#I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts as a series and god
toastling · 2 months
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lucyav13 · 1 month
This chapter will be dedicated to all those characters who accompanied us on our adventure for the pure hearts, so I hope you like it :) 
Queen Jaydes, Grambi y Luvbi
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(Image credits to its author)
Queen Jaydes is the kind-hearted (but strict) queen of Underwhere. As ruler of The Underwhere, she possesses power over life and death. Queen Jaydes is named hence the god of the underworld in Greek mythology, Hades, as well as "upset," meaning "unenthusiastic" or "bored" (both qualities she possesses). Fun fact: she bears a certain resemblance to the Queen of Shadows.
Following Dimentio's defeat, Jaydes travels to The Overthere upon learning that Luvbi has returned to life. There, she promises to give Luvbi all the love she can and encourages the heroes to visit her to judge her when they finish her games, as thanks for her hard work.
His name is a portmanteau of "grandfather" and "Nimbi."
Just as Jaydes is based on Hades, the ancient Greek lord of the underworld, Gambi may be based on Zeus, the sky god and ruler of Mount Olympus in Greek mythology. Additionally, as The Overthere also borrows from Christian theism, certain aspects of Gambi are shared with God, such as his position as head of the angelic Nimbis and his conflict with Bonechill (whose story closely resembles that of Lucifer). However, Grambi is not credited with creating the world or life and is neither omniscient nor omnipotent.
Her name is a combination of the words "love" and "Nimbi." After Bonechill's defeat, Luvbi assumes his true form to save all the worlds. After saving all the worlds, Luvbi recreates herself as a true Nimbi girl independent of the white Pure Heart. (A/N: I have a theory that explains how, so check out the Pure Hearts chapter ;))
Fun Fact: Luvbi plays a similar role to TEC-XX from the previous game, in that they both make a sacrifice to help Mario and his friends at the end of Chapter 7, only to be inexplicably revived upon Mario's defeat the final boss.
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After the heroes defeat Mr. L in the heart of the Whoa Zone, Squirps reveals to them that he is the prince of a forgotten kingdom, Squirpia, and that his mother, Squirpina XIV, was entrusted with the Pure Heart by the Ancients. She then placed Squirps in a hibernation capsule for 1,500 years, so that he could lead the heroes to the Whoa Zone when they arrived in Outer Space. After relaying his mother's message to them asking them to save all worlds, the prince hands over the Blue Pure Heart. The post-chapter narration reads that, his quest finally done, Squirps lay down near the statue of his mother and closed his eyes to rest. He was presumed dead by the heroes; however, returning to Outer Space at any time afterward reveals that he had only fallen asleep, and the player can replay the chapter as normal.
After beating the game, the heroes can find Squirps in the Whoa Zone near his mother's statue, assuring her of the world's safety and that he would restore Squirpia someday.
Tipptron, with her tattle says: His full name is Squirp Korogaline Squirpina. It seems he is actually the prince of a space kingdom... He dreams of ascending the throne someday. I'm sure he has what it takes...
Some fun facts: Squirps' reaction to being fed a chocolate bar can be seen as a callback to Gourmet Guy from the original Paper Mario, who acted similarly when fed Cake and also impeded Mario's progress in Chapter 4 of that game.
He is also somewhat similar to Flavio, as both claim themselves to be gourmets and are initially hesitant to accept the edibles Mario brings them.
Excluding enemies, Squirps is the only character in the game who flips into 3D as the player does; this is the case even when they visit him in the Whoa Zone.
Squirps is the second character in the Paper Mario series to fall asleep and be mistaken for dead by Mario and co., with Admiral Bobbery being the first.
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crimsonbastard · 2 months
I made you into My Pet
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Been a while since I wrote some one-shots (I write them, show it to my smut reading friends but I never posted them on Tumblr or any other website.) This one is about the pairing Hector X Lenore or Lenector for short from the Netflix Castlevania series which is one of my favourites. Despite the Pairing being inherently unhealthy and Problematic I just can't help but become enthralled by the skewed power dynamics, basically I know that its wrong, so its fiction so I enjoy it anyway (for the moral police). I'm open for constructive criticism on this work given that you won't be a hateful waste of space. Enjoy!
PS: I'm a novice at making GIFS so please excuse me.
That's what Hector felt once he exited the council room. Or for the lack of a better word, thats what he felt when he got dragged out of the council room by the woman who viciously betrayed him hours ago, as she led him down the hallway, gently holding his hand as he wobbled along behind her. 
Pangs of nausea circulated throughout his abdomen. His mind on overdrive with the recent overload of information dumped on his already overstimulated mind. He could feel the gears of his head turning as he processed this new batch of information, he felt his temples burning, he thought if this continued further he would see steam rising from his head as he replayed the voices in the council room mere moments ago.
"These are slave rings, one of them found it's way to Hector's hand when he was swearing his loyalty to me"
"Oh my God you've adopted him"
"Turns out he's fairly good at sex and I want to train him"
"Shush the real people are talking"
His breath quickened and his head, hurt and heavy. Thinking was a luxury that he could no longer afford as he felt his legs give out from the icy breeze of Styria's night sky. He fell on his knees. His hands on the ground. His shivers forming clouds in the freezing wind. The torches in the hall way flickered as he tried getting back his bearings. Time and space seemed disjointed as everything around him became immaterial. There was only the aftershocks of the piercing pain he felt a few hours ago, when he foolishly pledged his life away to her.
He wanted to scream, scream his heart out, do something, anything. But all he could do was whimper as the reality of his situation dawned on him. His hands trembled on the cold marble floor in the hallway leading away from the council room, he could see his knuckles get pale as they rested on the white marble, the veins of his hand moving ever so slightly as he shivered. His eyes, so fixated on his shivering hands that they did not register the glint of a small, inconspicuous ring of black and red, resting gently on the ring finger of his left hand.
Slave Ring as Lenore called it. The Instrument of her betrayal, and his damnation. Such a small, unassuming thing. When Lenore visited his cell a few hours ago and beckoned him to join her on the rug that she brought along by patting on the empty space beside her, he never noticed it. It was only when she placed her hand on his and intertwined their fingers was when he saw it. Such a small thing. It was never on her before, during her nightly visits to his cell, thus it was only natural for him to ask.
"I never noticed that ring on your hand before. Is that new?"
"Oh, this small thing? It's a symbol of what binds me and my sisters together. The night and the blood. The four of us wear it"
She playfully showed the Red and Black coils that rested on her finger as she nestled closer to him. Before she changed the topic.
A neat sentiment, he thought. A Kingdom ruled by Four Powerful Vampire Women wearing matching rings, a symbol of their sisterhood and reign. Only for it to come crashing down as the cold hearted truth pertaining to the small insignificant object that now rested on his finger reared it's head in the council room, mere moments ago.
"When Hector forges a Night Creature they're loyal to him. But now, he's bound to me through the magic of these rings. When he makes a Night Creature, they're loyal to him, and he swore his loyalty to me so they're loyal to me too"
"These rings are linked, you wear them and his creatures will be loyal to you too. And if he ever tries to harm us,  take the ring off or tries to run away the ring will cause him so much pain that he would think he shat out his own heart"
Hector was so lost in his hopeless retrospection that he couldn't notice someone's arms gently resting on his shoulders. He could make out dainty fingers tracing the sides of his delts as they rested gently on his clavicle. A woman's hands. And he could only think of one. The one responsible for this brief measure of peace in his hellish imprisonment, and also, the source of his greatest downfall. He could see a small yet regal frame come closer. Dressed in a Dark Shade of Blue, complementing the Styrian snowy sky overlooking the hallway along with a full White Fur Cloak, resting on her shoulders.  He dared himself to look up, what met his gaze was divine.
Her doe eyes with irises of pristine rubies accentuating with the torches flickering in the hallway looked down on him. Her waist length hair, a Fiery Blaze, with two locks falling in front. Her porcelain skin adorned with a slight pink on her cheeks. Her smile-
Her smile, one that exhumed a warm nurturing aura, one of the first things he noticed about her when she visited his cell for the first time. It was so reassuring, it made him be at ease, making him let his gaurd down.
Aquamarine Eyes lost themselves in her gaze as he lost himself in the trance. The flames of rage that he so thoroughly fanned and nurtured in the council room almost died out, leaving an ember of what was once an inferno. Suddenly, he felt cold hands shifting from his shoulders, gently making their way to the underside of his jaw and eventually resting on his cheeks as she looked down upon him.
Vampires were cold, yes. They were a type of an undead. Their hearts didn't beat and they didn't require human food to survive yet they enjoyed it for solely recreational purposes. They needed Human Blood. It was their source of nutrition. The rush of Vitality they get once they taste the copper flow through their throats cannot be matched with any earthly source of sustenance.
Yet her cold touch could still elicit a wave of pleasure through his body. Her mere closing of physical distance between them was enough to make his cheeks flush a deep shade of red. Her thumbs drew circles on his cheeks bones and he felt his heartbeat quicken, pumping blood throughout his body. Especially to his member. He began leaning in to her touch.
Before things could escalate Hector felt the cold touch of Lenore's master ring hugging his cheekbone. He steeled himself yet again. The waning embers of his dying resolve reignited into the inferno that was his fury. His soft eyes narrowed as he grimaced. His features, sharper than ever.
He swatted her hands away from him as he ephemarily got back his bearings. He got back on his feet and instinctively took a few wobbly steps backward, away from her, like a prey backing away from a predator. His mind still reeling from the shock. His breath, shacky. Lenore did nothing. She cocked her head and watched him curiously with her Doll Face.
His voice, now a raspy timbre, shot back.
"You tricked me and made me into your slave!"
The horrific realisation of his fate had now been given a physical existence as he worded them out. The brief control of his body that he regained started slipping again, he wrapped his arms around his stomach as he braced himself. His footing betrayed him again as his legs gave out and he fell on his knees on the cold marble floor yet again.
Lenore, ever so in control, smiled again. It was not a malicious smile. Not the kind that one gives when they best their opponent through deceit and treachery. But the warm, kind smile when you've helped someone out of the goodness of your heart. When you do good for someone because you like them. The kind of smile that made your face radiant, with Warmth and Understanding.
"I did no such thing"
She walked towards Hector's crouched body, with a warm smile and her arms extended.
Hector couldn't see her. He was busy clutching the ring on his left hand. His eyes wide and his breath shakey as the implication of the object that rested on his finger, finally dawned on him. He grabbed a fistful of his own silver locks as his raspy voice announced his defeated realisation of his fate
"You made me your slave! My life is over"
Lenore heard his heart race, the shortening of his breath, as well as the ever so slight tremble of his muscles in tension as his chest rose and fell with each shakey exhale.
She saw him clutching his beautiful silver locks, almost tearing them. She saw his long handsome face drown in a miserable expression as he tried catching his breath. She couldn't bear to see her silly pretty boy having a panic attack over something he had not yet fully understood. She wanted to do nothing but hold him, ease him into this, and make him finally understand that this wasn't damnation. He'll understand, in time. She will patiently make him  understand, as many times if need be. And in time, he will be hers, forever .
"Your life is saved Hector"
Her voice, gently refuting his laments. As she wrapped her arms over his crouched figure. Resting over his shoulders. He hated how at ease he felt. He hated that her touch made him feel relaxed as his heartbeat and his breath returned to normalcy. He felt her left hand traverse his Silver hair as she gently grabbed the back of his head and massaged the scalp. He didn't dare to look up, eyes transfixed on his knees that rested on the white marble.
"In fact I gave you what you really needed"
She spoke again, with a hint of excitement, as if she were to reveal a surprise to him that might somehow make him feel better. Hector felt her other hand gently glide to the underside of his jaw and eventually rest under his chin. Gently nudging him to look up at her and meet her gaze.
He met her. Doe eyes shining, like polished rubies, they sparkled with excitement as she finally unveiled what she planned for him all along, with a voice of suppressed excitement.
"I made you into my Pet!"
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controlvariable · 5 months
myth's game writeup of 2023
i waited until the new year to finish this in case i managed to beat a game during december. i did not. ANYWAY.
this will contain new games as well as games i only got around to in 2023. light on spoilers but be warned
Octopath Traveler II (2023)
as far as i remember, this was the first new game I played this year, and god did it deliver. I've been a fan of octopath since the first one came out on switch in 2018, counting it as my favorite game of all time, so to have a sequel after all this time was thrilling. it did almost everything octopath 1 did and better. new path actions, day/night system, branching stories, fucking boats?? incredible.
my biggest gripe has to be the new hidden classes. I started with throne so getting inventor 10 minutes after my chapter one did definitely fuck up the progression a little bit. I think I preferred ot1 hidden classes. while the dungeons were underwhelming, the boss battles really make you fight for these secret techniques, something absent in 3 out of the 4 hidden classes of octopath 2.
overall: 4/5 BP.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (2023)
xenoblade 3 as the end of the klaus trilogy really didn't sit well with me, for reasons that don't belong on my review of its dlc, but future redeemed fixed nearly every problem i had with base xc3 — both story and gameplay wise. it ties every xenoblade game and even some of gears and saga into a neat little 40 hour bow, and is truly a love letter to the entire series. I can only think of one problem I still have with it. the fucking menu music.
where do i even fucking start with this one really. relatively speaking, I'm a new xenoblade fan, having started xc1 in march 2022 during a harrowing experience with adhd meds, and since then it had kinda consumed me. I finished it in about a week, went on to watch xenoblade 2 because I had heard the gameplay wasn't great, and got my hands on xenoblade 3 day of release.
overall: 5 dance apples.
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2023)
as someone who was not immune to the hype surrounding botw, I had high hopes for the sequel. hopes that were painfully, slowly, fed into a trash compactor over my playthrough. this is another game I got on release day, lining up outside gamestop in the heat, and lets not forget that it's the only first-party switch game with a price tag of seventy bucks.
the game plays like a tech demo. I have a lot of love in my heart for it. the story was better that botw, the world was more expansive than botw, but the problem here is that everything it does is directly compared to breath of the wild. it doesn't get enough time to shine, because we're in the exact same world as 6 years ago, but instead of pinkish black malice we have blackish pink gloom. i much prefer the runes to the zonai abilities, and the sense of wonder that permeated breath of the wild is replaced by a sense of nostalgia that just doesn't appeal to me much.
all of this isn't to say it's a bad game. I think it's a great game, honestly, but a great game that wasn't meant for me. I've seen the insane shit people do with ultrahand, but it just... isn't my style.
overall: 441/1000 korok seeds
Pikmin 4 (2023)
it's pikmin. i dont have much to say about it. it was a lot of fun, loved that part where i bulborbed all over those guys. im not a gameplay reviewer, at heart i mostly talk about story, and a game like pikmin doesn't have much for me to comment on. good fun. lived up to expectations. probably wouldn't replay.
overall: 7500 sparklium
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (2017)
oh, stormblood... the rage you still fill my veins with. I'm not going to spend too long on this one because I have better things to do with my life than shit on an expansion everyone already hates, but let me make it clear I actually do have reasons for disliking it.
having ala mhigo built up since the very start of a realm reborn, only to have half of the ala mhigo expansion take place halfway across the star, was very disappointing. the monotony of the three areas in gyr abania compared to the three far east areas was very disappointing. the treatment of the people of the steppe and honestly that entire segment in the main story quest was very disappointing. hien, as a character, in his entirety, was very disappointing.
I will say it had strong parts. the 61-70 quests for several jobs were the strongest in their entire story (see: dark knight). the dungeons started to get more interesting. it gave us the quest Child Labor, which is hilarious and I'll never be finishing it because I want it there forever.
overall: 1/3 WHM Lillies.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (2019)
ffxiv immediately got better the second 4.0 was over. even the patch quests instantly shot up in quality. it's not even funny. the lead up to shadowbringers was the most fun I had had with the game since a realm reborn, and all of the first was heartbreaking to go through even though I was spoiled on That Character's Identity.
the duty trust system (is that what it was called?) made dungeons much more fun. getting to go through hell with alphinaud alisaie and thancred made everything 10x better, even if it was a lot slower. the story, again, heartbreaking — ryne's arc in particular felt like being stabbed by thousands of little needles while trying to play. in the best way, of course. and amaurot... amaurot. getting to quote our favorite knight in there was my 8th umbral calamity.
shadowbringers also marks when a lot of your job's functionality is really unlocked, so doing the level 80 raid series was genuinely a ton of fun. and again the thousands of little needles. i cried at least 7 times during the main story.
overall: 85/100 kenki gauge.
Katana Zero (2019)
possibly my favorite game this year. the protagonist, zero (or as i like to call him, katana from zero,) ticked all the boxes for a character I'd be absolutely obsessed with. true enough, i fell in love. the fast-paced gameplay, the diegesis of gameplay elements which would typically go unquestioned, and the care that seeps through every dialogue choice all solidify katana zero as one of my favorite game experiences ever. I'll leave it at this, because I encourage everyone to at least give it a try.
overall: Yes, that should work.
Fire Emblem Engage (2023)
this is one of the few 2023 releases on this list that I didn't get on launch, because at the time I had relatively little interest in fire emblem as a series. then I made a lot of friends who enjoy it, and in october, bestie sen decided to buy it for me as an early birthday present. everyone say thank you sen.
considering this is my first fire emblem game, i have absolutely no deeper insight into how it matches up compared to the others, and plenty of people more eloquent than me have already talked about that. what I do know is that the gameplay was surprisingly fun as my first tactical rpg, and the story was passable. all the characters were appealing in one way or another, and I'm still mad I had to choose between marrying kagetsu or fogado. they're both my husbands at heart.
overall: I didn't internalize enough of this game to come up with a clever rating.
Fire Emblem Engage: Fell Xenologue (2023)
I was expecting the dlc to continue the main story, so I put it off until I had finished the base game. in hindsight, I regret it, because I'd love to have brought the winds and twins with me to fight their evil versions and alternate universe dad. the story was... alright. I really liked all the small battle interactions between fell characters and our party members which they would've known. I instantly recognized fogado in chapter 1 because I am in love with him by the way.
overall: i dont know. 1¾ dragonstones
with 2024 upon us, I'll probably be writing reviews for games as I play them. I'm trying to use tumblr more as a social platform instead of just reblogging. we'll see how that plays out. if you like any of these games (yes, even tears of the kingdom) please talk to me about them! that's all for now. look out for my mangled thoughts on SANABI and Nier: Automata next :)
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
Happy belated bday!!
For the ship meme can I ask for:
Aerith and Tifa
Kairi and Olette
Sora and Riku
aw thanks anon!
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
I'll admit I didn't fully ship it until I replayed ff7 like five years ago and really enjoyed how they went from these sorta rivals (in tifa's eyes) to friends to something indescribable, like even with the low art polygons that the original had the emotion of tifa losing her and reaching out to touch aerith before she leaves crying really comes across. and in the movie where she remembers aerith at the church!!! it was one of those tragic ships that really gets to me..
and of course now we have the remake where they're even better friends right from the get go and aerith is always teasing her and they're holding hands and there for each other right away...my god I love them in both areas. I'll admit I'm still worried now one of them may die and if I have to see tifa reaching out to touch her and walk away crying in HD I'm suing square for emotional damages.
I am enjoying the rise of it since the remake but I do wish people had seen more of the potential in the original games too.
I am more of a xion/olette shipper, idk why that appeals to me more since it's not like square fully fleshes out the female characters of kingdom hearts these days but here we are. I like them though! like they only really get that one scene but olette was there to defend her from axel if needed, already ride or die and it at least gave us a split second of female characters interacting...square....
I think if we could get more of them that would be great, like if kairi's "game" had had her going to twilight town that would have been fun scenes and it's a shame we didn't get it. I think the way they just support each other from what we got was great and if it got a chance to be expanded on there could really be something there.
I have shipped this since I was thirteen and first played kingdom hearts. granted back then I was deeeef one of the slash shippers I would have hated these days but even now I still think it's a solid ship. I mean KH2 really cemented it with their renunion when sora holds his hands and starts crying about how much he wanted to see him again.
like their relationship in the first two games really is the driving point of the series given that kairi was just...there for them to argue over :/ but regardless I love how much they love each other and want to be there for each other and have each others backs. you can see how far they've come from riku thinking he was better and that he needed to be the protector to stepping back and knowing sora could do this.
that said they're def more a ship for my thirteen year old self, I may still love them but I'm not as invested as I was back in those days.
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enbycupcake · 5 years
*cries in dearly beloved* 
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
Top 5 Video Games (no idea if that's been asked/answered before ^_^')!
Okay, first of all, thanks for the ask! And it hasn't been asked before, I think I've barely gotten any asks from ask games. Not exactly sure if I’m supposed to explain my choices, but I did, so this is a bit long.
I should start by saying that I don't have a list of my favorite videogames ready, so it is possible I may just be blanking on a few games that I love, and my favorites change from time to time, so next time I’m asked this it may be different. Anyway, after thinking for a while, this is what I came up with:
If FGO counts, then that’s probably #3 here, but I’m hyperfixating on that and it’s mobile, so I’ll just say it doesn’t.
1.Kingdom Hearts 2
What can I say? The combat is so good, the story too, I love all the characters and how they're all integrated and the disney worlds and the fights with organization xiii.
It took Kingdom Hearts 1, which is already great and expanded on it so much, introducing nobodies and Roxas and the Organization. Did I already mention the combat? Well it's good.
And if you need a challenge, it can still be challenging! Like, I consider myself pretty skilled since I've beaten a Dark Souls game or two, and I struggled for a while trying to get to the end of a level 1 playthrough.
I just love KH so much, and I feel like gameplay-wise KH2 is the pinnacle of the series. I can say more, but I won't. One last thing, actually being able to fight against roxas in Final Mix? So good!
2.Tales of Vesperia
My first Tales game, and if you've looked at my url, you may be able to see it's really close to me. There's so much I love about this game. The combat is amazing, while I'm fine that the series went away from this combat, I've always really missed it.
And the story, god the story. I know there may be some complaints about it falling short in the end, but I'd argue it's still fantastic.
Yuri's continued journey of choosing his own justice and what he believes for the good of the world, when compared to Duke choosing what he believes is Justice, killing all humans, for the good of the world? Just great.
And his journey and conflict with Flynn over the course of the game? Walking different paths but towards the same goal? Flynn trying to fix the knights from within and Yuri doing his part from the shadows? So good!
It has Rita, my second favorite Tales character, who I am pretty sure is Neurodivergent. And just a strong cast all around.
A bit of this could be nostalgia due to it being the first Tales game I fully completed, but I still love it.
3.Tales of the Abyss
I think this was the second Tales game I played, but I dropped it and didn’t properly get into a Tales game until my next one, Vesperia. Anyways, I appreciate this for its story over anything else.
Like, it tells a really good story, with how Luke is manipulated by Van and responsible for such devastation and how that jumpstarts his much-needed chatacter development, and how he doesn’t instantly get better. You can see him really trying, but it takes him a while to really get things.
Also, Jade is great. And the story it told, where Van finds out the score will lead humanity to its end and that it must be destroyed, or else they will hang onto the score until their last moments, like as a villain, he’s not exactly wrong, even if his methods definitely are.
And that final fight between Luke and Asch, with “Meaning of Birth” playing in the background, it really gets to me. And thinking about the ending, where either Asch or Luke are gone forever, is really bittersweet.
That said, wasn’t the biggest fan of its gameplay, never could figure out how to properly use the FoF.
Man, I need to replay Abyss. It’d be nice if they did a remake.
4.Super Paper Mario
(Thought about putting other Tales games up here, but two is probably enough)
The story is fantastic, like for a Mario game, which usually don't have story at all, to tell a story about someone trying to destroy the world because he's lost the one thing he's cared about in the world, only to find out after it's too late that she is still alive and well?
Like, it's so much more than I would expect from a Mario game. And while I prefer the combat of PM:ttyd and PM64, it's actually not that bad. Also, Dimentio is a fantastic twist villain to come in at the end and doom everything.
5.Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
I've always loved the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. I think the gameplay is neat and the story isn't that bad either. I will always remember Grovyle for his sacrifice. Really though, the story is good.
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starxscream · 2 years
top 5 fave video games?
Oh this is. rly rly hard. hmmmm this list is subject to change depending on my whims <3
5. Kingdom Hearts -> This is a very nostalgic game for me and even tho I'm not super huge into it like some people- I absolutely adore the series. It's amazingly stunning and the storytelling is wonderful even if cheesy and some of my favorite characters come from it... Also like, it's what inspired me to start writing properly! My first fanfics were KH but I'm not sharing them <3 In addition this game is something that me and my bf bonded over a lot so it just nnhngnhng
4. Nier Automata -> This game has always stuck with me from its story, world, and soundtrack- to this day no other game has ever quite sucked me in so hard and so fast like Automata did! And currently it still has my FAVORITE place in ANY video game ever. I want to replay it sooo bad I just. It's so genuinely fun and guhguehguegh i love it
3. Deltarune -> I think everyone knows how much I love this game. It's a newer interest of mine sure but god if it hasn't impacted me in such a massive way- I can't tell you how much this game means to me now. The reason it's not higher is that it's not done yet LOL I won't ramble too much abt it tho bc yall know I love it <3
2. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth -> Words can't express how much I hold this game close to my chest. The story is one that has captivated me since I played it- and Digimon in general is one of my biggest interests ever and I just...I just... I adore it. The characters, the art style, THE DIGIMON... ughughg plus english translation made it gay <3 but I digress LOL The og Cyber Sleuth is incredible and I recommend it to everyone, even if you don't play Digimon, this is the best way to get into it. Turn based RPGs my beloved...
Pokemon Series -> I can't put anything else in the number one spot. It's the first game I ever played, and have continued playing over and over through each year. It's inspired me to draw, and create, and continues to inspire me even now... I have so much nostalgia attached to this and some of my favorite OCs were my original pokemon based ones. Everything about who I am can be tied back to THESE GAMES and they just mean everything to me,, BW + Ranger Series are my favorite mainline and spinoffs tho <3
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parabataisarah · 3 years
top five chonces books 💛
screams 😂
1 - high school story + class act - i don't think i need to explain it further than "i am in love with michael harrison and ajay bhandari". look, it's a fun, light-hearted, no high stakes book (the most intense thing being the whole isa chase in book 2) i have a deep love for the app "high school story" (and hollywood u, still kinda salty that got turned into rcd but anyways) it's just fun. my theatre children are close to my heart lol
2 - the royal romance series - don't get me wrong, i'm aware they're milking this cow for all it's worth, but my god, i love liam x mc. maybe it's because i've poured so much time and effort into them, but ugh, love them. and then there's the whole friend group (olivia ily) and how they interact with one another feels believable. sure, i wish that they'd stop making each book practically the same with "mc and co. go around to the different kingdoms to woo them over, have a ball and then have a cliffhanger ending" (trr3 withstanding) and i wish that liam would use his backbone more but it's still near and dear to me
3 - a very scandalous proposal - look. i had vip, and i spent most of that time replaying old books/catching up on books that were coming out bc i couldn't be bothered to play them. but then i played the vip books and i wished i had played them earlier (hot couture not so much but eh) simon/ava x mc are adorable and real. it's not a sudden infatuation with mc and their progression feels natural (the end of chapter 1 excluded lol) + the fact that he hears mc out after the scandal breaks instead of just dismissing her? love that
4 - perfect match - damien nazario 🥺 honestly didn't think i'd like this series as much as i did. i only originally started playing it bc my friend chloe wanted someone to talk about it with, and i loved it. i thought that bc hayden was meant to be mc's literal perfect match, i was gonna dislike him bc i thought he'd be so forced and become annoying, but they worked, so well. and then damien was an option, and i was 100% ready to drop hayden (fjsjs sorry ily) and then sloane! the fact that it's a healthy poly book bumped it up a bit too lol but they all work well together and ugh nadia and steve 🥺🥺🥺
5 - ms. match - ...yes, another vip book, but the romance/tension between jack/jaqueline and mc? give me more of that. the "forbidden love" aspect of it? more pls (you're thrown into a matchmaker job + the competition for ceo and you're not allowed to date coworkers) yes, i'm aware i sound like a broken record, but the romance between these two is so goooooood 🥺 the big fight and make up had me 🥺 they're so good with each other. the sarcasm and banter? ugh so goooood
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geigerrune · 5 years
I'm replaying the Kingdom Hearts series to get ready for Kingdom Hearts 3 and I got to the part where Riku's heart was in the Dark Realm in the first game where that voice like talks to him (who may or may not be Aqua or Mickey idk)...when Sora started like running towards Riku while voice explaining that Sora and Kairi are always with him....my dog, Chloe, suddenly got glued to the tv. Then she got off her bed, tail wagging and sat in front of the tv while Sora was getting closer. She wanted him to play with her!! Then when he disappeared she just cocked her head to the side and gave me a confused look. I wish I got it on camera because oh my god it was adorable!!!
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rxcusant · 5 years
Lol explain Kingdom hearts to me. Like all of it. Cause I'm confused as fk. Not KH3 tho cause I'm still going through it.
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buckle up lads
so theres a buncha keyblade masters called foretellers and theyre all runnin round like headless chickens cause their master disappeared and nobodys telling each other anything so they all start fightin (except this one guy luxu voiced by max mittleman, he grabbed a box and high tailed it outta there) and then it sparks a keyblade war for all the light in kingdom hearts i think ??? and then i legit forget what happens from here because i hate ux with every fiber of my being but it made this cool place called a keyblade graveyard, its pretty dope.
fast forward 1000 years and we got the cool wayfinder trio all living in land of departure about to take their mark of mastery except terra doesnt pass because Mark Hamil Said Darkness Sucks. also we meet this old guy Xehanort he kinda sucks a lot. theres these enemies called unversed rolling around and mark hamil tells aqua and terra to go stop them but ventus said HEY IM COMING TO and ran after terra so aquas left to be the mom to bring them both home idk and its revealed ventus is made of pure light and xehanort literally split the darkness form his heart and it made vanitas-- hes responsible for all the unversed, he sucks, we dont like him but we love him-- in an effort to forge this thing called the X-Blade (PRONOUNCED LIKE KEY BLADE I HATE THIS SERIES) that will open the door to kingdom hearts, and the x-blade can only be made when pure light and darkness clash, and like... restart the keyblade war and bring about balance?? idk. And xehanort wants to live long enough to see this happen so he literally possesses terras body. Cool! Just what the poor guy needed. Ven and vanitas fight and ven sacrifices himself so he goes to take a Very Long Nap and vanitas just dies like the bitch he is. But ven’s heart finds his way to baby 5yo sora who decides HEY ILL HOARD YOU IN MY HEART FOR THE NEXT 11 YEARS and thats why roxas looks like ventus. Aqua yeets him in the land of departure and then like..locks the world up and it turns into castle oblivion.  meanwhile terra and aqua punch each other and terras about to fall into a darkness pit but aqua sacrifces heself to get him out and so she ends up trapped there for 11 years and terra??is now terranort and has amnesia and this old dude Ansem The Wise finds him and adopts him and an apprentice. yeah. bet he wont regret that decision ; )
10 years later kh1 happens and sora and riku and kairi are chilling on destiny islands until it explodes and riku fucks off to the darkness and kairi fucks off to soras hearts -- i hope she said hi to ventus in there-- and sora ends up in traverse town where he meets donald and goofy. YOU SEE king mickey of disney castle also fucked off because worlds are disappearing to darkness and he left donald and goofy a note to go find The Key cause thatll help. so they do and they journey around with sora and become good buddies i love the trinity trio so much. eventually they meet riku at hollow bastion again and hes been posssessed by this dude Ansem whos not Ansem the Wise but is actually Xehanort’s Heartless (i hate this fucking series) and they find kairis comatose body chillin in the corner and they have a fight scene thats engraved in the memory of Everyone whos ever played PS2 KH1 KAIRI! KAIRI! OPEN YOUR EYES! ITS NO USE. THAT GIRL HAS LOST HER HEART. SHE CANNOT WAKE UP. oh my god why didnt they add a skip scene button. anyway they punch the possession outta riku and sora stabs himself with the keyblade to release kairis heart BUT it also releases his own heart which created his nobody, Roxas, who got vens heart???who thats why he looks like ven?? and it created namine who is kairis nobody because??i honestly forget i hate this goddamn series. anyway soras a heartless for a few minutes but kairi got her heart and life back and wanted to get some sweet sweet screentime and so she saved sora and restored him Thank you kairi. so sora dumps kairi off at traverse town and goes to give Ansem / Xehanort’s Heartless a good ol ass whopping ad they win and restore the worlds but kairi and sora are separated again I’LL COME BACK TO YOU, I PROMISE! I KNOW YOU WILL! WHEN YOU WALK AWAY YOU DONT HEAR ME SAY PLEAAAAAAASE OH BABYYY DONT GO oh also riku and king mickey and sora closed the door to kingdom hearts and trapped riku and mickey in the realm of darkness, that was a thing.
and then chain of memories happened. theyre in castle oblivion!!! whoa!! we meet the organization for the first time! whoa!!! we meet namine!! whoa!!! so like namine has sora-memory powers and can tinker with his memories and the memories of everyone hes connected to (AND HOLY FUCK IS THAT BOY CONNECTED TO A LOTTA PEOPLE NAMINE IS VERY POWERFUL) and the organization is making namine rewrite soras memories as he progresses throuhg castle oblivion to turn him into marluxias pawn so he cna use sora to like..overhtrow the organization, i think?? i hate this seriees. but it all works out in the end except soras memories are so scrambled he decides to sleep for a year to get all the right ones back. MEANWHILE RIKUS IN THE BASEMENT OF CASTLE OBLIVION and hes fighting his own demons i mean darkness i mean ansem i mean xehanorts heartless and he meet up with mickey a few times and then he meets DiZ and he also meets a replica of himself--yeah by the way the organization is making replicas, That Sure Wont Ever Be Referenced Again : )-- and its this game that rikus like YEAH I CAN USE THE DARKNESS AS POWER AND STRENGTH and HES GONNA WALK THE ROAD TO DAWN and then every riku rper put dawn in their url and i got confused trying to keep them all straight lord please help me im a little ol sammi
then we have 358/2 days for the DS which i never replayed cause it was tedious af which is all about the organization and roxas’s time in the organization and meeting his best buds axel and xion and saix standing in the corner being a jealous little binch PLEASE SAIX JUST BE NICE THEYLL GIVE YOU ICE CREAM TOO IF YOU ASK POLITELY Xion is another replica except shes a replica of sora but something got messed up and she got his memories of kairi which is why she looks like her but with black hair for whatever reason, i think nomura just wanted a cool goth girl to add to the series and we all thank him for it, and she and roxas become so close they kinda start influencing that weird memory shit going on and xion keeps trying to leave the organization to set things right but axel always gets stuck with the icky jobs and we got the iconic GO ON YOU JUST KEEP RUNNIN BUT ILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO BRING YOU BACK and i think around this time roxas is also super fed up with the organization and decides FUCK YALL IM DONE and punches saix and leaves. but xion finds him and they have a cool boss battle sequence got i love you xion you are a POWERHOUSE but roxas defeats her and she dies and its the saddest thing in the world AND NOBODY REMEMBERS HER WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT!!!! anyway roxas decides hes gonna punch kingdom hearts next cause it was xions last wish but riku, who is sporting a cool blindfold for edge, is like HEY WE NEED YOU TO WAKE UP SORA and roxas is all SORA THIS SORA THAT I DONT GIVE A FUCK and tey fight! and riku loses cause roxas has two keybladees! OBLIVION IS THE BEST KEYBLADE IT LOOKS SUPER COOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH WOW but riku rips off his blindfold and summons the darkness and he takes on ansems, xehanorts heartless, appearance and he squeezes roxas until he passes out and then they yeeted roxas into a data twilight town for a few days.
so enter kh2 with the 6 hours roxas tutorial in the data twilight town until he goes to find sora and returns to him. SO FINALLY AFTER AN ENTIRE YEAR sora wakes up with all his proper memories and so does donald and goofy and theyre like COOL LETS GO FIND RIKU AND KING MICKEY and they go journeying around the worlds again to stop the organization. meanwhile axels gettin desperate to see his best friend for life roxas again and kidnaps kairi but shes like HEY I AINT HAVING THAT and runs off and ends up in twilight town but axel finds her and kidnaps her anyway but then saix kidnaps her to the world that never was. and so soras like WE GOTTA GO SAVE KAIRI AND RIKU NOW cause by the way earlier like midpoint of the game maybe Mickey was like SAY FELLAS DID SOMEONE MENTION THE DOOR TO DARKNESS and its one of my favorite quotes in this hell franchise, so like THYE KNOW KING MICKEY IS OK that just leaves kairi and riku and stopping the organization. so they find kairi and they find riku and sora cries a bit and im just happy the destiny trio is together again. And DiZ showed up again, hes actually ansem the wise, and he talks about computers and hearts and research and xemnas, the organizations leader, is likeI WAS YOUR APPRENTICE! BUT YOU DIDNT LET ME DO ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENT SON HEARTS SO I KICKED YOU OUT AND RREMOVED MY OWN HEART AND THATS WHY THERES A HEARTLESS AND A NOBODY OF XEHANORT and ansem the wise is like YEAH BITCH and he explodes and riku turns back to normal but he also really needs a haircut. so they go punch xemnas in his zebra coat and riku and sora chill in the realm of darkness for about ten minute son the beach, i guess aqua was hanging out somewhere else, and they get a message form kairi in a bottle and the door to light opens and they go home and it was literally!!!!! a better fucking ending!!!! than kh3!!!!!!!!! thats my tea!!!!!!
so then we have KH3D, dream drop distance, which begins telling us ‘hey when you kill a heartless and a nobody that person is gonna be recompleted so uhhhhh xehanorts coming back Thats Not Good, make sora and riku do their mark of mastery test in the realm of sleep to get the power of waking’ and thats the whole game but its great because flowmotion! dream eaters!  TWEWY TWEWY TWEWY T W E W Y!!!!!! playable riku!!! fun worlds!!! soriku!!! except KH3D’s fatal flaw is THEY INTRODUCED TIME TRAVEL INTO THIS FUCKING COMPLEX HELL HOLE I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR THAT. anyway rikus been doing a great hecking job!!!! except sora ended up in twtnw and kept chasing the dreams into the deepest pit of slumber and the organization broke his heart so they use him as one of xehanorts vessels [gesutres to my blog with will smith arms] yeeah babey. and riku is understandably like HEY GIVE ME MY FRIEND BACK and xehanort is like FUCK OFF TWINK and mickey and donald and goofy and axel, whos been recompleted as lea, arrive and steal comatose sora back form xehanort and xehanort monologues about the X-Blade split into 20 pieces- 7 of light, 13 of darkness- and so hes gonna make 13 vessels of darkness with his heart inside them and the guardians of light gotta gather 7 lights to clash and bringg about the keyblade war or bring about kingdom hearts, i-- i literally hate this series so much Why do you think i went on a year long hiatus??? i needed to calm the fuck down-- either way xehanort yeets off with his darknesses and soras STILL comatose and rikus like I WILL DIVE INTO HIS SLEEP AND SAVE HIM BECAUSE DEARLY BELOVED IS PLAYING AND if i continue this joke someones bound to get mad at me for ‘’’pushign a soriku agenda’’’ BUT YKNOW WHAT, RIKUS A REAL MVP AND PUNCHES A NIGHTMARE VEN AND SAVES SORA AND SORA HUGS HIM AND ITS GREAT AND I LOVE MY SONS SO MUCH and the kh3d ends with them saying ‘hey look kairis gonna do something!’ but Little Did We Know.
and thats your summary of what the fuck happened in kingdom hearts. i hate this game so much.
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vgstims · 6 years
I'm.....so hyped for KH3. The Kingdom Hearts series was such a massive part of my teen years, and now I'm so excited. I'm replaying KH1+2 and I might even replay BBS this coming week. I'm so excited for 3 oh my god
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What's your guys' favorite video games BESIDES the OASIS? I'm a huge fan of Pokémon and Fire Emblem, myself :3
Michael: Dude don’t get us started. We can go on for days about our favorite games.
But hell yeah you’ve got great taste!! Pokemon and Fire Emblem are super rad games! Jeremy loves those titles too. Though uh, right now he’s working through replaying the Kingdom Hearts series for like, the fiftieth time.
Jeremy (from the other room): RIKU YOU LITTLE SHIT! I love you please don’t leave yet
Michael: Yeah. Both of us watched 358/2 Days the other night and he sobbed like a baby. He cries every time.
Jeremy (from the other room): So do you!! Don’t put this solely on me! You cry every time Roxas leaves Axel on his own!
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blankpaigefics · 5 years
Me: I'm going to replay the borderlands series before number 3 comes out
Also me: *works part time, is behind in both uni courses, trying to make/fix 3 different outfits, goes to the gym, half way through both Kingdom Hearts 3 and God of War* I know have 5 days left to play the entire borderlands series
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