#I probably should
fangirlghost-19 · 4 months
i need an excuse to get my shit together so here we go:
if this gets 50 notes i'll drink more water everyday
if this gets 100 notes i'll start cycling once a week and logging it
if this gets 200 notes i'll start eating more fruit
if this gets 500 notes i'll apply for a summer job
if this gets 1000 notes i'll actually make plans with my friends
if this gets 2000 notes i'll tidy my entire wardrobe
if this gets 5000 notes i'll get a better skincare routine
if this gets 10 000 notes i'll do something about my mental health
the numbers are intentionally high bc i really don't want to do any of this and yeah there is a deadline of the end of june
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wolfythewitch · 9 days
Are you gonna continue that we both reached for the gun animatic?
i forgor
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pinkshampooedcows · 1 month
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thinking of genderbend cb
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likesdoodling · 9 days
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I wanted to draw some nice wholesome moments with Ferdinand and Rozemyne~ (the more tired I am, the more I am drawn to drawing hugs or variations upon that theme~) so here we have some!
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raithwithwings57 · 18 days
Avengers and X-Men crossover fic with time travel
(let me say this is movie versions because no one needs crossovers from the comics they literally all live in the same world. Mostly.) This is part of my giant crossover fic that is both a Stucky fic and a Cherik fic. It's got lots and lots of lore though so due to it's ambitious scope it's been a minute since I worked on it. However even without the context i think this part is fun so here, take my unfinished draft.
“We found him. One Charles Frances Xavier. He’s dead, Director. Died 1963, killed by the Winter Soldier. Headshot, body identified by multiple people. Worked briefly with the CIA in 1962. Classified files claimed he was a telepath, but this was never confirmed. Quite frankly sir, we’ve found him, but how does a man who’s been dead for sixty years turn up alive, and having barely aged?”
Fury paused. “He was a target given to Barnes by Hydra?”
“No sir.” Said Coulson. “Wrong place wrong time.”
Fury snorted in disdain. “Sounds like our official story on his death is getting a bit rusty. Wrong place wrong time sounds like he got in the way of something. Where did he die?” Fury continued walking down the hallway, leaving Coulson to trail along behind him.
“November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas.”
Fury stopped walking abruptly. “Hell.”
“The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.”
“Why the hell did this guy get offed by Barnes on his way to JFK? I want you to find me answers, stat. All the files we have on him.”
“Yes sir.”
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anormalkidingotham · 10 months
the school trip to wayne manor today went great and was actually really interesting even if three different kids nearly got either lost or adopted by bruce wayne. gotham actually has a pretty interesting history once you look into it a bit more and the wayne butler makes amazing snacks and is really funny
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hummingbird-hunter · 1 year
Imaging tearing into someone's throat while your arms are elbow deep in their ribcage... imagine tearing through skin to reach the meat.. holding their still-beating heart.. biting into it... nghhghhh
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little-red-fool · 6 months
I really want to play MGS but my dumb ass with commitment issues is probably gonna start from The Phantom Pain instead of playing them in order like a normal person.
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rustycopper4use · 7 months
Asset from Against The World! (Escaped Audios)
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She’s so cool man. Not the most practical outfit to probably fight it but she rocks it.
…. So When I finish all of Escaped listeners I think I have two left, which channel should I do next? Yuurivoice or GoodboyAudios
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RAMBLE TO ME ABOUT SUNSPOT SO I CAN MAKE THE STIMBOARD /nf (i know you gave gif examples but knowing the character helps ^_^)
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So like the very basic sunspot info is:
They’re a rival cult leader to Skids Dad. They’re kinda his opposite in most every way! Their cult is devoted to what is basically an immortal old god trapped behind the walls of an old pool house. The god resides in a separate- backrooms/poolrooms ish reality, that sunspot can enter using specific spot around town that are “clip zones” essentially places where the lines between the gods realm and ours are particularly thin making it easy to access the gods realm! Sunspot fell through one of these clip zones when they were younger, and ended up meeting their god that way! The god is obsessed with dead, as it is immortal. So it often requires living sacrifices that it can watch die. But other times it requests just straight corpses and sunspot hates that.
Their main character motivation is finding out what happened to their aunt (their legal guardian, who was killed by the Eyes cult) AND defeating Skiddad. Their god grants them its power and allows them minor influence on the town because of it! Their cult mainly consists of former drug addicts, alcoholics, gamblers and the generally less fortunate. They genuinely want to help these people! And they mostly do- (but sometimes those who aren’t improving fast enough aren’t seen ever again)
Besides being a cult leader, they’re a pole dancing instructor and band leader! They also have a motorcycle as their main mode of transportation and are terrified of heights! (Which is ironic cause they’re 6’10- nearly 7 feet tall)
Uhhh! They’re Tilegender- basically a gender that revolves around having a static identity/concept of gender that changes ONLY under very specific conditions. Their conditions are dependent on the water level in the main pool of their pool house! Most of the time they strictly use They/Them but when the water level is below a certain line of blue tiles, they use She/Her!
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conanssummerchild · 6 months
with angsty episodes in community theres some where i can watch and go yess >:) the angst i love it (virtual systems analysis), some that i watch and think that sucks :( i hate that what a dick move (basic rv repair and palmistry), some that make me go oh no thats sad :( (abeds uncontrollable christmas), some that put me in genuine distress (contemporary impressionists and digital exploration of interior design to pillows and blankets) and some that make me uncomfortable and feel icky (bondage and beta male sexuality) there was no real purpose to this post its 3am and im stating my sleepy oponions thank u for coming to my ted talk
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ifvillainwhysexi · 7 months
So–I will not be talking about this if I don't know what the hell I'm saying! And for those of us who keep saying stupid shit–stop talking :D
Quick clarification this is for people like (Unfortunately most if not all Pro Palestine peeps), that say antisemitic shit with or without realizing it👍🏻
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a1sart · 2 months
assigning dsmp characters magnus archives entities <3 are these the entities they're avatars of or the entities they would get killed by? you decide <3 (def not all the characters just whichever pop into my head it's almost midnight gimme a break)
Tommy- Lonely or Vast whichever is more heartwrenchingly terrible in the moment. Lonely bc exile and Vast bc of the tower
Ranboo- Eye!!!!! silly haha reason: eyes of ender and heterochromia, ACTUAL reason: he just wants to know what's going on with the enderwalk man he wants to know and they've got the experiments they're gaining knowledge but at the cost of themself he's so Eye coded ouadfgiahgf (could also be Stranger bc he is a mystery even to himself and also they are half mystery creature)
Tubbo- Desolation. Nukes. making sure he and his loved ones stay safe by destroying literally anything that comes near them <3 also like the cold war vibes of snowchester and the constant overhanging threat of annihilation <3
Technoblade- Slaughter, i kinda feel like this needs no explanation
Phil- End, again no explanation needed that's literally his wife
Wilbur- End, Desolation, Slaughter, Spiral? idk take ur pick I think Spiral is especially fun but not exactly in character. End and Desolation are probably the most in character. Slaughter bc music symbolism
Dream- Web, this one also feels obvious. Could also be Stranger but that's just cuz that iconic smiley face feels kinda Stranger-y
Badboyhalo- CORRUPTION!!!!! ouughghg eggpire arc my beloved <3
Fundy- Spiral? mayhaps? anyone else remember his nightmares those were sick as fuck and like he could tell the future or something and that was passed down to him from Sally anyone remember that?
Sapnap- Desolation. He's a fire dude
George- Corruption. cuz of the mushrooms I think. Maybe Spiral cuz he couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake during that whole XD thing
Quackity- Flesh, he ate that heart that one time that was freaky also I'm still thinkin about the butcher arc sorry las nevadas fans. But also dude was so scared of being prey to someone else's whims and plans that he became the hunter so maybe he's the Hunt or the Web
Karl- Spiral bc of the forgetting <3 maybe there's another one that fits better but the aesthetic of Spiral fits him so well
Literally everyone in the Eggpire- Corruption!!! i can't remember all of em but Hannah and Antfrost were definitely there
Foolish- End. cuz he's a totem of undying and also he was like super afraid of dying
Sam- Buried. Put his ass in the prison lmao
Schlatt- Corruption. There's probably one that fits better but when you think about his declining health and also that it's a joke about him being a corrupt politician I think it works
Niki and Jack- Hunt because they were trying to kill Tommy lol there are probably better ones for both of them. Niki could be Lonely or Desolation and Jack could also be Desolation
Michael McChill- Eye. I didn't pay that close attention to his lore but. Didn't he try to make a record of the entire dmsp lore or try to understand it or something. C!McChill fans what was he doing
Eret- Hunt or Slaughter for the final control room but then she gets kinda Eye coded when she makes the museum. End would be sick as hell but I cannot think of a single basis in the story for this. Maybe Buried for the final control room thing too bc it was a small space but that feels like a stretch
i definitely missed a few characters in there so if anyone has ideas for them feel free to voice them. What did I learn from this? No one on the dsmp was afraid of the dark that's what I fucking learned not a single Dark avatar on there.
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anikorsmthnidk · 6 months
holy shit
winchester bros !?
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eltanin0 · 8 months
in case anyone wanted to see how my 2nd gabriel fight went
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minki-moo · 1 year
animal hybrid brainrot rn i should do something abt it :3
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