#I'm putting as many tags as I can remember so my efforts are not wasted help me
genericartist27 · 30 days
Sorry there was a tie
I need to sleep
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dsudis · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @bittylildragon and @meduseld! Thanks for the tags!
And I will tag @pellaaearien, @moorishflower, @arialerendeair, @sineala, and @quarra!
Blank questions for your convenience! My answers are below the readmore.
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? T
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
4,116,080, racked up over 21 years.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently all my WIPs are Dreamling!
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Boy and the Beast
Break the Lock If It Don't Fit
Sell Your Body to the Night
Now Until the End
All You Need to Know
It's been almost nine years since I posted the most recent of these. I will never write anything that overshadows the stuff I wrote in Teen Wolf. XD
5. do you respond to comments?
I do! I try to focus my comment-answering efforts on more recent fic, but I read and cherish all of them and reply to as many as I can without putting myself into a social anxiety freeze.
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's been over twenty years, but I don't think I've ever outdone Exposures. Not that I've been actively trying, generally speaking.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to quantify, because I do write a lot of happy endings, but I think England and Nowhere (Never and Always) has to be pretty well up there! Two happy endings for the price of one!
8. do you get hate on fics?
Eh, I have now and again, but not often, and usually I remember to just delete it before I can waste a lot of brain time on it or commit too much of it to memory.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I sure do! Almost always m/m of the two cis dudes variety, because I am the kind of ace porn writer who doesn't enjoy putting my writing self into sex scenes involving a body that resembles mine. I feel like I'm writing a bit less kink and a bit less lovingly intense filth than I have at times in the past, but I suppose these things wax and wane.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written my fair share of them! Probably the most oddball one would be the time I wrote Jack Harkness having perilous sex with inevitable consequences with Mayhem from the Allstate Commercials.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, a few times. It happens.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Many times! It always makes me wish I could read any other language because I'm so curious about how they read in translation.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Closest I've ever gotten was writing alternating stories in a series with someone else, but my writing brain does not play well with others. It's only in the last couple of years that I've gained the ability to play TTRPGs without getting frustrated by not being able to control the narrative personally, so. Maybe in another decade or two I will have achieved enough zen?
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
SG-1 OT4
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I only have one dangling WIP, and I am mostly at peace with probably never finishing it, but it would be nice if I suddenly found the spoons/motivation/time/etc to finish it off, yeah.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Persistence, mostly.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Focus, probably?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't do it much--I'm not fluent in any other language and beyond using a word or phrase that the character uses in canon, I don't think I'd want to try. I can only think of one time I've done it at any length, and I don't think I would again.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, when I was 13-15 years old. Mercifully, almost none of it ever got posted online.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Well, for tonight it's Jigsaw. Tomorrow my answer might be different.
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chefediaboiv · 2 months
Im gonna keep leaking the secret. The traffic of geeks hits speeds of dumb, no I don't want or wanna give you a lollipop but she likes when I speak in tongues. Telling me to shut the fuck on my freedom of speech on who and why on the breach of my plush fund? Oh no come come. I can lead you to who's holding out for some gum drops, eyes red as the devil's dick; bloodshot. Jay won't even tell silent Bob what's in his glove box, pictures of a dogma. No honor with cheap shots from Wisconsin, thank you Ohio. Every card I drew scary, no hate on your Bible. That's a Dilbert, who's line was a diamond dick and your still hurt. Sure wish any cigarette you had came from the cancer team, that's what you get for not figureing out how to play the tambourine. All this child abuse, you knew better then to raise your hand at me. Now your festering about a little spinal tap, learned a time attack. Then get pissed off that I already know how to take my time with tacs, toe tagged the FM radio hobby as the time ticks. Now somebody is using a pencil to cassette rewind it back but I'm sick. Touch that door and you'll see how much more elaborate I convince. It could take years for a nigga to come up with some timeless shit, just tell him to take his time with. That bit of advice is profound, timeless shit. I struck out an entire team for seven innings, remember what I said bout the crazy man's flexes. I wasn't kidding, repeat is a better answer then lemurism. I've never met so many black people that can't keep a riddim. For a frosted flake, Toby McGuire is a great position and drew uncles Bill for the trouble. Oi, it's no mystery to me why they Jake Gyllenhaal'd her bubble boys, image is more important then the pro ferrets Sara Bellum, you told him some shit that you're actually scared to tell him. My mojo loco and your ex husbands a career felon, they update every time I wipe my ass. He say, she say, he's the shit and I can't smell him. There's no amounts to the fucks I give that I won't tell em. It's over boy with your mud donk, any reason my actual opponents don't show to get mud stomp. A Papai I see era in you rushing to Wilson, for a Pat on the back you better belichick the whole million. Your religion must be Christiana Aguilera trust me your coaches know the rent. I'm not gonna waste words on fools, hold your sense. Your too bitch for my blood, trust me I know the stench. Can you keep up I hear a go home baljeet attack in the distance, castration is what we do to the wimp men. You thought Sheldon was smart I make the big bangs lookalike simplins, your name doesn't get points on this SAT little chitterlins. Looking to buff your GPA, you may wanna put in the effort. King's orders for negating the other way, Sepatown Sa da tay! Go that way. Stool pigeons and what they do, on your ride to badder Babe Ruth's who don't mind the bandito's payday. Remember comic view didn't work out for your laced little JJ, is it gold Dupree. Your a little behind the times, spell check doesn't go with loose leaf. Never seen or heard my talents, play that role loosely. There is no max with no Goofy, Billy Blanks keep the wiz on hold til bacalito learns from smarter people. Great see ya Moana about vitamins, there you go cutting into your time again.
0 notes
trisaran-adventures · 3 years
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Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Dorian/Aran/Tristan
Rating: E
Having recently moved from Minrathous to Ostwick to advance his academic career, Dorian finds himself with too much work and, sadly, very little play. Life in a new city can be terribly lonely, and it's not long before he starts feeling... restless.
Tristan and Aran, on the other hand, are university juniors on an exciting journey of self-discovery, and a newly-found interest in vlogging and live-streams. The paths of the three men cross in a way that none of them expects- and everything changes.
A Kinktober prompt that took on a life of its own, this fic is collaboratively written by @oftachancer and @johaeryslavellan ! Check the AO3 link below for full list of tags :)
Chapter 7: Discipline
“Shut the door.” He waved his hand negligently as Tristan stepped into his office. Practice times three made a habit, and it was a habit by this point. The words didn’t need to be spoken, but Dorian needed them, still.
He had never needed anything so intensely and with such clear precision as he needed the young man turning the latch. It was a ritual, as much as anything else. Will, the structure to support that will, and the power of character to see that will through to its sticking place.
Dorian leaned forward as Tristan turned back to him. “Twenty six gross errors, Mister Trevelyan.” He set the draft down at the edge of his desk, misspellings and grammatical failures circled in red. “Many of these could have easily been caught by your word processor’s automated systems and yet here they are, wasting my time. I should put you across my knee.” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “Perhaps I will.”
Tristan bit his lip, gazing at him with those sad puppy eyes and that artfully innocent expression that made Dorian's palm itch. "Forgive me, Professor," he mumbled, setting his backpack on the ground and taking off his coat. "I've been bad. Very, very bad. I won't do it again, I promise."
“Promises are wasted words. I believe this is what we call a learning opportunity. Details matter. Every single one.” Dorian dampened his lips, studying him. “I intend to help you remember the importance of minutia. Take your trousers down and come here. One spanking for each error is more than fair, I believe.” He pushed his chair back from his desk, patting his thigh. “Right here.”
"But-" Tristan blinked at him, pretending to hesitate for a moment before his hands fell to his belt. "It won't hurt very much, will it?" He unbuckled his belt and worked the buttons of his jeans open, pushing them down slightly. Dorian suppressed a small sigh as he watched him padding over to him, his thickening length stretching the fabric of his briefs. Tristan placed himself squarely across Dorian's lap, then tilted his head up to look at him, pupils already wide with want. "You'll go easy on me," he whispered, voice low and warm, "won't you, Professor?"
“I’ll teach you, Mister Trevelyan.” Dorian pressed his hand to Tristan’s lower back. “Hands on the ground, brace with your feet; I don’t want you wiggling around trying to get out of your lesson.” He tugged the soft cotton down until it tangled at Tristan’s knees, then ran his fingers across Tristan’s skin, watching the goose flesh rise in the wake of his touch. “Are you quite willing and prepared to receive your instruction?”
"Y-yes," Tristan nodded, biting back a moan as he pressed himself into Dorian's hand. His skin was so warm already, the curve of his arse fitting perfectly into Dorian's palm. "I'm ready."
“Excellent.” Dorian hummed quietly under his breath, admiring the upturned curves and the feel of Tristan’s swelling interest against his thigh. “Count.”
“One to twenty-six. Count.” He raised his hand and landed one sharp smack to Tristan’s raised rear, smiling as he heard the hiss from below him. “One, Mister Trevelyan.”
It was an effort not to thrust as that smooth, pale skin took on a rosy hue, and then a sweet deep Cabernet red. Each new slap elicited a stung whine that made Dorian grow thicker and harder. Each number in Tristan’s strained voice made him ache to bury himself in that beautiful ass as he had that first time. Sinking deep. Fucking him shallowly. Until they’d neither of them been able to keep their eyes open.
"T-twenty," Tristan gasped as Dorian's palm landed on his skin, hard. His skin was bright red now, and sweat was gleaming on his brow, his cheeks were flushed. He dabbed at the droplets of sweat on his upper lip with his tongue, and Dorian shivered when he imagined that tongue swirling around the head of his cock, as it had the day before. Tristan bucked, his shaft brushing Dorian's thigh as he ground against him with every audible smack. "Twenty one-"
"I believe I asked you to stay still, Mister Trevelyan," Dorian said sternly, catching a fistful of his hair and giving it a sharp tug. "If you don't learn your lesson today, I might have to spank you twenty six more times."
Tristan inhaled sharply through his teeth, but stayed obediently motionless. "Sorry, Professor."
"You'd better be," Dorian muttered, heat coiling within him at the sight of Tristan's eyes, the heat and tension in them, and the drops of sweat that arced down his neck and disappeared through the neck of his tee shirt. He let Tristan's hair go, then smoothed his palm down the line of his spine, the curve of his behind. He patted it soothingly for a moment, eliciting a soft hum from the man beneath him. "Ready to resume the counting?"
"Yes," Tristan breathed, a pained and startled moan catching in his throat when Dorian's hand struck his arse again. "Twenty two."
Read the rest on AO3!
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
Hi Mojo! I'm starting to think you're a bit of an agony aunt for the fandom 😅 I'm not sure if you know, but Medium Blues has sadly been taken down again 😔. I completely understand, and wish the author well, hoping they can still enjoy the fandom outside of writing for it.
I do feel bad for fandom authors in general - it's nice to see the passion of the fans of The Untamed and how much they want to protect something they love, but it has kind of scared me from producing any works for it, especially since I am not Chinese/ do not know The Untamed as intimately as others, being new to the fandom.
I've spent months and months researching, and I'm terrified to get it wrong - I'm starting to think it may be inappropriate to write anything outside of my own culture altogether. I want to be sensitive, and I want to get it right. For example, I want to make sure specifically that the names and how characters are addressed are correct within a modern setting, as I understand this is different from the original historical setting.
You want to do right by the community, but from what I've seen some can get kinda... heated when you get something wrong or don't write something the way they like it, even becoming quite aggressive. It was supposed to be just for a bit of fun and relief from the real world and suddenly it becomes this huge drama... it puts you off.
I love constructive criticism, and actively welcome it, especially in terms of cultural inaccuracies. When it comes to plot, or characterisations however... I personally feel that the storyline content is the authors perogative (unless they've asked for that kind of feedback) especially in an AU setting. If there's a setting or plot line you disagree with, I'm well within the camp of, don't like, don't read.
There's definitely a line I feel, between being helpful, and shaming someone for something that they wrote incorrectly but without malicious intent.
Authors spend a lot of time making sure the tags are okay, even adding extra warnings on chapters and in some case preemptively apologising for mistakes.
Sorry for the essay! Take care 😊
Ha, yeah.  I feel like an agony aunt today  This turned into a doozy of a conversation!
I really do feel that cultural sensitivity in fandom is an extraordinarily complex issue, and not one I’m very qualified to speak about.  But I AM qualified to speak about writers of fanfiction, that’s a perspective I know well.  And here’s the thing about education:  if you hurt someone first (even if it’s unintentional), they’re not going to learn anything from you.
So really, you lose nothing by asking the author if they’d like feedback.  Because if they say no, their ears will be stoppered up to you, that’s just how people work.  So don’t waste your time there, and just move on.
As a writer, it does really bother me to see other writers dropping out of the fandom because of corrections that are perfectly valid, but which shook them too badly (for whatever reasons) for them to continue to contribute by writing.  You just don’t know.  You know nothing about that writer and where they are in life.  
Fanfiction is different from every other entertainment medium out there, because it’s done freely, only for yourself and others out there who might enjoy it.  It’s someone’s creative baby, or meandering thoughts, or pervy fantasies, whatever.  The author is a single person, not being paid or promoted... their efforts are NOT a public commodity.
Having said that, I think that what’s happening now is VERY IMPORTANT.  Fandom spaces are predominantly white and American.  One of the most amazing things about the internet is the ability to see into other lives, other cultures, other experiences.  In the long run, that makes all of us richer, better people.  Exposure is the best means of learning, and public spaces like tumblr and twitter are doing a FANTASTIC job of presenting non-white, non-American views.
People learn at different paces.  Some can do it publicly, some can only change when no one is looking.  I have seen great strides in education and awareness:  and it can happen without calling anyone out.
It is not a difficult thing to ask first if someone wants your input.  I wish that it were a more regular thing.  Because I’ve heard from many writers who are too scared of setting foot wrong to contribute to this particular fandom.
People make mistakes.  People don’t enter a society knowing all the rules.  They have to learn them by tripping over wires.  I think it’s important to give them the space to learn.  And remember that people learn best when they’re not being put in a public spotlight (like an unsolicited comment).
***Does anyone have a list of cultural sensitivity betas? We should start one, so authors like this one don't fear a misstep.***
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on The Royal Heir, Book 1 Chapter 1
• We're back! Hopefully with a better series this time, but I'm not going to keep my hopes too high.
• If my QTs are clogging up your dash, I recommend you block these particular tags: #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, and optionally #long post.
• Much like my Book 3 QTs, I will be exploring as many playthroughs as I possibly can to see how each LI's route is being written. Last book, this experiment definitely helped me figure out that they were putting more effort into some characters and less into others, and I'd still like to keep an eye out for these things as much as possible.
• I feel this QT might be shorter than my usual (edit: joke's on me - it's not!! 🙈), mostly because the opening chapter itself is...pretty light, and is mostly meant for us to spend time and have fun with our chosen LI. Plus a tiny smidgen of buildup to the premise, which is having a child in Cordonia. But I do have a theory about the overall theme that I'm going to be expanding on towards the end of the chapter.
• Okay that's it for preliminary explanations, it's time for me to start with the chapter! XD
• Ooh. Oooooooh. This loading page now has tidbits about Cordonian society!! Interesting.
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• Title: Happily Ever Afterwards
Alternative Title: Be Grateful We're Letting You Have This Much Sex For Free This Week, Because That's The Last Time It's Happening.
• I'm extremely offended they're making me wear that Pepto Bismol outfit again.
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...thanks so much for reminding me you still don't care about Hana, PB! 🙄 Everyone else remains to be some version of "loyal", but Hana is still considered more for her skills than for her own steadfastness, even though she was the most hardcore-loyal of the four (SHE LEFT HER FREAKING HOME. HER FREAKING FAMILY. FOR YOU. While the other three were certainly loyal and honorable to the MC, they definitely didn't have to completely cut ties with their families to do right by the MC).
• The "fairytale" aesthetics of the frame story were what drew people into TRR in the first place, so it's not too surprising that the LIs and MC give a nod to the flagship series with a "once upon a time". If you're with Liam, it goes straight from "falling in love with the Prince" to what his relationship with her taught him, before the happily ever after. If you're with one of the other three LIs, it specifies that she came there for Liam but fell for someone else. Sounds a lot like Maxwell's book 😄 In Maxwell's playthrough, in fact, there is a reference to it when the MC calls him a "famous author".
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(Screenshots organized as follows: 1 - Liam, 2 - Drake, 3 - Maxwell, 4 - Hana. Liam's and Hana's are my own. Drake's from @thefirstcourtesan, and Maxwell's from Kaitlyn Walker's YouTube channel).
The other interesting thing to note is that in Liam's playthrough, he leads the narration. While in everyone else's the MC is the one who steers it. One reason I can think of is that the narrative still treats this story as Liam's story as much as it is the MC's (if I'm right about the theme) - which...has honestly always been a sore point with the fanbase in TRR. That would depend on how us and our baby are now further involved with Cordonia in the story. Another factor for why she leads the narration...could be that essentially, the MC took initiative in the other three relationships, while in Liam's case it was he who took a more active role by proposing to her.
• The little story ends with this question from the MC:
Question: But what happens after Happily Ever After?
Answer: Mess. In Cordonia it's always mess.
• Cordonians (specifically the upper classes, since I don't know enough about the common populace to tell, since they're, yknow, practically invisible) are addicted to tea, apples and fucking shit up where they don't even need to.
• ANYWAY. What (literally) happens after 'happily ever after' is a tropical honeymoon on Liam's private island. In the case of the other three, he allows them access to the place and gives the staff instructions on making the stay comfortable for them.
• Now, since Liam owns the island and has probably visited it a could times, he shows more familiarity with it. He tells his wife that on previous trips the island had more rustic accommodations, but the villa they're now staying in was prepared recently. Additionally, the butler welcomes Hana, Maxwell and Drake as newcomers to the island, considering it's their first time. With Liam, there is an air of familiarity - he calls the butler by his name (Javier) and enquires about him and his wife (Mariana) - to show us perhaps how familiar he is with this holiday spot.
• Why the hell does everyone call Liam "Your Highness"? It's been two whole books since he became King, and the proper title for a monarch is "Your Majesty". How is it that Constantine gets to rake the MC over the coals for calling him Your Highness, yet Liam has to hear this from practically everyone. From Javier to freakin' Protocol-Monitor-Madeleine! The disrespect, I tell you!
• Okay so we're having a candlelit dinner by the ocean, and we get our first OOTD. Cute beach dress, has bright flowers and some crochet work on the bodice. I bought it because I couldn't bear to have Esther stay another minute in that Pepto Bismol of a dress.
• LOL @ all the LI responses to "this spot is right where the sharks are!"
• Tuna sashimi and pineapple aioli, huh? I have never had either so idek what that's supposed to taste like (someone on this writing team likes pineapples). I remember having to cut down on tuna during pregnancy, which meant no more Subway sandwiches since the tuna sub was the only one I liked at the time. IIRC most of my family were also cautioning me against pineapples and papaya during my first trimester!
• My gosh this butler doesn't waste much time jumping into assumptions huh?
• Also Javier, why is Cordonia's future so dependent on the well-being of my foetus even if I'm not ruling the country?
• Does Cordonia have sex ed? My money is on no. (esp in the Hana route).
• So there are two parts to the way the premise of wanting to have kids is built up in this sequence. In the first part, the LI impresses upon the MC the need to have children soon after the wedding. The second part addresses the urgency - the "why right now?" factor, and explores the LI's personal emotions towards having children. This bit also feels a bit like a follow-up to the Valtoria balcony scene in Chapter 15.
• The first part is pretty similar for Drake, Hana and Maxwell - all three of whom are now married to a Duchess and are aware that securing the duchy is important. They word it in their own distinctive styles, but the gist is pretty much the same. In Liam's case, since he is the king of the country, he speaks more about Cordonia and its tensions with neighbouring countries.
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Take note of this because I'll be returning to this point later. (also who are the writers trying to convince about Cordonia's size. "Small kingdom" my ass).
• I'll be going by the LIs' personal reasons to have a baby now, one by one, along with a summary of their views on children in the Valtoria balcony scene last book (since this scene clearly references that diamond scene if you've bought it last book).
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(Screenshots: Liam's and Hana's screenshots are mine, Drake's is from @thefirstcourtesan and Maxwell's is from Kaitlyn Walker's YouTube channel)
- Liam: Liam's love for family and need for children is well-known throughout the series. In Book 1, he's dropped hints about wanting to have a different kind of family dynamic from the one he'd experienced as a child, and in Book 2 there were multiple references to wanting to not be Constantine - both as a King and as a father. In the balcony scene in Book 3, Chapter 15, Liam tells us a number of things - about the value of having more heirs for succession, of him always dreaming of having at least 3 children, about Kenna, Cordonia's most legendary warrior queen which leads to an interesting factoid about how the rules of successions for both the throne and duchies are not gender-specific (he also cites Olivia and Penelope as being in line to inherit their duchies). In this sequence Liam undoubtedly has more to say about the political aspect of having an heir than the personal, but his statement about "someone missing" in their lives is of no surprise when he's been enthusiastic about kids for three books straight.
- Drake: Drake perhaps gets the lengthiest 'personal' bit of all, revolving around his eagerness to be a father and his own family history. This scene has Drake speaking of wanting a child with "your eyes and my hair", but most of all of Savannah and her little family, and wanting the happiness his sister is experiencing now. The writing often manages to tie Drake's thoughts about his future family with his past: in the Valtoria balcony scene, his memories of his father and his desire to bring up his own kids the way Jackson did are dominant in the conversation on children. He speaks at length about the absence of a proper 'home' so far in his life (stating that his room at the palace always felt like "a room in someone else's house") and how high on his priority list the prospect of having children is. The Valtoria scene shows him eager to have kids asap, and this scene builds up the same urgency. You're left in no doubt that he wants those kids now.
• Maxwell: Maxwell's route of this scene soundly pretty sudden, tbh. In his Valtoria scene, Maxwell expressed doubt and nervousness when it came to children, citing the example of Bartie ("I love palling around with little Bartie and everything, but if he bonks his head or something, I can just hand him back to Savannah. When it's your kid, you're the one people hand him to."). While this is referenced in TRH's dialogue when Maxwell jokes about forgetting diapers and baby socks - it's a pretty big jump from the man who didn't exactly feel ready to have children yet, and not enough work was done to justify that shift. This could be somewhat excused in the beginning of Book 3, when the narrative had just begun to treat him like an LI, but they've had an entire damn book and several months after to reflect on how to write him properly. That is...if they actually gave a damn.
- Hana: They don't even have the excuse of "relatively new LI" in Hana's case. Because she is the lone female LI married to a female MC, her scene should have been a lot more extensive and explored her urgency to have children so soon after their wedding, a whole lot more. There are tiny changes, like the one where she hints at the "logistical concerns" that come with two women considering a family, and where she speaks of giving her child the childhood she never had (which, frankly, is an extremely vague statement and could be applicable to more than one character in Cordonia). But there is urgency that, again, isn't properly explained in the scene. Even Hana's Valtoria scene doesn't have much that would explain why she would want a child barely weeks after her wedding. The Valtoria scene does have her outlining her dreams for the duchy (along with a joke about her enacting "Beauty and the Beast") and her happiness at the thought of being a mother (she maintains that out of the things expected of her, motherhood is the one she looked forward to). They could have spent some time thinking up a reason for why Hana would rush this, even before anything has happened, or outlined something personal and not ultra-generic. Both Maxwell and Hana deserved a lot better than this.
• Maxwell speaks about possibly forgetting diapers (PLS NO MAXWELL NO) and baby socks (um okay not as bad but depends on the climate), and one of the MC's dialogue options is to say..."diapers and socks are overrated". Guys your kid won't care how much fun you are when they have a bum rash.
• A-ha! Diamond scene. First-chapter diamond love scenes always come cheap in these series' (12 diamonds) and are usually quite a steal.
• ...and it is also matches Liam's underwear. Maxwell's too 😅
• The scene is nice, there are variations between the ways the LIs work up their appetite before they finally roll in the...well, sand 😅 Maxwell has what they call an "ocean duel", Hana's fulfills her lifelong dream of carrying and spinning around her wife on a secluded beach, Drake chases the MC through the water...and Liam just enjoys being a huuuge tease, okay? 😂
• Oh God, why are they still using the old LoveHacks sexytimes music. That "DHUM-boom-ta-doom-DHUM" beat drives me nuts, and not in a good way. You have better music now, PB! Like the sexytimes tunes from RCD and PM. Use those!
• My gosh this entire group is quite horny for dominant duchesses, aren't they. Every last one of them. Each playthrough has these four gazing at the MC in wonder and telling her some variation of "I think you ordering me around is hot". Olivia could trample over them all with spiked heels and they would thank her!
• As always, when something suspicious happens, my dumbass MC goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and never thinks about it again until shit actually goes down. This woman will never learn, will she.
• Anyway! We now move on to the rest of the honeymoon, summed up in three-four varying scenes per LI:
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(Screenshots: Liam's and Hana's screenshots are mine, Drakes is HIMEME's YouTube channel, and Maxwell's is from Kaitlyn Walker's YouTube channel).
- Liam: Focused and dedicated. And insatiable as hell. Sex on a bed (SHOCKING!), sex after his wife points out what could be an apple constellation during stargazing (the MC effectively killed Liam's boner for Cordonia, I see), sex after having chocolate strawberries at a sunlit pond, sex again on a bed (Why is he getting four? 🤔). While the staff is still around somewhere on the island. This is a man with a mission.
- Maxwell: Fun and playful - kind of a "let's live wild and do daredevilry while we can!" vibe. In one Maxwell and the MC cliff dive into the ocean, debating over the wisdom of such risky adventuring when they may possibly be having a baby. In another, the MC watches, concerned, as Maxwell eats a raw squid appetizer. There is a nice callback to Maxwell's House sigil - the kraken - when he tells her that a squid would never hurt a fellow squid. The third shows them playing Strip Monopoly in the comfort of their bedroom.
- Hana: Adorable, caring and looking through every detail. Hana's three scenes involve her showing the MC the sights around the sunlit pond (which Hana and the MC lovingly call the "Hana Lee Honeymoon Itinerary"), watching the sunset under blankets, and this little scene of them choosing sperm donors for their baby:
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It's a nice addition, but it still doesn't explain why they couldn't have waited a few more months. Nothing has happened yet in the timeline of the story, the women are (they believe) finally safe and happy, and while Javier seems to believe that babies born to a couple that consists of two women pop out of nowhere, I'm hoping the denizens of their duchy will have at least a little more common sense (this is Cordonia, so "hope" is the operative word).
- Drake: Langorous, relaxed and contented. Stargazing on the beach (I wonder whether this was a nod to the meteor shower scene in Book 1), whiskey on a patio/balcony/whatever in the afternoon, and eating roasted pork by the fire. Plenty of sex but also lots of outdoors, which means lots of the stuff Drake enjoys doing.
• Aaaaaand it's time for sexy scene 2! The couple are now relaxing in bed on the last day of their honeymoon, and the LI proposes a momento in the form of a sensual photoshoot (which comes with artwork of the LI in their underwear, posing for the MC) The male LIs pose with their hands at the back of their heads, smirking at the camera, while Hana strikes a coy pose, leaning against her hand. It's a quick, fun scene that's supposed to squeeze as much alone-time out of the couple as possible, because from here on the focus may shift to other things. Basically this chapter is meant to be one giant (but largely safe for readers) smutfest. I like the artwork - it's different and I guess meant to be a little more realistic than the usual full-page art in the books (like the engagement and wedding photos with your LIs last book), which is why I think it takes a little getting used to. I know it took me some time!
• Maxwell got an underwear upgrade too!
• We've now come to the end of our honeymoon, our bags packed and ready for our return to Cordonia. The chapter ends with us seeing a "familiar face", who could either be Liam (if you married someone else, and he doesn't show any expression) or an unspecified person (if you married Liam, and he looks ultra happy). Now that could either be related to some paparazzi-related stuff, if the flash of light was paparazzi-related, or it could be a fake-out and he's actually brought along the rest of the gang to surprise you. Idk and I don't want to speculate too much on this, mostly because something more interesting caught my eye.
• So that's it for my thoughts on the scenes themselves! On to the "general thoughts" section.
• General Thoughts and Potential Theories:
- As a first chapter for a new series that is still tied to an older one, it worked. It mirrors the light feel and sensibility of TRR's very first chapter, in that both chapters build an illusion of a fairytale-like place, with hints of the darkness within emerging the next chapter onwards (in this series though - since we're already familiar with Cordonia - the darkness is lightly hinted at this chapter itself). In a lot of ways I think we're going to see a lot of parallels between TRR and this new series.
- Unfortunately, one of those similarities also includes the imbalance in the writing for the LIs. Specifically with Maxwell and Hana. It's the most glaring in the dinner scene, which builds for us the premise on which this entire book stands (the topic of pregnancy). There are ways you could have them make the jump from nervous about having kids to excited, if you tried - there are elements in their storyline that could have helped us understand their urgency.
- I played Liam's route first, and was happy overall with it but I still have my misgivings. The good in terms of Liam's story is that he gets importance because the story is also about him and his country, where we are staying. He gives us some very important details in his route, and personally I like that his role as Guide To The Intricacies And Nuances of Cordonian Society still exists...but you can't deny that there were things in his storyline which should have been addressed and never were. I hope those are addressed this book. If they do the same this time around, it will only be to their detriment.
- Also, I find it highly ironic that Drake is the one to mention Savannah and Bartie when it was MAXWELL who was more involved in helping her with the child. Sure, he was - as he confessed in that Valtoria scene - more the "fun uncle" type, but he was still pretty heavily involved. Still keeping track of what Savannah needed and what Bartie would want. In his own final Book 3 scene, Maxwell is shown having an amazing rapport with little Bartie, playing peekaboo with his nose. I can barely count scenes involving Drake and Bartie with the fingers of one hand. Why couldn't Maxwell reference that last moment in Book 3, drawing up some inspirational moment from it? Like spending more and more time with Bartie changed the way he felt about kids? Or maybe that Savannah or Bertrand said something regarding the joy children bring to him. Anything that gives us some idea of when this shift happened.
Maxwell may have been new last book. It may have been a struggle to know what to do with him last book. But that isn't the case right now. By now they should have settled in their writing of him and figured out ways to make his story make sense? To give him more depth rather than simply reducing the man to the court jester? Maxwell's story was supposed to be about him growing, the scene in Valtoria was supposed to be about wanting to be a good father for his future children but fearing he might fail...yet the writers have the same man say the exact opposite. Maxwell's family history was thrown away for no good reason last book, and was replaced by Savannah drama. There was more space given to Savannah's love story with Bertrand (which didn't NEED the entire book to gain fruition) and Drake (optionally) enjoying humiliating Bertrand. That time, energy and effort could have gone in building up Maxwell, getting an insight into what happened to the Beaumonts that they became so poor...but no. The only Beaumont that mattered seems to be Savannah (and we know exactly why). And going by the fact that they're going to force an entire wedding storyline involving Bertrand and Savannah down our throats, that still seems to be the case.
- Hana's is even more worrying considering that it was poles apart from the rest of the playthroughs and therefore SHOULD have had more thought. Yes Hana loves the idea of being a mother. Yes Hana loves children and has a nurturing nature. But the urgency is still the same as the others' in her playthrough, and it made absolutely no sense. There was a clear dissonance between their current situation and the rush these two were in.
Hana's deserved at least some more time in her dinner scene. Maybe one where she could speak about growing up an only child, with no companions and not even toys. She could explain the loneliness involved in having a small family with parents who gave her more duties than affection, and then speak about giving her kid a better childhood. There isn't even any discussion about which of them should be the person carrying (we know it will be the MC, but why it has to be her in their case is anyone's guess).
What the team have done here is give Hana the bare minimum, after an entire two books of giving her even less than that. I know I'll probably be judged for thinking negatively rather than being cautiously optimistic, but the fact is that the moment this team feels they can get away with tossing scraps or less than that, they can and will do it. It's not stopped them before: not from botching up Hana's storyline, not from giving Hana fans a reception full of goof-ups and shoddy writing, not from pairing her with her bully. Perhaps last year I would have been happy and grateful to see Hana and the MC calling each other "my wife". This time...I refuse to settle for just mere scraps. If you can give thought and care to Liam and Drake's storylines, you'd better be able to do the same for Hana and Maxwell, otherwise what's the point of reviving this book? What's the point of using Hana specifically in two of your ads as bait for your lesbian/bi/wlw fans?? Might as well let the entire series rot in the trash where it belongs in that case.
- I've heard theories about our child becoming heir to the throne, thanks to a possible future arc that may make Liam unable to have children. I personally hate this possible plot line for two reasons:
1. As it is the MC gets more importance than she deserves, whether or not she actually puts in the work. She becomes a front-runner during the social season even if she fails. She becomes a Duchess even if she lacks even the most basic skills, while Hana who has done way more than she ever had for the country gets nothing, not even a needle-point's worth of land. She becomes Champion of the Realm even if she is literal garbage throughout that book, when that title could have easily gone to Olivia or Hana instead if she didn't earn enough to get it. And now to have her kid be made an heir to the throne? For no good reason? Get outta here.
2. Forcing Liam into yet another storyline that is tragic and painful (and I'm pretty sure the writers will find yet another excuse to write a thesis on Drake Walker in the time they could be using to let Liam actually break down, or vent. If they couldn't be bothered to explore the man's feelings when his own father died, do you really think they will bother with him in this??) on top of whatever else he's had to experience so far? At this point I can do with less of that. I'm honestly sick of storylines that put Liam in very uncomfortable, painful situations with very little space for him to air out his grief. Give the man a fucking break. Let him have some breathing space to rule his goddamned kingdom, get him a fantastic therapist and get him better friends while he's at it. Pushing him into yet another messed-up situation when you've barely even scratched the surface with what his experiences have done to him, is really just drama for the sake of drama, nothing else.
- Nonetheless, since this is about a pregnancy and a future heir, I believe there will be plenty talk about succession, and about the importance given to fertility and children in Cordonian society. But as with the social season in Book 1, the engagement tour in Book 2, and the wedding + Unity Tour in Book 3, I believe the pregnancy itself is a frame story. The kind of story that justifies the glitz, the glitter, and the glamorous events...that can serve as a temporary gloss to cover the conflicts within. All while the inner stories reveals those conflicts, layer by layer (again, if it's done right. Book 3 is a good example of a great premise ruined by bad writing. I sincerely hope this book does not go in that direction).
- Remember those screenshots I put up in that dinner scene from Liam's route? About Cordonia's tensions with its neighbouring countries, and how the country may be viewed as vulnerable? I think that's where the actual theme of the story lies.
Books 1 and 2 mostly revolved around the illusion of Cordonia - the fairytale kingdom - before the MC herself is confronted with the tensions brewing within. Book 3 was about strengthening Cordonia through resolution of internal conflict. It was about learning about the intricacies of the country, its most powerful duchies, their histories and identities, Cordonia's messy, complicated history - to tackle the problems that lay within.
I feel like Book 4 would be taking a natural progression from resolving internal conflict to finally standing united as a nation against outside forces. Constantine - in his conversation with the MC in Shanghai - hints not only at groups within Cordonia that wanted to destroy the monarchy, but also foreign powers ("suffice to say there are those who envy Cordonia's prosperity...". Not the royal family's - but "Cordonia's").
Keeping a united front and showcasing strength through pride in the country - ergo 'patriotism', or perhaps 'national integration' since Cordonia is home to many different cultures and geographical locations (I originally wrote 'nationalism here, but now realize there may be negative connotations attached to that word in today's times: thanks @musicallisto!) is often viewed as an asset against alien forces. The MC is now a part of the monarchy/nobility, and will be irrevocably tied to the country's future - so it makes sense that she will now dig into the deepest and most intimate parts of Cordonia's history, and go several steps further in helping to unite the nation.
- Why do I theorize 'patriotism' or 'national integration' as being a theme? There are several reasons for this:
The Unresolved Storylines: We still have a ways to go in understanding Cordonian history. We don't know which other forces were involved in previous assassinations, and we don't have a clue what happened to Liam's mother. All we do know is that other people and groups that we have probably not even seen yet, may have been involved. Francesco (who also knew Liam's mother) and Xinghai, the only foreign delegates/visitors that we got to network with in Book 2, have minimal roles so far but SEEM to have had some influence when they were introduced earlier. Francesco particularly could have some sort of role to play, given what we were told about him in Book 2. Now would be a good time to explore why he needed contacts with these people (other than the fact that Xinghai is Hana's dad). It's possible that nothing will happen and we may not even see these two, or exchange any important information, but I'd still hope that there is some importance to their appearances in Book 2.
The Connections We Made In The Engagement Tour: Meeting Francesco in Capri was related to getting access to EU markets for Cordonian products. The engagement tour itself revolved around grabbing international attention towards Cordonian problems - one of which was the tsunami that hit Portavira, which we learn more about in Book 3. There is a possibility that these threads may be picked up in the future.
Both the above points hint at possible threats, or allies. At this point we can't exactly determine who is friend and who is foe, but it is clear that neighbouring countries - and indeed countries we have associated with in the past - will play a pretty big role in the way we view Cordonia, and in the way we direct the narrative of this country.
The Artwork: I love this part of my theory because it is the most based on actual evidence rather than guesswork. The idea of a nation depends as much on items of familiarity and symbols, as it does on history. It's why countries have national animals, anthems, fruits. Why art depicting national and local legends can often be considered almost sacred. The book has barely even begun yet, and already it is FILLED with all kinds of things symbolic to Cordonia.
Let's first take a peek at the cover art:
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Now let's ignore Liam's and Drake's (busted) faces in this cover and focus on what the three are holding.
The MC holds a rattle in her hand, and the jewel within the rattle looks similar to a ruby, which has been associated more than once with apples in the story (Cordonia's most valued variety of apple is the Cordonian Ruby, Liam's wedding gift to the MC is a ruby in the shape of an apple. The same rattle shows up in the second cover [on the left] as well. It's a stretch, I know, but I've got better evidence. Stick with me).
Liam holds a onesie with a crown design on the front - and we know that "for crown and country" is a popular phrase, especially for toasts, in Cordonia. Drake holds out a toy lion: the lion is the national animal, and holds a place of pride in the national Coat-of-Arms. The throne on which the MC herself sits, is blue and gold - both considered national colours. That's at least 4 symbols related to Cordonia vying for our attention on the same cover!
I mean, even Book 3 had just two major symbols - the apple (related to Cordonia) and the phoenix gown (related to Valtoria) - featuring on its cover.
The biggest proof to me, however, is not the cover, but the loading page. To be more precise - what is written above that loading page. A number of Choices books (BB, for instance) write little factoids about the world they are building above the loading bar, which players can read while they're waiting for the chapter to load. This wasn't a common practice with TRR, but they've definitely started it now! Some of the commentary is usual stuff - about gaining advantages through outfits, welcoming you back to Cordonia, etc...but THIS TIME there are tidbits of information given to us as well. And 80% of those involve apples!
Here are a few I managed to catch. One fact on the importance of apples in Cordonian culture, two specifically on the Cordonian Ruby itself including a rare recipe, and two old proverbs (this isn't the only time we've heard apple-related proverbs in the books - in Book 3 for instance, Bertrand refers to their trip to Fydelia as 'slicing two apples with one knife'). Proverbs in general often give us an idea of what people within a region hold up as important, as so connected to their life experiences that they can use those familiar objects as motifs for things that they see in daily life (eg. proverbs in my home state, Kerala, often refer to things/animals we find locally: jasmines, coconuts, jackfruit, dogs, elephants).
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The fact that the apple features so often and with such emphasis in the loading page itself - and we have already seen what this simple fruit means to Cordonia - indicates to me that this national symbol - and the idea of the nation itself - will be of great importance. Not only will we be exploring foreign relations, IMO, but we'll also be learning how to build a national narrative that will benefit and strengthen Cordonia.
What's also interesting is that the apple symbolizes fertility to the Cordonian people as well - the apple cutting ceremony during a wedding (as explained by Regina to Leo's fiancée in RoE) is "a symbol of the fruit the tree will bear - you being the tree, of course", and there are chances that the fruit may feature often within the context of pregnancy/having children as well.
• That's all for now, guys. I hope to write more and theorize more as the chapters progress! Until then, I hope you enjoy this one, and I'd love to hear what you have to say.
• I did the Hana screenshots for this chapter, since the first chapter allows me to play repeatedly within losing keys, but I won't be able to do so from Chapter 2 onwards. If there are any Hana fans out there who keep screenshots of scenes in their route and are interested in sharing, I'd love to hear from you and will definitely credit you for the screenshots I put up!
• If you'd like to be tagged in future QTs, please let me know! Tagging @nikkisha16 for now since she asked xD
• Until Saturday, folks!
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kanrakixystix · 7 years
So ah, I've been finally trying to muster enough courage to try and bug my favorite FF writers about a fic I've put a lot of thought into... But since I'm such a small blog my asks for a signal boost or review or anything seem more like vain attempts to gain followers... So my courage is wasted and I honestly want to sob right now? ;w; I thought the fandom was better than this... I thought I'd get support... Why'd I waste my time and nerves on it... I'm stupid lol...
Now that I am actually at a computer and can properly respond to this…
First and foremost, anything that you’ve worked on, be it writing, art, photography, cosplay, literally anything that you put creative effort into, TAG ME. I want to know what you’re working on. I want to see how you’re using your creativity and your interpretations. Even if it’s something you don’t think I’ll have any interest in, tag me, so I can share it with someone who might. 
We were all small blogs once. I still consider myself a small blog. In comparison to the blogs that have a thousand plus followers, I’m barely pushing the cusp of 700. I know that might seem like a lot, but you know how many I had before I started posting my stuff and writing for the Final Fantasy XV fandom? A steady flux between 240-250 for a solid three years. So in the six months that I’ve been creating content and sharing it, I’ve gained about three times the followers that I had before. 
Don’t ever feel like you’re bothering anyone. I reblog my stuff AT LEAST ONCE after making the initial post, if not two, three, or more times. I try to ensure that I have covered as much of my audience on my end as I can. After that, it’s up to Tumblr to spread the word. Sometimes my stuff takes off and it gets a lot of attention, sometimes it doesn’t, and both of these things are okay. 
Please, don’t let the recent toxicity in the fandom discourage you from sharing things. There are always a handful a people in every fandom that try to bring it down, and some have succeeded. Yes, it’s messy right now, but we have to move past the hate. 
Don’t ever feel stupid. I’m so happy and proud of you for mustering the courage just to send this to me, and I know that whatever you share with the world is going to be beautiful. Dry your tears, and remember that while things aren’t ideal right now, they will get better. Share your work! If creators don’t support each other, no one ever will. 
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genericartist27 · 1 month
I have two main Ninjago Crack ships that give me true happiness:
Pythor X Clancee (Outcastingshipping)
Arcturus X Chope (I don't have a ship name aside from Chopeturus I guess)
Now stay with me here with Arcturus X Chope....
I ship things because it's either funny/a funny concept or it has a fun character dynamic I'd like to see and explore.
Arcturus X Chope is both of those things.
The concept of the General of the Anacondrai, the REAL Anacondrai, being in a relationship with a FAKE Anacondrai, who is also just supposed to be funny comic relief, has really funny irony and would be hilarious.
Since they're both dead and probably both ghosts and Anacondrai (Chope would be in his Anacondrai form not his human form), we don't have to worry about the whole 'can ghosts date living people' or 'can Serpentine date people' the show accidentally poses, and also they can be with each for eternity.
We could go full enemies to lovers with this one in fanfics, they could have a lot of fun banter with them both, and have them both dislike each other on different levels (With Arcturus dislike for Chope being a lot bigger than Chope's dislike for Arcturus), but over the course of their time together they could come to realise that they have a lot in common or that they get along despite their differences and enter a romance with each other. It could lead to lots of comedic scenes and fun dialogue.
Maybe Arcturus and Chope could have been both manipulated by Chen to trust him and eventually get betrayed by him in one way or another, maybe before they met Chen they could've had personal issues and felt like they had no-one to confide in, and Chen could have wormed into both of their lives pretending to be that friend to confide in, when in reality he was just trying to manipulate and use them for his own gain. Chen betrayed Arcturus by manipulating him into starting the Serpentine war then just abandoning him to get banished to the Cursed Realm and pay the consequences for his (Chen's) own actions by stirring up the whole thing, and Chen betrayed Chope by (possibly) manipulating him into joining the Anacondrai Cult then technically abandoning him like he did with Arcturus by leaving him to get cursed by the Anacondrai Generals (Which adds a level of Irony and Humour to the ship) just this time Chen gets actually punished for his behaviour and it’s not just Chope who gets cursed however the comparison still stands. They over time become the partners to each other that Chen pretended to be.
They have contrasting personalities (to an extent, this is my ill informed view on the characters): Chope is a funny, laid back, casual fighter (if that's a phrase), guy that probably doesn't feel that much guilt and much more goofy character who has probably never cared about honour or any actual culture of the Anacondrai, only admiring them for their power. Meanwhile Arcturus (to my interpretation) is a much more serious (though he could have moments of comedy), prone to over-obsess (kinda like how Twilight Sparkle is in Lesson Zero) and over-plan, guy who can be overly trusting and fall into the trap of falling in love with people to easily (always people the same age or older then him, because he looks up to and wishes to have their 'Wisdom'), overly Skilled warrior, guy who is riddled with his guilt and haunted by his past actions from his extremely high amounts of remorse, much more of a strategist in intense situations character who cares deeply about honour (sometimes to his own detriment) and actual Anacondrai culture, extremely insulted that the legacy of the Anacondrai is being desecrated by people who only care about the Anacondrai power, which could worsen his extreme sense of guilt that he (in his mind) caused the Extinction of the Anacondrai and the desecration of their legacy.
This is where that SWEET SWEET Character development comes in...
Chope could slowly but surely learn about Anacondrai culture and how important the culture and honour were to the Anacondrai. He could slowly realise how F*cked up it was for Chen and the others to erase it all only leaving their power as the only thing they cared about. He could also open up about his insecurities and personal struggles that he somewhat hides under the happy comic relief persona which is how he naturally is like (don't worry it's not a facade) and why he joined the Anacondrai Cult to Arcturus, which could give Arcturus a new perspective on a group he previously blindly hated out of guilt fuelled rage at their desecration of the Anacondrai (They still did bad things, but he gains somewhat of an understanding of why some of them are there). He could learn how to fight with more honour and better.
Arcturus could confront his guilt on what he caused by Chen, he could open to Chope about his past and issues which lead him to blindly trusting Chen, his guilt of (in his eyes) his entire tribe's extinction. Chope could also help Arcturus confess his long withheld crush on Pythor, to Pythor (If that's how you say it), who he could feel guilty for causing the mental insanity and Cannibalism problems in him (Pythor). He could learn to let go of his guilt, Chen and Pythor and finally be able to Rest in Peace with Chope.
Edit: Arcturus could also have an arc when there starting to like each other where he feels like he isn’t good enough for Chope however Chope could snap him out of it early on.
There's probably more I forgot, but I need to get to sleep, I will add more in edits if I remember anything.
I have put more analytical skills into this ship then I have on my College Annotations, and I have got all of Arcturus' personality from less then 5 minutes of Screen time and head cannons. Anyway, this my long ramble on why I ship Chope X Arcturus. This took far too long, I need to end this so I can get to Bed and stop listening to the Italian, Nightcore and Sped up versions of Poison from Hazbin Hotel while making this post.
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