#I'm so happy my silly little guy gets to be drawn alongside so many other cool narrators
robin-the-enby · 3 years
I've been wanting to request a Marvel one for a while now, but have just finally thought of something that I agreed on—
A oneshot with the avengers and the genderless reader celebrating their first birthday. Like where they came from, birthdays don't exist, the actual celebration and having a date of being born doesn't exist for them.
I'm also only familiar with the movies so I don't know what actually happened after Endgame— So spoilers outside that would be very appreciated if that's alright—
True meaning behind birthdays
Pairing: Avengers x gn!reader (platonic)
Summary: Reader comes from a planet where birthdays don't exist. The others decide to throw the best first birthday party ever for them.
A/N: I made this story so that it doesn't contain any spoilers. I really hope you like this, I tried my best.
Y/BD - your birthdate
Earth didn't have the best reputation among the other planets. Everyone you knew always told you it's a place not worth visiting. But that didn't stop you.
And oh wrong they all were. Sure, Earth didn't have the most impressive technology, but it compensated for it with many rich and diverse cultures. So many nationalities and religions, each celebrating their own holidays and traditions. Sure, some might say that it was impractical for so many cultures to live alongside each other, but you thought it was fascinating.
You've been on Earth for over half a year now and you already knew about many human customs, yet there was still so much more to learn, since they mingled with each other constantly, for example holidays typically celebrated in the U.S. migrated all the way to middle Europe.
However, there were some events that were celebrated by everyone. Like New Years Eve, when humans celebrated their planet's complete rotation around the Sun. Silly creatures. And the biggest catch? Different people celebrated New Years on different days!
You chuckled at the memory, focusing on your previous activity. You were relaxing in the compound's living room, since there weren't any missions that regular S.H.I.E.L.D. agents couldn't handle on their own.
You were soon joined by Tony, a very extravagant and bold man, but still a very friendly colleague of yours. He scooted over until he was sitting next to you and asked "So, how did you enjoy Nat's birthday party?"
Ah, birthdays, of course. Celebrating one's day of birth every year was something all humans did as well. The concept was very foreign to you, I mean, why would anyone celebrate being one year closer to death? Still, you could not deny that you enjoyed yourself very much.
"Are you asking just because you organized the thing?" you asked back with an arched brow. Tony looked at you as if you grew a second head "Y/N! You know I'm better than that!"
"But...did you like it?" he asked after a few moments of quiet. You laughed "Yes Tony, I really enjoyed the party." You could practically see his face light up like a Christmas tree (another thing you discovered during your time here) "Awesome! Say, when can we celebrate your birthday?"
Oh... "Uhm, well, I don't really have one..." you explained. Tony's eyes widened "What do you mean? Everybody has a birthdate!" he chuckled, but his tone was mainly confused. "Well, yes, of course I have a birthdate, but where I come from, birthdays aren't really a thing. We don't celebrate them or even really acknowledge them." you shrugged.
"Well, when is your birthday?" Tony asked. You thought for a moment, before replying "Well, we don't really divide our days the same way you humans do. You would describe someone's date of birth with the day, month and year, whereas we just describe it with the position a certain set of constellations has in the sky at that moment. You'd be surprised how accurate it is." Tony blinked a few times "Yeah, that doesn't clear it up much." You laughed again.
For the next couple of minutes you tried to explain to Tony how it all worked, using "your" constellation as an example, not knowing about the plan the genius playboy had in mind all along.
After he told you he finally understood what you meant, he promptly excused himself, saying he was actually just taking a break from something he and Bruce were working on. You said your "see you later"s and parted ways.
As Tony entered the lab, Bruce, who has been working on their project when Tony had his break, looked up to see who came in, before turning back to the machine set on the working table in front of him. "Hi Tony." he muttered "Did you enjoy your break?"
Tony walked over to his friend and leaned on the table he was working on "Yea yeah. Listen, I have an interesting idea..."
It took a lot of math and research, but after a few days, the two geniuses finally had it. They managed to convert your birthdate from your people's system to theirs and it was supposed to be on Y/BD.
Which was gonna be pretty pretty damn soon.
So they did the most logical thing. They called a secret Avengers meeting to get everyone in on the plan.
"Are you sure they even want a birthday party?" Steve asked, because the last thing he would want to is to make you uncomfortable.
"Of course, you know they like to be involved in everything." Wanda reassured him with a wave of her hand. "Still, I think we shouldn't throw a big party." Steve muttered. "I agree, it's their first birthday, we wouldn't want to overwhelm them." Vision nodded. Tony sighed and slumped in his chair dramatically "Ugh, okay then. You guys are no fun, I swear..." straightening up once again, he eyed everyone seriously "Okay, here's the plan..."
And what a plan it was. Wanda and Vision were in charge of making a birthday cake, Tony and Nat were in charge of the alcohol and your favourite drink. Thor was in charge of getting your favourite snacks, Bruce and Sam were in charge of decorating and that left Steve in charge of taking you somewhere nice until the others had everything ready.
It wouldn't have been that odd for someone from the team to ask you to hang out, but you couldn't help but notice Steve's eyes darting around almost as if in fear. He must've thought he was being sneaky, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
But once you were out of the compound, you could feel Steve relax as he took you to a restaurant that quickly became your favourite after a few weeks of staying with the Avengers.
You two had so much fun, talking about anything and everything. One thing you had in common with the captain was your love for exploring. Of course, he knew much more about Earth than you, but he still missed nearly seventy years. You two would often share your favourite music or artists you discovered, as well as movies or literature.
"What do you think about birthdays Y/N?" he asked you out of the blue. It caught you off guard a little. Just a few moments ago you were discussing if Disney was a good brand or not and now this...Especially when you discussed birthdays with Tony just a few weeks ago. Strange...
"I think it's fascinating how you humans find so many things worth celebrating. I mean, birthdays are a little hard for me to understand, why would you want to celebrate getting older? I thought that humans wanted to avoid that?"
This answer seemed to throw Steve off his rhythm for a bit. "Well, it's not really about that-" he wanted to explain, but was cut off by a buzzing sound. Steve quickly reached into his pocket, taking out his phone, the culprit guilty of disrupting your conversation, checking the text message he recieved, before putting it back and looking at you again "Sorry, Fury needs me for something. Do you mind if I drop you off and then go?"
You were a little sad that your good time had to end so soon, since you both were having so much fun, but you knew it couldn't be helped, so you just shook your head and smiled.
As you made your way back, you turned to Steve again "So, what did you want to tell me, back at the restaurant?" you tilted your head to the side.
Steve almost started talking again, but before any sound could escape his mouth, it seemed like he changed his mind "Would you believe me if I told you I really don't remember?" he chuckled awkwardly. You couldn't help but squint at him. He was acting very suspiciously... "Yeah..." you answered absentmindedly. Just what was going on?
You spent the whole journey back to the compound mulling it over in your head. Was it somebody's birthday? No, surely they would've told you if that was the case. Was it your birthday? But, nobody knew when that was. So what on Earth was going on??
You decided you were gonna confront Steve if he wasn't going o explain anything by himself. So as soon as you were about to pass the compound's living room, you quickly tugged him in, telling him you needed to talk to him before he had to go.
The room was darkened, somebody must've drawn down the blinds. That didn't matter to you in that moment, you wanted answers. Steve became a silhouette in front of you, so you couldn't see his exact expression. You looked into what you imagined were his eyes, and with the most serious look you could muster you said "Alright Steve, quit joking around. What is happening?"
But before your interrogation could progress, the blinds were drawn up and the room was suddenly bathed in light as people yelled "Happy birthday!!!"
You whirled around and saw everyone gathered in the living room, standing around the coffee table, upon which were various snacks that you grew to love during your stay here, complete with your favourite drink, and in the middle of it all sat a beautiful cake. The room was decorated with ornaments in your favourite colours and everyone had a big smile plastered in their face.
Well, you certainly did not expect that. After carefully looking around at everything, you couldn't help but laugh "So it's my birthday??" you asked, surprised.
"Wait, what did cap told you?" Tony asked, alarmed. "Well, nothing specific, but he wasn't subtle either." you smiled and looked at the now blushing Steve from the corner of your eye.
The rest of the day was great, possibly the best one you've had here. Good food, drinks and laughter all around. It warmed your heart to receive so many beautiful gifts, words couldn't express just how grateful you were. One thing still nagged in your brain though...
All of you were seated on the various sofas and armchairs around the coffee table, calmly chatting about beloved memories, exchanging funny stories and everything was heavenly peacful.
"I still can't wrap my head around why you would go throuh all the trouble for me." you shook your head, the disbelief still lingering in your mind.
"Well, that's simple. We like having you around." Tony shrugged. The others nodded. "Yeah, we appreciate having you with us. You're a great friend." Wanda added. "Celebrating birthdays is like showing gratefulness that the celebrated person is still with you." Bruce explained.
Their confessions were so heartwarming, you couldn't help but to shed a few tears. Sam, who was sitting next to you, put his arm around your shoulders, rubbing your arm comfortingly. So that's what birthdays were really about...
It was great to have friends.
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roxxythebirbrps · 7 years
After Meal Clubbing 1
Sol: *Slightly nervous about this, but he doesn't show it. They get outside, and he ignores the paparazzi taking pictures. He had a feeling the two of them would be in the papers, as she was his newest 'conquest'. Their car was waiting already and he opens the door nearest for her*
Jessica: *slips into the car absolutely not giving the paparazzi anything to photograph as she slides to the far side of the car away from the photogs*
Sol: *He hands his driver the card* Drop us off there. *He then gets into the car beside her, pulling the door closed. He looks to her* That's one thing you'll have to get used to. *He jerks a thumb out of the window*
Jessica: *chuckles* this isn't the first time i've had to deal with the paparazzi, Oh and my mother being ill is on the down low so I would appreciate it if you don't mention it to anyone even if its someone you trust. the less people know the better.
Sol: *He glances to her as the car hums into movement* You can trust me. I wouldn't give away your secrets, when I don't like mine being shared.
Jessica: thank you I promise anything we talk about will be kept in strict confidence, that is unless your mother ties me to the bed and tortures the words out of me *chuckles*
Sol: *Coughs slightly at the image of her tied to a bed. He averts his gaze - that thought didn't need to be there.* She wouldn't do that. I daresay she likes you more than I. *He smiles softly, looking out the window as the streets become less familiar*
Jessica: *let slip a light giggle then covers her mouth looking out the window trying not to mess up her lipstick*
Sol: *Raises a brow at her giggle, watching her for a moment, before averting his gaze once more. Soon enough, the car stops, and he gets out, walking around to let her out.* I'll contact you when we want retrieving. *He says this to the driver, who nods obediently*
Jessica: thank you *slides out of the car and straightens her dress and looks around for paparazzi seeing none there she smiles*
Sol: *He closes the door behind her and offers his arm, looking around warily. He could already hear the music*
Jessica: Relax *takes his arm* this is all about having fun *smiles hugging his arm lightly and leading him up the bouncer who she waves at as he lets them in*
Sol: I am relaxed. *He sighs softly, looking around as they enter. He moves closer to her when they near dancers, trying to avoid being rubbed against* ...
Jessica: what don't like people touching you? *laughs a little bit pulling him to the bar to get him something to drink*
Sol: *He leans close to her* These people are commoners, and my clothes are expensive. *He frowns, remaining close to her*
Jessica: *talking into his ear so he could hear her better with the loud music* these people are rich commoners like me.
Sol: *He looks around as she speaks, before he sighs and glances to her* I trust you know of a good drink for us, then? I .. have never been to a place like this, and I doubt they serve the high class drinks I'm used to.
Jessica: they serve cocktails *chuckles ordering two dry martinis and asks if her booth was open, she tells the bartender to send the drinks to her table and she pulls Sol away from the dance for to her booth so he doesn't have to mingle*
Sol: *He follows after her, grabbing onto her hand when they're nearly separated. He was sure he'd feel calmer soon, but for now, he was entirely unsure of how to act in this place*
Jessica: *smiles simply ecstatic to have turned his whole world upside down she scoots into her little booth and waits for him to scoot in with her*
Sol: *Follows her closely, sitting next to her as he watches the other inhabitants with a frown. Surely, what they were doing could not be called dancing.*
Jessica: hmmm so what do you think so far? *chuckling lightly thinking this probably was a bit of a culture shock*
Sol: I'm ... not sure. *His gaze continues to drift from one person to the other* What would you call what it is they're doing- .. Surely that's not allowed. *Blinks as two people practically grind against one another in their 'dancing'*
Jessica: its club dancing its supposed to be raunchy. clubs are a place where you can do whatever you even if it isn't proper. A club is the place to let loose and look stupid *laughs as the drinks come to the table*
Sol: .. I definitely won't be partaking in that. *Frowns as he watches the pair. It was such an odd act, and one he really thought belonged in a bedroom, in private. He tears his gaze away to the drink, eyeing it warily before he picks it up and lifts it to his lips, sipping it. He grimaces slightly at its strength, but it was manageable, at least.*
Jessica: too strong? *chuckles and grabs a menu off the table and hands it to him* a list of alcoholic drinks and some non alcoholic. I can drink your martini *sips her own perfectly happy*
Sol: *Shakes his head* Its fine. I can manage this, at least. *Huffs and sips it. She seemed far too amused at his expense and he didn't like it. He glances through the drinks, unable to help but raise his brows at some of the name, and grimace at some of the ingredients* .. I think I'll stick to this. Some of these drinks- I'm not sure I could stomach them.
Jessica: *chuckles a bit* that's why i picked a martini. *she sips her drink again* and judging from your look getting you out to dance will be impossible *chuckles*
Sol: Definitely. I'm fine to sit here and observe. Drinking will probably lessen the headache coming on from the noise of this place. I just don't think I'd feel comfortable rubbing against anyone like that. *He again glances to the pair that were grinding, one of many, he noticed. *
Jessica: you know you don't have to dance like that but ballroom won't cut it here *sips her martini*
Sol: I only know dances for social events, for high class social events. Not .. whatever they're all doing out there. *He frowns and drinks his drink a little quicker* .. And I have a dreadful headache. *This was definitely something of a culture shock. He had no idea what they enjoyed about doing all of that*
Jessica: if you don't watch it i'm going to pull you out onto the dance floor and teach you how to have fun.
Sol: *Eyes her dully from over his drink* I pray you do not. I would just look awkward and laughable, and my pride will not allow it.
Jessica: well it's not like i'd be able to get you dancing outside of a club, now that looks silly *finishes her martini*
Sol: Surely you know how to ballroom dance. Or perhaps tango. *He raises a brow* They are commonly done at the parties held at my home, among others. *He eyes her finished drink, and hastily finishes his own* I was taught them from an early age.
Jessica: thats not dancing, dancing is fun! *laughs sliding out of the booth tugging his arm* I promise i won't let anyone rub up against you~
Sol: It is fun. *Replies sully, shaking his head as she pulls his arm* No. I adamantly refuse. I don't know how to. *He wasn't used to things he couldn't do, after all*
Jessica: there is nothing to know you just move your body, don't be such a scaredy cat it's not like dancing like a commoner will hurt you. It might even do you some good.
Sol: *He frowns; He was not scared. Just wary* I.. don't feel like I've had enough alcohol to feel .. confident enough to try. *That was a decent excuse*
Jessica: *sighs and falls back into the seat* fine but you are going out dancing *she waves and a guy comes over to ask for what they want* appletini!~
Sol: *His fate had been held off for a while longer, at least. He looks to the guy* I'll have the same as her.
Jessica: *scoot back to her seat next to him and pulls out some tylenol and sets it on the table*
Sol: *He goes back to people watching for now, attempting to gain pointers on how to do what commoners called dancing*
Jessica: *glad when the drinks show up happily taking hers and sipping it*
Sol: *He takes his also, drinking it more slowly than the first. For the purpose of stalling, of course*
Jessica: *pokes his arm and points at the tylenol* did you want something for your headache?
Sol: I was always told that taking pain relievers alongside alcohol just makes you drunk quicker. *Eyes the tylenol warily as he sips his drink*
Jessica: okay I was just offering *puts it back into her bag sipping her appletini*
Sol: .. Thanks anyway. *Glances to her, drinking his drink slowly still as he looks around*
Jessica: *hums along with the music sorta dancing her seat*
Sol: *Watches her curiously as he drinks. The alcohol was beginning to affect him now, and he supposed he could probably do that 'dancing' and be able to blame it on this.*
Jessica: just tell me when your drunk enough to start dancing *sips her drink leaning back and adjusting the top part of her dress*
Sol: *He watches this action, gaze drawn unintentionally but not unwillingly. She was nice to look at, he could not deny that. And, slightly emboldened by the alcohol, he lets his eyes slowly take her in, moving all the way down and back up*
Jessica: *she will not deny she was hoping that was going to have that effect on him but she really did need to adjust the top or she might have something pop out the next time she tries to get up*
Sol: *Catches himself and averts his gaze hastily, huffing when he finds himself blushing and he hastily finishes off his drink* I guess we can attempt this commoner's dance now.
Jessica: great! *she finishes her drink and starts climbing out of the booth tugging on his arm again*
Sol: *Reluctantly lifts to his feet and lets her lead the way*
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