#I'm OBSESSED with how Eli looks in general
beeholyshit · 30 days
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Summary: Eli's way too shy to ever talk to you in person, so he helps himself to a late night stroll through your Cloud files to get to know you.
Pairing: CyberStalker!Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader
Word Count: -1,8k (This was supposed to be a drabble…)
Content Warnings: Smut 18+!, Stalking, Hacking, Female And Male Masturbation, Heavy Violations Of Privacy, Obsessive Behavior, Strong BDSM Themes
A/N: This has been eating away at my ability to think for the past few days…
Tagging: @blueberrypancakesworld @herprivateisland
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I'm inside of your system,
I'm inside of your lair
To haunt you is my destiny
I'm a virus, impossible to find
I'm lurking in the shadows of your mind
- Virus By Priest
You wouldn't even have recognised him as he'd passed you on your way into the supermarket, automatic front doors swishing open as you squeezed yourself right past him as he was walking out, his hands clasping around filled grocery bags. Elijah knew that you'd be on your way now for your weekly shopping run and he just couldn't hold back a nervous smile as the light scent of your perfume crept up into his nose. Flowery, fresh and persistent enough to stay with him until he arrived back at home.
This, alongside plenty of others, was one of Elijah's little weekly rituals to keep up with you. He went shopping with you, not just groceries but sometimes also clothing or a bouquet of flowers from the florist right next to the little café you frequented nearly every morning for a tall coffee latte with exactly one pump of vanilla syrup. It always made him think of how your lips would taste like sugary sweet vanilla when you strolled into your workplace with the cardboard cup still in your hands. On the rare occasions when you fell sick, Eli had sat across from you in the waiting room, avid to keep his ears perked to make sure you were healthy and well again soon. None of that you'd ever noticed. Why would you? He was just one face of hundreds of thousand in this city and whilst Eli went unnoticed, he knew everything about you.
Really everything? That's at least what he'd been thinking until he decided to treat himself one Saturday night. After months of “looking after you” it had gotten a bit stale to be close to you by getting himself off to the few rare bikini pics he'd found by digging through your Instagram page. There was something about you, something he couldn't quite pinpoint but it told him that there was more to you, that he just had to venture far enough to find the thing you were hiding away and to him, a Cloud storage provider was nothing else than a server. A server that could be hacked just like every other and that he did in a heartbeat. He couldn't even really describe it as hacking because you weren't really careful with your almost very much the same passwords you used online. In general, it was a mixture of your dogs birthday and the name of your first real crush from middle school… Tyler. Ugh, Tyler, by now a divorced loser with a receding hairline and a latent porn addiction. Maybe a few changed in regards of capital letters but it took no more than two tries to get into your Cloud data storage account.
“Let's see what you got in here, sweety.” Elijah murmured to himself, excitement making his pulse pick up a beat whilst the pale light from the desktop reflected from his black- framed glasses. For a moment, nothing really caught his eye: files filled with family vacation pictures, an occasional photo dump of a night out in town from two years ago… nothing really new to Elijah until he spotted a folder titled “Teacher” that made his eyebrows arch up.
“The fuck's that?” He asked into his bedroom that was only illuminated by the shine emitting from his laptop that sat in his lap. You'd never worked as a teacher, not once and nothing even remotely close to that. After high school you went to college whilst working in retail hell to support yourself and afterwards you went on to write for a history magazine with your freshly accomplished degree. You'd never been a tutor or a teacher as far as Eli knew and even if…why would that be any data worthwhile to keep around? With slightly knit together brows, he clicked on the folder just to land in a subfolder with files dated in almost sterile accuracy. One folder for every week reaching back as far as nearly two years ago. As Elijah's stomach bubbled with the need to find out what this was all about, he double-clicked on the folder titled with the date from 3 weeks ago just for his eyes to widen and his for his jaw to nearly drop.
Trying to comprehend what was loading up on the screen right in front of his, Eli's mouth stood slightly agape as the only other physical reaction came from further down. Before his critical thinking had caught up to what he was looking at, his body surely had and he felt his cock unapologetically twitching against the soft fabric of his sweatpants. Picture upon picture of your bare skin practically jumped at him and a heavy groan erupted from his chest as he clicked on the first image to start investigating somewhere. He nearly choked on his own spit as his eyes roamed over the photograph. Your face wasn't in frame, perhaps a safety measure stemming from the nature of the contents, but it didn't even need for Eli to know that it was your naked body that he saw. You'd been flipped on your stomach, wrists held together by cable ties as the dainty rings on your fingers gave away that it was without a doubt you. There was hardly any fabric covering your behind, just a pair a ripped fishnet-stockings stretching across your ass and thighs. A lack of panties practically presenting your thoroughly soaked and glistening cunt to the viewer.
“Uh…oh…OH…” It trickled from Elijah's lips as he moved the cursor to click for the next picture. Your posture was nearly the same but instead of smooth skin underneath the skimpy stockings, it showed your ass all bruised up in colors ranging from a bright red to deep purples, almost like a sadomasochistic nebula painted to your skin by brute force and he didn't know how to feel about that. The sight right in front of him turned him on beyond measure but at the same time…how have you been with someone he didn't know of? How had you been able to keep that side of yours from his ever watching eyes? Eli felt like scolding himself, a surge of white-hot rage jolting through the pit of his stomach for being so utterly incompetent and not seeing what had been right in front of him the entire time! Your loose sweaters, your liking for mainly long-sleeve tops and just softly form-fitting pants…it all came together now but on top of all of that it should be him, always should've been and not some strange rando you hid away somewhere in your Cloud files…
The potent mixture made out of rage and arousal ebbed through Elijah as he continued clicking his way through the files, pictures of your naked body in deliciously compromising poses causing his jaw to clench and teeth to grind with the same fervor his cock pressed against his slacks. He was so agonizingly hard that it almost hurt just for his fingers to brush around the outlines of his hard on. In a vain attempt to soothe himself, Eli gently cupped himself with the full width of his palm, the careful pressure aimed to ease the constant throbbing as his fingers fondled with his tightening balls.
“Fucking hell, babe, what's all of this, hm? You're gonna drive me insane…” The words came as a hardly choked back moan as Eli moved his hand above the fabric of his sweatpants. Up and down in slow, careful motions to not just explode and gush into his shorts like a pent-up virgin on the first date but the first eager drops of pre-cum soaked through already.
Elijah kept it together, softly stroking and pleasuring himself whilst clicking through your pictures like they were his personal peep show. He tried so hard to not just run with his desires, to drag it out and to savor every moment in which he body shivered with arousal but after a few minutes and several naughty pictures, he came across a full on video file and in that instant, he could've sworn that Christmas came early this year.
With his heart raging inside the ribcage, he hit the spacebar for the video to start playing and as soon as a pitch-black screen lightened up to reveal a shameless close-up recording of you fingering your flushed and swollen pussy with not two but three fingers that pushed inside again and again whilst your needy moans echoed through the speakers of Eli's laptop, he felt his throat render dry. Every word seemed stuck in his throat like a lump he just couldn't swallow no matter how hard he tried. With reddened cheeks, he watched you fuck yourself in high resolution right on his damned laptop screen and couldn't hold back any longer. Exhaling a shallow, trembling breath, he led his hand to slide past the waistband of his slacks, helping him to slide both the pants and his shorts just down enough to free his aching cock that he started fisting the very second he had the fabric off of him.
“You make me so fucking hard and so fucking desperate. It's so damn pathetic. Should be me who does that to you.” Elijah’s thoughts now just ran free as the rapidly rising arousal intoxicated his mind. It didn't take long for his balls to tighten up again, his cock in his hands growing rigid with every next stroke before his entire load spurted out onto the keyboard and up to his navel in thick white ropes. His orgasm rippled through him in a brutal outburst, making him feel lightheaded for seconds after the gushes of sticky cum flowed all over his hand too.
“Fuck!” Eli whined out before taking a deep breath, half-lidded eyes still trained on the screen that depicted you shoving your fingers knuckle-deep inside your wet cunt anew. With a slim grin on his face, he contemplated how long it would take before he could again.
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discountsoysauce · 2 months
I don't understand the idea that Victor has no backstory. Like- yeah, his backstory isn't as horrifically tragic and detailed as Eli's is, but we do know a good bit about him from what he's said so far.
His parents are pretty successful, so we can assume he grew up rich. Victor states that they write all of these books about family but have never taken time out of their day for him, even saying something along the lines of the last time they put aside time for him was his birth (not exact quotes, I don't have the energy to look back through the books rn), so we can assume that they were incredibly neglectful, most likely leaving him at home for days, weeks, maybe months at a time and probably not paying much attention to him even in times when they were home. Whether they paid someone to take care of him in that time or he had to learn to be self-sufficient is debatable.
I personally don't think they were physically abusive, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence at present that supports that idea. Verbal abuse is more likely, but I still don't think it was the case. It doesn't seem like they were around him long enough to do either. I don't think those things really need to be a part of his backstory to make it interesting or compelling. His parents were neglectful, and it shaped pretty much everything about who he is.
The biggest and most obvious one is Victor's obsession with attention. There are multiple references throughout the books of Victor craving attention from those around him, namely Angie and Eli. More than anything, Victor wants to be seen. He wants to be a part of something. He wants to be remembered and acknowledged and thought about. He craves the attention his parents never gave him. He doesn't want to be left behind or forgotten.
Being left behind is another big fear for him (I'm mostly speaking about Lockland here, as he becomes a bit less dependent after he becomes an EO, though there can still be an argument made about him latching onto Mitch and Sydney and Dol and Dominic in a kind of makeshift family he never had). He hates seeing Eli succeed because it feels like he's being left behind. He wants to be so intertwined with another person that they can't possibly forget him. He wants to form a connection so deep that it's impossible to sever. To Victor, there's a connection between 'success' and being left behind. He doesn't want to just be an expendable sidekick or an accessory. He wants to be an integral part of someone. Victor's life revolving around Eli is a symptom of his upbringing.
His social skills and general demeanor are also something that can be analyzed. From the beginning, he's set up as the antithesis to Eli, from social class to backstory to appearance to demeanor. They're the same at their core, but opposites in nearly everything else. Compared to Eli, Victor is a total recluse. He hates being around people, he avoids parties, and we barely see him interact with or pay attention to anyone except the people he genuinely cares about unless he absolutely needs to. His demeanor is off-putting, and he doesn't really make an effort to hide that, although he does just enough to make sure he isn't a complete social outcast. Victor grew up in one home with no siblings and parents who were hardly around. Compared to Eli, who was carted from home to home, meeting new people and learning how to blend in all the time, Victor likely doesn't have much in the way of social experience. He didn't have to hide who he was nearly as much as Eli did because there was no one there to see it anyway.
This being said, he is described as being a good liar and able to fool those around him, although notably worse at it than Eli. This one is more of a longshot, but I don't think it's improbable. Victor's parents were successful published authors who garnered their success based on the books they wrote about family. It's possible that Victor had to make press appearances at some point when he was younger, and learned how to lie for the cameras, or he just spent so long out of the company of others that he started seeing other people as more objects to use and less real living people, making it easier to learn the motions of manipulating them. Either way, Victor learns how to do or say the right thing to get someone to believe him, but he states that Eli is much better at actually faking emotions than he is. This is because while Eli spent his life following his father's death surrounded by people and thus learned how to change his entire self to appear more presentable to the general public, Victor only learned how to manipulate people through speech or actions. He can tell you exactly what you want to hear, but he can't put on a fake persona the way Eli can because he never needed to.
In conclusion, Victor does have a backstory, and it informs every aspect of his character, including his relationship to Eli.
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tenderlady · 2 months
I feel morally obliged, after seeing your tags on this post, to ask you for your Beatles-adjacent casting and re-telling to THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS!
I'll kick things off by proposing John as Eli Cash? "Wild...cat..."
I am, as always, obsessed with your mind and am a big fan of putting Beatles places they were not intended to be. I definitely could see John-as-Eli (writerly, self-constructed, aggressive, insecure), and by that logic I think that probably Paul would be Chas (rigid, overachieving, trying to hold the family together despite not particularly liking any of them) and George would be Richie (wounded, overshadowed, best hair in the family). By default this means that Ringo would be Margot, which, uh.....fascinating.
I think the general conceit of The Royal Tenenbaums, of "getting the band back together" (ba dum tss) because of a family member dying (sorta) could really work, which I suppose would leave Royal as Brian?? Honestly, I couldn't blame him if he wanted to fake a life threatening illness to get all the boys in the same room and to put all their differences aside for five minutes. Also the idea of the Tenenbaums being a family of child prodigies who are all trying, with various degrees of success, to cling to that prestige into adulthood is Very Beatles.
Will be rotating this in my mind for the rest of the day, but I welcome your insights as well, O wise crepesuzette2023...
Other semi-related ramblings under the cut.
As much as I love and am obsessed with this idea, I was actually referring to the copyright boondoggles around the soundtrack when I reblogged that picture. The opening includes a choral cover of Hey Jude, but was originally supposed to be the actual song. I've also heard (although I can't find the original article I read now) there was a semi-illegal showing of it once that had the soundtrack replaced by all Beatles songs. The only information I can find on that now is that the original version of the film included both Hey Jude and the Anthology version of I'm Looking Through You, but George's illness at the time of filming got in the way of securing the rights.
I actually kind of love how difficult it is to secure the rights to Beatles songs, because it often forces filmmakers to make interesting choices to get around it. Another one that I can't find the receipts to prove now but love the idea of is that Hideaki Anno wanted to use Hey Jude to score Third Impact in End of Evangelion. I can kind of see it, but either way we got Komm Susser Tod instead, which is like Hey Jude if it hated you.
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frxgmcnts · 8 months
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@theolderhenderson asked: Ship Bias
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
evan wright & elinor henderson ( theolderhenderson ):
You should have seen this coming, hehe. The besties, the lovers, the e's. When you first created Elie I knew Evan would get attached to her. Not only because linking my muses with yours is a hobby of mine, haha, but they have a couple of things in common so it was inevitable for Evan to cling onto that. We both love Elie to bits and the work and love you've put into her is always inspiring to see on my dash. But I also love her with Noel and Kayley and pretty much every other muse I already have thrown her way or will throw her way in the future (platonic or romantic). Pure obsession with her. <3
evan wright & seol yongsun ( @notfrsalestuff ):
First off, Rose is an amazing writer and I'm always in awe with the replies they give me. Like how can I compare askjdkas. But let me tell you when I first let Evan loose on Yongsun that I wasn't sure he'd like Evan...I couldn't have been more wrong, haha. Two love-struck idiots I never want to miss again. But I also love Minsung & Lane, Remi & Hwayoung's rivalry thing they've going on, Soojin & Evan's as well as Minsung & Evan's friendship, even if we haven't written them as much and basically every other pairing that's going to happen in the future.
evan wright & josh rosza ( @alwayslcyal ):
Those two first interacted with each other in a group verse and I know by now that Taco was as surprised by their chemistry as I was. I'm glad we continued to have them and let them grow into this adorable ship they are now. Those two beans are so in love with each other it practically radiates off of them in each thread. The fact Evan is canon in Josh's canon and Josh is canon for Evan as well keeps putting me in feels whenever I think about it. They really bring me so much joy! Also I love to write with Taco in general, no matter if it's ic or ooc, he's an amazing writer and such a lovely person. I'm thankful he's in my life.
evan wright & isaac lahey ( @shadowrealmofmuses ):
When Shadow brought up Isaac and Cora would like to love on Evan, I really didn't expect Isaac and him would get so close so fast like they had. I truly love it and Evan loves his werewolf. He's attached, okay? And even if we haven't written Cora and Evan as much, I did love the little we had with them as well. Thea too. But honestly, I love all the muses Shadow has thrown my way so far. Like her oc Mariah for example, the muses love her and so do I! Shadow is an amazing writer in general and I simply love to write with her whenever I get the chance.
evan wright & mattheo abbott ( @anomalouss ):
We only started testing the waters with them, therefore they are still at the beginning, but the potential I see in them keeps me excited for the journey they will take us on. Also let me take this moment to tell you how much I admire Kat's muses and how much depth they have. I truly look forward to all the things and pairs we might create in the future.
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paramorearchived · 2 months
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April 5, 2011
Like Eli.. I deed it.
Hey everybody today, let's dive into the discussion of sexuality! yeah yeah, i wanna talk about the cosmo cover. it's a little more than a big deal to me. and you know what? i'm really excited about it. to the general public, cosmo magazine is either a) a woman's obsession or b) a woman's demise -- honestly, either of the two options equal out to be the same damn thing! the media clearly has our attention. it's easy to let all the images of all these godlike looking women whisper to us how we think we're supposed to look. it's like "here look at my BOOBS! don't you wish you had these?" "more guys will like you if you do it THIS WAY!" "get this figure" blah blah blah spend all your time, energy, and money on becoming the world's idea of ''sexy"... and you know what? it's never gonna change. as much as i tell myself i don't care and i wear whatever i want... there will always be those moments when i'm at the check out line at target and i see some gorgeous person on the cover of any ol rag... and i'm like "ugh, is that how it's gotta be!?" only to realize that... next month, that girl on the cover is gonna be me. 
noooo. here's the thing. my #1 goal when the band began was to make myself invisible. not only did i not want to be the focal point, i wanted to be UNSEEN! and honestly, it never made a difference. i've turned down a lot of magazine covers. i specifically remember turning down Blender mag when i turned 19. and you know what? no one ever knew. it never made people focus on me any less. and it never mattered. so this time i'm taking a different approach. all 3 of us in Paramore have our own roles. and finally i will accept mine. i'm going to be okay with being a "powerful female". and if that's what it is... i'm going to use that role to make a difference.  here's the plan. here's my course of action. i WILL be myself. i WILL grow up. and i most definitely WILL find the time in my own life to be SEXY if i feel like it. who wrote the rules? who said that a girl that lives in this same tshirt and jeans nearly every day won't wanna wear pumps and a short skirt tomorrow? the heart that's underneath the clothes is still the same. because to me, it's not about using sex as a weapon. it's about how i feel. somedays i straight up feel like wearing sweats. other days, more confident days.. i'm like... DUDE WHO NEEDS CLOTHES!? ok well, i'm not that extreme but hopefully you see my point. if you are a girl, i think you'll understand all of these words just fine. you know those mornings you get out of the shower and you're drying your hair in your underwearsss and you realize you finally don't care that you have that scar on your leg? or that your skin is so pale that sometimes in bad light you can see your veins? ... or when your skin keeps breaking out and you're like "today, i simply do not give a f***!" those are the liberated moments that i try to hold on to. and i'm hoping by seeing my crazy mug on a magazine cover... some girl who's having a not particularly liberated day will think to herself that the MAY cover looks just a little different than the usual cosmo cover and hopefully they can even be inspired. no, i don't think i'm some kind of saving grace that's going to change the magazine world and the lies that we believe in the headlines every day. but i do know that i NEVER ever thought of myself as conventionally beautiful nor sexy. and only just recently did i ever even begin to accept how my looks differ from other people's whom i admire. i'm hoping that the more a magazine will take a chance on a girl like me, the more a girl will have a frickin chance in hell to be UNIQUE, powerful, strong in her weaknesses, confident in her flaws. because that's who i'm trying to become. 
sexy is whatever you want it to be. don't let cosmo tell you. don't let vogue tell you. even your boyfriend or your best friends. the point is, it's up to you. i'm gonna make up my own version as i go. 
and for the record, i really was hoping one of the headlines would be "69 ways to 69" but i guess it was a no go. honestly, i don't think they could come up with that many. thank you guys once again for being a part of our family. love every one of ya. 
-- once again, i didn't proofread ;////
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tears-of-taelia · 5 months
First of all hi!!
And regarding your last post omg I been fearing for Ren's life the *moment* we learned Madame X can get rid of grunts who fail too much remotely. Like- like????? They have his body in HQ???? His soul in a mechanical body????? She can so *so much harm* whenever she pleases I'm so scared for the raid-
Nastasia's protection can only get so far hhhh-
omg hi! it's nice to meet you, i'm Sophie :)
(i see on your blog that you're infj and taurus! i'm intj and capricorn! earth introverts rise up!)
i got excited answering this and went off on a couple of spoiler-filled tangents, so I included the rest under the cut.
I 10000000% agree, especially about the upcoming raid! Team Xen grunts literally sign away their bodies and souls when they join, so it's no wonder why seemingly redeemable characters like Eli and Sharon are forced to stay on.
[aside: I'm pretty sure that Team Xen "recruitment" in general follows a standard format where people in life-threatening or easily manipulable situations are offered either a second chance at their own life or the chance to save the life of a loved one. I mean, there's Neved with Francesca, Madelis with Lisbeth, Keta with Aelita. I mean, there's a grave marked "Eli" at Carotos Peak and I don't think that's a coincidence. Why else would all these people fight (presumably) for the destruction of the world? All those fires in Aevium's past (like the lab fire with Jenner, Maddie (prob Madelis), and Cas (prob Cassandra)), could in part be a massive recruitment effort.]
Anyway, I think the only hope for Ren in the upcoming raid is what I mentioned before, about how he is somehow integral to Team Xen's overarching plans, as per renegade 13.5. My best guess is that these plans include using the energy emitted from a Xenpurgis rampage in GDC to fulfill the dark prophecy, using "the four shadows" mentioned on the Absol Statue back in Blacksteeple to bring back Storm-9.
The shadows that shade the earth shall be known in the end. The one of raw evil, the one of obsession, the one of betrayal, and the one of greed. These four shall see the world be lost forever.
We don't have enough information to definitively say who the one of raw evil, obsession, or greed could be. But betrayal? It fits Ren. In the scene where he is first "hired" or whatever and meets Madame X, I feel like this idea is pretty spoon-fed to us.
MADAME X: Have you brought him? The one I've detailed. NASTASIA: Yes. Please, come forth. Introduce yourself. REN: …Hello, Ma'am. My name is Ren. NASTASIA: Ren used to be comrades with [player] and the rest. But based on what he's told me, if accurate, would display the attributes of the one we're looking for. MADAME X: And just why would one of [player]'s comrades want to betray them?
I mean, the word "betray" is explicitly used here.
On Nastasia: Yes. Absolutely. She's strong as hell, but she can't stand up alone to Madame X. Like you said, her powers can only go so far. After all, presumably, her body and soul are in the control of Madame X as well.
In general, Nastasia is an absolutely fascinating character imo... and I have a feeling the Ren might not be the only double agent working for Xen. Nastasia is "the woman who sacrificed everything for the one who loved her." I think we can say with 99.999999% certainty that she is the grown up version of little Anastasia, Katsu's daughter. Out of all the Execs, she seems to be the most devoted to Madame X. That tracks if Madame X is somehow tied to Maria, or is Maria herself. Is Anastasia, by working for her, possibly trying to save Madame X/Maria from herself? Is Madame X/Maria perhaps even being controlled by a darker force, and "unbound soul" like Vitus? In that way, is Nastasia still the little girl trying to reach her best friend?
All this to say I think Nastasia may be more on our side than we think. She is seemingly the most devoted Xen Exec, yet she has gone on multiple dangerous, rogue missions--including one that really did nothing but aid our side--helping Aelita get to the Spring of Rejuvenation and saving the lives of Venam, Erin, Allen, and Alice. She clearly knows that Ren is a double agent, and she hasn't ratted him out (or, possibly, she has ratted him out and Madame X simply does not care, because with Xen having completely control over his soul and body, he can still be used to fulfill his purpose, regardless). There's the fact that Nastasia, an apparent wunderkind with machines and technology, "missed" the fact that the Sigils in Blacksteeple were being sabotaged by Nancy (something Melia immediately noticed). And there's the fact that she clearly trusts and loves Ren (in a maternal way, I think), cheering him up, helping him sneak out of HQ in his actual body. You know, usual mother-son activities. But yeah, I guess the point I'm getting at here is that I could see Nastasia doing her darndest to protect Ren, maybe even sacrificing herself to do so, but I don't think that would be enough to save him, with the level of control Xen has over the both of them at this point.
Back to Ren, there's another things that's been bothering me: the whole twin prophecy with Reina. I have... thoughts... about this. I def could see it playing out exactly how Reina expects: one twin (Ren) fights for the destruction of the world (likely against his will), and the other (Reina) fights to save it. But another part of me (that's read way too many thrillers) feels like this is too cut and dry, and that this presumption is going to be flipped on its head. Let's say Ren does die in the upcoming raid, and he dies fighting to save the world. What if... destroying the world, following Madame X's plan, would undo his death somehow? What if it would save him, or bring him back? We know that souls get recycled in this universe, after all. Would Reina consider switching sides to bring him back? That would be a betrayal, for sure. And that would also play into the whole Life is Strange moral quandary pervasive throughout the game--save the one you love, or the lives of millions? This would also fulfill the prophecy, but in a way that we do not necessarily expect. Because otherwise, I feel like this prophecy is pretty superfluous. By the time we hear it, we already know that Ren is Xen [hehe], so what new information does it really present?
Anyway, yeah, um, thank you so much for the ask! Sorry for the long winded response. There's way too many theories about this game bouncing around in my brain and it's nice to have an outlet for it. Thank you for your support on my art, it really means the world to me! Particularly since you're so talented yourself<3
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youngeditor1999 · 1 year
Eli Manning and Tom Brady were such an integral part of my high school sports watching life…filled with personality, so entertaining, loved their dynamics with OBJ and Edelman/Gronk…nowadays you could tell me that Mac Jones and Daniel Jones are brothers/secretly the same person and I’d be like “sounds legit”. I couldn’t pick them out of a line up. Idk the first thing about them. Idk if it’s just me not being as interested or these new Northeast QBs being blander than white toast :/
Hi anon!!
Apologies for taking almost two days to answer you. 😔 I saw this as soon as you sent it, if that helps!! (:
Anyway, I'm here now and let me just say that I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!!!
People can talk shit all they want about Eli and Tom, but at the end of the day, they are both men who clearly know and love the game of football. They also clearly know and love their teammates!!! 🥺🤧💞
You're so right about theses new Northeastern QBs missing that...✨certain something✨.
I honestly think that a lot of it has to do with marketing and also who these men choose hang out with during their free time.
I say "marketing" because that's how I first really became obsessed with Tom and Rob; through the "Tommy and Gronky" video series that they did for the Buccaneers. 🥰
And even prior to that, during their Patriot days when they would talk about each other in general along with sometimes being in little side projects together!! ⬅️ This point goes back to who they chose to spend their free time with!!
Anyway...yeah!!!! Both Eli and Tom commonly and frequently showed off how much they loved their main men while also allowing us to see what their true personalities were really like.
I admit that I haven't looked a lot into Mac Jones or Daniel Jones so maybe they have put out content with their teammates like what Tom and Eli used to.
But in general when I see Mac and Daniel during games or in interviews, I'm not immediately hooked in or wanting to hear more. 🫤 (If they're playing, of course I'll watch, but I know that they likely won't be having any fun on the sidelines like what Tom and Eli used to!! [Even if "fun" in Tom's case meant throwing tablets around 🤭🥴😝])
Another factor in all of this is that Eli and Tom never took themselves too seriously. They were more than willing to have a few laughs, even-and often!!-at the expense of themselves. They took games/game days seriously of course, but off of the field, they loved to have fun and be silly.
Of course you can't force people to show their personality if they really don't want to, but I definitely think that it would help to better establish Mac and Daniel outside of their main fanbases. (Main fanbases being Boston, New York and the general United States Northeastern area.)
It would clearly even help inside their main fanbases because I'm assuming that you are from this area and also can't possibly be the only one who feels this way!!
Last but not least: Maybe it is true you aren't as interested as you once were. Critics would say that you should love, learn about and stand by "your" team(s) no matter what, but I say that if your overall feelings/enthusiasm aren't with those teams anymore, then they're just not there anymore!!! 🤷🏻��♀️
And that's nothing to feel bad about. Interests change as people change. 💗
All in all, I see what you're saying here, anon. I understand all of the different aspects of what you're getting at. (:
Obviously everybody is unique their own ways, but I also think that Mac and Daniel could learn a few things from their predecessors about having a strong social presence.
To be clear:
I think that both are good football players who seem to know what the game is all about. I'm not knocking their playing abilities at all; only their apparent lack of relatableness!!
Thanks for sending this in, anon. (:
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worldsneverfilled · 1 year
So, stuff on the Remember to Keep This in Mind When RPing Enilasor list:
She's back to where she started after her mother's death. Wanting to be left alone, wanting to travel by herself so this doesn't happen again, quiet. She'll start wondering if she should split off and go looking for the Books while they help the Wards or she goes to help the Wards and they search for the Books. Anything to keep her distance because she doesn't want the curse to affect them too. She'll be fighting the temptation to just up and leave them for a long time after this.
Even more obsessive about enchanting the bracelets but now trying to find a way to put teleportation spells on them so they can each escape.
She's not going to multi into bard now, even if we weren't switching to Pathfinder, she wouldn't have. Depending on how things go in the next session, she's going to ask Electra to hang onto the Anstruth harp for her. I'm actually really sad about this one because I was looking forward to her multi-ing as she learned more about her family and gathered stories to tell.
Trying to figure out how Cormanthyr brought the consort back to life so she can do the same for Orestes since his body has been obliterated and Fflar's was not. She has a ritual that might work if he had a body to work with but since he doesn't...
This will also lead to her finally trying to use a ritual to contact her mother's spirit. It'd be the first time she's seen or talked to her in three years. If her mom could cast the purifying flames, then maybe she could teach the party. If she can't as a spirit, then Enil would ask if she's willing to be brought back. She'd pray her mom would be. Give the woman time to rest, and then see if she could teach everyone. Enilasor would rather not go asking archfey for favors, and there's no guarantee that Electra will find something either. They can't destroy the Books without something. If this fails then she'd break her silence with her father and finally try to contact him and see if he knows anyone that might owe him or her mom a favor.
DM says Malyn is dead, but Enil wouldn't know that, and even if told, she'd be in denial about it. She's going to once more obsess over finding him so she can kill him. At the moment, any settled thoughts on making his death as quick and painless as possible have gone out the window. This and how I think she'll handle things in the future is what's making me think her alignment might change.
Be colder to the party. If they're not close to her anymore/she's not close to them then she doesn't have to worry about the curse hurting or killing them too. Better to lose the relationships than their lives or health. Out of who's left, I'd say she's closest to Elis but she's still very pissed at him for what he did in Westgate. She doesn't trust Tihn. Like, at all. Ambrianne unnerves her a little. Morgana she feels is unpredictable in her low tolerance for bullshit and diplomacy and that makes her dangerous. Jericho only just joined and she doesn't trust warlocks at all because of Malyn. Maybe distancing herself from them won't be difficult.
Will not be marrying or having kids in the future. She doesn't want to pass this curse or the family tradition down to the next generation. Let it die with her and her cousin, if he's also cursed. She's going to see it as selfish of her ancestors for having a family anyway, knowing that their kids would be affected too. She doesn't want to do that to future generations. "Remind me to get whatever hates our family so much an edible arrangement and a card congratulating them on their success in getting rid of us."
Will avoid using Orestes's sword unless she absolutely has to or until the sword starts asking for her to use them. If they pester her enough, she might use Dawnbringer just to shut them up and leave her alone.
Keep the ring he slipped into her pocket secret. She's got it on the same chain that her amulet for the Horae is on and it's tucked into her shirt to hide it. She doesn't want anyone to know what his last "gift" was.
Her nightmare is going to change. Not everyone will be dead at her feet with their throats slit and the knife in her hand; Orestes will be standing in front of her. Not sure what he'd say to her yet but I know he says something before he turns into a pile of ash in front of her.
Traveler told them that Rassilhon said something would happen soon that would "light a fire beneath you all" or something like that. I can't remember the exact words. She'd argue that hers was doused instead.
Speaking of Trav. She was starting to see him as a sort of secondary father figure but that's just gone out the window because why encourage the relationship if he knew it'd end in tragedy? He says he's tried to protect all of the Wanderers from it so they could be happy for as long as possible but he failed to do so three years before and she'd argue she hasn't been happy since then. She'll be sore about this one for a while.
She's aligned with Winter again. It's not just a mild Winter or Winter with bits of Summer mixed in. When in Winter, there's usually a bit of light frost on the backs of her gloves, on the hems of her leggings near her ankles, on top of her shoes, and she leaves just a little bit behind where she stepped or when she touches something. She's completely frosted over now. Clothes are covered, the parts of her skin that are showing have patches of frost and ice.
DM has successfully managed to make a broody stereotypical rogue character out of a cleric.
I'm missing a few things at the moment but I'm half asleep and this is all I can remember right off.
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yandereocs · 1 year
Staring at Elijah in a rlly patronizing way but he can’t say or do anything because i’m technically not doing anything wrong i’m just staring why is he getting so mad sensitive ahh
* CW: Incest, pedophilia, Elijah's existence in general
'So irritating.'
Elijah was good at keeping his anger hidden. He rarely scowls or frowns or shouts. But he has a few tells. His slightly pricked fur. His flicking tail. His pupils narrowing to slits.
He was currently flicking his tail, trying to hard to ignore your stupid stare.
Small hands gently grab his tail. He looks down. His sister. She's playing with his tail, giggling at it's movements. Elijah blinked at her before looking back at you.
You were looking at him. That wasn't the issue. It was the patronizing way you were staring at him.
'Stupid, stupid, stupid. Going to rip your eyes out-'
His thoughts were interrupted once more by his sister. He looked down at the young girl.
"Stop tugging, love."
He said, his tail twitching. His sister often got too excited when it came to playing with his tail.
"Sorry, Eli."
She spoke softly, letting go of his tail. Elijah caressed her cheek.
'So compliant. She doesn't look at me in a stupid way.'
As much as he loved his sister, a bit too much-honestly-she made his job much harder. He can't do anything when she's watching. She can see the aftermath, but seeing the action would break her dumb little mind. After all, she doesn't know just how wrong his obsession with her and his darling is.
Maybe that's why you were looking at him like that. You know he can't do anything when she's around. You know that technically, you haven't done anything wrong. Just looking at him.
Elijah turned to look at you once more, his pupils slits. So irritating. You irritate to no end. Yet he can't help but be obsessed with you, for whatever reason.
"Why are you glaring at me like that? I'm just looking at you."
Your matter of fact tone only pisses him off more. His sister looked up to see his expression but he quickly covered her eyes, although a bit too aggressive.
"I'm not glaring."
"Yeah, you are. You look pissed off."
"Yeesh, sorry. You're so sensitive about everything."
Your last sentence set him off. His hands tightened into fists. His sister squeaked in pain, Elijah's hand still on her face. Elijah loosened his grip. He moved his hand and kissed his sister, on the mouth-ew-before quickly ushering her to a different room.
When he turns back to you, he looks even angrier. He may not be able to punish you for your stare...
...but he CAN punish you for using such "vulger" language in front of his sister.
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ghost-bison · 1 year
They should have let TW in the cemetery where it belonged tbh or made Liam the protagonist. Scott/Tyler it's been years move on pls. People have written fanfics with more sense and emotions compared to the movie. The vampire diaries new season is a sacrilege 🙃... What are they gonna do next, another Supernatural season?
Thank you for answering!💐 and I'm sorry you witnessed such an awful movie
Hehe you're the same anon I presume :)
Totally agree on everything you said. Tbh I think Scott was a fun protagonist in the first season, I LOVED the fact that he was just a dumb teenager with only Allison on his mind, so much so that he didn't even realize he was screwing everyone over with his obsession for her. It was realistic, and one of the reasons why season 1 is my fave season (weird I know, but idk, this season makes me emotional).
Then there's Liam, and at the beginning I didn't like him, because he didn't really have a personality, but then around season 5 he started becoming so funny and his interactions with Theo were pure gold. I just didn't like Mason (it felt like he was there to fill the quota of black AND gay characters, but he was just so annoying, and his bf Corey too) and Hayden (let's not even talk about her, what was she even doing here when there was THEO). I feel like their attempt at making Liam the new Scott with Hayden being the new Allison, Mason the new Stiles, Corey the new Lydia and Theo the new Derek was a big failure, and Liam should have been on his own (or Mason could also have been there cause it felt good to see some diversity, but like he should've been way more flamboyant if that makes sense, cause in the show he just felt flat lol). So, Liam had a LOT of potential, especially with Theo and the Enemies to Lovers arc, and it was wasted stupidly. He deserved so much more space in the Movie like ughhh, he barely even talked! I don't even remember if he talked at all!! Plus I was SO looking forward to meeting Hikari, the kitsune, and SHE DIDN'T SAY A SINGLE WORD. She was just there to be Liam's girlfriend and replace Kira to save Scott with fox fire!! It makes me so angry
Also one character who could've been the protagonist in the Movie: Eli, Derek's son. You haven't seen the movie so idk if you'll agree with me but he's actually quite a cool character, like I genuinely appreciated him. He had some Stiles vibes and even dressed like him, which is hilarious considering Derek's relationship with Stiles, and he had Scott's 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' energy from season 1 which was pure gold. This movie could have been a next generation thing, and it would have been probably incredible and would have allowed to keep Teen Wolf's spirit intact, and like Scott, Derek, Malia, Lydia etc could've been the side characters who try to guide their teens through life etc, but they chose to do that shit instead.
Literally any fanfiction is better than what they did.
About TVD: bruh, what even was season 8 lol. Damon just becoming a bad boy again and again and again because the fangirls like it is just plain ridiculous at some point. Like bro. Also how Enzo had so much potential and they chose to make him Bonnie's love interest and nothing else. I mean don't get me wrong I ship them, I'm glad they were together, but that's literally all he was and it pisses me off because the actor who plays him is way too talented to be reduced to just this position. And don't get me started on Alaric/Caroline (i'm literally gonna barf) and their twin daughters like wtf was that lmaoooo
This show should have stopped earlier, and Teen Wolf should never have had a movie if they were gonna do THAT. It's disrespectful to the fans, to the actors, to the nostalgia. It's gonna take me so much time to be able to forget and not see this dumpster fire everytime I watch TW season 1. They ruined it for me.
About Supernatural, I have only seen seasons 1 and 2 very long ago and I just remember I stopped because it felt repetitive lol. So Idk how it held for 15 seasons when TVD season 8 already felt recycled lol
Thank you for your asks anon <3 I hope I didn't dwell too much, I had so much to say about this haha
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for-thosewhocare · 2 years
Okay, I think it's time to rant again. I took a small break but it's time to talk about how much Mitch's storyline in season 5 ANNOYED THE HELL OUT OF ME.
I didn't like it.
Especially the ending.
I mean, they were dropping small hints that he liked cobra kai the entire season, I will give them that. But I still feel his betrayal was unnecessary at the time it happened. It would have made way more sense of they just waited bc he could have been like a secret spy or something. I'm not made that it happened, per se, I'm mad at the timing.
And for it not to work in the way he expected it to?! Like what did he think was gonna happen?
Then again, if you look back at season three, he didn't leave willingly. He was kicked out and then his friends dropped him too. He was made to be an out to be an outcast, along with Burt.
But why didn't Burt leave also?
He went through the same things as Mitch. Though, Burt never got a stupid nickname. Burt had Nate to hold him down. He didn't lose a connection with Nate like Chris and Mitch did. I guess Mitch was a pushy friend and was always struggling to be popular and forced Chris to do the same. (Like Devi in Never Have I Ever.) Chris grew tired of that and detached himself alittle bit bcbhe was comfortable where he was. Nate and Burt never had that problem.
Now I have myself thinking...
Mitch got alot of bad luck for like 3 seasons in a row. And it is completely understandable why he left the way he did. No one still calls Chris his nickname. And I don't just mean from time to time. I mean like that's his actual name. He's constantly bullied and isn't as good at karate like the main characters. (But that's the point) He also is a girl obsessed teenaged boy and there aren't many ways for this awkward kid to meet girls, as they made that so clear. After the whole drama with the dojo went down, there really was much for him. I mean, was he really hanging with Hawk after that? Chris seemed invested with the Miyagi-do's and Mitch really had no place.
So to wrap this up, I understand Mitch's character and why he did it and I also see the build up they gave him but alas, I will not forgive the fact that he betrayed them for protein shakes and girls.
Overall rating for the season: 4/10 and that was me being generous.
Up next: Eli Moskowitz
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hydrangeawise · 1 year
Alright, EP14! Was. Great! And I have many more questions!
So I'm still kind of baffled about the way Blond Guy and Margaret interact on a regular basis. It's like there are now four major threads to follow: Margaret and The Book (who's not having any agenda or goal, she's just out there - as in spaced out :} - playing around with the book, experiencing funky episodes that she doesn't really remember or sees as dream sequences. She's not really an active thread, but a very important one!), Vanessa & Madlax (both of them are stuck together for the time being and for their own safety, but also forging a bond through their experiences and how Vanessa relies on Madlax to stay safe), Enfant (with whatever it is they're doing, instigating and funding wars, looking for Books, being funky and violent in the process), and finally Lady Quanzitta (who seems to know a lot more than she told Eric when he met her to talk about the Elies Script, who has Nahkl follow involved people, and generally seems to have an eye on something that is not revealed yet). And they all play together in almost every episode!
I really wonder what Nahkl meant about Margaret and Blond Guy having "the Gift" (is it Margaret's sense of knowing when someone is being truthful and Blond Guy's awareness of knowing when people watch him or sth I guess? I have the theory that it is connected to how they both don't have memories beyond a certain point and the Happenings around the start of the war and whatnot - honestly, by this point I need a board and thread to keep track of everything that's happening and how it's connected!). I'm also a biiit worried about Blond Guy being called back to Monday Friday who still has the best villain name ever, genuinely, that's a whole working week. Excellent choice of name (though idk man his interior design choices are...questionable at best).
This is getting rather long but I CANNOT end this without talking about Limelda! She was really so disappointed (frustrated, maybe there even was a little bit of grief?) when she saw Madlax in her post-trap state! (On that note: I really really wonder how that all works! It's like, these people relieve traumatic memories of their past and then cannot cope and forget all about it? But they also lose some part of themself that was important or essential to their current self? And WHAT IS IT WITH MADLAX PUTTING ON THESE DRESSES?! I don't mind but I find it so weird!) And also, Vanessa, my beloved! Putting herself in front of Madlax! (All of their scenes with Madlax post-trap were a treat. Weird in the way that Madlax still remembered Vanessa, but was otherwise a completely different person.) And, just, I don't have words how much I enjoyed the way this episode played out! Limelda has her favourite person to obsess over back! Vanessa stood her ground! Madlax overcame the trap! AAAAH!!! It's only getting better!
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paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
you can find me on twitch here -> Twitch here is the youtube vod channel -> YouTube here's my moodboard blog -> blog here's my AO3 -> link
Wednesdays 6-8/9pm EST - Call of Cthulhu
Saturdays 5-?pm EST - Cat Quest 2
I block empty blogs. if you don't have an icon or blog title or anything to indicate you're a real person and not a bot, I'm going to block and report you. if you're a real person, I'm sorry about that but I implore you to at least put "lurker" in your bio. something to say you're real
call me Will, Eli or potato idc
queer masc nb
currently crying about Outer Wilds and Bloodborne
currently obsessed with Darkest Dungeon
ask me about literally anything idc as long as you're civil about it
feel free to babble in my inbox about something you love or are enjoying
I have a writing/art blog (its just moodboards tho)
some tags! (now with links!!)
if you want to look at cute things check out my cute tag (literally just #cute tag)
if you need a laugh look at #laugh tag or #for bad days
my own text posts are tagged with #potato talks, feel free to rb them as long as they aren't tagged with #personal
DEFINITELY feel free to ask about my ocs
my various (unfinished or general musing) writings are tagged with #potato writes fic
stuff that's just dialogue is #potato writes dialogue
finished stuff goes in the tag #potatoes finished fics
I also have a crafts tag #potato does crafts (and more specifically, if you want to see a cool glow in the dark dragon I've been embroidering for the last few years go to #the dragon)
if you're on mobile, you can find all these tags in the search bar, I have them as my recommended tags
Various writing things under the cut
current OCs I am on my Bullshit™ about:
Lunu (Outer Wilds OC/the Protagonist) (my sweet child)
Teagan (Elden Ring/Bloodborne OC/main character) (my bastard™ child)
Astra (literal embodiment of the Void. end of everything. has a flock of immortals they protect)
WIPs/AUs I'd love to talk about (with a link to their tag):
old man hunter & his eldritch child — Bloodborne AU where Gehrman + Teagan get yeeted into the past bc Teagan refused to abandon him and in doing so, uses up a lot of power and turns into a child 🥰 they bite people 🥰 it's a comedy of errors. everyone is convinced Teagan is Gehrman's biological child. they are not. (link)
Teagan kills a bunch of gods — what it says on the tin. Teagan returns to Yharnam after the hunt to piece their memories together. (link)
Teagan in the Lands Between (or Teagan doesn't realize becoming Elden Lord means they'll be nobility again) — takes place after the previous fic. contains Teagan being awkward and relearning how to be a human or at least how to pretend to be human. also contains Teagan adopting/being adopted by old men. its a running joke at this point. (link) I don't actually remember the tag for this one right now
A Little Less Human, A Little More Eldritch — very similar to the other time travel AU but Teagan is distinctly Not human shaped this time. instead, Caryll finds them in the chalice dungeons (instead of Ebrietas being found). Teagan eats a bunch of Great Ones. Gehrman has more guilt here 🥰 bc I like making him suffer 🥰 bc I am fascinated by him. he's a disaster. he's so bad at human interaction. he has so many issues. I love him. (link)
unnamed romcom without the romance. there will be No romance — a Bloodborne AU that takes place earlier in the timeline of the general hunt. Teagan gets forcibly dragged back to Orilon and their mother tries to marry them off. Maria's cousin goes "yeah sure I'll get fake engaged to you :)" and they go from having attempted to kill each other to grudging friends. he makes heart eyes at his actual partner in the background a lot. I do not have anything actually written down for this but its fun and I'm enjoying it. (link)
Lunu, Hearthian, Troublemaker, Traveler — novelization of an Outer Wilds playthrough. (link) I don't actually remember the tag for this one right now
Dragonborn — Skyrim fic. Jeven, my Dragonborn, returns to Skyrim to figure out the deal with her weird dreams and gets more than she bargained for with dragons. feat. Sheogorath making comments in the back of her head, Jeven stealing cheese wheels and forks, Jeven adopting almost every child she comes across, avoiding going to High Hrothgar for months, mod quests + locations, Jeven being gay for Lydia, dragons who refuse to shut up in Jeven's head. (link) I don't actually remember the tag for this one right now
Dragonborn time travel — because of Reasons™ Jeven, Miraak and Alduin get thrown into the past to before Torygg's death. Alduin is extremely upset about this as he is now a small mortal and helpless child because of Reasons™. Miraak is trying to seduce Jeven's brother. she is very horrified by this. (link)
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breadpuffy · 5 years
aaah i watched The Sisters Brothers finally!! i remember waiting for this movie to release when i was in my Jake Gyllenhaal phase but i stopped obsessing over him before this movie came out. anyways, it was nice seeing cowboy Jake again! Joaquin was so good, as expected! charlie was definitely a hot mess and he's sucha bratty whiny younger bro and joaquin did so well with it!! love the whole sisters brothers duo and how they're unstoppable and how eli is such a good, protective, nice older bro and just their relationship is sucha typical sibling relationship gahh also felt so much for charlie ;; especially when he's crying by himself...;-; i liked the movie/plot in general as well! the ending was good and it wasn't a sad ending like most of the movies Joaquin is in lol plus cowboy joaquin is hot, i never knew i needed it but i'm indefinitely grateful for its existence. there were SO many scenes i was all heart eyes over him- i've been looking for gifs and pics but i can't seem to find a lot! i wish i knew how to make gifs :(
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