#I'm actually kind of irritated about it because it's a GREAT song and you do have to be a good performer
sundersea · 1 year
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watching queendom puzzle because I hate fun apparently and I'm crying at not a single one of these girls except juri wanting to perform fighting. scared you can't pull it off?
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silverynight · 8 months
Unbreakable bond
Dark fic, possessive behavior
"I have a date today!" Yuuji happily announces as he sits on the floor or Fushiguro's room. He's so excited he starts humming a song he once heard in one of Jennifer Lawrence's movies.
Kugisaki told him the girl looked like Jennifer, although she also told him not to ruin it because she was one of her friends in middle school.
He starts thinking about what he is going to wear for his date, but shakes his head and makes a mental note to ask for Kugisaki's help instead. Yuuji is so busy in his own mind he doesn't realize Fushiguro hasn't talked since he said he was going to go on a date.
Suddenly, the boy with dark hair kneels in front of Yuuji, trying to get his undivided attention.
There's something weird about Fushiguro's expression, but Yuuji is not sure what it is.
"What do you mean 'why'?" The pink haired boy asks in confusion, tilting his head to the side. His friend's eyes only turn even more dark. If it wasn't because they're very good friends, Yuuji would feel a little bit intimidated by that look.
"Why do you want to date her, what's so great about this girl? What do you like about her?"
"Well... I don't know," Yuuji smiles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I'm going to meet her today. But Kugisaki said she looks like Jennifer Lawrence!"
"You shouldn't go on a date with someone you don't know." Fushiguro scolds him, looking a little bit irritated.
Yuuji chuckles, shaking his head.
"I mean thanks for worrying about me, man, but if I don't start doing this then I won't be dating anyone!"
Fushiguro's lips part slightly, like he's considering his next words, however he stops himself before actually saying anything and instead shakes his head.
"You'll regret it."
Yuuji chuckles, finally realizing what's going on with his friend. He puts an arm around his shoulders and pulls him closer to him.
"Are you jealous, Fushiguro?" He says, smiling triumphantly when his friend goes all stiff and turns slightly pink. "Don't worry, we can tell Kugisaki to introduce you to another girl next!"
"No. I'm not interested," he narrows his eyes, but leans closer to Yuuji when the pink haired boy pouts. "Don't worry about me."
Nobara is going to kill Itadori; she has no idea how he managed to scare off one of her most patient and kind friends she's ever had. What did he have to do in order for her to send her a message about not wanting to see any of them again?
Sure, she wasn't Nobara's best friend, but she was great company to go shopping with.
Pissed, she storms into Itadori's room without knocking first and finds the pink haired boy curled up on his own bed and resting his head all over Fushiguro's lap.
Fushiguro is patiently and lovingly running his fingers through Itadori's hair and even though he's not exactly smiling, Nobara knows him enough to be certain he's enjoying every second of it.
"What did you do, Itadori?" She hisses, trying not to feel pity; yes, Itadori looks miserable, but it's probably his fault.
"I don't know!" He pouts, leaning closer to Fushiguro. "She didn't even show up!"
Oh. Then maybe it's not Itadori's fault after all. Although the situation is even more weird now.
"She wasn't worth your time," Fushiguro says, doing a terrible job at looking like he's genuinely sorry for his friend, but he's lucky Itadori can't see his subtle smile from where he is.
But Nobara can. She had talked about it with Fushiguro before, but the boy doesn't seem to understand that's not good to have a crush on his straight best friend. Well, they're not 100% sure Itadori's straight because who knows with a dumb, golden hearted guy like him, but he certainly talks about girls.
However, Fushiguro is infuriatingly stubborn and Nobara has the terrible suspicion that what he feels about Itadori is not a simple crush.
Which can make things complicated, but Nobara is not going to focus on that at the moment.
One thing at a time.
"Listen, I can get you another date with someone else," Nobara offers, because no matter how ridiculous and dumb Itadori is, she truly likes him and doesn't want to see him hurt. He's like a kicked, sad puppy and she's not that heartless.
Itadori immediately perks up and even though he looks adorable, it's not enough to dustract her from the glare Fushiguro sends in her direction. She would've been intimidated if it wasn't because she knows Fushiguro likes to be dramatic.
"Ouch! Fushiguro, let me go!" Itadori grimaces when he tries to get up, but the fingers on his hair curl into a strong grip.
"I'm sorry," the other boy mumbles, looking like he truly is sorry for a moment. He reluctantly lets go of Itadori's hair so the boy can rush towards Nobara and pull her into a hug.
Fushiguro glares at her again, but this time his expression manages to send a shiver through her spine.
Yuuji feels absolutely terrible; this time the girl not only didn't show up, she also sent him a message telling him she didn't want to see him.
Fushiguro finds him on the couch, sits next to him and hands him a bottle of ice cream that Yuuji takes immediately.
"Thank you."
"What happened?"
"She doesn't want to see me," he pouts, allowing Fushiguro to sit him on his lap. He's way stronger than he looks, although not as strong as Yuuji himself.
"Then she's not worth it," his friend says, making Yuuji chuckle. Fushiguro puts a hand on one of his thighs and another one on his waist before pulling him even closer.
"I think I'll stop trying to date girls for a while," he whispers, resting his head on his friend's shoulder.
"That'll be for the best."
He can't help but pout again.
"But I really wanted to go on a date."
"I can take you on a date," Fushiguro immediately volunteers without hesitation.
Yuuji chuckles because even though he knows his friend is doing everything for him and has the best intentions, he's sure it won't be the same.
"I don't think it'll work."
"Why not?"
"Because we don't see each other like that," Yuuji laughs because it's so obvious that the fact that Fushiguro can't see it is almost ridiculous.
"Oh..." the other boy grimaces like he's in pain and Yuuji tries to move away, thinking he's the reason, but the grip on his waist and thigh turns almost painful. "Stay."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I am," Fushiguro nods, before leaning closer and bringing their foreheads together. "We could go on a date as... practice."
That doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.
"You're right," he nods, agreeing immediately; Fushiguro looks really happy about it too. "Where do you want to go?"
"Wherever you want to. I'll take you anywhere. And I'll pay for everything, don't worry."
Damn, he's already better at this than Yuuji.
"Alright, spit it out," Nobara hisses, pushing Fushiguro into his own room so they don't have to talk in the hallway. She knows Itadori is with Gojo so they're safe for now. "What did you do to my friends?"
"Scared them off," the boy with dark hair answers immediately, not even bothering to deny it.
"That's obvious!" She huffs, trying not to show how shocked she is; the truth is that she had hoped that it was all a coincidence. "But I mean... what exactly?"
"Best if you don't know. But I didn't hurt them, just talked to them."
Maybe Nobara was wrong all along; she actually doesn't know Fushiguro that well.
"They're not good for him."
"And you are?" She snorts, crossing both arms over her chest.
"Of course," Fushiguro says without a second thought. "I know him better than anyone. I can make him happy."
"We don't know if he likes–"
"He'll like me," Fushiguro cuts her off, looking almost feral when he says it; it scares her a little bit for a moment. "I'll make him fall in love with me. You don't need to worry."
But Nobara does worry now more than ever.
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ffb6c1lover · 10 months
The Madrigals and Anxiety
so, I think it's not a controversial statement to say that anxiety runs in the family... what I find oddly cute is that a lot of nervous ticks or outbursts are very similar to those of other family members, but let's proceed with order.
Alma, Isabela
Alma had it hard. I think homegirl is the culprit, but she probably had an anxious gene in her before everything.
do we need to explain what her anxiety looks like? absolute perfectionism to the point of insanity so people won't turn on her, constantly making Bruno check the future for possible dangers, self-soothing behaviours (asking Pedro for help, wearing the mourning shawl), always needing to keep a watchful eye on everyone, you name it.
The perfectionism moved straight through to Isabela. There's a whole song about not meeting expectations, so I don't think I need to go fruther into it.
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Pepa is another obvious one. Her anxiety is palpable throughout most of the movie and it is, unlike her mum, mostly related to things that are not life-or-death situations (Antonio's party needing to be perfect).
She is constantly seen spiralling and using self-soothing rituals (hair touching, "clear skies"), often to no avail.
Her mood swings and irritability outbursts are also proof of anxiety.
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Before you come at me!! He clearly has OCD... It's in the script so it was meant like this. And I know people say he was just superstitious, but I come from a very superstitious culture and it's not like that 😭
I can prove it!!
Throwing salt. It is usually done after you have spilled it. Bruno had not spilled any salt before the throwing over the shoulder. It is an act that is meant to cancel bad luck from an extremely specific action that he had not done.
Knock knock knock knock knock knock on wood. You are supposed to knock twice, say it once, only after someone has said something good you don't wanna jinx or bad you wanna prevent. Bruno hasn't been talking to anyone in 10 years, it's just a ritual to him at this point OR it's a reaction to his own thoughts. Superstitious people don't do things based on their thoughts: that's OCD. Also the number of knocks and the one on the head is oddly specific and not related to any superstitious beliefs as far as I'm aware.
Fingers crossed. Again, you do that when you are hoping for something good, but nothing happened he might want to cross his fingers for, it's just another ritual. Also, all of these rituals are kind of contradicting each other (hoping for something/trying to prevent something), he's just trying to bring as much good luck as possible.
I'm not saying he is not superstitious, he very much is, but his superstition pathologized to the point of becoming an illness. This is not how someone who's simply superstitious acts.
He also has a generally nervous attitude and lots of self-soothing movements, like the rubbing his arm we'll get to later.
The only other explanation could be that he thinks he is the bad luck, but that still does not explain things like the crossed fingers.
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Julieta, Camilo, Mirabel
They don't look like they struggle a lot with anxiety (I am only talking about the actual condition, not genuine worry that has a reason of being like Casita breaking or not receiving a gift). They are all very accustomed to dealing with anxious family members though and they are good at it.
Mirabel is probably the more anxious among the three, but she is also an incredible supporter for Toñito, who's not getting his own section simply because his fear was very much justified, but for a literal 5yo his anxiety shows great promise of becoming just like his mum's.
Honourable mention in this section goes to Félix and Agustìn, we stan some supportive husbands and fathers.
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My baby. The first time we see her as being relevant plot-wise is literally because her eye was twitching. Her character arc is learning to chill. I rest my case.
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Now, Dolores is a bit trickier, because she is not as loud as the rest of her family. She does always seem to be extremely on edge though and she is often doubting herself (she stopped believing someone was in the walls despite hearing Bruno for 10+ years because they told her it was not possible).
I don't know whether it's canon or if I've read too much fanfiction, but her room is supposed to have some degree of soundproofing, that she doesn't use because she needs to hear if her family needs help (Luisa's eye twitch).
The similar twitches and anxious responses
The arm-rub of Luisa and Bruno (+ supportive sisters <3<3<3<3<3)
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The hand movement while screaming, like mother like daughter
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Hii! Congrats on 20 followers!
Could I request something masquerade themed in spirit of the event? Like, maybe the Entity throws a big party and the characters listed ask to dance with their S/o?
Something like that with Ghostface (I'm sorry I know you get sooo much Ghostface-), Knight, Trickster, Pyramid Head, and Oni?
That's so cute! I'm absolutely stealing this idea for the future. I'm going to make it where they come up and ask you to dance if that's okay. Please enjoy.
Dancing with the Reader. Killers.
Ghostface, Knight, Trickster, Pyramid Head, Oni
"Hey cutie. Those arms look lonely, would they want to meet mine?"
Every. Cheesy. Pickup. Line.
You might even gag they're so bad.
But he'll convince you.
You're dancing with him. End of story.
Slow dancing really isn't Danny's thing, but for you, he'll make an effort.
He'll even say that too, because it's an honor that the great Ghostface is asking you to dance.
He's a total show off.
Honestly, isn't too bad at it either.
Will he pretend to drop you?
Yes. Yes he will.
"I guess you're falling for me too, huh?"
That was planned.
He's the worst.
But, he's also the best.
No. No he will not.
Tarhos doesn't care if Alejandro and the others teased him.
He wasn't going to ask you to dance.
Doesn't matter how good looking you are.
Doesn't matter how much he admires how you carry yourself.
Doesn't matter- Okay fine.
He's going to trudge over to you and roughly grab your arms.
He won't say a word, you won't even know he wants a dance.
It isn't so much of a dance as him throwing you around.
And he's going to end up hurting you.
He'll bow to you after, chivalry and all.
He's still a knight.
Don't confront him about it later, he'll be even more irritated.
He doesn't like you, not in the slightest.
Okay, maybe a little.
Aren't you lucky?
"My dearest, I'm humbling you with a dance."
You don't get to say no.
This is Ji-woon Hak
You know, he's kind of famous and all.
You should consider yourself blessed by the Gods for this opportunity.
He's a really good dancer.
Any kind of dance he just kind of picks up and masters.
And by God he knows it.
You probably won't be able to keep up with his dancing.
But he'll be leading anyway, so try not to worry about it too much.
At the end he's going to kiss your hand and wink.
"I'll grace you with another dance. If you'd like~"
Pyramid Head
Well, he can't exactly ask you to dance since he can't talk.
And he has no idea what he's doing, but the others were doing so.
He'd approach you, point to the others dancing, then to himself.
That's the only way he can ask.
By watching the others, he realizes you have to put your hands around his neck.
But uh... He's too tall.
And he can't put his hands on your waist without kneeling down.
He has an idea.
He just scoops you up and holds you in his arms.
Now you can reach him.
It's just him kind of holding you the whole song.
But he's really making an effort. Give the poor guy a break.
Well this certainly isn't normal for him.
It's actually something completely foreign.
He'd rather sit next to you and talk.
It's not you!
It's a cultural thing.
Instead, let's leave the party area and find some flowers.
That's the best he can do.
Touching someone before marriage and planning was frowned upon.
He's still set in his feudal Japan views.
Don't push it too much.
Maybe one day he'll understand the activity of dancing enough.
But for now, sitting and talking with you?
This is nice.
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sunny-honeytears · 29 days
So I wrote this down and forgot to do it as a reblog but I'm too lazy to insert every picture again, so here is my experience with the og vienna cast recording on spotify👍 (only act1 because you'll see how much I wrote just about that)
disclaimer(ish)? I wrote every opinion while, or immediately after listening to a song, so a lot of the times I go back and correct myself, or change my opinion, but hey atleast it's authentic. Also I compare it a lot to the hungarian recording because I heard that dozens of times and that's what I am used to.
Enjoy I guess, this is a long one!
Overture: Great 10/10 i love it in every language, has a bit different vibe than the hungarian version with more bass, I like both👍
He ho he: I actually *really* enjoyed that! Alfred has a nice voice that reminds me of Héger Tibor who is my favourite Alfred so thats great 10/9 only because I prefer the edge the hungarian version has to it its just a teeny tiny bit more sharp imo, and for me nothing tops the mic peaking scream Alfred lets out there. But overall amazing so far!
Knoblauch: Fhuuuu lot to unpack here for me. I'm definitely getting used to the german, which I don't here a lot of in a daily basis becasue hehe Hungary, but I'm trying to not view it as strange therefore bad, it has a lot of great moments but I'm used to the flow of hungarian. Now, I really don't know how to feel about professor right now. If you have seen my page, I *LOVE* hungarian professor, but so far.. I don't love this version. Alfred is still cute tho, but I miss his dumb little laugh when he says the line about Magdas breasts, somehow that made me like him even more. Also, Chagal. I have a mixed but mostly positive relationship with him in the hungarian, he has a very fun way of singing changing his range all the time, but so far he irritates me sorry😅 But yeah 10/7, Knoblauch 👍
Bitte meine Herren: LOVE ALFRED, starting to like professor👍This is a kind of a nothing number because it's mostly dialouge but yeah very solid 10/8
Eine schöne Tochter: Man I really don't like Chagal😭 Just the way he sings triggers something deep ick in me. Funnily enough the hungarian version is one of my favourite songs so just for that 10/5
Ein Mädchen, : ALFRED ❗❗ IN MY BED❗❗NOW❗❗ I love his voice😭😭. Sarah is also really great, professor and chagal are...ehhh..there. Rebecca *chef kiss* And the chorus whaaaaaaa 10/10 👍👍
Gott ist tot: I....i actually prefer Egyházi Géza sorry. I knew going in that I'm going to be very biased for Egyházi Géza because well...yes. But while I didn't dislike the song, I actually liked it, nothing tops his performance for me. The hungarian version is more...what is the right word.. soft? Flowy? Really hard to explain because I'm not an expert but to me german is a harsher sounding language than hungarian and because they are both from different language families, it's hard for me to relate to something so different. This doesnt mean the german version is bad❗❗I love the chorus part it's very eerie, maybe even more than the hungarian but I still prefer that over this. Regardless 10/8👍
Alles ist hell: Love love love the start 😭 Koukol I...don't like so far but for me he really peaks in act2 so all I'll say is please don't wheeze into my ears 10/8 for the wheezing
Warheit: Yeah uh...I don't like professor. It's a very delicate matter because essentially he sings the same way as hungarian professor but **something** is missing that makes him lovable in my eyes. Also just singing "logic" is weird for me, and for that I actually prefer the hungarian lyrics which is "Ténytől tényig, ez visz az igazságig- From fact to fact this leads to the truth" but thats really not something I can complain about. I love when the others starts singing too, it really elavates the whole number to a 10/8 jegercsik csaba hit that high note better imo
Du bist wirklich sehr nett: I prefer Héger Tibor here. Somehow he captured that exact tone of being terrified but also infatuated with Sarah (and my actual flirting skills) for me nothing beats his "goodnight" at the start. Sarah is great and I really enjoy her so far so this is a strong 10/9 for me 💪
Einladung zum Ball:
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We both know what im about to say
Guys I actually prefer Egyházi Gé-🔫🔫
Amuuuugy..I like this. German fits here well and you know what this is 10/10❗❗
Draussen ist Freheit: Why is three songs mixed together here?? Okay so I'm just gonna mirror translate the hungarian names here and write my opinion in that order💪
Life awaits us outside: Alfred im still not seeing you in my bed/j 10/10 you know what? I might prefer this to the hungarian version (but just might)
Red boots: the start is way rougher in hungarian, and that i prefer, but the instrumental part is just as mindblowingly beautiful to me in both versions so I already give it 10/10 just for that👍 Also I'm easing up to Krolock, it might have been the Gott ist tot song that I didn't enjoy because this is beautiful! Still prefer hungarian but at this point are you even surprised I just really like the hungarian version
Prayer: Beautiful 10/10 without question. I love Alfred joining in, I heard it louder in the hungarian version, here I don't know if he even joins in but he probably does so I love that here too👍👍 Also in this i really enjoyed Krolock and Sarah
Wuscha Buscha: Once again in hungarian its two different songs so-
The chase of Sarah: Alfred more energy ❗ more passion❗ more energy❗ Rebecca gets it. Rebecca gets it so much. Even Chagal weirdly. 10/8
Wuscha Buscha: professor stop singing WHO SAID THAT??? I love the bit when Alfred and professor geek out together and *that* part, that part was good. But other than that professor-
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Rebecca I LOVE YOU and I hope she had a very happy life after her whole family dies <3 overall 10/8
Tot zu sein ist komisch: Now I actually don't really care for this song in hungarian so I was pleseantly surprised here. Now this is a song german suits better imo so just for that it gets a 10/10 because I finally fully enjoy the song. But its also multiple songs soooo
The chase of Chagal: I want to know what professor and Alfred say. Does professor give an F to Alfred for messing up the ribs? Do they joke around? I need to know. Alfred you are doing amazing I love you sweetie <3 10/9
By the way is it ever explained why Alfred never hits on 3? Is he just afraid or is there like another reason? Anyways back to rating
Durch die Wildnis zum Schloss: very solid 10/10 💪💪 I'll never forget when I saw it in live and heard the door open behind us, so I turned around and we stared at eachother with the guy in vampire costume like this 👁👄👁 then he did some slutty dance moves infront of us and exited and for that I respect him
Vor dem Schloss: Krolock loves yapping and is definitely not a vampire guyssss hes just emoo..This Krolock is growing on me slowly but surely but still egyházi géza grrr..
I miss the loud BOO Krolock does but we can't have it all, professors voice still gives me the ick, I like the singing but not the plain dialouge, HOWEVER
Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert
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At first Herbert was the reason I came to the fandom so just him appearing deserves a 10/10
Koukol's "bleh" deserves a bonus point its to precious
Krolocks flirting with Alfred is very beautiful very powerful so this song is a 10/10 with the added +1 of the bleh. If we dont count Herbert and Koukol, its a 9/10💪
Act 2 review is coming soon guys please don't kill me 👍
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alanaplucked · 5 months
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part three
part four| masterlist
Matty assumed he had been staring at the ceiling for at least an hour. The silence was beginning to irritate him, a vast comparison to the scenery he was used to.
His mind was stuck on a loop, looking in on one specific emotion; one he tried so hard to overlook. To which he could not deal with anymore.
He soon found himself slinging a sweatshirt over himself and padding down the creaky staircase towards the outdoor studio. Unaware of the faint incandescent light radiating from the upper window.
Love found herself cross legged on the floor with an acoustic in grip. Eyes scanning the various books and papers around her, occasionally bending down to scribble something new down.
Her mind worked wonders in the late hours yet nights like these drained her emotionally, despite the great song material she got. Back facing the door as she intently mustered up potential lyrics in her head.
Her fingers tenderly picked the strings as lyrics just above a whisper fell from her mouth. She knew the song being conjured up wouldn't be heard to anybody but her, it was too impassioned. It could only act cathartically.
Yet the frame leaning against the door said otherwise. His stare acted unnoticed. It was pure and he found himself dazed at the young girl.
A sight so raw and unintentional, a sense of intruding struck over him as the room fell silent following the last strum. He knew he wasn't able to leave without her turning and noticing him followed by an awkward next encounter.
"That was so alluring - sorry I didn't know you would be in here I didn't wanna interrupt" He had added on once she spun around. A small sense of shock on her face.
"Oh god no don't be sorry. I'm the one who's not actually meant to be in here" Love’s cheeks had flushed, she wasn't usually nervous but considering Matty had walked in on such a vulnerable moment. "Let me just grab my stuff, I'll be out of your-"
"No no don't, I mean I don't think I would be able to deal with the silence. That's why I came in here" Matty hadn't recalled deciding to be so honest, though it came naturally.
"yeah it can get like that" Love spoke slowly lowering herself back into her original position. A low silence fell between them. A warm glow saturated the room, lamps were littered upon the studio. She found it comforting and supposed her father had too.
"I couldn't imagine living here" His body was now slouched against the leather couch only a couple metres away from herself. Sincerity radiated from him as his head dropped back against the brown leather. "I need the city noise"
"I try not to most of the time; live here that is" It was true though she hated to admit it. Yet she had imagined Matty had noticed she wasn't here the entire two months they had been recording.
"Do you not then feel like you're taking it for granted" Despite the nature of the question it didn't come across rude or prodding. Now meeting her gaze he could tell she was slightly uncomfortable.
Love was slightly confused, this wasn't the Matty Healy she had googled only a couple hours ago. Leaving the studio that morning led her to be curious of the new face. "yes and no. I feel like it's a small dose kind of thing. you can appreciate it only when it's necessary, plus i've spent my whole life here"
An uncomfortable silence was now lingering, well maybe that feeling was one sided because Love was at peace picking the strings of her guitar, despite her feeling his stare follow her every move.
"I listened to your album, you know, it was very impressive. I mean when I was seventeen I was writing about sex and girls with boyfriends" He was the first to break the silence and a small smirk rose upon her face though she was weary of whether he could see it or not.
"Is that surprising that I liked it?" He had noticed.
Straightening her face and turning to face him "at first, but I don't know any musician that is only subject to their own genre"  Her statement was followed by a low hum on his end.
"So what kind of music do you like?" Matty couldn't help but prod.
"Anything really" Love’s fingers were still picking and Matty wondered if it would lull him to sleep.
"Anything?" His voice echoed her own and she had to stop herself from looking up at him. Keeping an overly disinterested act as though she were far too busy for such a conversation.
"Yeah I guess-" It was true. Love’s father had produced a variety of different genres and his record collection was just about diverse as New York City.
"What so like metal to classical" Matty couldn't imagine this girl listening to anything different to her innocent guitar picking. It was silly of him to imagine that the daughter of one of the best producers in the world only listened to the top 40.
Love was confused to say the least but a small smirk picked up her lips and she scribbled down another lyric. surprised she would still be able to work while holding such a conversation. It helped she couldn't look him in the eye though she was starting to realise he's not as intimidating as he seemed hours ago.
"those are very basic genres, the average normy would listen to those without thought. plus, you can't say you like music if you disregard 99.9% of it"
"the average normy?, what are you implying we are?" Love realised she hadn't heard him laugh and she wished nothing more than to play it on repeat. If she could make him laugh like that again she thought she would be content forever.
"well obviously geniuses, or deities at least"
"ok, so let me get this right you listen to everything offered under the sun except my music" He had simply assumed. And by the look on her face as she got up to swap guitars- he was right, she had no clue as to who he was until she was caught in the studio.
"I actually listened to your album-" Love turned herself around to sit back in her spot that was now occupied by Matty, eyes scanning her lyrics.
"I'm sure you did" His head rose with a smirk; that was until her saw her frozen in the middle of the room, eyes burning on his finger trailing the fourth line of her page.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"yeah you shouldn't have" Love got herself to finally move and pick her journal up when he cowered back.
He sat back in shock at her current change in demeanour and said something he probably shouldn't have. "how'd you make an album if you can't handle someone reading your lyrics"
She felt the gentle tug at the tears gathering in her eyes as she moved to tidy the chaos she had wrought in the studio.
"that wasn't for an album, it wasn't for you, not for anyone" it came out gentle, Matty hated how beautiful he thought she sounded.
"it should be"
"excuse me?"
"that's better than anything you've got out there, truthfully. Are you making another album?" Frankly Matty had been feigning for more after listening to her album all those months ago. She hadn't gone on a tour, done any shows, press, there were no unreleased leaks, no covers on social media; she hadn't even had an account on anything. The most he had found was an old youtube video her father had posted of her singing 'both sides now' when she was twelve.
"not for a long long time" She had calmed herself. She thought as though Matty would 5150 her after reading what she had wrote.
"like Fiona Apple?" He had lit a cigarette now and reclined into the base of the couch, she had been leaning her hands back into the desk.
"Sure, she's great"
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
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Take marriage out of the equation .... but how would your blorbos survive two hours stuck together in traffic? :)
lmao i was actually thinking about something like this yesterday while I was on a flight!! how'd you know? 😆
Luca is extremely restless -- they usually channel their excess energy into flipping balisongs (or drumsticks). But he can hardly take a pair of knives through security screening, right? I think on a flight, he'd make do with flipping a pen, but he's also gonna feel self-conscious the entire time because its an enclosed space, and he doesn't want to be super noisy. What if he starts clicking it repeatedly and annoys the crap out of people? I think long flights would be Luca's personal idea of hell.
Traffic, though? That could go a number of ways.
Luca, Cas, and Gabriel all stuck in a car together would be totally fine at first! Their banter is great; all three of them are sharply intelligent and they love to make each other laugh, so I think they'd enjoy just spending time with each other!
After the first hour... it would depend what version of Luca we got.
Luca would have their knives, so thats something. If he's dissociating and staring out the window, he'll be okay for a while. If they are the one driving, they'd be drumming on the steering wheel and listening to music.
If we've got hungry Luca though? Oh god. They'd be SO freaking irritable. That would be two hours of Cas and Gabe being trapped in a vehicle with a pissed-off, feral raccoon.
Fortunately --since Gabriel is practically a suburban housewife in disguise and he never leaves the house without his bag-- I'm sure he'd have something in there to help. Water, snacks, a pen for Luca to flip if they didn't have their knives. If Gabriel was not the one driving, he'd be reading a book.
Gabe has the patience of a saint. Two hours stuck in traffic on his own? He'd probably enjoy the downtime. Two hours in traffic, just he and Luca? MUSIC TIME, baby! Those two would be sharing their favourite songs, and talking music theory, and singing harmonies with each other -- it would be exactly the kind of sappy, saccharine, heart-eyed bullshit that would make Cas vomit.
Now then. Add Cas into the mix.
The issue is not that Gabriel and Luca are stuck in traffic, oh no. They are stuck in a confined space with Cassius Harlow. I think Cas would find it a bit of a blessing! Gabe and Luca are Right There! Where he can annoy the crap out of them, and neither can escape! That's a dream come true.
Cas is that seven-year-old kid on a plane you want to throttle the crap out of because they won't stop kicking the back of your seat. Cas is whining at Gabe that its too hot, and he hates this song, and he's hungry, and are we there yet???? Only he's doing it with an infuriating little grin on his face, because all three of them damn well know he's only doing it to wind them up. Goading his boyfriends --especially Gabriel-- is one of Cas's favourite pastimes.
If Gabriel was in a mood to retaliate, he'd be reciting a bunch of random facts to try and bore Cas to death with, but its anyone's guess who gets sick of it all first -- its a case of "Immovable Patience meets Unstoppable Dickhead".
Hence, we circle back to "it depends on what version of Luca we get". Luca loves their bickering, but he's great at mediating when they get too close to actually arguing. If Luca is not hungry, the three of them are going to have a surprisingly great time stuck in that car. Cas won't admit it, but sitting there and listening to Gabriel and Luca singing makes him feel all kinds of peaceful, and grateful, and happy.
If Luca is hungry though. In all likelihood, someone's getting murdered.
(TYSM for the ask my love, this was way too much fun to think about haha 😊💖💖)
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ace-robot-has-matcha · 8 months
Things I like and didn’t like about hazbin hotel
I watched it last night with my friends. My basic thoughts are that it’s pretty good.
Stuff I liked:
Most of the songs were pretty good, and of course the singing as well. The visuals for the songs are also very cool a lot of the time as well. Visual standouts included the vox song and the husk song
I’m still sad about the loss of the original cast, but I will admit that the new cast is also good. RIP Michael though. I still miss him in this show but he’s In everything now so whatever.
Vaggie was cool. She really felt expanded from the pilot version, even though I kinnnda miss her old design. The other new designs I got used to, but hers still strikes me as weird.
Niffty was epic. Honestly just like me fr.
This show made me come around to Alastor. Liked him in the pilot, but he was never my favorite (probably overexposure). But he ended up being a very goofy character, which I liked. The mystery element of what he was doing for seven years is also interesting.
I actually ended up liking the Vees. I didn't expect to like them lol. Vox is funny and has a cool voice, Val is cartoonishly evil (and scary at times so that's neat), and I never cared about Velvette before, but she turned out to be my favorite of the three.
One thing I really like about vivziepop shows is that she puts all those hidden text stuff in that you can actually pause to read. She does this in helluva boss, and she keeps up the tradition here. I like when shows do that.
So for years I've been calling him Anthony as a joke to lovingly bully him, and then it ended up being shown in canon lol. For some reason this made me lose my shit. Oh and also the angel dust stuff was really good too yeah yeah
My absolute favorite part was unironically Sir Pentious. This is mostly due to the surprise that he actually ended up in the main cast. I had no idea that was going to happen. I thought he'd be a sort of villain-of-the-week guy who sort of joins the party, but nope this goofy idiot hangs out at the hotel for the rest of the show lol. That was awesome. I never knew how much of his character I needed until now.
I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to television. I'm willing to excuse a lot of things, which is probably why I'm one of the like ten people who still thinks Helluva Boss S2 is okay. Therefore, there were only a few problems with these episodes that I actually didn't like enough to put here.
I really really didn't like Adam. His voice is good, his song is good but that's pretty much it. I don't even really like his design. He was just so irritating and unfunny. I know he was supposed to be annoying and unlikeable, but usually I still find enjoyment in those characters, and I just couldn't here. Case in point: Mammon is basically the same character but actually funny.
This is the only nitpick that really bothered me. Zestial is a cool character. BUT HOLY SHIT THEY COMPLETELY FUCKED UP HIS DIALECT. It happens a lot and it's so irritating because it does not take very long to look up the difference between thee, thou and thy. They didn't even change it to make it rhyme, it's just legitimately fucked up. This annoyed me way too much admittedly but it made me cringe in like every scene he was in, even though I liked everything else about him.
Yeah episode one isn't great. It's not very focused. This is kind of par for the course for vivzie shows though.
Spoilers I guess? I did not like the reveal of who killed the angel. It turned out to be some lady we just met five minutes ago?? It felt very underwhelming and made me angry. However, this one I'm willing to make my peace with because it's episode three, there will probably be a better payoff later. Hopium.
Write me an essay in the comments about why I'm wrong about everything or whatever. I'll read it and maybe adopt it into my perspective. There's probably other things I wanted to talk about that I forgot, but I don't care. Anyway I like this show give it like a 7.6 out of 10.
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avacodork · 1 year
Yuu but as a siren??? Semi-translusent. Very pale because deep sea creature (I'm sorry anyone with darker skin. BUT no descriptions other than here which you can ignore. Alls good!). Silky smooth voice, master manipulator, hypnotic, and able to read people like a children's book. Great physical prowess?
I think Jamil would have had a very difficult time with them because of this.
People always liked you, why wouldn't they? You were amazing, kind, beautiful, and smart. These served you well when you found yourself trapped in a different world.
Ace: *At your door with a collar on.* ehe...
S!yuu: *Glares and closes the door.*
Ace: *Panicing* WAIT!
S!Yuu: You almost got me expelled. Why would I wait.
Ace: because- uh.... I could be a great ally...?
S!Yuu: *Laughs* Surrrreeeee~ you'd make a great ally. About as useful as a peice of broken plastic.
Ace: *Scoffs* well at least I can use magic.
S!Yuu: I suppose your right. *Opens the door.* Fine.
Duece: I don't know what happened...
S!Yuu: *Smiling* You're now my favorite.
Ace: What!?!
Duece: *Fist pump* Yessssss!
S!Yuu and Grim: *Talking while walking to next class.*
Scarabia student b: *Pushes into yuu as he passes.*
S!Yuu: *Begins Humming as they continue walking.*
Grim: That guy has no manners! Why are you just Humming hench human? Do something.
Scarabia student a: *Shouts in suprise* b!?
Scarabia student b: *collapsed on the Floor.*
S!Yuu: *Smiles while they continue walking.*
Jack: Yuu. What are you?
S!Yuu: Hmmm? I'm human.
Jack: you kept pace with ruggie and seemed really good at that spelldrive match between ruggie and Leona. But you were holding back. What are you?
S!Yuu: *Smiles* I'm human as far as you should be concerned.
Jack: *Huffs* Fine then. I'll figure it out.
Floyd: *Poking Yuus cheak* Shrimpy~ talk to me!
S!Yuu: *Ignoring him*
Jade: *Chuckles* So, you regret taking him down yet?
S!Yuu: *Blank, deadpan face* Who.
Floyd: *Pokes cheak harder and whines* Shrimpy-!
S!Yuu: *Turns and trys to bite Floyd's finger*
Floyd: *Yanks hand away before smiling and laughing.* We should call you Sharky!
Jade: *Chuckles.* Please, their harmless.
S!Yuu: *Plotting murder* Of course! *Smiles warmly to hide their irritated malice.*
Azul: *Pushes contract infront of Yuu*
S!Yuu: *Reads it.* Why are you asking for my voice?
Azul: Don't worry You can still use body language to communicate.
S!Yuu: That's not what I asked.
Azul: *Pulls contract away* ...Never mind....
S!Yuu: Azul.
Azul: ...
S!Yuu: Okay then. *Gets up and leaves.*
Leona: *Asleep.*
S!Yuu: *Supposed to get him and drag him to class. Is squatting beside him contemplating.*
Leona: zzzzz
S!Yuu: *Pokes his cheak, no response. Pokes his nose, no response. Pokes him in the eye.*
Leona: *Jumps up and growls* What do you want!?
S!Yuu: *In a slight sing-song voice.* We are going to class~
Leona: *Feeling more complacent and like he actually wants too.* Fine.
Ruggie: *Saw everything* What the f**k!? How did they not die! What the f**k!
Jamil: *Staring at Yuu*
S!Yuu: *Staring at Jamil*
Jamil: ... how?
S!Yuu: How what?
Jamil: *Visably unnerved.* How were you not hypnotized?
S!Yuu: *Tilts head.* Because I'm built different.
Jamil: BUT HOW!?!
Kalim: What's going on???
S!Yuu: *Smiles*
Malleus: ... *Small smile*
S!Yuu: You're one of my favorites.
Malleus: :D
Anything I'm missing? Maybe drowning people...
Trey: *Paniced* WHAT ARE YOU DOING YUU!?!
S!Yuu: *Smiles at trey* He approached me.
Ace: *Drowning* H- Hel- *cough* HELP!!!
S!Yuu: *Pushes him further into the water.* he's fine.
Duece: *Jumping into the water.* No he's not!?!
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You explained it so very well here. I get jungkook's irritation by constantly getting babied by this big fandom (wish that could change) but he also has to understand that a part of the fandom has seen him grow from like 15-16 years to 26 years now so they do see him as a younger boy than other members. And the fandom also needs to understand that he's grown up and for someone that age it is frustrating when you hear it again and again. Idt the image is gonna change suddenly but hope people work on it (the fandom).
Tbh i never got the choreo for my time like i always think that it does not suit the lyrics of the songs. Good thing many don't know korean so when you hear the song with that music without knowing the lyrics it sounds a sexy song and not some deep meaning song.
Won't comment on seven and 3D cause that's not my cup of tea so yeah
I hope he does realises that there's better way to form the image he wants to form infact I'll say it will be just like how he wants if he actually releases songs like his other solo songs. I love all of his solo songs. He's a great artist, capable of alot of things. A seven one time is fine but a 3D in a row is mehhh. Those lyrics definitely won't give you the image you want it but your own songs like swy, my time, euphoria, decalcomania etc.
We honestly don't have a problem with fun loving songs but if you gonna throw "i wanna fk you" kind of lyrics every two sentence then....
And yes he does loves it when someone calls him cool and sexy. I have been noticing it since like two years now cause he's been mentioning that he wants to get compliment as cool from two years now.
Then there's jimin like you call him cute and he'll fold cutely and will act more like cutie pattootie.
Tbh, it's not just about him growing up in front of us (even if not in real time). Fandoms like this naturally have jealous and possessive fans, and some fans are less than mature about it. Him being babied is partially the result of him being the maknae, but there are other factors. If RM and Suga were the ones caught smoking it wouldn't be an issue, and a dating "scandal" wouldn't be as big of a deal, so it's always worse for Jungkook, but fans reacting badly to normal stuff is just part of being an idol. That's why Jungkook's plan to look more "mature" so fans see him that way is flawed. Suga has a "rougher" image so he can "get away" with more, but he's also less popular. The maknae line's considerable popularity over the hyung line's more than half the reason why things are always worse for them. It goes beyond having an innocent image.
The thing with Jimin, though, is that he's always been "cutie, sexy, lovely". His cuteness is also sexy. Jimin is the cutest, but his resting face is serious and mature. He's always been very thoughtful, flirty, sometimes savage, and headcanoned a Slytherin. Jimin was never babied like Jungkook. He likes being called cute and leans into it, but he knows fans are always losing it over him being sexy and calling him hot. His duality is well know and he isn't at all defined or limited by being the number 1 cutie - there's power in being cute and Jimin likes that power and uses it to his advantage (to tease and please the fans). It's also different with Jimin because in the beginning he acted a bit tough and manly, and shared how freeing it was to just be himself and drop the act. To him being cute and babied is funny and flattering, though when fans take it too far he sets them straight. It's different from Jungkook because he wasn't forced to rip his shirt off on stage as a 17 or 18 year old rookie like Jimin, who developed a reputation for being sexy...
I'm too tired for my reply to be coherent, but thanks for the ask!
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liminalpebble · 2 years
The Refugee: Chapter 5
Masterlist link
Lea awoke to a soft voice, a feeling of gentle rocking beneath her reclined body, and a sudden delayed awareness of hot pain in her side. She had apparently been bleeding heavily, the flesh slashed despite the heavy layers.
“Miss, can you open your eyes for me please?”
She did as the cheery voice asked. She saw an amicable face above her with smiling emerald eyes, sharp cheekbones, and a shocking mop of vibrant red hair. Feeling like she was a bit drunk and moving through syrup, she said with childlike awe, “wow your hair is like a beautiful sunset!” and moved a shaky hand to touch it before her muddled mind recalled that that was a bit rude. Once she had, she snapped her fingertips back as if the fiery hair had burned her. “Oh I'm sorry, that was terribly rude.”
But the young man looked amused and delighted at the comment. “Oh not at all! Thank you, that's very kind” he said with his sing-song accent and a breathy little chuckle. “Well, Miss...”
He glanced quizzically behind him to Loki, seeking her name. Loki stood glaring down with crossed arms. His helmet was gone so a void of shoulder length black hair was visible above his sheet-white face. There was a particular nuance about him up close and without his helmet. He seemed more severe, lean and hungry; like Cassius from Julius Caesar. She thought in her tipsy state that he looked like a large perched vulture and she felt like a half-dead mouse in his eye line.
“Lenora,” Loki said precisely, without a trace of the usual difficulty Asgardians generally had with her full name.
“Miss Lenora, you've been under sedation for some time so I could stitch you up. Please be very careful and try not to move too much, okay?” His lilting Mid-Asgardian voice did struggle with her name, but his distinct accent was especially charming.
“'Lea' is just fine. Thank you, Doctor.” His animated face nodded in appreciation. “Is...is that why everything feels like it's wobbling?”
“No Miss Lea, That's because we're on a ship.”
“Where are we going?” she said as her eyes fluttered on her way back to unconsciousness.
“Lea, darling, stay with me. Okay? Keep talking.”
“Is it bad? Am I dying?” she asked, looking down to where a shocking amount of blood had dried over her dress and apron. She saw the still-bloody overcoats neatly folded on the other side of the room by her backpack. “I bled through all of that?”.
He shook his head vehemently and held her hand in his warm slender fingers. “ Not too bad at all, actually. It wasn't so deep thanks to the layers, but a great deal of blood loss. It did require a few stitches to your abdomen. Sorry to have cut your bodice...well...more than it already was, but we can fix that shortly. May I check the wound, please? Now that you're awake I can use some magic on it. You don't heal as fast as we Asgardians do, so a little magic might help you get on you feet sooner.”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” She held her breath a little, expecting more pain. The Morhari, though long-lived like Asgardians, didn't possess magical powers so she wasn't sure what to expect.
At this point Loki turned politely to face the other side of the cabin as the young man inspected his stitching and covered it with some tendrils of smoky blue sorcery, concentrating his sharp eyes on the wound. He was gentle. It didn't hurt. He stopped and she noticed the relief was immediate. They both looked up, smiling at each other.
“That's amazing. Thank you so much for your help.”
He nodded and put fresh gauze over the wound. “Now for my next trick,” he said playfully, waving a hand over the bloody ripped dress and bodice until it was clean and repaired.
“Thank you,” she said again with clear amazement. Her face fell with a bit of trepidation as she asked, “Should I take this to mean that I'm not going to be executed?”
“You will not.” Loki pronounced clearly from the other side of the room, turning back to face the two of them, an inscrutable kind of irritation on his face. “We will discuss that when Magnus is finished”. He met the surgeon (whose name was apparently Magnus) with a glare which told him, in no uncertain terms, that he would very much like that time to be now.
“Yes, Your Majesty” Magnus said then turned to Lea. “Okay you can move a bit now but don't push it. Stay laying or sitting if you can.”
“She will.” said Loki, as manacles appeared on her neck, hands, and feet.
Magnus looked at them with knowing sadness. He didn't like seeing anyone in pain. It was clear. He knew what Loki was about to do.
“Thank you, Doctor Magnus,” Lea said, in spite of the chains. Knowing her lack of reaction to them would bother the cruel king.
“Just 'Magnus' is fine,” he said with an wan grin, “I'll check on you soon. Take care.” And with a kiss to her hand and a bow to Loki, he left.
Loki strode over to sit in a comfortable chair at the foot of Lea's cot, back straight and hands folded in his lap. He stared directly into her eyes. “I'm sure you have questions, Lenora. You may as well ask. We have a long journey ahead.”
She swallowed hard at the unwavering glare. “Am I not going to work at the mines or labor camps with the other detractors?”. She rushed out her question, remembering after a beat to add, “Sire”.
He smirked openly at her clumsy attempt at propriety. “Oh you are a funny one, aren't you? I knew this would be entertaining as soon as I startled you, knocking on the bar. Don't bother trying to address me properly when it's just us talking...waste of time. In every other company, please resume those charming but feeble attempts”.
“You were the stranger, and you've know Beatrice for some time, correct?”
Loki nodded. “I have a soft spot for your former employer and her establishments. I always try to do her a little favor before the cavalry rides in. You're smart. I'm sure you can piece it together.”
Lea nodded. She had. It still seemed strange to her, how his features were the same shape but in opposite hues from his alter ego. The only consistent color was the aquamarine of those expressive eyes.
“So I'm not being executed, not being sent to the mines or camps. Might I ask what exactly you plan to do with me?”
“A fair but boring question. You're being taken to Laufeyhavn, the capitol city of my empire, where you will be lodged and working in the royal keep. I've heard enough about your intelligence and skills from Beatrice to know it would be a boon to the workings of this administration. You will help translate and utilize the many languages and code systems we need to understand for our expanding conquests. As I told Beatrice, to use such a mind for common labor, pouring ale for plebeian drunkards is an utter travesty. Killing you would be a bigger waste. Although, you were very nearly foolish enough to get yourself killed today. You're quite lucky I'm such a generous god, you know, ” he said with a flourish of his hand, which summoned a dagger. He began flipping it in an attempt at self-amusement, shifting his posture to a relaxed slump of indifferent boredom.
Lea could feel a deep, dark, anger beginning to simmer inside her at the cocky megalomaniac before her, the demonic boogieman of her childhood, the scourge of so many kingdoms, who decimated her people among many others. She felt fury at his bland indifference to anything but his own amusement. But like tears, anger was something Lea hardly expressed. Survival taught her that expressing such emotions was a luxury, and burying them in the service of levelheadedness, under a mask of pleasantry, had always kept her alive.
So she turned her attention from the pain of her swallowed anger, to the physical pain of her shackles. It was an easier pain to bear. The cuffs were too tight and intentionally jagged inside, pricking and lacerating the skin while digging into wrists and ankles. The worse was the choking and chaffing around her neck. She noticed her thick braid was stuck in the clasp, yanking her roots painfully at the slightest move of her head. She said, trying to sound as neutral and reasonable as possible, “Sire, are these shackles really necessary? I have no sorcery skills or powers. I have no weapons. I'm locked in the cabin of a moving ship, without even an idea of where I am in the world. What harm could I possibly do? How would I even try to escape?”.
Loki flipped the dagger as she spoke, appearing not to listen (although he took in every word) until she finished. He then vanished the dagger in one green glow of motion, snapping his eyes to her. He was enjoying this game. He shook his finger in a pretend scold, “Na ah ah! I know first hand never to underestimate the intelligence and cunning of the Morhari.”
I'm sure you do. She thought bitterly.
“But!” he said, lighting up with a playful kind of arrogance, “I can always tell whether or not someone is being truthful. The God of Lies is a very hard man to fool, you know. So I know, of course that you are telling the truth.”
“Then why keep me in chains?”
“In case you change your mind. Besides...” he sank down to squat beside her at her cot, right at eye level, “it's not just physical, of course. Every now and then captives need to be broken a bit to be more...amenable... to their new status in life.”
“Amenable,” she shook her head, accidentally yanking her hair again, “is exactly what I'll stop being the more I endure them. That's rather counter-productive don't you thi....” , she trailed off as the realization hit her. The bastard. He wasn't trying to make her more docile. He was trying to see what it would take to break her layers of cool resolve. He saw the vault where her decades of unreleased tears or screams were tightly packed and buried, and he was determined to crack it. He wanted a fight. He wanted more of the her which was behind her stone walls. Maybe she could bore him away from her if she was lucky, she mused. Her wide eyes broadcast her realization that the game was afoot, whether she chose to play or not.
“Ah...there it is. So easy to read you. You know? So naturally honest...guileless” he purred out in his smooth clear voice, bright eyes boring directly into her deep black ones as easily as a nail through soft wood.
“If it's so easy, how entertaining could this possibly be for you? Why not save your trouble and end it now?”
“Oh no, Lenora. We've just begun,” he said with a self-satisfied smirk, the carrion bird staring down at his injured mouse.
@lokisgoodgirl @goblingirlsarah (thanks for reading along 💛💚💛)
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wisemins · 1 year
💭, 🎤 , 🎵 and 💃 for your AoT F/Os? :0 (no need to answer for all of them if you don't feel like it tho!!)
TYSM FOR THE ASK ANONNN <333 many kithies for you <3 I'll answer for all of them!! IM SO EXCITED ik i could have split this up, but I want to be annoying w my love rn <3 Thoughts 💭 - What do you think your f/o thinks about you when you’re not around? Armin: Armin I think would just be wondering if I was okay, he worries a lot and his mind tends to get the better of him! But, I also think he'd be doing something productive and is thinking of what he's gonna talk to me about later, maybe something I mentioned to him that he wanted to read up on for me to soothe his nerves. Also probably just being lost in thought about us, definitely some romantical stuff going on in his brain too!! Jean: He's being a simp. Jean can't stand being away from me for too long, he gets nervous like a dog with separation anxiety-- or well, a horse with separation anxiety? He gets very easily irritable in this time, because he also worries, but to everyone else he pretends he's totallyyy not worrying about whether or not I'm somehow in some kind of situation that's not ideal or dangerous. Or he gets insecure if I'm with someone else giving them all the attention I give him, he's a very jealous person. But, if he knows for a fact that I'm safe and sound, he's still being a simp, and he's thinking about me in very simpy way. Erwin: 100% thinking about me coming into his office to convince him to stop working however late he's up in the middle of the night and to come to bed. He plays it over and over in his head until it actually happens, or he's done with his work. He has so much responsibility, but he likes that I bring him away from it when he's overworked since he can't bring himself to do it. It prevents less exhaustion, and I get to actually have my man in my bed at night! Any other time though? He's thinking of what he's going to do for me when I get home, make dinner, maybe buy a spontaneous gift, perhaps write out some romantic letter. He's always looking for ways to surprise me when I'm not around! Yelena: Also being a simp. A huge, flaming, homo. She can't stop thinking about me at any given moment, she just can't! At work? She's thinking about me. Out with her co-workers? She wishes she was at home with me. She has to take a business trip without me? Oh she's gonna die without me around. I won't hear the end of it. She's thinking wholesome things, spicy things, anything to do with me. If she's out shopping and sees something I'd like? No question about it TAKE HER MONEY she's buying it for me. Yelena can't go longer than 24 hours without seeing my face or she goes into withdrawals, she turns feral!
Microphone 🎤 - Does your f/o sing or play music? If so, how are they at their craft, and what’s your favorite thing about it? Armin: Does not sing or play music! He loves listening to it though! Jean: Jean play Bass guitar and electric guitar, he's pretty good at it! He's a pretty decent singer too, but he likes playing more than singing. My favorite thing about it is the confidence he gets, it's so ridiculously attractive and I'm such a loser when he gets like that. Erwin: In my mind, Erwin was 100% a theater kid. His projection voice? Ain't no way he wasn't! I think he can sing very very well, but he just never gets the chance to anymore! But, now that he knows I have the hots for any good vocals, oh, he's singing a lot more. Even if it's just simple stuff while he's in the kitchen, or he's singing along to musicals we watch. He's got a great voice!! No instruments though, I don't think. My favorite thing about this would be him doing those little musical bits while he's cooking dinner or organizing his desk! Yelena: Nope and nope. Maybe she was in band when she was a kid and had to very awkwardly play the clarinet or something, but she's not very musically inclined. She likes to listen to it as well though!
Song 🎵 - What’s a song your f/o knows by heart, and a song you know by heart? Armin: Oh, easy. Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery. He knows it's a generic/popular song but it doesn't stop us BOTH from belting it in the car very poorly because it just goes that hard!! Jean: Tonight by Peter McPoland, absolutely. He LOVES this song and will always sing it any given moment. One song I know by absolute heart no questions asked is Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers. You won't ever catch me singing it though!! Erwin: Theater kid incoming again!! Two choices here, maybe three. I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables, he loves the steady incline on that song! Also, All I Ask Of You from Phantom Of The Opera! For me, deadass ANYTHING from Sweeney Todd. Most likely Epiphany or A Little Priest! Yelena: I don't know if she does...It's probably some kind of curve ball like the national anthem or the burger king whopper song that annoys the shit out of me, I'm not too sure!! For this one I'll say the Fish McBites jingle, bcus my echolalia won't let that go.
Dance 💃 - Can you or your f/o dance? Armin: Yes! I think Armin is a great dancer! He really like doing it, but he's no professional or anything, he just thinks it's fun! He knows I cannot dance and will refuse to, but I love watching him dance! Jean: ...yes? Yes. He can dance but it's very sloppy, he has great potential though. Always tries to get me to dance but he can never convince me bcus it'd just be embarrassing with both of us OFIUHSAD Erwin: Theater kid. I think he can do some stuff! I will beat this head canon into the ground!! Will insist on ballroom dancing, which he will 100% have to lead and do most of the work for cus I can't dance for the life of me. Yelena: We both can't dance but she refuses to take that as an answer! I have a drawing I did of us doing just that, here! She's super tall and I'm only JUST tall. It's hard to work with but it's silly and fun and cute <3 TYSM FOR THE ASK!! Sorry for dumping so much, a.ot is my weakness and my Ultimate Autism™️
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2011 - semifinal 1
originally posted 6/13/20
Poland The first adjective to spring to mind about this performance is sassy. This song just has a lot of attitude to it! I liked the dance performance and I think Magdalena sang well but there was some stuff that felt off at times, I think it might have been something about the camera work? But yeah overall this did not deserve last place at all. I know this was a really big semifinal but like. Come on. Norway This also did not deserve such a low placing! Stella Mwangi is maybe not the most talented vocalist ever but she sure does perform, and Haba Haba is really a fun and joyful song that always makes me feel energetic and happy. I did keep being distracted by her dress though lol, I'm certain that a different costuming choice would have made all the difference.
Albania I really love the more rock-style stuff that Albania sends. This performance is kind of messy - the song is much better in studio - but you can't deny that Aurela has an amazing voice and the song really holds the titular passion. Armenia I forgot how good this instrumental is? Like ok, the live performance sucked, but the instrumental is surprisingly good. A lot of things irritate me about this performance - the giant boxing glove and later the boxing ring, and also that backup singer who was really not doing a good job - but it's honestly not the worst thing Armenia has ever sent. Emmy herself is actually doing alright, it's just, this live performance was so bad. Turkey I really like the song and the performance is mostly okay, but the contortionist makes me incredibly uncomfortable so I have to pass on this one. Serbia I remember really loving this song when I first heard it, and I still really like it but I think I've lost some of the enthusiasm. Nina has a great voice and the visuals here were really fun, the costumes and the staging and the background were all just good!
Russia Get You as a song is just so incredibly sleazy... but I don't 100% hate it, mostly because Alex is doing a fine job of selling the song to the audience. I'm not a fan of his vocals, or the song, or the lyrics, but that stage energy is really something to be proud of. Switzerland The background here is such an eyesore. It's a nice song, it really doesn't suck and it's passively enjoyable, but Anna's performance here was also kinda lackluster, so. Georgia This performance is really great if you ignore the outfits! I especially like the rap section - this was the performance that convinced me originally to come around to the idea of rap at ESC. It's just good music! I like a lot of the Georgian entries to some degree or another but this is a standout because it's good relative to the songs in its year too. Finland We love good-natured youthful environmentalism on this blog! Da Da Dam is a really sweet song, nice to listen to and very timeless in a way, effectively simple.
Malta One Life is bad without the distinction of being creative about it. Montenegro 2012? Bad, but you sure remembered it for what it was. This song? Not so much. It's generic and absolutely forgettable but also I strongly dislike every second I spent watching and listening to this. San Marino I'm surprised by how good this staging is. San Marino doesn't usually do well with staging, and 2011 had one of those really difficult stages, but somehow it ended up working out. The song is another story though. Senhit's an OK singer but Stand By is just boring. I know she was due to represent San Marino this year - I don't know if they're bringing her back or not but I wonder what she'd be able to do with a good song. Croatia The triple costume change was the most interesting thing about this performance. The rest of it stands firmly in the territory of "okay". Iceland I need to get this out of the way, the seated guitarist in this performance looks like one of my professors and it throws me off every time I watch this performance. Okay... anyway, this song is really just wholesome, it's another of those timeless ones even if it is a bit cliche. Vocals good all around too.
Hungary I really like this as a song, but the stage performance really screwed it over. Kati isn't quite the problem here, her stage vocals are awesome, but her styling and what the backing singers/dancers were doing really just isn't it. Also, this song lowkey sounds like an uptempo version of Sweden's 2014 entry... hey Sanna, did you plagiarize? Portugal I'm uncertain about what the Portuguese are actually advocating for here, but it's a nice song I guess? Lithuania Another one that I strongly dislike. This song is so... saccharine, like it's not objectively that bad but it gets on my nerves. I think I dislike Evelina's stage presence here too. Azerbaijan I don't hate this, I'm even okay with it as a winner. 2011 was a weird year and Running Scared winning wasn't the strangest thing about it. It's actually one of the most modern-sounding songs looking at this contest from today's lens. Greece The sung parts of this song are quite good but the rap just ruins it all. I think this is possibly one of my least favorite raps in ESC, it's just... bad. How the hell did this get first in its semi???
My personal qualifiers Iceland Hungary Azerbaijan Georgia Poland Norway Finland Serbia Turkey Albania Miscellaneous thoughts That drumline interval was really cool! My siblings do drumline so that was fun for me to watch aha
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
already tired, it's only 10:42
but i guess that is not so surprising when i am waking up at 8-9 am.
today was the day of that competition thingy, the sampling thing. the samples were all from the new charli xcx album which i didn't ever fully listen to, the songs i heard were basically good but not "enough" for me if that makes any sense. i dunno. she is a great vocalist/has a great personality in the music, she does make it, and the synths and things sound great but i wish there were more going on. i think i'm a little spoiled by what the hellp do w/ their sounds and that whole thing going on rn w/ more messy electroclash stuff happening atm.
that aside, the song i made really mangles the sample i used so it's not like you can really tell the source at all, the bass synth is even made out of the sample though, the organ-y sounding cheap midi-ish thing almost, i'm quite fond of that, just looping a bit of the wave of a stretched version of the sample to make a tone and then play it. the other main driving bit of the song is just a guitar synth i made for the track, i really wanted something neo-no-wavey, irritating pitch bend riffs and stuff, i was really happy with how that came out/happened, makes me want to do more/get more ambitious with writing those kinds of riffs, though. idk why i added 'though' there, as if that's a bad thing really. i need to get to playing that stuff on guitar and transposing it over, that way i can figure out some more dynamic stuff. but this is what i came up with:
i'd also like to maybe do vocals for this one at some point, or flesh it out more when i'm not dealing with the constraints of the sample stuff/time limitations. which really didn't hit me, this week, since i think now the contest is gonna be over one whole day now, so it's gonna be more about making something as good as it can be, you can really get to focus on something, which is a blessing and a curse. it's a blessing in that it's nice to sit and focus on songs and stuff, but a curse in that idk, i need to work on other songs, so this doesn't really feel like a good way to spend that much time honestly. like, i want to work on my things, get myself to work on them, to work on the movie soundtrack which i really need to get to gosh, you know. and i know i can just go and do other tracks within the day, and i feel like i'll probably get there, as i'm only just now getting out of album production mode, but still, it's a bit of a bind for the people running things, if i'm really motivated say to record for other things, work on vocals for other things, get stuff together, it feels a little hard to really zero in on stuff like that.
it's interesting who won this contest, someone submitted a very catchy thing which had vocals, which made me a little sad, not like, that that's what got people going, just that i can't because my gf is home and stuff, because i would have liked to, i did feel it bubbling up while working on the song, that motivation. but it's tough to record in front of people for me + it's probably super annoying for her, or it would be if i did, because she's trying to focus too! so it's just like, it feels bad that it's something i can do, but am unable to, and that it's something i like to do, but because of the timing of things, it's hard for me to record on the weekends. i should get some tracks pretty complete soon, actually, so i can do vocals for them, since she's gonna start working for a famous youtuber for 2-ish weeks soon. i can't say who, or maybe i can but it's funny to not say.
anyway also re: the song:
i think i've said before, but this album doesn't really have all too many good or interesting songs on it, this is one of the two though. i was thinking about this song while writing the one i did for the sample contest, trying to do something a little more fun, but obviously there's a lot of arab on radar style stuff i was trying to get at too. god, though, this song really just makes me want to want to want to record vox for things. i do think it would be fun to maybe do some stuff that leans a bit harder into grooves, also, this has been something i've been thinking about, figuring out how to do dance stuff and getting it to move in and out of the more hardcore/emoviolence/noisecore stuff, some songs on the album are already like that but idk, maybe different styles of writing, you know, it'd be fun to try at least, i think i mentioned but i have one fucked up dance song done, plus a couple other way fucked up things that have actually been sitting and waiting for a while.
that's exciting ! plus a bunch of songs where it's like, i was just freestyling riffs and leaving them as project files, i really do need to go and dig for those. related to going and digging, i need to do more transcribing of my notes app writing into my larger piece and whatever smaller things that are in there too, as in: tiny pieces of separate writing.
otherwise, today's been pretty regular. i've been going back to a bunch of old robby rackleff videos and wham city comedy stuff. to bring it back to providence rhode island (dance punk no wave faggy (in attitude not really materially mostly) irritating noise rock stuff connection there), that stuff is still really inspiring to me, and the egi streams they seem to have started doing, these bizarre and insane video game adjacent but not really about/related to games at all actually, just continuing some of the live performance sketch aspects. here's one bit that's super funny:
also here's one of his videos that's really good i think:
this one is just an experimental short film without much comedy stuff at all, he's really talented, all those guys are, their approach to comedy is really the kind of comedy that stops being funny and turns into something else. really i'd describe the overall effect/intent as more literary than we're used to w/ most things, they seem more like guys trying things that one would approach in weird fiction, i think that's part of why some of what they did, the nested stories lodged in like, this house has people in it, all the freaky shit related to that, their ability to be funny but not so funny it defuses any tension, i guess the fact they let the tension be, make it rise, people laugh from discomfort and confusion, not knowing where they're going, charmed and then frightened (in some cases) and in others, they just seem to understand how to make things which are abrasive but still good enough for people to want to engage. or maybe i'm just very accepting of that kind of irritating art. certainly it's the latter (i always get confused on this... latter is the second of the two right? i hope so... or else i'm about to look soooo stupiddddddddddddd).
and of course, beside robby, i was going through some of alan's old sketches, he's also really good at juggling the tension /humor, i do love that all of his character are unassuming and good natured to the point of being freaks, or not all, a lot of the times that's a really evident facade, they're actually just awful people, like in his sketch where he's talking about the internet being his friend and doing a lot of funny miming stuff. like that character is just kind of a cunt! his nerd characters as well, the save it to your desktop bit and the video encoder bit, he's like a twisted know-it-all, which is a funny kind of person to poke fun at, on the other side of this there's the character he plays in his short film enterings (masterpiece btw, i can't really think of much else that's really so 'on' with experimenting w/ how things are shot than that, at least from america (people might say aggro drift is better but honestly idk, enterings is way more interesting/special to me)), who is just this strange almost child-like figure, who affects all these signs of maturity without much knowledge it seems like. ofc there's alantutorials as well, and that's the case where he is playing someone totally naive and helpless. he's good a tragedy!
i know robby's got a film in progress, dance freak, and that alan's on that in some capacity, so i'm really hoping for some magic there.
there's other people involved in/with wham city, but i think their sketches and bits aren't really so well documented, i do love that one of the only accounts on yt uploading all the old wham city stuff is this one woman who seemed like a regular attendee, it's awesome to see stuff like that. tragic how scenes like that dissolve into nothing, held together by very little it feels like.
anyhow, i'm sleepy, i'm always sleepy. i need to start these sooner at least, i think.
bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2c75ff · 4 months
//sliiides url over
🔵 -- 'MY OPINION ON...' meme . ACCEPTING
my opinion on;
CHARACTER IN GENERAL. I like Vegeta; but my relationship with him as a character in the canon is a bit complicated by the fact that, at various points throughout the series, I like him more for what I think he could or, in my opinion, should have been rather than what he actually was. I feel like he's given an awful lot of chances and faith by other characters which, quite frankly, I don't think he's strictly done the work to deserve. (Which could be an interesting incongruity to explore at greater depth. Unfortunately though, it often doesn't pan out that way, at least to my eyes.) He's pretty Not Great in a lot of ways, which, honestly, is what I actually like about him. I think it's interesting for him and those around him to have to wrestle with that reality; but then a lot of times it feels like he gets granted a weird amount of slack for those significant ongoing flaws, and it's like...why? He's at his best when he kind of Sucks in ways that have actual consequences for and effects on both himself and those around him.
HOW THEY PLAY THEM. You do a good and very conscious job of maintaining/highlighting Vegeta's antisocial tendencies while simultaneously leaning into traits and little situational manipulations that ensure it's possible for people's characters to interact meaningfully with him, despite him being the way he is in general. Those interactions might not be light-hearted or easy to navigate, mind you, but they are interactions, and they do have weight. I'm sure you've experienced for yourself before just how frustrating it can be when you're trying to interact with a 'withdrawn, surly loner' kind of character, but the writer isn't doing any of the legwork to help make the character accessible in a way that still feels on-point and natural for them. It's an incredibly irritating position to find yourself in, so I appreciate the effort you put into making sure that people have ample openings for interacting with Vegeta, while still allowing him to be the rude, violent, mercurial piece of work he is.
THE WRITER. We haven't necessarily talked a great deal yet, but already I appreciate how able and willing you are to come to the table with your own thoughts and ideas in hand, in terms of both IC and OOC interactions. (Like, some people simply can not hold up their end of the conversation. You don't suffer from that particular affliction; and by god, I adore you for it already.) You also draw a clear distinction between Vegeta's personality and your own, and don't at all come across as unwelcoming or standoffish yourself despite playing such a famously prickly character.
do i;
FOLLOW THEM. Yes. RP WITH THEM. Slowly but surely. WANT TO RP WITH THEM. Of course.
SHIP THEIR CHARACTER WITH MINE. As is my long-standing and glorious custom, I'm going to preface this answer with the understanding that I pretty much always need to see how characters actually interact with each other before I can say with any confidence whether or not a ship might be interesting or feasible to try out.
With that aside, I'll say right up front that I really don't anticipate that Seventeen or Vegeta will be each other's 'types'. I'm open to surprises, as always, but my kneejerk impression is that they won't be drawn to each other in those particular ways. However, I’ll also say that, if they do indeed end up sort of Weirdly Getting Along in the way we’ve talked about some, then I could see Seventeen being willing to casually fool around with Vegeta anyway without feeling the need to make a big ol' deal out of it, if Vegeta turned out to be down to clown. (Please note how much heavy lifting the word ‘if’ is doing in that sentence.)
what is my;
OVERALL OPINION. I hate this question because it's like [gestures vaguely at the previous multiple paragraphs], so I'm just going to fill this space with whatever song happens to be in my earbuds at this exact moment and call it a day.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Live Spiders from Mars and David Bowie Ziggy Stardust - Rare Video & Audio
So he's doing the finger and he knows what it is and he can feel like 10 times he knows that they're back at it and it's the Max and he hears what he says and he looks and studies and owes me and it's real right now he's saying his grandpa granddaddy actually not Grandpa was big enough to make diamonds and this is a nuisance no one can get it the footprints went like two or three miles into the sand and you can see the little heat and we are going to go look for a diamonds or gems and see if there's some there
You're probably going to beat you then we're going to go look now we've already looked before but people said they could have been there and we do know what to look for that's crazy as we did see a pattern but we have to know how they form Macs
We have to get up there now is the time to go incognito
I'm afraid we make it up there in our fartsuits and they're not big enough to dig that deep
This is going to blow cuz I think it's me with him I don't want his farts in my suit
Yeah okay fart suit very funny and we have to get up there somehow and it looks like we do and we do the investigation this is rancidly rude but it's something to do
What we say is it's made by the soul of his foot and these diamonds would have special meaning on going after his program and his stuff and it's wicked
Thor Freya
The song is about zig and I'm calling him Ziggy and I hear you saying I'm Ziggy what are you singing about I don't have a guitar and it's acoustic and it's a teeny little guitar and I started laughing and I said I saw him get the guitar it was after that and I said it's about zig later on and said oh he's going to mess you up besides knife and copied it and he's saying it's my knife but I don't think it is it might be but I don't know I wasn't back there and so he's saying it's about his father and his paternal father-in-law. It's going well but we are going up there now for this
Ziggy stardust and that's my stage name bja and I'm not going to open the car dealership with that dumb name you idiot
There's a lot of fun cuz you thought about it you thought I'd be a good idea as a threat and he might do it that I am Zig and my wife is Zag and we are together all the time but really she's singing the song about me because I'm big and really were not huge in number that's what he thinks and he saw me one day with my knife and they were bigger they get big sometimes back then a lot he was about 14 foot and kind of bulky not real muscular but bulky and was strong I came in at about 12 ft but was muscular and they know it's a challenge a real challenge and it was before we grew up is not true he shrunk down and heads are still kind of huge and had a lot of hair I'm pretty big heads but they can't tell and it's covered by the hair so they say stuff and it's in Bob seger's song cuz he had a bigger head they make fun of you when you came off the road and the song is from one of his trips with our son and it was east of Omaha but it's to the South and they're playing the song over and over and it's not that song it's an irritating song to him and it's about his daughter and he doesn't like it he gets upset and he's up on the stage and it's like him alone almost and he's upset and he's trying to turn the page and he's saying that Dave is out there it's really a sad song it's Bob seger and silver bullet band and turn the page and they worry about several bullets and they worry about any bullets so it's going on that they're out there driving around and they're bigger and he has big head so he grows his hair and her son's wearing some kind of hat doesn't work that great smelly and buggy and it's gross the hair and you have to keep taking care of it but yeah he's thinking about us and about the emitter and about Mars and they sense emitters they can't tell where they're coming from and he thinks it's me again any copied my knife a little bit he had part of it and it's a Bowie knife it's very famous killing and hunting and cleaning and it's very decent knife ours are made out of a special material and even us we could withstand radiation yeah so now it's going on that we are very big but it was before we modify ourselves it was probably 14,000 years ago and we were around and had to go through this and he's okay but it's difficult for someone so young and so much attention and everything is revolving around him he said he was born doing this so he should be fine and it's true too he's born doing weird stuff too flying up trees very fast and he liked it and he's picking up cars and stuff and I helped out a lot this is helping out a lot this post is going to help out a lot so we got to get out there and I'm going to accept guests pretty soon and we use up all the curiosity out here before she moves in hopefully if he says probably not and she's scared of it out there and will be more secure here and we're going to help her and there will be people we should be different
Zig Zag
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