#I'll name it soon...
starskulls · 2 years
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This is the only thing on my mind rn. Mystery au boschluz. They're almost like Wednesday and Enid /s
Enjoy the messy doodle
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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nothatsmi · 5 months
Haikyuu screenshots redraw (part 2)
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Season two!
I'm currently around the middle of S4. Did I say I never watched Haikyuu before this? Almost 21 and I discover this like any middleschooler ever. Never too late, tho.
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nonomives · 1 year
Hunt vs. Hunted AU
(a.k.a Vampire Wally AU)
Meet the Cast Part 1 || 2 || 3
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Poppy gets her own canvas because im biased--jk
A lil bit of infordump for each character :3
Frank ★ Gargoyle
Frankie boi is a doctor in his eyes. He's labelled a quack and a criminal by many because he practices medicine without a doctor's license, which is illegal. That and several reports of unethical experiments, but mostly because he doesn't have a license.
He met Wally through Barnaby who asked for him to heal the vampire (who was injured at the time) in exchange for shelter and protection from bounty hunters
Julie ★ Demon
Bbg was summoned by a cult who was immediately apprehended by police officials. With no way to go back home, she moved from place to place being a menace to society
She eventually found her way into Wally's Mansion and became their tenant
Sally ★ San Elmo
Okioki so San Elmo is a Philippine mythological creature which is basically just a ball of fire-- anyways, Sally came down to earth to experience the earth life but then became a local deity à la burning person = God
She ended up burning a whole city and Wally, who was there to witness shit go down, decided to take her in because accidental genocide is a "same hat" moment
Poppy ★ Phoenix
Poppy is an angel. She is the definition of perfect, she has no flaws whatsoever-- she's also the last of her kind.
Poppy, alongside Barnaby, was the one to find Wally at his weakest and help nurture him back to health (literally an angel, how can anybody hate her)
Also some extra sketches of Sally + Barnaby
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ihavesomejays · 7 months
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in vino veritas
funny thing i actually concepted this doodle while i was biking home one day and was like "oh shit what if the mice piss ship drunk on a couch" and procrastinated on drawing it for a week before the brainworms got too strong and i sat down and drew it in three hours. anyways enjoy my narc!ratio x skeeve!aventurine agenda
closeup + matching pfps under keep reading
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northstarscowboyhat · 8 months
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Cool down doodle from last night. I think the greatest tragedy with older!Clover is they probably grow to about 6'1. But because their family is mostly giant monsters, they assume they're short.
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jetii · 2 months
Promises Made (pt. 2/3)
Part One | Part Three
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Pairing: Crosshair x fem!Reader / Crosshair x Jedi!Reader
Words: 7,387 / 23,314
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! angst, hurt/comfort, themes of grief/death/mourning, that comes into play a lot in this part, reader is genuinely unfair to Cross here sorry, protective!Crosshair, everyone is bad at feelings, smut in part 3
Summary: Crosshair is back, and you're the only one who still can't seem to forgive him. When you finally have the lead you've been seeking since the extinction of the Jedi, you seize the opportunity to escape the constant turmoil his presence causes you. Of course, Crosshair has other plans.
A/N: Thank you again to everyone for your kind words and support on all my fics, it really means a lot to me! I loved writing the drama in this part, and it was hard to stop, so hopefully it doesn’t drag on too much. Enjoy!
Previous Work | Next Work | Masterlist
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The moment you enter the cockpit, Crosshair stiffens, staring out of the viewport with wide eyes. The smoggy grey atmosphere of Bracca, pocked with smears of red rust and the glimmer of steel, stares back.
You can practically feel the tension radiating off of him, and you know he’s remembering what happened the last time the two of you were here.
You can see the conflict in his eyes, the way he clenches his jaw and curls his lip. You know he doesn't want to be here, doesn't want to set foot on this planet ever again, and you’re surprised at how guilty you feel. You thought a part of you would relish the pain he was feeling, would be glad to see him squirm.
But you aren’t.
"Are you alright?" you ask. You hadn't meant to, hadn't even realized you were thinking it until the words slip past your lips.
He looks at you, startled, as though he didn't think you'd notice.
"I'm fine," he snarls, and the bite in his words catches you off guard. You recoil, turning back to the control panel.
"We're landing in twenty," you mutter, and that's the end of the conversation.
The rest of the flight is silent, and it's not until the Marauder is descending into the atmosphere that he speaks again.
"What's the plan?" Crosshair asks, standing behind the copilot's chair. You can hear the creak of the leather as he grips the backrest, can feel his eyes on the top of your head.
"There is no plan," you say. You look back up at him, and there's a furrow between his brows. "We're not here for a job."
He blinks, clearly confused. "What?"
"We're landing, and we're meeting my contact." You turn back to the control panel, watching the ship descend through the viewport. “She’ll give us the coordinates, we’ll get what I came for, and then we’ll leave.”
“That easy, huh?” Crosshair scoffs.
“Were you expecting something more thrilling? A daring chase? A firefight?” you tease. He rolls his eyes. “I told you it was just an exchange. There won't be any trouble."
The Marauder touches down, the landing ramp dropping a moment later. You stand, stretching.
"Besides," you say, grabbing your bag, "you've had your fair share of trouble for one lifetime."
He watches you closely as you sling the bag over your shoulder, and when you look up, you catch him staring. You don't understand the intensity in his eyes, or the way his expression seems to shift, the frustration replaced with something softer. He averts his gaze, crossing his arms.
"If you say so," he grumbles, but there's a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
You smirk. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
"I don't need protecting."
"Of course you don't, dear." You pat his shoulder as you pass, and he scowls.
He's still glaring when you glance over your shoulder, and you have to hold back a laugh. You don't miss the way the corners of his lips twitch upward as he follows behind, and for a moment, the tension lifts.
It's raining when you exit the ship, and the cold droplets soak through your jacket almost immediately. Crosshair tugs on his helmet as you step out of cover, and you ignore your flash of jealousy as you pull your hood up over your head.
You don't waste time, hurrying toward the abandoned building you're meeting your contact in. Puddles splash under your feet, soaking through your boots, and your clothes cling to your skin. Your hood is doing little to protect you, the water dripping from the edges and onto your face, and you try to focus on anything other than the chill that's settling into your bones.
Crosshair stays a few steps behind, keeping pace. He looms behind you like a shadow. His presence is both comforting and unnerving, and you find yourself constantly checking over your shoulder.
"I hate this place," Crosshair grumbles. The modulator on his helmet makes him sound even more irritated. "Stay close to me."
You turn to see his head on a swivel, his posture stiff, and his hand on the blaster at his side. You can’t help but scoff, and his head snaps towards you.
"What?” he growls.
"Nothing,” you mutter back. “Just nice to know some things haven’t changed.”
“Are you going to be like this the entire time?”
You can hear the annoyance in his tone, the barely concealed frustration, and it makes you smile.
"Probably," you reply, turning down a side street.
Crosshair makes an irritated noise. It only encourages you, putting a spring in your step in an otherwise miserable situation. Maybe it's a good thing he came after all. You can practically hear him grinding his teeth, and it's hard to contain your amusement.
"I don't get it," he mutters.
"Get what?"
"This. You." He gestures vaguely, the hand not on his weapon flapping in your direction. "You're being..."
"Nice?" you suggest, glancing over your shoulder.
"Fucking obnoxious."
You laugh, the sound echoing through the empty alley. Crosshair groans, and you can see his shoulders droop in exasperation. "That's my default setting. You should know that."
"Yeah, well," he says, his voice low and rough, "I forgot."
The admission hangs in the air, and you feel a rush of... something. It's not quite guilt, or sadness, but it's not happy, either. It's an uneasy combination, and you shove the feeling down.
"Maybe I've missed this," you tease. You slow your pace, falling into step beside him. "Maybe I've missed the sound of your voice."
"You're a liar," he replies, but you can hear the humor in his tone.
"What are you talking about?" You feign innocence, but there's a playful lilt to your voice that gives you away. "I'm an honest person."
"An honest pain in the ass."
You snicker. "Maybe I've missed having someone to bother."
"You've never had trouble finding a victim," he quips, and you nudge his arm with your elbow. He pushes back, and it's almost a joke, almost a friendly gesture, and for a moment, you forget why you're even here.
"True," you concede. "But nobody else puts up with me like you do."
His helmet tilts down, and you can feel his gaze on you. You look at him, and it's impossible to see his face, but you swear there's a hint of a smile.
"Yeah," he says, and the word is almost fond. "Lucky me."
"Shut up."
You bump his arm again, and he chuckles, the sound barely audible through the filter on his helmet. It's a tender moment, a brief glimpse of the old Crosshair, the one who would banter and bicker with you for hours, and the sound of his voice pulls you back to a different time. You miss it, more than you thought possible.
"We're here," you say, interrupting the moment. You push the door open, and it swings inward, revealing a stairwell. You glance back at him, motioning him forward. He falls into step behind you, all trace of amusement gone.
"Let's get this over with," he says.
You descend into the building, the stairs creaking beneath your feet. You can see feel the tension rolling off Crosshair in waves, and he reaches over his shoulder to draw his rifle.
"Calm down, would you?" you say, and he bristles.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"You said it yourself," he mutters, scanning the shadows. "I've had my fair share of trouble for a lifetime."
"That's not what I—"
You're interrupted when you reach the bottom of the stairs, and a tan Abednedo steps from the shadows, a blaster pointed in your direction. She lowers the weapon when she sees you, and a small smile crosses her lips.
“Master Jedi. Pleasure to see you again," the Abednedo drawls, holstering her blaster.
"Saaba," you nod. You nudge Crosshair hard with your elbow, and he grunts before slowly lowering his rifle. You can see his fingers flex, as if he's not sure he should put it away, and you hope he listens.
Saaba gives him a once over, the tendrils that frame her mouth twitching. "Who's your friend?"
"This is Crosshair. Cross, this is my friend, Saaba," you explain.
"A pleasure," Crosshair says, his tone dry.
"I'll admit, I'm surprised to see you've brought company." She squints, her large goggles emphasizing how she sizes him up. “And a trooper, no less. I thought they were your enemies now."
Crosshair tenses, and you can feel his anger flare. You reach for him, touching his wrist. He looks at you, and even with his helmet on, you can tell he's glaring. You shake your head, and he sighs, relaxing a little under your touch. 
You hadn't told her about Crosshair, or about the rest of the Batch. It hadn't seemed important, and you weren't sure how she'd react to knowing the man standing beside you had more than once tried to kill you.
"Things change," you say, your tone light. "He's one of the good guys now."
"Well," Saaba hums, "that's a relief. I'd hate to have to kill a friend of yours."
Crosshair shifts his weight, and he takes a step closer. "You could try."
"Easy," you say, giving his arm a squeeze before dropping your hand.
Saaba laughs. "Oh, I like this one."
"Me too," you agree, and you can't help but grin. Crosshair's helmet swivels towards you, and you can imagine the bewildered look on his face. You shrug.
"Anyway," you say, ignoring the way he's staring at you. "Let's get down to business."
"Of course." Saaba smiles. She reaches into her bag, pulling out a small data disk. "The coordinates you need. As promised."
"Thank you."
You reach for the data, but she doesn't let go, pulling you closer.
"Don't get caught." Her voice is low, and her expression is serious.
"You know me."
"Which is exactly why I'm telling you not to get caught," she says. “I told the Guild I was stripping the place for copper, and I need to report back soon, or they’ll send their own crew. But I can’t guarantee they won’t go poking around on their own.”
She lets go, and you step back, putting the disk in your bag. You grab a pouch, holding it out to her. "For your trouble."
She shakes her head, pushing the credits away. “I owed you one.”
You blink. “Are you sure?”
"Just don't let me regret it," she warns, but her tone is soft. You always liked Saaba, even if she could be a bit of a handful. But she was reliable, and she didn't ask questions.
You turn, heading towards the stairs, and Crosshair follows. You don't look back, and Saaba doesn't stop you. Once you're back outside, the door swinging shut behind you, you let out a sigh.
"Well, that was easy," Crosshair drawls.
"Don't jinx it," you grumble. You shiver, tugging your soaked jacket tighter around yourself. The rain hasn't stopped, and you're beginning to realize you didn't think the weather through.
There's a rumble of thunder, and Crosshair looks up.
Great, you think, just great.
"You should have brought a coat."
"Shut up."
He laughs, a real, genuine laugh, and the sound warms you. You can't remember the last time you'd heard him laugh like that. It makes you smile, even if he is laughing at your expense.
"It's not over yet," you continue, ignoring the way your stomach flutters. "We still have to find what we're looking for, and get off planet."
"I thought you said it was going to be simple," he teases, his tone smug. It's so strange, to hear his voice sound like that again, and it feels... good.
You huff.
"It should be." You glance around the alley, noting how the rain had driven the locals inside. "It's just the retrieval that might be difficult."
He hums, and the two of you walk in silence. The rain hasn't let up, and by the time you reach the Marauder, your hair is plastered to your face. You push it aside, wringing out the water.
"Now, let's see where we're going," you say, climbing the landing ramp.
You settle in the pilot's seat, Crosshair leaning against the doorframe, and you pull the data disk from your bag. You slide the disk into the control panel, waiting as the computer loads the coordinates.
You frown, leaning forward.
“The coordinates are a few clicks south of here," you say, zooming in. “But we can’t take the Marauder there, the terrain is too rough. We'll have to go on foot.”
"On foot?" Crosshair repeats. "Through the scrapyards?"
You nod. He sighs.
"You can stay here if you’re scared."
"I'm not scared."
"Well," you say, grabbing your bag and heading towards the exit, "I'm glad to hear it."
Crosshair grumbles, and when he passes you, he knocks his shoulder into yours. You laugh, shoving him back.
"Come on, you big baby. It's not so bad," you tease, closing the ramp behind the two of you.
He scoffs, and the sound is distorted by the rain and his helmet. 
"I've got a bad feeling about this."
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As soon as the Marauder disappears from view, the rain goes from bad to worse. The cold droplets sting your face as you trudge through the mud, and the wind whips at your clothing.
The scrapyard is a dangerous place. Thousands of broken starships litter the area, stacked on top of each other in tall piles. Some of them are old, rusted from years of exposure, while others are relatively new, their hulls dented from the harsh winds. Even though you’re cold and miserable, you’re grateful for Saaba's work. If you’d gone searching yourself, it would’ve taken you years to find what you were looking for.
As you climb over a particularly large piece of debris, you glance at Crosshair. The rain is pouring, and it's put both of you in a sour mood, your prior banter forgotten.
You can feel his eyes on you as he walks behind you, and it makes you nervous.
"I'm not gonna fall," you snap, reaching the top.
"Didn't say you were."
"Then stop looking at me like I'm about to."
"What am I supposed to look at?" he asks, his tone sharp.
You glance around. There's nothing but rain and rust, and the looming shadows of the ships stacked around you. It's an eerie sight, the remains of war and violence, and you feel a chill run down your spine.
"Anything else," you grumble. You slide down the other side, and he's quick to follow.
"How much farther is this thing?"
"I don't know. Not far," you say, but the truth is, you have no idea.
"You're a terrible liar."
"Shut up, Cross."
You push your hair from your face for the thousandth time, and you can’t decide if the rain or the wind is the worst. Both make your clothing cling to your skin, and you're pretty sure you're never going to feel warm again.
"Real mature," he mutters, and you can practically feel the eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me what we’re looking for, or am I going to have to guess?”
“Guessing could be fun,” you tease, trying to distract yourself. But his patience is wearing thin, and you know it as well as you know that yours is fraying too.
"I’m not in the mood for games," he growls back. 
The taught threads of your sanity finally snap, and you stop in your tracks, your patience evaporating like the mist. Crosshair slams into you, and you stumble, barely managing to keep your footing.
"Would you watch where you're going?" he hisses, and you whirl around.
“You didn’t have to come, you know.”
The venom in your voice catches you both off guard. He falls onto his back foot, taking a step away from you. You don't let it stop you. Your anger rises, the floodgates open, and your emotions come pouring out.
“Why are you here, Crosshair?”
The question comes out harsher than you intended, and Crosshair recoils, his head jerking backwards. You can't see his face, but the tension in his frame is clear. You're not sure why you're asking, not sure if you even want an answer, but the words spill from your lips regardless.
He doesn't say anything.
You cross your arms, waiting. The wind howls, the rain hammering down around you, and his silence drags on. He stands there, the rain pinging off his armor, his shoulders hunched.
Finally, he speaks, and the words are strained. 
“I told you. It’s my job to keep an eye on you."
You scoff. "Is that really all?"
"Yes," he says, taking a step closer. "Why else would I be here? Do you think I enjoy freezing my ass off, traipsing around in the mud?"
"No," you reply flatly. "But I don't believe you, either."
Crosshair sighs, and his helmet tilts skyward. "I don't know what you want me to say."
"Something true, for once," you say, stepping into his space. "Because if protecting me is your job, you're fucking awful at it."
He flinches, and the movement is so slight you almost miss it. You regret the words the moment they leave your mouth, but you can't help but double down. You've been holding it back, all this anger and hurt, and the dam breaks.
“I’ve been hurt dozens of times since you left, at least once by your hand." Your voice rises, and he's motionless, his entire body stiff.
Your hands shake, and you clench them into fists, the ache in your knuckles a welcome distraction. He's still staring at the ground, and your temper flares. Something within you snaps.
"You left, and you didn’t come back. And now, what, you show up here, with some bullshit excuse, and act like nothing ever happened?"
"I can't—"
"I don't care," you cut him off, and your voice is cold. "I don't care what you have to say. You had your chance. You should've stayed away."
Crosshair recoils as though he's been slapped, and for a moment, he doesn't move.
You're frozen, too, the weight of the words hanging in the air. You hadn't meant to say it, hadn't meant to say any of it, but you were tired.
Tired of his excuses, of his lies, and his refusal to acknowledge what had happened.
You were tired of hurting.
And in that moment, you didn't care if he knew it.
You can't see his face, but you don't need to. You can feel the tension rolling off him in waves, can feel his rage, and it mirrors your own.
You stand there, staring at each other, your anger a palpable thing, and a part of you is relieved. It's the first real emotion he's shown, the first real indication he's been anything other than indifferent, and you're glad. You wanted a reaction, and you got one.
The thought is quickly quashed when he speaks.
"Maybe I should've," he growls. The pain in his voice underneath the anger takes you by surprise. "Then I wouldn't have to deal with your fucking mess."
His words sting, more than they should, and you hate yourself for it. He's always been good at that, cutting deep with his words, and it's something you'd hoped would change.
You should've known better.
"Well, then," you begin, and your voice is quiet, a contrast to the anger simmering below the surface. "I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you."
You turn, and he grabs your arm, stopping you.
"Don't what?" you ask, whirling around. You yank your arm from his grasp, and his hand drops.
He doesn't reply. You don't move, the rain pelting the ground around you, and the wind whipping at your clothing. Crosshair doesn't say anything, doesn't try to explain himself, and you can't stop the anger from boiling over again.
"Don't go? Don't leave? Why shouldn't I? Why do you care? It's not like you cared about me when—"
"You don't know what you're talking about," he interrupts sharply.
"No!" you shout. Lightning cracks in the distance, the flash illuminating the metal around you. "You're the one who doesn't know."
"You think I don't know what happened?" His tone is hard, his words clipped. "You think I haven't had to live with that? With knowing what I did to you?"
"Don't you dare." You jab a finger into his chest, and he takes a step back. His shoulders tense, and you can tell he's furious, but you can't stop.
"You don't get to act like that's some big burden you've been carrying around."
"I have!"
"So have I!"
Crosshair is silent, and you can tell he's taken aback by your admission. He shifts, his weight moving from foot to foot, and his hands clench and unclench at his sides. He doesn't say anything, his attention shifting from the ground, to the sky, and back again.
The wind blows, and you shiver. You tug your jacket tighter around yourself as the adrenaline starts to wear off. You don't speak, waiting for him to respond.
"I'm trying," he says after a beat, his tone sharp. "I'm trying, and I don't know what else you want from me."
"Not hard enough," you spit back.
"How the hell am I supposed to—"
"You're not," you interrupt. "Not anymore."
He goes still, his entire body rigid. For a moment, the rain is the only sound, battering against the scrap metal and his helmet. His fists clench, and he shakes his head. He lets out a long, slow breath, and the mist from his vocoder obscures your vision.
"I never thought you would forgive me." His voice is low, barely audible over the howling wind. "I just hoped you wouldn't hate me forever."
Your lips part, but no sound comes out. There's a lump in your throat, and you can't swallow. Your chest aches, and your fingers tingle, and it takes everything in you to remain upright.
"I don't hate you," you say, and your voice is a whisper. "But I wish I did."
The words are painful to admit, and you're not sure what's worse: saying them out loud, or knowing they're true.
His hand lifts, as though he's going to touch your face, and the movement is so gentle, so careful, that it makes you ache. Then, his hand drops, and his fingers curl into a fist, and he lets out a frustrated huff. 
You can see his hand shake, a reminder that the Empire took something from him, too, and you feel a sudden surge of guilt. But you can’t bring yourself to apologize, can't force the words past your lips, and so you just stand there, watching him. 
The silence stretches on, and you can feel the cold steep into your bones, and you’re tired of waiting for Crosshair, so you turn and start to walk away.
You barely take a step when he speaks, and his voice is pained.
“I’m sorry,” he says, barely audible in the wind.
You stop, your feet sinking into the mud, and your breath catches. The apology is so unexpected, so raw, you feel it in your chest.
You want to look at him, but you can't.
You're afraid that if you do, he'll see right through you, and you'll have to acknowledge that despite your best efforts, your anger has faded, replaced by something else.
So you don't look at him. Instead, you stare at the ground, at the way the mud oozes around your boots.
"I'm sorry," he repeats, and his voice cracks. "I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I didn't— I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'm sorry."
He takes a deep breath, and you can hear it, the way his lungs stutter. It catches on something inside of you, and your eyes burn.
"I don't want you to hate me," he says. The words are so soft, so quiet, that you almost miss them. "And I know I deserve it. But don't. Please."
"You should've thought about that before you shot me."
He's quiet, the only sound the rain and the wind, and it's obvious the words hit him hard. A part of you regrets it, regrets being so cruel, but another part, a darker part, wants to hurt him. Wants him to feel the pain you've felt since the day he left.
"I know," he says, and there's a note of resignation in his tone. "And I will regret it every day for the rest of my life."
You turn, and his helmet is pointed at the ground.
“I thought I was doing the right thing, that it was the only thing I could do. But I was wrong, and I made a mistake, and I have to live with that." His voice is low, his words heavy, and the sincerity in his voice catches you off guard. "If I could take it back, I would. In a heartbeat."
You blink, the tears burning the back of your eyes, and you fight the urge to turn away. You swallow hard, the pressure behind your eyes so intense that it hurts, before you ask, "Why are you telling me this?"
He lifts his head to meet your gaze. "Because you deserve to know."
"And what do you deserve?"
It's immediate, so assured and without hesitation that you nearly stumble back.
"I deserve nothing," he continues, and his tone is so self-loathing, so full of hatred, that it makes your chest tighten. 
Your mouth opens, but the words don’t come, and you can't think. You want to scream, want to shout, want to hit him, to comfort him, to apologize, and it's too much, and you don't know what to do.
His words hang between you, the gravity of the situation dawning on you.
He really believes it.
He truly thinks that he deserves nothing.
That he deserves no forgiveness, no mercy, no sympathy, no second chance.
And as much as you want to be angry, as much as you want to hate him, it hurts to see him like this. To see him so resigned, so accepting, that he's willing to take whatever punishment you deem fit.
Your anger fades, and you can feel the fight draining out of you. You let out a long sigh, and the tension in your frame eases. "Cross—"
"Don't." He raises a hand, cutting you off. "Just...don't."
Your mouth closes. The rain batters the metal around you, the wind whips your hair around your face, and it's impossible to keep the tears from spilling over. They mix with the rain, and you wipe them away.
He lowers his hand. "Come on. Let's keep moving."
Crosshair pushes past you, his shoulder bumping yours. He starts to walk, his strides long and purposeful, and the space where his armor touched your arm tingles.
You hesitate before you follow him, and the rest of the walk is spent in silence. Your boots sink into the mud, and the rain beats against your hood. By the time you reach the coordinates, you're shivering, and the rain has started to sleet.
Your feet slip on the icy ground, and you stumble. Crosshair catches your arm, steadying you. You look up, meeting his gaze through the visor of his helmet, and your heart twists in your chest.
"Thanks," you mumble, pulling away.
He says nothing, turning his attention back to the ruins. The star destroyer is huge, the metal hull jutting up from the mud. The bridge has long since broken away, but the main section remains intact. You make your way to the hull, searching for an entrance.
You can feel him watching you, and you wonder if he's thinking about what you said, if he regrets his words, and your stomach twists.
You shouldn't care, not after everything he's done, but the thought of him thinking he deserves nothing, nothing at all, makes you feel sick. You know he does, and it hurts, because there's a part of you that still cares about him.
A part of you that's always cared.
And no matter how many times he's hurt you, that won't change.
You've wanted nothing more than to put the past behind you, to forget the hurt and the pain and the loss. And here is Crosshair, finally willing to talk, to apologize, and all you've done is push him away.
And despite how angry you are, how hurt, you're tired of fighting. You're tired of running from the past, and tired of letting it define who you are.
You take a deep breath, and then another. It's not too late, you tell yourself.
You find a service hatch, and you pull it open, slipping inside. The metal groans as your feet hit the ground, and you narrowly avoid a gap in the floor. The interior of the ship is dark, and the only light comes from the holes in the ceiling. Crosshair follows you, and his rifle scans the room.
"It's clear," he says, lowering the weapon.
"Good," you say, wiping the sleet from your jacket.
You start down the hallway, searching the rooms as you go. The ship is in disarray, the furniture overturned and the walls peppered with blaster fire.
There’s a scorched line carved into a wall, and you wince at the sight, your feet slowing to a stop to examine it. You don't have to touch it to know what happened here, and your eyes burn.
You turn, startled to find Crosshair directly behind you. He stares down at you, his posture stiff. "What is it?"
"I..." You're not sure how to respond. He must sense your hesitation, because his head tilts, and you can feel his eyes on you.
"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice surprisingly soft.
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he says, and his words take you by surprise.
You cross your arms, looking away. The hallway is dark, and the silence between you stretches on. You're not sure what you expected, but you didn't think he'd call you out. "Cross..."
"No," he repeats, stepping closer. "Don't. Talk to me."
You open your mouth, then close it.
"Talk to me," he says again, more firmly.
Shaking your head, you turn and start walking. He trails behind, the metal creaking beneath his boots, and the sound echoes around the corridor. The hallway splits, and you go right. The lights flicker, the wiring exposed, and the darkness seems to seep in from the edges of your vision.
"It's the burn marks," Crosshair says, after a moment, his voice low.
You stop.
"In the walls," he adds, when you don't respond. "That's why you stopped, isn't it?"
You turn, and he's standing there, his helmet tilted, his posture rigid. He says your name quietly. “What are we really here for?”
You sigh. There isn’t any fight left in you, not now, and you can’t bring yourself to lie. 
“My Master’s body.”
Crosshair inhales sharply, and his shoulders tense. He doesn’t move, and the silence is stifling.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Would it have changed anything?"
He pauses, considering. "Maybe," he says, his voice low, "but I still would've helped you."
Your fingers twitch at your side. It's a struggle, but you keep your emotions in check. You're not sure if he's being honest, if he's telling the truth, and the uncertainty makes your stomach twist, tangling with the grief that threatens to swallow you whole.
"I couldn't..." You trail off, your throat tight.
You don't have the energy to lie, and your eyes burn. You want to say it, want to tell him how much it hurts, but the words are lodged in your throat. You're afraid, afraid that once you start, you won't be able to stop, and the fear keeps the truth from spilling out.
The moment stretches on, and his fingers brush your shoulder. It's a simple touch, one that's barely there, and it's so unexpected that it takes you by surprise.
He squeezes gently, and the contact is grounding, comforting, and it feels so good that it makes your chest ache.
"I'm sorry," he says, his voice is thick with emotion.
You turn, and his helmet is tilted downwards. You know he's looking at you, his eyes boring into you with a heaviness you can't decipher.
"I need to find him," you whisper. You hate how vulnerable you sound. His hand tightens on your shoulder, and you swallow. "I need to..."
"We'll find him," he says, and his tone leaves no room for argument.
"Thank you," you manage. The words sound strange coming from your mouth.
He nods, releasing your shoulder. You miss his touch, and you have the urge to reach for him, to take his hand, but you push it down.
"We'll find him," he repeats.
You nod, and the two of you continue down the corridor. The hallway opens up into a larger room, and you glance around, looking for a clue, a sign, anything. But the sleet has left the space dark, blocking the light from the windows.
"There's nothing here," you say, defeated.
"There has to be," Crosshair insists.
You turn to look at him, and his helmet is pointed in your direction. He's staring at you, the intensity of his gaze causing your skin to prickle.
"There's nothing," you repeat.
"We'll keep looking."
"There's nothing, Cross."
"We'll keep looking," he repeats, and the steel in his voice is enough to make you waver.
You shake your head, frustrated, but before you can speak, the ground lurches beneath your feet.
"What the—"
Crosshair's arm wraps around your waist, and he yanks you forward, his grip on your jacket so tight you're sure it's going to rip. The ship groans, and the ground lurches again, and this time, you can hear the sound of metal scraping against metal.
"Shit," you mutter, gripping his shoulders. "The ground, it's—"
"I know."
You look down, and the ground beneath you is shifting. You can see the cracks spreading, and the ship starts to tilt, and you realize the ground isn't the only thing that's changing.
"We need to move," you say.
Crosshair doesn't need to be told twice, and the two of you start toward the hallway. You're not fast enough, though, and the ground shifts violently, the force of the impact sending you flying.
You scream, and Crosshair curses. He lunges, wrapping an arm around your waist, and your body slams into his.
The two of you hit the ground hard, and the impact knocks the wind from your lungs. You roll, and your stomach drops as the ground disappears beneath you. Crosshair grunts, and his hand digs into your hip, holding onto you tightly. The ship tips, and you slide down the slick metal floor, heading straight for the gaping chasm.
You let out a panicked cry, and the world goes sideways as Crosshair grabs onto a railing. You can see the bottom of the ship, hundreds of feet below, and you have a fleeting moment of panic.
Your command of the Force is still shaky, and there's a good chance that the two of you will plummet to your deaths if you try to slow your descent. Your heart is in your throat, but then Crosshair pulls, his grip strong, and he hauls you over the edge. 
Your boots scrape against the ground as he pulls you upwards, and you feel your feet catch on the edge. You gasp, relieved, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
He pulls the two of you onto the platform, and his arms wrap around you, crushing you against his chest.
"Are you hurt?" he pants, his chest heaving.
You shake your head, and you can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You squeeze your eyes shut, clinging to him, and you realize he's trembling.
"I've got you," he says. "It's okay, I've got you."
Crosshair doesn't let go, and his breathing is ragged. Your hands curl around his shoulders, and you lean into him, the contact calming. You can feel his heartbeat, and the rhythm is quick, erratic. You stay like that for a long moment, neither of you moving.
You're not sure who moves first, but his arms relax, and you shift, pulling away. He releases you, his hands sliding to your waist. He's still shaking, and his helmet is tilted downward, his gaze focused on you.
"Are you okay?" you ask, and your voice is a little too high.
He nods. "I'm fine."
Your lips press into a thin line, and he must notice your disbelief, because he lets out a shaky laugh. "I will be," he amends.
You nod, and you can't seem to look away. He's still gripping your waist, and his gloves are slick with rain. You can feel his fingers digging into your skin, and despite the chill, the contact is grounding.
"You saved me," you say, your voice barely a whisper.
You're not sure what to say. There's a part of you that wants to thank him, a part of you that wants to pull him close and wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. It's a strange feeling, one that you haven't felt in a long time, and you struggle to push it down.
Instead, you say the only thing you can think of. "Thanks."
He shrugs, as though it's no big deal. "It's my job."
"No, it's not."
"Yes," Crosshair starts, his tone firm. You blink, and he's leaning down, his helmet inches from your face. Your heart pounds in your chest, and your fingers curl into his shoulders. His grip tightens on your waist, and you can feel his breath through his vocoder. "It is."
"We can argue about this, or we can keep going."
"Right." You nod, pulling away. His grip lingers, and then his hands fall, and you feel cold without them. "I mean, you're right."
You can hear him exhale, and he pushes himself up, holding a hand out to you. 
"I usually am," he says as he hauls you to your feet, and there's a hint of a smile in his voice.
"Asshole," you mutter, pushing past him.
"Brat," he says, following close behind.
You climb through a hole in the floor, and you're surprised to find the hallway intact. You walk cautiously, your senses alert, and your steps are slow. The hallway ends at a door, and the panel is cracked, but the lock still works.
The door slides open, revealing a small, dimly lit room. A window looks out onto the snow, and there's a bed, and a chair, and a desk. You look around, and a lump forms in your throat. The bed is made, the covers neatly tucked. A holoprojector sits on the desk, and a stack of books is piled in the corner.
"This was his quarters," you say.
Crosshair doesn't answer, and the quiet is unnerving. You cross the room, your heart hammering in your chest. You stand beside the bed, and your hands curl into fists. You can feel his presence behind you, but he doesn't speak.
"What do we do now?" you ask, your voice sounding far away to your ears.
"Look for clues," he says. "Anything that could point us to where his body is."
You nod, and the two of you search the room. You're not sure what to expect, and you're not even sure what you're looking for. You pick up a datapad on the bed, but the device is blank.
Crosshair is rummaging through the desk drawers, and you walk over to him. He's looking at an open drawer, head tilted. You peer around him, and your breath catches in your throat.
There's a few pieces of flimsi, and a stylus, and a data card. But what makes your heart skip a beat is the stone. It's small, no bigger than your palm, and the surface is smooth, black with a white streak bisecting it.
"I can't believe he kept it," you say, and your voice cracks.
"Kept what?" Crosshair asks, and you can hear the confusion in his voice.
"The stone. I gave it to him when I was a Padawan."
"I don't know," you admit. "I was always giving him gifts. I used to think they were the only way he'd know I cared about him."
Crosshair looks down at you, and his voice is softer than you've ever heard it. "I'm sure he knew."
"You think so?" you ask, and your eyes burn.
You nod, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill down your cheeks.
"It's just..." Your voice trails off, and you clear your throat, trying to dislodge the lump that's formed.
"It's okay," he says, his hand resting on your shoulder.
"No, it's not. He's dead, Cross, and I wasn't here. I was supposed to be here, but I wasn't."
"That's not your fault," he says, and his other hand lifts, resting on your opposite shoulder.
"I know, but..."
"You couldn't have done anything."
"But I—"
"Stop." His voice is firm, and his grip on your shoulders tightens.
"Shut up and listen," he says, and his tone leaves no room for argument. "You did the best you could. You were fighting a war, you were doing what was right."
You nod, but the guilt is overwhelming. You force yourself to look up at him. His hands are still on your shoulders, and his helmet is tilted down, his gaze on you.
"It wasn't your fault," he repeats.
His thumbs press gently against the hollow of your collarbones, and his touch is soothing. You take a shaky breath, and his grip loosens, one hand sliding from your shoulder to your face. His thumb brushes across your cheek, catching a tear. You inhale sharply, and his fingers cup your jaw, and you lean into his touch.
"Thank you," you manage, your voice breaking.
"It's going to be okay," he says. "I promise."
"I mean it," he says. Crosshair grabs your hand, and you let him manipulate your fingers until only your littlest one remains facing up. He curls his around yours, squeezing gently.
He nods. "Promise."
Your lips twitch up, and he squeezes your finger again, his grip firm. His other hand cups the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair, and he pulls you against his chest, holding you tight. You wrap your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest plate.
You stay like that for a moment, closing your eyes as his fingers run through your hair. You sigh, leaning into him, and you can hear his breathing through his vocoder. His hands are warm, and he's solid, and he smells like leather, and blaster oil, and rain.
"We should keep looking," you say, but you don't want him to let go.
Crosshair hesitates, then nods, his grip on your hair loosening. His hand slides from the back of your head to your jaw, and he tilts your chin up, staring down at you.
You nod, and his thumb strokes the apple of your cheek. His touch is so soft, and you can feel his gaze on you. He lingers, and you wonder if he's going to say something, but he doesn't. Instead, his fingers tighten on your face, and he leans down.
His forehead presses against yours, and his hands fall away. He exhales, and his breath fans across your lips before he pulls away.
The absence of his touch leaves you cold, and your chest aches, the space between your ribs feeling too tight. You blink, and Crosshair is gone, already walking across the room.
He starts rummaging through the closet, and you shake yourself, clearing your throat. You turn to the desk, and you pick up the stone. Your thumb runs over the surface, feeling its imperfections. 
Suddenly, you gasp. A memory flashes through your mind, one that doesn't belong to you.
"What is it?" Crosshair asks, instantly alert.
"I know where he is."
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Taglist: @covert1ntrovert @bruh-myguy-what @huntersnikeheadband @thebadbatchfan @absolfan @winchesters-girl @sukithebean @spicy-clones @arctrooper69 @qvnthesia
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buglaur · 24 days
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i've been playing the game in my own time but i gotta share this lil angel cus she's the cutest toddler my sims have ever had
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osamusriceballs · 11 months
Kinktober Day 27 <3
Ushijima x dirtytalk
Warnings: NSFW, fem reader
Words: ~ 2,3 k
Kinktober Masterlist II -> Next day
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"Here, Wakatoshi-kun! Look at this!"
A phone gets shoved into his face, the brightness level way too high for comfort, but he squints to take a look at the screen. A small grunt leaves his lips at the lack of greeting from his red-haired friend, but he chooses to focus on the screen instead.
It's an Instagram post with a picture of him, one taken during the Olympics. He looks at the picture, confused, but then Tendou starts scrolling through the comments
"I'd combust if he called me 'baby' with that deep voice."
"Do you think he's vocal in bed?" Reply: "He doesn't talk much in interviews, so I doubt it." Reply: "What a waste. His voice is so hot."
"LOOK AT HIS ABS *drools*"
"The world is going crazy ever since you said 'baby' in that one interview!" Tendou wildly gestures with his phone still in his hand, his grin almost smug when he elbows Ushijima. A frown appears on the spiker's face as he tries to recall the interview. It was one that he wasn't too fond of, due to the number of personal questions that had been asked. Way too personal questions for his liking.
"Ushijima-san, do you have any plans to start a family soon? When can we expect a baby, a little Ushijima junior?" "Baby?" he had echoed, clearly taken aback by this question, something that the interviewer probably failed to notice, but to the people close to him, it was fairly obvious. The silence after this question lead to speculation on the internet about his relationship status, something that he has kept private so far.
"It wasn't in a sexual way." Ushijima states after skimming through more comments, raising his eyebrows when the messages get more explicit and vulgar. "I was surprised when he asked the question."
"Doesn't matter! The world is going feral now, everybody wants to be Wakatoshi's baby! And even I have to admit that I got butterflies when I heard you say that. Y/n is really lucky~" Tendou hums, mischief clear in his eyes, but Ushijima fails to follow his train of thoughts with this.
"Why is she lucky?"
"Because she gets you to say sweet and dirty things to her all day long. You can't fool me, Wakatoshi-kun; I'm not only your best but also your oldest friend." Tendou winks and strolls ahead, oblivious to the way Wakatoshi is left standing there with a frown on his face, still.
You rub your arms dry with a fluffy towel when his voice comes from the other side of the door.
"Hmm?" you hum, smiling excitedly because he is finally back home. "I'll be out in a second."
"Yes, please. We need to talk." You hear him lean against the door frame, clearly waiting for you to come out.
You freeze at his words, eyes growing wide when realization settles in and you fully comprehend his words. "Talk? Talk about what?" you know that you sound shrill and loud, but you can't help yourself but to feel nervous at his serious tone- even more serious than normally.
"About us." Your jaw drops, and you quickly reach for your bathrobe, hastily unfolding the fabric to its full length.
"What do you mean about us? Is there a problem with us?" You finally manage to pull your arms through the fabric, quickly wrapping the fabric along your body before you open the door. You're met with Ushijima's broad chest as he quickly straightens to his full posture. His olive eyes roam over your body, lingering for a short moment on your exposed cleavage before they return back to your face. He looks nervous, there is no other way to put it. "I'm not sure. I think there could might be a problem."
"And what would that be?" You cross your arms in front of your chest, your eyes boring into his face as if you could find answers for his unusual behavior there. You've never seen him like this before. His usual warm eyes are clouded with worry, his hands fidgeting with his phone in his hands. "Toshi? What is it? Please, talk to me." You're tempted to take the phone out of his hands, but you refrain from touching him, not when you don't know what's going on.
"Are you happy with our sex life?" His eyes don't leave your face, not for even the slightest second to see your reaction, and your jaw drops at the sudden question- you expected a lot, but definitely not this.
"I'm- I mean, yes I am? Shouldn't I be? Are you unhappy?" You take a slight step back, creating distance between the two of you, baffled by the sudden implication that he thinks that you're not satisfied. Or that he might not be. Sex with Wakatoshi is great- hard, rough, and passionate. He knows how to fuck you, that is for sure, but he also knows how to be gentle and sweet, how to take care of you and spoil you, especially during aftercare. You lack nothing in your sex life with him- and you hope that he feels the same.
"I am happy. Very. I enjoy sex with you very much much," he states firmly, but that only confuses you more.
"Why are you asking me then? What made you think that I could be unhappy?" You move closer to him, worry etched in your features when you finally take his phone and put it aside to grab his hands.
"Do you want me to talk more? To be more vocal? I saw a video and people kept on commenting how they want me to call them 'baby' and some more things. Would you like that too?" The way he asks nonchalantly like he was just talking about dinner made this even more embarrassing somehow.
"For you to call me 'baby' during sex?"
"Hmm." He nods and looks expectantly at you, his hands squeezing yours while his gaze seems somewhat calmer now that he is convinced that you're satisfied.
"You... you can call me whatever you want. I'm fine with it." You try to sound unbothered and calm, but the slightly shaking note shows how the thought of him calling you "baby" or "his pretty girl" while he thrusts into you does something to you. He nods, hesitating for a second, but then his hands suddenly drop yours to pull you in by the waist, his other hand coming to your chin while he leans down until his lips are close to your ear.
"My baby. Or would you rather be my babygirl?" His honey-like voice almost puts a spell on you, and you find yourself shivering in his arms, thighs involuntarily clenching together. "S-sounds good, Toshi." You bring your hands up to his chest, feeling the hard muscles under his shirt and his slow and steady heartbeat.
"And what would my babygirl like me to do? Does my babygirl want to be touched?" He lowly mumbles against the shell of your ear, your heart now beating faster when his hands start to roam over your body. "Yes," you breathlessly answer, hands slightly clenching into the fabric of his shirt. Definitely not what you had expected as the outcome of the conversation, but vocal Wakatoshi makes your pussy throb with every single word.
"My babygirl needs me to touch her, huh? I will take care of that pretty little princess cunt." He kisses your cheek, and your legs feel like jelly at this point. You cling to him, hanging on every single one of his words. You feel your arousal growing, feel how you start to get wet the more his hands keep touching you.
"More," you whisper, feeling hot and bothered while he keeps on touching you and pressing kisses to your neck. "More? Is my babygirl needy? That pretty princess cunny needs me to touch her?" He lifts the bathrobe just enough to place one hand on your thigh, and you feel like your body is on fire when he touches you there.
"Yes," you gasp, your hands now finding purchase on his shoulders while you cling onto him like your life depends on it. "What does that little princess cunny want? My fingers?" He grazes his fingertips along your thigh, moving dangerously close to your pussy under the bathrobe- bare, and basically creaming for him the longer he keeps playing with your body.
"Or my tongue?" he licks along the column of your neck, and you gasp at his words, the sensation hot and forbidden god. "I want to taste you, baby. You always taste so sweet. Do you want my tongue between your legs? Licking at your pretty pussy?" His fingers reach your throbbing pussy, slightly parting your folds and dipping in your wetness.
"Do it, do it, Toshi, please," you press your legs together around his hand, effectively caging him right where you need it. "Hmm, but you have to cum on my fingers first." He pecks your cheek and pulls his hand away from your legs, just to place it on your hips to guide you towards the bed. "Lay down for me, baby. Open that bathrobe for me."
His baritone echoes through the room, and you feel yourself doing everything like you're in a haze, full of need for him. "Hmm, that's my good girl." He hums apporvingly when you discard the bathrobe on the floor. Your body is trembling in the cool air of the room, but Ushijima is quick to join you on the bed and to hover above you, radiating so much heat that you instantly feel warm.
"Baby, spread your legs for me. Show me everything." You take a deep breath and slowly part your legs, revealing your glistening folds to him. A shiver runs down his body, and he clears his throat before he speaks again, his voice now lower when he is obviously bothered and turned on by the situation. "Look at how wet you are for me. All for me."
You frantically nod, anticipation rushing through your body while you wait for him to touch you. His fingers finally roam over your thighs, and your head falls back into the pillow at the way he touches you, the way he knows exactly where and how to touch you.
"So impatient. I can't wait to be inside of you, to feel you around me." Your gaze falls to the tent in his pants, the thought of him fucking you making your head spin and your pussy throb with need. His fingers move between your legs, moving along your folds and pressing against your clit. You moan at the sensation, your hands fisting the sheets when his thumb prods on your entrance.
"You look so pretty like this. Just waiting for me to touch you, to fuck you. And you feel so good around my fingers." He pushes his thumb inside of you, and you almost close your legs around him. "I will make you feel so good. I will make you cum on my fingers, on my tongue, on my cock." You clench around the digit at his words, your eyes focused on his handsome face while he keeps on rubbing your clit. "More, please more," you whine your body shaking underneath his. "Shhh, I'll give you more. I'll give you what you need, baby." His eyes roam down your body and you almost protest when he pulls his thumb out, just to quickly replace it with three of his fingers. "Oh, Toshi," you whine, your hips arching into him, and you start to fuck yourself on his fingers. He keeps the fast rhythm, pulling his fingers out, and pushing them back inside, curling them pulling them out again. "You feel so good. You're is creaming for me, look at that." His words only add fuel to your desire, and you grab his shoulders to push him down to you to connect your lips in a needy kiss. He groans into your mouth, his movements slowing down for a few moments before he sets his rhythm again, a fast and punishing pace now.
Your nails rake along his bare shoulders, leaving red marks, and he groans at the sensation. "Come on, baby girl. Let me feel you clench around me. Cream on my fingers, make a mess for me," his voice sends you over the edge, and you moan his name when you cum, your walls pulsing and clenching softly around his fingers. He groans your name, sweet praises of how you're his good girl, how pretty you look under him, how much he loves you, leave his lips and your body arches from the bed into his while your face contorts in pure bliss.
He prolongs your high, making sure to keep his pace and to curl his fingers just the right way, and your body goes limp when he finally slows down. His lips meet yours, pressing chaste and loving kisses to your face. "Was that okay?" The slight frown on his face is back, a clear sign of him being deep in thoughts when he pulls back after a few more kisses.
"More than okay. I think I could cum from your voice alone." You smile up at him and cup his cheek, the afterglow making you feel so good while you lay under him.
He raises an eyebrow, curiosity now sparkling in his eyes at your words, and you are quick to explain further. "I- I didn't mean that literally. Like- I just wanted to say that your voice is hot. And you are hot." Your cheeks heat up when he simply nods and hums, a mild smile on his lips.
"I want to test that out. Let's see if I can make you cum with my voice alone, baby."
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aftout · 6 months
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There’s a Spider in my Breakfast Cereal and She Refuses to Leave but I’ve Honestly Grown to Like Her Quite a Bit <- normal au title
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galedekarios · 1 year
gale: if things were different, if we were home, i'd have taken the time to do things properly
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if we were home
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artseuki · 7 months
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"The fluttering fiend...is drawn towards the masquerade..."
The official footage of the Anime Los Angeles Masquerade is officially out! It was an honor to participate in Such a Cool Event alongside such Cool Cosplayers, all the acts were phenomenal!
If you have a couple hours to kill (or just want to bounce around between acts), I do highly recommend checking the whole thing out! 👉[link]
Cosplay: @aseuki Photography and Editing: bakephotogatari Video Footage: @steamninja
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johnslittlespoon · 13 days
john on his knees john on his knees john onhis knees johnonhis kness opls john onhis knees
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i agree!! <33
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thekittyokat · 1 month
Hi! Please please please, could you tell me more about your coffin chain ideas?/nf
I am obsessed but barely anybody has jumped onto the ship yet and I am VERY new to the fandom so I wanna wait with making it myself until I know more lol. You are lowkey fueling this entire operations and I wanna thank you for that either way.
(rubs my paws together) you have no idea what you've unleashed anon i've been holding onto this ask specifically bc i've been sapping dopamine from it like a little leech waiting until i had time to hastily doodle up a little dynamics timeline for different stages of the ot4
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i REALLY hope this makes sense . i feel the need to say this every time i post abt coffinchain but my ideas are rly specific and i've had time for them to infect my brain like mold so i'm defo ready to accept this all being rly niche and really just for me and like 3 other people
buuut if this little peek into my mind speaks to ANY of y'all i absolutely encourage implore and beg you to send me asks and ideas and whatnot about these 4 bastards literally whenever you want!!
TL;DR one half of the trauma bonded couple reaches out and forms an immediate kinship with the big scary guy that no one likes & convinces his petty boyfriend to let him fw them. then he starts bringing his deranged fbi otter around they start double-dating only for it to become a situationship and then the worst polycule ever
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spock-adoodledoo · 1 month
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short translation of a chinese translation of chapter 49 (corresponds to "Beating the Heat" in the LN) in the GX manga because i like how they did this scene and what they added after maomao leaves the room... it feels like it hints a lot more explicitly at jinshi's secret than both the LN and the other manga, which is fun! also basen almost letting it slip before gaoshun slapped a hand over his mouth and again after their whispered conversation is extremely funny to me
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sashazakbun24 · 4 months
I would like to apologize for the inactivity mostly about my Animatronic KinitoPET au i lost motivation and got stuck with it's plot holes so I was thinking of rewriting the lore now that i feel interested to work on it again! ^_^
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Again so sorry for the delay to those who have been anticipating for it! :(
Here's a sketch of the robo crew hopefully it'll make up from all of this! (those who seen my Kinitocord thread knows this is a slight redesign)
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