#I'll fund your downfall
wishingmyhairred · 1 year
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My donation to the WGA strike in honor of Lockwood & Co.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
What the hound had not intervened, and the mountain had killed Loras Tyrell at the Hand's tourney?
i thought i’d answer this one quick off the cuff but then i was thinking about everything gregor affects and started spiraling lmao. bc for a minor, not very deep character, this man is instrumental in the mess of the riverlands, in beric’s undead journey, in tyrion’s downfall, AND in the dornish plot.
first you’ve got the fallout of killing loras bc - Mace and Renly are coming for that fuckers HEAD and Ned is gonna have a political crisis on his hands .2 seconds after showing up (besides the other 20 big ones). Considering Mace’s heir was permanently disabled by a tourney before and nothing happened to Oberyn (bc it wasn't Oberyn's fault, it was Mace's, and everyone knew it including Willas, while this one would definitely be fully on Gregor), Mace is gonna PUSH that his shining glory of a knight Loras is avenged in some way. While Robert might not want to step on his wife’s toes - and more specifically the toes of her powerful father - if Renly is pushing for a punishment for Gregor, and Mace starts making threats about it as well, Robert has a pretty good reason to throw Gregor to the wolves (or well, the wolf lol because I'm sure Ned is gonna be pissed off too). Even if Robert doesn’t want to execute Gregor, Gregor is probably in the cells by the time the rest of the plot happens, which means the Riverlands looks WILDLY different bc Gregor and his gang aren’t raping and reaving after Cat steals away with Tyrion, only Amory is, which tbf IS bad enough on its own to get Ned to send Beric, Thoros, Harwin, and the rest but that might also mean the Brotherhood is luckier in stopping some of the Lannister looting going on in the Riverlands. That definitely impacts the war effort, don't ask me how, beyond "maybe things look better in the Riverlands but maybe not."
There's also the fact that if Tywin isn't willing to give up Loras' killer, does Mace even decide to throw his lot in with the Lannisters after Renly is killed? Does he go for the Starks, maybe fancying himself as King of the Reach or tempting Robb with a "give up that Frey girl for my daughter and I'll fund your whole kingdom" offer? Does he go to Stannis, maybe offering Willas up for Shireen (she's only 3 years younger than Sansa, and marriages with bigger age gaps have happened)? Mace is certainly ambitious enough to overlook massive logistical problems (see: not even suspecting that Garlan and Olenna are trying to kill Joffrey to protect Loras from pulling a Jaime to defend Margaery when Joffrey inevitably loses his temper with her) but Loras is his pride and joy and I do wonder if cozying up with Loras' killer is too much to overlook for him.
But beyond "can Ned and Mace get this dude WHACKED without causing yet another political crisis" I would say Gregor being potentially executed or sent to the Wall (which, he's not even gonna make it to the Wall bc Yoren doesn't make it and he might recognize Arya anyway which completely fucks up her storyline) is gonna be a big issue for Dorne. For one, there’s no easy ish target for Oberyn's rage when he shows up in asos because both Amory and Gregor are dead, which only leaves the man who gave the order as an outlet for his anger. That is a political CRISIS. There's also no one to fight against Tyrion in the trial that is any sort of match for Oberyn - like we think Boros Blount is gonna defeat him? We think Meryn Trant is gonna take on The Viper? Fucking Osmund Kettleback? I don't think so.
AND THEN without Ser Robert Strong - well, not to say Cersei is fucked because Qyburn I'm sure would be more than happy to re-animate anyone's corpse but it certainly throws a wrench in her trial.
Anyways, what's that trope, Boss Disguised As Mook or something? That's Gregor. He's not the final boss but he's a boss battle you don't fully expect and he winds up impacting the plot a lot more than I expected.
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yakool-foolio · 4 months
Any idea of how your OCs would interact with the canon characters?
I actually was gonna write up a whole post about my OCs dynamics with canon characters on my own, but I greatly appreciate the ask! I'll list off Ringo and Lieu's dynamics with their respective groups (NDA detectives and peacekeepers, of course)! Buckle your seatbelts, fellas, it's gonna be a long ride!
Ringo and the NDA detectives
Yuma - If there's one person who's the easiest to rope into Ringo's spontaneous plans, it's Yuma. As much as Yuma worries for his and Ringo's safety, he can't deny he's just as excited to go on stake out missions to catch criminals. Unfortunately, Yuma ends up being the bait in the schemes most of the time. But Ringo doesn't give the rookie any chance to argue before they spring into action. Outside of their detective work, Ringo and Yuma form a loose friendship, both yearning for companionship, but aren't quite used to each other's energy levels. The mirage detective can't help but confide to Yuma about their negative experience with the WDO; partly to get their own feelings out to someone willing to listen, and also to test if talking shit about the organization will spark Yuma's memories somehow, but no dice.
Halara - With extensive knowledge about the WDO's history to improve their standing within the organization, Halara is aware of the Ignis family's once outstanding presence dwindling into obscurity over time. They originally use this information on Ringo's family's relation to the WDO to judge their character and have the upper hand in discussion. This leads to them starting off on the wrong foot, Ringo standing firm against Halara's harsh judgment of his family due to something out of anyone's control other than the organization that started their downfall. But after many tense arguments, the two eventually give in and reveal their motivations for being a part of the WDO. They both want to raise money earned from their job toward good causes, such as the charity to save cats and funding research to treat and cure the Ignis bloodline's hereditary disease. Their interactions slowly start to turn to the positive as they share in a love for reptiles. Animals mend all strained ties.
Desuhiko - Putting these two together is like releasing two dogs with a bad case of the zoomies into the streets. They work exceedingly well as a duo for investigations, utilizing both their Fortes to the fullest potential as masters of deception. However, they are also prone to getting so far off track from their original objective it's like swerving off a cliff. They're easily entertained and distracted by anything that catches their attention. Desuhiko also helps Ringo understand that their illusions might not be as powerful as they wish they were, but they can still be used for a lot of good, even if all they are are distractions. They're the agency's entertainers, making sure everyone's spirits are lifted by their jokes and gags.
Fubuki - In an inverse of what would typically happen when ya put someone next to a scheming Ringo, Fubuki is actually the one who comes up with adventurous plans to take them on first! Getting up to even stranger shenanigans than Ringo is used to, it's always a pleasant surprise when he's around her. They sympathize with Fubuki's isolation at home, even if they're on different sides of the coin. Ringo's isolation being purposeful on their part, while Fubuki's parents kept her inside without her having a say in the matter until they kicked her out. No matter what, they both enjoy each other's company after years of confinement.
Vivia - Oops, they're narrative foils! With Ringo's tendency to overwork himself due to their acknowledgement that he could die an early death, he prefers to appreciate life as fast as possible and do as much as they can. However, once Ringo inevitably tuckers themself out from their work, he finds an unlikely companionship with Vivia. The phantom detective indirectly teaches Ringo about enjoying life in the little things and taking it slow, but not all of his ideology gets through to them. Ringo is still quick to criticize Vivia for his laziness and wish for death, which he doesn't budge on. They may not entirely see eye to eye, but if the right conditions are met, they make for good company.
Yakou - As much as the chief loves having someone around willing to do chores for free, he can't help but worry about Ringo overworking themself and their knack for getting involved with cases the detectives' aren't focused on. Yakou was informed of Ringo's lineage before they arrived to Kanai Ward, but he could hardly prepare himself to take on the task of working with an Ignis--a younger and spritely one at that. Despite the initial fears, Yakou is just as protective of Ringo as he is with the rest of his detectives. Yakou tends to refer to Ringo as 'Jazz', since he'll often encounter the mirage detective doing chores at the agency while listening to jazz on the radio.
Lieu/Sylvester and the peacekeepers
Swank - Since Lieu's a bit higher in the pecking order, they always try to have one over Swank by consistently challenging him to gamble with them. He never gives them the satisfaction of winning, however, far too attached to his money to ever risk the chance of losing it to a former street rat. Swank is the one in charge of handling bounties on whistleblowers, so he's usually the one to rake in the cash from Lieu's missions. As much as they bug each other, he can't deny they're an efficient moneymaker.
Seth - While Yomi has direct ownership of Lieu as one of his hitmen, Lieu works alongside Seth most often. Seth runs his own botanical garden within the corporation, and Lieu voluntarily assists him in taking care of it since they use many of the poisonous plants grown there for their missions. While it may seem like the formation of a friendship, Lieu doesn't make it easy by making Seth their (thankfully metaphorical) punching bag when they're having a rough day. It's an unfortunate side effect of being around Lieu the most after Aide died. Seth learns to not be so intimidated by them since they never actually have any plans to harm him, far too needy of his garden to sour things any further.
Dominic - In a surprising turn of events, Lieu respects Dominic the most out of the lower rungs of the higher-ups. And by respect, it means they know not to fuck around with him. Ever since Lieu heard of Dominic surviving a war and still being just as strong as if it barely even mattered, they understand why he's not to be tested as someone's who's scraped by many of their own fights when they were younger. Lieu can help but wonder what it'd be like to arm wrestle with him though, yet they know better than to sign themself up for a death wish. Since Lieu doesn't mess with him, Dominic doesn't mess with them either. They're on equal footing.
Guillaume - On the other hand, Lieu detests Guillaume. She pesters the hitman without fear, since she's well aware that they can't lay a finger on her unless they want to be punched into the next decade by a protective Dominic. Lieu avoids her at all costs if they can help it, and they will usually end up trudging back to Seth's office to let off some steam by yelling about their frustrations to the gardener. Guillaume has no business with Lieu, but she still insists on getting under their skin. Maybe it's some sort of secret technique to make Lieu all the more ferocious during their missions, but it's purpose is doubtful at best.
Yomi - While Yomi is the one who took Aide and Lieu in to work as his hitmen, Lieu's view of him decayed over time. What once was admiration and respect fell into jealousy. Yomi paid far more attention to Aide and gave him everything he wanted, all while Lieu was left with scraps. Yomi kept pulling Aide further and further away from Lieu, which fueled their sentimentality and other emotions that Yomi ordered them to discard as a hitman. And after Aide's death, both of them are far more outwardly aggressive toward each other, Lieu despising Yomi's choice to assign Aide to that mission, and Yomi wishing he'd sent Lieu on that train instead. Lieu lost a lifelong friend, Yomi lost his right hand man.
Martina - The two first meet each other over (nonpoisonous) drinks, venting about the ones closest to them slipping away to be with another guy. They quickly find common ground, realizing that they're being abandoned by Yomi and Aide. When the ones they love continue to leave them, they learn to rely on each other instead. It's shocking how quickly they form a tight bond, fueling each other's artistically violent desires, as if spitting in the faces of the two that gave up on them just as fast. When Yomi sends Martina away to be cubed, it's Lieu that witnesses her being dragged away and contacts Makoto about it first. If Lieu couldn't keep Aide by their side, they'll do what they can to make sure Martina is there instead. Martina swears she'll find a way to take Yomi down, not just for her sake, but for Lieu's as well. Yeah, they're fruity.
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aecholapis · 3 months
For your TF fan continuity:
🏆 - What is the end goal? What are your characters fighting for?
💣 - What/who triggers the climax of the plot?
🦋 - Which character has the biggest transformation?
🌑 - Is there reoccurring symbolism? Motifs?
(from this ask game)
Upon inquiry, Novafire specified which part of the continuity this should be about. There are... four... storylines in total, two of which are important, but many of the sub-narratives happen at the same time. Because why make things simple when they can be complicated >:D
The first sentence is
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h elp
I'll try to focus on the main part which is essentially every typical TF story ever and the side story featuring OCs that experience the conflict from the sidelines. I hope you don't mind, since the mythology and post-canon action isn't much exciting. They will be referred to by their WIP titles, Entropy and Incandescence, respectively.
🏆 - What is the end goal? What are your characters fighting for?
Picture every typical pre-war story ever and blend them into something that looks like a smoothie - a badly blended smoothie because some fruit parts are floating around and disrupting the drink's consistency. Yeah, that's what it looks like from the outside. But on the inside it doesn't really look any better, haha.
There are many issues that need to be resolved and all of them stem from one big problem. The protagonists go on numerous adventures and solve many a mystery - though ultimately, they need to find the source of all evil and defeat it. Greed is a nasty thing. It will twist the noblest individuals to become their worst self on their rise to power. It will be their downfall - which is why they never stay in power long enough to leave lasting damage, save for the three mecha who have it all and want even more. It is up to the protagonists to stop them and reverse the damage they had done.
Their enemies are:
1) Cybertron's political system - a few rotten fruits can disturb the entire drink and make it unenjoyable. The main trio responsible for the unstable political situation are Sentinel Prime, Senator Proteus and Councillor Zeta - forming a secret, mighty triumvirate. They want power, they have the means to seize it and they will go to great lengths in order to see Cybertron subjected to their whims. Corruption goes a long way and even the repressed masses will be influenced by the triumvirate. 'You are not immune to propaganda' and all that.
2) The authorities - since the army and enforcers are working under their orders, the freedom and safety of the citizens lies in the hands of three individuals who could not care less about them. Even the enforcers themselves aren't exempt from surveillance. Mutual trust is at an all time low and everyone's priority is to live another day. If a mech doesn't conform to society's expectations, they will find a way to change that and those who work for the government are the first in line for behavioral corrections à la memory wipe or a reframe, etc.
3) Cities, or Titans and their speakers - we have the primacy which speaks for Cybertron, the council that decides what is good for Cybertroniankind and the senate which calls the shots in city states. But Titans also exist and their speakers watch over the districts their Titan resides at. However, not all Titans get the funding and resources they need to keep the population afloat. And helpless, impotent inhabitants cannot care for their home, right? It's a downward spiral. Only the most profitable Titans get what they need. Some are deemed as less important than others and this causes a rift between Cityspeakers. This does not end well.
4) Quintessons - Some time after the war is over, a Quintesson colony ship is spotted in Cybertron's orbit. They want their planet back. Elderly Quintessons like Alpha Q are part of the first generation which left Cybertron even before the First Generation roamed the surface, but they - like many other mechanical lifeforms made by the Primes - were sent to space to explore the cosmos and find a new home somewhere else. Millions of years later, the Quintessons have returned it is up to the protagonists and Alpha Q to find a solution for this problem. Preferably before the Quintessons reassemble Luna I and Luna II into Unicron and pilot him to wipe out Cybertroniankind. Don't worry, they will find a compromise.
5) In the end, their greatest enemy is their own self
What they plan to achieve:
1) Removing the members of the triumvirate from their positions - As the world begins to fall apart, everyone's favorite dock worker Orion Pax, founder of the Autobots, meets up with his fellow revolutionary Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. Both are inspiring spokespeople of their respective organizations, dreaming of a better tomorrow and sending messages of hope to their followers. They coordinate protests and hand out flyers, help those in need and stand against their oppressors. There is nothing more punk than spreading love and hope in a world which wishes to take this from them.
One day, a protest in Iacon turns violent and the Decepticons storm the senate and the council while the Autobots guide shocked civilians to safety. Orion Pax and Megatron hunt down the Prime - they follow him to his safe room where they talk for the last time, before Megatron shoots Sentinel Prime in a fit of rage. At Orion's unwillingness to destroy the root of all their problems, he declares war on the Autobots. At first, it seems like it had been nothing but an empty threat, until the Decepticons start attacking cities with wobbly but still functioning political structures all over Cybertron. One group of Autobots retaliates and this marks the unofficial beginning of the Cybertronian Great War.
Proteus escapes and leaves Cybertron, only to be slain by Starscream once his ship sets course to Earth. Zeta becomes the next Prime and remains on Cybertron, until an angry and upgraded Orion Pax returns from Earth just to kill him for personal reasons.
The Matrix is missing - it has been since the start of the war - but they find clues that it may have been stored away in one of their ships (Autobot or Decepticon). The Matrix acts like a two-way screen here. It lets the dormant Primus experience life on his surface in the form of a dream while the Matrix-bearer may see what is happening on Cybertron and how the planet itself is feeling. There is also this whole wisdom-of-past-Primes shtick, but that doesn't work well nor is it actually helpful. Not that it matters since it's gone anyway.
Rung has simply had enough, transformed and left... because he did not like Sentinel Prime and Zeta even less, lmao.
2) Decoupling the legislative, executive and judicial systems from the Primacy - Prowl was a lawyer before he was reframed. One of his cases was linked to the illegal activities of Sentinel Prime and how he and his allies funded laboratories to which he sent mecha who were causing him trouble. He found himself in such a lab pretty soon, his memories were wiped, he was given a new frame, a new identity, and now he was Prowl, the enforcer. His undetected sibling bond was the only evidence for what was done to him.
After joining the Autobots, he digs deeper into the Prime's illicit activities and finds enough leverage against him to tell Orion about it. The information finds its way out of the inner circles of the Autobots - it sparks an outcry by the public.
3) Form independent but cooperative city-states (gone wrong) - In order to reach equity, they must challenge the status quo which is easier said than done. Although cityspeakers have some influence in the grand scheme of things, it is not enough to ensure that the needs of their titans will be met. Too many lives are on the line so the less powerful cityspeakers team up against the government's favorites.
One of them, Damus, also known as Tarn (the tank), the cityspeaker of Tarn (the titan), argues with his mentor Iaconus, cityspeaker of Iacon. Things get out of hand and Iaconus calls in a favor of the Prime and wants Damus to be (dun dun duuun!) reframed. Shocking! Outrageous! Tarn (the titan) is having none of it and manufactures a second frame for his speaker.
Tarn (the tank) is none the wiser of the situation and just like he did before, he accepts Iaconus as his mentor. But Iaconus is noticably less friendly now. Tarn doesn't mind. The titan does but other than wishing for him to be cautious in the form of gentle pleas and mental hugs, he is powerless to prevent his speaker from falling for Iaconus' illusion.
A few cityspeakers suspect a conspiracy behind this sudden change. Praxus (Commissioner Cordon in his private life, there's a Batman joke here somewhere) investigates as far as he can but doesn't find out much. Or anything that will make a change. Tarn will never know what had transpired and so he lives on in the shadow of his mentor and in the safety of his titan, until the council denies his propositions for a better infrastructure and more needed funding for the umpteenth time. He follows the same path his predecessor has - the path that leads to his demise once again.
This time, he tries to keep it a secret from Iaconus. Other less-favored titan-cityspeaker duos join him and together they make a plan to protest the council's and senate's refusal to help them. Iaconus and a few of his "friends" join the official's side and that marks the end of their mentorship.
Also, no one likes Iaconus. All my homies hate Iaconus.
Tarn (the tank) is heartbroken, Tarn (the titan) is sad but supportive and then. And then the war breaks out, titans are destroyed, killed, and the cityspeakers meet up for the last time. Declaring the end of their neutrality they split up into Decepticons and Autobots - Iaconus and his traitors are waiting for them. They fight and Iaconus injures Tarn who is still hesitant to fight his former mentor. Megatron finds him and lifts him up, promising a better future for all of them if they joined his ranks.
And Tarn, the ever naive and hopeful mech he is, believes him. Those who joined them that day and lost their titans in a fight will later become the Decepticon Justice Division. They will become Headmasters and pilot their dead titans through space to hunt down traitors and dangerous Autobots alike.
4) Find a compromise - Optimus has returned to the Well of All Sparks (because of course he has) and Rodimus has taken over his position... more or less out of his own volition. But! Fret not, as he has a team of some of the best mechanisms the world has to offer standing by his side. He's got this (he does, in fact, not have this). They're not going on a cool space adventure this time - though I don't think they would mind that much.
Seven cross-faction teams are working together to find a way to stop Unicron from forming and destroying their planet. Meanwhile Rodimus has to suffer through bureaucracy and politics. The seven teams find a way to ensure the Quintessons will not destroy their kind and they fight Unicron, G1 movie-style. He wakes for a short amount of time and sees what is going on, separates into his two halves again and threatens to obliterate the Quintesson ships out of Cybertron's orbit. No one is allowed to mess with him, not even creations of Primus. A handful of Quintessons that don't want to conquer the planet but want to live there regardless negotiate for a right of residence and are accepted into their society. Unicron returns to his deep slumber, he resumes orbiting Cybertron as Luna I and Luna II and the day is saved.
5) Characters can change under hardships.
Ironwing's team has commited treason against the Galactic Council and they are on the run from Autobots, Decepticons and the same Space Police Organization they used to work for while simultaneously searching for spare parts to build... something??? that Carbonlight says will end all conflict throughout the universe. It is left unsaid that the machine they intend to create will be a mind-control device for starformers, huge, radiant, resting, planet-sized mechanical lifeforms that were created in the same way that Primus was.
Carbonlight's plans come into fruition and he takes control over three starformers. It is Ironwing's and his team's mission to stop them.
A neutral ship called the Stellar Observatory offers their assistance and together they try to lure the starformers into a trap and destroy Carbonlight's dangerous invention.
💣 - What/who triggers the climax of the plot?
This is hard to say because many factors influence how the final battle will play out. One would be that the Autobots have found new motivation to end the war after landing on Earth, another would be that Orion has had enough of Zeta Prime's unwillingness to help them and he murders him. Surprising to no one but himself, he finds the Matrix (pedestal included) waiting for him in the control room of his ship the next day and he accepts the Primacy for the sake of his Autobots.
Megatron is enraged because his opponent has embraced the symbol of their oppression (and he's totally not jealous of OP, noo). He launches an all-out attack on the Autobots at which the newly dubbed Optimus Prime responds with everything his forces have to offer. It's a wasteful event. Too many are injured to fight on, the Decepticons and Autobots are tired of everything. So Soundwave and Starscream come to the conclusion that now would be a good moment to put an end to it all.
They incapacitate him and negotiate the end of the war in the name of their faction and the majority of Cons agree to it. Megatron has become too attached to his warped idea of a fair society. He may have been an inspiring revolutionary once, but as the war dragged on, he had lost himself to the chase of thrill. He had become too obsessed over killing his once insignificant rival.
But despite his lack of fighting skills and his inadequate build, Orion had withstood. He had upgraded himself after each defeat. He had become his equal in strength and wits and destruction. They really, truly deserve each other (derogatory). Megatron is exiled and Optimus flies into the Well of All Sparks because he thinks it's the right thing to do.
Then, Rung escapes and appears in front of a shocked Hot Rod.
Fast forward a couple of years, Unicron is in their planet's orbit and Starscream and his cross-faction science division has made a fleet powerful enough to approach the giant planetary defense system that is targeting them. What triggers the final battle is Unicron's attack.
Seven ships set out to space and only the most courageous (and foolish) enter his frame and trigger the giant to wake up. He chases away the hostile Quintessons and returns to sleep.
Carbonlight hears of Unicron's short waking and sets course toward Cybertron. Near its sun, the Stellar Observatory overtakes them and they lure the starformers into the sun.
🦋 - Which character has the biggest transformation?
Prowl. Not only is he the main protagonist, he goes through so much character development that I need a full document to keep track of all the subtle but important changes over the course of the story. He does a completely 360° in terms of - I don't know - everything? It's hard to describe in just a few sentences but I'll try.
He wakes up in his new body with no recollection of his past. He is, save for his spark, a blank slate. His partner doesn't care what happens to him, his supervisor doesn't give him explanations and at the slightest mishap, he will meet the fate of all Prowls that have come before him. Strayshot has lost count how many partner changes he's had and all of them had been unexperienced rookies who asked too many questions.
So, on his first mission, he is told over his comms to shoot an unarmed suspect. He obeys because he is three hours old and has no idea what is actually going on. Suddenly, a part in his processor activates and he thinks to himself, "This feels wrong."
Prowl gets used to the monotonous busy life of an enforcer and grows to hate it internally. Slowly, he starts to question whether what he is doing is truly morally correct or if he is being played and he tries to be discreet about it. With little guidance how to do his job correctly, he starts to feel overwhelmed. His tactical network is state of the art software, the best on the market, but it's incompatible with his own hardware. Strayshot finds him during his first crash and stays just long enough to stabilize his condition.
This is how he learns what compassion is, although it's forced and unnatural in this case. After he recovers, something tugs on his spark. A strange feeling makes him wander off to a less favorable part of lower Praxus and he sees two suspicious mechanizms watching him. When he chases after them, they lure him into a trap and reveal their identities.
It turns out that Brawn and Side Burn are his brothers and Prowl’s spark remembers them. The three of them catch up with their lives and while Prowl doesn’t trust them yet, they agree to meet again in a few days. This goes on for a while, until Strayshot dies. He goes without a partner for a while and is tasked with paperwork only, which isn’t as bad as it sounds for someone with the best integrated tacnet Cybertron has to offer. This leaves him with a lot of time to think about how he could make their next meeting safer. This doesn’t work out as planned and during a sensitive case he catches someone spying on them. A chase sequence happens.
As soon as he has the chance, he goes against direct orders not to go underground and follows the stranger deep into the tunnels under their planet’s crust. There he finds himself surrounded by hostile bots hiding from the law. Outnumbered and outgunned, he expects them to treat him like he treats all criminals, but to his surprise they spare his life. Then their leader shows up, a lowly dock worker named Orion Pax who believes it is time to change the world.
They talk about a lot and Prowl learns that the political situation everywhere else on Cybertron isn’t much better. Sentinel Prime has turned the government against the general population in hope to gain even more power, many other politicians are spitting on the rights of the people. It is hard to speak up because the scientists have developed and perfected reframing. Basically every enemy of the state can be reshaped and employed to work for the government against their will and everyone who learns about it shares the same fate. Even those who accidentally insult any of the Prime’s friends aren’t safe.
Prowl is offered a choice. He can either join these rebels that call themselves the Autobots, or return to his old life as an enforcer but not before they use the cortical psychic patch on him and clear his memories of the past couple of hours. He refuses at first and a few Autobots call him out on how he is a murderer of the innocent and this paired with the stress he’s under leads to another crash.
When he wakes up, Ratchet is still tending to him. He recognizes the famous medic and calls him a traitor, but he is grateful for the patch-up. They talk about his role in this conflict and Prowl comes to the conclusion that he cannot join the Autobots yet, but he is willing to function as a sort of associate and advisor and he gives Orion his contact data.
Then he gets a new partner, a brand new reframed mech called Barricade who has different specifications than his prototype and a blank personality. Prowl should act as his partner and his mentor until Barricade is seen fit to be transferred to Kaon and take over a small team of his own once his training is finished. Prowl isn’t thrilled about this development, but soon he sees the potential that Barry has.
The moment the new mech shows signs of a personality starting to blossom, Prowl teaches him to question everything and to think for himself. But only when no one is watching. After some team bonding, Prowl now sees his mentee like a third brother. Since his own siblings don’t want an outsider to get involved in this, he doesn’t tell Barricade about anything. Side Burn and Brawn cross paths with the Autobots too, but since they’re harmless, they only get an invitation to join them - and they will when Prowl does. 
One day, Prowl goes against his commander's orders and backs up, while the other enforcers charge forward. It turns out it was a trap set by a radical bunch of Decepticons and all except a critically damaged Barricade die. The young mech is patched up to save his life, but they don’t erase his memories despite the obvious processor damage he has sustained, hoping that it would make him more resilient and aggressive towards Decepticons.
It is the last straw for Prowl when Jazz tells him what he has found out about his team’s fate and while his citizen record is officially marked as KIA (and another Prowl is put in his spot), a highly trained squad under the ‘improved’ Barricade hunts for him. Prowl joins the Autobots full time as their new strategist and does his best to keep his helm low and avoid public attention.
Meanwhile, the Barricade's squad suffers failure after failure and in his pursuit of his former mentor, he strays from his designated path and they decide to have him thrown into the pit fights as punishment. And former enforcers aren’t popular with the poor mecha fighting for their lives. That’s where he meets Megatron and where it really goes downwards for his mental health. Poor guy. He learns a hard lesson and when the war breaks out, he joins the Decepticons.
Prowl is now the head strategist of the Autobots and takes over Ariel’s role as second in command. She remains a general and one of Orion’s right hand mecha like Dion and Jazz.
As the war rages on, the stakes are raised and Orion asks Prowl to run a simulation that should help them gain the upper hand as soon as possible, but he and his carefully picked team of strategists miscalculate the risks one too many times. To him it feels like he is trapped in there for eternity, his processor is operating at such high speeds that he loses track of time. And when it is over the amount of time he has been gone should remain ambiguous to him.
One day, the simulation is disconnected. Everything stops and the program reports that a majority of their forces have lost after what feels like many years of continuous calculation. Orion informs him that this has not been a simulation at all. Well, oops, haha.
Now he has to live with the knowledge that he has sent countless bots to their death and Orion demotes him, hoping Prowl would find something to distract his troubled mind. He joins Spec Ops and as much as he hates to admit it, the energon-pumping action helps him cope with what happened. He goes full-on ninja mode (like in Animated), complete with new looks and extensive training.
It takes a lot of convincing from his coworkers to accept reality after being trapped in a simulation. At one point, he has become numb to outside influence and thinks everything that has happened until now is just one single, enormous simulation and that none of this is real. But it is and it hurts to think about it. Prowl is under constant surveillance since they fear he might snap. And he does snap but not outwardly.
This is as close as he'll ever get to IDW1 levels of cold and calculating. It's his defense mechanism against losing his mind completely. He can't hurt anyone if no one is close to him. His friends catch on quickly though and show him how much they still care about him.
Being reminded about his failures becomes more bearable over time. Then the Autobots find their way to Earth. Humans aren’t affiliated with the Galactic Council which allows Cybertronians to approach the planet. It also happens to be the last one Orion’s team visits before peace is declared.
Here, the Cons capture half of Spec Ops and download Prowl's tacnet into the Constructicons. Yay! Not only that, but their minds come in contact and Prowl leaves behind a backdoor, a string of code which will allow him later to force them to combine and seek him out. With one of their top combiners out of the picture, the Autobots regain superiority on the battlefield and so on and so forth.
Hours after peace is negotiated, Prowl sneaks in to the brig and frees the Constructicons out of guilt. He has had years to come to terms with what he has done and with the help of his friends, he has learned to let go of past troubles. He does testify before court and serves his sentence working in construction alongside new friends. It's surprising how well his tacnet is suited for this industry. And how content he is to just try living like a normal mech while watching the world heal.
Hmm, it has to be Helios. Life isn't easy on him and he feels like he's only good at being a tool for others to wield. Despite his devotion, he earns naught but a speck of recognition. His efforts are invisible, they are not something to be proud of and he sure isn't proud of himself. His brother didn't express positive emotions towards him and everyone else ignores him, save for Proteus who only sees him for his usefulness as a cheap errand boy and a scapegoat that does the dirty work for him.
Helios learns what it means to be loved and cherished once he lands on Earth. The local air rescue team is kind to him and when the Stellar Observatory takes him in, he befriends Nightjet and Ironwing. They show him what life should feel like and those days are the happiest of his life. He masks his troubles behind false cheerfulness and this scares away other members of the crew, but not these two.
He can be himself when they're around - and the same can be said about Ironwing and Nightjet. A proud warrior and a deceivingly disinterested mech return back to their old, authentic selves, an enthusiastic actor and an adventurer full of romantic ideas and musings.
These three mean so much to me and they don't even have a ship name.
🌑 - Is there reoccurring symbolism? Motifs?
Not as much/many as you'd think😅
Entropy - a state of disorder or randomness 📊 Chaos and order - you can't have one without the other 🔄
Incandescence - the visible electromagnetic radiation emitted by heated bodies ☀️ Colors - every OC under Firecry's command (Ironwing's team) has one hue of the rainbow as its primary color 🌈
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
I always find it hard to motivate myself to save for retirement because even though I know I should, the state of the world by the time I'd be old enough to make good on those savings (I'm 19) is increasingly dire and uncertain. The way this shitshow is going between late stage capitalism fuckery and ever-nearing irreversible climate change it doesn't look like I'll ever be able to retire no matter how much I save (if I even end up living long enough to retire.) But on the other hand I don't want to fuck myself over in the case of a miracle. I know saving for retirement is really important, but sometimes I can't help but feel like it's a sentiment usually parroted by the Suze Ormans of the world, people of a generation who understand finance but also grew up with a future to look forward to. Am I just catastrophizing? I'm desperate to hear your thoughts on all this.
You're not catastrophizing at all, my dear. And we're with you! In my darkest moments, it does feel a little bit like an exercise in futility. But I think I can convince you that it's still worth saving for retirement even in light of the downfall of democracy and irreversible climate change. Here goes.
You know who's not worried about climate change? Who's not freaking out about coups and the deterioration of democratic processes?
Rich people.
People with money have the ability to hoard power and safety in ways the rest of us can only dream of. Even a little bit of wealth is useful: buying property means you're not at the whims of a landlord; investing in a vehicle or emergency supplies gives you options in the event of a disaster; having enough assets to diversify gives you options when everything goes tits up; and a tax-deferred retirement fund can, if all else fails, function as an emergency fund. Hell, having money means you can spend it on, I dunno... bribes???
I'm a home owner with robust retirement, savings, and emergency funds. I own my vehicle outright. I have not only enough to take care of myself in the event of a disaster, but to bring my nearest and dearest with me, no matter their financial situation. If COVID was any indication, the shit doesn't hit the fan all at once, but in spurts over months (sorry not sorry for the gross imagery). Over those months you can take precautions... but those precautions will be expensive and you'll be glad you have a retirement account (saved tax-free) to fall back on, as well as other diversified assets.
Basically, what I'm saying is: money is power. And power is helpful in extreme situations when you need to protect you and those you love
But at the core, we Bitches are optimists! So realistically, use your money to influence change BEFORE the shit hits the fan! Contribute your time and money to activism and other ways to save you and your community!
You've got this. Here's more:
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Repairing Our Busted-Ass World 
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sucktacular · 11 months
venting ignore me cw covid, covid-death, existential dread, depression, illusion to suicide/self harm etc
we really are on the wrong timeline huh
every since 2019 (at the very least) NOTHING has been the same and I'm scared to death that it never will be. even close to it.
and i say this so so selfishly, because of COURSE it will never be the same!! MILLIONS of people DIED!!!! they literally woke up one day and died the next. wars and wars and hurt and torn political climates, etc etc etc etc etc etc its never ending
but from where I am, in my own little world, nothing has ever gone back to okay. im trapped in my house. my brain doesnt settle and my desires are secondary to keeping myself propped up. ive never been objectionably alright, and thats important to remember as well, but that feeling really lingers.
you know when we were teenagers and we swore up and down to ourselves that when high school ended we would some how die? that that was the end and there was no continuing? whether that was a self inflicted plot against ourselves or just the fear of the unknown, it had weight and it dragged with us even after. I escaped it for a while, kept my head up and kept myself busy and tended to my desires. but i was never good at trimming off the excess. Of spoon feeding myself nutrition or shading myself from the storms. ive always been neglectful of myself even when I've been selfishly present. and sure i can blame that on money for sure. when you lack the funds to tend to your needs and tend to your downfalls and tend to your selfish little wants it draaags you and it claws at your meat and it sloughs off your bones.
i survived high school and left everything behind, as I always have done. I took some time to heal after cutting people out and then I went to school. I felt good I felt right I felt promising. And then I crashed back down immediately. It took me years to pick myself back up and I never really stood up quite as straight. Then I had a job and lived with my parents. it was freeing but I needed to Leave. It was horrid and it was life sucking. I left and I was in panic for money for 4 years. It was freeing but it cut into my skin like ill fitting shoes. I was a robot only alive to finish my work, come home, and return to my charging closet to do it all again the next day. Now we're two years later of Nothing and my bones are poking through itching and itching and itching. but, really, at the end of all of these chapters in my life, my bones and brain have been clawing inside me since i was 5.
I feel like the clouds are booming overhead and the rain is just a millasecond away. that darkness around you and the smell has been lingering for 3 years at the very least. and everyday ive remarked "it's going to rain soon" like I'm 10 again, but theres no excitement left in my throat.
the easy answer is The Mental Illness needs treatment. The dirt ive grown my garden in is tainted and poison, it all needs to be ripped up and dug out and replaced. but i feel too that as much as I've always tried, since the first time my doctor told me "depression" and handed me those little rattling capsules. but its molded over and the weeds grow back and the slugs eat away my plants and ants make their homes deep inside me.
and i say all that and i still have my shiny little speck of hope that maybe im wrong and that maybe ill get better and maybe ill be okay for a while more and that things will be okay and that maybe one day i can have a flourishing garden and maybe it'll be beautiful and maybe it can even feed me and give back to my heart. and that maybe I'll have enough to give to the people I love and the people I care for and the people I want to surround myself with. but it feels like its getting harder to agree with myself that the hope really even is there anymore. i feel like i rip up my garden time and again and at this point its for the catharsis more than an attempt at healing.
i want to thrive and i want to bloom and i want to grow so tall, feel as strong and powerful as I did for a few moments in my life. but how do you even begin to overcome the Dread Of It All? I know, again, the mental illness will drain you out and fill you with poison. fill you with false ideas and false promises of terrible futures and terrible presents. but at the same time... I feel like it'd be so delusional to not feel this way?
i think one of the worst parts of a sick mind is knowing youre sick, to see yourself rot and mold and wither, and being absolutely powerless to stop it. thats why im so scared all the time. thats why I've been screaming in vents and readmores and even those embarassing facebook statuses filled with carefully curated lyrics no one cared about but only to give a chuckle and say "chin up, eeyore". its not the people. its not the places. its not so much leaving my safe spaces. because i know these spaces arent keeping me safe and well. but its the fear of Getting Worse and NOT being able to pick myself back up this time. its the fear of Ruining myself, my life, my everything with one wrong move. It's like trying to sleep with a nightlight, knowing that one day the bulb will flicker out and I'll have to either be brave enough for the dark or i'll have to be quick enough to replace that light. I've been reaching for nothing every day and night, and sometimes i find a hand to grab on to, but it always loses its strength. whether a fault of my own or a fault of time.
and i was simply never that brave. im only good at keeping my head down and hoping it away. but that doesnt fix me. im still so scared all the time.
im tired. im so tired. im a coward and thank god for that. it lends me more time, but im not quite sure its worth it.
and i think one of the worst things is the crowds asking me "what is your dream?" "what is your plan?" "what do you want from life?". and its the worst not because I don't have an answer, but because no one really understands where I'm coming from when I say it. No one quite gets it, they laugh it off, they say "oh thats everyones dream". The answer has been the exact same since I was old enough to really understand what it meant to hold it. and old enough to know that I'll always get a laugh or a chuckle or a brush off the shoulder when I let it leave my mouth.
"I want nothing more in the world than to be happy one day."
and of course everyone wants that. and of course everyone says that. and of course that doesnt quite Answer Your Question The Way You Expected. But it speaks deeply and it speaks my entire existence into frame. Why doesn't anyone hear it and understand what it means to be nearly 30 and have such a basic need of a dying wish?
I get it. it sounds dramatic. it sounds pathetic. it sounds silly. it sounds laughable and it sounds like its not been well thought out. Sure. And maybe when I was 10 and said that, it was a bit moody. it was a bit edgy. it was a bit needy. And when I said it when I was 13 it continued to be a joke to everyone and i laughed along with you nervously. But by 17 I understood deeply that I had never been happy. The closest things I ever felt to happiness at 17 also tore me to pieces. and sure, no one is free from bad things. maybe im just not the right person to be doing what I was trying to do. thats okay. sure i can grow out of that awkward 17 year old frame and I did and I got older and i got bigger and i stood more confidently and i spoke more freely. I wasn't 17 anymore when I was 20. I thought I was better, everything pointed to a future and a possibility of being okay. but I got worse and I got worse fast. I was 21 and I beat my fists on my sink and i stared myself hard in the face. i couldn't see but I couldnt think either. i growled like i was steaming over and had no choice in the matter.
"I want nothing more in the world than to be happy one day."
im not so alone anymore and i dont feel my heart twang that awful awful pain quite as much. but my wish stays the same. and maybe thats my fault for making it so vague and so misunderstand-able (thats not a word is it? lol). but how can i even move past that to plan and to dream and to really hunger for progress when, at the very core of my body, at the very core of my being, i've wanted nothing more in the world than to be happy.
i really thought for so long that maybe happiness meant a person, but ive kind of always known thats probably not the case.
i want to be loved. i want to be known deeply. i want my company desired. i want my words to be welcomed. and i want to stop screaming to a void.
and again maybe thats my fault. maybe im so entrenched in my own mind that I can't let people in. but I'm still 4 years old crying for my mom. im still 13 on the carpet of my basement, begging for someone to hear me. im still 16 begging for people to give me their time and affection, not really knowing what the really really honestly meant to ask of your peers as a 16 year old. im still 17 holding back tears on the bus ride home, telling myself "its worth the pain to have a moment of being "wanted"." im still writing lyrics in my statuses in my head and im still hugging myself to feign a piece of tender company.
im deeply alone in myself, whether thats the truth of reality or not.
"I want nothing more in the world than to be happy one day."
it means everything but its laughable. thats just kind of me though, right? laughable entirely, lol
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khalixascorner · 2 years
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I posted 4,230 times in 2022
That's 3,508 more posts than 2021!
107 posts created (3%)
4,123 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 476 of my posts in 2022
#starker - 271 posts
#tony stark - 148 posts
#peter parker - 143 posts
#nff - 92 posts
#khalixa writes - 77 posts
#tony stark/peter parker - 73 posts
#omegaverse - 67 posts
#mafia au - 44 posts
#alpha tony - 40 posts
#omega peter - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#but then i'd also donate a shitton to every underprivileged school district in the country to fund a top to bottom upgrade
My Top Posts in 2022:
So not sure I'll do anything with it but saw an incorrect quotes where Peter was like, tell the bad guys to stop praying for my downfall because they've got it. And I know the author probably meant it as funny but my brain could help but poke at it.
Like what if after Thanos, Tony survives but Peter still faces trial after trial without really ever recovering. But May and everyone just keep pushing him to be Spider-Man because people are counting on him especially with Cap out of commission and Tony missing an arm.
Sam and Bucky are off doing their thing with the military, and Wanda is who knows where so he's left to shoulder the burden, practically alone, as the face of modern superheroes and the leader of the next generation of Avengers. And Tony's his lifeline, supporting him and handling as much of the media crap he could, because Peter's still in HS and you can't really get an away program because you have a secret identity.
But eventually it's too much and Peter just ....collapses. He folds like a house of cards after an interview gone wrong where they go after him for what happened with Mysterio maybe or something else. He's 18 (only because they made him repeat an entire year of HS because of the snap), and doesn't even know if Tony's going to be able to fix the whole MIT thing, and everything is his fault.
Tony finds him curled in a ball crying, and after talking him down from the ledge, realizes the kid needs a break, like a real break. He and Pep are separated and doing the whole co-parenting thing anyway, so it's easy to carry Peter to a jet (and when had he gotten so light), and fly away to a remote location with only an AI and the bots.
May fights it at first but after the first time Peter lashes out and breaks things/ hurts himself, May steps back, because Tony's clearly prepared for a super human meltdown and their little apartment in Queens is most definitely not.
Tony tries to keep any codependency from developing but frankly he's old and lonely and Peter's desperate for someone that doesn't need or want anything from him. Maybe even just for release, someone to tell him what to do and make the choices so he doesn't have to.
And when they finally come home, Peter is smiling again, back at a healthy weight, but he moves in with Tony and stays there. Friday keeps him on a strict schedule, and he goes to Columbia or does MIT virtually but it's Tony he reports to and Tony who absolves him of guilt when being Spider-Man goes wrong. When the guilt eats him up, it's Tony who puts him on his knees and says I decide if it was bad or not, and helps Peter find solid ground again.
Peter confesses his fear to Tony, a few years into their relationship. That the man will die and Peter will follow shortly after because he can't do this without Tony anymore. So Tony digs through his old files, and starts with Cho and extremis, anything to extend his current life. And then he makes a back up. A fully developed AI version of him that could interface with the suits. Just in case plan A fails.
@monster-cock69 this seems up your alley, want a project 🤣
110 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Addicted to Me
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Alpha SIM Tony wants Omega Peter for himself. But when the boy resists his advances, he'll use whatever means necessary to bind the Omega to him.
Rape, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Aged-Up Peter Parker, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Tony Stark, Omega Peter Parker, Superior Iron Man Vol 1. (2015), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Breeding, Cum Addiction, Non-Consensual Drug Use
Thanks @the-mad-starker for being my wonderful Beta!
Read on AO3 Here
Since becoming Superior, Tony had not wanted for much. It was easy to put on a mask, smile at the right time and no one even noticed his eyes went from brown to blue or that he'd practically stopped aging. Nor did the few people he still cared about notice when he spiked their food with a watered down extremis at his birthday party. After Obie, and Killian, after New York, Tony wasn't willing to take chances any more.
And it turned out to be a very good thing after something tried to crash his systems and kill JARVIS. With his link up, he'd been able to initiate a complete shutdown of everything, isolating the threat quickly and with prejudice. The alpha played it off as a hardware failure, working quickly to restore everything even as he tightened his security around his files.
Time passed and Tony continued to shore up his power behind the scenes, schmoozing the right politicians, investing in everything from green energy to education, all the while building his reputation with the public. It was funny how no one noticed that it was only his image he was building, not the Avengers or even SI. He stood back as Rogers and the others drove themselves to ruin in the public opinion until he was the only hero worthy of being venerated with War Machine and the Falcon at his side. And oh had stealing Wilson from Rogers been the feather in his cap.
Now, he stood at the pinnacle of success with everything he wanted. Except for one thing.
Peter Parker.
The little omega had originally popped up on his radar years ago when he had started his Spider-man gig. He had been genuine enough that Tony had sponsored him discreetly, providing a new suite with an AI, ostensibly to help the pup stay out of trouble, but also to monitor him in case he started to stray from the path like so many heroes before him. And yet, as the years passed and the boy finished high school, he never strayed. Tony updated the suit on occasion, and repaired it when the AI deemed it necessary, but otherwise, he simply stood back.
Tony offered him a full ride to a school of his choice as a reward for his good work. Peter tried to turn him down but Tony insisted and in the end, he paid for Peter to attend Columbia. It was the first time in a long time that anyone had even tried to tell Tony no, and it intrigued him.
Unable to stay away, Tony started trying to court the Omega, only to be rebuffed constantly. It would have been insulting if he hadn’t realized that Peter was so shy and not used to Tony’s lavish lifestyle. The alpha changed tactics and started inviting Peter for lab time. Still, the Omega seemed to hold back from the Alpha and that wouldn’t do at all.
So Tony started the next phase of his plan. Omegas were very susceptible to bonding through exposure to Alpha semen, and Tony had synthesized a harmless tranquilizer that he slipped into Peter’s drink when they were working late one night.
“You ok, Pete?” Tony asked, watching as the omega’s eyes drifted closed, only to blink open, then start drifting again.
“Guess I’m just tired, Mr. Stark,” Peter yawned.
“Well, the guest room is always open,” Tony said, doing his best to appear concerned. “I don’t want you trying to swing back to your dorm when you’re this tired but I’m sure I can wake Happy up if you don’t want to stay.”
“No, that’s ok, sir,” Peter was quick to assure him. “The guest room is fine.”
As he escorted Peter up to his penthouse, Tony privately congratulated himself on having had the forethought to offer the room from the start so it wasn’t suspicious to the omega at all.
Tony let the boy get settled, changing into comfortable clothes while waiting for JARVIS to alert him when Peter’s vitals evened out to sleep. Then he slipped into the guest room and closed the door behind him.
“There’s my princess,” Tony murmured, appreciating the view in front of him. Peter lay spread on the bed, having had only enough energy to strip down to his briefs before he passed out on top of the blankets. His creamy skin was flawless and his body was sculpted to perfection thanks to the omega’s special genetics.
Tony stalked closer, letting his fingers brush gently along Peter’s legs before stopping at the briefs. He debated removing them but for today’s plan, it was best to keep things minimal. Instead, he gently re-positioned Peter on his back, then pulled his cock out, bringing himself to hardness quickly. He imagined fucking the omega in all of his holes, stuffing him full until he’s cum drunk and unable to think of anything but Tony.
It didn’t take long for him to empty himself over the omega’s chest. An endosym tentacle formed, scooping up a bit of the cum. Tony gently opened Peter’s mouth, feeding the cum coated strand down his throat while stimulating the outside to ensure it was swallowed. He scooped up more and fed that to Peter as well, his cock thickening again just from the visual.
Tony took his cock in one hand and continued slowly scooping cum to feed to his pretty omega. When he came again, he made sure to add it to the remnants on Peter’s stomach. Then he moved down the bed, running his hands gently over the boy’s briefs. Carefully, he lifted the band away from the boy’s cocklette, though he didn’t remove them.
A strand scooped through the fresh cum and snaked down past the little cocklette and into the omega’s vagina. He was careful not to insert it too deeply, and made sure it was rubbed into the warm wet heat. Another scoop was rubbed in before Tony shifted to stuffing Peter’s ass instead. He threaded a nanite tube deep inside that he fed the remaining cum into. Once it was done, he retracted the endosym, swiping it over Peter’s stomach to remove any traces that were left. Then he rolled Peter back onto his stomach and grabbed a blanket from the foot of a bed and draped it over the omega.
The next morning, Tony saw Peter off, and the omega didn’t act like anything was wrong so Tony considered it a success and started planning his next night. He couldn’t do it every time the omega was over, so he waited another week and a half before Peter stayed late again. Tony was quick to offer a drink and for Peter to stay so they could finish the project they were tackling.
The boy happily agreed, and soon, Tony was ushering him up to bed once more. As soon as the omega was asleep, Tony was back in the guest room. Again Peter was only in his briefs, and Tony couldn’t help but grab a handful of the omega’s firm ass. Then he rolled him over and climbed on top, though he was careful not to put his weight on the omega. He pulled his cock out and dragged the head over the omega’s chest, smearing precum along the whole length of it.
Tony bit back a moan, wishing he could do more, like shove his cock down the omega’s throat or even fuck his thighs, but he knew he’d have to be patient for that. Instead, he quickly finished himself and started feeding his omega.
See the full post
134 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Soft as Iron Pt 1
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Summary: Tony is known as the hardest, meanest mafia don on the eastern coast. However when he rescues Peter from human traffickers while taking down some rivals, he finds himself becoming soft just for the boy. Based on @dumb-bitch-starker mafia boss Tony being so soft for his baby boy post here and @monster-cock69 Peter falls asleep on Tony's lap while Tony fucks him. (That stuff is in later chapters.)
Read on AO3
Tags: Mafia AU Mob Boss Tony Stark Italian Tony Stark Alternate Universe - No Powers, Mob Typical Violence Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, in the past Not with Tony Kidnapped Peter Parker Orphan Peter Parker, Protective Tony Stark, Tony rescues him, Soft Tony Stark Peter Parker Has Panic Attacks
Tony hadn’t been expecting much when he cleared out the traffickers trying to encroach on his space. They were sloppy at best and had drawn unwanted attention to all of the bosses in the area as they kidnapped people that would actually be missed. It was practically a public service to remove them.
“Hey boss, we got a problem,” Happy said, coming up beside him.
“I thought we just took care of the problem, Hap,” Tony retorted.
“Well, yeah, but they had merchandise, boss, and one of them isn’t letting anyone near him without panicking.”
“Alright, not sure what I’ll be able to do but lead on,” Tony said, gesturing lazily.
Tony followed Happy through the warehouse until they came to a series of rooms. Most of them had been emptied and arrangements were being made to get the victims home to their families.
In the corner of one room though, sat a boy who was refusing to get up and go with Tony's men.
"Please, please don't. No more," the boy kept saying as he cried, arms wrapped tightly around his legs as he made himself as small as possible.
"Alright guys, get back," Tony said as he stepped into the room. "Let me take care of this."
Tony walked over to the kid and crouched in front of him.
"Hey kid, can you look at me," Tony asked, his voice as soft as he could make it. "I'm not going to hurt you, promise. My guys are just trying to help." He waited patiently as sniffles slowed and big brown eyes looked into his. "Hey, there we go. Good job, kid. Now, just a few quick questions, ok?"
The boy nodded slowly, and Tony moved over to sit next to the boy, unable to keep squatting comfortably. His suit was going to need a proper dry cleaning but that was ok. He's dirtied them for far less good reasons than helping a kid out.
"Alright, let's start with your name. Do you mind telling me that?" Tony asked.
"Peter, sir. Peter Parker," the boy, Peter, said around sniffles.
"Nice to meet you, Peter. I'm Tony Stark." Peter gasped when Tony introduced himself, and the man nodded. "Yeah, that Tony Stark. It's ok though. You have my word neither I nor my men will hurt you. And I always keep my word."
Peter nodded, and Tony was glad he had built his reputation the way that he had. He didn't hurt children or innocents, and he kept his word. Everyone knew that.
"You don't seem to want to get out of here. Can you tell me why?" Tony asked, doing his best to appear casual. The boy looked like he'd spook if Tony so much as raised his voice.
"Please don't make me go back there, sir, please," the kid whispered.
"Go back where, kid?"
"To the group home."
Peter managed to shrink even further into himself as he answered and Tony couldn't help but narrow his eyes.
"You're an orphan then, kid?"
"Yes, sir."
"They handed you over, didn't they?" It wouldn't be the first time Tony had heard of it happening. Teenage boys were known for being trouble and running away from group homes even when they were run well. Given the shitty system in place, it would be so easy to hide kidnappings among the missing children.
Peter nodded and flinched when Tony lifted his hand to touch the boy's face.
"Abused you too, didn't they." It was less a question and more a confirmation. Still, Peter nodded and tears welled up in the boy's eyes. Tony felt his chest twinge, even as a flash of rage ran through him. His own father had been an abusive asshole which was why Tony was so strict about the actions of his men and what he would tolerate in his territories.
See the full post
146 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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So this was a gift pic for @the-mad-starker by @sausageg It's a lovely pic of their wedding. I kinda imagine Rhodey going "man how'd we end up the ones in the dresses?" while Bruce just shrugs and Tony's just enamored with Peter. Meanwhile Peter thinks Tony looks good in anything, MJ's like, how did you manage this and Ned's just like....it's Peter. We have a cute Dum-e holding the rings and droney spreading the flowers.
161 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Doctor's Orders
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Summary: Omega Peter's stress levels have gotten so high that it's starting to affect his physical and sexual health. His primary doctor prescribes sexual release as the treatment, but Peter struggles to reach his orgasm. So he goes to see a specialist, Dr. Stark, to take care of his issue.
Based on this post by @monster-cock69
Read on AO3 here
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Tony, Omega Peter, Intersex, intersex omega, Vaginal Fingering, med kink, Smut
Dr. Stark was a specialist. A specialist of a specialist even, because most doctors who specialized in omegas had secondary roles in pediatrics or maternity, but not Dr. Stark. He specialized in Omegas and their heat cycles, along with Omegan sexual health.
Peter had been lucky to get in with him so quickly. Dr. Strange had referred him after stress from school and finals especially had made it hard to eat, delayed his heat, and made any relief impossible for Peter to find with or without a partner. Peter was terrified something was seriously wrong but Dr. Strange had assured him that Dr. Stark would be able to help him.
Still he couldn't help but feel a little nervous as he waited in the lavish patient room. It was decorated well beyond what Peter ever thought he’d see, but Dr. Stark also took pro bono cases for Omegas in financial situations like Peter’s.
Before he could work himself up too much, there was a firm knock on the door, and then Dr. Stark was letting himself in.
“Mr. Parker, I presume?” Dr. Stark asked, and Peter nodded shyly. “Alright, let’s get straight to it then. My colleague referred you to me because you’ve been having trouble reaching completion, which in turn is causing you a great amount of distress. Would you agree with that assessment?”
“Ye-yes sir,” Peter stuttered. He wasn’t normally so nervous around alphas but Dr. Stark exuded dominance like the Alpha Doms he’d seen in porn. It was nerve wracking despite the fact that the doctor hadn’t done anything yet.
“No need to be nervous or embarrassed, Mr. Parker,” Dr. Stark said, his tone noticeably gentler. “I’m just here to help.”
“But what if you can’t help me?” Peter whispered, terrified of the answer.
“I won’t give up if you don’t, and I have yet to have a patient I wasn’t able to help,” Dr. Stark responded firmly. “It might take unconventional methods, and it’s going to require that you trust me to do what’s right for you, but I promise we’ll get this figured out.”
Peter nodded, his eyes glued to the floor as his hands picked at his clothes nervously. He heard Dr. Stark sigh and then hands were gently pulling his face up, forcing him to look at the alpha.
“I mean it, Peter, I will fix this,” Dr. Stark said. Peter blinked away tears and nodded. The alpha seemed so confident and sure. He could only hope he was right.
The first thing Tony always did with a new patient was find out what had already been tried. It was embarrassing and uncomfortable for every omega at first, but typically, it was easy to spot what the problem was just from their history. Whether they weren’t leaning enough into their sexual preferences or were on the spectrum for ace/aro, Tony had become the expert at determining the source of their frustration and then how to manage it. Sometimes, that meant new toys or positions to try. Other times, it meant meds to help their bodies remain healthy without any pressure for sex.
Peter Parker was an anomaly. The boy had quickly made it clear that he had tried sex with partners of every secondary gender, in a variety of positions, and even during heat, only to find little to no relief.
“Mr. Parker, I must say, you’re one of the first Omegas I’ve had where the problem wasn’t immediately apparent, but that just means we’re going to get creative,” Tony said, giving the kid a reassuring grin. “Now, do me a favor, clothes off and hop up on the table for me, will you? I’d like to do a physical to make sure everything is in working order before we start exploring therapy options.”
The omega hesitated for only a moment before stripping off his clothes and climbing onto the table.
“If you’re uncomfortable, I can call one of the beta nurses in,” Tony offered but the boy quickly shook his head. That wasn’t uncommon. Most people were barely comfortable with Tony knowing they had problems, let alone more people from the office. “Alright, I’m going to check your physical responses to stimuli, so just relax, close your eyes, and try to feel.”
Tony waited for the boy to follow his instructions, then waited a few moments longer until the tension slowly eased.
“I’m going to touch your foot now,” Tony said softly before reaching out. The omega still jumped a little, but he soon relaxed under Tony’s soft massage.
To an outsider, what Tony was doing would just look like a relaxing rub down, but he was actually looking for sensitive spots that triggered a reaction in the Omega, whether squirming or slicking. Anything that might indicate sexual or sensual pleasure.
Peter had jumped at the doctor’s first touch, but the more the doctor touched him, the more he relaxed. The hands on his legs felt nice until they reached his thigh, and then he had to fight not to push into the alpha’s touch. Dr. Stark must have noticed though because his hands paused.
“It’s important to let your body react however it wants to, Peter,” Stark said softly. “I need to know that you’re able to feel pleasure properly.”
Peter nodded and the hands continued. This time, Peter didn’t stop himself from sighing and pushing into the hands.
“There we go, you’re doing excellent,” Stark said.
See the full post
167 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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Interesting reading about the beginning of Occupy Wall Street. Ironically on /pol/.
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Coping anon's bc got tired of screenshoting:
When it first started out there were only about a dozen of us hanging out in a park in downtown. We had some tents, we made some signs protesting the banks, but mostly we just sat around and talked about our ideas for governance. Honestly those first few weeks where it was just a handful of us young idealists were really cool.
Then things started escalating.
Counter protesters happened a bit, people driving by and yelling slanderously at us but not being brave enough to stop and have a discussion or anything.
Then one day I was hanging out on my lunch break at work holding up a sign and one of my friends came up and told me that that night the cops were planning on coming out in force to bust us up. I didn't believe him, we'd heard rumors about it before but it didn't sound serious. He said this time the ACLU was getting involved and was sending a rep over to talk to us about everything to get us ready for the cops coming, which I should have taken more seriously but I still thought it was just people talking big because things got really heated in New York at that time.
But then the cops DID come that night, and they maced all my friends. I'll be perfectly honest, when they were talking about arresting people I stepped off and watched from the sidewalk and others took video with their phones but for some reason the word had gotten out that something was going down that night and there were SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE THERE.
I couldn't understand that part, how we had gone from a couple of dozen of us in total hanging out to around 200 people there that particular night when the cops escalated.
They maced a bunch of people and arrested them. This caused an explosion of popularity and a whole host of other problems with it, especially once the ACLU got more involved with us.
When things started getting big in Wall Street in New York, a few of the more clever people got logically pointed towards as leaders in the movement, just college kids who happened to be charismatic.
They were immediately smeared so hard that as a tactic we decided to be a leaderless organization without a hierarchy. This wound up being a large part of our local chapter's downfall by itself--we had a leader we all deferred to we just didn't want the public to know about him.
Anyway after the macing incident from the cops things got way bigger. Suddenly we had dozens of people at the site night and day. And with them came a lawyer from the ACLU, I'll never forget it because that was the day I felt like I truly lost my voice entirely in this organization that I had quite frankly and literally been a large part of starting. This was because with all the new people coming in, and those of us veterans who had been around in the beginning trying to impose a culture on a population 20x your size proved to be virtually impossible immediately.
With the ACLU immediately a hierarchy formed because two other people showed up with them that assumed command roles. With all the new people we couldn't convince all the newbies that our actual leader was in fact our leader and had orchestrated the entire presence that was there at all, his voice disappeared too in what we thought was great at first, an explosion in popularity and what looked like funding and big support from the people.
Anyway the ACLU sent their lawyer and the two ugly people came with them at that time or that was largely when I recall they showed up, a man and a woman. Anyway I mentioned that a hierarchy formed, they seemed to have known the ACLU lawyer who came and gave his spiel and at the very least that was the beginning of their involvement with the group.
They stayed day and night. I lived in the area and worked in the area so I came during my free time but I still went home to sleep most nights, they came and immediately stayed day and night never leaving.
At first they seemed great, they were older than everyone else and they seemed to have a lot of experience with protests. They were good at getting everyone calmed down and listening to them and coming up with ideas for organization, like getting a bank account started and getting donations put into it and then deciding on a list of donations of things that should be brought up to reinforce the camp, this that and the other.
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salt-volk · 2 years
am i like... the only one who doesn't think any of this is all that bad?
dv has always been slow making improvements, but it seems especially since hiring artist team we've gotten lots more updates, and some reasonable progress has been made. they're also making slightly better effort to communicate. trying to listen and implement things here & there (midmonth updates as a thing).
is it perfect? absolutely not. could they be doing better and making more progress faster? definitely. are there some major fumbling points that raise community tensions to a boil (like customs)? yeah, of course. but idk..
no shade on anyone, your feelings are valid. but sometimes it all seems so "dramatic" (not rlly the right word, but you get the intention). like instead of monitoring improvements checking in occasionally just kinda waiting it out, it has to be a catastrophized thing like "ahh dv is ending!!! i'm leaving dv!!! fuck everything and fuck the staff!!!"
and ik that dv isn't beta anymore so most ppl have the attitude of "all of this should have been fixed forever ago! i can't believe we still having this problem! things need to change NOW!!". but... idk nothing in dv to me is so pressing that i feel absolutely enraged over it or like i need to delete my account or boycott or something.
i feel kinda like a passenger just along for the ride, curious to see what happens next. i'm absolutely critical, and give input in improvement threads when it feels necessary. def a lot needs to change. i understand the urging staff to look at certain issues. but i also just feel mostly neutral passivity.
maybe its just social media. ppl being in their feelings or using certain language to make a point. but i don't think i've ever felt as strongly abt anything on dv as half of the ppl here do. if i found out anji was actively currently donating $ to an organization that funded conversion therapy or something like that, THEN i'd be like "okay i'm leaving dv i'm never spending money here again" and all of that. but just simple stuff like "updates are too slow" "the custom system is fucked up" "staff communication is bad"... to me, these are all things that can probly improve with time and better site resources. that i can easily stand to just curiously wait around for.
 i don't feel like i lose anything by staying, or that i'd gain anything by leaving. i'm very invested in the concept of dv and want it to do well, but maybe i'm invested in a v detached way or something. i just can't bring myself to be outrage level mad abt this stuff bc it's all just pixels and shit at the end of the day. most of the "major dv scandals" just remind me of similar issues with other games ive been on early in their start, or working on weirdly managed creative group projects in college, or other things. nothing so far has been unbearably bad to me, or even close to it. i've seen it all before. or if i haven't i get where it comes from.  
and idk even after all the bullshit with them, i guess i still kinda trust staff to improve? maybe i give the benefit of the doubt too often. i just feel like none of it is intentional. i think they don't have proper funding or management skills, and they're not used to running a website like this. it's all just growing pains that they have to sort out and learn from. and there's evidence that certain aspects are still steadily improving over time. will they improve fast enough before every other person except me leaves dv out of frustration or whatever? idk, i hope so. but i don't lose anything by just hanging around to see. at the least its an interesting experience and a study in online communities. at the best, the site genuinely does fix it's issues and i'll be glad i hung around.
just sometimes reading stuff on here... i start to feel like i'm the only one who's kinda chilling in the back while everyone else is predicting dv's downfall, getting into rlly heated arguments, writing manifestos abt why they're going to leave or whatever lol.. it's good to see ppl so passionate abt something but that also makes it a strange and tense environment. it can feel surreal to be surrounded by it all. ykwim? 
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izukista · 1 year
Should Maharlika Wealth Fund come into fruition
In my own and honest opinion there are possibilities, risk and also downsides in this project especially our gov't. Is Maharlika really need to come into fruition. I think YES but I'm also don't support the fact with the member's if the member's of this fund is corrupt I'll definitely disagree in this because in Maharlika this is investing how can you give your money with someone who you cant trust. How are we going to handle things up if these kind of people are in charge in that kind of big project, I honestly think this will be a whack project because of our country I will say this is like a big laughingstock in some ways maybe the fund will get corrupt by the greedy board member's of it in other word's we'll get scammed in other parts as well as we lose our money and there will be a lot of issue's will come up on the next few years and month's but there are some good outcome if this kind of project be successful this will be a game changer for our country and also can help lessen the inflation so the people will get a lot of help and maybe make our country grow more and developed a lot and lessen the poverty and prepared in every issues and emergencies that our country will face. This will help us stabilize the budget, get good return and also make the country more versatile in every way and bring up the value of our money(funds), There are some country who do this example China, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi etc., These kind of funds this will lessen our debt in other country and help us be more independent and lessen the cut down in other gov't like public schools etc. But in this situation we are risking a big fund, But these kind of investment is not guaranteed that you'll get your money back because this is like a business like even if you have a good strategy the outcomes will not always be with you, But we need to know where the officials will put the fund because MIF will not be a blessing if things will get fucked up. But you see this will not succeed maybe in other countries it does succeed but it's not for us in the Philippines because as you see there are many questions that you can make up in this controversial law there are doubts and also people who don't support the Maharlika Investment Fund, because all of sovereign funds in other countries has different idiosyncrasies we just don't need to compare in other countries due to of the issues we faced in this country and also we have our different motives where can we put the funds that we will made in the next few years. We need to see and face our own problems and we don't need to compare in other countries because this country is literally going down because of bad management and also bad decisioning that always lead to be a big and financial issue that we always face maybe it will increase the risk and also will be the downfall of our economy to the bottom and we will be screwed up in many ways, in other words for me now this Maharlika Investment Fund don't need to be applied and we need to check our other problems in the country maybe in the next few years we can apply this if our economy get a little raise.
Reference from
the interview of Chiz Escudero courtesy of INQUIRER.net
and also credits on Chink Positive "C+ EXPLAINED: Ano Ang Maharlika Investment Fund? | Chinkee Tan"
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facts-over-fiction · 2 years
Stump Speech
It's 4 in the morning, a few days before the midterm elections. Not that my mind has needed a reason to be awake at this time or ever lacks subject matter to turn over again and again, such as: if my cats are crying in the middle of the night now, how much worse will it be when I put them on a diet? Or, have I put myself on the chopping block at work for telling my boss that he overcomplicates things and writes meandering tickets for me to work on? Or, do I really want to hang out with people or is it more about distracting myself from myself?
But often, when my mind wanders, it is to politics. I often imagine myself giving a speech or in a debate. I impress myself with my 'of the people' attitude, my casualness, that makes complex political realities manageable. Then, usually, the daydream wanders off in a way and I find myself explaining to the press why there are so many pictures of my dick in circulation and why it shouldn't be my shameful downfall ("I'm young, gay, and they were sent consensually!")
I can articulate positions and solutions to many issues, at least, in my mind, without an actual audience. For instance, I would admit that no one likes abortions. For some reason, this seems to never come up from the Democrats. Yes, I believe in the right to abortion, but why can't we say that it's not something that anyone wants to think about or have done? Abortions are inevitable and should be made safe. Making universal childcare, universal healthcare, and paid parental leave would do more to reduce their occurrence than making them illegal. I'll admit, most of it is not very original thinking, but it is conveyed fervently and compassionately, again, entirely in my head, in a way that almost convinces myself to run for office ("but the dick pics!")
One topic that I have never been able to come up with a solution for is misinformation. How do you control misinformation without censoring? In a country where you can basically lie as long as you really believe it, we have many people who do believe and spread things that are untrue. I plead with the people: learn how to check sources to see who is funding them, don't get your information from social media or even your colleagues who fancy themselves experts, and realize that college is not about indoctrination, but about teaching you how to research and separate fact and fiction. But in my daydreams, I fail to ever get this point across, to combat lies, to convince anyone of anything.
Yet, here I am, wondering if the sun is starting to rise already, hoping I can change someone's mind.
I care because there is a lot at stake this election. I don't want you to take my word for it. I want you to go to non-profit new sites like npr.org or apnews.com and read for yourself. If they seem left-leaning, that's because, in spite of the Democratic Party's fuck-ups, they are still trying to operate within reality, and not a culture of fear that seems necessary for clicks, likes, and profit. I want you to look up the threats to our democracy--lies about stolen elections, rigged voting machines, rising political violence from the right, disenfranchisement under the false pretense of voter fraud, and a Supreme Court that could allow Republican-gerrymandered state legislatures to overwrite state constitutions and state supreme courts and further erode democracy. I want you to look up who gets abortions and why and the stories of women with pregnancy complications who are denied care due to thoughtless Republican laws. I want you to see that, although Republicans are "winning" on issues like violence, they fail to look at the problem systemically and instead insist on more guns and less accountability.
And then I want you to go vote.
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titanorosa · 2 years
Charity Stream Info: DONATION GOALS
Hello listeners, this is your friendly voice on the airwaves Sarah Murphy broadcasting some important information about my charity stream that will take place on October 15th.
That's right, we're raising money for a cure for PIGA-CDG, and on October 15th we will be playing Devil May Cry 5 starting at 9AM Pacific at https://twitch.tv/sarahmurphy, but I haven't talked about DONATION GOALS!
That's right, the more we raise the more I have to do!
Also, I know we're still a long way off from October, if these fabulous rewards move you to donate early between now and then, don't fret! Just DM me that you did and I will add your amount to the donation goals.
Overall goal is $2500, but there is a LOT of fun stuff, so much stuff in fact that I have to put it under a read more:
$1250, HALFWAY GOAL: PIZZA AL DANTE Capcom Cafe had an event where they made DMC-themed foods, including a fruit pizza for Dante that was a bread base with a jam sauce, fruit and a passionfruit glaze.
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I'm not eating that.
We raise $1250 and i'll cover a cheese pizza in MY favorite toppings which includes peppers, onions, crushed red pepper and hot sauce; THEN the fruit and jam. And I will have to eat the whole thing.
$2500, MAIN GOAL: DmC: Devil May Cry This game currently sits in a locked quarantine folder on my computer. If we raise $2500, I will have to crack open Ninja Theory's Box and play DmC: Devil May Cry on stream.
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$5000 - STRETCH GOAL 1: Stream Dante Must Die for all 4 previous games and DmC You will have watched me sweat through DMC5's Dante Must Die mode during the charity stream. Want to watch me do it again? Want to watch me do it 5 more times? THIS is your chance!
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$7500 - STRETCH GOAL 2: I have to 100% complete DmC and DmC: Vergil’s Downfall This game and its DLC have 58 achievements on Steam and I will have to unlock all of them. You could make me play this game over, and over, and over again.
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$10000 - STRETCH GOAL 3: I have to play the game immediately after beating DmD difficulty and beat it again on Human Difficulty “This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!” After 15 hours of streaming, you could keep the party going for another 10 hours with this goal!
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$15000 - STRETCH GOAL 4: Hike Mount Superstition I live in the Valley of the Sun, and on the eastern side there is a mountain with an 8.7 mile round-trip hike. You could make me go on a 6-hour hike and have to film the whole thing
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$20000 - STRETCH GOAL 5: I have to play all 11 mainline Mega Man games I have never played a Mega Man game before, if we hit this goal I would have to play all 11 of the mainline games, and potentially a few more from the spinoffs!
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$25000 - STRETCH GOAL 6: Face reveal Ever wondered about the broadcaster behind the mic? Curious to see who I am? For the eighth stretch goal I'll let you all know, and here's something to sweeten the pot: I'll be wearing a DMC3 Dante costume during the charity stream ;)
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$50000 - STRETCH GOAL 7: I have to play the mainline Metal Gear games while cosplaying 8 games, 8 costumes. Who knows, I might dress up as Quiet as I slog my way through Metal Gear Solid V ;)
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$100000 - STRETCH GOAL 8: I have to play all mainline final fantasy games besides the MMOs (no XI or XIV) while cosplaying for each one I have never played a Final Fantasy game, and the 13 non-MMO games of the main series clock in at almost 500 hours to complete.
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So those are all the goals! If you want to see if I'm up to the challenge, tune into http://twitch.tv/sarahmurphy on October 15th starting at 9AM Pacific while I play DMC5.
And remember:
Want to get started on reaching these goals early? The donation page is here, DM me that you donated anytime between now and October 15th and I will add your donation towards these goals https://secure.givelively.org/donate/cdg-care/help-us-fund-a-cure-for-piga-cdg
thank you for reading!
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🎸 Saved By The Siren 🎸
~ A Nero X Reader set in an Alternate Universe.
~ This is dedicated to one of my friends, @shadowrosess , who loves Nero, and to you, Nero fans! I hope you like this.
~ Enjoy!
"I QUIT!" The band's lead vocalist raged as she slammed the door closed on the way out, startling the other contestants.
"YEAH! FUCK YOU!" The band's lead guitar screamed back, making the other people shook their heads.
But, who could really blame him? Nero and Lady just couldn't get along well from the start.
"YA MESSED UP BIG TIME, PSYCHO!" Nico, the band's bassist shrieked hysterically at him as she pointed her cigar stick at him.
"Guys, we really need a vocalist now,or we're gonna get disqualified." Lucia, the timid drummer nervously spoke from the corner of the room, not wanting to be shout at by the ever grumpy Nero.
"The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water,... and breeds reptiles of the mind." V, the ever calm keyboardist, quoted, not once taking his eyes off his William Blake illustrated collection.
Nero face palmed.
Ever since that incident involving Lady erupted, of her planning to leave the band for a much more popular one to become famous, Nero has been on a rampage, picking unnecessary fights with her and, therefore, almost ruining the band.
And who could just put them together but him? Not Nico, who just messes around ( one time, she almost set the old and smelly studio they were practicing in on fire with the cigar butt she carelessly threw away ), not Lucia, who was just too timid and shy to ever lead any kind of group ( she almost depleted the band's funds by having no guts to refuse the cute little scouts that always come knocking in to sell them all sorts and flavors of cookies ), and definitely not V, who was either busy reading, or busy being a regular member of the National Orchestra as a Concertmaster ( who was so talented as heck, he rejected the last twenty or so who auditioned as vocalist, only accepting Lady because he wasn't there to see or hear her sing due to one of his asthma attacks ).
So, simply put, they're all doomed.
More like fucked up.
All of a sudden, Nero's phone vibrated. He took it out from his pocket and saw that his dad was calling him.
"Ugh, him again?" Nero muttered, not really wanting to answer the call.
"Answer that call, ya don't want him to come in here and drag ya away from him like a brat." Nico suggested calmly.
And so, with a deep sigh, he answered the call -
"What are you doing right now,... scum?"
"Fuck off, Vergil!"
"Don't you disrespect me in front of your so - called peers. If I hear that you get beaten by Dante's band once more, I will have no choice but to take away that wailing and foul - smelling instrument of yours, drag you out of there, myself, and send you to boarding school in Berlin."
"Don't you ever dare lose,... scum."
And with that last threat, Nero's father hung up. The place was almost filled with loud applause and cheers a few seconds later as the last band just finished performing. The door opened, and in came the dynamic guitar and singing duo of Dante and Trish.
The sight of Nero's ( and Vergil's ) rival Dante looking so proud and confident that he'll win this battle of the bands made his stomach churn. And before he could even turn away to not be noticed by the man, his father's younger brother saw him and immediately went towards him.
"Hey, nephew! How's it going?" Dante greeted as he put a heavy arm around Nero.
"Piss off, Dante!" Nero growled.
"Ooh! What's with the little puppy growl? Oh! Let me guess: Lady left you, didn't she?"
"FUCK. OFF!" Nero pushed Dante away in anger, his uncle's taunt proving that his statement was, indeed, real.
But, Dante just smiled and chuckled at him as he shook his head helplessly. "Oh, well, I wonder how Vergil would react to this news?!"
"Maybe he'll come down here and take away your second hand guitar! Or! Maybe," Dante taunted once more as he stalked closer to Nero like a predator. " ...he'll send you to that military boarding school in Berlin!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Nero finally exploded as he grabbed Dante's collar.
"No! You shut up, DEAD WEIGHT!"
"Okay, okay! Guys, stop!" Nico intervened, successfully drawing Nero out before he could make a nasty scene in front of the people.
"What do we have here?" One of the organizers who saw the argument came in and asked.
"Oh, nothin'! Nothin' to worry 'bout!" Nico lied as she laughed hysterically.
The organizer only shook his head and left. After that, the door opened and a head popped out from it.
"SWEET SURRENDER?!" The person called the name of their band.
"Yeah! We're here!" Nero answered unwillingly, flinching at his own words.
"Good luck, kid! Adios!" Dante mocked once more as he saluted on his way out.
"I'll send you my autograph." Trish said as she blew all of them a good bye kiss and gave V a very sultry look, to which the poet only ignored.
All of four of Sweet Surrender's members looked at each other.
"What do we do now?" Lucia, who was already in panic mode from the start, stuttered as she clutched her drum sticks.
"We perform as usual." Nero replied.
"What if we fail? Yer dad's gonna send ya to boardin' school fer real!" Nico added as she pushed the rim of her glasses up the bridge of her freckled nose.
"Stop saying that, will you? I will sing in place of that bitch."
"But, Nero! That song is meant to be sung as a duet! This will not work! This will be a disaster!"
"Whoa, Lucia! Calm down! Trust me. We'll get through this!"
After those words, Nero, Nico, and Lucia turned to V, expecting him to say some words of encouragement.
And to this, the poetic musician only answered, "A man can't soar too high,... when he flies with his own wings."
"Okay, V. You're an interesting guy but, you're right." Nero responded as all of them faced the door that led to the stage. "Let's get this show on the road!"
However, no matter how hard V tried to give them enough words of motivation, courtesy of William Blake, they just couldn't shake the foreboding feeling.
That something bad was going to happen.
Nico, Lucia, and V may have done their best to perform their parts, but Nero's song, which was supposedly a duet, just couldn't, would not, work out. It just felt wrong.
And not even a few minutes in and they were already being booed by their audience. This made Lucia even more nervous and stopped playing altogether. Nico tried to pitch in for her but failed miserably because she lacked proper practice. V, on the other hand, remained calm as he multi - tasked, playing both Lucia and Nico's part on his keyboard.
"LOSER!" A girl from the crowd shrieked as she threw her candy wrappers at Nero. Some people took this as an opportunity to throw things at them.
"Look at them! They look so pathetic!" Dante laughed from the back of the crowd, enjoying Sweet Surrender's downfall. "I guess it's boarding school for Nero now - "
"HEY, GUYS! So sorry I'm late!"
Everyone in the room went dead silent as one unknown girl wearing a floral dress came up the stage and joined Nero.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Nero questioned as he watched the girl take hold of one of the microphones.
The girl just winked at him and gave him a confident smile. "We're gonna do this, right?"
"ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!" Lucia bravely screamed at the top of her lungs as she tapped her sticks together for their cue. And with the wailing of Nero's guitar, they played their song once more.
"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh! So jet lagged!" Nero started singing. "What time is it where you are?"
"I miss you more than anything." The mysterious girl sang, her beautiful voice surprising Nero, and the rest of the band.
"And back at home you feel so far."
"Waitin' for the phone to ring."
"It's gettin' lonely livin' upside down. I don't even wanna be in this town. Tryin' to figure out the time zone's makin' me crazy!"
"You say good morning when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged, is so jet - lagged!"
"Oh, oh!" Nico, Lucia, and V sang at the same time the people stopped booing them and started bobbing their heads along with the song, actually enjoying the performance. And by the time the unknown girl started singing, the crowd started to finally cheer for them.
"What time is it where you are?" She candidly sang as she winked once more at Nero, who really enjoying their performance.
"Five more days and I'll be home."
"I keep your picture in my car."
"I hate the thought of you alone."
The girl took the mic out from the stand and pointed at the crowd. "I've been keepin' busy all the time just to try to keep you off my mind. Tryin' to figure out the time zones makin' me crazy!"
She, then, went over to Nero's side and by the time they're singing on the same mic, the crowd just went wild cheers.
"You say good morning when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset, And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged, is so jet lagged!"
"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh!"
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I wanna share your horizon."
"I miss you so bad."
"And see the same sun rising."
"I miss you so bad."
"And turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me."
"You say good morning, when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's drivin' me mad, I miss when you say good morning, but it's midnight. Going out of my head. Alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged, is so jet - lagged!"
"Oh, oh!"
"So jet - lagged!"
Nero and his friends, so was Dante, who was still watching, couldn't believe the amount of love they received from the audience.
All thanks to this mysterious girl.
"That was crazy!" Nero told her the moment they went back to the room. "You're really awesome!"
"Thanks!" The girl answered with that charming smile of hers.
The smile that made Nero's heart skip a beat. She's just,... so beautiful, and charming, and,...
"What's your name?" Nero asked her.
"Oh, you can call me (Y/N)."
"Heya, (Y/N)! I'm Nico." Nico introduced herself even before Nero could shake her hand.
"Hello, Nico!"
"I'm Lucia, the,... drummer,... at the back. You know,..." Sweet Lucia shyly introduced herself.
"You were awesome back there, Lucia!"
"Really?!" The girl's face lit up in excitement.
"And I'm Nero. Nice to meet you." He said as he was finally able to touch her smooth hands.
"Same here, Nero." And she gave him that charming smile with that cherry colored lips again.
"Hey, where's V?" Nico asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"At the back, hiding from Trish." Lucia answered.
"Poor tattooed Shakespeare,..." Nico shook her head in disbelief.
"They're gonna announce the winner!" Lucia excitedly said as she pulled her friends back to the stage,...
... only for them to get disappointed when the host announced Dante and Trish's name.
(Y/N) noticed Nero's sadness and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulders. The boy smiled at him and shook his head.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"No, Nero. Thank YOU."
They were about to make way for Dante and Trish to perform their encore when the people started yelling their name!
"OH, MY GAWD! THEY WANT US BACK!" Nico shrieked as she happily jumped up and down.
"Then, we're gonna give 'em what they want. Isn't that right, Nero?!" (Y/N) confidently announced as she nudged the boy's arm, who still couldn't believe what just happened.
"Okay! We're gonna do this!" Nero took his guitar and positioned himself in front of the mic once more. "Where's V?!"
"Right here." The poet calmly said as he reappeared and faced his keyboard once more.
"ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" Lucia gave the cue, finally confident for their sweet, sweet encore.
After that, it was safe to say that nobody's instrument, foul - odored, second - hand, or no, got taken away by an angry parent. There were no more old, combustible and smelly practice rooms because they were invited by a talent manager named Morrison to perform to much better and popular places. There were no more girl scouts selling one particularly shy drummer some cookies because they were now being offered M&Ms and more backstage and for free. One skinny poet has to run and hide more often from crazed fangirls because someone released his photos and videos on Instagram, which quickly became viral. And no one got sent to a boarding school in any part of Europe.
And (Y/N) and Nero?
Let's just say that their first duet was the start of a truly sweet and meaningful romance.
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