#I'm curious and completely prepared to laugh in despair!!
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
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What do we think? Good bingo card or nah?
Lumped some together because... well I had more than 25 lmao
Gonna go do some stuff and then go read it. Place your bets on a bingo and for how well this is gonna go now! How much will this drive me up the wall? What's in the Tubes this time? Are there more fun words to find?
We shall see!
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year
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Reviews of the Week!
Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
70. Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris--⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read May 2023
I agree with the first re-read review I wrote of this book--both that this is a great example of the prejudices that dominated so much back then (and let's be honest, still live on in today's society), and that I hate Bill. He's such a dick.
I love that SOOKEH meets a new friend in this one and that her adventurous life truly begins. There's also more smut than I remember.
I don't have much to say about this one, other than I missed this creative world. Glad I get to re-read these with my friends!
71. What Lives in the Woods by Lindsay Currie--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My friend read this a while ago, so it was on my radar when I found the audiobook at the library. While it wasn't the best MGLit horror I've read, it was super entertaining.
I wasn't expecting to be genuinely creeped out by anything in this book, but this was such an atmospheric read that you can't help but be completely creeped out. From the mystery, to the ghostly sightings and night time shadows creeping around the corner. Add in the disbelieving adults and you've got a recipe for a great summer spookfest.
One of my favourite things about this book, however, is the love that is shown towards books. Especially because of the MC's aspirations to be a mystery author. There are some pretty great bookish quotes and even a new friend who shares the same love for books as the MC.
I'm curious about a sequel to this book explaining those creepy things living in the woods...
72. The Story of Us by Catherine Hernandez--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The last time I read a Catherine Hernandez book, I thought it was absolutely incredible. I cried and laughed with SCARBOROUGH. When I read the synopsis for THE STORY OF US, I wasn't sure how I felt about the story. I didn't know if it would be one of those books that would have me questioning why I'm reading a story about seemingly...nothing?
I'm so glad I ignored that worry and picked this beautiful and eye-opening book up. Much like with her debut, Hernandez had me laughing, crying, and feeling so many levels of anger.
This was a beautiful and heartbreaking collection of experiences that the MC has throughout her life as a nanny and then a Personal Support Worker. The stories we see and the people we meet through her experiences were a collection of personalities that we might see every day on our commute in the city, or that we might know of in passing or through friends and family. It was such a diverse number of experiences that while one might have had you despairing for the MC's experiences, another might restore a bit of the hope one can't help but have in such a situation.
All of these stories are told by the unlikeliest of narrators, which I think added a special level to the story. Especially in certain moments when the recounting of the past is interrupted by the present-day necessities.
I urge everyone to read this book. It's incredibly eye-opening and a beautiful story about a woman who fights every day to be able to support her family. It's also a jarring reality of what it means to sacrifice yourself in order to make sure your loved ones are taken care of, and the heartbreak that can follow the decisions made along the way.
Be prepared for incredibly fraught relationships, desperate moments full of fear and powerlessness, and heartwarming moments that remind us that even though we are only human, we can have the capacity for the greatest understanding and love.
73. Empty Smiles by Katherine Arden--⭐️⭐️⭐️
While I've enjoyed this series for the most part, this one was maybe my least favourite one. It was shorter and I think that led to a little less time to fully invest in the story. There were still some creepy moments, but I do wish we had gotten more from this one--especially if this is potentially the last book in the series.
I did appreciate, however, how Arden shows us the mentality of a child who can't help but allow her enemy to help her because she knows it's all part of her survival. One of the things I've liked about this series is how self-sufficient the kids are, but also how their age shows in the actions and choices they make.
There was one particularly heart thudding moment and a pretty good mystery. I just wish this was fleshed out a little more. I am of the belief that even just one hundred more pages would give more depth to these stories!
I do recommend this series, however. Especially for anyone who is craving a more modern GOOSEBUMPS style story, or just a fun creepy adventure that follows a small group of precocious and brave children!
74. Twisted Games by Ana Huang--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I have finally finished this one!!! It has been sitting on my currently reading shelf for months. The end of an era.
First off, I definitely enjoyed this one more than the first book. I loved the chemistry between the characters and how it was a slow build up to it. I remember thinking at one point, "Holy crap, it's been two years?"
Second, I couldn't stop trying to picture Rhys because wow, that man sounded very, very attractive. The size of him, plus that age gap? Yes, please.
Third, this one was a hell of a lot more spicy than book one. And that dirty talk? Jesus, I had to fan myself a few times. It was very...um, entertaining. Especially since I did a good chunk of this book through audiobook. Which brings me to the fact that I wasn't a fan of the voice actor for Bridget--her whispery voice literally made my one ear hurt for a good chunk of the first day I started listening to the audiobook.
And while I loved the story and the spice and chemistry, I'll admit that this book felt LONG. So much happened and while I enjoyed the twists and the outcome, it sometimes felt exhausting to finally reach those points because I knew there was enough time for shit to hit the fan.
I think if you weren't the biggest fan of book one, you might like this one more. It has more of a spark, if I'm completely honest.
75. Something More by Jackie Khalilieh--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I received a copy via the publisher because I was the panel host for an event with the author. This did not affect my review at all.
I first became aware of SOMETHING MORE after one of my favourite YA authors commented on it during one of our interviews. She was raving about it and I immediately wanted to check it out. I watched, even more curious, as this beautiful book got an equally beautiful cover and ARCs finally came out into the world.
Khalilieh's debut follows a fifteen year-old newly diagnosed Autistic girl as she embarks on one of life's greatest challenges: high school. I love seeing her learn to navigate her world as an Autistic character and appreciated how she viewed the world and how different or similar her experiences were to mine at that age.
Jessie, the main character, was a character who had so many layers and honestly, watching her grow and accept who she is was such a highlight of the story. Yes, she's in a love triangle between two boys who both cherish her for different reasons, but I like to think that the heart of this book was Jessie and her growth as a character. I applaud Khalilieh for being so honest and upfront about Jessie and who she is. I am grateful that I was able to read a book that so fully embodied what the experience of a 15 year-old Autistic teenager might be like in the dangerous wild that is high school.
I was immediately captured from the beginning of the book and I genuinely couldn't stop reading until I got to the end where Jessie would, hopefully, pick the boy I was rooting for. I also really enjoyed seeing Jessie's culture and the family dynamics of her home. Her sibling relationships and complex relationship with a father who has a harder time coming to terms with Jessie's diagnosis gave the story an even deeper level and a lot more heart. This isn't just any young adult contemporary novel, this is a map of first experiences, understanding, compassion, and the difficult lessons we sometimes face when we're still growing into the people we will be one day.
If you want a YA novel with heart, diversity, and characters who jump off the page, then I highly recommend this one!!
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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atalho-s · 3 years
Light Up The Dark
Part 3 | I am fused just in case I blow out
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pairing: bartender!tom x famous!reader
warnings: smut +18 miniors dni, swear words?, drinking, mention of anxiety crisis, let me know if anything else!
words: 4.3 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistake! If you want to be tagged in the next chapters let me know!!
PART 3 if you want to read part 2 click here!
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Y/n sat down with her coffee at a cafeteria table. She took a deep breath and opened her notebook, double-clicking the document and revealing the page she'd been trying to write for some time. It couldn't be happening again. It was already the third writer's block in a row and to say she was starting to get angry was an understatement.
It was becoming a constant problem and she didn't know what to do anymore. It was getting embarrassing how many times she had gone to her neighborhood coffee shop. Staying in her apartment alone was making her completely claustrophobic, which was ironic given her apartment was so big and spacious.
But what was making her so upset and with that lack of creativity? That's what she wanted to find out. Maybe it was the story, maybe it would be a sign that that story shouldn't be written.
She took a deep breath and rested her chin on her palm looking at the screen. She didn't want to give up on June, her character, so easy. She really want to finish this, had she already invested too much time in something that in the end would come to nothing? That didn't sound like her.
But if that were the only way, she would have no alternative, she would have to give up and maybe come back one day when her creativity shines again.
She felt her cell phone vibrate in her coat pocket and caught it looking that was Milla. She slid the screen and answered.
- Hi Mil... - she said a little discouraged.
- Hey Lovey! Why the sad voice? - Milla said and Y/n smirked.
- Just discouraged with the new book...
- Nothing yet? - Mila already knew about the extensive Y/n block’s creativity since she kept calling asking for tips on teas or candles that would bring inspiration (since Mil was an expert in these crazy things about spiritism and nature), which obviously didn't help.
- Nothing, actually I'm thinking about giving up this time...
- Hey Hey hey! No giving up, are you crazy? - Milla said and Y/n sighed. - You just need a little push, it will come back eventually.
- I don't know Mil... It seems that the inspiration went away for good.
- Since when did you lose your ideas? I remember that weeks ago you were all excited, you even wrote three wonderful chapters, maybe if you try to do the same thing you did in these weeks the ideas will come back... - Milla said and Y/n started to remember the weeks that passed. What had she done? Well, she had spent more at home as usual, a few days meeting with the director of the series based on her book, chatting a bit with Emma Brown, and the other day doing an interview for a famous magazine, but that was it. She hadn't done anything big...
Y/n thought some more. Emma Brown and her birthday party, after that day she had a flurry of ideas where she wouldn't stop writing, but then what happened to make everything suddenly stop? Well, there was an obvious incident... And by incident she meant: Tom. That waiter had really messed with her the two nights she had been with him. But she hadn't seen him since and she was super okay with it, it wasn't like she was thinking about him, his smell, his smile, the way he knew how to touch her... Ok, that was going too far.
But why since she saw him she started having her lack of ideas again? It wasn't possible. What if he was inspiring her in some way or another? Maybe the way he relaxed her and made her forget about everything made her creative.
- Y/n? Bestie? - Milla asked on the other end of the line. - Are you still there?
- Hi Mil! - Y/n said out of his thoughts. - Sorry, I went out of orbit for a few seconds.
- I noticed... What are you thinking about huh?
- Oh no big deal... Just... I have to prove a theory and if it works out I'll tell you.
- Theory? What theory? - Milla asked curiously.
- I have to go, but I'll call you later ok? - Y/n said and didn't wait for Milla to answer, hanging up the phone and hurriedly packing up her things.
She had to prove she wasn't going crazy. Maybe Tom really was her energy charge in some way, she had to prove if her creativity would come back. And if he was, she really wouldn't know what to do. She couldn't sleep with him every time her lack of ideas came up. But, she was desperate and despair brought drastic attitudes.
So she ran back to her apartment to change her clothes. To think that she had sworn to herself that she wouldn't go after him, was humiliating, but she didn't care at the moment. As soon she got home, she went straight to her closet, wanting to impress him, but at the same time she wanted him to think that she went there to get someone else, it would be less pathetic.
She spotted a white dress, one that she had never worn before, presumably because she didn't like to show too much of her body, but she decided to take a chance with it. She dressed, put on her high-heeled sandals and did her makeup (the basic one she knew how to do) and when it was almost 11pm she was heading towards the Seven Devils bar.
Arriving there, she saw the same security guard who had let her through, a friend of Tom's. She nodded to him and entered. The bar was a little more crowded, maybe because it was friday night. He felt butterflies in her stomach, what if someone recognized her? She doubted they would, but even though she wasn't doing anything wrong she hated being in the media. She took a deep breath and went deeper into the room. It was dark and the dance floor was open, crowded with people dancing and few people sitting at the table. Only the bar light was visible, where she immediately looked for someone with brown hair and a bar uniform, but she didn't saw him, just Sally, the other bartender. Maybe he has a day off?
She headed towards the bar to order a drink, leaning against the counter and looked around, no sign of him. Maybe she had gone there for nothing. Sally approached and Y/n smiled asking for a drink, she didn't want to ask about him because it would be too much and besides Sally didn't recognize her, or pretended not to, so it would be weird.
- Special night? - Y/n asked when she delivered her drink, indicating the number of people and why the dance floor was open.
- Yeah, we do it every friday, the bar ends up turning into a club. - Sally replied taking some glasses and turned to serve other customers.
She picked up her glass and headed out onto the dance floor. It wouldn't hurt for her to have a little fun. Weaving through the crowd, she started shyly dancing for a few long minutes alone, until a guy approached.
-Hey ...-he said smiling and stopped in front of her.
- Hey... - Y/n said suspiciously and looked around drinking her drink.
- I saw you're alone... Can I stay here? he asked and Y/n bit her lip thoughtfully. Well, Tom clearly wasn't there and what if his ideas didn't just depend on him? But of her hooking up with someone? Anyone...
- Of course! - she said smiling at last and he approached dancing with her while the lights flashed. He was handsome, had those piercing eyes that wouldn't stop watching her every move.
Another song started to play and Y/n started dancing more sensually. The boy came even closer placing his hand on her waist and she smiled, satisfied with her effect. Everything was going well until she glanced at the bar and found a pair of brown eyes staring at her.
Tom. So there he was, wearing his uniform, his hair pulled back as usual, he was gorgeous and with a shaker in one hand shaking furiously. He didn't take his eyes off hers which made her shiver.
He just looked away when he had to take care of the next customer, and Y/n looked at the guy in front of her, where she now had a hand on his shoulder. Who was she kidding? She wanted Tom... At least she would try to have him that night, because she was curious to test her theory with him.
- I'll be right back. - she said and the guy opened his arms disappointed as she walked away, taking the rest of her drink and heading towards the bar again.
She leaned against the counter and saw Tom saying goodbye to a customer looking at her from the corner of his eye. She approached her and grinned when he stopped in front of her.
- This is getting embarrassing darling... - he said wiping the counter with a towel.
- What are you talking about?- she asked raising an eyebrow.
- You coming here just to see me? Tsc tsc... pathetic - he said with a smirk and Y/n felt her stomach turn with anxiety as he looked up at her.
- And who said I came here for you? - She said trying to hide it.
- I don't know, maybe because you could have gone to any bar better than this one in the entire city, but you chose this one, strange isn't it? - He asked taking her glass and preparing another drink.
- Funny, I only came here because I liked the place last time... Besides I was even flirting with another guy seconds ago, so your theory doesn't make sense. - Y/n said ironically and did not take her eyes off his trying to be firm on her tone.
- Yeah, I know... But it's funny that you didn't take your eyes off me while dancing with him... - he said putting her glass, now full, back on the counter.
- I was just surprised to have seen you, since I had even forgotten that you worked here. - She said drinking a sip from her glass and he laughed ironically.
-Of course love ... Of course ...-he said tilting his head to the side and approached his face to hers leaning on the counter. Y/n stared at him a little lost in his scent coming in waves to her nose and she could now see his freckles up close, as well as the arrogant smile that never left his face.
- I bet you came here for another round, right? he said quietly, his breath hitting her face and she almost closed her eyes. -Getting dressed like that, dancing sensually while watching me...-he said biting his lip looking her face up and down and stopping at her lips. Y/n swallowed, ok he had an almost paranormal effect on her.
- I-I... - she stuttered and he smiled even more seeing her disconcerted. - I don't know what you're talking about. - Y/n said finally and walked away a little, wanting to get out of that situation. She wanted him, but she didn't want to give out so easily.
- Of course you don't know sweetheart, but I can remind you later. - He said, winking and then walking away, heading towards another customer who had arrived.
Y/n let out the air she didn't even know she was holding, tooking a big swig of her drink and set the glass on the counter heading back to the floor. Tom was very arrogant, but denying that she didn't like it was a lie.
She arrived on the floor and went back to dancing closer. The guy from before now was talking to another girl which made her a little sad, she wanted to have fun with Tom's face some more. She stayed there for a few minutes, until three people approached her, surrounding her.
- Hey... Aren't you the Y/n? - a girl said and Y/n wanted to hide for a moment.
- Erm... I am. - She said smiling.
- I saw you in an interview last week! I love your books! Take a picture with me? she asked taking her cell phone out of her pocket.
- Of course! - Y/n said and posed with the three people while they took pictures.
- Hey! You are Y/n aren't you? I saw you in Emma's birthday pictures! -a guy said right behind approaching too and some people around her start to look at her.
- It is true! I recognized her from somewhere! - another girl said also approaching and Y/n started to get a little scared. She didn't see the harm in taking pictures with some fans, but being buried by them was a nightmare.
- Take a picture with me? - another also said.
- Your books are terrible! - another one shouted laughing.
- I bet the next one will be even worse! 
- Who is this? Never heard of it!
- I bet it must be some actress wanting attention.
And when she saw she was surrounded by a crowd almost being suffocated, but more people kept surrounding her and filling her with questions about her book, or cursing her in some way, which started to make her sick and claustrophobic .
-Please, guys...-she started to speak, but her voice broke and was lost with the loud music and with the people talking loudly around her. For a moment she thought she was going to pass out. Until she felt someone putting a hand on her waist and guiding her out of the crowd hurriedly walking beside her.
The crowd started to follow them and Y/n just stared at her feet, still feeling her heart beat fast. The next thing she saw was this person pulling her to the side of the bar through a door and then closing it.
He looked around when the light was turned on and saw some boxes on the floor and shelves. She was in a warehouse and Tom was standing in front of her.
- You are okay?- he asked looking at her worriedly.
- I...- She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again. - I'm fine, it was just a scare, thank you for saving me...
- It's ok darling... - he said approaching to check if she was really ok and Y/n felt dizzy, staggering a little and he held her by the waist preventing her from falling. - Whoa, I don't think you're okay, love.
- It's ok, it was just an anxiety attack with drinking... - she said putting her hand on her temples, feeling her vision rotate a little. - I just... I really want to leave.
- Okay, how about we walk slowly and I take you home? -He said still holding tight to her waist and she looked at him.
-O-ok...- she said nodding and they started walking slowly.
After passing through the warehouse, Tom opened another door that opened into the backyard of the bar, where he could see his car. He helped her in and sat down next to her.
- Tom? - Y/n asked when he started the car and starting to move.
- Huh? -he said turning his face towards her.
- Can you... Can you take me somewhere else? I don't want to go home... - she said feeling a little pathetic. But she didn't want to face her gigantic apartment right now, wanted to be with someone somewhere else who didn't remember what she'd just been through.
- Sure darling... - he said stopping at the red light. - Where you want to go?
- Could be your house? I mean, I don't want to take advantage or anything, I just... I need to calm down somewhere else... - She started to say hesitant.
- Hey, fine, no problem. -He said putting his hand in hers, that was on her lap, comforting her and she shook her head, seeing him to remove, putting back on the steering wheel. She wanted him to keep his hand there, but obviously she stay quiet, leaning her head against the window, trying to calm down.
After a few minutes they reached his building, where Tom parked and helped her to go out of the car. Y/n followed him to the front door and they took the elevator. She was still silent the whole time and he didn't want to say anything either, just glanced at her time to time, maybe checking her if she was okay and looking away afterwards.
They arrived at Tom's apartment and Y/n looked around. It was small but cozy. There was a living room with a small kitchen and a hallway leading to another door that appeared to be his bedroom.
- How about you stay in my room and I give you some clothes to make you more comfortable? -He said putting his hand on her back guiding her while she nodded.
They entered the room and Y/n sat on the edge of the bed. As Tom opened his closet, taking off his shoes and choosing a comfortable T-shirt and pants for her to wear. He approached her again putting the clothes beside her.
- Well, you can make yourself comfortable ok? I'll let you... - he start to said.
- Tom. - Y/n interrupted him. - Please stay here. - She said feeling her heart start beating fast and her breathing quicken. She thought back to the horrible comments and the crowd that had surrounded her. Maybe now pictures of her were all over the internet and it made her anxious again. She closed her eyes feeling tears wanting to flow. She opened them again and the tears finally spilled out, rolling down her cheeks.
- Hey, hey darling. It’s alright, I'm here. -he said getting down in front of her, putting a hand on her cheek wiping away some tears.
- Sorry, I just... That's ridiculous, sorry...
- Shh... - he said calming her and looking at her. - It's not ridiculous ok? You don't need to apologize for anything. -He said caressing her cheek.
- It's just... I keep thinking about those horrible comments and how my picture must be all over the place. - Y/n said wiping some tears that insisted on falling.
- Darling... You don't need to think about it, okay? Those people who said that are terrible, I don't want you to think about anything now how about that? - he said and Y/N looked at him.
- I wish I could turn off those thoughts. -she said sniffling a little, averting her eyes and Tom stroked her leg slowly comforting her. For a moment she felt her body shiver, but it was because Tom was touching her and not because of her crisis. He stopped pulling his hand away and Y/n looked at him. - Tom... Can you continue?
- What do you mean? - he asked confused looking into her eyes.
- Touching me... I mean, you were doing a good job distracting me. - She said smiling slightly and he smiled back.
- Sure…- he said getting down on his knees and taking her calf slowly and kissing her lightly, not taking his eyes off hers at any time. Y/n wanted to close her eyes, but at the same time wanted to look at him, so she decided to keep them open.
Tom took off his sandals slowly, and was kissing from her calf to her thigh, stroking lightly with his hand that held her, and she felt shivers down her spine. . He reached her inner thigh and took a small bite causing her to sigh and bite her lip in response. He lifted his head to look at her and smiled. Y/n not resisting, bent down kissing him with desire. He placed one of his hand on her face kissing her back while his other hand still rested on her thigh squeezing.
She kept kissing him until she felt she needed of air and they parted, out of breath. Tom touched his nose to hers lightly and Y/n closed his eyes feeling him.
- Tom... I want to feel you... - she said approaching her mouth again. - Make love with me? - she asked quietly and she could feel him smile against her mouth.
-Whatever you want sweetheart... - he said and stood up suddenly with hush, bringing her along  by her legs, making her gasp in surprise, putting her down on the bed and lying on top of her afterwards.
He went back to kiss her, exploring her mouth eagerly and she placed her hand on the back of her neck, pulling his hair. He paced his hands over her body and she hurriedly took his shirt off, running hers over his defined bare chest.
- I didn't tell you this before, but you look wonderful in that dress, teased me all night, but I confess I'd rather see you without... - He bit down lightly below her ear making her moan low, he raised the hem of her dress, stepping away and helping her get it off and throwing it aside.
Now he was kissing her collarbone, lowering the kisses to her breasts making her arch her back a little wanting to get even closer to his mouth. When she reliase he had removed her bra and smirked looking at her.
- I have to be honest...I missed that image. - he said and Y/n almost hid by the way he looked at her, it was like she was a sculpture, it was a look of admiration and desire. A look that made her forget the world.
He kissed her breasts and positioned himself between her legs, meanwhile taking off his pants, along with his boxers, while still paying attention to each of her nipples, sucking them making her moan low. He returned his kisses to her lips again kissing her more slowly this time, moving his hand to her panties and running his fingers slowly through the fabric, setting aside and feeling how pathetically wet she was for him. Y/n moaned against his lips again and he groaned pulling back a little.
-I love how you're always ready for me darling...-he said making his lips touch hers lightly and she could only moan in response as he made slow circles on her clit.
- Tom... - she said weakly and he smiled seeing how she was vulnerable for him. - Please, I need you inside me, now... - Y/n managed to said between moans, arching her waist against his hand.
- So demanding and desperate love ... - he said taking his hand of her making her protest with the lack of contact. - But I have to confess that you get even hotter that way. - He said stretching to get a condom in the drawer on the side of the bed and opened the package adjusting on his member right after. Y/n ran her hands on his arms, meanwhile, just admiring his body and how lucky she was. He looked back at her and smiled seeing that she was admired him with concentration. - Still with me darling?
She looked him in the eye again and nodded, kissing his neck then making him bite his lip. Tom took his cock closing his eyes and penetrated her slowly, so that she got used to his size. When he was fully inside her he turned to look at her closely and stroked her cheek lightly as if asking permission to move, which she readily agreed.
He started to move slowly, making her feel every piece of him by wich thrust he was doing, until he picked up a fast pace that made her moan with pleasure gripping his shoulders tightly and even scratchin him a little. He made her feel like she was flying and he penetrated her so deliciously it felt like a dream.
Tom took one of her legs and wrapped it around his waist, making him penetrate her even deeper, which made her almost combust. He was silent the entire time, as well as her, what could be heard were just the moans of the two that echoed through the room.
After what seemed like an eternity. Tom slowed his pace a little. Putting one of his hands on the side of Y/n's head, squeezing the sheet and the other on her leg, squeezing it willingly.
- Fuck Darling... I’m gonna come... - he said breathlessly lost in his pleasure.
- Tom... - Y/n could only said and he took his hand from her leg going to her clit again stimulating it with his fingers and increasing his pace again, until the two reached the orgasm together between moans and low breathless curses.
Tom placed a few kisses on Y/n's neck returning to his senses and Y/n closed her eyes just feeling his touch. He then got off her and lay beside her looking at the ceiling. Catching his breath. After cleaning themselves in silence, the two returned to bed lying side by side.
- You ok? he asked finally breaking the silence looking at her.
-More than ok...- Y/n said lying on his side towards him. -I'm just tired...-she said lazily starting to close her eyes and the last thing she felt before falling asleep was Tom kissing her forehead.
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taglist: @usuck​ @petesrparker​
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izur-x · 3 years
Pairing ~ nagito/reader
Genre + warning ~ angst, death, gore, blood, also. Spoiler for nagito free time, SPOILER FOR THE WHOLE GAME!! A little bit of hajime/reader and izuru/reader :>
Summary ~ Nagito couldn't help it, and you just snap by him saying that he a trash, and his luck with effected you, even though, it's been three years of relationship.
Note's ~ i need angst, I'm an angst based person, so yeah, and i don't think my angst is good anymore, also a little crack fic, and this is going to be a long one shot..
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"s/o...I already told you! You will never know when-"
"we've been in three years relationship, nagito! Your luck didn't affect me! You should stop worrying about this!" You bit bottom for your lips, glaring at him. Your eyes became watery, you wanted to cry.
"you'll never understand how I feel when they died in front of me! Losing someone that I love, that I care about. I don't want that to happen again!"
"nagito! We've been through that together! Are you forget about that?!"
He flinches and back away a little, he made a mistake. A big mistake.
"s-s/o— i-i—" "forget about this. I'm sick of this, we've been fighting for one and a half hours, and I'm done, you win, nagito komaeda." Nagito back away little by little again and collapse to the ground.
"you're using my full name..."
"i know"
"you...must be real mad at me."
Nagito eyes widened and he realizes that his tears are dropping, nagito quickly wipe them away and get up, not looking at you.
Everybody that hearing this fight between you and nagito seems....guilty and sad, even hiyoko and fuyuhiko. "Hey, what should we do?" Chiaki begins to whisper.
"we..should leave them alone, for now. And check both of them tomorrow." Hajime glances back at you two, "let's go." And then everybody leaves.
"they eavesdropping on us, didn't they." He sighs, "unfortunately, yes." Nagito still didn't look at you. You tighten your fist and clench your jaw.
"i. I'm sorry.." "you don't need to say sorry, komaeda." He flinches, nagito felt his heart slowly losing apart, "maybe the last hug would be great.." you said to him, looking at the ground with arms open, waiting for him to hug you.
He hugs you tightly, securing you in place, not letting you go. He got distracted by you saying that.
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In the next two days, things getting worse...
You and nagito ignoring each other, at breakfast, whenever you see each other while walking exploring the island, everything. Nagito only eat a bit and head out, Hajime we're concern so he asks him, and nagito said "oh, I'm not hungry, and you shouldn't worry about me."
His self-degrading becomes worse. Also, you rarely see Nagito outside.
The two days were hell for you both.
And then this happens on the third day.
"why are we gather around again?" You ask.
"well, the future foundation needed us to help them." Hajime explains "we will be fighting the remaining of monokuma's, and make the city better again." Hiyoko whines "ugghhh, that would be a lot of woorrkkkss!" "But, we have to help them, for what they do to us, for what they've done to return us to hope instead of despair." "Ugh, now you bring that! Fine!" Hiyoko murmurs something.
We wait until the boats arrived, and it this, not long enough. As we got into the boat, three people were waiting for us, it was Makoto naegi, kyoko kirigiri, and Byakuya togami.
"Welcome back, seniors!"
We all smiled at them, Makoto and Hajime shaking hands, "we ready to risk our lives." "Oh no, we don't hope you guys to die! I'm sure you guys will do great, we already prepare the gun, come!"
We follow Makoto to the inside of the boat. "W-Woah...." We were all amazed by so many weapons. Gun, ak-47, flamethrowers, grenades, dynamite, swords, and many more.
As everyone selects their weapon, this one weapon got my interest. A scythe. A red one, I pick it 'it's not heavy as it looks..nice.' "oh! (L/n), great choice!" I jumped a little, "oh, thanks, naegi." I awkwardly laugh.
As I observe the scythe, I feel two— I mean four pairs of eyes looking at me, I shrug the feelings away and continue to observe.
"you guys already pick yourself weapons right? Let's train a little so it's doesn't you!" Everyone agrees and follows Makoto, again.
We train a little, yes. A little. Mikan constantly trips. Ibuki almost shot Akane. Teruteru... I don't want to talk about it. Hiyoko accidentally burns her kimonos. Chaos. Also, Hajime spilled his orange juice.
We take a break from the train, give ourselves a drink, I decided to talk to Hajime, "yo Hajime, how was training?" "It was chaos..." "Meh, I said it was normal."
"so..." "How was a thing? Is Kamakura there? I'm curious." "It was great, about that..." Hajime looks around and grabs my hands "come." I got drag by Hajime.
"hey Hajime, what's wrong?" I catch up and walking beside him, as I look into his eyes, it was completely red. I stayed silent after seeing that, Hajime or Kamakura continue to drag me and pin me into the wall.
"what was that for!" His index fingers place into my lips "shhh...you don't want anyone to hear us, right?" Deep voice, that must be— "Kamakura?"
"yes." "Um, you don't have to drag me here so that you could talk to me.." he sighs "I don't want to face them, yet." I tilted my head a little bit, "it is because of the killing game? But it's already over—" "I know it's already over, but their trauma. I don't want them to remember that."
'Woah, Kamakura cares about the other?', "so." I hummed and look at him "how were you and komaeda? Still fighting?" I look away to the ground "we...broke up." Hajime/Kamakura let out an 'oh'.
"That was unfortunate. Ahem, we should head back now, let—" I don't know what I was thinking, I hugged him without any thoughts. "(L/n)?" "Ah! Sorry." I back away "yes, let's go."
As we head back and everyone was waiting "hey! Where were you two?" "Talking." We both answered at the same time "ahem, we almost there, prepare for the battle, I will explain to you where is the headquarters, also your position."
Byakuya explained to us everything, Mikan will be the healer, Sonia and hiyoko protect mikan, teruteru will throw the grenade and dynamite. "Unit one will be....."
"nidai, owari, (l/n), and tanaka, unit two will be: pekoyama, kuzuryuu, hinata, unit three will be: imposter, mioda, hanamura, komaeda, souda. This unit will be fighting"
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As we drop off from the boat, "senior!! We wish you luck!! Don't die okay!!" We wave at them and begin our battle.
We encountered the monobots, it wasn't a lot, we managed to fight them, no one is injured until we got into the middle of the town.
We've been a trap, a lot of monobots around us, back, front, left, and right. "Everyone! Prepare yourself! Sonia, hiyoko! Protect mikan! And everyone else pleases circle! And prepare for the sixth battle!" As I ordered them.
Everyone got into the place, and the battle begins.
The never-ending battle. Some of us got injured, nothing bad until...
"damn it! These monobots must be a lot in here, I think we have to find a hiding spot and heal." I couldn't focus at the time, I heard someone screaming my name when I look back, it was nagito, screaming my name, "(Y/N)! BEHIND YOU!" "Eh?"
Everyone's attention shifted to me, as I look back, a monobots charge a laser beam towards me.
It was too late for them to save me.
The laser hit my stomach. I heard everyone screaming, screaming my name, my eyes were widened, my mouth wanted to say something, but couldn't.
I felt someone lift me, as I look who it is, it was nagito, crying. "Please stay. (Y/n)! You have to live! Don't l-leave me!" He begging me to stay longer... Suddenly the monobots seem off...they don't attack us, they just stay in place, not moving.
"UWAHHW (Y-Y/N), DON'T DIE." Mikan begins to treat my wound, even tho it was a waste of time. I cough up blood."nagito, listen to me..." I lift my right hand, to touch his cheeks, but I don't have too much energy.
So he grabs my hands and places them into his cheeks, everyone watch this cried, in horror, blame themselves, "no matter what happens to me, no matter what we've been through together, don't blame yourself nagito..." More tears fallings.
"I don't have too much time in here...and everyone, nagito, please stay alive for the sake of our next generation of hope and future, love you guys..." I softly smiled. "Don't forget, from the bottom of my heart..." "I truly in love with the determination that sleeps inside you...and yes I stole nagito line! Hahaha...."
"Why are you smiling like this is nothing..." Hajime- no. Kamakura said it, he walked to me and crouch. "You're an idiot." "I am." I look at nagito one last time, wiping his tears away, "now...don't look so sad. I don't want that, please smile."
Everyone forced smile, I traced nagito lips and pull him closer. "Stay alive, okay my hope?" And kiss him, a final kiss. A goodbye kiss.
And I let out my last breath. With that, I sacrifice myself. This is our last battle, the beginning of the new generation has just begun.
Side note ~ hm......did you cried? No? Alright.
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fuwahiko · 3 years
...imagine a Non-Despair or Pre-Despair Kuzuhina scenario where Hajime gets into a huge fight with his parents (most likely about Hope's Peak in some way) and after a few days to a week of shutting out his friends and boyfriend in class 77, he finally goes to them for comfort and just breaks down from stress and bottled up emotions.
(No I'm not projecting onto Hajime what are you talking about thats cRAZY-)
Hurt/Comfort is my specialty what can i say.
uh oh time for hajime to suffer again
hajime's parents are those like, really shitty parents that see their kids as someone to live vicariously through rather than valuing them as people. they hold him to high standards that get more ridiculous as he gets older.
his and his parents' goals happened to align well when it came to hope's peak; hajime always admired the school and his parents insisted he go to a good school so that he could get the best education he possibly could - because they wouldn't be satisfied with any less than that.
they were content for a while and happy to pay hajime's tuition fees, but his parents' contentment was only ever temporary. one day they called hajime to the living room for a 'talk'. they'd decided they weren't happy enough with hajime just keeping up with the rest of the class, oh no, he had to be the top of the class. hajime kept up with school work just fine and did pretty well of the tests too, about average in his class, nothing to brag about but certainly nothing to be ashamed of or anything - but for his parents average wasn't going to cut it anymore.
so they told hajime he would have to be in the top five highest scorers on his upcoming test or they would stop paying his tuition fees.
of course, this was incredibly upsetting to hajime; he'd always dreamed of going to hope's peak, and now he finally was, and on top of that he had made some amazing friends there and had even met fuyuhiko. the thought of not being able to see them anymore, or at least seeing them way less than he saw them now, was honestly terrifying to him.
and not to mention, what his parents were threatening didn't even make any sense; what good would it do to stop him from going to hope's peak anyway? wouldn't that just go against what they wanted?
he argued with them further and they said if that did happen they would think of something else to have hajime do, suggesting the idea of sending him to some strict teacher that would teach him one on one - someone that would be ruthless and do whatever it takes to make hajime "get his act together", as they put it. that thought was also terrifying.
hajime was already trying hard as it was though. he'd managed to form a healthier relationship with studying at last and he was doing better in the subjects he struggled with most. he was really proud of how far he'd come and how much he'd grown since coming to hope's peak... but whatever he did or whatever he said his parents would never see it the same way.
very quickly his studying grew more intense now, he was studying for much longer and he had less time for the things he enjoyed - less time to relax. but what choice did he have? there was no changing his parents' minds, so all he could do was push and push to get a high score, even if it completely burned him out.
that's how hajime spent his days for a while. he didn't have time to hang out with anyone because he needed to focus on studying. usually he talked with fuyuhiko and the others a lot; they'd text each other often and usually met up at lunch and after school ended, but hajime didn't want to be distracted, and if he had spare time he could be studying. it seemed to be working for maybe a couple of days, but hajime knew deep down he was only going to get burned out... but he pretended like he wouldn't - he told himself he'd make it work somehow.
he couldn't make it work.
so, inevitably, hajime felt that familiar feeling of anxiety and stress building up and consuming him; he was exhausted and his mind was fuzzy - the words on pages in front of him blurring together and making no sense anymore, his eyes just drifting across them without picking up any meaningful information from them. he was tired and drained but his body was buzzing with panic and urgency.
he didn't know what to do, and when hajime didn't know what to do he went to his friends.
it was the late evening now and class had finished hours ago, but he left a message in his group chat with class 77 saying he needed someone to talk to and that he'd be waiting at a park just by the school - somewhere they often hung out.
hajime sat on a bench at the park. the cool fresh air outside usually helped to calm his nerves but was having no effect on him today.
it wasn't long before he heard footsteps approaching him at a fast pace. hajime lifted his head and saw fuyuhiko, ibuki, sonia, nagito, sagishi and mahiru all rushing to him, with chiaki a little ways behind but trying her best to keep up.
they all seemed really worried, even more so because hajime had been so quiet recently. it turned out they had all been wondering what was up with him and discussing how to deal with the situation; they'd decided to give hajime space for a start in case he needed it, but they'd agreed to drop whatever they were doing if he needed them there. they didn't want to overwhelm him though, so only some of them went to meet with him, just in case the whole class would be a bit too much.
this was so much more than hajime had expected though, he never would've guessed half the class would come to him on such short notice like this. they must've been really worried.
mahiru, prepared and sensible as always, pulled a large blanket out of her bag and set it down on the ground opposite the bench as hajime watched with a confused but curious expression. then, one by one, hajime's friends sat down on the blanket, fuyuhiko and sagishi sitting on either side of hajime on the bench, with fuyuhiko gently holding hajime's hand.
fuyuhiko asked hajime to take a deep breath and then asked if he could tell them what was wrong, and hajime began explaining from the beginning the best he could. the more he talked though, the more he got worked up, and as he talked about how scared he was to have to leave all of them he found himself stumbling over his words and breathing rapidly, tears building up and then quickly running down his face, his body shaking.
"hey, hey, hajime. it's okay." fuyuhiko comforted him, running his hand up and down hajime's back to calm him. "there's no way we'd ever let that happen. if they want to stop you going to hope's peak they're gonna have to get through us first."
hajime was calming down a little just from hearing that, but by this point his tears wouldn't stop; it was like all the stress and the pain and the worry was being flushed out all in one go, and all he could do was continue sobbing until it was all out. fuyuhiko slowly pulled him in closer and hajime wrapped his arms around him, crying onto his shoulder. fuyuhiko could feel hajime shaking as he held him back, but after a couple minutes he was becoming more and more still.
"if it comes down to it..." sonia spoke up as hajime relaxed and separated from fuyuhiko a little, returning to holding his hand as he shed his final tears - "...if they will not pay for your tuition then those of us who have the means certainly will. we shall do our upmost to ensure you will be able to continue studying here, as you have every right to do so. isn't that right, fuyuhiko?"
fuyuhiko gave hajime a reassuring smile. "of course. I reckon with a yakuza and a princess and with nagito's lottery money you'd have enough to pay for a hundred hajimes to go to hope's peak" he laughed.
"ibuki will hold a concert! a big concert, better than any concert the world has ever seen! all the money from the tickets sold can go to helping hajime!" ibuki grinned as she leaned forward and used both her hands to hold onto hajime's free hand, shaking it up and down a few times before settling down again. "really." she spoke much more softly now, almost sounding like a different person entirely, "we won't let them stop you from being where you're meant to be." ibuki let go of hajime's hand and sat down again.
nagito was the next to speak: "and if they take you away and force you to study with a private tutor or anything else you don't want, then we'll find where you are and steal you away again." "we'll do it over and over if we have to." mahiru added. "that's right! you know how stubborn we all are, there's no way we'd allow that to happen, not without a fight!" sonia chimed in, one fist in the air and a determined look spread across her face. "what can they do to stop us, anyway? they're just two people. they're older than us, sure, but together we're capable of so much more, as long as we work as a team." sagishi said as they placed a hand on hajime's shoulder for a moment.
hajime had some really amazing friends.
"are you feeling better now?" chiaki asked in a soft voice.
hajime relaxed his shoulders and sat up. "yeah. I'm feeling a lot better now. I... I really appreciate you guys being there for me like this. I didn't expect you all to rush over, and you've all been so... so sweet. I don't know what I did to deserve friends like you."
"dumbass. we're your friends because you're the same. we know you'd do the same for us if we were in trouble, don't sell yourself short." fuyuhiko furrowed his brows and poked hajime's cheek. hajime smiled at him and fuyuhiko smiled back before turning to face the others again.
after another few minutes everyone began heading back - fuyuhiko walking hajime home and insisting on holding his hand the whole way.
hajime didn't want to burden his friends, but knowing they'd be there for him if anything did go wrong made him feel incredibly relieved. he could tell that even if he told them not to help out, they still would. maybe that meant he wasn't such a burden after all.
knowing they cared so much for him, knowing that they valued him as a friend as much as he valued them, made hajime feel invincible.
he'd probably never be good enough for his parents, but to his friends he was someone who couldn't be replaced.
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