discover i like anything no matter how weird or degenerate it is. nods.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 years
Galar Star Fanbook Notes (cover, p. 2)
I randomly remembered I bought this SWSH magazine special back when I was living in Japan in 2021... it looks like this:
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I skimmed it when I got it (mainly for this section called "Raihan's 15 Secrets"), but I thought I'd give a go at trying to read it more thoroughly. :V It has things like character blurbs, fan opinions, and popularity poll results. I'm hoping to share my rough translations over a series of different posts since it's pretty long and I'm really slow at reading;;
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a professional translator and my Japanese is honestly not that good (I'm like N3-ish I guess, never took the JLPT tbh). I only lived in Japan for around 2 years before moving back to the US. I'm definitely going to be missing a lot of nuance in my translations & there's a good chance I may translate some things incorrectly. I'll do my best tho. ^^;
Anyway, this is only the first 2 pages, but feel free to continue under the cut for the translation/summary if you're interested!
Cover page
Galar Star Fanbook
Features a reader-decided popularity poll for Galar trainers!
Fanbook contents:
Questionnaire summary and results (p.2)
Raihan's 15 secrets (p.5)
Major character compilation/ranking (p.6)
Trainer class compilation/ranking (p. 10)
Pokemon TCG Sword and Shield trainer card publication at a glance
Page 2
Nintendo Dream Reader Poll Results: Most Popular Galar Trainers! (TN: "Nintendo Dream" is the magazine this fanbook was featured in)
Poll Rules & Overview:
In December 2020, the official Nintendo Dream twitter page (@/nindori) began accepting votes for a poll to determine the most popular characters in Pokemon: Sword and Shield. The poll was conducted using Google Forms, with one submission per voter. The poll was divided into two sections: major characters and trainer classes. Voters included their top 3 favorite major characters and their top 2 favorite trainer classes in their submission.
28 Total Characters for the Major Character Popularity Poll
The "Major Character" results come from the various characters you meet in Galar, such as gym leaders and rivals to the protagonist. The "approval rating" score next to each character represents what percent of voters included that character in their submission.
(TN: idk it's kind of a confusing metric since the results are based on voters submitting their top 3 favs instead of just submitting one character vote per person... if someone can explain the statistics behind this better than me, that'd be great LMAO;;)
From 6th place and onward, the approval rating scores were considerably close!
1st Place: Raihan (approval rating: 48%)
He's Galar's top gym leader and Leon's strongest rival. He's never not smiling and his normal demeanor is one that's somewhat relaxed and unserious. He also shows a complete change of expression in battle, where he has a more fierce demeanor. This personality gap leaves quite an impression. He's in first place and earned a noticeably high approval rating score!
(TN: I'm pretty sure the approval rating means 48% of voters included Raihan in their top 3 when they voted. So almost half of the participants included him in their vote.)
2nd Place: Leon (approval rating: 40.1%)
For the main character, Raihan, Hop, and many other people in Galar, Leon is seen as the main goal to surpass. He's been the strongest champion for a considerable amount of time, and his strength in battle, of course, lives up to his champion title. His dedication to accomplishing his duties as well as his straightforward nature certainly make him admirable.
3rd Place: Hop (approval rating: 33.1%)
Hop is the rival who knows the protagonist the best. He's also a close friend of the protagonist's, and the two of them go on an array of adventures together. Even though he becomes worried about the difference in strength between himself and his surrounding competitors, his growth makes him quite sympathetic.
4th Place: Piers (approval rating: 27.5%)
His tone of voice is simultaneously polite and blunt. His outward appearance truly gives off "dark type" vibes, yet he's good at taking care of others... he shows many sides of himself--in particular, his brotherly nature leaves a strong impression.
(TN: I think the first part about Piers being polite is referring to the fact that Piers uses polite forms (です/ます) in the Japanese version of the game, iirc. It's kinda weird/dissonant to be rude and blunt when using polite forms, which is probably the point. I guess imagine like... a rude, blunt person trying to use customer service voice, idk (??))
5th Place: Kabu (approval rating: 17.2%)
On the one hand, he leads the youthful trainers as their elder. At the same time, he never forgets to respect those younger than him and always seeks to challenge himself. He's a hot-blooded gym leader with a spirit full of vigor. His surprisingly playful side is also what makes him popular.
OK that's all of the cover and page 2! The next page has the 6th place ~ 10th place characters + some additional demographic information. I'll try to translate that one next sometime. Thanks for reading!
(9/17/2022: changed "regular trainer" to "trainer class")
page 3: [x]
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pochapal · 2 years
Welcome back to rokkenjima once again (or at least the waters surrounding it) and I'm super glad PhD things are going well for you! Umineko question of the day: how would these people fare if there were no murders but they were just stranded on the island until they either got out themselves or died? Can any of them build a boat, do you think? If you wanna make it slightly easier for them let's say they'll be rescued in a year or so
Supplement: no mysterious mass murders, feel free to imagine them snapping and killing each other lol
thank you!!! i may be back to rokkenjima physically but mentally i have never left that island lmao
as for your No Murder Scenario i'll assume things are kind of a similar setup (family conference, battler's return, the typhoon) but without whatever catalyst pushes the killing. for the sake of argument i'm gonna say the demon's roulette doesn't spin here - ie no letter, no ring, no "beatrice".
(the scenario got long so it's under the cut. spoiler: i do not see things going well for these people at all)
on a basic survival level i think everything would be easy for them so long as they had access to food/power. once things run out i can see things getting desperate but until that point i imagine the main problems will all stem from the family's interpersonal issues - i don't think a single sibling will agree to try to escape because having access to the whole of the rokkenjima mansion gives them the best chance of gunning for the gold.
i can very easily see eva getting it into her head to really enquire about the gold, goading krauss and natsuhi about the embezzlement scam, maybe to kinzo's face maybe not (depending on if kinzo decides to interact with anyone and depending on if such a scenario would benefit eva). so there'd be like this sudden massive influx of tension of krauss trying to play damage control while eva has all these days and weeks to do nothing but snoop around the mansion and prove her own point.
concurrent problem number two i can see happening is the george/shannon situation. assuming george still proposes night one of the conference except now shannon lives and also they're stranded. their secret romance is definitely getting exposed, probably via george telling the cousins to impress them and then maria going on to parrot it to her mother who will almost certainly be spiteful enough to weaponise said information against eva as the social order collapses.
kanon i think is a wildcard here in that i'm not sure how he would move in a no murder scenario. i think every part of him would want to refuse to play the servant role but short of a major social rupture i don't know that there's a way for him to safely do that without him being cut off from the rest of the group. there's the chance he could angle for a servant's mutiny but idk what he would do here initially.
the cousins will mostly be a passive witness to whatever goes down bar one major exception. i think eventually battler and jessica will call out rosa's abuse of maria and take a definitive stance emboldened by the fact they have nothing to lose. as to whether they actually call out rosa and that whole fight happens or if they just complain about it to george who tells them to stop and so they fall out with george i can't say. both seem possible depending on the desperation of the situation.
one massive thing i do think will happen is that assuming they're here for weeks on end is that somebody's going to eventually solve the epitaph. gut feeling says it'd probably be kyrie, first done as a mental exercise to keep herself occupied and then done seriously once she realises the means of solving the thing are all in the mansion. if she were to like, idk, uncover kinzo's secret gold vault i'm not sure what would happen there but it would not be good. i think the siblings would turn on rudolf and kyrie, but that depends on if kinzo would accept their completion of the epitaph as legit. maybe someone kills kinzo at some point in order to prevent rudolf and kyrie from walking away with the gold whenever it's all over? i could see that one. after all, who would bat an eye at an old man with one foot in the grave dying after being stranded on an island with dwindling resources?
going with all of the above scenarios i can actually see one person in particular snapping most of all: sayo. i think with her having to side with george during whatever schism happens between the cousins and with kanon in deep survival mode unable to be there for her under the nightmarish gaze of unending ushiromiya servitude i think that at some point the shannon mask will crack. she'll be emotionally isolated from every person except for george who she only loves because he offers her a way off rokkenjima except oh wait there is no getting off of rokkenjima now and she's going to be stuck here forever on this hell island. i think at that point she'll give up on trying to contain the resentment and rage that's built up in her over the years. i mean, this is someone who was desperate and half on the edge before all this. a sayo no longer keeping her emotions in check with nothing to lose? somebody isn't living and it's either her murdering someone else or her killing herself. not sure which is more likely. i guess it depends on how much sayo at the core of herself really despises the ushiromiya family - if so i can see potentially her doing something like a murder suicide with herself and george.
so then there's this whole thing. the siblings are tearing each other apart over the gold. kinzo's been killed out of desperate greed. shannon and george are gone. in the wake of losing shannon kanon will almost certainly go rogue and probably idk kill genji or something like that out of total resentment for genji being complicit in the abuse and out of resentment for the fact kanon's "beatrice" plan never came to fruition. kumasawa probably also gets killed too, because like, she still kind of passively sat by and let shannon endure all she endured without doing anything (or at least that's how a kanon pushed past the brink would see it). it's all pointless might as well take the bastards down with you. said taking down of bastards probably won't get further than attacking natsuhi as revenge for the way she treated shannon all those years and then kanon being killed in retaliation for that.
at the same time i'd also imagine the rift between the siblings would escalate into all-out murder. probably some kind of kill-off between eva/rosa/krauss after an ill-thought-out alliance to bring down rudolf and kyrie for the gold backfires. assuming the shannon/george murder suicide happens i cannot see eva having any reservations about killing - the gold is all she has left to strive for in life. hideyoshi would go down with his wife. krauss is getting killed out of paraonia because he is the de facto successor now that kinzo's gone and nobody really trusts him. rudolf and kyrie either live or die i'm not sure.
if there's any hope of escape it'd probably be battler, jessica, and maria getting out of there with nanjo and gohda. nanjo survives because he stays under the radar enough not to matter once kinzo's dead. gohda i think will be the only servant to genuinely rebel and check out in a non lethal way - his loyalty is to his wage and not to the ushiromiya household if it really came to it. the kids survive because in their own twisted way the adults try to shield them from the horrors and i think after a certain point battler and jessica will truly decide to take maria and save themselves. most likely one them will find a way of making the distress call that gets them saved (fixing up a radio seems like something as a general household servant gohda could manage to do) while what's left of the ushiromiya family implodes back in the mansion.
so uh. i guess in the end the same number of people will die as the epitaph demands even without the epitaph's ritual murders taking place. the golden witch beatrice would be infinitely amused by such a turn of events i think.
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bthump · 1 year
How many of your theories were confirmed true? Was it satisfying? Is there anything you predicted wrong and wish could change? Do you accept the story more or less for now? Is there anything that made you almost quit?
Thanks for asking!
Not a whole lot lol. Most specifically, I predicted that there were 4 previous Godhand members and Void was the last of that group/the first of this group. I predicted the Elfhelm quest going south and ending in misery, but I certainly did not predict how lol, and I wish it was more dark and more emphatically tragic, but tbf there's still some room to get worse that Guts is having his breakdown.
This is a bit of a stretch, but I consider Guts restlessly swinging his sword and asking himself what the hell he's supposed to do now in chapter 358 to be pretty close to confirmation of my theory that Guts bringing Casca to Elfhelm was basically a distraction for him, and a vague hope that fixing Casca would solve his problems that did not come to fruition.
I guess I kinda predicted Elfhelm having a shady history that becomes relevant, in that a bunch of ancient tortured soul-goo ate a bunch of people, or whatever lmao. I was hoping it would be relevant in a more interesting way, but I'd say it kinda counts.
I predicted Griffith crying at some point, but I didn't think it would be this soon, and it's still something he's blaming on the werebaby so it only half-counts.
Oh and I definitely called Guts seeing Griffith naked again, and Miura drawing more naked Griffith in general lol.
Among plenty of other things, I incorrectly predicted that the behelit would open and result in tragedy right after Casca gets her memories back, and that she'd sacrifice moonbaby, and I would love to change that lol, I think it would've been a ton of fun and a great set up for a third act. Still got my fingers crossed for the climax tho since that behelit's still hanging around.
The incorrect prediction that's definitely not gonna happen at any point now is Elfhelm turning out to be antagonistic in some way. And again, I definitely would've preferred that - I found the sudden evil goo, Elfhelm fading away, and Danann just being kind of sad and ineffectual, pretty underwhelming lol.
And enh, idk what accepting the story entails exactly. I reserve the right to be disappointed about how it goes lol, and to think it could've been better, or more personally enjoyable, if xyz happened, but I think that whatever is going to happen is probably roughly what Miura intended, and even if it's not what I want I can live with it. I'm not gonna be starting a #releasetherealending twitter campaign or anything lmao.
And nothing's made me nearly quit so far. I am a tried and true quitter of disappointing media though, so I could see myself dropping it in the future potentially - like what would happen is tumblr would die, or people would stop interacting with me on this blog so I'd stop updating it, and I'd stop keeping up with new chapters, and eventually I'd hear on the grapevine that it ended disappointingly with virtually no griffguts-y content, and I'd be like 'welp that's a shame, guess I'll never finish it.'
But yk, as long as I'm active on this blog, and as long as I have hope for more griffguts content lol, I'm gonna keep reading and discussing new chapters.
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academic-weapon · 1 year
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word count: 639 words 04.01.23
I have been to five (5) cons, ever, and it never gets less exciting. This was my first time as an active staff member, though. If I can, I'll continue to volunteer in the future. There is just something really nice about getting to speak with cosplayers without having to gather the courage to approach them first, since they're the ones that need something from staff.
Although I didn't ask to take pictures with anyone, regrettably, my aunt did lmao. Cosplay is a form of self-expression and art, alright— a lot of time, effort, and creativity goes into these costumes, and it's great to see them confidently put all of this on display. I know that to many, being asked to take pictures is an acknowledgment of their hard work. I hope my aunt made those Sailor Moon and Genshin cosplayers happy with her requests.
I grew up thinking enjoying manga and anime... was taboo, almost. I get it, there may be social stigmas associated with people who enjoy anime because anime and manga have historically been associated with certain genres that are seen as inappropriate or immature. Genshiken covered this— your average otaku isn't always socially awkward or obsessive. They just are. But now, as the medium becomes more mainstream, it is also more broadly accepted. It's great to see.
That being said, conventions provide a space where people who love aspects of otaku culture can come together and bond over their shared interests. It isn't always easy to find like-minded folks, and the con does just that. It also offers a wide variety of vendors selling neat merchandise that won't really be available at your typical store at the mall. I'm frugal at best and terribly cheap at worst, but even then...
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... it had to be done.
I try to justify the purchase by saying that I may never again find the artists I got the prints from, and I really did fall in love with the art you guys. I had had the chance to check out the con prior to my shift starting, spoke with the artist some, and... walked away. My shift supervisor was kind to let me escape briefly to run up to the Artist Alley and grab a couple prints before they closed. Gladly advertising them here because they're so very talented.
And I guess that's kind of the thing. I wouldn't have had the chance to meet that artist or get introduced to the art if not for events like this con. It's about building a sense of community and fitting in seamlessly.
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Merch tax right here. Freebie con shirt that staff members and some lucky con-goers were allowed to get, my three prints (terrible picture, but it's Naruto, Chainsaw Man, and Hunter X Hunter, in that order), My Hero keychain, and a handful of freebie stickers. Better than the experience itself... is the stuff you can get out of it.
While I know that I definitely engaged in sharing art and media by ogling art and cosplay and whatnot, I didn't really have time to explore the panels. I was out of town for most of the event, and really only showed up for my scheduled shift. I think that attending panels is a good method to learn more about what makes up Otaku culture; you're exposed to new ideas and perspectives that way, and also new fandoms.
I did get the chance to witness this drag show that was going on, but only briefly. Not to get too political here, guys, but I don't think activities like these "appeal to prurient, shameful, or morbid interests," or whatever. It certainly looked perfectly healthy in there! Amusing to watch, too.
I'm glad I got to attend, and I look forward to being part of more events like these in the future!
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mamamittens · 2 years
Do you write smut for the Blackbeard Pirates? Cuz I have a million and one spicy ideas about them 👀
(I'm a filthy liar but I swear I'll sleep after this lmao)
So... I'm actually not that familiar with the crew? Not quite there yet to put it lightly, though mind you it hasn't stopped me from writing about literally anyone else up to this point so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Haven't even reached Brooks yet. I just... Really don't want to burn out on One Piece so I'm taking it slow... And I procrastinate really weirdly tbh.
My secret is that I'm really fucking good at psychoanalyzing animated characters and shows. Kind of makes it hard to binge any show though ngl.
So... While I have literally zero respect for Teach as a Moriarty style villain (or a villain at all cause he could have been %1000 more devious with better planning), I wouldn't say... That I would never write for him. Or his crew that a quick search tells me is fascinating and almost certainly doomed to self cannibalize eventually. (I'm betting Teach does more weird fruit shit later and steals their skills or something equally bullshit on top of being able to literally dual wield other fruits).
So, if I did go about writing for them, it would definitely need a bit more of a prompt to work with than usual. I take pride in my craft, no matter how inconsequential it is, so this would go under the "Challenge Accepted" category (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
If that makes sense?
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meredoubt · 4 months
Just to be clear: keep the Tanakh out of your fucking mouth if you're not Jewish.
That includes atheists who think that their personal belief system is some magical get out of jail free card for the culture they grew up in. Besides all the bigotry and history of violence, this stubborn ass idea ex-Christians have that they somehow are exempt from their culture because they don't personally believe in a deity has got to be up there for most infuriating things they say.
Like. Motherfucker. There are secular Jews and Muslims. A long history of it! You're religion is a part of what you grew up in. It informs your worldview, regardless of your personal religious or anti-religious beliefs. It certainly still informs how you view faiths beyond the one you were brought up in, almost assuredly incorrectly. You are still culturally Christian, because it is part of your heritage or community. That personal "acceptance of Christ" shit really fucks y'all up. Like you can just. Opt out. Bitch, I'm Jewish and I can't even opt out of being surrounded by y'all's fucking holidays. Shut the fuck up. The version of Christmas in every damn store from November on is secularly Christian. Is it nakedly capitalist? Yes. But that's for y'all to work out. It's still secular Christian lmao.
If I hear one more fucking culturally Christian atheist say that the reason Christians have a history of cruelty and genocide is because they "swallowed Jewish myth"?
I'll lay that cunt flat.
Shove it up your ass until you gag. Fuck off.
0 notes
hard-core-super-star · 8 months
okay, it's not. take care of yourself 😔 agsjakak yeahhh but we can still talk after you take said own time. look at you, getting good at guessing the time. so bossy...🙄 lmao okay, that was the last time- I think. the clarification is: the jury likes me too much to convict me or something like that, there is literally no way to clarify more than that. that said, I'm not going to take advantage of the jury's kindness.
doesn't count!! There's no way it counts as an unfinished sentence if it means I was literally speechless 😭 stop it kwhskskwkdks I won't admit anything. I'm fine.
can I tell you maybe another time? maybe another day? or maybe in another life? this is like... a secret 🤫 I mean, yes?? I thought unfinished sentences were unfinished but they conveyed the right message- learning a new language by listening to music is so good, and definitely more enjoyable tho. I thought I could handle this “little star” thing but I really can’t, jesuswjskak also, yes, maybe? maybe, just maybe I can think of something for you. yup, pain can definitely show that we are alive, but we must be careful not to seek it just for the sake of feeling something (totally a warning for Isabella Swan and that obsession with putting herself in danger just to see Edward's ghost)
I just wanted to say that it's funny, not that I find your pain funny ksjskskak okay, I don't know how to explain it, you can send me to jail now. WAIT A MINUTE HDHSJAKA “beebo” is a reference to that toy that became the god of war in legends of tomorrow??? but the cat's side is where I really belong.
I'm almost sure that the warnings say “smut with plot” or something like that kshsjskskk if there is, that explains it. yes, you can see how much she just needs someone to give some attention to her, just like a puppy 🥹 I didn't complain and I'm sure literally no one complained about you bringing up the puppy thing again. and I blindly agree, both divinely good. (YES, IT IS- I think this time I won't be stubborn about it, this time 😑 good morning! It's no longer morning here, but still)
– 🌟
thank you! i'm so glad you're finally on my side for once. yeahhhh but these messages are the highlight of my day. thank you, i'm skilled like that :) i'm both offended and impressed by your audacity rn, smh. but i guess since it's the last time, it's fine but you're on thin ice 🤨 the clarification is very much appreciated and incredibly accurate. the jury will keep this in mind.
uh, nope, they certainly count! but i'll accept them only because you admitted to being speechless. hmm, idk, i'm pretty sure you already did admit it with these reactions but go off, ig.
i'll accept another day, this secret has got me intrigued. they did but i thought i was jumping to the wrong conclusions so if you had finished them in the first place, you would have saved me some time. it's so fun! except when i attempt to sing along and realize i can't pronounce anything lmao. i've noticed lmao but i like your reactions to the nickname too much to not use it as often as possible. i have complete faith in you, i'm sure you'll come up with something that will make me react the same way you react to "little star" and all its, cute, variations. yeah, that's a good point. i think i might have sought it out a bit too much when i was younger, chasing after all the wrong people and stuff like that 😶 [yeah...i totally got that reference...]
i know, i just wanted to be a pain lmao. you're alright, you won't be sent to jail...yet. sljgajhdgj YEAH, it's also a really stupid reference to the lead singer of panic! at the disco because the day beebo showed up at my house, i got in the car and ME! by taylor swift was playing so...beebo seemed like the way to go. [and no, i still don't know why the fandom calls him beebo lmao] i want to be upset but i do understand 😔
yeah, i think they do lmao. i usually put that warning because i get very carried away lmao. she's so puppycoded for real, i just want to hug her close and give her head pats 🥹 i really hope you're right because there's no way the puppy thing won't be coming back in other fics lmao. i'm glad we agree. [lmao, too bad i can't offer any real help. aw, thank you, i appreciate it <3 it's about to not be morning anymore here either lmao]
0 notes
icysab · 2 years
~ badboy!jungkook x smartass nerd!reader ~
genre/what to expect: e2l ft. sexual tension, college au
warnings: swearing, bad grades lmao
wordcount: around 1k
a/n: alr so although this idea might be incredibly overused, i will be using it anyway cuz this fic is v self indulgent lmao. also, this has been sitting in my drafts for like,,, almost a year now, so i just decided fuck it. if ppl like it, maybe ill turn it into a whole fic? idk lemme know what y’all think. but for now, i am not planning on prioritizing updates for this.
also random disclaimer: i don’t know a fuck ton about how korean college works so i’m basing this on the experience in my country. if i screwed somethin up please that’s totally different in korea correct me so i can fix it </3
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college had really been a bore lately.
you had been berated by your high school teachers, claiming that "college is harder, professors don't care about you, you have to study," and whatever other bullshit they liked to spew. but unsurprisingly, college was never particularly difficult. and now, halfway through your junior year, you still don't even really bother studying. as long as you don't flunk out, why does it matter? just suck up to the profs a bit, and you're set. who gives a shit if you're a teachers pet when you're on track to graduating top of your class? you never really cared what others thought anyways.
there was only one catch: when you got bored, you tended to slack off. and now, you—top of your class poli sci major—currently has a c- in your behavioral econ course.
and that is certainly not acceptable.
"you know, you're one of the best students in my class. i'm very disappointed in your recent grades".
you force yourself to keep a serious look, and refrain from rolling your eyes while forcing a nod.
you plaster on an expression of false understanding and tell the professor, "i'm very sorry. i really do want to excel in this class," while bowing your head slightly.
he hums to himself, clearly contemplating something.
"just because i know how much effort you put into this class, i'll offer you an opportunity to earn extra credit," he says after what feels like an eternity. "i have a student in econ 101 that needs extra help. if you were to tutor him twice a week, and his scores were to improve significantly, then i'll raise your grade to an a".
you have to prevent yourself from smirking. it really does pay to be a suck-up.
"i'd love to!" you lie between your teeth, giving the poor professor your best faux smile. "i'm so thankful for this opportunity, and i'll work my hardest. thank you!"
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well, you certainly dodged a bullet there. or you hoped. as long as the kid you're stuck tutoring isn't a little bitch, then you should have no problem securing your a.
the professor had emailed you the students contact information, and told you to set up meetings with them. all you knew was that his name is justin seagull or something, and he's completely flunking econ.
which, how do you even manage to do? that's like, the easiest class.
not that you're complaining; it works out all the better for you. and hey, maybe you can make a new friend!
earlier in the week, you had coordinated with the dude you're tutoring via email to meet on thursday at 3pm for an hour and a half, which so happens to be today. at around 2:45, during your long break in between classes, you head over to the agreed upon location for your first tutoring sesh: the undergrad library. at precisely 2:55, you take a seat at one of the benches near the entrance of the library, deciding to wait so you don't miss him.
even if you really didn't want to be stuck tutoring, you were still going to put in an effort; you really did want to help whoever needed it. just because you'd rather not spend your thursday afternoons teaching econ doesn't mean you wanted to screw the dude over and waste his time.
you pull out your phone and begin to mindlessly
scroll on instagram out of boredom.
at 3:04, you begin to wonder where he is, and if he's okay.
at 3:11, you start to get a little annoyed, but you try to remind yourself that maybe he got held up somewhere, or somethings wrong.
at 3:32, you shoot him a text.
at 3:57, still no response.
at 4:13, you say fuck it and decide to head home.
at 6 fucking pm, he has the audacity to send you a text.
jk: sorry. i was busy.
what could he have possibly been so busy with that he couldn't of even texted you beforehand, only god knows. all you know is that you're pissed. you had prepared a whole plan for this first session, made a list of important topics to cover, and even did research on the best ways to teach. all for you to be ignored, cast aside like you were unimportant.
you quickly shoot him a text back.
you: whatever it’s fine, let’s just schedule for another day
you: when works?
your phone dings.
jk: idk i have to check with my schedule
god, what a fucking asshole.
you swallow your pride as best as you can and type out a response.
you: well, lmk when you’re free ^-^
your phone dings after a moment.
jk: do we really have to do this?
jk: i mean idk abt you but i don’t really want to spend my time getting tutored
you roll your eyes and grit your teeth.
you: mm that kinda sucks for you but yea we do have to
you: so like i said, when works?
and you know what he fucking does??
he fucking leaves you on read.
that asshole.
you take a deep breath and attempt to calm down before all hell is let loose.
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