#bonnie still slays AGAIN
dramaism · 11 months
so I've been really burned out these past 2 weeks and started rewatching the first tv show I've ever watched - the vampire diaries
gosh rewatching this 10 years later as an adult feels so unique? and watching it in english too? because i change my opinion on things like every 2-3 episodes
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
hi srry if you don't do requests but I have to ask cuz I love everything about your writing.
Can u write a fic where the mc is strictly monogamous but 141 are SO madly in love so they fight on who gets to be with her and it's causing actual problems between them?
Ignored this if u don't want to. Anyway stay slaying✨
Hey ☀️🩷 Ofc I take requests this is my first one tho, I hope you like It, and it's like you imagined because I always have like a little movie in my head when I write a scene and with requests. I don't know if my thoughts match with yours- performance anxiety lol. Still thank you for supporting me 🩷☀️
Fighting for you
TF 141 x Reader
You always had that one plan in your life: meet a nice guy, date for 2 years, marry him with the most extravagant wedding dress someone could imagine, and after that, you get three fat babies whom you will love and dote on.
The only problem was, as a nurse on a military base, you didn't meet guys capable of this lifestyle. You hated to see all these men trying to get in your pants while they were married.
"Why are you in the med again, Johnny?" You scolded him. Of course, you found the Scotsman funny and liked his daily visits, but still, having him here all the time felt like a lost puppy when you had work to do.
"Look, Bonnie, have a mean scratch, need stitches from ya."
"Is that so, Mr. MacTavish?"
"Yes, Bonnie, look." He showed you a scar on his biceps, and you sighed. You knew he was only coming for something else; no soldier went to the medical just because of a scratch. He started to flex his biceps.
"Johnny, that's barely anything."
"But ya always fix me good, lassie." He looked at you with puppy eyes, and you sighed, disinfecting his nonexistent wound. "Such a good caretaker, lass. Need to put a ring on ya before someone else does." You blushed at the thought of marrying someone like Johnny. He was handsome, funny, and super strong, but he was a flirt, probably flirting with every other nurse. Besides, you had a date today.
"Johnny, stop flirting. I have a date today."
"Just a date, lass. It's not like you'll marry him."
You stared at him with a dead glare. "For some people, dates are important, Johnny!"
"Who is it?"
"None of your business, and now leave," you scolded him, annoyed by his noisy behavior.
"Who of you bastards broke the agreement?" Johnny started to scream at his teammates.
"What do you mean, Soap?" Kyle asked, confused.
"We agreed that no one can have her since she doesn’t want to share, so who of you tossers broke the agreement and goes on a date with her?"
"How do you even know that mate, if you didn’t break the agreement too?"
"I just needed her to take care of my injuries, Kyle."
"Bullshit, you barely got a scratch. Admit that you wanted to break off the agreement too. Admit it." Gaz barked, walking towards Soap to pick him up by his shirt.
"Enough of you, Muppets!"
"You broke the agreement, Captain, didn't ya? Telling us all about the agreement and then taking out my future wife."
"I didn't, and even if, she'd be more happy to become Mrs. Price than Mrs. MacTavish."
They were so close to fighting; everyone accused the other of taking you on that date. They remembered the first day they saw you; all of them were smitten. You were just too precious, full of love and excitement. Perfect hair, perfect body, everything about you was perfect for them. You could walk with your greasy messy bun, and they’d kneel for you, promising you’re the most beautiful woman on earth. After a while, they noticed how every one of them was smitten, how Johnny spent every minute in the infirmary, Ghost becoming your shadow, protecting you from every danger of the world without you even knowing, the Captain always treated you better than every other staff member, you had more off days, better shifts, and even better pay, and Kyle bringing you always your favorite coffee and a bunch of pastries when you overworked yourself again.
Johnny was the first one to ask the rest if they’d be open to a poly relationship. He was the most open about his sexuality, and having Simon and you was the perfect thing for him. Whether the reasons why they agreed to try to court you in this relationship, every one of them thought you only deserved the best, and that included being worshiped by four muscular men.
Unfortunately, your best friend, who noticed their goal while you still stayed in your naive bubble, popped their bubble, telling them to sod off. You weren’t made for this kind of relationship; you were jealous and liked the idea of monogamy way too much. You only wanted to have one husband. That's how the agreement started none of them will pursue you, and they will only start something with you if you approach them, no more flirting, favoritism, or looming over you.
Nonetheless, they gave a fuck about their agreement, behind closed doors still trying to court you in various different ways, but how could they not? You were perfect, and they were obsessed and way too much in love with you to let someone else have you.
"Where the fuck is Ghost?" Kyle asked, looking around for the scary man with the skull face mask.
"Fucking hell, he is her date."
"Sick bastard."
Soap walked into Ghost's barracks, eager to scream at his best friend. He was the first to love you, so Ghost should not have gone on a date with you without telling him. The betrayal felt immaculate, his best friend with the love of his life.
"Aye, Lieutenant, heard you're going on a date with the lassie."
"Johnny, it just happened."
"No hard feelings, LT. Where are you taking her?"
"Oh, okay."
Simon looked confused at Johnny. "What's wrong?"
"Take her to a better place a steakhouse or a fish restaurant. Give her a real meal, not something cheap. Lassies love this fancy shit."
"Thanks, mate."
Your date with Ghost was okay. He was brooding over something, and as he insisted on ordering something for you as a surprise, despite you telling him no, he did it, wanting to be a posh bloke who knows what his lady wants. Soap said you liked this fancy shit and heavy meat and fish.
As you looked disgusted at the filet steak, trying not to be rude by saying you're a vegetarian, he lost it mentally, not with you but with his best friend, who betrayed him just for you. He'd do the same, of course, but it's still different, right?
The date went on way too cringy, Simon spent most of the time apologizing to you for the messed-up date, and you tried to reassure him that it was okay. When he brought you back home, he asked if he could stay the night, and you politely declined.
"Johnny, I'm going to rip your fucking head off."
"Aye, shit," Johnny screamed as he began to run.
"The date went shit, I guess?" Kyle asked, unfazed by all the screaming from the two men fighting. He acted as if he didn't let slip the information that she is vegetarian next to Johnny or told Price she liked roses after she told him for 20 minutes straight how they are overrated. The best part was no one even suspected him; he was calm about the situation, not trying to solve it with violence like Johnny and Simon. While the others played checkers, he played chess to get you.
"Yes, it was."
"I told you muppets, I'm the one who deserves her."
"Shut up, Price," Ghost scoffed.
"I think so too, Captain should have her. At least he treats her well," Kyle said with a boyish grin.
So the Captain asked you out on a date, and after some convincing, you agreed, making yourself ready and waiting for him in desperation. You looked great, hair curled, mascara applied, and in a dress that was classy but a bit sexy. You knew Price could be a guy for this, maybe a bit too old, but still, you could grow old with him, and maybe he would give you everything your innocent heart desires.
After waiting for an hour, you were sure he wouldn’t come. If only you had known that Ghost was faking an accident and Soap's promise to tell you about it, not to let the sweet angel wait for the Captain. Soap was already on the way to play the knight in shining armor, fully confident to finally sweep you off your feet and make you the future Mrs. MacTavish, his sweet little angel. Oh, how the boys would look to know that he got the heart of their sweetheart finally.
Too late.
"Hey, lovely, why are you sobbing? Do I need to punch someone for you?"
"It's embarrassing, Kyle."
"Tell me about it."
"Just had a bunch of weird dates. One wanted to only bed me, I guess, and the other stood me up," you sobbed, looking into Kyle's pretty face.
"Oh, love, you know that all these guys around the boys are head over heels fighting over you like wild animals."
"They are, how couldn't they? You're perfect."
"You're a flirt, you know that."
"And you're too pretty to cry, you know that?" He winked at you, removing the tears from your beautiful eyes.
"You think so?"
"Kyle," you asked him shyly, looking deep into his brown eyes.
"Are you one of the boys who fight over me too?"
"Sure as hell, love!" He almost shouted, full of enthusiasm.
"You wouldn’t want what I want."
"And how do you know that?"
"I just want you, to know all, exclusive dating."
"Mhm, I'd give you that without a doubt, love. Just let me prove to you that I'm the right one for you, love." His hand slowly went to your face, caressing the soft skin that was still tinted by your mascara tears. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." And when you looked at him with your doe eyes, he lost it, slowly pulling his rough lips on your soft ones, holding your head for dear life as if you could vanish any second. He was afraid he did something wrong, maybe scared you like a deer, but you didn't shy away; you pulled him closer, letting his lips intertwine with yours and slowly opening your mouth to let his tongue explore yours. It felt like a firework in your body; every fiber burned with pure passion as he kissed you. You didn't want to stop; you needed him as deeply as he longed for you.
"Fucking Garrick, I didn't think he’d win her over," Ghost murmured behind the wall, watching you with the others in jealousy as Kyle got their girl.
"He played us like fucking fools, telling us it's okay if we win her over," Price muttered, annoyed and kinda proud at his sneaky bastard.
"I'm more of a looker than fucking Gaz," Soap said, annoyed.
As happy as you were right now, all of the boys knew the fight for your heart wouldn’t stop until there was a ring on your finger.
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blood-grove · 2 months
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The Hunt
part 1 -> next hunt
x tws; violence , blood , injuries , gore , slight suggestiveness , sickness. <- more will be added possible depending on the part.
x pairings; soap x male!reader (😲)
x characters; soap , ghost , price , gaz + (others will maybe be added? idk ive never written a whole lot of characters cuz i get confused in my own head)
a/n; i may make art for this series! and i will also possibly making art for my merfolk au.
Alarm bells rung threw out the small town the yells and panicked cries of the townsfolk as the huddle and ran into houses under carts under anything.
You let out a amused chuckle that came out as a growl to everyone else.
You were admittedly showing off a bit more than usual today pushing your self up with another flap of your wings as arrows shot past your head.
Christ John had to get better aim.
You dove letting out a bone shivering roar it was getting boring doing the same exaggerated display but it paid well.
John or Soap as the guild nicknamed him all those years back was your very lovable boyfriend.
To say what you both did was wrong would be true.
If it didnt bring so much coin.
Slaying dragons was a respected craft and admired by many and all, The demand for dragon slayers was high since such a feat was beyond dangerous and mostly ended in death.
Dragons were usually hunted by groups who set up traps of sling shot nets , big crossbow contraptions meant to pierce threw thick hide and scales.
But Soap didn't need of that,
Not when he had you.
Speaking on which you felt something dig into your side as you let out a fake cry of pain as your turned away from the village you couldn't hear anything they were saying from up here but you could imagine Soap's heroic rant as he chased after you away from the village a few more arrows stuck too you as you decided to close your act for today.
A final dramatic cry as you dived down intentionally losing control as you crashed into the ground.
A few taps to your face.
"Heyy wake up bonny boy"
You grumbled huffing.
"C'monn- You need to get up so I can pull the arrows off ya daft-"
You peered a eye open to him shifting as you got up shaking off a few branches and leaves from your head.
"Ye wanna know what name they gave ye today?"
You grunted as you got up shaking off any remaining stray debris before laying back down as Soap went to work with tugging off the arrows from you they never pierced your flesh magical properly imbued inside of them made them stick painlessly to the target more like tracking tag than real damage arrow.
"White Death, Ah think that's cooler than yer lest name na? whit wis it again.." Soap pulled off another arrow storing it back into his quiver.
White Death certain was a better name than your pervious infamous nicknames.
"Ah I remember was it Snow Scales or Ice Lizard-" Soap grinned as your growled looking away embarrassed.
Soap chuckled.
"I got 300 coin from you today- We could head somewhere nice grab some pastries from that Village a bit west I know ye loved there cinnamon rolls."
The suggestion had you perked up at the mention of the sweet which Soap grinned at.
"We should get all washit up na? Ye juist haed tae land in the mud—"
You flicked your tail at him sending him off balance and falling back into the ground as well as yo letting a raspy soundalike laugh.
Pushing your claw against the amulet that sat tight around your neck it glowed for a moment before you started to shift and change shrinking as Johnny complained about getting his satchel and clothes dirty.
Once it stopped glowing you were human size albeit a bit taller than Soap, You still had some draconic features your eyes still dilated into slits under the sun, Scales around you arms and back that were easily hid with clothes and gloves, and horns that were luckily short enough to be hid with hair or hoods.
You walked over to him holding out a helping hand only to be yanked down onto the ground by him.
"Payback-" Soap flicked your forehead as you huffed.
"Whatever you're not the one that takes the daring crashes and falls in out little acts-"
Soap just rolled his eyes. "I never said 'Oh and at the very end make sure to get covered in mud!'."
You huffed flicking his shoulder as he grinned as he retold his fake little heroic story he told to each village rambling on about these couple of cats he saw as you just listened fondly.
You visited villages with him sure when you were in your human form but it just always made you feel antsy the odd stares you'd get were enough to make you visits to cities, towns, and villages very sparse.
Soap had noticed of course the observant caring bastard that he is and wouldn't stand for it of course not forcing you but you both went out for little walks, for supplies, and for getting you and him clothes and gear.
That's what you loved about him, He brought you out of your shell his voice and mannerism really just made a part of you melt.
To think when you both met when he was going to kill you.
a/n; not very confidence in this but i wanna commit to it </3 my nerves r all over the place makes it hard to write.
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wearesociety · 6 months
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Day Five: Lovers to Enemies
She lives in a paradox. It’s the only thing Bonnie is sure of these days. Which should be a painful admission on its own and yet she doesn’t feel the burn in her chest.
Bonnie has a theory. It comes to her slowly as she comes to, muscles aching, a burn between her legs and a flood of memories of last night. This is the moment she should jump from the bed as though it burned her and find her scattered clothes but all she does is pull the white sheet higher over her chest and ignore the goosebumps that rise on her skin. She tells herself the first lie of the day— It’s because of the autumn breeze the morning brings and not the man next to her. It’s foolish thinking. Well. Bonnie is a foolish girl these days.
Her theory is th—
Klaus stretches and captures her. As if this is normal. As if this is something he’s done for years.
She wants to be angry. But all she does is sigh and allow him to spoon her. His neck settles against hers, his warm breath skating across her skin. The act awakens her— the beast— all over again.
Flashes of light hit her. Of the first awakening of the beast, as she calls this want she has for him. Her, pressed against a wall of the seedy bar. Him, lowering his face to her ear, his sweet wolfish voice capturing her all her attention.
Klaus lets out a self– satisfied groan, his hand setting on her stomach. Her breath catches, a want swirling in her stomach. “Go back to bed.” His low gravel voice sends a shiver down her spine. Which causes him to chuckle— so condescendingly.
Hot white angry cloaks her. “It’s morning.” She deadpans.
Bonnie is more angry at herself— well her body. It acts without her instructions. Any little thing Klaus does, her body must react to. She’s not used to someone having this type of control over her.
Least of all him.
Klaus bites down on her ear. Bonnie yelps from surprise. “I see I haven’t tried you out enough.” He says, a hint of knowing in his voice. He palms her stomach in circular motion.
Bonnie's eyes flutter slightly and she releases a soft sigh. It is a whir of emotions colliding all at once. She’s aware that he’s lulling her to a comfortable state.
His hand goes lower, until his fingers brush against the stripe of hair on her mound. Bonnie grips his forearm.
Klaus tsks. “You did so well last night.” He kisses her pulse. “Remember how you opened for me, allowing me in, inch by inch.”
Her body acts on his words and her legs open wider. His fingers comb through the fuzzy patch of hair until he goes lower, gently opening her wet lips.
Bonnie bites down her bottom lip. An act of defiance, the last she has. She desperately clings to it. That only makes Klaus work harder.
He knows she hates how she responds to him, how she actively fights against moaning at how he touches her. She’s the first woman to not melt against him.
Klaus slips his finger inside her, deep and brutal.
Bonnie gasps, her fingers digging into his skin. “Fuck.”
While last night was a haze of emotions exploding all at once, he was still gentle, coaxing orgasm after orgasm. This is anything but that. He sets a brutal pace with his fingers. Bonnie has no choice but to succumb to the constant wave of pleasure that hits her.
“Oh—God.” Bonnie whines as his thumb strums against her hardened clit.
Klaus kisses her shoulder. “Can’t fight it can you, love?” He says, softly. It’s the softest she’s ever heard him. He works his fingers deeper, never relenting in his pace, her legs shake.
Bonnie clenches down. Klaus groans but still continues his pace. “P-please Klaus.” Her voice cracks. Her orgasm is building nearing its peak.
“It’s right there. I know. The world on your shoulders. Villians to slay. Damsel’s to save. But this—” He pulls his fingers out just to push them back in. Bonnie mewls. “— this is for you.”
His words bring her to life. Her hips start to move against hand as she starts to ride his fingers. “Yessss. Mine.” Her toes curl. Bonnie’s entire body locks, a white hot pleasure crashing into her as she explodes.
Even as she’s drenched in her orgasm she still hears his voice clear as day. “There’s a girl. Did so well for me.” He praises.
Maybe it’s his fingers that lazily rub her clit or his words but she shakes with aftershocks and cries out.
That only Klaus can truly hurt her. And yet it seems like he’s the only one that can give her this type of pleasure.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
I've made my bed and now I get to lie in it. We're going south.
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Oh, this must be where all the giant rocks that smush me are manufactured. Cool. Cool. Cool-cool-cool.
Hey, you think if I punch that person in the junk a bunch of times while they're frozen, all of the punches will sync up and be delivered at once after we slay the King?
I think we should test it out. Y'know. For science. Time Craft is uncharted territory, after all. We can be pioneers.
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Yes, because I'm Scissors, I get it. Here, let me write you a Paper on how dissatisfied I am with your hospitality and nail it to your door.
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HA. Choke on that, Odile. The math never lies.
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Is it me or did the temperature just drop by about fifteen degrees? Guess it should come as no surprise that the philosophy of Change applies to the air conditioning too.
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It's okay. You're well within your rights, especially since we found the proof in his pockets and everything. Why don't you take a moment. Go with the others. Breathe. Let it out. While I....
...test out a hypothesis.
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Well fuck that noise I'm never feeling safe again. I'm going to be in a perpetual state of anxiety after reading this book.
Not even tactically! I am not making plans. I am simply stating the reality of the situation. This is the most wicked trap ever.
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No it does not nothing will ever feel safe again
Also there's like a tendrilly thing sticking out of the doorway over there. So. I don't. Trust that.
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I still don't feel safe but I can't say no to snack time. Snack time is immutable. Snack time is eternal.
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I figure we're all doomed to time-freeze without me so prop my body up in a way that looks cool and lifelike. That way, if someone comes along and cures the time freeze some day, my corpse will fall over and freak them out.
They'll think they killed everyone. It will be hilarious.
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Check. We will fashion you into necklaces and wear your corpse with honor.
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Plant food, got it. Doubt it will come up since we're all extra-special doomed without you specifically but I've made a note of it all the same.
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We can do the time-frozen corpse gag for you too then. If we both die then our corpses will prank the future together. Hand in hand.
Unless we actually win despite the two of us dying. Seems unlikely. But then I guess it's the janitorial staff's problem. It will be my honor to be grumpily carted away in trash bags by underpaid maintenance staff with you.
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What she said.
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That sounds like some chthonic shit but for Bonnie's sake, I'm down.
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I feel like Bonnie's running low on supplies. They're a fantastic cook but they can only do so much with what they have.
Hm. I. Seem to recall. Being warned about pineapple recently.
Pretty sure I was told that pineapple is delicious and I should savor it immensely.
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Yep. I am a pineapple eating master. Probably. I've never actually had it but I am a fiend for fruity flavors so I'm certain that I'll be an expert at this.
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Huh. That's a peculiar flavor for pineapple to have. Oh, right, I think my Lemonfriend said I'm actually allergi--
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This is everybody's fault except mine.
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tenebraevesper · 6 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Nothing Remains, Night 6: Instruments Of Nightmares
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''Do you even have a clue? Do you even have one? All the evil things we do, surprising that don't you run, knowing you will die here, knowing there is no way out. Fate is evidently clear, seems you're just oblivious. Do you even have a clue? Do you even have one? All the evil things we do, surprising that don't you run, knowing you will die here, knowing there is no way out. Fate is evidently clear, now it's time to scream and shout.''
 – Do You Even? by ChaoticCanineCulture (Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location)
''Trapped within the silence inside, watching as the days go by outside. All this replacing, discarding my face in this hollow tune.''
Sam stared at Nightmare Foxy's sharp teeth, feeling both unnerved and curious as the Nightmare Animatronic gave her an empty stare. She felt a little tense, as if fearing that the animatronic would try to bite her head off, even though she knew that that wasn't possible as the Nightmare Animatronic wasn't fully repaired yet. Having Instruments Of Cyanide by DAGames ft. Caleb Hyles and Chi-Chi playing on her smartphone did help her to focus a little more on her current task, even if the lyrics weren't that encouraging.
''The fall of the Idol will tear us limb from limb, to where wandering was a sin, to where nightmares can begin.''
Nevertheless, she still felt that it fit the mood. She had removed the upper part of Nightmare Foxy's mask, exposing the endoskeleton's head, and placed it on the floor. Then, she slightly leaned the head over, finding the wires that had been worn out.
''You'll have to remove those and replace them,'' Springtrap instructed her, handing her the pliers over. ''It is safe to remove them since the animatronic isn't active. Also, keep a track of the wires which you're going to sever, so you don't accidentally cut the wrong one.''
''This life did not choose us, it chose to consume us. To ready for the day we march with dread beneath the sway!''
''Okay,'' Sam muttered, focusing on the task.
Luckily, the faulty wires weren't that difficult to remove and after having done similar procedures on Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Chica, she felt a little more confident in her abilities. That didn't stop the feeling of dread rushing through her body as she approached the Nightmare Animatronics again and again. Nevertheless, she couldn't deny that she had actually enjoyed herself while repairing the animatronics.
''Dark nights are upon us! Black magic slays on the chorus, for the choir's in tune with an angel, foresight of the broken chain us.''
Sure, it was tough work, and even a bit frustrating when things wouldn't go the way she wanted them to be at the beginning. For example, when she worked on Nightmare Bonnie, she had accidentally messed up the wires that connected to the animatronic's limbs. Springtrap explained to her that what she had done, that if Nightmare Bonnie were active and his programming told him to move his right arm, he would move his left leg instead. Sam felt a mix of embarrassment and irritation, but she had managed to fix her mistake.
''May her demeanor combine us, within sorrow and blindness we'll follow where the path of freedom can re-join us now.''
Then, there was Nightmare Chica, whose issue was that, even though the rust had been removed, she still couldn't move her limbs smoothly whenever Sam attempted to lift them up. There had been some worn out wires too, but the bigger issue were the bolts and nuts that secured the arms and legs. She had to remove and replace them, making sure to not screw them too loose or too tight so that the animatronic could still move. She felt quite relieved when she had finally managed to replace those. There was also the Nightmare Cupcake, which needed it's spring mechanism, which was necessary for it to open its mouth, replaced. Sam had managed to pull her fingers out of it just in time, as the springs released and it bit down.
''We bow before a fake, for goodness sake! Where's the pride when we needed it to carry away? This decay has derailed, now she walks leaving trails of the damned!''
During the whole process of repairing the animatronics, Springtrap was calmly explaining her how the animatronics exactly worked and instructed her on what to do. Even when she made mistakes, he never rose his voice and would reassure her that she could try again and that it wasn't a big deal. If anything, Sam felt that he made a quite good teacher who, while he would give her guidelines, would also let her to figure things out on her own and learn from her mistakes.
''Fall into the hands of sorrow; Drawn by the darkest bay! Walk into the pit of silence; I am the one calling your name!''
''I'm done,'' Sam said as she finally placed the mask back on Nightmare Foxy's head and sat down, taking a deep breath. She then glanced at Springtrap. ''Although, there are still two more animatronics to go.''
''If you need a pause, then take one. I mean, it's not as if we're in a hurry,'' Springtrap told her. Sam grinned mischievously.
''You still sound sarcastic,'' she told him. Springtrap just rolled his eyes, knowing that she was messing with him. Sam then stood up.
''I, in the name of violence, sentence you down to Hell. Live, or you will die, just for the sake, fetch me the tools, so I create this Instrument of Cyanide!''
''Let's continue,'' she said, suddenly getting up. ''I want to get over with this as soon as possible in order to see whether this would really work or not. Besides, you said that Nightmare Fredbear and Nightmare Freddy were in a better state than the others.''
''I did,'' Springtrap muttered, quickly picking up the toolbox and following her. Once he got to her, she was already standing next to Nightmare Fredbear.
''You know, it's kind of disturbing how his torso looks like a mouth filled with sharp teeth,'' Sam said. Springtrap felt a sting of guilt, knowing that he really took it to far when he had created the Nightmares, as he should've done something else to ensure Sammy's safety. He still hadn't figured out what to do with them either.
This wasn't what I wanted…
''Dark nights have devoured us! I walk this river of conscience, for a time where we come to escape here, this lens has an open vengeance.''
''Anyways, you said that there were some parts that needed to be replaced, right?'' Sam suddenly asked, snapping Springtrap out of his thoughts.
''Yeah,'' he muttered, nodding. ''The damaged parts are on the back, just below the head.'' He helped her to turn Nightmare Fredbear over in order to remove the suit so Sam would have an easier access to the endoskeleton. ''These wires need to be replaced.''
''I've laid in here for the longest time, the deadliest choir chimes for my awakening, this reckoning will see the light tonight.''
He curiously observed Sam as she reconnected the wires after he had shown her the ones that were the issue. It was still surprising him that she was so eager to learn how to repair the Nightmare Animatronics, but he didn't question her about it anymore. There was no way he could argue with her about this, unless he wanted to hear another lecture from her.
''Say, Will, these are the only Nightmare Animatronics you had made?'' Sam asked, noticing Springtrap's puzzled expression. ''I mean, you haven't made a black variant of Fredbear, right?''
''We bow before a fake, for goodness sake! Where's the pride when we needed it to carry away? This decay has derailed, now she walks leaving trails of the damned!''
''No, it's just these five,'' Springtrap replied. ''Are you asking me that because you saw a lower number of animatronics here in comparison to the videogame you had shown me?''
''Yeah, more or less,'' Sam admitted, putting the new wire into the endoskeleton. ''Anyways, we're almost done. Only Nightmare Freddy is left.''
Springtrap helped her with putting Nightmare Fredbear back the way they had found him, noting the cold glare Nightmare Fredbear was giving them. He felt somewhat unsettled, knowing that it was only worse for Sammy.
Had I been a better father to him, this all could've been prevented from happening.
''Fall into the hands of sorrow; Drawn by the darkest bay! Walk into the pit of silence; I am the one calling your name!''
He followed Sam as she walked over to Nightmare Freddy, with the three Freddles lying on the floor. She crouched next to him, glancing briefly at Springtrap with a questioning look, seemingly having forgotten what was needed to be done with the animatronic. Springtrap merely took out a battery-like device out of the toolbox and gave it to her.
''Okay, now you need to insert the power module correctly,'' Springtrap told Sam as she fumbled with the battery.
''I, in the name of violence, sentence you down to Hell. Live, or you will die, just for the sake, fetch me the tools, so I create this Instrument of Cyanide!''
Taking a sharp breath, she reached between the torn fur into Nightmare Freddy's chest, trying to place the battery inside the endoskeleton. Once she had managed to insert it into the endoskeleton, she quickly pulled her arm out of Nightmare Freddy's chest, as if fearing that he might bite her. However, the Nightmare Animatronic didn't move at all.
''You know, you still need to activate him,'' Springtrap added.
''Yeah, yeah, I know,'' Sam replied, glancing back at Springtrap, who gave her an understanding look. ''This was the last one, though. It's time to see whether they'll be roaming again.''
''It is time for you to leave, or so it may seem; Empower, desire to reignite the flames!''
Springtrap tilted his head as he noticed that Sam wasn't really doing anything, but just staring at the Nightmare Animatronic with an unnerved look on her expression.
''Sam?'' he asked, with Sam glancing at him. ''You know, you could still step away from this.''
''I know, it's just, I'm not sure what would happen afterwards,'' Sam replied. ''I'm feeling a bit nervous, to be honest.''
''That's understandable,'' Springtrap said. ''If you-''
''For there's one more thing you have of mind, the core to my strings; Empower, desire to reignite the flames!''
Before he could even finish the sentence, Sam had leaned over, with a look of determination on her expression, reaching for the switch and activating the Nightmare Animatronic. Springtrap just sighed after he saw her do this.
I should've expected this to happen. Why am I even bothering to ask her anything?
''So as you ascend to the heavens now, I'll drag you back down to Hell, listen to me!; Empower desire to reignite the flames!''
The two stepped back, observing as Nightmare Freddy's eyes lit up. Then, the animatronic had slowly stood up, his eyes glowing yellow. He then stared at Sam, who felt her heart racing and her hands shaking. It was one thing to repair the animatronic while he was deactivated, but confronting him while he was active was a completely different experience. Even though Sam wasn't exactly scared of the Nightmare Animatronic, she still felt quite intimidated by him.
''Can't you see your friend is now mine, all mine!''
She did notice that Nightmare Freddy didn't look as if he was going to harm her, though. Instead, he gave her a curious look, as if analysing her, with Sam realizing that the last person this animatronic had seen was probably Sammy Afton, so he may have been somewhat confused about the situation, as now a stranger stood before him.
''I've waited here for the longest time, and when the ashes spread apart, it is then I'll take out his heart.''
''She is not your target,'' Springtrap said in a calm tone, drawing Nightmare Freddy's attention. The Nightmare Animatronic seemed to be just as puzzled when seeing Springtrap, with the latter wondering whether the audio and visual recognition system had still worked. The way he had built them, they would be able to recognize him either by his face or voice, but he was an animatronic now and his voice was slightly deeper and raspy, so he wasn't sure whether it would still work this way.
Nightmare Freddy observed him for a moment, then stepped back, nodding. Springtrap felt relieved, realizing that the animatronic did recognize him. If anything, now he knew that the Nightmare Animatronics were fully functional and that they would be following his command.
''Fall into the hands of sorrow; Drawn by the darkest bay! Walk into the pit of silence; I am the one calling your name!''
Then, as Nightmare Freddy continued to give him a confused look, he realized that he still had no idea what to do with the Nightmare Animatronics. There was really no use for them, but he didn't want to leave them to just rot here. They were the remains of the past, with no purpose, but he figured that he could give them a chance to do something.
''As for now, you're free to roam through this location,'' Springtrap told the animatronic, whose eyes briefly flickered as he glanced at Sam. ''Concerning her, she was the one who had patched you up. Her name is Samantha Blackburn and you will make sure that nothing happens to her, understood?''
''I, in the name of violence, sentence you down to Hell. Live, or you will die, just for the sake, fetch me the tools, so I create this Instrument of Cyanide!''
Nightmare Freddy's voice was deep and raspy, even though his voicebox was clean. Springtrap wasn't surprised about it though, as he had made the Nightmare Animatronics' voices deeper on purpose to increase the scare factor.
He and Sam then observed Nightmare Freddy as he left the hallway, with Sam looking rather stunned. Even though she was aware about what might happen if she activated Nightmare Freddy, she still felt surprised, especially after seeing his reaction and response.
''It is time for you to leave, or so it may seem. Dark nights are upon us, black magic slays on the chorus. Drag you back down to Hell, listen to me! I've waited here for the longest time! Your friend is now mine, all mine!''
''This is crazy,'' she muttered.
''You know, you should be proud of yourself for being able to repair them,'' Springtrap told her. ''Besides, as nightmarish as they are, there is something satisfying about seeing your creation, the one you had been working hours upon hours, come to life.''
''I have to agree with that,'' Sam said, nodding. She then glanced at Springtrap with a mischievous grin on her expression. ''Let's activate the others. I want to see their reactions as well.'' Her expression changed to a confused one when she noticed the thoughtful look Springtrap gave her. ''Is something wrong?''
''No,'' Springtrap replied in a quiet tone, his eyes glowing in a soft purple. ''I'm just glad about seeing you like this, being so happy. I have also noticed that you have grown quite confident during the past days.''
''Did I?'' Sam looked confused. ''I mean, I am fine with dealing with the animatronics at Freddy's, but if I were to confront my bullies, I doubt that I'd manage to talk to them without breaking into tears at some point.''
''Dark nights are upon us!''
She lowered her head, only to look up when she felt hands on her shoulders, noticing Springtrap giving her an odd look.
''Sam, you are aware that you had confronted a bunch of deadly animatronics, a spirit, a dangerous murderer and Connor over the past weeks, yet you still feel intimidated by your bullies?'' he told her.
''Yeah,'' Sam replied. ''The issue here, Will, is that neither you nor Connor, or even the animatronics, have caused me any kind of traumatic experience. While what happened at the Machinations Factory did freak me out, it didn't scar me for life, and besides, I had already known that Connor was a person that couldn't be trusted. Not to mention, while you did present yourself as a dangerous murderer, you were constantly supporting, encouraging and caring about me. I certainly didn't have the same experience when I dealt with my former friends, who had been trying to use me for their own benefit and act as if I was disposable.''
''I see,'' Springtrap said, remembering that phone call he had overheard when Sam's bullies had called her. He had managed to scare them into leaving her alone and so far, they hadn't called back. ''Rest assured, you certainly aren't disposable. You're a wonderful person in your own right and those who are too blind to see how amazing you are probably treat other people like they're beneath them, even their own so-called ''friends''. You certainly don't need such toxic people in your life.''
''Thanks,'' Sam replied, with Springtrap being glad to see her smiling again. She then gave him a determined look. ''You know what, I will stand up to them and show them that they cannot bully me anymore.''
''You can do that, or you could just live your life the best way you can. Trust me, nothing will anger them more than finding out that their victim isn't as miserable as they hoped you to be,'' Springtrap told her.
''I will,'' Sam replied. ''Also, there's one more thing…''
''What is it?'' Springtrap gave her a curious look.
''I know that you are worried about me, but you don't have to constantly ask me whether I'm fine or not when it comes to dealing with the animatronics,'' Sam explained. ''Besides, we both had promised to each other to be honest about our feelings and I assure you, I will tell you when I'm upset about something.''
''I know that, but are you completely sure you'll be fine?'' Springtrap asked, his eyes gleaming.
''Of course I will-'' Sam cut herself off, glaring at the animatronic, who feigned an innocent look. ''You won't stop with that, am I right?''
''I have no idea what you're talking about,'' Springtrap replied, his eyes now glowing as a msichievous look appeared on his expression. Sam suddenly hugged him, burying her head into his chest.
''Don't ever change, okay?'' she told him.
Springtrap just caressed her hair, a feeling of warmth spreading through his chest. He knew that nothing he had previously achieved could compare to making the person he cared about happy.
''Do you have any idea what to do with them?'' Sam had asked Springtrap, after having checked her smartphone for the time and placing it back into her pocket. It was late in the afternoon, with the two having spent most of the day working on the animatronics and seeing whether any improvements were necessary. Currently, they were sitting on the stage at the Funtime Auditorium, with the Nightmare Animatronics, as well as Plushtrap, patrolling through the entire location.
''To be honest, I still don't know,'' Springtrap replied. ''I mean, I could leave them here to keep an eye on this place, but I guess I should figure out whether more could be done.''
''You'll figure something out eventually,'' Sam told him. ''If anything, I did learn a lot today from you.''
''I'm glad to hear that,'' Springtrap told her. ''At least I've managed to get something done right.''
''Actually, you had managed to get several things done right, but you still get harassed for that,'' Sam pointed out.
''I'm not sure whether I should take that as a compliment,'' Springtrap said in a deadpan tone, with Sam shrugging. He then glanced at where he had seen the shadow of a person, but there was no one there. He felt a pit in his stomach.
''Will?'' Springtrap turned his head to Sam, who gave him a sympathetic look. While he hadn't really told her anything, she seemed to have already figured out what was bothering him. Not only that, but she was also aware of who exactly wanted to confront him. Sometimes, it was a bit scary to see just how well she knew him. Nevertheless, it also made it easier to talk to her about the issue that was bothering him.
''You know, I wish I could say that I feel fine, but I don't,'' he told her.
''It's because of them, right?'' Sam said, tilting her head.
''Honestly, I never thought that they would want to confront me, despite what was said and done,'' Springtrap told her. ''I mean, no one should come back, as that story is over.''
''Well, Henry and that kid decided to return,'' Sam pointed out. ''They may also have their own reasons for their return.''
''I can only imagine what those reasons would be,'' Springtrap said, sighing and lowering his head. ''Sometimes, I wish that I could change the past, do things in a different manner. But, that's impossible.''
''Maybe, but it's never too late to confront the past,'' Sam told him.
''I know,'' Springtrap said. ''Still, this doesn't make me less anxious about the actual confrontation. I mean, you think about all those things that you want to say, but when the moment arrives, you completely lose yourself.''
''I do agree with that,'' Sam said. ''Nevertheless, you will have to eventually deal with this issue.''
''True,'' Springtrap sighed, still feeling that pit in his stomach. It's never too late to confront your past… But, how am I even supposed to explain myself, especially after what I had done to them?
It was late at night, with seemingly no one being outside. However, four figures were slowly walking through the empty streets. One of them, Drawkill Bonnie stopped in front of a shop, tilting his head as he saw his reflection. His eyes glowed as he observed his reflection, with him then fixing up the tattered red bowtie around his neck, looking rather satisfied.
His expression then changed to a look of surprise as he saw another pair of glowing eyes behind him. He then turned around, only to see Drawkill Chica glaring at him, her arms crossed. He sheepishly stepped away from the window and continued walking, with Drawkill Chica shaking her head as she followed him.
They all had a task that they needed to fulfill and there was no reason for them to slack off. Any command Connor gave them, they had to obey, as he was their creator and since he had created them, he could destroy them. Even though there was little reason to assume something like that, they were still aware of the conditions of their existence.
They had to find the whereabouts of Springtrap and Samantha, but they had no idea where they should begin to search. The most they knew was that they, unless they had moved, were in Hurricane, but it was still a lot to cover. Not to mention, they'd be moving at night so they wouldn't be seen by anyone. Currently, they couldn't afford having their existence revealed to the public.
As they walked through the streets, looking around for any witnesses, they would occasionally stay at a dark alley whenever they noticed a car passing by. They had figured that they needed a more efficient way to move around. They knew that they could easily split up to cover more ground, but they were still unfamiliar with this place and except for some routes that have been placed into their programming, they still had to learn how to navigate through Hurricane properly.
There was a place rather close to them that Connor told them to keep an eye on, as Samantha and Springtrap might be there. That building was Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which had just opened the day before. Considering how it was after hours, the location was closed and locked, but they still hoped that they might find someone there.
However, as they had managed to find and approach the building, they noticed a disappointing lack of activity. There wasn't anyone outside and all the lights were off. Drawkill Freddy even went to the front door to open it, but it was, as expected, locked. He looked towards the alley, with Drawkill Chica emerging from it, shaking her head. The back entrance was also locked.
Drawkill Freddy then noticed Drawkill Foxy rising his sickle and approaching the front entrance, only to step in front of the fox animatronic, glaring at him. Drawkill Foxy's eyes flared up, but he retreated, looking rather disappointed. The message was clear – they couldn't draw attention to themselves and breaking in would certainly raise an alarm.
Still annoyed about being unable to break something, Drawkill Foxy trailed behind the other three Drawkills, holding the sickle that replaced his right hand with his left hand, his fingers trailing across the edge of the blade. He wanted to use his newfound freedom to do something interesting rather than just search for someone. It wasn't even the kind of Hide and Seek game he had preferred, but more of a boring investigation.
The four hid in a dark alley, waiting for another few cars to pass by, before continuing with their search for that elusive girl and the animatronic that caused them so much trouble. Once they had found the two, they would be free to do whatever they wanted.
As they walked into another street, Drawkill Freddy, who had been leading the group, suddenly stopped, his right arm outstretched. The rest of the animatronics gave him a confused look, with him pointing across the street at a man. Considering the way he had been walking, he seemed to be drunk, probably walking home from a party or from a bar. Even though he was drunk and probably wouldn't remember an encounter with a bunch of animatronics, Drawkill Freddy still didn't want to take any risks.
Drawkill Foxy, on the other hand, rose his sickle with an eager look on his expression, and stepped forward. He stopped when he saw the look on Drawkill Freddy's expression. The bear animatronic looked beyond pissed off and certainly not happy about Drawkill Foxy's antics. Drawkill Foxy's ears lowered and he glanced at Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Bonnie, both who seemed to share Drawkill Freddy's opinion, albeit Drawkill Bonnie looked rather amused about the situation.
After a while, they had managed to reach another location they knew the route to – Ricky's Wonder Shack. It was the establishment Connor had previously worked at before his untimely death. However, that didn't mean that he still didn't have any access to it. As a matter of fact, there was another way to enter the place, but the Drawkills currently couldn't go inside. Nevertheless, they were also told to keep an eye on this place, as it had been quite important to Connor.
''Krach- Krach-''
The four Drawkills felt tense, turning towards where they heard someone groaning. They had noticed a figure walking around, but despite its humanoid appearance, it didn't look like a human.
''Connor… Where's Connor?''
As they got closer to the figure, they had recognized it as Raven, a decomissioned animatronic that was supposed to belong to the group of animatronics that was Ricky and The Misfits, only to end up becoming a scrapped character after an accident that involved the death of Connor's former friend, Bran Crawford, whose soul supposedly haunted the animatronic. However, it seemed that the soul had abandoned its new body quite a while ago.
''Connor… Where-''
Suddenly, Raven let out a screech when Drawkill Foxy hit him with his sickle and knocked him on the ground. The raven animatronic trashed around, only to get grabbed by Drawkill Bonnie and Drawkill Freddy, who dragged him into an empty alley. Drawkill Freddy then pinned the screeching animatronic against the wall, his eyes flaring up.
''Shut up!'' he growled.
Raven suddenly stopped trashing, giving Drawkill Freddy a stunned look. It seemed as if he had realized what was going on and that he couldn't win this fight.
''Don't we still have a score to settle?'' Drawkill Chica said, tilting her head as she stared at Raven. She could still remember how he had suddenly attacked her and Drawkill Bonnie, causing both of them to lose the girl they were supposed to watch over. Raven kept silent.
''Are you afraid?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked him, with Raven glaring at him. ''You should be.''
''He wanted to see Connor? Why don't we bring him along?'' Drawkill Foxy turned to Drawkill Freddy, who seemed to be considering Drawkill Foxy's suggestion.
''The problem is, he's not the one whom we were supposed to be searching for,'' Drawkill Freddy replied.
''Where is Connor?'' Raven asked, his voice steady. ''You know where that coward is hiding.''
''That coward might find some use for you,'' Drawkill Freddy replied in a mocking tone.
''He won't,'' Raven replied. ''I'm going to kill him for what he had done.''
The Drawkills suddenly laughed, with Raven feeling chills crawling through his endoskeleton. He was aware that they knew something he didn't know.
''I wish you good luck with that,'' Drawkill Foxy told him, grinning like a maniac.
''Maybe we could have some fun with him,'' Drawkill Chica suggested, with Raven glaring at her.
Drawkill Freddy kept quiet as he stared at Raven, tilting his head slightly. He then let go of Raven's suit, with the latter staring at him in surprise.
''We could do that,'' Drawkill Freddy said. ''Or, we could try out something else. Besides, there is no need for hostility now, right?''
''What do you want?'' Raven asked.
''Do you remember that girl and the bunny animatronic that had accompanied her? We are searching for her,'' Drawkill Freddy told him, with Raven looking concerned.
''No,'' he said. Drawkill Freddy frowned.
''Is he denying that he remembers them or is he refusing our offer?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked.
''I think it's both, mate,'' Drawkill Foxy told him in a deadpan tone. Drawkill Freddy snorted as he leaned over, placing his hand right next to Raven's head. Raven noticed a strange red and orange glow coming from the holes in Drawkill Freddy's arm.
''Don't worry, we may have a solution for this issue,'' Drawkill Freddy said.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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facetheravenwood · 1 year
Top 5 Clara outfits? And top 5 DW episodes you watch for comfort?
okay so the first question is very difficult but let me try my best (in no particular order):
the Time Heist suit unlocked a special level of gay in my teenage self
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the Magician's Apprentice/Witch's Familiar outfit is so iconic to me and the dress was the first screen-accurate Clara piece i ever got my hands on (still have it)
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the Zygon Invasion/Inversion outfit is iconic and even though we mostly saw Bonnie wear it, it's so fucking slay and that episode made me have very impure thoughts as a teenager so i'm including it
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this Time of the Doctor/Deep Breath slay is the quintessential Clara outfit for me tbh. it's so perfect i love it so much and it was the first outfit of hers that i cosplayed as a lil baby whovian 🫶
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aaaand i'll have to round it out with her little diner uniform from Hell Bent because it's precious and sparks joy 🫶
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honorable mentions for the Snowmen, Robot of Sherwood, Into the Dalek, and Listen 💜
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now onto your second question... bold of you to assume this show gives me comfort and not emotional damage (/j) but...
The Snowmen is my #1 of all time, i own it on DVD and i watch it several times a year. one time i watched it 5 times in the month of November alone. i can quote all of it from memory and it makes me happy stim even though it's so sad at the end 🫶
Vampires in Venice is just wholesome fun wrapped up in camp, i love vampires and fashion and the plot is absolutely ridiculous but it's so much fun to watch anyway
The Bells of St John is like a beam of serotonin directly into my brain, it is so cute and fun and sweet and silly and it's our Clara's first proper episode and it's a brilliant introduction to her character and my wifi password absolutely is rycbar123 thank you for asking
The Crimson Horror is on the list bc i love the one (1) episode per season where the Doctor and companion/s actually dress in period-accurate clothing, i love the aesthetics of the Victorian era and the mystery/horror aspects of the episode, we get to see the Paternoster Gang again, there's a disabled woman enacting vengeance on her abusers (🫶), and we get to hear Eleven's stupid little Yorkshire accent which always makes me smile
Robot of Sherwood because again, just silly fun and antics and period costumes and the indomitable human spirit and you asked about comfort so obviously they're mostly gonna be Clara eps despite how much i truly truly love the rest of the reboot i promise
in complete fairness, i didn't have access to watch the show for a good chunk of the last 5 years, so most of what i rewatched was the Clara era that we had taped on our TV, and i've only just recently been rewatching the entire reboot again for maybe the third time overall?? so my opinions are definitely coloured by how hard i fixated on the Clara era lmao
also THANK U FOR ASKING ME THESE QUESTIONS PAX I APPRECIATE U 🫶🫶🫶 sorry for how fucking long this post is!!!!!
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bonsars · 10 months
We all know River Heatherra runs this blog right. Anyway I'm not subjecting my followers on that blog to my personal life, given how many I have. So hello bonsars followers. I'm gonna open up a little.
I definitely see myself in Bonnie. Bonnie tti reminds me of when I was back in school. High school, to be specific. The way Bonnie was back in island, not having friends, but finding that one special person in Caesar, it reminded me of the friendship I have with one of my own friends. Let's call her. Um. Katniss. To match with Caesar being Caesar Flickerman.
Anyway, Katniss and I have known each other since 8th grade. I was a new student, we had math together, and I don't remember seeing her in my math class bc almost all my memories from 2020 i have blocked out. We didn't become friends until freshman year of high school, and when we did talk, the way I felt around her, it was like I found my missing piece. We never dated, no. Our relationship could never be taken there, I don't think. Anyway, we had some problems and we fell out, which was probably the worst part of high school for me. I didn't have any friends. Losing her meant I lost my other friends, and I fell into a depression that last such a long time. I had a relationship my sophomore year of school, but we broke up just before going into my junior year.
Senior year, Katniss and I reconnected. I can't exactly remember how, but throughout junior year we talked a little, nothing much, but it was nice to talk to her. Senior year came, and we just became friends again. We did talk out our problems we had freshman year, and she apologized for it because it was with some issues she had during the time, but I don't know where I would be without her. We were so extremely close, and I once again felt like I had my missing piece. Someone who makes me feel complete. Someone who I just know would always be there for me. Even last year as she went away for college, I still knew we had each other. She's one of the best people I have in my life, and every day I'm so thankful for her to be in my life.
Anyway. Where does this relate to bonsar. I don't know. I feel like as I read them, I see my friendship that I have with Katniss in them. No, she isn't nearly as dramatic as Caesar. She slays, but not nearly as much as him. And I think just the self projection is going a little too much with this, because every time I read them together, it makes me so happy to see that they found each other. They have each other. Caesar calling himself Bonnie's soulmate back on the playa del losers episodes made me so unbelievably happy. The bond they have, whether you see it as romantic or not, it's there and it runs deep and it's just something that I have experienced in my own life and I don't want anything to happen to them. No petty drama, no stupid fighting, anything like that.
Why do I want romantic bonsar? I don't know. As face value, yes. That's what I want. I want them to have a happy, loving relationship where they know they have each other. But also, I could see this being strictly platonic. Something that Katniss and I have. But they're definitely more than friends. I call Katniss my friend, but we have both talked about it and we know that the bond we have is something that goes beyond "friend". That's what bonsar is. Something that goes beyond "friend." If it's romantic, awesome. If it's not romantic, awesome. I just don't want them to break apart bc of stupid drama.
Sorry I've been thinking about this a while. And bonsar has been rotating on the mind too. I saw Katniss today, before she leaves for college again, and it just made me realize why I enjoy bonsar so much. I think.
Bonsar sweep
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to-hold-the-line · 1 year
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V; Main - takes place during or after Jedi: Survivor. Cal is 23 and a Jedi Knight. Threads that take place after the events of the game will also be tagged as v; Tanalore.
V; Fallen - Takes place toward the end of the game. Cal has fallen to the Dark Side as a result of Bode’s betrayal and the stress of constantly fighting the Empire. He is not completely evil; there are still people he holds dear and things he won’t do, but in combat, he shows no restraint or remorse. He’s become a vengeful nihilist, hellbent on slaying those who have wronged him. First Bode, then Vader, and the whole of the Galactic Empire. The only things that matter to him are ensuring that all of them burn and keeping his very few friends safe. (Side note: this AU is largely inspired by how Cartoonz played the game after Bode’s betrayal, and I thought it would be fun to actually project his rage onto Cal. 😈)
V; modern - I don’t have specifics yet, but I do know that I want a verse where Cal is just the most normal earthling dude…or at least as normal as I can write him. He has a very helpful emotional support cat named Bede (pronounced like BD), drives a motorcycle but can’t drive a car, is very involved in his local HEMA chapter and well trained in both mixed martial arts and medieval weaponry, and likes to garden in his spare time. Cal is a historian by trade, and often has to travel abroad for work. Young as he is, he has some trouble getting colleagues to take him seriously, but it doesn’t diminish his love for the job at all.
V; Wednesday - Due to shenanigans, Cal manages to crash land the Mantis not only on earth but right in the backyard of a very creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, and altogether hooky family, shortly after they return from dropping Wednesday off at Nevermore Academy. He survives, and while the Mantis is mostly in one piece, she’s badly damaged and in need of some major repairs before she can fly again. In true Addams fashion, Gomez and Morticia welcome him into their home and do their best to help him recover from his injuries. He very quickly insists on helping them out in return, mainly by assisting Lurch around the house or keeping Pugsley company after school. He comes with them to meet Wednesday at Nevermore for parents weekend. (Anything can happen from there, although I won’t ship Cal with underage muses. This takes place at the beginning of Jedi: Survivor, after Cal leaves Coruscant, so Cal is 23, and a Jedi Knight, and still dealing with the loss of his crew. Bode and BD-1 will probably appear as NPCs for interactions with Wednesday/Addams Family characters. Also, this is just a fun little AU that I had rolling around in my brain.)
V; pirate - Y’know I gotta do it. Cal Kestis is the youngest captain the Mantis has ever had, having just inherited the bonny ship from his newly retired captain, Greez, and now sails the Caribbean, nay, all the seven seas! Treasure is a fine goal, of course, and Cal has always been partial to searching for historical artifacts, but what his heart truly desires is adventure. He’s a lovable rogue, hailing from Ireland, and the son of a sailor and a governor’s daughter. Saltwater flows through his veins. He has a pet parrot named Beady who’s very good at fetching things. (Again, he’s 23, but he’s a little more morally questionable in this verse. Very much against the British Empire. And honestly, all empires. I’m open to plotting out crew related stuff!)
V; Royal - Cal is a prince…or rather, a former prince. He was leading a massive research effort to uncover more of his nation’s ancient past, and right when he was about to make a crucial discovery, his best friend (possibly Bode, but could be anyone. I’m open to plotting) betrayed him by calling in an ambush. Cal barely managed to escape with his life and made it back to the palace…only to find it under siege. He was soon met by a scout who delivered a message from his father: ‘Do not come back. Run. Just save yourself. Follow your stars.’ Prince Cal did just that, though it broke his heart to leave. Shedding his noble title, Cal went on the run with his familiar, Bede (BD), eventually getting to a point where he had to become a sellsword and artifact hunter in order to survive. Currently, he’s a bit more rugged, having been on the road for the past five years, and he finds it hard to trust others, but he’s still a very compassionate man, and will always do his best to help others.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
any headcanons about friendy and kind hare animatronic s/o (who is for some reason fully immune to the afton (alter ego) virus) with freddy and gregory’s help trying to fix and make monty, Roxanne and chica come back fully to their senses and free them completly without destroying them and manages to do it with success in a quite unexpected way like he/she/they/xem/whatever asked to gregory play an song from an abandoned and lost smartphone they found to cheer the situation while freddy plays along side the song guess what happened? while the 4 virus infected animatronics where tied up and listened to the song in their eyes turned and glowed purple and they began twich and scream in a voice which completely aren’t theirs (glitchtrap’s/William’s voice) after 15 minutes their eyes exibited an purple “error” and ”self-deleting” menssages in their eyes before they got knock out for 30 minutes and miraculousy waking up back to their senses and fully virus free! showing that music and some others similar or shares the similar rhythm and audio frequency for some reason has an extreme unwanted effect on the virus leading it to self-destruct without giving traces like “fully exorcising a demon from a person then slay it”?
I gotta say this idea is SUPER big brained I love it ...........
"You sure this rebar will hold them?” Gregory looks to the aggressive Glamrock trio tied up in bundles of metal, uncertain.
Roxanne was complaining loudly about her hair, while Chica whined about being hungry, and Monty thrashed around and snapped his jaws.
Yep. They were still lost, taken over by that virus that amplified their worst traits. They even yelled at Freddy when he tried to calmly talk to him, saying hurtful things.
You (a hare-based animatronic who didn’t get infected), knew they didn’t mean it. They were even confusing you for Bonnie, with Monty in hysterics over that day.
But it finally convinced Freddy that they weren’t themselves, though you had an idea on how to help them, and you explained the plan to him. It was really just a theory...you weren’t sure if it would even work. But you had to try.
“It will, but not for long. We have to do this now.” You hopped over to Gregory, opening your chest cavity to reveal a smartphone you retrieved from lost and found. “This device has a playlist of the band’s original songs..like this one! Make sure the wireless connection is on and hit play when I say so.”
“Uh, okay..?” He takes the phone and connects it to a speaker, confused as Freddy returns with his mic. “What’s music gonna do again?”
“..hopefully bring them back. If not then..I don’t know what will.”
“But all we can do is try, right?” The bear beams with hope, making you smile back at him.
“Right. Now remember: no matter how they react, do not stop singing. Just pretend they’re...a bunch of angsty teens who can’t shut up.”
“...that’s kind of mean-”
“Okay, okay. I promise I won’t stop singing.” His expression turns serious. “I’m ready.”
You tell Gregory to hit play, and both of you hide behind one of the metal fences just in case anything goes wrong.
Freddy stood in front of his bandmates as they still struggled in their metal binds, his heart full of determination as he began singing.
They all perk up at the familiar music--and their leader’s loud and proud voice as it didn’t waver, not even as they started taunted him.
“Is this all ya got, Fatbear?!! Singing that stupid song?!! Some leader you are!!”
“TRAITOR!! Just give us the kid!!!”
“We’re only trying to help!! Why do you hate us, Freddy?!!!”
Yet it wasn’t long before something happened.
Their eyes began glowing purple one by one. And you, Freddy, and Gregory heard them emit these horrid noises--like hoarse glitchy screams that weren’t even their own voices.
Obviously it jarred Freddy, who was afraid of hurting his friends, but he kept going, not stopping for even a moment.
Soon the song ends, and they’re still in agony--but quieter as the purple glow began to fade and their temperaments haven’t changed.
“We need another song.” You urged Gregory to swipe to the next one, and he did, while Freddy sang that, too.
Over the span of 15 minutes, Freddy was singing songs and the corrupted trio was screaming as the virus got overwhelmed by the barrage of similar music frequencies.
As the last one concluded, Gregory noticed error messages flickering in their eyes, along with some weird computer jargon he didn’t fully understand. 
But you did and looked on with awe. “See that? It’s forcing a system reboot on all of them!”
Meanwhile, the bear was out of breath, but he smiled brightly, relieved as they all shutdown. “You were right, [y/n]! It worked! They should reactivate in approximately..half an hour.”
Together you both work on untying them and dragging them to different corners of the room, waiting for them to wake up.
Exactly 30 minutes later, they stumble out into the atrium, confused and dazed. They seemingly forgot what happened.
But that didn’t matter. You and Freddy immediately hugged them, grateful to have them back.
It’ll be awkward explaining the situation between them and Gregory, knowing how paranoid the poor kid’s probably gonna be. Though somehow things work out in the end.
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willywonderfan · 2 years
Willy's Wonderland vampire hunter au part 1. (This universe is set in the present)
( a crowd of people cheer for Knighty Knight for keeping the village vampire free yet again)
Tex Macadoo: Thank you Knighty Knight, if it wasn't for you this village would've been overtaken by vampires years ago!
Knighty Knight: Don't just thank me, thank Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica as well for helping me slay all these vampires.
Tex Macadoo: Thank you guys for helping Knighty Knight keep this village vampire free.
Freddy: No problem.
(The crowd continues to cheer for the four vampire hunters as it cuts to a vampire weasel watching this on TV)
Willy: Dammit, we vampires will cease to exist if nothing's done about these vampire hunters soon!
Tito: I don't think we need to take care of all of those vampire hunters, we just need to take care of the leader.
Willy: And how do you think we'd be able to do that, he's the most efficient vampire hunter out of the four.
Sara(reffering to Knighty Knight): You know he's kinda cute...
(Sara looks at the screen lovingly)
Sara: I would just love for him to become a vampire....
Tito: That's it!
Cammy: What's it?
Tito: We just turn him into one of us!
Willy: That's definitely easier said than done.
Tito: But it's not impossible...
Arty: (yawn) I'm up, what did I miss?
Willy: Tito just came up with a plan that will make sure that we never have to worry about Knighty Knight again.
( Tito whispers the plan to Arty)
Arty: Oh that is perfect...
(They all laugh maniacally except for Sara who's still looking at the screen in awe)
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maybeginny · 5 years
TeamStarKid Descriptions
TeamStarKid: a bunch of thirty-ish year olds acting like children by making fun of other franchises but they're on a stage and they’re hilarious
Members (not all, but a lot, of them):
Nico Ager, Julia Albain, Rachael D. Albert, Chris Allen, Nick Anderson, Joel Arnold, Julie Ballard, Clark Baxtresser, Jaime Lyn Beatty, Jeff Blim, Mary Clare Blake Booth, Michael Bou-Maroun, Pat Brady, Cory Braun, Adam Brunetti, Tyler Brunsman, Mike Burke, Jamie Burns, Richard Campbell, Joe Carroll, Phil Chester, Amalea Chininis, Kavin Chung, Britney Coleman, Mason Cormie, Brant Cox, Darren Criss, Sam Crittenden, Matt Dahan, Corey Davis, Drew DeFour, Kevin DeKimpe, Denise Donovan, Corey Dorris, Jess Dumbroff, Ilana Elroi, Jason Emmendorfer, Erdem Ertal, Max Evarard, Mariah Rose Faith, Elona Finlay, Justin Fischer, Josh Fleury, Andrew Fox, Scott Fussey, Paul Gabriel, Nick Gage, Matt Glenn, Arielle Goldman, Ali Gordon, Gordon Granger, Lisa Griebel, Hayley Hanway, Samara Harand, Michael Hart, Andrew Hill, Jeff Himes, Brian Holden, AJ Holmes, Justin Hong, Jade Ingardona, Sam Johnides, Marta Johnson, Nick Kabat, Eric Kahn Gale, Max Kaufman, Proma Kholsa, Jon Jackson, Bob Joles, Craig Kidwell, Bruce Kiesling, Angela F. Kiessel, Justin Kono, Mike LaFond, Justin LaForte, Scott Lamps, Jen Lang, Matt Lang, Nick Lang, Mark LeGrand, Lauren Lopez, Chris Lorentz, Corey Lubowich, Evanna Lynch, Devin Lytle, Robert Manion, Jon Matteson, Lily Marks, Ryan McDiarmid, Lana McKinnon, Jama McMahon, Kaley McMahon, Curt Mega, Alle-Faye Monka, Joe Moses, Yonit Olshan, David Orlicz, Lauren Pais, Alex Paul, Devon Perry, Sarah Petty, Eric Pidluski, Tony Pisaneschi, Madeline Platt, Amy Plouff, Jim Povolo, Ryan Proch, Carolyn Reich, Corey Richardson, Joey Richter, Molly Rife, Claire Roche, Josh Romero, Brian Rosenthal, Cami Ross, June Saito, Jacob Saleh, Lena Sands, Dylan Saunders, Matt Script, Pierce Siebers, Christopher Smith, Teia Smith, Bonnie Socha (née Gruesen), Rachael Soglin, Miles Spagnola, Katie Spelman, Mike Sportiello, Meredith Stepien, Taylor Stanton, Jack Stratton, Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia, Emily Stromberg, Ruby Summers, Jade Svenson, Mark Swiderski, Sango Tajima, Emily Thomas, James Tolbert, Anna Troiano, Ronnie Vail,  Carlos Valdes, Meryl Waldo, Joe Walker, Lauren Walker, Russ Walko, Andy Warren, Kim Whalen, Liam White, Tiffany Williams, Clara Wong, & Marguerite Woodward
*this list most likely does not include all of the StarKids
Little White Lie: a YouTube show about bands but Duder's a spy
A Very Potter Musical: Harry Potter but Harry is an ass, Ron is a jerk in love, Hermione is bullied, and Voldemort is hot and in love in Quirrel
Me and My Dick: Joey Richter plays a sex-crazed version of himself but it's a musical with singing dicks and vaginas
A Very Potter Sequel: Harry Potter but they go back in time and the actor who played Voldemort in the first one plays a chubby little fuck but is still hot
Starship: the little mermaid but with bugs and in space
Holy Musical B@man!: Batman but Dylan Saunders' voice fucking slays and instead of the Joker they have Sweet Tooth who makes a lot of candy puns
A Very Potter Senior Year: Harry Potter but Harry is even more of an ass, Voldemort is even hotter, and you will cry
Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier: Wicked but for Ja'far and Aladdin is a dick
ANI: A Parody: Star Wars but the villains are the heroes, Darth Vador is not threatening, Tarkin is in love with a stormtrooper, Jar Jar is lovable, and they pod race again
The Trail to Oregon!: the game but the characters are named by the audience and they are all idiots
Firebringer: cave people but with revolutions, love, and fucking awesome choreography
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals: a musical about a guy who doesn't like musicals but a meteor crashes in his town that turns everything into a musical
Black Friday: a horror comedy commentary about capitalism and corruption but Dylan Saunders is BACK and fucking bops (i will add everyone who worked on this incredible musical to the list of StarKids as soon as i have time, sorry)
*this list does not include tours, concerts, reunions, The Harder They Fall, Hobbit, Hobbit 2, Yes, I am Afraid of the Dark!, 1 Night 2 Last 3 Ever, Airport for Birds, Movies, Musicals, & Me or their YouTube Short Comedy Sketches for the sake of simplicity
Tin Can Bros: a separate but similar theater company created by a few StarKids but they are still StarKids
Corey Lubowich, Joey Richter, Brian Rosenthal
Spies are Forever: a musical about spies but they say the word spies way too many times and the plot twist will smack you and call you a bitch
The Solve It Squad Returns: Scooby Doo but they avoid copy-right infringement by changing all of the names and they are aged-up and depressed
*this list does not include Alive! On Stage!, Seriously Not a Joke, We Didn’t Plan to Kill Our Guest, Idle Worship, Flop Stoppers, Wayward Guide, Choose Our Destiny, or their YouTube Short Comedy Sketches for the sake of simplicity
If I forgot or am wrong about something, please let me know so I can fix it
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 1x11
Nancy: *has a sex dream about Owen*
Dead Lucy, immediately: *GHOSTLY SCREAMS*
Since my reviews have started getting pretty long I am going to put them under the cut from now on.
I just got done watching the new Nancy Drew ep (I’m on California time don't @ me) and boy Lordy do I have thoughts. As always this show keeps getting better and better. The plot was fantastic and the story is most definitively moving forward. Dead Lucy was present and interactive and I am getting so good at predicting her appearances. The second I saw that painting with a gap I knew she was going to show up in it. And I cannot believe we finally met the owner of the Claw I was beginning to think they were a myth.
I cannot get over how great Bess’s character is, and can I just say that I love how they had the European girl be the illegal immigrant? Lisbeth was finally back on screen, and their relationship continues to slay me. Although I don’t fully understand why Bess is living in a van again when Nancy was willing to let her live at her house, but I guess it’s like an independence thing probably. I am glad to see I was right about them not being done w the Marvin storyline yet. I’m interested to see where this storyline w the Amaya character goes. Also maybe Bess will see how intense and different the world of murderous rich people is, or find out something about the Marvins (Mirror Bay anyone?) and realize she doesn’t want to be a part of it anymore, and they will blackmail her with her immigration status. Either way, it is staying interesting and affecting the plot and I am excited. And like Lisbeth I have a thing for British accents.
It’s not that I disliked George’s story this episode, she’s trying to save the Claw and it’s important to her, etc. They did a good job keeping her relevant despite her not being part of the main plot, but I want George to be active in the main plot more often. Out of all the characters, she’s the most tangentially involved especially now that they’re not suspects anymore. I am glad she’s not rushing into a relationship w Nick despite having clear feelings for him. She doesn’t trust that he’s over Nancy and George is not the type to play second fiddle to another girl, not after Tiffany.
On the subject of Nick and Nancy, they obviously still have feelings for each other. But I do understand why Nancy kissed Owen. He’s older and attractive and similar to her, and he keeps expressing clear interest. After getting her heart at least a little bit broken by Nick I can understand why she’d go after something easy.
Stepping away from Nick for the moment, Nancy was amazing this episode. I love when the writers show off her brilliance, and of course I’m glad they finally utilized Lisbeth’s undercover cop persona. Coming up with the ploy to get Mr. Hudson to transfer the money under the pretenses of relocating Bashir was brilliant. Following Lucy and realizing she was telling her to check the bottom of the portrait. She is just so trusting of and committed to Dead Lucy, I love it. Although I am curious, since the Hudson parents were clearly not big fans of Lucy, how did she find out about their hiding spots? Now I’m just picturing her standing over their shoulders while they open safes and the like. And I like that Nancy finally went to go visit her dad, they are finally building up to the positive, trusting relationship we saw in the books. Assuming they don’t kill him off in the next episode of course.
Moving back to Nick, don’t think I didn’t notice that mention of his family in Florida. And since they are all apparently important people in med school or doing important things, it makes me wonder where Nick was headed before the whole prison thing. What were his life plans. And as George pointed out, he still drops everything for Nancy whenever she needs him. I don’t think that is going to change anytime soon, and I think once they start dating George and Owen, it will be detrimental to their respective relationships, putting their ex over their current SO.
Bashir. I have decided to adopt him, he is going to come live with me somewhere warm and dry and safe and stay there forever. I loved his backstory and I am of course always thrilled to get new haunting victims. Bonny Scot looks like it’s almost wrapped up, now there are just a couple of questions. Will Bashir be safe until his testimony, will Ryan come forward with the urn - I totally called him blackmailing his family - does Carson know anything about the Bonny Scot? I’m curious as to whether Mr. Hudson actually goes to jail for this, and I am interested to see how Mrs. Hudson and Ryan step up in his absence.
Dead Lucy continues to dazzle in all her dead perfection, and whoever is in charge of her appearance needs a raise. And Nancy’s mom being Lucy’s guidance counselor, thus tying her to Lucy while supposedly pointing towards a new suspect? *adds tally mark to my Nancy’s mom killed Lucy Sable column*
In terms of next week’s episode, The Lady of Larkspur Lane: Lucy’s mother is now a suspect and since in the next episode they chase down a lead, I am assuming her brother will come back. I’m also thinking Lucy’s mother is the titular lady. And someone apparently tries to kill Ryan. Since the writers love tying storylines together I’m guessing the brother uncovers evidence that Ryan killed Lucy or something along those lines, and goes about his own way of getting justice. And Nick is going to untraceably cash his bearer bonds so maybe we meet someone from his prison days or something, idk but I’m excited. Also expecting him and George to get together any episode now, which like Nancy and Owen I’m still not here for but I have long since accepted it. I’ll be back next week with yet another witty revealing review. Send me asks or message me if you have any questions, I cannot talk about this show enough.
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mcousland · 4 years
🖊 + bonnie & manon
Thank you Nancy!! 💖 // Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I'll write 3-4 random headcanons about that OC! 
Her favorite dish is waffles, with chocolate and strawberries on the side! She has a massive sweet tooth and always gravitates towards the most sugar-filled treat within sight, even if she's warned off of it by family members who think she should lay off. 
Manon is a,, terrible flirt. She is utterly incorrigible and has pulled countless schemes to seduce or just gets someone to blush. Her favorite was when her friend Garrett had stopped by the estate and was calling for her through the halls and she called out to let him know where she was. Unbeknownst to Garrett, she had been partway through a bath and he walked straight into her relaxing in the water. The memory of him freezing in places for a solid 5 seconds before panicking and covering his eyes while shouting her name will forever provide Manon with amusement. He's too cute when he blushes, she can't help but chase any opportunity she gets to pull it from him. 
The one universal for the Weaver aesthetic is the color red, as it represents the color dragon that Manon's grandfather, Chaol, slayed decades ago that propelled the family into nobility. Some of the more dramatic family members add scales or other draconic themes to their looks, but there is always the constant of the color itself. 
Manon was the outcast among her siblings, the first Weaver child who didn't want to become an adventurer. She loved the socialite life and was, to be perfectly frank, terrified of the stories her father, aunt and grandfather would tell of their adventures. Others saw heroics and bravery, all she could hear was the facing of death each day and standing face-to-face with creatures that could tear her to ribbons. Suffice to say that when Manon was pulled into the adventuring life by being attacked and forcing her to make her first kill, she was not a happy woman. (She rubbed her hands raw making certain every speck of blood was gone while shedding quiet tears, and then cried again when she glanced down and found her dress stained with more of the stuff.)
BONNIE: I don't think I've posted much about Bonnie in terms of context, so I'll use this as a chance to toss out her backstory under the cut!
Bonnie Clark (né Emerson) is the only child of a wealthy, influential family in the city of San Sahanne. She's not a PC, but she is a character set in the Shady Grand campaign world setting that I created (at the DM's request) to smooch one of the main NPCs of the game. She was raised in a pampered lifestyle, adored and spoiled by her parents in every way. She adored them in turn… for the most part. They could be very judgmental and cruel to others if they did not meet their standards (in terms of status, religion, morals, etc) and this would always rub Bonnie the wrong way, she would often apologize to folk they had offended when they'd left or offer them empathetic smiles. (Though she never truly stood up to them, afraid to hurt their feelings or earn herself a "right talking to". 
Bonnie has been a painter for as far back as she can remember, and over years of putting brush to canvas has become an incredibly talented artist. Because of this skill, her parents took to entering her work into an art gallery within the city. It didn't take much convincing, but she was still nervous about sharing her work with people outside of her home. Her mother wanted to show off her daughter's skill, and her father believed it could be a chance for her to make a living out of the "hobby". It was at this event that Bonnie met Morgan Clark, a rugged looking man who made quite the first impression when he commented that her painting was the only one in the place that he enjoyed. He wasn't aware it was her work at the time, but it did wonders to endear him to her and the pair of them were smitten at first sight. Morgan used buying the painting as a way to see her again the following day, and they continuously found excuses for seeing each other afterward. 
They fell hopelessly in love, even with the fact that Morgan was an outlaw. And not just any outlaw, right-hand of Holland van Daal, King of Outlaws. Though the idea of outlaw life and their dealings very much frightened her, Bonnie could look past it for Morgan. Unfortunately, her parents did not share those feelings. They repeatedly insulted and shunned Morgan, to the point where Bonnie snapped over dinner one evening and told her father she had had enough. Morgan helped her gather her belongings and leave that same evening, moving her to live with him in False Cross. (A lawless town run by Holland.) Bonnie was still scared of the outlaw life, especially now that she was walking almost directly into it, but it got better over the years! At the current point of the campaign, Bonnie and Morgan have a 2 year-old boy named Jasper and she has actually befriended Holland, along with his wife and other members of the van Daal gang. 
Bonnie is just a,,, gentle-hearted, sweet, caring and creative lady who is doing her best to adjust to the life of an outlaw's wife. Which is pretty hard considering she's Not A Fan of violence, but she's trying here.
Just a fun fact that the name Bonnie was chosen purely based off the fact that it sounded Wonderful with a southern accent.
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untitledscut · 4 years
Nyashinki -Lucky You Album Review (9.5/10)
Nyashinski has dropped what is arguably the album of the year so far in Kenya, I mean it’s only April, but Lucky You is pound for pound a solid album. Given this is his first solo project, I know I know there were the albums with Kelptomaniax (M4E — Maniacs forever) and a catalog of very solid singles over the past 3 years ranging from Malaika to club bangers like Free, Finyo, and Aminia to name just a few. But Lucky You takes us to a different level of storytelling and maturity that we have not seen Nyash expose us to yet (hope he still goes by this name).
Greener — Prod by Nyashinski
The album starts with Greener which is a self-produced song by Nyash, In this song we see the classic Nyash using his voice as one of the chords and laces a more mellow flow. The song is about comparisons and as it goes the grass always looks greener on the other side. It's basically an intro to set course for what is to unfold in the rest of the album. The song is more of a statement of Nyash reminding us that people will always be comparing and whatever he does people will always have an opinion that may seem otherwise (the other side).
Sweet Aroma — Prod by K Da Great
I gotta admit this is one of my favorite songs in the album. The beat by just gives the song such musicality and the combination with Nyash almost laid-back effortless flow gives it such a good finish. The song is a celebration of his success, as he hints at his come back in the first verse and how some folks are not feeling his success — neighbors complaining. Reminds the haters that he’s here to stay and the future is really bright. He continues his celebration telling us how he’s now living in penhouses and how he is enjoying his time. Best hint “watu wakingonga cheers wakicelebrate, na-wish kimoja kingekuwa kinarotate”. Certainly, Nyash is not hiding his feelings to the world.
Glory — Prod by Desmond “$ire” Bosire
Certainly, the song has a west coast feel to it…the beat starts off feeling like you’re in a low rider. The song is loaded with punch lines. Starting off with the title itself Glory, almost an oxymoron here Nyash saying he gives God the glory while the fans/industry glorifies him. He goes off to offer his first dose, “mamember hurudi home na hope, Pastor anaenda na ganji” an all too familiar situation in prosperity gospel scenes. He continues to diss promoters “Small talk yukuwa job. Ubaya ni hailipangi. Nimemaintain najiskizia, msiniite kaamnikanji”, simply stating show me the money and save your talk. “Hi ni miracle baby, Naona nikamnanidare”, he again reminds us of his rebirth into the scene, funny wordplay to compare to Pastor Deya bring miracle babies. Another diss to haters or people who aren’t putting in work and just want to shine on others backs (slay queens) “Kama ushachange na unapewa lift, Sijui utakuwa nani ukibuy kibenz”. The rest of the song is another reminder of how Nyash has turned the industry on its ears.
Traveler — Prod by K Da Great
Another solid display of producer and artist chemistry. I’m beginning to think these two have found a working formula like Nyash and Cee-do. This is one of those pick-up songs…reminds me of a bonnie and Clyde but only for a night. Nyash is putting himself in a traveler’s shoes and he’s throwing game on the road. Telling the shorty, don’t worry you will just be another memory on my mind, coz tomorrow I’ll be gone. Reminds me of his line in Sauti Sols Short and Sweet “And by sunrise, I’m gone. I’m not here that long. Keep it short and sweet”.
G.O.A.T — Prod by K Da Great
By this track, I have stopped being surprised by the levels Nyasha and K Da Great have pushed the music quality. This song reminds me a lot of a Latin song but with a very nice tempo that makes it work so well for a rapper. Nyash takes us back to how he has inspired the industry and how he is still on top of his game hence the term G.O.A.T. A key mention is the comparison to the two groups Mushrooms and P-Unit both made up of several members like Nyash used to be in Klepto, but now he’s reviving the industry (Industry ilikuwa flat kila vital sign) as a single artist. Another reminder that Nyash is back and here to stay and gives a shout out to Sauti Sol at the end as another group that has shown longevity.
Time — Prod by K Da Great
If you are a fan of artists like J.Cole, this is one of those songs is very similar to forest hill drive tracks. Nyash goes a bit philosophical on the song, showing us he is thinking of his time on earth and how he wants to maximize his time. The first verse is all about the industry and how he struggles with trust. While the second verse is more personal, he's implying there is someone in his life who makes him open up a bit more, “All gangsta mpaka tucatch mafeelings, Alafu alafu, jealousy..”. As I said this is more of a J.Cole type vibe…reminds me of G.O.M.D.
Everyday — Prod by K Da Great
Another track that brings that other side of Nyash out that we saw in Malaika. He is probably longing to see his partner/soul mate, it seems like he is writing the track while on the road. He gives credit to the Mrs and how she saw his potential, “Uliona Bima mahali kulikuwa na bicycle”. He is longing to see her and it seems she came and changed his life around and he is hoping she says I do. I guess this song is inspired by the Mrs 😊.
Lucky You — Prod by K Da Great
This is one of those songs when the artist tries to show people how what you think of the artist may not always be true. He is struggling with fame, lack of privacy and all he does is under a microscope. Takes us back to the first song — Greener…where he lays the theme that it's not always what it seems from outside. “Najua fame kutoka far inakaa painless” and “Room iko overcrowded after shows. Matym mi nataka tu kudoz” are just a few of the lines that show his struggle. In the end he reminds people that he has worked hard for his current status and it’s not just luck. Taking us back to Kapuka days and how he’s among the last surviving artist from that era.
Wach Wach — Prod by Sam “Are” Ali
Another one of my favorites from the album, such an old school vibe, you find yourself just head bopping as the beat flows. He pays tribute to Makaveli on the track, as it is one of those cautious rap tracks citing the state of the government and the levels of thievery in our society. The second verse is giving advice on how to stay on point and stay on course and ends the song with Nyash reconfirming he’s on top of his game.
Too much — Prod by Sam “Are” Ali
This feels like one of those songs were Nyash was probably just in his zone and lets out his feels. The song is more about him being on the edge and warning folks not to try him out otherwise he will unleash that stress on them.
Fathela — Prod by Nyashinski
Nyash is back on the dials with a second self-produced song in the album. You can feel the coastal influence on his flow, as he gives prop to God/ Fathela (deep Sheng meaning Father). He also plays on the word, taking the role of the Fathela as he gives advice like a father does, Usije ukapenda za bure bure pekee. Atokee anayekupa cha bure kwake upoteen.
Flowers — Prod by Sam “Are” Ali
The album comes to a close with another sweet track that fuses some traditional African sound with a nice modern Afro-beat. Certainly, another song destined to be a big club banger with a very relaxed feel of high life music. Could almost be mistaken for a Safaricom themes advert (sorry just had to throw that in there).
Overall this is a solid album with a very good mix of afro-beat, some daring tracks, and lots of culturally relevant topics. Nyash has truly demonstrated his breath and growth in the music scene. Coming back from a hiatus to still be not just relevant but setting the pace in the scene. I would have loved to see a song or two by Ceedo as I think their partnership was fire. But we know artists need to show their growth by working with other producers and Nyash didn’t disappoint.
Untitled’s Cut — by the Untitled.
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forkanna · 4 years
Characters © Frederator/Cartoon Network and so forth. Story ©2020 to me! All rights reserved.
This little fic was commissioned by MorbidHero. Enjoy! I'm not a superfan but I hope I still did the fandom justice, more or less. Even though there are no bacon pancakes or appearances from Billy.
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Orono Or DIE.
The sign was unique enough to attract attention. That was probably the idea. Still, the girl with the long, black hair and the red-and-blue striped sweater seemed a little surprised when a car pulled over on the long, lonely stretch of Highway 95. Her eyes narrowed to slits as headlights attempted to blast the pupils wide, and she shadowed them with a pale hand.
"Hello!" cried a voice that sounded like a music box. "Are you in need of aid?"
"Uhhhh…" The squinting eyes shifted. "There a person in there?"
"Of course! I am a person! Please, it's too cold to be out here alone!"
The stranger approached the passenger window, bending down to look inside. By the light of the dash screen, she saw a rosy complexion and bright pink hair to match. The girl's round face held the sweetest, most angelic smile she had ever seen.
"I… whoa."
"N-nothing. You're really gonna give me a lift? I could be an axe murderer."
The driver's eyebrows raised. "Are you an axe murderer?"
"Sorta." She opened her black guitar case, covered in stickers from all manner of bands and destinations, to display a red bass that actually was shaped like an axe, a snarky half-smile displaying some prominent canines. "I slay on this thing alllll the time."
"Oooh! A wandering minstrel! Prithee, do not tarry thither, but let us away in mine chariot!"
"I… huh?"
Cheeks turning a bit rosier, she whispered, "Just get in the car."
With her bass, cardboard sign, and knapsack stashed in the cramped back seat, the two pulled away from the shoulder and back onto the near-deserted highway. There reigned silence for a moment or two until the driver decided to attempt pleasant conversation.
"What's your name, minstrel?"
"Not Minstrel. Marcy. Or Marce, Marceline, Nightmarce… Elvira, if you're everybody in my high school."
"That sounds very unkind, and I am not from your high school so I will not do that." She smiled over at her. "I'm Bonnibel, or Bonnie."
"Cool. This, uh… this car seems weird."
"Oh!" she piped up animatedly. "It is a hybrid, but I have converted the combustion engine to run on used peanut oil."
"Is that why I have a craving for a PB&J out of nowhere?!"
Bonnie laughed, and Marcy wore a smile of her own. That was bizarre; why would she smile at some stranger who just picked her up to give her a lift? "Perhaps! It is also why I will eventually have to visit a Five Guys restaurant to refuel."
Chuckling quietly, Marcy fought down a groan as she struggled out of her black leather boots and propped her feet up on the dash. "Sorry, but I've been walking for hours. Nobody else would pick me up, except for this creepy trucker who would probably have murdered me. With my own axe."
"It is alright! I can't blame you, that sounds like a terrible day. How did you end up out here all by yourself? With no car?"
"Ash, ugh."
Rolling her eyes, Marcy explained, "No, Ash is my ex. Also the lead guitarist of our band, Vampire Queen. But like, he's been impossible since we broke up, and he threw his guitar at my head during our last show. I told him I wasn't riding in the van with him anymore and they took off without me. Jerkfaces."
Bonnie's expression was completely thunderstruck. She reached over to pat Marceline's thigh. "That is just unacceptable, you could have been hurt!"
"Uh… yeah?" She thought that was obvious. And the sudden physical contact made her squirm.
"No, I mean you should remove him from the band. He is clearly dangerous and you have every right to feel safe on the stage."
"Oh. Well… it's not that easy. He writes half our songs, and he's no great singer but he does know all the guitar parts already. But… I guess he's more replaceable than Fionna or Jake."
"You should send him to prison. Or castrate him," she added, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
Which is what finally made Marceline realize neither of her hands were on the wheel. She sat up quick and shouted, "HEY, we're gonna crash! Are you insane?!"
"Hm?" Glancing ahead, she calmly stated, "No we aren't, we're driving perfectly straight. And there are no other cars."
"Well… yeah, but…" She watched their course correct very slightly, still glancing at Bonnie's hands. "Oh, is this one of those self-driving things?"
"Yes! Oh, I see; you thought I was neglecting the wheel." The pink-haired oddity giggled as if Marcy were the weird one.
"Do you just pick up random strangers and scare them to death? Messed up hobby, girl. I can respect it though."
At that, Bonnie's smile lessened as she stared ahead again. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget that not everyone has access to the technology I do. I didn't mean to cause you any undue strife."
"Not everybody swallows a dictionary for breakfast, either." When that wiped the smile away entirely, the rocker turned to look out the passenger window as she tightened her arms around her stomach. "Nah… I'm sorry, I'm a bitch."
The car was silent for a few seconds. "You aren't. I just don't spend a lot of time with other people. When I do, they tell me I am awkward."
"Yeah? Agoraphobic or something?" She paused. "Yeah, I know some big words, too."
"I never said you didn't. But no, that isn't the problem. I'm a workaholic. Even when I'm not in my lab, I'm still focused on inventing or revising previous inventions. I like speaking with people, but there never seems to be any time…"
"Dude, nerdslut. Got it."
The outburst was harsher than Marce expected. "Sorry," she muttered, head ducking lower. "I didn't-"
"I'm not a slut! I'm…" Her cheeks began to glow. "I've never even been on a date."
"I was kidding, man. I didn't really mean…" Her fingers ran through her fringe. "Look, you told me you don't get out much. So I'll do my best not to tease you like I normally would, but no promises. I'm pretty edgy." She even threw up devil horns to add to the effect.
"You're teasing. Yes, I understand." The bubbly girl sighed and relaxed, smiling again. Apparently, it was that easy.
"What do you do for a living, anyway? All the inventing…"
"Oh! Have you heard of PeebleCo?"
A brief pause. "If I say 'no', does that mean I'm dumb?"
"It's alright. I am the president and CEO. Though the board members make most of the day-to-day decisions, they consult with me before making any large changes. And I am also the head of the R&D department."
"Whoa. And you're what, like, eighteen?"
"Excuse me," she snickered. "But yeah, that's pretty young to have your whole future figured out. I'm still kind of drifting through life in the shadows."
Bonnie shrugged as she pulled off the highway. "It is okay. I know I am strange, and that most people have to take some time to find their true destiny."
"Where… are we going?"
"To this hotel! I have been driving all day."
"Oh. Guess this is where I get off, then."
"It is if you want. Or you are welcome to share my hotel room and I will continue to ferry you to your destination in the morning."
Marceline raised an eyebrow as she watched Bonnie smoothly guide the car into a parking spot — having to use her hands this time, of course. "Are you totally insane, or just the nicest person on the planet?"
"Does it have to be one or the other?" she asked with a huge grin. And yet again, Marcy found she was grinning back.
                                                      ~ o ~
Once they had brought their bags inside, the hitchhiker plopped herself on the bed and kicked off her boots again. Then she started tuning her bass. Bonnie started unpacking her little pink rolling suitcase immediately, though she cast a casual glance over at her guest now and then.
"What? Am I bugging you?"
"Not at all. I have just never seen someone play a guitar in person before."
"Never?!" When the inventor shook her head, Marceline chuckled softly. "Damn, you really don't ever crawl out from under that rock to see what the sun looks like. Not that I do, either."
"It's because I'm working," she protested with a slight pout. "Not because I don't want to meet people. I love people!"
"Oh yeah, me too. They're delicious."
Bonnie cackled as she plugged her BMO's charger into the wall. At least she got that joke. "You're so funny and cool! I wish I was like you."
"No you don't, trust me. I'm kind of a cunt."
"Are you? Well, I think that's still preferable to being boring. I might have an important job but as a person, I am… vanilla pudding."
"Yeah? Well I mean, vanilla pudding can be pretty good. Add a little red food coloring to make people think you're eating ketchup? I like red things, they look more badass."
"Vanilla is not interesting," she sighed as she seated herself on the other twin bed, pulling off her Uggs. Marceline tried not to pay too much attention to how her white leggings hugged her shapely calves and thighs. "Being a vanilla pudding when there are so many chocolate puddings around me… that is why I focus on my work."
The hitchhiker thought that over as she played a couple of notes, a few chords she used in their sets. The hook from "Smoke On The Water", then the bassline from "The Chain".
"I think you're cool, Bonbon."
"You do?" she asked in pure shock. Marcy looked up — and immediately averted her eyes when she saw her company was wearing only her underwear.
"WHOA, hey, warn a girl or something!"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" she hissed, arms trying to hide parts of her body pointlessly. "The other girls in gym class never cared!"
Pale cheeks flooding with color, the rocker cleared her throat and studied the carpet, watching pale pink toes curl nervously into the fibers. "Gym, yeah. Um… I'm sorry, that was stupid. Me flipping out. If you're cool with stripping down in front of me, like… it's your hotel room…"
"No, you are right, it was my mistake. We have only just met today. And I am decent." When Marceline chanced another glance, she saw a long pink nightgown covering Bonnie from neck to ankle. She was also wearing an embarrassed little smile that was more adorable than it had any right to be.
"You're definitely decent."
"Gesundheit?" she re-joked with a slight smirk.
"Free candy!" She practically pounced on the little mint laying on her pillow, unwrapping it and devouring it in mere seconds. "Mmmmhhh… oh, divine!"
The moans of pleasure definitely made Marcy have to clear her throat again. Desire was stirring within her in a way that blindsided her; Bonnie was a girl. One she had met literally that day! Was she losing it?! Sure, she had always known she liked girls as much as boys, but she had never really been serious about one.
"SHIT!" she gasped out when she saw those beautiful features only a couple of inches away from her own. It seemed Bonnie's concern had brought her over to the other bed. "I… what? I'm fine, you can go back to getting ready for bed or whatever."
"You are flushed. What if you have a fever, from being out in the cold too long?"
Then the bouncy inventor touched their foreheads together, to check her temperature. Marceline knew that was the reason… yet she still felt her heart speed up, her sweat glands stirring to life.
But she was no shrinking violet. Anti-social, sure, and inexperienced hitting on girls versus guys. But she figured she might as well give it a shot and see what happened.
"You give me fever," she began to sing in a smoky voice. Bonnie's concerned eyes shot wide. "Fever when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight."
A tiny whispered "What?" fell from small pink lips. And not even the oblivious shut-in could miss the rock star's meaning. "Me?"
After they held each other's gaze for a few more seconds, Marceline burst out with a chuckle and looked away, strumming her bass. "Couldn't resist. You're such a cute little marshmallow, it's too easy."
And that was that. Or so she thought. After she had played a few more notes and glanced up again, expecting that Bonnie would have rushed off to the bathroom by now, she saw she was being studied carefully.
"Sorry. Told you I'm a bitch."
"Why are you sorry? If you meant it… which you did…"
"Who says I did?" she grunted. "Hey-"
"I do," Bonnie told her in even tones as she finished pulling the guitar strap from around Marceline's neck. How could this awkward bean be so bold all of a sudden?! "You are blushing like I am blushing. That means you meant it, doesn't it?"
"No. It means… maybe I was out in the cold too long. Whatever."
Sighing like a patient teacher facing an obstinate student, Bonnie leaned over and took her lips gently. And poor Marcy felt her brain short-circuiting. This girl was going for it! How?! This girl?! Even more shameful was that it took three or four seconds for her to pull back from the kiss, panting and clutching at the bedspread.
"Oh wow," Bonnibel whispered, reaching up to touch her own bottom lip with delicate fingers. "I did that."
"Yeah? Like, what, you're surprised you kissed somebody? That's fucking weird!"
"I am. I have never done it before, I didn't think it would be so easy. But I wasn't afraid like I expected to be, and I enjoyed the feeling."
One single fact kept Marcy from harping on about how bold of an assumption it was to kiss her out of nowhere. "Whoa, hold up. I'm really your first?"
"Yes," she breathed, cheeks warming to match Marceline's as she fidgeted with her fingers.
"That… amazing one you just planted on me was your first kiss?!"
Bonnie raised her eyebrows at her. "Oh, it was good?"
"Dude, I'm practically at full sail down here already!" When the hapless girl didn't seem to have any idea what she meant by that, she clarified, "Yes, it was good!"
"Oh. Then it was a successful experiment! Hooray!" Marceline just gaped at her open-mouthed. "We should do more experiments, I think."
"Yeah? What, you think I'm that easy?" she scoffed, trying to focus on reaching for her bass instead of blushing scarlet. But she barely touched the neck before firm hands were pinning her to the bed. "HEY!"
"You will assist me," the girl she had once mistaken for a marshmallow ordered her with a sly smirk.
Marceline finally understood that she had been hoodwinked. Well, not really; she believed this girl had no experience, but she had made the erroneous assumption that also meant she would be timid. Nope.
"I will? That's pretty interesting, I thought I got to decide that part."
"You do. But I already know you will decide to help me." Her hips started shifting on top of Marceline's, eyes briefly falling shut. "Mmm… mm?"
The rocker looked away, waiting for the backlash. Bracing to be shouted at, or called any number of names. She had been down that road before — most recently with Ash, who had no problem doing that to her but only when he was angry.
"You're a transgender person."
Stunned by the bluntness of the phrasing, she finally looked up to see nothing but surprise in Bonnie's features. No judgment, no disgust. "Um… yeah. Well, we prefer just 'trans'."
"Oh! 'Justrans' then." She shifted a few more times, prompting a little groan from both of them. "This will certainly make the experiment easier; I already know how to work with one of these from anatomy class."
Marcy knew she wasn't trying to be cruel. She could tell. But she still hissed up at her, "Can you like, not act like I'm some kind of sex slave robot? There's a real person with a real blackened soul down here."
With a little gasp, she covered her mouth. "Bloobalooby! I'm sorry, you're right." Her hips rolled again, sending a wave of heat down into the rocker from their point of contact, blinding her with pleasure. "Do you consent to experimenting with me sexually, and taking my virginity?"
Marceline could only sputter. And she almost told her 'no' simply because she was so shocked at the entire situation. But it was beginning to feel way too good. Why? Why did she want to?
"Sure. If you really don't care that I'm some problem you picked up off the side of the road."
"You are perfect." For just a second, Marcy felt a flutter in her stomach from such praise. Then Bonnie elaborated, "I'm comfortable with you, and I can tell that you are an adequate size to give me a wonderful first experience."
"Oh. That kind of 'perfect'. Right."
Genuinely puzzled, she tilted her head and asked, "What other kind is there?"
Instead of answering, Marceline pulled her down for a heated kiss. They kept that up while rolling around on the bed, running their fingers through each other's hair, humming into the contact. By the time they came up for air, she realized her sweater had disappeared.
"Can I see you?"
"Oh, is that going to help with the experiment?" Bonnie lowered her voice. "Am I… sexy?"
"Well, duh," she laughed as she dropped her jeans. But she fell speechless when she saw the shapely pink body coming into view. "I'm… yep. Definitely stand by my statement."
"I think you are sexy as well." But she was saying it shyly, as if stating a secret, rather than in a flirty way. This girl really didn't understand human sexuality but she was trying her best.
Weird but cute. And her face was glowing red like a stoplight… and Marceline liked red things.
They fell into each other with eagerness, kissing all over faces and necks as their bodies combined. Bonnibel was so soft inside, and her skin smelled like flowers. The little gasps and mewlings at the foreign sensations only made Marcy throb harder, willed her hips to begin moving.
Minutes later, she broke yet another kiss to whisper urgently, "I'm… I'm gonna finish, I d-don't have… a condom…"
"I'm on birth control, to regulate my cycle. I will not become pregnant." But she was biting her lip. The sensations had changed how she reacted. "Will you…? Please?"
She would. Moans fell freely from both of them as their bodies shifted faster and faster, until the dam burst and Marceline felt both their bodies convulsing with the proof of their pleasure. It was an instant, it was an eternity. It was everything.
As they lay curled up together, silence reigned for a few minutes. Experiment complete. Neither of the new quite what to say. Until finally Bonnie whispered, "You sang."
"When you ejaculated. It was like singing." She closed her eyes, a small smile on her lips as her hand drifted up to cover her own heart. "It was so sweet…"
Marceline scoffed, resisting the temptation to roll over and away to protect her own feelings. "N-no way. I don't do 'sweet', you're loopy. Literally fucked your brains out."
"No, my brains are still intact," she teased with a light chuckle as she began to draw little circles on Marcy's pale shoulder. "And you sang. And I am very, very satisfied with your 'axe'."
That prompted a gleeful giggle from both women. "Told you. I slay all day, Bonnie-bae."
                                                      THE END
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