#I'm just cranky
pinacoladamatata · 3 months
the way some people are acting about larian saying "no bg4 from us and no dlc" you would think they killed the bg3 characters where they stand and made it so you can't play bg3 anymore
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mvndrvke · 3 months
shoutout to my constant and feral urge to add muses that i know won't get interactions
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custer-mp3 · 1 year
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fucked up w the toner & now i'm ORANGE orange lmao 🤡 but hey the blue's not breaking thru anymore
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*grumble grumble*
I went and asked for prompts because I knew I'd have downtime today, and I do have downtime, but I'm so annoyed with work and the training we're doing that I don't feel like doing any of them. I'm just sitting here writing out grumbles and crocheting roses, because the training is both boring and stupid and I don't want to do it.
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trichorats · 3 months
ooh here i was thinking i'd scan the traditional art i made but forgot my cranky ageold scannerprinter suckssss and is dying
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disorder-d · 6 months
ugh i hate having to be the one to stick my neck out for others even
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teaboot · 6 months
Every so often someone IRL gets on my ass about a dumb shit thing I'm doing and it's fine usually except sometimes it's really condescending and holier-than-though and after I've tried a few times to say "yes I know this" and they haven't shut up I kinda wanna just
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boojangs · 5 days
I fully believe that after a long day of existing, Wednesday crawls into Enid's lap and takes a nap. Doesn't matter what her wife is doing, she's just creeping her way up into Enid's arms and taking her little kitten nap to recharge from having to socialize. Enid is fully used to this and often wears big comfy sweaters to make her wife more comfortable. Yes, she beams the entire time, and kisses Wednesday's head because that is her hard-earned right.
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jeeaark · 4 months
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Patch 6 appears to know "what's up" with Greygold's Love Life. Thank you Larian, your accurate depictions bugs never disappoint~ <3
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alienoresimagines · 18 days
Honestly, Crank is such a mood and might just be my MOTA spirit animal
Exhibit A : He is just so done, all of the time it's so funny
1) "What I get a passenger?" Sassy Crank who then decided to sleep through the rest of the briefing because if he has Bucky the Yapper on his plane, he will need the extra sleep if they both want to make it alive to Algeria
2) Any sequence where he is flying and Bucky's behind him and/or asking for updates on Buck. The way he just... closes his eyes like he's praying a higher deity to take the Yapper of his plane before answering is so funny. I don't know if it's because of Bucky's poorly hidden attempt at making it look like he's not asking after Buck specifically by saying "the stagglers" and Crank realising exactly why Bucky "couldn't skip this one" or simply because he's just been through hell and the war wife that yapped his way on his plane won't stop asking is he's a war widow yet but it's funny. Reminds me of a parent who just wants some sleep but their kid keeps asking questions.
3) His "Oh that makes me feel better" when the mechanic tells him of the plane's condition ("won't go very far but you won't need it" because Münster isn't far and not because Crank gets shot down not 20 minutes later mind you). I know he was probably still angry and bitter after his altercation with Bucky and the fact that Crank does Not agree with the mission's order but I just love him. He reminds me of a cranky, wet kitten
Exhibit B : He is hella competent
Every pilot is good, that's a fact. There hasn't been much focus on the pilots except for the Buckies (even though we've never seen Bucky in the left seat except that one time he was smoking in it during his war widow era), Rosie and Curt (a bit of Brady and Blakely too) so there isn't much to say about Crank specifically. BUT when Bucky, lead pilot, goes down, Crank immediately takes the lead to avoid formation going into chaos like was the case during the Bremen mission ("There was a lot of confusion when lead (Buck and DeMarco) went down, it was chaos"). And don't forget that he flew through the Regensburg mission, which was absolute hell!
Exhibit C : He is Not Afraid to speak his mind or call people on their bs
1) Him being the one to ask Bucky how he managed to be put on the Regensburg mission while very clearly already having an idea, only confirmed by Bucky's vague answer
2) Famous moment but his confrontation with Bucky (and Brady) about the Münster mission. Nobody mentioned Buck to Bucky, except Ken, but no one really mentioned the fact that the Münster mission was a revenge mission. Everybody knew it but there was that fear that mentioning Buck would set Bucky off so nobody did. But Crank does, because Buck was also his friend and so is Bucky and neither of them would have approved or encouraged the mission if they'd been here/in their right mind.
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Look at the devastation on his face when Bucky tells him that "it's a war and it won't end until they hit them where it hurts". That's the face of someone seeing a friend absolutely drowning in grief turning to revenge to cope.
So Crank says "None of the people we're going to bomb today shot down Buck" and he sees the look in Bucky's eyes and knows that he may have hit the bull's eye, but it was the wrong move. Only accentuated by the fact that Bucky then makes Crank call him "sir" something that he has never done before, clearly separating himself from his friends and Crank understands that this isn't really Bucky, at least not the one he knows. Buck may have been the only one to go down but the truth is, the 100th had already lost the two Buckies
Exhibit D : He loves his people soooo much
1) The hug he gives Dougie when the goblin fort crew comes back from the dead??? Just looking at that hug I could feel how warm and comforting it was. Crank is one of the best huggers of the 100th I bet. Also Dougie being taken aback at the force of the hug that he has to take a few steps back?? Can you imagine how good and relieved Crank must have felt after losing so many friends but, just this time, one crew came back and intel was wrong, they weren't dead!! They came back!!
See Gif below :
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Look at his face when he goes to hug Dougie, he can't believe he gets to see them again 🥺
2) The grief on his face when he comes back from Bremen? Not having the words to say Buck went down because they all thought that no one bailed out and the entire crew was dead? He just shakes his head in defeat. All he can think about is that they lost Buck but someone will have to tell Bucky that he lost Buck. Look at his face and tell me he didn't know it'd destroy Bucky.
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3) Him calling for Bucky at the fence when the latter arrived at the Stalag. The pure joy and relief on his face ("You made it!!!"), so overwhelming that he has to take his beanie off because he arrived at the Stalag and Bucky wasn't there and he didn't arrive even days after Crank. And if Crank arrived before Brady did, then he must have thought that the entire crew was dead because he saw them go down, even took the lead afterwards. But then Brady arrived, and Bucky wasn't there and that couldn't be because if Bucky's dead then the last time Crank had ever seen him it'd been in anger and for all Crank disagreed with the mission, Bucky's his friend. But then Bucky comes and Crank is so relieved because Bucky's alive and the Buckies are back together so everything will be fine and Crank's with his friends again.
In conclusion, I love my cranky but affectionate Crank from New England, he deserves more appreciation, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
P.s.: I haven't seen MOTA post ep 6 so this post might be edited if the last 3 episodes give me Crank content :)
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kedreeva · 7 months
If I could kill the reply feature on this webbed site, I would.
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temeyes · 11 months
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ooh, la, la-la-la, la-la-la, don't kill me baby
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omaano · 2 years
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Vacation pics 📸
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flowersforvax · 1 year
You know what? Yes, I understand that jury vote was introduced for a reason. I even think the dramatic reveal of the actual end result is fucking good! Seeing someone the jury snubbed shoot up in the rankings because the public decided? Incredible every time. So i don't think we should 100% go back to the original voting system; still there has to be a space to say, hey, this isn't working either.
Personally I think a) the jury to popular vote shouldn't be 50-50: the public paying to vote should have more weight. b) the point reveal should be flipped so that the hosts announce the jury votes and then we go to the countries and get the exact points the public gave to which country. Yes this would show block voting, but i'm at a point where I think that's a feature not a bug. The backstabbing and favoritism is just as Eurovision as sequins and spandex and i'm done pretending otherwise.
And c) I think we should bring 9 and 11 points back. Right now the points get awarded in 12, 10, 8–1 and it's fucking us, Germany, specifically AND I'M ALLOWED TO BE SALTY ABOUT IT lmao
... but mostly i'm sick of the cookie cutter english language radio hits winning and scared that less and less countries will send weird and interesting entries
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strebcr · 2 months
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I do not care for rp confession blogs
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coquelicoq · 1 year
gurathin, thiago, indah...starting to get the sense that if murderbot didn't have any specific person playing the role of "someone i deep down respect who i'm convinced hates me" at any given time, presaux would have to assign someone, for enrichment purposes
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