#I'm a starter editor
kaiwuzherenz · 5 months
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MY JAW DROPPED LIKE HELP I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE, THE SUPPORT IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!^^ thank you, this means so much and my jaw is sore now X3
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luckylewis · 2 years
location: choose ur own adventure
for: @aurorabaystarter
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"If you were just back in town after.. Off the top of my head.. Four years, give or take, what's the funnest thing you'd do to remind yourself that you used to love it here?" Lucky asked, his asking for a friend delivery an easier means of phrasing the question than getting into the ins and outs of his own not-so-grand return.
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likecometsx · 1 year
┘elora&anyone *☄; open starter
elora, gathering courage, nibbled on her bottom lip and tapped the other on the shoulder. they'd just taken the last of the exact artisan cheese she needed off the shelf. "okay. if i make a very convincing argument, do you think i could actually have that?" she asked, pointing at their hands. "i know it sounds crazy, but it's actually kind of important."
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gberkshire · 1 year
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it’s unfair to ruby how long this has taken, which is the only reason he’s arranged it in the first place. to grayson, his family is quite literally blood – that’s it. he doesn’t owe them any personal information and they certainly haven’t earned the right to meet his girlfriend, but she’s a prominent figure in not just US but global politics so it’s hardly as if they don’t know who she is. he’d rather they form their opinions of her in person than from british tabloids, which are 100 times worse than their american equivalent.
he’s doing this for her, ultimately, because meeting his family is important to ruby. but he can’t help a pang in his chest as he looks at his beautiful girlfriend in the dress she’d carefully picked out for the occasion, believing his family doesn’t deserve to know her at all. granted, he’s often unsure that he entirely deserves it either, but at least grayson loves and appreciates her with the appropriate depth. it’s been so long since he’s had a proper dinner with his family that he has no idea whether they’re going to fake politeness or scrutinize her with all the power of a legacy spy family.
grayson takes her hand with a small, nervous smile, giving it a light squeeze. “we can still run,” he says, knowing she’ll take it as a joke but he’s not exactly joking. / @rmeriwether
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dismaltouch · 1 year
closed starter @housefircs
♡  muse : violet higgins.
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"you're a terrible flirt, you know."
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princessonia · 1 year
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//like this post and i will throw a starter at you! multis feel free to specify which muse you'd like it for.
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glittersgcld · 2 years
open to: f
setting: apoc/post apoc! can be zombie, etc. you can find orion’s muse info here.
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“It’s a bad fucking idea.” Orion massaged his temples, willing the budding headache to stop in its tracks. “We need to keep moving. Staying in one place too long means death. We made this place liveable, we can do it again somewhere else!”
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Continued from here - @kaeruninja
A white dot showed up within the map view of the open tome. Someone was nearby. If the dot was red, he'd be caught in a predicament since that meant an enemy was near.
"There's someone close..." Naruaki muttered to himself. "That's good; we won't have to go too far."
With each step he took, the closer he got to whoever the white dot represented. He had to tap into Seeker's power a bit more in order to refine his sense in hopes to identify the person.
The other was actually heading towards him, after following the movements of the dot. As soon as Naruaki was able to see the other without the fog getting in the way, he knew well enough who it was.
This was Arashi's Reflection.
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"How I ended up here isn't really the method most familiar... I'm not even here intentionally. I'm still confused by it..."
Naruaki closed the tome and returned it to Seeker behind him. With free hands and the space to do so, he gave a polite bow.
"...Regardless of the methods and reasons, this isn't an ideal situation. I apologize if my presence caused an disturbances. I am Seta Naruaki; it's a pleasure to meet you." Once he returns to his normal posture, he gestures to the entity behind him with a gentle hand. "This is Seeker, my Persona."
Compared to Naruaki, Seeker gave a small casual wave in greeting.
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Both sides of the self knew that the other would have questions aplenty but it was necessary to at least get the introductions out of the way.
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greenconnoisseur · 2 years
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"Apologies for being away for so long. I've been taking care of myself let alone my mental health." They apologized, bowing a bit in respect before straightening their back a bit. "The restaurant and the Gym is up and running." Cilan added to their apology with an anxious smile on their face, giving a small wave to the other.
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arcadiandefenders · 1 year
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“Home sweet home, I sure missed Arcadia Oaks...”
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“Huh? What do you mean by that?’
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deceptivemorals · 2 years
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starter for @hellsurvivr​
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        "it's a bad habit of mine of wanting to keep track of certain things," elijah started after having spotted the female he had never met before. surely there's a better approach to start that serious topic but since he cannot exactly march into that questionable school for several reasons, he had to find other options.
        "a former bartender now teacher doesn't appear to be qualified at being entrusted with young students." elijah took his niece's security very seriously. and he does closely examine the people who are surrounding her.
        "what are your qualifications?"
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inexorcble · 2 years
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"Oh my god, you don't know?" Yaz's lip curled in a delighted smile. "You don't know, do you? This is incredibly delicious. I can't believe it. Best moment of my life right here. You don't know and I do."
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archaictold · 2 years
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( OOC. ) feeling in the mood for starters but not in the mood to do holiday starters u feel me? so consider this a non-event non-winterfes starter call! i'm not going to put a cap on it (yet!) but it may be selective and/or slow as i poke around in my brain from some inspiration. feel free to smack it with a heart and i'll see what i can get out to you! thanks!
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@fearbend continued from here!
Haughtiness dripped from her every word. Clearly the girl not only knew her own talents, but was unabashedly proud of them. Childe couldn't help but chuckle, remembering back to his days as a common Fatui foot soldier when he'd worn a similar look each time he bested his training partners.
If they'd ended up bloodied and bruised by the time he was done with them? Well, someone had to push the Tsaritsa's soldiers to improve when his superiors at the time clearly hadn't.
"A Vision is far more than a trinket, though I can see how it may seem that way to those who don't have one," he said with a shrug. Challenging words lit a spark in his eyes, and his grin stretched wider—sharpened just beyond the realm of 'friendly.'
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"Besides, there's far more to my power than a Vision or a Delusion. Not that I expect you to take my word for it, of course; I'd be glad to prove it, if you're brave enough to take me on."
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aslyfcx · 1 year
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"Yeesh...okay, okay...I know, I shouldn't be lazing around for this long but I'm up." Nick chuckles softly, putting on a kind smile. "Yes, your favorite fox has returned."
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bonniedoesmagic · 1 year
✨ [ EVA ] liked for a starter
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"Is everything OK? You look like you just saw a ghost." Bonnie paused before continuing her thought, "You... didn't just see a ghost did you?"
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