#I'm so so excited to share some of the awesomeness but first we have to do beginnings! 😂
We bleed together
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a/n you want pain!? I'll give you pain. The person who requested this is responsible for the damage.
summary: what if the last day of humanity was different? What if instead of loosing Sarah, Joel lost you - the mother of his two children and the person who had built him up to a better man.
warnings: car crash, blood, injuries, wounds, death ahh I would say medium emotional damage
"And then one more", you spun around, making the baby giggle in your hands, "And one more", you twirled around, smiling to yourself as yet another giggle filled the still-empty kitchen. Emma was one giddy baby. For a five-month-old, she was extremely alert, her curiosity driving her to look around as much as she could. If only her body was strong enough, she would be crawling around day and night. Following Sarah around or any of you for that instant. Sarah barely left her side. You were worried at first about her reaction. Sure, you had been there almost from the start, helping Joel take care of her, and she was like your own daughter, but still. You had plenty of conversations about her biological mother. You understood her desire to know. To ask questions. To understand.
"She didn't want me, right? I was the problem", you were halfway through your pregnancy when this conversation surfaced again. Putting down the baby sweater that you were just folding, you motioned for Sarah to come in. She had become more avoidant once you started showing. The reality started to kick in, and it pained her that the baby was going to have a real and normal family.
"You were never the problem, my beam of light", you cupped her face lovingly, whipping away some of the tears that had started rolling down Sarah's cheeks. "But… she didn't love me like you love your baby", "Oh, Sarah", you pulled her closer to your chest, "I've loved you from the moment I saw you kicking around in that makeshift crib your dad had going on". Running your hand through Sarah's curls, you made her turn to you. "You've been my special girl since then. I love you and the baby the same. There are no differences to me between you two. Sure, you and I don't share DNA, but, like, who cares about that?", she shrugged her shoulders. Biting her lip as she tried to stop the tears. "You promise you won't leave?", Sarah crocked out, big brown eyes searching yours. It broke your heart so much, but you understood her. Her fear of losing a mother figure. Her dad needing to go through this alone again. You took both of her hands in yours, squeezing them, "I would never dream of it; you are my world".
Joel couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, especially once the baby caught sight of her father in the archway, kicking her little legs happily. The sudden burst of excitement made you turn your head to the side, "Ah, so dad is the one you get all happy for, huh", You nuzzled your face into Emma's neck, leaving endless amounts of kisses there and making her squeal happily. "She's a daddy's girl, aren't you?", Joel walked closer to you, hand reaching instantly for the smallest Miller. Emma's babbles filled the kitchen as she told her dad all the stories she could. "Honestly, rude. When both of our kids are like that", "Maybe I'm just more awesome", you let out a fake gasp, your hand coming up your chest. Joel smirked before giggling to himself. "No, sir, soon you'll be going to work without birthday sandwiches", you warned him, and Joel instantly lifted his free hand in the air defensively.
It felt surreal this morning for some reason. Joel had laid in bed awake for some time just thinking. Thinking about Sarah's mother. Thinking about you. About how his life had shifted once you stepped in. How much he valued the love you gave Sarah. How much he valued you going through a tough pregnancy to bring another baby girl into this world. Joel wondered if you knew. Knew how much he loved you. It wasn't just love. It was his whole existence. You were his rock, as he was yours. But he knew, Joel was convinced, that it was all thanks to you that he found purpose in life again.
"We can't have mommy mad", Joel mumbled to Emma, ticking her stomach. He moved closer to you while you were cutting up the vegetables. Leaning in to press a kiss on your shoulder, then another. Before a whole line of kisses was drawn from your shoulder up to your temple. You giggled, loving the slight tickle of Joel's beard against your skin. "I love you so much", Joel muttered, bringing you closer to his chest as his hand sneaked around your waist. You leaned back into him smiling, "Not as much as I love you, birthday boy", you cupped his cheeks, moving into Joel's embrace so you could place your lips on his. "The best mama ever", he muttered in between kisses, "And best wife to be", those words made your heart flutter a little. God, you loved this man, and you couldn't wait to be a Miller soon. You deepened the kiss just a little.
"Seriously? In front of a baby?", Sarah's voice made you two tear apart quickly. "You're officially out of the age to say ew when your parents kiss", Joel chirped, turning to his older daughter, who was rolling her eyes. "Yeah, but Em isn't, so don't be disgusting, right Em?", Sarah reached for her sister, whom Joel had carefully placed in her little high chair. Her little fist tightened and wrapped around Sarah's finger. You place the plates with food on the table.
"Tommy?", you ask, but Joel shrugged his shoulders. "Probably left early," strange, you thought to yourself as you slipped into the chair next to everyone. "So, how old are you again?", Sarah asked, mouth full of food. "Thirty-six", the girl shook her head, making you giggle. "Hate to break it to you, dad, but dippers are in the near future", she teased, but Joel only hummed, "Who said I ain't wearing one now?". Sarah let out a laugh, which Emma mimicked, making you smile. "Well, at least now I know why Em's diapers are disappearing", you said ž, making them both let out a laugh.
You wished you could freeze moments like this. Where you all were laughing. Where nothing bothered you all. "Don't forget to get the cake on your way back", you reminded Joel, who instantly hummed, "I will don't worry", he muttered, and Sarah sent him a warning look that he returned by leaning across the table to cup her cheeks and placing kisses all over her face. She squirmed in her dad's hands until she couldn't contain the laughter anymore.
Joel came back to a dark house. He wasn't expecting anything else, considering that he was three hours late coming back. He knew you would forget him for skipping his birthday dinner. It was Sarah, whom he knew must be upset. And letting her down was his biggest fear in life. Joel tried to move past the hallway as quietly as possible, stopping only when he noticed a light coming from the living room. Sarah was fast asleep with her head laying on your lap, your eyes were tired as you held Emma close to your chest. The light sounds of her suckling and the television playing were the only noise in the room. Joel couldn't help but smile slightly. He will never be able to get tired of a sight like this.
"Am I in deep shit?", you blinked a couple of times, shaking your head, "You can't even imagine Miller". Joel sat down next to you, lips instantly moving to kiss the side of your head, hand reaching to support Emma, who was happily eating, her tiny hand holding onto the pendant necklace that Joel had gotten you. It had four gold-plated letters. All the first letters of your little family's names.
"Don't overthink it. She'll understand eventually. Sarah wants your presence more than that cake anyway,", you reassured him, already feeling him slip into his mind. You knew Joel best. You knew how much he cared. The family was always first, and his working hours were so hectic just because he wanted to give you all the best. "I know. I will… I'll squeeze in a free day, and we can all just have a day to ourselves", Joel muttered, and you leaned closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Have I told you lately that you are the love of my life?", he asked all of a sudden, making you look back up at him. "Well, I would freaking hope to be", you teased him, moving to nuzzle closer to him once more. Joel let out a light chuckle, "But you have; you always remind me of that. Because you are the best fiancé and father ever", you muttered sleepily. Joel's warmth dangerously lulled you into a slumber.
The sound of what appeared to be a military helicopter flying over the house woke you up. You frowned, reaching over for Joel only to find his side of the bed empty. You quickly sat up, looking at the bassinet that stood by the side of your bed. Breathing out a sigh of relief when you saw Emma fast asleep there. Lights from outside were illuminating the room. It seemed like the search troops were out. What the heck was happening? The sight of a paper note caught your attention next. You picked it up quickly. It was Joel's handwriting on it: "Needed to go bail Tommy out. I'll be back as soon as I can. Love you, J.
The sound of footsteps approaching made you grab a book off your bedside table. Something was wrong, and you could just feel it. You could feel it deep in your gut. "Mom, dad", Sarah's voice filled your ears, right before another helicopter flew by. "Cone here, darling", Sarah threw the door open, rushing to you as she jumped onto the bed. "What's going on?", she asked, as your eyes fell over the window. "I don't know,", you muttered, "But daddy will be home soon, and we'll figure it out, okay?", You cupped her cheek tenderly, giving Sarah a light smile. You stood up and opened the wardrobe, pulling out a wrap-around carrier. Quickly draping it over your body, you leaned to pick up the smallest addition to the family, tucking her close to your chest. Now more than thankful that she was a deep sleeper, a gift from Joel.
"Come on, let's see if there's something on TV,", you said, reaching for Sarah's hand. The commotion outside only made the anxiety more and more intense. "Where is dad?", Sarah asked as you walked down the stairs. "He went to get your uncle". It wasn't the first time, so Sarah didn't ask any more questions. She knew it meant that Tommy had once again gotten into trouble. Something that made her dad rather frustrated most of the time.
All the channels were turned off, the only thing on TV was a warning. "Indoors, law enforcement and emergency services are in the area and will be in contact with further instructions", your hand was still holding onto Sarah when the sound of something hitting the window made you both jump. The barking filled your ears next, and you let out a shaky breath. Sarah instantly rushed towards the doors. "No, get back here", you called after the girl, but she was already opening the door, sinking to her knees as she petted the dog. "Easy, easy, Mercy. What are you doing out here, boy?", Sarah looked around the street, the chilly nighttime air hitting her cheeks. She moves to step closer to the street, but you were quick to hold onto her arm. "Get back inside," you said, "But what if ms. Adler…", she tried to argue, but your grip on her hand only tightened.
"I said inside", you tugged at her hand right as another person or whatever that was stumbled into the street. It twitched awkwardly before starting to dart in your direction. You moved Sarah behind you. "Go, go, go", you shouted before, pushing her into the house, closing the door behind you. Pressing all of your body weight against the door. Eyes closed as your body started to shake. Where was Joel? Where was he? The baby lets out a whine. Your hand instantly moved to rub up and down her tiny back, hoping to soothe her into sleep.
"Mom", Sarah calls out. You lifted your eyes to see her teary ones, instantly reaching for her, "Come here baby. We're okay", "What was that?". You pressed her to your side, kissing her head a couple of times. You wished you could answer, but you couldn't. "I don't know, baby, I don't know", you nudged her closer to yourself. Banging on the doors got louder, and a part of you was telling you to move to somewhere safer to at least get the girls safe. But you couldn't move. So crippled by anxiety. You just sat there with silent tears falling down your cheeks. Then a shot rang out, making you flinch. And then there was silence.
"Y/N", you let out a cry at Joel's voice that filled your ears from the other side of the door. Sarah was the one to stand up fist, quickly reaching for the handle, giving you just enough time to move slightly as she yanked the doors open. Joel stepped in, his hands reaching for Sarah instantly as he looked her over for any sign of injuries, "You're not hurt, baby girl?", he asked her. Sarah shook her head. "Dad, what's going on?", but Joel said nothing as his eyes fell on you. Crying on the floor, hands wrapped around your baby. He crossed the distance between you in a couple of steps. Kneeling beside you, "Joel…", you cried out, and he instantly brought your body closer to his, weary of the baby between you but making sure you could physically feel that he was there, "I've got you dove, come on, we need to move now".
Joel's arm moved to steady you from behind as he helped you up. Tommy was by Sarah's side, gun in hand, as he walked her towards the car. You barely made it down the front porch stairs as someone ran out of the Adler's house. You all froze in place, and Tommy hiked up the gun. "Get in the truck now", Joel roared, briefly turning to you and Sarah. But there was little time to think as the woman's body twitched and, with an unhuman-like growl, she started crawling towards you.
"What are we doing, Joel?", Tommy's voice rang out, but Joel didn't answer. With the tool in his hand, he swung his arm. He hit the old lady straight on the head, and her body fell to the ground. It was a split-second decision. A decision that had both you and Sarah staring at Joel because you had never… Never seen him this way. Never seen so much anger. Never seen this kind of violence. You didn't even know that Joel was capable of that.
"You killed her", Sarah whispered, pulling you out of your trance. Joel stepped to her, cupping her cheek, "Baby, I'm sorry", wrapping his arms around her, embracing her. "Joel, we need to move", Tommy said in a worried tone, now moving to grab your hands as he walked you toward the car. "You're okay?", he asked you as he opened the door, making sure you didn't hit your head. His hand lingered on his niece's back, her big brown eyes now staring at him. You nodded your head. What else were you supposed to do? "We'll get out of here", Tommy said firmly, rubbing his thumb on Emma's cheek. You turned to Joel and Sarah; he was still holding onto her. Her cheeks were stained with tears.
"Listen to me, it's not just the Adlers, but we need to be brave; we will get out of this together", Joel said to her before opening the door for her. An explosion rocked the street meters away from you. Both Miller brothers were quick to shield you, baby, and Sarah. Emma's cries echoed through the empty street now. You met Joel's eyes briefly. Eyes that were also scared. Worried eyes. "Let's go, guys, we need to go", Tommy jumped in the driver's seat before starting the car.
Sarah was silently crying beside you. Crying alongside Emma. You tried to soothe both of their fears, but with your anxiety being so high, you knew that you could try to hide it all you wanted - they could still feel it. The frantic driving and Joel's shouting at Tommy didn't help much. You pressed Sarah closer to you, her arm falling over Emma's body. You started to hum one of the lullabies. The lullaby that had followed Sarah through her childhood. The one even she sometimes hummed to her little sister if she took over the nap duties. "And in the darkest of nights, the stars shine bright above us. Sleep tight, little one; let the light calm you", you hummed softly. Rocking both of them in your embrace.
The world was falling apart. Houses were on fire. There was so much screaming. "What if it's everywhere?", Sarah muttered, looking up at you. "We'll find a safe place. Remember what your dad told you? We need to be just a tiny bit braver tonight", you said, meeting Tommy's gaze right as he looked up. A plane flew over the car. "The fuck", the younger Miller cursed while watching the ship sway in the sky. "Keep going", Joel encouraged his brother. His arms slipped toward the back. Joel's fingers were running up and down your calve. His way of grounding himself, of making sure that you knew he was there. That he still had this under control. That he was going to get you all out of here.
The chaos was like nothing you had seen before. The screams. The cries. People were running in front of cars. Hitting the sides as they fell. The streets were full. It all felt like a blur and the worst nightmare all at once. Sarah's grip on your hand was deadly. Your fingers had found Joel's hand as you leaned forward. Tommy started to move out of the street. You felt a tug on your hand. Sarah's eyes were gazing through the back window. "Dad" she whispered, "Dad!", this time the word came out more firm and loud. You only managed to see another airplane flying right at you. Then came the crash. The sound of static. Everything moved at lightning speed. You caved into yourself. Hoping to provide as much shelter for the infant with my body, and then everything went black for a moment.
Joel had never been more scared than the moment he crawled out of the car that was now lying on its roof and found your unconscious body covered in bits of glass and blood. Emma's cries soothed him almost; at least he knew she was alive. Sarah moved as well, and Joel let out a somewhat relieved breath. "Babe", Joel touched your leg, but you didn't move. He inched closer, dragging you out of the car by your shoulders. The moment Joel tugged on your hand, your eyes snapped open with a cry.
"Hey, I've got you", he tried to sound calm, but the sight of the blood trickling down the side of your face made him want to tear the whole world apart. Joel pulled Sarah out of the car as well before turning his attention to you. "Does something hurt?", "My shoulder, I think I…", you hissed when Joel's finger came in contact with your skin. "Give me, Em. Sarah, can you walk, baby?", Joel was loosening the carrier from around your body as he gazed at his firstborn. The girl nodded, and you ripped the side of the carry. Crawling toward Sarah and reaching for her ankle. "I'll wrap it tight, okay; it might feel uncomfortable, but you'll be able to move for now", "Mom, your head", she mumbled, fingers reaching for the blood, but you stopped her quickly. "It's nothing, darling. You focus on staying close to us, okay?"
Tommy came up from the other side, glancing over his shoulder. "The military trucks are here; you need to move; go towards the river; I'll meet you there", Tommy said, Joel rocked Emma in his arms as she screamed her little lungs out. She, too, felt the threat without the warmth of your skin. Tommy shrugged off his jacket, draping it over Joel, before helping you stand. "I'll see y'all there", he ushered you to move. "You stay safe", you said to him, and he only nodded. Regardless of his stumbles in life, Tommy was a good man. A loving brother-in-law. Someone whom you cherished. Cherished so deeply. But you couldn't let your sentiments get the better of you now. You needed to get your babies out of this mess. Get them somewhere safe. So you grabbed Sarah's hand, and so did Joel, and you all ran.
The river bank was practically a hand's reach away. Sarah was limping badly. You knew her leg was going to give up at any moment. You pulled her closer to you so she could lean more of her weight on you. Ignoring the pain that shot through your shoulder. Whispering words of encouragement to her. "Stop right there", a male's voice called out. Joel brought you all to a halt as the light from a gun darted onto your body. "We are not infected. My family got into a car crash", yet you could tell that the soldier didn't care about it whatsoever as he inched closer. "I have four civilians by the river. The female is covered in blood, girl limping", he said coldly into the radio, gun still pointed your way. "Please, we", "Shut up", the male roared, and you instantly pushed Sarah behind you. "Joel…", your hand held onto his forearm, but your eyes didn't leave the person in front of you. Something in your gut twisted. A sense of dread almost pulled you down.
"If something happens", "Y/N, don't…", you yanked at Joel's arm, firmly gaping at him. "You fucking take them and run", you muttered through gritted teeth. "Hey, no one told you to move", the soldier shouted, and you moved to face him again. The sound of your breathing was the only sound you could hear as your hand came up over Joel's hip, and you moved forward. The gunfire pierced the air. The echo was almost unbearable. Freezing. Static. Joel must have dragged you to the side after the first shot rang out, making you all tumble down the hill.
All Joel could hear was Em crying and a couple more shots ringing out. He needed to think quickly. He needed to come up with a plan. "Mommy", Sarah's shaky breath followed by a scream, was what got Joel to look up. And he wished he hadn't. He wished this was a dream. Maybe it was? His worst nightmare? What if he pinched himself? Make it all disappear. Make it all stop. "Joel", Tommy called out, reaching for the crying baby, and the moment the girl was out of his hands, Joel was moving towards you, falling over himself but moving to you.
"Hey, hey, love", he muttered. You had two gunshot wounds on both sides. The blood had already soaked your clothes. Sarah's had her hands pressed against your skin as she shook. "Listen to me, Y/N; I'll get you out; I'll make it", but you moved your hand up, gripping his arm. Lips pressed together as you tried to keep yourself from screaming in pain. You had to. For your girls.
Your eyes fell on Em in Tommy's arms; her bright pink cheeks were visible in the night. Your little angel baby. Your girl that you will never get to see grow up. She might not even remember you. You were going to be a distant memory. Just how Sarah's mom was to her. Sarah looked at the blood seeping through your skin. You reached for her, making her eyes snap at your face.
You pulled the last bits of your strength so you would smile at her, "I love you, sun-shine", you breathed out, and burning pain shot through your body, making you close your eyes. "Mommy, please. I… don't… please", she said, moving to wrap her hands around your neck. You breathed in her flowery scent, feeling your eyes burn with tears. Knowing very well that this was the last time you were going to feel her touch and smell her, "Let… mommy and daddy have a moment", you pleaded. Feeling your body starting to crash already. You didn't want her to see you fade away. No. The blood. Everything from tonight was already too much. She shook her head, but Joel grabbed her hands and moved them away from your blood, saying, "Go to Tommy, baby girl".
Joel, however, moved back to pressing down on your wounds for dear life. Even if he could tell, it was hopeless. He couldn't. He couldn't and was not about to let go. "Joel..", you cried out, and he instantly moved your body closer to his. Pulling you against his chest, "Don't go; don't die; you can't die", he croaked out, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "Hold me", you whispered, feeling the metallic taste in your mouth getting stronger, "I'm here, love. I've got you", Joel pulled you even closer to him, savoring the last bits of your warmth. He hoped it would have been him dying here. It should have been because you three would have been fine with Tommy. But with you gone… What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to live?
"I lo-ve…", "I love you too; I love you so much", your grip on his arm started to loosen as your body shook. Joel got to meet your eyes one more time. He got to capture the depth and warmth of them that he knew he wanted to remember for the rest of his miserable life. "It's okay, it's okay", more blood poured from your mouth. Your big, worried eyes eased. Joel's rocking stayed the same. As if he were swaying you to sleep. As if you two were back home, back in your bedroom, and you had just had a bad dream. A bad dream that Joel was desperate to chase away. "I will always love you. There will never be anyone to replace you. My heart is yours; I'm bleeding with you, dove", he said through the tears.
Then you took a breath in. A surprisingly smooth breath in. Joel looked down at your face. And with a final exhale, your body let go, and the weight of you in Joel's hands told him loud and clear that you were gone. He looked up at the sky, at the stars that shone brightly despite the complete chaos. His body shook with a sob, a sob that guided your soul away from this world. A sob with which a part of Joel died. You took it as you went, and he was never going to be the same.
Tommy didn't rush Joel. Couldn't bring himself to. Sarah was crying with her head buried in her uncle's shoulder, and Emma's choking sobs followed suit. Joel held you till your body was ice cold. His eyes had dried, and he was staring ahead of himself, but he saw nothing. The same darkness that danced within his heart was now dancing all around him. He took your hand into his, carefully taking off the engagement ring from your finger before doing the same with the necklace. He needed something. He needed something from you that he could carry with him.
With you in his arms, Joel stood up. His legs were shaking, but he stepped forward. Tommy rose as well, "Joel, you can't… ", he tried to stop his brother. He understood that parting with your lifeless body was hard, but Joel couldn't carry you around. "We're going", Joel said dryly, as he moved past them. Sarah managed to brush her fingers over your cold skin as her father walked past. "You can't", Tommy tried again, but Joel turned back around, looking feral. "I said we MOVE,", he barked out, making Sarah shiver, and Em only cried more. "Dad,", the older girl tried, but Joel paid her no mind. He couldn't, not now. Acknowledging her would mean that he would have to face reality. And he couldn't. He couldn't fall apart. Especially not now. A shield of coldness embraces Joel as he continues walking through the dark field, still feeling your blood dripping off his hands. Dead.
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walpu · 4 months
I'm coming at you with the speed of thousand asteroids affectionately and hit you with a "your writing is awesome!"
Also, may I request an Aventurine x The Nameless!reader.
Thank you very much and have a nice day :D
Thank you so much for your kind words and for the request, it was so fun to write <З
Hope you'll enjoy it, have a good day as well 💛
Aventurine x The Nameless!reader
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characters - Aventurine
notes - gn!reader, fluff, a bit of hurt/comfort. Once again, no beta. I'm so sorry.
Considering that the Astral Family and it's members are pretty well-known (everyone seems to know at least their names) he has probably heard something about you even before you first met him.
I can imagine your first meeting going like this: he casually approaches you, acting all buddy-buddy, and says something like "ah, mx , who knew I would meet you here of all places <З".
If your first meeting was during the Penacony quest get ready for him calling you "friend" in this sassy voice of his 💀 Yes Aven we all get it you don't have any actual friends calm down
Can imagine him trying to get closer to you by painting your potential partnership as something mutually beneficial. You could use a friend from the IPC, right? And he wouldn't mind having some connections with a "brave and honorable" Nameless. So why don't you join him for a glass of wine, hmmm?
When the two of you will eventually get closer this mf will get clingy af. Yeah I've mentioned it already in my previous post but you being one of the Nameless opens up so many new perspectives.
Visits you on the Express regularly. If he comes when you're not here, he'll wait for as long as he can for you to come back. Sadly, Aventurine is a busy, busy man. So he can't wait for long. Will leave small notes for you tho, to let you know that he was there but you didn't grace him with your presence
If you come back when he's waiting, Aven will play it off as if he himself just got there and didn't have to wait for you at all, saying somethin like "Oh look, here you're! And here I thought I would have to wait for you, haha. Seems like luck is on my side today~"
He doesn't want you to worry, after all. Also. He wants to save some face. Pom-Pom will rat him out anyway.
Speaking of Pom-Pom, they're probably sick of him at this point lol.
Would ask you about your adventures and listen very closely to every story you may want to tell. He can't help but smile softly while listening to you, he just loves seeing the passion in your eyes. Doesn't matter if the story is about you dragging the Trailblazer away from the trash cans in Belobog (or worse - admiring the trash cans with them), he will still look at you with the same adoring smile.
If you ask him what he's been up to during the time you where gone, Aven would simply laugh it off and say that his boring IPC stuff cannot compare with your bizarre adventures so it doesn't even worth mentioning. Reassure him that you don't care if it's boring, you just want to hear about his day regardless of how it went.
Sometimes he can't help but feel jealous. You're free to travel, to do whatever you want. You have this sparkle of excitement in your eyes every time you tell him about your travels. And he has nothing of it. Simply can't have.
He doesn't have any negative feelings towards you, of course. Mostly some bottled up bitterness toward his fate and himself.
He gets a bit lost in his own head every time he starts feeling this way. Please take his hand and invite him to join you during your next adventure. He will laugh softly and tell you "maybe next time, darling". Even if he doesn't know when this "next time" will come the thought of it, of you wanting to share your precious moment with him, fills him with hope.
Adores when you bring him small gifts from the places you've been. It doesn't have to be something big, really. Just the thought that you were thinking of him when the two of you were apart is enough.
Don't forget to send him pictures of yourself!!!! He wants to know how his dearest darling is doing even when they are freezing their ass off in Belobog.
Would sometimes surprise you by showing up on the planet/space ship you're currently staying on. Aventurine rarely can't stay for a long but he cherishes those short moments when he can just walk around and do nothing in particular with you.
Usually when he visits a planet it has something to do with the IPC's business so he only has time to do his job and. Well. Gamble. Maybe buy some new clothes too if he has enough time.
But with you he can actually explore the planet. You bring him to the local restaurants, small tea shops, seemingly small and insignificant places. But it’s places like these that reveal the real beauty of the planet. He slowly learns to appreciate it when you're by his side.
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adirtylittleheart · 6 days
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REMEDY You and Matt are suck in a house full of people during a relentless summer heat wave. With frustrations running high from the heat and lack of sex, you find a way to help and remedy that. Warning: 18+ Smut. Fucking. P in V. Public (but private). MattXfem reader & oc (see below) Notes: Please note that I am putting this up as a READER and an OC. So, the first section will be the READER and the second is OC. I've had so many people ask me to please make it reader and others want it OC. So, I'm going to try and cater to all. I hope this works...if not I'll return to the drawing board and try something else. Maybe post two separate? Let me know what you think - I'll see DM's quicker cause somedays I don't have the time to get on and I have a lot of activity. THANK YOU ALL THOUGH FOR READING. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.
REMEDY The heat was unbearable. The Sturniolo family went to The Cape for the summer, with girlfriends and significant others tagging along. The house wasn’t huge and some of us had to share sleeping spaces and set-up camp in the living room. We were tight knit and we all got along like a house on fire, so it wasn’t a problem but lack of sleep on the hot, sweltering nights was another story. With severe heatwaves come some complications like; power outages and malfunctioning air conditioners. It was the kind of heat that pressed against one’s skin. Where you wanted to fan yourself down, but all that seemed to do was move the hot air around. The hot, humid breeze did nothing but tease with the promise of relief.
‘’The fucking weather!’’ Matt groaned, ‘’This was supposed to be a great trip for us…for you,’’ he said looking disappointed
‘’Well,’’ I said, and leaned forward then gave him a kiss, ‘’if it’s any conciliation, I’m having a great time.’’
‘’You would in this heat,’’ Matt said through a laugh, ‘’you’re the only one here that will get through this unscathed. You’re the only one here that actually enjoys the heat, which makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with you. How come you’re so perfect and not even the heat will get you?’’
I laughed, ‘’so…I’ve meant to tell you a long time ago, but there was never really a perfect time to do so, but I’m from this little planet called -’’ I was saying when Matt let out a laugh cutting me off
‘’Shut up,’’ he said and pushed his lips to mine. Just a few days ago, I accidentally overheard Matt talking to Nick and Chris and found out a few things that didn’t know, and that had me feeling like I was the luckiest and most blessed person to walk the earth. Mind you, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I sure am glad I stopped in my tracks when I walked past the kitchen and heard my name. They say you never hear anything go about yourself when you eavesdrop but I’m a testament to that being complete bullshit. He had said to them that he knew without a doubt that I was the one he wanted to marry, have kids with, and spend the rest of his life with. That he loved that I loved his family as much as they loved me and that I was always willing to help out… and most of all he loved that I was definitely up for anything. The biggest smile crossed my face when he said he loves how I make everything fun and exciting in his eyes. He also said he loved that I came across as a little saint to everyone else, but I was definitely a little devil when it came to fucking. At that point I walked away – I was happy and it was all I ever needed to hear.
Matt sighed next to me as we lay on the blow-up mattress. The heat really was relentless and stifling. Every time we moved, it felt as if the sheets were clinging to us. A fan was blowing cool air but it was as helpful and equivalent to puckering one’s lips up and blowing air out of them. It was so hot, we were all struggling to sleep. I sensed that Matt was not only frustrated by the heat but also that with so many people in a house sharing, we couldn’t do much in the sex department, though we certainly found ways. Matt and I said that we would sleep in the living room on a blow-up mattress while Chris and his girlfriend shared the couch.
‘’Are you okay?’’ I whispered when Matt once again let out a groan
‘’It’s like we’re in a desert or something,’’ Matt mumbled and sat up. He reached for a glass of water on a nearby side table and made some kind of sound then he looked at me with horror. ‘’The fucking ice has melted in the glass already,’’ he said, his voice laced with disbelief. It concerned me because Matt was generally calm but he was definitely agitated by the heat.
I lay for a moment, staring at the ceiling wondering how I could help him. My eyes swung from one end of the ceiling to the other, then back again. I suddenly sat up, finding the remedy to maybe both the heat and lack of sex problem…even if it was only a short reprieve. I slid off the mattress and then padded to his side, and put my hand out, palms up.
‘’Come on,’’ I whispered
‘’You two might as well just talk, and not whisper,’’ Chris said
‘’Shut up,’’ Matt said loudly through a laugh
‘’Fuck off,’’ Chris replied with a chuckle
‘’Sorry, Chris,’’ I said with a giggle. They never ceased to make me laugh with their friendly banter
‘’Nah (y/n), I mean it’s so hot, we can’t sleep anyway,’’ Chris said, his girlfriend giving a ‘’mhm’’ in agreement.
Matt put his hand in mine and I pulled him up. ‘’Where are we going?’’ he asked, his movements were slower than mine in the heat.
‘’A walk,’’ I said softly as I lead him to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of ice cold water and handed it to Matt as he looked at the time on the microwave, it’s glowing green telling him it was two in the morning. He sighed thinking it was a long way from morning but still the weather on the news had said it would be an equally hot day, if not hotter. I hesitated closing the door because the cool air felt so good on my hot skin. I had on what I can only describe as a t-shirt that I had taken a pair of scissors to. Matt had given me one of his old t-shirts and we cut the sleeves off, along with the neck line, widening it to help with the heat. I really didn’t mind the heat, but this? This was something else. I felt for everyone else because if I was feeling it, they must have been suffering. I closed the door and smiled at Matt, who gave me a weak smile back.
We slipped out the door, quietly into the night, ‘’Should I put a t shirt on?’’ Matt asked
‘’Show me one man who has a shirt on in this weather and I’ll give him a thousand dollars,’’ I said
‘’Does that include me and does it still stand until we get back?’’ Matt asked
I giggled and smacked his tight ass, ‘’always,’’ I replied
‘’Where are we going?’’ Matt asked and slipped his hand into mine. Our fingers intertwined and he lifted our hands and then he gave my hand a kiss. ‘’Thanks for this, it is slightly better out here.’’
I smiled at Matt, ‘’the park,’’ I said simply
The moon was full and illuminated the way for us. It was quiet but for the water lapping to the shore. The roads were dead and the park deserted. People had either passed out from the heat or were sitting in front of fans hoping to cool down. The park was relatively close to the house, but hidden and nestled amongst trees. I led Matt to the swings and Matt sat on one while I sat on the other, right next to him. I started swinging softly while Matt only moved back and forth slightly on the swing, keeping his feet on the ground. He took a sip of water, and offered me some, but I shook my head with a warm smile.
‘’Matt? Remember that park we went to at Evan’s house?’’ I asked and stopped the swing, then got off, ‘’you know, when he had that party?’’
‘’Yeah,’’ Matt said as he put the bottled water on the ground, and then it hit him. His eyes went big and his award-winning smile formed on his face. How could he have forgotten that?
‘’Yeah?’’ I asked and bit my bottom lip seductively
‘’Fuck yes! Hop on,’’ Matt said and I squealed softly with excitement as I grabbed the chains and lifted myself onto Matt’s lap, sliding my legs over his as I sat down, my legs handing over his on their side of the swing. Matt smiled, because the last time we both had fumbled a lot trying to work out how to do it but now we seemed to have mastered it. Well…we were going to find out.
‘’How did I get so lucky?’’ Matt asked me softly
I smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek and tilted his face up a fraction, ‘’I’m the lucky one,’’ I whispered and lightly brushed my lips against his.
My hand slid down his neck, and his chest, and then my fingers danced above his shorts elastic, as Matt deepened the kiss. It was never pedestrian. His kisses always made me feel desired, and wanted. I got drunk on our kisses. Matt moaned into the kiss and I felt his hands by mine. I knew he was getting impatient so I moved my hand and brought it to my pussy and moved my panties to the side while he pushed his shorts down as much as he could. The small piece of material was wet already and I felt Matt’s cock, now free of his shorts, as hard as a rock, between us. That alone sent every nerve in my body tingling.
His hands found the straps of my shirt and he pushed them down, over my shoulders. I smiled into the kiss and pulled my arms out the straps, letting the material fall softly. Matt broke the kiss, eager to get a nipple into his hungry mouth. I moaned, dropping my head back and arched my back, pushing my titties forward so Matt could take in more. He was a genius with his tongue no matter where it was on my body. I bit my bottom lip and slid my hand between us and closed my hand around Matt’s thick shaft. He was rock solid hard and I smiled wickedly because his pre-cum had run down his shaft, leaving him slick. He sucked in a sharp breath from the touch on his painfully erect dick but it felt so fucking good. I lifted myself, aimed his dick at my little tight entrance, then I slid onto his dick agonizingly slowly, savouring every inch going in. We both groaned loudly with simultaneous pleasure.
‘’Oh god (y/n),’’ Matt moaned, ‘’you have no idea how good that feels.’’
‘’Oh, but I do,’’ I said with a grin and licked my hand of the pre-cum, making Matt swear under his breath. ‘’Start swinging. We don’t want to be caught,’’ I purred.
‘’I’ve been wanting to fuck you all day’’ Matt said curling his hands around the chains,’’this won’t take long.’’
I smiled, as I also curled my hands around the chains, the cool metal making me even more aroused, ‘’me too.''
Matt laughed and pushed back with his legs and then let us fall forward on the swing as he tucked his legs back. He sure was going to have one hell of a workout keeping the swing in motion. I knew without a doubt he could handle it though. We were soon gliding through the air, back and forth. Every time we went back, I would slide down his dick and when we got to the furthest point, having to go back down, I would push down on him as forces of nature worked. We moaned loudly with sheer pleasure every time that happened and Matt groaned feeling himself deep inside of my tight, wet pussy. When we went back down, I was lifted up, his dick sliding halfway out, exposing him to the cooler air, then he would slip back into my hot pussy.. The contrast of heat and cool air in motion sent a pleasant shiver up his spine, never feeling anything like it.
Matt loved everything – the way we had to be so close, the way we molded into each other, the fact that we had to rely upon and trust each other. The tightness around his hard throbbing cock, the way my hair flew out and fanned behind me when we went up, and then around me when we went back down, and…. he loved the look on my face with my breasts firmly in front of him. He wanted to touch them, grab them but he couldn’t. Fuck! It was the most blissful torture ever. The deep penetration on the up was something different than normal penetration. It was a force that could only be achieved in their current position and situation.
Matt could tell I was close as my pussy started fluttering around his cock, my body got tense and I dropped my head.
‘’Ooh, Matt…shit, Matt…’’ I said with urgency as I felt my muscles tightening, the rush coursing through me and pure ecstasy shoot over my body. I let one hand go from the chains and put it around Matt’s shoulders, looking for more purchase. I pushed my face into the side of his neck as my walls clasped around Matt like a vice grip. The sheer strength around him set him on the very edge. My loud screams and moans were muffled as I buried my face into his neck and shoulder. I let go of the chains with my other hand to grip him tighter as Matt brought us to a stop. My fingers dug into his muscles and my body shook against him. Once we were stationary Matt grabbed my ass and lifted me, and then pushed me back down on his cock.
‘’FUCK YES, (y/n),’’ Matt moaned as he felt a splash. The sound of my moans, the feel of my skin, and my smell were so intoxicating to Matt as he slammed me down on him again and let out a growl as he felt his orgasm shoot out from the base of his balls and run through him. I lifted my face and we locked eyes for a second before my eyes went big as I sucked in a breath.
‘’Kiss me,’’ Matt said through clenched teeth knowing I was coming yet again. Matt wanted to scream too, because it was so incredible but he knew he couldn’t as my walls locked around him again. He shot a massive load into me, rope after rope, after rope. After holding it in all day, wanting me all day…it built up. I pushed my lips to his, our tongues immediately meeting. The kiss muffled most of my screams and moans but a few escaped into the quiet night. Neither of us cared at the very moment. Matt’s dick twitched at the last spray into my pussy, and I still lifted and rammed myself down on him two more times before I slumped onto him, breaking the kiss. Matt slid his arms around me and sat like that for five minutes, panting, trying to catch our breath. In the distance, we heard laughter, and Matt slowly slid his hands back down my back as I sat up straight again. He found the straps of my shirt and then pulled them up. I then pushed my arms into them and he let the straps rest on my shoulders. He pulled his still-hard dick out of my warm, wet, overflowing pussy, a low moan escaping him, not wanting to but having to pull out.
Matt looked over my shoulder and I turned my head as we heard low talking in the distance. A couple were walking on the side walk but I knew the couple couldn’t see us, and that we had the vantage point.. Clearly two lovers where out on a walk also trying to escape the heat. They were in the distance, but I could tell they were holding hands and very much into each other. I watched them disappear into a thick of trees and I turned back to Matt.
Matt smiled and gave me a half nod, ‘’they should try the swings,’’ he said and I burst out laughing. I pushed a hand between ourselves and pulled my panties back into place and then grabbed the chains and weakly pulled myself up and climbed off of Matt. As my feet hit the ground, I tried to stand, but my legs buckled and Matt grabbed me to stop me from falling.
‘’I’m fucking spent,’’ I said with laugh
‘’That was…something else. Fucking amazing,’’ Matt said through his own laugh
‘’You’re a mess,’’ I said
‘’So are you,’’ Matt said with a laugh. We were both covered in sweat with our combination of cum and juices sticking to our skin, our hair matted but looking so satisfied and elated.
I looked down and saw some of Matt’ cum running down my leg. I smiled and took my index finger and ran it up the zigzag line it had formed, collecting it. I then lifted my finger to my mouth and licked it off.
Matt smiled, ‘’you're so fucking hot,’’ he said, noting I didn’t do that for him, I did it for myself. I wanted to taste him, savor him.
I let my eyes fall back on Matt as I swallowed and smiled. ‘’I can clean you up,’’ I said
‘’Not this time. You can hardly stand... we’ll take a quick shower when we get home,’’ Matt said and somewhere along the line, Matt had put his dick away and fixed his shorts because he pulled me down onto his lap.
‘’Do you feel better?’’ I asked Matt softly
‘’You have no idea. Thank you, baby. I love you so much,’’ Matt said and gave me a kiss.
‘’Good,’’ I said and ran my fingertips along his stubbly jaw, ‘’I love you too.’’
‘’I’ll piggy back you home,’’ Matt said and smiled to himself because he had the best little vixen saint and I was the remedy he needed. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! You are very much appreciated. <3
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For the OC Version babies! The heat was unbearable. The Sturniolo family went to The Cape for the summer, with girlfriends and significant others tagging along. The house wasn’t huge and some had to share sleeping spaces and a few even set up camp in the living room. They were all tight-knit and everyone got along like a house on fire, so it wasn’t a problem but lack of sleep on the hot, sweltering nights was another story. With severe heatwaves came some complications like; power outages and malfunctioning air conditioners. It was the kind of heat that pressed against one's skin. Where you wanted to fan yourself down but all that did was move the hot air around. The hot, humid breeze did nothing but tease with the promise of relief.
‘’The fucking weather!’’ Matt groaned. This was supposed to be a great trip for us…for you,’’ he said looking disappointed
‘’Well,’’ Eden said and leaned forward to give him a kiss, ‘’if it’s any conciliation, I’m having a great time.’’
‘’You would in this heat,’’ Matt said through a laugh, ‘’you’re the only one here that will get through this unscathed. You’re the only one here that actually enjoys the heat, which makes me wonder what the fuck is wrong with you. How come you’re so perfect and not even the heat will get you?’’
Eden laughed, ‘’so…I’ve meant to tell you a long time ago, but there was never really a perfect time to do so, but I’m from this little planet called -’’ Eden was saying when Matt let out a laugh
‘’Shut up,’’ he said and pushed his lips to hers. He knew with out a doubt that she was the one he wanted to marry, have kids with and spend the rest of his life with. She loved his family as much as they loved her and she was always ready and willing to help… and he loved that she was definitely up for anything. She made everything fun and exciting. He loved that she came across as little saint to everyone else, but he knew she was definitely a little devil when it came to fucking. She adored and loved Matt, and never a day went by that she didn’t feel lucky and blessed to have Matt and his family in her life.
Matt sighed as he and Eden lay next to each other on the blow-up mattress. The heat really was relentless and stifling. Every time they moved, it felt like the sheets were clinging to their bodies. A fan was blowing cool air but it was as helpful, and equivalent to puckering one’s lips up and blowing air out of them. It was so hot, that they were all struggling to sleep. Eden sensed Matt was not only frustrated by the heat but also that with so many people in a house sharing, they couldn’t do much in the sex department, though they certainly found ways. Matt and Eden said they would sleep in the living room on a blow-up mattress while Chris and his girlfriend, shared the couch.
‘’Are you okay?’’ Eden whispered when Matt once again let out a groan
‘’It’s like we’re in a desert or something,’’ Matt mumbled and sat up. He reached for a glass of water on a nearby side table and made some kind of sound and then looked at Eden with horror. ‘’The fucking ice has melted in the glass already,’’ he said, his voice laced with disbelief. It concerned her because Matt was generally calm but he was definitely agitated by the heat.
Eden lay for a moment, staring at the ceiling wondering how she could help him. Her eyes swung from one end of the ceiling to the other, then back again. She suddenly sat up, finding the remedy to maybe both the heat and lack of sex problem…even if it was only a short reprieve. She slid off the mattress then padded to his side and put her hand out, palms up.
‘’Come on,’’ she whispered
‘’You two might as well just talk, and not whisper,’’ Chris said
‘’Shut up,’’ Matt said loudly through a laugh
‘’Fuck off,’’ Chris replied with a chuckle
‘’Sorry, Chris,’’ Eden said with a giggle. They never ceased to make her laugh with their friendly banter.
‘’Nah Edie, I mean it’s so hot, I can’t sleep anyway,’’ Chris said and his girlfriend let out a ‘mhm’ in agreement.
Matt put his hand in Edens and she pulled him up. ‘’Where are we going?’’ he asked, his movements were slower than Eden’s in the heat.
‘’A walk,’’ Eden said as she led him to the kitchen. She first opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of ice cold water then handed it to Matt as he looked at the time on the microwave, it’s glowing green telling him it was two in the morning. He sighed thinking it was a long way from morning but still the weather on the news had said it would be an equally hot day if not hotter. Eden hesitated to close the fridge door because the cool air felt so good against her hot skin. She was wearing an old t-shirt Matt had given her and they took the scissors to it, cutting the sleeves off and widening the neck area for her to be cooler. She really didn’t mind the heat but this? This was something else. She felt for everyone else because if she was feeling it, they must have been suffering.
They slipped out the door quietly into the night, ‘’Should I put a t shirt on?’’ Matt asked
‘’Show me one man who has a shirt on in this weather and I’ll give him a thousand dollars,’’ Eden said
‘’Does that include me and does it still stand until we get back?’’ Matt asked
Eden giggled and smacked his tight ass, ‘’always,’’ she said
‘’Where are we going?’’ Matt asked and slipped his hand into Eden’s. Their fingers intertwined and he lifted their hands and then gave her hand a kiss. ‘’Thanks for this, it is slightly better out here.’’
She smiled at Matt, ‘’the park,’’ Eden said simply
The moon was full and illuminated the way for them. It was quiet but for the water lapping to the shore. The roads were dead and the park deserted. People had either passed out from the heat or were sitting in front of fans hoping to cool down. The park was relatively close to the house, but hidden and nestled amongst trees. Eden led Matt to the swings and Matt sat on one while she sat on the other, right next to him. She started swinging softly while Matt only moved back and forth slightly keeping his feet on the ground. He took a sip of water and offered Eden some, but she declined, with a shake of her head and a warm smile.
‘’Matt? Remember that park we went to at Evan’s house?’’ Eden asked and stopped the swing, then got off, ‘’you know, when he had that party?’’
‘’Yeah,’’ Matt said as he put the bottle of water on the ground, and then it hit him. His eyes went big and a smile formed on his face. How could he have forgotten that?
‘’Yeah?’’ she asked and bit her bottom lip
‘’Fuck yes. Hop on,’’ Matt said and she squealed softly with excitement as she grabbed the chains and lifted herself onto Matt’s lap, sliding her legs over his as she sat down, her legs handing over his on the side of the swing. Matt smiled because the last time they had fumbled a lot trying to work out how to do it but now they seemed to have mastered it. Well…they were going to find out.
‘’How did I get so lucky?’’ Matt asked her softly
Eden smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek and tilted his face up a fraction, ‘’I’m the lucky one,’’ Eden whispered and lightly brushed her lips against his.
Her hand slid down his neck, his chest, and then her fingers danced above the shorts elastic as Matt deepened the kiss. It was never pedestrian. His kisses always made her feel desired and wanted. She got drunk on their kisses. Matt moaned into the kiss and Eden felt his hands by hers. She knew he was getting impatient so she moved her hand and brought it to her pussy and moved her panties to the side while he pushed his shorts down as much as he could. The small piece of material was wet already and she felt Matt’s cock, now free of his shorts, as hard as a rock. That alone sent every nerve in her body tingling. His hands found the thin straps of the sleep shirt and he pushed them down, over her shoulders. Eden smiled into the kiss and pulled her arms out of the straps, letting the material fall softly around her middle. Matt broke the kiss, eager to get a nipple into his hungry mouth. She moaned, dropping her head back, and arched her back, pushing her titties forward so Matt could take in more. He was a genius with his tongue, no matter where he placed it on her body. Eden bit her bottom lip and slid her hand between them and closed her hand around Matt’s thick shaft. She smiled wickedly because his pre-cum had run down his shaft, leaving him slick. He sucked in a breath from the touch to his painfully erect dick but it felt so fucking good. Eden lifted herself, aimed his dick at her tight little entrance and then slid onto his dick agonizingly slowly, savoring every inch going in. Both Eden and Matt groaned lowly with simultaneous pleasure.
‘’Oh god Eden,’’ Matt moaned, ‘’you have no idea how good that feels.’’
‘’Oh, but I do,’’ Eden said with a grin and licked her hand of the pre-cum, making Matt swear under his breath. ‘’Start swinging. We don’t want to be caught,’’ she purred
‘’I’ve been wanting to fuck you all day’’ Matt said curling his hands around the chains,’’this won’t take long.’’
Eden smiled as she also gripped the chains, the cool metal making her more aroused, ‘’me too, babe.’’
Matt laughed and pushed them back with his legs and then let them fall forward as he tucked his legs back. He was sure going to have one hell of a workout keeping the swing in motion, but she knew without a doubt that he could handle it. They were soon gliding through the air, back and forth. Every time they went back, Eden would slide down his dick and when they got to the furthest point, having to go back down, she would push down on him as forces of nature and gravity worked. Eden moaned loudly with sheer pleasure every time that happened and Matt groaned feeling himself deep inside of her tight, wet pussy. When they went back down, Eden was lifted up, his dick sliding halfway out, exposing him to the cooler air, then he would slip back into her hot pussy. The contrast of heat and cool air in motion sent a pleasant shiver up his spine, never feeling anything like it. Matt loved everything – the way they had to be so close, the way they molded into each other, the fact that they had to rely upon and trust each other. The tightness around his hard throbbing cock, the way her hair flew behind her and fanned when they went up, and then around her when they went back down and he loved the look on her face with her breasts firm in front of him. He wanted to touch them, grab them but he couldn’t. Fuck! It was the most blissful torture ever. The deep penetration on the up was something different than normal penetration. It was a force that could only be achieved in their current position and situation.
Matt could tell she was close as her pussy started fluttering his cock, her body got tense and she dropped her head. ‘’Ooh, Matt…shit, Matt…’’ Eden said with urgency as she felt her muscles tightening, the rush coursing through her and pure ecstasy shoot over her body, and she let her one hand go from the chains, putting it around Matt’s shoulders. She pushed her face into the side of his neck as her walls clasped around Matt like a vice grip. The sheer strength around him set him on the very edge. Eden’s loud scream’s and moans were muffled as she buried her face into his neck and shoulder. She let go of the chains with her other hand to grip onto him tighter looking for more purchase, as Matt brought them to a stop. Her fingers dug into his muscles and her body shook against him. Once they were stationary Matt grabbed Eden’s ass and lifted her, then pushed her back down on his cock.
‘’FUCK YES, EDEN,’’ Matt moaned and he felt a wetness on his skin. The sound of Edens moans, the feel of her skin, her smell was so intoxicating to Matt as he slammed her down on him again and let out a growl as he felt his orgasm shoot out from the base of his balls and run through him. Eden lifted her face and they locked eyes for a second, before her eyes went big and she sucked in a breath.
‘’Kiss me,’’ Matt said through clenched teeth knowing she was coming yet again. Matt wanted to scream as loud as Eden because it was incredible but he knew he couldn’t as her walls locked around him again. He shot a massive load into Eden, rope after rope, after rope. After having to hold it in all day, wanting her all day….it built up. Eden pushed her lips to his, their tongues immediately meeting. The kiss muffled most of her screams and moans but a few escaped into the quiet night. Neither cared at the very moment. Matt’s dick twitched at the last spray into her pussy, and Eden still rammed herself down onto him two more times before she slumped onto him, breaking the kiss. Matt slid his arms around her and they sat like that for five minutes, panting, trying to catch their breath. In the distance they heard laughter, and Matt slowly slid his hands back down Eden’s back as she sat up straight again. He found the straps of her shirt and then pulled them up, Eden pushing her arms into them. He then let the straps rest on her shoulders and pulled out of her warm, wet, over-flowing pussy, letting out a groan not wanting to leave the warm confines of her tight pussy, but having to.
Matt looked over Eden’s shoulder and she turned her head as they heard low talking in the distance. A couple was walking on the sidewalk across the road but they knew the couple couldn’t see them, and that they had the vantage point. Clearly two lovers where out on a walk also trying to escape the heat. They were in the distance, but Eden could tell they were holding hands and very much into each other. They watched them disappear into a thick of trees and Eden turned back to Matt.
Matt smiled and gave her a half nod, ‘’they should try the swings,’’ he said and Eden burst out laughing. She pushed a hand between them and pulled her panties back into place and then grabbed the chains and weakly pulled herself up and climbed off of Matt. As her feet hit the ground, she tried to stand, but her legs buckled and Matt grabbed her to stop her falling.
‘’I’m fucking spent,’’ Eden said with laugh
‘’That was…something else. Fucking amazing’’ Matt said through his own laugh
‘’You’re a mess,’’ she said
‘’So are you,’’ Matt said with a laugh. They were both covered in sweat with a combination of their cum and juices sticking to them, their hair matted but looking so satisfied and elated.
She looked down and saw some of Matt’s cum running down her leg. She smiled and took her index finger and ran it up the zigzag line it had formed, collecting it. She then lifted her finger to her mouth and licked it off.
Matt smiled, ‘’your so fucking hot,’’ he said, noting she didn’t do that for him, she did it for herself. She wanted to taste him, to savour him.
Eden let her eyes fall back on Matt as she swallowed and smiled. ‘’I can clean you up,’’ she said
‘’Not this time. You can hardly stand, we’ll take a quick shower when we get home,’’ Matt said and somewhere along the line, Matt had put his dick away and fixed his shots because he pulled her down onto his lap.
‘’Do you feel better?’’ Eden asked Matt softly
‘’You have no idea. Thank you,baby. I love you so much’’ Matt said and gave her a kiss.
‘’Good,’’ Eden said and ran her fingertips along his stubbly jaw, ‘’I love you too’’.
‘’I’ll piggy back you home,’’ Matt said and smiled to himself because he had the best little vixen saint and she was the remedy he needed.
174 notes · View notes
portgasdwrld · 9 months
Hello! I read older posts where you mentioned you weren't a fan of your writing. I think you're awesome though! Love your work. c:
I have a suggestion, if you happen to like it. Could we get Zoro (and any other characters) with a shy and aloof female reader who can't figure out they're being flirted with, even though they share the same feelings?
👩🏻‍💻Hey!! Thank you so much for your sweet words it means a lot to me🫶🏻✨ I’m super happy you love it! And yes ofc no problem!! I love the idea 🤭
📂 Zoro+ oblivious shy/aloof reader to his flirting
Featuring: Zoro+ f!reader Warning: none, fluff Note: I rewrote it and very much prefer this version, I hope you do as much as me
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Zoro was never the type of man to be outspoken about his feelings
His flirting is somewhat a bit clumsy and he gets frustrated with himself easily. He gets embarrassed by being open with how he feels.
It doesn’t help when you are clearly not reading in between the lines...
He even wonders if you are doing it intentionally to mess with him, but when you just give him a confused look or go on about your day like nothing happened, he questions himself 😭
A sigh leaves the swordsman's lips as his back leans against the railing of the deck. His thoughts wander and they always come back to one thing bothering him: you.
He starts to doubt himself as most of his flirting attempt were fails. A week ago, he complimented your outfit ,but you simple threw a short thanks with a smile as you walked away. Wednesday when he sat next you for dinner and brushed his arm against yours, you just apologized with a blush and slightly took your distance. Yesterday, when he asked to talk to you, but you stuttered a bunch of words and got away from him by grabbing Nami's arm.
He knew better than abandoning. In fact, ever since his feelings for you were revealed to him, all he could think of, was you. You occupied his mind when it wasn't focused on training, he found himself longing to hug you and smile when you do. Although, he thought about not pursuing you, scared it would ruin his focus on his goal. It was in vain, as he realized you were always very supportive of his goal and even cheered him to train harder and achieve his dream. He appreciate it a lot.
The sun is slowly setting on the Sunny, the golden light illuminating the boat. He looks far away, a hand on his swords and his head turns in your direction as your laugh echoes through the ship.
You are playing a card game with Robin, killing time before its time for supper.
His lips naturally curve into a discreet smile as he observes you complain about some move Robin did. You were accusing her of cheating with her ability, sulking over your lost as she quickly denies it with a chuckle. As he watches you, he notices that you did something different with your hair and decide to use it to his advantage.
He approaches you with his usual blank expression, but he slightly hesitate in his steps which caught Robins attention. You smile noticing his presence.
-What brings you here! Wanna play?
You ask him as you show him quickly the pack of cards in your hands with your infamous grin.
-Nah, I’m good. You..you did something new with your hair?
-Oh, yeah! You noticed? Robin said it looked good.
You reply in an excited tone as you touch your hair.
-Yeah, you’re pretty.
-Thanks! I appreciate it
You say with a slight blush due to the compliment, but an awkward silence falls. Zoro stays silent for a moment as he thinks of what he could ad to the conversation but you open your mouth first.
- By the way,..umm I'm sorry about yesterday, i hope it wasn't something important?
You trail avoiding to stare at him as you remember how you embarrassingly ran away too nervous to talk to him. When he pulled you to the side, his eyes staring deeply into yours, you felt like you couldn't breath for a moment. You didn't want him to obviously figure out you like him...
Robin gazes at Zoro before looking at you a small teasing smirk appearing on her lips.
-Oh...Yeah...I was hoping to talk to you, but...uh.
He says as his face gets red. He clearly hates the facts that Robin is here enjoying the little show while you are still oblivious to his advances.
-It can wait
-We can talk now if you want. We were done with our game anyway.
-I have to do something first, but you can meet me in the crow-nest in about 5 minutes?
He lies trying to give himself some time to think about what he's going to say. You nod agreeing with your usual smile that he loves so much.
-Alright then see ya
You watch him leave, curious about what he wants to speak with you. You shrug your shoulders ready to leave too, but Robin is looking at you with a small teasing smirk.
She retorts sweetly before waving you off.
The dark sky slowly sets over the head of the Strawhats as the delicious smell of the food fills everyone nostrils. You enter your room to put away your card and as you are about to leave, you take a moment to breath. You didn't notice how nervous you are until you felt your breath getting a little shaky.
Arrived at the location, you open the door and see him sat not too far from the window. He’s looking away but as he notices your presence, he invites you to sit besides him.
-The food smells good
You say breaking the silence. He nods and looks outside again. At around the same moment, an insect fly inside and run directly in your face, making you panic a little. Zoro is quick to catch it and throw it away, making sure you are fine at the same time.
-You’re okay?
-Yeah, it’s just a small insect, I'm good.
He gets closer to you and clumsily fix your hair with the use of his fingers.
He concludes with a small satisfied smile as he finishes placing your hair. You look up at him with a blush, eyes connecting with his. Zoro clears his throat as he leans back while you stare at your nervous fingers. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you stare now at your friend.
-So, what did you want to talk about?
You see him hesitate as he opens his mouth but close it quickly. His gaze shift from you to the view outside. He sighs and with a blush spread on his tanned cheeks, he finally speaks.
-I like you
Your eyes widen at his sudden confession, not expecting this at all. You furrow your eyebrows as your hand naturally covers your pounding heart.
-What??Since when!?
You ask completely confused. He chuckles a little astonished to your true shock to his confession. You really didn't notice his flirting tactics.
-I thought I made it obvious
-No?? How??
-Uh...with compliments.
-I don't compliment anyone like the cook, I genuinely think you are pretty.
You gasp a little hiding your face in your hands, half of you not believing this is real and half of you realizing the cause of his strange behavior. You let your hands fall on your laps as you giggle.
-You're so bad at flirting
You joke to try to calm yourself down. Both of you start laughing as he admits it with a nod.
-You are so dense though
-Pfff, not at all
-You clearly can't take a hint
-Y/N SWANNNN, It's time to eat!
You are interrupted by Sanji's scream that startle you a little.
-Look like dinner is ready
Zoro concludes as he prepares himself to stand up, but you quickly grab his forearm pulling him down. You close the distance and give him a quick kiss on his cheek. He looks at you surprised, but he slowly start to smile.
-I like you too
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wonuwrites · 2 months
are you still looking for MTL suggestions? how about MTL likely to have the rest of the group scheme to get them a date.
so like Most = the guy with zero rizz. he's shy or awkward or both but he needs all the help he can get. or he's the dummy who doesn't know he's in love. the members all "casually" DM you on the same day to see what you're doing on the day that he has open.
Least = this guy pulls. the members don't even know who he's out with, or if it's the same person every time, just that he's always out. the members trying to get him a date would actually backfire by throwing him off his game. their hijinks would be disastrous and he would be mortified but his blushing is so cute you still agree to a date. this man cannot be stopped.
Always looking MTL suggestions and sooo excited for this LOLOLOL. Thank you for asking for a MTL <3
Warnings: mostly fluffy but def some will be suggestive. *Cough Cough MINGYU Cough Cough*
A/N: I hope I did this the way you wanted if you wanted it to be written. also I'll be adding "songs" I was listening to while writing each of their parts to their name. For example:
Wonwoo (song linked is Message In A Bottle by Taylor Swift)
just doing so bc sharing music is a love language of mine and getting 13 chances to do that is awesome imo <3 LOL
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before we begin I do want to say something: I do think all members have a bit of rizz to them. I think if they were presented with an opportunity they would kill it. I mean, they have MILLIONS of people who love them because they are them. The way I wrote this is based on my interpretations on how they've done things with Nana Tour and GoSe episodes. Please note this may differ from what others may see. Please let me know what y'all think after reading it. <3 ok let's start :D
✫ Woozi *song note: this song has nothing to do with this one shot but ye*
Jihoon is one of those weird ones where he can charm people like nobody's business but idk I feel like he is really into his work so dating or anything like that is at the bottom of the barrel at the this point. I can see if he were to have a crush on someone, he would love them from afar because he doesn't want to ruin things with you but also not with his work. Due to this thought process is why I have him at first. He would NEED the members to step in because honestly, he could be okay with just loving you from afar. I could see members setting up blind dates for him actually. I could see all 12 of them trying so hard to be a wingman but honestly it was up to him whether or not he would want to have extra commitment at the time or not. Let's say a blind date did happen and you were the apple of his eye and all the members were in on it. I feel like it would be the most adorable yet most awkward date because of nerves and everything like that. He thought you were pretty and tbh, so did you. You thought he was cute as hell (which you are right.) If the date went well, he would def be the one to ask you for a second date and your number if he didn't already have it. <3
✫ Jun *song note: I'm obsessed with this song.*
I was debating on putting Jun and Jihoon at most for the longest time. Like I said in my Authors Note, I do think all of them have some type of rizz or whatever but Jun is one of the more quiet and shy members. The reasons I have him second is because I feel like he would like people that intimidate him at first meeting? haha. According to his K Profile he likes "someone who looks pure. He also likes sexy girls." So take that as you will. Anyways, I feel like he'd be a bit shy if he liked someone at first and would really be in his head about it. The members would literally drag him to your first date and if there was an outing with you they would always make sure you two were near each other. After a few awkward moments of adorable giggles and glances at each other, you both went on a double date with one of the other members (tbh probably Soonyoung or Minghao) and it was at that moment all the anxieties had went out the window. Over time, he became more confident and comfortable with your budding relationship. so sorry this is all jumbled, I had no inspo for this one :(
✫ Seungkwan *song note: the last NCT 127 I genuinely liked :(*
Seungkwan is pretty extroverted but he gets into his head a lot so out of all the members I can actually see him asking one of his hyungs to help him out. LOL. He just trusts his hyungs for the most part and he really wanted to be yours but he was afraid. He would try to act confident at all times but when it came to you he was a shy bean. He would probably have Seokmin or Jeonghan help him out if he were to personally ask for help. ngl, I can also see Mingyu trying to help him out as well but it would be more of a "I want Boo Seungkwan to be happy and I'm tired of him not making a move." After the guys planned a date for y'all, similarly to Jun his anxieties lightened up. He was enchanted for this moment and he was hoping you were also enchanted.
✫ S Coups *song name: this was high school and i miss hearing it on the bus*
Look, Seungcheol has got rizz, we all know this. HEAR ME OUT THO. There was a thing I saw a few weeks ago where he said he was sad because one day he would break million of carats hearts when he gets married which :') (PRECIOUS.) So because of this I feel like that's his mentality right now where he doesn't want to hurt anyone plus his main focus is Seventeen. I feel like he'd be the member where if he had a crush on you, he rather admire from a distant instead of hurting you because idol life and fear of what dating news would be like. I feel like Seventeen would hate seeing him hurt himself in process of trying not to hurt you but they could see his unintentional cold shoulder to you would be killing you inside. One day, Joshua couldn't handle it anymore and just texted both of you to meet at a restaurant to meet up and just see how things go. Which it did as everyone but you two assumed would. help this gives me a one shot idea. if someone wants it pls let me know xo
✫ Hoshi *song note: ngl I might make a oneshot with Soonyoung with this song in future*
Soonyoung is such a wild card so I put him in a category of "could go either way" along with Minghao and Wonwoo. With Soonyoung I feel like he is someone that would not have trouble in dating or getting numbers but I also know he is a bit more shy and reserved around others that he doesn't know so he wouldn't mind if other members got involved. I feel like he'd be more chill about their help then Wonwoo and Minghao. I think it wouldn't even matter which member or members were to help him out. He'd just be grateful for the support from them. If it was from members, it would mostly be a blind date where neither of you really knew each other but if you were friends with one of the members already he'd be a bit more comfortable. If your date was because of him, expect a very blushy Soonyoung who would be smiley the whole time because someone as special as you agreed to spend a few hours with someone like him.
✫ Minghao *song note: this is my fave song atm*
Minghao like I said in Soonyoung's part is part of my "it could go either way" line. I feel like unlike Soonyoung it would matter who helped him out because I feel like he'd ask for advice from the older members or the 97 line on what he should do. I feel like he would want to pursue you but he would be nervous about rejection which... who in their right mind would ever reject him?! Anyways, that would be why he would go seeking for help. I feel like once he got over that hurdle of self doubt and lands a date with you with the help of Jun he would be such a gentleman and you would wonder how in the world you were able to meet someone as amazing as Xu Minghao.
✫ Wonwoo
The final member of the "it could go either way" is the handsome as HELL member Jeon Wonwoo. (yes they are all handsome as hell but I am so whipped for him it's not okay.) With Wonwoo, I feel like he would admire from afar for a while and debate on if he would want to pursue someone or not. From what I've read online, it takes him awhile to get used to people which is why it would take him a month or so to see what he wants. Which is why his members would get involved. Some members, ie Hip Hop Unit (especially Seungcheol) might get impatient with is prolonged plan and would message you and invite you to an event with them. While at the event, they would try to subtly make sure that you both were near each other the whole time. I can see Seungcheol smirking if you both started to talk throughout the night and ignoring everyone else in the process. Mission accomplished.
me after i saw this gif
✫ Jeonghan *song note: I'm not even sorry about this song. it's a bop*
Now we are getting into the "members that don't need help" category. I feel like it is perfect to start it off with Yoon Jeonghan. Jeonghan has such a loving personality and has rizz that makes anyone blush. Don't believe me? Watch him with Hyungwon from Monsta X LMAOOOOO Anyways, I feel like if he likes you he would tease you like a school yard kid. Some might find it strange but it would win you over and have you tease him back as well. Bottom line you both would be leaving said conversations with new phone numbers in your phone afterwards.
✫ Joshua *song note: Help this song just gave me inspo for a Joshua one shot o.o*
Hong Jisoo is such a flirt, if you don't agree you can argue with the freaking wall. He would have you kicking your feet by just saying hello LMAO. He might act shy but we know homie is an extrovert and honestly I could see him pulling an Ariana Grande with you. "I see it, I want it, I got it." but of course make it *gentleman-y* He would come up to you first and would ask you questions and would just have you smiling and honestly as would you. Anyone looking would have thought y'all have known each other forever.
✫ Vernon *song note: this song is song of all songs*
Hansol doesn't need ANY help when it comes to dating but he's similar to Wonwoo where he is very selective to who he dates. He's the type of guy if he likes somebody, he will tell them or just pursue him. I can see him being one of the most casual members when it comes to asking you to go on a date or to be his. He'd ask you what you like to do and then would say something along the lines, "oh cool, would you like to do that sometime with me?" He would be all smiles if you said sure and honestly, it would surprise some of his members how good he was at getting dates. But then again, they all were obsessed with his charms as well so????
✫ Dokyeom *song note: hot people are swarats. (Swifite x Carats)*
For the final three we are in the "they def fuck" category LOL. I know Seokmin seems like a wild card pick but hear me out. I feel like even though he is introverted, he is also outgoing and not afraid to make connections. Plus he is part of the 97 group chat and idk to me the majority of that line just drip with rizz and able to get dates. I feel like Seokmin is similar to Jeonghan where his loving personality and just how he is makes people swoon. At first you were hesitant when you first became acquainted with him. You thought he was too good to be true. When you told him that, he would be taken aback and do everything in his power to show you that he was serious about you. idk how i feel about this one, I might come back and rewrite this or do a drabble later
✫ Dino *song note: this is my husband. yes he makes baby making music.*
pls don't tell him wait~~ sorry. anywhore. LEE CHAN fucks but also is a lover boy. I could end it there but that would be boring and Dinonara's deserve better. To be fair, if it wasn't for Wait he would not have been this low but Wait was just wow. Chan just has an aura where he would be such a tease to his significant other or his future partner. I can see him being a mashup of Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Joshua. He would be such an annoying flirt and would laugh or smirk if it made you flustered. Even if it came of cocky, it worked pretty well on his behalf. His members still would tease him regardless of the outcome too.
✫ Mingyu *Song Note: :) :) :) I love this song*
Kim Mingyu. This man fucks and it's delulu to think he does not. It's honestly weird when I think about Mingyu. I mean this respectfully when I say he gives such fuck boy x house husband vibes and sometimes it pisses me off. That's an aries for you tho. LMAO. Anyways, it's almost impossible to not fall in love with Mingyu. Not only is he super attractive but he also is just genuinely so nice which is why he would not struggle. Even if it is easy for him, if he was with you. He was with. you. He would be so down bad and would constantly compliment, flirt, and just love you. It would be as simple as basic math to him.
this took so much longer than I thought it would. I hope I did it the way you wanted me too <33
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radioisntdead · 3 months
If I may, I kindly request a small crumb of some Rosie x Reader? Where reader is a living human talented with the arcane arts, accidentally summoning the cannibal and becoming enamoured with her? We send her genuine human meat as gifts, trinkets from the living world and all sorts of cute little letters and stuff.
Good evening my dear! I'M SO EXCITED SOMEONE REQUESTED SOMETHING WITH ROSIE, I ADORE HER [as seen by my pfp] I'm gonna go with headcanons here because I can see this going very very chaotically.
Warnings: cannibalism, demon summoning, which I should probably mention, PLEASE DON'T SUMMON ANYTHING?? Does this count as a long distance relationship??? This is shorter then my normal headcanons
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No idea what you were trying to summon in the first place but you managed to summon Rosie who was in the middle of her tea break,
She went from drinking tea in her emporium to I assume your room, she's startled
It was love at first sight,
For you anyway, Rosie just wanted to finish her tea and fingers,
And thus began you seducing courting Rosie,
You aquire human flesh, either by murder insuring you'll end up the same place as Rosie or I don't know the dark web? Grave robbing?
Please don't rob graves,
She quite likes the fresh meat, because human probably tastes somewhat better then Sinner? Like no added claws, flavors etc etc,
It gives her a nostalgic feeling of being alive and having her husband for supper, but better because he tasted disgusting.
With every delivery of meat you send what she can describe as a love letter, like I'm imagining you got a whole stationary kit to make the best letters ever, like if you have horrible handwriting [Like I do]
You invest in a typewriter, awesome stickers to put on the envelope, the letters are wax sealed.
You begin summoning her on a bi-weekly basis, at first you summoned her at VERY inconvenient times,
She's doing overlord stuff? Not anymore she's in your room with you on one knee holding a plate of fingers
She's giving advice? Well they better hold off on that advice because now Rosie is wherever you summoned her from with you reading her poetry or something,
She's having tea with Alastor? Poor Alastor is left alone and confused, with Susan approaching,
Alastor now knows of your existence, and Rosie gives you a schedule on when you can summon her.
Also she requests that you send her more meat because now she's sharing with Alastor.
With trinkets Rosie is more picky,
You give her cheap jewelry from Amazon? She's politely ghosting you, no offense but she's from the early 1900's according to the wiki, she has standards for courting.
Doesn't have to break the bank but at least something that's more expensive then twenty bucks.
However you give her stuff she can't get down below? She adores it, like GOOD tea? Aren't you a charmer? that good ol' expensive wine? Well if you insist! Give her fresh fruit, fresh flowers, you know how HARD THAT IS TO GET DOWN THERE???
The gift giving isn't one-sided, you want something like demon horns? Next time you summon her, she has a box of different types of horns, she'll give you little treats
You weren't a cannibal before? Well you are now.
She'll tell you about the ongoings in hell, Alastor, the townsfolk, the tea, SUSAN, you don't like Susan.
Now after you've perished and ended up below because you were fraternizing with a cannibal,
You immediately go find Rosie, you know she runs a place called Cannibal town you managed you find Rosie's Emporium,
You swing up open the doors, startling several cannibals
She's not the happiest that you died, or that you almost broke her doors but your there now so yay!
She shows you around cannibal town in a musical number, introducing you to the tight-knit community, you avoid Susan the best you can but she catches you and threatens you to be nice to Rosie or else.
You should fear the old lady.
Anyways you get moved into cannibal town, helping out at the Emporium, Vibing with Rosie.
You get married eventually but I hope she likes you enough not to eat you like her past spouses.
The wedding is very classy though, the whole of cannibal town was in attendance, along with a couple of overlords!
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Good evening folks! Thank you for tuning in! We hope to see you again! Also ROSIE SUPREMACY
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ughgoaway · 6 months
secret santa // day 1
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content warnings; swearing, mention of boners, drinking?, pining and stressed matty lol
a/n; day 1 wooooo!!! For some reason, this is my longest fic i have for the 12 days, so we are starting with a bang, i guess?? I'm not totally sure how I feel about this fic... but tbh I never like anything I post, so that's not really new lol
word count; 4.2k
(this fic takes place pre-relationship)
12 days masterlist
“Daddy!” is the first thing Matty hears when his daughter comes bounding into the house after school that day. Adam follows behind her with an exasperated look on his face, and her bright pink unicorn backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Hi mate, Annie has some very exciting news that she just can not stop talking about,” he says, stressing the fact that she just will not stop talking. Matty gives his friend an understanding nod as he takes his daughter's bag.
“Ah wow, how exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it,” Annie opens her mouth to talk, but Maty quickly cuts in before she can start, “After Uncle Adam leaves, okay? Say, thank you for picking me up to Uncle Adam!” 
Annie comes bounding up to Adam and hugs his legs. He can't help the smile that breaks out on his face. “Thank you, Uncle Adam!!” Annie says, looking up at him with that cheeky face he loves so much. Adam pats her head and waves to Matty before swiftly leaving to hang out with his much more peaceful son.
Matty manages to corral his daughter to sit at the kitchen table to share her very thrilling news, Annie is practically vibrating in her seat with excitement. Despite her palpable eagerness, Annie waited until Matty had sat down and given her a nod to start talking, something they had been working on.
As soon as she got the nod, words started vomiting out of Annie's mouth at a speed most people wouldn't be able to decipher. But if anyone was an expert on little Annie Healy, it was her dad.
“I get to do the Secret Santa!!” Annie eventually says, grinning so wide that Matty isn't sure her cheeks won't split. He pauses for a second, trying to process his daughter's words. How does she even know what secret Santa is?
“Oh wow, darling!” he says, fieigning happiness for his daughter, but his face tells another story, “That's great, sweetheart, but what does that mean exactly? Secret Santa with your friends? I thought we already got them presents?” Matty distinctly remembers about 2 hours in the Tesco toy aisle choosing out the perfect toy for each of her friends.
“Not for my friends silly,” Annie says sighing, as if her father's obliviousness was just so ridiculous, “for Miss y/n!!!” she smacks her hands on the table with a flourish, acting like this was an obvious piece of information.
Well, it certainly piqued Matty's interest. As did anything that involved your name, really. He remembers last month when someone got hired at Dirty Hit with the same name as you. Matty nearly got whiplash with how fast he turned when he first heard someone say “Y/n is here to see you!” The disappointment on his face must have scared the poor intern half to death. He quickly fixed his expression and was polite, but he felt his pulse racing under his skin.
“Ooh wow, munchkin, that's awesome! Did they give you a note or anything for me to have a look at?” Matty asks. He's sure they wouldn't trust a 6-year-old to relay this information.
Annie perked up at his words, “Oh yeah!” She says, jumping off her chair and scurrying over to her backpack. She unzips her bag and starts furiously pulling out different objects. Matty isn't sure how it all fits in. It's like Mary Poppins bag. She pulls out 5 books, 2 jumpers, 6 pieces of mystery paper, 2 toys (that she is not allowed to bring to school) and one of mayhems toys before she shrieks out an “Aha!” and in her hand is a crumpled pink slip of paper.
she brings it over to Matty excitedly and shoves it into his hand before straightening her back and puffing her chest out, clearly proud to have been chosen. Matty laughs at his daughter's infallible confidence before trying to straighten out the paper enough to read what's written.
“Okay let's see…” Matty says to himself, “Congratulations! If you have received this note, you have been chosen for our teacher's Secret Santa program! We at bridgeside school believe that our amazing teachers also deserve gifts this holiday season, so we choose one student from each teacher's class to be their Secret Santa. Don't worry, parents, there's a £10 limit so no need to go too wild! Students are picked based on enthusiasm and progress in school, so you should be proud to be picked! Please ensure all gifts are given to reception by Monday next week to allow time to distribute them. Thank you!” Matty finishes reading the note under his breath, and he can't help but grin to himself at the fact Annie was specially chosen.
He puts the paper down on the table and turns around to Annie, who is standing beside him with a nervous look on her face. Matty pauses for a few seconds before jumping and grabbing her, Annie shrieks at the sudden attack. He pulls her onto his lap and begins tickling all over her, revelling in her roaring laughter and infectious smile.
“Specially chosen, huh!” Matty says loudly to his daughter, still squeezing her tight in his arms and tickling where he can reach. Annie nods as best she can whilst being attacked with tickles, and Matty laughs at her gappy grin.
He soon lets up and leaves Annie sitting in his lap, looking happy as can be, “I know, Daddy!! The headmistress came to me today and said it because I've been trying so hard at my spelling!” she says, the look of pride on her face made mattys heart swell.
He remembers the late nights of practising her spelling. At the last parent’s evening, you had brought up Annie was falling behind a small bit in the weekly spelling tests. Not too much, but enough where some work at home would be beneficial. So Matty dedicated every Monday night as spelling night, and he and Annie sat and worked on it. He couldn't be happier that their hard work was recognised or that she's making such good progress.
It's then that the gravity of the situation at hand hits Matty. He has to buy a gift for you. For YOU. For the woman he… cares a great deal about. What does he buy? And for only £10! What good can he get with that? He didn't want to give you a shitty bottle of wine, this is his first opportunity to give you a gift and he wasn't about to fuck it up with a bad pinot.
Knowing he was about to spiral, Matty sent Annie off with a genuine smile and a quick hug. Annie being Annie, ran off oblivious to her dad's growing stress and began trolling around the house looking for mayhem. She had got some new hairclips in a magazine and was determined to give him a makeover.
Before he could go completely insane, Matty ran into the kitchen for his phone and just dialled the most recent number he called. Anyone would help right now, Matty was just sick of his own mind. 
“Hey Matty, you alright?” Ah, Adam, perfect. He was level-headed, a good dad, and knows how to deal with Matty’s hysteria. 
“Adam.” Matty starts in a disturbingly calm voice, “How could you just LEAVE when you knew what Annie was going to say?!?!” Matty scolded his best friend and was just met with the sound of laughter over the phone. 
“Why would I stay? It's no big deal, right? You have said on many occasions you feel totally neutral about Miss y/n, so I felt no need to stay” Adam teased, having had many conversations with Matty about his clear crush on you.
He first saw it at the school parent's day, he and Matty were casually chatting when you walked over and he saw his friend change in front of his eyes, suddenly becoming a lovesick 16-year-old. But Matty insisted he didn't have feelings for you, according to Matty he was “remarkably and totally neutral towards you”. 
Adam decided this news was a great way to test this theory. As soon as he heard Annie chattering on, he knew Matty would freak out, grab his phone, and call him. So when he got home, Adam simply made a cup of tea and sat down with his phone in his hand, waiting for a call. And 20 minutes later, his phone rang.
Silence is all Adam heard over the phone for a good few seconds, and he could almost see Matty weighing up his options with that scrunched-up face he does. He picked up his tea and loudly took a sip, reminding Matty of his presence.
On the other end of the line, Matty was doing exactly that. Does he embarrass himself and admit his feelings in exchange for help? Or does he fight to keep the last shred of dignity he had?
“Fine. I really really like her. Are you happy now?” Matty sighed, deciding that any dignity he might have had in the eyes of Adam died when he found him passed out in a bin with George at 19.
Adam grinned teasingly on the other side of the phone but decided to leave any real teasing for in person. It's just no fun when you can't see Matty's cheeks gradually turning more pink. “Okay. now that we've got that out of the way, what the fuck are you gonna get her?”
Matty scoffed at his friend's question, “Mate. Why the fuck do you think I'm calling? I have no idea!! I don't want to be boring and just get a candle and a bottle of wine.” Matty pauses thoughtfully for a moment before returning to his ramble, “although she does like candles. I remember her saying her apartment is covered in them, she even set off the smoke detector once. And she is always smelling like Jasmine so maybe that is her favourite scent? God she smells so good, you know I think her shampoo is apple and that mixed with-”
Adam cut Matty off before he started giving him your home address and national insurance number, “Dude how do you know what scent shampoo she uses? God, you're such a stalker. Don't go full Dahmer on this girl, yeah?” Adam jokes.
“It's not my fault she has nice hair! Anyway, shut up. You are not being helpful right now” Matty whines petulantly, and Adam realises he's actually freaking out about this. He decided it was time to go full dad mode and be supportive.
“Right, it's clear you know a lot about her, so why don't we focus on that? Do you know her favourite perfume or something? Maybe some jewellery she wants? I’m assuming you are not sticking to the £10 limit”
Matty simply scoffs, confirming Adam’s suspicion. Before he can continue throwing ideas at Matty, he hears him gasp, “I know what to get her!” Matty says excitedly.
Once again, silence falls over the two men, and Adam sighs, knowing what Matty wants, “and what is that, Matthew?” he says with sarcastic excitement filling his voice. 
Adam can hear the grin over the phone as Matty speaks, “I'm going to get her a copy of “The Little Prince” but a proper nice one, first edition in the original French and everything” he puffed out his chest in pride as he finished, despite no one being around to see him.
“A kid's book? Matty shes a teacher. I'm sure she's sick of kid’s books, why would you get her that? Does she even know French?” Adam can't help but think Matty saw a copy on her desk and just assumed she liked it. Maybe she was just teaching with it, and Matty took the idea and ran.
“No no, you don't get it,” Matty starts, “it was her favourite book as a kid. She was obsessed and read it cover to cover so many times the spine fell apart. She told me that this book is what made her want to teach. As soon as she read it, she went into her class the next day and did a whole presentation on it, read it to her whole class, and answered questions." Matty envisioned an 8-year-old you buzzing with excitement talking about the book, your teacher smiling and encouraging as you were blabbering on.
"She had a copy from her grandmother that she treasured, but it got lost in the jumble when she moved. It was in the original French, and she learnt French just to be able to read it. Nothing means more to her than this book.” As he finished, Matty noticed the massive grin on his face, something that was inevitable whenever he spoke about you.
He decided not to talk about the one time he actually heard you speak French, not wanting to share the experience of trying to hide a boner during a school-wide meeting and sneaking off to his car pretty quickly after it wrapped up.
Adam was taken aback by Matty's words. Who was this person, and what did he do to his best mate? He's pretty sure for his last situation-ships birthday, Matty got her a card with a bouquet of lilies. And she was allergic to lilies.
But here he was, considering things you loved in childhood, things that actually mean something to you. He had never seen Matty so infatuated with someone, remembering every little thing they ever said.
Matty was in love with you. 
“Fuck man you are whipped” is what Adam decided to say, not sure whether Matty had come to the whole “love” realisation by himself yet.
“Ha ha ha, Adam you're so funny.” Matty said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “So do you think it is okay? She’ll like it?” he anxiously chewed on his nails as he spoke, desperate not to fuck this up.
“It's perfect. She's gonna love it, if you can find one that is” came Adam's response, he decided to lay off the comedic responses for a little bit, just to stop Matty from having a mental breakdown. 
“Oh I'll find one. Otherwise, I'll have to get her a candle, and that's just shite” his confidence was clear through the phone. And a determined Matty is someone who gets something done, whether you like it or not.
As soon as he knew what to get, he practically hung up on Hann mid-sentence, but he stayed long enough to give him a rushed goodbye. Not quite long enough to say thank you, however, but Adam got a text a few seconds later simply saying, “Thank you, I needed that”
Adam, being a middle-aged man, simply sent back a thumbs-up emoji, ‘an image that speaks a thousand words’ he thought.
After a week of calling every rare bookshop in the area, Matty managed to get his hands on a first edition of “The Little Prince”, for substantially more than £10 but that secret was between him, god and his wallet. 
He explained to the school that Annie wanted to give her gift to you personally, so he asked if he could bring it directly to you on Friday. By some grace of god, the school agreed, and here Matty was standing outside your door gift bag in hand and pulling anxiously at his shirt.
“Matty!” You say in shock as you open the door, a beaming smile on your face. Matty took in your dress and almost had to grip the door frame to steady himself. It was the staff Christmas party that night, and it was clear you were all dressed up and ready. You stood in a sleek black dress, nothing glittery or fancy, but the way it looked on you had Matty's hands itching to touch you.
“I'm here too miss y/n” came a little voice from below. You were too busy staring into Matty’s eyes and watching them skirt over your body. 
“Oh, Annie! I'm so sorry, sweetheart, your daddy is so tall I almost missed you!” You laugh out and pat Annie's head in apology. Matty couldn't help but preen at the mention of his height.
“I'm so sorry to interrupt you. You look amazing, by the way. Well, not like - not amazing in a creepy way - I mean-” Matty stuttered, trying to get back to his point. You simply nod along with his words and bit the inside of your cheek to hide the smirk threatening to break across your face.
“Anyway,” Matty said after he pulled himself together with a shake of his head, “we're here to give you your Secret Santa present! Annie, do you want to pass it to miss y/n?” he patted his daughter on the back and passed her the gift.
With flushed cheeks and a pink nose from the cold, Annie grinned up to you and passed the bag over. Matty had added a few filler presents, a candle and a bottle of perfume Annie chose, and that he thought you'd like. Just the book felt… odd. A little too personal, maybe, he didn't want to scare you off with his slightly stalker-like tendencies.
“Wow! Thank you, Annie! I didn't think I was even in this year's Secret Santa!” You lie, you knew Annie was your gift giver the day she got chosen. That cheesy smile wouldn't leave her face all day.
Annie giggled clung to her dad's leg, suddenly feeling shy at the attention. Matty simply smiled at his daughter and began to fiddle with her curls.
“Okay well, we will leave you to go to your party now. I hope you have a good time! Say bye to miss y/n Annie,” Matty prompts his daughter, who gives you a wave and runs away. Matty spins on his heels and begins to follow before turning around to say one last thing. 
“I meant what I said earlier, by the way. You look beautiful” he said with a bashful smile, acting almost as shy as his daughter just had. 
Words escaped you at that moment. You wanted to run and give him a hug for the present and a kiss for the compliment, but you simply whispered, “Thank you, Matty.”
The door had barely clicked shut, and you had already all but ran to your desk to open your present, your heart in your mouth at the prospect of a gift from Matty. Well, technically from Annie, but you're pretty sure if Matty gave her £10 and let her loose in Tesco, the present would end up being something totally random like a bag of celery.
But maybe you were reading too much into this. Your silly schoolgirl crush has just been growing and growing over the passing months. Your heart aches for Matty. It has gotten to the point where you sit in bed late at night and perform autopsies on conversations you had months ago. Desperate to find something said in the unsaid, something new.
You won't see him for a week, and you'll convince yourself it's just a physical attraction thing, a casual crush. But then you see him swooping in at pick up with his rockstar sunglasses and beautiful curls, and you feel your heart stutter and pause. Every time you speak with him, butterflies hammer at your ribs, and your brain seems to just stop around him. Much to your embarrassment. 
Recently, you vowed to be more natural around him, totally normal. However, trying to play it cool and casual is a great plan in theory, but attempting to do that whilst looking into his eyes is an almost impossible task.
But tonight, you managed to at least play it off like Matty's comment didn't knock the wind out of you. His calling you beautiful was going to go around and around in your head for weeks. You wish you could have memorised the moment better. You should focus on his shy smile or the way he wrung his hands together anxiously. Maybe even the look of pure love in his eyes.
But you were too busy internally repeating to yourself “Don't fall over. Don't act like a twat. Make sure to smile and not freeze.” so all of those small things got lost in the jumble of thoughts.
As you pulled the tissue out of the paper, a waft of matty hit your nostrils. god, were you that desperate that even tissue paper smells like him now? You could swear it has that same musk and warmth that follows him around.
Little did you know Matty had to actively choose not to constantly think about you. He has to try not to think about the way you bite your lip when you're focusing on something. Or the way you fiddle with your hair when you're nervous, twisting it around your fingers absentmindedly. Or even the way your cheeks flush when someone compliments you, the way it spreads from your cheeks to over your nose and down to your neck. He has to really try not to think about your neck, to not obsess over the thought of pressing kisses up and down it as you giggle into him. But alas, he had actual adult responsibilities, much to his dismay, so he couldn't just sit and analyse you every waking moment.
You stick your hand in and grab something that feels like a candle, and it is… oh. It's a candle. Huh.
You're not disappointed. It smells good and has a beautiful jar, but you can't help but feel slightly odd at the lack of warmth. But whatever, you were expecting too much anyway. A candle and a bottle of wine are perfectly normal Secret Santa presents, and why should you expect anything other than that? Just because you were lusting after Matty doesn't mean he thought about you any longer than he had to.
You shake off any disappointment you had and resign yourself to the idea that this is a totally normal parent present. There won't be anything amazing or showstopping. The budget was £10 and you're sure not even world famous rock star Matty Healy could get anything good with that.
You pull out the perfume next, immediately smiling as you notice it's your favourite scent, jasmine. What a lucky guess. It's a nice bottle, too. It had you immediately thinking of a use for it afterwards, the same way any nice bottle or jar does. You must have a collection of 20 candle jars on your mantle at home filled with knickknacks, little things from the kids, or strange porcelain figures you didn't have the heart to leave in a charity shop.
The bag is still heavy in your hands, but you scrunch your face in confusion. Surely there's no budget left? Tentatively, you reach in and feel a book, which is even more confusing to you, but you pull it out anyway, interested to see what Matty thought you read.
Oh. fuck. 
There in your hands was your childhood in physical form, the curly script reading “le petit prince.” Your eyes skirt over the cover as they well up. Slowly, you spin the book around and audibly gasp as you look it over, admiring its worn spine and somehow pristine cover. 
Your vision is foggy, tears gathering at your lash line and you're intent on not letting them fall, but as soon as you open the book and a small certificate of authenticity falls out you can't help but wetly laugh in shock as tears stream down your cheeks.
The first edition of your favourite book of all time. The book that meant everything to you, everything to your grandmother. You never thought you'd see a first edition in real life, let alone own one.
With shaky hands, you carefully pull apart the pages and begin to read, muttering the french under your breath. Tears drip onto the desk and blow you. You sniffle and bring a shaky hand up to wipe them away, but it's futile. They continue to find their way down your cheeks.
With a pounding heart, you place down the book with the care of handling a newborn baby, and as you do so a small white slip of paper under the certificate catches your eye. You slide it out from under and try and read it despite your wet eyes.
“To y/n,
I know this is over the limit, but I also know what this book means to you. I still remember talking about it in depth on World Book Day. Us two huddled in a corner, trying to escape the other parents. Your vulnerability and honesty that day meant so much to me. Thank you for sharing. also, thank you for being the very best teacher to my little girl. I don't know where either of us would be without you. Anyway, I'll stop rambling now, Let's keep this gift between us, though, huh? I wouldn't want Mr. Johnson from the year 5 class to find out his nice cheese platter isn't the best gift of the year.
Happy holidays darling, 
Matty x”
Well, safe to say any hope of that crush faltering had just died and gone to hell. 
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cloudbride · 7 months
Pairing: CharlesLeclerc x singer!Reader last part !!!!
pt3 enjoy!
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View all 5430 comments 
@/user00 : Seriously, this race is supposed to be about the drivers and their skill. If I wanted to see a popstar, I'd go to a concert😒
@/user0001: it's ridiculous that the media is focusing on [Y/N] instead of the actual race. She should just stay in her lane - music - and leave the sport alone.
@/ynfanff:[Y/N]'s friend taytay is here too? OMG, I don't blame her. charles has serious game lol
@/yntsloverr: OMG, I can't wait for the album.😭
-@/tsfn13: IKR imagine the love songs ahhh❤️❤️
@/randomuser : charels is suddenly preforming so much better on the track 🤣🤣
-@/ussser23: he wants to impress y/n its cute lol
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pierregasly : can’t wait to hear the ones you wrote about me
Y/N13: @/pierregasly i do think about you a lot haha!
scuderiaferrari: ❤️❤️❤️
user2828272: Y/N WTF A SURPRISE RELEASE!!!!
charles_leclerc : so proud of you my love😘
Y/N13:@/charles_leclerc 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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JF: Your new album 'Midnights' is  released and every song on it is incredible. But, I'm curious, why 'Labyrinth' ? What makes that song so special?"
Y/N:  Well, Jimmy, the track 'Labyrinth' was not actually included when I first finished my album. But I fought for it to be because I felt like it really fit the theme and  I Just NEEDED to have it on the album. My inspiration for it definitely came from a certain someone who knows exactly who he is.*smirks*
JF: "So, that 'certain someone' you mentioned earlier... is that someone Charles Leclerc by any chance? I know that your fans have been shipping the two of you for a while now, and I'm just curious if there's any truth to the rumors. It feels like your new album 'Midnights' is full of songs about him, and your latest single 'Labyrinth' is a great example.
Y/N:  I appreciate your interest in my music, and I'm glad that my fans have been so perceptive in picking up on the themes and inspiration behind my work. 'Midnights' is an album that draws heavily from my personal experiences and the people around me, and I am thankful to have been able to put those experiences into my songs. At the end of the day, music is supposed to be about love and expression, and I'm happy to have succeeded in that with this album.
JF: Y/N, I know that you and Taylor Swift attended the F1 Vegas GP together. What was it like to be at the race and see all of the action from trackside? It seems like you two had a blast together on social media.
Y/N: It was incredible to be at the F1 Vegas GP with Taylor. The atmosphere was electric and it was so exciting to see all the action from trackside. Taylor and I had so much fun together and we couldn't stop talking about the race and how awesome it was. We also got a chance to meet with some of the drivers and chat with them which was a special moment for both of us and I'm so glad I had Taylor there to share it with me.
JF : Well Y/N it’s been a pleasure having you here , everyone make sure you check out midnights by y/n thank you and goodbye.
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Thank you so much for reading and all the love 🤍
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wily-art · 2 months
I haven't finished it yet, but I watched some of it, and skimmed through the rest (I will finish though at some point; when/if I have the time), and what I did see of it the "Undertale Insomnia: Something Isn't Right" Trailer looks amazing! Ur art and the looks of the characters and the Blasters is on point and great as always! And ur animation is looking awesome too! I think ur comic already had some cool gifs/small animations, but if not; it is cool to see animations from u now too!
The Paps's (both older and younger) and his Casters and/or the Blasters are looking great in the trailer u released!
And Asgore (I think) and the fallen human kid(s) look great in some of the animation WIPs and/or whatever too!
I hope someday to see some of the other Undertale cast in animation form, or at least some of the other Insomnia important and/or etc. cast members like Sans (could be both older or younger), Gaster - before or after getting goopifed, lol (though, I think he might be in this animation and/or at least the full? one), Frisk, Chara, more of Blasters and/or Casters, and/or Alphys (I have gained a soft spot for ur Alphys). Maybe Asriel and/or Flowey too?
Not mentioning Asgore or the kids here, because I think u might have some stuff/ideas/etc. with them already. And not mentioning Undyne either, even though it would be awesome to see her too, bc I don't think she has been in the comic too much yet?
Ofc, u don't have to do any of this. I know animations, and animatics even, can take a long time! Just seeing the Undertale Insomnia (one of my favorite UT, and maybe just in general, comics/series's!) cast brought to life even more through animation like this, has got me excited! ^^
Last of all; I just wanted to clarify, the animation release is just the trailer, and not full thing, or...?? I just wanted to confirm.
Heya! First off thanks! That little tidbit is just a teaser more than a full trailer. IT's definitely not the completed thing. I didn't want to give a solid release time due to genuinely not knowing how long this all would take (at this point a little over a year- Good god). But I wanted to share at least a little something since this whole project has been so all consuming- that from the outside world's perspective I've been more or less absent. It's kind of hard to be active with other things when a singular thing both eats a bunch of time but can't be shared since it's not done X'D. It's a lot of behind the scenes work and not much to show for it yet.
Other characters will definitely be getting way more time to shine in the comic moving forward since I finally hit a particular turning point. Also regarding animations I have a lot of ideas for the other characters and the fallen kids that all more or less tie into the same world in a "how did we arrive to this point" kind of scenario. But due to how long all of this takes and I can't promise how many of them I will get to. Or at least how quickly because right now I'm moving at a blistering speed of _not very fast_ ✨ That said this one with Papyrus is absolutely being released (hopefully later this year) because if I have only one of these in the system it's gonna be for this guy XD The other one that I absolutely want to do as another animated update for Insomnia involves Chara and Frisk to answer what exactly happened at the end of the last run before this one. I'm hoping that since I've learned a lot (this is my first animated project) that that one will go a lot smoother. An account of figuring out a lot of things I Was doing that made my life INFINITELY HARDER. Hope that answers things.
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froggy-demon · 4 months
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Oh, Deer | Part Three
A/N: I'M SORRY FOR THE DELAY I was in a fever writing the first two chapters on my days off, then my doc flipped out and rearranged itself mid edit which was superrrrrr awesome. I believe I fixed it though! I appreciate the support I've been getting so I hope you enjoy this part as well <3 I have to say I'm very excited for what I'm planning for part 4 as well so that one won't take as long I think!
Part Summary: Lilly finds herself curious of what the Radio Demon actually does, but acting on that will come at a cost. Back at work she gets some personal time with the self appointed head of the Vs only to be treated to a home visit from the King of Hell that night.
Part One Part Two | Part Four
Velvette seemed to have cooled off today, allowing me to return to my regularly scheduled assignments, which sure were back breaking, but at least they weren’t soul crushing. On my walk to the hotel from work I found myself thinking about Alastor again, which I’m sure his ego would love to hear. I wanted to figure out what he was really thinking, and he was always off doing his own tasks day and night at such odd times. Sure he’s an overlord, but he doesn’t actually have any territory at the moment besides the hotel I guess. Does entertainment count as a territory? I guess so, but I wouldn’t say he is controlling that yet either. 
So I hatched a little plan of my own. Whenever Alastor left the hotel this evening I would follow him on whatever misadventure he went on, discreetly of course. I’d need to be careful, but I’m struggling to bury my curiosity. At this point I needed answers and Alastor wasn’t exactly offering any up. 
I wanted up the grand steps of the hotel and opened the door, looking across the entry way for any sign of him. He wasn’t around, but Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie were lounging in that parlor so I joined them. Charlie’s eye lit up when she saw me and she rushed over to me, grabbing my shoulders. 
“Oh my gosh there you are! Okay so today and yesterday we focused on learning about boundaries, it was a lesson I had needed as well.” She admitted, giving Angel an apologetic look. “Soooo to catch you up, please, share a boundary with us that is important we that we all respect and we will! Then we can share one of ours and tell each other how that all makes us feel, how does that sound?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Amazing, I know!” She squealed and sat back down on the couch next to Vaggie and I took an empty chair. 
“Okay, uh, a boundary of mine is…I don’t like having my stuff touched, or moved around and besides Niffty’s cleaning which I do appreciate, I really don’t want anyone in my room uninvited, no matter what.” I say and Charlie gives a little round of applause and a proud smile. 
“That is very good to know Lilly! Thank you for sharing! As for me, my boundary is that if you want to talk you just have to tell me!” She says proudly. 
“Babe, that’s not really a boundary, like mine is no one but you can touch my hair. It’s a line that I do not want crossed.”With that Vaggie eyed me and Angel, as if we had been plotting to touch her hair and we both held up our hands to say we are innocent! They wen’t back and forth on exactly what qualifies as a boundary, but out of the Connor of my eye I saw Alastor still through the lobby. I pretended to be preoccupied on my phone, but really I was just watching him. He want over to Husk and told him something and then headed out the front door, cheery as ever. I didn’t want to loose him, but I couldn’t walk out immediately either I counted to five and figured that should be enough time for him to get down the stairs outside. 
“I have to go!” I exclaimed and stood up. I hadn’t really thought of a good excuse to tell them. “I uh, have a headache, I need to step outside for a second” That seemed like enough for Charlie and Vaggie, but Angel gave me a look that said he knows that’s bullshit. I smiled back at the demon, who wouldn’t pry right now, but I know when I get back he will start the interrogation. 
I make my way out of the room and out a side door of the hotel to hopefully be less noticeable. I spot Alastor down the drive leading up to the hotel and start to quietly move closer. It will be easier when we get into the city, if that’s where he’s headed, but here the space is more open. I leapfrog from behind bushes and trees and very convenient garbage cans until we make it to the city blocks. I don’t have to worry as much now, I can blend in with the masses of demons moving around me and all the noise they make. Alastor is still walking up ahead by a good few yards, grin plastered on. I can’t tell where exactly we must be going this time of day. I’ve never actually seen him with a drink in his hand despite employing Husk so it probably isn’t a bar let alone a club, no respectable tailor is open this late, maybe he was meeting someone, but who? We were nearing the Vs’ district, somewhere I didn’t think Alastor had much interest in visiting. Maybe though, he needed to repair something in his radio tower? The best tech is in this district. I saw him begin to turn his head my way and slipped around the corner of a side street, I tried to listen for his footsteps restarting, but it was difficult to pick up such a tiny sound here. I waited a few extra moments and poked my head out ever so slightly. He was further up the street now, excellent, he didn’t notice me. 
I slipped back out of my hiding place and kept my head down catching back up with him a little. Damn were his legs long. I tried to pay attention to what store fronts were up ahead to try and guess if he was going to any of them, but nothing seemed right. Finally he stopped, so I did too, in front of a building and after the tiniest pause a man stepped out, joining Alastor. He was tall and imposing, even over Alastor, but the radio demon didn’t seem worried in the slightest. A massive black cloak enveloped the tall demon and even from here I could see the green glow of his eyes, Zestial. What business did he have with Zestial? They are both overlords, sure, but not even in the same ring of hell and I doubt he is just grabbing an evening tea with someone as powerful as Zestial. I should abandon this plan now. It was going to be one thing if Alastor caught me, but a being like Zestial could snap my neck without even looking in my direction and he wouldn’t be waiting around for me to explain myself. I couldn’t though, this just scratched at that curiosity of mine more. How does Zestial fit into his plans? Is he going to help the hotel? I highly doubt it. Maybe Alastor was just making the rounds though, saying hello to old friends and foes now that he has returned. I couldn’t back down now I just knew that I was getting closer to something. 
They began walking and demons quite literally jumped out of Zestial's way, that was fear that Alastor couldn’t quite inspire himself right now. Maybe that’s why he is meeting with the ancient overlord, he needs to be associated with power like that if he is going to start taking back over territory. The two of them stopped and I pretended to read a flyer that was near me to look inconspicuous, trying to listen to their voices. They spoke hushed, but from where I was standing it sounded friendly all the same. I heard Alastor wish him a merry goodbye and turned on my heels. I didn’t have the chance to see where Alastor had walked Zestial to, but if this was his mission it was now complete and he would start heading my way. I kept my head down as I started walking away, back the way we came trying to walk quickly, but not enough to draw attention to myself. Now I could pick up the sound of Alastor’s steps with his cane behind me, 1-2-click 1-2-click, he was humming to himself, but those fucking long legs were gaining on me. Then I felt someone grab my arm from the side, yanking me hard around the very corner I had hid from Alastor just a few minutes ago. 
I looked up to face my assailant, but I didn’t need to know who it would be, Alastor. He shook his head at me, another  shadow arm wrapped around me and pinned me to the wall. My arms were pinned to my sides with a painful grip and I was raised just high enough for my feet to be off the ground. I thought I knew what I would say to him if he caught me, but now looking at his face I couldn’t think of anything that would make him forgive me. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Very rude to be spying my dear, very rude indeed. Did you really think I didn’t notice? That I couldn’t hear your little steps behind me, feel your wide eyes boring into my back?” He asked getting close to my face. I could feel the heat and anger rolling off of him as he spoke. All I could do was look into his eyes, I wanted to say something, anything, make it my turn to apologize, but I just kept staring like a deer in headlights. I couldn’t move if I wanted to, I just hoped if he had changed his mind, if Angel was wrong about Charlie’s stamp of ‘Do-Not-Kill’ Alastor would be merciful enough to make it quick, but all of hell knew that wasn’t his style. “Nothing to say for yourself now, hm? Not so cool when you’re the one in the hot seat.” He growled, his voice growing heavier with static, like every word was strained to get out. 
“I-“ I struggled to get enough stale air in my lungs to form a sentence. “I’m sorry.” It came out strangled and launched me into a coughing fit. I wanted to say more, to explain, but even the concept sounded stupid and naive. Maybe my dream was a prophecy, maybe in the afterlife I can see the future, and that future is the radio demon tearing me into shreds. I couldn’t tell if it was just my vision getting dark from lack of oxygen or if shadows were really about to swallow me whole, but as useless as the words were with every strangled breath I could manage I just kept repeating the same line. “Alastor, I’m sorry.”
I could still feel that weight on me, the unbridled energy still hung in the air, but I could breathe again, and the disgusting hell air never tasted so good. The shadow arms had dropped me, but Alastor still stood over me burning his eyes into mine. That fear that ran down my spine when I first met him returned, but this time he had earned it. “You ought to be more than sorry, I’ve killed less petulant demons for far less heinous actions.” He cracked, he leaned down to my level, his antlers caging me in place. He dragged one of his sharp talon-like nails down my cheek, just enough for it to sting. I recoiled at the touch. 
“I just,” I knew my answer was stupid, because I’m stupid. “My whole job every single day for all of eternity is to figure out what the hell people want, and to find a way to give it to them. As far as I can tell, all you want is power, I thought maybe there was more to you than that, but I guess I’m wrong. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have intruded.” I heard my voice crack, I hated looking weak even when I absolutely was. “I’m sorry Alastor.” I paused and tried to focus on my breathing. I didn’t want to look back into his eyes, I have no other defense. “I was selfish.” He didn’t respond, but he stood back up. Maybe he just wanted a better view as he killed me, or one last good look at the dumbest soul in hell. 
“You want to know what want, you wish to know what I think? Right now I’m thinking that you seem to cause me a lot of problems and headaches my dear! I think you need to stay. Out. Of. My. Way.” He warned all I could think to do was nod that I understood as he shrank back to his normal state. The energy that had been pounding against me subsided and the ringing in my ears finally dulled. “Good.” He added with a sinister smile. He grabbed my arm and his shadows enveloped us and before I could ask what was happening we were back in the hotel, in the hall before my room, stepping out of the shadows. Or in my case something closer to falling out of the shadows. “I think it best, my dear, if you have any further thoughts to keep them to yourself, that is what I want.” And gives me a nudge towards my bedroom door. I hang my head and simply walk away into my room. 
I watched her walk into her room without a glance back my way. Satisfied with that I make my way to my suite, planning how I might hunt my dinner to relieve the stress from tonight. I needed her to not get so involved, if Zestial had noticed her trailing us tonight he would have killed her and then that would be such a mess to explain to Charlie. Back in the street though, her eyes were so impossibly wide looking into mine, she looked utterly and deliciously terrified. It was the only appropriate response to the situation, the way her eyes darted between mine until she couldn’t bear their weight anymore, how I could feel the heat and fear rolling off of her when I backed her against the wall, it was a decadent mixture that I was happy to lap up. It’s not like she hasn’t seen what I’m capable of before, but it was the first time it was directed at her to this extent. I could smell it on her still, even as she had closed her bedroom door, the fear wafting off of her. Good, as it should. When I had her back there she was just another prey for me to hunt, but something in that concoction made me hesitate. Truth is I wanted to like her, I could appreciate feeling chained to a deal you regret, wanting out, freedom, control, your own power and looking for it in anyway possible, but she was making it very difficult despite the small amount of time she actually spent here. Still a part of me enjoyed the way her eyes watched, I do love putting on a performance for such a captive audience. What a pity, she was becoming a distraction, I suppose, every time I heard her giggling with that spider demon, or saw her sitting with Husk of all souls, sometimes just the scent of her after she had just passed by was enough to steal my attention for a moment, I couldn’t stop myself from watching and listening. At other times I could feel her eyes, which held so many questions, on me any time our paths crossed and it made me keenly interested in what she was thinking. I knew she had things she wanted to know and she was smart enough to know that I’m not one to go around spilling secrets, even if she had asked plainly like the night before. As fun as it was keeping her on her toes I did not have as much control over the situation today as I would have liked to because of her. I need to stay on task, disturbances like this were more risk than they were worth so whatever she was thinking she would have to keep to herself. 
“Dollface I just heard the end of that conversation and I need details, like fucking yesterday!” Angel said as I let him in, I hushed him until the door was closed and eyed every shadow in my room suspiciously. I hopped onto my bed and motioned for him to join me, trying to decide where to start and if there was a version where I don’t look quite so miserable. 
“I mayyyyy have followed Alastor into the city out of curiosity, since he’s always off to do something, like seriously who is that busy? Anyway, when I did I saw he walking with ZESTIAL and I really should have backed off there, but I didn’t and I should have, but then Zestial left and I tried to get out of there without Alastor knowing, but he totally knew and he kinda attacked me and it was kinda absolutely the stuff of nightmares and I literally think I will be having nightmares for the next month, but basically he said I should never bother him again.” I shpeiled and gave Angel a nervous smile. He looked at me was a mix of ‘what the fuck’ and ‘are you fucking dumb’ and ran a hand through his hair. 
“Listen I figured you were off to get up to some shit earlier, but I didn’t think it was going to be quite that fucking bad!” He gave a little laugh. I hugged my knees to my chest, maybe Alastor would cool off in a while, maybe in a few weeks. He isn’t exactly anyone’s best friend, but I still didn’t want him as an enemy. Angel tapped his chin like he was thinking of what to say next, “Maybe you should focus on rest tonight, I don’t think there’s much to do about it now.” Angel decided and I agreed. He fluffed my pillows and had a big goofy smile on as he motioned dramatically for me to lay down. We shared ‘goodnight’s and he left for his own bed, turning off the lights on his way out. In the dark it felt like the weight I felt when in Alastor’s grip returned, the heaviness on my chest, ringing in my ears. I know it’s just anxiety, but it still messed with my head. I got up in the darkness and slowly found my desk,  turning the lamp on to provide a little escape from the darkness. 
Luckily, no nightmares bothered me tonight it just felt like I fell asleep, and then all the sudden I was opening my eyes and trying to find where my phone was to turn off the damn alarm. I looked for it in the covers and shut off the annoying blaring. Slowly I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I remembered all of the events of yesterday. Awesome. I couldn’t stay in bed long though. I found something suitable enough to wear to work and made my way downstairs. I had just enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out, which is exactly what I did. I sat myself in the first floor parlor with my steaming hot mug of caffeine, in the comfiest chair in the room. It is not often that the Hotel is quite so still and quiet, but sometimes as I am getting up for work when no one else has stirred yet it was admittedly very nice. 
1-2-click. 1-2-click. 1-2-click.
Maybe this is the nightmare. I pulled my knees up to my chest with my mug on top of them, stealing a glance out of the corner of my eye as he walked past. He didn’t have his trademark smile on, but he didn’t look displeased. It was hard to say though, when he wasn’t being actively provoked. I listened as his steps faded away, off to somewhere else. I sighed and swirled my drink, I shouldn’t let his cold shoulder bother me the way it does, but I can’t help it, I still can’t get him off my mind and alas this is my reality.
All day while I delegate as directed by Velvette, I find my mind slipping away, my body going into autopilot thinking about last night. Terrifying of course, but I also couldn’t get the look in his eyes to go away, like he needed something from me, but there wasn’t that bloodlust in his eyes from the night before. If he could just talk to me plainly this wouldn’t even be a scenario. Or maybe I had just thought about it too much and was distorting my memory. Even when Velvette was talking to me I was only half lucid, just enough to not fuck up. This is why my mind gets me into trouble though, this tunnel vision got me where I am with Alastor I need to snap out of it. 
“Are you even listening to be bitch?” Velvette sneered, one hand on her hip. An aid next to her held a large stack of papers, all annotated with sticky notes and purple pen. Not really. 
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Good, now that the marketing team is done with all this disgusting shit bring this to the fucking cunt in his suite, because I know he isn’t doing his job right now and he’s been dodging me all fucking day!” She ordered and the aid handed the large stack of papers to me. I looked down at the top one to see exactly what it was, scripts? On closer inspection they were definitely for Valentino, Vox would never let most of this on normal television. 
“Yes Ma’am.” I repeated and she sauntered away from me. I headed to the elevator since I knew it would be the easiest way to get this increasingly heavy stack all the way upstairs. I pressed the button that would take me up to Valentino’s suit with a single non-loadbearing pinky finger and took a deep breath. I put on a small pleasant smile and braced myself. Always a joy, right? When the elevator dinged I thought the suite might be empty since I couldn’t see or hear anyone right away, but then I realized I could hear two faint voices talking a room over. Thank god they were only talking. I walked a little further into the space trying to decide if I should try to give them to Valentino directly or if I could just leave them in a table for him to discover later. If I did the latter he would never look at them though, and even if I do hand them directly to him the chances are still slim.  As the sound of my heels echoed on the stone floor while I thought I failed to notice that the voices had stopped. 
“Who the fuck is it? I’m not expecting any whores right now.” Valentino’s voice rang out, followed shortly by the man himself. He looked annoyed, but that wasn’t unusual, with a cigarette in hand, taking a long drag after the question. 
“Mr. Valentino, uh, Sir. Velvette asked me to bring up these scripts to you. Where would you like them?” I asked, looking around the pile in my arms. The tall demon rolled his eyes, clearly he was hoping for a better surprise. He walked over to picked up the top script and flipped through the pages, bored by the task and then fixed his eyes on me, blowing a ring of red smoke into my face and smiling. 
“The real question is where do I want you?” I felt light headed for a moment, I even thought I might drop the stack, but I kept my balance. He circled, taking his time, watching me like a hawk does its prey, but I kept my eyes forward. “Velvette sure does like using you as her little errand girl,” he took another drag of the cigarette, looking down at me. “Maybe she wouldn’t mind if I used you in another way.” Another puff of smoke was blown my way. My senses felt dull, it felt like there was no more background noise, I only knew I was even still holding the scripts because I could see them, and it felt like a fight to keep my eyes and thoughts in focus. There was something to this smoke, clearly, at this point I just need to set these down. Then my job is done and I can be on my way. 
“Val, baby, what whore are you fucking that’s taking so long?”  The second voice I had heard when I first walked in asked smoothly, joining us in the main room of the suite. It felt like I was on a processing delay as I shifted my eyes over to identify the voice, Vox. “Ah, Vel’s pet, how nice of you to drop by! And with the scripts I’ve been telling her we needed back for two days,” he let a twinge of irritation creep into his voice and his eye slightly twitched, “Splendid! Thank you so much for bringing those up!” 
That sounded like my cue, but Valentino stopped and placed his hands on my shoulders behind me, locking me in place. “You know my Angel Dust was just saying how well aquatinted you two had become over at the princessa’s hotel.” Valentino phrased it like he was talking to me, but really I could tell it was for Vox who quite literally lit up at the mention of the hotel.  
“Why don’t you take a seat? Set down these lousy papers here,” Vox motioned to the coffee table and I did just that and then sat down on an ornate couch next to it, my body seemed to be one step ahead of my brain. “Tell me,” Vox looked down at me and when I didn’t immediately meet his gaze, he lifted my head to do so. His eyes were wide and entrancing in the moment, I felt far away again, it was hypnotizing to look at. “What do you know about my old friend Al?” His voice was laced with feedback, I was faintly aware of Valentino’s hands running over my silhouette while he sat next to me with a grin. For some reason I felt compelled to answer the media giant in front of me, like I couldn’t not tell him whatever he asked of me. 
“He.. he’s haunting. His temper has been short. I honestly don’t know much else about him, but I saw him with Zestial yesterday in the city. I don’t know what they were talking about, but they both looked content at the end.” I couldn’t stop the words from spilling out. Vox stepped back, breaking my trance when he looked away and I felt everything come back into focus. My whole body tensed once I processed my situation making Valentino let out a low laugh. I knew Velvette knew this was too long to be gone and right now I would take her screaming at me over this a million times over. “Mr. Vox, sir, is there anything else you need from me? I’m positive I’m expected back soon by Ms. Velvette.” I managed to sound far more calm than I felt, clenching my hands in my lap. 
“Oh I need-“
“Yes, that is okay, go scurry back to work,”  Vox cut Valentino’s coming harassment off. “Thank you so much for your time sweetheart and hey,” He looked me in the eyes again and that wave of numb washed back over me. “Let’s keep our little chat between just us alright?” And I could feel my head bob up and down in a nod. Before I knew it I was standing back inside the elevator heading back to work when everything came back into focus. My only solace was that I really didn’t know anything too important to reveal anyway, I mean with the amount of surveillance of the territory I would be surprised if that was actually new information at all. Still, I hated myself for it. Even if Alastor and I aren’t in good terms I’m not one to betray confidentiality and if I had known anything more I would have regretted that moment for the rest of my miserable afterlife. 
The rest of my workday passed without fuss or fanfare so it didn’t feel like quite so long until I was set back towards the hotel, I was dragging my feet the entire way. I wanted to go upstairs and curl up and just let the time tick past me, but that would disappoint Charlie so much and while redemption was on the back burner for me it wasn’t out of the picture and I really  wanted to live up to Charlie’s expectations. 
Walking into the lobby Charlie flags me down to join a group activity, apparently acting out some scenarios she has written out so we can pick the virtuous option. Sir. Pentious and Angel go first and while Angel is dragging his feet Sir. Pentious gets really into it. Even with some of the most corny writing I’ve ever heard he puts on a beautiful performance. 
1-2-click. 1-2-click. 1-2-click.
I can’t stop myself from tracking Alastor with my eyes as he comes into to talk to Charlie and dances around her. Their conversation is light and joking but watching his eyes now he is not happy. I force myself to busy my mind with something else, it’s none of my business how he may be feeling, I slip out my phone and shoot Cherri a text letting her know I miss her but I am in good hands. While Charlie is distracted Vaggie pipes up.
“Alrighty, Husk and Lilly it’s your turn to act some out. Angel and Sir. Pentious, excellent work please take a seat.” 
“I’ll be the bad guy.” Husk volunteered, though he did not sound excited by it. Angel handed his script to Husk and stole his seat. 
“I’m sure you have some useful experience as a bad, bad boy, Husk.” Angel teased, fluttering his fingers at the winged demon who only huffed back as he stood in the center of the room. Sir. Pentious passed his script to me with a bright smile and I gave a gentle smile back as I took it, thanking him. 
We acted out a short cheesy scene where ‘Husk’ encouraged ‘me’ to skip class to go shoplifting at the mall. ‘I’ refused, exclaiming the importance of academics and that shoplifting was actually bad. ‘I’ then professed my intent to serve my community as best I can and to never do drugs. The room erupted in more applause and I smiled at my scene partner. 
“Amazing performance Husk you really stole the show from me!” I laughed, earning a smile for the normally grumpy demon. 
“I had one line.” He pointed out flatly as we sat on the floor in front of the couch that Angel and Sir. Pentious we’re on. While looking at Husk from here it took all of my willpower to not shift my eyes up to the demon who was still chittering away with Charlie a foot behind him. 
“And yet!” I leaned into the theatrics and fainted, falling across Husk dramatically putting the back of my hand to my forehead like I once saw in a moving picture. “You captured my heart with it!” I played it up as I looked up at Husk and we burst out laughing. 
“Yeah kid I can really tell.” He quips at me. I steal a glance at Alastor as I sit back up and while he still sounds to be engrossed in his conversation his eyes are trained on me. For just half a second we hold each other's gaze, blink and you miss it, but then his eyes returned to Charlie and he bid her goodbye for the time being. I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding in as Alastor’s footsteps disappeared.
“Okay guys I’m going to get some stuff ready for my Dad coming over tonight, Lily you haven’t gotten to meet him, obviously, but he will love you I’m certain!” Vaggie gave Charlie a soft smile and Charlie squealed with excitement. Lucifer is coming here? I mean I know Charlie is his daughter and everything, but still, meeting the King of Hell was a big deal! 
“Hopefully Mr. Hothead can keep his fucking cool today..” Angel said motioning to the direction Alastor had walked away to. Husk let out a deep laugh from his chest and Charlie let out a nervous giggle, neither of them seemed to think that would happen.
“Yeah, good luck with that!” Husk added between laughs. Interesting, what is Alastor’s beef with Lucifer? If I were him I would want to butter up the most powerful being in all of hell not actively antagonize him. As much as he doesn’t want people to know it, clearly his emotions steer him sometimes. I was suddenly growing self conscious at the reality of meeting Lucifer himself. No one else seemed terribly worried about it, maybe the anxiety wears off after the first time. I won’t know until I meet him a second time. I sat up a little straighter, is my outfit okay for the occasion? No one else was rushing off to change so I guess I don’t need to worry about dress code. Thoughts raced through my mind until Angel pinched my arm. 
“Aye, babe, don’t worry. He’s a big goofball.” Angel reassured me, earning a couple of small snickers at ‘big goofball’ from the rest of the group. Still, when I heard a knock at the front door a few minutes later I jumped to my feet. Luckily Charlie had managed to convince Alastor to pretty up the place a bit more than normal before Lucifer’s arrival. Vaggie ushered all all into the lobby, save Alastor, to greet the King as Charlie opened the door. 
“There’s my little girl!” The Angel burst through the door and bear hugged his daughter, who looked to have at least a foot on him height wise. She laughed and hugged him back. 
“Hey dad!” She sang as they broke apart. Both of them were smiling ear to ear. That’s cool, totally not jealous, totally cool. “Dad you remember everyone! Angel, Husk, Sir. Pentious, Niffty, and new we have a new guest!” She motioned my way and Lucifer turned to look at me, I held my breath, hands clasped in front of me. 
“Well Hello! Charlie didn’t mention having a new guest, I would have worn my better tie!” He chuckled and I smiled back, but was caught off guard when he picked up my hand and left a gentle kiss on my knuckles, looking up at me from his half lidded eyes. “Your name was?” He asked not letting go of my hand. I almost forgot to respond as I tried not to blush, he was an absolute gentleman, I told him maybe a little bit more softly than was appropriate. “Pleased to meet you Lilly.” He said flirtatiously and then gave a slightly nervous chuckle, gently releasing my hand. “I’m Lucifer, I guess you already know that because I’m Charlie’s dad!” So that’s where her nervous tick comes from. 
“My, my is that how you greet a lady?” Alastor appeared next to us making Lucifer flinch. His eye twitched as he looked at the demon, nearly twice his height, grinning down at him. 
“Right, because you would know!” Lucifer retorted sarcasm lacing his words. He looked like he was struggling to keep his cool whereas Alastor was straight up having fun. 
Alastor looked at me with a devilish look in his eyes, taking my other hand in his. “I’m honored by your company this evening my dear.” He gave a gentle bow as he brought my knuckles to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on them. He ran his thumb over my hand, oddly gentle for him. His other hand found my waist and he placed another slow kiss on my hand. “You look lovely.” 
The feeling of his hand on my torso was electric, practically burning through my clothes. I know he is just showing off for Lucifer, wanting to look like the better version of, but still I felt completely exposed in this position. Even my ears felt hot at this point as I heard Alastor give a low chuckle and release me. 
“A little forward for my taste, you wouldn’t want to overwhelm the beautiful lady like that.” Lucifer said sounding annoyed at the display. He leaned oh his cane out in front of him and gave Alastor a dry smile. 
“I’ve never had any problems with the approach.” Alastor also sounded tense, but his smile was as wide as ever while he mimicked the angel’s stance. 
“I doubt you’ve tried it enough to really find out.” Lucifer shot back.
“I assure you I’ve never had someone walk out after.” Alastor said with a sarcastic laugh, jabbing at the disappearance of Lilith. Lucifer bared his teeth at the demon, daring him to go on. 
“Maybe we should take a minute to have some tea!” I tried to nervously interject, but I might have well been offering tea to a brick wall.
“Oh, my Dear! You play coy, but we were awfully close just the other night,” he teased. I could feel my face again grow hot at his insinuation and I swear on my death that I saw husk and Angel sharing a popcorn bag as they slowly inched away from the corner of my eye. “Oh I only play!” He added, but this whole time he still hadn’t looked at me. 
“Alastor.” I hissed sharply. A warning. I did not appreciate him butting in and using me as an excuse to pick a fight or score cheap points against Lucifer. 
“I think you ought to apologize to the lady, you certainly seem to be rude company from where I’m standing.” Lucifer shot back and Alastor’s smile curled particularly unnatural as his eye has a dim glow to them, a look that said he won, he knew exactly how to win this argument from and was relishing in it, in getting the upper hand on THE king of hell, fallen Angel, divine creation, Lucifer. Even if it was a petty quarrel. He leaned down ever so slightly, still over the shorter man’s head. 
“Her eyes disagree, I rather think she enjoys my company based on who she has been watching.” He hissed out through his teeth. Lucifer looked at me and I had to pull my eyes off Alastor to return the glance. I felt humiliated. He was right, I was of course focused on him right now just like every time I saw him, even with fucking Lucifer standing next to him. 
“Alastor.” It came out soft and small, more than a whisper but it lacked the confidence of real speech. 
“I think some tea might be a good idea.” Vaggie said pointedly to the two. Alastor and Lucifer were still staring each other down though. 
“Daaaaaaaaaaadddddd” Charlie groaned, finally snapping him back into reality, he sent me a kind smile and then walked back to his daughter. 
“Sorry sweetheart, what can I say, old habits die hard am I right? Now you said you had some kind of flow chart drawn up to show me? Or was it a cork board?” He asked and she lit back up. Charlie, Vaggie, and Lucifer left for Charlie’s office where she did much of her planning for the hotel. 
We were alone together again, this time it was my turn to walk away. 
I had heard the filthy Angel’s teasing of Lilly from across the hotel and when I saw him bring her hand to his lips something in my gut turned. Stepping out into the scene, seeing the bright crimson spread across her face by just looking at him disgusted me. I could smell the attraction on her, but I also watched her focus shift off of the divine creature and onto me as we went back and worth. Knowing that even here with most powerful creature she may ever meet those eyes still latched into me, that was gratifying. The feeling of power it lent me was intoxicating, something I have been lacking. This time I won, I had the advantage, I have something over the king of hell. Even if that is just the attention of a doe eyed sinner, I basked in the victory. But as I did I noticed the expression on her face, a light blush still dusted her cheeks which contrasted the lost look in her eyes as her mouth pulled into a decided frown. Now those eyes were cast to the ground. 
“What is wrong with you?” She asked quietly, if we hadn’t been the only two left in the room I would have wondered if it had even been directed my way. Her hands began fiddling with the material at the hem of her shirt, smoothing out minor creases with her thumbs absentmindedly. 
“Come now, just a bit of light teasing! The elder Morningstar is never serious with his courting anyway, no real loss.” I told her, keeping my voice light. I was right, he’s known to flirt on the rare occasions he has been out of his house in the last seven years, but the abandonment from his ex wife seems to have crippled his ability to do anything more. Yet I could still smell a hint of attraction, and some combination of shame and anger, on her. 
“Goodnight Alastor.” Was all she said, walking away from me. What a pity, she’s so fun to play with, even when she doesn’t want to respond her eyes and her scent betray her. Some part of me deep within me wanted her to stay, or the feeling her gaze gave me to stay, but I had a late night broadcast to perform and I wouldn’t want to leave my audience waiting. 
Part Four
tags: @aperfectidiot @aleeeeeeees-stuff
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paranormalworm · 4 months
Hi idk if you’re taking request. But if you are, can you do a Sturniolo x sis!reader where they go with Sam and Colby to the hotel. And Sam or Colby follows her YouTube channel and has a massive crush on her and she does to. Basically just them sharing shy and cute moments before a confession when one of them get really scared/ maybe one of the ghost keep messing with reader. The triplets ship with whichever boy you choose. If it’s not asking too much, this would be awesome.
AUTHOR NOTES: Hey anon!! Yes i do take requests and i'm so glad you asked. I hope it’ll be good, just know that English is not my first language. (I also changed some details from the video so it’s more interesting) <3
I actually don’t really like what i wrote but the request was so funny i wanted to try.it is actually really different from what i usually write so i hope it's not bad. (I also gave a name to the O/C because i usually do)
𝐶𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑡 • 𝐶.𝐵.
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SUMMARY: You're the triplets sister (a year younger)you have your own ytb channel but you are also on the boys videos so when Sam and Colby invinted them for a Collab they also asked if you wanted to be there as well.
PAIRING: Colby Brock X Fem reader
WARNING: ghosts,haunted location,paranormal stuff happening to you, named O/C and bad words?
It is finally the day. 2 months ago Sam and Colby dmed The triplets to do the collab the fans been waiting for. And since Nick and I are obsesed with their videos he asked them if I could be there and Colby almost immediatly answerd saying that when they asked them for the collab i was obviously in the deal. I actually think the boys got more excited about the message than me since they know I got a crush on Colby.
Nick: "Ana! wear emo clothes, Colby is emo he would love it. " I laugh at is comment but ignore him, I really hope none of them will make comments like that tonight or it will be so embarrassing.
We just arrived at the hotel and we were welcomed by Sam and Colby who were both waiting for us, We walk to them and as i was talking with Matt he cuts me mid-sentence to say that Colby was starring at me, a comment that I couldn't answer to because of them standing in front of us. the boys shakes each others hand while I kinda stand there awardly.
Matt: "Ana say hello they don't bite. "
Colby. "Unless you ask, I actually don't. " We all laugh at his comment as i quickly apologize and walk to Sam and hug him quickly, i then do the same with Colby awkwardly. We all talk for a bit and they explain how they are organizing the night.
"What's up guys its Sam and Colby"
"today is finally the day, the Collab with the Sturniolo is here".
They turn the cam to us and try to figure out and explain who is who. And that’s when i step in to try to explain myself.
"its simple, Nick is the one with the nose piercing and the while shirts, Chris is the one with the hat on, and Matt is the other one. "
Matt looks at me acting chocked that I have nothing more to say about him and Colby turned the camera to me when I started talking and followed my explanation with the boys. Showing each boy once there name were pronounced.
Sam: "it's simple for you they're you're brother! " Chris then walked to me and huged me like a baby like he always does. "don't talk to my baby like that young man.” he said trying to acts serious when was actually laughing. And Matt started to argue playfully with him "Chris stop that how do you want her to get a boyfriend if you act like a crazy possessive older brother
we all laugh at their little argument and the tour guide starts the explanation, she explains that the most active spirit is at years old little girl named Samantha and she actually tickle people or just touch them. Funny, a little girl again, sam just have a thing with little girls, not in the weird way the
"Sam is leaving this place with a Brand new little girl in his ass.” I said laughing along with them as Matt and Chris were looking at me weirdly with a eyebrow raised sam points then the camera to me. Sam: "huge fan of the channel aren't you?” He was smirking like a creep but i just buster out laughing at his face.
"She's obsesed with your vids man. "And here it goes Nick started to say crazy things like that and now it's embarassing. I naturally turn my head to Colby to see what his face was letting out and he was already looking at me with a slight smile. Tour guide: "Ana you may stop laughing after knowing that Samantha is mostly active with woman so you may experience more things than them." my eyes opens widely and i actually starts to get scared. Colby seems to notice it because he puts his arm around my shoulder and ask, "but no evil spirit here right? "
"none of them are evil no. Samantha is playful but in the Maximillian room there is Empress Carlota and she may get jealous because she'll think you went in the room to seduce and steal her husband". Everyone look to me while I don't know what to say. We are now in front of a painting of a little girl, the painting actually looks greenish but I don't even have the time to ask why because the tour guide talks about it first explaining that they keep getting it cleaned it just go back to green every time.
While the tour guide talks about the story of Samantha i keep feeling like people are watching us so I turn around every few minutes and its when I turn back to the guide that footsteps are heard behind us, like someone is running around. We are all freaked out and suddenly I feel like someone is tugging my sleeve.
"Matt stop that right now this is not funny at all” he looks at me like I'm crazy and i explain what just happened. Colby who was standing next to me puts an arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him “i'm here don’t worry”.
We finally finished the tour and even the tour by itself was scary. We are starting the investigation by the maximillion room with all of the mirrors. And also the room where i apparently might get targeted.
"Okay guys so we are back in the maximillian room,” Colby starts his intro while Sam is holding the camera and my brothers and i are standing next to him. "This room is apparently haunted by Empress Carlota who lost her husband but also get very jealous of woman that enters this room because she's scared they want to steal her husband.” I smile at the camera to not seem mean and laugh a little when Matt starts saying that it is a good thing that they have a sister.
We then starts the investigation by standing in front of a mirror and we are just supposed to stare at ourselves for a few minutes nothings happens but later i see my face getting sad? like i was about to cry. I don't know if i can talk while doing this so i don't say anything and keep looking. after a few more seconds it's like some tears are rolling down my cheeks. And that's when a woman appears looking angry she watch me from a far before walking slowly to me appearing angrier with each step.
When she only some inches "behind me" i close my eyes and face away from the mirror. Nick who was standing next to me with Sam immediatly turn his head to me "Ana is everything alright? What did you see? "Nick ask as he hug me "I'm fine it surprised me” i say leaving his arms and walking to a bench. They all sit with me either on the bench or on the floor. Sam ask if he can record while i explain what i saw, i accept so i starts explaining everything.
Once i explained everything they all seem surprised but also worried I'll be okay after our little pause Sam and Colby install a rope who has multiple led on it while i continue to talk with my brothers.
Colby POV:
I knew something would happen and I couldn't even be near to reassure her. The tug in front of the painting and now that? I'm starting to get scared for the rest of thenight. We're installing the light rope and we are gonna use the ovulus which is super scary with what just happened
(Ana's POV)
they just finished explaining what we are about to do and it scares me a little knowing the person i saw in the mirror might be here and talk to us. As soon as Sam turned the ovulus on we heard a word. Which apparently is pretty rare to work this fast.
"What about girls? "asked Colby. "the fact that Carlota is just jealous of you when i could try to seduce her husband to.” We all look at Nick before laughing at his comment.
must..... leave.
"Who must leave? " Matt asked. “Me. It said girls and then must leave. "
"No, you're not going anywhere. They are not the one in charge here” we all turned our heads to Colby when he started to talk. We were all surprised by how annoyed he looked.
it's when a new word appeared that we stopped staring at him. "What are they talking about? "Sam looked at Chris who just said the comment. "Christopher are you stupid? Theythinks Ana and Colby are dating.” I look at Nick amused While he is arguing with Chris. I was about to deny their statement when Colby talked "Yes we are.” Colby said pulling me closer to him. I turn my head to him confused. We're not dating? Why did he said yes? My brothers looks at me even more surprised that I was after that the ovulus didn't spelled any more words and the light rope didn't lighted up at all.
We decided to leave the room after 30 min of asking question and not receiving any answers. During those 30 min Colby acted like he was my boyfriend
while I was kind of lost. Once the door was closed behind us i let go of his hand
that was holding mine. "Why did you said that you guys were dating? "asked his best friends with a smirk we could all see. I obviously to the concerned one to listen to his answer. "I thought that Carlota or whatever her name is, she won't do anything to Ana since she was in a "relationship"». He replied naturally by mimicking inverted commas with his fingers. I smiled to thank him.
We then walked back too the room where we went earlier when it smelled terrible. On the way there I was walking with Nick and Matt who mere joking about how kind Colby was to me. Once all the camera were installed they pressed the rec button and started filming. We are going to do the famous Estes method.
it is actually something that look easy beet in reality is pretty hard because you have to concentrate a lot on what you ear in the headphone and trust the peoples in the room with you. Nick and Chris wanted to starts and since Matt and I wanted to do it to we are going to do Ir right after but in the bathroom since it is actually pretty active.
Nick and Chris are now sat on a couch blind folded with headphones on and a spirit box each in there hand «hi» said Chris and Nick almost talk at the same time saying «hello» we greeted whoever was there and before we could ask for a name Chris said «gorgeous».
So Matt who was sat next to me asked «who is gorgeous?» and Nick answered «the girl» Sam, Colby and Matt turned there head to me waiting to see what would say «well thank you very much, who are we talking to right now?» the two bestfriends turned back there camera to the two siblings at the right time because they answer almost at the same time «its not important» and «you don't need to know»
This answer confused all of us how many person are in the room beside the 6 of us right now?» asked the tall emo looking guy. Nick answered «3» before Chris talked saying «mine» we were even more confused sosam asked « what do you mean mine? What is yours?» Nick then said « I heard like it growled? Like when you are annoyed? » all the boys looked at each others while I couldn't take me eyes of my brothers waiting for an answer.
«It said "she's mine” in a fucking deep voice it scared the shit out of me » I wanted to laugh but was still confused by who it was talking about. «Maybe it's Carlotta since you guys kept complimenting her earlier? Maybe it's her husband? » I said trying to explain what was happening.« can you confirm that? Are you talking about empires carlota?» asked the blond ghost hunter.
Nick quickly take the headphones off and slowly get rid of the blindfold. «What's wrong Nick?» Matt ask worried. «I heard like a malefic laugh freaking psychotic laugh » we all frown confused and Chris not knowing what just happened continue «no, not carlota...» Chris then freeze and don't continue the sentence he just started,he also take off the blind fold and the headphones and just stares at me almost like he is scared, he then look at everyone «it said "Ana, silly." like not Carlotta , Ana »
We were all getting scared so we decided to take a little pause outside. I was talking with Sam and wick a little afar from the rest of the group talking about life and our respective Chanel « Colby actually love what you post on social media,he always ask if saw your last post» he said laughing, Nick looked at me with big eyes before speaking «Ana and I are obsessed with your channel that we even made up a rule that we cannot watch the newest video without each other.obviously Ana is the one that came up with that rule ».
I slapped his chest my hand laughing « don't act so annoyed with this rule because the only timed broke that rule I had to do your chores for an entire week.»
I walk to the other little group and as i was walking away i heard nick asking « is he in love with her by any chance? » this is so embarrassing.
After 20 min of talking to take a little break we went back in the hotel room and Sam and Colby started to record again and explained to the viewers that Matt and I are going to do the Estes method in the bathroom. Matt sits on the toilets while i sits on a chair we took from the bedroom. Nick and Chris are sitting on the floor Sam is standing in front of us and Colby is standing behind me in the shower.
Matt and I put the blindfold and the headphones on. The static sound in my ears is slowly getting louder as I concentrate on what could hear.
Colby POV:
Matt and Ana are listening to the spirit box and it's time to ask some questions «Matt , Ana can you hear us?» I ask and none of them answer. « behind her» Matt says. They are all confused while I am scared it the same spirit from the bedroom who was being weird. « behind who?» asked my best friend behind the camera. « it said my name guys» Ana, who looks terrified that it said her name again.
« I thinks it's the same person from the bedroom » said one of her older brother, Ana's leg was shaking from the stress but she quickly stoped and putted her own hand on her knee smiling. «are you talking about Colby? The person behind Ana » Nick asked and almost immediately the two sibling answered « yeah.» everyone looked at me. « what about me?» I asked. I'm sure it is the same spirit from earlier. «You're not welcomed here » and «leave» came out of their mouth
« hell no. I'm not going any where. Why should I leave?» I was getting annoyed as time went by. I knew why they wanted me away it's simply because they could get to Ana way easier. And as we thought no one answered that question. After a few seconds of silence Chris came out with a great question. « why are you still here?» we looked at the two sibling waiting for an answer. « are you stuck here or can you go to multiple places?» we wait again for an answer and Ana is the one breaking the silence « great here».
«So you stay here because you like it here?» I asked « maybe they stay here because they like it but could go anywhere if they wanted to?» Sam said and after a few seconds Matt started giggling « it said "you got it blond boy" in a very happy way, almost celebrating ». We all laughed a bit but we stopped when Ana started to rub her arm like crazy like she was freezing we were all getting concerned «I'm in love.» Ana said. « who are you in love with?» I asked. « it keep saying Ana's name like "ana.ana.ana.ana" it's getting weird » Matt is right it is really getting weird « Colby could you not press yourself on my shoulder like that please».
We all looked at her and started to really get scared, since I was really close behind her took a step back my back was know against the wall.« tell her it's not Colby.». Matt took the headphones and blindfold off just like his brothers did earlier and as he was about to speak Ana did. « it whispered "it's just us now" what the fuck»
Matt looked at us surprised while we were all used to the crazy thing it keep saying « I took mine off because it screamed in my ears. It scared the fuck out of me» I listened to him but I then remembered what Ana said as soon as Matt took of the headphones « it's not only the two of you we are still here. »
I said and Ana quickly answered « wow! I heard like an annoyed growl and then it said shut it!» they all smiled surprised « did dit really told you to shut it? That's crazy » Matt said. « it been super rude to Colby the whole time,do you think the spirit is in love with Ana?»Nick asked. «I mean they could but they have to remember that Ana is 19 and as sadly as it sounds they are dead so... » we all laugh and Ana said « you'll be dead too soon » this is getting really dark, I exchange a glance with Sam that confirm my thought.
« someday she'll be mine » the three brothers looked really worried « isn't this going too dark guys?» Nick asked I obviously agree and tap on Ana's shoulder so she know we've done and when she takes off the head phones we all hear in a deep voice « I'll stay with her » which freaks us all out. « oh, hell no. Packs your shit we're leaving » I said as I rushed out of the bathroom holding Ana's hand.
Ana's POV
Colby and I left the hotel room he was holding my hand, we were in the hallway when I stopped walking forcing him to stop with me. « stop! Stop! What the hell happened? Why did we leave like that? » I asked loudly really scared « what about my brothers? And Sam?» «i was getting out of hand! It was dangerous for you Ana!»
« so it is for them, let's get-» Colby cut me off « Ana, Ana stop calm down. Sam know what to do. it was getting dangerous for you. Not for Matt not for Chris for you. The spirit wanted you.»
I was shocked, I had no idea why he was saying that but I started to remember some things that I repeated earlier during the Estes method « I'm in love » or even when it said « it's just us now »
« I have to protect you,I am the one that know that stuff. So let's get you out of here and clean you » we starts to walk toward the exit of the hotel again « look I know this seem crazy but it's very serious. » we are now in front of the hotel I just texted Matt saying we're walking a little bit.«…so that's basically it. we think their was a spirit that fell in love with you and was maybe a little too obsessive »
« do you have a name for that spirit?» I asked curiously « why? Are you interested?» he asked with a little smile, I laugh looking at him « no, not really » I said still laughing a little. « why not? Are you already seeing somebody else?» but now it was not a smile anymore more like a smirk. « no I'm not, but... Let's say I like someone» there is no way I just said that I like someone to the someone I'm talking about. I kept looking at him, I wanted to see his reaction he looked surprised? « on yeah? Some guy you know?».
No don't ask I don't wanna say that. Not to you.« well…It's something like that i guess?» thank god we're outside in the night because I know i am blushing.« what do you mean something like that? Who is it? » and here it is. He asked. « well...» I don't know how I'm supposed to say that I've been having the biggest crush on him for some month now.« if I tell you my crush would you tell me yours?» I nod to him thinking that if he say someone else I'll invent a random guy.
His hand find my cheeks to caress it gently, smiling. He gets closer to me « you. You're my crush » I look at him smiling widely more than happy, he was still staring at me, well it looked like he was more staring at my lips. I was also looking at his and after a few seconds he leaned in and our lips finally connected.« you're my crush too » was all I said before kissing him again.
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paddockletters · 1 year
I would never get that effect on you | pablo gavi and pedri gonzalez
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part 2 of i'll take the opportunity summary: after sharing an awkward moment with Gavi and Pedri, they will try to get you but on the day of the match, one of them will let you be happy and he will end up heartbroken, because he will realise that you have always loved him. pairing: pablo gavi x reader ; pedri gonzalez x reader warnings: some angst, hard decision, a broken heart words count: 3.1 k —wow, the longest fic i've ever written—. author's note: finally here is the second part of this fic. You don't know how much I suffered trying to choose one of them, but you guys already had your favourite, so… I hope you liked it as much as I did! just to let you know again, english is not my first language so pardon me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me—
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A couple of days had passed since that awkward breakfast with the boys.
Both Pedri and Pablo had sent you messages apologising for what had happened and you honestly didn't know what to think.
It was clear that something was going on between the three of you. Pedri's attitudes did seem a bit strange to you because he acted like he was jealous, although you wouldn't know exactly the reason. With Gavi, on the other hand, you knew there was something between you.
Although Pedri had promised to come to pick you up at the university one day after the breakfast you had had, you cancelled him because your head was a mess and seeing him wasn't going to help, although that day when you got home you found a box in your room. You had asked your mother about it and she had only told you that the delivery company had left it.
When you opened it you found Gavi's shirt, you put it close to your nose and you noticed the smell of fabric softener and his perfume, and also a note from him.
"Sorry for what happened the other day, I will keep my promise and I hope you will too" you couldn't help but smile, he couldn't be more caring.
By now you knew what to wear to the match.
It was Friday afternoon when you had received a message from Pedri asking if he would pick you up on Saturday to go to the match, you weren't sure but you still agreed, you didn't want to lose your friendship with him.
You were about to have dinner when there was a knock on your door, which was strange because it was 8 pm. "Who could it be?" you thought.
To your surprise it was Gavi, "but what was he doing here if it was late and he had a very important game tomorrow" you thought.
"Pablo, what are you doing here?" you asked as you stepped aside to let him into your house.
"hey y/n wanted to see you before the game" He said to you while scratching the back of his neck, he's nervous. "sorry if I didn't tell you"
"yeah yeah, no worries, I was actually just about to have dinner, do you want some?" You smiled at him as you headed to the kitchen. "It's chicken and vegetables, something without so many calories."
"sure, thanks for your interest" he said to which you both smiled.
"I have to, I'm worried you won't be able to score a goal tomorrow" you smiled at him and shook his elbow.
“que va, que lo de marcar el gol ya está hecho" scoring the goal has been done already
You both picked up your plates and sat down at the kitchen island.
"Well, have you spoken to Pedri?" Gavi asked without being able to help himself.
The last thing you wanted was for it to get awkward and he wasn't helping, why are boys so dumb?
"Yeah, in fact, we agreed that tomorrow he would pick me up to go to the game together" You told him in response he tensed his jaw.
"Cool" he thought.
" Awesome" He said to you and you managed to catch the sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah, but good. Tell me, are you ready for tomorrow?" you said to change the subject.
"Well, I'm excited and confident that we'll manage to win".
So you continued chatting about other topics until he decided it was time to leave because tomorrow he had to get up early to go training before the match and other interview duties.
"I'll see you tomorrow, and I hope to see you in my shirt," he said as he winked at you.
"Okay, okay. Good luck tomorrow!" You were both already at your front door.
"Thank you, and I'll do my best to get that goal". He said as he said goodbye and gave you a kiss on the cheek and you smiled.
You watched as he got in the Uber and left.
The next day, you hurried to change into the shirt Gavi had given you, jeans, trainers and a coat on top.
Soon, you received a text from Pedri letting you know he was arriving at your house.
As you got into the car, you smiled at him.
"Hi, how are you? he asked and you could smell his perfume. How good he smelled.
"You smell great". You regret when the words come out of your mouth.
Why did you say that?
"Yeah, really? Thank you, you always smell so good." He says as you blush.
"Well... Are you ready for the game?" You ask him as he starts driving.
"I'm excited, and I know we'll win." He said smiling at you.
"I like that confidence, I know you will."
"Just to let you know, I'm not forgetting about the goal."
Jeez, you didn't know how you would handle the fact that if he and Gavi scored a goal and they would dedicate it. You didn't know at this point if you wanted to.
"Okay, I don't forget either." You gave him a somewhat forced smile.
"Put on some music I know you have good taste" He gave you his phone, ok... a lot of confidence, "I like it" you thought.
Inevitably you put on a song that you had stuck to thanks to Tik Tol and that somehow reminded you of Pedri because of the video a teammate of his had posted of him singing and yes, you were obsessed with that song.
“Estoy perdido en el club buscando dónde respirar bien o que me entienda alguien, caras conocidas muchas, pero amigos nadie. Dale, caile uh, uh” You both sang smiling.
"It's my favourite song right now, I swear" He tells you as he looks at you sideways.
"Pedri, it's mine too. You should know I've had an obsession with it ever since I saw that video of you singing it." You give him a slight nudge.
"Glad to know we have good tastes, me most of all." He said and winked at you and you smiled.
Was that a hint? Probably.
We continued our journey in comfortable silence listening to the music.
This afternoon was a bit warm, so you decided to take off your coat, just to stay in Gavi's shirt. Pedri turns to look at you.
"Look, you're wearing the team jersey". He smiles at you.
"Pedri, I come with all the attitude. Gavi gave it to me". You say and instantly regret it.
"Ah, ok" He mumbles and from then on you are silent.
He seems very focused on the road with his brows furrowed. You're worried that something has happened to him, or that you've said something to upset him. He's quite serious and not very talkative, which is unusual for him.
I'm so focused on watching him that I realise too late that we've arrived at the Camp Nou. There were already too many cars.
As we walk into the stadium, he turns to look at me.
"OK, I'll take you to the stands. That's where Gavi gave you the tickets, right?" He said.
"No, actually, he gave me to be behind you, behind the dugout." You said, to which he nodded. "Come on I'll take you."
With that, you both headed down some corridors, and finally arrived at your seat.
"I'll leave you here, you already know where to buy food if you want. My brother is actually a few seats away, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask him".
"Thanks Pedri, good luck. I strongly believe that you will get the win". You tell him and give him a hug.
"Thank you y/n, it means a lot to me". He said in your ear, and with that he left smiling.
While you were waiting for the match to start, you were looking at your phone and chatting with a friend. Soon, the boys started to come out of the tunnel as the game started and you could see the two boys trying to find you and when they both found you, they waved at you, and you smiled back at them.
Gavi when he saw that Pedri was also waving at you made that typical face of his, he became serious and tensed his jaw.
"I must score before him". Gavi thought and Pedri did too.
Both of them could define this match as the most important in their lives, and it was because of you.
The match had not gone the way Gavi or Pedri would have liked, the visiting team had scored a goal in just the first 24 minutes, now it was almost the end of the half and Barcelona could not score a goal.
Finally, the long awaited goal came and it was from none other than Gavi. The fans were shouting like crazy for his goal, you shouted in the same way, you were happy because he had managed to score a goal, the first one for his team. The illusion of him dedicating the goal to you was still there, he came closer to where you were and pointed at you while you watched him say " To you, I promised you".
You had a huge smile on your face and you were sure that you were extremely blushing, and even more with the fact that all the people were watching you.
On the other hand, Pedri's blood was boiling. He couldn't believe that Gavi had scored a goal before him. In another situation he wouldn't have been angry and he would have been with his team celebrating, but no, you were there, watching them both play and Pablo, he was ahead.
"Gavi, I thought you understood". Pedri said to him once they were walking down the tunnel.
"What are you talking about? Did you want me to pass you the ball?" Gavi answered him, clearly he knew what he was talking about, but he was playing dumb.
“Tío, no te hagas el tonto” man, don't play dumb. “You know it. I told you I like y/n and I'd go for it”. Pedri said angrily.
"And I told you I wouldn't stay away, I've seen her first. I'm sure that whatever exists between me and her is stronger than what you're trying to build. No me hagas cabrear, por favor" I ask you not to piss me off . Gavi said angrily and walked away.
Pedri was extremely wrong if he thought he would have a thing with you. The moment he saw that Gavi almost had you, he was trying to interfere, well he was a prick if he thought he would get anything.
Back to the match, both boys were more motivated and not only because of the encouraging words their coach Xavi gave them, but also from the fact that they wanted to prove something to a specific person. You.
You watched as the two boys were moving around the pitch trying to take the ball and score a goal, however, they were failing to get the last one.
It was 76 minutes and the second long awaited goal Gavi arrived and everyone celebrated by shouting and jumping up and down. You couldn't be happier for him as you knew how excited he was to score goals, you were proud of him.
Gavi was also on cloud nine with happiness, it was being a great day for him.
Pedri turned to see you and noticed the big smile you had, he could swear that even your cheeks hurt from smiling. He felt sad, angry with himself for not being able to score a goal; jealous to see that you were wearing Gavi's jersey instead of his. Gavi right now was the star of the match.
"Congrats man, what a goal" Pedri came over to hug Gavi.
"Thanks mate, you assisted me to score it". He smiled at him.
The match came to an end, with Barcelona being the winners.
You leave the pitch to wait for both boys in the family area. You were so happy because the team had won and obviously, because of Gavi's goals, however, you also felt sad for Pedri. You couldn't imagine how disappointed he might be that he didn't score a goal, even though he assisted Gavi's goal.
About an hour passed before Pedri appeared down the corridor with his other teammates and although he was smiling, it wasn't the lovely smile he had, it didn't reach his eyes.
When he reaches you, he immediately hugs you. You close your eyes as he pulls you close to his body and you bury your face in his neck. There it was, the smell of his perfume and soap, he was so freshly showered.
" I want you to know that I'm so proud of you" You whisper in his ear and he hugs you tighter.
"Hey, are you okay?" You ask him and you feel him nod his head.
"Yeah, no worries." He says and pulls away just a little to press a kiss to your hair. "I'm just a little disappointed that I didn't score the goal I promised you."
"Pedri... it's okay, you played amazing. I'm really happy just to see you doing what you love, that's all that matters, okay? And I want your shirt though" You tell him smiling and stroking his arm.
"I'll give it to you, just let me wash it and I guess today hasn't been my day, but I understood something today, so... Well, I'm glad you came". He tells you with a sort of half-hearted smile.
"The good thing is..." You don't finish your sentence because you just see over Pedri's shoulder that Gavi is coming towards you, smiling.
When Pedri saw that you didn't finish speaking, he turned to look in the direction you were looking and then he saw him. Again he looked back at you, you had a smile that you had never given him, he could swear that your eyes were shining as you looked at Gavi and he had the same reaction as you. You were definitely meant to be together, he understood that. "I would never get that effect on you". he thought
"Y/N! DID YOU SEE IT!!! WE DID IT!" Gavi shouted as he came with hurried strides towards you.
"YOU DID IT GAVI! I'M SO PROUD!" you told him as you gave him a hug and he carried you and spun around.
"I promised you and it wasn't just one goal, it was two" He told you as he put you down. He had a grin from ear to ear and it was contagious.
You were so happy it just looked like there were just the two of you in that room, looking so in love.
"That was a great match Gavi, you were amazing." "Thank you, you were bringing me luck too." He said to you and you blushed.
"Maybe, maybe..." you said playfully.
"Really, bonita, thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to me, and now with all this I wanted to tell you something." Gavi looked nervous.
"Well guys, I'll leave you. See you tomorrow Gavi, bye y/n." Pedri said with an awkward smile.
You had completely forgotten about him, it hadn't been on purpose, but since you saw Gavi just...
"Pedri, stay." You said, turning to look at him.
"No, I'm going to have dinner with my family. Don't worry." He said as he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Congratulations Gavi, you deserve it". Pedri said to Gavi as he also went over to hug him.
Maybe, just maybe those words had a hidden meaning.
"Sorry for how I behaved. Really, you guys are good for each other. Take care of her, she's amazing." Pedri whispered in Gavi's ear.
" Tío..." mate Gavi said. " You are meant to be together." With that Pedri pulled away from him and started to walk away from you.
"I feel sorry for Pedri, he's kind of down" You say to Gavi as you walk down the corridors of the stadium.
"I know". Gavi says.
"He's an amazing player and guy. were you telling me something earlier?" You say as you stop in the hallway and turn to look at him.
"Yeah, I wanted to tell you that...shit, I can't do it."
"Gavi, take it easy," you tell him as you take his hand.
"I just don't know how to start. Well, from the moment we met I knew you were a super nice girl, amazing, also to mention that you are gorgeous. I felt like we connected immediately, I feel like you understand me like no one else. When we are alone or with friends, sometimes I get lost watching you and when you are around me, all my attention is on you. I could listen to you talk about what you love all day , I love to hear you laugh, especially when it's about silly things I say or jokes that aren't even funny, my thoughts are all about you, I want everything with you.
When I say that it's because I want absolutely everything. I want to celebrate goals, victories, championships with you. But also, I want to be in your arms when I have a bad day. I also want to be with you when you're sad or happy because of your exams. I want to be with you in..." You didn't let him finish because you wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him.
"I want that with you too Pablo, maybe it took us a while to realize it, but it's better late than never". You told him smiling, you were incredibly happy.
"Well then... do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked you as he hugged you around the waist and brought his face close to yours.
"Of course I do, silly." You said and you brought your lips together again in a kiss, but this time with more intensity, it was a kiss full of love, feelings.
It was just the two of you, everyone had understood that you were meant to be together.
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randomgentlefolk · 2 months
One last...One last review...before...*gasp for air*...it all fall into the pit of daily pass...*dramatically fall into the ground*
ALL THOSE CHAPTERS. Those were some damn rollercoasters. And yet with everything we've been through, we're finally here...
Let's get right into it
JACK FINALLY REUNITING WITH LEELATHAE!! Relationship goal fr <3 This whole Leelathae portrait stuff is actually making me curious about some things. For instance like, does Leelathe still sleep? I mean, she's pretty much a spirit now, right? Does she still do daily human acitivities, or does she roam around the castle all day?
It's awesome to see what the pastel siblings are doing now! :D
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First of all, Lorena definitely deserve that A+++++. No questions asked. Hopefully this can make up for her whole grade, considering she said she has never gotten an A in her entire life XD
I love how Maria is becoming really ambitious towards her dream!
And Gwen bonding with her mom's side of the family <3 That is simply so sweet. It looks like Jamie love those food XD I wonder what are the recipes for those dishes.
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Also pretty curious what those little beads are! I assume they are berries?
Jamie and Leopold creating lots of paintings so Leelathae can venture around!! Since Leelathae can also visit dreams, do you think she visits each of her children's dream every night?
Old guard name reveal HECK YEAH!! I've been waiting for that. So happy he got all those recognitions and promotion!!
And Becket getting demoted lmaoo
Is it rude for me to say that with what Beckett did before the invasion (ignore Frederick), and how he immediately decided to confess to Maria without any consideration for the room, he kindaa had it coming? xd I get that he was excited but don't just do that man.
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Just wanted to say I absolutely love Lorena's outfit in this panel! Between all of the pastel siblings, her fashion style has always been my favorite. VOTE QUEEN LORENA WOOOOO!!!!
Everyone's getting their appreciations like they deserve!! I'm happy for everyone.
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The Cursed Princess Club!! Everyone may have a hard time accepting them at first but they always have their family and friends' back <3 Love how Tori is just "CLAP YOU HEATHENS" Lmao XD
Also the fact that Whitney is just standing there so awkwardly :') he looks like the standing emoji.
Welp, out of the town and to the prison we go~
Leland not getting any visitors in the prison is honestly a really good punishment; a painful one too. How we see in the last chapters about how he realized that Jack actually love him and he has a breakdown, Isolde's speech to him about what else could he possible want, realizing that this whole time he has had everything. And now he's rotting in jail losing everything he once had. All because of envy and hatred. Just because he wasn't satisfied until he could see the man he once love the most suffer. Emotionally, that's really fucking painful.
Out of the prison we go~
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So, Pizza exist in the CPC universe? XD That's not supposed to be surprising but I was taken aback for some reason. I guess CPC is set after the 18th century, then!
I can imagine it already. With Suzie moving to the Pastel Kingdom, Lorena will definitely hang out with her almost everyday. Them sparring and eating at a cafe in their free time <3 Sometimes Lance would join too :] They would share notes!!
FINALLY THEY STOLE THE PORTRAIT BACK!! I wonder where they will hang it up? Maybe at the Cpc? Or at the Pastel Palace?
Jack declaring the cpc's forest as a protected place is so damn awesome like, he cares about his daughter's friends!! ALSO THE SPIDER TALKING ABOUT NEWEST MEMBER?? I wonder who...
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This panel is everything for me.
BENEDICT IS SO DAMN DEVOTED WHAT??? BRO He tricked the sea cucumber to curse him so he can find his lover!!! (This sounds so confusing out of context lmao) TRUE RELATIONSHIP GOAL.
BLAQUELYN LOOKS SO PRETTY???? I LOVE HER FASHION STYLE SO MUCH!! She rocks that outfit fr!! But Greyden 💀 Deep down I'm still wondering how very little of his hair could make a whole damn coat..
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Holy shit. First of all another point about the outfits cause I loveee observing everyone's outfit!! Their wedding dress is absolutely!! Pretty!!! The details Lambcat put is amazing. I can see that Jolie's wearing high heels, so can we assume she and Nell has the same height? Absolutely adore how Jolie's dress has ruffles look while Nell's more silky!!
The wedding's decoration is totally magical too!! It looks so majestic and angelic.
Celso and Aurelia is a couple I would never expect but honestly? I'm not complaining. Imagine their date is them sitting at a cafe right at the window seats, watching people outside while roasting each one of them <3 Dream date fr
I do hope it's true love though because if not, R.I.P Celso XD
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Holy shit.. EVERYONE PLEASE, ALLOW ME TO MAKE YET ANOTHER FASHION REVIEW. BECAUSE GOODNESS GRACIOUS THIS DRESS IS MAKING ME SWOON. OKAY DAMN YOU GO MARIA YOU GO. First of all the blue fabric looks so metallic, I love that!! The light blue glittery ruffles with little pearls on its edges are also gorgeous. I love the lace necklace complimenting the dress and especially, I fricking love the blue transculent fabric on her arms!!! She looks so graceful.
She got noticed by her idol!!! That is so dang amazing. How she looks in the album cover is also just, woah.
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Blaine buddy you cannot just do that. You cannot just. No. Please I'm begging you, reunite with your family. You can go on ahead with your self discovery journey, of course! But at least visit them once or twice :') Your mom is real worried about you, man...
I hope there's going to be a spin off or something about Blaine's journey...
Monika opening her jewelry store and achieving her dream!! So proud of her :D and Gwen opening her own bakery!!
Unfortunately I've run out of picture space...
Gwen can finally see her own reflection I am so proud of her :') She love herself!!
Goodness...Leelathae's letter... I need a moment to sob.
I fricking love the message this webtoon gives, man. It's just so damn wholesome and important. Beauty is on the inside. It's a simple message but damn it really is important to understand that message!!
Gwen is wearing braids Y'ALL 😭😭 SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL
Okay, I'm wondering about something here! In the panel where the pastel family are having breakfast together, we can see Leelathae eating pancakes in her portrait too! Does this mean she can eat? Can food be transported to portraits? Or did Leopold paint a pancake or smth XD
Gwen and Frederick holding hands in front of the CPC building while being surrounded by sunflowers which once scare Frederick but now he looks so happy and in peace. I'm so glad everyone each got their deserved ending :')
Well, I suppose this is the last review, then. That's kind of sad, to be honest. But I've loved writing each of my reviews, and I want to say thank you to people who have interracted with them. I always love hearing y'all's thought and theories!! Maybe one day I'll find a new webtoon series which I can write these reviews on!! But for now, this shall be the last cpc review I write!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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gummyfang · 10 months
Hey, I wanted to let you know that I love your writing, your mind is brilliant 🫶
I don’t normally send in asks, but I saw that you’re open to writing for Anakin, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to make some nsfw head cannons for him? I’d especially love to hear your sub Anakin thoughts because I lot of the content I see about him writes him in a more dominant way (which is awesome, but I’m personally obsessed with submissive anakin)
Once again, you are such a gifted author, thank you for sharing your work 💕
HHHH THANK U SO MUCH FOR UR KIND WORDS <33 honestly I have so many specific interps for Anakin in NSFW situations so I'm excited to share my thoughts. NSFW below read more, duh
♡♡♡ |   ˗ˏˋ Anakin Skywalker NSFW headcanons  ´ˎ˗
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Ok first things first I have some strong opinions about what he doesn't do, firstly his experience levels.
Because let's be real, if you're his partner in the first place, you're his first. Anakin is a space monk . The code he lives by essentially forces him into celibacy. Now, we know Anakin tends to discard those rules if he believes the situation calls for a different approach, but he can't do so without caution.
Also, I dunno, he seems so romantically ride or die I don't really see him as someone who'd sneak out and sleep around. Point being, his experience before getting together with you is zero.
He can't find the clit at first.
Be patient with him.
I will say this though, Anakin is an experimental person and not afraid to try new things at the risk of them not working out. This is definitely something that extends to the bedroom. He doesn't exactly have sources to get new positions from so he's just gonna tangle your legs around him in every way he can think of, all to find that new angle that he can fuck you that much better at.
And if it doesn't work, he would much prefer honesty over being told it's fine. This extends to everything in the bedroom tbh, safewords are sacred to him and he takes your comfort very seriously.
Now the perhaps more controversial take. Anakin is a switch for sure, but he has some pretty hard limits when it comes to either.
Dom Anakin
I cannot see him being into degrading you, honestly. Anakin loves you to death. You are ethereal to him. He can't cum with such filthy lies in his mouth.
Nahh Ani is praise all the way for sure. He'd brabble on about how good you look as he cums inside of you. His capacity to respond coherently goes down as he's closer to releasing but how sweetly you moan for him and how perfect you look never leaves his mind.
By extension, I don't think he'd be super into hurting you. Though he is not gonna pass up on some consensual choking and spanking.
And boy, he is mouthy.
As in literally.
While he ruts into you, he either wants his mouth on your lips, on your neck or on your chest.
When he is not babbling his praising comments to you, his mouth needs to be busy in some other way.
If you do not want marks on you, you better tell him, because he is going to have to actively stop himself from teething and sucking purple marks into your neck.
Really likes mutual masturbation as well. He tells himself he won't do it over the comms but. He will. If you or him is on a long-term trip you know damn well he doesn't have the patient to wait for either of you to come back.
Sub Anakin
Now. Sub Anakin. That is a whole other ball park.
Anakin craves control, but getting to give up every ounce of control on his own terms really arouses him.
He has some harder limits, he doesn't enjoy being in too much pain or degradation that is too harsh and personal.
But the humiliation aspects of it make him rock hard.
Honestly. He's kinda into it when he's on his knees in front of you, staring up at you with those expectant eyes, and you just barely apply some pressure on his solid crotch. Not enough for it to hurt, just for him to rut against and then make a soiled mess of his pants.
If you let him, that is. Anakin wants to be a good boy. If you tell him no he will listen.
Oh yeah he is more into sexual denial than you'd probably expect.
Orgasm denial? Hell, nothing makes him harder and whinier than making him watch you get yourself off with him unable to touch you or himself.
Or when you edge him? Make him wait until he's close to sobbing. He wouldn't cry, but if you keep going he will get real desperate.
The longer you deny him, the more he goes from bratty to begging.
HUUUUGE validation kink.
Like HUGE.
He enjoys being denied to an extent but he does want to finish on a high note. Call him a good boy, tell himhow hot he looks when he eats you out... Boy he will go feral.
Haven't written just headcanons in a while so I hope you enjoyed these rambles
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chirpingfromthebox · 13 days
Post Game 5 press session with Taylor Heise
You can find the entire interview here! Be sure to go show them some love/views/likes/nice comments/etc for the work they put in making these so accessible for everyone.
I'm putting basically the whole thing in, or I guess I'm putting in all the questions at least. I did cut out all the bits where they were having issues with their mic setup and their occasional banter while doing so. But if you want to see and hear such exciting things as people fiddling with levels while Taylor reties her hair back and people swapping mics around and doing checks, you'll definitely want to check out the full thing.
Transcription under the break.
[Taylor approaches the table and begins to sit down]
TAYLOR HEISE: I’ve never done this with my skates still on.
REPORTER: It’s a season of firsts.
TAYLOR: It really is. I would agree.
REPORTER: Taylor Heise, PWHL champion, Walter Cup champion, Ilana Kloss MVP award winner. Just put into words us.
TAYLOR HEISE: It’s hard to. You know, I’ve been honored to be part of such an unreal organization that has had our backs since day one. It’s awesome to know that this is the only pro that I know. Coming out of college and making so many strides with, whether that be the league coming together as one right after I came out of college, not quite sure where I was gonna go. But this league came a part of an amazing time and people like Kendall Coyne, Hilary Knight, anyone that’s put together hours and hours and hours to have this be a thing. And I’m very honored to be a part of it. Because like I said, it’s the only thing I know. And I haven’t had to go through the grunge of, you know, the ice times in the morning and not getting to games, not having a place to play and practice. So I’m honored to be a part of this great group.
REPORTER: Taylor, you’re the one voted MVP, but certainly a lot of big efforts from teammates tonight. Nicole Hensley, captain Kendall Coyne Schofield. Can we just get a few words about those around you and just how the entire team came together?
TAYLOR: Yeah, I’ve been ecstatic to play with Kendall and [Michela] Cava here the past few games.* Not to say that they’re the only ones that have done things, because we have had so many amazing performances from every single line on our team. And whether that comes from Liz [Scheper]’s first goal that Syd [Brodt] brought, having two really big- a big point and a big assist, big goal the other day. Nic [Hensley] playing a hell of a game- but you gotta look at Maddie Rooney too. She’s one of the ones that got us through to this point too. So both of them. And then we got Kendall, who’s not only the mom of the league, but the mom of the team. She’s someone who does everything and anything and somehow still has a child. Not really sure how she can do it all, but she does and she manages it quite well. And then Cava. I don’t know if everyone knows this but she’s a four-time champion. Back-to-back-to-back-to-back. She’s had MVPs at almost every single level. She coulda had this right now too. It’s our to share. She’s a special player. She’s someone I’ve been very honored to have played with. There’s so many amazing people on our team that deserve so many props. I couldn’t sit here and name everyone on our team, but we’re excited to go and have some fun here.
REPORTER: Taylor, first of all, congratulations.
TAYLOR HEISE: Thank you.
R: Second thing, after Game 4, you come out of that, you think you’ve won.
TH: Yeah.
R: How do you mentally reset, come back into this one ready to play, ready to go, and then pull off the victory Away in front of a raucous crowd here at Tsongas Center?
TH: Yeah. I think they robbed us in Game 4 and we all felt that very, very much so. I think to have the feeling of being a champion taken from you is one of the worst things ever. I can’t say that that’s happened to me before, other than last time.
So I think we came into today knowing if we weathered the storm the first 10 minutes we were going to come out on top as long as we put the first goal in. You know, that’s what we did. We weathered the storm and we put the first goal in. So you look at both those things and I think we had a full team effort for today. We allowed, I think, 3 shots in an amount of 20 minutes at one point? It’s hard to win a game when you get 3 shots on net like that. We’re excited to continue this with this group, but it’s just a special moment and I’m excited to share it with the girls.
REPORTER: Whirlwind year for you, Taylor. For you, to put it into perspective, Billie Jean King calling your name first overall pick, first MVP award winner.
TAYLOR: Yeah, you know, I’m not someone to make anything about me. I’ve never been like that. But you know, it’s a special moment. It’s something I’m going to chalk up to- you know, this [taps the MVP trophy] will sit, probably, in my basement somewhere. But I’m more excited about the group. I’m more excited that I get to live this life with this group of girls who has cared about me since day one. And I’ve known that they’ve had confidence in me and everything I can do. I think recently they’ve really stepped up and put their hand on my back, and made sure I knew that I was loved and cared for no matter what happens: points on the board or wins or losses.
But I just feel very loved and cared for by this group. And that’s something that we’re really happy and special to be a part of. And every team has had great years so far, but I think for us we just came out and gave everything we had at the end of the year. That’s playoff hockey. Being the fourth seed and coming in and not knowing where we were going to be at, is special.
end of interview
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three-dee-ess · 1 month
hiiii 3DS tour!!!!
from the day i first got it, i knew to name it Happiness..... nothing deep about it i just wanted to say "my mom took my Happiness away for exam week :("
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a bit of a reveal but i'm the anxious sticker placer anon haha it's still plain to this day if not for a few scratches (a lot actually but it's not that noticeable, right? qwq)
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the barcode and numbers are super faded i can't read them!! plus the scratches are much more noticeable, im not sure where most of them came from but i remember one of them is when i accidentally dropped a screwdriver on it oops
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the cartridge is pokemon black 2!! i've had this game before Happiness. yup i have a metallic rose DS lite that's sooo busted up, (well i had a coral pink DS lite before that but i got mugged when i was like 7 years old and it's gone which is a story for another time)
anyway, metallic rose had dead pixels that spread like some fungus, L button didnt work at all, buttons feel gross to press now, etc yknow normal 7 year old not knowing the value of things thing
i'd send a picture but it's back at my old house, pray that the spiders know how to play dig dig dug
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:D i'm very normal about cyrus pokemon i swear
if you check my theme plaza account you can see i also made one (1) batch of badges which is hunter x hunter badges as you can see from the folders, i'm also very normal about hunter x hunter i swear
i wanted to lay everything out without folders and arrange everything pretty but it's so hard how do all of you do it qwq
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gon folder (top left folder) are my 3DS gaammeess, i haven't played some of them bc i still got a lot of games to finish but they're there!!
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frens (i didnt make the badges other than the hunter x hunter ones btw!)
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killua folder (top right folder) contains DS... well used to, now it holds other games! i also haven't played most of them im so busy qwq
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i deleted the shortcuts for the DS games i finished, also it took me way too long how to inject GBA and other games into 3DS
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kurapika folder (bottom left folder) contains videos and movies! i figured out how to convert them but it's so hard to find download links to the movies i like now :(
also did you know the first 3 volumes of hunter x hunter are on the japanese eshop? i can't read japanese but i keep them because i like the novelty of it
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leorio folder (bottom right folder) is my homebrew and miscellaneous stuffs! self-explanatory -w-
if you have any homebrew stuffs you wanna recommend, tell meee
eek, asks only allows 10 pictures apparently so i'm gonna send another one because we're not done yet!!!!
Happiness is so awesome the crows wants an encore so i shall deliver ohoo
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activity log :D i love that the 3DS has this so we can all look back on memories and such
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and that's the day when i first got Happiness!!!! i was pretty late to the 3DS party but i stiiiillll love it if you couldn't tell i really love pokemon and that's why i wanted a 3DS so bad lol i don't think i will ever be as excited as i was holding Happiness in my hands for the first time qwq
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yknow, i still don't know how this happened
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and that's all from meee if you have any questions or wanna tell me something, go to my ask box because i don't wanna clog up three-dee-ess's notifs!! thank you for having me
galaxy style n3DSXL
thank you so much for the tour >:3c I loved reading through all of it! In depth tours like this are super interesting to me so thank you for sharing!! it makes me really happy.
I'll need to find my red 3DS again so I can share my own stats, since my grey one I use to mostly play puzzle game titles like picross, not any like, RPGs.
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