dappledpaintbrush · 10 months
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I hope I’m not just a spm blog but also a father figure
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snuffydoo · 1 year
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spm swap au update
More designs plus doodles
>Swap Antasma plus Dreambert
>Swap Jaydes and swap Grambi
>Created a character by the name of Francine. A cat maid bot that swaps with Francis 
>Random Dimlight and Swap!Dimentio doodle
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loki-valeska · 7 months
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SPM Supporting Cast.
Here's some of the supporting cast for my SPM AU comic. This should be the last sheet I make for height chart refs, but I plan to make individual bio sheets for the characters so I can reference back to them for writing purposes. (They're also relatively easy content to make quickly to keep my posting numbers up lol) So look forward to those. 
In the meantime, have some info: First up is Lord Vulmiar, Count Bleck's father. I hade to make his design from scratch because I didn't like how he looked in the Manga. His eyes and mouth are more of a purple to show his age. I also went with a design that contrasts Count Bleck, to kinda illustrate how he's more of an antagonistic force.  Shadoo is one of my favorite designs. I gave her white lines to give off a negative light feel. Felt right considering she's a shadow. It also helps give her dark color pallet a bit more pop. Her clothes were also meticulously thought out but that's spoiler territory so I'll hold off on that.  King Croacus is also a favorite of mine. I wanted something regal and fancy, yet also had a bit of danger to it because he's a rose. So I gave him spiked accessories to mimic that. I also made him look quite femme because that's the vibes his canon design gives me. The freckles are a reference to the spots that Croacus has in game on his face too. EDIT: I changed his rose to look like his closed head in game.  Luvbi got changed quite a bit cause I thought her canon design was super boring. Her dress is an attempt at giving her something similar to Jaydes. Luvbi has Wing arms because While Jaydes has arms, Grambi doesn't, so this is a middle ground.  Grambi doesn't have many changes, aside from proportions to fit my style, and actually having a body hiding behind his beard.  Jaydes was given arms and dress pattern was randomized a bit more. Other than stylization, she's largely the same as well. 
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lucyav13 · 1 month
This chapter will be dedicated to all those characters who accompanied us on our adventure for the pure hearts, so I hope you like it :) 
Queen Jaydes, Grambi y Luvbi
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(Image credits to its author)
Queen Jaydes is the kind-hearted (but strict) queen of Underwhere. As ruler of The Underwhere, she possesses power over life and death. Queen Jaydes is named hence the god of the underworld in Greek mythology, Hades, as well as "upset," meaning "unenthusiastic" or "bored" (both qualities she possesses). Fun fact: she bears a certain resemblance to the Queen of Shadows.
Following Dimentio's defeat, Jaydes travels to The Overthere upon learning that Luvbi has returned to life. There, she promises to give Luvbi all the love she can and encourages the heroes to visit her to judge her when they finish her games, as thanks for her hard work.
His name is a portmanteau of "grandfather" and "Nimbi."
Just as Jaydes is based on Hades, the ancient Greek lord of the underworld, Gambi may be based on Zeus, the sky god and ruler of Mount Olympus in Greek mythology. Additionally, as The Overthere also borrows from Christian theism, certain aspects of Gambi are shared with God, such as his position as head of the angelic Nimbis and his conflict with Bonechill (whose story closely resembles that of Lucifer). However, Grambi is not credited with creating the world or life and is neither omniscient nor omnipotent.
Her name is a combination of the words "love" and "Nimbi." After Bonechill's defeat, Luvbi assumes his true form to save all the worlds. After saving all the worlds, Luvbi recreates herself as a true Nimbi girl independent of the white Pure Heart. (A/N: I have a theory that explains how, so check out the Pure Hearts chapter ;))
Fun Fact: Luvbi plays a similar role to TEC-XX from the previous game, in that they both make a sacrifice to help Mario and his friends at the end of Chapter 7, only to be inexplicably revived upon Mario's defeat the final boss.
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After the heroes defeat Mr. L in the heart of the Whoa Zone, Squirps reveals to them that he is the prince of a forgotten kingdom, Squirpia, and that his mother, Squirpina XIV, was entrusted with the Pure Heart by the Ancients. She then placed Squirps in a hibernation capsule for 1,500 years, so that he could lead the heroes to the Whoa Zone when they arrived in Outer Space. After relaying his mother's message to them asking them to save all worlds, the prince hands over the Blue Pure Heart. The post-chapter narration reads that, his quest finally done, Squirps lay down near the statue of his mother and closed his eyes to rest. He was presumed dead by the heroes; however, returning to Outer Space at any time afterward reveals that he had only fallen asleep, and the player can replay the chapter as normal.
After beating the game, the heroes can find Squirps in the Whoa Zone near his mother's statue, assuring her of the world's safety and that he would restore Squirpia someday.
Tipptron, with her tattle says: His full name is Squirp Korogaline Squirpina. It seems he is actually the prince of a space kingdom... He dreams of ascending the throne someday. I'm sure he has what it takes...
Some fun facts: Squirps' reaction to being fed a chocolate bar can be seen as a callback to Gourmet Guy from the original Paper Mario, who acted similarly when fed Cake and also impeded Mario's progress in Chapter 4 of that game.
He is also somewhat similar to Flavio, as both claim themselves to be gourmets and are initially hesitant to accept the edibles Mario brings them.
Excluding enemies, Squirps is the only character in the game who flips into 3D as the player does; this is the case even when they visit him in the Whoa Zone.
Squirps is the second character in the Paper Mario series to fall asleep and be mistaken for dead by Mario and co., with Admiral Bobbery being the first.
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starferret · 10 months
The glorious diamonds!
+ Mario for scale
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Jaydes the Magenta Diamond. Her gem is on her forehead, and she possesses the power to corrupt gems- although she only uses this power as punishment on dangerous and evil gems. She resides in an underground colony on an old gloomy planet. Her court consists of gems that hunt down criminal gems that disturb the peace of the universe.
Grambi the Iridescent Diamond. His gem is on his chest, hidden behind his beard. He possesses the power to heal any cracks or scratches a gem may have. He resides in large space stations that drifts in space. His court consists of gems who serve as observers, watching over planets to make sure all is well.
Luvbi the Peach Diamond. Her gem is on her stomach, and she possesses the power to heal corrupted gems- or at least she will once she learns to use her powers. She resides on both of the other’s colonies, visiting each frequently. She doesn’t have her own colony or court yet.
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Essentially they never had a reason to undo corruptions, since it was reserved for ‘criminal’ gems, until the Chaos Heart appeared and started to corrupt innocent gems. To combat this, they created a new diamond who would have the ability to heal these gems. However she is still young and hasn’t yet mastered her power.
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
You've heard of Elf on the Shelf, now get ready for Grambi on the Rambi
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This started as a joke in conversation and then I challenged myself to make it a reality
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joshithekitsune · 7 months
What is Joshi’s backstory?
That's gonna be a tricky one. Where should I begin? Her backstory consists of Yoshi's Island, Super Paper Mario, and a sprinkle of Super Mario World show lore, hint hint.
Joshi was asexually created by Grambi himself, she WAS originally going to be human. He accidentally splashed a whole vial of kitsune DNA into the zygote, some fool gave him the wrong vial. Something was off about that child, he created a potential monster, there was NO turning back. He improvised a plan and advised the stork to take the child to her other biological parent instead, (notably her kitsune mother or father). The stork flew off during the middle of the night, hours have passed, a tall looming figure was stealthily hidden from the bird's vision, the evil dinosaur (purple Tyrannosaurus Rex) snatched the bird out of the blue and mauled it to death, leading the newborn kit to fall into the forest floor. The bird has failed its mission, miserably...
An hour has passed, a yoshi couple heard wailing out of the brush. They slowly approached the rustling of leaves and revealed a newborn baby out of the white cloth. They gazed at it, she was beautiful, she was partially fuzzy, she had a tail soft as silk, her large lustrous golden eyes dilated as the couple cooed at the child. They didn't care if their child was different, she was perfect. She lived a decently good life as a village girl, always causing mischief, doing basic things like gardening and cooking with her parents, she had it all. Years have went by, she was in her teens, but she didn't grow much. Her father has passed away, shortly her mother died of a fungal disease commonly found in reptiles, back in the 1000s they barely had any medicine AT ALL, there couldn've been NO way to save her.
After the passing her mother, war broke out between the yoshies and the magikoopas, there was nothing but pandemonium. The unfortunate teenager was appalled from the horrid scene; her village was completely burnt into a wasteland, nothing but debris. She was alone... she left Yoshi's Island, for salvation. Overtime she began to discover who she was bit by bit. Days have turned into weeks, weeks have turned into months, months have turned into years, and years turned into centuries... it left her baffled about her supernatural abilities and immortal lifespan. People she loved along the way have deceased before her very eyes.
She became the monster she swore to avenge...
Welp, here ya go! I hope my writing is okay. :D
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Stars and Knockouts
Space, the final frontier.
That's what people used to think.
On panko. You can get a destination wedding on the moon, a go-kart track on a space station, and a shooting gallery with some Lumas.
After landing on the comet observatory.
Rosalina was surprised on seeing a young lad she has never met before face plant on to the ground.
She was currently trying to figure out why there's been so much chaos in the Stars as of late.
Turns out she was interested in what I had to say when I dropped my clutch.
Oh I don't think I've mentioned this before. But some software was put into my clutch that allowed me to stabilize warps and transport back to Warp org head quarters.
I gave her the rundown on the situation happening.
Let's just say she wasn't thrilled.
She reluctantly decided to help me by giving me access to a piece of equipment and the steering wheel.
The starbit band and a supplementary drone (not pictured)
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@lethalhedgehogs drew this.
This weapon was made from broken Wii remotes and joy-cons to create an AR sensor / motion control wristband.
It then connects to a supplementary drone that shoots out star bits and allows me to perform a spin attack.
I then set off to do some platforming challenges. Surprisingly some of the ones Mario actually did in the past.
1.Throwback Galaxy/ Thwomps fortress and bed and breakfast
2. Sweet sweet Galaxy.
3. Marriage counseling crater on the moon.
4. The starship Mario in disrepair.
5. Dry world.
These were basically just small obstacle courses.
After I completed enough warps.
Rosalina actually had a gift for me before I left.
A Power Star ⭐
Though just as soon as I touched it.
I passed out.
I saw Ic again.
Garth: Seriously. This is the third time this has happened.
Ic: Garth. I wasn't supposed to see you this early in the week. What are you doing here.
Garth: I could ask you the same thing. All I did was touch a power star and I think I passed out.
IC: Okay I didn't have everything ready yet but I do have this to say. Don't waste that Power Star. You're going to need it soon. something special is going to happen to you and the person you give it to afterwards.
Garth : Wait. what's that supposed to mean?
All of a sudden I woke up.
Garth: Oh my head.
Rosalina: Young one. are you all right?
Garth: Uh. I guess I always feel a bit groggy after I see that tanuki with the white and gold fur.
Rosalina: Wait. What did you say.
Garth: what. I just said I saw a tanuki with a white and gold fur. The guy named Ic.
Rosalina: Be honest. Are you telling me you saw saw the dimensional being of invincibility.
Garth: I think so. Is he a white and gold tanooki in a weird cosmic realm.
So it turns out that Ic is a god-like entity known as a dimensional being. People like Father time, mother nature, Grambi, are in the same league as Ic.
So I've been basically getting Divine visions.
But aside from that shocker.
I had to get back home.
My mom and Mario were getting into an argument with each other.
I'm not sure why. But I had to get going.
Garth signing off.
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Grambi, Jaydes, and Luvbi all having familial problems and then Luigi’s just… there
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lyraoctavia · 1 year
I didn’t forget to update the contest today, what a ridiculous accusation!
Anyway, the last quarter finals round is the battle of the old men
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dappledpaintbrush · 1 year
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One of these posts
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camprell-art · 2 months
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Luvbi's Sacrifice
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itsamenickname · 1 year
I don’t know if this has been done or not, but one Bowuigi headcanon I’ve thought about and love is the idea of Bowser asking Luigi to teach him some Italian words/phrases because he wants to know Luigi better and just absolutely loves to see Luigi get so excited about teaching him stuff.
Plus, whenever he and Mario have one of their ridiculous, yet really funny, arguments, it’s always fun for Bowser to see the red plumber’s reaction when he learns that Bowser not only actually understood what he said but also made a relevant snarky comeback.
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paperpeachy · 2 months
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the way merlee integrates mimi’s vernacular into her own means a lot to me. is it any wonder she hires her fr post game
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degnut · 6 months
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lil pete zaman for road to grambys
been on that grind, hope you guys get to see this in game soon!
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snailofkale · 5 days
yall i see a lot of spm fanworks where characters swear on grambi and it got me thinking right
grambi isn’t like the creator of the universe canonically he’s just the ruler of heaven. he’s not even the one who judges your soul thats his wife (who i also see people using as an in universe swear albeit way more rarely)
now as far as i know we don’t know of any characters that directly created the universe or even the mushroom planet
you know who we do have? rosalina. mother of the cosmos
and im gonna use her as a swear teehee
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