#I'm kin with Piers
varietydivision · 1 year
One of the most fascinating things with being the product of a few fictives integrating is still getting hit with the "Oh me" feelings and memories of the individuals, while still maintaining my own sense of self, and it being a very distinct feeling from being kin. It's been a hellova thing to explain to my partner.
I am Leon (definitely more than anything else), but I'm also pieces of Piers (and hold a lot of those feelings/emotions), and those things feel distinctly me still, even though, in a way, I'm not quite either. It's still distinct from kin feelings, since I do have some of those, so it feels like an interesting spot to be in.
Most of this is coming up because of the oddity of my source doing a soft reboot that incidentally fits in with my cannon, even if it's still not fully there, which has prompted a lot of talks with the gf. Plus talks with Scully about how I want to be referred to as when it comes to things related to either of the distinct Me things, since she views me as myself (primarily Leon/Cooper), but also Piers sometimes.
Just babbling about it, I guess.
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backpocketkazoo · 2 years
🌼Honeybee [Cagney Carnation x Reader]🌼
[Summary: When your absent father comes back from the casino in crippling debt it is up to you, his adult child to dig him out of his own grave. Seriously, screw him.]
[Word count: 1,587]
[angst w/ a happy ending; hurt/comfort]
Story can also be found here on Ao3.
Context: (Y/n) is a journalist, writing their own newspaper rather than continuing the family fishing business. It's finally starting to kick off then ding dong! Guess who's back and ready to make their life a living hell!] i wrote this so long ago but every time i read it i go insane
It was an oven even at 8 in the morning, even with the sea's salty breeze leaving kisses on my cheeks, even with being drenched in sweat. I'm so greasy I'm surprised I haven't started frying yet. I collapsed in my pathetic, wooden rowboat; groaning in exasperation. The waves gently rock my boat, almost pitying me. "God, why me of all people have to end up like this? What exactly have I done to deserve this? Being born?", I scoffed and closed my eyes; head resting on my folded arms.
My semi-peacefulness was interrupted by the voice I least wanted to hear.
"(Y/N)!! I'm back!! You best not've slacked off!", my dad yells from back on shore. I groaned and called back, then heard loud slam of the front door. I sigh and roll my eyes. I sat back up and grab the sun-bleached wooden oars. I held onto them tight enough to make my knuckles turn white. With that I hauled me and the fish back to the pier.
I tied the boat to its post and struggled as I heaved the fishing net (fish and all) onto the pier. I put a foot onto the dock as extra leverage. Geez, who woulda thought fish would weigh so damn much? I dropped the net onto a tarp I previously sat out, and finally climbed onto the dock myself. I wobbled about on my two feet, not used to the stability of land.
Once regaining my land legs, I tug on the end of the tarp, dragging it to the fishes's final resting place. I lead them to a large metal tub, it had been sitting out in the sun. It was probably hot enough to fry an egg, let alone a fish.
I dumped the fish into the tub and watched as they pathetically flopped about. I shivered and the stench alone was enough to make me gag. I sigh and wipe my sweaty brow with the back of my hand. God, glad that's over with.
I'm still immensely pissed that I have to pay off my father's debt. I have to fish to pay it off at that. AND I haven't been associated with the bastard since he left! Then whenever his irresponsible ass gets into trouble he comes crawling back and forces me to do his dirty work! And why am I complying??
I guess I'm scared.
What if he takes the house back?
What will happen after that? Where will I go?? I shakily sigh, anxiety curdling in my stomach like spoiled milk. I stroll over to my little garden, it wasn't much but I loved it. I put my whole heart into making sure each leaf, each petal, didn't go untended to. I squatted down closer to the flower's height. "Just when things were starting to get good, lil buddy."
"(Y/n)..?" My head snapped and I jolted at the voice, partially fearing it was my deadbeat dad. My racing heart calmed a bit when I saw the familiar face of my friend. I give a weak smile towards Cagney. "What're you doing? I just saw you fishing,, you despise fishing. W-what's goin' on?"
"Ohh—" I scratch the back of my neck, I could feel the sweat get scraped up under my nails. "About thaatt.." I fumbled with my words. "Dear Ol' Dad's back from gambling his life away, and making it his eldest (and only) kin's responsibility...hehrng.."
I could feel the vibe change from perplexity to something more anger filled. I could feel it in the air, see it in his facial expression, and hear it in the tone of his voice. "Is that so..." His voice softens in the next line, "Do you need any help?" Cagney's voice was filled with concern.
"Nah,, it's okay. I just finished anyways. Thank you though, Cagney. It's sweet of you to offer."
The day carried on like it would if my absent father wasn't present. As soon as he got home he passed out on the couch. I would like to also mention how much of a wreck the house had gotten since he came back. Granted I wasn't the most tidy person, but this was outrageous.
I had managed to clean up a bit while he was sleeping because god, I couldn't stand it. Later on, I went back to tending to my garden. It was the typical time I would normally take care of them, and I'm used to the routine. I had almost forgotten how my life was currently in shambles.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I jumped and saw dad pointing towards the silver tub of fish, just beyond yonder.
"T-the fish from today??" What the hell was his damage? I did what he demanded.
"YOU DIDN'T CATCH NEARLY ENOUGH, WHAT? DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS GONNA MAKE ENOUGH TO PAY OFF MY DEBT? DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO LOSE MY SOUL TO THE DEVIL? HUH, (Y/N)?" He interrogated me. He was degrading me, trying to guilt trip me. Playing the victim card, but even the devil himself knew he was god awful at card games.
I stood up. I was pissed.
"And you're acting like I care. You're acting like you haven't been gone for the past SEVEN years of my life. Sorry I don't care about the stupid family business. Sorry YOU screwed over YOUR life. Not mine, YOURS. If you want something done right, do it yourself. It's not my goddamn problem."
"What did ya just say to me?", his voice was low and dangerous. It was arsenic and I was merely foxglove.
"You heard them!", a voice backs me up. My eyes widen and I turn around, almost forgetting how angry I was. I look up and see Cagney looking almost as pissed as I am. Wonder how much he heard.
"And who might YOU be?"
Before I could say anything Cagney spoke, "Cagney Carnation, whatzzittoya?" He growled.
"He's a friend of mine—", I quickly explained. Not that it mattered, neither were paying attention. They were too busy glaring daggers at each other.
"I think this pansy needs to say out of other peoples business, don'tcha think?" I was getting murderous intent from Cagney. I grabbed his hand in attempt to tell him 'don't'. Being honest, it's a bit difficult to actually grab Cagney's hand. Mine was far too small to wrap around his, but it was still effective, methinks.
"I believe the well-being of my friend IS my business. And that you, as a father, should NOT be forcing your adult child to get you out of the grave you dug."
"I believe you should get off my property." I absolutely hated being caught in the middle of this.
"No Drew, you forfeit this place as soon as you were 6 feet under. And I suggest you get off MY property before you start poppin' up daisies."
He tried to retaliate but I didn't let him, "Leave. Now." His blood boiled and he marched up to me. I prepared for the worst. He looked to have hesitated, as he kicked the dirt ground in front of me and hastily left, muttering curses under his breath. The two of us watched him until he was a mere speck.
The adrenaline wore off and my heart dropped to my stomach. The reality hit me like a freight train. "Oh my god." Was all I could squeak out. I was at a loss for words. And like that, hot tears poured from the faucets of my eyes. I fell to my knees, I had never felt so weak before. My silent tears turned into choked sobs. I tightly grip onto my trousers. My head hung low and I violently shook. The raw emotion was too much for my small, restless form to handle. What the fuck had I done?
Cagney instantly panicked. He was never too good at handling other's emotions, let alone his own. Nevertheless, his sunshine needed him. He carefully scooped me up, sweetly shushing me as he did so. "Cmon doll, let's get you inside." He carried me inside and set me on the couch, he grabbed some nearby blankets and wrapped me in them. My sobs were hiccups at this point and I was gasping for air. Cagney grabbed my hand and rubbed it while going through some breathing exercises.
I clung tightly to him, not quite like a moth to a flame. This was sweet and comforting, something I needed. Perhaps a better example would be a bee to a flower. I mean he is a flower after all, maybe I can be his honeybee.
"I hate seeing you upset," he murmured.
"I know this all sucks.. but it'll be okay, especially since I have you, Cagney." My drained eyes were fighting the weight of sleep, but I still look up at Cagney, eyes with a glint of melancholy, and give him a bittersweet smile. "Promise I'll always have you?"
"Promise." Cagney squirmed a bit, not that he didn't mean his words. He meant everything, just as you mean everything to him. But you make him feel things like he hadn't before. You make his stomach flutter at your touch. Your smile. Your laughter. He felt so vulnerable around you. He wasn't sure how you got it, but you stole the key to his heart. His hold on you tightened, and by this point you had succumbed to sweet sleep.
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
Eythos may be horribly backward but he and Embris had held their courts together. Had protected their borders when it had come. The Valg had been solidifying in recent years and their final act had finally come.
The duchy, with only powerful Asteri to protect it. All had refused the Wyvern Bloodwine offered to them. They'd followed Sarai and Viren's lead. Had listened and agreed with them. How could they keep the duchy a safe space for all when they partooked in such a thing?
But their morals and ethics hadn't saved them. A couple hundred had survived the massacre. The duchy lay in ruins, the land surrounding it wasn't safe, not if the other Changeling tribes rose up with their kin.
Spring had swelled again, new and old blood gaining a foothold. It was rumored Tamlin had a mate or at least someone close enough to bring type of stability back. Summer hadn't faltered and neither had Winter. Autumn had closed their borders but even their neutrality couldn't hold.
Would they choose the Asteri and Night and Day? Or the Valg blood in their veins and ally all that power to the Valg?
Eythos looked out at the devastation. He stood on the edge of the Middle seeing the line hold. Seeing the dust and ash of Valg blood on it.
He's redone the border, Wyrdmarks having held when nothing else would. He'd poured almost all the pier he'd gained from Wyvern Bloodwine into those borders.
Erilia wasn't safe, not for anyone as Adarlan's forces were swelling and swelling. He wondered if Rellia had known exactly what was to happen. Had she stayed in Adarlan court in agreement or as a hostage? It was no use to ask Solmir, he wouldn't defy his king.
Traitor that he was. He looked to Viren and Sarai and windwalked away. He came back and gently placed Nazarius on the ground before him.
He held no marks, no telltale signs of the other Valg subjects.
"He wasn't touched. You were right...there were sacrifices I'm willing to make. But I will not hurt family. What is the point when everything I've done is for you? Besides there are others we can use -"
"That's the point father. Why must you use them at -"
"How many of your forces survived the Duchy? How many more would have had you stopped being so prideful and taken the power I'd give you both?"
He wasn't mad, just resigned. He loved his son's good heart he really did. But Keir hadn't balked, hadn't so much as hesitated to take the Bloodwine. Even if the Valg had breached the borders of Lunar, Dusk wouldn't have fallen. Why was Viren prepared to die to prove a point? What good was that? The only thing he'd be remembered for was a fool.
//Based on the question - what do good people do when there is no good option left?//
Maybe they had lost their home and their people, but they had not lost their respect. Those who survived were still thankful for them and everything they did, those who still remained believed in them and they wouldn't let them down.
Even if it made them into fools, even if that was what others thought of them. She didn't care for Keir's opinions, nor did she care about anyone else's. There was a line she would not cross, she would not be like Cassandra and use others for her benefit without consent.
Sarai moved quickly forward when the boy was brought before them, she knelt at his side as she pressed a hand to his cheek and searched him. Concern filled her eyes. She froze when she heard Eythos speak, his words coiled around her as her jaw clenched.
"You have already destroyed this family Eythos!" She snapped, venom in her words as she turned and looked at him. "You destroyed it with your greed, you may not have touched him, but the damage was done. Raelyn has not been seen since the night you took him, the last sighting we have is her going into Autumn. Rhysand struggles with his nightmares, yet he soldiers on for his family. Rivitus has become addicted to the work you gave him. Those are only three of my children, the rest...They are all scattered in this war."
Viren's hand reached out to grip her shoulder, his eyes transfixed upon his father. "How many did you force to give up their lives for the blood you took, the power you offered. It was never a question of taking it because it would save our people, it was the price paid for it. Stolen blood, stolen magic, stolen lives. Our people would have turned on us. Why take something by force? Many would have offered it freely if they knew the cause, for their family, their friends, their loved ones."
His attention returned to the border. He said he had done it for them, his father said he had done it for their family, but he knew very well his place in this all. He wasn't Keir, he wasn't any of his siblings and he would always be a disappointment. It didn't matter now though, it didn't matter because he had found his place.
"Preach at us all your want, but we will not be the people you want us to be father..."
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ukfrislandembassy · 1 year
Frislandic Phonology Addendum: Minimal Pairs -Consonants
Just providing these as the first part of a two-part series accompanying the post on phonology. This is going to be a long one (because establishing minimal pairs is always laborious) so feel free to ignore if you aren't really into this kind of thing. Note I'm not giving minimal pairs for every single possible pair of consonants in the language, only ones that are phonetically similar and thus could reasonably exist in complementary distribution to each other, because in many cases that would restate contrasts that can be derived transitively from the examples given (for example since buol 'acorn' contrasts with muol 'hole' and guol 'kidney', we do not need to also state that guol contrasts with muol to establish a minimal pair between /k/ and /m/).
/p/ vs. /t/
bekk /peʰk/ 'stream, beck' vs. dekk /teʰk/ 'skin'
kob /kʰup/ 'flank' vs. kod /kʰut/ 'fox'
/p/ vs. /t͡s/
buoð /puə̯ð/ 'tie together' vs. zuoð /t͡suə̯ð/ 'body, corpse'
bivl /piu̯l/ 'bible' vs. zivl /t͡siu̯l/ 'devil, satan'
baj /pɑi̯/ 'refuse' vs. zaj /t͡sɑi̯/ 'chew'
/p/ vs/ /k/
buol /puə̯l/ 'acorn' vs. guol /guə̯l/ 'kidney'
bijð /pəi̯ð/ 'to a hero' vs. gijð /kəi̯ð/ 'beech'
nab /nɑp/ 'go, leave' vs. nag /nɑk/ 'people'
/t/ vs. /t͡s/
duj /tøy̯/ 'see, look' vs. zuj /t͡søy̯/ 'thirst'
kond /kʰunt/ 'punt (boat)' vs. konz /kʰunt͡s/ 'pike (fish)'
/t/ vs. /k/
dejn /tei̯n/ 'spine' vs. gejn /kei̯n/ 'towards
doroð /turuð/ 'on cloth' vs. goroð /kuruð/ 'cave'
bast /pɑst/ 'cloak' vs. bask /pɑsk/ 'lip'
/t͡s/ vs. /k/
zuoð /t͡suə̯ð/ 'body, corpse' vs. guoð /kuə̯ð/ 'turf'
zin /t͡sin/ 'catch' vs. gin /kin/ 'frame'
zisjt /t͡siɕt/ 'chins' vs. gisjt /kiɕt/ 'be replied to'
/p/ vs. /pʰ/
bier /piə̯r/ 'beaver' vs. pier /pʰie̯r/ 'pier'
sjib /ɕip/ 'dust, fuzz' vs. sjip /ɕipʰ/ 'ship'
bis /pis/ 'ice' vs. pis /pʰis/ 'peas'
/t/ vs. /tʰ/
duoj /tu̯əi̯/ 'elder' vs. tuoj /tʰu̯əi̯/ 'eggs'
dav /tau̯/ 'mind' vs. tav /tʰau̯/ 'surname'
mad /mɑt/ 'shock' vs. mat /mɑth/ 'dream'
/k/ vs. /kʰ/
guol /kuə̯l/ 'kidney' vs. kuol /kʰuə̯l/ 'wall'
Gal /kɑl/ 'God' vs. kal /kʰɑl/ 'peel'
gez /ket͡s/ 'turn' vs. kez /kʰet͡s/ 'hazel'
/p/ vs. /ʰp/
kob /kʰup/ 'flank' vs. kopp /kʰuʰp/ 'cup'
/t/ vs. /ʰt/
zid /t͡sit/ 'moorland' vs. zitt /t͡siʰt/ 'chin'
/k/ vs. /ʰk/
bog /puk/ 'law' vs. bokk /puʰk/ 'oven'
mag /mɑk/ 'sting' vs. makk /mɑʰk/ 'house'
nug /nyk/ 'oppose' vs. nukk /nyʰk/ 'hay'
/tʰ/ vs. /kʰ/
tuol /tʰuə̯l/ 'older sibling' vs. kuol /kʰuə̯l/ 'wall'
tav /tʰau̯/ 'surname' vs. kav /kʰau̯/ 'pain'
mat /mɑtʰ/ 'dream' vs. mak /mɑkʰ/ 'sand'
/tʰ/ vs. /ʰt/
gat /kɑtʰ/ 'street' vs. gatt /kɑʰt/ 'maiden'
bwt /pəu̯tʰ/ 'shop' vs. bwtt /pəu̯ʰt/ 'bellies'
/kʰ/ vs. /ʰk/
mak /mɑkʰ/ 'sand' vs. makk /maʰk/ 'house'
/ʰt/ vs. /ʰk/
datt /tɑʰt/ 'father' vs. dakk /tɑʰk/ 'penis'
mott /muʰt/ 'mice' vs. mokk /muhk/ 'pig'
itt /iʰt/ 'field' vs. ikk /iʰk/ 'lose'
/t/ vs. /s/
doroð /ˈturuð/ 'on cloth' vs. soroð /ˈsuruð/ 'spear'
duon /tuə̯n/ 'floor' vs. suon /suə̯n/ 'snow'
/t/ vs. /ɕ/
tuojn /tʰu̯əi̯n/ 'egg' vs. sjuojn /ɕu̯əi̯n/ 'urine'
/t/ vs. /ɬ/
dang /tɑŋ/ 'gull' vs. llang /ɬɑŋ/ 'speak'
don /tun/ 'apply' vs. llon /ɬun/ 'axe'
duok /tuə̯kʰ/ 'celebrate' vs. lluok /ɬuə̯kʰ/ 'choose'
/tʰ/ vs. /s/
tez /tʰet͡s/ 'brick, block, piece' vs. sez /set͡s/ 'green wood'
mat /mɑtʰ/ 'dream' vs. mas /mɑs/ 'anus'
tiel /tʰiə̯l/ 'day' vs. siel /siə̯l/ 'slug'
/ʰt/ vs. /s/
mott /muʰt/ 'mice' vs. mos /mus/ 'left hand'
datt /tɑʰt/ 'father' vs. das /tɑs/ 'serve'
utt /yʰt/ 'take' vs. us /ys/ 'flies'
/ʰt/ vs. /ɬ/
mott /muʰt/ 'mice' vs. moll /muɬ/ 'beetle'
bitt /piʰt/ 'wren' vs. bill /piɬ/ 'worm'
/ʰt/ vs. /ɕ/
nætt /næʰt/ 'meat' vs. næsj /næɕ/ 'split'
/t͡s/ vs. /s/
ziv /t͡siu̯/ 'stench' vs. siv /siu̯/ 'suns'
zaj /t͡sɑi̯/ 'chew' vs. saj /sɑi̯/ 'brow'
biz /pit͡s/ 'know, understand' vs. bis /pis/ 'ice, frost'
/t͡s/ vs. /ɕ/
zir /t͡sir/ 'wind' vs. sjir /ɕir/ 'faeces'
gez /ket͡s/ 'turn' vs. gesj /keɕ/ 'itch'
/k/ vs. /s/
nog /nuk/ 'blood' vs. nos /nus/ 'cover'
/k/ vs. /ɕ/
guor /kuə̯r/ 'we/you take' vs. sjuor /ɕuə̯r/ 'play'
/k/ vs. /ɬ/
guor /kuə̯r/ 'we/you take' vs. lluor /ɬuə̯r/ 'we/you open'
/kʰ/ vs. /s/
kwð /kʰəu̯ð/ 'oats' vs. swð /səu̯ð/ 'exude'
kad /kʰɑt/ 'beak' vs. sad /sɑt/ 'fight'
/kʰ/ vs. /ɕ/
kav /kʰau̯/ 'pain' vs. sjav /ɕɑu̯/ 'stone'
kwð /kʰəu̯ð/ 'oats' vs. sjwð /ɕəu̯ð/ 'count'
/kʰ/ vs. /ɬ/
kuo /kʰuə̯/ 'bog' vs. lluo /ɬuə̯/ 'open'
/s/ vs. /ɕ/
sara /sɑrɑ/ 'lizard' vs. sjara /ɕɑrɑ/ 'picture, image'
bæs /pæs/ 'porpoise, dolphin' vs. bæsj /pæɕ/ 'valley
bis /pis/ 'ice' vs. bisj /piɕ/ 'whistle'
/s/ vs. /ɬ/
sa /sɑ/ 'do' vs. lla /ɬɑ/ 'cloud'
dos /tus/ 'shoulder' vs. doll /tuɬ/ 'sparks'
/p/ vs. /β/~/u̯/
gab /kɑp/ 'bite' vs. gav /kau̯/ 'crows'
kæb /kʰæp/ 'hear, listen' vs. kæv /kʰæu̯/ 'save, preserve'
/t/ vs. /ð/
kad /kʰɑt/ 'beak' vs. kað /kʰɑð/ 'green, blue'
/tʰ/ vs. /ð/
gorot /kurutʰ/ 'prayer' vs. goroð /kuruð/ 'cave'
uot /uə̯tʰ/ 'vote' vs. uoð /uə̯ð/ 'in a tree'
/t͡s/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
tez /tʰet͡s/ 'brick' vs. tej /tʰei̯/ 'of tea'
bez /pet͡s/ 'spirit' vs. bej /pei̯/ 'other'
/s/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mas /mɑs/ 'sit' vs. maj /mɑi̯/ 'dig'
uos /uə̯s/ 'food' vs. uoj /u̯əi̯/ 'of a tree'
/s/ vs. /r/
mas /mɑs/ 'sit' vs. mar /mɑr/ 'eyes'
dus /tys/ 'berries' vs. dur /tyr/ 'decorate'
/ɕ/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mesj /meɕ/ 'fool' vs. mej /mei̯/ 'colour'
gæsj /kæɕ/ 'intestine' vs. gæj /kæi̯/ 'hare'
/ɬ/ vs. /l/
nall /nɑɬ/ 'hat, cap' vs. nal /nɑl/ 'volunteer'
bollu /ˈpuɬy/ 'nephew' vs. bolu /ˈpuly/ 'foreigners'
ijll /əi̯ɬ/ 'grasses' vs. ijl /əi̯l/ 'ash'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /ð/
mav /mɑu̯/ 'beloved' vs. mað /mɑð/ 'stir'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mav /mɑu̯/ 'beloved' vs. maj /mɑi̯/ 'dig'
/ð/ vs. /j/~/i̯/
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. maj /mɑi̯/ 'dig'
zað /t͡sɑð/ 'good' vs. zaj /t͡sɑi̯/ 'chew'
/p/ vs. /m/
buol /puə̯l/ 'acorn' vs. muol /muə̯l/ 'hole, gap'
tob /tʰup/ 'push' vs. tom /tʰum/ 'stand'
/t/ vs. /n/
dus /tys/ 'berries' vs. nus /nys/ 'newt'
desj /teɕ/ 'half' vs. nesj /neɕ/ 'island'
zid /t͡sit/ 'moorland' vs. zin /t͡sin/ 'catch'
/k/ vs. /ŋ/
nag /nɑk/ 'people' vs. nang /nɑŋ/ 'hawk'
tag /tʰɑk/ 'lie across' vs. tang /tʰɑn/ 'gull'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /m/
mav /mɑu̯/ 'beloved' vs. mam /mɑm/ 'mother'
/ð/ vs. /n/
doroð /ˈturuð/ 'on cloth' vs. doron /ˈturun/ 'a piece of cloth'
guoð /kuə̯ð/ 'turf' vs. guon /kuə̯n/ 'goose'
/j/~/i̯/ vs. /n/
mej /mei̯/ 'colour' vs. men /men/ 'smoke'
/m/ vs. /n/
muoð /muə̯ð/ 'sleep' vs. nuoð /nuə̯ð/ 'sorrow'
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. nað /nɑð/ 'custom'
mier /miə̯r/ 'throat' vs. nier /niə̯r/ 'moon'
/m/ vs. /ŋ/
tæm /tʰæm/ 'sea' vs. tæng /tʰæŋ/ 'deer'
/n/ vs. /ŋ/
an /ɑn/ 'so!' vs. ang /ɑŋ/ 'thing'
buon /puə̯n/ 'drums' vs. buong /puə̯ŋ/ 'float'
/β/~/u̯/ vs. /l/
kæl /kʰæl/ 'lie' vs. kæv /kʰæu̯/ 'save'
/ð/ vs. /l/
kieð /kʰiə̯ð/ 'den, snug' vs. kiel /kʰiə̯l/ 'flash flood'
duoð /tuə̯ð/ 'in milk' vs. duol /duə̯l/ 'thanks'
/ð/ vs. /r/
ijð /əi̯ð/ 'exist' vs. ijr /əi̯r/ 'seaweed'
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. mar /mɑr/ 'eyes'
nuoð /nuə̯ð/ 'sorrow' vs. nuor /nuə̯r/ 'rake'
/j/~/i̯/ vs. /l/
tæj /tʰæi̯/ 'dog' vs. tæl /tʰæl/ 'drop'
duoj /tu̯əi̯/ 'elder' vs. duol /tuə̯l/ 'thanks'
/j/~/i̯/ vs. /r/
mað /mɑð/ 'stir' vs. mar /mɑr/ 'eyes'
/n/ vs. /l/
uon /uə̯n/ 'sound' vs. uol /uə̯l/ 'beer'
duon /duə̯/ 'floor' vs. duol /duə̯l/ 'thanks'
/n/ vs. /r/
kovn /kʰou̯n/ 'cushion' vs. kovr /kʰou̯r/ 'help, assistance'
uon /uə̯n/ 'sound' vs. uor /uə̯r/ 'hours'
/l/ vs. /r/
ijl /əi̯l/ 'ash' vs. ijr /əi̯r/ 'seaweed'
kuol /kʰuə̯l/ 'wall vs. kuor /kʰuə̯r/ 'back of the head'
gald /kɑlt/ 'battle' vs. gard /kɑrt/ 'pack'
/p/ vs. /mp/
kab /kʰɑp/ 'chuckle' vs. kamb /kʰɑmp/ 'night'
gob /kup/ 'clog' vs. gomb /kump/ 'hammer in'
/t/ vs. /nt/
kod /kʰut/ 'fox' vs. kond /kʰunt/ 'punt'
/m/ vs. /mp/
gom /kum/ 'rot' vs. gomb /kump/ 'hammer in'
nom /num/ 'rub' vs. nomb /nump/ 'in front of'
/n/ vs. /nt/
bon /pun/ 'drum' vs. bond /punt/ 'eel'
son /sun/ 'pay' vs. sond /sunt/ 'nut'
I'm likely to add to this list as the vocabulary grows so be aware of that if you decide to reblog.
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chanto-love · 1 year
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i have polls now and i am choosing to do chaos. this is the masterpost for CAROLINE'S BLORBOS: THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN, a poll event i'm running. Here is the current bracket:
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I attempted to arrange them neatly, but I reserve the right to swap up the positions for round 2+ if a more interesting/less unbalanced match presents itself.
Full info under the cut:
There's not a prize or anything. I mean, I might draw them? It depends on how hard they are to draw tbh. I don't know if I'll do another one of these afterwards but I have a couple 'just missed the cut' ideas lying around that I had to sacrifice for round theme coherency
1.1 A Names Part 1: Boys In Suits (Akira Touya VS Azul Ashengrotto)
1.2 A Names Part 2: Old Guys with White Hair (Archmage Aaravos VS Azuma Yukishiro)
1.3 Long-Haired Pretty Boys (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi VS Reginald Tetra)
1.4 Firstname Sourcename (Piers Pokemon VS Ikkan Splatoon)
1.5 Purple (Vidia VS Cecil Palmer)
1.6 Childhood Villain Faves (Dimentio VS Lord Licorice)
1.7 Dumbing of Age Part 1: Assholes (Mike Warner VS Carla Rutten)
1.8 Dumbing of Age Part 2: Autism (Joyce Brown VS Dina Saruyama)
1.9 Capitalism: The Good And The Ugly (Naven Nuknuk VS Inside-Track)
1.10 Toontown: Corporate Clash (Diane Morsecode VS Graham Payser)
1.11 gurl help the musical fans and the movie fans are fighting in the street (The Phantom of The Opera VS Frank N. Furter)
1.13 Creatures Part 1: Creatures (Cherubble VS Victreebel)
1.14 Creatures Part 2: Bogleech (Sneezola VS Dr. H.M. Phage)
1.15 Frog Mascots (Kermit the Frog VS Keroppi)
1.16 places????? places are blorbos????? (Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex VS The Adventurers' Club)
2.1 A Names Final Showdown (Azul Ashengrotto VS Archmage Aaravos)
2.2 Epic Kinning Saga: A New Challenger Approaches (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi VS Piers Pokemon)
2.3 Purple: A New Challenger Approaches (Cecil Palmer VS Dimentio)
2.4 Dumbing of Age Final Showdown (Carla Rutten VS Dina Saruyama)
2.5 Cartoon Capitalists (Naven Nuknuk VS Graham Ness Payser)
2.6 Gender Isn't A Binary, It's A Volume Slider (Frank N. Furter VS THE-MEASURE-CUTS)
2.7 Marketable Creatures (Cherubble VS Dr H.M. Phage)
2.8 has someone made a five nights at the muppet theater yet that's a good meme fangame idea someone should get on that (Kermit the Frog VS Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex)
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major-trouble · 2 years
Title game! Lets try, The Waves. For any ship
Oh boy! This went in a direction I was not expecting. Uh, enjoy?
The Waves
Despite what he’d once said, Geralt liked the sea. The water washing onto the shore in meditative waves was a calm serenity that was hardly ever afforded a Witcher. The salt spray clung to his face and clothes, slowly permeating the fabric. The wind tugged at his hair, trying to pull it out of the neat bun knotted at his nape. He breathed deeply, wanting to keep the scent of the sea with him always. Wanted it to seep into his pores and never let him go. 
That the rest of the world was on fire meant little to him as he stood on the ragged hump of land overlooking the harbour pier, now nothing but greying timbers jutting out of the bay like skeletal fingers. The sea was reclaiming what man had once tried to tame, dragging the husks of derelict fishing and sailing boats down into its embrace. The docks themselves were warped by time and neglect, broken planks sticking up at odd angles, the remnants of rusted nails leaving behind dark red residue.
Beside Geralt, Jaskier hummed quietly to himself, fingers tapping a rhythm on his thigh. The Witcher’s lips twisted in a wry grin at the other man's inability to stay still, even here.
"Do you think they'll really come?" Bright blue eyes looked up at him hopefully. "It seems such a long way to journey on such little information."
Geralt grunted before clearing his throat, the sound like gravel over pavement. He'd developed a cough about half a century ago, it seemed, and no amount of water made it better. "They'll come," he answered, voice firm. He nodded out over the waves. "Look, you can see the first of the ships now."
Despite Jaskier squinting, leaning forward so much over the edge of the hill that he had to grab onto Geralt’s arm to keep himself from falling, Geralt knew he wouldn't be able to see the ships driving through the thick fog towards them. He still laughed as Jaskier glared at him indignantly, grumbling about the unfair advantage Witcher senses had over his own.
It always gave Geralt pause, to remember that despite Jaskier not actually being human, there wasn't anything that separated him from his mortal kin. Nothing outward, anyway.
As the ships drew nearer, and Jaskier could finally make them out, Geralt’s keener eyes could see the figures darting about the decks, checking rigging and tacking the sails against the ever-present wind.
"Is that him?" Jaskier asked suddenly, his voice holding a note of apprehension.
"That's them," Geralt corrected gently. Jaskier made an apologetic sound, ducking his head. He pointed to where the docks were the least broken and most sturdy looking. "They'll tie up there. Come on; let's go great them."
As Geralt strode down the hill, Jaskier quickened his pace to keep up, wrapping long fingers around his forearm to keep himself steady against the now buffeting wind. He was silent for a long time as they walked, and Geralt would have been worried if not for the look of concentration on his face.
Finally, he broke his reverie, looking forward and not at Geralt as he said, "I'm not certain what to say to them after all this time. I've only ever seen maybe a handful in my lifetime."
Geralt huffed another laugh, coughing lightly as the air caught in his throat. "I suppose you'd start with a greeting. Someone kind of welcome."
He paused as Jaskier looked up at him with an earnestness he wasn't expecting.
"Yes. But how do you welcome the King of Elves back to their own lands after they've been gone for centuries? I don't think a normal 'hello' is going to suffice."
"Hmm." The Witcher gathered his thoughts, trying to put all his feelings and experiences into words. It seemed an impossible task, but he would do his best. For Jaskier.
"The humans are nearly extinct now. They've decimated the lands they sought to invade, the ones they drove the Elves out of. Asking them to return, to try to help and rebuild is a tall order, but Filavandrel is not like their father. They've been here before. They know what it's like. I believe they'll see it as an opportunity for a new beginning."
Jaskier mulled his words for a moment before sighing. He eyed the Elves disembarking from the first of the ships, golden armour glinting in the midday sun. "I hope you're right. Their presence may be the only thing that can turn the tide of this war."
Silently, Geralt agreed, but he kept his doubts to himself. He had a King to greet.
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deaths · 1 year
oh yeah i dunno if this adds or takes from it but like that wasn't just a letter written from your f/o by an anon thing- i'm kin with piers and. well. i do have some mems so. felt like i should clarify that
OH... HI PIERS KIN!!! UM it doesnt take away DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT!!! thats kinda cute awe ahaha..
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🎶i'm a creep i'm a weirdo🎶
here's an introductory post (also i apologize in advance to anyone interact with who is uncomfortable sharing any F/Os or if i fit in your DNI i check people's bio/pinned/card i just didn't see it)
i'm orion i am proship and this is a selfship blog i made because i think there are to many antis in the tmnt fandom (i am obsessed with raph. i've been in this fandom since i was 12 someone help/j)
edit third round:
i am a very forgotful person so expect me to edit this post a lot as i remember things and my whims
i don't really have a dni because the people i would put in one wouldn't respect it anyway. well aside from minors i don't want minors interacting with me
nsfw post will be under the nsft tag as well as a community label (you will be warned of kinks on top of the read more)
on a similar note look out for these tags:
cw: age gap
cw: grooming
cw: pokephilia
cw: noncon
cw: drugs
cw: drugging
i don't know how active i will be i have pretty bad chronic fatigue so i might fall off of the face of the earth sometimes
while this blog will most likely be mostly about tmnt i might post other fandoms too
while i have a gaint obsession with raph i also like donnie too so expect to see him as well
I am fairly political so a warning for that as well because i do not fuck around with people's lives (i wish caring about genocides wasn't political fuck the government)
one more thing i should mention is i am a therian/otherkin so you might see post about it from time to time
edit part two electric boogaloo:
list of my kins/theriotypes
spider (black widow, regal jumper and diving bell),
moth (luna moth, and deaths head hawk moth),
bee (honey bee, bumble bee, and vulter bee),
cat (just a normal old black cat),
ball jointed doll
i've seen some other self shippers do this so...
here's an ever expanding F/O list and the emojis i will be using for them from now on: (note: i don't mind doubles and all F/Os are romantic unless it is stated otherwise) edit: yandere F/Os will have this 🔪 emoji at the beginning of there names
2012 tmnt:
🔪raph 😡🐢
donnie 🟣🐢
raph 🧸❤️ (again lol)
🔪donnie 🕺💜 (i have an odd attachment to these two turtles it seems)
🔪piers 🤍🖤 (sword/sheild)
allister 🎭👻 (sword/shield)
🔪guzma 🪲🐛 (sun/moon)
🔪nanu 🐈‍⬛️🚨 (sun/moon)
🔪larry 💼🐦 (scarlet/violet)
midnight lycanroc name: eclipse⚧️ (shiny) 🐺✨️
goodra⚧️ name: gumdrop 🐌☂️
lowkey toxtricity⚧️ name: roxy⚡️🎸
garchomp♂️ name: treasure🐉💎
umbreon⚧️ name: silver (shiny) ✨️🌙
Gardevoir♂️ name:wisp 🌌🩰
Feraligatr♀️ name: pearl 🐊💧
ceruledge♀️ name: sapphire ⚔️🔷️
🔪piglin brute♂️ name: bruce 🐷🪓
🔪enderman♀️ name: tulip 🔮⚫️
hazbin hotel:
valentino 🚬❣️
helluva boss:
mammon 💵💰
asmodeus 🐓💙
🔪sun 🌞🎭
🔪moon 🌜🎭
eclipse 🌑🃏
glamrock freddy 🎤🐻
hancock 🍃🚬 (fallout 4)
nick ❤️🤖 (fallout 4)
fatgum 🟠🍜
legends of zelda:
sidon ❤️🦈 (breath of the wild)
rune factory:
murakumo 🐺💜 (rune factory 5)
ludmila 💗🌹 (rune factory 5)
ryker 🌑⚔️ (rune factory 5)
S/I ages and emoji list: (note none of my S/Is are or ever will be my actual age i wish to remain as ambiguous as possible)
mars 22 🪐🕸 (2012tmnt)
mars 22 🦋🌙 (rottmnt also there's no moth emoji rip)
nova 13 🌠☠️ (pokemon)
atlas 24 🐝🏡(minecraft)
aster ☄️🥁 (fnaf security breach)
lunar 22 🌘😈 (helluva boss)
celeste 🔥🖤 (hazbin hotel)
cosmo 24 🦈🩺 (fallout 4)
stellan 18 🌑✨️ (bnha/mha)
i don't have S/Is for rune factory or legends of zelda at this point
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Idk I'm deciding to make a list of my f/o's and which fandoms they're from. List may change of course if i remember any
Also if it's not obvious... I have no fuckin clue what my type is
Note - i am in way more fandoms than this, but a good portion of them i have no f/o's in.
The Arcana -
Muriel (simp/kin mix moment -)
Vulgora (though they could beat my ass-)
Valdemar (tho I'm also scared of them)
Volta (platonic. Also i kin her sm but we don't mention that)
Julian and Portia (both platonic ik shocking with how many people simp for Julian, they both remind me of my cousins irl too much.)
Asra (platonic)
Punch Out -
Dragon Chan
Birdie and Little Mac (both platonic)
Heike Kagero (Platonic, again)
Bear Hugger (platonic)
Both of the Bruiser bros (platonic)
Piston Hondo (platonic... Shockingly)
Bob Charlie (platonic)
Hoy Quarlow (platonic ofc)
Aran Ryan (platonic)
Bald Bull (platonic)
Soda Popinski (platonic)
A Hat in Time -
The Empress
Conductor (Platonic)
Hat and Bow Kid (both platonic ofc)
Mario series (of multiple varieties) -
Note: i really like the villains from series. Also RIP AlphaDream for the RPG characters
Antasma (platonic)
Fawful (platonic)
Dimentio (platonic, but we WILL cause CHAOS)
Cookie Run (buckle up because there's a shocking amount for this one)-
Licorice Cookie
Captain Caviar Cookie
Black Pearl Cookie
Carmel Arrow Cookie
Crunchy Chip Cookie
Red Velvet Cookie
Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Ananas Dragon Cookie
Lotus Dragon Cookie
Black Raisin Cookie
String Gummy Cookie
Energy Drink Cookie
Rye Cookie
Poison Mushroom Cookie, Gumball Cookie, Strawberry Cookie, Sorbet Cookie (ALL platonic ofc, they're all kids)
Pokemon -
Arven (platonic bc that boi needs so much comfort)
Spiderman -
Pavitr (platonic)
Miles (1610 & 042) (either way both platonic)
Hobie (I hc him as 19 btw, but people online trying to agree on his age is as consistent as my mental state istg bc I've seen people say he's younger)
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“ Where am I? Who are you, I don’t — ! ”
chris at piers ! (maybe a resident evil six au where he doesn’t runaway and someone stays at the hospital with him?)
Amnesia starters
Piers was nodding in and out of sleep. He'd been awake all night, courtesy of time zones, sending emails to Claire, calling HQ to update them on Chris's status, to figure out what the hell the plan was from here, notifying Ben, Carl, Andy, and Finn's next of kin of their deaths.... It was a job he hated that he had to do right now, but he knew there was no one else who could.
He wasn't ready to be a leader. He wasn't ready to face the possibility that he might not have a choice, that Chris's career with the BSAA might be over, that his captain may not ever even wake up, could die in his sleep at any moment.... Those thoughts had kept him from sleeping, even after all the calls had been made. Those thoughts had left him sitting, staring at the blank white walls of Chris's hospital room, wondering what exactly he was going to do-- what he even could do-- if Chris didn't wake up.
Eventually, his fatigue had won out and he had begun drifting off, jerking awake every now and again when a nurse came in to check on Chris, when the custodial staff came in to empty the trash can where Piers had placed the remnants of the piss-poor hospital cafeteria food he'd managed to choke down so he would have something in his stomach...
And now, Chris sat up, clearly panicked, causing the sniper to nearly fall out of his chair.
"Hey! Hey, hey hey.... It's okay. You're okay. You're in the hospital.... You hit your head." Piers took a deep, steadying breath. "It's... How much do you.... You don't know who...." He stopped midway through each question, unable to make himself finish them. Chris didn't remember him. This.... Probably wasn't good.
"I'm Piers," he settled on finally. "Piers Nivans."
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mxtxkinfessions · 2 years
It's been so long since I've remembered a kin dream. I know figures drift in and out, but there's not been anything solid in what feels like months. I miss the rest of the Yi City gang, I miss my family, and I miss jumping around Lotus Pier when I go to sleep, even though I'm not sure I was ever actually there.
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a-streakofblue · 2 years
My kins, this isn't going to have a layout or anything. It doesn't need one, if any of my kins catch your curiosity/interest, I'm open to make a follow-up post explaining why I kin said character! Enjoy :)
These aren't in any order, feel free to judge me on this if you'd like.
Haikyuu: Yaku, Akaashi, Kuroo, Komori, Konoha, Iwaizumi, Suga.
AOT: Armin
Resident Evil: Leon, Piers, Claire.
DSMP: George, Techno, Wilbur, Sapnap, Dream? (This is questionable), ranboo.
Star Wars: Anakin, Luke.
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turffieldstadium · 4 years
Now that you're alive and the isle of armor DLC will be here soon, how about we get Piers, Raihan and Leon spending a day at the beach? Or perhaps meeting a Kubfu?
Me being alive is debatable at this point I'll be real
He hates the sun, he hates sand, he hates saltwater, and he hates swimming, so someone has to drag him to a beach cause he Will Not go of his own accord.
Sits his ass on a chair under a beach umbrella and doesn't move from that spot the entire time. He showed up, that's enough. No one told him he had to participate in Beach Activities.
He's equally likely to show up in an old man striped one-piece swimming outfit as he is to wear just a normal shirt and shorts.
When his pasty white ass sees sunlight for more than four minutes he gets a sunburn. He never tans.
Neutral towards Kubfu. He supposes it's cute but eh, not his vibe.
That being said he thinks the Tower of Darkness sounds like the coolest shit n he's kinda mad when he finds out it's just a Kubfu only zone.
After like ten minutes of getting selfies n photos of whoever he's with he remembers he loves the beach and that he's here to have fun.
He can and will pick Piers up bridal style to dump him in the ocean then spend 10 minutes trying not to die afterwards.
He likes to find a quiet spot away from the crowds of people to sit n just vibe for a while by himself. It's nice.
Dude definitely has fuckin. Dragon-type print boardshorts cause he's a dweeb.
Not having a Kubfu when Leon has one is like... violating some part of the rival code. He starts the trials purely to actually make it to a tower cause unlike Leon's dumb ass, Raihan won't get lost.
Probably goes for a Rapid-Strike Urshifu so he can utilise it with a Rain Dance team.
He's the dude who gets buried in the sand up to his neck and falls asleep until the tide starts rising.
Leon can't swim but by god he won't let that stop him. He has his own Squirtle-print arm floaties and an Inteleon inner tube.
He likes looking for shells n other goodies along the shore. This is how he accidentally befriends like Every wild Pokemon in the area too, since he can't resist trying to pat every one he sees.
Wears a regular singlet n shorts but he definitely like ties a beach towel around his shoulders to act like his cape.
Since it's canon Leon never finished the trials cause he got lost on the way to the towers, he still has a Kubfu!
She's his fuckin BABY but he doesn't battle with her often. Not for Champion battles at least. He usually leaves her at home with his mum.
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infinite-insignia · 4 years
sadly, this blog is officially on hiatus until further notice.
yeah I know it sucks. I apologize. I just can’t bring myself to write stuff here atm, I’ve lost motivation and have been active in the pokemon rpc instead. if you’re interested, go follow me on @rxsethxrned and @spikerxcked, where I’ll be more active. thanks for understanding, guys. love ya. - Sig
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spikerxcked · 4 years
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“Rose ran off t’ Alola ‘cause people say he started a war there?” Takes a sip of a fruit punch-flavored Capri-Sun. “Not my problem.” Siiiiiip.
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rxsethxrned · 4 years
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((ok so a huge part of me wants to make a piers rp blog even tho I don’t need to cause I should instead be gettin back to stuff on @infinite-insignia​ but pokemon is proving to be my special interest as of late and piers is officially part of that special interest and I may or may not have 600+ icons of him already made and I have no impulse control so like. I’m most likely gonna end up making one cause it’s saturday morning and I have all the free time in the world. is this a bad decision? maybe. do I need 2 pokemon blogs? no. am I gonna have 2? yeah.))
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