#I'm so sorry Caroline
shrikebrother · 1 year
succession characters as lps
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part two, part three
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sputnikodin · 10 months
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katierosefun · 26 days
kill the fandom cop in your head. so u can write sexc stories that might also disturb people. go crazy go stupid
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
quick thoughts that I have at mind in night: it makes me fucking mad how the writers handled Marcel and Klaus relationship.
Klaus was practically his father, and both Marcel and Klaus (and even Elijah) said a thousands of times they saw each other as father and son, because that's what they are.
But yet they practically were at each others throat 24/7. The Mikaelson (my baby girls all of them, except Mikael and Esther, they can rot) treated him like some outsider but welcomed Hayley (also my baby girl) with open arms.
(Not exactly tho, but you get my point. I could go on a whole speech about how the Mikaelson only see people they share blood with as family)
And I completely adore Hope, but why was she more important to Klaus than Marcel??? It's pushing the whole "bio kid is more important and loved that the adopted one" down our throats.
Also, I'm so mad they didn’t even get a goodbye scene in season 5. Fucking Caroline, his one night stand did, but not his own son?
I'm aware it's all fault of Julie Pl*c disgusting racist ass, but oh well.
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gratiae-mirabilia · 8 months
pls reblog + explain your answer in the tags!
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softpine · 7 months
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specialbluehens · 2 years
What are the crack theories 🎤
short version: shane is the son of the witch & the wizard & got his memories erased. boom.
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long version:
"rose what the fuck" LISTEN.
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this is known. the witch is the wizard's ex-wife. he mentions after they split she began flying around the countryside cursing everything.
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and then marnie has this dialogue when u talk to her in the ranch:
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the noise could've been anything given wtf the wizard is doing HOWEVER. u could say the terrible noise was her hearing the witch & the wizard fighting/arguing. why?
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we all know this theory. it's a very strong theory given dialogue from the wizard, caroline, pierre, & abigail herself (contradictory dialogue exists too, like saying abigail's hair is dyed & she naturally has brown hair like pierre)
but i'm adding more to this.
shane & jas are godfather & goddaughter, respectfully. shane & jas are also both marnie's nephew & niece. so?? my hc is that shane had a sibling (i go with an older sister) who got married & had jas, named shane her godfather. he avoids acknowledging his sibling's death hence why he says godfather, not uncle, & never brings the sibling up. they have hair like jas's. shane's hair is natural (it's never mentioned as dyed sooooooo)
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now. there's this smaller, not as commonly accepted theory that jas is the wizard's daughter due to her having a very similar skin tone & purple hair. i'm going with granddaughter :)
and i'm going with abigail being the biological daughter of the wizard & caroline, which would make shane & her half siblings.
but they don't know that :)
to continue down this rabbit hole, in the witch's hut are the three dark shrines. memory, selfishness, & night terrors. only two to focus on for this are memory & selfishness.
bc the wizard was going to use them.
with the way the farmer just like. has access to the witch's hut from the wizard's tower after completing the quest... that had to have been there. maybe when they were married it was just the place to keep the dark shrines & do other things. but then the wizard cheats & caroline gets pregnant with abigail.
the wizard was planning on erasing the witch's memory & turning shane & his sibling into doves to avoid consequences of his actions. at this point he feels no remorse, only that it'll be a hinderance in what he's trying to do. esp bc at this point, neither shane nor his sibling are showing they've got magical abilities like him or the witch. shane is like, 5 years old by this point (marnie is not magical, but she is the witch's sister).
the witch finds out, & their fight is the dreadful noise marnie heard. the witch keeps him from getting to the shrines but in the end, he uses smth else, a spell, to erase the memories of shane & his sibling of him & the witch, who is so angry, but she can't let him get to the shrines. her children losing their memories is better than turning into doves never to be seen again. she's able to get them to marnie, but then she makes the decision to erase marnie's memory for the sake of shane & his sibling, as well as marnie. (to stay away from the wizard).
shane & his sibling move on, end up in the foster care system (marnie believes her sister & her husband have gone missing & eventually gives up trying to remember bc it feels like ages ago). shane & his sibling visit often though, mostly during summers. but his memory wipe is why shane says he never had much of a family & why he doesn't believe in magic.
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the wizard never expects shane is become a true resident of the valley again. but when shane does, the wizard has given up by this point & has moved on. he feels remorse now, but he also doesn't try to ammend, seeing no point as it's been nearly 30 years. the witch has lost herself in her anger & curses throughout the valley as the wizard explains.
until one spirit's even when she is going to curse an unsuspecting ranch house & sees someone walking towards it. he makes her pause. he's familiar. she can't quite put her finger on it. shane goes inside, completely unaware. and that's that.
until the witch decides to go find out for herself :)
(shit hits the fan from here but this post is long enough & entering more like. story/fic territory... which i do wanna write LMAO)
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
Hi! Could you make a post of some headcannons on what alcohol the mikaelson siblings prefer to drink, and what they'd order at a bar if they weren't drinking for whatever reason - especially Elijah? we know damon drinks bourbon but i don't think anything is canon ab the mikaelsons and i was thinking ab that but i don't know anything ab alcoholic drinks and the culture around it lol bc no one really drinks in my part of the world so I'd appreciate it!
I,,, don't think I've ever done anything like this, but I can tell you what we've seen them drinking.
Freya went through a phase in which she regularly went out to bar parties after the Dahlia fiasco was done. She didn't have any favorites in particular but we do see her being very enthusiastic about Tequila. I believe she's also enjoyed her fair share of wine.
Finn, canonically, has only tried wine and tequila. I don't see him being much of a drinker, to be real with you.
Elijah has drank everything ranging from bourbon, to wine, to whiskey. If you ask me, he's a scotch kind of guy, but I don't think there's any canon basis to that. It's just me. I can also see him liking single malt whiskey in specific.
Klaus, I'm convinced he's tried every type of drink at least once. He seems, though, to most often have bourbon as well. I'm starting to think they just did not want to have to come up with that many different drinks. I will say that in my own personal opinion, Klaus would prefer stronger drinks, out of his entire family.
Kol doesn't seem like a big drinker to me. Like, he does, but only on occasions. Not casually. Wine type of guy when he has it. If offered, he'll accept other drinks, but meh.
Rebekah's a borderline alcoholic the way they have her drink but champagne and bourbon is the way to her heart, unfortunately.
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Saw someone say Caroline was "ice cold" and a "Lady Macbeth" type mainly based on the fact that she didn't go to console Roman in the church and like... don't you see how that would have made it so much worse?
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awesometothe3rd · 1 year
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the-lupine-sojourner · 5 months
Meet Alexandra Caroline Speedwagon (adopted by Speedwagon and my Phantom Blood OC, Alicia)
Here's the next of my Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OCs, Alexandra!
If you haven't seen my first OC, Alicia, here's her post!
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As before, I will include the bio!
Name: Alexandra Caroline Speedwagon 
Species: Human (Hamon user)
Age at the start of Battle Tendency: 21
Height: 5’7
Hair: Auburn with strawberry blonde highlights, Merida curls, down to the bottom of the shoulder blades.
Eyes: Hetrochromatic. Left eye is hazel and right is grey.
Skin: Fairly tan with freckles spattered over her upper half, concentrated on her face and shoulders. 
Build: Slightly stocky, but not bulky. Wider shoulders with a fairly slim waist. Muscular without being overly so. Not to be underestimated.
Outfits: Mostly button-up shirts with high-waisted pants. If it’s a more formal occasion, she’ll wear skirts or a dress, but she doesn’t really like wearing them. In winter, she wears peacoats on top with beanies and fur-lined boots. In summer, she wears shorts and short pantsuits. 
Abilities: Some Hamon uses. Mostly just the basics, but she knows the basics really well. She focused a bit more on healing than fighting. And then she trains with Lisa Lisa and got a lot better at fighting and gained some more healing tips. 
Personality: Similar to Joseph, but not quite to his level. She has more awareness of the consequences of her actions and isn't as self-centered as Joseph, but is still a goofball who will prank you or fight you at a moment’s notice. Has a lot of respect for those who earn her respect, like her parents, Erina, and Joseph to some degree. Has no respect for people who pick on others for no reason. 
Occupation: Former family headache, current CEO of the Speedwagon Foundation.
Misc: Alex must have a cup of coffee in the morning. Otherwise, she’ll be whiney and complaining of a headache all day.
She got bullied for her heterochromia when she was younger, and her and Joseph got into fights about it growing up.
Her and Joseph are protective of each other and refer to each other as siblings, which confuses a lot of people.
She’s also very protective of her family and Erina. Heaven forbid anyone threaten them. Expect to be beaten the shit out of.
She met Ceasar Zepelli at a charity gala, they danced together, and he was intrigued by her after she caught on to his Hamon kiss and got mad at him about it. Then he spoke to Speedwagon about her and got her address, sending her letters explaining himself and they become friends, then start dating a little while later, just passing their two-year anniversary when Battle Tendency starts. Joseph doesn’t approve of this Italian Casanova ‘stealing his sister’, so they still have that ‘rivals to kind of friends to best friends’ dynamic. 
Hope you guys like her! :)
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kirythestitchwitch · 1 year
assassin!Klaus/fence!Caroline au - Girl, buy a clue: he is flirting!
He was taking too long. Caroline did her best not to fidget, a bad tell at the best of times, but he brought it out in her. His careful hands–hands that could have belonged to a musician or maybe a sculptor–kept touching things and despite the gloves he wore, she would have to take a Lysol wipe to the knives after he left. 
That was hardly a logical response but Klaus Mikaelson brought that out in her.
Sliding a knife from the velvet cloth they were kept rolled in when tucked out of sight, Klaus tested the weight of it in his hand. “You always have such an eye for a well-crafted blade.” The blue of his eyes was warm as he looked at her sidelong across the knife. “I appreciate you opening your private stock to me on such short notice.”
Caroline crossed her arms. “Well, you did promise to make it worth my while. Where’s this chip?” She made her voice sound skeptical out of habit. Annoyingly, Klaus had always come through on a promise, and he wasn’t likely to start being flaky now.
A sly little smile lingered around his mouth as he slid two fingers into an inner pocket of his casual yet stylish coat and pulled on the ends of a loop of bright blue ribbon. Soon a necklace slipped free and Klaus held it out towards her, like a temptation. Caroline hesitated a moment, then put out her hand for him to drop the necklace into. It pooled in her hand, slightly warm from being next to his skin, ribbon a satin tease against her fingers.
It was a locket, blue and white enamel forget-me-nots on the lid studded with tiny diamonds. The ribbon ended in a necklace clasp. Victorian, excellently cared for, and worth a pretty penny all on its own, the necklace shown in the lights of her cozy outer showroom. She could think of several buyers in the jewelry market who would coo over this, despite the lack of original chain.
“It’s very pretty,” she allowed, prying it open to reveal a Micro SD card inside where a picture probably once resided. Gingerly, she plucked it out of the necklace. “Are you looking to sell it?” Snapping it closed, Caroline wiggled it in her hand, yes or no.
“Sell? No. It’s a bit of a momento, you see.” Klaus set the knife back down on the velvet.
“Pity.” With an underhand throw, she tossed the locket back to him, and he predictably snatched it out of the air. From behind the counter she stood behind, she pulled out a tablet and pressed the SD card into a slot in the side. Tapping her finger on the screen, she opened up the password prompt from the predictably encrypted chip.
“Don’t suppose you’ll give me the password?” She joked, starting to turn the tablet towards him.
“Caroline,” he said simply, and she paused, waiting. After a moment, he clarified. “That’s the password. ‘Caroline.’”
She stared at him for a moment, face turning inexplicably rosey. “That’s a terrible password. Someone could brute-force hack that in like five minutes.” 
Klaus looked extremely amused at this. “They’d have to take it off my person first, and after you kill the first dozen professional pickpockets, the rest tend to get the message. Still, there is the occasional stupid young one.”
Caroline shot him an appalled look as she turned the tablet back around to face her. “Please tell me you aren’t killing every teenager that tries to pickpocket you on the subway?” The mayor would have to declare another Son of Sam.
He shrugged unconcernedly. “A broken wrist seems to suffice as a deterrent,” he replied, as if he and that Ducati he had parked in the alleyway outside her showroom had any passing acquaintance with the subway. You probably couldn’t open her up in the city–although something told her that Klaus didn’t give much of a damn about speed limits–but maybe he got out of the city and let her go on the highways out of New York. She absolutely, positively, did not wish he would take her with him and let her feel that wind in her hair, nope.
Having those types of thoughts–or any others about Klaus–were off-limits. He was a client, nothing more.
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katierosefun · 8 months
actually as much as i love mike and harvey together. i feel so sad for rachel zane because imagine falling in love with your coworker and then you learn that your coworker is a fake lawyer but not only that, your coworker is a fake lawyer who would literally do anything for his boss. he'll literally leave you at the altar to go to prison for his boss. he'll try to quit his job multiple times but keep coming back because his boss asked him to come back. he'll move to seattle with you, and you'll breathe a sigh of relief because it means that it can finally just be the two of you, but then you learn that he's inviting his stupid former boss to join them. and his stupid former boss agrees. you smile because your husband is so stupid happy at the idea of working with his former boss again, but you've seen this film one too many times before, and you are going to be subject to watching your husband choose his stupid former boss-slash-friend over you again and again and again and again and again and ag
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morningstargirl666 · 1 year
TBBW C30 - Sneak Peak
Finally, I have something written for the next chapter of The Big Bad Wolf at the same time WIP Wednesday comes around in the week! Thank you to @stars-and-darkness for reading over this and helping me get Klaus' characterisation right. And kudos to Joseph Morgan for portraying such a complicated character but like damn is Klaus hard to write. I'm still not sure if I've got it spot on. But eh, this is fanfiction.
Anyways, here's part of the flashback that opens chapter 30. Fun fact: originally, I didn't plan the flashback between Sam and Klaus in chapter 27, in fact that was improvised when I started writing the chapter. However this flashback was always going to be here, as it's quite a significant one.
1992, Minnosota, Superior National Forest
North East Atlantic Pack Settlement
Klaus woke up gasping, his panicked heartbeat ringing in his ears, and as his body jerked, trying to escape the phantom hold on his heart, he reached under his pillow and grasped the handle of his dagger, sweeping it out at an opponent that wasn’t there. Only then did he freeze – back braced against the bed’s headboard, blade pointed out into the dark – realising this was not the place that haunted his dreams, nor was there a familiar figure lurking in the shadows. This was his room in Lycaon’s cabin – there to the right, upon the set of drawers, were his collection of records sat next to the antique player. To the left, beside the window where the moonlight cascaded in through, stood his easel, a half-painted canvas fixed in place and paints scattered across the surfaces nearby. He was alone. He was safe. A few doors down, he could hear Lycaon’s heart beating, breathing softly in his sleep.
Klaus lowered the dagger, his shoulders slumping as he tried to catch his breath, letting the blade fall uselessly from his fingers, down onto the bedspread. The covers were a mess of tangled sheets, the rumpled duvet cast aside in his alarm, and Klaus only waited a second for his heart to calm down before pushing his legs off the bed, landing his feet on the floor. He threw the sheets completely aside, grateful for the prickle of cool, blissful air tickling his sweat-drenched skin. And then he let his head drop into his hands, trying to ignore the way they shook as he scrunched his fingers in his hair hard enough it was nearly painful, wanting the distraction. He’d let his hair grow out a little, even since arriving at Lycaon’s. Nothing as extreme as the haircuts he had sported in earlier centuries, but the strands had grown long enough to curl into their natural state, hanging over his eyes and teasing the nape of his neck. The stubble decorating his cheeks and chin was similarly a few days too old. Enough to look unkempt.
He'd been staying with Lycaon and Sam for about a week now, adamant his stay would only be temporary. But Elijah’s continued efforts to locate him had passed being a simple annoyance and crossed into dangerously hostile territory after his brother started systematically making his way through all their family’s estates, looking for Klaus with vicious efficiency, compelling the staff, even slaughtering the rare few vampires bound by loyalty when they denied him information. Elijah had even taken to, in a rare show of pettiness and rage, burning any art pieces he found, leaving the ashes for Klaus to find (or for his minions to report back about – Klaus was not foolish enough to show his face in person, well aware Elijah was trying to flush him out). Apparently, Elijah had even thrown a particularly beloved art piece Klaus painted in the 17th century into the grand fountain of their Italian Villa in Tuscany, the water running red with blood from the vampire’s head he’d thrown in with it. It was a travesty, was what it was. Four centuries worth of aged art – gone, destroyed, just like that! Not to mention competent sirelings were hard to find and trusted ones even harder. He’d have to train another one now and who had the bloody time for that?
Anger at the situation that had befallen him was good. Better, even, than the fear that was starting to creep into his chest as Elijah started to get too close, familiar with his tricks. And Klaus knew that once his brother found him, it was not a friendly chat that Elijah sought. No, Klaus knew what it felt like to be hunted, had spent centuries running from a monster after his head. This time, he knew he was not the predator in this game of cat and mouse.
Elijah didn’t just want revenge. He was out for blood.
All because Klaus had let his temper get the better of him. He’d never had a great record with it to begin with, true, but even he could admit his words spat out four decades ago had been...not quite thought all the way through.
The last century had not been his best. Ever since the fall of New Orleans, since Marcellus… and then Chicago, daggering Rebekah and saying goodbye to Stefan, Klaus had been unbalanced. Emotionally… charged. Particularly quick to ire (to which the witch coven in Spain’s Alicante province could attest to in bloody detail). His loneliness had started to gnaw at him in a way it hadn’t since his time under The Curse of the Five, spiralling into a miserable despair that was only quenched by violence. So, when his brother had found him in the cobblestoned streets of London’s supernatural underbelly, right in the middle of vampire territory, he’d been relieved to see him – until Elijah greeted him with a fierce fist to the jaw.
“Is it true?” Elijah had demanded, when he’d heaved himself to his feet after their following fight, looking down on his brother’s beaten form with barely controlled fury. “Did you do it?”
At the time, Klaus had thought he knew what had inspired Elijah’s ire. They hadn’t seen each other since that fateful night in New Orleans, where they’d split up, fleeing Mikael’s wrath in different directions hoping it would give them a better chance at escape. It had worked, but Klaus received no word from Elijah, and although that was a good sign – the news of the death of an Original by The Destroyer’s hand would not be easily silenced – he and Rebekah had spent the next decade on edge, not knowing about their brother’s state and unable to contact him, fearing Mikael’s interception. But there had been no Rebekah with him then, when Elijah found him, their sweet sister sleeping soundly in her coffin. Her absence and the implication of it (Klaus daggering Rebekah, again) was a pathetically predictable reason for Elijah’s fury.
The punch to the jaw, and quite possibly his brother’s entire stance, all high and mighty, superior in his morals and honour, had pissed Klaus off no end. So, instead of explaining why he had daggered their sister – foolishness, going back for Stefan, he had already handled it, Stefan knew nothing, he would be safe – he dragged their confrontation out, deliberately being abstruse.
“Do what? I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific, Elijah. I’ve done a lot of things.”
“Is our family gone?” Elijah had spat at him then, losing his patience with such vitriol that Klaus had felt his eyes widen, shocked - and even slightly afraid - as his brother advanced. “Did you discard their bodies in the ocean like useless trinkets?!”
Klaus had been so thrown by the accusation, he had frozen in shock, unable to say a word in his defence. He wouldn’t- He would never do such a thing. To throw his family into the depths of the ocean, to forever be encased in a watery grave for the rest of eternity, caught in between life and death - it was a fate he feared could happen to them, not something he would do to them himself. And to see Elijah looking at him like that, like he believed Klaus was capable of such a crime, could hurt their siblings in such a way-
It was one thing to have the world see you as the villain, the monster in children’s nightmares. It was another to see yourself as such. But it was an entirely different beast to see the same condemnation on the faces you loved, the faces you trusted.
“I didn’t want to believe father. But Rebekah is not here. Kol, Finn - they are not here.” Elijah had continued, taking his stunned silence as confirmation. The mention of Mikael - the implication that Elijah had believed such a thing because Mikael had accused him of it - landed a heavier blow than Elijah ever could. What had Elijah been doing? When had he spoken to Mikael? What else had been said? “But it is true, isn’t it?”  
Klaus should have denied it. Told the truth. Pleaded with Elijah to believe him, if that was what it took.
But he had spent his life fighting other people’s beliefs. Spent his childhood trying to prove Mikael wrong, to make him believe he wasn't a weak disappointment of a boy, but a man grown, a warrior worthy of his father’s name. He’d spent his first few weeks as a vampire trying to convince his mother he wasn’t a monster, and then pleaded with her more still, when she took his wolf away, believing that with it running free, he would always be little more than a beast. An abomination. And then as the decades passed, as the centuries followed, it was not his parents he had to prove wrong, but his siblings. Finn first, who always hated what they were, but was doubly disdainful of Klaus, now knowing they were not brothers by blood. Then Elijah, who watched Klaus sacrifice his honour to protect them all, slaughtering all their enemies brutally and ruthlessly in the name of not greed or ambition, but family and found him lesser for it. Rebekah was no better. She could be as violent as the rest of them, it was true, but there was still a naivety to her. A longing to love and be loved in return. She didn’t see the risks of betrayal and heartbreak, and so when Klaus tried to protect her from it, in a way no one had protected him, she cursed him for it, turning her own back on him when it suited her. And then Kol - who never looked at Klaus with disdain or disgust, still stared at him in fear sometimes. Like he no longer recognised him.
It didn’t matter if his siblings had once stood by him when Mikael cast him out, declaring him their brother, no matter what their father decided. It didn’t matter that they promised to help him break their mother’s curse, accepting him for not just who he was, but what he was. Those words and promises were hollow when their actions no longer reinforced them.
In the end, what was the point in fighting people’s perceptions, when they would never believe you anyway?
So Klaus didn’t fight it.
Didn’t deny it.
Elijah had already decided who he was. What he was capable of.
Maybe he was right. And that? That was the worst thought of all, making him indignant with rage at the injustice of it all.
“Yes.” He had answered, voice steady in challenge, watching as his older brother’s face twisted with pain, relishing in returning an ounce of the hurt Elijah had caused him with such an accusation. 
Elijah’s words were a lie. What was one more, in the grand scheme of things?
A great deal, he came to realise.
When Elijah came at him, the raw pain on his face twisting into hate and blinding rage, Klaus had fought back just as viciously, the two of them barely walking away in one piece that night. And now, decades later, the wound of that two-sided betrayal still stretched as far and as wide as a ravine, haunting him, invading his dreams, twisting his memories into nightmares.
They were getting worse. Fear of Elijah’s pursuit or simply the familiar loneliness encroaching him on all sides made for a poor mental state. Any night, he could be haunted by ghostly echoes of the past. Henrik. The night of his first turn. The binding of his wolf. The Curse of the Five. The burning of New Orleans. The memories all swirled together, twisting into familiar and unfamiliar shapes, macabre and frightening. Sometimes Mikael thrust the white oak stake into his back as the theatre burned around him. Sometimes Kol stabbed him through the heart with a dagger tailored just for him in the middle of The Abattoir. Sometimes Rebekah left him to Mikael’s beatings, no longer coming to his defence, no longer standing between him and Mikael’s sword like she’d throw herself on it to protect him. And then sometimes, like tonight, Elijah would rip his heart out, no longer believing his lies, just like how Klaus had ripped out their mother’s. Justice served; a heart for a heart.
Klaus inhaled shakily, squeezing his eyes shut, hands clenching in his hair hard enough it hurt as he forcefully pushed such thoughts away.
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stars-and-darkness · 7 months
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dramaism · 1 year
so I've been really burned out these past 2 weeks and started rewatching the first tv show I've ever watched - the vampire diaries
gosh rewatching this 10 years later as an adult feels so unique? and watching it in english too? because i change my opinion on things like every 2-3 episodes
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