#I'm rdj today
araneitela · 5 months
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I arrived almost 12 hours ago, I've had two stupidly filling typical French meals, I've done too many loads of laundry than I'd like to admit because dryer, I've been spoiled with and am spoiling myself with coffee, my stress is diminishing, I got to read some great meta, and I'm chilling with Mara (who has numerous sleeping spots involving fuzzy blankets in this temporary repose, one of which being the fluffiest nest ever) while listening to and jamming out to Hugh Laurie leading the show in my ear. In other words, while yesterday was a time, I'm having a pretty darn nice time right now, because even if my back aches, my wrists are happier. Let's see if I can get any writing done on these 4/(5?) hours of sleep I've gotten in the last 48 hours, cause I'm pretty hype.
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the baftas: my eyes need bleach after the livestream chat.
I SAID I WOULD COME TO TUMBLR AND SLUT-SHAME ALL OF YOU, AND YOU BET YOUR GODDAMN BILDADDY I'M HERE TO DO IT. First, a huge thank you to @good-usernames-were-taken, Valerie, for enabling this entire chaos and streaming it. And of course to Disappointment the Main Maggot.
Second, as per requests from you maggots, I have to give an honourary mention to the tragic lack of an emotional support gaseous orange, the late half-eaten packet of Lays on my desk, and my nearly empty can of Monster energy. Idk either, you asked for the mentions you got them.
Without further ado, presenting the BAFTA Awards 2024:
I am busy drawing out the neckline stitches of Crowley's wedding dress, when I am reminded of the stream and I crash into it midway. Little do I know what I am getting into.
Everyone is here for David Tennant. No one is here for the actual awards. This is made very clear very quickly.
For context, David is in a kilt for the first half. I finally see why my relatives disapprove of skirts above knee-length. I never knew humanity's unholy worship of knees till I came here.
We interrupt our regular scheduled program of David knees to have an intense discussion about British versus French humour, and the misgendering of croissants.
RDJ wins an award and calls his wife his Alpha and Omega.
We're back to the knees. I can't handle how slutty David's knees are, says a worthy maggot.
This goes into a discussion about tickets for David's Macbeth, because, you guessed it, the kilt and the knees.
A lot of gorgeous and talented women in the BAFTAs tonight. I am floored.
I am not allowed to dwell in my awe because the chat is not a place of the lord. Curtain calls of Macbeth are discussed with unnecessary lasciviousness.
Thankfully, in the midst of this, I get a great Zodiac pattern reference for Crowley's wedding dress cummerbund. I was going to have to research the night sky for star charts but this is better.
People show their beautiful brainrot-induced Doc Marten purchases.
The knee thirst has moved into X-rated territory. I am terrified.
A song is sung in memory of film industry people who passed away this year, and people are sad about Dumbledore but at the same time are imagining Aziraphale and Crowley dancing to the song. The brainrot is real.
I accidentally spoil Saltburn's freakshow for someone. When I ask how I can make up for it, they say something about GOAD. I'm alarmed. Is that an OnlyFans, I ask. It's Good Omens After Dark, the chat answers. Is THAT an OnlyFans, I ask. Close enough, the chat says.
David has now changed outfits to a suit, which finally makes people pay attention to the BAFTAs, if only to alternatively thirst over the suit and bemoan the loss of knees.
Things, uh, happen, which I will have to include as quotes in another post. Cheers, @thearoacemess and @vitrilol.
Barty Crouch Jr is debated about as the Wolfstar child. Bratty Crouch Jr is said to be Crowley.
I obtain a banana, which I associate with blowjobs.
@thearoacemess talks about someone deepthroating a seven-inch banana without a hitch.
The stream does a flashback to the kilt time. It is a mistake. @queermarzipan barrels in and is being too slutty about the knees.
I tell them they need jesus, and they yell about how they've gone to mass twice today and they're an atheist.
Thankfully, @vitrilol starts chanting about the glory of Ireland. The only thing that will distract Marzipan from David Tennant is Ireland.
He proceeds to start screech-singing in all caps.
The BAFTAs end. People are still thirsting over David Tennant.
Uh, more dubious things about David, suits and the absence of said suits are discussed. I'm trying my damndest not to notice.
There is accidental Mascot lore: I am apparently from a different timeline (I mixed up timeline and timezone) and that's how Apollo deposited me in an illegal sushi restaurant where I became Neil Gaiman and Michael Sheen's intellectual child.
I am compared to a cat.
OKAY so I will end the summary here and make a list of out of context quotes in a new post. Because. Boy oh boy. That deserves its own post.
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A fic with rdj babying teen reader!
Papa-Bear Mode
Summary: The reader gets a tiny injury during her first fight scene, and RDJ goes full Papa-Bear Mode.
Warning: talks about stuntwork, swearing, little cut on the forearm
A/N: sorry these are taking so long. my bad!
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"All Right guys, shooting in 30. Get ready!" You heard the Russo Brothers speak into the megaphone. You were off talking to the stunt coordinator, Meghan when you heard the announcement. You were about to shoot your first-ever fight scene and were terrified. The shakey breath you let out was evidence of it. "You got this girl, it's a very simple scene, no harnesses. just fighting," she spoke as she rubbed your shoulder, helping you relax. "Yeah, but what if-"
"So Pipsqueak! heard you are doing your first stunt scene today!" you heard a voice behind you say. Robert walked over and stood right behind you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders, giving them. gentle squeeze. "Yes, and I am FREAKING OUT!" you shouted as you pushed his hands off you.
"Hey hey calm down kiddo, okay?" he spoke softly as he turned you around for an embrace. With your head on his chest, he mouthed to Meghan that he got it, sending her on her way. "Now," he continued as you stood still, "why are you scared?"
"Look stunts can be scary, and I don't want to get hurt or injured because of something I messed up," you said looking at the brown-haired man in the eyes. "Well, do you know what you need to do for the scene?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I mean yeah but-"
Robert made a shushing sound before you could even continue. "And I'm sure Meghan and the rest of the stunt coordination crew have your safety in mind while working out this scene. So you will be fine, you got this, okay pipsqueak?" he spoke to you. You let out the breath you have been holding in. "Okay, I got this. You are right." You spoke confidently before embracing RDJ once more.
"Thanks, Robert, I appreciate you." You felt him give the top of your head and you squeezed him tighter. "And I appreciate you, Y/n. Now you ready to go kick some ass?" he shouted as he raised his hand for a high five. You easily returned it, "Hell yeah, let's go!"
"Alright Y/n, let's shoot that scene one more time, okay?" you heard Anthony Russo speak into the megaphone. You gave them a thumbs-up from up on the railing where you were fighting the villain of the movie (I'm too lazy to decide who it is). You looked to the side of the stage and saw Robert watching you and also gave you a thumbs-up. So far all of the takes have been great, and no one has gotten seriously injured. Once this take was done, you were excited to just go to bed.
"Okay, an ACTION!" They shouted and you and your scene partner got to work. You quickly dodged the punch, went in for a kick, and continued your routine. Everything was going great until you heard some rattling above you. you couldn't look up so you tried not to let your anxiety show through. It wasn't until you got to the part where your partner had you up against the wall that you heard the sound of a part coming undone. Before you knew it, two small boards came crashing down on you and your partner. You felt one of the edges scratch your arm before landing on the floor.
"CUT! CUT!" You and your partner let go of each other and quickly checked yourself over for injuries. "You okay Y/n?" they spoke. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a cut on my forearm. What about you?" you asked them, "Nothing I think I'm - " they were saying before you felt Robert crushing you with his arms. "Oh my god Y/n!" He shouted into your ears. He let you go and held out your arms. "Robert Im fine, I promise. You said as you chucked. You felt his eyes scan your body, checking you for injuries.
"MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC!" he shouted as he took your injured arm and tried to turn it into the light to get a good view of it. "Robert I said Im fine! It's just a cut, see?" you said as you tried to pull your arm out of his grip, but he wasn't budging. "Look it could be infected, or worse than it looks. So let's just be safe okay?" he asked as he looked at you with pleading eyes.
You chuckled at him before reluctantly agreeing, " Okay papa bear, I'll get it checked out." You could hear him say "I'm not a papa bear," under his breath as you too made your way towards the medics on set. "Yes you are, and it's very adorable. Thanks for looking out for me." He leaned down and kissed your head.
"I gotta look out for my cubs."
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
List 2, Number 34 with RDJ pleaseeeee. I live for a jealous Robert
Sparks Of Jealousy
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PAIRING || Robert Downey Jr. x Actress!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 900 words
SUMMARY || Having played love interests in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, your feelings for Robert have extended beyond the screen. These emotions surface at his 4th of July celebration, and you can't help but wish you had confessed your love sooner, as you know you could have shared a beautiful life with him for a few years now.
RATING || Mature (M)
TAGS || RPF. Mutual pining. Idiots in love. Jealous!RDJ. Implied smut.
A/N || This drabble is part of Nicoline's Summer of Drabbles. I want to show my endless gratitude to the amazing @ccbsrmsf1 for helping me devise a plan for this! Because of you, this has become what it is now, and I could not have done it without you! Eu te amo, bestie 🤍
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Photo: Source || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Robert Downey Jr. || Summer of Drabbles
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It's a beautiful summer day as you drive to your best friend Robert's house, where he's throwing his annual 4th of July party. Armed with your bathing suit and some snacks, you're looking forward to seeing him again, though the butterflies in your stomach are also fluttering wildly at the thought of seeing him again.
Since you two met during the filming of the first Iron Man movie - where you played the role of his assistant and eventual love interest, Pepper Potts - your chemistry has been undeniable, and over time, it has grown to love for you both, but you're both afraid to confess - though that won't last long. Because what neither of you knows is that the universe has other plans today
The moment you get out of the car and walk into Robert's large garden, you're first greeted by Montgomery and D'Artagnan, as they have also grown particularly close to you, their purring and soft fur constantly warming your heart as soon as they come to ask for some pets.
"I'm happy to see they have found their favorite human again," Robert jokes as he walks over to you. You look up at him with a smile, your heart beating faster as you see his shirtless muscles beautifully displayed today. His large smile makes you feel weak in your knees as he crouches next to you and the cats, petting them as well.
"And I'm happy they still want to see me after I haven't visited in a hot minute," you say shyly now that he's so close to you, and Robert chuckles. You both have had conflicting schedules, but you're happy they lined up for once, and you can be here for his 4th of July party.
"Well, I'm also happy to see you again, Gorgeous," he says, and you feel a warmth rapidly spreading through your cheeks at his words. You meet his gaze with a shy smile, and this time, the butterflies in his stomach are going wild.
Once Robert's cats have had enough attention, he grabs your hand. He pulls you towards the crowd of people - more specifically, your old Marvel co-stars, many of whom you haven't seen in a few years, so it's the perfect opportunity to catch up with them and talk about their latest projects and your own.
As the evening progresses, Robert gets you and himself something to drink, and you're wrapped up in conversation with one of your good friends, Sebastian, as he walks back. However, his timing isn't the best, as he only hears half the conversation, and his blood is boiling at what he hears.
"What do you think? Will you have dinner with me once we're both in New York? I missed you, and it would be nice to catch up," is all Sebastian can say before Robert excuses you and he gently pulls you inside his house for some much-needed privacy.
Once inside, you're looking at Robert confusedly, trying to piece together what's going on. You were having a friendly talk with Sebastian when you got pulled away, but it's not making sense yet.
"I- ugh! You don't understand how angry I am right now!" Robert says through gritted teeth, as he's unsure how to express his feelings adequately. Usually, he's a magician with words, but now he's stunned to silence at the thought of someone asking you out when it should be him doing that.
"May I ask what you're angry about? Is it something I did?" you ask him, your voice growing smaller as you near the end of your sentence, and your brows are pulled together as a wave of anxiety washes over you.
"No, no! It's not you, Gorgeous! It's- Seeing you with him, and- And him asking you out," Robert says as he paces back and forth, which is when it suddenly clicks in your head.
"Wait, are you... jealous? Sebastian asked if I would go and have dinner with him as friends. Oh my god, I'm so stupid! No, there's nothing to worry about because the only one I have eyes for is you, Robert. It's you I'm interested in and in love with!"
Before you can comprehend what's happening, Robert approaches you, his hands cupping your cheeks as his lips descend on yours. The fireworks outside go off as if on cue, making it even more special. All the excitement outside is long forgotten as the two of you are lost in your bubble, and your feelings have finally been revealed.
The moment Robert pulls away, you already miss his lips on yours, but what he says next is enough to set your heart on fire:
"I love you too, Gorgeous. I'm sorry it took me this long to admit, but I'm happy you finally know, as I cannot live without you for another second," he whispers before capturing your lips again, making you smile into the kiss.
That night, once everyone is gone, Robert takes the utmost care of you as he takes his time to make you fall apart on his tongue, fingers, and cock until the sun comes up the next day, making you feel like a queen in the process. Last night was the first of many, and you can't wait to see where the rest of your lives will take you both, but you know that as long as you're by Robert's side, it can only get better every single day.
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captainwans · 6 months
NEW ERA! (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: after the release of arctic monkeys new album, y/n’s comment section attracts new followers and attention.
layout inspo: @ithinkimokeei 🩶
timeline: 2013
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Liked by officialelizabetholsen, chrishemsworth and others
yourinstagram italy has been treating me well! ✨🍃🌤️ 🇮🇹
 ㅤ View all the comments
username something lgbt just happened to me
username y/n is so HOT 😩
username the album is out you know what that means 😏
yourinstagram i don’t 😅 what album?
yourbestfriend aww she’s so clueless it’s so cute 🤭
username i'm lesbian 
username the most beautiful woman on the planet 🌎
username she’s so fine bro
username i love when y/n y/l/n
officialelizabetholson my WIFE 💕💍
yourbestfriend you mean OUR wife
username lmao yourbestfriend
username so beautiful
username do you know alex turner?
username who else came after listening to arabella
username me!!!
username 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
username moi 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
username username apparently the whole comment section
username 😍😍😍😍
username y/n have you listened to arctic monkeys new album?
katehudson how do you always manage to look so freaking good 😩 spare some beauty, mama!
yourinstagram katehudson you're the most prettiest woman i've ever laid eyes on ✋🏼💖
yourbestfriend you're such a cheater 😭😭
username yourbestfriend 😭😂
username pls i want their friendship
username what did you think about the song arabella?
username i’m so glad the arabella movie is getting the recognition it deserves!!! the song is sooo good too! 💗
username what’s your favorite arctic monkeys song? ❤️
yourinstagram it’s impossible for me to choose, but if i had to it’s definitely fluorescent adolescent or teddy picker 🧸
matthelders yourinstagram now that’s taste
 ㅤ matthelders started following yourinstagram
 ㅤ yourinstagram started following matthelders
username drummer boy is here!!!
username i love how arctic monkeys fans have summoned in the comments after listening to arabella 😂
username and we are OBSESSED with her
username the song is playing on REPEAT!
username the movie wrecked me so hard i’ve been crying for days
username username same i still haven’t recovered from arabella she’s such a talented actress!! 💗
username manifesting that she’s gonna be in the arabella mv 🪄🧙🏻‍♀️
 ㅤ Liked by yourbestfriend
username marvel and arctic monkeys fans = what an unexpected duo
username username but so iconic tho right?
marvel real people listen to arctic monkeys.
 ㅤ  Liked by 61k followers
 ㅤ katiee_cook_ started following yourinstagram
 ㅤ breanahelders started following yourinstagram
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Liked by markruffalo, imsebastianstan and others
yourinstagram avengers….ASSEMBLE 🦸🏻‍♀️🤺
 ㅤ View all the comments
username help why is chris holding scar like that
username hemsworth is a BEAST god damn 😩
username the reason why i’m alive
markruffalo miss you on set ❤️
yourinstagram coming back soon marko 😙
jeremyrenner yourinstagram how long is soon? yourbestfriend is having an episode again 🙄
yourbestfriend you're being very dramatic today renner
robertdowneyjr that was an episode? thought she was just being herself …
yourinstagram 😳
username the roast I CANNOT
username pls i would start crying
yourbestfriend you know what robertdowneyjr
tobertdowneyjr no i don’t know what
username bahahahaa downey
username this is so funny
username rdj is literally tony stark irl
mileskane you were KILLING it on the avengers love!! ❤️❤️
yourinstagram thank you!! 💕💕 mileskane
username miles my beloved <3
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Liked by yourfriend, lilyjamesofficial and others
yourinstagram 🌸🍥
 ㅤ View all the comments
username that cake looks sooo goood omg
username queen just posted 😩😩
breanahelders cutie!! 💗
 ㅤ Liked by yourinstagram
katiee_cook_ that cardigan is so gorg! where did you buy it? 🙈💕
yourinstagram i actually knit this myself! 🧶😆 i can send you the recipe in dms! 💕☺️
katiee_cook_ thank you, lovely! 😍
username why is she so cute 🥹
username now i want that cardigan
username katie and breana interaction- does this mean that y/n and alex are dating rn??
username username how? they haven’t even met..
username how do you know tho? 👀
username are we just gonna ignore 2005?
username username wdym?
username girl why are you clueless 😭
username if they’re dating then my life would be complete
yourbestfriend i baked that cake!! 🥰
 ㅤ Liked by yourinstagram
username can someone please explain 2005?
username somebody tag me on this i’m so invested
username same glad i’m not the only one who’s confused
username username username y’all must be new to the fandom lmao
username username y/n and alex go way back in 2005 and some people are saying that they first met in a pub in sheffield during that time she was filming (1)
username and some fans claim that y/n was the inspiration behind i bet you look good on the dance floor (2)
username ^^!! that is true he confirmed it in an interview (*inserts link*)
officialelizabetholsen yourbestfriend and it was so delicious!!! 😋🎂
yourbestfriend thank you lizzie!! 😙
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Today has been hell. I have decided to kind of answer a lot of asks in one post.
Why would the co-stars be there if not because of the wedding?
There could be several other reasons for this.
RDJ is shooting in Boston, so Renner is a big football fan (we all saw them in a football match with Evans), and Hemsworth could be there because of the Tom Brady thing too. It is a big deal in the states, and maybe Chris will have an after party, or this was a really great opportunity to reunite and to get some attention since neither of them are allowed to promote their stuff.
But Hemsworth doesn't even like football.
And how do you know that? Has he ever said that? And even if this were the case, maybe he just wanted to hang out with his friends, and this was a great opportunity to get together. Maybe Hemsworth started liking football after spending a lot of time in America. Maybe he had some work to do there. Nobody has ever said that he only flew from Australia to the States because of the whole Tom Brady thing. It's not like it would be too far-fetched to say that he flew in because of his friends. He is rich, so he has no problem spending money on a plane ticket. Or on a private plane. Hemsworth was also part of the AGBO fantasy football team, just like all the Avengers. Could be another reason for them being there.
That's Hemsworth's wife, not his mom.
That's not his wife. This is his wife.
And if you take a look at that woman who was there with them in the restaurant, you can see that the hair color immediately doesn't match. But by just taking a look at this picture, you can see that the woman with them looks nothing like Elsa.
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Hemsworth and Renner told those girls that they were there because of Chris's wedding.
I find this really unbelievable. Do we really think that they would spill the tea on random people? There is no way they don't know about the backlash their relationship has been getting, and if they are getting married, they clearly want to keep it secret, so there is no way his friends would spill anything, especially to random strangers.
Chris's friend posted a picture on Instagram of him and his friend in a car wearing something fancy.
He posted that picture when it was like 9 a.m. in Boston, so as one of my friends said, they might've gone to church.
There are also a few people that are missing who I think would be there, like Mackie, who is in New Orleans for a football game, and Alba's cousin, who is in Peru with her family. I don't think either of them would miss their wedding.
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I've said it once and twice, and I'll say it once again: the only reason all of these are suspicious is because of that one girl, that random online person, saying that the wedding will take place this weekend. I'd also like to add those people who love to stir up shite online and spread misinformation because they love creating drama.
It's also really interesting that this is happening once again after something unrelated to Alba happened to Evans.
Maybe I'm wrong; maybe they are getting married. I don't know, but nobody else does. There is just as much evidence of them getting married as there is of them not: zero.
This is only my opinion.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Zoomer Huey, I tend to see people saying why Gen z don’t have sex much.
These journalists surprisedly have WORSE self awareness than there boomer relatives
Here a hint https://x.com/swannmarcus89/status/1762582001507323991?s=46
And gender dynamics are…nuked in the fields they are surveying. Women and girls are told that all men are predators and misandry is left unchecked
Also, why Hollywood act surprised about the sex abuse?
We all heard about the casting coach, and how suspiciously people from working class backgrounds like Micheal Jackson (yes his dad had his music connections. But essentially mj was a slave and was arguably was the first black child star unless I’m missing someone) and Walt Disney (though not as bad) are painted as monsters while the actual monsters are protected for decades
I mean look at Judy Garland, she was a sweet person and she did help the LBGT in Hollywood and supported the civil rights movement
But her “crazy” behavior makes more sense because she was sexually abused at a extremely young age
And she not the only one, Shirley Temple, the boy who played at the first LA Dennis the Manis
Oh and the Peter Pan actor (a lot of people leave out the part where ALL of Hollywood basically says he can choke and die because he was “too” Disney)
But sorry about the Gen stuff, but the false rape accusations, maybe if you guys didn’t view men (especially white ones) the same way Nazis viewed the Jews while saying all the working class men were Weinstein.
My Gen would have more sex
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Entertainment industry has been like that since the beginning of forever, probably less so when women weren't allowed to participate but still a thing I'm sure.
As for Judy Garland it was nice to see people come out swinging in her defense when someone tried to start shit over well
She was not in control of her carer, saying no was not an option for her with this, but dumbasses that can only think in terms of today's standards never think about that.
Jay North (Dennis the Menace) did ok, so did Shirley Temple, plenty of others not so much, more recently we can look at Drew Barrymore and RDJ who both had fairly public meltdowns and problems.
Drew was ruined since her first film was ET and Spielberg takes care of the kids on set, going beyond the legal requirements.
Bobby Driscol was the Peter Pan VA top of his Wiki article.
Robert "Bobby" Cletus Driscoll (March 3, 1937 – c. March 30, 1968) was an American actor who performed on film and television from 1943 to 1960. He starred in some of the Walt Disney Studios' best-known live-action pictures of that period: Song of the South (1946), So Dear to My Heart (1949), and Treasure Island (1950), as well as RKO's The Window (1949). He served as the animation model and provided the voice for the title role in Peter Pan (1953). He received an Academy Juvenile Award for outstanding performances in So Dear to My Heart and The Window.
He just fell into the child actor pit, where he wasn't "cute" anymore couldn't get gigs and couldn't adjust to not being in the spotlight, the way he went and nobody knowing is awful to think about still.
Jackie Coogan, on the other hand was a different story.
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His parents sucked and as a result there's a series of laws named after him California's Coogan Law all about protecting the earnings of child actors from their parents. % goes into a trust iirc.
He ended up OK in the end though
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The false accusation thing, #me too hurt women because #believe women was taken advantage of to such a degree that even this coming out to light
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has still probably not cleared up for the trooper, and men are opting to not mentor women because of not wanting to risk a false accusation, everyone screams about how rare they are, to which I say so what, why should they assume the risk even if it's minor
Former VP Mike Pence came out and said he won't be alone with a woman that's not his wife in order to ensure that there is no possibility of someone making a claim of impropriety.
And he got this response
Why is anyone going to put their neck on the line when something like what he said is going to get this kind of response.
Maybe instead of crying about how rare false accusations are they should focus on shaming the people making them and coming up with solutions to keep them from happening.
You know instead of blaming the victims of the false accusations.
All this and so much more going on that isn't in this ask goes to the I don't blame people for not having as much sex, it's actually kinda nice too, fewer std's this way.
I went on a couple tangents, hope that's ok
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no-name-nacho-cheese · 4 months
Just finished watching Spider-Man Homecoming in theaters, and I love several things:
1) The theater is SO FULL
3) The guy next to me who kept woo-ing every time Ned was on scree
4) Even though everyone knows what the end credit scene is, everyone is staying for the Captain America 'patience' scene that we all got before Infinity War 🥺
It is such a good movie, it's in my top 5 MCU movies, and watching it I really do miss RDJ in these so much, but also I'm glad that other stories get to shine as well. And knowing what comes later for Peter makes watching this all so bittersweet 🥲
ALSO the soundtrack is AMAZING!!! Michael Giacchino is AWESOME and wrote for the other two MCU Spidey movies, the first Doctor Strange, and UP. He's my fave because if you look at how he titles his tracks for the soundtrack, IT IS ALL PUNS BASED ON WHAY OCCURS DURING EACH SCENE!!! (i.e. Stark Raving Mad during the ferry aftermath scene). Love!!!
(And of COURSE it was almost 90º today but I wore my Midtown Tech Sweatshirt regardless, you know that's right)
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georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
Peach, you're the best! Thank you for posting that amazing pasta art! (And thank you to the lovely artist who made it =)) - Mrs Pasta.
That being said...I have a few things to say. No words of wisdom, just some thoughts. Some people will disagree with my takes but if you're here reading it, read it carefully and really consider what I said before you disregard.
Every time something happens that gets a certain portion of fans excited that "it's coming to an end," it is nearly always (99.9) followed by something that completely disputes that hope and gets everyone angry, upset, and riled up. It's time to pick up on the patterns, guys!
Ramen and Soba attended the GG afterparty for Soba's agency but didn't show up for the red carpet or awards show. It's got some people thinking Ramen fell off on the HW hierarchy food chain but people. Please. Let's be honest with ourselves here. Did they not attend because he couldn't get an invite since he's "so irrelevant" now or did they not attend because them trying to act like they know each other in real time, for the camera, would be a feat harder than climbing Mt. Everest? Why else do y'all think Soba attended the GQ event with Cup of Noodles instead? You know, the one where she actually did pose for photos and walk the red carpet? And flash her loaned jewelry and "wedding ring" but refused to speak to reporters because she had nothing to promote? It's giving "a...weird face wife that will never do an interview" XD
Every time something happens that gives another portion of fans the chance to "gloat," something else happens to throw a wrench into the mix. You don't question why only one "director" got a random picture of soba and ramen in the same bowl but nobody else saw them? And they can only be mentioned in a throwaway line by a Condé Nast publication (Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ) and neither Ramen nor Soba could spring for a stylist this time? Looks like somebody doesn't want to make that red carpet debut...but why not? Aren't y'all married for the 50th time in a year and also expecting for the 20th time in the past two years?
Lastly. Just because Ramen has had a few pitfalls this past year does not mean that suddenly he's dropped to C-D list and that he's completely irrelevant in the industry now. I understand having critical flops can hurt your career. Of course it can. And in fact, I'm sure these pitfalls have hurt him. But remember that just because someone is doing well now doesn't mean they'll always do well, and just because someone is having a rough few years doesn't mean they'll never get a comeback.
I'd also like to close with a reminder to those gloating on about how RDJ is doing better and Ramen is failing in life...RDJ was once a drug addict and ended up in jail. My parents still mention this about him every time they see him on TV....people do remember when the biggest news of his career was him getting arrested. Also, after Endgame? Does anyone remember Doolittle? 15% on rotten tomatoes had people thinking RDJ fell off. And then covid hit and he was just doing his own thing for a few years. Now look at him. Looks like that awards campaigning worked! Because no disrespect, Robert, but your Oppenheimer performance was lukewarm at best. IMO, You deserved it more for Tropic Thunder and I say that as someone who genuinely admires you.
I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers. It's just tiring to see people ignore certain things for the sake of running with a narrative.
Love ya, Peach!
Mrs. Pasta, thank you for gracing us with your presence twice today. I honestly, have nothing to add to this great observation. I was just talking about a lot of these points earlier with some mutual about a certain even with a super shiny watch 🤭 I honestly never thought about equating Katt’s words about weird faced wife that will never give an interview to this 😵‍💫 but your’e on to something there!
Looks like someone reached into the depths of their closet to try and scrounge up a look last week, but what do I know?
Mrs. Pasta, I always look forward to your takes and observations.
@inshelliesworld created some cute little Mrs. Pasta art 😊
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bratshaws · 8 months
through the hourglass 351.brb x oc
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a/n: :,) i just love them sm (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: rooster. also LOVE MAKING WOOO
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
She hasn’t stopped smiling ever since they left her parents’ house. They got home at night time,  literally spent a whole day there, laughing, enjoying food, napping a bit because she was tired…and now she watched her husband from the door frame, watched as the white tee stretched on his shoulders a bit as he pours them some wine, “Wine,LC?” she asks, “This late?”
Rooster looked up from the wine bottle he was holding, a"Why not? A little late-night wine never hurt anyone. Plus, it feels like a perfect way to cap off such a wonderful day."
Beatrice smiled, her heart swelling with contentment. She walked over to him, feet bare"You know what, you're right. A toast to a perfect day."
He handed her a glass, their fingers brushing in a gentle exchange. The clink of the glasses filled the air as they made a silent toast, savoring the rich aroma of the red wine.
"To family, love, and the unexpected joys of life," Rooster declared, his eyes locked with Beatrice's.
"Cheers to that," she replied, taking a sip. The wine was velvety on her tongue, a perfect complement to the tranquil evening. They moved to the living room, settling on the couch with glasses in hand.
Beatrice curled up on the couch, her legs tucked beneath her. Rooster joined her, an arm casually draped over the backrest as he savored his wine.
"So," Rooster began, a smirk on his lips, "what's got you grinning like the Cheshire Cat all day?"
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Rooster raised an eyebrow, "Come on, gorgeous. You've been smiling from ear to ear since we left your parents' house. Spill the beans. What's making you so happy?"
Beatrice chuckled, unable to suppress her joy. "Okay, okay, I'll spill. It's just… she sighs, happily “ being with everyone today, with my family, with you—it made me realize how incredibly fortunate and happy I am. I have this amazing family, a wonderful husband, and a life that feels like a dream sometimes."
Rooster's expression softened as he listened to her words. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, gorgeous. I'm just glad to be a part of it."
She leaned into him, her head finding its familiar spot on his shoulder. "You are a huge part of it, Roos. I couldn't ask for a better partner in this crazy journey."
He pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head.smiling against the brown tresses. "I feel the same way. Every day with you is a gift." he sighs, the lavender in her hair entering his nostril and he felt at peace, “...also, your mom forgot I got the promotion,huh.”
“She did.”
“Yeah…she screamed so loud I think it woke the dogs.” he hums,  “And she cried a lot.”
Beatrice chuckled at the thought, hugging his arm with the one that wasn’t holding the glass. "Well, she's always been the emotional type. I'm pretty sure the entire neighborhood knows about your promotion now."
Rooster grinned, "Should I expect a neighborhood-wide celebration or just a congratulatory cake from your mom?"
"Knowing her, it could be both," Beatrice replied, laughing. "But seriously, Roos, I'm so proud of you. You've worked hard, and you absolutely deserve this promotion."
His smile widened at her words. "Thanks, baby. It means a lot to hear that from you. And your family's reaction...I wasn't expecting that level of excitement."
"It's not every day they have a son-in-law climbing up the military ladder," Beatrice teased, nudging him playfully. “Besides,you know how they are, of course they’d be over the top,Roos.”
Rooster chuckled, his eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and gratitude. "Well, I'm honored to be the cause of such excitement. Your family has always been incredibly supportive, and I couldn't be more grateful for that."
Beatrice nestled closer to Rooster, her hand tracing absent-minded patterns on his chest. "You know they love you just as much as I do.” she whispers, inhaling his cologne and then looking up when he got quiet, ‘...Roos?”
He tried,feebly so, to hide his tears, wiping them with his fingers, “I’m fine,gorgeous.”
Beatrice, concern etching her features, propped herself up on an elbow to look at Rooster. "Hey, what's going on?" She reached out to gently wipe away a stray tear on his cheek.
Rooster took a deep breath, managing a shaky smile. "Sorry, it just hit me. The combination of the promotion, your family's reaction, and... I don't know, I guess it's a lot of emotions all at once."
She scooted even closer, her fingers lightly tracing soothing patterns on his arm. "It's okay, Roos. Emotions are a part of life, and there's no need to apologize for feeling them."
He nodded, taking a moment to collect himself. "I just... I never imagined I'd be here, surrounded by such love and support. It's overwhelming, in the best possible way." he frowns, sniffling again and groaning with annoyance, “With everything that went down I–”
Beatrice smiled tenderly, her gaze filled with understanding. "You've come a long way, Roos, and you've earned every bit of this. Your hard work, dedication, and the love you've given and received—it's all you.”
He sighed, letting the weight of her words sink in. "Sometimes, it just feels surreal, you know? Like I'm afraid I'll wake up, and it'll all be a dream."
"Well, I can assure you, it's very much real," she said, her voice gentle, because boy oh boy,does she know what he means. "You're not dreaming, I promise you"
Rooster's eyes locked onto hers,brown irises moving all over her face. "I love you, Beatrice. More than words can express."
Her heart swelled with affection. "And I love you, Roos. More than words can express.” she smiles, cupping his cheek, “I worry about you, handsome.” he laughs softly, wiping his eyes again and Beatrice took that moment to set her glass aside and slowly climb on his lap,  sitting atop of his thighs with her arms on his neck, “I truly do.”
He stops sniffling for a few seconds, then drops his hands on her hips - glass of wine immediately forgotten - when he feels her warmth on his jeans, “I know…I’m okay gorgeous.” he smiles, rubbing her chin with his thumb and leaning back on the couch, “...I like this view.”
Beatrice chuckled, a warm, melodious sound that echoed in the quiet living room. She shifted slightly on his lap, finding a comfortable position, and leaned in, her lips hovering near his ear. "Well, if you like this view, maybe we should make it a regular occurrence."
Rooster grinned, and the hands on her hips tightened their hold "I wouldn't mind that at all. It's the best seat in the house."
She planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "And the best company, too."Beatrice, still perched on Rooster's lap, traced the contours of his face with her fingertips, savoring the closeness. “It is a great view.”
“Trying to make me4 blush?”
“Is it working?”
His eyes squinted a bit, the dimples on his cheeks becoming prominent as he smiles. “...maybe.” he slides the hands from her hips to her thighs, feeling where the fabric ended and skin began, “A little yes.”
Beatrice's fingers continued their delicate exploration of Rooster's face, tracing the contours of his strong jawline and lingering on the scruff that adorned it. Rooster, in turn, relished the sensation, his eyes locked onto hers "I could get used to this," Rooster admitted, his voice a soft murmur. "Just you and me, enjoying the quiet moments."
“Well,it’s been a while since we had the time to sit down and…relax.”
Rooster nodded, his hands gently caressing her thighs as he reveled in the proximity. "Agreed. Life gets so busy, “she feels his fingers going tap, tap,tap, on her skin, drawing shapes as he speaks, “...and I missed you so much.”
"I missed you too, Roos," she confessed, her voice a tender murmur. "Life does get crazy, but moments like these make everything worthwhile."
Rooster's fingers continued their rhythmic dance on her thighs, "Hmmm…” and his eyes drop down from her lips, to her neck and then to her chest, seeing it rise and fall as she breathed in and out, “...yeah…yeah true.”
“You are not even paying attention,Roos.”
Rooster's gaze snapped back to her eyes. "Guilty as charged. But who can blame me when there's such a beautiful distraction sitting on my lap?"
"Flatterer. You always know how to turn a situation around."
He grinned, his hands now settling on her hips again, providing a comforting warmth. "Well, when you have the most beautiful distraction in the room, it's hard not to get a bit distracted." he smirks, leaning closer, “And I love turning you around too.” his hands slide down to her ass where he cupped both cheeks with gusto, groaning when his palms were filled by her flesh, “Fuck,”
She gasps softly, watching as he dropped his face on her chest and she had to admit…she missed him too and sitting on his lap was already doing things inside of her. She did use a dildo, but once you have someone - once you have a Rooster - she could orgasm but it wasn’t the same.
She feels his teeth gently scraping the upper side of her left breast and his tongue following the cleavage before he moves his lips up,kissing where her neck met her shoulder with a happy hum, “You still taste really good…”
Beatrice’s eyelids dropped a little and she tried to hear if the dogs were coming over or if the baby monitor squeaked with activity, but she heard only silence. Her shoulders dropped in relief just in time for her husband’s large hands slide under her shirt until he reached her bra strap, tongue still trailing up and down her neck, “Roos…”
“We better go to the bedroom–” she squeaks in surprise because he immediately picked her up, bouncing her body in his hold to keep her steady as he walks to the staircase, all the while kissing her neck, sucking the skin enough for a red hickey to bloom on her skin.
Beatrice gasps his name, her nails gently scratching his nape as he tried, quietly, to go to their bedroom without waking anyone. She couldn’t remember the last time they had sex, which was a god damn mistake since there was no way she’d forget him.
They got inside the room and Rooster blindly locked the door, his saliva glistening her neck and chest before he sets her down, only to slam their lips together. The absence, from both sides was finally hitting, and hitting hard.
Bea moans into his mouth, feeling his hands cup her cotton shorts and then pull on the elastic, “Take ‘em off.” he breathes against her lips, pressing hot kisses on her skin, “Get all nice and naked for me,gorgeous.”
And he’s looking at her so hungrily she only nods and smiles, backing towards the bed while keeping her eyes on him. She wished she could remove her clothes and remain gazing at her husband’s body, because that man was carved out of marble. He is naked within seconds saved for his dark briefs that now were just a bit tented, “...how long were you–”
“Ever since we started drinking.” he replies, chest heaving, “...c’mere.” he doesn’t give her enough time to react because he kisses her again, his hands sliding under her cotton shorts to slide them down her thighs.
She moans into his mouth as he grabs her ass again, digging his digits into her ass cheeks and leaning back just enough to slap it. The sudden crack echoed all around the room and Rooster swallows her surprised moan, his hand moving to her front. Beatrice gasps into his mouth as his fingers slide inside of her by just pulling her panties’ crotch to the side.
He’s so very pleased when his fingers immediately feel the moistness inside. “You are already so wet for me.” he coos, kissing his way over her ear, mustache scratching her skin as she leans into him, breasts squished against his chest as she feels his calloused digits moving in and out of her.
He can feel the dribble sliding down his hand and he bites his lower lip, because he missed this so very much. And normally, he’d be all up for foreplay but– “Roos,please,” she gasps, hips moving against his hand, “Please,I just need you…r-right now.”
Who was he to deny her?
He has to breathe in to calm himself down, slowly pulling his fingers out - the gentle squelching wasn’t missed by either of them - and licking them clean, he just watches with lust heavy eyes as she smiles - god he loved her smile - and gives her back to him to remove her bra.
“I don’t know why i’m so nervous.”
He flicks his eyes back up at her, seeing how she suddenly hugged herself. Oh that wouldn’t do. He is quick to get rid of his briefs and step behind her,pulling her hair to the side so he could kiss her neck, moaning in pure raw need when her cheeks just wrap around his member as he steps forward “Wha-why are you– fuck – nervous?”
“I don’t know.” she repeats, “I think it’s because it’s been a while since we,” and his hands cup her breasts, fingers pinching her nipples and squeezing the soft flesh, “W-We had…s-sex….oh god.”
He smirks, moving his hips slowly, grinding his cock against her ass, “I love you.” he whispers, “All of you. You still look as fucking sexy as I remember.” he kisses her shoulder, “How do you want to do this?”
Her whole body is on fire, but she replies, “I missed having you on top of me.” she whispers, biting her lower lip when she feels his smile on her skin, his hands sliding down to the love handles on her hips. 
“Well,” he coos, “Get comfortable,gorgeous.”
She wastes no time in stepping forward and falling on the bed, grabbing a pillow to get comfortable and so she could see him better. He looked unreal, like a full body illusion with the sexiest swagger she had ever seen. She bites her lower lip again, flushing just enough to make him smile as he settled on top of her.
He kisses her lips, then her cheekbone, before he nuzzles their noses together, “Wanna do the honors?” he asks while gently prodding her entrance - his gland latches on the opening for a second before it pops out again, and Beatrice whimpers while nodding.
He doesn’t know why but feeling her wedding band touching him as she align his member to her entrance was unbelievably hot. He just keeps his eyes on hers, those green irises shining with unshed tears and those pink,glossy lips of hers parting as she finally achieves it…and he pushes forward.
Honestly it’s a feeling both missed and it’s hard for them to control how good they feel. He wastes no time in interlacing their hands together and pulling them above her head. Eyes still locked as his hips move. He watches her micro expressions, the way her lips part into his name, how she whispers it so reverently but as quiet as a mouse.
Rooster is mesmerized. He always is, honestly, when it comes to Beatrice. He’s so happy. he’s so happy. He couldn’t explain but the way this woman made him feel was out of this world. His hips meet hers and he’s slow, he’s languid, he wants both to njoy this, he wants both to remember how they felt to one another.
Her wetness was comforting and warm and nice. Nice, perfect, perfection.
Beatrice was perfection.
She gasps again, a bit louder and she bites her lower lip. He knows that the flesh will be redder because of the blood rushing under there. He knows there’ll be indentations from here her teeth dug into, he knows he’ll kiss those indentations over and over because he loves her.
He had planned for something else right now, but he didn’t care. He smiles so much when her eyes focus on his and those pearly whites greet him. He moves a bit faster and her breasts shake because of it, but he’s so latched on her face.
She mouths a very quiet ‘what?’ between moans and he shakes his head. He doesn’t know what other adjectives could be said to describe her right now. He missed her, missed this, missed them. Maybe it was the whole M thing, the whole investigation but…for a second he thought he wouldn’t be able to…well.
He drops his head on her shoulder, letting go of her hands for a second so he could wrap his arms around her waist while her own arms were around his shoulders. His hips moved faster, the gentle slapping of skin against skin was loud enough for them to hear but only them. He digs his fingers on her ribs, feeling the soft flesh dip under the pressure, he wants to keep her there.
He knows he’s about to orgasm but he doesn’t care. And seeing how Beatrice got her own before his was enough of a reason for him to let go. He does so by lifting his head and pressing his forehead to hers, mouth parted, panting heavily, “I love you.”
“I love you too Roos.”
“I love you so much.” he furrows his brows, moving his hips faster, “I love y–” he swallows his groan when his orgasm hits and teeth clench  as the shudder goes up and down his spine. Her soft hands caressed the back of his head, up and down, playing with the golden brown waves as he stutters with aftershocks.
He doesn’t move. Neither does she. He just inhales her sweet scent and keeps it to memory.
“i’m gad it’s you he thinks
I’m glad it’s you too. she thinks at the same time.
I’m glad it’s us.
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from all the characters you drew like 50000 years ago in a youtube video which one was your favorite and if they were based off of a childhood friend where are they today? i'm genuinely curious
Probably Splash was my favorite if I had to guess, since she was my fursona designed specifically to my tastes at the time.
The other characters were based on my real life friends! They each worked with me to make the character designs. I'm still friends with Misty, RDJ, and Mudpie. Darkshadow was my brother, he's in grad school now. The rest, I kind of lost touch with, so I have no idea where they are.
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soliloquent-stark · 2 months
thoughts on RDJ and doctor doom? not sure what to feel about it tbh ><
hey friend <3 i went through so many emotions today that i don't even know. i could probably say a lot, but i don't really wanna add to the noise (plus i did already put some nonsensical thoughts on here as a live reaction). after the initial confusion and panic and denial, i decided to just wait and let it happen. i am excited to see rdj in virtually anything, and i do think there's more to it than we believe currently — perhaps he's a dr. doom but not the dr. doom? i like to think they (mostly rob) wouldn't tarnish tony's legacy, and i decided there's no point to lose sleep over this for the next few... years? but yeah. initially, emotions were high and i'm still confused and shocked he'd do this but hey, he's the face of mcu for a reason? i guess? either way i'll focus on my tonki bonki and ignore canon if needed, as we all love to do✨
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Summer Drabble Request: RDJ x fem!Reader, established relationship (they’ve been married for years), prompt 18. “I love you more than anything.” from Fluff List 1 please!
My Home
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PAIRING || Husband!Robert Downey Jr. x Wife!Fem!Reader
WORDCOUNT || ~ 450 words
SUMMARY || You and Robert have been married for a long time, but each day you spend together is nothing short of amazing. Neither of you can get enough of each other, and he also cannot stop professing his love for you with every chance he gets.
RATING || General (G)
TAGS || RPF. Established relationship. Use of nicknames. Tooth-rottingly sweet fluff.
A/N || This drabble is part of Nicoline's Summer of Drabbles. It has been too long since I wrote about Robert, and this drabble has definitely awakened something in me! I can't wait to get back in the flow of writing for him again, but for now, I hope you will all enjoy this pure bomb of fluff! This is proofread by the amazing @ccbsrmsf1, for which I will forever be grateful 🤍
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Photo: Source || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Robert Downey Jr. || Summer of Drabbles
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It's never been a secret that the love between you and your husband, Robert, knows no bounds. Each day, you two fall in love just a little bit more. You two always try to do something for the other at least once a day, ranging from something small, like preparing their morning cup of coffee or tea, to something big, like preparing a picnic, which Robert has done for you today.
"Is my beautiful wife ready to go?" he asks when you put on your last accessories to complete your outfit. His arms circle your waist as he pulls you against his chest. Robert whiffs your hair, the subtle scent of your green apple-scented shampoo lingering as he enjoys the closeness between you two.
"Almost, My Angel. I need to put on my wedding ring, and then I'm all yours for the rest of the day," you tell him, and he smiles at the nickname. He places a few kisses on your bare shoulder, and you melt into his touch as his thumbs rub softly over your belly.
Robert's words of admiration for you never fail to make your heart flutter. His appreciation for the dress you're wearing, the way it makes you feel like a princess, reflects the mutual respect and love you share. His words warmly fill you, and your smile grows wider with each passing moment.
"Thank you, and I love wearing it because it makes me feel like a princess," you confess after he compliments you dress as you turn in your husband's arms, wanting to face him as you drape your arms around his neck. He immediately lowers his face to press his soft lips against yours, and they work in complete harmony as you two get lost in each other for a moment.
As Robert holds you close, the world around you fades away. His touch, his scent, the way your bodies move in perfect harmony-it's a moment of pure intimacy. In this moment, you and Robert have everything you need in each other and your love.
Eventually, the need for air becomes more significant than the need for each other, and when you part, you're left a little breathless by your husband. Even after all these years of marriage, he manages to take your breath away and make you feel like the center of the universe, just like he did at the start of your relationship.
He places his forehead against yours as you two stand there for a moment longer, and the words he whispers next have you smiling so broadly that your features light up in a way he's rarely seen before.
"I love you so much, and I still can't believe how lucky I am to call you my wife. Whenever I'm with you, I feel like I'm home because you are my home. I love you more than anything or anyone I've ever loved, Gorgeous."
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
hi pookie its meee🩷🩷
I just wanna tell im sorry that i havent been spamming lately😂. Part of it is because im busy preparing for my sis engagement day which is tomorrow (WHO KNEW ENGAGEMENT WOULD BE VERY CHAOTIC?!)
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Unwanted updates has been my alarm clock early in the morning (around 6-8)😂. Usually I would wake up at 12 in the afternoon but since then, early it is.
Somehow my brain knows when you’ll update.
OKKAY Let’s rewind to chpter 23. Of all things… SHEAR A SHEEP?!😂😂😂😂 Thinking about it, I might actually do it too😂 Tony and Pocket clicked right away. I love their dynamic. He cares for her since the beginning and for someone like Pocket, she needs him. That chapter is wholesome.
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Next, even if it’s only 1 part, we got to see Sam and Pocket in action and I can’t wait for more. Sam calling himself dark chocolate is just😂😂😂😂. Also a glimpse of Pocket’s childhood/backstory😔 She’s a tough one which makes me even more worried. The ‘plan’. Buying drugs from Kozlov sounds BAD. This makes me think that they will force her to take some kind of new drugs that made her really vulnerable and kidnapped her. (and i really REALLY think, will be the work of fucker cunthage).
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Last but not least, I miss Bucket😂 I miss his stupid head. I cant wait for him to be the knight in shining armor, saving his beloved Pocket and beat the shit out of Jeremiah. I trust Pookie will build him to the manly man he needed to be.
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Anyways, as always, loads of love for u Pookie. Ur work r the best.😭🩷 I cant wait for the upcoming new story.🔥
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Hi, Bestie!!! I love getting your messages! And no need to apologize, because 1) they are *never* spam, and 2) you're busy! Congratulations to your sister, by the way! I hope she has a very long, happy, and healthy marriage! I'm glad I can be your personal alarm clock, lol; though, if I could sleep until noon, that's all I'd be doing! So, the shearing a sheep thing-- I was having a convo with @mrsbuckybarnes1917 and was talking about how I think RDJ and I could be besties, just hanging out and shooting the shit and going on ridiculous adventures, then I was like "he seems like the kind of guy I could shear a sheep with in the middle of the night." And BOOM! An origin story was born! It ended up working out better than I expected. I love writing them together so very much. He really is the solid foundation of her life, and if not for him, who knows where she'd be right now?
Sam calling himself 'Dark Chocolate' was loosely based on Marshall from How I Met Your Mother calling himself 'Big Fudge.' I dunno, as I was writing, I just saw Sam saying it, and I was like 'Bingpot!'
I miss Bucket, too. He has a teeny, tiny over-the-phone cameo in the next part, but they won't be 'on screen' again together until Chapter 25. I should have kept them apart for longer, honestly, but I couldn't resist.
Three parts coming out today, since they're all relatively short, and I'll be leaving you on a bit of cliff hanger to start your weekend. In the meantime, I'm off to work on With Friends Like These which, part way through chapter four, is already 19.5k words. Brevity is not my strong suit, apparently, lol.
As always, Pookie loves you so much, and the cat-kiss gifs give me life! There's nothing I love more than a kitten smooch!
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
can i request an AOU avengers cast x teen!reader. so the reader is starring in the movie as wanda’s like badass kid sidekick sister or whatever role you come up with and she’s the complete opposite of your average kid bc she’s so quiet reserved and uptight like even with rdj jokes she’s just straight faced bc her parents are rarely around bc they’re very successful in Hollywood but when they do get the chance to be around her they always criticize everything she does and generally dog her(mainly her mom) so the cast just wants her to have a different experience from that and have fun while shooting a film
This is an old request, sorry for taking so long T-T also this gif is adorable
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You worked with marvel ever since you were ten, they were basically family to you. You were the youngest there, so naturally you were cared for by everyone. When you don't have anywhere to stay, one of them would offer you to stay at their place. If you want to go somewhere but don't want to go alone, just call one of them and they would immediately go with you. The fact that your parents are not always around makes them even more protective of you.
Your parents are famous Hollywood actors, and for that, they never really where around. They were always traveling and leaving you alone most of the time. When you where younger, you were convinced that you didn't need an adult in your life at all, so whenever some adult tries to help you, you would get annoyed. Frustrated even. You feel that way with every adult except the cast of the Avengers. They never made you feel that way.
Today, you were expecting to see your parents. You were not excited at all. With the new avenger movie coming out, you knew they would criticize the shit out of your performance. They did that every time a movie you were in came out. You would think that the amount of time that they criticize you would make you numb to their comments, but you weren't. You felt each and every one of them. But you hopped that they won't do the same thing today because you thought that you did amazing in the movie. Apparently you were wrong, they started criticizing you about literally everything.
You were confused, you did the best you can, is it not enough? these thoughts has been haunting you even the next week when you had an interview about the new movie and while you were preparing for it, the cast noticed how you were more quite than usual and looked like you were deep in thought about something. Some of them, like Robert and Scarlet tried talking to you to cheer you up a bit, but it didn't work. Then they decided to tell Lizzie about it since she is the closest to you. "She isn't alright I can tell, she didn't even laugh at my jokes, everyone likes my jokes," Robert said.
Lizzie started to get concerned about you, that was not your nature, what is going through your mind? She walked up to you while deep in thoughts and sat next to you. "Hey," She said. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing fine," You said, not even having the energy to look at her. "Is there something wrong? You know you can tell me. It's okay," She said slightly rubbing your shoulder. You couldn't hold your tears back. How could they be so nice to you when you probably ruined their movie because of your bad performance. When you started crying, the cast gathered around you to know what is going on. When they heard your explanation, they all were heartbroken. How can your parents do that to you? You were their child!
They kept on reassuring you that you did amazing and the fans loved you so much, there is no need to listen to your parents because they are dead wrong. The cast refused to let you live with your parents because they didn't appreciate you at all so they made you live with them and brought you with them to go to trips to make out what you were missing from your parents.
Quality time.
Guess who has a final tomorrow but decided to write a fic instead of study? meeeeee
my requests are open :)
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 months
Good things that happened today:
Finished Season 16 of The Simpsons. Knocking out another season of this show and is likely...halfway through getting caught up with the series? Eh, I'll get there eventually.
Did more therapy activities. Really helped process things that happen in my life.
Was a REALLY slow day at work today. And I appreciate it. Helps set things right as I begin my three days off in a row.
Bought a new Lego set and I'm gonna finish it tomorrow.
Good things about myself:
I am good at following instructions. If you tell me how to do things exactly, I'll get it done in no time.
I can decently improvise. Was missing an essential Lego piece for the set I bought, but I cleverly used two other pieces to fill the void and make things work.
I have a good understanding of why critics can be overly defensive about their takes other than saying "I just don't like this thing."
I don't EASILY fall for the hype that studios and writers want me to fall into. I could be one of those thousands who cheered at the sight of RDJ as Doctor Doom, but now conditioning has helped me to instead be wary of a decision like this, knowing full well it's for shock value even if good stories could come out of it if--IF--done correctly.
I have a decent sense of humor. I know enough to make people laugh when I want to.
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