#I'll give you a hint: I had 12 options
torture-themed · 9 months
Mister Lockwood's Daughter: Chapter Six
Many thanks to my darling beta reader/editor @demonroo-arts
content: mentions of running away & insane asylums
Oh? What’s this?
Detective Temple,
Thank you for responding to my letter most urgently. My previous interactions with the police proved fruitless, so I am eternally grateful for your attention.
I have already done as you suggested and contacted my brother’s place of work. The hospital has not seen him for over a week. I investigated at every hospital in the city, even the insane asylums, and he is not present in any of them. He does not appear in any police records that I can access. I spoke to some men at the port, and they have no record of him taking any ships out of the city. Quite frankly, I am running out of ideas.
Simon has no history of running away. He’s never expressed any desire to leave or disappear. He is a good man. I am beginning to fear foul play, but why would anybody hurt him?
Our mother is worried sick. I fear she will fall ill from anxiety. Please make haste in your investigations, for her health if not for my peace of mind. 
Thank you,
Peter Wright
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flwerswrld · 2 months
relationship headcannons ୨୧ | hsr men
cw: lowercase intended, tooth rottingly fluffy, slight crack if u squint, gender neutral!reader, established relationship for all characters, grumpy x sunshine if you squint (caelus), sick!reader (dan heng), dan heng being a worrywart, marriage #4lifers >_< (welt), flustered geppie, ooc for probably all of them...😞 whoopsies i haven't written fanfic in like 4-5 yrs
character/s included: caelus, dan heng, welt, gepard landau
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caelus ♡
- biiiiig cuddler :3
- like this man is ON YOU.
- march has multiple photos of you two attached to the hip (one where u guys were literally HANDCUFFED to each other. caelus wanted to try the idea out, might write a whole other fic just on that)
- literally anything could remind him of you
- he sees a bag of chips? oh, they're y/n's fav, oh i'm thinking of my partner now, oh how i love my partner :3
- ^ literally his thought process
- adding to the last point, he'll find or buy random things to give to you because he thought you'd like it/it reminded him of you
"caelus, are these... cat keychains?" you ask, the gift random, but definitely not unwelcomed, conveyed by the growing smile on your face. "they reminded me of us." he replies, his shoulders moving up and down in a noncommittal shrug. "i'm the orange cat, and you're the black cat."
well... now that you look at it, the keychains do remind you of you and caelus' relationship dynamic. the ginger cat— a tabby, it seems, is laying on the black cat's belly affectionately, the aforementioned feline having an annoyed frown on its face.
"it's cute." pressing a kiss to his cheek, your then soft smile grows into something more joyful. "thank you for the sweet gift, caelus."
and caelus swore to the aeons themselves that he was having heart palpitations from the feeling of your lips on his cheek.
dan heng ♡
- way less affectionate compared to how caelus is, not because he doesn't love you, but because he's more reserved
- doesn't mean he doesn't cuddle, he loves it when you and him have a nice snuggle sesh after a stressful day (but shhhh don't tell him i told you, it's supposed to be a secret 🤫)
"you're sure you don't need more tea?"
- prefers to show you his affections through acts of service rather than words or physical touch
- he's so dorky ugh i want him so bad
"dan heng, i'll be fine—" another coughing fit ensued, the hacking so intense dan heng backs away. "yep, more tea for you." he mumbles under his breath. "and more soup."
he reminds me of a mother hen... you think, sipping on your mug of tea that your lovely boyfriend had made for you. the beverage is hot and relaxing, feeling like a smoldering fire was in your belly whenever you swallow it.
"you know..." you start when he comes back inside your room, looking at your boyfriend with a hint of a smirk on your face. "you remind me of a mother hen, sometimes."
and you almost laugh at the disgruntled expression that appears on his stupidly handsome face. "i do not act like a mother hen—"
"oh, come on! you know you do, babe!"
with his cheeks turning a shade of light pink at the nickname, he sighs. "you can call me whatever you want, just drink your tea, for the love of aeons." he replied begrudgingly. "then give me a kiss!" you shoot back, weakly puckering your lips. "then i'll drink my tea, eat my soup, and then take a niiiiiice long nap."
dan heng stands there for a second, weighing his options. on one hand, he gets to kiss his partner — whom he loves very dearly he might add — to get them to eat their soup and drink the tea he had prepared for them. the only problem is that they're sick.
oh, fuck it.
pressing a kiss to your lips, he sighs into it, pulling away after a few seconds. "there. better now?" he asks.
he got sick two days later, but to him it was worth it.
welt ♡
- this man KNOWS how to treat someone right. i just know it in the deepest parts of my soul.
- shows you the animations that he made when he worked as an animator (it probably has 12 episodes, only 1 season, and ended on a cliffhanger 😞)
- HE DRAWS YOU. IDC. his sketchbook is full of drawings of you, random things he sees while out on his travels with you and the express, and other random doodles
- loves sightseeing with you. every time you go to a new planet you guys take pictures together at every tourist spot
- slow dancing w/ him to frank sinatra... it'd be so cute??? STOP STOP EVERYONE SHUT UP FOR 2 SECONDS. ☹️☹️
you felt like life was perfect right now.
with all the drama on penacony being over, you and welt finally had some free time to just chill out and take a breather.
"this is so nice..." you mumble to yourself, the metal of your ring softly pressing against the skin of your finger as your hands rest on welt's shoulders. "slow dancing is so romantic, don't you think?" welt asks, smiling down at you as frank sinatra records play in the background.
"are you trying to seduce me, mr. yang? even after years of marriage?" you ask, smiling when he spins you around slowly to the soft voice of frank sinatra, and the romantic melodies of the instruments. "and what if i am, mx yang?" he leans down in your ear to mumble, his tone teasing, maybe a bit... mischievous?
when the record stops spinning, welt holds you close to him, heat radiating off of him like a radiator. "hm, you're warm." you mumble, letting out a yawn. "like a heater."
hearing your husband let out a little chuckle, he smiles down at you. "you say this every time we hug."
"is it romantic, though?"
there was a pregnant pause, as if welt was deciding on what to say.
"do you want me to be honest or nice...?"
gepard landau ♡
- he's soooo protective ik it :[ like he's always keeping an eye on you while he's on patrol to make sure you're safe (not in a stalker way, just looking out for you bc he cares (⁠◕⁠દ⁠◕⁠))
- gets you something on every holiday, even if it doesn't count as a ‘holiday’. for every valentine's day he buys you chocolates and a cute little teddy bear 🥹🥹 he's so cute
- bc he's so busy with belobog duties(??), he doesn't have much time for dates
- so for the time he does have off, he'll spend with you!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
- serval is also you and gepard's biggest supporter, and lowkey played matchmaker with you two so you guys could get together
"aww, geppie! this is so cute!" you say, smiling at the rose bouquet and chocolates he had gotten you for valentine's day.
"serval actually suggested for me to buy you them..." the blonde replied, a mixed pile of mush and flustered mumblings underneath his breath. "she said your favourite flowers are roses, so i tried to find the best ones in belobog for you."
you actually think your heart is going to explode. or that you're going to squeeze your boyfriend to death from his cuteness.
and that's exactly what you do, making a mental note to thank serval the next time you see her.
"gepard, you're the best!" you exclaim, leaning your head onto his chest.
"don't mention it, y/n..." he mumbles, praying to qilpoth that you can't hear the relentless beating of his heart, the thumpity thump of it so profound he can feel it in his ears. "it's my duty as your boyfriend to give you gifts."
you also make another mental note: to wife this man up as soon as possible.
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cormorant-red · 7 months
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I played 999 recently at @xivu-arath's recommendation, and I had so much fun that (inspired by that one polygon video) I illustrated my liveblog about it!
If you haven't played 999 and you are even a little bit intrigued by a puzzle/mystery visual novel with multiple timelines that all guide you towards wild plot twists...probably don't read the text! 999 is the kind of story that is best experienced with no knowledge besides the basic premise.
Transcript below the cut:
Cormorant: characters in this game really just say shit like "have you heard the story about the crystallization of glycerin?"
as a matter of fact i haven't, june, please enlighten me
Storm: "I know we're stuck in a freezer but. let's talk about weird mythical science!"
Cormorant: it's also killing me that junpei is dressed like marty mcfly and isn't sharing any of his jackets
Cormorant: this game is leading me to arrive at mathematical concepts on my own. what the heck
Storm: kshgushhsg
I take it you're having a good time then
Cormorant: trying to check lotus's work and it turns out that no matter what group i arrange to take through a door, the people left behind will always have the same digital root
so to get through door 7 with snake missing, i could either send a group with sum 16 (junpei, ace, clover, and june) or with sum 25 (clover, june, seven, and lotus), but it doesn't matter because the remainder always have root 9 and can't get through doors 3 or 8! wild!
Storm: yeah the numbers and which doors end up barred to you is so cleverly deliberate
Cormorant: i'm glad i finally checked what novel mode meant, because this is way more fun
Santa cocked his head to one side, like an inquisitive bird, and looked at them.
After several long moments, during which it became apparent that Santa had no idea what the cards meant, June took pity on him.
i'll have to go back and redo the beginning after i get to the first ending
Storm: oh yeah! as I recall that was done differently when it was originally a dual screen game... but it's much better when in novel style. gimme all the descriptions
Cormorant: I had a long day of sitting though presentations and so I entertained myself by calculating digital roots
I discovered that adding 9 or any multiple of 9 to a number has no effect on the digital root, which is awfully interesting bc I got to the part where snake gets killed. Assuming door 3 was opened with 12 and not 21, the options are 7+3 (motive?), 6+4 (they’d both have to be REALLY good actors), or 9+1. And if bracelets work without a body attached, and if ace picked it up in door 5…
That would be a really useful tool to get around the 3-person minimum without altering the digital root
I’m also very intrigued by the theory that zero is also in the game but I don’t know what to do with that yet
Storm: forlornly having to keep myself from saying literally anything
Cormorant: Understandable, please don’t give me any hints! I’m just calling shots for the joy of being wrong
Cormorant: and how do you know that, my traitorous friend?
Santa: “The RED doesn’t need a person, you know.”
Santa: “All I need is the bracelet.”
Cormorant: y’know what i think he’s bluffing. he does need June specifically and that’s why he refused to consider leaving her when they first found door 9. if all he needed was a hostage, he could have grabbed junpei and forced ace to come along, and then he would be dealing with two people under duress instead of three
i peeked at a guide and apparently i found the ending adjacent to the true ending(?) first, oh well. time to see the others!
santa: i said i don't want to leave seven alone
me: bud you can't do a heroic sacrifice too, it'll mess up all the math
reader, he was not doing a heroic sacrifice
Storm: got any character opinions or theories to share so far?
Cormorant: hmm I’ve got soft spots for santa and lotus maybe just because they were in the first group I went with. I like that the game makes a point of showing that lotus is quick with the math/technical knowledge. I warmed up to clover and seven more than I expected to! I have no evidence to mistrust ace….but I don’t trust him
Snake died before I before I could say two words to him
Or…didn’t. Forgot clover said he didn’t
I got info about the previous experiments from clover and I wonder if we’re like…reenacting the past somehow? Experiencing morphogenetic resonance with the last voyage?
Again no evidence i just wonder where the pseudoscience is going
Storm: santa was so my type as soon as I started playing that I just picked all rooms with him on my first run skugrhsghu
Cormorant: AHAHA that makes me feel better about going “yeahhh door 4 I like the cut of this guy’s jib”
Cormorant: “the bracelet comes off when your heart rate reaches zero” interesting then that we’ve brought up cryostasis
Cormorant: i simply don't trust him not to have a spare bracelet in his pocket!!!
They climbed into the elevator and Junpei listened to it creak and rattle its way to the bottom deck. Only Junpei, Ace, and Lotus were left.
As the elevator rumbled out of sight, Ace spoke.
Ace: “Lotus, would you be so kind as to go with me?”
Cormorant: “bad end” YEAH I’LL SAY
Storm: lkksghr yeah there's a few of those!
Cormorant: santa was really quick to declare that he, june, and seven needed to go with clover. waht's his game
june and ace could have done it just as easily
Storm: they could have! good catch
maybe he just thinks seven is cooler than ace,
Cormorant: i'm imagining clover taking all her grisly trophies to the door only to find it already engaged, because lotus needed no persuading,
and regarding the true ending requirements, it's also funny that santa's like "i hate this bookmark! get it out of my sight!" and this is a huge help in junpei befriending the girl who's otherwise about to snap
Storm: load bearing bookmark
Cormorant: good thing you threw that tantrum bud or you would have been killed with an axe
Cormorant: in my suspicions i forgot a critical detail, which is that he didn't actually go into the door with the body this time
of course seven has been propping doors open, so it really could have been anybody
Cormorant: "where have these 16 boys and girls disappeared to?" eight for each game and then an experimenter? again with the idea that zero might be in the game...
Cormorant: bad endings complete! on to the normal ending, which hopefully has less of junpei getting stabbed to death
puzzling over who could have done all those murders, especially in the sub ending...or did everyone get killed? clover thinks that snake's death was faked. or did snake do all the murders, since he was the only one unaccounted for?...and then i remember what kind of game i'm playing. can't discount the ice mummy as a suspect.
Storm: you truly cannot ignore the possibility of the ice mummy
Cormorant: ah no, so santa's sister was the kid that died...
i can't figure out the connection between events! why did the last games have the veneer of a science experiment, while this one has no context given? why was it all kids last time, and a random mix of ages this time, with some repeat subjects?
Cormorant: called it!!!!
Junpei: “Ace, Guy X, and the 9th Man’s bracelet.”
Junpei: “That was all you needed to open door [3].”
Cormorant: called it before i even got to an ending ehehe
what i’ve been saying!!
Ace: “(9) is a potent ally in the Nonary Game.”
Ace: “Adding (9) to any set of numbers won’t alter the digital root.”
Ace: “As you can see, (9) is a very useful number here.”
Ace: “With it, one can go anywhere, with anyone.”
Ace: “It is, I suppose you could say, a game changer.”
Cormorant: okay, normal ending finished! junpei did not get stabbed but we also didn’t resolve much…I’m now thinking that ace with his pocket drugs could have easily played dead in the sub ending
glad to see that snake is okay and hopefully can stay okay in the true ending. where did clover get that riddle, and will she still have it?
0=6. how much do I read into this
still don’t understand how we get from here to santa hostage situation. he’s been so consistent about not even considering betraying or abandoning people, so either he’s a better actor than ace…or it’s staged. are he and june in cahoots
Storm: augh so close now!! soon I can actually say things
Cormorant: O FUCK
Seven: “Santa’s always in the room with her. That’s what you’re saying, isn’t it?”
Snake: “Yes, that’s right.”
Clover: “What about it…?”
Snake: “That’s quite simple, really.”
Snake: “You told me that the first time you came to this room…”
Snake: “…Santa was the first to refuse to leave June behind.”
Snake: “Now, doesn’t that beg the question “why?” Why would Santa do such a thing?”
Snake: “The answer is easy.”
Storm: B)
Cormorant: i've been thinking of them as a pair because it makes the math easier! if you've got 3 + 6 + 8, just cross out the ones that make 9 and don't even bother with the addition, your root is 8
Storm: B) B) B)
Cormorant: but god!! they are a pair, do not separate (or the jig is up)
Storm: they hid it soooo well
Cormorant: was wondering when we would see the last cradle guy and oh duh, he was guy X
i did think it was odd that santa phrased it as "i need to leave two of you behind" rather than "i need three of you to come with me," but if he was responsible for everything (most things?), he knew that snake was there, and he was setting up a group that could follow him. excited to see where this is going!
[dreamy sigh] this game is so elegant. what a little puzzle box
Storm: yeah it is, it's just so wonderfully crafted. so little is wasted!
Cormorant: oh boy [akane vision label]
"through the morphic fieldset we were resonant, and we were as one" i don't think i've mentioned it before but i'm constantly pleasantly surprised by the narration in this game. it's not flashy but it's evocative in a way that's really working for me
Storm: this is where the port falls short a bit of the original version... the ds really worked well with this aspect
Cormorant: the number of times i thought "this will be totally wrong but i'll say it to storm anyway"
hello??? [arrow pointing back to the message “I wonder if we’re like…reenacting the past somehow? Experiencing morphogenetic resonance with the last voyage?”]
Storm: Y E A H
Cormorant: laser-guided spitballing
Cormorant: man i said that 4+6 would have to be really good actors if they were the ones that opened door 3...and while they didn't kill snake, i sure underestimated our queen of the stage akane kurashiki
the baseline was NOT where i thought it was
Storm: no one does it like her
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crepesuzette2023 · 5 months
So whats like the general consensus about Stu and John? Do we think they ever messed around or not?
Ooooh, I won't burn and scar my typing fingers on anything like "general consensus," and my cop-out answer is: depends on who you ask. I mean, if you're living in a world where 'a man being with a woman' = straight, or 'a man who never came out unequivocally as queer' = straight, then John and Stu very much never messed around, and, more importantly, didn't feel the desire to.
But I think if you look at it with an open mind, without being afraid of the possibility, you'll see it's more likely they did than that they didn't.
First, you have John, with his life-long romantic idea of being in love with your creative partner (see: his comments on Yoko and Paul)—an idea that fits Stu seamlessly, and perhaps even started with him. In the Hunter Davies bio, John (in '67) calls Stu Paul's predecessor in the 'my trusted partner in art' role.
There is also this conversation with Stu's girlfriend, Astrid Kircherr, as related by Backbeat director Iain Softley:
Paying tribute to Astrid this week, film director Iain Softley revealed her moving words from his interviews with her when he made 1994 movie Backbeat about her and Stuart’s romance.
They hint at a complex relationship between her, Stuart and John. She said it was only after Stuart died that she and John “took a load of pills” and talked for 12 hours about “all the things on our minds about Stuart”. “‘He was jealous when Klaus and I fancied Stuart more, and took him home and left John out,” she told Iain.
“He told me he really loved Stuart, but was afraid of the feeling.”
Iain adds: “I think she thought he meant as a friend, I don’t think there was any suggestion they were in a relationship. But Stuart had always been John’s best friend, they shared a flat in Liverpool. John would write to Stuart as ‘Jesus Christ to John the Baptist’, in the sense Stuart was showing him the way. He looked up to him.
“There was a sense John didn’t want Stuart taken away from him, he didn’t want Stuart to stay in Hamburg.
“At the same time he was very fond of Astrid, but I think there was a conflict there.”
If John was afraid of the feeling, then I'm thinking he felt something that, at the time, and probably still today, was a scary thing to feel. I'll leave it at that.
Also, they were, what? 18, 19, 20 years old? At that age, odds are you do fool around, even if you regret it afterwards. Nothing wrong with that.
Look at this picture of Stu (r.) with Astrid and Astrid's ex, Klaus Voormann. Klaus, who later said he and Astrid didn't work as a couple because she wanted him to be exactly like her image of him, and whose marriage (to a woman) was a platonic marriage of convenience, according to himself. We have now reached the beautiful stage of come onnn! "Straight" was at the party, but so were many others. These relationships were messy! That's awesome!
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And how do we feel about John feeling up Gene Vincent, while Paul and George look on knowingly, and Pete Best blanks out? We feel joyous and unsurprised.
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A word about Paul vs. Stu, since we're (sort of) at it.
It's possible (what an understatement) to think of their rivalry as sexual rivalry. This is, once more, hinted at in Backbeat, where Stu is more or less giving away John to Paul.
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And yet. I think it was more than that. I think everyone, back then, was fighting for more than a bed-partner. They were fighting for their future, for a life unlike their parents'. Paul was fighting for the band, Stu was fighting for John to join him on his artist's way (even giving 'rock'n'roll' a try), and John..
John was, on the one hand, the person either of the others felt he needed in order to realize his dream. But on the other hand, he was the least decided of the three. He may have perceived that, within the trio, he had the fewest fall-back options: Stu had his obvious, much-mentored artistic talent. Paul had a possible academic future bwxt to his musical talent, plus a clear determination to make it in music. John had talent in spades, but perhaps less of a clear-cut idea of where and how to apply it. So he tried keeping both of them close...?
With fun scenes like these as a result:
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John sure is feeling campy/cuddly, while Paul is incandescent with rage. A hot look for both of them.
In the end, we don't know if they ever did fool around. My usual reply in those cases is: I hope they did, if they both wanted it. I hope it was good.
I need to check out this book:
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John and Paul look happy.
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rootedinrevisions · 17 days
One of Them Girls: Part 12
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You were finishing up your morning coffee when your phone buzzed on the kitchen counter. Glancing over, you saw Tyler's name light up the screen. Smiling, you picked it up and answered, leaning against the counter.
"Good morning," you greeted him, your voice light and playful.
"Good morning, beautiful," Tyler replied, his deep voice sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. "I hope you're ready for tonight."
"Tonight?" you asked, raising an eyebrow even though he couldn't see you. "What's happening tonight?"
There was a brief pause, and you could almost picture the mischievous grin that was undoubtedly spreading across Tyler's face. "I've got a little something planned for us," he said, his tone teasing. "I'll pick you up at seven. Wear something nice."
Your curiosity piqued, you straightened up a bit. "Something nice, huh? Care to give me a hint?"
"Nope," Tyler said with a chuckle. "You'll just have to trust me."
You couldn't help but laugh, already feeling the familiar excitement that always came with spending time with Tyler. "Alright, I guess I'll see you at seven."
"Looking forward to it," he said, and you could hear the genuine warmth in his voice. "See you then."
After hanging up, you stared at your phone for a moment, your mind racing as you tried to figure out what Tyler had planned. "Something nice," you murmured to yourself, thinking about your wardrobe. With that in mind, you set your coffee cup in the sink and headed to your room, determined to find the perfect outfit.
Once inside your room, you opened your closet and began flipping through hangers, the excitement slowly giving way to frustration. Graphic tees, casual tops, jeans, and a few sundresses stared back at you, none of which seemed to fit the occasion Tyler had hinted at. You bit your lip, pulling out a simple black dress that you'd worn to a friend's wedding last year. It was cute, but not exactly what you would want to wear for a date. But it was the closest thing to "nice" that you had.
You tossed it on the bed with a sigh, running a hand through your hair as you scanned the rest of your options. Nothing seemed right.
Just as you were about to give up and resign yourself to a shopping trip, your roommate walked by your open door, pausing when she saw the pile of rejected outfits on your bed. "Date night?" she asked with a knowing grin.
"Yeah, but I have no idea what to wear," you admitted, turning to her with a slightly helpless expression. "All he said is wear something 'nice'."
She tapped her chin thoughtfully before snapping her fingers as an idea struck. "I've got just the thing," she said, disappearing into her room and returning a moment later with a dress draped over her arm. It was a sleek, midnight blue cocktail dress, elegant and form-fitting, with thin straps and a neckline that was tasteful but undeniably flattering. And much lower than anything you would normally wear.
Your eyes widened as you took it in. "Are you sure?" you asked, reaching out to touch the smooth fabric.
"Of course! It's just been sitting in my closet, begging to be worn," she said with a shrug. "And it'll look amazing on you. Trust me."
You hesitated for a moment, then took the dress from her, a smile spreading across your face. "Thank you. I think this might be perfect."
"No problem," she said, giving you a wink. "Just make sure to knock his socks off."
With that, she left you alone to get ready, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as you held the dress up to yourself in the mirror. It was bolder than anything you'd worn in a while, but tonight felt like the perfect night to step out of your comfort zone.
You slipped into the dress, smoothing it down over your curves, and took a moment to admire the way it hugged your figure just right. As you added the finishing touches—simple jewelry, a touch of makeup, and a pair of heels—you couldn't help but imagine Tyler's reaction when he saw you.
At precisely seven o'clock, the doorbell rang, and you felt a flutter of excitement in your chest. You smoothed down the dress one last time and took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves.
Your roommate was the one to answer the door, and you could hear her cheerful greeting. "Hey, Tyler! Come on in," she said, her voice carrying through the house.
You took a final glance in the mirror, then turned toward the staircase. Just as you reached the top step, your roommate called out, "She's just coming down. Get ready to be amazed."
You smiled to yourself and began your descent, your hand lightly grazing the banister. As you walked down the stairs, you caught sight of Tyler standing just inside the doorway. The moment he saw you, his eyes widened, and he seemed to forget how to breathe. His usual confident demeanor softened into something more tender as he took in your appearance, his gaze sweeping over you with undisguised admiration.
Tyler stood frozen for a moment, dressed in a pair of well-fitted dress pants, a sharp jacket, and a crisp white button-up shirt paired with a tie that brought out the color of his eyes. He looked every bit as dashing as you'd imagined, but the way he was looking at you made your heart skip a beat.
You reached the bottom of the stairs, and Tyler finally seemed to find his voice. "Wow," he said softly, his eyes locked on yours. "You look...gorgeous."
A warm blush crept up your cheeks at the sincerity in his voice. "Thank you," you replied, your smile widening. "You clean up pretty well yourself."
Tyler chuckled, stepping closer until he was right in front of you. His hand found yours, giving it a gentle squeeze as he looked at you with a mixture of awe and affection. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world," he murmured, his voice just above a whisper.
You felt your heart swell at his words, the connection between you two stronger than ever. "And I'm the luckiest girl," you said, squeezing his hand in return.
Your roommate, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but smile at the obvious chemistry between the two of you. "Alright, you two, get going before you make me cry," she teased, giving you both a playful nudge toward the door.
Tyler laughed, still holding your hand as he led you outside. "Don't worry, I'll have her back before midnight," he called over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving yours as he guided you to his truck.
As you climbed into the passenger seat, you couldn't help but feel like you were in a scene from a movie—the kind where everything was just right, and you knew you were about to have a night to remember.
The two of you head out to a nice restaurant, one of the more upscale spots in your area. The kind of place with white tablecloths, dim lighting, and a wine list that's longer than the menu. The hostess leads you to a cozy corner table, and as you sit down, you exchange a smile with Tyler. It's the kind of date that should feel special, the kind that people dream about.
As the waiter pours your wine, you glance around at the elegant setting. The soft hum of conversation fills the air, and the gentle clinking of silverware against plates creates a refined atmosphere. You take a sip of your wine, savoring the rich flavor, but as the evening progresses, you can't shake the feeling that something is off.
Tyler seems to sense it too. He's polite and attentive, but there's a slight tension in his shoulders that you haven't seen before. He picks up his menu, his eyes scanning the options. "Anything catching your eye?" he asks, his tone casual.
You glance at the menu, feeling a little overwhelmed by the array of choices. "Everything looks good," you reply, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Maybe the steak?"
Tyler nods, but there's a hint of hesitation in his expression. "Yeah, the steak sounds good, but... I'm not sure."
There's a pause as you both study the menu, and you can't help but notice the way Tyler keeps glancing at you, as if he's waiting for something. Finally, you set your menu down and meet his gaze. "Tyler, is it just me, or does this feel... weird?"
He chuckles, relief washing over his face as he leans back in his chair. "I thought it was just me," he admits, his voice softening. "Don't get me wrong, you look amazing, and the food looks great, but... I don't know. This just doesn't feel like us."
You nod in agreement, feeling the same sense of disconnect. "Yeah, it feels like we're trying too hard to make this into something it's not," you say, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Honestly, I'd rather be at home, in comfy clothes, watching a movie or something."
Tyler's eyes light up at your suggestion. "You know, that sounds perfect," he says, his smile widening. "Why don't we ditch this place and do just that?"
You laugh, the tension that had been building all evening finally melting away. "Are you serious?"
"Absolutely," Tyler replies, his voice full of sincerity. "Let's get out of here. We can grab some food on the way home and make it a movie night."
The idea sounds perfect, and you don't need any more convincing. The two of you quickly settle the bill, thank the staff, and make a quick exit from the restaurant, laughing as you head back to the car.
You and Tyler share a look as you leave the upscale restaurant, the night air a refreshing contrast to the stuffy atmosphere you've just left behind. It's clear that neither of you was really feeling the formality of the evening, and as you head back to his truck, Tyler sighs in relief.
"Man, I don't think I've been that uncomfortable in a while," he says with a grin, reaching up to loosen the knot on his tie.
You laugh, feeling the same way. "Yeah, I think we were trying to be something we're not," you admit, shaking your head as you slip into the passenger seat of his truck.
As Tyler climbs in and starts the engine, he glances over at you, a mischievous glint in his eye. "How about we make a pit stop? I know a place that's more our speed."
Curiosity piqued, you nod eagerly. "Lead the way."
The truck rumbles to life, and you're soon driving through the quiet streets, the city lights reflecting off the windshield. Tyler seems more at ease behind the wheel, and the tension that had hung over the night begins to lift. After a short drive, he pulls into the parking lot of a small, unassuming diner—one of those classic, no-frills spots with neon signs and a few cars parked outside.
"This is more like it," Tyler says as he shuts off the engine. He gets out and walks around to your side, opening the door for you with a playful bow.
You can't help but laugh as you step out, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders. The crisp night air brushes against your bare arms, and you shiver slightly, rubbing your hands together.
Tyler notices and shrugs off his suit jacket. "Hold on," he says, tossing the jacket onto the driver's seat before reaching into the back of the truck. He pulls out a flannel shirt and tosses it to you. "Here, put this on. It'll keep you warm."
You catch the shirt and smile, appreciating the gesture. "Thanks," you say, pulling the oversized flannel over your dress. The soft fabric feels comforting, and the scent of Tyler's cologne clings to it, making you feel even closer to him.
Tyler, meanwhile, tugs at his tie, loosening it completely before slipping it off and tossing it on the seat next to his jacket. He unbuttons the top few buttons of his dress shirt, and as he rolls up his sleeves, you catch a glimpse of his forearms. The casual, effortless look suits him much better than the formal attire, and you can't help but smile at the sight.
"Much better," he says, running a hand through his hair before offering you his arm. "Shall we?"
You loop your arm through his, and together, you walk toward the diner, the neon lights flickering overhead. Inside, the place is cozy and welcoming, with red vinyl booths, checkered floors, and a jukebox in the corner softly playing an old rock tune. The smell of greasy food and fresh coffee fills the air, and you can't help but feel like you've stepped back in time.
The waitress greets you with a friendly smile and shows you to a booth by the window. You slide in across from Tyler, who's already eyeing the menu like a kid in a candy store.
"I don't know about you," he says, grinning as he flips through the laminated pages, "but I'm craving a good, old-fashioned burger and fries."
"Sounds perfect," you agree, feeling more relaxed than you have all night. The tension from the restaurant is long gone, replaced by the easy comfort of being somewhere that feels like home.
When the waitress returns, you both place your orders—two cheeseburgers, a large plate of fries to share, and milkshakes. Tyler goes for chocolate, while you opt for vanilla. As you wait for the food, you lean back in your seat, your eyes meeting his across the table.
"So," Tyler starts, a playful smirk on his lips, "what do you think? Fancy restaurant or diner?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "I think the diner wins, hands down. This just feels more... us."
"Agreed," he says, nodding. "I was starting to worry that we'd be stuck pretending all night. I'm glad we ditched the act."
There's a moment of comfortable silence as you both take in your surroundings. The din of conversation, the clatter of dishes, and the hum of the jukebox create a lively, familiar atmosphere that's miles away from the quiet, subdued ambiance of the restaurant. It's the kind of place where you can be yourself—no need for formalities or pretense.
Before long, the waitress returns with your food, setting down two heaping plates of burgers and fries, along with tall, frosty milkshakes. You both dig in immediately, the first bite of the juicy burger making you sigh in satisfaction.
"Now this," Tyler says between bites, "is what I'm talking about."
You grin, nodding as you dip a fry into your milkshake—a habit you've had since you were a kid. Tyler raises an eyebrow at you, clearly amused. "Really? Fries in the milkshake?"
"It's the perfect combination of salty and sweet," you insist, offering him one. "Try it."
He hesitates for a second, then takes the fry from your hand and dips it into his own milkshake. He pops it into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully before his eyes widen in surprise. "Okay, I admit—that's pretty good."
"Told you," you say, smugly taking another fry for yourself.
The conversation flows easily as you eat, the two of you talking and laughing about everything and nothing. Tyler shares a few stories from his storm-chasing adventures, making you laugh with his animated retellings of close calls and unexpected moments. You find yourself opening up to him as well, sharing more about your life, your quirks, and the little things that make you who you are.
By the time you're both finished eating, the plates are nearly empty, and your sides ache from laughing so much. You sit back in your seat, sipping the last of your milkshake as Tyler leans back with a satisfied sigh.
"This was perfect," you say, feeling a warmth in your chest that has nothing to do with the food. "Way better than that fancy dinner."
Tyler nods, reaching across the table to take your hand in his. His touch is warm and grounding, and when he speaks, his voice is soft and sincere. "I couldn't agree more. This... this feels like us."
You squeeze his hand, your heart swelling with affection for this man who somehow knows exactly what you need. "I'm glad we did this."
"Me too," he replies, his thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles. "We don't need anything fancy. Just you, me, and a good burger."
After a few more minutes of conversation, you both decide it's time to head back. Tyler pays the bill, and as you leave the diner, you feel a sense of contentment settle over you. The night might have started out as a formal date, but it's ending in the best way possible—with the two of you just being yourselves.
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sovvannight · 9 months
My Year in Writing, 2023
And this is another situation where I wish I could pull up last year's post to use as a pattern, but I can't because my writing blog got deleted, so I'm feeling a little lost.
But I can at least see the graphs I made last year in my writing progress tracking spreadsheet, so that give me a bit of a hint as to what I would normally post here.
I wrote 183,465 words on 2023. It's my third year in a row of increases (thank you, Julie and the Phantoms!) and my first year over 150k, which was my goal for the year. I'm at 856,124 words since 2017.
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I'm also super excited about winning NaNo for the first time since 2017. November was my most productive month, followed by February, when I spent most of the month working on Baby, This Rain Changes Everything, which I guess I was just excited about because I had a lot of 1k+ days.
Part of the 44k increase from 2022-2023 was due to NaNo, but I also increased my average daily word count for non-NaNo months from 291.8 to 387.5. And I do write every day--December 31 was day 2,395 of my write-ever-day streak.
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What I Wrote
Other than 2% of my words for the year for Garfield, a Teen Wolf Movie fix-it fic, everything else was for Julie and the Phantoms: 81% on various scenes for Electric Boogaloo, 12% for Baby, This Rain Changes Everything, and 5% on two different AU fics that I may convert to original fiction instead.
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Plans for 2024
So, the saying goes something like, "Write a million words, throw them away, now you're ready to be a writer." I didn't realize it until I was writing this up, but I'm going to hit a million words next year.
And I have to admit, in the last few months, I've started to think about writing and publishing original fiction. And that's partly because the JatP fandom is dying--I'd think the drop in kudos was because I suck, but I've seen declining kudos for new fic by big name fans, too, so it's not just me. No judgement on the fandom, it's just the nature of things. I've left a couple of fandoms myself because of a new hyperfixation. But at the same time, I had this AU idea in the spring, and thought to myself, are you really going to write a whole novel-length fic for 20 kudos?
I think I'd rather earn a couple hundred bucks instead, which seems like about what I would net if I self-pub. And I'm poor, so any little bit helps. Plus, I don't know, I just feel ready. It's partly because I read some pretty bad books this year, and it's like, OK, this got published, and in one case it got optioned and made into a TV show, and I feel like I can do better.
So, my plan for 2024 is:
Write the last ~9 scenes for Electric Boogaloo.
Write season 3, AKA the Electric Boogaloo sequel. Boogaloo is probably going to reach somewhere around 300k total, but I'm aiming for something more like 150k-200k for the sequel.
Finish the two Arrow fics I still can't give up on, even though I haven't worked on them in years. One just needs another 2k, and the other maybe 15k.
Transition to original fiction, taking the idea I had for a JatP boy band AU and "filing off the serial numbers" as I go. (Or something else--who knows what I'll be most interested next fall!)
In terms of word count goals:
I want to hit 50,000 for NaNo in November. For April and July Camp NaNos, I want to write 1,000 a day, so 30k and 31k.
I want to take it somewhat easy in the three months after NaNo events, so May, August, and December - 600/day, or 18,600 words/month.
For the other six months out of the year, I'm going to try doing "NaNoWriWeek" or 1,667 words/day for the first week of the month and then 600/day for the rest of the month, which will get me around 25k per month.
All of this totals up to about 300,000 words.
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comvi · 7 months
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this is a scav! They are the 2nd smartist creatures (not inculding robot people ofc. and humans.) They are in groups most times. like lizards you have a rep for them starts at 0 (for most..."people" they dont really like. cancer.) for others, they start higher as they since your a kid. And for one character they will send hitmen out to you. Each one have randomly generated looks and traits. They are. NOT. dumb. as they can do what you do. throw your weapons and items back at you
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They will make drawings-graffiit on places to lead to they're merchants that will trade with you For what? i dunno do items nect lol.
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^ merchant place, cool items.
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^ treasure room, thye let you in if your rep is a min of 90. and you will loose 30 rep for each item you take they will talk to you and have diffrent reactions to you:
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Threat, meaning they dont like your spear but are not going to attack. suggesting you drop it
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Warning, rep is to low, they can and will throw a spear at you if you get close.
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asking for an item, or just pawing the ground for fun.
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Fear, rep is in the negatives, will back away when not in a group
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They own tolls, that lead to shortcuts or just safe areas to chill. Need anything to give to and they let you go, also you can gift them stuff here I'll uhhh hint at the characters and they're starting rep The survivor - starts at 0. Monk - starts at 25! Hunter- starts at -35 (They no like your looks... tentacles.) These other names are fake im not fucking telling you who thye are The lucky star-0 rep The son.-12, son of a robot person, they dont like you that much but wont attack. Built to last.-45 rep, It was the old times. they dont know you. The one made to kill scavs-100, hitmans will be sent.
oogling & peering at this info…. DAMN i love the society these guys have!!! theyre so much more intelligent/sociable/and diverse in terms of looks/behaviours/etc etc than any of the other creatures weve seen!!
i have to say I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the atmosphere & layouts of the merchant & treasure rooms!!!! Genuinely so much beautiful & gorgeous detail put into it, i love all the patterns & markings covering the walls/room in general!! &nd the lighting they used makes it look even more prettier than if it had none!! Lovely lovely
Theres so much personality & so much more emotion put into these guys oh my gosh i love how silly & colourful they can look…. heart hearts <33💛💕 these guys are going up HIGHHH on my favourite creatures within RW list. all the small details from how: if you have rep in the negatives, they will back away from you, and only warn you off with spears when in a group. to even the teeniest tinniest things like how their eyes will WIDEN & the screen will SHAKE when threatening you!!!!! ohmylord yeah i. yeah i have to say i REALLT REALLY like these fellas…. YEAH YEAH okay i definitely do. !!!!!!!!
i will find out the items they will trade another time…. But i do really enjoy how these guys are like. Kinda the FACE of trading in rw. I follow an account that posts scavs from IDs they have, and especially since these guys are randomly generated, ive REALLY seen how these guys can range from funky, to weepy, to really odd, to cute & pretty, to borderline “you arent even able to see whats going on” LOL I REALLY LOVE THAT FACTOR THEY HAVE ABOUT EM!!!!
if i could come back as a rw creature these guys are high up on that list.. currently… i would heavily enjoy having large all-knowing eyes that simultaneously have nothing going on inside, and horns on my head and trade & paw at dirt all day long but… i will consider my options & we will see as we go on…. !!!
HAPPY TO SEE A. MENTION OF WHOEVER “built to last” is AGAIN!! like im shaking in my skin trying to decipher who in the HELL that is. Puplre creatur…purple skug….who r u….. mistar purple……
anyways, previously ive made jokes about characters having vendettas again hunter before, but nevermind actually whoever the OTHER red slug (“made to kill scavs”) ACTUALLY has a vendetta against them. not even a joke this time man how BAD of a thing did you have to do that an ENTIRE RACE will send HITMEN out for you at a moments notice. WHAT IN THE EVERLOVING WORLD DID YOU DO, RED NUMBER 2???
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trendybanglaupdate · 1 year
Best shrewd insulting statements that convey your wry disposition Read:
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Is it true that you are searching for Insult কটুক্তি সম্পর্কে উক্তি statements? Here and there, it's important to stop a contention, to return a wry comment or somewhere in the vicinity. It's not generally simple to concoct a sharp and splendid counter on the double and answer splendidly. For this reason an assortments of savvy insulting statements are required. Here we have one of them for you.
An assortment of the most brilliant offending statements
1.We realize that mirrors can't talk. For your situation, you should feel fortunate that they are neither ready to chuckle
2.Plastic medical procedure is a rubbish. However, for your situation I would prescribe you to go for it
3.Individuals of your sort make having a center finger sensible
4.I'm simply pondering… Being idiotic is a sort of your calling or have you been brought into the world with this ability?
5.Perhaps, you ought to move into a more agreeable condition? For instance, into a state of unconsciousness? - One of those sharp and very brilliant offending statements, which not every person knows
6.At the point when your mom used to drop you off at your school consistently, she generally got a punishment for tossing litter out in the open spots
7.It's enough for your talking that I claim to be cautiously paying attention to your annoyance
8.You know, zombiesto eat minds. On the off chance that a zombie end times occurs, you will be the one to get by
9. You don't see that there's no reason for your wearing cosmetics? Haha, a monkey remains a monkey in any dressing
10. I would have concurred with you if by some stroke of good luck I had not known that for this situation the two of us would have been off-base
11. What for would it be advisable for me to affront you? Your face expresses enough of it all alone
12. In the event that something I say is hostile to you, offer me a hint. I will rehearse it once more at a later time
13. I can see your lips moving yet the main thing that I can hear from them is silly yakkity yak
14. What you call knowledge in you is what I call good judgment in me
15. Gracious dear, what an enormous pimple you have between the shoulders! There is by all accounts something like a face on it… Stand by… it's your head!
16. You're so terrible, man, that regardless of whether you cry, you do it from the rear of your head. Your tears run upwards just to keep away from your horrible face
17. My mother let me know that bread rolls are perilous to rodents. I would be wise to remove that one from your hand
18. I'll give my all and have a go at being decent with you… assuming you quit being that horrendous dumb
19. I therefore reclaim any consent you could have thought you needed to begin a discussion with me
20. Indeed, you reserve an option to have an assessment. I do as well! This is my thought process: your perspective is a living illustration of crazy idiocy!
0 notes
derekgoffard · 2 years
heyyy do you have any hints about how to save the other people being hunted in derek's route? i've managed to work out how to save thomas but i'm stuck on the other two, i've been trying for ages with no luck lmaoooo
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Hello!!! thank you for this ask :D!! Haha saving the others in Derek's route atcually gave me so much trouble too!!! T_T u gotta have real good timing for some of the endings/events and getting the other people is definitely one of em!! 😭😭 ( Also for Anon!! Someone else asked abt the survival endings so I'll post abt that in another ask/guide!! 🙏🙏 )
under the cut is the full guide on how to get the others on Derek's path! Ive tried to be as spoiler free as I could but; TPOF SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so besides Tom there are 2 other people you can save/talk too! That being Jaqueline and Richard! However depending on who you rescue: it will change what ending you get!! So I recommend saving as soon as you get Jacqueline!
OK! For Jaqueline:
- make sure that you had the Derek encounter in the open desert and received the Canteen!
- After drinking the canteen, go to the fissure and explore the area twice to reveal the water, when you find the water with the empty canteen in your inventory you should get the prompt to "fill canteen" !
- after filling the canteen, head over to the campsite and click on ur canteen in ur inventory, there should be a prompt to "plant" it.
- after you plant it, go to the fissure at 12:00 ( I don't know the exact time this event takes place but 12:00 always works for me! ) and peek at the commotion
- tell her you know of a secret cave!
And thats all!!
(For the specific steps on how to save her starting from after the auction:
- choose anything for the first few prompts EXCEPT 'try to distract them'
[Once Machete (💕💕) cuts you free]
- walk down to the fissure, search area
- go to open desert, hide, say scared or angry, accept
- walk down to fissure, drink canteen, search area, fill canteen
- go to open desert, walk towards camp, click canteen in inventory and plant it
- go back into desert, walk up to hill, wait once then search area and go inside
[ Save Tom 🙏 ]
- after talking to him 3 times ( this is optional but why would u not wanna talk to himmmm 🥺🥺🥺 it even gives u a +5 sanityyyyyy 😭😭😭😭 ), go to sleep
- leave the cave, if you want to have a Derek encounter: go into open desert, if not: wait three times THEN go into open desert
- go to fissure, peek, " I know about a hidden cave'
Hehe as for Richard I am a little bit less aware of what exactly triggers him, however it just involves waiting/sleeping in the cave with both Tom and Jacqueline being there! For me, he shows up at 4:00 following the day you get Jacqueline! So as long as ur in the cave by then it should trigger his arrival!
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The Last One
The Court - Throne of Glass x FRIENDS - Fic Series
S10, E17/18 : Rowan, after realizing he's still in love with Aelin, chases her down, refusing to let her go. Meanwhile, Elide and Lorcan welcome their baby...or babies, into the world.
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Episode chosen for Rowaelin Month 2021. Day 12: Delayed Love Confession
Fic Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Rowaelin Month Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Birth
7860 words
Rowan woke up to the bed shifting. He cracked an eye open, still cloudy with sleep, and watched Aelin sit on the opposite edge while she pulled her shirt over her head, concealing the bare expanse of her back.
“Hey.” He croaked, voice still rough.
She turned and gave him a soft smile, whispering, “Go back to sleep, I have to go home.”
Rowan wanted nothing more than for Aelin to never leave his bed, but he knew she had things to do so instead he said, “Oh, okay.” He reached a hand across the sheets and grabbed hers, “Last night was amazing.”
She finished putting on one of her shoes and looked back at him with that same soft smile, “It really was.”
Rowan tried to read the emotions that flashed across her face but then she was standing and bending over to draw him into one last kiss. Her palm rested on his cheek while his gently cupped the back of her head before they pulled away. Rowan kept his eyes on Aelin as she left his room and he didn’t fall back onto his pillow until he heard the sound of his apartment door clicking shut behind her.
Elide was scared. Scratch that—terrified. Elide was terrified, but she kept her calm as best as she could while she held Asterin’s hand.
Elide had thanked all the gods she could name for Asterin coming into her and Lorcan’s lives. After getting married and enjoying the first few months of bliss, she and Lorcan decided to try having a baby, but after months of negative pregnancy tests and too many doctors visits, they were told it likely would never happen for them. Devastated, they thought through their options and settled on adoption. But even then, they knew it would take some time.
Elide remembered some afternoons spending hours sitting by the phone desperately hoping it would ring and be someone from the adoption agency to tell them they’d been picked. When they’d finally gotten the call and met Asterin, a young woman who was looking for the perfect parents for her baby, they knew it was meant to be.
Now, standing in the delivery room, Elide held Asterin’s hand as the woman powered through another contraction.
“Breathe, breathe, breathe,” Elide coached encouragingly, “good.”
“Are you fully taking over, or do I get to say breathe?” Lorcan asked as he walked to Elide’s side beside the bed.
She scoffed and tilted her head to meet his eyes. “No. Last time, you said it like a sociopath, and it creeped her out.” She turned back towards Asterin who looked tired, “Can I get you anything? Ice chips?”
“No,” Asterin shook her head, “I’m okay.”
Elide nodded and smiled, “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
As she started to walk out of the room, Lorcan’s hand shot out and gripped her elbow, stopping her.
“Where are you going?” He asked. She could almost detect a hint of nerves as he spoke.
Elide raised a brow, “To the bathroom.”
Lorcan lowered his voice so that only Elide could hear. “You can't leave me alone with her.”
“What?” She asked incredulously.
Lorcan ran a hand through his long hair, and now she could definitely see nervousness etched across his face. “This is exactly the kind of social situation that I am not comfortable with” he grumbled.
Elide snorted, “What kind of social situation are you comfortable with?”
He leveled a stare at her. “It's just that we've never spent any time, you know, alone together.”
Elide rolled her eyes at her husband, “You’ll be fine,” she took a step and turned back, giving him a small smirk, “No, you won't, but I'll be back in two minutes.”
Lorcan sighed but grumbled okay.
He walked back over to the woman lying in the hospital bed, trying his best to seem calm, but by the grimace she shot him, he wasn't doing a very good job.
“So, uh,” He grasped for something to say, “any plans for the summer?”
“I don't know, maybe travel? I wanna do some flying again.”
Lorcan hummed, still not sure what to say. If Elide had still been in the room, she’d have laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Standing well above six feet, with his hands fidgeting and swaying on his toes from being so uncomfortable in the moment.
“So, you ever wonder which is worse, you know; going through labor or getting kicked in the nuts?” Lorcan asked the first thing that came to mind and immediately regretted it. He should've just kept his mouth shut.
“What?” Asterin asked, her eyebrows scrunching in disbelief.
“I mean, uh,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “One of life's great, unanswerable questions. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's something even more painful than those things?” Lorcan cringed and suggested, “like this.”
Lysandra walked into Fenrys’ apartment to see him holding two small fuzzy animals.
“Good morning,” She said hesitantly.
“Hey!” Fenrys grinned, lifting up the creatures.
“What's that?” Aedion asked, following Lysandra into the room.
Fenrys grinned, “It's my house-warming present for Elide and Lorcan.”
Lysandra and Aedion shared a look.
“It's a baby chick and duck,” Lysandra said, unnecessarily. “You know they’re living in the suburbs right?”
“Uh-huh,” Fenrys nodded, “And I named them Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.”
Aedion snorted, “I didn’t see that coming.”
“Yeah, I figure they'll love it at the new house, you know?” Fenrys set the animals down, “It has that big backyard. And then, when they get old, they can go to that special farm that Lorcan took the other chick and duck to.”
Lysandra raised a brow at Fenrys and hummed, unable to say what she actually wanted to say.
Aedion barely held in a grin as he nodded sagely to Lysandra and mocked, “Yeah. It's a shame people can't visit there.”
Fenrys was cut off as Rowan showed up and joined them in the apartment,
“Guess what?” Lysandra whirled on Rowan, smiling, “we’re almost all aunties and uncles!”
“What?” Rowan asked, confused.
“Yeah,” Fenrys said, “Asterin went into labor last night. Elide and Lorcan are at the hospital right now!”
“Oh, my gods.” Rowan grinned at the thought of a massive Lorcan holding a tiny baby. He shook his head, glancing around, “Is Aelin here?”
Fenrys glanced towards Aelin’s room, “Uh, I think she's still asleep. Hey, how did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you.”
Rowan couldn’t—wouldn’t—suppress his smile as he thought about the night before. Being with Aelin again was better than he remembered, and he cursed himself for all the time they’d missed out on.
“Yeah, we, uh, we worked things out.”
Lysandra’s eyes widened as she watched him, “What's that smile? Did something happen with you two?”
Rowan chuckled, “Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell,” then he muttered, “but I'm also not one to have sex and shut up.”
Apparentally, his last words weren't as quiet as he thought.
Aedion groaned, wincing “Dude, that's my cousin.”
Rowan ignored Aedion as Fernys laughed, “Oh my gods, You and Aelin?”
“I know, it's great.” Rowan didn't think his grin could get any wider.
Lysandra hugged him, squealing, “So what does that mean? Are you guys getting back together?”
“I…” He trailed off, frowning. They hadn’t actually talked about it before Aelin had left earlier that morning. “I don't know. We didn't really get to talk about it.”
“But do you wanna get back together?” She pushed.
Rowan didn’t hesitate as he said with certainty, “Yeah, I do. it just felt so right. When I was holding her, I mean, I never wanted to let her go. I want to be together.”
Lysandra, Aedion, and Ferys all had matching smiles as they listened to Rowan.
Then Fenrys spoke up and Rowan felt himself deflate.
“So is she still going to Paris?” He asked, still holding the small animals.
Rowan had been so caught up in the happiness of last night and that morning that he’d completely forgot the reason why he and Aelin had been so emotionally worked up their argument caused the tension to finally snap, leading them to spend the night together.
Aelin had been offered an amazing job. A perfect job. Perfect, except for the fact that it was in Paris and not New York
She'd had said goodbye to each of their friends. Except him. She’d cried and laughed and reminisced with all of them. Except for Rowan.
He’d been so upset, so angry. How could Aelin not have anything to say to him, after all these years, after all they’d been through?
When he’d confronted her, she’d told him, devastated, “If you think I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me.”
He’d stopped her, not needing to hear anymore as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a searing kiss. She’d been shocked, unprepared for Rowan’s actions. She’d stepped away, searching his face, before pulling him towards her and kissing him again.
Gods, how could he have forgotten that she was leaving?
“Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I hope not.” Rowan didn't know how he would deal with Aelin leaving now. He’d just realized that he still loved her, and now he might lose her. But how could he expect her, or ask her, to stay? What kind of person would that make him? A desperate one? A man in love? Or an overreaching, entitled one who thought he could step in the way of one of the best opportunities she'd ever been given?
He would have to talk to her before he spiraled any further.
“Oh, this is so great!” Lysandra exclaimed, unaware of Rowan’s churning thoughts, “You guys might get back together, Elide and Lorcan are getting their baby, and there are chicks and ducks in the world again!
They all looked towards the sound of a door opening to see Aelin emerge from her room.
“Good morning,” She smiled at them and ignored the pointed looks and wiggling eyebrows of her friends.
“Hey,” Rowan smiled at her.
She walked up to him and greeted him quietly, “Hey.”
“How’d you sleep?”
She smiled, “Good, you?”
He matched her grin, “Good.”
Fenrys snorted, “I bet you did!”
Aelin flipped him off, shooing him, Lysandra, and Aedion away. Once they’d left, Rowan cupped her face and swooped down to kiss her. It felt like coming home.
When they broke apart, they both wore soft smiles.
“Last night was wonderful,” Aelin told him, rubbing a hand down his arm.
“Yeah, it was.”
She kept her eyes on his as she told him, “I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face.”
He tried to keep the satisfaction off his face but failed and she huffed a laugh, rolling her eyes before softening her features again.
“I know, me too,” Rowan told her, moving one thumb to brush along her cheek. “It was...you know, it was like one of those things you think is never gonna happen, and then it does, and it's everything you want it to be.”
She nodded, “I know,” Aelin leaned up to press another soft kiss to his lips before pulling him into a hug to say into his ear, “it was just the perfect way to say goodbye.”
In that moment, at her words, Rowan felt like his heart shattered into a million little pieces.
The hospital room buzzed with excitement.
“It's just a little bit more, honey.” Elide held Asterin’s hand as the young woman pushed again.
She sobbed, more in frustration than anything else “Help me! This hurts!”
Lorcan stood a step back and asked, “Is it really that bad?”
Both women glared at him with a ferocity that made him want to be swallowed up by a hole in the ground.
“Yeah,” Asterin answered through gritted teeth, “I think it's time to kick you in the nuts and see which is worse!”
Elide sighed as she was reminded of the words Lorcan reluctantly relayed to her earlier. She looked back at him, “No tact.”
The doctor cleared his throat, drawing all their attention towards him, “The baby's head is crowning.”
“Oh my God!” Elide cried, walking around to see, “That is the most beautiful top of a head I have ever seen! Lorcan, you have to see this!”
Lorcan had never looked more uncomfortable. “I'm okay.”
Elide whirled on him, “Lorcan, you don't wanna miss this. This is the birth of your child!”
His child. The words rang through him and sparked some sense of resolve. He shook himself of his discomfort, outwardly at least, and stepped up behind Elide to see what she was seeing.
“Wow.” He murmured reverently, “Disgusting.”
Elide scoffed but Loracn gripped her shoulders and kissed her forehead.
“Here we go,” The doctor said, glancing back up at Asterin “Start pushing.”
A shill cry broke through the air and Elide and Lorcan watched as the doctor held up a beautiful little baby. When Elide ripped her eyes away from the infant as the nurses cleaned it, she looked up to find Lorcan already staring at her with tears in his eyes. They didn’t have to say anything, they both felt the same overwhelming sense of love.
“It’s a boy.” The doctor said, leaning back and adjusting his gloves.
“A...a boy!” Elide beamed at Lorcan as he stood open-mouthed before showing her the widest smile she’d ever seen on the man.
“A boy.” He breathed.
“Oh, you did it!” Elide went back to Asterin’s head and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She leaned closer to the girl and whispered, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Asterin smiled at them both, “I'm really happy for you guys.”
“How do you feel?” Lorcan asked.
She sighed, “So tired.”
The doctor sat back into position, saying, “Well, you don't have that much time to relax. The other one will be along in a minute.”
The hand Lorcan had been rubbing down Elide’s back froze, as did both of their breathing as they slowly turned to face the doctor with eyebrows up to their hairlines.
“I’m sorry,” Elide said slowly, aware that Lorcan hadn’t resumed breathing yet, “who should be along in a what now?”
The doctor gave them a weird look, “The next baby should be along in a minute.”
“One.” Lorcan finally regained his ability to speak. “One baby. We signed up for one baby.”
“You know it's twins, right?” The doctor asked slowly
Elide laughed hysterically, “Oh, yeah! These are the faces of two people in the know!”
“I…” The doctor trailed off, “I can't believe you didn't know it's twins! This has never happened before.”
“Oh wow,” Loracn snorted incredulously, “That makes me feel so much better.” He ran an agitated hand through his hair.
“Wait,” Elide faced the doctor, “did you know it was twins?”
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, it's here in the paperwork we got from the clinic.”
Elide then spun around to Asterin, “Anybody tell you?”
Asterin furrowed her brows, “I don't think so. Not explicitly.” she insisted. “they did mention something about two heartbeats. But I thought that was just mine and the baby's. They kept saying both heartbeats are really strong, and I thought well, that's good 'cause I'm having a baby.”
Elide let out a shaky breath trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. “This is unbelievable.”
Lorcan gripped Elide’s arm and tugged into the corner of the room. “Can I see you for a second?”
Elide had never in her life seen Lorcan look more unsure of what to do. His hands were shaky as he gripped hers. “What do we do?”
She took a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes. “What do you mean what do we do?”
“Twins.” He stated urgently, “Twins!”
Seeing Lorcan so frazzled oddly calmed Elide down. “Lorcan, you’re panicking.”
“I sure as fuck am, join me!”
She cracked a half-smile, “Lorcan, take a breath, it’s going to be okay.”
“Elide, we are not ready to have two babies!” his eyes were still wide in shock and fear.
“That doesn’t matter!” she hissed, grabbing his arms and making him focus on her. “We have waited so long for this. I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies! We are taking them home because they are our children!”
Lorcan’s face softened and she watched as a steady resolve found its way across his face and through his body. They took a breath together and he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead gently. When he pulled away, he had a small smile reserved only for her. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she repeated, her arms still wrapped around him.
“Okay!” he laughed, and this time it wasn’t fear clouding the sound, but joy.
“It looks like we're about ready over here.” the doctor called, and Elide and Lorcan walked back towards Asterin.
When another cry sounded, the doctor lifted the second baby, declaring, “It’s a girl.”
“A girl?” Lorcan asked quietly, a smile growing.
“Indeed.” The doctor replied, passing her to be cleaned up.
Spinning towards Elide, Lorcan said excitedly, “Well now we have two different ones!” then he whirled back to the doctor and put on his stoniest glare, “And that's enough!”
Lysandra, Aedion, Fenrys, and Rowan sat in the coffee house, Cadre Coffee, as Rowan told them what Aelin had said earlier.
“And then she hugged me and said it was the perfect way to say goodbye.” Even repeating it now, felt like chewing on broken glass.
“What did you say?” Fenrys pried.
Rowan sputtered, “Nothing. What do you say to that?” What could he say to that?
“Rowan,” Lysandra pleaded, “you've got to tell her how you feel.”
“I can’t do that to her.” He sighed, defeated. “I can’t lay that on her right before she’s supposed to leave.”
“Rowan,” Aedion leaned forward, making sure he held the silver-haired man’s attention, “Aelin doesn't know that you wanna get back together. If she did, she might feel differently. She might not even go.”
“You really think so?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
Just then, Aelin breezed into the coffee shop.
“Hi, guys!” She waved before walking up the counter.
Rowan watched her a moment. “Alright, you know what? You're right. I should at least tell her how I feel.” He could do that. He had to do that.
"Rowan, wait!" Fenrys called from behind him.
Rowan spun around, "What?"
Fenrys grinned, "Can you get me a muffin?"
Rowan gave him a one-finger response and took a step towards Aelin.
“Aelin?” Nox, the barista who’d worked at the coffee house for as long as any of them could remember, got her attention.
“I know you’re leaving tonight, but I just have to tell you. I love you.”
Rowan stood frozen in place, mouth open, as he watched the scene unfold.
“I... I don't know if that changes your plans at all, but I thought you should know.” Nox nodded earnestly.
“Nox, Oh,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “I love you too. Probably not in the same way, but I do. And, and when I'm in a café, having coffee, I'll think of you.” She kissed his cheek before waving towards the group and leaving the coffee house.
Rowan sat down, meeting the shocked gazes of his friends. “Oh, my gods!”
Lysandra snorted, “Unbelievable!”
"Hey," Fenrys leaned forward, "you know what might help?"
Rowan glared at him and scoffed, "I'm not getting you a muffin!"
“We're going to take Asterin to recovery now.” The nurse told Elide and Lorcan as they each held one of their babies.
“Oh wait,” Elide caught Asterin’s hand, “There's something that we want to tell you. We decided to name the girl-baby Asterin.”
She smiled, “Oh, that’s just like my name!”
Elide held in a laugh. It was clear Asterin was either still on some medications or just very, very tired.
“Okay,” the blonde woman said, “I'm gonna go and get some rest. I'm really glad I picked you guys. You're gonna make great parents. Even Lorcan.”
Despite his eye roll, Elide saw the pride and gratitude in Lorcan’s eyes.
“Bye, Asterin.” Elide called as she was pushed out of the delivery room.
Moving closer to Lorcan, Elide cooed, “Oh look at all their teeny fingers and toes.”
“I know,” he smiled widely, making him look younger, “You ready to trade?”
“Okay!” They tried maneuvering a few different ways but eventually gave up. Switching babies when you only have two hands is not an easy feat. “Alright, let’s see…”
“Maybe later?” he suggested.
At Elide and Lorcan’s apartment, Lysandra found Fenrys hunched over the coffee table.
“Hey, what are you working on?” She asked, walking into the living room.
He grinned, “It’s a ‘Welcome Home’ sign for the baby.” He held up the large sign which read Welcome Home Baby in red paint beside a funky-shaped red blob.
“Uh,” Lysandra squinted, “Is that supposed to be the baby?”
Fenrys rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “No, I sat in the paint.”
She snorted just as Rowan walked in.
“Hey,” He nodded at them.
“Hey, so did you talk to Aelin?” Lysandra asked.
Rowan ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “No, and I'm not going to.”
“What?” Lysandra asked incredulously at the same time Fenrys jumped up and asked, “Why not?”
Rowan dropped into a seat at the kitchen table. “Because she's just going to shoot me down. You guys saw what happened with Nox.”
Lysandra scoffed and lightly hit him upside the head. “How can you compare yourself to Nox? I mean, sure, he's sexy in a more obvious way.” She smirked as Rowan glared. “You have a relationship with her, you slept together last night. For gods’ sake, you’re Rowan and Aelin! You’re Rowaelin!”
Rowan huffed, standing up, and told her harshly, “Yeah, and she still wants to go! It's pretty clear where her head is at.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “Look, even if I were going to tell her, I don't have to do it now. Okay? I'll be seeing her again. We've got time.”
“Gods, Rowan!” Lysandra tried to make him see reason. “No, you don't! She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody. Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris?”
The door opened before Rowan could get another word in and Aedion strode in carrying a rolled-up paper.
“Hey,” He said as he walked over to Lysandra to kiss her before setting the paper on the table.
“Hey, babe,” Lysandra smiled. “Whatcha got?”
“Oh,” Aedion brightened and unrolled the piece of paper. “I made a little something. If I had more time to work on it, it'd be better, but.” He shrugged, revealing a precisely drawn sign reading Welcome to the World, Baby Lochan.
“Damn, Ashryver,” Rowan nodded appreciatively “that’s really good.”
Fenrys scoffed, still standing next to his sign, and rolled his eyes, grumbling, “You know, the baby can't read, Aedion.”
Lysandra laughed as Aelin opened the door and strode in.
“Hi. You guys, my car just got here,” she said dejectedly. “I can't believe they're not home yet! I have to catch my stupid plane. I wanna see the baby!”
Fenrys spoke up, “Elide called a few minutes ago from the car. She said they should be here any minute. And apparently, there's some big surprise?”
As if on cue, Elide carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside carrying a small baby.
Aelin couldn’t hold in her gasp and none of them tried to hide the misting in their eyes.
“Oh, my gods!” Aelin beamed as she walked to Elide, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, El!” Lysandra gushed, rushing forward.
“So tiny,” Rowan murmured, coming up next to Elide as Fernys and Aedion joined the small group, too.
They turned as they heard another set of footsteps enter, turning to see Lorcan walk in carrying his own small bundle.
“What the—”
“Oh, my gods!”
“Holy sh—”
Five different exclamations happened simultaneously as all their eyes darted between the two babies.
Rowan shook himself and clasped Lorcan on the shoulder, “Okay, awkward question. The hospital knows you took two, right?”
Lorcan glared at Rowan but neither man could keep the grins off their faces as they looked down at the infants.
“Yes, Whitethorn, it’s twins.”
“They’re precious,” Lysandra cooed, making funny faces at the one in Elide’s arms. Aelin, having said hello to that baby, stepped next to Rowan to gaze down at the one Lorcan held.
“This is a boy,” Elide told them, gesturing to the one she held. “And that’s a girl,” she nodded to Lorcan’s.
“Her name is Asterin,” Lorcan told them, not looking away from his daughter’s face.
“Oh, hey, that pregnant lady’s name was Asterin.” Fenrys nodded.
Aedion snorted, “It’s a shame you two didn’t spend more time together.”
Aelin aww’d and patted Lorcan’s arm, the two of them sharing a rare, warm smile.
“The boy we named Cal, after my dad.”
“Oh, you guys,” Aelin whined, “I can't believe this. But I have to leave now, or I'm gonna miss my plane."
“I’m just so glad you got to meet them,” Elide said, watery, pulling Aelin into a hug.
“Me, too,” Aelin told her. “I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be around to watch you two attempt to handle this! Alright, I can't say goodbye to you guys again. I love you all so much.”
I love yous were exchanged and Aelin walked to the door.
“Rowan?” She caught his eye, “come here.”
He nodded and followed her into the hall, shutting the apartment door behind him.
“Rowan, I,” She paused, grabbing his hands and looking into his face with such genuine sadness it made his heart crack and made him want to pull her into his arms and not let go. She took a breath and continued, “I just want you to know, last night...I'll never forget it.”
He cleared his throat, willing the lump in it to disappear. “Neither will I.”
He cupped her cheek and she leaned into the touch. Aelin pulled him in for a hug, holding on tight. When she pulled away, Rowan used every ounce of strength to unwrap his arms from her body, to step away as she walked down the hall and away from him.
When Rowan walked back into the apartment, Lysandra sat next to him and asked, “So, you just let her go?”
Rowan couldn’t reply, he just replayed the last two days over in his head.
“Maybe that's for the best.” Fenrys chimed in, taking up the empty chair. “You know? You just... Look, you gotta... You gotta think about last night the way she does, okay? Maybe sleeping together was the perfect way to say goodbye?"
Lysandra groaned, “But now she'll never know how he feels!”
Aedion walked over and said not unkindly, “Maybe that's okay. You know? Maybe, maybe it’s better this way? I mean, now you can move on. I mean, you've been trying to for so long, maybe now that you're on different continents…”
They kept talking but all Rowan could hear was a buzzing in his head.
“I don’t want to move on.”
He said it quietly but they all stopped talking and looked at him.
“What?” Aedion asked, unsure he heard Rowan correctly.
“I don’t.” Rowan shook his head and stood up. “I want to be with her.”
“Really?” Fenrys asked, excitedly
“Of course really!” Lysandra answered for him.
Rowan kept nodding. “Yeah, I’m gonna go after her. I have to.”
“Yeah, you are!” Lorcan cheered from the living room. Rowan didn’t even have time to find his friend’s enthusiasm funny.
“Finally!” Elide added her own cheer, smiling between Rowan and the babies.
“Come on,” Lysandra urged, standing up and following Rowan to the door. “My car’s downstairs, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
“Okay!” Rowan faced his friends again, “wish me luck!”
A chorus of Good Lucks followed him out the door.
“Hey,” Fenrys called excitedly to Lorcan and Eide once Rowan and Lysandra had left, “can I give you guys your house-warming present now?”
The couple shared an amused look before Elide told him, “Now, that you can do.”
“Great! Hang on a minute.” Fenrys left their apartment to walk across the hall to his.
“Okay, my little feather babies where are you?” he muttered as he caught sight of the empty box he’d put them in earlier. “Oh shit.”
He hastily looked in the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. “Chick Jr? Duck Jr?” he called, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “Don’t hide from mama!”
“Lysandra, slow down!” Rowan urged as they almost took out a bicyclist.
She rolled her eyes, “Do you wanna get to Aelin in time?
“Of course I do, but I want to be alive to do it.”
Lysandra huffed at his dramatics but eased up on the gas. Slightly.
Finally arriving at the airport, Rowan and Lysandra rushed past the hoards of people, trying to maneuver their way towards Aelin.
“Rowan!” Lysandra called as he made to run down the hallway. “Where are you going?”
“To talk to Aelin.” Obviously.
“What?” She grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the ticket counter. “What, are you just gonna walk up to her at the gate? Have you never chased anyone through the airport before?”
“Not since the last time I chased the love of my life—no I haven’t Lys!”
She rolled her eyes as she kept dragging him away from the terminals. “You have to get a ticket to get past security, Idiot.”
Oh, right.
“Shit, we’re never gonna make it.” he hissed as they got caught behind the human embodiments of snails on their way to the counter.
“Miss, your boarding pass, please.” The gate attendant asked Aelin as she approached.
“Right, of course.” She dug through her purse then frowned, not seeing it. Flashing an apologetic smile to the people behind her, she took her purse off her shoulder and rummaged through it frantically. “Shit, shit, shit.”
The attendant cleared his throat. “Your boarding pass.”
Internally cringing, she put on her most charming smile. “You know, I had it,” she forced a chuckle, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe this—”
He looked unimpressed. “Miss, if you don't have your boarding pass—”
“I have it, I have it! Okay, I don’t have it, but I remember that I was in seat 32C,” she leaned in closer and winked, “because that’s my bra size.”
He sighed again. “Miss, you must have your boarding pass.”
Aelin huffed and stepped out of the line. “Okay, fine! But you know what? If I was in 36D, we would not be having this problem.”
Muttering to herself, Aelin scoured all her bags, finally brandishing the ticket and rushing back to the counter. “Here it is!”
Finally getting up to the ticket counter, Rowan slammed down his wallet, demanding, “I need a ticket.”
Lysandra pouted. “Just one? I drive you all the way down here, and I don't get to see how it works out?”
“Fine, fine,” he corrected irritatedly, “two tickets, I need two tickets.”
Lysandra sighed dramatically and leaned into Rowan, giving him her most overexaggerated doe-eyes. “We're on our honeymoon” she stage-whispered to the woman behind the computer.
The ticket agent merely raised a manicured brow and asked, “Destination?”
Rowan already had his credit card ready, “whatever’s cheapest.”
Lysandra sighed again, “I’m so lucky.”
Rowan leveled a glare at her and she tried not to laugh.
Once inside the terminal, Rowan sprinted toward the first departure timetable he could find. “Okay, flight 421 to Paris. I don't see it, do you see it?”
Lysandra stood next to him, eyes scanning the board. “No, did we miss it?”
“No, no, no. That's impossible,” Rowan told her. “It doesn't leave for another 20 minutes.”
“Maybe we have the flight number wrong? Hang on, let me call Elide.”
She stepped aside, impatiently waiting for Elide to pick up her phone.
“Hello?” the new mom answered.
“Hey! It’s me. Here’s Rowan.” Then she thrust the phone into Rowan’s hand.
“Elide, do you—”
“Oh, my gods, Rowan, wait until you hear the cute little noises the twins are making. Listen.”
“What? No, Elide.” Rowan cursed as he heard unintelligible baby sounds. “Elide, Elide, Elide, Elide—”
“Oh sorry,” she said, “They were doing it before.”
“Elide! Listen, please. I need Aelin’s flight information.”
“Oh, sure, hang on.” he could hear ruffling paper as he paced back and forth. “Here it is, it's flight 421. Leaves at 8:40.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, its not on the board.
“Flight 421,” Elide repeated, “leaves at 8:40, Newark airport.”
Rowan froze, his heart sinking. “What?”
“Newark airport.” Elide gasped. “Where are you?”
But she already knew the answer.
“JFK.” he breathed, utterly defeated.
If Rowan wasn’t so upset, he would be fearing for his life as Lysandra sped through the streets at breakneck speed.
“Lysandra, forget it, okay? Newark is like an hour away. There's no way we're gonna make it in time.”
“She’s got her phone,” Lysandra braved a glance at him, narrowly avoiding another car, "you could call her.”
Rowan scoffed, “I am not doing this over the phone.”
“You don’t have any other choice!” She insisted before reaching for her own phone and calling Aelin.
It rang once. Twice.
“Hello? Lys?” Aelin’s voice rings out from the speaker and it was like a tether Rowan desperately wanted to hold onto.
“Aelin?” Lysandra answered, relieved. “oh, good. Hey, by the way, did you just get on the plane?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Leaning over, Lysandra hissed, “For what it's worth, we would have caught her if we were at the right airport.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic.” Rowan sniped.
“Uh, Ae, hang on,” she tried pushing the phone into Rowan’s hand but he adamantly refused to do this without being able to look Aelin in the eye.
“Lys? Is everything okay?” Aelin asked, worriedly.
Glaring at Rowan, Lysandra struggled to find a reason for calling. “Uhm, actually no. No, you've...you have to get off the plane.”
“What? Why?” Aelin sounded bewildered.
“I just,” Lysandra sighed, shooting another glare at Rowan, “I have this feeling that something's wrong with it. Something is wrong with the, uh,” she paused again before snapping her fingers and declaring, “with the left phalange.”
“Lys, babe, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the plane. Look, I have to go. I love you, and I will call you the minute I get to Paris.”
On the plane, Aelin hung up the phone only to feel the man beside her tap insistently on her shoulder.
“What was that?” he asked, looking anxious.
“Oh,” Aelin waved a hand dismissively, “that was just my friend. She told me I should get off the plane because she had a feeling that there was something wrong with the left phalange.” She chuckled, sure it was just Lysandra’s way of finding an excuse to talk to her again before the flight took off.
But the man started to fidget. “Okay, that doesn't sound good.”
“I wouldn't worry about it.” Aelin again waved him off, “She's always coming up with stuff like this, and you know what? She's almost never right.”
“But she is sometimes?”
“Well…” Aelin trailed off, thinking about all the things Lysandra has had an intuition about.
Her hesitation was apparently enough to send her seatmate into a tail-spin because he instantly got up and tried to grab his suitcase, only for the flight attendant to stop him.
“Excuse me, sir, where are you going?” The woman asked, curtly.
“I have to get off this plane, okay?” he insisted, then gestured towards a wide-eyed Aelin. “Her friend has a feeling something's wrong with the left phalange.”
He said it loud enough that other passengers began to panic, while Aelin sheepishly shrugged at the annoyed flight attendant.
“There is nothing wrong with the plane, sir.”
He finally got his bag down and cried, “The left phalange!”
The attendant looked incredulously between the man and Aelin, “There is no phalange.”
“Oh my God. This plane doesn't even have a phalange!”
Aelin watched, wincing, as more passengers overheard and insisted they, too, get off the plane. Person after person marched out the aisle and soon Aelin loosed a long breath, “This is ridiculous,” she watched another two people leave. “Yeah, okay.”
Grabbing her own bag, she followed the crowd off the plane.
Rowan doubted he’d ever felt as frantic or desperate as he did right now.
He and Lysandra finally made it to Newark, bought another ticket, and raced to Aelin’s gate.
“Where is she?” He muttered, almost pulling out his hair with how forcefully he raked his hands through it.
“I don't see her,” Lysandra answered.
“Aelin!” Rowan shouted, not caring about the stares he garnered. “Aelin Galthynius!”
“Oh!” Lysandra gasped, pointing towards a crowd, “There she is!”
“Aelin!” He yelled again, pushing past people as he tried to run onto the boarding gate.
“Woah,” the gate attendant stopped Rowan, “excuse me, sir, do you have a boarding pass?”
“I just need to talk to someone,” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry, you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.”
“Gods, please, I just need—”
“AELIN!” Lysandra shrieked, getting everyone’s attention including a specific blonde who rushed back out the gate and stood gaping at Lysandra and Rowan.
“Oh my gods,” she looked back and forth between the two before her gaze locked and held with Rowan’s as she breathed, “What—what are you guys doing here?”
“All you,” Lysandra nudged Rowan then made herself scarce
“What? What is it?” Aelin demanded, pulling Rowan aside, “Rowan, you're scaring me. What's going on?”
“Aelin,” Rowan didn’t know where to start. “Okay, the thing is,” he trailed off again. How could he tell that he loved her? How could he wrap up ten years—more than that—of falling in love with her, even at times when he didn’t know it. How could he explain that to her?
He took a deep breath. “Don’t go.”
“What?” Aelin asked, shocked.
“Aelin, please, don’t leave. I am so gods damn in love with you. Please, don’t go.”
Aelin stood open-mouthed, her eyes shimmering with an emotion he didn’t dare name. “Oh, my gods.”
He groaned, “I know, I know. I’m an idiot and a bastard, and any other name you want to call me. I shouldn't have waited until now to say it, Hellas, I shouldn’t have waited until now to realize it, but,” he shook his head, locking his gaze with hers. “That was stupid, okay? I'm sorry, I’m so sorry, but I'm telling you now. I love you. I’m in love with you. Please, do not get on this plane.”
“Miss?” a throat cleared behind them, making Aelin blink and drag her watery eyes away from his. “Are you boarding the plane?”
“Aelin,” Rowan took her hand, urging her to stay, “Aelin, please. I know you love me, too. I know you do. Don’t go. Stay.”
“I,” Aelin looked between Rowan and the gate attendant with shock and regret etched across her face. “I have to get the plane,” she whispered.
“No, you don’t.” Rowan held tightly to her hand.
“Yes, I do.” despite her protests, she didn’t pull her hand away.
“No,” Rowan stepped closer, cupping her cheek and reveling in the fact that she leaned into his touch. “You don’t.”
“Rowan,” her words barely louder than a breath, “They're waiting for me, I can't do this right now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
He couldn’t understand what was happening. Rowan couldn’t accept that she was walking away.
“Aelin.” he pleaded, one final time.
She took a shuddering breath. “I’m so sorry.”
Rowan stood unmoving, felt his breathing freeze and his heart cease beating if just for a moment as he watched Aelin walk away from him and board the plane.
He wasn’t aware of people moving around him or of Lysandra coming to stand next to him before pulling him into a hug murmuring I’m sorry. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings as he walked towards Lysandra’s car or his walk back to his apartment. All he knew was that he’d just watched the love of his life walk away and there would soon be an ocean between them.
Lorcan sealed the last box of his and Elide’s things.
“Wow,” Elide sighed, looking around the bare apartment. “Everything’s packed.”
“It’s weird,” Lorcan replied, looking around the space he and their friends had occupied for so many years.
“I know.” She stood on her toes and he leaned down to meet her for a kiss.
“So, uh,” Fenrys spoke up from the kitchen, “does this mean there's nothing to eat?”
Elide snorted while Lorcam tried his best to reign in his smirk. Turning, Elide told him, “I put three lasagnas in your freezer.”
He beamed, “I love you!”
She chuckled as the door opened and Lysandra walked in.
“How’d it go?” Elide asked
“So did you guys make it in time?” Aedion spoke at the same time from his place against the fridge.
“Yeah,” Lysandra sighed, “Yeah, he talked to her, but she got on the plane anyway.”
“Where’s Rowan?” Lorcan asked her, knowing Rowan would be hiding away, brooding.
“He went home,” Lysandra frowned and leaned into Aedion’s embrace. “He didn't want to see anybody.”
Sitting on his couch, Rowan noticed his answering machine beeping. More out of muscle memory than an actual urge to listen, he pressed the button.
“Rowan, It’s me.”
Rowan jolted, a mess of emotion flying through him as he listened to Aelin's voice filter through his machine.
“I just got back on the plane. I feel awful. Gods, Rowan, that was so not how I wanted things to end with us.”
End. Rowan braced himself, he had to get through this message.
“It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things...and now I’m sitting here thinking of everything I should’ve said that I didn’t.”
Rowan heard her take a shuddering breath.
“I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too.”
His breath caught, and hope filled him for the first time since he’d been standing in front of her.
“Because of course, I do. I love you. I love you. Gods, Rowan, I love you.”
He held his breath, he almost couldn’t wrap his brain around what he was hearing, what he’d longed to hear.
“What am I doing? I love you! I need to get off this plane—”
“Oh my gods,” Rowan listened, wide-eyed as he heard Aelin argue with a flight attendant.
“Excuse me? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I need to get off this plane, okay? I need to tell Rowan I love him.”
“Miss, can't let you off the plane.”
“Let her off the plane!” Rowan screamed at his machine.
“Oh, please, you don’t understand. Isn’t there any way you can just let me off—”
The message ended and Rowan was left sitting on the edge of his sofa staring disbelievingly at his answering machine.
“No!” He jumped up, carding a hand through his hair, “No! Aelin! Oh, my gods, did she get off the plane?”
“I got off the plane.”
Rowan whirled around so fast he thought his neck might snap. Aelin stood in his doorway, suitcase in hand, staring at him with a watery smile and eyes that blazed with surety.
“You got off the plane.” Rowan breathed and strode towards her, holding her face in his hands as she grabbed his arms, each clinging to the other, not able to let the other go.
Rowan wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next moment he was kissing Aelin, It was as if all the years of pining, love, heartbreak, and friendship, barreled through them and into a kiss full of promise. All the mistakes of the past, all the time wasted, was over. Now, they could finally be Rowan and Aelin. Finally.
When they pulled apart, still unable to let the other go, Aelin leaned her forehead against his and told him, “I do. I do love you.”
Rowan brushed a tear from her cheek and smiled down with all the warmth he could gather. “I love you too, Fireheart. And I’m never letting you go, again.”
“Good," She nodded, gripping him tighter, “because this is where I want to be, okay? With you. Always with you. No more messing around.”
“That’s right,” he agreed, “we’re done being stupid.”
Aelin kissed him again. “You and me, alright?” She looked him in the eye and saw everything she felt mirrored there. “To whatever end.”
“This is it. To whatever end” He echoed, pulling her in for another kiss.
The seven of them stood in the now-empty living room of Elide and Lorcan’s apartment. The new parents each held a baby, Fenrys sat with Lysandra and Aedion near the large window, and Aelin leaned into Rowan who had his arms wrapped around her as they stood to the side.
“Wow,” Aelin murmured, looking around the bare space.
“I know,” Rowan said into her hair, “It seems smaller somehow.”
Fenrys glanced at the walls a minute before asking, “Has it always been purple?” His answer consisted of several snorts.
Lorcan and Elide strapped Asterin and Cal into their stroller. Elide sniffed, facing everyone else, “Oh, uh, I promised the landlord we’d leave our keys.”
She said it to Lorcan, but each of them walked toward the counter to place their own keys. Elide laughed, looking at seven pairs of keys to a two-person apartment.
“I guess this is it,” Lysandra commented mournfully.
“Yeah,” Aedion wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “I guess so.”
At Elide’s sniffle, Lorcan pulled her into his arms. Through the fabric of his shirt, they could hear her say, “This is harder than I thought it would be.”
Gathering herself, Elide unwrapped her arms from Lorcan’s middle before turning to hug Aelin who’d come to stand next to her.
“Do you guys have to go to the new house right away?” Aelin asked, “Or do you have some time?”
“We have some time.”
“Okay,” Rowan grabbed Aelin’s hand, “should we get some coffee?”
“Sure,” Fenrys smirked. “Where?”
They all laughed as they walked out of the apartment that had become so important to each one of them. Aedion helped Lorcan carry the double stroller down the stairs, followed closely by Elide. Lysandra and Fenrys were bickering, but smiling as they walked. And Rowan and Aelin had their arms wrapped around each other, not daring or wanting to let the other one go. They shared a smile, and with one last glance at the closed apartment door, they left.
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topsytervy · 4 years
Goodbye ~ Rafe Cameron
Blurb: You and Rafe were dating until you realized he changed way too much...and not for the better.
Word Count: maybe 4,300 (i did some last minute editing)
Warnings: mentions of drugs (coke and weed), hints at sex, swearing, toxic behavior, age gap (16 and 19), canon Rafe (minus the murder), grammar/spelling mistakes,i think thats it.
One thing before you read:
Not me already thinking of a part 2 where they reunite years later at John B and Sarahs wedding
You dated Rafe Cameron for a bit, starting your relationship months before his downward spiral. Key words there being dated and a bit. Almost a year. 11 months 17 days and 5 hours to be exact but who was counting.
Rafe Cameron was.
Out of the 11 months 17 days and 5 hours that your relationship lasted, you two spent 11 months 2 days and 30 minutes with each other and they were the best 11 months 2 days and 30 minutes of his life. 
You broke it off though after he had promised that he would try to quit his drug habit, his coke habit to be more precise, and didn't. Whenever you tried to help him, he'd push you away and say, 'I can take care of my own shit, Y/N. I don't need you to help'. 
The last straw was when he drove up to Barrys, you in the passenger seat next to him, unamused since he said he'd be taking you to the beach but didn't, opting out to fulfill the hunger of coke instead.
"Rafe, please. You're doing so well. We can still go back home. Lay down, watch a movie, have some fun…" You trailed off, thinking that the last option would definitely have him turning back.
"After this, Y/N/N. Then we can have all the fun we want." He smirked.
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's no fun when you're high." You mumbled under your breath.
He parked the car and told you to stay put, which you chose to ignore as you promptly swung the door passenger open and hopped out of the vehicle. After all, you were all dressed and ready for the beach, eagerly waiting to feel the sand between your toes and the sun on your skin -and to see your boyfriend shirtless- and instead, you were at Barrys. Not to pay off a debt and say Rafe was out, but too get more cocaine. You were upset and you were going to make sure he saw you each second he was with you so he'd feel bad about breaking his promise. Rafe rolled his eyes as you followed him inside, not really wanting Barry to see you.
Rafe and Barry greeted each other and you followed them towards Barry's room where the exchange was made. Rafe watched Barry count the money, his index finger tapping on the side of his leg as he waited. You stood in the corner of the room, unamused by your boyfriend as you watched him begin to chew on his lip as Barry furrowed his eyebrows and recounted.
"What are you trying to do, country club?" Barry finally asked.
"What do you mean?" A confused look crossed Rafe's face.
"You're 20 bucks short, man. You think you can just stiff me?"
Rafe looked at you and you held up your hands. "Why are you looking at me? I don't wanna be here in the first place and where the fuck would I hide 20 bucks? My bikini top." You glared. Rafe shot you another look. "I'm serious, Rafe. You wanna frisk me, be my fucking guest." 
Rafe looked at your face and saw you were telling the truth before turning back to Barry, who was eyeing you up as you talked at Rafe but moved his gaze back to the man in front of him when he thought of an idea.
"You know, country club. I could let it slide and still give you what you want. You'd just have to keep it hush-hush." He smirked.
"What do you want in exchange then? My truck? Bike? Uh…my watch?" Rafe began to take off the watch his father gave him but Barry held up his head, causing Rafe to look up at him.
"A couple of hours with her." Rafe followed Barry's pointer finger and saw you raise your eyebrows.
"Excuse me? Do I look like I wanna have sex with you?" You asked.
Barry's smirk only grew. "I like you. You're a feisty little thing I can tell."
Don't I know it, Rafe thought to himself as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
You had to stop yourself from letting your jaw drop. He was actually thinking about it.
Rafe Cameron, your boyfriend, the guy who decked a kid in the jaw who had accidentally brushed his hand against yours when at a kegger once, was actually considering this guy's proposal. 
If Rafe said yes, you were a goner. There was no way you could overpower Barry. You could barely overpower your 12 year old brother when fighting for the remote and he was weak as hell.
"No. Its fine. Just give me the cash back and I'll come back when I have the 20." Barry gave him back the cash and Rafe nodded his head towards the door. "Lets go, baby."
You walked in front of Rafe and made your way outside, stopping right next to the passenger door, not opening it. 
Rafe came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Lets get home, baby. Put on a movie and lay down, have some fun just like you suggested." He grinned, kissing your neck as he repeated what you had said not even ten minutes ago.
You shrugged him off and rolled your eyes.
"What's up with that?" He asked, slightly offended at the actions.
"You actually thought about leaving me alone for a couple of hours with that guy, Rafe. That's what's up with that." You turned around to face him.
"I didn't though."
"You still thought about it Rafe. You thought about letting that man, that slimey, greasy, man, have his way with me just so you could get some coke."
"Hey, you're not in there with him, though. You're out here with me. Aren't you, Y/N/N?" You didn't respond. "Aren't you?!" Rafe hollered, causing you to jump slightly.
"Let me ask you this, Rafe. If someone came up to me right now and asked if I'd break up with you to date my celebrity crush, and I stopped to think about it instead of saying no right away, how would you feel?" Rafe clenched his jaw and didn't respond. "How do you think I feel right now after knowing that my jealous, possessive boyfriend who hates when a guy even looks at me, stopped and thought about a proposition his drug dealer brought up that meant he could still get his cocaine if he let his dealer fuck me and he'd let the 20 dollars slide."
"You don't know if he was going to fuck you." 
You let out a laugh in disbelief. "Don't play dumb, Rafe. You know exactly what he was going to do."
Rafe didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and started counting to ten to try and calm down so he could reason with you. He opened his eyes and went to speak but you were gone. "God, fuckin a." He cussed, grabbing his keys from his pocket and jogging to the driver side. 
He climbed in and started the vehicle before tearing out of the driveway. It's not like you had gotten far, jogging was faster than walking but not by much and Rafe saw you after just a mere 30 seconds of driving. You had slowed to a walk and when you saw his truck pull alongside you, you rolled your eyes and returned your gaze to the road in front of you. 
"Baby. Let's talk about this like adults." He sighed.
When you didn't answer, he sped up just a smidge so the bed was next to you, and pulled to the side of the road, getting out of the truck.
He stood in front of you. "You shouldn't be walking home. It's too far." You ignored him, going to walk around him but he just moved to be in front of you again. 
"Rafe, I'm warning you. Back the fuck off right now." 
"Just get in the truck and then we'll talk about whatever is going on up in that head of yours." He said gently.
"I already told you what was going on. You seriously thought about selling me out for sex just so you could get high."
"Y/N/N, get in the truck."
"It was disgusting that you hesitated before saying no.  What happened to me being your girl and no one else touching me or else you'd cave their skull in back there?"
"Get in the truck." He ran his hand through his hair, feeling himself getting angrier and trying to remain calm.
He didn't like yelling at you or getting angry at you, knowing how it scared you when he wasn't even yelling at you but someone else.
"You know, why can't you just get high with weed like JJ." 
And that was it. 
Rafe reached out and grabbed your chin, yanking you close. "Get in the fucking truck, Y/N." He seethed, his voice dangerously low. You tried to keep your face as neutral as possible despite how you felt on the inside. "Now!" Rafe yelled.
You flinched slightly before yanking your face from his grip and climbing into the passenger seat. You looked out the window as Rafe walked over to his side and climbed back in. 
You were a bit shaken up if you were being honest. Rafe had never yelled at you before today or called you by your actual name. It was usually your nickname or baby. He had also never grabbed you like that outside of the bedroom.
"I try to have a civil fucking conversation with you and you walk away. How fucking mature is that?" Rafe glanced over at you and you could feel his eyes on you but you just kept looking out the window. "And the fact that you think that just because I hesitated, I was going to give you over to Barry is fucking ridiculous. My brain was processing what he said, not thinking of letting him fuck you." Rafe was actually thinking of Barry's offer but you didn't need to know that for sure. "You're mine, Y/N. You hear that? M-I-N-E. Mine. I don't share my things with anyone and you know this." 
You swallowed hard at his words, taking in the toxicity of your situation right now. He wasn't the same Rafe that you started dating all those months ago. He was far from the Rafe who you let take your virginity when you hit month six of your relationship. He was far from the Rafe that the minute you said you were uncomfortable, was taking you away from whatever was making you uncomfortable or stopping what you were doing.
He was far from the Rafe you had fallen for.
"Drop me off at the chateau." You mumbled causing Rafe to stop his speech. 
"Drop me off at the chateau." You said louder and slower. 
"What if I don't want to?" He huffed.
"Drop me off at the chateau or I'm calling JJ and he's gonna meet me at Tanneyhill and I'll let him tear you apart." 
Rafe's eyes left the road and he looked at you, still staring out the window. Rafe didn't say anything, just drove you where you told him to. 
The pogues sat on the porch and watched as Rafe's truck pulled up. 
Pope looked around at the group. "Weren't they supposed to be at the beach?" 
Kie shrugged as she watched your door swing open before the truck parked. "That's different. She's never done that before." She raised an eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?" John B asked.
"She just hopped out of Rafe's truck before it stopped. She usually stays in there for a minute after he parks." Kie nodded towards you as you walked towards them, rolling her eyes as if the boys should've known that.
Rafe sighed as he parked the truck and hopped out, jogging up to you and grabbing your arm. 
"Please just come back to Tanneyhill with me, Y/N, and we'll talk." 
You shook your head, retching your arm away from him. "We're done. Don't call me, don't text me, don't contact me at all. I can't do this anymore Rafe. I've tried helping you and being there for you and everything else during this...this...obstacle in your life and it's like you're not even trying anymore." You told him with tears in your eyes.
"What? No. No. No. I'm gonna get my shit together." He ran his hand through his hair.
Your friends stood up and slowly made their way over, not to eavesdrop, but just in case things took a turn.
"You keep saying that Rafe and I keep believing you but I can't. Not anymore. Not after today." You lamented, "Bye, Rafe. I wish you the best." You quickly turned and jogged into the chateau, feeling the tears start to fall.
"Y/N," he called, about to go after you but John B and JJ stopped him as the other two followed you inside. "Y/N!" He attempted to shrug off your two friends but when it was clear that they would not be letting him follow you without a fight, he pulled away, walking backwards to his truck. "I'll come back! You know I will! You're my girl!" He shouted as loud as he could.
John B and JJ stepped forward and Rafe pursed his lips before climbing into his truck. John B and JJ watched Rafe drive away before heading inside. John B sighed as he heard you cry in the bathroom, plopping down on the couch next to Pope as JJ found his home on the floor.
"Do we know what happened that finally made her break?" JJ asked, wanting nothing more to break the Cameron boys nose.
Pope shrugged before nodding towards the bathroom. "Kie's in there right now trying to calm her down and get her to talk about it." John B rubbed a hand over his face. "She's his girl? Really?" Pope raised an eyebrow, letting the two boys know that Rafes little shout was heard.
John B shook his head. "Not anymore. I think it'll take a miracle for her to go back to him."
"And he'd really come back here just to try and get her back?"
JJ looked at Pope with a serious expression. "He can fucking try but if he even looks at her, I'll break him. I'll take her to work with me if it means not leaving her alone for Rafe to show up and try to weasel back in." 
Pope licked his lips. "She seemed so happy with him in the beginning. I was honestly kind of rooting for them."
John B looked at Pope. "I think we all were." 
"And she was happy with him. Then he decided that coke should join the relationship and that's when it all went downhill." JJ added.
After an hour had passed and no more crying was heard, the three pogue boys got up and made their way to the bathroom.
JJ knocked on the door and Kie immediately answered. "Come in."
He opened the door slowly to avoid hitting anyone before the three boys made their way into the bathroom. It was a bit cramped but no one complained as they looked down at you with your head on Kie's lap, eyes closed as you slept.
"What happened ?" Pope whispered.
"He went to Barry's and was short twenty dollars. Barry said Rafe could still get the coke and not have to worry about the twenty if he could have a couple hours with her."  Kie started.
"Sounds about par for the course for Barry," JJ mumbled, knowing all about the dealer.
"Rafe thought about it before saying no. After a small argument and explanation as to why she saw his hesitation as a problem, she started walking. He followed, told her multiple to get in the truck but she didn't, and then he grabbed her roughly and told her one more time and she did because she was scared." The curly haired girl sighed.
The boys all shot each other a look but Kie quickly shut it down. "No. You are not fighting him. That will just cause more problems. We're going to ignore his existence and be here for Y/N. Understand?" No one spoke. "I said, Understand?" Kie said more sternly.
The boys all mumbled the agreements and JJ crossed his fingers out of sight. If Kie thought he was going to just let it all slide right by, she was wrong. No one hurt his friends and got away with it. She should know this by now.
"Now, can one of you be useful and put her to bed? Or am I just going to have to do it myself?" Kie raised an eyebrow.
"I got her." JJ muttered, walking over to Kie and picking you up gently.
He took you into what he claimed as his room and placed you on the bed, throwing a blanket over. He turned to leave but stopped, biting his lip for a second before turning back around and giving you a kiss on your forehead.
Now, here Rafe was, six months later, at The Wreck with Kelce and Topper, watching JJ and you wait for your food at the counter.
Rafe made a face and at the sight of you two close together and thats when he noticed JJ's arms around you, swaying you two back and forth.
Rafe's jaw clenched as did his hand that was around his glass of water. "What the hell is he doing with his arms around her?" His eyes narrowed.
Kelce and Topper looked at each other before holding up their fists. 
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot."
Topper groaned as Kelce whooped with victory. "Tell him, Top."
"JJ and Y/N have been together for like a month and a half now." Topper muttered.
Rafe stared at his two friends. "And you guys didn't tell me?" 
"Well, we didn't think it was important and you seemed to be doing alright finally so we just kind of- Where are you going?!" Kelce asked when he saw Rafe get up from the table and walk out the door.
The two friends looked to where you and JJ were standing only to find you two not there.
They immediately got up, Topper pulling a 50 from his wallet and putting it on the table while screaming a 'keep the change Kiara' as they both ran out.
They watched as Rafe's truck pulled past them and out of The Wrecks parking lot.
"Hey man! You're our ride!" Kelce hollered.
Rafe's hand gripped the steering wheel as he drove, jaw still clenched. He stopped at a stop sign and slammed his hand on the wheel in anger. It was months after your guys break up and Rafe hadn't even looked at another girl the same way he looked at you, let alone thought about getting into a new relationship. But here you were, dating JJ Maybank for a month and a half apparently.
You always had been known as Rafe's girl, even after the break-up. He made it practically impossible for any guy to even think about talking to you because Rafe had the full intention of getting you back. 
But, of course, in classic JJ style, JJ had to steal what was his. Now you were referred to as JJ's girl but Rafe was too high or out of it to notice the change.
He pulled into the driveway of the chateau minutes after you and JJ did, you laughing at something JJ had said as you got out of his truck.  
You heard a car door slam and looked behind you, calling for JJ when you saw an all too familiar vehicle.
JJ came around to stand next to you and his eyes narrowed as Rafe stormed over.
"Im gonna beat you so bad you'll think your daddy did it, Maybank!" 
"Rafe! What the hell are you doing here?" You shouted at your ex.
"I wanna know why the hell I just heard that you're going out with him?!" Rafe stopped right in front of you.
You could feel the rage coming off of Rafe and you opened your mouth to speak but JJ stepped in between you two. 
"I suggest you back the fuck up and move on, Cameron." 
"What's funny is I'm not here for you, JJ. So I suggest you get the fuck out of the way so I can talk to Y/N/N."
JJ narrowed his eyes. "Over my dead body."
Rafe chuckled darkly as he nodded his head slightly. "That can be arranged."
"Rafe, JJ. Stop. This is fucking ridiculous." You pulled JJ back by his upper arm before turning your gaze onto Rafe. "We broke up Rafe. It's time for you to move on."
"No. You don't get to tell me when I should move on, Y/N. You don't get to tell me any of that typical bullshit okay? I already told you all those months ago that you're mine and that hasn't changed." He shot at you.
JJ smirked. "I think it has because now the whole island knows her as JJ's girl. Not Rafe's. JJ's."
Rafe took a step closer. "You watch your mouth, Maybank." 
"Or what? You gonna swing on me? I hope you do so I have a reason for beating you shitless." 
You turned to JJ. "Since you're not helping with this conversation, why don't you help by bringing the food inside." You held out the bag that contained your guys lunch and JJ sighed, taking it.
Not without one last jab at Rafe though by kissing you on the lips right in front of him. You were quick to stop a ready-to-pounce Rafe who went to lunge at JJ, but your boyfriend just smirked at your ex before heading inside.
"I'm gonna kill him." Rafe said, fists clenching.
"No you're not. Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm happy?"
"Because you're happiest when you're with me. Remember saying that to me that one night? When we were walking around at like 2 AM and you just said it out of the blue and then blushed cause it was only a month into our relationship and you didn't mean to say it out loud. You immediately apologized cause it was stupid and corny but I told you it wasn't if it was true and that I felt the same way with you. Remember that, Y/N." His demeanor changed from hostile to soft.
You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose. "That was before you were snorting lines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That was before everything changed. Before you changed, Rafe." Rafe looked down at the ground in shame, fiddling with his fingers. "I wish that I tried harder to help you and keep you from where you are now. I wish I hadn't pushed your buttons that day when you told me to get in the truck and that I acted more mature than I did. I also wish I hadn't said the weed comment cause I know how much you can't stand JJ and were insecure because of my friendship with him and I guess you kind of had a right to be considering whats going on between me and him right now. In a way, I kind of egged you on with not letting you talk but that day you grabbed me and yelled at me, that was it. I couldn't stay any longer. That was the first time I ever felt scared of you."
Rafe felt regret and sadness wash over him. "There is absolutely no excuse for the way I grabbed you that day or how I spoke to you. That was wrong of me and I shouldn't have done that no matter how angry I was. I'm so fucking sorry for that. It's one of my biggest regrets." Rafe admitted looking at you. "If I could redo that day, I wouldn't have done any of that. I wouldn't have even gone to Barry's. We would've just gone to the beach like you wanted and then went back to my place for a shower and then watched 50 First Dates because you always watch that movie after a beach day. If I could go back before then, I wouldn't have had that line that started it all and we would've just stayed home from that damn party. " 
You smiled softly. "I appreciate you owning up to your actions, Rafe but that doesn't change anything that's happening right now. I'm not going to break up with JJ just to get back together with you while you're still using. Maybe at some point in the future we'll find our way back to each other but right now, you need to focus on yourself and getting yourself help so you can get better."
Rafe nodded slowly and it was quiet for a minute before he mumbled. "Does he treat you alright?"
"Does JJ treat you alright?" He asked a bit louder.
You smiled. "Yeah, he does."
Rafe nodded. "That's-" Rafe felt his voice crack and he cleared his throat. "That's really good, Y/N/N."
You placed your hand on his arm and gave it a squeeze, kind of like how a grandma would. "Take care of yourself, Rafe." Rafe nodded again. "Goodbye, Rafe." You sent him a small sad smile before walking off to the chateau.
Rafe couldn't bring himself to say that though. Instead, he said the one thing he never got to.
"I love you."
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy here comes the next chapter ! Number .... lemme look. Okay, number six! 🥳🥳🥳
And yes, my thoughts as usual will be a messy, very Everlark-biased and full of typos. Letsss gooooo 🥰🥰🥰
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Is this the first time Katniss and Peeta have been to their floor or is this just the most opportune time to explain and introduce the Tribute Center living quarters?
Also why are they called tributes anyway? That word suddenly seems weird to me after nine years... 🤔🤔🤔
“I've ridden the elevator a couple of times in the Justice Building back in District 12. Once to receive the medal for my father's death and then yesterday to say my final goodbyes to my friends and family” .... 😶😶 so only good memories and connotations to elevators then, huh?
“The walls of this elevator are made of crystal so that you can watch the people on the ground floor shrink to ants as you shoot up into the air.” My mind is just imagining the elevator in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone’s Spider-Man movies 🤗.
“It's exhilarating and I'm tempted to ask Effie Trinket if we can ride it again, but somehow that seems childish” this is so cute and innocent omg. Katniss, like I said in my last chapter blog, still has some childlike innocence left in her 🥺🥺🥺. I’m a sad.
Also excuse the unnecessary extra gif use but 🤭🤭🤭
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Oh wow, so Haymitch hasn’t been around since they were on the train? No wonder neither Katniss nor Peeta fled they could trust him for basically the entirety of the first book. 😐😐😐
You know it’s bad when Effie being around feels like a blessing to Katniss. Girl has more restraint than me, I’d have ripped off this woman’s janky wig by now without remorse. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Effie acts like they’re her purebred show dogs. I know I know how is this news, that’s a blatant fact. The movies really softened her up tho for the general audience. And I bleed the movies and books together more than I should 😔😔😔
Well at least she’s made herself useful, trying to get Everlark sponsors ... even if it’s ultimately to benefit herself above anyone else .... 😤
Effie calling Twelve barbaric while she’s preparing them for the slaughter isn’t even ironic it’s like literally just brainless. Johanna probably had the nickname floating around for a lot of people before she officially knighted Katniss with it 😭
“Everyone has their reservations, naturally. You being from the coal district.” Is this how they refer to Twelve? So basically if a district makes a better item, it’s a more worthy one in the Capitol’s eyes? So essentially, if District Eight made like diamonds or pearls or whatever then it would be more worthy? So are the districts assigned their numbers (one, two, three, four, etc) based on their order of importance to the Capitol’s lifestyle? I always thought it was based on their distance in relation to the Capitol? Okay so I didn’t really pay much attention to these facts previously when I read these books ok look away I’m an idiot
Omg 😭😭😭😭 Effie is such an idiot. But the coal turns to pearls thing is my favorite line from her only because it serves as the cutest inside joke when Peeta makes a callback to it in Catching Fire and Finnick is just like “why are these two teenagers so stupid who did I ally with? 🥵😳🥵😳🥵”
“I wonder if the people she's been plugging us to all day either know or care.” After reading Songbirds and Snakes, I’m sure they don’t have a clue, boo. 😑😑😑😑 although not everyone was an idiot back then ... maybe Snow is putting lead in the drinking water?
“But don't worry, I'll get him to the table at gunpoint if necessary.” I know she’s trying to help and I know we say this kind of thing today, but considering this is two kids she’s well aware will be heading into a death match this is just bad wording I know surprise surprise 🙄🙄🙄😬😬😬😬
“Although lacking in many departments, Effie Trinket has a certain determination I have to admire.” Katniss really does see the best in people. What’s sad, y’all, is I think Katniss unconsciously really tries to like people and that’s why she has her guard up so high. Because the softer you are, the easier people will step all over you. Terrible phrasing here, Samantha, I’m so sorry to any of my readers ... okay now that sounded arrogant, implying I have readers 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅
“My quarters are larger than our entire house back home.” Omg? I mean, yes, I knew this already obviously no duh but like also. Just the fact that three people live in a space smaller than a bedroom and bathroom arena is saddy sad sad. Also do they have indoor plumbing in the Seam or is their backyards just full of—okay, I’ll see myself out. 😶🤭😅🙃
“The shower alone has a panel with more than a hundred options you can choose regulating water temperature, pressure, soaps, shampoos, scents, oils, and massaging sponges.” I’m just imagining a Spongebob scene ngl.
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I’m sorry there’s so many gifs this time around it’s probably taking us out of the reading headspace I’ll never do it again 😩😩😩😩 I talk like I have a class of people listening to me 🤭🤭🤭
“Instead of struggling with the knots in my wet hair, I merely place my hand on a box that sends a current through my scalp, untangling, parting, and drying my hair almost instantly” I need this someone invent this NOW my brush is yanking out my hair 😔😩
“I program the closet for an outfit to my taste.” ‘Yes, Alexa, I’d like a hunting jacket, some boots and a green shirt. Yes, it can be brown.’
“You need only whisper a type of food from a gigantic menu into a mouthpiece and it appears, hot and steamy, before you in less than a minute.” I like this idea because it means that Peeta could order hot choccy to comfort Katniss after her nightmares in Catching Fire from the comfort of her their own bed. 🤗🤗🤗 also I want this for myself. The bad people are giving my greedy self ideas look away everyone 😬
“I walk around the room eating goose liver and puffy bread until there's a knock on the door.” 🤢🤢🤢🤢 Of everything you could have chosen, child, this is what you decided on? Someone help my girl and her rotten tastebuds now.
“Effie's calling me to dinner. Good. I'm starving.” Baby, you were just eating. She’s so nutritionally messed up. 😔😔😔
Katniss trying wine 🥳🥳🥳 she’s so funny, trying to find a way to improve the taste 😅. She’ll make a good taste tester for her baker husband one day.
Hahahaha Katniss not liking the feeling and judging Haymitch for always being tipsy. Also this is sad because she ends up addicted to morphling later one which is far worse than a little wine.
I’m glad to know Baked Alaska survived the apocalypse 😅🥳
Katniss just constantly trying to decipher the recipe of every meal and how to recreate it reads cute on a surface level but it’s actually so tragic because everything to this girl is based around food. Like even more than is typically noticed. They really should have given a hint at this in the first movie. Good thing she marries a man who can always keep her full.
I’m just forever side-eyeing you, Gare Bear.
That’s Gary Ross for the confused kids in the back.
Why does Katniss yelling mid-sentence, “oh! I know you!” add to her innocence? 🥺 it’s because she was overwhelmed by all the food and new luxuries she’d never even been able to imagine ... and also this is pre her first games so she’s still got some childhood left in her 😩😔
I wonder how Lavinia felt seeing Katniss volunteer and knowing she’d be her Avox? I wonder if she, like Cinna, somehow volunteered to be her Avox?
I mean ... talk about convenient placement that this specific girl was assigned to Katniss’ district—oh wait, y’all, I just caught myself. She’s from Twelve. She was assigned to Twelve’s tributes because she’s from there, duh. I’m such an airhead omg just call me Effie.
Don’t you actually dare.
“When I look back, the four adults are watching me like hawks.” Meanwhile, Peeta is just like 😬😬😬 eating his dinner.
Actually, ngl, this could be such a reach and it probably is but like maybe Peeta sensed a confrontation coming and, because of his implied upbringing, he naturally becomes silent or makes himself invisible when trouble starts looking like it’s gonna arise. 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t know why I say these things I’m just hurting my own feelings but ya know the drill. I thought it so I said it.
Why is Effie yelling at Katniss for saying she knows the Avox girl like omg overreaction much? And I know, the sky is blue 🙄🙄🙄 she’s prejudiced against basically everyone, I know, I know
Rip her wig off, Katty Deen 🤗🤗🤗
Oh I stupidly forgot that Avoxes are supposedly known by everyone to be traitors or criminals. So I suppose this isn’t Effie’s worst offense but I’m keeping a tally anyways
Katniss is blaming her stuttering on the wine but my girl just has social anxiety 😔😔😔
Peeta coming in with a save 😭😭😭 he’s already trying saving his girl 🤧
Alsoooo the unspoken friendship, the covering for the other and teaming up against the adults, is still riding high and going strong here 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 look away, y’all, the shipper comments are coming in strong
Also why is this the first real interaction with Peeta in this chapter yet? My baby needs more page-time 🤭🤭🤭
“Delly Cartwright is a pasty-faced, lumpy girl with yellowish hair who looks about as much like our server as a beetle does a butterfly.” Now why did Katniss just tear Delly to shreds for no reason at all 😭😭😭 this was a surprise assault on the poor girl 🙃🙃🙃🙃
“She may also be the friendliest person on the planet - she smiles constantly at everybody in school, even me.” Okay not to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... but to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... this description of poor, sweet Delly is actually indicative of Peeta’s character? Since Delly, we find out in Mockingjay, is Peeta’s childhood best friend, her personality being this sunny, kind, good-natured person tells us Peeta has always probably been somewhat like her and perhaps not as much like the other town kids Katniss implies to be stuck up or snooty. Maybe Katniss is just shady and deflects onto others 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️.
Also the fact that she gives this like ... mean description of Delly but saw Peeta as popular, even though surely Delly and Peeta spent time at school together, implies further that Katniss did indeed harbor a secret crush on Peeta even before the reaping. A very mild comparison of his on her though, of course 😅😅😅
“It must be the hair” “something about the eyes too” their piggybacking on the other’s comments really is just chiefs kiss 😘🤗🥰🤧 FYI I know the saying is chefs kiss but I made the typo once a long time ago and decided to add it forever to my brand 🤗🙃🥳
Also though this Everlark interaction is reminiscent of when two kids get caught by their teacher goofing off in class and covering for each other 🥰 only it’s a lot more deadly stakes
“A few of the other couples make a nice impression, but none of them can hold a candle to us.” She’s so modest 🤧🤧🤧 her narration here and during the Tribute Parade just has the vibes of ... well .... sorry in advance
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Haymitch’s comment “Just the perfect touch of rebellion. Very nice” leads me to think he and Cinna and maybe Portia were always in cahoots about the rebellion even before Katniss and Peeta came along and well ... lit their match on fire 🥁🤗🤣🤭
Katniss is like “rebellion??? Rebellion where??? What’s that you old people speak of???” And yet, girlfriend goes out to the woods and hunts illegally every day of her life 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
“But when I remember the other couples, standing stiffly apart, never touching or acknowledging each other, as if their fellow tribute did not exist” too lazy too look it up but there’s a quote from Ballad about Lucy Gray and Jessup being distinguished by their visible friendship too that set them apart from the other tributes.
Either Suzanne thought of drawing a nice parallel showing what a failed Everlark attempt looks like, because I firmly stand by the fact that without their real feelings behind their act, even Katniss’ unconscious ones, they wouldn’t have pulled it off, or Suzzie just reused her own content. I prefer the former but I think it’s probably the latter 🤭🤭🤭
“Now go get some sleep while the grown-ups talk." I know Haymitch is being facetious here but this quote reminded me of the fact that the movies would have hit differently if they’d cast actual sixteen year olds in the roles.
“When we get to my door, he leans against the frame, not blocking my entrance exactly but insisting I pay attention to him.” This is such a flirty, high school boy pose, you cannot convince me otherwise 😭😭😭
Also I definitely feel like Peeta is getting more and more confident here because he’s oblivious to Katniss’ inner monologue as much as she is his actually we all are his sadly and he probably thinks she’s starting to like him 🤧🤧🤧
“So, Delly Cartwright. Imagine finding her lookalike here." 🤣 He honestly cracks me up idk why this line isn’t even special or that great. He’s just so ... subtly nosy / funny. Which brings me to that quote from Mockingjay where Katniss talks about his sense of humor because it’s one of the things she loves most about him 😭😭😭
But he’s like, “I can keep a secret, Katniss, tell me who that tongueless chick is to you 😬”
Katniss stop talking about debts, friends cover for the other all the time 🙄🙄 I know it’s in her character stop yelling at a fish for swimming that’s not a real phrase I know that too
Okay first of all, they’re about to share a secret 🥰🥰🥰🥰. My shipper goggles are on tight and obstructing my vision. I know this and am proud 😬🥳🤗
And secondly, “Maybe sharing a confidence will actually make him believe I see him as a friend.” Hey, butthead, you two are already friends. She doesn’t even recognize that the girl who constantly sits with her, talks to her, eats with her and trades with her is her friend either though, I’m shocked she calls Gale her friend
Does Peeta get to know Cinna too? I don’t think so but it’s mentioned now a couple times in this chapter alone that Peeta has interacted with Cinna. Katniss never interacts or has a conversation with Portia.... then again, is that even surprising? Katniss isn’t ... what you would call ... social. Hashtag relatable.
Awww, they’re communicating so effectively together 🥰😭🤧🥳
Also rooftops belong to Everlark only 😍😊😉 I mean, seriously, Katniss never goes up on a rooftop with anyone else. Besides Haymitch in the first movie but we ignore.
“Electricity in District 12 comes and goes, usually we only have it a few hours a day.” Earlier she said the Seam didn’t often have electricity, in particular, so either she’s not specifying her section of the district anymore or Suzanne is backtracking.
“But here there would be no shortage. Ever.” I’ve had two power outages recently so clearly the Capitol isn’t based on us currently today then 😐😐 I’m just joking ok
“I asked Cinna why they let us up here. Weren't they worried that some of the tributes might decide to jump right over the side?” .... boyfriend, where does your mind go sometimes? Peeta’s darker than we realize, y’all 🤭🤭🙃🙃
“He holds out his hand into seemingly empty space. There's a sharp zap and he jerks it back” between this and Catching Fire, Peeta is addicted to getting shocked by forcefields 🤧🤧🤧
“I wonder if we're supposed to be up here now, so late and alone.” If this was a romantic drama or comedy, that line would have meant something a lot more fun 😒😔😬😉😏
“On the other side of the dome, they've built a garden with flower beds and potted trees.” Is this meant to resemble Snow’s grandmother’s garden???? Like he had them put a garden there to like ... put a piece of his Grandma’am in the games? Idk this made zero sense it was a stupid thought
Two people in a garden at night, with wind chimes, sounds romantic in any other context. 🥺🥺
Ummm does everyone in the entire district know Katniss and her father used to hunt together?
Oh nevermind, Lavinia is not from District Twelve. My bad, guys. I should go up and edit my previous thoughts but that’s a lot of work. 😅😅😅
Katniss, stop being so hard on yourself. You and Gale were kids. 😣😣
Ummm, Katniss for a girl always complimenting Peeta’s storyteller, you’re pretty good at painting a picture yourself...
Peeta noticing she’s shivering 🥰🥺
He gives her ... his jacket 😭😭😭😭 such a romantic troupe Samantha, get over it there’s literally children dying
Oh wow, Lavinia was from the Capitol originally. Hmm, it is sus now that she got District Twelve this particular year.
But also 🤧🤧🤧 “he secures a button at my neck.”
His hands .... are .... often .... at her .... neck .... 😶😬 .... look away, y’all
Oh wow, Katniss is over here thinking, “who’d leave the Capitol if they were from here???” And Peeta’s like instantly, loudly, without hesitating, “well I would 🙋🏼‍♂️”
Hot take, y’all ready? Peeta was a bigger rebel than Katniss from the start. At least internally.
Awww, Peeta is so jealous 😭😭😭😭 and kind of nosy 🤭🤭🤭
Katniss : “me and Gale are not related” Peeta : “😬🙃😭😩😶”
“I'd set out to tell her I was sorry about dinner. [...] my apology runs much deeper. [...] I let the Capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger. Just like I was watching the Games.” I feel like this is actually a good comparison though, because of you grew up in a society where you have to watch kids die, your whole entire life you’ve watched it in a glorified television show, you would be really desensitized to it...
“You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope.” Here she’s talking about Lavinia but it applies to Peeta too. Katniss was Lavinia’s last hope and she feels like she let her down but Peeta was her last hope once and he came through. And, as she said in chapter one, she’ll never forget him for it. And for other things too. Later on. 😏
Of course my last bullet point was focused on Everlark 🤣 is anyone surprised you shouldn’t be we all knew who this post was written by right? 😅
And once again, if too made through this marathon, congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳 maybe next chapter I’ll talk less not likely though so don’t count on it 😅
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
Click here if you are a first time reader.
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Summary / TWs: Steve Rogers does not pass the vibe check yet again, le sad face. Loki is a good bro. Bruce fluff but what else is new? Literally everyone is a good bro, yo. Reader has best people. Tony's in there, kind of. Parents still suck.
For taglist: please send an ask if you changed your @! I noticed several people are unavailable :(
As always, my baby gay @miscmarvelwritings is the bestest beta!
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"I think I am going to murder your father." Bucky's angry statement didn't surprise me. Neither did Steve's initial reaction, or anybody else's mostly pitying looks.
Bruce, my Bwucie, was calm and dejected. That worried me. I expected him to be at least a little bit green around the edges when Steve forcefully sat me down and made me explain the drunken, drugged stunt I'd done the night before, but alas, it seemed like Jolly Green was just sad. Or disappointed. And I didn't know which was worse.
The more I thought about it, the more defensive and abrasive I became. "And you'll kill yourself trying, he'll drive you fucking nuts" I responded to Barnes. "Honestly, I don't fucking see the problem here. My dad shows up five times a year at best. It's been like that forever. And it's not like I'm some kind of junkie," I defended myself, and my dad, because I really didn't see the huge deal about it. Relaxing once in a while doesn’t hurt anyone.
"It's not right!" Steve exclaimed, loosely banging a fist on the table. The self-righteous prick, seemed like he wanted to pick a fight just for the sake of it.
"And who are you, exactly, to say that? The moral police?" I blew up, standing and turning to the blonde man, hands on my hips. "Or you've decided to be my parent without asking me first? Keep your hopes up and maybe a fuck will magically appear, so I could give it to you."
He stood up in turn, getting uncomfortably close to my face. I was suddenly reminded of the fact that he was a very large, very strong man. "We want what's best for you! Can't you see it?" Rogers was getting red in the face, crossed arms, staring at me down like I was dirt under his shoes.
"How about..." I seethed, having to stop mid-sentence to swallow the scream that wanted to erupt. "How about... You FUCKING ask me what I want?"
"I suggest the Captain leave to go calm down," Loki suddenly piped up. He stayed silent throughout the whole conversation, picking at his food instead. Only after his sharply uttered words I noticed he had stood up. His hand hovered over my shoulder, body discreetly wedging between me and the Captain.
I heard Steve growl before he stormed off, throwing an annoyed look at Loki. A pregnant silence hung in the room. The longer it lasted, the more I wanted to crawl out of my skin, suddenly hyper aware of all these people - strangers, save a few - debating on what to do with me. Like I wasn't a person. Like...
"Ugh, fucking hell," I growled, beelining for my bag. I had definitely overstayed my welcome.
"Where are you going?" Bruce asked, standing up to follow.
"Home," I replied curtly, nodding my thanks to Loki for the intervention. He nodded back, walking off. I would have probably started swinging at the Icicle Dick if not for the raven haired Asgardian's timely interruption.
"I'll drive you," Banner trotted after me like a dejected puppy. I didn't have the mental capacity to deal with this, at all.
"I need to see Tony first. Meet you downstairs?"
Bruce nodded, looking even more confused.
Tony kissed me hungrily, in between promises to kill Steve and cancel my dad and get me my own apartment in the tower. Believing in fairy tales wasn't something I was ever prone to; I smiled, nodded along and did my best to shut him up with my own mouth on his. I left with the promise to text him as soon as I got home.
"How are you?" Bruce asked me as we once again drove through the busy city. This was becoming a nice habit but we really had to meet up when I wasn't going through another one of my turmoils.
"All things considered, I am great. Better than I've been in a while." I answered honestly, meaning it. However brief Tony's attention would be, it still satisfied me. Then and there I decided to always, always cherish what happened during my brief stint in his arms.
"Really?" Banner's warm smile was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. "Care to share?"
It threw me for a loop. I didn't know how much Tony wanted to disclose regarding what happened between us. I didn't know the extent of his friendship with Bruce. I didn't know...
"Tony," I choose the usual option. Admit what you can't deny, deny what you can't admit.
"I know the feeling," The good doctor chuckled, companionable-like and meaningful. "He tends to go all the way for the people he cares about. Too much, if you ask me."
"What do you mean?" I was confused. Sure, me and Tony were friends. But not, like, super close or anything. We'd fucked, or more like messed around, so I expected our friendship to grow colder. That's what happened when friends decided to bump uglies.
"I mean... He'll move mountains and challenge the government and bully them into dropping charges against you," There was a hint of sadness in Brucie's voice. I vaguely recalled seeing something on the news, something about the Hulk and a massive destruction spree. It didn't take long to put two and two together.
I reached out, putting a hand on his knee. He covered my palm with his own, giving it a brief, warm squeeze.
"It must be great having a friend like that. You're both wonderful and brilliant. You deserve no less," The smile threatened to split my face in two.
Bruce returned the smile but the sadness didn't go away. "You realize that extends to you, right?"
"Me? I'm just me, Bruce." I wasn't sure where this was going. "I'm Peter's classmate and the resident hot mess express."
Bruce frowned, deep and long, up until he parked. Life seemed to be taking back all the happiness it gave me previously-in fucking buckets. The strap of my bag was going to get its threads pulled out with the way I was fiddling with it.
"Baby… Princess?" The scientist turned to me, tone torn somewhere between stern and pleading. "Listen to me. You are brilliant. Incredibly smart, talented and beautiful. Don't ever, ever think of yourself as less than any of us." I gaped at him.
Did he mean us as the Avengers? Us as Tony and Bruce? Meanwhile he continued, "In fact, I think you are the one who deserves so much better. I don't know what Tony found in me… Or what you found in me."
Was the man an idiot or yes? That was the question of the day. Cursing Tony's affinity for small cars (bless me and my own SUV), I only hesitated a moment before grabbing the dumb Banner by his face and startling him into looking straight in my eye. "If you don't quit talking all that fake-ass bullshit, I will kiss you. On the mouth. With tongue."
"Uh," Was his articulate response. I watched him squirm, blush and lose the heat to his argument.
"Exactly. I've had it all with you idiots today. Next time someone says some stupid ass fucking thing, I will kiss them. On the mouth, with tongue. Pass it on," I exhaled, releasing his face and dropping my head onto his shoulder.
"Some way of solving conflict you have," Banner chuckled weakly, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I'd like to see Steve's reaction."
"A boner, probably, because he needs to get laid before he spontaneously combusts," I grumbled venomously, still bitter about his reaction. The Capsicle needed to chill. Hehe.
"I'll pass it on too," Bruce remarked wryly. "See you next week?"
"Yeah. Thanks, Bwucie, you're the fucking best," I kissed the scientist on the cheek, giving him a tighter than usual parting hug and walking up the pathway. Home.
Mother was nowhere to be seen - and the obvious reason for that laid on the kitchen floor. Couple of smashed dishes, a bottle of whiskey laying half-empty in a puddle on the grey tiles. The living room rug bore more stains and the smell of alcohol, bitter and acrid (like my soul, hardy har), hung heavily throughout the whole house.
At least I wasn't the only one who fought for myself that day. Mother probably had landed a good one on dad, too, by God the woman could be ruthless with her icy words. Dad never stood a chance. I've felt begrudgingly respectful of the way mother put people in their place with her words ever since I understood sarcasm.
First things first, I cleaned up the mess and opened the windows a smidge, cranking the air recuperation system to the max. Hanging around a place that smelled like a bum on a good Friday night was a horrible way to spend free time. Having successfully cut myself and bandaged the cuts up, I retreated to my room, not wanting to spend more time than necessary in the quiet, stinky, creepy house that my home had become.
My phone was long dead so I plugged it in, waiting for the 2% to appear, turning it on. A few messages from Peter, first cheerful, then worried and then relieved. Tony must've placated the spider child and told him I was staying at the tower. Good call, Tones, or else poor Peter would've worked himself into an anxiety attack and crashed in a dumpster while patrolling. Or something. I still didn't quite get his spider-hero side-gig.
A text from Bruce - rather, a photo, of a disgruntled Steve with his eyebrows raised, titled "I told him the next time he freaks out, you will kiss him. With tongue. Barnes cackled for about ten minutes until he ran out of air."
And a text from Tony. My chest tightened when I opened it. "Good tactics. Sneaky, clever, I'd give it a B+."
I snorted. Then the phone beeped again and I froze. A text ordering me to be ready tomorrow, for a date night? Unreal. I was torn. A part of me was elated, thinking Tony wanted to keep me around like that. The other, more sensible part, was firmly telling me to chill TF down. He'll most likely kindly reject any further intimate interactions, maybe have me sign a few NDAs.
I still answered positive, mushy and cute and all. Feelings aside, I wasn't about to change my texting style for any man. My God, I was turning into a monster. A horribly cheesy, pink, soft, fluffy monster.
The next day, school was nearly unbearable. People talked. Not to my face, of course, since the rumours of me putting away Flash Thompson were still fresh enough for everyone to be cautious around me, but the whispers followed me throughout hallways, tongue in cheek remarks thrown at me from the bathroom stalls, behind the teacher's desks. Did I care? Nope.
Okay, I did, but not in the way one would think. The little spring in my step, a slight smirk. My thoughts were occupied with my upcoming dinner with Tony.
Peter and his pet nerds stood at my side, the ever watchful guards. I had no idea why they decided I needed reassurance or their comfort (I did not), but I had to admit it was cute. MJ, in particular, glared her Death Ray Stare at any male-identifying student that dared to as much as look wrongly in my direction. I mostly ignored the trio. Pete himself did a great job with entertaining his friends, he babbled on as usual, about everything and nothing in particular. Mouth ulcers. He was going to get them one day.
Dad called me during third period, saying he was flying off to California. I would have been lying if I said I didn't know why he scheduled the sudden trip; mother's total radio silence and the absence of her laptop in her own office spoke volumes about the state of my family's affairs. They had a fight and ran off to the opposite ends of the continent. I didn't understand why mother was upset with me, though. I saved her face during dinner at Tony's, so why is she mad about me going to a party with dad? Baffling woman.
Admitting the house felt like home when either of them were absent was hard. Or, perhaps, I felt nothing at all. Spending so much time around the Brady Bunch- the Avengers made me too soft for my own liking. It wasn't just Tony that lived in mind rent-free all the time now; there was Bruce, with his kindness, Bucky with his overgrown teenager attitude, Wanda with her wit and hair that smelled like cheap shampoo - seriously, I absolutely had to show her the benefits of decent hair products. That was just to list the few little quirks. There were so many people, all of them different and wonderful in their own way.
To summarize it, I was both happy for them and bitter for not having any of that to myself. Although it made me kind of glad I didn't have a sibling - looking after someone in the mess that mother and dad created would've been a nightmare. They say it's always a better place where we are not.
I went through a whole pack of cigarettes in a span of a couple of hours. Plagued by strangely melancholic thoughts, trying to push down the anxiety over my upcoming date, my choice of outfit proved to be a cumbersome task while in process.
Expensive but simple dress with spaghetti straps, in my favourite colour. That was the easiest part. A good base for any accessories. Would Tony like it? Would the press make outrageous comments?
Either way, it would. Dad's comments cut deeper than I probably realized it until now; in a sudden bout of self-awareness and a couple of mouse clicks later... Tony wouldn't care. Tony wears suits with sneakers. The Manolos flew back, towards my shoe closet, and a pair of Chanel trainers made their debut. A Hermes 2002 barely weighed down by my wallet, keys and phone. A nice coat, too, appropriately light and so very conceptual and fashionable.
I spent way too much time deciding on what to wear. A stern talking to, however, didn't help me, and I had to redo my make-up - the "nude", "all natural" look was one of the hardest to nail. Or so Marie Claire said. Whatever, my highlighter game was, as usual, on point.
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @gigglyfox01 @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway (it finally let me tag you)!
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I noticed a little parallel, that... you know what? Probably doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. And it probably was unintentional. But it does kind of go to show that Buffy and Angel are a lot alike, and is kind of cool, so I guess I'll talk about it, anyway.
In season 10, Angel puts an arm around Buffy's shoulder when she's dating Spike (though he doesn't know that she was at the time, and I think he actually was thinking and hoping that maybe they were about to get back together... which clearly didn't happen then). Angel's clearly still in love with Buffy in season 10... and Buffy does have feelings for Angel there, but for very long and complicated reasons I'm not going to get into here (because it's a very long story, but a lot of it's for the sake of the world and stuff. At least, that's definitely a large pressing worry there. But she is genuinely happy in giving the thing with Spike a shot for the first time since he got his soul, don't get me wrong), she's choosing not to be with him at the moment.
And then in season 12, Angel had been dating Illyria (I do think he cared about her... though--if I'm being honest--I, personally, kind of think Angel was partly with Illyria because he had no idea how Buffy, the love of his life, thought about him at the time, among other things, so he thought that Illyria was his best option... Not to demean Illyria, or what Angel and Illyria had for the short time that they had it), but then she essentially sacrifices herself to save the day, by locking herself in a Hell dimension at the end of the series. And Buffy is comforting Angel about that here by putting a hand on his shoulder.
So, basically, the parallel is this: there are two instances in the comics where Buffy and Angel are dating other people, but their former lover has feelings for them in the instance they're dating other people, and is putting a hand on their shoulder.
Also, while Buffy ends up single in the comics, there's definitely hints that she and Angel might end up together (because they're clearly still in love with each other). But there are also hints that she and Spike might get back together, too. I feel like Joss Whedon originally left the love triangle open ended in S12, in case he ever wanted to come back to it and actually make a decision with it or something. -shrugs-
...That really didn't have anything to do with this post, but I just thought I'd explain that in case people didn't know where season 12 ended up and wanted to.
Shutting up now.
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afaithy · 4 years
81 for Takari like their brothers are fighting again and one of them just goes "I'll take care of it"
I hope you enjoy it!
It was really fun to write lol
Just in case! This is sequel to I liked them blonde
I’ll take care of it
“Dramatic is a classy word for being stupid.”
― Vivek Thangaswamy
Yamato was used to dealing with Taichi's strange occurrences. His friend was a good person, but his impulsiveness sometimes led him to make silly mistakes that he eventually regretted. A clear example of this was the sometimes ridiculous fights that the boy used to have with Sora at least once a month.
So when Taichi entered his room unannounced and without even asking for permission, Yamato was not surprised. Taichi looked irritated, that at least was clear to the naked eye. The question was ... why?
"You know, there’s something that normal people do...called knocking.” the blonde replied while he played a chord in his guitar.
“Forget about knocking.” Taichi replied, waving his hand in front of his face “We need to talk.”
“Wow...that almost sounds serious. Who let you in?”
“Takeru…” Taichi replied without giving it importance and this is serious.”
“Oh…” Yamato said, putting away the guitar and leaning back in his chair “Ok...so what did you do to annoy Sora?”
“It has nothing to do with Sora?” Taichi said with a frown” Everyone always ask me that.”
“Well, 60% of the times you comer angry or panicked is because you were stupid enough to say something to make her get angry.” Yamato shrugged “the other 40% splits into 30% due to something related to your sister and 10% some miscellaneous thing. So, what did you do? Did you tell her hat made her head look swollen again?”
“THat was when we were 12 years old and, in my defense, the hat did make her head look big.”
“Taichi...you just don’t tell those kinds of things to any girl.”
“Like I said I was 12, and this is irrelevant.” Taichi said, crossing his arms “No, it’s not about Sora.”
Yamato snorted. He leaned against his desk and looked at his friend with curiosity.
“So...what is it?”
“LIsten to me carefully, Yamato.” Taichi said, grabbing his friend’s shoulders “very carefully…”
Yamato was surprised by this gesture and he looked at Taichi dumbfounded.
“I think….damn...I can’t even say it.” Taichi said, turning away dramatically.
“Taichi, just spit it out.”
“Ahg...fine. I think Hikari has a crush on you!”
There was a brief moment of silence as both boys stared at each other, and then Yamato broke into a fit of laughter that made Taichi look at him confused. The boy couldn’t see what was so amusing about what he’d just say. 
“Sorry...I think I heard you wrong. What?” Yamato said, when  his laughter finally died away.
“You heard me right, ok?” Taichi replied, annoyed, “Hikari has a crush on you…”
“Yeah, right…” Yamato said skeptically “ That’s impossible. She thinks of me as another brother, so no way…”
“Well...believe it because she definitely hinted at it.”
“Are you sure you are not misreading things?” Yamato said, frowning, “It wouldn’t be the first time you misunderstand something.”
“No, I am sure I didn’t.” Taichi said firmly “That is why I decided to talk about it with you.”
“With me? What are you expecting me to do?”
“Well, yeah. Get yourself a girlfriend...or do something to make her lose interest!”
“Ok...hold on a second…” Yamato said “Why do you even think this is possible?”
“I did my research and there is a very high chance of girls her age to fall in love with older brotherly figures!”
“Ok...right, but if that is your reasoning,Jou and Koushiro could be an option, too. It doesn’t have to be me!”
Taichi let out a sigh. 
“I hate to admit this, but. You are probably the one who fits the good looking brotherly figure, the protagonist falls in love with…”
“That makes...wait. Did you say protagonist? Where the hell did you research on?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I paid a visit to the shoujo manga section.” Taichi replied, as if the matter was the most obvious thing to do.
“Ok...I don’t know if I should be annoyed or if I should laugh my ass off.” Yamato said , resting his hand on his forehead “Taichi, what in heaven’s name made you think that shoujo manga is actually  good reference material?”
“Why not?”
“Those are always so  dramatic, exaggerated and unrealistic.”
“Have you read them?”
“Then how do you know?”
“It’s called common reasoning.” Yamato replied, rolling his eyes “Does Hikari even  read shoujo manga?”
“I don’t know...maybe? The point is...you are the cool bro. I mean...I am the coolest, but obviously I am not an option.”
Yamato let out a skeptical snort.
“I have a lot of things to say about that remark, but...for the time being, I’ll let it slip.” Yamato replied, frowning, “ Look...Hikari is a sweet girl and we get along, but she definitely has no crush on me.”
“But it HAS to be you. I mean you’re the one who fills up the profile.” Taichi groaned “i’ve been thinking about it for days! And it definitely has to be you!”
Yamato took a deep breath and pinched his temple. Taichi could be his best buddy, but sometimes, the guy could be a real fool.
“Ok...enlighten me.” Yamato said, crossing his arms. 
The blonde was pretty sure that nothing that Taichi could say would convince him that Hikari had -remotely- a crush on him. He was no expert with middle schoolers with crushes, but he had his own fan base, and he’d seen girls crushing on him before. Even if they tried to make it less obvious, you could tell easily: the way they couldn’t look straight at your face or how they wouldn’t speak freely with you.
Hikari was not like that. In fact, she was as natural with him as she always was or even worse. The girl even began teasing him about his fan base and he blamed that on Takeru.
“Ok.” Taichi began “It took me a lot of skillful talking to get this out of her but…”
Yamato snorted once more. Skillful talking, coming from Taichi, translated to popping his head in her room and randomly asking her things.
“For starters, she has a boy she likes.” Taichi said dramatically. “I know this would happen someday, but gosh...I was hoping it would be when she was 25 or something…”
“Yeah, sorry. Naturally, after hearing about that...I had to inquire. So it seems the guy is close to her. She said he’s always worrying about her and helps her whenever she needs it or not. She said it sort of made her feel safe, almost as safe as when she is with me. You notice? With me!”
Yamato rolled his eyes.
“But no matter how much I asked she wouldn’t tell who it is.” Taichi said, annoyed “Tell you? So that you can go and pester him around when he doesn’t even understand why? Forget it.” he added in a very poor impression of his sister “so...I had to take the clues I had and be smart and put the points together.Hikari has few boy friends, so it has to be so it has to be one of us...”
“So...you concluded it was me.” Yamato said, raising his eyebrow “You know that description is pretty generic. Everyone in our group acts like that with her. It could be anyone…”
“Ah...but there’s the thing. There IS one thing that totally points at you…”
“And that is…”
“She likes blondes.”
There was a short pause. Yamato stared at his friend in shock and disbelief. That little detail had automatically turned his friend’s attention to him when there was a second and -most likely the right one- person that fulfilled all those qualifications even better than himself.
Yamato was about to voice his thoughts when a soft knock at the door made both boys turn to the opening door. Takeru with his usual green hoodie and his fisherman’s hat poked his head into the room with an innocent grin.
Talk about the hen. Yamato thought with a smirk.
“Hey!” Takeru said “Just letting you know, Hikari -chan  texted me saying that she wanted to go grab ice cream in that new ice cream parlor in the park. Told her I would go with her, but I’ll probably be back by dinner. Do you want me to buy something on the way back?”
“Sure, why not?” Yamato replied. Taichi was staring at Takeru and Yamato couldn’t help but wonder if his neurons had finally pieced it together. 
“Oh, ok. Then see you in a bit. Bye Taichi-san!”
Takeru waved at them and left the room, closing the door. The two older boys stared at each other in his silence for a minute or two, until Taichi growled.
“Holy numemons….” Taichi said “Takeru is blonde!”
“How come you realized this until now?”
“Hey, don’t blame me! How do you expect me to remember such a thing when he’s always wearing those silly hats.”
“That’s no excuse…” 
“Damn it...I never considered Takeru! I was dead sure it was you….”
“Taichi...let it be. If Hikari has a crush on my brother let it be. You know he’s a good kid.”
“But...Hikari...what if he breaks her heart. He’s her best friend! Ah...this is even worse than you!”
“I’m sure it will be fine, Taichi.”
“How do you know?”
“Because...I know.”
“That’s not convincing at all.”
“Seriously. Don’t worry. I’ll take care  of it.”
And take care of it, he would. Yamato hadn’t pressed the matter with Takeru, since the boy was still in denial and he had thought the feelings were one sided. Taichi had just confirmed him otherwise, so there was no way he would let his little brother be an idiot any longer if he could help it. 
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My Yamato turned out looking like a baby version of Cloud LoL
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