#I'm so sorry for how behind I am in posting Various Things That I've Mentioned Over the Past Few Weeks
Let's see #s 1, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 25, and 30 :)
(yet another artist friend who is gonna have to deal with SOO MANY QUESTIONS haha, sorry not sorry, I AM ENDLESSLY CURIOUS AND MUST KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT MY ARTIST FRIENDS AND THEIR PROCESS AND SUCH! 🎊🎊🎊
This is much more… ex-art student orientated than character design/TSC/CS/ML orientated, I'm sorry! But it was quite nice to reflect on my uni degree and the body of work that I produced during that period of my life!
To make up for it, however, here are a couple of doods :D — a rather surly-looking Jack (wip; you can just about see Lucy in there too) and an adult!Fiera! (I need to update her design, this is just a prototype!)
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Art programs you have but don’t use. Adobe Illustrator! I learnt to use it at uni (I studied Illustration and Design) but am much more disposed to Photoshop and Procreate.
A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate. Like a physical medium? Hmm… I’m going to say pastels. There are very few mediums I don’t work in (when I’m actually producing art, that is, lmao). I love oils, acrylics, charcoals. Pretty much everything. But pastels… I’ve never really taken the time to get to know them. Maybe I should!
What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in? During my final year of uni I wrote and illustrated my own children’s book. I am, to this day, quite proud of it and hope to one day finalise the illos. …Maybe. Possibly. I wouldn’t therefore say that I’ve “lost interest” in it, necessarily, but it’s certainly fallen to the wayside (it has after all been four years). 
A creator who you admire but whose work isn’t your thing. This is very tricky bc I’m hard pressed to think of any creators whose work isn’t “my thing”. If it’s artsy then I’m gonna enjoy it, no matter what! With that in mind (and if it’s okay?) I may have to amend this to, “a creator who you admire but whose work you could never emulate”, and that creator is Georgia Lowe (@georgialowpapercuts on insta). She makes the most sublime paper cut outs — stunningly intricate, extraordinarily delicate! I adore them! I’m not sure I could ever have the patience to make something that time-consuming.
*Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth). In my flat. Typically while sitting (pretzel-like) on my sofa. I’m very boring! Although I have been known to take a sketchbook to the V&A or the Tate Britain, every once in awhile. Or on a walk around Hyde. It’s not a common occurrence, though. I don’t like to draw in public spaces lest someone ask to see what I’m working on! I’m extraordinarily shy about my work. 
An estimate of how many art supplies you’ve broken. Countless, lmao. I am a clumsy bean and shit happens. The most frustrating was when I tore a newly bought canvas. A very big canvas at that. Oh and when I dropped a bag full of chalks and charcoals — makes them so much harder to use! I also snapped a paintbrush once, because I didn’t realise how badly I was bending it while pouring over an exam piece. 
Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by. One of my editorial pieces was once likened to Escher's work, which — while enormously flattering — had not been my intention!
What piece of yours do you think is underrated. Looking back, there are several pieces I submitted as part of my overall body of coursework which I deeply disliked at the time (having been staring at them for months) but am now fairly fond of! One charcoal image of a horse, in particular, springeth to mind.
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yoshihashismattebum · 3 months
9 People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thanks @sycamoretrees for the tag!
Last song: I'm going to cheat and go for a whole album. I've been really enjoying Where's My Utopia? by Yard Act recently: deceptively clever stream-of-consciousness lyrics that walk the line between wry irony and passionate sincerity, all set to post-punk beats that you can dance to. (Shout-out to HELLMODE by Jeff Rosenstock and Sorry for the Late Reply by Sløtface too – both brilliant albums as well)
And while I'm breaking the rules, I might as well mention my wrestling playlist that I've been working on! It's a really eclectic mix of songs that remind me of various different things in wrestling – feuds, characters, general vibes etc. It's not finished yet (I'd like to organise it thematically and write some annotations to explain my thinking behind the choices), but maybe you'll find something on there you like!
Favourite colour: it's a tie between blue and purple (especially lilac). Also currently enjoying the yellow-green of the new leaves that are appearing at this time of year!
Currently watching: wrestling, surprise surprise. I'm just about keeping up with AEW and completely failing to keep up with NJPW. Other than that, I've not really been in a big TV/film mood recently. Although I did see Dune Part 2 the other week, which I thought was fantastic. My partner and I have also become slightly addicted to watching Gab Smolders play Nancy Drew games on YouTube.
Spicy/savoury/sweet/(sour)/(salty)/[umami]: since @sycamoretrees set a precedent of adding options, I'm going to go with another write-in candidate: my beloved umami. I am a Marmite fiend and will eat just about anything if it has soy sauce/miso/strong cheese etc in it. I enjoy pretty much all of the above tastes though, especially when combined in interesting ways. If I had to choose between the original options, I probably lean towards savoury; I have extremely strong opinions on crisps.
Relationship status: I've been with my partner for almost 11 years now :) (While I'm here, go check out her fantastic art and tabletop RPG writing at @mortphilippa! Obviously I'm biased, but she's super talented!)
Too many to mention them all, but here's a selection:
Wrestling (of course): as well as my usual AEW & NJPW, I've watched some CMLL recently, which has been fun. I also recently reached new levels of nerd by emulating King of Colosseum 2, a Japanese wrestling game from 2004, on PC. It's good! Holds up well!
Tabletop role-playing games – an ever-present obsession for me. I've just wrapped up a 4+ year D&D campaign that I was GMing, which is an odd feeling, but I'm so proud of the story we told together. I'm also currently GMing/writing stuff for Cy_Borg, Liminal Horror and Brindlewood Bay, among others! There are tons more I want to run though – too many games, not enough time! (I am always up for conversations about TTRPGs by the way – I could talk forever about them! Hit me up if you wanna chat!)
Puzzle games: more of a recent obsession. I continue to do the Wordle every day, but I've recently been enjoying Connections (sorting words into categories), Heardle Decades (identifying songs from the intros), and Squeezy (a weird game about fitting letters into other words). I'm also going through a bit of a point-and-click adventure phase. Really enjoying Unavowed by Dave Gilbert currently. I'm not usually an urban fantasy fan, so it's a testament to how good the writing is that I'm loving it as much as I am.
Spring flowers: spring has well and truly sprung here in the UK, and I am loving all of the flowers that are popping up everywhere! There's nothing that brings me joy quite like going for a walk and doing some plant-spotting (I'm trying to get better at identifying plants this year! I'm mostly reliant on Google Lens and a bit of inherited knowledge from my Grandma currently)
Oops, that was A Lot! Enough about me. Time to tag some other people! (Only if you feel like it though! Absolutely zero pressure)
IRL friends (I know you all very well already, but I always love hearing what you're up to 💙): @thewaythroughthewoods, @thepenultimaterolo and @mortphilippa (and @unpairedbracket if you fancy it!)
Some Tumblr people wot seem cool (sorry if we've not interacted much – I've not been on Tumblr a lot recently and I'm bad at starting conversations!): @norfkid, @sybilius, @dansedan, @unlikelywrestlingfan, @punkrockpariah
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the-blue-fairie · 6 months
hey, no worries at all about venting in the tags of... your reblog of my reblog of your post, lol!! as i mentioned, i was trying to find a completely different old post by someone else, and then ended up seeing your post in my search and i just feel that it's a great explanation of some of the issues that i have with the ending. i can totally understand why people who like the idea behind the ending and what the writers were trying to say with it want to defend it, to an extent, but i agree with you that they just didn't successfully say that. which only makes me more frustrated with the ending than i imagine i would've been otherwise. and i'm sorry people have been trying to group you in with frozen 2 haters when you didn't want to be seen that way! and to me, the posts of yours that i've read about the movie (including the one i reblogged that prompted this ask) never came off that way either. you always seemed like someone who had your issues with it and criticisms of it, but could also still see positives in it and things to celebrate about it.
Thank you for sending me this message. I apologize for not replying for a day; life got a bit busy.
Looking back on my old discussions of F2, I feel I was hamstrung by not wanting to make my friends angry. I have friends who are fans of F2 and, while I wrote those posts, I was cripplingly scared that they would stop being friends with me, or unfollow me, or dismiss my critiques as mere negativity. In fact, my fears were justified. Some of these people DID unfollow me and DID tell me I was being overwhelmingly negative. This broke my heart - especially because I spilled so much ink trying to balance every negative I discussed with a positive and celebrating the good elements, but it felt like it didn't matter. It didn't matter how anxious I was to be understood, it didn't matter that I was writing in good faith. And that hurt.
I also feel that I was intimidated by the extreme sides of the fandom. If, for example, I wrote a post criticizing Elsa's arc, anti-Elsa people could jump on it and say, "See, this is why Elsa is a bad sister."
So that's why, in my vent, I said I was too kind to the film. I was so constricted by being terrified of other people's reactions - terrified of having an unpopular opinion. So I qualified all my statements with, "Of course, I don't mean to be overly negative" instead of just focusing on my points.
I just want to shake people sometimes when they tell me the point of the film and say, "They followed through on their intent with very poor execution. They DIDN'T DO the things you are saying they did. They tried, but there are scores of reasons why they did not succeed - reasons that go beyond my personal preference, that have to do with characterization, pacing, story structure, etc."
It hurts because... I feel like, in the past, I tried to force myself to like the film more than I do. I've wanted to like it for years, but the last time I put it on I broke down crying and not in a good way and I just... I wish it worked. I wish that all the various thematic threads coalesced into an emotionally satisfying whole. And I know that, because of my emotional response, people might just dismiss all my discussion - no matter how nuanced I am, no matter how fair towards the film I am in my analysis, as, "Well, you're biased from the start."
No. I've spent years trying to see all sides, empathizing with a variety of people in the fandom, sometimes even at my own expense. I do value the parts of F2 that work and acknowledge the beauty of various elements including Anna and Elsa bonding with the Northuldra, the anticolonialist themes, The Next Right Thing, and more.
But at the same time, I argue that my case against other aspects of the film is robust, cohesive, and correct.
And to the friends that can see I am writing not to be a hater, but in good faith with actual analysis and discussion in mind - you mean the world to me. Thank you.
Sorry, this became kind of a vent in itself.
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montammil · 1 year
Admittedly I don't read whump often, but cold cold eyes has become a comfort series for me since it hits a lot of tropes I don't see often (parental whumpers are criminally underrated) and oh my god the recent part was so good. The contrast between Marshall's sheer horror and begging while Lawrence comforts him... ahh its so good. I'd love to see a continuation of that with Marshall going into a depressive state as you mentioned in another post, I'm sure it'd be a very interesting progression of events
Sorry I'm a little behind, I've been busier than usual lately! But thank you, I'm so glad CCE is a comfort series for you, that actually means so much to me!! To specify, this is a continuation off of when Lawrence kills Marshall's biological father.
I am keeping my normal content warning, but I'd like to specify again, this is pretty dark and involves attempted suicide via sleeping pills. I just want to warn twice since I know this is a huge trigger to a lot of people, even in the whump community.
CW: Attempted suicide/overdose, parental whumper, manipulation, mentions of death, creepy comfort
It's been a week since Lawrence did what he did. He doesn't regret killing George, but given how Marshall seems so scared and sad… he does regret doing it right in front of Marshall. He thought Charlotte's advice would work, it always did, but apparently not this time.
Lawrence gently knocks on Marshall's door. "Hey, Marshie, can I come in?"
Like always, he gets no reply.
"I'm coming in." Lawrence opens the door to see Marshall absentmindedly playing with a Rubik's cube, not even attempting to solve it, and rather just using it as a fidget.
The younger man doesn't even acknowledge Lawrence, staring blankly at the cube of colors.
Lawrence takes a breath. "Hey, kiddo. How long have you been up? It's almost 11:00." He usually doesn't let Marshall sleep in this late, but when Marshall's awake, he acts like he isn't there.
A slight shrug comes from Marshall. At least he's giving some kind of response.
"Okay… what do you want to eat? We still have time for a late breakfast. We could even go eat somewhere if you want. Or pick something up." Lawrence is desperate for something. This isn't like when Marshall went catatonic, he can tell Marshall is hearing everything he says clearly.
Somehow, that makes him even sadder for him.
"I don't want anything to eat."
"You have to eat something, Marshall. Anything you want."
"If I have to have something... I guess any fast food sounds good."
"Of course," Lawrence chuckles. He's usually against letting Marshall have fast food, but he'd give Marshall the world just to gain his approval again. "Tell me what you want, buddy."
"Fries. And, um, a cheeseburger."
"Alrighty, I'll go pick that up."
With that, Lawrence slips on his shoes and leaves, telling Marshall he'll be back in a few minutes.
In hindsight, that was a pretty stupid decision.
Marshall doesn't waste any time as soon as he hears the front door shut. He goes to the front, looking out the window and sighing in relief when he sees Lawrence drive off.
He jogs to the kitchen, then notices the drawers are locked. Well, there goes that idea. He looks around for anything that can put him out of his misery.
Typically, Lawrence keeps the medicine cabinet locked, but sometimes he forgets. Much to Marshall's advantage, when he enters the restroom, he finds the cabinet unlocked.
He tears open the drawer and starts shoving his hand past medications he doesn't know the names of, trying to find something useful.
He sifts through various bottles and pills, but nothing seems to catch his eye.
That is, until he finds an old, worn bottle of Belsomra, half-empty. He remembers his mother had this prescribed to her, and she'd often give Marshall some when he couldn't sleep. He wonders nowadays if that was a responsible thing to do, but it doesn't matter.
He grabs the bottle and opens it after nearly two minutes of struggling. Stupid child safety cap.
He pours the contents into his palm. He walks back into the kitchen, clutching the pills in his palm. He places them on the counter and grabs a glass to fill with water. He never could swallow pills dry.
Marshall's hands are shaking. He notices his whole body is shaking, and tears are dripping down his cheeks and onto the floor. How long has he been crying? He counts the pills, even with his blurring vision from his tears.
Nine pills in total. That should be enough, right?
For a moment, he wonders how Lawrence would react. Hysterical, no doubt. Even though the bastard killed his father, Marshall does know Lawrence loves him... in a fucked up way, but still love, nonetheless.
Would Lawrence even take him to a hospital? Not that he'd want to go, but he's sure Lawrence would be caught if he did that. Unless he had connections there, too. Marshall wouldn't be surprised if the guy had his own hospital, at this point.
Marshall takes the first pill and swigs down the glass of water. It burns in his throat, but not as badly as he expected. He's pretty sure it's just his hatred for swallowing pills.
He takes the second one, and just as he swallows it down, he hears Lawrence's car pull up. No...nonono. He must've dissociated, because what seemed to have been twenty minutes felt like five.
He frantically gathers the pills back in his hand and runs to the bathroom again, along with the glass of water. He's finishing this.
After locking the door behind him, he slips the third pill in his mouth and washes it down with the water. His body is shaking more, and he can't tell if it's from the anxiety or not, at this point.
Marshall sobs as he drops the remaining six pills to the ground, just as he hears the front door open. He falls to his knees and grabs the closest one, getting ready to have the fourth pill, when...
"Marshall? Where are you?"
Great. Marshall knows that means he's already went to his room to not see him there. The younger man tries to stay quiet, but can't control the next sob he gives.
Oh God... Please, no. Marshall tries to stand, but his legs aren't listening to him. He stumbles right into the wall, feeling ready to hyperventilate.
The doorknob jiggles, but doesn't open. "Marshall, open the door right now." Lawrence's tone sounds beyond stern, but also terrified, breaking more than once. "Please, Marshall!"
Marshall's heart skips a beat every time the knob jiggles, and he can feel his blood rushing to his face. Is Lawrence going to force the door open? He puts the fourth pill in his mouth, not trusting himself to speak.
"Marshall? What the fuck are you doing?!" Lawrence cries out, louder than usual. He bangs on the door. "Open the fucking door! I know you're in there! Open the goddamn door, dammit!" Lawrence knows the medicine cabinet is in there, and remembers he forgot to lock it.
Growing frantic as well, Marshall searches for the other pills to stuff in his mouth, but then he hears Lawrence start to slam what he assumes is his shoulder against the door, planning to knock it down.
Lawrence knocks the door down after slamming himself against it five times in total. When his eyes lock with Marshall, the blond is screaming in cold-blooded dread, his eyes bulging out of their sockets.
He straddles Marshall and forces the remaining pills out of his mouth, demanding, "HOW MANY!? HOW MANY DID YOU TAKE?! ANSWER ME!"
Terrified, Marshall sobs harder. "Th-three, I took three, please--"
"If you're lying to me--"
"I'm not, just please, you're hurting me!" Marshall's wrists feel broken from the grip Lawrence has on them both.
Just like that, Lawrence is pulling Marshall into an even more tightly gripped hug, so tight it feels like Lawrence is trying to suffocate him. Lawrence starts sobbing into Marshall's hair, causing Marshall to tense up. He's been pulled into suffocating hugs before by Lawrence, but he never seen him openly cry.
"You scared me," Lawrence cries, "you fucking terrified me. Never do that again. Never again, Marshall. You have to promise me."
"Okay, I-- I promise!"
Lawrence kisses his hair. "Thank you..." He picks Marshall up and puts him on the couch. Lawrence's eyes are red and puffy, tears still pooling his eyes. Marshall would feel guilt if Lawrence hadn't murdered his father. He just doesn't want to argue.
It's hard to breathe. Marshall goes back to feeling suffocated when Lawrence lays down next to him and pulls him into his arms, fingers raking down his back. Compared to how gentle Lawrence usually is with his affection, this is a stark contrast.
Lawrence's fingernails practically dig through Marshall's shirt and into his back. He doesn't know if Lawrence is even doing this on purpose or not.
Marshall wants to say something, but he's afraid if he does, he'll trigger more anger. All he can do is lie there as Lawrence rubs circles on his back.
After a few minutes of silence, he glances up to see Lawrence staring right down at him, expressionless, even with the tears still in his eyes. He looks scary with the blank look he's sporting.
Quietly, Lawrence asks, "Why would you do that? Do you hate me that much?"
"I..." Marshall wants to say he does, to call him every name in the book, but god, Lawrence looks so... broken. He bites his lip and shakes his head. "I'm just depressed. Just because I want freedom doesn't mean I hate you."
Lawrence doesn't answer, but merely continues to stare at him. Marshall isn't sure what to do. What else does he want from him?
"I'm sorry," Marshall tries next. "I wasn't thinking."
"Clearly." Lawrence sighs, wiping his tears with his hand. The circles in his back come to a halt. "I can't live without you. Everyone in my life leaves. If you die, then I'll die, too."
"I don't... um..."
"My father left me as soon as I was born, my mother died of cancer, my other children hate me, my fiancée was murdered... and do you think I'll let you go, too? Especially from suicide, of all things?" He practically cackles, clearly not a shred of humor in it. "Do you really think I'd allow you to do that to me? You're the only reason I breathe, Marshall. You need me and I need you."
Marshall hates how eerily calm he is saying all of this. He feels really tired, the adrenaline of the situation wearing off. His drowsy mind doesn't even think twice about how Lawrence mentioned 'his other children'.
Lawrence seems to notice this. "Get some sleep, sweetie." He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I'll make sure a situation like this never happens again. It seems I have to keep you safe from yourself now too, huh?" He chuckles. "That's what good dads do, right? They protect."
As Marshall's eyelids droop shut, he feels the older man's hand go into his hair, damp from Lawrence's tears just a couple of minutes ago. He hears his voice one last time before dozing off.
"Good night, sweet boy. I love you so, so much."
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kiisaes · 2 years
Hey kisa! I hope you have a wonderful day and I looove your arts and sketches!
I read your post about queerness in Asia and of the bkdk dynamic, it settled at the back of my head and really just starting to marinate itself into something. Sometimes I wake up and couldn't feel anything about bkdk being real or canon at all even though facts are just right there in my face. I really do love bkdk, but I felt so true of your words on queer Asians that I couldn't see all those fan contents of bkdk someday being canon. Like, most of them didn't sit right with me and it's so hard to find one that represents queerness in Asia correctly (because bakugou and Deku are indeed Japanese=Asians).
I don't know why I reach out to you but I just wanna say, your post resonated with me a lot. I'm Asian and I found out I'm queer in my 16s. Here, being queer isn't like a world-breaking news or people will hate on you cuz you're different, but it's the community sense that makes queer people stay quiet and humble. Idk how to explain myself but it's true that even when we found out our gender/sexuality, most of us tend to prefer blending in with society rather than standing out and be proud of our identity (it's for various reasons like you mentioned, for family's namesake, for friends', even for strangers).
About bkdk, in my honest opinion, standing on Horikoshi's viewpoint and trying to understand his creating ideas with the consideration of a whole Asian community behind him, I cannot see bkdk kissing if they were to end up being endgame. They might chose to be a pair of queer platonic best buddies who are the most intimate and closest person to each other and no one else can take that place in each other's heart. Their dynamics might stay the same but they'll always have each other's backs. They might hold hands occasionally or be more touchy with each other than with others 'cuz that's ultimately where their dynamics and relationship lead up to in the whole story. They don't have to declare that they love each other or establish a new form of relationship and that's okay. Because for me, that's how being queer and being quiet and being Asian is. You get to be yourself proudly, but you don't have to yell it to the world to be recognized and feel validated. It's ok to be humble and still be proud.
Thanks kisa for wording out my feelings and thoughts in a much coherent way. I do think some Asians(not queer people) have a strange way at viewing lgbt+ because it's the western stereotypical concepts of the community that is more drilled into their minds. Even my parents sometimes forgot that I'm queer and thought that was a phase lol.
(sorry for ranting so much, that last part might be me dumping my whole hc at you I'm sorry!!! I feel really touched by your words and it has been sitting on my chest for a while and seeing bkdk still ten million miles away from being canonically endgame is so frustrating hsgdjaksh
WOW HI !!! i hope u're having a good day/night too anon and thank u !!! :D
i'm really honored my words reached you! as a queer asian, i completely agree with everything you said here. i'm also in the boat where i don't think bkdk will be officially canon, despite how many bkdks think they will. i think it's a very inherently naive thought that a japanese shounen series of mha's size and caliber will confine to western lgbt standards. it's just not that easy! and i've ranted in length about my pessimism ... and i will continue to stay that way until i'm definitively proven wrong LOL (i hope i am btw!!!)
there's definitely something inherently queer asian about bkdk's relationship, if they were to hypothetically be canon. i completely agree that, imo, they'll only be considerably queerplatonic if they're any type of queer at all. hoping for a more "proudly gay" bkdk is nice, but pretty unlikely all things considered. being "proudly gay", like completely coming out of the closet and disregarding what society/family has to say about you, isn't as simple in asian communities. being quietly and humbly queer is something i, and many queer asians, resonate with a lot! that's just as valid as being loudly and unabashedly queer!
if bkdk becomes officially, loudly, and excessively canon then that'd be incredible!!! i won't push it away in the slightest!!! it'd be a great push for shounen jump and a sign that more lgbt stories can exist, even if they're at mha's size!!! more acceptance of marginalized communities is always good!!!
but i also think that bkdks who refuse to accept bkdk not being canon because not being openly official = not good/queer enough, should perhaps open their minds more to what society mha is written in. smaller showcases of closeness, comfort and camaraderie can be just as queer as shouting it from the rooftops. that's good enough! and if that's what bkdk gets in the end, then i'll be satisfied, even if horikoshi doesn't confirm their relationship :>
(and AAAA no worries!!! hey i love talking about bkdk in relation to asian queerness, so u're good!)
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shenevertricks1831 · 2 years
(eddie munson x reader)
part 1. Sept 1984
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TRICK'S TREATS (Author Notes)
This will be a multipart piece of the history of Eddie x Reader (if you'd like to know more about my reader, or how I write and have based them let me know!) This will cover various aspects of their relationship. From first meeting, to their friendship, parts of season 2 and 3 involving Y/N...I'm actually very nervous and anxious to post this, probably because for the first time in ages I've fallen for a character and a passion and a drive to write for them. So please be nice lol. This will all kind of be a shameless self insert and I'm so sorry...also an offical title is pending.
Triggers- not much for this part, mentions of divorce, uhm eddie being a little perry maybe lol uhm flirty and flustered eddie
Pt1 Sept.1984
Eddie Munson sat on his porch smoking. He watched as a uhaul pulled up to the trailer next to his uncles. Apparently someone finally bought the damn thing. He was intrigued when a short blond woman got out of the uhaul's driver seat. Then his interest truly peaked when she stepped out of the passenger seat. She had black high top Converse, black bike shorts that made his pants shamefully tight, and a fucking Motley Crue cropped t-shirt, holy shit! Then as his eyes wondered up he found the cherry on top. Her hair. Her fucking hair. It was teased, and curled, big. She looked like she could be a groupie, or a fucking centerfold. God and her fucking face, she was perfect. He should not be this fucking turned on just looking at a girl while he's sitting on his porch.
His uncles hand lightly smacks the back of his head. Shit when had his uncle even came out here? He hadn't even realized, to enthralled with the girl who was apparently his new neighbor. Lucky him, he thought.
"Come on, are you gonna stand there gawking all day or are you gonna come with me and offer these ladies a hand?" His uncle spoke in a gruff yet amused voice.  Eddie hopped to his feet quickly following his uncle the short distance over to the next trailer. Uncle Wayne went to talk to the blonde woman, presumably the mother. Eddie made his way around to the back of the uhaul, to you, but he didn't see you. So he peaked to the side of the uhaul with the passenger door; and there he saw her, bent over the seat leaning in to grab something. He didn't realize he was staring again, not until you climbed down from the vehicle and looked at him.
"Hey perv." You said flatly. Eddie blushed furiously and quickly tried to apologize. "I am so sorry! I just came over looking for you, and you weren't in the back so I just peaked over here," oh God he knows he's rambling, but he can't stop himself, "and you where there, and ya know, well uhm, it's, uh, it's very," he paused, guestering with his hands, rounding them as though he were cupping her ass, "uh, n-nice..it's nice. D-did you need help with your boxes?" Eddie finally shuts up, he is red, beet fucking red. And then he notices, she's blushing too. It's silent for a moment. Oh God he fucked up, he has officially ruined any minuscule chance he might have had. He is ok the verge of just leaving, and then he hears it. She laughs, no, giggles; and its the most beautiful sound Eddie has ever heard. Has he died? Did he just die of embarrassment, but then wind up in his own personal heaven? He knew in that second that he was going to marry her one day. He didn't know how or when, and that didn't matter right now; but you were his future wife.
"Your funny." Y/N smiles at him,."You remind me of my cousin a little." She notices his face drop just the slightest bit at that. "But I do have to day you're cuter than she is." You smirked. Eddie finally fully snaps back to reality. "Hold on," he states as he rushes back behind the back of the uhaul, "let's try this again!" He shouts to her before walking back over to her again, leaning against the vehicle. "So, where's a pretty girl like you from?" He asks trying to flirt, and oh my god! She actually blushes again, but still quips back. "Hawkins." She states, in a bored tone.
"No, no, no," Eddie shake his head, "I'd remember a girl like you." He looks down noting the Motley Crue top, not the average for most hawkins girls.
"Well then maybe your memory sucks Munson." She laughs before it turns into a sigh. His eyes widened, holy shit she knew him, she wasn't bullshitting. "So why don't I know you?" He asked, genuinely curious, but not expecting the answer she gave.
"I was born and raised here, but my mom and i moved to Georgia 3 years ago, then she got divorced, so.." She held her hands out in a 'here we are now' type motion.
"How old are you?" He asks, trying to do the math of how old he was 3 years ago and how he might know her, he doesn't remember her. She chuckles. "I'm 17, grade younger than you. But don't worry Eddie, I wont expect you to remember me, I was different years ago." She puts her hand out towards him. "Y/N Buckley." She introduces herself and he grasps her hand to shake it. They both pause, it's electric; but neither knows how to act on this. So they awkwardly pull away, and silently shift till Eddie speaks again. "So, uh, w-would you like some help with your boxes?" She nods. "Y-ya, that'd be great." She smiled at him.
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Hi, sorry to drag you further in, but you're one of the more Tumblr conversant people I follow. I'm just having trouble understanding why people, um, care about this whole post plus thing? Are they angry because people they follow might charge for what was previously free? Cause, like, artists can do that... Do they genuinely believe their keen legal minds have identified a liability risk that threatens the platform's existence? If people don't want to use it, how are they affected?
Hello! Sorry, you may have sent this a very long time ago and I'm now seeing it after you've had an answer. I should also clarify that I am, of course, absolutely nobody - I know dick-all about internet law, especially in different countries, and I certainly haven't looked much into this. So, take my input here with a large helping of salt.
The way I see it, though (and what I've read of others' complaints) there are various problems with it.
1. Legal Bollocks
So the big issue here is fanworks. Most people who create fanworks don't actually realise what is and isn't legal about doing so anyway, so already it's an arena ripe for mis-steps. But specifically, you are not allowed to make money off of fanworks. If you want to, you file off the serial numbers and publish it as original work, as it were - like Fifty Shades, or whatever dross Cassandra Clare is stealing these days. But still as fanfic? Nope, that's illegal, and there are plenty of authors who have and will sue people for it if given a fraction of a chance.
And Tumblr staff, in the posts where they announced Post+, when describing examples of posts that could be placed behind a paywall, literally mentioned "Destiel fanfic". Or in other words, told us all that we could sell fanfic with Post+.
Which we cannot. This is a lurking legal nightmare, and the first few to be caught out by it will very possibly get blasted into their own shadows by authors' legal teams who actually know what they're doing. I would be fascinated to know what Tumblr's own lawyers make of the whole thing, but from what anyone can see, their defence will basically be to say "In the Ts & Cs we said anything you sell is nothing to do with us, so you're on your own." Or to put it simply, they've told us we're allowed to do it, but we aren't, and when it goes tits up, they'll just claim innocence and leave us to take all the responsibility.
As to whether that'll tank the whole site... I mean, I don't know. As I say, I'm no lawyer. My instinct is that it's unlikely. But it's certainly true that it could - if the whole place becomes infested with illegal fic sales, a skilled (and highly paid) legal team from, for example, Disney, could probably make a very, very strong argument that the site itself is illegal, especially since we all know that Tumblr is literally incapable of actually removing problematic content (as we all saw when they tried to kick the porn bots.) And let's be real - Disney is very, VERY trigger happy with the lawsuits, and most fandoms are Disney-owned these days. It won't end well.
2. Protections
We're seeing this already - within a day of Post+ launching, Staff had to produce a post telling people not to bully users who had subscribed. Kaijuno got hundreds of death threats in a day. But Staff are appalling at actually enforcing any of their own guidelines on hate speech, anti-bullying etc, so users being harassed are on their own.
...which feeds into the legal stuff above, really, but I'll not repeat myself.
3. Target Audience
This is an interesting one. It wouldn't be the first time Tumblr has introduced a dumbass feature to try and make the site more like other SM platforms, because all SM platforms are trying to be the same these days. This is because we live in late-stage capitalism, so "Be an aggressive predator who becomes the only fish in a sterile pond" is the business strategy of everyone, rather than "Occupy your niche in a healthy ecosystem." So if other SM sites do X, then so should we! So we can have All The Consumers.
Other SM sites have premium memberships. So Tumblr wants premium memberships.
But, this means a fundamental change to the userbase of the site (assuming it works, more on that in a bit.) Ever noticed how Tumblr just... doesn't have influencers? Influencers are the scourge of SM these days; Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, Twitter, they're all infested. But Tumblr doesn't. It can't. It's not built with any of the features that allow it. Follower counts are private, likes received are private... You don't see any of Tumblr's big users getting together for collaborations, because none of them do the same thing. I've mentioned Kaijuno - I think that's a science blog. I guess they could *try* to collab with Seth Everman with a science song...? But not really. This site is where a bunch of weird gnomes come to flourish in our respective niches. It's just not built for influencers, and that's unambiguously a good thing however you look at it, but especially if you don't want that sort of SM experience.
But, Post+ is designed to attract and create that sort of audience.
4. Is It Safe?
Absolutely not. I mean in an internet hygiene sense, now. We all know Tumblr's attempts at maintaining functional coding. Remember when they introduced private messaging? Two things of note happened around that - firstly, they couldn't figure out how to just release it across the platform, so instead we had to spread it around from user to user like a weird internet STD by messaging each other, and then your blog would be infected with the ability to message.
Secondly, they accidentally deleted the reply function by doing it, and it took them months to bring replies back.
Moreover - the ads. Ads were another feature added because Everyone Is Doing It. Except the ads here are fucking batshit. They will definitely have tried to include a data-harvesting algorithm to tailor the ads, but does it work? Does it fuck. Half of the ads are entirely indecipherable - you have literally no idea what they are advertising, much less who. The other half aren't remotely tailored. I've had everything from thermostats to posture correctors to ribbons to construction equipment to probate lawyers thrown at me here.
In short, Tumblr staff do not know how to code.
But more to the point, I saw a post a while back where someone actually saw an ad they liked, and wanted to pursue. They clicked the ad. And it took them to a broken page.
The link in the ad was broken. It did not work.
Which is hilarious, but if you stop and think about it... whoever bought that ad space did so with real money, with the expectation that they were receiving a product in return. That product was Tumblr users clicking their ad and thus buying from them.
But Tumblr did not give them the product they bought. They spent the money, only for Tumblr's janky coding to mean they never got any custom back. In other words... their money was, functionally, stolen.
And that's money from a company, who presumably have lawyers and things. But us? The userbase? We don't. If we subscribe to Post+ we're giving money to Tumblr and expecting things like our card and bank details to be safe. Are they? Maybe. I wouldn't trust it, though. Fun fact: if you pay for a paywalled post, and it turns out to just be a rickroll, you don't get your money back. Tumblr keeps it, and gives you a sympathetic smile.
But also, there's the social sense of safety. It turns out, if you have Post+ and someone subscribes to you, you cannot block them. People can literally pay to harass and abuse you. The potential for harm on that - especially given Tumblr's above-stated inability to enforce community guidelines themselves - is immeasurable.
5. Will It Work?
Doubt it.
People have tried making money on Tumblr before. It has never, ever worked. Tumblr's userbase skews anti-capitalist - posts linking your Kofi or Tip Jar or advertising Etsy or whatever can do okay, but directly selling content? It never works. I'm enough of a dinosaur to remember the attempts. This is not a userbase that tolerates that sort of thing.
I told my husband the other day how many followers I have as a result of posting about a walrus. He laughed, and said if he had even a quarter of it on Twitter, he could monetise it. And he could! But that is absolutely not a thing I could do here. The very thought of it makes me laugh. Like... if I sold walrus merch, that would probably do well. If I put Wally behind a paywall? Lol.
It will end in tears, for everyone who tries.
There will be other reasons as well, but this is getting lengthy (I am the queen of long posts these days I stfg) so I'll sign off there.
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Hi! I am the anon who asked about the salt (you answered my ask yesterday). First of all, Thank you so much! I felt a lot better after reading your answer and it made my day and cleared a lot of confusion I had<3. (Also I am not the anon who you mentioned in the post, just wanted to clarify 😅). What are your thoughts about Ephemeral?? I thought it was amazing (Really had some pacing issues, but that didn't bother me).
Unfortunately I came across the warned "discourse" (salt) and poof! There goes my excitement XD
People are saying the episode was horrible and then the sentimonster theory is driving them crazy. Your blog is literally one of the very few blogs out of the ones I follow which is pro-sentiadrien and I had to unfollow a lot of people because they were being really...mean about the theory. More like salting on the writing saying that the writers would handle it poorly and that they would redeem Gabriel (say wha-) and being all "Marinette was so insensitive" (WHERE DID THEY EVEN GET THAT TAKE FROM-) and so on:(
I find the theory really fascinating and do believe that it will be handled delicately and well by the writers and these takes are really kind of disheartening:(
So, if you are able to, could you share what you loved about the episode?:)
Hello friend! Sorry I've taken so long to answer this. I'm sorry the discourse made you upset, it's hard to see people talk about something you enjoyed like that, and at the same time I have seen so many people talk about how much they loved this episode!
In fact part of the reason I couldn't answer right away is because my thoughts for the first few days were just dfhskjghslkghslkhg over and over.
And omg anon a better question would be what didn't i like about this episode because I genuinely think it might be my favorite (possibly overtaking chat blanc but i will need time to figure that out).
Of course, I loved the love square reveal and their dynamic, especially seeing Mari's reaction and Adrien's full gung-ho attitude. It was exactly what I wanted to see more of in Chat Blanc and I'm thrilled I got to see it there.
Some other things I loved:
The mystery behind the rings. Sentiadrien or not there is definitely more than meets the eye there and I love that we are getting to explore it.
Also the theme of love in that episode were incredible, revolving around how different Gabriel's idea of love appear to be from Adrien and Marinette. If we take the main theme's lyric "the power of love always so strong" I think this episode was able to address it both in terms of romantic love (through the prpr love square) and friendship love (through the ladynoir scenes), while contrasting them severely against Gabriel's twisted "love" for Emilie that isn't really love at all anymore.
I've talked so much about how much I love seeing the various reveals so am not going to go into it again dkjsfhsjdkg
I thought the themes behind time, both in the time passing since this story started, the value of time spent with the love square accepting and being together, and the fleeting nature of it at times with an akuma like Ephemeral was tragic but extremely well done.
Luka was awesome in this ep and I thought it was fun, the ending felt a bit rushed but honestly if they had had to cut anything else out I would have been so disappointed so I'm willing to ignore a rushed ending for more love square.
I know some people thought the manner in which the akuma was defeated was convoluted but I thought the fact that they had to synchronize their clocks because the time was all wrong fit perfectly with the fact that it's not the right time for the love square to be revealed and we have to wait for them to be at the right time for them both before they can be synchronized (that made more sense in my head dfjkhsdjg)
I also like that the entire point of Ephemeral the akuma was to show that Adrien is a puppet under control of Gabriel and that that is Adrien's greatest and ultimate weakness (even if the senitadrien theory is proven false). While Gabriel is still able to exert control and manipulation of Adrien, both with the grief of his mom and the traum of his abuse, Adrien will never be able to truly be free or happy. It showed that even if he and Marinette did everything right, Gabriel has this innate power to turn him into an obedient puppet. Even when he tried to fight back, both before being transformed into the akuma and during when he heard Marinette's cries and couldn't break away. I definitely think that the focus of Adrien's plotlines will be to help him break away from that control.
Only after he is free will it be the right time for Adrien and Marinette to love like they are meant to.
And honestly, this just made me an even worse love square simp because now I saw just how absolutely adorable they are when they get together and I cannot wait to see the next reveal (whether it be a what if or for real).
So yeah, I loved the episode lol
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(also that scene plays on repeat in my head over and over and over again)
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2528
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter eight: daily life
When you woke again you began by stretching your body, then you peeled yourself out of the damp bed. Why was it damp anyway? Ah. You looked down. The swimsuit. Groaning you peeled the still slightly wet suit off your body and dug through your wardrobe. A pretty light blue wrap dress with a floral pattern was the choice as it was simple but cute . It was 10 am, so you weren't sure who would be awake, faintly recalling Jin mentioning something about 4 am when you had gone to bed. Heading to the bathroom, you washed your face and brushed your teeth before heading downstairs.
It seems only you had awoken as it was still silent on the main floor. You surveyed the area and decided to take it upon yourself to clean up this mess. You were awake anyway, and not quite hungry yet. Humming softly, you picked up various empty bottles and cans, threw away garbage, swept and mopped up sticky messes. Satisfied with your work, you wiped your brow and boiled some water for some chai tea. A hand on your waist startled you, "Just me, sorry." Yoongi's deep voice came from behind you as he reached over your shoulder to grab a mug from the shelf. He moved to the coffee maker and began to brew some, "Did you clean up all on your own?" He asked as he looked around.
You nodded, taking your mug over to one of the seats on the island and bouncing the teabag in your cup lightly. "We could've helped once everyone was awake..." Yoongi said sounding sheepish. You waved a hand, "I wasn't doing anything anyway, plus you guys have all been so kind to me as I've settled in." Taking a sip of your drink you smiled at him, "Does Namjoon have a habit of getting undressed when he's drunk or is that new?" Yoongi chuckled and came to sit beside you with his now full cup of coffee, "That is new for sure. I was surprised to find him in his boxers but whatever, not like I haven't seen it before. Must have been a shock for you though."
You giggled, "Hm I don't know about shock, he has a nice build. It was just so funny!" Yoongi smirked at you and raised an eyebrow, "Nice build huh?" You stuck your tongue out at him then turned back to your tea, ignoring Yoongis soft laughter. "Y/N~ Goodmorning~" Jimin sang as he came into the kitchen, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee. "What am I? Chopped liver?" Yoongi grumbled from beside you, making Jimin and you laugh. Jimin set his mug down and came behind Yoongi enveloping him in a tight hug. "Good morning to you Yoongi!" He said, ignoring the older mans attempts to shake him off.
Seokjin and Hoseok came into the kitchen then and began fetching their own drinks of choice. “Were you still wet this morning after last night Y/N?” Jin asked, taking a gulp of his tea. You choked on your own mouthful and looked at him incredulously. Seokjins ears went bright red as he realized the connotations of his words, “Not like that!” He sputtered, “Because you went to bed in your swimsuit!” You nodded, “Sure that's what you meant, not that you wanted a repeat of Friday?” You said boldly with a wink, making the four men gawk at you. “Anyway, do you guys do a Sunday party too?” Hoseok cleared his throat, “Yeah we do, none of us have Monday classes anyway. It can either be batshit crazy or a bit more mellow than other nights.” You made a noise of understanding and put your now empty mug in the sink.
By now it was close to 1 pm so you decided to make bibimbap for lunch with the help of Jin. The two of you shooed the other boys out of the kitchen to wake up the still sleeping men because they kept stealing slices of the ingredients while you were cutting them up. When the two of you were satisfied with the plating and table setup you asked Yoongi, who had opted to work on his computer on the couch, to go let the other boys know the food was ready.
You tried to keep in the snicker you felt when Namjoon came to sit beside you in his plaid pajamas and messy bed hair. Carding your hands through his hair, you made it somewhat presentable, earning a satisfied hum from the barely aware man. The other six laughed at his state, but poured him a glass of water and made sure he ate his lunch. After he had eaten Namjoon was much more aware and so the boys began their relentless teasing of his impromptu strip show the night before.
Namjoon banged his head on the table, “God, I am so sorry Y/N.” But you shook your head and gave him a smile. “She thinks you have a hot body Joon, don’t worry.” Yoongi said as he began to clear the table. You gave him a look but he just laughed while Namjoon looked flustered. “Y/N~ Play a game with me and Kook.” Taehyung whined coming to tug on your arm, you rolled your eyes and let him drag you to the games area. Jungkook sat beside you and rested his head on your shoulder as Taehyung set up the console. Jungkook smelt good and his hair was still the tiniest bit damp, so you assumed he had showered before lunchtime.
Taehyung came to sit on your other side and the three of you began your intense game of Mario Kart. Well, intense between Jungkook and Tae that was. Of all types of games, racing games were your biggest weak spot. You struggled to keep up with the two, and after a few hours, you gave up your remote to Jimin and instead cuddled into Jungkook. Pulling out your phone you looked at the mostly empty home screen. You’d deleted all your social media apps when you’d left your old dorm, the pain of the memories had been too much for you to even block them. Pocketing your phone once more, you inhaled Jungkooks scent and felt much calmer. You hated the effect your ex-friends still had over you.
Stretching, you left your spot, stepping over Jimin who was sat on the floor and headed to the back yard. Jin and Namjoon were both reading on the outdoor wicker couch while Yoongi was clacking on his computer in one of the matching chairs. Hoseok was doing yoga on the grass which made you raise a brow. “No one is gonna join poor Hobi in his yoga?” You said stepping out onto the deck. Jin and Namjoon both made a face while Yoongi completely ignored the comment. You shook your head and made your way over to where Hoseok was. “Bunch of losers.” Hoseok said as you came to stand beside him, copying his pose.
It felt nice to do the slow stretches in the soft sun of the afternoon, Hoseok was patient as he taught you the proper techniques. Occasionally he would move your limbs with his hands, his grip gentle but direct. It was a strangely intimate thing, but you both spent a lot of it giggling with each other as you attempted the more difficult moves. When you had finished with yoga, Hoseok turned on a speaker and began to dance. You watched his fluid movements and joined in slowly as you picked up on the beat. The dance ended up getting silly very quickly and soon the two of you were collapsed in a pile of laughter on the grass.
You sighed sitting up, “I suppose we should make dinner now then.” Hoseok hummed but made no move to get up from his position on the grass. You watched Jin stand up from his spot, “Me and Yoongi will make fish and rice so you guys can stay out here.” He said, pulling Yoongi to stand with him. You gave him a huge smile and a call of gratitude before laying down so only your head was beside Hobis. "We've been let off the hook, though I'm not sure you were going to be help anyway." You said with a giggle. Hoseok sat up and looked at you, "Hey! I can help better than Namjoon and Jimin!" He argued, making Namjoon give a shout of indignation from his seat on the deck.
You laughed harder. "You think that's funny? How about this!" Hobi began to tickle you and you screeched with laughter. "Oh, ticklish are we? Admit I'm helpful!" -- "Never!" You struggled to say in between his attacks. You were wheezing and could barely breathe as he tickled you, but you never backed down from a fight of any kind. Hoseok chuckled evil, "Not giving in hm? How about this!" He snatched you into his arms and began to spin around as fast as he could. You shrieked as he did so clutching to his arm and shoulder tightly. You heard Namjoon yell to Hoseok to leave you alone and not to fall, but he was clearly ignored.
When Hoseok finally slowed and put you on your feet the both of you were so dizzy that you fell right on top of him and took him down with you. "Who's trapped now?" You said with a sly smile, then you pressed a quick kiss to Hoseoks lips before running away into the kitchen with a cackle, leaving the man stunned on the ground. "What's got you all messed up?" Taehyung asked brushing your hair back into place when you nearly collided with him running into the room. "Oh, just a little play fight with Hobi." You said with a wink. "Well, foods ready anyway so sit." With that, he left to get Namjoon and Hoseok inside.
Dinner was delicious and everyone was in high spirits, you were shooed away from dishes once Yoongi spilled that you had cleaned the house alone. You took a quick shower before heading to your room to pick an outfit. Flicking through your hangers you came across a pretty lemon yellow silk dress with a cowl neckline , sliding it on and tugging it down so it sat how you wanted on your curves. Glittery lip gloss, a gold highlight, and a dramatic lash was your makeup for the night. Brushing through your hair and giving it a quick blow dry, you were ready and headed downstairs.
Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook were back on the couch playing games when you reached the ground floor. Taehyung was wearing black slacks, a matching belt, a white t-shirt tucked in, and a black, red and white striped dress shirt set over top , looking dashing indeed. Jimin was in a simple black long-sleeved top with a cut down the center that revealed just enough skin, tucked into black slacks and cinched at the waist with a belt as well . Jungkook had on ripped blue jeans with a white tee tucked into them, a black belt sat around his waist and a light tan button-up over it . They were too involved in their game to pay you any attention, whooping in excitement at the screen.
You walked by them and into the kitchen where Seokjin and Yoongi were pouring various drinks into a glass on the island. Seokjin was dressed fairly simple, black slacks and a blue long sleeve button up with white stripes , classic but handsome. Yoongi was in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with white graphics on it, a blue floral patterned jean jacket to pull it all together . “What are you two up to?” You asked, propping your elbows on the island and resting your head in your palms. “Y/N! Wow, you look gorgeous as ever.” Jin complimented, making you crinkle your eyes in a bright smile. “Thanks! You too are looking dashing as always~” Jin laughed at your words but you saw a slight blush cross Yoongis face before he cleared his throat.
“We are making the punishment drink for the loser of their Overwatch game.” He gestured to the youngest three on the couch. “Oh? I pity he who ends up in that spot!” You chuckled. “Do you want something, I can mix you up something fun?” Jin asked with a wiggle of his brows. “Surprise me then Master Mixologist~” You cooed. “Jin’s making drinks? Make me and Hoseok rum and cokes.” Namjoon said as he came to stand beside you, while Hoseok came to sit on the kitchen table. Namjoon was wearing black jeans secured with a black belt, a red tee tucked in, and a jean jacket, while Hoseok was in tan slacks and had a light blue button-up slightly tucked in and undone a few buttons at the top.
“Fine, fine, I’ll make your drinks. What a waste of my talent...” Seokjin grumbled, you giggled knowing this probably happened often. Jin handed you the now finished drink which was a pretty pinky-peach colour. “A Love Potion for the lovely lady.” He said with a wink as you took a sip. “This is perfect!” The sweet and tangy cocktail fit your taste exactly, “What's in it?” You asked Seokjin as he poured the drinks for Namjoon and Hobi, “Peach schnapps, vodka and grapefruit juice, guaranteed to make you fall for the person who made it for you.” He answered suggestively, making you smile. “These will make you love me too, though!” He said handing Hoseok and Joon their drinks, they just rolled their eyes at his comment though.
A wail came from the living room and you all looked over to see Taehyung and Jungkook dancing as Jimin sat on his knees, head in his hands. “Seems like the winner has been decided.” Yoongi said, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. A very dejected Jimin came to the kitchen dragging his feet as Jungkook and Tae whooped along beside him. Yoongi presented the nasty concoction of various alcohols with a lime slice on the edge of the glass. Jimin grimaced and picked it up, gagging when he got a whiff of the drink. “This smells like alcoholic acid.” He deadpanned, making the rest of you howl with laughter.
Jimin pinched his nose and downed the drink while you cheered him on. He looked a bit sick as he finished it but chewed the lime triumphantly while the boys tackled him with hugs. “You’re all ridiculous!” You said through your laughter, shaking your head at their antics. “So you’re not proud of me?” Jimin said with a pout, his eyes big and shiny. “Proud of what? You losing?” You teased, taking a sip of your drink. Jimin gaped at you like he couldn’t believe his puppy dog eyes hadn’t worked. “Looks like you’ve met your match Jiminie~” Yoongi said with a smile. “We’ll see about that…” Jimin said, a mischievous smile on his lips.
There was a knock on the door at that moment and you downed the rest of your drink and smiled.  “Let’s get this party started!”
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
These Dreams (Sanny) 1/3
*Just realized that this is super long and the formatting is a mess so I'm breaking it into three and cleaning it up*
Title: These Dreams
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Wattpad and Deviantart, Tumblr - imacrowcawcaw
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Danny Wagner/Sam Kiszka, Josh Kiszka/Jake Kiszka at the end
Warnings/Tags: first time, first kiss, smut, frontage, grinding, fluff, attempted humor, discussions of underage attraction
Summary: *No actual underage sex graphically depicted, but it's talked about*
*twincest at the very end*
"'You're telling me that we've known each other, been near inseparable, since seventh grade, and you've never once thought about it? At all? You've had to have thought about giving guys a try at least once, everyone questions their sexuality." Sammy gave him a shit eating grin. He scooted even closer to Danny, so that their knees touched and their noses weren't more than half a foot apart. Danny stopped laughing.'
Author's Notes: Sammy seems to be the instigator in most things, and Danny always seems to be secretly in love (in my stories), but I like it like that lol.
God I finished this at midnight lol
For Helena and everyone else who needs gvf content down deep in their soul like I do
Sorry, it's kinda dialogue heavy
Singing along to Fleetwood Mac gave me the title
*I am marking this as underage because there is discussion of attractions and fantasies while they were underage, masturbation, losing virginity while under 18. But there is no graphic underage sex actually written, both boys are at like 20 or nearly 20 (today era) where I place this. (Also will not be posted on Rockfic because I've made that mistake once before and I respect their rules and the reasons behind them)
"What if we fucked?"
Danny let his head roll to the side on his pillow so he could eye Sam.
"I dunno, it was just a random idea. Like, don't you think it would be kinda fun?"
Danny stared at him, confusion and amusement mingling on his face. This wasn't the weirdest thing Sam had said in, hell, the last half an hour? But, still, the hypothetic had Danny's attention simply because the idea was something he never really thought about - or, at least, never thought would ever happen. A boy had wet dreams and fantasies, they weren't always things he would actually act on.
"I've never thought about it."
Just not gonna mention those dreams. Or the one time he jacked off while sharing a bed with Sam, nose breathing in the scent of his hair and eyes roaming his best friend's sleeping backside. That never happened, okay?
"Really, like never?"
Sam actually looked surprised. He had?
"You're telling me that we've known each other, been near inseparable, since seventh grade, and you've never once thought about it? At all? You've had to have thought about giving guys a try at least once, everyone questions their sexuality."
"Well- I mean..."
To come clean or to not come clean, that was the question in Danny's mind. Sammy seemed totally cool with the idea, though, so it probably wouldn't do him any harm to admit it. Unless this was a prank? Nah, Sam loved jokes but this wasn't his style. He would never pick on someone for something like this, he much preferred messing with Danny in other ways.
"Fine, yeah, I've thought about it. Had a really intense dream in like, eighth, that freaked me out for a while. Didn't know how to deal with it then, ya know?"
"See, I knew it! Everyone thinks about it! What was your dream about?"
Sam bounced on the bed like an excited puppy - which, he was. A cute, fluffy, yapping ball of energy with too big feet who got super excited whenever he met new people, that was Sammy. How could Danny not love him?
"Do you really wanna hear about this?"
He had to know, just to make double sure, that Sam wasn't pulling his leg.
"Yes, I do! It's interesting to think about. And - if you tell me about your's, I'll tell you about mine?"
"Wait, your dream? What? When? How much have you thought about this? Like, being with a guy, or with me? How come you've never said anything?!"
Why was this the first time he'd heard about this? Sam was usually very vocal about everything he was thinking, at least when in private with his brothers and Danny.
Though, he guessed he knew why: it was the same reason he'd never really mentioned his own dreams and ponderings to Sam.
"Well, how come *you've* never said anything?" Sam countered. "And I'll tell you what I've thought about, but later; I wanna hear hear about this dream that freaked you out so bad. What could it have even been?"
"Mr. Oakenstein."
Danny was cracking up at Sam's face, he looked like he'd just been told that Gibson was going out of business or something.
"Please tell me you're joking!" Sam begged. Poor boy, Danny should put him out of his misery.
"Of course I'm joking, doofus! God - Mr. Oakenstein? He was at least seventy five when we took bio! There's no way that - if I liked guys - I'd be into him. He's so wrinkly and hunched and- and *jowly*."
They both shuddered. Mr. Oakenstein's name brought back unpleasant memories of weekly chapter tests (how was it even possible to go through a book that fast?) and frog electrocution, not to mention the mental image of his sagging, jiggly face.
"Would he have even been able to get it up? Like, how long does Viagra take to kick in? You'd just have to lay there waiting and looking at him - which, ugh. That would be a nightmare, not a dream."
"Yeah," Danny agreed, still giggling a little bit, "I didn't dream about him, but it definitely would have freaked me out more if I had. Hey, you still think Miss Marcie is hot?"
Danny was procrastinating, they both knew it, but this was always a fun conversation to have.
"Always, dude. I still remember with, like, perfect clarity the time she had me come in during lunch to go over my test. I looked up and she was *right there* leaning over me reading what I was doing, and I could kind of see up her shirt... man, I was so distracted the rest of the day."
Sam sounded dreamy, lost in his memories of a hot tenth grade teacher.
"I remember that day! You were so distracted after school on the way home, you nearly drove us into a lake. And at band practice you kept messing up, Joshie nearly strangled you with his mic cord."
"Yeah! Man, I was so hard, I couldn't fucking concentrate on anything else except for trying not to cum right then and there. As soon as we called it quits for the day I was in the bathroom; and of course Jake knew what was up and wouldn't stop ribbing me about it the rest of the night."
"Damn, that bad? I mean, she was hot but she wasn't, like, *amazing*, was she?"
"You might not think so, but Miss Marcie is always gonna have a place in my heart. And the spank bank," Sam sighed. They both snickered.
"Well, what about you, hmm?" He asked. "If you didn't like Mr. Goldenstein, then who? Everyone gets hot for teacher."
Sam hummed the lyrics to the classic for a minute, Danny filling in the guitar parts. Neither of them listened to Van Halen that much, but how could you not know that song?
After a little drum solo on his thigh while Sam progressed into increasingly southern banjo sounding guitar noises, Danny stopped and answered.
"I agree, Ms. Marcelina was really hot, but she had NOTHING on Mrs. Bell. Do you remember that red dress she uses to wear?"
"Of course I do! The economy of the United States has never been so interesting!"
Danny snorted. "Dude, you never gave a shit about econ, you just liked to stare at her. Which, okay, I did too. She made that class bareable."
"I'd say she made it a bit more than bareable. And yeah, that red dress was something else,"
Sam rolled onto his side.
"Hey, what if Mr. Goldstein wore a red cocktail dress. Would you go for him then?"
Sam laughed when Danny shoved at his shoulder, shaking with amusement and disgust at the thought.
"You know, I've never entertained that thought, but I am SO glad you brought it to my attention. I'll never be able to *stop thinking about it* now, Samuel."
Sammy gave him a shit eating grin. He scooted even closer to Danny, so that their knees touched and their noses weren't more than half a foot apart. Danny stopped laughing.
Part 2
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kidmachinate · 4 years
The Void
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Meet Exdeath. Exdeath has an unnatural obsession with "the void". Everything revolves around it. But nothing truly takes place there. You're removed from the real world. It's scary, right? I get it. I've spent a lot of time there myself. At some point however, we need to escape the void. That said, the void is ever existing. You can fall back in and then time stands still again. If you're lucky, maybe it will activate time travel for you. I wouldn't count on it though.
When I start beating myself up over various choices and decisions, I am spending time in the void. I can choose to hear it all out, good and bad, and release it, or hold onto it for a extended period of time. Maybe I should binge Netflix the whole day. Now, people do this, sure. But all day, every day? Not really healthy. I've done it with gaming in the past. There was some good to come from it, but sometimes it legit took over. Diablo II until hours before school isn't great. Now whether school was worth it or not is a whole other conversation. Let's assume it is. A few hours of sleep doesn't help. May even make you fall behind in classes. Fall asleep in Math class. Not be able to focus on taking notes. No regrets, I guess but I probably could have used the extra sleep. Would have been a less stressful period of whether or not I graduate during my last year of high school.
What if I can't escape the void? The pull is too strong. I can seek out friends, family, therapy, etc. Or...I can go outside. To the crazy outside. With all the people. Alright...maybe not so much of that. That was another problem though. I've had points in time where I avoided the outside and my friends as well. I'm sorry.
There's been times like this in recent years as well due to some of the same things mentioned above and work troubles. Things can't be happy all the time though. So, if I must visit darkness (my old friend), it is only for a visit. I'll dip my toes in it. I'll dance through the danger and get back out quicker than ever. That's how winning is done.
Nobody has a 100% win rate...but you can have a 100% lose rate much easier...unless you choose to change it. All the help and money in the world won't fix you unless you want to fix you. Or...you can hope or pray for the best in the void. If you must, better to do it with someone else. Just make sure at that point you aren't both stuck there. That's just rude.
Be a decent human because we're all better off together than divided. End of post before we make the all too easy political comparison.
Also, know that if this resonates with you in some way, I too most likely, upon the scheduled time of this post, will need to escape the void.
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taylunae · 5 years
My thoughts on Unbelievable so far...
Hi, 2021 Crescent here. I happen to come across this post on my blog, and as I was rereading realized how problematic it was. Where are the trigger warnings? Why was I throwing around the word r*pe so much? It's clear that I was new to fandom, and I've learned so much since then about being sensitive to others, so instead of just deleting this post, I'd like to give it another crack. To show to myself how much we've changed since 2019. Alright, here we go.
⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️ discussions of SA
I've been watching a lot of TV lately. A lot. And I've been finding myself noticing the different ways that various TV shows are set up. You know, things like structure, main characters, presentation.
It's not very often that I can truly appreciate the presentation about a show. I mean, we all know I love Riverdale (I don't anymore) and it's an absolute dumpster fire of a show but that's not why I watch it. I don't watch Riverdale for the presentation, I watch it for the characters. (To be fair, I still like the characters, but I could only watch a writers room full of men make horrible decisions about characterization for so long before I had to dip) But, I digress.
But I'm watching this new show on Netflix, Unbelievable. And the depth and attention to detail is astounding me. The way that they are setting up the show is so artfully done that it actually amazes me. You begin to the show thinking that the main character is going to be Marie. But as the show progresses, you realize maybe the main character is Detective Duvall. And then Detective Rasmussen. And then you realize "oh it's not any of those." It's a hybrid of the story of two female detectives who are going above and beyond to solve an impossible mystery.
And I thought that this was going to be something that trivialised rape SA with young women. But it doesn't. It is The show talks about rape SA in a way that I'm sure every woman feels about rape SA. It's not playing it off as some awful thing that just happens. They don't say oh well. (That isn't completely true. I failed to mention that some of the characters do have this reaction, and that's what makes the determination of the detectives that take the case all the more validating) Even with one character who feels like she's forced to admit that she made a false report. That (referring to false accusations being sensationalized in media, which was incredibly common during the Me Too movement) is something fat that is in the media all the time but as they build the story you realize but that you can see this whole new perspective from women who report rape SA and then later come out to say that it was a false accusation. (I don't like that I said "new perspective" here. I think a more accurate description would have been a new perspective for me. Because this isn't a new perspective for some women, it's a very common thing that happens.)
In fact, that's one of my greatest fears about rape SA. Not that it will scar me for life. Or that I won't be the same person. Because I know those things are true. If that were to ever happen to me, I know that it will change me on a molecular level. The worst fear that I have about potentially being raped SA is the fact that if you're strong enough (this isn't about strength, it's about support. I remember I used to feel this way about SA. That is you didn't report it, you just weren't strong enough. Fuck that. All women are strong. This is such pick me, fucked up language that had been ingrained into me from living in a small town my entire life. Reporting SA isn't about strength. It's about the community you have behind you, and the people you keep beside you. Supported people can do hard things things) stand up for yourself, there are going to be people who say you made it up. And this show so artfully portrays that perspective.
And every other perspective. It's so well thought-out. And yeah, it's hard to watch. But it's worth the time. (This is one thing I got 100% right. This show is hard to stomach, and I still think about it two years later. I haven't rewatched, I don't think I could now knowing what I know about myself. Maybe I wouldn't like it this time around. But I'm glad I watched it then, it was worth my time.)
** okay, so some final thoughts from 2021 Tate**
I think the reason I had such a visceral reaction to my analysis, however juvenile it was, of the show is because since then I have done extensive work on myself through therapy. Through this therapy, something that we always came back to and talked about was my inherent fear of men. And we talked about how, to my belief, it was always something that had been a part of me.
We worked on that. And we came back to that. A lot. And one night it hit me. I had been preparing a lecture that I had to give to my students the next day about r*pe culture and how it affects the books that we read and something that I always do, because I teach in a small community, is I prepare for the worst, most bigoted statements that I can think of that my students might say and I pre-planned thoughtful, caring answers that restated my boundaries and corrected them to using gentler language to express their curiosity.
While I was doing this I happened to think about something that had happened to me when I was in high school that I had always looked at in a light of "oh that's a funny story to tell." But because I was already studying SA in depth with my students it was at the forefront of my mind, and it was then that I realized that what happened to me at a party in Grade 10 wasn't a funny story, I had experienced sexual assault. And if there was one thing that 2019 me got right was that it did change me.
Because that's when my fear of men started. I could almost pinpoint it to the day.
That's when I started being more cautious.
That's when my anxiety got unmanageable.
Once I had realized this, I immediately reached out to both my mom and my husband and told them about how I thought that I had been sexually assaulted. And just like I feared one of those people didn't believe me at first and required me to validate why I thought that it happened to me. My mother is an amazing person, and one of the most supportive people in my life. However, she also was taught about SA through a male gaze. She had never had somebody as close to her as I am tell her that that it happened to them. And unlike what I thought, it wasn't the worst thing that could happen to me. I had the opportunity to educate somebody else about exactly what SA means and entails. She cried with me and for me. She told me she loved me. And that was enough.
My husband came home from work that night looking lost. He had heard the story before. I used to tell it as a joke at parties. Yet, he came home and he wrapped me up in a hug and he said "I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm sorry that I didn't realize it was wrong until you did."
So like I said earlier. It's about support. I think about some of my earlier comments about how I used to know that if I was ever sexually assaulted it would ruin my life and scar me forever. About how I know that it would change me and I would never be the same.
But I've grown since then. I worked through this realization with my therapist for months. As I've grown, I've come to know other women who have experienced something similar to, or worse than, what I did, and I've noticed something. Did it change who we are? Of course. Am I scarred for life? No. I'm finding that no, I'm not. Did it change who I was on a molecular level? No. It changed me. It made me fearful, for a while. But I was going to change anyways. And I wish that I could have changed without experiencing something horrible, but I am stronger because of it. I'm not saying I'm grateful for my sexual assault, but I am grateful for the lessons I've learned since then.
I was just a child back then, and I didn't know anything about boundaries and how to assert myself or how to say no. But I've learned those things now, and I'm not afraid of men anymore. I wish that I had been taught those things then.
That contrary to what 2019 me thought, despite my realization of my SA, I'm okay. My life hasn't changed that much. And I know that I'm one of the lucky ones, in terms of severity. I know that I walked away and that means that I was lucky.
I'm realizing now that there are more nefarious things at play in our society. What started out as something small, the Me Too movement is now a global movement. And it has helped women all over the world. In 2019, I didn't think that we would live in a world where when somebody had sexual assault allegations put up against them, we dropped those people from sponsorships, and stopped carrying their shows on n*tflix. I never thought that we would live in a world like that, but we do. We don't stand for men who don't respect women, and we certainly don't support them and give them our money.
What's happening in Texas right now with the Ab*rtion Act that is being put out is exactly the kind of thing that will happen if we stay silent. However, it is amazing to know that if we speak out through our social medias and write to our MLAs and Senators that we can make change. We don't sit back and let injustices happen like we used to. We fight, and we set our boundaries, and we say no. And it is making a difference. And sometimes we all need that reminder.
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parkyparkpaaark · 5 years
"Tell me everything you know and I swear it will just stay between the two of us."
For the first time in the past ten minutes they've been in this cramped, dimly-lit room, Sam Wilson finally met the gaze of the man in front of him. He was never a fan of one-on-one conversations even with his family, let alone with a guy he just met. He had always described himself as a new kind of specie who is incredibly anti-social. Although there was one person who could make him talk nonstop without feeling uncomfortable— Bella.
Who is also the reason why he was in this room, talking to a guy he barely knew.
"I don't know anything."
The siren of the ambulance blared through the streets, turning the heads of each resident it passes by. Accidents are not a stranger to the small town of St. Jane County. But the peculiar thing was it was the third time this week that the ambulance picked up another teenager that goes to Northwest High for what can be barely called as an accident. Unless you call discovering a dead body in the restroom with a bubbling mouth an accident.
It boggled the mind of the people how it all seemed to happen consecutively, following the death of Bella Green. Various speculations were formed, some a little hard to believe while some thought it was just a mere coincidence. But what stood out the most was the belief that Bella left a curse before she died and that she's haunting the students who go to the same school as hers.
Ethan Blake, a senior from the same school, says he's had his share of odd sightings of the girl roaming the halls of Northwest High. He admits having to have had a relationship with her for a short amount of time in the past.
The stranger set down a couple of pictures of a blond, well-built, good looking guy in front of Sam.
"Know him? He claims to have dated Bella. Is that true?"
He scoffed at the mention of the word. "Dated? Now he says that. But where was that when Bella came up to him at the cafeteria two months ago asking what they were? That asshole barely looked at her before making fun of her in front of his teammates."
"How about the two people who have died earlier this week? How are they related to her?"
Sam knew better than to play games with the town's detective, so he gave in. Without looking up from the table, he began speaking.
"The first one, Paige Morgan, was running for class valedictorian alongside Bella. Both of us knew she was a dirty player and would probably pull up an act which could get Bella in trouble. And true enough, she posted a nude photo of Bella using an anonymous account in our school page. The picture was real, and I'm sure she got it from Ethan, being the only guy Bella has ever been with. I reported it immediately but it was too late when they took it down because the principal had already seen it. He was about to expel her but she begged him not to so he thought he'd just eliminate her as a candidate for class valedictorian."
The whole time Sam was talking, the detective has been writing nonstop on his little notebook, this being the first time he's received relevant information about the case. There was finally a flicker of hope in solving the mystery that's been bothering him for weeks.
He took a sip from his already cold cup of coffee, "And a few days after Bella's death she was found lifeless in her room, am I correct?" Sam nodded. "How about the other one? Mr. Travis Anderson?"
"Well Travis was a bully. I can still vividly remember getting a wedgie from him back in freshman year," he couldn't help clenching his fist at the thought of the jerk. "A few days after the issue, Bella found out that Travis was the one who sent the photo to Paige using Ethan's phone. By the way, Paige and Travis were dating during that time so you'd understand why he helped her."
There was a minute of utter silence after Sam stopped speaking. It's beginning to make sense now— the consecutive deaths that followed Bella's, the cause of death of the victims, and their connection to Bella herself. The detective thought for sure there was something fishy going on— I mean how big of a coincidence can it be that both the victims were found to have been toxicated by the same drug? But what he couldn't figure out was why the victims voluntarily took the drugs.
He was about to ask more questions about the subject, considering how much Sam had already spilled. But before he could, he was cut off by the boy, "Sir I've already shared a lot of what I know. Can I please go home now? I still have to prepare for our prom tomorrow night. I haven't picked up my tux yet and it's getting dark outside."
Having left with no choice, he let him leave.
[P R O M]
It had been weeks but Ethan still couldn't get over it. He spent most nights staying up all night, contemplating on the things happening around him. First it was Bella— who he admits he has wronged and no one knows how sorry he is for being a jerk to her. Next it was Paige, who he didn't really like, considering she's an entitled bitch. And then there's his bestfriend Travis. He couldn't even enjoy prom like he thought he would months ago.
Who wouldv'e thought Ethan Blake, a candidate for prom king, would be sulking in a corner instead of dancing with the other students?
His train of thoughts were interrupted when his eyes landed on a girl standing by the doorway— Bella. But how could that happen? She's dead. At least that's what's been going around the school. Extremely puzzled, he stood up and followed her. Could he really see ghosts? She is a ghost isn't she? If she isn't, how can she be alive?
Questions were piling up in his mind while he followed her to the library. She took a seat on her usual spot and motioned him to sit across her, so he obliged. No one spoke for the first few seconds. He didn't know what to say and Bella, well he has no idea what's running in her mind either.
"Cat got your tongue, Ethan?" she broke the silence. "I know you have a lot of questions in mind. Let me hear them."
"You're alive?"
Bella chuckled, "I was expecting something better than that, but yes. I am alive."
"Ethan, sweetie, time's running out and you're asking the wrong questions."
He rubbed his hands on his face, evidently frustrated. "I'm sorry it's just hard to process this right now. Everyone thought you were dead Bella and now you're here in front of me. If I tell this to anyone they'll say I'm out of my mind."
"Well that's the thing, you won't be able to talk to anyone after this." The sinister smile plastered on Bella's face was enough for him to wet himself even though he didn't understand what she's saying. "Since I can tell you still have no idea what's going on and you failed to ask the right questions, I'm gonna help you out. Wanna know how your friends died?"
He let out an audible gasp, "You were the one who killed them?"
"Yeah. Wanna know how I did it?" she asked in almost a whisper. Without waiting for a reponse, she continued. "I asked them to play a game with me. See this bottle?" she held out a small, transparent bottle with two pills inside. "One of these pills has poison in it. I asked them to choose one and whatever's left will be mine. We'll swallow it the same time and whoever dies obviously loses," she took both pills out of the bottle and put it down on the table. "Now Ethan I want you to play with me."
"What if I don't want to?"
Bella smiled once more before pulling a gun behind her, "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you this is not optional. All you have to do is pick one. If you're lucky enough, you'll get out of this alive and I'll be the one who dies."
Ethan stared at the identical pills in front of him. There's no way to tell which one's safe and which one isn't. He could feel her stare piercing through his soul the longer he decides. After giving it much thought, and accepting his terrible fate, he picked the one from the left.
"On the count of three," Bella picked up the other pill and positioned it at the entrance of her mouth, and he did too. "One, two, th—"
Before she could finish, someone kicked the door open revealing Sam holding a gun as well. Bella furrowed her eyebrows at him, oblivious of what's happening.
"I can't take this anymore, Bella. I helped you get your revenge because I know how much you needed it. But I don't want to hear another person dying because of you. Now put down the gun and surrender to the cops or else."
"Or else what?" she pointed her gun at him and shot him near his shoulder, earning a scream from Ethan who was cowering behind the curtain of the library.
Before Bella could fire once more, Sam aimed the gun and shot her on the head before losing consciousness.
"We're back in the same spot we once were, Sam. Now tell me everything that happened that night."
The detective was right, they were in that same cramped, dimly-lit room they were in a month ago. And it's still because of the same person. But this time he couldn't bring himself to say what he knew— not because he was still the same anti-social guy, but because of his fear of what might happen if he tells the truth.
He avoided the gaze of the man in front of him before letting out a sigh.
"I don't know."
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