#I'm answering this ask because you didn't come out of the gates cursing
mercifulbutbroken · 6 months
I do like your Alex & hope you show xem & xeir lovers off more. But Nav and their story is just something that honestly needs a hard reboot. The Toppats have never been shown to be abusive ( the most evil Toppat shown was TRNK ) & portraying Reginald & RHM as OOC evil torturous bastards for your uwu Stickvin makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Just hope a certain popular ceo of Copperright doesn't find this lore because you won't recover from that.
TL:DR If you or others are uncomfortable with reading my work, then I politely ask you not to read it.
Now for a longer explanation.
While I do understand that you dislike some aspects of my story for Nav, it is my story. I didn't want the toppats to be all nice in my AU, so I have them harsh and darker. They're criminals in a clan after all. Nav himself is not ' uwu ' either. While he is a wholesome man, he is still healing from his trauma. Charles too! They just found joy in eachother, and they heal together after the events of Feather Falling.
The toppats may not have had glaringly obvious examples of the usual examples of abuse, but I point your attention to Dave. Dave has been stuck in the brig, in a tiny room, for god knows how long in that airship. You could argue since you don't see a bed, sink, or bathroom drawn in that scene within the games, you could argue the toppats are very clearly placing him in an extreme form of solitary confinement. Which is considered torture. (One source linked, you can look up more resources on your own.)
And it's an AU! Characters CAN be ooc because it's not cannon! That's the beauty of it! Do you remember RHM:G ? That was a great change to the usual formula, and it was DELIGHTFULLY dark. I love dark AUs and when done right, it can really be an interesting read. and a "certain popular ceo of copperright" ? Why would I be afraid of anyone finding my lore? Not everything has to be sunshine and rainbows. If someone that got the name ceo of copperright, and they saw my work, I'd ask what they thought of it and how to improve.
While I DO want to rewrite Feather Falling one day so it's better quality, I'm not changing my lore. If you or others are uncomfortable with reading my work, then I politely ask you not to read it.
thank you for reading.
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kaliforniahigh · 2 months
my kink is karma - part. 2 - n.s.
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This is the second part to "casual". The title is yet another Chappell Roan song :D
Warnings: Some self-deprecating talk, Folio plays a little bit of a matchmaker, they talk about their feelings, curse words and angst with a happy ending (I'm a sucker for happy endings).
WC: 3.367
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It's comical, bridges you burn If karma's real, hope it's your turn
The tension in the air after yours and Noah's argument was palpable. You haven't talked to him since your argument, but it didn't take a genius to notice he wasn't behaving like himself lately.
You, on the other hand, was just waiting for this tour to be over. You've been treating this job exactly like what it is. A job. You kept a friendly relationship with everyone, but the outings to bars or restaurants were kept to a minimum.
Bryan sensed something was up when you asked him to show Noah the pictures you took, for him to select the ones he liked the most, instead of showing him yourself.
You kept in contact with Liam, contrary to what Noah insinuated, your interactions were strictly professional, since Liam had a long-term girlfriend that he mentioned to you the first time you talked. Showing you some pictures he took of her in an outdoor setting.
You could've told Noah this, but seeing him angry and out of his wits at the idea of you dating or seeing someone else was more entertaining for you. You guess you just wanted him to feel a little bit of what you felt when he took those girls to his hotel room.
Nick did tell you though that these past few weeks Noah hasn't even tried to flirt or take girls back to his room, and mentioned that he should check "if his friend was ok". You wondered if you were the only one who never realized Noah was a player.
You guess that doesn't matter now. Liam has called you a few days ago, since you've mentioned to him that tour was wrapping up soon, he wanted to ask if you would accept the invitation of touring with him and the band he worked for, and you were considering it.
You're familiar here, and meeting new people and getting used to a new setting was going to be challenging. But you also knew you couldn't keep going like this. You always took pride in having a great relationship with everyone, and now you felt like you were drifting further and further apart from them.
You knew they considered you their friends, but the truth is: they're Noah's friends. And you could and would never come between that.
It's hot when you have a meltdown In the front of your house and you're getting kicked out It's hot when you're drinking downtown And you're getting called out 'cause you're running your mouth
Nick knew he shouldn't pry, especially not when Noah was on the verge of being too drunk. But two of his best friends were fighting and he knew neither one of them were going to come out and say anything. Besides, he knew Noah lacked a filter when he was intoxicated, so this was his best chance.
Tour was wrapping up this week, so this was the last opportunity for the band and crew to go out together. After all is over, everyone ends up going their own way and it gets difficult to organize something.
Nick was waiting for the best opportunity to talk to Noah, and at some point during the night, they found themselves alone at the table.
"So, Y/N didn't wanna come out tonight", Nick started, mentioning your name right out the gate, not wanting to waste too much time. He saw Noah's shoulder tense.
"Yeah, I'm not surprised", his friend answered, taking another sip of his alcoholic beverage.
"Do you know what could've happened? She used to go out with us all the time", Nick played dumb, not wanting to give away that he could tell you two obviously had something going on.
"I don't know man, maybe she's too busy talking to Liam or whatever", so Noah was jealous, that much he could tell. Nick knew about Liam because you've mentioned him in conversation a couple of times.
"Why would she be busy talking to Liam in the middle of the night? Besides, they're on different timezones", Nick fished for more information.
"I guess she liked the attention she was receiving", Noah said and shrugged his shoulders, trying to look unbothered by the situation, but ultimately failing.
"I see", Nick pondered. Finally, he decided to put his friend out of his misery "you know he has a girlfriend, right? I think Y/N mentioned they've been together for 7 or 8 years or something", Nick said and waited for a reaction. Noah's eyes widened visibly in surprise and he looked in Nick's direction.
"No, I didn't know that", he sounded defeated, as he let the realization sink in.
"So whatever you guys have going on, if it's because Y/N has been talking to Liam, you can cut it out, because there's nothing happening there", Nick saw Noah sigh out loud and run his hands over his face. He expected him to be relieved, but he looked exasperated?
"Noah, this is everything that happened, right?", Nick was suddently worried about his reaction.
"I might have been a dick to Y/N", Noah was looking down at his drink, stirring it uselessly.
"What do you mean?", it was Nick's turn to look and sound exasperated. Maybe he bit off more than he could chew.
"Look, Y/N and hooked up a few times, and...", he began explaining, but Nick cut him off "By hooked up you mean you've kissed, or something more?", he has an inkling feeling that this was so much more.
"I mean we've had sex a few times", he paused, but continued when Nick didn't say anything "it wasn't anything serious, but I might have lost my cool when I saw her talking to Liam at that festival", he at least looked guilty saying this.
"If it wasn't anything serious then why did you lose your cool?" Nick asked the million dollar question.
"I don't know. I think I didn't like seeing her with that guy?", Noah was having a hard time explaining himself. Nick always knew his friend wasn't good with expressing his feelings. And that worried him, because there was no telling what he could've said to you.
"And what happened after that for you guys to stop talking?", Nick was getting to the bottom of this, even if he didn't like it. And it seemed like Noah needed someone to talk to anyway. He could tell the conversation sobered up the boy quite a bit.
"I kinda confronted her about it?"
"And how did you do that?", by the looks of it, he was gonna have to pry the information out of him. He felt like a parent mediating a fight between two kids.
"I wasn't the nicest, ok? I already know that and I already feel like absolute shit about it", Nick wasn't gonna ask again, so they sat in silence until Noah conjured up the courage to say what he needed to say.
"I insinuated that Liam was only interested in her in order to get her into bed. And then I proceeded to tell her that I didn't think she would be so easy". Noah said this with venon in his voice, directed at himself. Saying it out loud again only heightend the weight of his words. And this somehow made him feel even worse.
"What the fuck, Noah? Why the fuck would you say that?", Nick said with anger in his voice.
"Have you seem this Liam guy? He's probably gone to a nice college, just like her. He probably doesn't have attachment issues. He probably doesn't need therapy to talk about his feelings. I freaked out, ok? It was clear from the beggining that Y/N and I could never work. So I decided that having a little bit of her was better than having none of her". Noah could feel the tears stinging his eyes. Letting out the thoughts in his head felt a little liberating, but it didn't make him feel better about the way he treated you.
"You don't get to decide if Y/N deserves you or not. That was her decision to make. And you shouldn't have jumped to conclusions with her and Liam", Nick knew that this was obvious, but maybe the obvious still needed to be said.
"I don't think that matters now. I don't see how I could fix this. Tour is ending and I bet she'll never want to see my face again"
"And if that happens, you at least owe her an apology", Nick patted him on the back and asked Noah if he wanted another drink, he said no, so Nick left him with his own thoughts.
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Oh, God And it's coming around, yeah, it's coming around Yeah, it's coming around, oh, God Oh, God
This was one of those things you couldn't get away from. Mainly because everyone has been planning this since before the tour even started. Also because it's already been paid for, and you don't like your money going to waste.
Camping was never your favorite activity. You despised insects and couldn't understand why people left their comfy beds to sleep in tents and sleeping bags. But back then, Noah promised to make you as many roasted marshmallows as you wanted, and you pretended to say yes just because of that. As if you wouldn't jump at the opportunity to spend more time with him. Now you were cursing yourself.
You were unaware of the conversation Nick had with Noah before tour ended, and how much he knew about what transpired between you two. So you thought nothing of the conversation you were having with him, as the boys grilled some burgers for dinner.
"I kind of have something to tell you", you were nervous to make this official. "Since tour ended and everything, I don't see why hide this anymore"
Nick thought you were finally opening up to him about your adventures and fall out with Noah. He would soon find out he was very mistaken as he told you to go on.
"You know how I've been talking to Liam right?", he nodded "recently he asked me if I wanted to tour with him. To have a different experience and all that", you kicked a pebble next to your feet. Nick was looking directly at you, but you didn't have the heart to look back at him. "I've been thinking about saying yes".
"You're leaving us?", this prompted you to lift your head.
"C'mon Nick, this tour was just an experiment. I don't know for sure if you guys will want me back. I need to have something lined up for me". And that was true. You were only thinking about your next steps.
"I thought it was clear we wanted you next tour as well?", Nick genuinely sounded confused and it broke your heart. You didn't know what to say anymore. "Is this about you and Noah?", he asked and you froze the second the words left his lips.
"What do you mean?", you tried to gauge how much he knew.
"I think you know what I mean. I could tell there was something different between you two. I had to find out what it was. So I kind of cornered Noah one night and he told me", you huffed in annoyance.
"What else did he tell you? That I'm easy and fall into bed with everyone that comes asking?"
"No, but he did tell me that he basically told you that", Nick said and you were honestly surprised at this. It was very difficult for Noah to admit to his mistakes. "I'm not defending him, because I already told him what he needed to hear from me. But I think you guys should talk before we leave"
"We'll see about that", you gave him a little sideways smile, trying to be noncommittal about this.
"It doesn't matter if you're with us or working for a different band. I know you'll kill it anyways. But keep in mind that we like having you close"
"Thank you, Nick", you showed him your gratitude.
"I'll see if those goofs need any help", you looked back at the boys and saw Matt threatening Jolly with the tongs, opening and closing them, as if he was trying to get his head. You laughed at this as Nick excused himself.
Dinner went by and soon you were all sitting by the fire, attempting to tell scary stories, but everyone was laughing and calling out loop hopes in each other's tales, turning the situation from scary to funny.
You were roasting some marshmallows here and there. You were never good at this, so it either came out burnt or the thing melted entirely and fell into the fire. You gave up at some point and just sat there, with the stick in your hand, poking the floor aimelessly.
Seconds later, Nick poked you on the side, handing you a stick with two marshmallows roasted perfectly on the top. You gave him a puzzled look, but he just tilted his head to Noah, who was sat beside him. He gave you a barely there smile, and nodded in acknowledgment. The marshmallows kept coming thoughout the night without you having to ask for them. He did promise you to roast you as many as you wanted after all.
Not too long after, everyone was excusing themselves to their tents. The long drive here had everyone yawning. You were not much better, so you decided to do the same.
A soon as your head hit the pillow, thoughts swam through your mind. The conversation with Nick was supposed to be simple. You were pretty much dead set on saying yes to Liam. Now you weren't so sure anymore.
You knew you needed to talk to Noah at some point. You figured that him giving you marshmallows was his way of extending you an olive branch. He was there if you ever wanted to talk. You did miss him and what you had before everything went to shit.
Huffing and deciding that as much as you wanted, sleep wouldn't find you so easily tonight, so you opened your tent to step outside. Maybe meditating or some breathing exercises would relax you enough.
Standing on your feet and stretching your limbs, you noticed Noah still sat at the wooden bench everyone was at earlier. You debated slipping inside your tent again, but he was already looking at you. There was no turning back now.
You also debated sitting somewhere else, but didn't want to make things even more akward, so you sat on the other end of the bench. A few minutes passed by before he spoke up.
"Can't sleep?", he asked.
"No, too much on my mind", you didn't know if you were ready for this, but you had to be.
"I talked to Nick the other day", he glanced at you, but you kept a neutral expression.
"Yeah, he told me about that", your hands were picking on loose strands of your sweater.
"Listen, I'm not gonna make any excuses. I owe you an apology. You don't have to accept it, but I have to tell you how sorry I am for what I said to you", he sat sideways now, looking directly at you. "So I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that. I should've delt with my anger instead of taking it out on you"
"I just don't understand why you were so angry? Why Liam and I talking led you to said that", you did have an idea, but you wanted him to tell you. Noah has been going over this conversation in his head for days. He decided that it doesn't matter the outcome, he was going to be honest with you.
"I shouldn't have invited you to my hotel room that first night. I knew this was going to end like this. I thought I could get a grip on my feelings, but I was very mistaken. I was selfish and I hurt you in the process", you tried to pretend that that first part didn't hurt you, so you decided to focus on the end of his speech. You appreciated the honesty regardless of how it made you feel.
"What feelings?"
"The feelings that I have for you. I think I've had them since Bryan introduced you to us for the first time. Thinking back on it now, how could I not have feelings for you? Not only are you a great protographer, but you're also an amazing and kind girl. And I'm just the good looking guy who sings in a band", he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. You didn't like the way he talked about himself.
"I don't think you're just a good looking guy who sings in a band, you're so much more than that and it's such a shame you don't realize it", you tried to get your point across. "I know that you didn't mean what you said back in that tour bus. Mainly because I know you, and you're not a mean person. But you really need to communicate better with the people around you"
"I know. Maybe then I would've known that Liam has a girlfriend, right?", he smiled at this.
"Exactly", you smiled back. "It hurt me a lot when you kept giving attention to other girls after we slept together. I guess I just felt like another notch on your belt", you made yourself a little smaller after admitting to this, but decided to be honest with him the same way he was being with you.
"I never slept with them. Sometimes we didn't even take the elevator up to my floor because I just told them it wasn't gonna work. It just didn't feel right and my head wasn't in the right place", this did make you feel incredibly better.
"Well then, I guess I could've communicated better myself. Maybe then I would've known this, instead of wallowing in pity", this time was your turn to smile and poke a little fun at the situation.
"I gave you the wrong idea, I'm sorry about that", there was a moment of pause before he contined "I understand if nothing can happen between us now, after all of this. But it would be great if you came back for another tour, you really do an amazing job, and I don't want my behavior to jeopardize that", you sighed at this, now was the time to tell him.
"I've had an offer from another band to go on tour with them", you looked at him, trying to gauge his reaction. His face fell and the somewhat relaxed look he kept on his face throughout your conversation, morphed into one of resignation.
"Oh, that's great. You're gonna be amazing regardless", he tried to be supportive of your decision, but his voice gave him away.
"I'm not going", his eyebrows shot up at this. "Just being here tonight, with everyone, made me realize that I'm not ready to leave this behind. Besides, I think I'll miss you too much", he gave you the biggest smile at this and you could see a little rosy tint to his cheeks.
"I would miss you terribly", he said back. You were now sat closer together, drifting towards each other during your conversation. "Tell me if this is overstepping or if I'm too soon, but I would love to take you out on a date when we get back home. I think we started this a little backwards", you could sense the hesitantion in his voice.
"I would love to go on a date with you", you offered your hand for him to take, interlacing your fingers together, reveling in the way his totally encompassed yours.
"Thank you for giving us another chance", his voice conveyed honesty, glad you didn't decide to just kick him to the curb entirely.
"You really don't give yourself enough credit. I think I would do anything you asked me if you were nice enough", and it was true. After your argument you knew you would forgive him if he had a good enough excuse. Deep down, you were hoping that woudn't be the end for you two.
You rested your head on his shoulder, you sensed a little bit of hesitation from him, until you took one of his arms and put it over your shoulders, feeling his hand mess with the ends of your hair. You felt content and finally at ease.
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Thank you everyone who requested a part 2! Hope you enjoyed this :D
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callsign-dexter · 27 days
Snowy Embrace 18+
Request: We were having a weekend off at a little lake cabin and it was just us. Lots of cuddles (and other things hehe) in front of a fireplace.. long walks in the snow outside and then having him us warming up with more cuddles and hot chocolate 😭
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Wife!Reader
Warnings: fluff, smut (right out of the gate), cursing, tiny bit of angst
A/N: Thank you @talesofreading for requesting this and you and @imagine-all-the-fandoms better prepare yourselves its gonna be a steamy one.
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“You know what I think we should do?” Your husband of 6 years, Kelly Severide, said as he looked up from his spot at the table looking at you at your spot at the counter making lunches for the day. You two had gotten up earlier before your two little ones, 10-year-old twins, one boy and one girl, Zoey Severide and Chase Severide, wanting to spend some time together before the chaos erupted. 
“What would that be?” You answered with a question.
“I think we should leave the kids with your mom and dad and we head up to the cabin for a little get away. We both have a few days off. We need to use up by the end of the year and its already December. Maybe work on baby number 3 and maybe 4, if it’s twins again. It's also our anniversary.” He said and as he talked you thought about it and the more, he talked about it the more it sounded delightful. You were an accountant at a huge accounting firm.
“Ok. Why do we have to work on baby number 3 or 4, if it is twins?  It'll be nice to get away for our anniversary.” You said looking into his stunning blue eyes that you watched light up.
“Yea?” He asked 
“Yea.” You replied and nodded. He smiled and got up and turned you around to where you were pressed against the counter and kissed you. 
“We need to apply for vacation 2 weeks in advance.” He said kissing your neck as his hands roamed your body. 
“Mmmm true but I want to take it with you now.” You moaned quietly especially when his hand came in contact with your clothed core. 
“Then put your 2 weeks notice for vacation today and I'll put mine in.” He said nipping at your neck as his hand traveled up and slid into your sleep shorts and underwear. You always ran hot so it wasn't rare to find you in a tank top and shorts in the dead of winter. He ran his fingers through your slick folds. 
“Kels the kids could walk in at any minute.” You moaned and gripped the counter behind you. You had your eyes closed and head thrown back and wasn't expecting to find him close to your ear and jumped which made his thick digit sink into you.
“We have plenty of time. We have another hour before they have to be up. So, you better be quiet.” He said as he fingered you curling his finger to hit your g-spot. 
“Fuck, Baby.” You moaned out quietly and whimpered when he pulled out but you didn't have to wait long because he was getting on his knees and pulling your sleep shorts and underwear down your legs to where they were at your ankles and you stepped out of on pant leg. He spread your legs and suddenly his mouth was on your heated slick core. It made you jump and you had to throw a hand over your mouth to keep quiet. He tongued fucked you and licked you up and down with an occasional nip at your clit. Your legs were shaking. “Baby, I'm going to cum.” You moaned quietly having taken your hand away and you could feel him smirk and pick up his effort and after one gentle bite to your clit you were coming down and cumming on your husband's face. He didn't stop until you were a shaking flustered mess. He stood up and you looked at him, your juices shining in the light on his lips. 
“You taste great, Baby.” He said and you couldn't speak still coming down finally catching your breath you spoke.
“I think you need some attention.” You said and looked down at his erection. He smirked as you got down on your knees grabbing a hold of his shorts and underwear and pulling them down enough to where his raging erection came up and hit his clothed abs. You knew you had plenty of time and you knew your kids were heavy sleepers so you took your husband in your mouth and got to work. His hand immediately went to the back of your head and he threw his head back. Whatever part of the shaft wasn't in your mouth you had your hand wrapped around. He was thick and girthy. 
“Fuck, Honey. Your mouth was made for me.” He said quietly and so you relaxed your throat and took him further. “Oh, fuck you're taking me so deep. Keep going.” He said as you bobbed your head up and down and jerked him off. Tongue licking and circling his tip every now and then. Then your other hand went to his heavy balls and he jumped. You knew he was close because his cock started jumping and his balls tightened. “I'm close. I wanna finish inside of you.” He said as he withdrew and you stood up. He swiped everything over and you squealed and chuckled when he picked you up and laid you down. His cock went straight to your entrance. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded enthusiastically.
“Please.” You moaned and he smirked and slid in you bottoming out all in go. You threw your head back in pleasure. “That’s right baby fill me up.” You moaned and then he settled letting you adjust. After a minute you nodded and he started to move. At first it was slow and the stretch felt wonderful his head went into your neck and he kissed you and nibbled on your neck as he slowly fucked into you. “Faster, Babe.” You moaned and he smiled.
“You’re in charge.” He said and started to speed up each thrust made you moan out in pleasure to the point where he had to cover your mouth with his hand. “What did I say about being quiet?” He said in a playful warning tone. You clenched around him and he moaned.
“Sorry, but you make me feel so good.” You moaned behind his hand. His rhythm started to become sporadic; he moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. Finally, he stilled and painted your walls white then you were cumming behind him and he stayed there for a minute until you started to hear Chase stir by flushing the toilet. He quickly but slowly pulled out of you and was quickly hurrying to pull his underwear and shorts up as he was quickly helping you pull yours up. Both giggling as you both tried to hurry. 
“Wait.” He said and grabbed some of this sperm that leaked out and put it back in which had you moaning. You heard Chase's footsteps on the stairs.
“Hurry.” You said and he did. He pulled your pants up and helped you down as he pulled them over your hips. You quickly fixed your hair and turned back to the food on the counter getting it back in order and Kelly was beside you helping. You could feel his cum running down your legs but knew the counter would hide it but you looked at Kelly and he looked at you smirking. “I can feel your cum running down my leg.” You whispered and his smirk got bigger and you nudged him but he didn’t say anything because Chase was appearing in front of the counter. “Good morning, Baby Boy.” You said.
“Good morning, Sunshine.” Kelly said at the same time and he looked at you both.
“Morning.” He grumbled and you laughed. He was always the first one up out of your kids even if he was never a morning person just like his father but just like his father, he had an internal alarm clock that made him get up at the time he was supposed to
“Alright, Kelly Jr. what would you like for breakfast?” You asked and he shrugged.
“I don’t know. Waffles?” He asked, now awake a little more.
“Sounds good, Bud. I’ll get them started while your mother goes and gets your sister.” He said and that is what you did. Your daughter was a lot like you wanting to sleep in as much as possible and stay up as late as possible. It really is funny how you both had kids that ended up being the same as you both. You went over and kissed your son’s head and he grunted but you knew he secretly loved you cuddles and kisses. As you started to walk up the stairs you felt more cum escape and you glared and shook your head. 
“Damn you, Kelly.” You whispered as you reached your daughter’s room and you knocked slightly before you were opening the door. “Zoey, honey. It is time to get up.” You said as you walked further into her room.
“No, 5 more minutes.” She groaned and you smiled as you sat on the edge of her bed. 
“Don’t you want waffles? Dad is cooking them.” You said and that perked her up. Both you and Kelly could cook but his waffles were the best and you couldn’t argue with that.
“Yea.” She said as she started to get up out of the bed. You smiled and ran a hand through her hair as she rubbed her eyes as she made her way downstairs. 
“Hey, tell Dad that I’ll be down there in a minute. I’m going to shower and get ready.” You said and she nodded.
“I will.” She said and she disappeared and you sat there for a minute and then you were getting up and heading to your and Kelly’s room to start getting ready for the day. You turned on the shower to the temperature you wanted and then you stripped out of your clothing a glob of cum ran out and onto your underwear and you smiled thinking of the activities that you and your husband were up to before the kids started to get up. Once your clothing was off you stepped in the warm water cascaded down your back and you sighed and titled your head back letting the warm water run down your head. Your hand traveled to your stomach and it stayed there you and Kelly always talked about having more kids but never had the time but now this would be the perfect opportunity and who knows your little rendezvous in the kitchen might’ve just been it but you weren’t ovulating so it might’ve not happened but if your schedule is right, you would be when you and Kelly were at the cabin. You smiled at the thought of being pregnant as you started your shower routine. When you were done you turned off the shower and dried off and then wrapped the towel around your body and stepped out. You brushed your teeth and put on deodorant then got dressed in the clothes for the day which consisted of jeans, a plain blue t-shirt, and then one of Kelly’s sweatshirts. You grabbed socks and sat on the bed to put them on and once they were you walked down the stairs to be greeted with laughter from your husband and kids. You walked into the kitchen and smiled and then your son saw you and smiled at you.
“Hey, Mom.” He said and that caused the other two to look at you and smile.
“Hi, Momma.” Zoey said as she took a bite of her waffle. Kelly got up and grabbed a plate with fresh waffles and walked over to you and kissed you as he handed the plate to you.
“Hi, Baby.” He said 
“Thank you.” He said and then he was turning around and putting his hand on the small of your back leading you to the table.
“Have you told them?” You asked as you drowned your waffle in syrup.
“Told us what?” Zoey and Chase said at the same time.
“I was waiting for you and now that you’re here we can tell them together. Your mom and I are going to be heading up to the cabin in two weeks for our anniversary.” He said 
“Ugh lucky, you two get to go away while we still have to go to school.” Chase said and you both laughed and smiled as you took a bite of your waffle.
“I think that is a wonderful idea. You two deserve some time off.” Zoey said and you smiled.
“Thank you, Z. Also you both will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa while we are gone. I know you both love them.” Kelly said and they both nodded. Your parents were extremely helpful during your pregnancy and when the twins were born. You had a great relationship with them and they loved Kelly and Kelly loved them. 
“Ok that makes it better.” Chase said and everyone chuckled. Kelly reached over and ruffled his hair which he groaned playfully and tried to get away. The rest of breakfast was spent laughing and eating until it was time for the kids to start getting ready for school and you finished putting lunches in lunch boxes. As the kids were getting ready Kelly came up behind you and kissed your neck. 
“What time do you go in?” You asked
“9 AM.” He said kissing your neck and you titled it to the side and before you got too far into the pleasure you stopped him because you knew what he was doing.
“Oh no. We don’t have time for this again. Our kids are awake.” You said and he groaned but stopped pouting and you turned your head and kissed his pouty lips. “I love you.” You added and smiled which made him smile.
“I love you too.” He said and then Chase and Zoey were coming down the stairs. They grabbed their winter jackets and backpacks and Kelly departed from you. 
“I’ll be late at work so the two of you will have to get a ride to the station and wait with your dad until I get off work.” You said as you turned, handing them their lunches and they put them in their bags.
“Ok.” They both said at the same time a trait that came with being twins. Every time it happened you laughed and smiled and Kelly did the same. 
“Alright, we have to get going or we’ll be late.” You said and they both turned to hug their father and he hugged them back and kissed their heads and told them that he loved them. You walked over and kissed him and hugged him. “I love you.” You said.
“I love you too.” He replied and then you and the two kids were out the door and heading to your Jeep. They argued about getting the front seat and you quickly put an end to that and made them sit in the back of course they both pouted but did as they were told not wanting to get on your bad side. 
It was a quick drive to their school and you were pulling up in the front and saying bye to them and you were heading off to work. When you got there, you sighed and parked your Jeep then got out while grabbing your stuff and heading in after locking your Jeep it was actually not blistering cold but still cold but you knew that could change. As you were walking your friend, coworker, and boss April Jepp “Hey.” She said and you turned to her as you both entered the heated building.
“Hey.” You said smiling at her finally thawing you.
“So, your anniversary is coming up. Any plans?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows and you smiled at her and laughed.
“We were planning to go up to the cabin for a few days.” You said “Which means I need to take a few days off.” You said and she smiled and nodded.
“Of course you can. You’re my best accountant. You both deserve some time together on your special day.” She said as you both walked into her office. She was a really cool boss and everyone loved her and loved working with her. “So which days are you thinking about?” She asked as she sat down at her desk pulling up the scheduling. 
“I’m thinking about the week of the 15th.” You said and she nodded and then smiled. 
“Done. Also thank you for coming to me two weeks in advance.” She said and you smiled.
“Not a problem.” You said and then you were heading out of her office and started your long day of working but smiled at the thought of your time off with your husband.
At the station Kelly had been tied up with calls all day until it was time for the kids to arrive at the station so he hadn’t been able to ask until now. He had just taken his gear off when Chief Wallace Boden walked by. “Hey, Chief! I have a question for you.” He said and Boden stopped and turned to him.
“What’s up?” He asked
“Y/N and I’s wedding anniversary is coming up and we were planning on going to the cabin to spend some time together. I wanted to take off the week of the 15th for it.” He said and Boden smiled.
“Of course you can. I’ll go and schedule you off.” Boden said and Kelly smiled.
“Thank you so much.” He said and Boden patted him on the shoulder and then he was off. Kelly was about to go and do something when Chase and Zoey’s voice caught his attention.
“Dad!” They said at the same time and he turned and smiled as they ran up to him.
“Hey you two.” He said and he hugged them both.
“I will never get used to you having kids.” Stella Kidd said and everyone that was in the garage nodded and agreed.
“Get used to it.” He said “We’re planning for a third one.” He added.
“What?” Chase said 
“You and mom are trying for another kid?” Zoey asked 
“We are. Do you not want that?” He asked 
“We want it!” They yelled and he chuckled and kissed their heads.
“Good. Now go and do your homework before your mom gets here.” He said and ushered them to the kitchen.
“So, you and the wife want more kids?” Matt Casey said coming over to him and Stella.
“We do. We loved raising the twins into the kids they are today and we’re ready for the baby phase again. Also, the kids would be pretty far enough apart in age. We’re just ready.” Kelly answered him and they all smiled. 
“You’re a great dad.” Matt said
“Thank you.” Kelly said and then they got busy with doing things around the firehouse until you came into it around 6 PM and spotted your husband right away.
“Sorry, I had a project that I needed to finish up.” You said as you got to him and kissed him.
“Nonsense. You have to do what you need. The kids finished their homework up and we fed them. There is plenty if you want something.” He said 
“Please.” You said and he was ushering you into the kitchen and you went to your kids, who were sitting on the couch in front of the TV. “Hey you two.” You said as you touched their heads and they turned around with smiles on their faces.
“Hi, Mom.” They said at the same time and you leaned down. 
“What are you watching?” You asked them.
“Parks and Recreation.” Zoey said and you smiled.
“Good show. You two can continue watching while I eat and talk with your dad.” You said and they nodded and again you smiled and turned to your husband who was sitting a plate down for you. 
“They know we are trying for another kid.” Kelly said as you took your first bite.
“Oh?” You asked and he nodded.
“It went well and they want a sibling. Stella mentioned something about not getting used to me being a dad and I told her to get used to it because we are trying for another.” He said 
“I’m glad they are excited.” You said as you ate and he nodded. You two continued to talk for a while before he was being called away and that is when you decided to leave you and the kids said goodbye and gave him hugs and kisses and all three of you were off.
The time for you and Kelly to go up to the cabin had finally come. The good news was that you had your period last week and knew you were ovulating so it would be perfect. You and Kelly had agreed not to drink this week because you were trying to get pregnant. You both dropped the kids off to your parents the night before and went to the store and grabbed the necessities and the stuff that needed to be in the fridge and freezer went into coolers and then the two of you started to head up right after. The ride up there was filled with talking, laughter, music, and some good and bad singing. Then you saw something white fall. “Is it snowing?” You asked leaning forward to get a better view and as more fell you confirmed it but so did Kelly.
“Looks like that.” He said and turned on the windshield wipers. You started to grin wider as you set back; you loved the snow and he knew that. It just made this all the more special. Thankfully his Jeep had all wheel drive and weather prepared. The lake started to come into view and then your cabin came into view and you smiled. Kelly saw you in the corner of his eye and he smiled. He loved it when you were happy. Kelly turned the Jeep and backed it up until he was close to the porch and parked and turned the key off. You got out and walked a little bit to where your favorite tree was. You weren’t standing there long before your felt arms around your waist. 
“Isn't it beautiful?” You asked 
“It sure is.” He said smiling though he wasn’t talking about the view but you didn’t know that.
“I can’t wait to get this week started.” You said and he smiled and kissed your head.
“Me either so let us get to it.” He said and you smiled and nodded and so you both started to unpack the Jeep and you went and unlocked the cabin and turned some lights on. Once the Jeep was unpacked and everything was sitting on the counter and suitcases by the stairs you went over and turned on the heat. “So, what do you want to start with first?” He asked as he started to put food away. 
“Hmmmm first we need to let everyone know we are here safely.” You said and he chuckled and you pulled out your phone to do so, you were glad you had service up here. “Then I think we should get a fire going and a movie queued. Just have a relaxing night in.” You said and he smiled as you walked over to him and leaned on the counter.
“That sounds wonderful, my beautiful wife.” He said and you blushed no matter how long you were with him he knew how to make you blush. 
“I also want you to know that my period was last week and I’m ovulating.” You said smirking as his lips started to turn into a smile.
“Oh really?” He asked
“Really.” You said
“We can get started on the 3rd kid now.” He said and you chuckled.
“First you’re going to build that fire.” You said and he groaned and sighed.
“Fine.” He said and sulked off but you just laughed and followed him grabbing the remote and turning on the TV and once it was on you turned it to Amazon Prime Video. 
“What do you want to watch?” You asked as he stacked the logs and lit them on fire.
“That new Twisters movie is out. How about that?” He asked
“Any chance to look at Glen Powell in a white T-Shirt with rain coming down and him in a cowboy hat I’ll take.” You said and he rolled his eyes but smiled.
“When did you see it?” He asked
“When the kids were in bed and you were at work.” You said and he laughed as he got up and came over and sat down and you snuggled into him. He grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over you as you started the movie. You sat through the movie grinning like an idiot and slightly drooling and when it was over 2 hrs. later you were pouting and Kelly laughed but just kissed you. It was now dark and your stomach was growling. 
“Hungry?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes, did the frozen pizza get put up?” You asked
“It did but it won’t take long to thaw and the oven preheats pretty fast.” He said “Is that what you want?” He asked.
“Yes. Did the ranch and hot sauce make it into the food?” You asked
“Of course. I know you can’t live without those two.” He said 
“Awww you really do love me.” You said as he started to get up to start getting the food ready.
“You know I do.” He said and turned to kiss you then he was walking into the kitchen as you started to get the next movie or show ready. You heard the freezer door open and close and the oven start. Soon Kelly was joining you back on the couch.
“What are we watching now?” He asked
“Leverage.” You said as you opened the blanket and he scooted in. You snuggled into his arms. You got 30 minutes into the movie when the oven preheated and he got up and put in the pizza and came back to the couch with drinks, ranch, and hot sauce. 
“20 minutes and we’ll have food ready.” He said and you smiled.
“Perfect.” You said “What do you say about going on a hike tomorrow?” You asked
“That sounds like a perfect plan then we can come in and warm up with activities.” He said wiggling his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes but you weren’t going to say no.
“Perfect.” You said and then he was getting up for the last time but this time he was bringing plates and pizza. He had set the pizza down and put a slice on the plate for you and handed it to you along with your sauce of choice. You spent the rest of the evening cuddled together eating pizza and watching a Leverage marathon. That’s what you ended up doing all night because the next morning you were waking up on the couch wrapped in your husband's arms laying on top of him, he must’ve moved to laying down. The fire had gone out and the warm sun was hitting your face. 
“Good morning.” He said and you looked down at him he still had his eyes closed. 
“You’re awake?” You asked and he opened his eyes and looked at you.
“Been awake for about 20 minutes, you just looked too peaceful to wake up.” He said and you smiled and kissed him and he kissed back. “When do you want to start that hike?” He asked.
“As soon as we get changed and have breakfast.” You said and he smiled and kissed you again.
“Perfect just like you.” He said and you blushed and then you were getting up and he was too. You both took your bag upstairs and got ready for the hike and the day. Once you were ready you helped make breakfast and you both ate while you both talked about anything or everything but mostly crazy calls he had gone on. You really didn’t have any crazy or funny stories so you left all that to him. When you were done you both put on your snow boots and winter coats along with hats and then you ventured out into the chilly air.
“Kels look!” You said looking out at the snow in amazement and all he could look at was the excitement on your face.
“It’s wonderful.” He said, he continued to stare at you until you looked at him.
“Ready?” You asked and he nodded.
“Always.” He said and so you both started to walk. It was wonderful you were huddled up against your husband and gloved hands holding each other. You must’ve walked for a few hours until you got to your favorite place by the lake, the place where your husband proposed and you had pictures of it thanks to Leslie Shay having come up with you. You two stood there and looked over the lake that now had a light layer of ice over it. 
“Remember when you proposed to me up here?” You asked, looking over at him as he looked out over the lake.
“I do. I remember like it was yesterday.” He said looking over at you and you were smiling. “If I could I would do it over again.” He said and you smiled and blushed but you couldn’t tell because your cheeks were pink from the cold and so was your nose. “Ready to head back?” He asked, looking at your rosy nose and cheeks. You smiled and nodded.
“Yes, I am. Also ready for those warming up activities that you have planned.” You said smirking and he smirked back.
“So am I.” He said and then you both shared a kiss and then you were heading back to the cabin. An hour later you were back and stepping into the warm cabin. 
“Warmth.” You moaned and he chuckled “I’m going to take a shower. You’re welcome to join me.” You said smirking and winking as you shed your jacket and boots and headed upstairs and he was quickly shedding his boots and jacket and hurrying behind you. When he finally reached you, the shower was already running and there was a pile of your clothes and his quickly joined. He stepped into the bathroom naked and pulled the glass shower door back. You turned to look at him smirking as he stepped in behind you. The shower was plenty big and it was perfect. His hands went to your breasts and massaged them as he kissed your neck and nipped at it your head turned to give him better access. You could feel his erection standing attention against your lower back. You turned around in his arms and threw your arms around his neck and his hands left your breasts and went to your hips.
“Hi.” He said in a whisper.
“Hi.” You replied in the same tone. You then leaned in and kissed him and he squeezed your hips and that was a signal for you to jump and you did. He backed you up into the wall under the water. He held onto you as one hand went to his cock and slowly slid it into you and you moaned in his mouth. You thrusted in you nice and slow taking his time with you and since there was no need to worry about hurrying or any kids possibly interrupting you. 
“Always so tight for me.” He moaned as he broke the kiss.
“That’s because I was made for you.” You moaned and he thrusted up into you.
“Damn right.” He said kissing the side of your neck. 
“You always know how to hit all the right spots.” You moaned and you tightened around him. 
“Keep doing that and I won’t last long.” He moaned and you smirked and did it again. “Oh, fuck I’m close.” He moaned.
“So am I baby. So am I.” You moaned and just about that time his thrusts became erratic and you both came hard. He stayed in you until you both came down and he was putting you down on shaky legs. You two eventually did get cleaned and he turned the shower off and then grabbed the towels. First, he dried you off and wrapped it around your body and then dried off and wrapped his towel around his waist. He helped you out of the shower and then followed right behind you. You put on your bra and underwear and then his Chicago Fire Department long sleeved shirt that you might’ve stolen from him. Your hair was wet and down and to him you looked sexy as hell. He pulled on his underwear and threw a shirt on and then the both of you were heading down the stairs. 
“Want some hot chocolate, Babe?” He asked as he reached the kitchen and turned to you as you tended to the fire. You turned and smiled at him and nodded.
“With-” You began
“With whip cream and extra marshmallows.” He said and you smiled.
“You get me so well.” You said 
“Of course I do, Baby.” He said and brought over two mugs as you took a seat on the couch. He waited until you got settled before giving you your hot chocolate and then he sat down and you settled into him. 
“If we do end up pregnant, what are you hoping for?” You asked as you took a sip of your hot chocolate.
“Another girl would be nice but also another boy.” He said and you chuckled.
“What if it is twins again?” You asked and he smiled.
“That would be even more perfect.” He said and you smiled and snuggled further into him. Whatever you had or how many you had they would be equally loved and given attention. As the week came to an end and you were packing up and feeling refreshed during your stay you both had several more intimate moments and each time it was sweet and not rushed. 
The next week was Christmas and you were excited for Kelly to open his present. When you had gotten back into town Sunday you dropped Kelly off at home and made a quick trip to the store before going to get the kids. You got a pregnancy test and some baby clothes, two sets. If you knew your body then it would be throwing twins, you just had a feeling. The baby clothes were all firefighter themed and you were thankful for keeping the baby clothes from the twins. Then you picked the twins up and headed home. They talked nonstop about what they did with their grandparents and you smiled as you listened glad, they always had a good time with them. By the time you got into the house they were already rushing off to tackle their father and you laughed.
When you had gone back to work for the one day before Christmas Eve you were greeted back with open arms and everyone said you were glowing which you blushed but thanked them. You went through work happy and ready to be back home. The time for you to go home came quickly and you were saying bye to your coworkers and heading home. When you got there Kelly’s Jeep was gone still which meant that he was picking up the kids after his 24-hr. shift which meant that you had 20 minutes to take the test. You parked and then got out grabbing your stuff and rushing in. You quickly threw your jacket off and shoes and rushed to the bathroom. You went into the bathroom and grabbed the test which was hidden in your tampons. You pulled your pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet and took the test then capped it you set your timer for 5 minutes, you wiped and pulled up your underwear and pants. You were nervous but excited as you washed your hands. The timer went off and you took a breath and looked at it and melted in relief and excitement. Two pink lines. You were pregnant. 
You exited the bathroom and grabbed the gift bag and gift box. You quickly put the test in the box and the baby clothes in the bag. You went downstairs and put them under the tree just as soon as the door opened. The tree and decorations were put up and set up before you had left for your little vacation. “Honey, we’re home!” Kelly shouted and you chuckled.
“In the living room!” You shouted and they all came rushing in.
“Mom!” Zoey and Chase shouted and came and almost tackled you.
“Easy.” Kelly said and they listened and they hugged you and then sat down beside you. You smiled as they talked about their day and the gifts that were exchanged. You were invested in what they were saying and listened to them happily and so did Kelly. Soon it was time for dinner and then they were heading off to bed leaving you and Kelly alone cuddled up on the couch looking at the multi-colored lights on the Christmas tree. Neither of you spoke and as his hand rested on your stomach you smiled you couldn’t wait to share the news with him.
Christmas Eve came and went and family dinners were eaten and now it was Christmas. You both were woken up early and being ushered downstairs to the tree as your parents knocked on the door and Kelly went and opened the door. Everyone was gathered, gifts were open and thank you’s and I love you’s along with hugs were passed around. Finally, you decided to give Kelly his gift. “I have one last gift for you.” You told him as you reached over and grabbed the bag and box. You gave him the bag first and he opened it. He read it and things started to click and it seemed like everyone had gotten it already and they were smiling and squealing. 
“Are you?” He asked and you gestured to the box.
“Open it.” You said and he did and there sat the test with the two pink lines.
“Holy shit. Really?” He asked and you smiled and nodded tears coming to his eyes.
“Really.” You said and he practically lunged at you and hugged you and kissed you as everyone cheered and your parents congratulated you.
“We’re going to be grandparents again!” Your father cheered.
“Oh, I can’t wait to spoil them.” Your mother said. 
“Finally, another sibling!” Zoey and Chase said and you chuckled and nodded. Everything was great. 
9 months later you were welcoming your twins. Yup twins. One boy, Sam Severide, and one girl, Olivia Severide. The numbers were even and Kelly was excited that they were and so were you. Both healthy and strong just like their daddy and you if you asked Kelly and others. Twins just meant twice the love that went around. 
Everything was perfect.
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atiny-desire · 2 years
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Pairing: Ghostface! Wooyoung x fem! Reader
High-school! AU
Summary: You had to find out the hard way that your friends aren't who they seemed to be.
Word count: 7.8k
Disclaimer: I'm in no way condoning, justifying, encouraging nor promoting this kind of behavior. This is not supposed to represent Wooyoung in any way.
Warning: Stalking, yandere behavior, gore, murder, a little bit of cursing
A/n: This was supposed to be finished by Halloween, but a writer's block stopped me from completing it ;-; I hope you can still enjoy it! I'm also considering a second part for this, but don't take my word for it.
Pt. 2
"Awh come on, this is the last year of our high-school years." You sighed in annoyance for the hundreds of times now. Your best friend Mingi was chewing your ear up about a Halloween party that was this weekend, he wanted you to attend even though he knew that you didn't like parties. He wanted to go with you in a partner look and pestered you about it ever since he found out about the party.
Jongho who was walking together with you and Mingi down the school hallway was also annoyed with him. "It's like you never learn, Mingi."Jongho shook his head and glanced at his tall friend who was walking on the other side of you. "We know each other since kindergarten, did you ever see her go to a party?"
The three of you were now walking out of the main entrance, you were met with the cold breeze of the autumn. Orange and red leaves were dancing around in the wind, the sun was shining but it didn't spend any warmth.
You stretched your arms a bit while you mumbled, "Jongho is the only one here who gets me."
"I'm hurt!" A loud and dramatic voice yelled. The person pushed himself between you and Mingi and threw his arm around your shoulder. You glanced toward the person to see his face, it was Wooyoung, which you already knew because of the lack of personal space and his loud voice. His black hair was disheveled as if he had just woken up and he was grinning from ear to ear as he leaned against you as much as possible.
"I get you too!" You grimaced your face he was basically screaming in your ear. "You were talking about you not going to the party right?"
You tried to push him away from you but it only resulted in him clinging to you even more. "Ever heard the concept of personal space," you huffed, as he leaned his whole weight onto your shoulder.
Wooyoung skillfully ignored your broad hint to give you some space and instead leaned his face even closer to yours, to the point where you could feel his hot breath right by your ear. He lowered his voice into a dangerous whisper, "But are you sure you don't want to come?" He stopped for a second to give his sentence some sort of dramatic effect. "Maybe the killer is going to be out there, preying on girls who are home alone."
You promptly pushed him away from you into Mingi and glared at him. Wooyoung and Mingi were both laughing, even tho they knew that you were scared.
Two girls have been murdered during the last week, the first girl was Choi San's ex-girlfriend. Her throat was slit and the word slut was carved into the skin of her stomach. The second girl was killed in a more brutal way, but seemingly without a motive. Her murderer cut her open from her chest to her lower stomach and hung her from a tree with her own guts.
"Did the police let San go?" Jongho suddenly asked and stopped Wooyoung and Mingi from making fun of you.
"Yep," Wooyoung answered, locked his hands behind his head, and fixated his gaze on said person. San was walking through the school gates, you could see the dark circles under his eyes even from a distance. "He has an alibi so they let him go pretty quickly."
You hummed and nodded your head. You wondered how he still managed to come to school after what happened, if it was you would have stayed at home for a few days, alone for the fact that you didn't want everyone to stare at you. "Should I ask him how he's doing?"
Mingi snorted letting you know that you said that out loud and didn't just think about it. "His ex-girlfriend is barely dead and you already think about swooping in?"
"Mingi!" You yelled at the same time as Jongho asked, "Swooping in?" Ignoring Jongho you glared at Mingi, but the latter was just sheepishly smiling at you. "I'm just worried about him, nothing more."
"Swooping in?" Wooyoung repeated Jongho's question. You noticed the slight scowl on his face, as his eyes were wandering between you and Mingi waiting for an answer.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance when you first told Mingi about your crush on San he promised you to not tell anyone, but you should've known better than to trust him with this matter. "It's nothing, just a small crush and I want to know how he's doing."
"You have a crush on San," Wooyoung asked a bit too loud for your liking.
You grimaced your face and quickly shushed him with your hand before he could say anything else. "Why don't you just yell it across the whole school, huh," you whisper yell at him.
"You want me to?" He provocatively raised his eyebrows and watched you in satisfaction as you were ready to jump him in order to stop him.
You warningly gripped him by the sleeve of his jacket while hissing between clenched teeth, "Don't you dare!"
Wooyoung unimpressed by your try to intimidate him just smirked and leaned in a little closer to you. "Who is going to stop me?"
"Alright, that's enough you two." Mingi interrupted your staring contest and pushed himself between you and Wooyoung, claiming his original place beside you. "Let's talk about the party instead, we still haven't finished that conversation." With that, he redirected the attention to the original topic.
You sighed and with a last glare directed at Wooyoung you said, "The discussion was over Mingi, I'm not going." While you were talking you saw how San disappeared into the building. You scrunched up your nose, you weren't going to ask him how he was doing after Mingis and Wooyoungs teasing. "Even if I wanted to go I can't. My parents are gone this week and I'm supposed to watch the dog."
"So you're really alone?" Your expected Wooyoung to ask but it was Jongho, who till now just quietly listened. He didn't mean it in a teasing way, you saw it by the way his eyes held real concern for you in them.
"Yes, but I have the dog with me so I'm not all alone." Wooyoung of course didn't let go of the topic he grinned when you mentioned your dog, and you knew he was about to mock you even further. "Ah yes, do you mean that Doberman of yours who runs away at the first sign of a threat?"
You grit your teeth in annoyance, till now you weren't worried about being alone, but their teasing started to get to you. It was true that your dog, Leila, wasn't the bravest one out there, but the thought of having her around still put you at ease.
Wooyoung grinned, he tried to get closer to you but Mingi pushed him away, earning himself a murderous glare from him. "Do you want me to stay with you over the weekend," Wooyoung asked. He didn't try to get closer again and instead ran his hand through his black hair and winked at you.
"I would rather spend the evening with a Killer than with you," you mumbled.
Instead of whining about how mean you are he just laughed. "Be careful what you wish for!"
An unsettling feeling spread itself inside your stomach. To you, Wooyoung's words sounded more like a threat than a warning. You searched for eye contact with Mingi, to see if he was feeling the same thing, but he just continued making stupid jokes with Wooyoung.
A shiver ran down your spine, you weren't sure if it was because of the bad feeling or the sudden gust of wind. "By the way, why did we even go outside? I'm freezing!"
"Because Yunho wanted to meet us out here," Mingi answered while checking his phone for the time. You took a peak at it too, it was 11 am.
"Well, if he isn't here in five minutes I'm leaving." You hid your cold hands in the sleeves of your jacket and cursed Yunho for wanting to meet outside.
As if on cue said person's voice piped up from behind you. "Impatient as always." You turned your head to look at him, the first thing that you noticed was his hair. The last time you saw him it was a bright blue but now it was a less eye-piercing orange.
"I think I figured out who the killer might be." That was the first thing he said. No Hello, or how are you doing, he just got straight to the point. His eyes were shining with determination and triumph as if he had already caught the murderer.
"And here he goes again," Mingi sighed and shook his head. Yunho was the geek of your group and he probably watched every slasher movie under the sun. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if he didn't always come up with conspiracy theories about who could be a serial killer and who they would kill.
You sighed, this could only mean that you weren't getting back into the warmth of the building for quite some time. "Alright, let's get it over with. What have you got Yunho?
Yunho pushed your group to a more secluded area before he started. "So I was thinking-," You started to zone out after not even one sentence, you heard Yunho's theories so often that you could already imagine who he was thinking about. You bit your lip trying not to laugh, every time he got like this he reminded you of that Charlie conspiracy meme.
Yunho kept rambling for quite some time, he talked about multiple people and why they could or could not be the killer until he finally landed on his two prime suspects. "That's why I think that it was Hongjoong or Wooyoung!" All of you watched him with skepticism written all over your face, but he wasn't bothered and just continued, "Hongjoong is one of San's closest friends, he was extremely angry when he found out that San's girlfriend cheated on him. He wanted to take revenge for his best friend and killed his ex-girlfriend."
He stopped to take a deep breath while fixating his gaze on Wooyoung. "But I can't really imagine that Hongjoong would do something so reckless, that could also bring trouble to San." Yunho narrowed his eyes and now glared at Wooyoung, the latter didn't flinch one bit and just watched him in amusement. "That's why my second guess is Wooyoung. We all know how loyal he is, especially towards Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and San! I can totally see him doing something as reckless as killing someone, just to get revenge for his friends."
For a few seconds, it was just silence until Wooyoung's laughter broke it. "Nice one, but why would you tell me that you suspect me?"
Yunho crossed his arms over his chest he looked at all of you with a confident smile, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. "Because I am protected now. If you kill me now everyone here will know it was you because I suspected you."
Wooyoung smirked and crossed his arms too, he gave him the same attitude. "But now I can kill you. If I kill you now no one would suspect me, because they now think that I wouldn't kill you because you suspected me."
At first Yunho's confident grin faltered, but it returned even bigger than before. "See?" He accusingly pointed at his prime suspect. "He even thinks like a murderer!"
"Why do I even hang out with you idiots," Jongho sighed and crossed his bare arms over his chest. It was 1 C° outside but he still chose to wear a T-shirt, your eyes wandered to his arms and there wasn't even a hint of goosebumps on them. He cocked his head to the side, and a frown formed on his face as if he was thinking about something. "Even if one of them is the killer, why would they kill the second girl, if the first one was for revenge?"
The eyes of your orange-haired friend began to sparkle with excitement. He clasped his hands together and pointed with both of his index fingers at Jongho. "Good question!" His eyes wandered to Wooyoung again, it looked like he was dead set on the idea that Wooyoung did it. "My guess is, that whoever did it, liked it the first time and wanted to do it again!"
Wooyoung clenched his jaw, he was getting visibly annoyed now, but who wouldn't if they were accused of murder? "Why don't you talk directly to me," he snarled.
"I did," Yunho blankly said. They both continued to glare at each other, and they would have kept doing it if it wasn't for you intervening.
"Yunho, I think you're crossing the line a bit! You can't just go around accusing people of murder." Fights luckily didn't happen often in your friend group, but if they did it always cost you all of your energy. Somehow you always ended up between the front lines. Wooyoung and Jongho on one side, and Yunho and Mingi on the other side.
"But-," Yunho wanted to start again, but you quickly cut him off.
"No, it's enough!" Another gust of wind made you shiver "I don't know what you're doing, but I'm going back inside." You took your phone out of your pocket to check the time. "Our break is almost over anyway."
Mingi and Jongho decided to stay a little longer with Yunho, while Wooyoung decided to follow you back inside.
"Do you also think that I did it?" Wooyoung asked when you were finally back in the comfort of the heated school building.
You scoffed, the image of Wooyoung killing someone was ridiculous to you. Now, doing something stupid like accidentally stealing someone's pet because he thought it was cute, was something you could see him doing, but killing someone? No. "Don't be ridiculous, someone who cried like a baby during Lion King can't kill anyone."
You glanced at him and saw how his eyes widened before he narrowed them. "You little-," He was about to grab you to put you in a headlock, but you, who already teased him about it a lot of times, were quicker. The two of you were running down the hallway to your classroom, while you were laughing, Wooyoung was yelling after you to stop.
"Watch it!" You were taking a peek at him, to see how close he was when he warned you.
You stopped just in time to avoid running into a boy from your parallel class. A few strands of his white hair hung over his eyes, he had a smile on his lips that showed off his dimples. His hands were in front of his body, ready to catch you in case you would run into him.
"Got a ghost chasing you," he asked and dropped his arms back to his sides.
You nodded a bit out of breath, you didn't interact with him often but you still knew that his name was Yang Jeongin. "Something like that."
Wooyoung quickly caught up to you, he threw his arm around your neck and ruffled your hair with his other hand. "I told you to let it go," he hissed but it was obviously in a playful manner.
His impact caused you to stumble a few steps forward, forcing Jeongin to take a few steps back. "Ah, I see." He said. Only now did Wooyoung acknowledge his presence.
"And I told you to not touch my hair!" You tried to fix it, but it was no use, a few strands remained out of place.
Jeongin's whole demeanor changed as soon as Wooyoung showed up. The smile vanished off his face and his eyes were nervously flicking between you and Wooyoung. "Well, I'll be going now! My friends are waiting for me."
He basically sprinted off before you could say goodbye to him. Confused you looked at Wooyoung, it seemed as if Jeongin was scared of him. "What was that?"
He shrugged, his eyes were fixated on Jeongin's back until he disappeared behind a corner. "No idea." He turned his head to look at you and asked, "Are you driving with me later?"
"Do you finally have your license?"
He mischievously smiled at your question. "Almost. So does that mean you want to walk home?"
You rolled your eyes of course you didn't want to walk home. The advantage of having someone who almost had a driver's license was to never walk or go by bike again. "See you later!" You didn't directly answer his question, but you knew that he would get the hint.
The rest of your day went by in a blur, school ended, Wooyoung brought you home, went on a walk with your dog Lila, took a shower when you came back, and you spend the rest of your day watching movies.
It was in the middle of the night when the house telephone suddenly rang, your heart almost stopped since you were in the middle of watching an intense scene from the horror movie you chose. You sighed annoyed, who would call you at this time?
You stopped the movie and picked up the phone. "Hello?" No answer. You tried again, "Hello!" But again, the person on the other side didn't answer you.
You were about to hang up, more annoyed than before because you thought that it was a prank call when the person finally said something. "What's your favorite scary movie?"
Confused you moved the telephone away from your ear. You were hoping to see the number on the small display, but the number was suppressed. "Who are you?" Instead of answering you decided to ask a question yourself.
"What's your favorite scary movie?!" The person asked again, now a bit harsher than before.
You noticed that their voice was changed by a voice changer. "Listen, if you don't tell me who you are, I'm going to hang up!" At this point you were sure that it was just a prank call, who else would call you at this time, just to ask you what your favorite horror movie is?
But the stranger on the other end didn't appreciate you not answering his question, as he promptly yelled, "Hang up and I'll gut you just like the other two girls!"
You stopped and felt your stomach drop, did you hear that right? Just like the other two girls? "My.. my favorite scary movie?" You repeated his question, but you got no answer.
Prank call or not, you weren't about to risk it. "Uhm, it's Halloween."
"One of the classics, huh?" The person chuckled, it wasn't a nice one, the voice changer made it sound a bit static. "Good choice as I expected."
"Who are you?" You asked again. You stared at the frozen screen of your TV and nervously picked the skin on your wrist.
"Who am I?" The stranger chuckled, there was a short silence before you heard the voice again. "Wouldn't you like to know? Let's just say, I'm someone who's watching you, very closely."
Out of reflex, your eyes moved to the big front window, which allowed you to see the empty main street and the few street lamps that illuminated the sidewalk. "What do you mean by that?"
You heard a chuckle again. "What do you think?" Squinting your eyes you hoped to see more in the dark, but there was nothing. What were you even looking for? "Don't worry, I'm not in front of your house."
This sentence made the hair on your neck stand up, your head shot in the direction of your kitchen. If someone wanted to they would be able to see you through the kitchen window.
"Ah no, don't worry! I'm not in the back either." The person tried to stifle their laugh but you could still hear it. They had fun messing with you.
"What the hell," you whispered and finally moved to the front door, checking the lock there first before going to the back door in your kitchen. But nothing both doors were locked. "Where are you," you asked and wandered back into the living room.
Leila has by now woken up due to you pacing around the room, she was attentively watching you. "Close."
You anxiously started to bite your fingernails, a bad habit that you got rid of a long time ago, but was now coming back. "You-,"
"I bet you're dying to know why I called you." They cackled as if they just heard the most hilarious joke ever. Their voice dangerously lowered when they said, " This is a warning call, if I catch you whoring around again I'll gut you just like the other two."
You were at a loss for words. First of all, how were you 'whoring' around, and second of all even if you did, how was that any of this person's business? Of course you didn't say that out loud, if this was the real killer you didn't want to risk it.
You were speechless while your mind was overflowing with thoughts, after a few seconds of you not saying anything the person spoke again. Their voice was cheerfully mocking you when they said, "Thank you for your time, have a nice evening!" And without giving you a chance of saying another word they hung up.
Your body moved on its own accord, letting all the window blinds down, but only downstairs. You didn't dare go upstairs, because you swore you heard a sound coming from there.
While you were pacing around, checking everything twice just to make sure, you dialed Mingi's number. Three times did you call him, but nothing. Of course, you thought. He always had his phone on silent. Wooyoung was your next pick, the phone rang for a few seconds before his voice reached your ear with his usual cheerful, "Well, hello there!"
A breath of relief escaped your mouth. "Thank God!" You closed your eyes to gain a bit of composure, but you still felt like throwing up. "Can you please come over? I think someone is watching me."
"In the middle of the night? That's one hell of a persistent fan right there." He laughed but you weren't in the mood for his stupid jokes.
"It's not a joke!" You were mindlessly petting Lila, who must have sensed that something was wrong because she refused to leave your side. "Someone called me and told me they were watching me! At first, I thought it was a prank call, but then they started to describe what I was doing!"
You heard the rustle of keys through the telephone before Wooyoung said, "Don't worry I'm coming as fast as I can!" He hung up without saying goodbye and left you alone with your dog again.
He arrived not even ten minutes later, you were so relieved to see him that you didn't even question him on why he was so quick since it usually took him around twenty to thirty minutes to get to your house.
Wooyoung put his hands on your shoulders as soon as you let him in, concern was swirling in his eyes when he asked you, "Are you okay?" You nodded but he didn't let you go, only when you told him twice that you were really okay did he calm down a bit.
"Wait here. I'll check if someone is in the house." And with that, he made his way upstairs. You were glad that he was willing to do that, but at the same time, it also surprised you, as you knew that he was just as much of a scaredy-cat as you were.
You were already sitting on your couch when he came back down, Lila was sitting at your feet and had her head laying on your leg as if she wanted to comfort you. Wooyoung plopped down beside you and shook his head. "I checked every corner but nothing."
You nodded to show him that you understood. "It's okay. I'm just glad you're here." Exhausted you put your head on his shoulder. "Can you stay tonight," you asked. There was no way you would be able to sleep alone after that call.
Wooyoung put his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. "Of course!" He laughed when he said, "Can't let my favorite friend die, can I?"
"Mhm." You only mumbled since you were already half asleep. The comfort of having someone around, let your body finally relax enough to let your guard down and sleep.
"Do you want me to play the movie?" His eyes were on the unmoving TV screen trying to figure out what movie you were watching. He turned his head to look at you when he got no answer, just to see you already sleeping. Wooyoung forgot about the movie and watched you sleep instead, to him there was nothing more interesting.
You both contemplated to just skip school the next day, but you decided that school would be a nice distraction from the night prior.
Mingi was already waiting at the gates when you and Wooyoung finally arrived. "Girl, why did you call me in the middle of the night?"
"Someone was stalking me," you whispered once you were close enough to him, you didn't want anyone else to listen to your conversation.
He first grinned at you thinking it was a joke, but when he saw that not only you were serious, but Wooyoung too, his grin faltered.
"Shit, do you want me to stay with you tonight," he asked after you and Wooyoung explained to him what happened last night.
You shook your head, you didn't want Mingi to miss the party he was already excited about, and besides Wooyoung already offered to stay with you. "No you don't-,"
"I'm already staying with her!" You were annoyed by Wooyoung interrupting you, but you didn't have the energy to fight him over it.
"If you need me call me, I'll keep my ringtone on." Mingi ignored him and tried to comfort you.
You thankfully nodded at him, even if your friends teased and annoyed you a lot of the time, in the end, they would always be there for you.
In the end, school wasn't much of a distraction as you thought it would be, your thoughts were constantly revolving around the unknown caller. You should probably tell the police what happened, but you didn't want to do it alone. You decided to ask Wooyoung later to do it with you.
Another thought infiltrated your mind, no matter how hard you tried to push it away, it always came back. The person's message was quite personal, which probably meant that they knew you and could be someone close to you. Yunho's words crossed your mind again and for a second Wooyoung's face flickered in your mind. But it couldn't be him, you shook your head. No. Definitely not him, but who else?
It was at the end of the school day when you bumped into San, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong, you were on your way to meet Wooyoung at his car. But now you had the opportunity to ask San how he was doing without Mingi or Wooyoung around.
San still looked tired and it also showed in his lackluster answer. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm okay... I guess."
You awkwardly bit your lip, what were you expecting? That he was going to pour his heart out to you in the school hallway or tell you that he was completely fine? Luckily for you, Hongjoong tried to get you out of the situation by asking you how you were doing.
Maybe you weren't so lucky after all because now you were at a loss for words. "Uhm... I'm fine. A little tired tho, Wooyoung and I watched some movies last night." You weren't doing fine at all, but at least it wasn't a complete lie.
"Speaking of Wooyoung," Hongjoong started and brushed a strand of his fiery red hair out of his face. "I've meant to ask this for a while now, since when are you and Wooyoung a couple?"
"Huh? We're not a couple." Both of you were confused now and the atmosphere was more awkward than before. "Where did you get that idea from?"
"Well...," he paused and exchanged an unsure glance with Seonghwa before he continued, "Wooyoung has been going around telling everyone not to get too close to you."
Seonghwa grimaced his face as if he bit into something sour. "I think he already told me off thrice!"
You awkwardly smiled at them, as if it didn't bother you at all. On the inside, however, you were furious. Who did he think he was, that it gave him the right, to tell people to stay away from you?
You quickly said your goodbyes to the three and rushed off to confront Wooyoung. Once you reached his car and got in you slammed the door shut.
"What's wrong? Did someone ruffle your hair?" He was laughing and reached out to try and dishelv your hair. He stopped laughing when you slapped his hand away and glared at him.
"Why are you going around, telling people to stay away from me?" You didn't waste any time and came straight to the point.
"Who told you this?"
"It doesn't matter who told me! Why did you do it?"
He seriously had the audacity to not answer you, he instead started the car and started driving. "Why. Did. You. Do it?!" You repeated a bit more aggressively.
"Because they're not good for you! I just-"
Hearing him say such nonsense almost made you speechless, but only almost. "And why do you think you could decide that for me?"
He didn't answer you again but you saw how his grip tightened around the steering wheel. You had a hunch about why he did it and you didn't like that idea one bit. You stopped pushing him for an answer, but the more you thought about it, the angrier you got. But still, you didn't want to hear his answer because you knew that you wouldn't like it.
You were tempted to tell him to leave you alone, but the thought of staying home alone terrified you. You couldn't ask Mingi or Jongho since you really wanted them to enjoy the party and Yunho wasn't an option because he would drive you insane.
The tension and awkwardness wouldn't disappear the whole day. You didn't talk a lot and honestly, it didn't bother you at all. In the evening you decided to watch a slasher movie, the two of you sat on the couch with a good amount of distance between you.
"I'm going to the bathroom," Wooyoung excused himself at one point, which you acknowledge with a short mumbled okay.
With him gone you were finally able to relax a bit, your eyes were glued to the screen you've watched this movie before and now the best scene came on. You heard a rustle from behind you, announcing Wooyoung's return, which also meant the return of your tension. After a few seconds, you wondered why he wasn't sitting back down, in fact, you didn't hear him walk somewhere else either.
You turned your head to see what he was doing. But behind you wasn't Wooyoung instead you saw a person dressed in a black cloak and with a scream mask covering their face. You froze and stared at them it lasted for what felt like minutes, in reality, however it was just a few seconds until the person started to walk toward you.
Your body reacted without thinking, you jumped up and ran towards the kitchen so you could escape through the back door. Funnily enough, the character in the movie did the same as you.
You tried to unlock the door but you didn't have enough time. Your hands were shaking while fidgeting with the lock, and on top of that you couldn't properly see it, the only source of light was the dim light of the movie that was still playing in the living room.
You decided to change your plan and get a knife instead, you knew where the knife block was standing and you didn't need any light to find it. When your fingers finally touched the metallic hilt of the knife the light's turned on.
The stranger's gloved hand was still on the light switch when you turned around to face them. Your eyes were drawn to the glint that was coming from the same hand, they had a knife too. Adrenaline was rushing through your body while you watched the stranger.
You were ready to fight, but they just stood there in the doorway with their head cocked to the side, staring at you. "Get out of my house!" It was nothing more than a breath, you weren't sure if they were able to hear what you were saying. It didn't matter anyway. The person stopped staring at you and finally moved towards you again.
You clenched your hand around the knife. You could've yelled for Wooyoung to help you, but it completely slipped your mind that he was in the house too. It was within the blink of an eye that they were standing in front of you.
The stranger grabbed the wrist of your hand that was holding the knife, you tried to pull away but it was no use. They twisted it, forcing you to drop your weapon. You saw how they raised their own knife, but you were able to catch their wrist with your free hand before the metal could make contact with the skin of your neck.
You struggled to keep it away and you would have lost if it wasn't for you raising your knee and striking them in their crotch. The force disappeared and they toppled over while groaning in pain, their voice gave away that the person under the mask was a man.
You ran towards the living room, now you had the chance to escape through the front door. However, the stranger recovered quickly and was bolting after you, shattering your hopes of escape. You weren't even able to get into the living room, he caught you by the doorframe and pulled you back into the kitchen. With the short glance you had at the TV you saw that the movie was still playing, reminding you that Wooyoung was still there too.
You ran behind the kitchen aisle trying to gain as much distance as possible while you yelled Wooyoung's name over and over again, screaming for him to help you, but nothing. He didn't come nor did he answer your calls.
Your attacker hopped onto the aisle and landed on your side of it. Running away wasn't an option since he swiftly caught you by your hair to pull you back to him. He pushed you against the counter and you found yourself where you started, the difference was that this time you weren't able to hit him with your knee again. He stopped this from being an option by pushing his body between your legs.
You tried to fight back by hitting and scratching him, but since you had no experience in fighting and no space to move freely, it did little to no damage.
His chuckle made you eventually stop, trying to fight him. The sound was muffled by the mask but you still recognized it. You stared at the mask before you raised your hand to remove it. He didn't try to stop you.
Now it wasn't the mask looking back at you but Wooyoung. Anger rose inside of you, in an intensity you have never felt before. "What is wrong with you?!" Your voice was cracking while you screamed at him. "Do you think this is a joke? I thought I was going to die!"
Wooyoung didn't react, you expected him to smile and laugh, saying that it was just a joke and that you should calm down, but he did nothing of it. Instead, he held the knife against your neck, his eyes were empty while doing so. "What are you doing," you whispered. A lump formed inside your throat, which no matter how often you tried to swallow it, wouldn't go away. You realized that Yunho was right, Wooyoung was the killer.
"Don't worry," he said as if that was going to calm you down, if anything this unnerved you even more. "Remember? I could never let my favorite friend die. But apparently, I do have to teach you a lesson."
Teach you a lesson? For what? You tried to think about what you could've done but nothing came to mind. "No don't look at me like that, you know exactly what you did," he hissed when he saw how confused you were.
"A quick reminder maybe? Yeosang, Yeonjun, and apparently the next one is San, huh?" He bit his lip in annoyance when you still didn't get it. "You choose everyone, literally everyone over me! I was in love with you ever since we first met, yet you never looked at me!"
He kept talking faster, his breath becoming erratic with his chest raising heavily. "I try to do everything for you! I drive you everywhere you want, buy you the food that you like, and comfort you when you're having a tough time, yet it's never enough! Hell, it bet you would even consider that moron Mingi over me!"
You felt nauseous listening to him talk while he was still holding that kitchen knife against your throat, but you had to be calm now. Maybe you could calm him down enough to escape. "Wooyoung, how was I supposed to know that you like me? You flirt with everything and everyone that crosses your path, I thought you treated me like everyone else!" You took a deep breath and carefully thought about your next words before you continued, "I always thought you had no interest in me if I knew I..."
Wooyoung slightly lowered the knife. "If you knew what? That I liked you?" He scoffed. "You and I both know damn well that I made it more than obvious."
He was right. You always knew that Wooyoung liked you and it became especially apparent when you were in a relationship. You noticed how Wooyoung distanced himself from you, every time you had a boyfriend. And as soon as you broke up he came back into your life, with his first question being, "Are you okay?"
You were hurt when he distanced himself the first time and annoyed the second time. You told yourself that you wouldn't take him back as a friend, but you were down from your breakup and really appreciated him asking how you were doing and bringing snacks so you two could have a movie night to distract you.
Obviously, you liked Wooyoung, even though he often annoyed you, but never in a romantic kind of way. He was more like a brother to you, cliché, you know but that's just how you felt.
"Well obviously you didn't," you snapped, just to immediately regret it as you saw how Wooyoung dangerously narrowed his eyes. "I mean if I knew, I would have told you that I liked you too!"
"Don't fucking lie to me!" He yelled. The sudden raise of his voice made you flinch. "Do you think I'm stupid? I know you don't love-"
You interrupted him and yelled back, "But it's the truth! I do love you Wooyoung, what do you want me to do to prove it?!" It was a risk to raise your voice at him in this situation, but at the same time, it might help you come across as sincere.
To your surprise, he threw his head back and laughed. He bit his lip and looked at you when he calmed down, his eyes were sparkling in amusement while traveling down to your mouth and back up to meet your eyes again. You knew what was coming even before he said it. "You want to prove it? Then kiss me!"
You tried to subtly take a deep breath before you put your lips on his. It was awkward, while he was moving his lips against yours, you were just frozen. You couldn't believe what you were doing. It wasn't until he bit your lower lip that you finally kissed him back.
You felt guilty, kissing him. To you, it felt like you were disrespecting the lifes of the girls he took. It was like you were in a trance, just doing what you had to, to keep him calm. But then you felt Wooyoung's hand creep under your shirt. The feeling of his gloved hand against the warm skin of your stomach sent a jolt through your body and ripped you out of your trance-like state. You caught his wrist before he could trail up any further. "Stop," you whispered against his lips when he pulled back to look at you.
A lazy smirk formed on his lips as he whispered back, "It's okay, we'll have enough time for this in the future."
He took a few steps back and pulled you with him by your hand. He held you against him by your waist when he softly said, "I'll be going to the bathroom, for real this time."
"Wait!" You stopped him before he could leave, one particular question was burning on your tongue. "Why did you kill them?"
"They deserved it." And with that he was gone, leaving you in shock at his indifference. You truly never believed that he could do something like that. You felt betrayed.
You waited until you heard the click of the bathroom door before you ran into the living room to grab your phone. You quickly dialed the emergency number, but you didn't even get to hear the first ring, since the phone was ripped out of your hand.
The phone was flung across the room after he ended the call. Wooyoung placed his hand on your stomach and pulled you closer. Your back was pressed against his chest and his head was on your shoulder when he asked, "Do you think I'm stupid?"
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat. His other arm found its way around you too, he was basically hugging you from behind now. "Hm, tell me, do you think I'm stupid," he asked again when you didn't answer him, his voice was coated with false sweetness.
You slowly shook your head, it was as if someone glued your mouth shut, no word wanted to come out, no matter how hard you tried. "No? Then why did you think that this would work?" His voice was barely above a whisper as if he was too lazy to talk.
Still, no answer came out of you. You heard his soft chuckle right by your ear before he suddenly planted a kiss on your neck. "You'll do as I say now," he mumbled against your skin and kissed you again
The feeling of disgust took over you, every cell of your body wanted to escape his touch, but you didn't dare to tell him to stop. "Go and pack some clothes, we're leaving."
Why? Where are we going? Questions were floating around in your head, but you didn't voice out any of them. Instead, you wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. You were about to go past him when his voice stopped you. "By the way, if you want to run away that's fine, but then I'll kill San."
"What-," the hell, is what you wanted to say but he cut you off.
"Or maybe Mingi, if San doesn't convince you." He huffed and furrowed his brows in thought. "But your parents are an option too, of course!"
Wooyoung glanced at you and asked, "You get the message, right?
You nodded. You would've gotten his message without him threatening to kill the people close to you too. "I'm not going to try anything!"
He smiled and pat your head. "Of course you won't."
After he finally let you go, you rushed up the stairs to your room. Letting Wooyoung wait seemed like a bad idea, so you swiftly stuffed some clothes into a big bag and went downstairs again.
Wooyoung was already waiting by the front door, he was staring down at his phone and typing away quickly. Strands of his black hair were covering his eyes, but he brushed it away when he heard you approach him.
"Let's go." It was as if he was in a hurry to get away since he opened the door and pushed you out by the small of your back. Everything about this felt surreal to you. One of your closest and longest friends was not only a Killer but was now also abducting you.
A black car that you didn't recognize was already standing in front of your house, and Wooyoung kept pushing you toward it. You couldn't see the driver through the dark, only a dark silhouette sitting in the driver's seat. But once you sat in the car you recognized him. "Jongho?!" Your eyes widened in shock, was he in on this? "What are you doing here?!"
He didn't get to answer you because Wooyoung got in on the passenger seat. The door was barely closed when Jongho started to drive. "Did you take care of Yunho?" Wooyoung was fastening his seat belt while asking.
Jongho stiffly nodded as an answer, you saw how his knuckles turned white with how hard he gripped the wheel. Wooyoung leaned his head back and closed his eyes. "Good."
"What do you mean by taking care of Yunho," you asked, a bad feeling settled in your stomach. Neither of them answered you, it made you want to rip your hair out in frustration. If there was anything you couldn't stand then it was people ignoring your questions, but you weren't exactly in a position where you could demand an answer.
You stared out of the window and helplessly watched how they took you further away from your home, your family, and your friends. Eventually, you even left your small town behind.
"Does Jongho even have a license?" You mumbled your thought out loud and didn't expect an answer.
To your surprise Wooyoung turned his head to look at you, he smiled when he said, "Don't worry, I taught him."
Great. That wasn't reassuring at all.
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lost-walmartbag · 9 months
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Warning: Swearing
Background: You finally talk
Status: Ongoing
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Peace by your side: Chapter three
"We have to talk," Kyle said as he took long strides to catch up to me as I walked toward the front gates of the school. It didn't take him long to catch up. Curse those stupid long legs.
"I don't have the English homework," I mutter keeping my eyes ahead of me. Come on Kyle, I know you're smart take the hint!
"You know that's not what this is about." He said, clearly not taking said hint.
Maybe I can start running? No, he'd catch up. What if I trip him? No that's mean. Well.....so is ignoring him but this is necessary.
I try walking faster but five long fingers wrap around my upper arm to stop me. I shut my eyes tightly hoping to disappear into thin air. I think my heart is pounding but all I can feel is fire where he's touching me right now.
Big, long, skinny fingers that I can feel even through the fabric of my sleeves. It's so hot, too hot, but that doesn't stop a shiver from going up my spine. He shouldn't be making me feel like this. But I can't tell him to let go. My brain was screaming for me to tell him that this was way too much but I couldn't.
I never thought I would feel this again. Feel his touch; I almost forgot what it felt like and now I'm terrified to go back to not feeling it. I let out a shaky breath trying my best to compose myself before I could speak but he beat me to it.
"Y/N. I want to talk. I know it's been forever and I'm sorry." He said, almost pleading with me.
"K-kyle..." I said, my voice doing that weird crack it did when I would speak in front of the class.
"Just hear me out ok? Can we...go to the park? Right now? Get some privacy?" He asked softly. His voice made him sound so small, he was fragile. I made him that way.
I open my eyes and look up at him. His curls were falling around his face, shining like honey in the sun. He was biting his lip nervously like he did when we were kids and his eyes...God, his eyes. They were this deep shade of green that I didn't even know existed. But it was the look in them that sucked all the air out of my lungs.
He looked tired. Exhausted really. Like he hadn't slept in days. Not there were bags under his eyes or anything else on his face that would lead one to that conclusion. It was all in whatever was hidden in that deep green and I was the only person on Earth close enough to see it now.
I felt myself nod before I knew my brain even told it to. I heard him let out a shaky breath he must have been holding in while waiting for my answer. HIs eyes softened and he finally pulled his hand back. I felt myself shiver again because I've never felt more cold without his touch.
We stared at each other for a long minute almost begging the other one to break the eye contact. Finally, I did. I lowered my head and began walking towards the park. He heard him mutter something under his breath but I couldn't make it out.
We walked in silence as we made our way to the park. The sound of our footsteps crunching against the leaves on the sidewalk made it more bearable. I used to love that sound as a kid.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
It's like he was doing it on purpose. I was definitely stepping on way fewer leaves than he was. I looked down at his feet and sure enough, it was like he was trying to step on as many as he could.
"You like the sound right? You did when we were kids." He said softly. "Sorry... I'll stop."
He remembered all that? I felt a smile spread across my face, far bigger than the sentence deserved. I looked up to meet his eyes and he spotted my smile immediately. A smile of his own spread across his lips.
"You remember that?" I whispered.
"Of course." He said a snort. "You used to have this toy leaf that would sound like crunching leaves when you would squeeze it."
"You used to hate it," I said with a chuckle.
"No. I used to hate when we would fall asleep and you would roll over it every five seconds." He was right. When we would have our sleepovers we slept in the same bed, but I couldn't sleep without that stupid leaf.
"Our sleepovers would have been better without it."
"It wasn't horrible, and you wouldn't have been able to sleep without it." He said with a smile. "I liked knowing you felt safe or whatever.."
I always felt safe being with Kyle. It wasn't the leaf that did it.
"Yeah I guess.." I mutter, looking down at my feet as we walked.
Kyle let out a sigh and I heard him run a hand through his hair. "What are we doing Y/N?"
My body tensed up and I looked for anything for anything to change the topic. "The ducks are back," I said with a shaky voice.
"Y/N, come on." He said softly, putting his hand on my arm. "What are we doing? You've been basically ignoring me for years. We were best friends I can't just act like you don't exist."
"We've. We've been ignoring each other. Don't put this only on me." My voice cracked as I held back as many stupid emotions as I could.
"I've never ignored you." He said softly.
I snap my head up and look at him. His eyes were already on me and I feel like he was looking into my very being. Never ignored me? Are you kidding me? It can't be my fault this happened.
"You never ignored me? We haven't spoken in years! Are you saying it's all my fault?" I'm yelling. I know he hates that but why would he say that? How could he blame me?
"Y/N I'm not blaming you but I just-"
"No. I tried. I would have been fine talking to you after everything happened but you didn't want to!"
I could tell he was frustrated but I didn't care. My fault my fault my fault. That's what he's telling me that's what he thinks of me. He thinks I'm th-
He released a frustrated groan and I felt his hand under my chin and his body so close to mine I was burning up. I looked up at him and his lips were pressed into a line as he studied my face.
Too close. So close
"I may have fucked up letting you act like this for as long as you have but I have never once ignored you." He said, his lips turning downward and his thumb brushing against my bottom lip. "I could never do that. Not to you."
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A/N: I know. I know. I disappeared. I'm sorry. Seasonal depression is no joke. But I'm kinda back. I wanna keep writing and you guys have been sending in some amazing requests that really make me want to write more than ever. I really hope you guys had a great holiday and a great new year. Wishing you all the love of 2024 and hope my stories are a part of it. Love you all and thank you for reading my stories from 2023 to now 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Taglist: @southparkynnn @stephs-inluv @weird0o0 @jessiegerl @ringa-starr @bakusquadobsessed
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a1307s · 10 months
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Very Good or Very Bad
(Jaime Reyes)
[Art is not mine! Credit to PollyGuo]
Requested by: Aiko424 
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 6880
Warnings and/or Pre-notes:
Super long, so my bad
Cállate. Por favor, cállate tu molesto bicho: "Shut up. Please, just shut up you annoy bug"
"You're shaking," I say to a twig of a guy nervously looking down at his phone. Ever since I not so accidentally blew up an abandoned building a few weeks ago Wally - my older brother - won't let me walk myself anywhere. Given, I blew up the building to save the lives of innocent - and stupid - citizens of Central City but he didn't want to hear any of that. So, I've been stuck on a leash ever since.
Most of the time Wally himself, Artemis, or Dick pick me up and walk me home, but Dick is on medical rest and Wally and Artemis left for Gotham this morning to visit her parents. You'd assume that would get me off my leash, ya? No. Instead of letting me go to Gotham too or trusting me to watch myself they asked Dick to watch me for the next week.
Since he's on medical leave, all Dick can do is relax so no hero work and definitely no patrolling Blüdhaven. Since Wayne Junior got himself injured, he's not allowed to leave Mount Justice so that Barbra and M'gann can monitor him. Also because of this, I'm stuck being walked home by the league members and being stuck in a rock box with Wally's old - and new - team mates, which doesn't seem like a fun time.
By lunch Richard texted to tell me 'Jaime has a half day so he's coming to pick you up'. After a quick description - skinny Hispanic boy that talks to himself and has a beetle on his back - I had an idea of who to look for after school.
"I'm not shaking," Says - hopefully - Jaime. "I'm just cold."
"You're just a lair," I say back, taking a sidestep to look for this beetle imprint Grayson mentioned before. An imprint is present so I'm pretty sure this is the right guy. "Why are you shaking?"
"I am not shaking and even if I was shaking it might - or might not - be because I'm terrified of Nightwing and what will happen to me if something happens to you," Jaime races out, constantly glancing down at his phone.
"Mmkay, a little paranoid of you," I say, grabbing the guy's wrist and heading towards the school gates. "I don't know where I'm going," I tell him, dropping his wrist and reaching into my bag for my phone.
"Umm... that way... I think?" He says, glancing to the left after burning holes into his phone with his eyes.
"Let me see," I say, tilting his phone to look at the directions. "Do you not know how to read a map? A google map, nonetheless? We got to go to the right."
"Oh, okay" Jaime says, moving to my side to start heading down the street. As Dick mentioned, he constantly whispers to himself as we walk down the road.
"So, like do you talk to yourself cause you're crazy or?" I ask, glancing at him before turning back to the sidewalk in front of us.
"I'm not crazy," Jaime answers before continuing to whisper to himself. "I'm not crazy," he repeats.
I hum in response before turning to walk backwards so I'm facing Jaime. "People that aren't crazy usually don't have to state it," I say, locking my eyes on him. His eyes are a brown color whereas I got the signature green West color.
"In my defense, you asked," he says, constantly moving his head around as if it's on a swivel.
"Touche," I answer, folding my hands behind my head as I continue to walk. "So, Jaime Reyes, what's so big and bad about you?"
"Big and bad?"
"Ya, like why are you a hero and all? What's so special about you that Batman was like 'oh ya this kid can totally beat the shit out of villains'?" I ask, amusingly watching Jaime having a mini freak out.
"Um... There's an alien parasite on my spine I guess," He answers nervously, glancing down at his phone before doing another environment check.
"You guess? There either is or isn't and I feel like you would know," I voice, rethinking if he really is a hero or if Bruce just happened to adopt another kid by accident.
"Yes, there is one. What's with all the questions?"
"I just like to know who's hanging around my brother and uncles is all," I answer, going to turn face front again.
Despite me counting my paces, I'm closer to the street than I thought, which leads me slap dab in the road. "Be careful," Jaime snaps, grabbing the hood of my hoodie and pulling me back on to the sidewalk. "Nightwing would kill me if you got ran over."
"One, Nightwing wouldn't kill you. Artemis might but Nightwing would just lecture you and me. And two, there isn't any cars coming so it's not like I would have gotten ran over," I tell him, slightly smiling at the distress on his face. "You're like super stressed out about this. Why are you stressing so hard?"
"I'm not stressed out," Jaime answers, not letting go of my hoodie as we walk across the street.
"I've known you for like five minutes and you've already lied twice. Batman must be having a field day with you."
"You don't know me," He answers, stopping once we are safely back on the sidewalk to check the directions again. "And I've never met Batman, so I don't know what he thinks of me."
"He thinks you have emotional regulation issues," I say, repeating what Bruce told me last month about the newest member on Nightwing's hero squad.
Jaime glances up from his phone to me a few times before pulling me in the direction he decided on. "Did he really say that?"
"Ya, but he didn't mean it in a 'I'm better than everyone' way. It was a more of 'Yo, Nightwing your underling has this issue and here's how to help with it' way I guess," I answer, focusing on Jaime's face. He's quite a pretty boy when he's not in the middle of a panic attack.
"Well Nightwing says you're a reckless air head," My escort says, pretty upset about the information I've shared with him.
"I know I am. I take after Wally." I shift the collar of my hoodie to get more comfortable with Jaime tugging on it. He notices and drops his hold on my clothing.
When Jaime figures out which way to go, he grabs on to my wrist and starts walking again. "Ya? You take after Wally in any other ways?"
"Not really. I mean I have his humor but that's about it."
Jaime suddenly stops, causing me to bump into his back. It's a lot more toned than I thought it would be and there most definitely is a beetle attached to his spine. "You're not a speedster?" He asks, turning his head to look at me.
"Hm? Oh, no I'm not. I'm more of a retro hero like Nightwing and Artemis," I answer, moving myself to stand next to him instead of being dragged behind.
"Why aren't you a speedster? Genetic skip or something?"
"Well we don't really know how it'll work with Barry and Wally's genetics yet since neither have had kids. Barry got his abilities in a freak accident and then Wally got them by coping said freak accident," I explain, taking in the soft coloring of Jaime's skin.
The phone booth portal thingy Bruce invented is sat in front of us, so I take the chance to say, "You're really hot," before wiggling out of his hold and slip through the phone booth.
"What?" Jaime voice echos through the empty training room when he slips in after me.
Unlucky for him, I'm already in the living room and in Richard's grasp. "You're getting so big," my make shift Uncle cries, squeezing me in his arms and covering the crown of my head in kisses.
"You literally saw me last week," I murmur, rolling my eyes as I try to wiggle out of his grasp.
"And since then you've definitely gotten taller," Richard says, followed with a whine when I mange to get out of his hold. The tantrum doesn't last long though. When Jaime enters the room, Nightwing's attention is switch from me to the beetle boy. "Jaime! Good job not losing Y/N on the walk here!"
"You really paint me out to be some teenage dirt bag don't you?" I ask, swinging open the fridge in search of a snack.
"No I don't! You're just... a lot like Wally."
"You mean I'm a reckless air head?" I tease, pulling out a cheese stick before plopping myself on one of the arm chairs.
Nightwing's masked eyes get bigger before he sneaks a glance at Barbra. "Bsh... no... I would never call you that. That's so-"
"Out of line for a grown man to insult a young girl?" I finish for him, watching as he accuses Barbra of spilling the beans through his eyes.
"Just go do your homework or something," Richard says, using his crunches to storm out of the room. It was quite a funny sight, watching him trying to storm out with a broken leg.
"Oh it's you again," I say, sneaking up on Jaime who's waiting at the front gate to walk me home again.
The blue of the beetle armor pokes out from under Jaime's sleeves before disappearing again. I must have really scared him then. Since Mr 'you don't know me' avoided me all day yesterday I decided to check Bruce's file on him. It was an interesting read to say the least.
"It's me again," He repeats, doing a look up and down of me before pushing himself off the gate he was leaning on. "You're not wearing a hoodie today," He comments, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Ya, I don't like people using the hood to walk me like a dog," I answer, holding the straps of my book-bag as we walk. "You have another half day today?"
"No," Jaime answers shortly, his head back to being on a swivel.
"Then why are you walking me again? Isn't El Paso like 700 miles away or something?"
"Something like that but Mount Justice is even further away from here but it's only a ten minute walk for us," Jaime answers, stepping around me so he's closer to the street.
"True, but you wouldn't have time to get out of class and get here to pick me up even with the Zeta Tube," I comment, watching as Jaime's eyes lock on the street corner begger. His name is Connie and he chills on the street corner around this time and during the before school rush in the morning. Connie is an okay guy but he is quite quick to anger.
"What does it matter?" Jaime asks, switching which side he's standing on so that he's closer to the begger. His hand wraps around my wrist as we past Connie and cross the street.
"I'm just curious," I answer, constantly glance at Jaime's hand on my wrist.
"Curiosity killed the cat. Also, how'd you know I was from El Paso?" Jaime asks, glancing around the new stretch of sidewalk. His hand stays very much latched around my wrist as he does so.
"Barbra mentioned you were from Texas, so I just took a guess at one of the bigger cities within the state," I answer, holding my breath in hopes he'll buy the lie. He does, luckily, and leaves our conversation to die off. "So.... you get in trouble at school or something?" I ask after a couple minutes of silence.
"I got suspended," He answers, tugging me in front of him as a group of other teens walk past. The mix of holding my wrist and walking so close to me causes Jaime to bump into me every couple steps. His chest is hard, even harder than Bruce's. When I glance down his fingers are coated in the black armor I recognize from the photos in his file. Does he feel threatened by me or by the baseball players walking past? It has to be me, right? I'm a trainee of Kid Flash, Nightwing, and Batman himself. How the fuck would my school's baseball players threaten him?
"For what?" I ask, glancing up at my repeated escort. Jaime's jaw is tight, and his eyebrows are squinted together.
He makes whispers in Spanish under his breath - which I don't understand, before he answers me. "Does it matter?"
"Why are you so pissy today? For someone that was bitching yesterday about me not knowing them, you're not very open with me." Jaime glances down at me but doesn't say anything in response. Instead, he lets go of my wrist and shifts himself between the road and me again.
The rest of the walk is uneventful other than a cardinal crossing our path. Jaime did not find my excitement over the bird very interesting though. He just mumbled to himself and dragged me the rest of the way to the phone booth. When we get to the hidden zeta tube, I go to step into it but Jaime pulls me back. "Hey, what did you say yesterday?" He asks, eyes locked on me and hands locked around my wrists.
Jaime's POV
What the fuck? What the fuck?! Why am I the one picking up Nightwing's niece? Nightwing's arsonist niece. Who blew up a building. Heroes blow up buildings all the time. Heroes around my age do not blow-up buildings! Except Kid Flash's little sister apparently!
I nervously glance at my phone again, re-reading Nightwing's description of his niece for the hundredth time. What if I can't find her? What if I mistake another kid for her? What if I bring another kid to the mountain on accident? That would definitely get me kicked off the team. Or murdered! Do heroes murder? I don't think so... well.. Arsenal does. Would he kill me? Nightwing wouldn't let him kill me... right? Artemis's parents kill people and she's technically this girl's sister-in-law, right? Would Sport-Master kill me for accidentally abounding Artemis's sister-in-law?
What if some freak accident happens on the walk to the Mount? Nightwing would defiantly kill me if his niece got hurt on my watch. Or Wally would... or Artemis... or Batman. Oh my God I forgot about Batman. I bet Batman would throughout his no kill rule for this chick. I mean his son refers to this chick as his niece. That like technically makes this girl his granddaughter.
"I will not let Batman - or anyone else - hurt us," Scarab says, which does not help my train of thought. I'm totally going to get murdered.
In retaliation to my thoughts, Scarab tries to activate my armor. "We do not need that right now. Not needed," I whisper to myself; Well technically to the Scarab but might as well be one in the same. "Can't you just like scan people and let me know who does fit the description?"
"Yes. Please read the description." I whisper the description out loud a few times before a bell rings. "Scanning has commenced," Scarab says as I look around at the different people spilling out of the building. "Jaime Reyes, your high epinephrine levels have caused you to start shaking," the parasite adds.
"High levels of what is causing what?" I ask, glancing down at my phone to read the description again.
"Your high levels of epinephrine has called what humans have named 'anxiety'. Your body is trying to release this 'anxiety' by shaking," the bug answers. "Suspect has been-"
"You're shaking," A voice says from behind me.
"-identified," Scarab finishes. Way too many noises are going on right now, both inside and outside my head.
I turn to look at the person behind me and wouldn't you know, she fits the description perfectly. "I'm not shaking. I'm just cold," I answer, taking in the girl in front of me. She's the spitting image of Wally. Her eyes are the same green as his and her hair is red but not the same red as Wally's. Maybe it's dyed or maybe she just got different genetic pigments than Wally.
"You are shaking Jaime Reyes, and you are not cold. Your body temperature is ninety-nine point four degrees Fahrenheit. From the high levels of resorcinol in her hair, the girl does not have natural red hair," Scarab says, answering my question.
     "You're just a lair," Y/N says, taking a sidestep and decking her head to get a glance at my back. Ya, this definitely has to be her. "Why are you shaking?" She asks, setting herself back in front of me.
     She has freckles. Really cute freckles. How old is she? I glance down at my phone again to read Nightwing's description again. From his explanation Y/N is only a year younger than me. "Jaime Reyes, suspect is waiting for you to answer."
     Oh shit, ya, I haven't answered her yet. In my rush to answer her without it seeming like I ignored her; I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "I'm not shaking and even if I was shaking it might - or might not - be because I'm terrified of Nightwing and what will happen to me if something happens to you." What the fuck kind of answer was that? That was such a loser answer.
"Jaime Reyes, you are shaking. You're shaking because you're scared of Nightwing, Wally, Artemis, Sports-Master, Arsenal, and Batman," The Scarab says, making me even more annoyed with my own name.
     "Mmkay, a little paranoid of you," Y/N says before grabbing my wrist. Her skin is super soft against my own. This can't be the touch of an arsonist, right? It's too soft, too smooth, too gentle. I willingly follow her as she walks away from the building and off the school grounds until she comes to an abrupt stop.
     She drops my wrist, causing a tinge of sadness to rise in my chest. Why am I sad that she's not touching me anymore? I don't even know this girl with cute freckles that dyes her hair red to match her brother's. "Subject has caused an increase in your phenylethylamine levels. When subject let go of you, your phenylethylamine dropped which is causing the human emotion of 'sadness'."
     "I don't know where I'm going," Y/N says, messing around in her bag. After a couple seconds she pulls out her cellphone. I take the chance to type the address Nightwing sent me into my phone.
     I keep glancing between my phone and Y/N as she checks her notifications. She doesn't answer any of them and instead slips the phone into her hoodie pocket. She stands there, staring at me. Her eyes are bright and so full of life. "Subject's levels of catecholamines has slightly risen," Scarab says, replacing my thoughts with their voice.
     "I don't know what that means," I mumble, looking down at my phone again to try and focus on the directions.
     "Subject is experiencing 'annoyance' from your lack of answering."
     "Umm..." I mumble, glancing at my phone again. "That way... I think..." I say, glancing to the left. Why is it so hard to focus right now? She's just a girl. I'm around girls all day. I go to school with girls all day, and then go fight crime with girls all night, and then go home to a house full of girls. She is just a girl.
     Y/N takes a step forward and reaches out towards me. "Let me see," she says, her fingertips pressing against my phone so she can view it. Her nails are black, but her ring finger has a blue stripe on it. That's cute. It reminds me of Nightwing's suit. Oh shit, Nightwing is going to kill me if our walk keeps lagging from my lack of awareness. "Do you not know how to read a map?" She asks, looking up at me with those big fucking beanie baby eyes. "A google map, nonetheless? We have to go right," she says, turning right and starting to walk in that direction.
     "Oh, okay," I peep out, taking wide strides to catch up to her.
     "Subject is effecting your chemical balances. Recommendation: Illumination," Scarab says, in their nonchalant way.
     "Illumination? Illumination? Maybe let's not 'illuminate' Batman's granddaughter, ya? Batman is not an enemy I want to have in this lifetime or the next," I fight back, trying to keep my voice low so Y/N doesn't hear me.
     "Recommendation: Illuminate subject and Batman."
     "The fuck you mean 'illuminate Batman'? How about we illuminate no one? That sounds like a good recommendation."
     "So, like do you talk to yourself cause you're crazy or?" Y/N asks, sneaking a peek at me before her eyes focus back to in front of her.
     "I'm not crazy," I rush out.
     "Subject is now causing a re-rising in your epinephrine levels," The parasite glued to my spine says.
     "You are causing the rise in my epine-whatever," I answer back, glancing at Y/N. "I'm not crazy," I repeat, worried she didn't hear me the first time.
     Y/N hums before turning on her heels. "People that aren't crazy usually don't have to state it," she peeps out, as her eyes look me up and down. She's now facing me as she takes steady backwards steps. The fuck is she doing this for? She's going to trip or get bumped into or fucking kidnapped easier cause she's not paying attention.
     "Subject is waiting for a response," Scarab says, causing me to mentally roll my eyes for the hundredth time today.
     "In my defense, you asked," I finally answer back, constantly looking around for any possible threats. Heaven rest my soul if I bring Y/N to the Mount with a scratch or a bruise on her. Nightwing - and then Wally - and then Artemis - and then Batman will skin me alive if she gets hurt in the ten minutes, she's in my care.
     "Touche," Y/N says, a bit of a whistle squeaking out with the word. She folds her arms behind her head as she opens her mouth to speak again, "So, Jaime Reyes, what's so big and bad about you?"
     Maybe I'm not annoyed with hearing my name today. She should say it again. Why the hell do I want her to say it again? And why the hell did she fold her arms up? That's making the situation even worse. What if she trips? She won't be able to catch herself. "Big and bad?" I ask, a bit confused after I register her words.
     "Ya, like why are you a hero and all? What's so special about you that Batman was like 'oh ya this kid can totally beat the shit out of villains'?" She asks, a soft smile gracing her face. A cute, soft smile that I can't enjoy because she can't walk like a normal person, so I have to be aware of every stupid thing including possible rocks on the freakin sidewalk!
     " Um... There's an alien parasite on my spine-"
     "Jaime Reyes! People should not know about us! This increases our chances of harm!" Just kidding, I'm back to being annoyed at hearing my name.
     "- I guess," I finish, mentally rolling my eyes again.
     "You guess? There either is or isn't and I feel like you would know," Y/N says before spacing out.
     Why is she spacing out? She should be focusing on walking and not tripping! She should be focused on getting to the Mountain unharmed. "Yes, there is one. What's with all the questions?" I ask, getting a little annoyed with her carelessness. Doesn't she realize her safety determines my safety?
     "I just like to know who's hanging around my brother and uncles is all," Y/N answers, turning on her heels again to face forward.
     'Uncles'?! So, she's related to more than just Nightwing? Who else is her uncle? That's the fucking road! As Y/N is turning around, she steps directly into the street. Panicked, I reach forward and grab the first thing I come in contact. "Be careful!" I yell at her, dragging her back to the safety of the sidewalk. "Nightwing would kill me if you got run over," the words spill out before I can stop them.
     I soft smile returns to Y/N's face before she speaks. "One, Nightwing wouldn't kill you. Artemis might but Nightwing would just lecture you and me. And two, there isn't any cars coming so it's not like I would have gotten ran over. You're like super stressed out about this. Why are you stressing so hard?"
"I'm not stressed out," I answer, looking back and forth on the road before tugging Y/N across by her hoodie.
     "Subject is correct; You are stressed Jaime Reyes." Ya no shit. My mentor - the Nightwing - entrusted me to walk his niece to the Mountain. His niece who is actively trying to get herself - and me - killed. Nightwing who won't murder me. Oh no, but his teammate - his best friend's girlfriend - will.
     "I've known you for like five minutes and you've already lied twice. Batman must be having a field day with you," Y/N says, glancing at me with mischievous eyes.
     Oh, ya Batman likes me so much that he hasn't met me. Everyone likes me so much that half of the team can't remember my name. Before I can stop myself, I answer her in anger, "You don't know me. And I've never met Batman, so I don't know what he thinks of me."
     Once we're back on the safe sidewalk, I take a chance to check the directions again to ensure we're heading in the right way. "He thinks you have emotional regulation issues," Y/N says, looking at the tree in front of us.
     He? Who's he? Is she talking about Batman? The old guy that dressed up as a bat because he can't deal with the loss of his parents thinks I have emotional regulation issues? I glance at Y/N throughout my thoughts before focusing us in the right direction. "Did he really say that?" I ask, even though I know there's no way an adult furry thinks I have issues. I don't have issues. I just have murderous alien technology attached to me.
     "Ya, but he didn't mean it in a 'I'm better than everyone' way. It was a more of 'Yo, Nightwing your underling has this issue and here's how to help with it' way I guess."
     The fuck does that mean? Once again, before I can stop myself, I answer in anger, "Well Nightwing says you're a reckless air head." He sure was right. Who walks into the road without looking first? What a stupid girl, a stupid person.
     "I know I am. I take after Wally," Y/N says softly, lifting up her colored nails again but this time she messes with her hoodie. I'm holding it a lot tighter than I mean too so I drop it, letting her walk freely again. Hopefully, not freely into the road again.
     "Ya? You take after Wally in other ways?" I ask her, actually curious if she has superspeed as well. I mean, she has too, right? Her brother is a speedster so why wouldn't she be one too? I take second to double check our direction again before starting the walk back up again. I make sure to grab her wrist instead of her hoodie this time because I'm not confident she won't walk into traffic again.
     "Not really. I mean, I have his humor but that's about it," Y/N says from behind me, a sad undertone buried in her words.
     I stop walking, taking a second to process her words and trying to get the Scarab to shut up so I can think clearly. From my unwarned stop, Y/N bumps into my back. She feels really warm against me and the smell of vanilla envelopes me. "You're not a speedster?" I ask, glancing behind me to take her in. Her eyes are wide, and cute, and very green. How are they so green?
     "Hm?" She asks, looking up at me, slightly softening her face. "Oh, no I'm not. I'm more of a retro hero like Nightwing and Artemis."
     Y/N moves herself so she's standing next to me instead of behind me like before. "Why aren't you a speedster? Genetic skip or something?" I ask, continuing to lead her forward again.
     "Well, we don't really know how it'll work with Barry and Wally's genetics yet since neither have had kids. Barry got his abilities in a freak accident and then Wally got them by coping said freak accident." What is up with these heroes? Are they all crazy? Am I going to go crazy too?
     I stay trapped in my thoughts until we are slap dap in front of the portal tube thing. I think Beast Boy called it a 'zeta tube' or something. "You're really hot," Y/N says before loosening my grip on her and disappearing into the tube thing.
     "What?" I ask but she's already gone. I follow her through the phone booth before re-asking my question. Unlucky for me, she's already gone from the training room. At least I lost her in the Mountain, I guess. I stand in the empty room for a second, replaying the moment a couple times. She definitely called me hot. Is that a good thing? It has to be a good thing.
     I shake the thought out of my head before walking into the common area of the Mountain. Great, there she is, right there, again. "Jaime!" Nightwing calls. "Good job not losing Y/N on the walk here!" Y/N responses but I don't stick around to hear how it plays out. I spend my time in the Mountain locked away in my assigned room so I could think over the events of the walk and the feelings I'm not sure I'm happy I'm feeling.
Today has not been the best day. I'm still a bit off from walking Y/N home yesterday, which drizzled into my day today. Some guys at school were talking about her, well about her hero identity, not her specifically. They were still talking about her though and not very nicely. For whatever reason, I couldn't just let it go and ended up starting a fight about it, which got me a suspension from school. Mama is not going to be thrilled about that.
Nightwing on the other hand, seemed quite amused that I got suspended over his niece. So amused that he asked me to pick her up again. Instead of waiting on the school grounds, I decided to wait outside the school gates. I don't want to be picking up Y/N again. She messes with my head and causes the Scaran to go all haywire.
Before getting thrown out of school for a few days, I talked over yesterday's experience with Paco. He seems to think I have a crush on Y/N. Maybe I do. I don't know. I don't know what I feel or what to think. Nightwing says it's hard to have a relationship wellbeing a hero, but Wally and Artemis have been together for ever and they're heroes. Maybe it would work out since Y/N and me are both heroes too. I don't know.
"Oh, it's you again," Y/N says, poking her head around the gate.
Since I was lost in my thoughts, her sudden appearance manages to scare me. "Self-defense activating," Scarab says, as my armor starts wrapping around me.
"Don't do that," I hiss, keeping my tone low. I don't need Y/N thinking I'm crazy or accidently hurt because Scarab thinks everything is a threat. "It's me again," I say once Scarab chills out. I glance at her, taking in her outfit. She's not wearing a hoodie today so I'm able to take in more of her figure. Her figure that would feel really nice against mine own. What? No, do not think like that. I stand up straight and shove my hands into my pockets to stop myself from touching her like I want too. "You're not wearing a hoodie today," I comment to try and see if she did it on purpose or not.
Y/N's hands wrap around her bookbag straps as she matches my strides. Her hair bounces as she walks, sliding around to frame her face. "Ya, I don't like people using the hood to walk me like a dog," she says, poking at me for my actions yesterday. "You have another half day today?"
It takes me a second to connect what she's saying. I'm too distracted by her hair, and face, and body, and I need to look at something else. I glance around, looking at all the different people and scenery and anything but her. "No."
"Then why are you walking me again? Isn't El Paso like 700 miles away or something?"
El Paso? She knows I'm from El Paso? How does she know that? I didn't tell her that. "2018 Toyota driving at dangerous speeds. Recommendation: abolish vehicle," Scarab says, causing my eyes to snap to the road.
"Let's not do that," I whisper to them, shifting my position so Y/N is further away from the road. "Something like that," I finally answer back, taking a second to process the rest of her statement. "But Mount Justice is even further away from here but it's only a ten-minute walk for us." How does she know I'm from El Paso? Why does she care that I'm picking her up again? Does she like that I'm picking her up again?
"True, but you wouldn't have time to get out of class and get her to pick me up even with the Zeta Tube," Y/N says, moving closer to me.
Is she moving closer on purpose? Why would she be? I look around again and notice a homeless looking man on the street corner. Is that why she's moving closer? "Scarab, can you do a scan of the man over there? See if he has anything dangerous or whatever," I whisper, keeping my eyes on the man.
"Scanning commenced," Scarab says as I move my placement again so I'm between the guy and Y/N.
"What does it matter?" I ask Y/N, glancing down at her for a split second before going back to sizing up the guy. It can't be that hard to take him if he tries anything... I think.
"I found three knives on the subject," Scarab says, popping the images of said knives into my mind. It still trips me out that this thing can do shit like this. In response to Scarab's findings, I wrap my hand around Y/N's wrist. I don't need her starting issues, or getting hurt if this guy starts anything.
"I'm just curious," Y/N says, looking down at her wrist.
Does she like that I'm touching her? "Scarab, can you scan for Y/N's lovey chemical thing?" I whisper, trying to catch a glance at Y/N's face to see how she's reacting. "Curiosity killed the cat," I say, trying to get her to look up again. "Also," I start, letting my own curiosity get to me. "How'd you know I was from El Paso?"
"Barbra mentioned you were from Texas, so I just took a guess at one of the bigger cities within the state."
"Y/N has high levels of phenylethylamine and epinephrine," Scarab answers after their scan finishes.
"And that means what?" I ask, even more confused than normal.
"Phenylethylamine has been nicknamed the 'love chemical' by the human race. Y/N has high levels of said chemical that raised even more after coming in contact with you. Epinephrine is the 'adrenaline' chemical, often present when in distress, lying, or with high blood pressure. Recommendation: Reproduce in order to lower the high levels of phenylethylamine and epinephrine."
What is the issue with this stupid alien? I cannot 'reproduce' with someone I barely know. But that does mean Y/N likes me back, right? Maybe I should ask about what she said yesterday. Maybe I should ask her out. Maybe... or maybe she'll say no. Or maybe she'll say yes and then I'll have a target on my back with half of my own team aiming for it. Or maybe -
"So... you get in trouble at school or something?" Y/N asks, cutting off my thought process.
Or something. "I got suspended," I answer, glancing up and seeing a group of guys heading our way.
"If you plan on being life partners with Y/N I recommend doing it soon. 78% of the group ahead has high levels of phenylethylamine for your protentional partner as well, Jaime Reyes," Scarab says, causing my skin to crawl with anger.
They don't get to like her too. I already know parts of her they'll never get to know, and I've known her two days. No, not allowed. I tug Y/N over so she's standing in front of me. We're so close that she constantly bumps into me. Every time she does, sparks run through my veins. They do not get to be near her. They need to go away. In reaction to my unwarranted anger, Scarab tries to activate my armor again. Maybe Batman is right. Maybe I do have issues controlling my emotions.
I pick up the pace a bit to try and get Y/N away from them sooner and get their attention off of her. They not so secretively check her out as we walk past, which only pisses me off more.
"For what?" Y/N peeps out, looking at me with those big green beanie baby eyes again.
It's hard to hear her over than sound of Scarab trying to justify murdering a group of people. "Cállate. Por favor, cállate tu molesto bicho," I whisper, trying to relax my nervous and calm down. I should not be this jealous. Who cares if a group of Y/N's classmates are checking her out? Not me, I don't care. "Does it matter?" I finally answer her, but it comes out sharper than I meant it too. I really need to chill out.
"Why are you so pissy today?" Y/N asks, matching my snappy tone. "Fror someone that was bitching yesterday about me not knowing them, you're not very open with me."
I look down at her as she looks forward. Frustration is very evident on her face. She looks cute frustrated. With the group being out of sight and no more creepy guys with knives around, I decide it's safe to let her go. I drop my hand from her wrist, and just like yesterday a tinge of sadness fills my chest. I want her to get to know me. I want to me open with her. I want to get to know every inner and outer thing about her. And I really want to see those eyes looking up at me as she spread out on my bed. That's perverted. Like, really perverted.
Y/N's frustration falls from her face as she turns her head. I follow her eyes to see that sitting in a tree next to us is a bright red cardinal. Y/N steps off the sidewalks and slowly walks towards the bird. I stay put, watching her gush over the bird and talk to it like it's a baby. I'm going to ask her about what she said yesterday, I'm going to ask her out, and I'm going to make my perverted thoughts a reality.
"Jaime Reyes, your aphrodisiac levels are raising," Scarab says, once again confusing me.
"You really need to start explaining things to me when you say them."
"The chemical aphrodisiac controls arousal within the human raise."
"So, I'm horny? Really? Didn't notice," I say sarcastically, watching Y/N walk back onto the sidewalk once she's done gushing over the bird. The rest of the walk is silent, but I don't mind. It gives me time to build up my confidence to spit out what I want to say. I couldn't help myself, so I ended up grabbing Y/N's wrist again to walk her the rest of the way.
Once the zeta tube is in front of us, I make sure to keep my grip on Y/N and even go as far as grabbing her other wrist so she can't run off like she did yesterday. "What did you say yesterday?" I ask her, focusing on keeping my eyes on hers and trying not to throw up my nervous. This is either going to go very good or very bad.
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redfluffz · 4 months
After he fell you mentioned that Lucifer lost the connection to his star. Besides loosing his bird form, and presumably some of his powers, are there any other negative effects on him?
I know it’s not cannon, but I had the thought that if there was something going on with him health wise, mentally or physically, from that separation then maybe the reason Lilith is in Heaven is she is secretly trying to find a way to re-establish Lucifer’s link to his star.
This is gonna be a looong answer. Sorry for that! 🥲
Actually yes. It really has some negative affects. So when he's disconnected from his star, he doesn't have a (I called it) "light cleaning". For me there is no evil or good magic, but I think their are indeed diffenrences between angel and demon magic. So for an angel it's pretty hard to use demon magic. So Luc was not only punished, disconnected from his star and injured - he was cursed. Unlike Lili he isn't a demon but cursed to use this magic which troubles his whole body. If he doesn't take care of himself, he would go crazy. That's why he is so "calm". All happy and stuff, just when he gets angry he might loose himself in the demon magic and become a horrific version of himself.
Huii. Yeah well my problem is, I didn't figured out yet how the puzzle connects Lilith to what. In my headcanon I'm absolutely sure Lilith is not evil nor a traitor. But I also won't go with Eve being just a bad person as Roo.
I read many theories about what Lilith is doing and how its connected to the story.
So here are my thoughts (but be aware, I haven't thought through it completly yet.)
So if "Evil" (later Roo, Root of all Evil) is the personification of evil, there must be an opposite site. And we saw that in the first minutes of the first episode. What if they both are parts of God? Just think about it. God is everything, right? So he is good and bad. And he splitted those parts from himself, because he was going crazy with their voices inside his head. Like angel and devil on your shoulder. So this is how they were born. Let's skip a few thousand years. The fall of Luc. God withdraws and let "Good" take charge of heaven. And "Evil"? She decided to go after Eve. And maybe they have a symbiotic relationship. You know like Venom and Eddie? So Eve and Evil became Roo when Eve died and went to hell. Because first sinner??? Dunno. Okay. Let's skip another few years. Lili and Luc are happy and stuff and the something happened.
Soo first we need to talk about all their motives. When Evil and Eve became Roo both learned something about the other. Evil learned what Good and Love is. Eve learned about Evil, Hate and God. Soo maybe Eve wants revenge but over the time her traget changed from Lucifer to God so she needs to get into heaven. And "Evil" may wants to help everybody, since she now knows good and bad. Okay. Lilith loves hell. She is free, can do what she wants ... and wants her family and an own child. So now we come to a very interesting theory. Liliths songs were inspirations for demon kind. What if her good motives "redeemed her"? If that's true, she could reenter heaven. Now that's interesting for Eve, right? Let's talk about deals. And here it goes wild. So Lilith isn't capable of giving birth, because of her curse. And no I don't see Luci as ... Just please don't. What if Eve gave birth to Charlie in exchange for the ticket into heaven. Now you may ask yourself, how can she pass that? Well Eve takes the image of Lilith. So in the early days Eve take care of Charlie, cause she neede several things. You know like breast milk ... and after that Lilith could live the next 180 years with her family.
Now we are in the events before those ominous 7 years. The deal. Lilith has to go incognito so Eve can enter heaven as "Fake-Lilith". But you can't fool heavens gates?! Eve can't, but "Evil" (a part from God) can. And where did Lilith go? Well she may become an overlord to help hell and her family. And which overlord?
"Who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I would if he wouldn't taste so bad." Adam? 🤣
Yeah I think its Rosie. And Rosie knows Alastor pretty well. WHY? Because she helped him after the battle. But I really don't think she made that painful deal with him. Come on guys. This woman was fighting for freedom just to bind someone and force him to do something? Nah. That deal must be between Roo and him. The Eyes, guys. THE EYES. And Alastor helps Charlie, because of a favor for Rosie.
Yeah that's all I got right now.
Thanks for asking!
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nonwal · 1 year
each half blind without a mirror
(AKA, the time travel shadowgast fic that I'm not going to finish writing. So here's the beginning and the plot outline. Be warned, it’s not technically an unhappy ending but it’s certainly bittersweet, with a lot of alternate timeline MCD.)
Bren Aldric Ermendrud does not like Vergesson Sanatorium because deep down, he knows that he belongs there. He's been a little mad for a long time, but he's never told anyone about it. It has yet to interfere with work, and that is what matters. If his dreams are filled with smoke and blood and vague prophecies in his own voice, that is his own business. If he is occasionally convinced that he is being watched--well, who is to say that he isn't? Trent has eyes everywhere. But it does mean that he answers the summons to the sanatorium with more trepidation than strictly necessary.
"Sorry," Astrid says when he arrives just outside the gate. "I didn't know how to explain the situation over Sending." "It's fine," he says mildly. "You can apologize by explaining now." She hesitates. "I don't know how to explain now. We captured Thelyss. He tried to kill Master Ikithon. And as far as we can tell, he's gone mad." That is…a lot to take in. Bren quashes something that might be hope or might be simmering fury. "You need me to verify that it's him," he guesses after a moment. "He was your contact, and our master is very interested in learning why he is here and not in a grave in Ghor Dranas," she says dryly. "Ah." Bren connects the dots now, recognizes what she isn't saying. Essek Thelyss had been Bren's charge, at least until he’d been executed after his plans to steal the beacons were revealed by an unknown party. It was an inconvenience that Bren has…already paid dearly for. But if he’s faked his death, if he has made an attempt on Ikithon’s life--that reeks of a conspiracy. Bren is in danger. But isn't he always? "You said that he's mad?" he asks as Astrid guides him inside. "We thought he was faking it at first. But even under a Zone of Truth, he speaks contradictory nonsense." "Such as?" "He is convinced that Vess died due to a disagreement with a cultist over a city made out of meat, that I am the Archmage of Civil Influence, that he is friends with a cleric whose powers come from a talking weasel, that he successfully stole the beacons but they were given back, that he was born in 715 PD and he is one hundred thirty-seven years old--" "He doesn't know what year it is?" "He's aware that it's 832. He insists his math is right anyhow. We've already tried removing any curses he may be under, healing, a Greater Restoration--anything we can think of. He isn't a shapeshifter, he isn't under any magical effects. He claims that it was him who got executed, and the execution did kill him, but also that he's never died before." She lets out a frustrated breath. "He also insists that he is perfectly sane, but what madman doesn't?" "Interesting," says the madman walking next to her. "Do you have any theories?" She sighs. "I was hoping that you would," Astrid admits. “He’s your responsibility.” "I watched him die. I verified that it was him. This could be a clone? Or some other attempt at transferring his consciousness." "Did he mention dabbling in necromancy?" "That really isn't the sort of thing he would have admitted to me." Their conversations were always more…complicated.
(and then the outline below)
Bren gets summoned because the Assembly has caught Essek Thelyss during an assassination attempt on Trent. The same Essek who definitely got caught and executed by the Dynasty before he could steal the beacons. The same Essek that Bren had been working very closely with
Bren talks to the captured drow. It is Essek. It is not the Essek that he knew
he eventually determines that this Essek is a time traveler who has been stuck in the past and has subsequently altered this timeline, and that this Essek knew him in the future timeline
he asks Essek if the future Bren came with him to the past. Essek admits that yes, the original spell was supposed to bring them both back to the past for a short period of time and then back to the present, but for some reason Essek got left behind and the timeline didn’t loop smoothly the way they had intended
he asks Essek if the future Bren came with him to save his parents. Essek asks how he knew that
Bren knew that because for the past seventeen years, he has been working under the assumption that he was delusional. When he killed his parents, he wandered behind the house for a minute and “hallucinated” seeing them escape through an unblocked window and disappear with a stranger, and thus he never broke
Essek is relieved to know why timeline didn’t loop correctly. I think I know why you got left behind, too, but you won’t like it, Bren adds
Essek demands to know anyway. Bren refuses to tell him until he explains what happened to his Essek. Essek explains that in the timeline he’s from, the theft of the beacons led to a war. He tried to convince his current self not to steal them, and failed—so he planted the right evidence to prevent the plot a different way, leading to his own death
“I’m not surprised that you couldn’t convince him. You are very different.” “In a good way.” “No, not in a good way. I think I loved him. I do not think I would love you.” “…I’m sorry.” “No, don’t be. I assume you loved that other version of me, ja? I killed him, too. So we’re even. Fair play.”
it turns out this Essek was not left behind. The spell failed because after Essek teleported his parents to safety, Bren saw Caleb inside the house, panicked, and killed him. The spell failed because one of the people who cast it died
Essek is. A little despondent over this, understandably. He isn’t stuck in a shitty AU past where everything is going wrong, futilely hoping that Caleb will come back again and rescue him—he’s stuck in the only remaining timeline, and Caleb no longer exists at all
Essek proposes a pact: in his timeline, he helped defeat Trent Ikithon. If Bren frees him, he can help do the same in this one
Bren agrees. They flee together, and go into hiding, begin plotting for the years ahead. They are both mourning a version of the other that no longer exists. They have both murdered each other’s lover. They are both wearing the face of each other’s lover. It is not easy company
Essek knows how to track down most of the Nein, still a year before they all meet. He doesn’t know exactly how Bren could play the part of Caleb—but Caleb did leave behind letters
Bren goes to visit his parents. It’s weird. He’s missed them, and an insane part of him has never really believed that they were gone—but they have the letters from a version of him that never came to be. Much like Essek, they were hoping he would be someone else. (They try to be happy for him regardless. But he can tell they thought he would be a better man.)
the Mighty Nein still meet in roughly the same fashion, except Veth and “Caleb” just…have a strange tension between them. Things start to deviate at Alfield. The ruse gets harder to maintain. Beau is paranoid that someone is following them, watching at a distance. In Zadash, Bren manages to keep his mouth shut during the Zone of Truth but has a panic attack prior to the Victory Pit and has to tap out because he knows that Trent would be watching
the beacons were never stolen, though. So there is no broken tower, no declaration of war, no push to get out of town as quickly as possible. Bren convinces the group to head north, but—they get as far as Bowlgate, and things properly escape his control. Essek has to intervene. They explain the ruse, the time travel
people are, to put it lightly, kind of fucking pissed
they do still go to Hupperdook, now with Essek. It’s a little bit tenser than the original timeline, between the Nein being extra wary of Bren and Essek, and Bren and Essek still being wary of each other
no one gets kidnapped. Molly doesn’t die. They take out the Iron Shepherds and recruit Caduceus. And then it’s…boat time? Caleb didn’t leave great notes about that and Essek doesn’t exactly know what went down, but they do end up becoming pirates
they get the Happy Fun Ball and the Mighty Nein have to restrain Essek from immediately returning to explore it. He tries to explain that the key to taking out Ikithon was found there, but Bren would rather bide his time than risk the Archmage’s Bane with a less-seasoned adventuring group, and takes the Nein’s side. They finally begin to bond with him after the incident. Essek tries (fails) not to be jealous
they discuss next steps as they sail back to Nicodranas. There is no war, no stolen beacons, no burned Felderwin and kidnapped husband to bring them over to Xhorhas. They decide to still tackle the Angel of Irons cult, this time keeping Yasha safe
they arrive at Nicodranas. To news of a war and a burned Felderwin.
Essek holds it together for long enough to verify that Veth’s entire family made it out okay (having never begun working for the Assembly) and then he fucking falls apart. The Nein have never really bonded with the weird time traveler who keeps trying to manipulate them into following a specific path, simultaneously following his own agenda and wishing they were future versions of themselves—but they try to comfort him as best they can
Later, when everyone else has gone to bed, he says to Bren, “It was all for nothing. I didn’t stop it.” “The way I see it, this means the war—the one you remember—wasn’t your fault. It would have happened without you. Silver lining?” Essek is quiet, a very unconvinced sort of quiet. Finally, he says, “I got myself killed. For this. And it wasn’t enough. He died for nothing—I was him, once upon a time, I was almost exactly him except that I never knew you—“ This is the first time that Essek has ever expressed proper regret for killing the Essek that Bren has always privately thought of as his. Softly, he says, “You didn’t know. It’s okay.” “I killed him for nothing. It is not okay.” “Ja, well, sometimes you kill your mirror self and you entire life goes to shit. I wish I hadn’t killed your Caleb, either, but it’s a little too late for that.”
they reach a new understanding of each other after that. Not exactly romantically—they have sex, a few weeks later, and both agree that it doesn’t feel the same—but at least they become tentative friends with occasional and probably inadvisable benefits
the war did not happen over stolen beacons, and there is no beacon to return in order to end it. They stay far away from the Dynasty, struggle their way through the Happy Fun Ball with Yasha’s help, manage to kill the heart first and take down Obann when the ritual to free the Laughing Hand fails as a result
there is no peace treaty. There is no way to end the war. They go out of order and tackle the hag next, turn Nott back to Veth. They get the residuum for the Blooming Grove, Fjord becomes a paladin, Travelercon is still a clusterfuck
the war gets worse. They discuss the possibility of stealing the Pride’s Call beacon as leverage, and head back to Zadash to begin investigating—and then Yasha disappears
the first thought is more Angel of Irons shit, but when they scry on her they see her traveling with Cree. Turns out Lucien didn’t need Molly to be dead to come back
there’s a race to the north, trying to stop them, trying to unpossess Yasha. They don’t read the book, don’t get any eyes—but this is so far off the original timeline that Essek doesn’t know what to expect. They go through Aeor, they take down the Tombtakers, they reach Cognouza, they fight Lucien-as-Yasha…
but unlike Molly’s body, Yasha doesn’t die
things go bad. Very bad. Molly goes down first, and then Caduceus when he tries to reach the body. Then Veth, then Fjord. When Jester goes down, with Bren on his last legs, Essek manages to get within range for a plane shift—but Beau refuses to leave Yasha behind
Essek Thelyss and Bren Aldric Ermendrud return to the Material Plane and prepare for the end. But nothing happens, no hungry flesh city arrives to wreak havoc. The war is getting worse, far bloodier than the one Essek remembered—but nothing beyond that
eventually, they return to Aeor, find their way back to Cognouza and the remains of their friends. Turns out, after Lucien killed Beau, there was nothing left to keep Yasha standing. Very tidy, how that one played out
They return to Aeor. The ice is preferable to flesh. Bren asks, “Did any of it go like this, in yours?” He already knows the answer, but he wants to hear it again, just in case Essek has a different one this time. “No.” Essek sits on the ground, not bothering to float. “If we could raise one of the clerics, maybe—“ “Caleb was a transmuter.” Ah. And Bren is not. “We could find a powerful cleric—“ “With the war the way it is?” Essek’s voice is brittle. On the verge of tears or on the verge of an angry outburst, he can’t tell. “And the chances of getting everyone back—“ His voice breaks. Tears, then. “My apologies. It seems the plan to kill Ikithon has fallen through.” This is such a stupid apology that Bren has to laugh at it. “Do you really think this is still about killing him, for me?” A quiet sigh. “I’m sorry, Bren.” “Ja. Well. It could be worse?” Essek glares up at him. “How, exactly?” Bren doesn’t actually know. “We’re both still alive? And Veth’s family is safe, and Jester’s. And mine.” Even if he is a stranger to them, and a bit of a disappointment compared to who he could have been— Bren wonders if it was worth the trade. The war, the Mighty Nein, the miserable elf curled up on the ground. He sighs. “No. You’re right. This is—yours was better.” And, “The chamber that we stumbled across. That was how you two…?” “Yes. But your—“ “Maybe we should go back one last time. Tell our better selves to leave things as they were. Untie the knot you made trying to form a clean loop.”
they do go back, just a few moments before Caleb and Essek arrive. Essek immediately launches himself into a hug around Caleb, explains that he got left in the past because Caleb died—and already, the other Essek is convinced
Caleb asks Bren if he was happy. If his parents were still alive. Yes to the latter, not really to the former. They read your letters, you know. They were so proud of you. But—a little less proud of me. I didn’t—it’s a long story. I never broke. My name is Bren.
Caleb asks if they’re here to stop him. If he should let it be. They say yes, and also Essek had to kill his past self to stop the beacons from being stolen but eventually there was a war for other reasons and because the Nein didn’t have any beacon there was no political leverage to stop it and it’s still getting worse and now every member of the Nein is dead—
look I just think there should be a lot of wizards hugging their traumatized alternate universe selves here
eventually Bren—seventeen years old, about to make the worst decision of his entire life—arrives in the distance. The older Bren asks if they should stay close or not. He’s only seen it as an illusion. Caleb tells him that he doesn’t need to watch the real thing. The pain won’t fix anything
they move into the woods, so far away that they can’t hear anything. Eventually there is a faint light at the distant horizon from the blaze, but nothing more. Bren and Essek—the Essek who got left behind—begin to fade into a pair of dark voids. Echoes. Just alternate timelines, shadows of something that never happened
Caleb and Essek return, a little haunted by the versions of themselves that they could have been. They go destroy the T-dock. It takes them years to tell the Mighty Nein what happened
for the rest of their lives, whenever they cast Resonant Echo, the echoes are always the same ones
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elsgooglyeyes · 1 year
tough girl exterior.
Tumblr media
summary: just a short little thing of bantering with ellie on patrol. i don't think she'd actually be this playful on patrol, because ya know...infected...but pretend she is for the sake of the fic!
warnings: reader and ellie curse, and reader is mean to ellie for the beginning...but trust it's for a reason oooooh reader with a dark past.......
a/n: in my mind ellie is still her fun and loving 14 year old self and nothing bad ever happened to her ever to make her sad. please enjoy and be kind :)
wc: 1.7k
*Knock knock knock*
Jumping at the sudden sound, you hear muffled shouting coming from your front door. Shaking your head, you try to listen to what the person is saying. Unsure of who it is, or what they're saying, you furrow your eyebrows and just continue getting dressed.
More muffled shouts, although you could almost make out the words "patrol" and "hurry up" spilling from the other end. Sighing audibly, you sauntered to the front door and opened it wide, giving the perpetrator a pointed look.
"Jesus Christ, there you are. Maria assigned us to patrol together, I've gotta show you the ropes. Let's go."
You take a deep breath and step out onto your front porch, the bite of the morning air causing goosebumps to rise on your arms. While you put on your jacket, the auburn-haired girl turns around towards you,
"You know, I was starting to thing you were dead in there. What took you so long to answer the door?"
Still in a haze from the abrupt interruption to the beginning of your day, you mumble out a "don't worry about it. Let's just get going."
The girl shrugs and continues walking towards the front gates of Jackson, explaining the protocol to patrol.
"...since we're taking a shorter path today, we won't need horses. You'll get to that eventually."
Walking out of the gates, the silence between the two of you is thick. Not necessarily tense, just...there. The sun is still relatively low in the sky, and the air smells clean. You take a look at your surroundings as you walk beside the girl, not having been outside of Jackson since you arrived a couple of weeks ago. And even then, you were too out of it to even pay attention to the world around you. Your thoughts were soon interrupted by your partner,
"So...what's your name?" She shoots a look at you from over her shoulder as you both continue walking on the path. You tell her your name, not even having to ask her before she introduces herself as Ellie, and reaches her hand out to shake. Pretending you didn't see it, even though you obviously did, you continue walking past her. Small talk and politeness not being something you were raised up on, and not necessarily caring to start it now.
Ellie ticks her chin to the side and looks around, but continues to catch up to you. "Okay..." attempting to lighten the mood, she teases by saying, "What do you have to be grumpy about? I'm the one that has to walk with you." She lets out a small smirk as she sees you roll your eyes,
"Oh fuck off." You reply.
She bursts out laughing, "You know for someone so new you sure have a mouth on you." She then continues to walk as she speaks, gesturing towards you and waiting for you to catch up. Despite Ellie's efforts to lighten the mood or get you to say more than five words, you remain silent and continue walking. Ellie glances at you briefly as you walk in silence and sighs,
"No sense of humor at all, God. No wonder Maria wants you out here." She turns back around at you and looks forward again. You let out a small chuckle but remain just as silent as before. Ellie suddenly stops walking and turns towards you with a look of mock horror. You stop in your path and furrow your eyebrows, widening your eyes, "What?"
"Oh my God she can laugh!" She then bites back a laugh as you flip her off. Unfortunately, you're starting to get the impression that Ellie only sees your attitude and lack of talking as a challenge and an invitation. She follows close behind you as she mumbles teasingly, "Oh man, I've gotten under your skin already. Maria should've warned me you were this soft." Quietly, but loud enough so you could hear it.
Shaking your head and rolling your eyes, you grumble "I wish Maria would've told me you don't know how to shut the fuck up." Ellie stops for a second, and looks at you. For a second you think you may have struck a nerve, the slightest amount of guilt creeping up into your conscience. Now a few feet ahead of her, you look back at her with an unreadable expression on her face, but that guilt is immediately erased the second she bursts out laughing again.
"You know. You might not be so bad after all" She speeds up to catch up with you and starts walking beside you.
"If you can take being insulted and then flip it back on me like that, I think we might be able to have some fun on this patrol, I think."
You try to hide your smile but Ellie sees it out of the corner of her eye, smirking to herself. You continue walking for a few moments, lost in your own thoughts of the infected, Jackson, the infected, Jackson, Rachel, the infected, until Ellie breaks the silence, again. This time you can't tell if you're relieved or annoyed that she broke that thought loop.
"So, I've got to ask. Do you always get this easily riled up when people joke with you? Or am I just that special?" She turns towards you with a slight smirk on her face, obviously trying to see how far she can push you.
"You're just that special, Ellie." You reply sarcastically with a fake smile, and shove her shoulder. She's caught off-guard by the shove, but regains her composure quickly.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
She smiles at you playfully, then her tone sounds half-serious as she replies,
"But if you shove me again, then I might just have to show you how rough around the edges I really am."
You gasp and put your hand to your chest, "Oh please spare me Ellie!"
She shakes her head and shoves you, slightly harder than you did her. You furrow her eyebrows and regain your balance, then flip her off and continue down the well-worn path in front of you.
"You know what?" Ellie asks after more silence. You sigh at the intrusion and look over at her, eyebrows raised, "What, Ellie."
"I kind of like you. You've got spunk. And to think, when Maria first told me I was partnered with you I was actually a little pissed off."
Turning to her once again, you furrow your eyebrows and curl up your lip, "Oh fuck you, you didn't even know me?" Ellie laughs again at your response, having the time of her life going back and forth with you like this.
"Oh, c'mon, don't get your panties in a twist now. You just make it too easy." As she speaks, she playfully pokes you in the side, to which you flick her on the head. Ellie lets out a dramatic sigh.
"Did you have to resort to physical violence already? I thought you were better than that." She continues walking, still smiling at you.
"You poked me first. C'mon...don't we have infected to kill?" You deadpan. She shrugs and speeds up her pace to walk beside you. When she reaches you, she nudges you with her shoulder, and you ignore it. Then, she nudges it again,
"Are you mad at me? Wait...nevermind. Yeah, I know the answer. But, you can't stay mad at me." You roll your eyes and stay silent, after only a few seconds, Ellie asks,
"Are you still mad?" You stop walking and look at her for a few moments, eyes squinting. Ellie's lips curl up into a grin, thinking of something else to say.
"Hey, tell you what. If you admit that you aren't mad at me anymore and that you're actually starting to have a good time, we can move on with this patrol and I'll leave you alone..." She trails off and smirks at you, eyes wide.
You continue to stare at her, entering an unintentional staring contest with her. Her lips curl into themselves as the only sound you can hear is from the slight breeze and creek a further ways away. You're not sure if you start smiling because of the look on her face, or if it's because you actually aren't mad, but nonetheless one creeps up onto your face while staring at her. Ellie notices your expression and smiles back.
"You're cracking, I can tell. Just say it, and this can all be over."
She stands waiting for you with a cocky smile on her face. You sigh dramatically and place your index finger and thumb in between your eyebrows,
"You know you're really annoying, right?"
Ellie let outs a little "Oh!" of surprise as if she were hurt by your comment. She then pretends to be offended, putting her hands on her hips and looking away from you.
"You know, it does hurt my feelings when you say things like that..." She then turns back around, the smile still on her face. You breathe out a small laugh and beckon for her to follow you on the path and keep up. Out of your peripheral vision, you see Ellie biting back a smile, cracking herself up. Eventually, you look her way and open your mouth to say something. She notices this and glances towards you with a small smile, letting you know she's listening.
"You just..." You start, "it took you approximately thirty minutes to break down my cold, mysterious girl exterior I've spent years building. That's really fucked up." You point at her, eyebrows raising. Ellie laughs at your response.
"Hey, it's not my fault you have a soft spot for playful insults and roughhousing." She bumps you on the shoulder before continuing to walk.
"But...now that you've opened up. Wanna tell me why you've got that... 'cold, mysterious girl exterior?'" You pretend to think for a moment before simply saying, "Nah."
Ellie scoffs, "Of course, sooo mysterious," She teases, "Fine, keep it a mystery. I don't care." She crosses her arms and attempts to sell her lie, and fails.
"Yes you do care," You pause, "Buy me a drink tonight and I'll consider spilling all my dirtiest secrets."
Ellie laughs in response, "Deal."
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barbarianbookhoe · 11 months
A&M Prequel-Loathing
A/N: Hi lovelies!! So sorry for not posting lately, but I got caught up with prom (Hell yeah, I'm finally a senior) and the celebration(s) afterwards.
Anyway, this Prequel is thanks to my other bookworm friend, and @sublimepenguinpeach-blog getting this idea to my mind. Hope y'all like it! This is a long ass one!
Warning: a few curse words, mention of drinking (not heavy)
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The return to the Palace was always something that brought bittersweetness to Nikolai. He hated it, no, loathed the entirety of the ride in the carriage, coming up with hundreds of ways he could impale himself and bleed to death, before reaching the palace grounds.
On the other hand, passing the gates and seeing the palace in the early autumn afternoon brought a childish joy to him. Even in his hating, sorry, loathing, Nikolai wasn't going to deny the beauty of his home.
As he got out of the carriage and made his way inside, the entrance hall was filled with servants and maids, lining up to welcome him. Nikolai actually liked seeing the familiar faces, because it made him think not everything's temporary. He walked over to each of them and thanked for their presence. Their names came off his tongue as a routine by now.
As Nikolai got to the maids, he heard footsteps coming from a distance, but he didn't think too much about it at first. But when he got to greet the new faces, the girl in front of him was full of dirt and panting, like she just ran here. So that's what the footsteps were.
The girl got weird glanced from every direction, some which even tried to contain their giggle before the Prince. Nikolai looked at her with the sudden urge to laugh. Not at her, but at the strangeness of the moment.
"You must be the new gardener, Miss. Glad you made your aquintance." Nikolai said, but before he could do anything else, a footman stepped to him.
"Apologies, Your Higness, but, she's the new librarian. And uh, she's in charge of your...tutoring, with the languages." Nikolai looked at the man with furrowed brows then back at the girl.
"My apologies, Miss. Truth to be said, your appearance seems rather-" He didn't have time to finish his sentence, because the girl began sneezing, all while trying to cover her face from the Prince.
"What in the Saints was that?" Nikolai asked without any anger in his voice, instead letting out a laugh. The girl answered rather simply, "A sneeze, Your Higness. I'm afraid I'm aller-" And she sneezed again.
"That was not a sneeze!" Nikolai laughed again, then as he saw the girl's eyes getting watery and red from the sneezes, he turned his head towards the girl who handed her some kind of handkerchief.
"Could you make sure she gets to the infirmary? I think she might have some kind of allergic reaction." The girl quickly bowed and took the sneezing one with her, who muttered all kinds of obscenities, not caring that the Prince could still hear her.
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The next time Nikolai saw the girl, she was in clean clothes, which he noticed were refreshing to see on a librarian. He hated how the other librarians dressed: typically grey, looked more like a canvas bag, with no ankle or wrist or neck peeking out from the clothes. Sometimes he wondered if they even had skin underneath those clothes. He loathed it.
But her? She was nothing like them. She was surrounded by the total chaos of arranging the newly arrived books, standing on the ladder with an enormous stack of books, in a brown skirt, white shirt tugged into it, the top half showing a little cleavage but not too much, with a black waistcoat, seemingly fitted for her frame.
Nikolai watched her silently, as she came down the ladder, whispering to herself in a foreign language as she sorted through some books. His intention was to speak with her about the language tutoring, but seeing how put-together she was in that mess reminded him of the girl who showed up covered in dirt, yet standing tall as if she wore a nightgown.
"I'm here to talk about the language lessions. I hope I'm not interrupting you, Miss." Nikolai spoke and the sudden noise made the girl almost drop the book she just picked up. She looked at him with wide eyes, than quickly bowed. "Your Higness."
"I was told you're my tutor for the Shu and Kerch language. I must admit, you look rather young to be a teacher, no offense," Nikolai quickly added, because he was just simply surprised they trusted a young woman with teaching him.
The girl swallowed before responding, and while she did, she kept her voice gentle, despite the slight tremble of anxiety in her voice.
"Well, the Palace needed someone fast, and I was looking for a job anyway, so," She shrugged her shoulders, but then as if she realized who she was talking to, she straightened her posture and kept looking down at the books in front of her.
Nikolai let out a breathy scoff. "I see. So working for the Crown, let alone teaching the Prince in the Palace is like a hobby to you? I must say I'm shocked," He joked and looked at her with mischief in his eyes. The girl looked back at him with a neutral face as she spoke. "Even collecting bugs is a more exciting hobby than this."
The girl looked at Nikolai with bewilderment on her face, and Nikolai mirrored her expression. He stood there frozen for a few seconds, and then he bursted out laughing. The girl still stood there with shock on her face, and soon continued to arrange the books into piles on the table in front of her.
Nikolai quickly tried to compose himself, and when he finally did he looked at the girl with a smile. "You are an extraordinary librarian. I simply cannot wait to know what type of a tutor you'll be, Miss..."
"Y/N." The girl said and Nikolai gave her his hand to shake, and with slight confusion she shook it. "I'm Nikolai, but you already know I guess."
She looked at him with even more confusion as to why is he introducing himself, and Nikolai gave her a small smile. "It's only fair of you to call me by my actual name, instead of Your Higness. Behind closed doors, of course."
Y/N nodded with curiosity in her eyes, and a smile on her lips.
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The night air made Nikolai feel like he was at sea, the wind hitting his face and if he closed his eyes and wished real hard, he could smell the ocean around him. Or maybe it was because the rain stopped only a few minutes ago.
Nikolai was exhausted from the past two weeks. If he had to only worry about his princely duties, but on top of it he was blessed with this ball in his brother's name, and on top of that was the constant yearning for just some crumb of a knowledge about Y/N.
Sure, the girl was his teacher and he treated her as such during their lessons, but he wanted to know her outside of that. It's not like he didn't try, even interrupting one of her weekly sessions of storytelling, which he still didn't got to eavesdrop on. He had to know what it was like to hear her talk more than five words per hour.
As if she heard his thoughts, Y/N appeared a few steps next to him, dragging herself through the bushes, looking as if she had a fight with a tree, and the tree won.
"Y/N, fancy seeing you here at this hour. You're usually nose deep in a book in your room by now." Nikolai said as he helped her get out of the plants, and began taking the leaves out of her hair. "You look like you had a fight with a plant and the plant won. What have you been doing?" He asked with a slight chuckle, but Y/N just sighed and let him clean her hair of the leaves.
Nikolai took half a step back to look at her, waiting for her to speak. After eight months of their lessons, he learned a lot of things about her, yet he didn't think he knew anything. He knew that she liked to stay up at night, that she preferred winter over summer, and that she could be easily bribed with chocolate. He also learned that he had to be clever with his jokes, or she won't even twitch a muscle on her face.
What Nikolai did not know though, was her life. Her parents, her siblings if she had any, her friends, her childhood, her past. She was one big question mark, and Nikolai hated question marks. Sorry, loathed question marks.
He also learned to be patient with her, just as she was with him during their lessions. She turned out to be an excellent teacher, getting Nikolai to the point where he could be left alone with their Shu guests for an hour, without a translator.
While her patience came from dealing with Nikolai's impatience, his came from trying to give Y/N time for collecting her thoughts before speaking. She had a hard time opening up to him, but eventually she told Nikolai that she's been struggling with her speech since she was a child.
It took her years of practice to talk without her rural Kerch accent, but Nikolai always noticed it when she slipped back into it. Mostly when she was upset or tired, but there were times during their lessons, where she got excited about something and began speaking with a mixture of royal and rural accent.
Those moments only made Nikolai want to hear her voice even more. She pronounced some words in a unique way, that brought a certain warmth to Nikolai's chest. He hated this feeling, this sudden need to have something about her that he can think of later. He hated, no, loathed that he wanted, no, needed her near him. He needed to hear her, to see her, to breathe in the air she was holding in when the tension started to eat both of them up.
"I think I should stick to being slow, instead of trying for a storm instantly." Y/N told him and Nikolai chuckled. "You bloody Squaller! I knew you were a nightowl, but a restless one at that? I might start to think I'm a bad influence on you." Y/N let out a breathy laugh as she looked up at him.
They took a walk around the palace gardens, hiding in the shadows where no one could see them. Nikolai didn't want to be found yet. He didn't know why, but found that he liked and hated Y/N's presence at the same time.
She wasn't talking most of the time, and it was infuriating. She was kind and patient with him, which made Nikolai like her even more. He hated, no, loathed not knowing what the feeling was.
Their conversation, or rather Nikolai's speech and the eventual comments or disagreements from Y/N, turned towards Ravka and its people. Nikolai told his worries about the possibility of him taking the throne one day, ruling a kingdom that was doomed even before he was born.
Y/N was unusually quiet for Nikolai's likeness, which made him slightly worry about her, but he got a reason why just as he was going into details about the damaged Lantsov monarchy.
"Saints, do you ever shut up?" Y/N turned to Nikolai with an annoyed look. He stopped dead in his tracks, going silent at her words. Before he could think twice, Y/N began rambling, her accent evident in some of her words.
"I've known you for 8 months, and most of the time all you do is joke around or complain. I had enough of your whining, and look of distress, as you sit in your castle, in your clean clothes, in your own bloody suite, eating whatever the Saints you want and whenever you want, learning languages and history and mathematics five days a week, crying about having to attend a ball where your only role is to look nice.
The Lantsov kings have been nothing but selfish and hot-headed assholes so far, and while you are most beloved by your people, you still lack certain traits. It is heartwarming that you try to make an effort to make Ravka better, but words and thinking can only take you so far.
You want to change lives? You want to reconstruct the ravkan monarchy?" Nikolai was still in shock, but managed to nod, before she continued.
"Then start fucking doing it. Stop whining, and be a man! You're the Prince, are you not? Doors open for you with a single snap of your fingers.
You will not change lives within the walls of a study. You have to act upon things, even if some dirt gets on your fancy shirts. You could be the finest king Ravka had so far Nikolai, if only you grew some balls."
Not waiting a second, Y/N turned and began walking back to the castle, hoping that she'll still have her job tomorrow morning. She didn't regret what has been said, however, she did regret the tone she used with the Prince.
If only she knew, that her words were forever engraved in Prince Nikolai's mind under just half a minute. And he also saw the way her face flushed from fright, before she disappeared.
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With Alina Starkov arriving to the Palace, Nikolai almost never saw Y/N. With the ball getting closer each day, every staff member was focused on that, even Y/N. Though she was a librarian, she was asked to be the Lantsov's translator for the night.
She refused at first, stating that all members of the family spoke almost fluently in 2 or 3 languages. Then she was kindly reminded that it was a request, and not a question. She had to re-read old and new textbooks along with some dictionaries.
At least that's what everyone thought she was doing. When Alina got escorted into her room, Y/N was asked to speak with her to know how much Ravkan Alina spoke. When Alina didn't answer to Y/N's Shu words, looking at her confused, she asked the maids to go out so she could talk with her privately.
Alina began rambling in fluent Ravkan, but Y/N stopped her with her hand on her mouth. She told Alina that they all think she can speak Shu, so that's what she's going to do. When she was asked about Alina, she said they will need to have lessions daily, so Y/N'll be able to teach her to speak more fluently, to get rid of her sharp tongue.
No one suspected a thing. Y/N actually taught Alina, just Shu instead of Ravkan. And not the Shu language people usually studied, but a more hidden one. Y/N spent a few summers in the rural parts of Shu-Han while she was studying, which meant she knew all the street slangs. And that is what she taught to Alina.
Street slang, along with some usual Shu sentences, so it wouldn't be suspicious. Whenever Alina had to get out of something, she spoke one of the Shu slangs to Y/N, and she escorted her. It came in handy on the night of the ball.
Alina told Y/N about Kirigan, and how much she missed Mal, and Y/N wished she didn't hear the slight affection in her voice when she mentioned Kirigan. Y/N wasn't an old Grisha. She found out about her magic quite late, only two or three years ago. But even as a new Grisha, she could feel that something wasn't right about Kirigan.
Meanwhile, Nikolai was on the verge of storming through the entire Palace and locking himself in a room with Y/N. Preferably the library, where he could push her up against one of those shelves, knocking the air out of her and-
Maybe it was the champagne speaking.
Her words were constantly on his mind. 'You could be the finest king Ravka had so far Nikolai, if only you grew some balls.' Nikolai almost kissed her right then and there, but refrained from doing so. He still couldn't figure out if his feelings were just some kind of infatuation or not.
But he just couldn't forget about her. She made his blood boil with her secretiveness and witty comments, which in the past few weeks made Nikolai's nights unbearable. Especially when he saw her eyes glance lower than just his chest.
That made him annoyed too, because she was probably sleeping peacefully, not thinking about how her fingers would caress Nikolai's cheeks, her lips inviting his into a dance, the same lips that moved so passionately when speaking another language, Saints those lips-
It was definitely the champagne speaking.
If he was being honest with himself, Y/N was right. Nikolai knew he complained a lot about his family, but he never thought about how it made him look like. He had to admit it to himself that he, in fact, was whining like a newborn. So he'll take Y/N's advice, and start acting like a man instead of the boyish Prince.
If he wants change, then he's the one who has to make it happen. No one else will do it instead of him.
Nikolai was trying to spot her the entire night, but it seemed as if she vanished into thin air. He tried to be patient, not wanting to draw more attention to him than what he already had. He asked one of the guards about Alina and her tutor, and they told him they were probably at the dressing room to change for dinner.
Nikolai walked slowly through the hall, smiling at the guests, but as soon as he was out of sight he almost sprinted down the hallways. This feeling in his chest, that sweet pain that warmed him whenever he thought of Y/N, he hated how scared of it he was. Sorry, he loathed how scared he was.
When he got to the hall that led to the dressing room, he saw three guards pulling a man dressed in their uniform, while Kirigan was standing before him. Nikolai saw how serious the situation was, and thought that maybe someone attempted to kill the Sun Summoner. He felt worry for the girl of course, but another part of him was worried for another person, another girl.
He didn't think when he set off in a run. Nikolai ran through the hallways like his life depended on it. He didn't know if Y/N was taken with Alina, or if she wasn't even in that part of the Palace, or if she was in any danger at all, Nikolai wanted-
No, he needed to tell her. He needed to tell her that he was captured by her knowledge. That she was the reason he layed awake at night, trying to come up with new and exciting things for her, so he could see her smile at least one time in a day. That he found her silence more meaningful than any conversation he ever had. That he liked her rural accent, because he liked how raw and happy her voice sounded like.
Nikolai made exactly four different speeches for how he could confess his, very recently figured out, feelings for her. As he knocked on her room's door, he thought about a fifth or sixth speech, just in case. When the door opened, he forgot every single one of them.
"Apologies, Your Higness. Are you looking for Miss Y/N?" The maid at the door asked and Nikolai nodded with his regained royal manner. "In fact, yes. We have to discuss a few things. Is she here?" He tried to take a look around and the maid opened the door a little wider so Nikolai could see inside.
Her bed unmade, some of her clothes laying disheveld on the floor, her desk a mess of papers, pens and books. The place looked like a mess.
"It seems they left in a hurry. Maybe a family member got sick, or some other trouble came up. Either way, I don't know where she could've gone. If you'll excuse me, Your Higness." The maid bowed and Nikolai nodded as she walked out.
He looked around the room, trying to spot some clue as to what had happened. A map, a note, a ticket. Something.
While he skimmed through her desk, Nikolai saw a letter on top of the mess. When he picked it up the ink got smudged, which meant it was written not so long ago.
Dear Nikolai,
In this very moment, I feel like writing an entire book about what I'm feeling, but I'm afraid there's nor enough words nor enough time for that now.
I am deeply sorry, for how we left things in the garden that night. I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay and apologize for what I said, then I decided not to, for telling the truth, then as I was running back to my room, I realized that I was just as much of a coward as you were.
I was utterly terrified of my feelings for you. If I acknowledged them, they'd become real, and that would've meant that I'm opening myself up to heartache, and I didn't want to get my heart broken, especially by you.
I'm using my last safe seconds to write this pharagraph to you, so I'll be quick. I won't deny how I feel about you, because it causes me pain to fight against it. I don't know for sure if you feel the same, but those three little words are a constant on my tongue. And I will not say them until I can look you in the eye.
Until we meet again,
Yours truly, Y/N
Nikolai had to read the letter at least three times before he could grasp what it meant. When he did, his heart lept from his chest and he had to sit down on her bed, so as his legs wouldn't collapse under him.
He took deep breaths, and after a few minutes of reading over the last pharagraph, Nikolai walked out of the room and headed to his chambers.
It's time he put that compass to use.
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Nikolai's months as Sturmhond were absolute torture. His mates on the ship could feel the tension in him. Whenever someone asked who or what were they looking for, Nikolai changed the subject.
He played his role as the flirty and happy Captain every day. At night, when he returned to his room was the only time he let himself be scared and angry. He always had a bottle ready for when he felt especially terrified.
But no drink or exhaustion could make her disappear from his dreams. Nikolai was always dreaming, dreaming of Y/N. Sometimes he tried to fight the images, but more often than not, he welcomed the memories.
Nikolai hated, Saints no, loathed not having her near.
Her letter was under his pillow so he could read it again, even though he had it memorized by now. He knew every word, every curve of her writing, and sometimes he could even hear her voice reading it to him.
And no matter how many times his clues or missions failed, no matter how many days his crew spent not knowing where to go, and no matter how many times he wished he could cry himself to sleep, it didn't matter.
Nikolai stood tall every day, staring at the horizon at every sunset, making a promise only the Saints could hear.
He would stop at nothing to find her.
And when he does, he'll make sure that his seventh speech of confession will be the last.
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666writingcafe · 1 year
Welcome Back
If it weren't for the fact that Luke was with us, I would have cursed loudly. You see, when the four of us went through the gate that would take us to the Devildom, I winded up landing hard on my butt.
"Sorry about that, MC," Solomon states as he helps me up. "I really should've warned you to be careful where you land."
"We didn't have this issue in the Celestial Realm," I tell him.
"That's because Solomon's magic is, shall we say, more chaotic than mine," Simeon replies. "Thankfully, it shouldn't have interfered with where we landed."
"Which is where, exactly?" Luke asks rather impatiently. Simeon gently takes Luke's hand and starts walking forward, leaving Solomon and I with no choice but to follow. Our walk doesn't take long, and soon we're looking at the back of one of the RAD buildings. Solomon takes out his D.D.D., and I'm close enough to see that he's texting Barbatos about our arrival. Seconds after he hits send, the demon butler literally appears out of thin air.
"Dah!" Luke shouts, latching onto me. "Don't do that, Barbatos!"
"I apologize, Luke. It was the quickest way I could get to you." Barbatos briefly glances at each of us, as if doing a mental headcount. "I'm glad everyone arrived safely."
"I wish I wasn't here," Luke grumbles. Faintly smiling, Barbatos reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key, which he hands to Simeon.
"That is for Purgatory Hall," he explains. "It is best if the two of you get settled in."
"What about Solomon?" Luke asks.
"There are some things that I need to discuss with him and MC before I send him over. Everything has been prepared for your stay." Before Luke can question Barbatos any more, Simeon calmly leads him away, and soon it's just me, Solomon, and Barbatos.
"If you will follow me," Barbatos instructs. The three of us walk silently inside the nearest RAD building. We end up walking past the student council room, where there appears to be a meeting in session. I manage to catch Diavolo mention something about a witches' sabbath before Barbatos quickly ushers Solomon and me into an office. Closing the door behind him, he gestures us towards a office desk. Solomon and I sit on one side, and Barbatos sits on the other.
"First things first: MC, may I have your notebooks, please?" Barbatos asks. Unzipping my backpack, I pull them out and set them on the desk. Barbatos grabs the one on top and quickly flips through the pages.
"It appears as though Michael has made some notes," he states as he sets the notebook back down. "Lord Diavolo and I will have to look at them more closely when the time comes." He leans down, opens a drawer, and sticks the notebooks inside. Then, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tightly folded piece of paper. He sets it in front of me.
"We need to test the extent of your magical abilities," he explains as I unfold the paper. "These classes will determine where your strengths and weaknesses lie." He allows me a moment to look at my schedule:
M: Advanced Potions -Lecture: 9:00-1:00 -Lab: 2:00-6:00 W: Advanced Curses and Hexes -Lecture: 9:00-1:00 -Lab: 2:00-6:00 F: Advanced Speechcraft -Lecture: 9:00-1:00 -Lab: 2:00-6:00
"I thought that students had classes during all five days of the week," I state.
"They do," Barbatos replies. "In your case, you will receive all day tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays." He looks over at Solomon. "Have you decided what day you want?"
"Thursday," he answers.
"Wonderful. Then I will take Tuesday."
"You two are going to tutor me?" Barbatos nods his head.
"Lord Diavolo's orders. We want to ensure that you retain everything you learn in these classes, both in a mental and magical capacity. He has also made the decision that you will be graded on the same scale as your fellow classmates, which means that you will be critiqued much harder than you were the last time you were here. We know you can't do it alone, so the two of us will help you complete any assignments you require our assistance with.
"Do you have any questions, MC?" I shake my head, too stunned to speak. Barbatos reaches in another pocket and pulls out another key.
"This is for the House of Lamentation. Your room has been prepared for your arrival." He hands the key to me. "Solomon, if you will be kind enough to walk MC there. I have to return to the student council meeting."
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Werewolf (Camden) x human female reader - Part 2
You're about to go out for a walk and you're almost out the door when your phone starts to ring. It's somewhere in your bedroom. By the time you sprint through the hall and leap onto the bed you're completely out of breath. You're hoping it's Camden because you haven't seen him since the shower fiasco last Friday and it's been three days. You've been trying to give him some space but that hasn't stopped you from missing him, of course.
"Hello?" you answer your phone breathlessly.
"Hey there, it's Arch," a male voice says on the other end.
Camden's brother!
"Hi! It's been ages, how are you?" You flatten yourself on the bed and keep your shoe-clad feet dangling off the edge.
"Um, still very much single and obsessed with anime but my first art exhibition is next week so I've got my hands full with that," he laughs. "You're welcome to come, by the way."
"That would be wonderful. I'll see if Camden would like to tag along," you say.
"Speaking of Camden, I was just about to ask you if you've talked to him recently," Arch asks.
"Three days ago."
"Oh." He pulls the phone away from his ear and you hear some faint rustling and then a popping sound, like a strip of medicine tablets being opened. "I guess I'll just try his phone again," he mutters faintly to himself, but you hear it.
You clear your throat. "So he isn't answering his phone?"
"Um, no," Arch drawls. "He's probably just hyper-fixating on a new hobby or something. I'm sure he's fine."
"He was a little withdrawn the last time we talked," you say. "I think I scared him off a bit."
"No way. He's crazy about you," Arch laughs and then curses softly. "Dammit, Camden." "What? What is it?" You demand, vaguely noting the mailman walking up to your front door and the thud of your mail falling on the doormat.
"I think I know what this is about. Listen, I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Arch! What's going on? You know I'm going to worry, right? If you don't let me know what's going on, I'll come over and make you tell me."
"Whoa now, you're kind of jumping to conclusions here. Camden is alright, he's just going through a rough time right now."
"What do you mean? Is it something I said?"
"Look, I don't know what's going on between you two but this has nothing to do with it. It's the full moon. It's just around the corner." "The full moon? Why is that a problem?" You blink in confusion.
Arch laughs and then coughs. "It's when we, um, go into heat."
"Oh! That!" You squeak. "I knew that."
"Didn't sound like you did just now," Arch snickers.
You look up to see someone quickly walking out of your gate. You didn't see them come up to the door. They're wearing a baseball cap with a hoodie pulled over it, hands in their pockets. Your heart gives a little leap and you panic for a second before you realize there's no way that can be your ex. He was muscular and broad. This person is skinny-shouldered and thin, that much you can see.
Nevertheless, you want to know what they were doing on your porch. You get off the bed and hurry to your front door.
"You okay? You've gotten real quiet," Arch says.
"I'm fine," you huff. "Just, uh, distracted."
"Keep your mind out of the gutter," Arch teases.
"Jesus. I'm just worried, alright? I read that going through heat alone is torturous. Like burn-alive and so horny it hurts torture. I don't want him to suffer." "Take it from someone who knows, it's not that hard. Excuse the pun." "So how do you manage?" You ask curiously, scooping up the mail from the floor and heading to the kitchen table.
"Heat suppressant pills. They work kind of like painkillers. Can't make it go away completely, but it keeps me sane. And the sooner you take them, the better they work. Camden doesn't like the side effects so he hardly ever takes them. He's probably out in the woods chewing on a tree or something."
There is one envelope that doesn't look like its part of your mail. Someone has scrawled on it with a pencil, and the sharp tip of the pencil has poked holes in the surface of the envelope. It says "From The Neighborhood". You put your phone between your shoulder and ear and rip it open. A folded piece of paper falls out along with a thick stack of Polaroid pictures. Your hands go slack.
"I mean, heats aren't great. Maybe I should hook up with someone this time," Arch is mumbling, but you aren't listening.
A small whine works its way out of your throat as you skim over the contents of the letter. You're not sure whether to laugh in disbelief, cry, or shoot someone.
"You okay?" Arch asks.
"No," your voice comes out small. "No, I'm not okay. Can I come over? I need to show you something. It has got something to do with Camden.
"Sure," Arch sounds concerned now. "Do you want me to pick you up?"
"I can make it myself. See you in a few minutes."
You hang up and shove the handful of pictures into your purse along with the letter. You put a can of pepper spray in the front pocket of your jeans in easy reach. When you leave the house, you slip the metal ends of your keys between your fingers. Your skin crawls and you feel invisible eyes watching you as you fight the urge to run to your car. If they are watching, you don't want them to see just how their little letter has affected you. You won't give anyone that satisfaction.
By the time you reach Arch's apartment, you're in tears.
"Whoa," he says when he opens the door and you barge into the small but cozy apartment. "So, what is it?"
"I knew some people hated the fact that I was in a relationship with a werewolf but this is taking it too far!" You wail and bury your face in his sweater.
"Take a deep breath. I have no idea what you're on about," he says soothingly.
You sniff and pull away. "You might want to sit down for this," you tell him, flopping onto the couch.
He takes a seat beside you and you dig the filthy things out of your purse and hand them to him. He reads the letter first, gold beginning to flash in his eyes. When he shuffles through the pictures he starts to look truly furious. He gets up and throws the pictures and the letter into the trashcan.
"I had no idea it was that bad. Up in this part of the city people are pretty chill when it comes to these kinds of relationships." He begins to pace the living room, clenching his hands into fists hard enough that his claws begin to prick his palms. He shakes his hands out with a growl. Abruptly, you burst into tears again.
"I should have known!" You wail. "This is why he was so weird the other day."
Arch plops down beside you and pulls you against him.
"It's okay. Deep breaths now."
You try to follow his advice but your entire face feels congested. You fumble for a tissue from the coffee table and blow your nose.
"The last time we saw each other, he was at my apartment scrubbing the front door. I thought it was odd but I didn't want to get all nosy. He said the door was dirty but I guess someone had left some kind of message and he got there before me and saw it..." Your eyes widen in realization. "He's probably been getting threats for way longer than me. And I never noticed..."
"When Camden decides to keep something to himself he'll go to every length to ensure no one finds out. Don't blame yourself," Arch says.
"No, he definitely tried to tell me. He said a lot of things about how he was afraid he'd hurt me and how he'd be too rough. He was probably saying all the things he'd been led to believe. He wouldn't have sex with me even though I wanted it so badly." You pout slightly.
Arch says nothing, but he stiffens beside you. You look up at his face and find him staring at the fireplace.
"Are you okay? Did I say too much? Sorry."
"No." He heaves himself up tiredly. "I need to get something. I'll be right back."
The idea of him leaving you alone makes you deeply uncomfortable. The entire drive here, you had been checking your review mirror to make sure you weren't being tailed. Now that fear comes rushing back.
"Wait, don't leave me!" You grab his arm and tug.
He twists awkwardly, caught by surprise, and ends up falling halfway on top of you and halfway on the floor. He groans, voice muffled by your shirt, which his face is pressed against.
"I was just going to the bathroom," he growls, lifting his head and giving you an irritated stare that is more wolf than human.
You're a bit startled and you tuck your legs against your body and scoot away. You'd never admit it, but that golden gaze and sharp teeth send a thrill of fear through you. The gold in Arch's eyes almost glows and when you move away from him, he leans forward, following you. You freeze.
"What are you doing?" You as softly, wary.
"Shit," he blinks and leans back, pulling away and standing up. "Give me a second."
He strides to his bedroom, rubbing at the spots on his head where his ears would be if he shifted. You plan on waiting just like he asked, but when you hear a crash from the bathroom, you jump up and hurry to make sure he's alright.
"You okay?" You poke your head through the open door.
He's clutching the marble countertop. The contents of the medicine cabinet are strewn across the counter and floor. He's holding a bottle of heat suppressant pills. Suddenly it all makes sense.
"Okay. Um, I'm just going back to the living room."
You turn and begin to walk away but he growls.
"Do not walk away from me."
"Arch, please just take the pills," you beg, inching away. "Whatever this is, it isn't going anywhere good." He watches you, staring you down, daring you to move. You count your breaths and stand there, praying he'll snap out of it. He doesn't. His grip on the bottle slackens and it drops to the floor. The thud startles you and you flinch. That's all he needs. With a triumphant snarl, he lunges toward you. That's too much for you and you shriek and commit the error of not only running but turning your back on him.
You glance over your shoulder and see a massive wolf-man slip across the wooden floor and bump into the side table in the hall. Little statues and souvenirs from his travels crash to the floor. A Russian doll cracks in big pieces under his paw. He's coming for you.
You run into his bedroom because you know it's the best place to hide. There's enough room for you to scoot under his bed. At least that's what you thought, but most of the space is taken up by boxes of old sketchpads from uni
"No!" You scream as you feel a clawed hand grab your ankle and pull you out from under the bed.
Your shirt catches on the carpet and rolls up, baring your skin. As he pulls you out the rest of the way, your belly burns against the fiber of the carpet.
"Arch, stop it! This isn't you!" Of course, it isn't him. What is staring through his eyes isn't human and you're pretty sure he isn't hearing or understanding you. Right now you're speaking two very different languages. His muzzle comes down, teeth nipping and gnawing against your shirt and bra. It isn't clear whether he's unwrapping a meal to eat or fuck. Or both. You sit up and scoot backward. Your shirt rips, coming away from your body. He chews on it for a moment, distracted.
You press yourself against the wall and hold your breath. All too soon, Arch looks up. You stare back at him.
"I know you don't want to do this, Arch." He prowls forward, nose up in the air and sniffing. His ears flick at whatever scent he picks up. You're sure he can smell your fear.
"Think of Camden," you beg. "Or your art exhibition. Or all those anime plushies you love so much."
The giant wolf man sits on his haunches and stares at you for a long moment. He snaps his teeth and licks his muzzle like he's tasting the air. You manage not to flinch and simply glare back at him. His eyes lower and he gives you a sheepish wolf stare that melts into apologetic human eyes.
"Shit." He says, surprised at himself. "Shit."
"Calm down!" You snap. "We both need to calm down." You touch your throat, feeling your racing heart slowing down.
"I'm so sorry, I really shouldn't have done that. But I couldn't... I mean, I tried..."
The doorbell rings, cutting him off.
"I'll go see who it is," Arch says hastily, picking himself off the floor. "Take whatever you need from my closet."
You check yourself for injuries and other than your red and irritated belly, you're fine. So you do as he suggests, finding a t-shirt to pull on. You hear the door opening, and then an exclamation of alarm from Arch.
Oh my god, you think, he's hurt.
You nearly slip on the tiles in the hall in your mad dash to the door. You round the corner just in time to see Camden staggering in, covered in mud and blood. He looks up and says your name. And then, he collapses into his brother's arms.
~ ~ ~
Hello, it's me, the cliffhanger addict. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose. I just kept building on what I had and it just so happened to end on a cliff. 😗
Consider a reblog if you enjoyed this chapter!
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epheyll · 11 months
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ethan winters x reader pt. one
the x reader we all deserve
noun. an ironic rhetorical device, in which one feigns indifference, or makes a pretense of refusing something one desires
tw | may contain scenes of graphic violence or gore, cursing, suggestive themes, ect.
"ollie where are you?" you called out, stumbling over a slick tree root. you hated it when he played too close to the bakers' house, and now you couldn't find him. it was a humid day just like any other in dulvey, and the air was sticking to your already sweaty skin. it felt so hot you thought the dew might boil you alive. another step had you right in front of the gate towards the bakers' house. no one had seen them in a very long time, but you weren't dumb. you'd read every article regarding the missing persons. you didn't want your brother to become another statistic.
panic rising, you cupped your hands around your mouth, hoping the 12 year old boy might hear your cries. "come on, ollie! it's time to come inside! it's getting dark!" the only thing that answered was a flock of crows startled from their nest.
you grumbled, cursing quietly and promising to give your brother a scolding he'd never forget when you found him as you now had to scale the fence. your shoes squelched in the mud as you took the step forward, cringing and hoisting yourself up onto the fence. you grunted as you swung your leg over, jumping down, cold, slick mud splattering all over your shins.
"gross," you muttered as you trudged through the muck, looking for a trail. the cool mud was a contrast to the bright sun beating down on the top of your head. after this you'd take a nice long shower. maybe two. that didn't seem like it'd be anytime soon though because the further you walked, the more lost you got. now, you were no outsider to dulvey, but there were certain rules these passed few years that you just didn't break. even in your grown adult age, you treated them like a sacred oath given by your very own parents.
rule 1. never, under any circumstances, cross the fence blocking off the bakers' house from the rest of town.
alright, rule 1 broken. you couldn't exactly go back now, not when you were ankle deep in writhing green mud as you ducked under tree branch after tree branch to avoid getting knocked square in the forehead. a crunch from not too far away alerted you, and you went deathly still, holding your breath as you listened. listened. and then heard a soft curse that definitely didn't sound like jack or marguerite baker. actually, it didn't sound like anyone you'd ever heard in dulvey.
you crept towards where you could still see the fence, a gaping hole in the bottom of it, and when you went to peek through-
you yelped, startled as you fell back on your bottom, just as the man in front of you did. the very clean man, you noted. nobody, and you meant nobody, was clean in dulvey.
rule 2. never, under any circumstances, talk to an outsider.
they only ever showed up to cause trouble, though this man didn't exactly look like trouble. no, he looked quite the opposite in his button-up shirt and dirty blonde hair. the bluest eyes you'd ever seen. or were they gray? it was like you were staring at a storm cloud. he seemed just as surprised to see you, like maybe you weren't real. or maybe you looked absolutely crazy covered in mud and cut up from the brambles you'd walked through.
"who the hell are you?" you blurted out, and he almost looked offended by your tone. or maybe confused. you weren't exactly sure what to make of the stranger.
he crossed his arms, tilting his head as he eyed you skeptically. "i could ask you the same thing. cause you kind of look like a trespasser."
"doesn't that make you one then too?"
"fair enough,"
you stood up from the ground, wiping off your pants and hands the best you could, staring at the man through the fence once again. "i'm trespassing for a good reason though. have you seen a little boy around? about..er- this high?" you held your hand to about ollie's height, though it felt silly without him right beside you. "he's got dark hair. and bright green eyes." you explained, but the stranger didn't seem to recognize. that made enough sense. he didn't know you, so why would he know ollie? wishful thinking. "nevermind. who exactly are you?" you demanded as you gripped on to the edge of the fence.
the stranger ducked into the hole at the bottom of the fence, joining you on the other side. "name's ethan." short and to the point. that still didn't exactly answer your question, and he must have seen the look on your face because he continued, "you won't believe me if i tell you why i'm here."
"try me," you insisted as you backed away from the stranger. maybe he looked prim and proper, but no one with good intentions ever stepped onto the bakers' property. and no one ever returned afterwards. you thought about warning the stranger of just that, but if he didn't have good intentions, you weren't sure you'd even want to see him again.
ethan was already moving passed you, following the faint trail ahead, and eager for answers (and still looking for your little brother), you followed after him. "i'm looking for my wife. she's been missing for three years, but i got word that she might be here in dulvey. she wants me to come get her."
from the bakers' house? unlikely. you wanted to tell him that his wife was long gone along with the other missing people, but you bit your tongue and gave him a rather uncomfortable look. "right. you think i'm crazy." ethan sighed helplessly but continued to march down his path. even though you'd seen him wince everytime he stepped in some mud.
"no, not at all." you tried to sound lighthearted as you stepped over puddle after puddle, but it sounded more like you were taunting him than anything. "i'll help you look for your missing..er..wife? if you help me look for my brother. i was supposed to watch him for my parents this week, and i haven't seen him for hours." which made you sound like a terrible older sister and babysitter, but you had a job and bills to pay. you couldn't exactly spend every moment watching after your brother.
ethan, desperate for help in this unfamiliar place, shrugged. "okay, but only if he's on this property. i'm not sticking my nose anywhere else." you supposed that was fair enough, but you couldn't help your scowl at his tone.
suddenly, ethan halted and held an arm out to stop you from going forward. he crouched down and you followed, peeking over his shoulder at whatever he was looking at. in front of you, an older man (who you thought might be jack baker) was stomping through the underbrush. he looked angry, unlike the jack you had known before. the kind that would come to the festivals in town, singing and laughing with his family. the loving husband and father. this one looked..deranged, and you almost felt bad for him. if you weren't convinced that he was a maniac serial killer.
jack pushed on and left the two of you unnoticed, but you didn't feel ethan breathe again for a solid minute after the figure was gone. he stood and walked forward, not even bothering to see if you were still there. it seemed he had a mission, and you might just be in his way. still, you had a mission, too, and you wanted to find your brother before your parents found out he was missing.
you hadn't seen the bakers' house since you were a little kid, and the sheer size of it was enough to impress you. and how rundown it looked. surely the bakers didn't still live there? you didn't see how they even could considering the roof looked caved in and there were gashes in the walls.
ethan wasted no time sliding down the hill, the ground much drier here. he looked up at you expectantly, but you couldn't do much but stare down. "no way." you argued as he gave a frustrated sigh.
"i'll catch you." it was a crude joke to make, and his tone suggested that he knew exactly that, but still, he smiled at you. "come on, didn't you ever roll down hills as a kid? or go sledding? it isn't even that steep don't be a ba-" you didn't give him the chance to finish his— probably rude— sentence as you all but fell down that hill. you yelped as you crashed into his legs, and he yelped as he fell back on his butt, knocking against something behind him.
"you said you'd catch me!" you yelled as you scrambled to get back up. you tumbled over him as he tried to get up as well, the both of you nothing but flailing bodies in the dirt.
ethan grabbed at your shoulders and pushed you back so that you were sitting on your knees. "i didn't mean literally!" he argued right back as he went to grab for the thing he'd landed on. a red purse. it looked an awful lot like mia's. and it was surprisingly clean. what was her purse doing out here? ethan dumped the contents onto the ground and frowned as he saw it was, in fact, mia's things.
an ID stared up at you, and you saw that it was a rather pretty woman. she had light brown hair, and she couldn't have been much older than you. there was no doubt that she wasn't from around here. you'd never seen her before.
beside you, ethan was taking this much harder. his silence was almost scary. you stood and offered him your hand as you inclined your head to the abandoned home. or, well, you hoped it was abandoned. "let's go look. maybe she's inside." you knew she wasn't.
ethan grabbed your hand and stood up, and you didn't know if he believed you or if he was just desperate to stop looking at the ID, even if you did see him pocket it. "yeah. maybe your brother is too." he assured, and though his smile was fake, you were grateful for it.
the two of you said nothing else as you walked towards the house.
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oonajaeadira · 6 months
Hi Adira!
For this round of daily askgasms I’m asking the Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire! Imagine me doing my best James Lipton impression…
* What is your favorite word?
* What is your least favorite word?
* What turns you on?
* What turns you off?
* What is your favorite curse word?
* What sound or noise do you love?
* What sound or noise do you hate?
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
* What profession would you not like to do?
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Looking forward to hearing your answers!
Oh Kat, you beauty. Thank you for coming into my inbox and leaving me pressies!!!! Your year of asks is a lot of fun!
My favorite word is clandestine. I actually have a show that leans heavily on it and it never fails to catch the ear.
My least favorite word? Monsieur. I am not fluent in French but I can get by and have not-terrible pronunciation, but I fail at that word every fkn time and it's COMMON.
I'm turned on by a sharp mind and a kind heart. And a hairy chest. Or smooth collarbones. Big hands. Strong arms. A good laugh.
I am not a fan of copycats--dude, just be yourself, not me! And hovering--those folks that stand to the side and wait for you to notice them? Dude, just sit down! Join the convo! You're being more rude by forcing us to acknowledge you and break the flow just to invite you in! And bad hygiene. All I'm asking is that you don't have crust in your ears or in your nails and that you wash your butt. Boys especially need to wash their butt and underballs or I walk.
My favorite curse word is balls. I know it's not really an FCC no-no, but it's what I use most of the time. That and Jesus ass and fkn hell.
I love silence. A nice quiet fall evening? Bliss. But I also love the sound of thunderstorms and crickets in the summer. And a really good meditation chime or a minor-tone windchime. And bagpipes. Bagpipes have good vibrations and induce a drooling trance state.
I'm...a mouth noises person. Mouth noises are the devil. I tolerate it because human bodies have a lot of moisture and it's asking too much not to smack and pop and slurp and swish, but it won't go unnoticed. And I put it in perspective because nothing was as horrid as the thick lapping sound of my last dog licking herself for hours on end. Hence why I started sleeping with earplugs in. Secondly, we have a glass cutting board and the SO is a generous chopper of things and nothing will set off my tinnitus faster than the harsh, repetitive clap of steel on glass.
If I had to swap professions...I'd love to go into art curation. Or theologian. I kind of wish I'd become a librarian. Or just straight up read tarot for a living. I started college as a biology major with a path toward becoming a vet. I'm glad I didn't do that, but if I had, I would have liked being a death doula for pets. I find that honorable and compassionate. I've been thinking about volunteering in hospice for a while now, so maybe someday I'll do that.
There are a million jobs I would never enjoy and they all have to do with money, finances, sports, food processing, cleaning, and the beauty industry.
Heaven has always sounded like a giant bore to me. But an afterlife where all the cool gods hang out? Yes. The thing I'd want most is a look of approval from Anubis. If I die and Anubis is there weighing my heart, all I need is to see that look in his eye that says, "Good job. I'm so proud of you. Welcome home."
Thank you for such interesting asks, friend!!!! <3
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legends-of-time · 7 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 27: The Lady of the Lake
A/N: I admit I struggled with the episode at first. I found it difficult finding room for Amelia and/or Anne at first but I got into the swing of it. 😅
Amelia's POV
Halig the Bounty Hunter arrives again and instead of bearing gifts, he comes reporting that a Druid girl, whom he had captured and was planning on bringing Uther, has escaped in Camelot with someone's help. Uther naturally offers his Knights to help with the hunt and there are sentries at the gates.
Due to her head injury, Amelia again doesn't remember anything. She'll have to look at her notes later when something happens as this may not be an episode.
Anne's POV
Anne quickly notices Merlin is quite distracted and is obviously up to something. She watches as Merlin goes through the queue at the gate where the Bounty Hunter is expecting everyone. Halig shakes his head at Merlin but then looks at him as Merlin passes by. Anne frowns.
She sees Merlin move in the direction of the tunnels and she follows him in the dark as he makes his way through them with a torch and a care package.
Merlin slows and turns a corner. Anne slows herself and quietly peaks her head round the corner. Her eyes widen when she sees a young girl sleeping under Merlin's jacket. Merlin hasdn't gotten involved, had he?
"Freya?" Merlin whispers touching her shoulder. The girl, Freya wakes and shrinks from him.
"It's all right. It's okay. It's me. It's Merlin." Merlin whispers reassuring her. "And look..." Merlin shows her what he brought. Freya stuffs the food in her mouth. Merlin sets up the candles. Anne leans back round the corner to just listen as they could look in her direction and see her.
"It's good," Freya says.
"Believe me, it's fit for a prince." She looks and sees Merlin light candles with magic and a tattoo on Freya's arm.
"Is that a Druid symbol?" Freya nods.
Oh god, this is bad! He had helped the Druid girl escape! Anne is all for helping those with magic but going against a Bounty Hunter and the fact that this girl is apparently cursed, makes Anne fearful.
"Were you born a Druid?" Merlin asks her.
"Why are you asking me all these questions?" Freya asks instead.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to."
"I'm sorry."
"I understand." Merlin says.
"You could never understand," Is this to do with her curse?
"I know what it's like to keep secrets."
Anne knows that what she is feeling right now is jealousy. She can see how close the two are becoming. She hopes Merlin does not feel uncomfortable talking to her.
"Does anyone know you have magic?" Freya asks.
"Only you. And three other people. They know, but I'm not sure all of them understand." Merlin answers. Did Merlin count Anne among those that don't understand? She hopes not.
"I wish I was like everyone else, but..." Freya trails off.
"You always know, deep down, you're not?" Merlin finishes.
"Because I'm cursed."
"Freya, don't say that. Magic doesn't have to be a curse. It can be a gift. Look. Hoppaþ nu swicae swá lig flíehen." Anne looks round the corner to see Merlin float the flames from the candles.
"Beautiful," Freya mutters.
They smile at each other. Anne decides she cannot watch anymore and leaves.
Anne confronts Merlin when he walks out of Gaius' Chambers. She had seen Gaius leave and the place is secluded so she knows they will be safe.
"I saw you, Merlin." She says in lieu of hello. "What do you think you are doing?"
"What are you talking about?" Merlin asks not very innocently. Anne honestly doesn't know how he keeps his magic secret if he's this bad at lying.
"You know. I saw in the tunnels." Anne tries to explain without giving too much away.
Merlin's façade falls. "Please don't tell. She's doing nothing wrong."
"They say she's cursed," Anne says instead.
Merlin looks outraged. "She has magic! She's doing nothing wrong!"
Anne recoils then recovers. "Even the Druids fear her Merlin. I think there's more to her than meets the eye."
"How can you be so judgemental!" Merlin yells. Anne's eyes widen. She hadn't thought the conversation would go like this plus she worries he's being too loud.
"I'm not!" Anne exclaims but not as loud as Merlin. "I'm worried for you!"
"I really thought you of all people would understand what it is like to be hunted for who you are." And with that Merlin walks away. Anne feels tears build up in her eyes but they don't fall.
Amelia's POV
Anne rushes to Amelia's Chambers and once there blurts out how Merlin is hiding the Druid girl.
"He's what?!" Amelia exclaims once Anne finishes explaining what's happened.
"I know, how can he be that stupid?" Anne rants.
"Well, we can't really judge considering we hid Mordred here." Amelia counters. It hurts that Merlin feels like he can't talk to either of them about this.
"But this is different." Anne insists.
"How?" Amelia raises an eyebrow. Is this jealousy?
"Not like that!" Anne exclaims blushing.
"Like what then." Amelia concedes.
Anne lets out a huff. "It's different because apparently, she's cursed."
Amelia frowns. "You sure that isn't just rambling of some ignorant people?"
"No! I followed Merlin and I heard her talk about it. Implying it was more than having magic and being a Druid that makes her different." Anne explains. "I don't know what to do, he hates me."
Amelia rolls her eyes. "He doesn't hate you. He's just upset right now."
"But what do we do?" Anne asks, looking contemplative.
"Perhaps show him that we're supportive?" Amelia wishes she can help but she doesn't know anything at the moment.
Anne nods.
Once she has left, Amelia looks for her notes to help her to find out if this is an episode and what to do. And- they aren't where they used to be! Amelia swears this was where she always put them but no. They are gone. She is on her own. Did she put it elsewhere? She can't remember, her foggy memory is returning again.
Amelia is unsure of whether to get involved or not as she doesn't know how much help she will be with no foreknowledge whatsoever. She hadn't read ahead as she felt somewhat afraid to look into the future, her's sort of. What use is she to any of them?
She hopes this isn't another episode.
Amelia is with Gaius, Arthur and Uther as they crowd around two bodies of two people who had been killed in the night in the Lower Town. Guards hold back the crowd. She knows she doesn't know anything, and that is making her feel vulnerable, but maybe she can gather information.
"I think they've been killed by some kind of wild animal," Gaius says from his crouched position.
"Have you're men been able to track the creature?" Uther asks Arthur who is also crouching.
"That's the strange thing," Arthur says as he stands, "'cause the ground is soft. Obviously a bear or wolf would leave some mark. But there are no tracks."
"Then what are these?" Gaius points to some nearby.
"Human footprints." Amelia observes.
"But they're leading away from the bodies. Did someone escape the attack?" Gaius asks.
"No one's come forward," Arthur replies.
"Could the person who made these be responsible?" Uther asks Gaius as he walks over to said prints.
"I don't believe so. These wounds could only've been inflicted by a beast of considerable size." Gaius explains.
"And if this was done by neither a man nor beast, there's only one other explanation. It must be the work of a magical creature." Uther concludes. Amelia's eyes widen. Could this be this Freya girl?
Anne's POV
Anne doesn't know how reassured she is after leaving Amelia. Especially after she tells her of the two bodies.
She hasn't been able to find Merlin since their argument. Either he's avoiding her or he's too busy with Freya.
She heads to Gaius' Chambers to hopefully find him.
She hears Merlin call, "I might be late." Then the door opens and he almost collides with Anne.
"Oh." She exclaims in surprise. "Merlin I just want to—"
"Oh don't worry I forgive you." Merlin cheerfully says before he continues walking.
Anne gapes after him and steps inside the Chambers to find Gaius looking through a book.
"What's up with him?" Anne asks.
"I have no idea," Gaius mutters.
Anne decides it's better to see what Gaius is up to. "What are you doing? Is that the magical creature?" She points to the image on the page. Gaius raises an eyebrow. "Amelia told me."
"Yes, and you can help." He hands her another book. Great. Well, at least Amelia is not here complaining.
Amelia's POV
Amelia walks into her Chambers after being with Morgana for the better part of the day when she hears someone rummaging in the direction of where her wardrobe is. She walks over and finds Merlin looking through her wardrobe. He's lifting dresses and holding them to his body as if measuring them.
"Merlin?" He spins around at her voice, still holding one against his body. "I'm sure there's an obvious explanation for why you are going through my clothes."
"There is," Merlin says but doesn't expand.
"Which is?"
He glances around before blurting, "Moths."
"Moths?" Amelia asks disbelievingly.
"Yes. The Castle's overrun with them." Merlin says folding her dress.
Merlin turns back to the wardrobe. "I was just checking that they hadn't got in here as well."
"And have they?" Amelia asks though she doesn't believe him and has now worked out he's clearly up to something.
"That's, that's totally infested. We'll have to burn it." Merlin picks out a new dress.
"Burn it?!" Amelia exclaims. "I like that dress!"
"Yeah," Merlin says in a tone that implies it is obvious. "And if we don't stop them, we'll all be walking around naked."
Amelia raises her eyebrows. "Merlin I know you're lying. This is me you're talking to plus Anne has told me what you're up to, so..."
Merlin sighs. "I'm helping her get out of Camelot."
"And you need my dress?" Amelia questions.
"Please she needs a disguise. The Bounty Hunter is hunting her." Merlin begs.
Amelia sighs. "Fine take the dress, it's not like I have a shortage. At least you're not burning it."
Merlin smiles. "Thank you." He leaves. Amelia wishes she knew if he succeeds in getting Freya out.
Not long later Amelia gets approached by Arthur.
"Why's Merlin wandering around with one of your dresses?" He asks.
Amelia panics but tries to not appear so. "Uh... he's experimenting."
"Yes! You can't judge people Arthur." Amelia tries to look very disappointed in him so he doesn't ask any questions.
"I'm not!" Arthur defends. "I just didn't expect it."
Amelia rolls her eyes and leaves.
The warning bells sound and Amelia rushes to where the crowd is and follows Uther, who she sees pushing through the crowd.
"The beast has struck again?" Uther asks Gaius, who stands by a cart with a couple of bodies covered in a sheet. Amelia sees Anne standing next to Gaius and they share a worried look.
"I'm afraid so. The wounds match those of the previous victims." Gaius replies.
Arthur approaches from the other side. "The man who saw it spoke of a huge black cat with wings."
"I was right." Uther declares. "This is not the work of a natural creature."
"Are there any tracks this time?" Amelia asks.
"Just human footprints again." Arthur answers.
"Can you identify this monster?" Uther asks.
"I will need more time to investigate," Gaius replies. Amelia knows that he probably knows already by the look on his face.
"Oh, come on. You always have theories in these matters."
"This time, Sire, I prefer to wait till I'm certain." Gaius turns away.
"There is no time to waste, Gaius," Uther calls after him.
"I'll report back to you before the day's out, Sire," Gaius replies.
"I'll provide some extra eyes, Your Majesty." Anne curtsies and follows Gaius.
Amelia quickly follows. "Gaius you know who and what it is don't you?"
Gaius reluctantly nods as the three of them walk to his Chambers. "We need to talk to him."
Merlin is in there packing. Amelia's eyes widen, is he leaving as well? He hadn't told her that!
"Gaius, I was just..."
"Merlin, sit down. We want to talk to you." Gaius says to him.
"Is everything alright? You look worried." Merlin asks his eyes flickering around. The four of them sit down.
"The beast struck again last night. There are two more deaths in the Lower Town." Amelia says.
"Do you know what it is yet?" Merlin asks.
"Once more there were no tracks around the bodies, but human footprints were leading away from them," Gaius replies.
"Right." Merlin looks distracted.
"It doesn't seem to add up. The footprints would indicate a human was responsible, but the wounds inflicted are definitely the work of some kind of beast." Gaius continues.
"Strange." Amelia frowns at Merlin, not quite understanding his tone.
"Yes." Anne agrees. "Until Gaius remembered what Halig said about the Druid girl, that she's cursed."
This gets Merlin's attention. "What's that got to do with the monster?"
"The ancient chronicles speak of a heinous curse," Gaius explains. "It dooms its victim to turn at the stroke of midnight into a vicious, bloodthirsty beast. The writers of old called this creature a Bastet: a monster of nightmare that inhabits the twilight world between the living and the dead. Merlin, I want the truth. Did you release the Druid girl from the cage?"
"Of course not!" Merlin insists looking down.
"There was a time when you thought twice before lying to me," Gaius says.
"Have you told on me, Anne? It wouldn't be a surprise considering you told Amelia." Merlin accuses.
"I didn't!" Anne defends wide-eyed. She looks at Amelia in panic.
"Just speak the truth, Merlin," Amelia says trying to divert him away from Anne.
"I did what was right," Merlin admits.
"You know the creature and the girl are one and the same," Gaius tells him.
"You're wrong. Freya is just a girl." Merlin's voice is full of emotion.
"Merlin, please think about what he's saying. You know it is the truth." Amelia tries.
"Where is she now?" Gaius asks.
"No." Merlin looks like he is about to cry.
"She's killed already, and she'll kill again. She can't stop herself." Gaius warns.
Amelia doesn't want to do this to Merlin but what else are they going to do?
"Please, Gaius," Merlin says and Gaius stands causing the rest of them to do the same. "Where are you going?"
"To Uther," Gaius says walking to the door.
"I'm begging you! Just give me some time to get her out of the City, please." Merlin begs.
"I'm sorry. I can't let more innocent people die." He closes the door. Merlin turns to Amelia and Anne.
"Something needs to be done, Merlin," Anne says. Merlin grabs the bags and runs off.
Merlin returns upset and runs up to his Chamber. Amelia and Anne share a look before cautiously following. Merlin glances at them when they enter but turns away and continues lying on his bed.
"Merlin?" Amelia asks quietly sitting next to him. Anne does a similar thing on the other side and places her hand on his shoulder.
"She's gone," Merlin says in a broken voice.
Gaius enters. "I had no choice, Merlin. Uther had to be told."
"They won't find her. Apparently, she's gone." Amelia says quietly.
"I'm sorry." Gaius sits on the bed. "I do understand how you must feel, Merlin."
Amelia frowns. How can he?
Merlin shakes his head. "You could never understand while Anne and Amelia would." He looks to Gaius. "But do you know how it feels to be a monster? To be afraid of who you are?"
"Freya's very different from you. She's dangerous." Gaius insists.
"Whatever she is, and whatever she's done, she doesn't deserve to die," Merlin argues.
"Let's just hope she's safe. Somewhere far away." Anne adds.
Warning bells sound and they sit up straight. Merlin bolts out of the room with Amelia and Anne behind him. Amelia is sick of just sitting on her hands.
"There she is! Stop!" Amelia hears a Guard yell once they are outside the Castle. They run in that direction.
They run into the Square to find a panther like creature with wings surrounded by multiple Guards and Knights of Camelot with Arthur in front.
It's growling at them all until its eyes land on where Amelia, Merlin and Anne stand and it stops. Amelia notices that it's injured. Suddenly a small stone statue falls from above the Bastet. Gold fades from Merlin's eyes. It hobbles back before flying off instead of attacking.
Amelia, Anne and Merlin find a growling Bastet in the tunnels.
"You're all right. You're safe now." Merlin places his hand on its head. It calms. Then runs further back into the tunnels so they quickly follow.
Freya is weeping and lying naked in another part of the tunnels and Merlin places his jacket over her. Amelia holds Anne back, she feels as if they're intruding.
"You must hate me." Freya weeps.
"No." Merlin sounds as if he's almost crying himself. Amelia doesn't blame him as she feels tears begin to sting her eyes.
"I'm a monster. I tried to tell you." Freya continues undeterred.
"I know."
"I wasn't always like this." Amelia sees it's causing the girl a lot of pain to speak.
"Shh. You shouldn't try to talk."
Anne lets out a quiet sob before placing a hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet. Amelia places her arm around Anne's shoulders.
Freya ignores him. "There was a man. He attacked me. I didn't mean to hurt him, but I thought he was going to kill me."
"It was an accident," Merlin argues. Amelia agrees with him, it sounds like self-defence.
"His mother was a Sorceress, and when she found out that I'd killed her son, she cursed me to kill forever more." Freya continues to explain as she weeps. She turns away and hisses in pain.
"I'm going to make you better, Freya." Merlin insists.
"No, Merlin, the wound's too deep. Please go." Freya tells him.
"No. I'm not leaving you here." Merlin argues.
Merlin takes her to the Lake of Avalon. Amelia lets Merlin do it alone as it is certain Freya is going to die and Amelia doesn't want herself or Anne to intrude. He returns to Gaius' Chambers and Amelia sees the devastation on his face. Anne runs up to him and pulls him into a tight hug where he clings to her. Amelia steps forward and guides him to sit down.
Gaius enters. "Merlin, I was so worried."
"I'm sorry, Gaius." Merlin's voice is hoarse.
"Where's the girl?" Gaius walks over to them.
"She's gone. She's dead." Merlin's voice cracks slightly and Amelia squeezes his hand.
Gaius pulls Merlin into a hug. "I'm sorry, Merlin. Truly, I am."
A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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goodmorrowing · 2 years
*cracks knuckles*
A couple of days after that fight
Dani - *calling Jamie*
Jamie - *answers* Yeah?
*Generally Jamie answers the call with "yeah, love?" but this time it's only "yeah" and that's how things have been in between them for these couple of days. Jamie not indulging herself in any conversation with Dani and Dani wanting to talk with her but not having the courage to do it because she has never seen Jamie this mad and cut off from her*
Dani - Hey um- can you pick me up today? my car had a flat tire in the morning so ivy and i walked to school. I asked the sitter to pick Ivy up after she finished because but i had to stay back for some time........i could walk home but it's raining too heavy.......
*Dani knows she doesn't have to give such long explanation, she could just ask Jamie to pick her up and Jamie would but she still continues to do so*
Jamie - what time?
Dani - like...right now? i just got done with everything........i could take a cab if you're busy-
Jamie - I'll be there
Jamie - *calling Dani*
Dani - *answers* hey, are you here?
Jamie - Yeah, i'm at the gate.
Dani - Okay, i'm coming
Jamie - do you have an umbrella?
Dani - Noo
Jamie - Where are you?
Dani - The main door
Jamie - Stay there. I'm coming
*Dani sees Jamie coming to her with an umbrella*
Jamie - Come on
*Jamie gives her hand to Dani and holds her close under the umbrella. This is the closest they've gotten to each other after that fight because Jamie didn't talk to Dani much and she either slept too far away from Dani or she slept with Ivy in her room. They reach Jamie's car, she opens the door for Dani and she gets into the car after Dani has. She curses something under her breath while closing the umbrella and the door of the car and Dani can't help but smile*
The drive to home is very quite which is very unlike them and then They drive across Dani's favorite Chinese place and Dani speaks
Dani - Jamie, could we get something from here for dinner?
Jamie - Sure, what do you want?
No "sure,love" , just "sure".* Jamie is about to get out from the car and go get something for them but Dani says she'll go. Dani goes inside, places her order and waits inside, sitting on one of the stools at the counter. While she waits, she keeps thinking about the things she has said, the things Jamie has said, their relationship etc, which makes her anxious and stressed. It has been more than 15 mins and Dani hasn't come out yet so Jamie goes inside and finds Dani biting the shit out of her nails. Jamie notices that and goes to her and holds Dani's hand and stops her from biting her nails. She then puts her hand on Dani's back and goes
Jamie - You alright??
Dani - *Is surprised to see Jamie* yeah--yeah...just..the order..it's taking long
*They're regulars here so they know the chef pretty well*
Jamie - How long mate?
Chef - Just give me 5 more minutes
Jamie - Alright
Jamie's hand is still on Dani's back and she rubs soothing circles. She pulls a stool close to Dani and sits beside her. They sit in silence, their order arrives and they go to their car and get inside quickly. Jamie is about to start the car and then Dani tugs on her arm
Dani - Jamiee.....
Jamie - *looks at Dani*
Dani - I'm sorry.. *at this point she almost has tears in her eyes* i understand if you want to stay mad, i know i crossed a line. I was just stressed and angry at everything...i felt alone and i couldn't bear another moment alone. ivy's there, she's always there , that lovely sweet girl but you know what i mean. I wasn't thinking straight and I know i hurt you.....so much that you didn't even call me "love" for this long *laughs*... i should have apologized long ago..i fucked up... i hope- i hope things go back as they were before...i love you...and i miss you....*desperate teary eyes* please talk to me
Jamie - *takes her seatbelt off* Fuck....c'mere
Jamie hugs Dani close, kissing the back of her head. She releases Dani from the hug at some point, wipes her tears and kisses her cheek
Jamie - I'm sorry too, love and i love you, so fucking much.
Dani - You said enough sorrys already *smiles*
Jamie -Yeah but i haven't acted on it. Christ, I've been an arse to you, haven't I?
Dani - nahhh, you've just been away for too long *wraps her arms around Jamie's middle and rests her head on Jamie's shoulder*
Jamie - I'll be there. I promise *kisses her forehead*
Dani - You better
Jamie - *laughs*
IT'S A FIX IT!! ngl this one made me ache before things got better, and even then 😭 the extent to how carefully they tiptoed around one another hurt so fucking bad. and i love that they're regulars at dani's favorite restaurant, enough to know the chef <3 truly everything about this, absolutey perfectly splendid 🖤
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