#I'll gif these parts from the mv as well but like later
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BTS Memories 2016: Making of Blood Sweat & Tears MV Suga and Jimin
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hypersomniagame · 2 months
HYPERSOMNIA MARCH DEV LOG : "If you have love in your heart"
Hi! For all of you who follow HYPERSOMNIA, you should already know what the gist is here, but for those of you who are new, or just new to our tumblr, let me fill you in!
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For 2024, I am trying to release a dev log about HYPERSOMNIA once a month, may come earlier, may come a little late, but I'm doing this to help give insight on to how the game is going, and to give me motivation to work on the game.
First things first, sorry about the incomplete drawing for this month's log. I've been sitting on this drawing for months and haven't touched it, and I needed a drawing for this months log so I thought "Eh, what the hell."
For this month, things have been a bit up and down, I've been focusing on more smaller stuff in engine this month, and bigger stuff outside of engine. So there's not a lot that's been added but there is new stuff that I'd like to share. :)
I'd like to start with the smaller stuff first, since I feel like most logs I've started with the bigger stuff and kinda run out of steam by the end. So it'll be along the lines of "Small in-engine stuff > Big in-engine stuff > News/closing thoughts".
Lots of menu work has been done this month, which isn't very exciting sounding but it's nice to be getting this stuff over with.
HYPERSOMNIA has a smaller resolution than RPG Maker MV's default, and the thing about that is a lot of content in menus doesn't scale accordingly, leaving stuff to get cut off and preventing the player from accessing information.
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One of the things I've had to do is get the player's HP and HS to appear on the status screen. These usually appear on the main menu of the game, but since I use an alternate menu for screen space, they had to be relocated. (courtesy of SundialShark, I'm not familiar with JS so they've been a super big help with certain things in the game.)
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The game's title screen also saw a slight improvement, I found a plugin that replaces the windowed options on the title screen with pictures, making them more customized. The title screen artwork itself will be revised later, as I whipped it up as a placeholder.
Also, do you remember last month's dev log? Specifically, the part of it where I talked about the equip menu in battle? Well shortly after writing that dev log, it was finished!
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This works how you'd expect it to, you can equip/unequip eyes and give them to other party members. The only drawback to this is that touchscreen isn't fully supported I've been told, which is fine since this is a game intended for PC. It does work with controller though which is nice.
Speaking of battles, I've been working on special attack animations! I have the main 4's offense animations done.
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My personal favourite is Jack's. Everyone else does it all cool but Jack aims like he's holding a gun which is cooler. I'll probably touch up Ross' animation, since it looks kinda weird to me. I think his head might be too small.
Also, would you believe me if I told you that isn't all the battle stuff that was done this month? This is where that "Big in-engine" stuff kicks in.
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This took a bit of time to configure, but I replaced the old background system for a new one
(Which was originally set up with my buddy Majimjam of HYADES, awesome game that has a demo out RIGHT NOW!)
With Jengamon's EarthBound Backgrounds plugin, it's been really fun to just toy with it and see what I can make. I would try and run down how this works, but the funny thing is I don't even know how this works. Or, at least in full anyways. I know how to configure it and set up new presets for enemies.
That's pretty much all the in-engine stuff I've done this month, but I'm not out of stuff to talk about yet.
First, I recently wrote a thread on the RPG Maker Forums about HYPERSOMNIA, which you can read here!
Secondly, some of you might've seen this already but I decided to cut FIREBALL from the game's soundtrack fully.
There were a multitude of reasons as to why, but the biggest one is I just don't feel like FIREBALL fits HYPERSOMNIA anymore. The vision has shifted since 2021 and I feel like music for battles could reflect it better, so FIREBALL was scrapped.
The song was uploaded to my personal YouTube channel though, so you can still listen to it here.
There's still a few things that need to be touched up, but the music and footage is all fully recorded! All that's left to do is throw it in the editor and refine it until it's finished.
I'm very proud of this trailer so far, and I think it'll blow every other trailer I've made out of the water. My goal for this trailer was to improve the editing and I think that's definitely one of the highlights for this trailer.
I'd really like to post a quick sneak peak, but everything about this trailer I feel will be such a surprise that I don't want to spoil it. You'll just have to wait for the Mother Direct!
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And that's it for this month! Slow but steady progress is how I'd sum up March. I'm definitely looking forward to the future. Mostly because I'm going to a restaurant with family later today, but next month will have more in store. Like my birthday! Big things coming.
Thanks for reading to the end of the dev log, same as always, these are fun to write. I appreciate you reading them!
If this is your first log you're reading, or even your first time seeing ANYTHING relating to HYPERSOMNIA, I got a whole bunch of links for you to check out if you wanna know more about me and my stupid little game.
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Haruka Sakurai - Eyes Analysis in MILGRAM
Alright, so let's start with Haruka and his two MVs - Weakness and All Knowing and All Agony.
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Starting with Weakness, we see that the victim's face and the mom's face (and therefore their eyes) are blocked out. We can see the victim's expression, but not the mom's. This could be for a few reasons, but I don't think it's dehumanization here, because Haruka, as we all know, adores his mom, and he looks happy with the victim in the left picture.
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A lot of people theorize that Haruka is autistic, and these scenes with the eyes plus the faces getting blocked out plus Haruka struggling with eye contact in Trial 1 is one of the many reasons why - autistic people can have a hard time making eye contact and reading people's facial expressions and such. As an autistic person myself, I can speak to my own experience that I personally find eye contact very uncomfortable, and I don't always look at other people's faces when I'm talking to them.
These eyes that keep showing up are symbolism for something. This is just my take on things, but I think these eyes represent both what Haruka wants (for someone to see him, for someone to notice him) and the negative looks and responses he's been getting from being himself and acting in a certain way.
Part of the reason why the faces are blocked out in those scenes with the mom and the girl might be because Haruka can't look these people in the eyes, can't look at their faces, can't read their expressions, but let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Because they're not the only ones who are eyeless in this MV.
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Take a look at this scene near the end of Weakness. Haruka doesn't have eyes here, but he's the focus of this MV! What's going on?
Well, as I'll bring up in later posts, like Kotoko's and Mikoto's, there are some MVs where the prisoner involved doesn't have eyes in some scenes. In this scene, neither Haruka has eyes, and my take on why the eyes are gone is that Haruka's kinda unconsciously dehumanizing himself and his victim here. The little Haruka represents not only his younger self that his mom loved, but also the "right version" of him that he's implied exists in both in the lyrics of Weakness ("the right future unfairly chose the wrong me") and in one of his interrogation questions (he said "Everything. Every single thing is wrong." as an answer to one of the trial 2 interrogation questions - "What's the difference between you and someone else?" - according to this translation). We also know now that AKAA has come out that younger Haruka in this scene also represents Haruka's victim - the braid girl. He believes that he's worthless and not worth paying attention to until Muu comes along, and he tries to dehumanize and push down his victim in the same way, but in the end, he can't fully do that. He still sees himself as less than her. Why do I say that? Well, considering that even when he's been told he's in the right, he still thinks "[every] single thing is wrong" about him, some bits from the second trial VD that I only vaguely remember, and considering the lyrics of Weakness and AKAA go deep into self hatred and believing he's "a disappointment," "why was I born like this," "hopeless," and so on, I really don't think he thinks he's any better than his victim.
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We sure do see a lot of eye close ups for Haruka, huh? He seems sad or distressed or depressed in a lot of them. There's not much light there, either, but there's enough to where he doesn't look like he's in despair. He's holding onto a little bit of hope that maybe things will be alright again.
Before we move on to AKAA, I just want to analyze one last frame.
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Haruka looks angry in this one, and it's the only one where you can see his eyes when he looks angry. In fact, it's right before the scene where Haruka's eyes are missing. It's interesting because he's upside down here, his full expression is angry, not just his eyes, and he's looking at his younger self (who is his younger self, his idealized self, and his victim). He said in this interrogation question that he was envious of his victim, so what do we get from that plus this? Haruka seems to have lashed out at his victim for being what he wanted to be so desperately - the golden child who was loved.
Now, onto All Knowing and All Agony!
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Haruka shows a lot of emotions with just his eyes (although his expressions help). For example, here he's looking up at us, curious, and then...
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In these shots, we see Haruka being determined to do something. Eye close ups are gonna be a bit of a thing in this MV too.
There seems to be more light in Haruka's eyes in this MV. He has a purpose; he's not loosely sinking into water anymore. This comes through in the lyrics too - "Don't leave me" "I will make you love me again" "I will keep on killing to be a good boy" "I want to be your favorite next." I think this is partly because of the innocent verdict, and he's speaking to Es/us in some of these lines.
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This is one of the only shots in AKAA where Haruka's eyes are blocked out, actually. He's dehumanizing himself less (even though he's not portrayed as just a normal person in AKAA; he's portrayed as animalistic, which bothers me, but that's a personal gripe), and it's possibly because of the innocent verdict. After all, we told him he was innocent and forgivable, so he probably took that to mean that he's not totally worthless and less than human, because...yeah, Haruka seems to struggle with that a bit.
One interesting thing that shifts from Weakness to All Knowing and All Agony (that also shifts between half and Cat, but that's for another post) is that someone who didn't have eyes in the first MV now has eyes - Haruka's mom.
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She is clearly horrified and afraid in these shots, but Haruka doesn't seem to take her actions and reactions that way, judging by his expressions after she slaps him.
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"She slapped me" turns into "she finally noticed me and acknowledged my existence" turns into "she loves/cares about me." Someone should really sit Haruka down and explain to him how affection is actually supposed to work, because it's not like that. But it is interesting how Haruka's eyes shift from having no light in them to being filled with tearful joy. I just want to give him a hug.
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I really, *really* want to analyze this shot. They're trying to make little Haruka look like a monster here with the viewpoint and the way his mom looks scared, but if you look closely, little Haruka is (1) happy to be noticed and (2) just wants a hug. He is a child who wants love, but he's being portrayed as wild and scary here. So why would the animators go for this point of view, rather than a different, more balanced point of view? I'll leave that to y'all to determine.
I...think that's about it for my Haruka eye analysis? (Although some of it was more just me pointing things out, but whatever.) I hope y'all liked it! Next up will be either Kotoko's or Kazui's, whichever one I feel like doing first.
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Thank you for reading!
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okiecookie20 · 3 months
EXO "Obsession" theory part 1
Part 2 | Lucky One Theory
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• Let's first dive into the main theme before exploring other details. Obsession makes us wonder whether X-EXO are evil clones. On the contrary Baek mentioned something similar in their behind the scenes video (pls click on individual screencaps to read):
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The boys are involved in this good v. evil fight as we know. Now that we have the theme of alter egos confirmed I wanted to mention there is a song on the album called Jekyll (지킬) the idea is borrowed from R. L. Stevenson's book and makes it easy to connect the dots. The lyrics of the song make it clear about the main plot of this era so we move on...
• Chen plays a game of chess with his evil counterpart. At the end there are certain pieces that remain - knight, knight, 4 pawns idk how this is valid since if a king is in checkmate the game ends conventionally.
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I believe Chen and his counterpart are the knights. Now knights + pawns = 6 members in comeback. This might mean that Chen is in control and knows things which the other 5 don't since they are just "pawns" for the time being. He is also the only good guy remaining or smth out of these 6 and others might have been corrupted or defeated??!
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I believe Chën won.
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There are multiple footages of their chess board too: it might mean each of their actions is being watched by the RF. But I'm still not sure why they have the screens in their room (since Chen has the power of Thunder which could roughly go with electricity?). Is Chen keeping an eye on Chën?
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• Moving on.. Chanyeøl is the one in center when the song begins. He is also the only member with eye-catching continuous patterns on his outfit. Something about Chanyeol seems a little off. I have started thinking of reasons for his behavior and vulnerability which I'll surely discuss another time :)
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Clearly they emphasize how Chanyeøl is the leader of X-EXO or smth, like the most destructive force. In the mv all of X-EXO (except Sehůn) glow red but we see that only Chanyeol (special emphasis on red eyes) looks like that. This makes me think he is consumed by his evil ego:
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Chanyeol and his X-EXO counterpart engage in a physical battle using fire:
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At one point Chanyeøl is engulfed by fire as they fight and later we see Chanyeol radiating flames. He is also seen on the red side of the ground, encircled by the fire - hence it is clear he loses the fight. More explained about the fate of doubles in part 2
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• Kai is a biker and his scenes with Kāi reminds us of bullfighting. In the first gif below, we see how Kai tries to dodge his matador counterpart:
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There are negative versions of Kai and his evil counterpart (maybe they fight in two different worlds since we know Kai teleports like in MAMA). I'm unsure who wins the fight since both appear with subdued expressions in inverted colors.
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I'll also mention that in the performance video of EXO AND X-EXO, Kāi and Kai interact:
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• In this picture we see there are 12 rooms → for the original 12 "legends". Only 6 members took part in this comeback so the other rooms are empty (Luhan Tao and 🥴 belong to the rooms below but were trapped in the maze). Notice how Kai is in the center of the OT9 rooms — he is the key to something. From Japanese, Kai translates to Recovery in English: it could mean protection and restoration of the tree of life to its prosperous state since "tree of life and the heart slowly grew dry" in MAMA intro. This is something very important to revert to as we unravel their clues to the story.
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•We see exo playing video games/reading comics in some teaser photos of other releases, the vcr from their EXplOration Dot (Day 1, Seoul) and even Power mv and merch reflects this vibe - which makes sense that the battle at such a physical level is fictitious (and being endured mentally). These might be dreams the boys have after the RF drugged them or possibly influenced them in some way.
_oh well that's all for now, I will create a part 2 to incorporate it all. Have a nice day!!⭐ deal with my bias and stream Good Enough🍒
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook Dynamics Through The Years: 2015 Pt 2
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The previous posts for 2012 - 2015 can be found in my masterlist under Jikook Dynamics as well as I'll link them here for you. These few months in 2015 is when things that things really starting becoming more... interesting between them. Lots happening. Something important to keep in mind that I'll be sharing moments, AND my personal opinions, along with facts. My opinions are my own. You can agree or disagree. I encourage you to go and check it all out, see this content for yourself as well and form your own opinions during this time frame too. I will be splitting this up into multiple different posts probably to manage the length and be able to add more links/photos in each post. But also keep in mind this is not EVERY jikook moment from this year. I'll only be including moments that I personally want to and feel like it's worth drawing attention to and commenting on. This is long. I'm sorry! Part 2 will be covering May and June of 2015.
May kicks off with strong with a jikook selca on Twitter! Thanking ARMY for being there for I Need U promotions and saying they are having fun, even though it's only been 2 day! This selca comes from them being special MCs together. Which you can watch here.
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Bonus. Also on May 1st is a dubsmash video from JK. Not jikook related. But too cute not to include lol
150505 The Show airs an interview with BTS about their I Need U MV. They rewatch the MV and talk about it. Jimin states he wants to burn away weight and stress. JK gives him a funny look when he says weight before agreeing with stress. JK also shouts JIMINSSI as he does when Jimin's childhood photo is shown. Also lots of cute giggles here from everyone. This was filmed earlier, and also on this day, they had a live radio broadcast interview. Which was the infamous interview where Jimin gets asked why he likes JK so much and Tae says that he thinks Jimin just likes men 😅 Lol You can read my full post over that moment HERE.
The after-school club special show happens this day, 150505, as well. Very busy these guys were! Highly recommend watching it if you haven't. Jikook sit next to each other in the front. Lots of cute little interactions with them and with everyone. JK clearly has a lot of energy this episode. I'm not going to talk about everything (just watch it!) I'll just highlight a few answers given. Everyone picked Jimin as the member they want to take on a Rollercoaster ride. Lol Jimin named JK as his bag boy. Clearly JK does a lot of carrying things for Jimin. 🤣 Jungkook in this episode too also named Jimin as the member who helps him relieve stress. Jimin is at this point clearly someone who JK feels very comfortable around, can be vulnerable with and feel safe expressing those stressors and finding help in moving past them or dealing with them. JK also this episode made funny faces at Jimin a few times in an effort to make him laugh.
150506, BTS perform at Show Champion. Performance here. And they release a few days later the Show Champion Backstage Footage. Which includes 10 minutes of cuteness. Including jikook being cute and close, including talking about boxing together and being very playful and teasing about Jimin's abs too. JK was in a tease my hyungs mood that day for sure lmfao
150507, BTS' first win with I Need U. And its a video that emotional as hell 😭 As for jikookery, Jimin got very emotional and ended up not wanting to be on camera while he was crying. JK noticed and tried to lend him comfort over it all before Jimin walked off to collect himself alone for a bit. Namjoon, JK and Hobi all comforting Jimin in the elevator after too 🥺
150508, the morning kicks off with Jimin sharing posts of vminkook and puppies 🥰 and much later in the evening of the day, Jimin posts 3 more times to twt, thanking ARMYs many times for their award. He posts selcas with every member. With Tae, with Sope, with Jungkook Jin and RM. We also see them on this day heading off to music bank in matching fits.
150510, BTS appears on Changmin's Gayo Plaza radio show. Jikook sat next to each other. During the radio show they all mention how they recently moved into a bigger dorm room! Before that, they were all in the single room. Now in this new room they had the roommates of Yoonjin, VhopeMin and Namkook. With them pointing out that JK often just slept in the living room too. Lol when asked about singing and dancing live at the same time, RM said JM and JK should answer. JK hedged around a bit and said because they had 7 members to spilt parts up, it wasn't THAT hard. And Jimin cut him off going "I ALMOST DIED!" With everyone's giggles. They also all talked about how they relieved stress. JK basically said he doesn't get stressed, doesn't know how to recognize that. And Jimin talked about how he doesn't know how to relieve stress and how he likes food, but also needs to lose weight and so he basically does nothing. There is alot more happening in this interview worth watching as well, but honestly it's just a good insight into their mental whereabouts during this time and things going on in their lives. New dorm. Busy lives. Jimin struggling a bit stress wise. JK struggling a bit with vulnerability in my opinion, especially around other people/cameras. Jimin didn't talk too much and JK had a hard time sitting still through the interview, but it was a good one and they all had good energy with the host and each other through it.
Also on the 10th, A safe driving commercial was released. Has nothing to do with jikook, but anyone who hasn't seen it really needs to. Lol as well as JK posting a dubsmash video to twt. On the 10th as well, they depart from the airport to go to Kota Kinabalu to film Summer Package 2015. You can read my post over that here. Lol also a cute aside bonus link.... Taekook got lost at the airport. 😅😂 They are there from the 10th through the 13th. On the 13th before they leave, JK posts another dubsmash. And Jikook film a log in the hotel room together late at night. One they were just hanging out in, not their own. JK was rooming with Tae and Jimin with Yoongi during that trip. So they were just choosing to chill together 💜 short and cute:
On 150515 they held a fansign and jikook had quite a few cute moments. Including Jimin telling everyone that JK hugs him when he sleeps. Cueing a flustered JK trying to deny everything. Lol my post for that here.
Jumping forward 5 days to the next fansign in Ilsan on 150520, jikook once again sit next to each other and have a quite few playful moments (an example). But my favorite would be when Jimin got up to pretend to be a fan and JK reached up and tickled his chin. And looked so proud of himself. Lol and Jimin lost his mind, the definition of shook. Here is a video of the moment. Jimin was literally so taken aback. Lol couldn't stop smiling and saying things like "he just touched my chin! He's never done that before." And JK also could not stop grinning. Babies 🥺
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On 150524, JK recommends a song by Kehlani called You should be Here, an openly queer artist. On 150526, JK recommends a song on Twitter called Can't Help Falling In Love by the Eels. He ends up recommending quite a few songs by them over the years. But for this song, he has it stopped on the lyrics, "If I can't help falling in love with you." Only 15 seconds into the song according to his screenshot. Relatable to his life at the moment or just a song he was vibing with? Who knows.... including it anyway.
On 150527, they are on YamanTV. This one well it feels like hosts are incredibly cringy though BTS handled it well. Its funny in lots of moments, but cringey in lots too. I don't think you'd ever catch them doing a similar type of interview at the fame level they are at in recenf years. Lol This is one where I will say watch if you want, but no pressure if you just want to catch the highlight round clips since it's so long and a bit cringe. Lol jikook highlight clips for those who want to only watch those.... 21:27 Jimin enjoys JKs muscles/forearms. 25:00, jikook arm wrestle. And Part 2 of YamanTV. Both these parts were released in June, but filmed on this day in May. And again, for those who want to just watch specific clips where I'll highlight jikookery.... 1:30ish in, For Jimins segement, his keyword is "pervert" and one of the hosts makes a play on words joke with "pervert" vs "coming out" and says that Jimin is coming out for his segement. Jimin did NOT seem to find this funny at all (don't blame him) and while everyone else laughs and plays it off. Jimin and JK are the only ones who do not. Jimin turns it around to the members. Calls out Hobi as a "pervert" for stroking his body while he sleeps. Jimin then also says JK is also a "pervert" and JK seems a bit nervous about where that is going and Jimin makes a joke about all the cosmetics JK owns with "women scents" since he is sensitive to smell. Which JK didn't really seem to appreciate that too much either. And finally RM for downloading, um "corn" on the computer. 10:30ish in, JK confirms that he is indeed, an ass man. "Touching the members butts before going on stage calms his nerves." Lol and 28ish in, Jimin gets nervous about having to do some funny improv but gets more confident when JK shares out about how "Jimins good at this!"
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On 150530, to end May off with a tweet from Jimin thanking ARMYs and talking about finishing up their last broadcast. Posted with 2 jikook selcas. And to end off my links I'm going to include for the month of May.... at some point during this month, they filmed all 5 episodes of the Bukbolbuk games they played. You can read about the jikook moments from those here.
To kick off June, on 150603 they do an MWave meet and greet livestream. Jimin seems to be having a somewhat off day. Just a bit moody or grumpy with his members. It's a cute livestream though. Jimin picks the jikook spread from the photobook as his favorite, but didn't really give an answer as to why. Just said they took the photos, seemingly shy/annoyed to be asked. Towards the end, RM also asks Jungkook if he likes girls in bikinis. To which Jimin seems incredibly annoyed by the question and says "people don't really think of us as men." And JK answered by simply saying "I know everything I need to know about bikinis." Which is quite the brush off answer from JK, very dismissive of *liking* girls in bikinis. And quite a bit of annoyance from Jimin. Wonder what's going on with him this day, or what's bothering him....
And then one of my favorites! 150605, BTS are in Malaysia and do a media interview. There isn't much honestly recording wise of this unfortunately. But one of my favorite interview jikook answers pops up here. The MC asks them all to describe the member next to them. So the order went: V, Suga, Jin, RM, JK, JM, Hope, V. Everyone gave copious amounts of compliments, as they often do with this question. And JK unprompted, said he would date Jimin. Lol this wasn't a MC question of which member would you date. JK volunteered that information out of left field. You can find this trans thread of all the members answers. Notice the difference please. As well as a recording of them saying it. And Jimins response to JK 🥺 shook. Translation here and it deserves its own photo. Out of pocket!!
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On 150606, after rehersals they get ice-cream and in the bangtan bomb we see JK feed Jimin bites of ice cream off his spoon looking very fond as well. Jimins cute reaction to the yummy food is adorable too.
On the 8th their Festa profiles were released. They did both profiles written by other members and by themselves. So you can find my post over the profiles written by other members here. Namjoon wrote JKs profile. And JK wrote Jimins. Where he correlated Jimin to a love song and also complimented his looks in all of the ways. 😍 you can find their self written profiles here. Jimin and JK both list RM as their number one subunit want. Jimin making his a trio with namgi and himself. Jimin also listed a jikook subunit as his number 2. He also said that the song that describes himself the most at that time was Dear No One by Tori Kelley. A song JK also ends up singing/saying he likes a different time. You can find the rest of the Festa content here. And then on the 11th, we of course have the Festa Radio Show!
There is ALOT we could talk about honestly in this video, but I'm going to keep it as short as possible here (and yall know me... that's never very short). Mostly there were just lots of small random touching to just touch. Lots of staring happening, lots and lots of giggles and tons of teasing through the whole video between the 2 of them. Including JK proving once again he knows obscure Jimin Facts while teasing him over it a bit too. Post over JK teasing Jimin about Brian Puspos Here. And how everyone teased JK for raising his hand during the question "I like my roommate, but sometimes I envy other rooms/want to room with someone else." His reasoning was that sometimes Joon is too messy and he likes the other rooms too. Wonder whose room and what he liked?? Tae (rooming with Jihope) also raised his hand for this. Lol it was supposed to be anonymous but JK gave himself away and Jimin kept slapping his shoulder/chest and giving him head pats in fondness as he laughed at JK. Lol Everyone also teases Jimin for leaving wet bandanas in the bathroom after showering. (I don't get it Jimin, is it a pseudo washcloth?!) JK says he is like real hip hop. Namjoon says his (Jimins) taste is enchanting, but he used the Korean word which could be a euphemism for kinky. Lol he also said maybe Jimin can take photos just using the collar from the shirt on his naked body (literally what lmfao) and JK goes "that's cool." Yeah, sure is *cool" JK. And Jimin is just dying laughing as everyone teases him before denying things and ending the conversation. They all also tease JK about being a) a muscle pig b) collecting cosmetics and c) being impossible to wake up in the mornings. Lol and towards the end (54ish minutes in) JK starts randomly circling and stroking Jimins finger with his hand?? Lol idk what the thought process there was other than a want to touch? A desire to play with Jimins cute fingers.
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Lol there is also an entire discussion during this Festa about JK very much insisting he is an adult now (and he is and got his ID) and everyone was teasing, asking if he got the idea or not and why he wouldn't let them see it. JK saying yes he got it, because he is an adult now and no because he hates the photo. Lol and once again, Jimin is sitting out of the group teasing JK about something he does to all of them. Not letting them see his new ID.... not answering their calls or texts.... his need for many mattresses/house decor.... we know JK answers Jimins phone calls... seems like Jimin knows more about the ID possibly too. Perhaps he DID get to see it. Lol not that important, but still an interesting difference.
There are no English subs for the 150612 Naver starcast video that i can find.... but it's essentially just 30 minutes of BTS playing games, Jimin enjoying himself and Jungkook literally melting into a giant puddle of goo and love and fondness watching Jimin laugh and smile. Literally watches him for most of the video and this looks like the DEFINITION of "holy crap, I really f**king like this guy. Oh my god, my heart." The heart eyes. MY HEART. The gifs and clips are iconic for most jikookers lol
On the 17th they were on Weekly Idol, and I'll just share the unpretty dance portion. Lol their reactions to each other's dance 😅 Jimin getting stopped early because he "shakes his hips too much for their viewer rating" 🤣🤣
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150619, they do the NicoNico Live Broadcast in Japan to promote their For You single. It's about an hour long and truly a wonderful little video worth watching if you've never seen it. This is honestly a good example of when BTS does fanservice. Lol for anyone confused on what might count or not, here is an example. Very cute interview though for the most part too. It was all about the red string of fate. Please watch it. Maybe I'll make a post about the whole thing one day. Eventually they get told they will do romantic partner poses together in pairs. Lmao Jimin visibly cringes about that. Not a fan of fanservice, our man. Jimin and RM get paired up and Jimin gets so adorably flustered through the whole process 🤣 Hopekook get paired up and Jimin catcalls them and tells them to kiss 🤣 Hopekook decide on doing a piggyback for their romantic pose lol. Later they each pulled on ends of a red string to find a partner to play a game where they had to move a ball around by holding it between their faces with no hands. Lol Jimin doesn't get a partner at first and in an effort to let him get a chance to win, he wanted to try. Everyone except JK complains about having to try to play again. JK just sets up the ropes to see who will end up playing with him lol. JK when asked about his own red string of fate, refuses to say who he thinks it's connected to and when asked about long distance, JK says he couldn't do long distance. Jimin says no one in BTS would probably want to do long distance. When asked about how one can express their feelings and say things like "i like you" to someone when they are really shy, how would they do it. Everyone insisted Jimin answer it since he is also really shy and the most shy. Lol Jimin gets flustered and goes "I don't know either! You guys tell me!!" And JK looks at him so fondly. And Jins answer to that was super sweet too. Watch this interview!! BTS Japan Twt posted afterwards a group photo after the broadcast. JK is sitting in Jimins lap pretty much 🥰
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At some point in June or whenever jikook died their hair lol, they filmed Dope as well. You can find my thoughts over part of the making film from memories in this post here. And you can watch the BTS episode making film from YouTube here too. Naver StarCast also released an article with behind the scenes photos from when they were making the MV. Which includes some police officer roleplaying (maybe, hard to tell from photos lol) from jikook. And the makes this Twitter video extra sus was the fact that it got deleted. Jimin or Jungkook posted this video of them to Twitter or fancafe (I don't remember) from when they were filming the Dope MV.... making kissy faces at the camera and then JK leaning to kiss the camera, but going all the way over to kiss where JIMIN is standing in the camera frame. 👀 and then it was deleted.... so think of that whatever you decide lol
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Some point between the 20th and the 23rd, they filmed Run BTS episodes 1 -2 as well. Also filmed right around that same time was Gayo Tracks 1 - 2 also. On 150623, they filmed Run BTS Episode 5, which you can read my post over here. As well as on this day, they filmed the reaction to their Dope MV. Which was just Jimin and Jhope. I won't say too much, but you could make it a drinking game... how many times does Jimin call Jungkook handsome in 5 minutes? And at some in the middle of June, they also filmed Run BTS Episode 4 and Episode 6. (Episode 3 was filmed in July)
On 150625 they perform on Mcountdown for Dope and have a Q&A backstage with fan questions on sticky notes. There is a lot of chest slapping happening this video from everyone. Lol Jimin looks horrified yet still finding it funny when JK eats one of the sticky notes. 😆 (literally why...) and at one point Jimin gets answered as who is the main character of the Dope MV. And so then JK holds onto him with one arm as he repeatedly slaps Jimins chest with the other hand along with all the other members. Lol
150627, JK posts a twt video of Jimin sleeping. With the caption "Aigoo our hyung-nim is sleeping well. What could he be dreaming about..." and on 150628, Jimin posts a response to the video with his own tweet.... and a translation here where he addressed JK calling him hyungnim lol He also posted a jikook selca thanking ARMY. Also on this day, JK posts another song recommendation, this one called Love Me Again, stopped on the lyrics "could you love me again" lots of love songs being recommended recently. Just his taste or his taste at the moment for a reason? 🤷🏻‍♀️ A Bangtan Bomb was also filmed this day where we see JK film said sleeping Jimin from the first tweet. Lol
150630, warm up interview video. Around 6:30ish in, JK holds Jimin from behind by the waist very cutely. Jimin starts acting up and being silly, but JK just hangs out there for a good 20 seconds just holding him. Lol Also on the 30th, Jimin posts to Twitter with the caption, thank you, 600 photos. And posts screenshots of jikook and jimin selca spam in his camera folder. Lol
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And that wraps up part 2 for May & June 2015! Due to the winning poll, I'm posting this part early, with only 2 months in it rather than 4. Not every moment was included, more just so the ones I personally felt like were ones more worthy of calling attention to and spoke to their bond. I'm not including every skinship moment or playful moment or moment where they looked at each other. Lol and my opinions are littered throughout these posts too.
Overall, I truly think this is the start of a 2015 dynamic shift coming up soon. I think that Jimin is a little more infatuated, I think he is perhaps noticing JK as an adult more this year, particularly these past 2 months. Noticing how he is finding Jungkook attractive and seemingly in more than just the friendly compliments way. JK is starting to really crush hard in some ways it seems. It looks like he is really started to test the waters a bit on what his feelings are and open up to them more. If that all makes sense. I'm not going to say TOO much, because honestly, the next 2 months are when it starts really getting good. Lol
That's all just my personal opinion though. You are all free to agree or disagree with any or one of it! Thanks  for letting me share, and again, sorry this is so long! If you read it all know I appreciate you lots! And again, if some of the timing is a smidge off for when the moments were actually filmed rather than released, I'm doing my best! Lol Thanks again! Part 3 will be next and that will include July and August 2015!
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i43angel · 1 year
Maniac - Stray Kids
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I'm back with one more MV analysis and this time we'll talk about Maniac. I highly recommend the reading of my latest analysis, where I talk about Venom. But, if you don't want to read it, no problem! I'll do my best to cover every topic here and give a good explanation
We'll talk about the following topics:
The Quartet
Lee Know's role
I.N's role
Just like last post, I will also put some unanswered questions in the end. And just like last post, I'm also tired lmao. Not proofread but I'll try my best.
With that being said, let's go!
The Quartet
In my last post I said I.N, Seungmin and Lee Know were up to something. I.N was a bad guy, Seungmin was somewhat a bad influence to Felix and Lee Know knew about the two realities (oddinary one and normal one). Now, may I add another gentleman to the group of suspicious guys: Changbin
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Besides the scenes where they were together having fun and some others where they were together, Changbin alone deserves to be highlighted in this MV and that's why:
Yes, I.N is somehow related to clones because there is a scene where he is with a lot of clones. And everyone talks about that scene. That's important for the plot, of course. But for some reason I have never seen someone talk about Changbin's clones?
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Here it is. Whatever ability I.N has or accident he suffered, Changbin has or went through the same. Now, I know everyone in the skzverse is suspicious and should not be trusted (besides han because apparently he didn't do anything wrong, but that's sus as well), but I am most skeptical about some people and now, Changbin is part of that crew.
Also, I don't know if that relates or perhaps I'm reading too deep, but Changbin's necklace is a heart. And with maxident, we know that hearts are not exactly a good thing
Back to our beloved quartet, we have
Lee Know
It seems like a joke, but Lee Know does know everything that's going on, or at least I believe so. And my theory is once again comproved in this MV
You know how I.N was cloning himself when he was alone? If you pay attention to the window, you'll see Lee Know looking at him. And later he says the following
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There is no way of being sure if the lyrics match to the scene, as the SKZverse is built from the MVs and not the songs. But, if this line do match with what's going on in the mv, then we have a good theory here
Jeongin is an imposter. He pretends to be a friend and an ally to stray kids, but in reality he is a somewhat villain. But his eyes can't fool LK. Minho knows I.N's true intentions
Jeongin eyes
You know how I.N's appearance is normal throughout almost the whole MV? Let's focus on a certain frame
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When Lee Know mentions Jeongin's eyes, maybe he was being a little too literal. Maybe he can really see the real intention through his eyes. As we know because of Case 143, hearts are not a good thing. And if Jeongin has a heart in his left eye, that might symbolyze something bad
Now let's talk about the coolest thing here.
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I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was that in Felix's hand, but once I discovered it made so much sense!
Basically, that's a greek eye. Which is used to keep the evil away and protect the one who is using it. Felix is the only one wearing this jewelry, meaning he probably is the only one who needs protection. At least for now
So we are skeptical of I.N and Changbin mostly, because they are related to clones and hearts.
Seungmin and Lee Know play an important role, I believe both know something the others don't
Felix is once again in a bad situation where he needs to run away and protect himself from the danger
What is Seungmin doing with Hyunjin here?
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Is Felix trying to run away from the oddinary reality?
Why was Changbin the only one walking backwards?
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Why was Han left out from the first two choruses (he didn't dance with the others)?
Why was Hyunjin's skin reacting to the atmosphere in the begging, like he is attracted to whatever was going on?
The end
I feel like I didn't talk about a lot of things here so I plan on perhaps redoing this, but if you noticed anything I didn't, please let me know! Any recommendations and suggestions will be welcomed and appreciated
And it's not proofread because I am lazy today so yeah, hope it's enjoyable anyways.
Thank you for reading and for the support in my last post🫶
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fillinforlater · 2 years
What are your top 10 K-pop songs of 2022 so far?
Damn, someone's a mind reader! I actually wanted to this on my own accord, but now I can just use this ask to tell you my Top 10 K-pop Songs of 2022... so far.
10. Still Life by BIGBANG
I was superbly hyped, because this was my first BIGBANG comeback ever since I became a k-pop fan. I really enjoy this song, although it never found it's way into the songs I listen to on repeat. It also suffers from another song, but more to that later. All in all, good song.
09. ESPER by Eunbi
The music video and outfits were already hype/hot af, but the actual song is really enjoyable and I found myself jamming hard to it. It's a blast during car rides, which is an important "stat" for me. It's also easily better (imo) than her other releases, which is saddening cuz it got not that much attention.
08. Can't Control Myself by Taeyeon
Fantastic mv, exceptional song, a beginning of the year gem! Taeyeon delivers with a song that I couldn't get enough of months ago and even now, it's just soooo good! While everyone was talking about INVU, I was still totally engaged in this beauty. Love it!
07. WILDSIDE by Red Velvet
No cap, this is one of my Top 3 favorite Red Velvet Songs, next to Bad Boy and Psycho. But Smite, it's japanese I was really surprised that it was actually great and interesting, because I'm not that high on RV TTs it's not k-pop, cmon! Most of the outfits were awesome as well and when you listen to it on full power... DAYUM
06. Everyday by PSY
I know that you don't know this song. So listen to it! For me it's nostalgia and freedom combined, a great feeling that makes me want to travel back in time and be at one of those water festivals... sigh
05. TOMBOY by (G)I-DLE
I saw this song live. It's f------ awesome, and I couldn't care less about all the hate. From my second listen till now, my opinion has stayed the same: TOMBOY perfectly fits in Idle's discography in terms of my enjoyment. Fantastic song!
04. Blessed-Cursed by ENHYPEN
I saw this song live as well. It slaps hard from the moment it starts, and continues to stay in my head till now. Easily fitting into an on-repeat playlist and I never regret clicking on it. ENHYPEN really being very good but getting a lot of hate, huh?
Yeah. I laughed when I first read that title. And then I listened to the song. And again, and again, and again. This song is enticing, it's on loop. I love the calm vibe, the hook gives me a calming chill (does that even make sense?). The MV is also awesome, reminds me of I NEED U by BTS. This will probably remain my favorite VERIVERY Song ever, they randomly struck gold in my heart lol
02. JIKJIN by Treasure
If it weren't for No. 1, this would be the car song of the year. Driving around at any time with this on half to full power feels incredible. Treasure came back strong with this one, and I'll pay closer attention to them now. Randomly, YG can still have something good happen to them, huh?
But tbh, No. 1 is so far ahead, it ain't even a competition.
I loved ELEVEN and after my first listen, I though LOVE DIVE was not as good. Boy, was I mistaken! If not for some absurd miracle, LOVE DIVE will easily be my SOTY. It makes me feel beyond everything. The anti-drop, although expectable, is great, the second part of the hook god-like, the dance enchanting, Yujin is STUNNING; GORGEOUS AHHHHH. I will even say this: It is one of my Top 10 favorite K-pop songs ever right now!
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braemjeorn · 2 years
me gushing about Maniac because Lee Know needs to screw my brain back up again
another seungmin for the soul. I think the necklace is very pretty on him. (and if I learn the price!?😳)
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FELIX'S HALF SKIRT. it pleases my eyes so much, the things in this MV
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Han Jisung and that lyric i'm just😳 SMORT. Genius rapper J.One less get it!!
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I want to talk (gush) about Lee Know. (THIS MAN...)
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I can stare at his face here. Forever. It's pleasing to mine eyes, like the planes and lines of his face—I would search it forever. I like it a lot gosh...
The thing is my biases aren't usually visuals. In truth I'm just as bad as people who like idols merely for the visuals—I think people like them too much? More fans compared to the others?
Lee Know has that classically handsome, male k-pop idol face, so at first I wasn't—gosh I even had a hard time recognising him as a baby Stay, he was the last whose planes of nose and eyes I could make out.
But then I see him with the members, the weird things he says and his likes, the rare cute noises he makes; he is soft, he is kind, despite the dryness and threats of his tsundere/scorpio being; we're cat people, I like that too! But I like seeing him as a dancer best—I think it is very cool of him.
Idols are human and they are many things that endears them closer to us instead of mere, million-seller artists on economical report—sometimes you just forget they have this, highlighting talent that lets them be part of that group, perform on that stage(or is it just me again!?😳)
Lee Know just grew grander before me when he dances—you can see the year between him and that art—like when he guides them in a practice or they ask him things and he's very cool at that. Wow, my words fail me right now... But this part of him in the centre? With Han swinging his head?
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Oooh and this one O.O
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punching it all down in that angle? another part of the choreo I fixate on. I'll say it again: he's very cool, very charming 참 멋있어요ㅠㅠ HE DANCES LIKE THE TIGER HE IS
...I'll add some later if I ever get back to this post but—for the time being, I shall appreciate every attraction and charm you have, Mr Lee. You deserve this fondness.
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(another Hyunjin center because danceracha slay this choreo)
This has been, 지금 까지, braem, with some thoughts on Maniac. It ends rather abruptly but yeah, I have to listen to the entire album now. This is just a rant of opinion. Like the transcription if I had been a youtuber(I am not, because it would not be fun, I assure you, that's why I write this!!) Still, I apologize for any mistake both unimportant as well as those felt as untoward. Any correction is welcome, of course.
Now I'm just going to laugh like a madman and sing this song out loud if Spotify ever plays it on me playlist. (I SWEAR KPOP GAVE DIFFERENT MEANINGS TO CERTAIN WORDS AND NOW I WILL SPEND THE WHO TIME READING THEM STIFFLING A LAUGH OR A BONE FROM DANCING)—
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ashitomarisu · 3 years
First Impressions: Have I gone absolutely insane or am I hearing similar arrangements that the director thought was a good idea? You know what? It's fine. (Emi Nitta)
(Written originally on 11/25/21 @ 10:30pm EST)
Midnight is drawing near but let's talk about my initial dive into Muse seiyuus' discography (THAT ISN'T RIPPI BECAUSE I ALREADY TREADED THAT WATER BEFORE).
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(Sit down. I'll get to your ass later.)
Tonight, I'm focusing on the opportunity that I finally get to listen to a leader's vocals.
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Enough Aqours talk for right now; I'm here to focus on Emitsun (Emi Nitta), whom I recall had "vocal cord polypectomy" (Am I even saying this right?) around the time of her solo debut. However, this will not phase my opinions on her vocals. Note: I will use the same ranking as I used during the Furirin post. With that out of the way, let's begin.
笑顔と笑顔で始まるよ: B
言葉より強く: A
Rainy*flower: B+
Dear everyday: B+
探求Dreaming: A-
スピカ: S
きらめきを夢みて: A
Personally, I did not set my expectations high, especially with the arrangement and composition. Considering the time period (mid-10s), my biggest concern is how safe the direction went. Bushiroad clearly didn't give two shits to interest me, except for one. Notice how "スピカ" managed to peak my tastes.
Reason: If there is one thing Emitsun's vocals work well for, leave it to a ballad or even traditional Japanese music. In my opinion, anything generic won't attract someone like me (and I've heard enough anisongs with similar chords). Maybe I'm a hipster for seeking the unique and experimental in these albums?? So screw me.
Trace of EMUSIC
Smile again with you: A
盟約の彼方: A-
想像を超えた世界: A-
想いよ届け: A-
優しい世界そして未来へ: S
つなぐメロディー: A
Believe in (E)MUSIC: B
Honestly, this was a significant improvement. Although, for one song, I had terrible earworm, thinking I kept hearing the same thing. For one, the arrangement felt familiar to a previous song, which confused the heck out of me. Then, I realized HALF THE ALBUM FEATURED SONGS FROM THE FIRST ALBUM. Still, the new songs were better? more enjoyable? More genuine? I suppose.
EMUSIC 32 -meets you -
君に咲く愛のうた: A-
コイスルマチカド: A
Colorful Parade: A
In the Ring: A
マスカレイド: A+
勿忘草: S
Bon Voyage!: A-
Baby Call My Name: A
my youth: A-
This is, by far, her strongest album, with more variety in genre. Colorful Parade, with its funky vibe, to Baby Call My Name being a catchy anisong/JPOP track leaving much urge to replay; however, the strongest track, "勿忘草", alongside "優しい世界そして未来へ" , proves she can still deliver the highest register despite slight post-surgery complications (having to manually manipulate the vocal folds to actually create different chords and tones).
Sing Ring
Sing Ring: A
Every day a Lucky day: A+
Just for the record, I have watched the Sing Ring MV once and thought Emitsun sounded decent. Nothing can be said any more than the following:
Consider giving it a listen anyway. It's a slight improvement, but not as strong as her third album.
Overall Verdict: Of course, I'm going to give her another chance in the near future. Supposedly, the tracks mentioned only scratch the surface of the Emitsun glacier I have yet to discover. For the most part, she does have a hell of a range. Hopefully, a new album or single becomes available soon; looking forward to it!
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Coming soon: I dive into the voice of the "birb". Will vocals be enough to convince my mind? Stay tuned as my journey through the Muse seiyuus' discography continues!!
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