#I'm a 100% sure they were all against him leaving / they were probably elsewhere when it happened / they had no power over that decision
ndostairlyrium · 1 year
Oooo that meme!!!
"Who does their preferred party consist of?"
"How do they feel about dragons?"
"What places in Thedas have they been to? What do they think about places other than their homeland?"
For the three of them, please 😌😌😌
eeep ** thank you dear!! <3
1 - [Party] Who does their preferred party consist of?
*rustles drawing folder*
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6 - [Codex] How do they feel about dragons?
Elanor hates the damn things, if her instincts weren't "draw first, think later" she would run away as if there was no tomorrow.
Hawke is kinda fine with them? Like, they're sparkly and they spit fire, there's some sort of respect going on.
Lav is enamoured, to say the least. She loves to look at them, she loves to hunt them, and she loves to read books about them. But she's not as respectful as Hawke, because she sees them as legendary prey.
9 - [Codex] What places in Thedas have they been to? What do they think about places other than their homeland?
Elanor has traveled a lot in her youth. However I think that nobility doesn't really visit places, but other castles or places suited for them - far from filthy peasant. It's all very boring and she doesn't really have any sort of attachment with such places.
Anyway, she really manages to see the world after her Joining.
Other than visiting the whole fereldan territory during and after the Blight, she went to Orlais twice or thrice (0/10 wouldn't recommend. Their dogs are small?? Are those dogs or pillows?) then she visited the Anderfels with the Awakening crew + Alistair (the coolest place ever, she loved them!), finally she dropped a hello to some old friends in Nevarra (amazing architecture, amazing liquors, less amazing undeads moaning in the night).
But Ferelden will always own her heart and soul <3
Hawke hasn't traveled much before Kirkwall's chantry exploded. He has always been in the city's proximity.
But when the situation changes, he visits Wycome and Hercinia with Fenris for a change of air - they elope basically. He later joins Anders, traveling alongside him for protection.
They travel plenty, by feet mostly, before deciding they could stick to Amaranthine, under Ela's protection. There Hawke meets with Carver, finding out about the whole Calling business.
The thing about Hawke is that he's one that enjoys places only when he's in good company. Even a pit full of tires set on fire would be fine, in that case.
Despite Dalish being a nomadic culture, Lav hasn't visited many places before joining the Inquisition.
When there was a shortage of supplies in clan Lavellan, she visited nearby cities, but she never stayed for longer than one or two days, considered how andrastians view her people.
So far, she's liking Ferelden a lot, mostly because of the people - they're warm, welcoming, and proud. Orlais has some stunning scenery, but the wound is still fresh and the Dales traumatized her irreparably. She really wants to visits Antiva and Rivain, tho!
I'm keeping her answer as it is because I'm afraid to spoil stuff lol
The ask meme
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moemoemammon · 3 years
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"I'm Your Least Favorite?!"
(Feat. The Demon Brothers) (mild angst)
(also just realized I read this as "MC's least favorite" only oop-)
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How in the hELL-
Lucifer doesn't say it out loud, but he has one hell of a superiority complex. There's no one he trusts more in this world than himself and his own abilities, so how could you not see that as well??
Clearly he's not making himself seem by you. It looks like he'll have to take a more direct approach...
Then again, he knows he's often looked at as an intimidating guy, so maybe he should be softer on you??? Gah, but his ego won't let him-
Please excuse Lucifer while he holes himself up in his office like a conspiracy theorist trying to figure out how to win you over
"WHAT?! How can I be yer least favorite when I'm year FIRST?!?!!"
Angry reacts only >:'(
Though the anger is just masking his hella hurt feelings. It's not like he isn't used to being someone's least favorite but it hurts the most when it comes from you.
Outright ignores you for the first couple of days. Keeps acting all pissy, leaves at odd hours to gamble, and comes back without a cent to his name.
But once he gets out of that rut, he's determined to make you see what you're missing out on! Also expect the sudden appearance of a TON of gifts mysteriously showing up in your room everyday-
Yeah.... he saw that one coming from a mile away... After all, who could ever fall for a yucky otaku?
But hearing you ACTUALLY say it is enough to break his wee sea serpent heart. It's one thing for him to deny affection, but another to actually know someone doesn't like him.
Acts all irritable about it. "So what if a dumb normie doesn't like me? I have Henry and Ruri-chan! I don't need anyone!"
That's just a front to mask how upset he really is. Now it's rare for you to see him out of his room, and he's stopped inviting you over altogether. Why would you wanna hang out with him anyone?
In his brain, least favorite = most hated, so he thinks it's best to just stay away from you.
The only indication of his surprise is the way his eyes widen a little, but he honestly doesn't seem that bothered
But we all know Satan is a master of deception and his looks can be deceiving
He's so upset he can hardly stand it, and all that hurt turns into anger that he's taking out on everyone in the house
And his brothers don't even THINK about going into his room. They might not make it out alive- (jk but they'll be uhhh severely wounded)
Also has stopped acknowledging you. It's not because he's mad at you or hates you, but he literally can't stand to be around you right now. Just give him a 100 years to cool his head, okay?
????come again???
Literally has only been showering you with his definition of affection and love, so how can you NOT be charmed??
Sure, his powers don't affect you at all, but he's being honest about his feelings when he says he loves you! He's never had so much trouble getting someone to respond to him.
It's annoying having to try so hard, and even more when you make it known that you don't like him. Why are you being so mean??
Asmo isn't the type to chase after someone who proves too much of a challenge (which is rare for him). But when it comes to you, he's determined to try over and over again until you love him.
Why was he your least favorite?? Beel may be a little bit of a muscle head, but his feelings were hurt.
Was it because he ate so much? Was he not leaving enough for you? Or not paying enough attention to you? Was he too big and scary? Maybe if he stoops down a bit, it'll help?
Beel is used to being avoided. He's got a one-track mind, can be blunt with his words, has a cold, neutral expression and he's HUGE. That's probably a lot for a human to handle, right?
So he starts hurrying off when he sees you around. He doesn't want to scare you. But he also wants to make peace, so maybe leaving snacks around for you will help smooth things along? He sure hopes so...
Ah. Well, that's not really a surprise. After everything he did to you? He's be surprised if you didn't have a grudge against him.
And he plays it off like he doesn't care. Sure, he feels that he deserves the most time with you since he spent so long locked away, but he won't force unwanted affections on you.
It hurts. It's annoying. It's frustrating.
Belphie isn't the best at expressing his genuine feelings, much less the ones he has for you, so he can't wrap his mind around how to handle the situation. So what does he do?
What he's best at: he sleeps. Even more than he normally does, until it's almost concerning. Why think about unpleasant things when he can just sleep and let his mind wander elsewhere? It hurts too much to think about it.
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
Hello! First of all, congratulations for 100 followers! Your writing is amazing so I'm sure you'll keep growing fast! For the event I request Route 1: scenario with Dazai x Reader, 1 and 12, angst to fluff
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this!
 I'm so sorry if it's more angst than you had wanted. I had a hard time thinking of scenarios to use with these two lines + Dazai.
1-But… I love you. 12- Are you mad at me? |Dazai x Reader|
Warnings: violence- mild blood
Words- 1,147
The air was tedious today; Thin fog dusted the atmosphere, the heavy humidity causing clothes to stick. Such an atmosphere was always disapproved of; The limited sight made battles difficult. Having to deduct where shots came based on sound alone. Sitting behind a flipped car you held the gun in your hand. Glancing to Dazai, who was lost in thought, you let out a subtle sigh. “Something bothering you?” Dazai asked, looking over at you skeptically, as the tan of his coat fluttered in the breeze that followed.
Shaking your head you fiddled with the trigger. “What if I miss and…” he was quick to shush you. He had thought about it too; if accidentally killing under the conditions he was in right now, would be an act of evil. Would his deceased friend disapprove of it? He pulled from his thoughts again, clearing his mind as he looked back at you.
“You won’t be firing towards the other shots. You’re just going to make it seem we’re shooting from elsewhere,” Dazai spoke calmly, despite the evident worry that had crossed his eyes a moment ago. 
Doing as he said you aimed in the strangest directions. Pausing only when other shots echoed out. Dazai leaned against the car's side. Placing his hands onto it to sturdy his shot. He was aware of a sniper, but he was going to risk this since his plans had never failed him before. Sure he’d been nearly killed a few times, but he always avoided death. If the shot did aim for his head, and he died without feeling the pain by your side, he wouldn’t mind that kind of death. Even though it wasn’t suicide, he was doing a suicidal action. It worked out both ways. Just as he saw the silhouette he was waiting for, a shot that was not his gun fired. Expecting pain or even death, Dazai shut his eyes. When the sound of a gun clattering found its way to his ears; He found himself paralyzed. Another shot fired, and he opened his eyes in time to shoot the moving silhouette. He didn’t want to turn his head.
 Looking to the sniper's location, he fell breathless. His eyes snapping in your direction. “You idiot!” he hissed, dropping his gun to move over to your shaking hands. “I told you not to shoot!” he hissed raising his voice ever so lightly. With a heavy glare, he glanced around as if checking for any other enemies. Even if he already knew there were none left. “Damn it y/n. You could have gotten hit or worse killed. I told you to stay put!” looking from your shaking hands to meet his eyes, you teared up. Adrenaline so far was preventing you from feeling the pain, but your body was reacting.
You spoke up with a hoarse voice, shocking yourself with how sore your throat was getting. It stung as if something vile wanted to escape. “A-are you mad at me?” you tilted your head, watching him give you an expression somebody gives at an obvious question. It was rare for him to willingly show things like this.
“Of course I am! You put yourself in harm's way!” you questioned why he cared. He had never shown interest in liking you before. He was always freely flirting with others. It tugged at your heart, the way he spoke angrily but with worry.
As your lips parted to speak you took a sharp inhale choking on something you couldn’t place. The adrenaline had died down letting your brain catch up with what had happened to you physically. Trying to inhale your expression turned into terror. With tears welling in your eyes, Dazai noticed right away. His eyes showed panic before concealing it. Reaching to your back he took the base of his palm and hit you rather harshly. Just as your vision began blurring you coughed, red splintering onto the pavement. Taking quick and sharp inhales you ran your finger under your shirt. Looking to Dazai with a warning look, he glared right back at you. “Why… Why do you care.” your voice trembled over syllables as you lifted your shirt just enough to get a good view. Reaching to the metal that had just barely entered your skin after going through the vest and your shirt, Dazai grabbed your hand. Looking at him you tried pulling away.
“I care alright? Is that enough to get you to stop being a reckless idiot? Removing the bullet will do more damage. It likely pierced something and caused a rupture. Removing it might flood your lungs with blood, immediately.” you had never seen Dazai like this. He was acting based on emotion and mild thought. His eyes looked around, spotting your phone. He opened it, dialing Yosano. Setting the phone down, he sighed leaning against the metal of the car. Closely monitoring you, his eyes didn’t leave you. 
“You’re a hypocrite. You knew standing up there was suicidal. If I didn’t act you’d have been shot and probably killed!” raising your voice, you leaned over only for more violent coughs to leave your body; your system cleared as much of the crimson liquid from your lungs as possible. Dazai crawled over to you pulling you to your side. He moved you into the perfect position to keep your lungs clear.
“I know that. It’s different though, you have people who care about you. My life doesn't matter because of everything I’ve done but…” he trailed off unsure how to explain himself. Lifting your head to his lap, he ran his fingers through your hair. “But… I love you. I don’t know what I'd do if you died before me too. I could hardly hold together with Oda… if you fell to the same fate I think I'd be unredeemable. I'd lose all my will to live. I wouldn’t care about anything anymore.” glancing up to him you moved with a few winces. Wrapping arms around him you hold him close.
“This isn’t fair,” you whispered burying your head into the crook of his neck. “How do you think I’d feel if you died Dazai?” Dazai didn’t seem to get what you were trying to say. No, it was more he couldn’t believe his ears. “Once Yosano fixes me up, I want a kiss.” you smiled relaxing within his arms.
Waking up you looked to Dazai who entertained your words from earlier, leaning down he landed a soft kiss on your lips. Running his thumb over your cheek, a half-smile ghosted his lips. “You did say you wanted one,” he smirked, watching as your cheeks became rosy.
“Yeah… just wasn’t expecting it.” you chuckled, reaching to play with the brunette's messy locks. The two of you locked eyes, lost in the beauty of each other, words were spoken without voice.
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broken-clover · 2 years
it was! tysm, any content with the trio pre-canon is always great!! - frederick/reader anon. i've been sending a lot of prompts in the last week, so i'm just gonna ask one last one for a while if you're ok with it: a scenario where reader tries to embarrass frederick. whether it works or not is up to you
I'll admit I wasn't 100% sure on what direction to take for this. I tried to go for a cute, harmless kind of embarrassment, which I had assumed was what you were leaning towards?
You put on your best grumpy face. “Why *not?*”
Frederick barely looked up from his desk. “You can’t just bring in animals off the street, you have no idea if the thing’s got rabies or ticks or any other gross shit that it’s gonna leave all over the place. And if it’s not feral and homeless, then it belongs to somebody else, and we shouldn’t be stealing someone else’s damn cat.”
The mop of fluff in your arms certainly didn’t *seem* feral. It had simply meowed at the back door until you relented and let it in, to which it had made itself perfectly comfortable on your sofa. No aggression, no hissing, it didn’t even care in the slightest about being picked up.
“I didn’t see any ticks. But I didn’t see a collar, either.”
“Jeez. Give it here.” Frederick rolled his eyes, coaxing you to put the animal on the empty part of his desk. His fingers teased into the cat’s long, thick coat. “Could lose a pen in this mess. Probably got some kind of Maine Coon in it.”
“Aww, you know your cat breeds? Should have figured you were a cat guy.”
“Hold it, hold it.” The man half-chuckled. “Don’t try to come up with an excuse…aha, here it is. Found a collar.”
You resist the feeling of disappointment. It quickly goes elsewhere when you realized Frederick was staring at the little metal medallion for far too long.
“Uh, what’s wrong? No name?”
“There- there’s a name, and a phone number.”
“Oh, well that’s good, isn’t it?” You cock your head to the side. “It’s dark out right now, why don’t we wait until morning to call? Then we can tell them we found…what’s it’s name? You didn’t say.”
Frederick mumbled something under his breath.
“What did you say?”
“...Freddie Purrcury.”
You suddenly understand why he’d said it so quietly the first time. Almost immediately, you wheezed and bent over with laughter. “Are you *serious??”*
Of course he was, you knew him well. Frederick was not much of a pun guy. But what were the odds…
“So, Freddie and Freddie? Guess I should leave you two alone to get to know each other!”
“Hey, wait-”
It was meant to be a joke at first. The last you’d seen them, Frederick still had the cat on his desk. You had assumed he’d follow you, if only just to dump the cat on you and go back to whatever work he’d brought home with him. You really didn’t expect him to have the patience. So you went to your bedroom and started to laugh while lying in wait. 
Frederick did not come. You waited a few minutes more. Then more. Somewhere down the line, you got distracted by a text conversation with a friend. By the time it was over, you were too tired to realize that you were still alone.
It was probably the fault of the day clothes you were still wearing that managed to wake you up at an ungodly hour of the morning. Something about it dug into your side, and once you’d been annoyed enough to yank the bunched-up fabric loose, you were awake enough that you couldn’t just roll back over and nod off again.
“Moron.” You mumbled to yourself. “Should’ve known better…”
Maybe a drink would help, or some water splashed on your face. You did feel kind of dry.
With half-squinting eyes, you shuffled out of your bedroom towards the bathroom across the hall. The living room lights had been turned off, but Frederick’s desk light had been left on, offering enough light so you didn’t stub your toe against the wall.
Though as you passed by, you noticed Frederick wasn’t at his desk. Fair enough, you’d rather he weren’t working so late, but he hadn’t come to bed, either. So where-
There was a lump on the couch. Your eyes squinted further, trying to comprehend the unfamiliar shape.
You scurried back into your room and swiped the phone from your bedside. Neither of them had moved since then, and you didn’t hesitate in getting to work snapping pictures.
You had never seen Frederick so pink-faced in his life.
“Just one? Please? I think it’d look cute over the mantle.”
The man alternated between looking as far away from your phone as possible and trying to grab it out of your hands. He was failing at both. Freddie watched both of you, calmly grooming one of his back legs.
“You’re *not* printing any of those out!”
“Frederick, you are adorable, come on.”
Displayed on your phone screen, in a long, long chain of other pictures, was a snapshot of the messy couch. Frederick was sprawled across it, seemingly fast asleep- the ‘seemingly’ being the best descriptor, as Freddie the cat had fallen asleep right on his face and hid it from view.
“I don’t even know how you didn’t get smothered by his fur, but this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Frederick remained thoroughly unamused. “If I had to babysit the thing, then you owe me for that.”
“Okay, okay.” You raise your hands in surrender. “I won’t print them.”
“But I’m still gonna send them to Asuka and Aria.”
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thechekhov · 4 years
Do you think it's okay to completely separate artist from creation? Because I just found out a comic artist I really like is like against Transgender and wants to ignore race and all the bad stuff going on. I really like their work but their beliefs bother me. I dont know if I should continue to enjoy what I use to and separate artist from work, or to just unfollow. I'm not the type of person to try and force my views into others so I'm not gonna be harassing them to try and change their opinion
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It depends on how you define ‘separate artist from creation’. Because there’s really two ways to do that. For the sake of this thought exercise let’s all imagine:
You have content you enjoy. You find out the author of that content is a less than stellar person. Maybe they support harmful causes, maybe they’re bigot and refuse basic respect to people different from them, maybe worldviews harm you and others that you love, etc.
Do you:
A) Pretend the author doesn’t exist but continue to consume the content while clapping your hands over your ears and going ‘LALALALALA’ and doing your best to forget who wrote it? Pretend Hatsune Miku wrote it instead? Separate the wonderful characters you’ve come to know and love, tear them from the hands of the author and say ‘they’re mine now, you never had them! I’ve assigned my own, healthier headcanons!’
B) Acknowledge that their harmful worldviews will affect their content, regardless how indirectly... and consume the content anyway, but do your best not to support their views (i.e not following their main account, holding them responsible and not letting them get away with leaning on harmful/racist/outdated stereotypes)? 
Here’s the thing though - if you picked B, you are NOT separating author from art. You are actively acknowledging that the author IS affecting their art - and aiming to minimize the harm caused through that content. You are already taking steps to protect others, and that does make a difference. That shows that you already know the answer to your own question. 
We realistically cannot separate art from artist. Not fully. Nor, I would argue, should we attempt to do so!
In this media-saturated world, we all consume a LOT of content. Realistically, we cannot filter and check ALL of it - or all of its creators - to be 100% sure that we are only following/consuming only the most un-problematic of all people. It’s just not feasible and holding yourself to that standard is unrealistic. 
But what we CAN all do is be critical. We can look at something that a transphobic person wrote and ask ‘does this content present harmful stereotypes?’ and we can ask ‘does this storyline have racist tropes?’ and etc. 
I’m going to be frank - I consume what could considered ‘problematic’ content. Biggest example is probably Brooklyn 99. The thing is - it’s copaganda!  And throughout the show, there are very clear, ill-disguised attempts to gloss over abuse to police power by using quirky lovable characters that are constantly breaking the law but end up as the good guys at the end of each episode! And this isn’t even the point of the show - it’s treated as a non-issue. At the beginning of season 5 they delve into prison system power abuse - but only really make it an issue for the ‘innocent good-guy cop Jake’. The next few episodes after the fact it shows - BLATANTLY - Jake and Holt screaming at and lying to a (Black!) suspect to get a confession out of him. It’s treated as the right thing to do! A quirky idea that good-guy Jake had! 
Wanna get psychological whiplash? Watch When They See Us on Netflix and then watch Jake yelling at his suspect in the interrogation room. Ask yourself why those two are different, or why they are interpreted differently. Then ask why they aren’t, and shouldn’t be. 
And when I watch Brooklyn 99 I have two options:
I can cover my ears and sing LALALA IT’S JUST A SHOW, I’M JUST HAVING FUN! or I can be critical and practice calling out the blatantly police-propoganda-y tropes when they come on-screen and evaluate the good vs. the bad and ask myself every once in a while ‘is the Good here outweighed by the Bad? Is there content here that I couldn’t get elsewhere?’
In the end, no one can stop you from consuming content. If you want to keep watching/reading - you will find a way. But ignoring the issues, turning away and trying to imagine away the bad parts... will ALWAYS leave you with less than the full picture. It’s far more harmful to pretend that everything is fine for the sake of making yourself feel comfortable than it is to just face it head-on and admit that the author will inevitably leave a part of their beliefs in their art. 
When people read my stories - even something as removed as WD!Steven - they will inevitably be coming in contact with MY political views, even if they’re not obvious. And honestly, I wouldn’t want people to separate my art from myself. 
I want to make it clear - in many cases, unfollowing/blocking is absolutely the best thing to do. I’ve done that for many creators that I realized were... not good people. But that sort of thing is for you to decide, and so I won’t just tell you ‘go unfollow them!’. It’s way more important that you make this judgement not because of peer pressure - but because you’ve thought about it and made the decision that makes the most sense for YOU.
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roswelldetails · 4 years
Episode 203:  Good Mother
Sorry so late this week!! I had a deadline for work that kept me away from this early in the week, and Tumblr has been mean tonight. Kudos to @tasyfa for helping me with some of the transcripts while I was stuck working!!
Determined to regain control of her life in the aftermath of Noah’s death, Isobel (Lily Cowles) makes a risky choice despite its potential consequences.  Meanwhile, Alex (Tyler Blackburn) and Michael (Michael Vlamis) work together to unravel the mystery surrounding the night Nora’s (guest star Kayla Ewell) spaceship crashed in 1947. Elsewhere, Liz (Jeanine Mason) makes a surprising confession when Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) shows up looking for answers about Max (Nathan Dean).  Heather Hemmens, Amber Midthunder and Trevor St. John also star. Jeffrey Hunt directed the episode written by Deirdre Mangan & Carina Adly MacKenzie (#203.) Original airdate 3/30/2020.
Aliens in the crash are always portrayed as wearing all white.  
There's also a silvery gleam on the faces of Nora and Louise following the crash.
Harlan Manes (first introduced in the alien autopsy scene in 1x07) and Hector Valenti (first mentioned in the pilot by Jesse Manes, but visually introduced here) are shown as having both a partnership and a difference in perspective, with Hector being more sympathetic to the aliens from the start - it mirrors what we know about Jim and Jesse's relationship.
Mysterious alien figure in white hood (probably played by Nathan Parsons, but unlikely to actually be Max (see @latessitrice meta) touches Nora's shoulder and she looks pained, then attacks and burns Hector alive, before disappearing into thin air.
Nora is shot in her shoulder.
Liz sent Alex to find Michael at the cave. 
The pods "regenerate cells at the same rate as they degrade" keeping them in stasis.  The theory of the electrical current is that it will speed up the regeneration so instead of stasis, Max might improve.
Searching for info about Nora led Alex to a sophisticated firewall, which meant that someone was trying to hide information about her.
Jenna's fake energy drinks are called "Speed Demon"
Mimi DeLuca says she was "nowhere" (and then she looks up at the stars). She was wearing the same nightgown and robe as when she disappeared (white...like the aliens in 1947), but instead of bare feet, she had on a pair of elaborate blue and white cowboy boots 
Jenna told Sheriff Valenti that Mimi recited the plot from the film Starship Troopers during the car ride into town "like she lived it", with all the voices, but did not provide any information about where she’d been.  Sheriff Valenti implies that this is typical behavior from Mimi.
Michael says he's been parked at the pony for a few weeks.  Maria says that Mimi was gone for a month. That means that another 2 weeks have passed. (I.e., Max has been dead for 6 weeks now.)
Maria says that they found her mom on I-40 (by the Roswell sign).  Also in 2x01 Rosa indicated that she and Liz were on I-40 when they saw Flint - Rosa put together that it was the most direct route to Area 51...however, I-40 does not go through Roswell.  In fact, it is over 100 miles from Roswell to I-40 (north on 285).  However, it is the most direct route to Area 51 from Roswell.
Isobel points out that Mimi DeLuca waking up in the desert with no memory is similar to what happened to her when Noah took over her body.  Michael doesn't believe that they are the same situation though.
Rosa is about to drink spiked coffee when Liz brings her the art supplies.  After Liz leaves, she pours it out without drinking it.
Isobel is packing up all of the photos of her and Noah (most look like vacation photos).  She hesitates on the photo of them with Max at the wedding that we previously saw in 2x01 at Noah's funeral.
Isobel's baby is now 7 weeks (consistent with the other time frames) and is now the size of a blueberry.
Isobel drinks the rest of the alien death serum and immediately gets cramps/pain in her womb.  And then Max's hallucination appears.
Isobel tells not!Max that she has been microdosing with the serum for weeks (2 weeks, based on the timeline) and it hasn't worked.
Not!Max does tell her to call Kyle (i.e, her subconscious knows she should, but she's not listening).
Michael tells Jenna that Max is in Mexico (at first).
Mimi is "hydrated and healthy" and she never felt unsafe.
She thinks she was only gone for a night, coming to see Maria when Jenna found her.
Maria asked Mimi whether Jenna lent the boots to her and Mimi declared they were hers
Liz is surrounded by monitors with alienesque symbols on them (or maybe just The Science!) See photo:
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When the alarm sounds Liz looks at her computer screen and reacts - likely a security camera.
When Alex arrives at the Bunker and sees the binder left for him, the computers are on and there is a map showing.  See photo: 
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I tried to figure out what city it is on his computer screen, but no luck. If anyone figures it out, send me an ask & let me know & I'll blast it out!
The 3-ring binder left for Alex, which looked approx. ¾ full with paper documents, was marked on the front:
352-6553 NMG
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The text was white on a dark green background that appeared to be a printed label that had been affixed to the front of the binder. The body of the binder was light grey, with a partially shaded circular diagram in the lower center of the front that appeared to be part of the binder itself rather than a later addition like the label.
The Post-It note left on the binder for Alex said, "What side of history do you want to be on?"
There was also a marking on the spine of the binder: CF-143-3453-C78. This is probably a file or record reference, with CF standing for Caulfield. The reference would be visible when the binder was housed on a shelf, allowing easy identification.
When Alex flipped open the binder, the visible portion of the top page read as follows:
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509th BOMB GP (NH)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A07-06 (95)                                8 JULY 1947
[blacked out text with underscoring] [TOP SECRET stamp]
From:        Lt. Colonel Payne Jennings, Roswell Army Air Field
Subject:    Engagement with enemy combatants, recovery of unidentified craft, night of 14-15 June, 1947, twelve casualties.
[offscreen] is a fine that concerns the events and
[offscreen] following the discovery of a flying saucer,
To:        Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
[offscreen] dentified rancher notified
[offscreen] [blacked out text] that he found the instrument on
[offscreen] operations were coordinated with
[offscreen] with the intent of detaining or
[offscreen] while assisting in the inves-
[offscreen] reached the crash site
[offscreen] ing object’s entan-
[offscreen] balloon. Ship
[offscreen] of foreign
[offscreen] place
Liz explains The Science to Jenna:
"3 years ago I hypothesized that if I introduced a rare protein to destroyed stem cells they'd regenerate.  And I was right. My team in Denver brought dead cells back to life. Rat cells, but, I mean, still, the applications are immeasurable… until our study got shut down.  They said it's for ethics reasons, but I think it's because it threatened big pharma. Then a few weeks ago, Kyle found that the pods contain a sort of alien cousin to my regenerative protein.  When Max healed Rosa, his electric charge amplified the process. If we can replicate that, then, we can accelerate his recovery, so, I am testing out pig hearts to see…" discussion about pig hearts/human hearts/different kinds of smart…
Liz says she has a few hours before she has to "record the electromagnetic charge interval"
Jenna says that Liz reminds her of Charlie.
Charlie used to rant about gene therapy
Jesse says he requested no visitors until "his brain starts to follow his orders".
He keeps periodically hitting the morphine drip with Alex in the room, though he was ignoring it before Alex got there.
Jesse describes the opening scene of the episode. And then tells Alex "Tripp was never the same".
Rosa's art:
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Among the quotes on her collage are:
Body drie up from ...
What did she say
You're no listening
Control her Take her power
I am the Mesa the mighty
Nothing but a muddy trickle
You can't hold us
Between them... Damn... One day she'll…
Rosa hears Max call out to her (while awake) "Rosa! Help! You're the only one!"
Jenna says that her dad brought her and Charlie to Roswell when they were kids.  That they were obsessed with the crash and aliens and the X-Files and it was the perfect trip.  It's why she came to Roswell after leaving the military.   "It was like trying to go back in time, somehow."
"Time Travel really messed with you.  I am eight years older than my older sister.  She used to be my hero. She was kinetic, disruptive, cool.  Now that I'm an adult I'm pretty sure she's bipolar, and she needs help.  And if I try to save Max I'm letting Rosa twist in the wind, so, hence the wine ready in my drawer."
Maria is going through a box labeled "Mom's Stuff" in the Pony when she sees Rosa.
"I'm turning into my mom.  I lost time at the gala...Michael's hand...I'm seeing things!"
What Valenti says about Noah's death:
"The M.E., Dr. Holden, listed Noah's cause of death as cardiac arrest due to lightning strike. (note: cardiac arrest = heart attack.  Same way Max died.). No other abnormalities were listed. But that's not consistent with the crime scene photos. You see these ligature marks on his wrists and ankles. …. These marks are consistent with zip ties.  And these with struggling against police-issue handcuffs. Like Max's.".
Isobel blames it on their sex toys.
What Max said to the grocery clerk "¿Tienes carne sin preservativos?" (Meat without a condom).
About Max's nightmare:
"You remember when I used to come in and sleep on your floor?"
"You used to have a nightmare.  You were alone in a cold, dark room and there was something… You couldn't get up.  You were…"
"Chained to the floor.  I'd wake up all freaked out and run to your room."
Rosa's nightmare:
"I need your help, Rosa."
"Look, I'm not gonna help you die.  I have been drinking so that I don't dream."
"I know that."
"It's like you're getting stronger. I hear you now when I'm awake."
"You're right.  Something is making me stronger. I feel things. That's why I'm calling for you.  Something is wrong with Isobel. Even in the pod I sense it. She's dying. Please."
Liz thinks that Max was able to reach out to save Isobel because the electricity is making him stronger in the pod.
Maria confessed to her mother that she had thought she might be getting sick too, Mimi said Maria would not get lost because she was protected, and reached for the resin pendant with the anti-alien pollen flower that Maria was wearing as usual. When Mimi seemed to go to sleep, Maria removed the necklace and placed it on her mother. 
Flashing back to the night of the crash, Nora seems to be tying down the tarp on the back of the truck when Tripp approaches her.  He feigns an offer to assist her and then grabs her and orders his men to move in so that they can take her and the truck back to base.  Louise appears and black-canary-screams to push them away (sound waves, I presume). She is shot in the stomach/chest. Nora pulls her into the truck and drives them away.
The newspaper clip Michael found is dated October 12, 1948, two days before Nora was captured. 
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Newspaper transcript:
Last scene - Nora is clearly driving the truck with her powers, as she has both her arms around Louise. They approach a cabin and we're introduced to Roy Bronson, who offers to help.
Roswell Town Fair Charms Locals and Tourists
Photo caption: Smiles abound demonstrate a good time had by all.
Saturday Festivities Drew Healthy Crowds
Second column under photo:
...well as celebrated hometown war heroes, and, of course, Mrs. Benjamin Booker (Carol) whose strawberry Chile pie has won the Roswell Pie Contest four seasons in a row.
Children delighted in activities such as sack races.......
Top of 3rd column:
...ice creams.
Meanwhile the annual pumpkin chunking contest was the main attraction as expected! Pumpkin chunkers arrived from far and wide with their pumpkins and their pumpkin-lurching apparatuses. The prize for best pumpkin chunked went to the Long Family. Their farm foreman Roy Bronson credited his friend and neighbor, a young woman who declined to be named, for the Long's pumpkin chunking victory.
When asked what he'd do with the prize money, Bronson declared that he would "purchase ingredients (for his lady friend) to cook up a nice pumpkin pie".
Dame - Holy Moly
Tommee Profitt feat. Fleurie - Hurricane
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moonythejedi394 · 5 years
Mating run: I'm picturing mutual pining- Bucky would love to claim Steve but Steve is super into omega equal rights, trying to get the run banned. Steve is skinny and smol, thinks Bucky deserves a better omega. Both stupid in love. Bucky going to run to help drive off other alphas since Steve has managed to insult and anger every big alpha knothead in town by running his mouth and sticking up for other omegas. Alpha knotheads who could catch Steve and force a claim. Bucky won't let them.
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if we’re thinking the same things, let’s think extra. let’s go big. let’s go – 
be warned, there’s something even worse than a dystopian society below the read more – math
the mating run is definitely an infringement on omega rights. it’s pretty much the hunger games. omegas ages 18 to 22 are gathered by force mostly, stripped naked, and tossed into an arena with simulated forest habitats. alphas pay to run in the game, and that shit is expensive. this is why bucky can’t run with steve; omegas younger than 22 must be mated during the run, literally, elsewhere omegas and alphas have been ripped apart, alphas executed, and omegas just given away to other more wealthy alphas for the crime of loving outside capitalism. 
bucky is dirt poor. him and steve have been in love since they were babies and every second leading up to the run is spent plotting ways to keep steve from being caught and mated in the run, bc let’s be blunt, if he’s caught, they lose, steve has no voice in being mated by the alpha that catches him. their only hope is that steve can last all 4 years without being caught, or
bucky can win the lottery. every year, like five dirt-poor alphas are given the gift of being allowed to run. in every lottery, one alpha wins the opportunity to run alongside the top 10%.
granted, they gotta pay a bunch go buy lottery tickets, like one entry is $1, 1 entry out of all the middle and low class alphas out there. normally I say that the population is divided by 60-40 to Alpha/Omega genes or Beta genes, then both of those percentiles are cut in half for male Betas and female Betas then Alphas and Omegas, so that’s roughly 30% of the population that are alphas. but, real quick, why are omegas suddenly being so drastically policed?
let’s say there was a massive outbreak of disease that targeted omegas, the previous 30% population that were omegas were cut in, let’s just say fuck it, half. sure, lots of people died, but mostly omegas. like, there are 327.2 million people in the US right now. this disease, let’s say, killed 30%, that’s 98.2 million and of that number, 80% of them were omegas. the population is now 229.04 million and the omega gene is overrun by Betas, and as we know, dystopias are racist, Betas are largely people of color and clearly, the nazis in the white house don’t want to have babies with women of color.
so the population is now 60% Betas, 30% Alphas, and 10% Omegas. *(there are a lot more male omegas these days, small upside?) but anyway, original math, with 229.04 million people, 30% are Alphas, let’s be generous and say 10% of them can afford to participate on the mating run on their own. that leaves 1,236,816 in all 50 states that can’t afford it. 
so that’s bucky’s odds of winning the lottery, 1 in 1.2 million. sure, he can buy lots of tickets, but so is everyone, in order to really significantly change his odds, he might as well spend the money to participate in the run, which we’ve already established he can’t do.
so bucky’s odds are shitty, steve’s odds are not much better. there’s more than one run in every state; for new york city, there’s 603,610 omegas according to my bullshit math, probably about a thousand fit into the age bracket of 18-22. steve is one of a thousand omegas. how many alphas fit into the incredibly generous top 10% of alphas in new york city that can afford the run?
181,083‬. nearly 2 to 1 against Steve. bucky’s odds are 1 in over a million, but steve? steve could feasibly survive all 4 runs, come out the other end, and be allowed to mate with bucky. 2 to 1, but as we all know, when it comes to Steve Rogers, you’d better put your fucking money on the underdog.
still, bucky’s gonna blow like $100 a year on the lottery. and while we’re putting our money on the underdog, somebody’s gotta win the lottery. and i’m in charge here. that 4th run, steve’s survived three, and then the day before, bucky’s given his winning ticket to the lottery.
*cracks knuckles* let’s get down to business, kids
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