#I'm not hunting for spoilers just physical descriptions
seathiing · 10 months
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What is wrong with the people writing the wildbow wikis I don't think they're ok
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memyselfandmya · 5 months
Notes on the JWCT Trailer
This will include spoilers and also my possible theories for events that will happen in the show so if you don't want to read that then keep scrolling.
Why is future Brooklynn always shoving her face into cameras?? Fits her character, I guess. In all serious, I love her new design even if it's only for a few seconds, the hair suits her face really well.
ALSO SHE'S DEAD????? I mean I had a feeling that if it were to be one of the campers it be her, but to have it confirmed is insane.
I secretly believe she's not dead and I might make another post about that. Unless we actually see her die I won't believe it.
Darius is never going to escape this guilt and the pressure of being responsible for the lives of others, is he? Give my baby a break.
Also I'm so used to referring to the campers as my babies but now they're grown ass adults that are significantly older than me, like what?
I'm excited to see what's actually going to be on Dark Jurassic bc we know people are tracking dinosaurs but I want to know all of the crazy conspiracies.
Why are they after the campers? That's my biggest question. I truly can't wait to see who's hunting them and why.
AHHH the rest of the campers are 100% confirmed. It was kind of obvious after the leaks and the show description but actually seeing them is making me feel some kind of way.
YASAMMY. As for if Sammy and yaz are still together, that's what I'm interested in. The way Ben was talking, it seems like everyone is separated, which would include Sammy and Yaz. It's possible that they could be physically together but I feel like that it would also make it way more easier to track everyone down if two of the three people were already with each other. This doesn't necessarily mean that they're now separated, they could always just be doing long distance or whatever. My theory is that Yaz and Sammy broke up at one point--Why? I don't know--just to make the separation/isolation between the campers more drastic but then that classic thing will happen where the two characters part of a larger group have broken up but are forced to regroup with everyone else, and therefore each other, and it's awkward at first, especially with the close proximity but then they begin to rekindle their relationship and make amends. Sometimes that ends with one of them dying at the end but praying that won't happen. If they're not together then this is the only alternative I'll take. Sammy and Yaz do seem to be very cutesy in the later scenes so it doesn't seem tooo out of reach.
The scene where Ben's van is driving along a road is giving major Texas vibes -> Sammy?? My guess is that she's the first they go to find.
I love Sammy's new design; her outfit just feels like her and the pink hair ends are everything I need. An homage to Brooklynn maybe? We all know Sammy was her biggest fan.
Also the clip of her seems to be like a fair or something which makes sense but it also looks like a couple of things are knocked over like a pole and a bucket. Also she's taking up a defensive stand. Could there have been like a county fair that was attacked by dinosaurs? That's what I'm thinking.
Kenji's design is cool. I don't have much to say about it but it feels like him enough. My boy is also getting active, I see. Is that his coping mechanism? Such a stark contrast to the lazy boy we once knew.
Yaz's new design I like. She's my favorite so I feel like I might me most critical about her design. Her hair is super cute but it's also taking a bit to get used to because in one clip she reminded me of Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug and I can't unsee it but it looks great in her first clip. I love the bangs. I'm curious about the background in that clip, I wish we got to see more of it. It looks sort of like a metal fence so could she be in Texas with Sammy. Later, I'm going to propose a theory that might oppose this idea though.
The next scene with the mysterious man is interesting. Is he one of the guy hunting them? The phone also seems to pink which does't seem like a color he would have. You want to know who would have a pink phone?? BROOKLYNN. I saw a theory by @snaileo which I like, that it's Brooklynn's phone which seems plausible. Perhaps it could be directly after Brooklynn's been attacked and sent that video to the others (Ben?) to warn them. So now the campers would know they're being hunted or whatever which could be the potential "problem" the guy is talking about. Just an idea.
I can't fucking wait until May 24th
The next scene definitely has to take place on Sammy's ranch. It's got that Texas terrain and there's also those pasture fence things and Sammy's in the scene. (And Bumpy too??? FUCKING YESSS). She also kind of moves in front of Ben and Darius like, "who the fuck is coming to my ranch??" Maybe I'm just overanalyzing that but we do know Sammy gets defensive over her ranch. Ben and Darius probably went to her first by the looks of it as Kenji and Yaz aren't pictured. Anyways, I'm so excited to see this place that Sammy committed corporate espionage for.
The scene with Ben in the kitchen place area talking about the raptors has a bunch of boxes in the background. I'm thinking this might still be Darius' cabin but the walls and general atmosphere seem a lot lighter. It could just be because it's day in that scene. Whoever's place it is, the boxes likely either mean that somebody's just moved in or that whoever lives there is prepared to leave at a moment's notice which is why I think it's Darius' cabin. At the same time, the door that's seen for a split second on 0.25 (yes that's the speed I'm watching it at, they're lucky I can't go slower) doesn't seem like a door that would belong in his cabin. It kind of reminds me of an RV. I do have to go and re-watch the teaser trailer to remind myself of what his cabin looks like. But if it's not Darius' place then who could it be? It could be Kenji's place because he looks all comfortable on the bed but then again, it's Kenji, he'll make himself comfortable anywhere. Maybe it's where Ben is staying. I'm probably looking way too deeply into this location but I need to know every detail until the show comes out.
The next scene obviously takes place in Sammy's house/ranch. One, she's there. Two, the overall home has that western/southern vibe to it, like with that swinging door thing. Three, if you look closely enough, there's a sign that says, "love hard, ranch harder," which, honestly that's definitely something that would be in Sammy's house. Four, if you still need proof, the thing she knocks over is a pitch fork thing which is very farmer-y. Also that door that she runs out of? That is a southern-door if I've ever seen one. Im jk but also I'm not. I wonder if this is happening before or after Ben and Darius arrive there. I want to say it's after because of the, "they found us," that precedes the scene but if so, where are they in that moment? An idea I have is that this scene happens first, and as she's running, she stumbles upon those two which is where we have that other scene where the car is driving up which could be the people who are handling/using the raptors. Edit: probs wrong bc the sky/times don't match
I cannot read maps for the fucking life of me. Does anybody know what it's of? I wonder where, when, and how Sammy acquired that map from Brooklynn because it could likely mean that Brooklynn had more contact with people before she "died." I just really want to find out the mystery surrounding her death/disappearance. What does the note say, hmm?
I ran out of space so I have to make a Pt.2 lmao
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xpurdyglambertx · 10 months
**Trigger warning for non-con and abuse discussion**
I received the most amazing comment on one of my stories today on AO3, and I'd just like to take a moment to briefly discuss/unpack here.
"My Brother's Keeper, My Father's Prisoner" is an omega!verse story centered around Dean, and I start it off by breezing through some of his and Sam's past as kids, growing up on the road with John on hunts. Eventually, Dean presents as an omega, and his life changes in a dark, and traumatic way that ends up really damaging his psyche.
Anyways, without giving too much away, *spoilers in this post are inevitable, I'm sorry* John is very abusive towards Dean. In my last chapter, there's a short non-con scene that I had to be kinda picky-choosey in writing because I didn't wanna make it too wordy and lose my audience. It's hard when writing things like this to get the subtext or underlying meaning across sometimes because you don't wanna overload your readers with too much description, ya know?
That being said, I'm glad my subtext is still comprehensive, even if it's not being *physically* said. This whole comment hit the nail right on the head of what I was trying to convey! As someone who grew up in an abusive household, I tried really hard to pull from my experiences to make John's and Dean's interactions as realistic as possible, especially in the psychological aspects.
Here's the comment in question-
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I'm not quite sure why I felt compelled to post about this, maybe to gloat a bit... who knows, lol. But if you are interested in reading to see what im fussing over, I'll link it below! It IS dark. Please note the tags if you decide to read!
EDIT TO ADD - I got another one 💞😭 What do I do to deserve these kind of comments? Y'all are truly amazing 💞
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catcas22 · 2 years
Hello, hello again! I'm working on an idea right now, and I'm wondering if you could provide some input. It's pretty simple really—just one question. Just how ruthless of a ruler is Marika based on what we've seen in the game? I've seen a lot of people headcanon her as psychotic (funny image) and calculating, but some things are leading me believe otherwise to an extent and is making me think of a probably outlandish idea especially concerning her relationship with the Malenia and Miquella (kind of!). I'll be keeping those to my chest though until I eventually go through my thoughts again with fresh eyes.
- Outdated Theorist
This is something I've been wanting to post about for awhile, so this is as good a time as any to get my thoughts down on paper. Bear with me, I'm still trying to get my head around all of this myself.
Disclaimer: I haven't spent nearly as much time exploring and lorehunting in late game as I have in the early game. If I've overlooked something major, please let me know in the replies.
First, I'm going to define terms. For a long time I treated the Greater Will, the Golden Order and the Elden Beast as if they were interchangeable. They are not.
The Erdtree: The current iteration of the World Tree, as it appears in the age of the Greater Will.
The Greater Will: An outer god, the god of the current age. Marika is its chosen Empyrean.
The Elden Beast: The physical manifestation of the Greater Will. Came to the Lands Between in the form of a falling star.
The Golden Order: The religion which has grown up around Marika, the Greater Will, and the Erdtree.
The Elden Ring: Physical manifestation of the structure of reality (the natural laws of the world). Existed long before the arrival of the Elden Beast.
Out of all of these, the Golden Order has the most direct influence in-game. We talk to its followers, we learn about its policies, we see the effect that it has had on the world. I think we can safely say that the Golden Order is an evil, tyrannical power structure. Aside from the long list of specific atrocities (the killing/shunning of omens, the enslavement of their former troll allies, the Tarnished hunts, the mass crucifixions...), the Golden Order has a half-dozen genocides, some complete and some ongoing, to its name.
The question then becomes, who is holding the reins of the Golden Order? Who is actually issuing these orders? Some possibilities:
The GO (Golden Order) is under the control of the GW (Greater Will), with orders being passed through the Finger Readers.
The GO is Marika's order, with her ruling directly prior to the Shattering, and ruling via servants such as Morgott or Gideon Ofnir after her imprisonment in the Erdtree.
The GO was enforced by Marika, but the GW was the one in charge.
The GO is simply the religion that people have built up around Marika and the GW. People like Gideon are the ones actually calling the shots. While the GO might profess loyalty to Marika, in actuality she is riding a tiger that she has long since lost control of.
Personally, I think some combination of options 1 and 2 is most likely. 3 and 4 would both make an excellent story, I just don't think that's the story that the game is telling. However, I don't have enough hard evidence to say for sure either way.
The second question: how much agency did Marika have in her relationship the the GW? The descriptions on Marika's Scarseal and Marika's Soreseal provide a degree of insight.
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The scarseal (top) is found in the Sofria River, and the soreseal (bottom) is found in Elphael. If the in-game placement is at all significant, it would suggest to me that Marika had begun to chafe under her assigned duty at least by the time the twins established Elphael (fairly late in the timeline).
It is also worth noting that the outer gods do not seem capable of directly mind-controlling their Empyreans. The only instance of direct mind-control appears to be Blaidd, where it is explicitly stated that the GW activated him to kill Ranni. The shadows (Blaidd and Maliketh) seem to have a dual purpose -- protect their assigned Empyrean as long as they are useful, but kill them if they stray.
The fact that the shadows can be mind-controlled to kill their Empyreans suggests that the Empyreans themselves cannot be directly controlled -- if an outer god could brute-force compliance, the shadow contingency would be redundant. Also worth noting that while the Scarlet Rot can afflict Malenia's body, it does not appear to be in control of her mind. Even in her Goddess of Rot form, she remains lucid (or at least as lucid as she was in phase 1).
A possible refutation: We do see what appears to be the GW (or the Elden Beast?) puppeting Radagon's corpse in phase 1 of the final boss fight. However, there's so much ambiguity surrounding exactly what Radagon is and what's going on with him and the GW that I'm hesitant to use this as a data point.
So, possible interpretations:
The GW has been forcing Marika into service from the very beginning. She never had a choice, and she has been trying to free herself ever since.
Marika made a Faustian bargain that she did not fully understand. She allied herself with the GW in the pursuit of power, but quickly realized that she was in for more than she signed up for and started trying to get out of it.
Marika served the GW willingly early on, using her position as God of the Current Age to forge herself an empire. As the years went on, she began to doubt her path, and started making plans to remove the influence of the GW.
Marika was a willing participant and fully in control of the GO right up until the Night of Black Knives. Now that someone she actually cared about had been hurt, she finally turned on the GW, only to be imprisoned in the Erdtree for her treachery.
I tend to lean towards option 3, but you could make a case for any of these. How you interpret Marika relies on this foundation.
If option 1 is true, Marika is innocent, a victim of forces beyond her control much like Ranni, Malenia, and Miquella.
If option 2 is true, Marika is a tragic figure, with all her scheming and sacrificing in service to correcting a terrible mistake she made in her youth. This is my second favorite interpretation after #3.
If option 3 (which I find the most compelling), Marika is morally grey, maybe an anti-hero, maybe a sympathetic villain. On the one hand, she is fighting against the GW, which is admirable. On the other, she spent the better part of her life fighting for the GW because it suited her purposes to do so. Now that she's had a change of heart, she expects her children/step-children to either clean up her mess or die in the attempt.
If option 4, Marika is a spiteful, power-hungry sociopath. She was more than happy to lead a campaign of conquest, oppression, and genocide, right up until it affected someone she cared about. At which point she said "screw you guys, I'm going home" and took a literal hammer to the laws of physics.
Some of Marika's Dialogue, via Melina:
The Erdtree governs all. The choice is thine. Become one with the Order. Or divest thyself of it. To wallow at the fringes; a powerless upstart.
This suggests to me that in the beginning, Marika joined the GW willingly -- not under threats or coercion, but because she wanted to be the God of the New Age rather than remain "a powerless upstart."
Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices...
This is ultimately what pushes me away from option 2 and toward option 3. These are the words of a woman who sees her children as objects, tools to be used and discarded as convenient.
Ultimately, how much sympathy you have for Marika depends on how early she began to work against the GW. Marika wasn't on board from the beginning? Tragic, deserved better, trying her best, not the hero the Lands Between deserved but the one it needed. Marika was on board with the GW's agenda until like 5 minutes before she shattered the Elden Ring? Complete monster, genocidal maniac, worst mother ever, makes the Pale King look like a saint.
And honestly? We don't have enough information to pin down exactly when her attitude changed. That part is up to personal interpretation.
As for where the "Psycho wine-mom with a hammer" image came from, I think that's a combination of Rule of Funny, the option 4 interpretation, and the small-scale family interactions. You know...
"These two are kind of ugly." *flush*
"Yes Radagon, this is a booty call. No, I don't care that you have a wife and three kids."
"Me? Experience consequences? Nope, hammer time!"
While hilarious, I don't think Marika was meant to be that much of a one-dimensional monster in-game. Remember that GRRM developed the lore of Elden Ring. Marika might be a monster, but she'd be complex and well-written monster.
Hopefully that answers your question!
And a sincere thankyou to anyone who made it to the end of this novel.
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obsolete-stars-if · 10 months
Yeah you fully intended to depress the shit out of me with this chapter omg my poor MC. 😭
Spoilers semi... I need to rant. Sorry.
Okay let me try to be an adult about this. I loved the update. I usually love your writing but this chapter fully hit me with so many emotions. I think MC didn't have much time to fully process everything since chapter 1. We've kind of been thrown to the sharks and made to sink or swim (hey we just had sea travel if i don't use that I'd be stupid) the journey was long and although We've rested along the way they've never truly just been able to be alone. So this chapter when we had that omg the reality of it all settling it, the abandonment, the resentment, the helplessness woah it hit me so that trigger warning is very warranted.
Even having all of our companions nothing could be done because ultimately we are still alone, so different but the same. Tarik still being a massive dick making my poor mc feel like shit for trusting him and that talk with Samuel broke my heart.
I'm however excited to properly talk to Mikhail though you calling him a wimp made me laugh. Also confused on who the super scary dude is. His relative I'm assuming from the description
This was perhaps my favorite chapter. The writing was exceptional. It truly was. ♥️
PS the fuck around and find out note made me laugh so hard and unexpectedly my daughter hit me with her rattle.. so I have a possible rattle concussion. Thanks for that 😑
Thank you so much for the ask. It really keeps me going you have no idea.
Talking about semi spoilers down the cut
The mc absolutely has been not been able to process any of it, and now that you are there and actually have a breather to process,,, you will have many emotions. And a lot of those emotions you get to finally express and release in the next few chapters, and that can be very unhealthy too, or you can keep letting it eat you up.
Mikhail knows that this marriage is forced, and I call him a wimp BCS i am giving you the option unhealthily process your emotions with being angry and mean to him. They won't do much about it since they are aware of the situation u r in and that this might be the only way to let it out. And obv he'd rather have you be angry at him than anyone else who doesn't have control over it like your companions.
TK does have their motives to act the way they do, and you will learn about it, esp in near chapters, since there will be... A lot coming towards everyone.
Also the whole dog thing, I was playing nice chapter, these dogs are bred and train to hunt humans, so.... Act like prey, and you'll be hunted down. And I'm holding not back the next chapters, so you will actually get physically harmed if u think running down the halls is a good idea.
But there's also fluff coming up. Getting to know Mikhail (he cares so much about u and wants to be ur friend), and you get the answer who that scary dude is very soon, I promise. (Don't call Mikhail a bastard he might cum)
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keptalivebymagic · 2 months
I finished A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal! I hated it! I'm heated about how bad it was!!
I'll start off by saying that I hope the people who loved it are all very, very young. Or very, very new to reading. In which case, I'm happy for you and I sincerely hope you continue reading and I hope you discover more books, at least some of which are well-written.
Also, I know this book is in the same universe as We Hunt the Flame and We Free the Stars, but I understood it to be separate from them. Still, it's clear there are bits in this that should have been explained further but aren't because (presumably) Hafsah Faizal has already gone over them in the previous duology. It doesn't take away from the fact that the magic system (and the existence of elves, to a lesser degree) are just tossed into this book with very little rationale, purpose, or consequence. Which is a giant goddamn waste. She could have just kept this as a vampire story and moved along.
More thoughts (with many spoilers):
What exactly have the Casimirs done to earn any kind of reputation on the streets? Arthie ruins the former business that occupied the Spindrift building but nobody is supposed to know who did that. Jin is said to have killed someone for Rose Ashby (off screen and in the past) (and why? For money? We never find out how Rose knew him nor what has happened to their relationship since). Jin shoots Matteo but since the latter is a vampire, we know it's more of a statement than physical harm. Jin then attacks the guy at the foundry to defend Flick, which is probably the only actual instance of violence he perpetrates. Arthie, meanwhile, mostly just threatens people. We don't get to see the two of them in a proper fight until page 274 of a 336-page book.
Arthie's "cleverness" is demonstrated to us a couple of times when she threatens to reveal someone's secrets to get her way. She does this with the government official who's secretly a vampire, and that guard at the door of the Athereum. But we don't ever see her learning those secrets, nor do we see Arthie ever doing anything else with those characters, so it just comes across as a convenient way for the author to overcome a plot barrier.
The description of spaces and physical orientation of characters is so clunky. I had to re-read multiple key passages because I'd get a paragraph along and be like, "what? When did we get here? Who's that?" And the thing is, I wasn't missing bits. The prose is. This happened during the house fire in Jin's past, during Jin and Flick's break-in at the home of the vampire sisters, during Arthie and Laith's visit to the government official and the subsequent escape through the abandoned warehouse next door, and I'm sure other times I don't recall.
The overuse of "specs"; baffling, given that it's never "spectacles" but others do call them "glasses" (which might actually be an anachronism but I haven't checked).
Speaking of anachronism, Jin is said to be wearing a surgical mask at one point (at the foundry). My ghast is flabbered. There is absolutely no reason for him to be wearing a surgical mask of all things. The concept of surgical masks wasn't even a thing until 1897 and it wasn't common for another decade-plus after that. Even then, they certainly didn't have "black bands" to go over the ears like the one Jin wears; they were metal frames with a gauze bandage hanging from them. I hate so much that Faizal has tossed in this anachronism for absolutely zero reason and with zero logic internal to her own goddamn story. We never see him in a mask again, nor is it mentioned that he wears them at all.
"It's teatime, scoundrels." 🥴 Is this meant to be a catchphrase for the inevitable Netflix adaptation?
Ah, the lights. There's always lights off in the distance and they're always a metaphor. The lights are abandoned souls. No, they're abandoned wishes. No, they're abandoned souls.
Laith and Matteo are the same goddamn character. Super flirty, sexy guy with a mysterious interest in Arthie, times TWO?? Please. They also both call Arthie a "kindred spirit" and Arthie even internally acknowledges the repetition but it's not a plot device or anything! It's just an offhanded remark.
None of the characters ever have questions about the unexpected stuff that happens. Why do guards show up and catch Laith (and Arthie)? Did Matteo alert them? Why was nobody mad about that betrayal?
Why was there build-up about how scary and powerful Penn was only for him to be a nice vampire papa who, for some reason, believes in justice and has faith in the flawed system? It's so anti-climactic that they go to all this trouble to break into his office only for there to be zero consequences when they're caught, and furthermore zero personal consequences for Arthie who is revealed to have had a history with him. And then he dies anyway, and we're supposed to feel bad about it.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I'm all good, if Jkk broke up atp tbh. JM seems to glow. He looks like someone who is out of a toxic relationship and found new freedom to do and enjoy everything he liked. And I'm happy if the reason is end of Jkk for his thriving.
On other hand, I'm being honest so bare with me, JK seems so miserable. Not only my opinion, I saw many saying JK seems so sad now. And how he looks like Tae in 2019 who was at a not so good place mentally then. And how they hope he talks about it to someone and try to be happy again. In almost all contents (which is only few btw) he seems gloomy. One sec he'll laugh next sec he'll go all sad and lonely. Even in New year message, when others told about things to look forward and how they are trying lot of various things with lot of hope. JK said he wish this year goes fine without much up and down. There was zero happiness or hope in his voice.
The cackle I let out 🤣 oh boy. Anywho, here is your book recommendation! Since I do this now. I give books recs to the haters instead of entertaining their nonsense lol
ACOTAR by Sarah J Maas. To be fair, SJM writes extremely white washed and heteronormative fantasy romance books. But they are a fun sandbox of stories and relationships to play around in. So while I don't love her, her books are fun.
Content warnings: Drugging, Emotional abuse, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Murder, Physical abuse, Sex scenes, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Torture, Violence, and Racist/Homophobic undertones in stereotypes for certain characters.
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Description of book 1: Feyre's survival rests upon her ability to hunt and kill – the forest where she lives is a cold, bleak place in the long winter months. So when she spots a deer in the forest being pursued by a wolf, she cannot resist fighting it for the flesh. But to do so, she must kill the predator and killing something so precious comes at a price ...
Dragged to a magical kingdom for the murder of a faerie, Feyre discovers that her captor, his face obscured by a jewelled mask, is hiding far more than his piercing green eyes would suggest. Feyre's presence at the court is closely guarded, and as she begins to learn why, her feelings for him turn from hostility to passion and the faerie lands become an even more dangerous place. Feyre must fight to break an ancient curse, or she will lose him forever.
As for WHY I'm recommending this series to anon based off their message, that will be full of SPOILERS SO DONT READ AFTER THE NEXT PHOTO IF YOU DONT WANT SPOILERS
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Feyre is in a relationship with Tamlin for the entire first book basically. And into the second. But due to their own traumas, the relationship is incredibly toxic and unhealthy. She ends up leaving him and finds her fated mate in Rhys. Where she blooms and blossoms and becomes a very powerful person. Tamlin withers, becomes lonely, depressed, and full of malice. Her new relationship and just new life even before she gets into said new relationship is honestly super great. Im being honest anon, so bare with me please. You'd probably enjoy reading about the come up, which means you'll have to at least get to book 2 in the series anon. Good luck. Hopefully this gives you some characters you can obsess over so that you can leave the real people who are in BTS alone and stop treating them like characters in the story in your head. Thanks!
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cynicalsympathy · 1 year
So I saw Last Voyage of the Demeter...
Went in without any real expectations; it's been forever since I read the book or watched the old movie with Hopkins and I was honestly too young to really get them at that time. But it's been forever since I saw anything truly 'vampire horror' and the closest I've had was...Shadows Over Innistrad when it came out...
So with a clean palate and very little tolerance for the horror genre, I actually enjoyed it.
Visuals were great. The Demeter setting sail into the sunset felt like an adventure beginning and yet the shot of the Romani praying for them added dreadful anticipation. The cgi of the fog at the end was awesome and I had genuine dread of the bloodbath about to occur because as Anna pointed out, it was coming, he could feast. The old fashioned Nosferatu look with modern equipment was really good, and a good choice I felt instead of trying to make him look "exotic" somehow or just regular corpse with fangs. The changes as he fed were subtle but I'd likely see more with a second viewing or some side-by-side comparison stills.
And the audio! The sounds of the ship and calm ocean were so relaxing; it contrasts wonderfully with the horrible sucking as he feeds, the heavy raspy breathing, the wings beating, his voice coming from everywhere. I couldn't make out every word he said--at one part, climbing the rigging after a guy, I thought he said "Now, please," and when the storm kicked up a notch, I thought he did some vocal weather control. "You will be," was the first I didn't second guess my hearing. If that was the intent, well done! If not, oh well, I'll need hearing aids eventually.
The AC kicked on a few times, sending a breeze on my ankles in tense moments and I barely stopped myself from curling into the chair.
I was scared for Toby, trapped in the cabin with a monster inside and a friend turned monster outside and teared up at the funeral and what happened. The last image of him will likely be in my nightmares because it was the biggest gut wrench. The captain looked much older at the funeral and the way he yelled, reaching out even as he saw the horror Dracula had turned Toby into was just...10/10 *chef's kiss* traumatic. It looked like his mouth was moving as he sank. All I could think was that running water is a classic weakness so that second death was probably extra agony.
I did not expect anyone to survive that long. I really wanted Anna to survive because I like characters like her. I suspected she was infected and confirmation was still saddening. Her description of the toll that abuse had on her was a perfect blend of literal physical description and metaphorical for her spiritual pain. Really thought she died off-screen in that last fight and all we would see her bloody remains with a horrified expression; lived in fear and died in fear, her life tragic and her end unnoticed. Glad she didn't happen that way.
The mental connection between Dracula and his turned victims was cool. Very much an aspect of vampire lore I like to see. Makes me wonder if Dracula avoided the ambush because he was in Anna's head; she said "He knows me" as that fog rose up, as if realizing the two-way connection foiled the plan. But then, he used fog to escape the cargo hold so maybe he was just a clever hunter, knowing an ambush was their best chance. The Night Haunter just wishes. Dracula's first "ghoul"/"husk" I forget what Stoker used for a baby vampire, him trying to speak as if trying to warn them was bittersweet and just painful as I realized why he felt burning a second before the shot switched to the sun on the deck.
I'm glad Mr. Clarence survived though I suspect his death occurs off-screen, cat-&-mouse hunting Dracula in the moors, given that Dracula was full-fledged human looking by the time he sees Mina. I felt the last scene was implying that Clarence was the final 'meal' to restore the Count's body to youth.
Using the ship's knocking signal was a great touch; at first I thought it was Clarence having PTSD sound trigger to a random cause but no. And the way Clarence calls out the Count's terror tactics for what they are, calls out his cowardice as a challenge! I loved it!
I am a little confused on a few things, if anyone wants to explain. How come the Romani transporters never noticed the dragon sigils blatantly on every side of the crates and acted surprised by their cargo? How come Anna's connection to Dracula allowed them to know where each other was but she couldn't use that to guide the crew to the coffin, in the day, and prove his existence? Was it a general area of effect instead of homing beacon on her end? Why were so many crates filled with dirt but only 1 had a food source for him? The others seemed empty. I totally expected there to be dead victims. Why so much dirt for one coffin? I know it's the earth of home but why so much? Backup in case his special coffin was lost? Extras for multiple hideouts? Because he's nobility and they never travel light so it was the cheapest way to fake that he was moving a lot of stuff? Why the maggots linked to him, gross factor?
By the end I was hoping for a victorious ending even though I knew it wouldn't happen. I'm not good with horror so I often had to close my eyes so I missed a few things.
Alas, it was a late showing and my job starts before sunrise. Tomorrow will be fun.
I doubt I'll go see it a second time. Partly because my local theatre said Today Only on showtimes and it had one time slot so likely it's gone tomorrow, like the Demeter. Also because I live alone and wished many times in two hours that I had someone to grab onto. If I could handle horror better, I would watch it again.
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laeorinel · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 - Day 22
Prompt - Veracity
Another one I struggled with. I think I'm going to need a break after this month is over T.T
Anyway, very very minor endwalker spoilers. So minor I'm not entirely sure if they're spoilers but I'm playing it safe.
Twelve give him strength. The last thing Thancred wanted waking up this morning was trying to stop Samara from either physically launching herself at or into a verbal tirade with one of Sharlayan's eminent Zoologists.
The few Scions lingering around the city had been invited to listen in on some of the newer subjects being taught at the Studium; most had been the standard fare. New applications of aetherology, astrology, anthropology, and so on. While some of the finer details were likely lost on Samara, he could see she was at least interested, sucking up all the new information like a sponge. Urianger, Krile and G'raha Tia indulged her curiosity, answering any questions she whispered in their direction. 
Then came Archon Kazuhira Ishiku, a Raen scholar from the east who specialised in the study of creatures hailing from Othard. The man was clearly well aware of his status, and if Thancred had to guess, he was the type to flaunt it. 
He spoke about the latest creature he had been studying, a breed of giant reptile found in the mountainous regions of Othard. He went into greater detail about the applications the various reagents harvested from its body could be used for, as well as a rather elaborate story of how he hunted one of these creatures down on his own, with little more than his wits and a bow. 
Samara grew increasingly agitated as the man spoke, though at what Thancred and the others could not tell.
"I'm going to punch him," she mutters, half out of her seat, before Thancred places a firm hand on her shoulder and forces her back down. 
"No," he said, trying to ignore the faint hiss sent in his direction.
"If you won't let me hit him, at least let me yell at him." she angrily whispers to Thancred and the others, looking at each of them for some form of approval. 
"Please don't..."
"But it is all lies," she whines, 
That gave him and the other scions pause. It was not often one accused a scholar of Sharlayan, much less an Archon, of lying about their research. 
"You are certain of this?" muttered G'raha as he glanced back to the Archon giving his speech. He seemed none the wiser to the unease at the back of the room. 
Samara gave them an exasperated look. "I've hunted those things before. The one thing he has said right is that they're found in the mountains. Normally they stay there, but every so often, they would grow tired of feeding on the Muu Shuwuu. They would descend on the Steppe and prey on our cattle or us if we were out in the open."
"It is one of the few times Tribes would set grievances aside and work together. To bring down just one of those beasts would require multiple skilled hunters. Its hide is too thick to pierce with an arrow, so you must ground it first, then finish it off with spears and blades."
"That is how I know he is lying and has likely never even seen one of those creatures, much less hunted it. Aside from that, his descriptions are wrong, and most importantly, he does not mention the creature's poison. He speaks of its scales and meat, neither of which can be used as he claims-"
"Then perhaps thou is more equipped to prove the veracity of his declarations," spoke Urianger, interupting the Xaela women before she ran out of ammunition to throw at Archon Ishiku. 
"Indeed. Though one would have hoped this subject had already been peer-reviewed..." said Krile, almost looking a little excited at the prospect of a debate. Granted, lectures at the Studium are generally not the place for possibly heated discussions about the truth of a subject.
"Agreed. Any scholar should be able to defend their work and explain how they came to their conclusions. Twelve knows most of us have." Said G'raha, crossing his arms and looking at Archon Ishiku. He almost felt sorry for the man. Samara's tongue could be just as sharp as any blade when she wanted it to be.
Samara looked between each of the Scions, clearly not fully understanding the concept of peer-reviewed studies, so she asks just to be sure, "So...I can yell at him?"
Thancred let go of her shoulder, satisfied she wasn't about to launch herself across the room and, with a conspiratorial smirk, made himself comfortable in his seat. "Put on a good show, love." 
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lemonadesoda · 2 years
Catching Icarus ( im intrested in your thoughts for the time ghost but if not ⭐star⭐) (jackdaw)
I'm assuming you mean Chapter 11 Afterimage.
Some backstory: when I first made Lemel, I had their reason for being on Earth as hunting for strange ghost-like anomalies which I called afterimages, and they were modeled intentionally after the Dwellers of Subcon to draw parallels between time ghosts and just ghost-ghosts. Not really very different entities at all actually.
This ended up becoming plot relevant for Icarus. No spoilers, but I'm sure you can tell this won't be the last you'll see of afterimages.
Ch. 11 is the first time Tev experiences one though, crucially. The scene where they quell the Twin Beaks afterimage is both to set up that plot element as well as show the two of them reaching a breakthrough point in their ability to work somewhat as a team.
Lemel is used to moving freely in the time stream, but in this case, they're having to tow someone along, and this leads to a few hiccups, but not as many as they expect because he's really trying to be alert to their movements and keep up. By the time they finish the mission, the two of them are moving in near-perfect sync, which sets off Lemel's panic mode about relying too much on someone who they might have to separate from for any reason at any moment.
It's also a big moment for just descriptively representing something as abstract as the time stream and what a living anomaly in it would be like. I use a lot of visual metaphors, leaning particularly hard on the water analogy because I like water, but the afterimage and Time itself is not really a true visual phenomenon. It's just a perception of a non-physical dimension in a physical way. But, I still make a call-back to the original vision of the afterimages as serpentine, glowing-eyed amalgams.
Also, a lot of language around harmonics and bell chimes. That's deliberate too, to connect it to the Twilight Bell. A bit more lore coming in the next update on that. Hopefully not too confusing!
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tthael · 3 years
I really admire so many things about your writing - the introspection and deep meaning, the realistic and sensitive way that you handle topics. Do you have any recs for fav media/books/tv shows/fanfics ? I guess I'm curious if there are any you think might have similar qualities/themes?
This is a tough one because basically everything I consume gets picked apart and reused in some way. However, I’ll give it a shot:
The Book Thief and I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. There’s quite a lot I like about Zusak’s use of language and have since 2007 when I read The Book Thief for the first time, and there’s something very cinematic and magical about I Am the Messenger (particularly in the chapter with the young track runner).
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. He’s most commonly known for Cloud Atlas, but he has an ongoing theme of vampires and cannibalism reappearing in his work (I just read Slade House for the first time while I was in quarantine) and there’s something deeply satisfying about the way that all of the disparate pieces come to fruition at the climax of The Bone Clocks. Not a perfect book, but deeply satisfying.
The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. Again, she’s most commonly known for The Poisonwood Bible, but I liked that well enough to read The Lacuna in 2013, and I completely hated it for the first half of the book until finally something clicked in my brain and I activated the literary critic within, who doesn’t care so much about whether they enjoy something and more cares about how well something is done. The description of US American rationing during World War II really got me onto the novel’s side, if that makes sense; and I do love a good family epic, and while this only focuses on one protagonist instead of generations of them, it’s interesting in a similar way to The Bone Clocks where you see everything start to snowball together.
Literally anything by Ursula Vernon/T. Kingfisher. I particularly recommend The Raven and The Reindeer, which I read shortly after being diagnosed with my chronic illness and really helped me to understand the irrelevance of shame. There’s something very satisfying about saying “a reindeer doesn’t care if it smells bad, so I’m going to lean into that particular apathy and not allow a bully to take me down over it.” Something comforting about taking shelter in the animal and in survival, when you and your body are in one place and working on the same side, and it’s your brain that’s ready to give up first but your body will keep dragging you through because that’s what it does. Certain lines in Indelicate were inspired by her adaptation of Tam Lin in Jackalope Wives and other Stories (https://www.amazon.com/Jackalope-Wives-Other-Stories-Kingfisher-ebook/dp/B071946RLN). Lots of her short stories are available at this link for free: http://www.redwombatstudio.com/portfolio/writing/short-stories/
TV’s a little harder to unpack, since I don’t always think in terms of visual media, I tend to default to words first. Recently I’ve been enjoying New Amsterdam on NBC--it’s nice to see the radical socialist doctor doing his damnedest to secure the right thing--and Call the Midwife--similar reasons. There’s a lot about meeting someone where they are in both shows that I appreciate.
There’s also a lot of music that inspires my writing so I’ll have to dedicate a post specifically to that in my methods and materials.
Fanfic, though! Lots of my favorites, lots of genres. Here we go:
we are all stardust by synergenic (Losseflame) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/5682496) Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, pairing Finn/Poe Dameron. Sexually explicit, but also leans a lot into physicality. You can probably see the influence on the very first chapter of Indelicate when Eddie’s waking up in pain and Richie’s at his bedside. It’s very much inspired by a similar sickbed scene here.
If They Haven’t Learned Your Name by silentwalrus (https://archiveofourown.org/works/6329503) Captain America/Marvel Cinematic Universe Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes. The holy grail of Steve/Bucky fanfiction. If you want independent character exploration, this is the place to go. Natasha shaving her head? Yes. Sam pleading with Steve to keep his shit together while thirty Koren grandmothers assume they are American celebrities? Yes. Bucky defiantly hunting down his sense of self while bingeing romance novels in a space ship? Yes. Pay particular attention to the Sam chapters, because they’re a beautiful way of defining Steve’s characterization from an outside perspective, and I’m trying to do the same with Eddie looking at Richie in Indelicate.
An Ever-Fixed Mark by AMarguerite (https://archiveofourown.org/works/8523001) Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen) Elizabeth Bennet/Colonel Fitzwilliam, Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy. Soulmark AU. This is one of my longtime favorite fanfictions and what it taught me was cause and effect. The characters move the plot forward based on their assumptions and decisions. Definitely very helpful when I was writing TTHAEL by the seat of my pants.
You Can Keep Holding On by NorthernSparrow (https://archiveofourown.org/works/7233709) Supernatural Dean Winchester/Castiel. Sexually explicit. A lot of the summary I can give here is spoilers, but if you read this one through, you’ll be able to see the inspiration for the “Can you tell me where I can get another Eddie Kaspbrak?” scene in Indelicate.
Work of All Saints by antistar_e (kaikamahine) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15006644) Coco (2017) Imelda Rivera/Héctor Rivera/Ernesto de la Cruz. Sexually mature. Oh my GOD this is a beautiful coming-of-age story set in turn-of-the-century Oaxaca, this is the best complete expansion of canon that I’ve ever seen; the author takes the pieces and runs with them and it is WONDERFUL.
Lycanthropic Studies by Eiiri (https://archiveofourown.org/series/575263) Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black canon-divergence AU. I very much enjoy the meditation on lycanthropy as a chronic illness and I sometimes reread this for comfort. Particularly early on Remus has a rant about how he’s sick and he’s always sick and his life doesn’t stop for it, despite holidays and birthdays he still has to deal with the consequences of his illness and take the devastating medication, and there’s a lot about that that speaks to me. I haven’t kept up with the series for some time, though.
Careful Truths by SassySnowperson (https://archiveofourown.org/works/12111966) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Bodhi Rook/Luke Skywalker canon-divergence AU. Sexually explicit. Honestly identity p!rn fics are a good inspiration for that third-person limited perspective I’ve been working on in Indelicate. Also I love love LOVE Bodhi Rook. It’s fun watching him run in circles trying to conceal his identity from Luke while completely oblivious to Luke doing exactly the same thing.
Stammtisch by chaya (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15060152) Critical Role: Season 2, Caleb Widogast/Mollymauk Tealeaf, AU. Sexually explicit. Long before Caleb actually leveled up enough to cast Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion, chaya speculated about what kind of spaces he might create for each of his friends. I think it’s a very good resource for really condensing characterization down into lots of images and concepts and deciding what other characters know about them. The idea of making space for someone else is something that I lean into a lot when I write Ben, who’s the kind of man who will set himself on fire to keep those he loves warm, and even though Critical Role has far more material than even IT for determining characterization, and even though this particular moment has already occurred in canon--it’s just a wonderful homey story, and has the kind of found family vibes I like for the Losers as well.
I know that’s a lot to unpack there, but all of those fics are very good and I recommend reading any assortment that appeals to you. (Work of All Saints in particular you don’t have to be familiar with the source material beyond the basic premise; it stands on its own.) Thank you for asking, and thank you for reading!
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gronjon44 · 3 years
Ok so thoughts on MK-2021
I was gonna make a longer more spoilery review but I'm gonna cut it short cause there's one big thing I wanna talk about (so let's bullet point
Kano is and always will be one of my favorite characters in the MK Franchise (with Reptile, Barakka, Noob Saibot, and Scorpion) His character felt like it should and while I originally would've wanted to see Karl Urban as Kano I do really like Josh Lawsons performance.
Lui Kang and Kung Lao were really fun to watch, Lui especially (I'm not fully familiar with Kung Lao so I won't talk about him too much other then the fact I think he's neat)
I'll kinda consider this a ⚠️⚠️SPOILER⚠️⚠️ so if you wanna skip this whole bullet point snd the next one after; The villains were all awesome in this film (Reptile was awesome to see quick as it may have been, Mileena was fucking AWESOME, Reiko and Nitarra were... there? (I don't know either of them so they were just kinda canon fodder to me), Kabal was cooler then I thought he'd be (though I wanted more)
Gorro was awesome to see but he felt... underused? I'll go more into detail at the end.
Jax was alright but I never knew much about him then and I still don't
Sonya Blade was fine until the end and she just kinda felt... crammed in? Like yeah yeah know she has more in the games and she had a presence in the original 95 film, and she was an integral part of the story all the way through till the end but then she *spolier *spoiler *spoiler* with *insert name here* and she just felt like a thematic paper weight at the end.
Scorpion and Sub Zero were FANTASTIC and i have no complaints with either (at least not directly)
Raiden was there and he was played by Tadanobu Asano (of Thor) and was a MUCH NEED improvement over Christopher Lambert
And then Cole Young...⚠️SPOLIER BTW⚠️
(I'm doing this in a smaller font to get everything I wanna say) I wanna like his character more I do, and i have nothing against Lewis Tan he's a phenomenal actor, but Cole Young is a weird character for this film.
Hes both underutalized and at the same time completely unnecessary to the plot.
Lewis Tan is the decendant of Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion) after all of Hanzos family was murdered by Sub Zero, say for one orphaned daughter; throughout the film he's hyped to have this big connection to Scorpion (through glimpses of a Kunai surrounded by far to even Cole seeing Hanzo in visions) and later on we see that each champion has a special power, and Coles "power" is supposedly passed down to him by his familial ties to Scorpion.
Now, from that description I'm sure you'd think Cole would gain the Hellish abilities Scorpions known for, or even his retractable Kunai, but NO, instead he gets these wrapping all across his body that act as a sort of shield to protect him and absorb incoming damage (its basically the Black Panther suit)
He also has a set of Tonfas (one of which is bladed) that appear when he needs them
Now I should point out that early on in the film it's shown to the audience that Cole is a struggling boxer trying to support his family, and if you look you can see these wrapping across his body are reminiscent of the boxing wrappings he put on his ha ds prior to a fight. But here's the thing... WHAT DOES HIM BEING A BOXER HAVE TO DO WITH HIS TIES TO HANZO?
You can argue it shows us he's always had a connection to tournament fighting, and yeah that's valid, but it doesn't change the fact that he and Scorpion don't really share a connection.
He unlocks his armor while fighting Gorro who was sent to hunt both him and his family (which frankly is such a waste of Gorro on it's own but I'll get to that in a minute)
When we see Cole get hit in his armor it glows a Hellish red, similar to the fires of Scorpions Hell based powers, but that's as far as it goes and it shows that the armor has absolutely nothing to do with their connection
If you wanted these two to share a bond in their powers, why not have Cole dress in clothes inspired by Scorpion, and then have his powers be hell based or have him control a mystical Kunai, and maybe have the soul of Hanzo watch over him
And this ties into both of the fights that Cole takes part in (Gorro and Sub Zero)
His fight with Gorro is cool, but Gorro isn't the same menace as he was in 95; he's a goon for Shang Tsung and that's it (they refer to him as a prince but even then he's mostly just a lackey, similar to Sub Zero and Scorpion were in the 95 film) And ⚠️SPOLIER⚠️ Gorro gets fucking wrecked.
And even then there is no stakes between them, other then his family might die; these two don't know each other, they have no beef, hell to Cole I bet Gorro is just a big monster.
And this is where the missed opportunity was with Sub Zero; Sub Zero HAS history with Cole there IS a beef between them (even if Cole isn't fully aware of it) but there final fight is just kinda... meh.
Sub Zero and Cole have a full fight (Sub-Z using his ice powers and Cole with his armor and Tonfas) and throughout the fight it looks like Cole might lose; that is until he cuts himself on a Kunai Raiden gave him (it was the original Kunai that belonged to Hanzo when he died) and his blood beint spilled on that blade actually SUMMONS Hanzo FROM the depths of Hell to help win the fight.
They win, Sub Zero dies, Hanzo is laid to rest blah blah blah.
Now, all of that sounds like a REALLY AWESOME IDEA in writing.
The problem is that it goes LITTERALLY NOWHERE WHEN THEY USED IT
Up until this point there is no physical evidence that shows Cole is Hanzos decendant, hell you could argue that Lui Kang is his decendant and it'd make more sense.
Cole's entire arc has been nullified by the simple fact that there is no physical evidence to show the two are related, and this whole blood feud with Sub Zero is kinda useless.
Now I'd like to propose an alternative plot point to fix this if you'll bare with me
Again, another ⚠️⚠️⚠️MASSIVE SPOLIER⚠️⚠️⚠️
Shang Tsung kills Kung Lao in front of Lui Kang, basically setting off that entire arc like the 95 film. Now, here's the alternative I'd like to suggest.
Shang Tsung isn't the one to kill Kung Lao, Gorro is.
Gorro is ordered by Shang Tsung to kill Kung Lao after he ⚠️SPOLIER⚠️ kills Natarra.
And instead of killing off Gorro have him leave with Shang Tsung and the two return to Outworld and Lui Kang is left with a dead Kung Lao.
And to Parralell this, instead of Gorro fighting Cole, have a prelude fight between Cole and Sub Zero, one where Sub Zero actually DOES KILL Coles family (they didn't even die in the film so there)
Sub Zero can battle Cole, Cole can discover his powers, and Sub Zero (in a panic) can just fuckint destroy his whole house with his family inside by summoning a giant ice glacier inside the house.
This in turn adds more weight to the final fight between Sub Zero, Cole and Scorpion; Cole lost his family to Sub Zero, just like Hanzo did before him. And when Cole summons Scorpion in the climax it holds more weight because TWO GENERATIONS OF THE SHIRAI RYU CLAN avenging the deaths of their families in that instant.
And as for Lui Kang make him the main fighter of the ACTUAL TOURNAMENT (they don't even do the tournament in this film they just kinda talk about it) and have Lui battle Gorro for the Title of MK Champion.
Well... that was a long post. I think I'll end it here by saying that while i do have beefs with the film I still want to make it clear I don't hate jt, in fact I genuinely enjoy it.
I just... have some criticisms.
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hectorandvarian · 5 years
Greetings to all fans of "Tangled the series". Finally, there's an excuse for me to quit Twitter and come back to you. Yes, what an occasion! Announcements on the theme of the third season! But everything in order...
We were shown a poster of the last season, where you can see Eugene's new costume, Pascal, who rides the Royal Crow, and an interesting detail.
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Back in July we merged new costumes Cass and Rape,where we could see in the hands of a Moon Girl Shadow blade Adira's. In this poster, you can also see the sword in Cassandra's hands. It is not time for us to focus on this detail. Apparently Adira irretrievably lost its unique weapon.
We also got a list of voice actors of new characters. I'm sure some more characters have been hidden here, as was the announcement of the second season (Hector and Matthew were hidden then). Now let's move on to the new characters themselves.
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* In the new season us will show childhood Eugene. That's interesting, considering the fact that you saw him on the wanted poster as a kid. More likely in the same series will tell us about the first acquaintance of Eugene and lance, as well as how our handsome came to be Flynn Ryder.
* Kai. I describe him as a new generation bandit. This is interesting given the fact that we have already been shown a Collector that used innovative technology for its armor. The character can be a rival of Eugene from the past, and an important connecting character for the plot, but more on that later.
* Flynn Ryder. I bet you didn't expect to see that name. I think that for odnokl character will call three voice actors, and so many of overenu that this character is nastasi Flynn Ryder.He was written about in books, and here he is also described as promising. But I think the character may be so de-inspired image of the hero guy, like Eugene. And he will imitate him until he understands who the true hero is.
* Clementine. As the description says, she is a witch capable of erasing memory. Usually, all wizards and sorcerers associated with Zhan Tiri. But something tells me that this witch will be on the side of our heroes. For this turn would be very unusual. And on this also pushes the next character.
* Creighton. This character is described as a werewolf hunter. And the only characters at the moment who can take other forms are the Adherents of Zhan Tiri. It is possible that our hunter is so familiar with this legend, and the series with it will be based on the fact that she will be hunting for Clementine. And personally, in my opinion, be such a plot twist, witch is good, and the bad hunter. I don't know, it's just my nose.
* I have nothing to say about the Queen, I'm sorry.
* Zhan Tiri. For me personally, was shocking by the fact that the ancient demon sounded girl. However, there is an obvious explanation. You see, due to the peculiarity of the English language, we did not know for certain whether Zhan was male or female. In any case, this is a very interesting solution, which resonates with my insane theory that Zhan Tiri - mother of Varian.
Now let's move on to the synopsis of the season.
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The first interesting thing about this synopsis is that Rapunzel and Cassandra will go on different paths: both physically and mentally. And on the bright side, it's sad that we probably won't see Cass for the first half of the season, but on the other hand, it will help develop the theme of "the captured Corona." And I think at the end of some episodes there will be cliffhanger scenes showing where and why Cassandra is going.
And most interesting: the Old enemy, that captured homeland Rapunzel. Personally, I see only two contenders for the spot, and this, oddly enough, goes against the grain with the synopsis, but we all know that they can't spoilerize all the important plot twists. So, I believe that the seizure of the Corona guilty of Varian, which will finally receive a large amount of screen time, the team with the separatists Saporia. The first gets revenge on the Corona and the opportunity to help his father and unravel the mysteries of his past, and the second will get a strong and smart ally that helped return Saporia former greatness. And now we suddenly return to Kai.
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It seems to me that Kai's peculiarity will be that he uses new technologies that go straight from Varian. Maybe he will be another agent Saporiа that inspired iliami young engineer, decides to improve themselves, and then all the warriors of Saporiа again to make their country powerful.
And here's what we've been waiting for. The first, hour-long episode of the third season will be shown on October 7 at 13: 00 am Et. And you know, it's amazing. I'm glad we're only a month away from the series finale.
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Do not rush to disperse! I think that in the near future we are waiting for more and video teasher season, where we may see new characters and new details of the plot. Well, I'll be the warm-up, ready to give you my theories and assumptions!
We'll meet again.
Don't know where,
Don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day!
Keep smiling through.
Just like you always do.
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away!
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((So on top of this blog you've got like, 2 other AU askblogs too (and they're both amazing), so I was wondering, how many AUs do you have? For like. All of your fandoms? I'm very curious uwu))
Honestly probably way too many to count but uh. Let’s see if I can remember them all
Be More ChillThis AU, of course!
My Life Tickets AU where Michael hands in a ticket in exchange for living for another day,
Cyber AU where Michael is Jeremy’s squip and manifests in any technology near him (mostly his cellphone),
Timeloop AU where Jeremy relives the night of the fire over and over as he attempts to help his friends escape the house without dying,
Pirate AU (I HONESTLY DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW THIS CAME ABOUT BUT APPARENTLY IT’S MINE NOW?? IDK) where Michael is the captain of an awesome crew of pirates who kidnaps Jeremy, a young noble, and the two fall in love as they sail the seas and look for treasure and all that stuff lol,
Peculiar Steampunk AU based off of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children where all the kids live together under the squip’s protection with their own unique set of abilities, also set during a Steampunk sort of era. So Michael has powers over plants, Jeremy’s wicked awesome with electricity (and also has a prosthetic leg after an accident with some people hunting them), etc.
I put the rest under the cut to save space because there really is a lot whoops
Also if you want to know more about any of these AUs? Just send an ask and I can give you links to more thorough descriptions for each of them!))
Mother 3/EarthboundAsktwinheroesoftazmily: My first ever blog on tumblr, it’s a post-game AU where Lucas and Claus are living together in peace :’)
Reform/Hero AU: Lucas is part of the Pigmask Reform group which repairs damage done by the Pigmask Army, he’s assigned to Tazmily and meets Claus there, who has a personal vendetta against anything Pigmask and a huge secret revolving around the downfall of the army
Friends AU: Lucas befriends the commander and the two of them run away from the army together and attempt to pull the remainder of the Needles before the army can recapture Commander
2p AU: Lucas and Claus’ personalities take a complete 180! Lucas becomes an asshole and Claus is just insane lol (also they’re colored differently of course, Luke’s got red hair and Claus is blonde)
Sorcerer AU: Claus is a sorcerer living secluded in the woods, one day he finds Lucas covered in blood and having no memory of who he once was.
I actually have a LOT more AUs for Mother 3 but these are the only ones I’ve formally introduced so far haha, but yeah there’s also the Crazy Town AU, the Kingdom AU, and the Hospital AU to name a few
Big Hero 6Inari: Hiro is a superhero known as Inari, he runs into Tadashi one day after a skirmish with Yama and eventually Tadashi comes to discover his identity so they split the name and become crime fighting heroes together! Hiro’s 19 in this AU and attending SFIT, he’s not related to Tadashi and therefore his only friend is human!Baymax (who is a healthcare major, go figure), and then he befriends Dashi and the rest of the crew!
PokemonPokemon Legends: My very special very amazing and wonderful hack!! It’s about a girl named Aqua, her next door neighbor Magma and her caretaker Drake, as they all come to discover the secrets of their past and their connections to each other involving some of the legendary Pokemon.
Later on we get the counterparts of Green (Jade), Red (Crimson), Blue (Turquoise), Silver (Cobalt) and Gold (Aurum) that remain with them for the rest of the arcs!
Arc two is about the relationship between Jade and Crimson and how their rivalry nearly tore it apart. But then they make up and it’s very gay. Also we get the legendary birds involved and Mewtwo behind the scenes, pulling some strings.
Arc three is about Aurum, who’s been taken by Lugia to the depths of the sea, and Cobalt’s valiant rescue attempt along with the rest of the crew! He makes bonds with Ho-Oh in order to save Aurum and tells Aqua about his history with Team Rocket and how Aurum saved him.
Arc four is about the Distortion World (also a bizarre version of the land of the dead), and Aqua and some of the others are trapped there. While there they encounter other “them’s” from other timelines where they died, so they run into a blind Cobalt who was killed by Lugia, a burned Aurum who was overwhelmed by Ho-Oh, Jade, whose arm was cut off and killed by Crimson due to him being possessed psychically by Mewtwo, and Drake who was killed by Groudon in an attempt to make peace in one of the timelines. Yeah, it’s pretty dark compared to the other three arcs lol
SenyuuShadows Are Darker in the Light: Ahh yes my infamous Senyuu fic, it’s a high school AU that’s very dark and sad, the ending is bittersweet. Basically it’s a unrequited love sort of thing where Ros moves away without a word and Alba’s left to deal with the aftermath.
FNAF AU: YEAH I MADE AN FNAF AU it’s loosely based off of the plot but. Seven years ago Alba was murdered at a restaurant/arcade place, his body was never found and neither was the murderer. Years later Ros, who was present at the time of the murder, is still looking into what happened to the person he loved the most, and decides to start working at the restaurant in order to get access to files he wouldn’t be able to see otherwise. But his first day on the job he runs into the ghost of Alba, who has been trapped there for years and cannot move on unless he is brought to justice. It’s really sad but really heartfelt and fun at times, too :’)
Letters into Paper Airplanes: I can’t give too much away about this one, but basically Alba receives letters from Ros every week, having never met him in person before. He falls in love with Ros over the course of a year of getting the letters, but there’s a huge secret behind them that he finds out later which is absolutely devastating. It has a happy ending though, I swear!!
SonicRoomies AU: In which Shadow is a human and crashes with Chris after Sonic returns to his world and the two of them grow up and get into tons of shenanigans together :’) Shadow basically has to deal with Chris’ teenage rebellious phase, it’s pretty hilariousIn the end though they get together after the whole mess with the Metarex, and they return to Chris’ world since Shadow belonged there from the start
Mystic Messengerask-saeran-and-saeyoung: My Mystic Messenger ask blog, hey-o! It’s not too much different from the canon plot after Seven’s route ends, except that Seven isn’t dating MC. He lives with Saeran and the two of them have all sorts of fun together while Saeran adapts to being out of Mint Eye at last
VoltronSimulator AU: I sure do love this one…so basically it’s set in the future as a canon divergence to season 2, Keith was horribly injured during the final fight with Zarkon and was sent out into space in an escape pod and trapped inside a simulator that Pidge and Lance created. Inside the sim Keith is tricked into believing that he’s back on earth with an AI Lance watching over him. Of course he does end up discovering the truth eventually but he learns to forgive and falls in love with AI!Lance and they start a relationship together once Lance is granted with a physical body outside of the sim ;D
Kingdom HeartsEclipse Kingdom AU: Sora is the prince of light, Riku the prince of darkness—they’re forbidden from interacting with each other but lol Riku ends up falling in love with Sora, who does in return, and then they start having rendezvous on the border of their kingdoms. Eventually Riku discovers he’s engaged to Namine, so he and Sora decide to run away together to Destiny Islands to escape the marriage. Namine, Axel and Kairi go off in search of them and encounter Roxas, and they all team up to find the princes and bring them home. A lot of other stuff happens but that’s the gist of it!!
Swapped AU: Sora and Riku get swapped with their younger selves, so Riku’s stuck with a younger Sora going on about Kairi and Sora’s stuck with a younger Riku being all edgy and moody and shit lol;; the older counterparts make the younger ones realize they’re hella gay for each other and it’s a fun time
Hanahaki Disease AU: Riku has Hanahaki Disease and is faced with either getting it surgically removed, therefore erasing his feelings for Sora and completely destroying their current relationship, or admitting his feelings to Sora with the chance of them being not returned and the disease killing him as a result. Yeah. Yikes.
KingsmanFamily Coping AU (hell idk I just came up with that title just now lol): An AU ending to the second movie so SPOILERS AHEAD okay?! If you haven’t seen it yet please stop reading. Anyway. In this AU Roxy and Merlin live, but Princess Tilde dies. Eggsy has a hard time dealing with her death and the guilt he feels for not saving her in time, but Harry, Merlin and Roxy help a lot with that. They all move in together in a big house and get up to tons of shenanigans both at work and at home, and Harry and Eggsy especially help each other through their issues (guilt, butterfly visions, all that).
Adopted AU: HARRY ADOPTS A YOUNG EGGSY AND IT’S THE BEST GODDAMN THING EVER. Harry has to balance being a super spy and taking care of a seven-year old kid at the same time with Merlin constantly poking fun at him and Eggsy getting into mountains of trouble at Kingsman HQ whenever he brings them there. Then we get into fun things like kidnapping for ransom, Harry having panic attacks over said kidnapping and then him and Merlin charging in like fucking badasses to save his (their, Merlin totally gets attached too) son.
My Babysitter’s A VampireGrim Reaper AU: After finding out that Ethan’s fated to die, Benny makes a deal with a Grim Reaper to trade his life for Ethan’s, becoming a Grim Reaper in the process. Between his new job in the underworld and sneaking back to White Chapel to see Ethan, all sorts of crazy things happen!
AND PHEWWW I THINK THAT’S IT!! At least those are the ones that I’ve actually talked about and introduced before, I’m sure I have a lot more I’ve either forgotten about or haven’t had the chance to show yet, so yeah :’) I have way too many AUs lol but they’re all so dear to me and so much fun to talk about so!! Hmu with that good content we can chat about all of these any day, I’m down //high fives you
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