#I'm sorry about my inactivity btw
childdigester9000 · 8 months
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Just won a pretty important (to our band) competition!!!! Feeling pretty good!!!
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Here's the trophy and some cross sans!!!!
Cross belongs to Jakei95
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stressfulsloth · 11 months
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Thinking about Disco Elysium and stars. Something about communal experience and simultaneous isolation, hope and idealism, fear and beauty and terror and burning. The inherent horror in the vast romantic starscape of the sky, the melancholy and loneliness inherent in the untold distance, a communal experience of something too enormous to fathom. Stars bear witness to humanity, to the millions of tiny people crawling on the face of Elysium. They watch the people, and the people watch back, and make up stories about the stars. Stars symbolise love, hope, something unreachable and unattainable.
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The way that the light of the stars reaches every single being in Elysium, from human to phasmid, but no matter how far it reaches it is still a cold and distant glow, always on the verge of going out. A moral brilliance, a holy light to strive towards, something always at risk of burning out, but there's a dichotomy too. A duality between the stars as brutal unfeeling observers, moralists even, like the aerostatics flying overhead, tiny dying lights that watch impassively over every terrible thing in the world, and the flipside; stars as the burning kernels of hope, furious burning flames that parallel Harry and his golden-orange forest fire nature. Stars as the light of communism, the star-and-antlers. They're hope and dreams- a million years in the stars. Rockstars and superstars. The light of a brighter future (however short-term that future might be) coming towards them at the end of the tunnel. It makes me think of Sacred and Terrible Air and the light pollution in Vassa- ending light pollution as the world ends. "You may laugh at this, but in the evening, when the big world in the distance swells into a bloody maelstrom, families come out into the street in Vaasa and are insignificant together. Only distant explosions disturb the deep peace of the winter night, its flawless starry sky. Everyone watches, heads tilted back." The stars are a shared experience. Something that everyone watches, insignificant together, when there's nothing more that can be done. Light in the face of darkness, community in the face of inevitability. Togetherness. The stars are there in the church with the ravers. They're there watching Harry and Kim together. Insignificant together. In dark times, should the stars also go out?
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luchsyy · 10 months
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haiiiiii (redraw of a piece from 2 years ago + some ooc doodles)
original piece from 2021 under the cut
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napstawantstosleep · 2 years
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Eret when he became a scientist to look at strange things idk haven't seen the show
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 5 months
AAA I'm back (temporarily HHH) to tell you guys I'm waiting to get a new computer cause mine is too old to support my drawing programs anymore xd
This is why I haven't been drawing/answering asks (along with multiple other reasons such as lessons and work SOB) so please be patient with me until I save up enough to buy myself a new laptop so I can post art like usual >:'D
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yohankang · 1 year
that moment when you really need to watch something cheerful but your watchlist is just crime dramas mixed with action thrillers 😐
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prettyinpwn-blog · 4 months
Does anyone else feel like... something new is brewing for GF?
Sorry I've been posting a lot out of the blue after months of inactivity, but, you all get it... the GF fixation train comes and goes.
Anyways, I'm getting some spidey senses going on about GF lately. There's The Book of Bill coming out, Alex Hirsch doing an interview with ThatGFFan and Fordtato/Hana Hyperfixates (you folks are awesome btw), Alex himself has been super, super quiet for a while as far as I know...
I especially am a bit curious about why The Book of Bill is being released so many damn years after the show was released. There's no big anniversary coming up (the 10 year passed in 2022), the show is - let's just admit it so I can feel like the old ass lady I am - old itself, and usually stuff like this gets greenlit around other materials for promo reasons.
My point is, is usually something like The Book of Bill, you'd expect to have been released long ago to capitalize on the show's success post-finale, like how Journal 3 and Lost Legends were published. But... all of the sudden 10+ years down the line, we're seeing stuff like the soundtrack vinyl, the Bill purse, and I believe there were Ford and Stan plushies iirc, and now The Book of Bill being released.
And there are details about these two things that are... weird. The soundtrack had a full version of "We'll Meet Again" with all the characters voiced by Alex Hirsch (e.g Bill, Stan, Soos, McGucket, etc). Very strange thing to be added to the record, hm... and The Book of Bill is set to be more adult in flavor.
I'll just bluntly state it: I think they're testing the waters for more Gravity Falls with a more adult audience, capitalizing on old as dust fans like me who were active when the series aired, plus newer fans given Gravity Falls' seemingly evergreen appeal. Like I'm about... 80% certain on this. I'm not saying this to clickbait anyone but it really feels like something new is on the horizon. I'm not saying it's a new show, maybe comics or some sort of prequel or continuation in another medium, but my spidey senses are tingling, like I said.
Does anyone else feel the same, or am I just... too hopeful?
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catboybiologist · 3 months
yo I'm actually kinda curious now I'm not a geneticist and I guess you aren't either to my knowledge but what the hell does the y chromosome do? specifically in trans people on hrt and stuff I mean. to my understanding you said that trans women have everything they really need from one x chromosome, so. what's the other one up to. and also for trans men who lack a y chromosome, are they like. missing anything? hormones do 99% of the heavy lifting, right?
much love and whatnot btw. sorry about the freak in your inbox
Bit tired right now, so I hope this doesn't come out too rambly.
The one function that the Y chromosome has on sex determination is the Sry gene. This gene is responsible for testes formation, and ultimately, testosterone production. That's pretty much it. All of the other genes required to make something male or female are present, but inactive, in everyone. Hormones tell cells which ones to switch on and off, and at what times.
There's no explicit reason why Sry has to be linked to the Y chromosome. Most non-mammalian animals have different methods of sex determination, either from different sets of chromosomes, environmental triggers, or similar sex determining genes associating in appropriate ratios.
Why the Y, then?
All chromosomes, sex and somatic, are paired. Each member of the pair has the same genes on it. This is why you have two copies of most genes, and different "forms", or alleles, of a gene are possible. It's why mendelian genetics works. One of the cleanest examples is blood type. Blood types A, B, and O are all different forms of the same gene. You have two of these genes, and can therefore end up in combinations like AB, AO, etc (O in this case is no protein, A and B are slightly different forms of the same protein).
The Y chromosome is different. It's a shortened version of the X chromosome. So every gene on the Y chromosome has a pair on the X, but some genes on the X don't have a partner on the Y. And these genes have nothing to do with sex determination- the gene encoding for the red-sensitive protein in your eyes is an example of a gene in the part of the X chromosome that is "chopped off" to make the Y, and is therefore not carried by it. Every organism NEEDS at least one copy of these genes- from that point, you can upregulated that one copy and end up fairly normal.
Large chromosome deletions are fairly common, but oftentimes lethal to a developing embryo (not so fun fact, this is why the miscarriage rate is something like 70%, oftentimes so early and invisible that even the mother doesn't notice). While we can't know for certain without a time machine, the rationale is that one of these large chromosomal deletions happened to the X chromosome at some point in mammalian evolution. From that point, the only way that offspring can be passed down with that new Y chromosome in the gene pool is if you have a system that somehow forces every offspring to end up with at least one X chromosome.
Sry being linked to the Y chromosome accomplishes just that. It's an evolutionary band aid, a patch, a bodge, on a deleterious mutation. It forces the XX to XY pairing, ensuring that YY offspring don't happen.
In fact, we can see something similar happening in real time with a population of white throated sparrows: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7725849/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20not%20only%20do%20white,et%20al.%2C%202016).
A large chromosomal deletion is forcing new reproductive rules for pairing, to reduce the number of non viable offspring.
Hope this was somewhat digestible! It's a cool topic, but I'm very eepy atm
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marshmellowzz · 9 months
can I request reader who’s kidnapped by the hantengu clones, and she tries to escape? can be a oneshot/scenario thing >.< (btw! I think it’d be funny if reader was small and weak, so they just kinda manhandle her…)
in their grasp
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a/n: hi anon! i'm so sorry to everyone for my continuous inactivity on this account, i feel soooo bad about it. im having a lotta issues in my life right now, as well as a killer writers block - so i'm very very sorry for everyones requests who's been sitting in my ask box, i'll try my best to work through them! anyway! i made this one a little long, ill post it in two parts because i haven't finished the second half yet ! :3
content warning: mentions of kidnapping ! suggestive language and actions! graphic (i guess?), they dont see u as an equal and just treat u as their pet….
word count: 3.3k
[part 1]
You awoke with a start, your eyes flashed open and your heart racing as you let a sharp noise between a gasp and a scream leave your lips; piercing the stillness of the dark room you found yourself in. Your body seized up in fright, and waves of goosebumps rushed across your skin. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself down, you slowly sank back into the bed searching for something – anything - that could calm your nerves.
The blanket lazily placed onto you during the night was tangled around your feet, you were practically drenched due to sweat. You didn't even register that it was pitch black outside.
Your eyes were wide open, but all was silent. As quickly as the sensation came upon you, it faded away to nothing but silence. Your eyes whipped around the room -  seeking out any movement that had escaped your attention. 
This...This wasn't the safety of your home.
Suddenly, reminders began flashing into your mind.
Yes, you remembered.
You had a run in with a demon—four demons, actually.
They were all similar. Almost identical actually—which raised the question—were they all clones?
Although, you had only vividly remembered one—He was a giant of a man, towering over you as his vermillion eyes burned with rage. His muscled frame commanded your attention and sent shivers down your spine. His nails were long and sharp like daggers, digging into your skin to draw fresh wounds that dripped scarlet onto the floor. The malevolence in his gaze held you captive - the prominent frown on his face told of a ruthless disregard for your mortality, as if to imply that with one quick motion he'd be able snap you in two like a twig between his fingers. 
It seemed like you were about to be nothing more than another savory course. 
Every hair on your body standing up as you looked around in paranoia—were you in their home?
Had they took you here when you passed out? It was too quiet, you were all alone with your overwhelmed mind, and pained body. A sense of unease settled in your stomach and upon further investigation -  you found a crudely wound web of bandages, stained by the seepage of blood, wrapped around your torso. It was poorly placed, and it was now stringing around you like twisted ribbons.
It looked like the demon...or demons were trying to stop you from bleeding out.
At this point, you wish you did.
You buried your head in your hands, trying to calm your racing mind. It was like you could still feel their heavy presence lingering in the room, even when nobody was there.
You let out a shaky sigh—they weren't ordinary demons, you could grasp that—perhaps they were some...Super demons?
You vaguely recalled seeing the kanji 'uppermoon 4' engraved onto the pupils of their eyes—they were definitely higher-ranked demons, and your poor self had the misfortune of running into them.
You slid your feet down, cautiously straightening yourself, and planting your feet onto the cold, wooden floor. You had tried your best to be quiet, in order not to alert them if they were present in the house—and to not draw their attention to you.
You stepped timidly into the hollow corridors, your feet softly pattered against the cold, hard floorboards beneath you. The sound of each step echoed off of the barren walls, almost as if calling out to you with an unspoken invitation; daring you to explore further. 
Nobody. It was a dead silent, empty house.
The house was orderly, if slightly disheveled. Clothing laid scattered about in careless piles among the furniture, while occasional specks of dried blood made a grim contrast against the otherwise pristine walls. An unsettling mixture of domestic tranquility and disturbing reminders of violence hung in the air.
Just then, you were met with the sight of the front door.
You eyed it, in deep thought.
Well. You had to take your chance and escape, right?
There was no way of telling how far from the house they were now; all that you knew was that they weren't here at the moment
It didn't stop you from trying your luck.
If you actually pulled this off, you'll live, and be scot-free once again.
The only thing that has driven you was your hope—you may have been a bit too ambitious with what you were about to do right now, but you were going to try it anyway.
You take a deep, steady breath; your hand reaching out to open the door. It wasn't locked.
You quietly thanked the gods, and you opened the door, then gently closed it.
Without a moment's hesitation, you leapt forward, the icy wind rushing around your body as you darted into the forest. Your feet landing on the leaf-strewn forest floor, propelling your body further into its depths.
You had not a clue where you were going, but you were hoping that you weren't too far from civilization.
That night, you had the misfortune of learning just how fast a high-ranking demon like Hantengu could travel. It seems like only a few minutes have passed after you've left the house when you hear a voice calling out.
In an instant, you feel a strong, taut arm latch onto your wrist and pull you back—you were whipped around, and forced to acknowledge his presence.
Their presence.
You felt a chill run through you as you sensed the presence of two distinct figures standing right behind your shoulder. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up in alarm and before you had time to turn around, their eyes met yours with an intensity that made you feel like a deer caught in headlights. Their gaze was heavy and seemed to be speaking volumes even without words being uttered, sending a message that made it clear: Don't move.
They had been nearby all along, close enough to notice your absence, close enough to hear your frantic footfalls, close enough to catch you. The fact that they were even there shocked you.
"Tsk tsk, bad pet." The green-eyed one tutted, his eyes aligned with contempt, and his lips stretching into a twisted, sickening smirk.
How did they get to you so fast?
You then yelped out, clearly startled by their sudden presence beside you.
You were certain you haven't even blinked and they had materialized beside you within a milisecond - you had only just registered the thoughts in your mind and they were already there, as if through some magical transference.
The other one stared down at you with bright blue eyes full of sorrow and disappointment. His face was puckered in a frown, adding to his sombre expression. "What are you doing, human?" he asked softly, despair evident in his voice. Like any normal person, your instincts were screaming at you to turn on your heel - and book it out. You panicked, you feel your heartbeat in your throat as your entire body tensed in pure. unbridled fear - your lungs seized and your feet seemed to lose the ability to move before they found their strength again in an instinctive attempt at flight, you then ran.
Running seemed futile, considering their strength and speed. It was obvious that the demons had an infinite advantage over you. No matter how hard you ran, all three of you knew it would never be enough to escape their pursuit after you. Even with such a crucial piece of information, it did nothing to stop the adrenaline pumping in your legs. Your legs trembled with fear as your mind raced for an escape route, telling yourself that maybe — just maybe—you could find one. All rationality had left you and all there was was the unquenchable desire to run away from this impending doom before it engulfed you altogether
Your heart hammered in your chest and terror immobilized you. You had to keep running, but every step was a struggle against the trapping gravity of fear that weighed down on you like an iron casket.
"Cute! Little human thinks she can outrun us, eh?" Karaku let's out a bark of laughter, watching you  scramble away.
So slow. So weak. He almost feels like this is unfair to you.
"Ah...She's so pitiful." Aizetsu frowns.
You were fighting a losing battle.
They watch you hasten for a while longer, you're out of breath and desperate. Karaku let's another bark of laughter leave his lips, the two of them taking in your panic.
Suddenly, Karaku was on you. His lightning-fast stride brought him through the air and he locked his arms around your waist in an instant, pushing your body against the nearest tree with a strength that almost felt like an embrace. His palms were warm on your skin as he held you against the bark firmly, pressing against you so closely that you could feel every breath.
Before you had time to react, he knocked the oxygen out of your lungs with his sheer weight and strength as he quickly took hold of both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head. Your stomach churned with nausea and apprehension, while a squeak resounded from deep within your throat before it was able to escape into the air around you. You felt completely disoriented, like you'd been spun around on a merry-go-round one too many times
But, he doesn't hurt you; even if he has all the power to do so, even if you were completely at his mercy - there wasn't any hint of aggression in him. Instead, he wore an amused smirk as if he was relishing some joke only he knew about. He held a firm grip on your wrists, caging your body against the tree with a playful grin on his face.
He looked down at you, his eyes filled with mirth - amused at the fact that you were trapped beneath him - amused that he could end your pathetic life with the flick of his wrist at any given moment - amused by your complete horror.
"So, thought you could outsmart us. Huh, little pet?"  His relaxed expression irked you - the two of them found this all entertaining, or at least he did. His eyes twinkled with a strange delight at your distress. You could have screamed and begged for mercy but they both seemed so unphased by your presence it was like this entire situation was a game—and you were losing rapidly.
He had his hands wrapped vice-like around your wrists, pinning you where you stood. His grip was like iron and the more you tried to struggle against it the tighter it seemed to get. 
Your legs shake due to overexertion, and to the overwhelming presence that the two of them shared. He really was the only thing keeping you up and stable as the strength left from your body and with each passing second.
Karaku leaned his frame down towards you. His eyes narrowed as they bore into yours; the mere inches of space between your faces felt like a chasm. He seemed to savor your weakened state, and as he closed in on you--his lips curling up into a crooked smile--he smelled it: fear. You could feel his finger pressing against your cheek, slowly, tracing its way down from there, and all too soon his voice resounded with the sickeningly smug musing of, "You smell afraid," he mumbles, almost... satisfied. "Is that my doing?" he snickers.
"How sad," Aizetsu mumbled apologetically, "She's feeding your ego..." His voice trailed off as his eyes focused on the floor shamefully, his words hung in the air like a cloud of despair as he spoke, hanging heavy with regret.
You screwed your eyes shut, feeling hot, stinging tears at the corner of your eyes. You cranked your head in another direction in a futile attempt to create distance between his face and yours. "No! Let me go!" You shrieked, a desperate glint in your eyes as you squirmed beneath him.
Karaku only laughed, a deep guttural sound that reverberated through the air. His amusement with your fear only grew as he slowly lifted his free-hand to your face once again, brushing his fingertips along your cheeks before squeezing. With gentle force, he guided you to look up at him, "I'm afraid I can't do that, pet."  He purred; his voice carrying an ominous tone which revealed that something much more deadly was lying beneath the surface.
A raw, primal fear grappled its way to your throat and escaped in a bloodcurdling scream. Your body thrashed violently against his, desperate for an escape, but each futile attempt was met with heavy hands pinning your wrists down. "P-Please!" tears spilled from the corners of your eyes as you sobbed pitifully - pleading for help that never came, convinced by this point that you had been brought too far away from civilization for anyone to hear you. Helplessness filled every inch of you, there was no way you could fight back.
Karaku tightened his grip on your wrists and leaned in closer, seeming to take pleasure as you screamed. "I must say, you're much cuter when you're quiet." He purred into the crook of your neck while inhaling deeply, taking in your scent like a drug. His lips brushed against the sensitive flesh - his breath was hot on the skin of your collarbone, nuzzling his face further as a satisfied smirk crossed over his lips as he drawled  "Smells good...Mmm".
Aizetsu however, seemed to grow more distressed at the sight of your tears, his eyes narrowed as he watched you squirm beneath Karaku. His lips pulled downward in a deep scowl, and his voice grew dark. "You try to escape us," he muttered, his words threatening as they left his mouth. "And then you scream and cry when we catch you." There was something almost petulant in the way he spoke; it seemed like he was a sulking child being denied of it's needs. "That hardly seems fair..." He pouted, his voice growing thick with disappointment and something else, a hint of bitterness barely contained.
"We can't trust that you won't run again. So, I guess...We'll have to lock you up." Aizetsu pouted; as if this was distressing for him.
Sweat came beading on your forehead as you felt the world begin to spin. Your breathing quickened and a heat began to fill your body, each thrash becoming more desperate and less considered than the last. The demons words echoed around you like an accusation, violence in his resonance - treating you like some rabid animal that needed restraint. Lock you up? What kind of sick joke was this?  You didn't even know what these guys wanted from you - why the hell were you suddenly made their new fidget toy?! Karaku released your wrists with an enthusiastic chortle: "Lock her up? Now that sounds fun!" He expertly lifted you by your waist and threw you over his shoulder, your feeble kicks unable to slow the momentum of him whisking you up and carrying you away. The disorientation from the sudden manhandling made you feel dizzy as you tried in vain to twist free. 
Despite your desperate thrashing, the demon seemed to take it all in stride as if this was a part of his everyday life. His steps continued even and unhurried, his grip on you tight yet seemingly effortless. The way he held you over his shoulder gave off an odd sense of familiarity, like he had done this thousands of times before - like he didn’t have to think twice about it. What the hell could you have done in your life to deserve getting kidnapped by demons? Upper-ranked, nutcase demons at that?
"...We'd better hurry, Karaku," Aizetsu said with a tense grimace. He glanced around the dense forest anxiously - as if expecting Sekido to appear at any moment in an explosion fit of rage. "Sekido’s got quite a temper on him these days and he'll be really mad if we're not back soon."
"Mm," He hummed softly in agreement before adding a sly comment; his voice barely above a whisper. "I think we should have the luxury of taking our time with her – Sekido this – Sekido that - He's not here now, is he?" His eyes danced playfully as they searched Aizetsu 's for signs of agreement.
Aizetsu shook his head, he couldn't help the frown that tugged at his lips, "No, he isn't here, but..." He trailed off. With a devilish spark in his eyes, he cut Aizestu off before he could finish his train of thought. "But nothing. Why don't we make the most of it?" He said as a smirk curled up on one side of his face. "Let's have a little fun."
Aizetsu didn't seem very convinced, his eyes quietly assessing the situation. Karaku leaned forward, you still over his shoulders. "Come on," he drawled, with a shrug of his shoulders. "If he really wanted to get his hands on her, he would have come along." His voice was smug as the words fell from between his lips; it made no difference how serious the circumstance was - Karaku would find any way to mess around.
"I-I suppose..." Aizetsu mumbled tentatively. A brief moment of silence passed, the idle chirping of the cicadas in the background. "Wanna play catch with her? I'll toss her to you and you-" Suddenly, you startlingly interjected with an exasperated "Hello?!", disrupting their idle chatter that seemed to be ignoring your existence. Your presence had gone neglected as they spoke about playing catch and tossing you around like a mere item - one possessed rather than personable. Both demons turned their attention to you - both having no intention of taking anything that'll leave your lips seriously.
"W-What the hell do you want from me...?"  you stammered out. You had been dragged over his shoulder, your arms and legs dangling like a ragdoll for long enough.  Continuing to thrash, each kick you delivered only made him grip you tighter, even as you vainly hit his back with closed fists, he didn't budge. "How pitiful." Aizetsu muttered underneath his breath.
Karaku let out a deep, rumbling chuckle. His eyes glinted mischievously in the moonlight as he spoke: "Isn't it clear? You're our plaything now." He seemed to relish his own words as if they were a special delicacy and he went on to mumble something about how having a human around made things more interesting for everyone. He laughed again happily, savoring every moment that your encounter lasted as he knew that eventually boredom will overcome them all. Right. It would just last until they got bored of you.
"And will you stop squirming? Seriously, it's like you're trying to tickle me." 
It dawned on you. Truly, whatever you did, or said, nothing seemed to phase the demons steady pace, any resistance was futile. You had no choice but to give in and hang limply against his broad frame in silent defeat...
Karaku laughed darkly, his hand coming down hard onto your backside with a harsh smack. You gasped, mouth agape. "Good girl," he praised you before sending a pointed glance towards Aizetsu, "See? She gets it now." His words hung in the air as if challenging someone to disagree with him, you looked away in embarrassment and shame.
You felt as if you were slipping inexorably into a deep, dark abyss. A wave of humiliation and dread was washing over you; it threatened to swallow your meager remains whole. Your rights had been stripped from you in an instant and the title of 'plaything' was bestowed upon your weary shoulders by these demons - for what? Just for their temporary amusement? Were you really nothing but a docile creature now? Obediently awaiting to be forgotten when they decided that they'd had enough amusement at your expense? This couldn't be happening.
Why? Why was this happening? Your mind screamed, your thoughts frantic with terror as you were taken over his shoulder all the way back to where these sick monsters resided. The forest around you blurred past in a passing panorama and all you could do is wallow in helpless dread. Their voices were muted to mere murmurs, drowning into nothing beside the other sounds of nature - a backdrop to this nightmare that seemed never-ending; every step felt like an eternity as you treaded towards where they called home.
"So how about it? I think playing catch is a pretty good idea." 'K-Karaku...No." "Why not? I bet you, if Urogi was here he would've said yes in a heartbeat." You were doomed, thats for sure.
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inthelittlewood · 10 months
Hey Martyn! So, I got into your lore because of Grian's Life Series, and now I'm just trying to find some stuff out. Anyways, I understand most of it, though I do have a couple questions.
What actually are LOOT shards/crystals? I know that they're soke aort of corruption in games of sorta, but how do they get there, how to they affect the game, and also how to disable them. It's just something I'm wondering about since I know you have to find the one piece, of treasure, but how does it actually help?
What are CHEST agents? I know that they're something almost as evil as Cruppy, which is really saying something, but what actually are they?
Are there any extra lore bits in Rats SMP that you can't get anywhere else? I just wanna know if I should grit my teeth and watch it sometime, when I'm done catching up on the VODs of Pirates (can't make it to streams for personal reasons, alas).
If you've come up with it, is there any way that the Watchers lore from the Life Series ties into the datastream hopper lore? Those two just seem a little incompatible to me - hopping the datastream, being captured by mysterious godlike entities... Or are they just two separate universes?
Do you plan on posting the New Life streams on your vods channel?
Who in Pirates is p!Martyn closest to in each faction, overall?
Also, I think you may have mentioned it on stream, but did you take the faction quiz and if so, which faction did you get? I kid you not, when I took it I got Kestrels all three times (with changing the answers to stuff that I would still do, but different than first time, I mean). Had to change it up just to see all the different faction descriptions...
Ok, I think that's it. Sorry if I have bad formatting btw, I'm typing this out on phone. Thank you for taking the time to read my questions! Absolutely love your work and lore, while at the same time having the humour some don't. Keep on doing an amazing job. Hope you find your one piece, of treasure.
Have an ice day!
That's something I want to unveil in the next lore drop, so I'm really sorry to say SoonTM but this lore doesn't have all that many secrets atm
2. C.H.E.S.T agents work are avatars controlled by human operators working for C.H.E.S.T and its evil underbelly. They're a known and trusted public computing corporation but the public doesn't know the full extent of their goals and resources
3. I try to be pretty concise and unavoidable when I do my lore stuff, so you should be able to find the Rats segments in this playlist with ease: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3MFbfp1zo8dooC57HqfbizRoc07PdlFQ
4. Maaaaaaybe, people have noticed some parallels / links and all shall be revealed one day for sure, even if I'm like gonna quit doing videos and streaming, I'd just lore dump whatever isn't revealed so it's out there ha
5. A lot of my New Life streams are me just doing the grindy parts of the SMP and with the server being somewhat inactive I want to save the crossover / collab content for the videos - I'm not sure people would flock to a 3 hour vod of me painfully and slowly building an outpost or hollowing out a mountain to make a factory ya know?
6. Kestrels - probably Sausage, with Oli as a close second. Herons - Owen or Water. Owen has an inquisitive gene like Martyn and Water likes all things musical. Nightingales - Ros is so different to Martyn that it makes for some wholesome and chaotic interations, you never know which you'll get. Kites - Bek is basically the only one he's interacted with, he had a little banter on the seas with Kuervo but it was brief
7. I did! I surprisingly got Kestrel, or I guess, not surprisingly huh?
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angelsunoo · 9 months
Can we get riki x reader argument with happy ending pls we love angst guys 😍
HI ANONNNNNN im currently on a break (or we could say inactive lolol) rn, but i could push this in!!!! I love angst too btw MY BIAS YALLLLL
+ school just started again sooo ive been really busy
ARGUMENT / n.rk.
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PAIRINGS bf!riki x reader
GENRE requested, angst, fluff YUHHH
ABOUT you had an argument with your boyfriend.
WARNING swearing, argument. Reader is a bit possessive. All of these are a work of fiction. Ignore the cringe ass usernames in Twitter 😰
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It was 7:30 pm. You were up scrolling thru twitter, frowning at every post that bitch made. Why the hell is she acting like Riki is her boyfriend?
You had a scowl on your face. 'Why are u so cute'.
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They went on an arcade together. You audibly scoff. He declined your offer to go out with him just to be with that?
Honestly. That's ridiculous. Maybe I should unfollow her. She doesn't deserve my follow.
While you were thinking about ways to murder her, you were unaware that someone just arrived home.
"Hey, Y/N. " you jolt, nearly throwing your phone in the air.
"What the fuck.. " you curse out, placing your hand on your heaving chest. "Don't you know how to knock?" Your eyes widen. You didn't expect to sound so harsh.
"Oh, sorry if I surprised you." He rubs the nape of his neck. Your frown deepens. That's all he has to say? Ugh.
"You went to the arcade with Lei?" You crossed your arms, still with frown displaying your face.
He doesn't answer for a while, he was pulling out the tickets he earned from playing. He got a cute plushie too.
"Uh . Yeah." He casually says, still not giving you eye contact.
"Riki, look at me."
He looks at you with a confused look. "Why do you sound mad? Did I do something wrong?"
"Yeah. You did." You roll your eyes. Wow, does he really not see what's going on?
"What did I do?" He approaches you. He places his hands on your arms. In attempt to soothe you.
You backed away, causing him to let go of you, while your arms remained crossed. "You chose her over me."
"What do you mean?" He asks, with confusion. "Are you jealous I went out with her?" He shoots you a playfull grin, that was quickly removed by your hard glare.
"I'm not joking, riki." You cross your arms. Can't he read the room. You were genuinely upset, and it made you more upset that he failed to notice it. He doesn't respond, and stashed his tickets in a drawer.
"Hello???" You call out, peeking over to what he's doing. "Stop ignoring me asshole."
"What? I'm the asshole?" He glared back at you. Your eyes widen.
"Oh! So you're the one who's mad now." Your tone was a bit higher and harsh. He turns to you, mimicking your actions from earlier, crossing his arms.
"Literally, give me a break Y/N." He says, "She's just a friend. Why do you worry so much?"
"Excuse me? I'm no way near 'worried'." You retort, making air quotation marks with your fingers. "I'm just upset you declined my offer to go out!"
"Oh, then fucking swallow your pride and accept the fact I said no to you! You can't stand it it when someone refuses you, can you? You're being all bitchy to me this late at night." He raises his voice, his tone now also becoming harsher. "She's just a friend. Please don't make me say it again.." He walks away angrily. Leaving you in shock. You didn't mean it that way.
You're just....
"Riki! Come back here!" You shout. He doesn't reply and slams the door behind him. You feel water start to form around your eyes. You never seen him this furious to you.
Now you worry how you're going to sleep at night without his warmth radiating beside you on your bed.
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You could barely sleep at night. Why?
1. You couldn't sleep without him
2. You feel guilty for being a total bitch last night.
3. You are worried of where he might have gone. Did he go to his friend's place? Where did he sleep?
4. Your worried on how your going to talk to him the next day.
This is bad.
Maybe I should text him?
You open your phone, a bit hesitant to text him. You were really ashamed of what you did last night.
Maybe I should just talk to him in school.
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You arrived in school, nervously tapping your foot on the smooth marble floor.
Your eyes searched for him.
"Oh riki..." you whisper, your tone being impatient.
After a few minutes of waiting, you finally spotted him, walking with his older friend, Jungwon.
You suddenly feel shy to approach him, the image of his angry face still stuck in your mind made you feel so guilty and ashamed.
You realized your mistake. You shouldn't have been too dramatic yesterday. Riki can hangout with anyone he likes.
But to admit, his words kind of hit you too.
You gave up the idea of talking to him. You feel to ashamed to face him.
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Riki on the other hand, is dying to see you again. He misses your embrace and your kisses.
He felt really bad for what he said and he wanted to apologize. He saw you earlier, you looked somewhat nervous? He was going to approach you but you just suddenly left. He thought you didn't want to see his face.
"Yo Riki!" He turns to see who called him, it was jake.
"Oh hey hyung." He said. Jake raises his brow, a bit confused with riki's unusual attitude.
"Hey, what happened?" Jake asked, caressing riki's back slowly.
"I.. I had a fight with Y/N. I said really mean things to her and now I don't think she wants to talk to me," riki says so nonchalantly, but in actuality, he wanted to scream and cry right on the spot.
"Well, you should talk to her," jake says, and riki rolls his eyes.
"Are you serious? I literally told you she didn't wanna talk to me."
"Nuh-uh! You said 'I think'. So means you're not sure if she wants to talk to you or not."
"It's just that... It could've gone a different way. Maybe If i didn't scream at her then maybe she wouldn't be mad at me?" He says unsurely, not knowing what to do. He misses you so much and just wished he was hugging you right now.
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It was lunchtime, you said to your friend that you can eat alone. You placed your food tray with a heavy heart.
"Gosh, this day can't get any worse." You mumble, feeling no apetite to eat your food.
While you were busy playing with your food, you didn't know that someone sat infront of you.
"Hey, y/n. " you removed your gaze from your food to look who just sat infront you.
"O-oh! Riki..what you doing here?" You say trying to act casual, but he was able to see right through you.
"Why? Can't I sit with my girlfriend?" He playfully smirks at you, once he saw your red and flustered face.
God, y/n. Why are blushing at that?
"You've been playing with your food," he points out, "why don't I feed you, hm?"
You knew by his tone that he was teasing, and decided to play along.
Finally, he's yours again— I mean-! He has always been.
The end
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lucianinsanity · 23 hours
My Epic: The Musicals thoughts, after listening to every song in repeat for days now:
The horse and The infant:
Odysseus calling his men "my brothers", this is important
God let me fight too
Penelope part keeps killing me, Telemachus 😭, the feelings, the fact that he also responds with their names when they are talking about why they keep fighting
Fighting noises ☺️
Zeus you bitch
The first "I don't think you're ready" is said without context, but the second one is a response to Odysseus saying he is ready (he wasn't btw)
The fact that he says "The Gods will let him know" and "This is the will of The Gods", like, leave him alone 😭
Just a Man:
Evil to start saying the baby reminds him of his own son
He is so against this I swear
First few "I'm just a Man" he wants so bad to justify not doing it
People already said it but the double meaning, asking when the baby would become someone who destroys his life, and asking if he becomes a monster if he kills the baby
I always thought the first line sounded like "please" and then two "forgive me" but it seems to be three "forgive me" instead, which is not bad, I'm just bad at hearing stuff
The high notes, leave me alone dude
The last "I'm just a Man", justifying his actions instead of his inaction
Full Speed Ahead:
"Six hundred man!" I'm so sorry
"Full speed ahead" sounds so sweet and hopeful
Eurylochus's name being chanted by the men and Polites only being mentioned by Odysseus, something about the men having their trust in the people they mention or whatever, I don't know, the fact that Polites name is much closer to Odysseus because he is the one that says it
He is so hopeful, Polites I'm so sorry
Odysseus is suspicious, but still hopeful
Open Arms:
I'm not the biggest fan of this one, sounds too happy, which is the point but I don't know, sorry Polites
He is trying so hard to make Odysseus feel better, man he just killed a baby 😭
Some of the voices of the Lotus Eaters are low, this is important to me for no reason (the lyrics in Spanish call them Lotófagos, I love that)
Odysseus common, this people are being so nice
Delayed "scary cave" ugh
His voice is so high
"there's so much guilt inside your heart" oh Polites, I wish he could relax, he has Six Hundred Men to feed 😔
Warrior of the mind:
Athena please
This song starts slower than in the middle, I like those parts better just because of the change of pace, she's so serious
"Let me remind you" with so much authority
That change with "Maybe one day he'll follow me" is weird to my brain
Back to slow with Odysseus
Someone mentioned that Athena could just be encouraging Odysseus and not actually falling for the bluff, which makes sense, she's The goddess of Wisdom
Odysseus little laugh, oh that's not something that we hear often
"Athena!" Choir
"Okay 😔"
Also Athena singing one way and then adopting the way Odysseus sings "mind" showing she's also learning from him and even keeps singing that way when is only her voice
They are "we" 🥺
"Don't disappoint me"
Also, in Spanish is Atenea, which makes it really difficult to only call her Athena, give her more letters
Entering someone house leading with an arrow, always a good idea (sarcasm)
Odysseus being suspicious and being right again
"Hey there!" Baby no
Oh dang, I never understood the lines of the beginning of Polyphemus singing, there are so good, drinking their blood, man I love him
Odysseus singing in this one is so nice, I keep repeating that part "There's been a misunderstanding!" I love you dude
The drums 🥺
The "nobody" is so nice to my ears
Bad deal
I have bad news, title of the song
Chanting of names, important
"My brothers" he trusts them so much, he knows this men, he knows how to talk to them
They are alone, the rest didn't know ☹️
"And when we kill him then our journey's over" ☹️ and all the lines after that
Solid strategy
"It's just one life to take" makes me a little sick
Oh the fucking build up
They didn't take that into consideration
Oh the fact that they ask him for instructions since he always led them to success and he is frozen in place, he doesn't sing, he doesn't talk, please why?
"then my pain is over" is so sad if you think about it for too long
Remember them:
The fact that it starts with the voice of Eurylochus sounding so far away like Odysseus is just now coming back to reality
He sounds so so sad and out of it
And yet he still tries to lead them and save them, he sounds like he is chocking a little bit and the words are hard
There's no proper burial, their souls are doomed
He is also so angry
Oh I hate eye stuff, less favorite part
They just start running out of there, poor things
"There are more of them?" With fear, and Odysseus just waits, he knows what's coming
"Don't go!" Is also so sad
Athena please, she's right but Odysseus is feeling so guilty and bad about this whole shit
My goodbye:
I love this one
They are both heartbroken about this, Athena in a different way
She was expecting better of "just a man"
Odysseus, arguing with a god, good job dude
They hurt each other, Athena is right, again, but bad moment to do all this
Right before going into the ocean too, good job, both of you
One of my favorites
It feels exactly how it should, stormy
"This storm's our final fight" ... First half of the first half of the story
Brace for a storm
"Full speed ahead" this time with more authority, they are fighting now
Eurylochus you are not helping with that attitude 😔
Odysseus is so confident, or maybe too hopeful, he is not thinking too well either, probably
And then they did what he said
Luck runs out:
I always forget this one exist 🤦
"we don't know for sure" what do you mean? Really, what else could be in THE ISLANDS FLOATING ABOVE YOUR HEAD? The god of cheese?
Good plan, Odysseus 🤦
The show already went south baby
Do you, Odysseus? Or are you just sad?
Common he literally led you to victory so many times, have a little faith in the man
Again, the men are chanting what Eurylochus says, he is also a man they trust
Keep your friends close:
He is taking the "greet the world with open arms" way too far
Oh no Odysseus
The choir it's not making this easy for him
They just went behind his back spreading that it was treasure, like, why would he keep a treasure anyways?
Nine days keeping that damn bag closed ☹️
"Time for me to be the father I never was" 😔
"Just keep your eyes open" oh no Odysseus
Again, Eurylochus, just help the man
Oh no, Odysseus
If you had doubts about who this was there's a choir singing his name in the first few seconds
He was being very gracious with them
"No" = I fucked up so bad right now
The "false righteousness" is a very sad line, because he thought so bad that he was doing the right thing so many times
He already sounds fake as fuck when asking Odysseus to apologize, knowing he wasn't going to actually do it because Odysseus doesn't feel bad about what he did
The men screaming "Captain!" Took me long to notice (again, bad ears) and it's so heartbreaking
43 ☹️
With the lines from Just a Man and Remember Them coming back to kick this man ass
No rest for this guy, his second in command is doubting him, his men get trapped for trusting some random woman, he just lost so many of them
Circe sounds so nice
She's so nice
"All the power" 🥰
Odysseus is going to save the man that just sent him away from his home
He has to try
Wouldn't you like:
Number 1 song
I'm already bisexual, man (I'm aroace)
I don't have a lot to say, I love this song
Why does he do that with his voice?
His laugh 🥺
Twice the voice for him
"Don't thank me friend, you very well may die" 🥰
Done for:
He is so silly in this one
He has the help of one (1) god and he is another person
Circe doesn't like him at all
They are both trying to protect their people
Baby don't be like that, he is so damn confident and Circe is not having it
Their voices are good together
I mean she's right on not trusting people, and Odysseus did just get there with the intention to fight
"I'm not sure I follow" ndksksksksksk
There are other ways:
This one is sad
She is immediately on control of this situation, she's repeating lines from Puppeteer, she is making him into a pig (metaphorically)
"Don't break when" sounds a little rougher
"I'm just a man" oh no Odysseus, followed by the "Forgive me" SHUT UP, it's so fucking sad
Her voice when she repeats "when there's no puppet here"
"I miss my wife, Tails, I miss her a lot"
He won, and now he's begin 😭
She's so silly
I mean, she could have meant she was going to kill him, but that way seems a lot worse ☺️
High notes 🥺
The men coming back
The Underworld:
Also on the favorite list
The "good" of Odysseus is low, he was betrayed by them before, he needs them to do what he says this time, fuck
"All I hear are screams" 😭
You think they are seeing different things?
Shut up, "just a man" coming back
"Captain!" ☹️
Stop, the baby
"This life is amazing" ☹️
"Waiting..." Why do you hurt me like this?
No longer you:
I don't know if saying this one is one of my favorites helps anyone understand my taste
Odysseus you are smart, please
The prophet sounds so sad
"A man who is haunting, a man with a trail of bodies" is a heartbreaking description
Ah, prophesies, they always have a twist, sad stuff in them
To "I'm just a man" to "I'll become the monster" with this simple trick
The people he mentions are weird, monsters and gods don't think in the same way as people who are protecting their friends and family, but whatever you say
I don't think he knows what balance is
The fact that Telemachus fits in the songs so well
Well, enough, that's it for now
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princessxsstuff · 1 year
Hi! I'm new to your blog so, apologies if this is something you're not comfortable with. I'm curious, who do you think would have a breeding kink? And/or just the members' thoughts on breeding in general 💕
Ofc! And Welcome to my blog <33! (Btw this is soooo late I apologize I’ve been busy!)
(I did both for ya fren!) (these r not my gifs btw)
He was up for it as long as you were. He didn’t really like the way the condom felt anyways. He was ready to be a father, and also ready to cum inside of you. He normally used protection, but sometimes his kink gets the best of him and he ends up asking you to let him take of the condom. You let him because you were on birth control and it was nice feeling his actual dick inside of you.
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He LOVED breeding. He barely ever used a condom unless you asked him too. He didn’t like the way the condom felt either. It worried you that one day you’d find out that you’re pregnant even though you’re on birth control. Minho was proud to have a breeding kink. He told EVERYONE that. They would just look at him then look at you. It was quite embarrassing but, you loved him so it didn’t matter.
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He wasn’t a huge fan of it. It triggered his anxiety. He told you, “I’m not ready to be a dad just yet, and even though you’re on birth control, you never know what could happen.” That’s why you never asked him to breed you. Although, one time he did. He admitted unprotected sex was better than protected but he was still too scared so you both just stuck to, “rather be safe than sorry.”
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Hyunjin liked risks, and breeding you was one. He knew that he could get you pregnant, but you were on birth control so was expected nothing to happen. You both liked it to be honest. Feeling Hyunjin’s hard cock in you made you cum with or without a condom, but unprotected sex was better for both of you. Hyunjin liked it too. He loved breeding you. He has a lot of kinks but this one was his strongest. But he has to control it or else he’ll end up being a father.
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He was absolutely terrified of breeding. He knew it was apart of life and dreamed to do it someday with you. But he also knew if he ended up with a kid right now, he couldn’t continue being an idol. How would he go on tour if he needed to be they’re for his baby? Or how would he get to see his kid grow up if he was constantly away? Han wanted to wait on this whole “breeding” thing and just kept on giving and receiving pleasure with a condom.
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It was most definitely something you both liked. When he did breed you, he never seemed nervous about it. But deep down inside, he was. He understood the fact that he could get you pregnant, but on the other hand giving you pleasure and seeing you cum made him weak. So he just had to deal with it. You seeing his head thrown back moans leaving his mouth each thrust made you hornier. So you both deeply liked it. It’s way better than protected sex.
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Absolutely hated it. He needed to wear a condom when he had sex with you because if he became a father he wouldn’t know what to do. It’s a bad time right time for him to have children, but he’d most definitely get you pregnant one day. He didn’t use a condom once just to see how it was. He got some orgasm in but he was so scared that he couldn’t relax.
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He really wanted to do what ever made you happy and comfortable, but if he did end up becoming a father, it would mess up his life. He would get canceled for having children at “sUcH a YoUnG aGe” and because he had girlfriend. He liked breeding you because birth control was his best friend. However, he HATED condoms. He complains how tight and annoying they are. In conclusion; YANG JEONGIN LIKES BREEDING.
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Lol this is so bad istg I’m sorry for being inactive and dry. Merry Christmas and PLS FORGIVE ME😭🫶
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keeryparadise · 2 years
Front-Seat Driver || K.K.
[ ❥ ] PAIRING: Kurt Kunkle x fem!Reader
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[ ❥ ] SYNOPSIS: You have a blind date tonight, but on your way there, your Spree driver decides he has other plans. (PWP)
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[ ❥ ] WORD COUNT: 2.6k
[ ❥ ] WARNINGS: Smut, NSFW, PWP, swearing, kidnapping, almost murder, erotophonophilia (murder kink), dacryphilia (crying kink), p in v sex, sex-tape/recording sex, manipulation??, f oral sex, masturbation, fingering.
[ ❥ ] INCLUDES: Way too much exposition skip skip skip no one cares, psycho!Kurt, dom!Kurt, sub!Reader, Kurt slurping up your tears yum yum, Kurt slurping up a lot of your body fluids in fact, Kurt weirdly being an experienced sex God??,
[ ❥ ] NOTES: Here’s a scrap fic I decided to finish so I have more than one thing posted on here (unedited btw i'm so tired). Kurt isn’t SAing you in this btw,, also sorry I was inactive for forever my computer #broke so I couldn't write for weeks ❤
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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Air blows softly from your fan, a slow buzz coming from the corner of your room where the fan sits. A citrus candle melts slowly on a shelf, the flicking flame visible in the corner of your eye.
You look at yourself in the mirror, checking if everything was perfect. Is my hair good enough? Is my makeup smudged? Does this outfit look weird? I think I need more perfume. I’ll spray some more.
You wait nervously for your Spree to arrive, fidgeting with your hair with clammy hands. You bite at some loose skin on your lip and feel yourself holding a breath. You haven’t been on a date in almost a year now, and the fact that it was a blind date didn’t make it any better. Why did you agree to this?
You fidget with your hands, pacing around the room quickly, trying to calm your nerves. You think of all the possible ways this could go wrong. There were a lot of ways.
You hear a horn honk from outside your house. Your Spree is here.
You run to grab your phone and purse and shake the last of your nerves off. You blow out your candle and click the fan off, before starting downstairs. The tap of your heels on the tile floor as you approach the kitchen stress you out. You drink a glass of water, take a deep breath, and leave your house before your Spree cancels.
A light gray car sits idly on your driveway. The blackout windows keep you from seeing who was inside, leaving you a little on edge. The app says his name is Kurt. Your hands fidget as you slowly step toward the car’s back door. You swallow deeply before opening the door.
“Kurt?” you ask. You stand outside the car holding the door open as you await a reply.
You crouch down a little to get a look at his face as he turns around to look at you. With a smile, he speaks, “Yep! I’m Kurt from KurtsWorld96, you probably know me.”
The first thing you notice about him is his unique smile. His eyes and his nose scrunch up and his chin tips up slightly. It was like a little kid’s smile. He has a little kid’s haircut too. It’s shaggy and brown and has uneven bangs.
You furrow your brows as you step hesitantly into his car. You notice cameras on every window.
“I hope you don’t mind the cameras.” He straightens his posture, looking behind him to reverse his car out of your driveway, “I need them for safety reasons. Go ahead and take a bottle of water and relax.”
“I-I’m good,” you stammer. He lets out an exasperated sigh in response.
A few minutes of silence go by of you fidgeting and sweating in the backseat of his car. I don’t think I’ve been nervous like this in a while. Is it hot in here?
His cheery voice interrupts the silence, “Soo… where are you going? Like, I know you’re going to a restaurant, but what are you doing there?” He stammers nervously. You see his thumb start to caress the steering wheel slowly.
“My friend set me up on a blind date.” You start to rub the back of your neck, “I haven’t even been on a normal date in over a year, so I’m super nervous.”
You see the driver’s eyebrow twitch slightly in his mirror, “Well I’m glad you didn’t drink that water then, because I’m also supposed to go on a blind date at that restaurant tonight.”
He’s glad I didn’t drink the water? What?
“I guess it’s a not-so-blind date now.” He chuckles nervously, gripping his steering wheel tightly.
“Yeah.” You fake out a laugh.
I can’t believe this guy is my blind date. He’s so… weird.
You sit in silence for the rest of the drive. A thick and uncomfortable silence. The kind of silence that you know you both can feel. It was the longest three minutes of your life.
Kurt speeds past the restaurant the two of you were supposed to meet at.
“Kurt? You just passed the restaurant.”
Kurt gives you a look in his mirror, “I know.”
He presses his foot harder on the gas pedal, and you push back in your seat slightly.
“Kurt, where are we going?” Your knee bounces as you try to study your surroundings through the night’s dark filter.
He tilts his head to the right, “I thought maybe we could go somewhere else instead. Fancy restaurants aren’t really my thing.” He gives the camera a look.
You scoff, “I haven’t eaten since breakfast, Kurt please turn back.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you ramen or something.” He gives another look to the camera.
Your face contorts into a confused mess, “Are we going to your house?”
He looks at you again through the mirror, “Yeah obviously, where else would I be taking you?” He rolls his eyes and puts them back on the road.
You kick his seat in frustration, “I don’t know, a park, or maybe the restaurant we were planning to go to in the first place?”
He rolls his eyes, “Just relax, we aren’t even that far from my house now.”
You sit back in your seat, defeated and arms crossed. It’s useless to argue with him now, this man is clearly insane.
After a few more miles, he pulls into his driveway and puts the car in park. He takes his keys out of the ignition and turns around to look at you, “We’re here.” He smiles his stupid little boy smile. He turns back around and grabs his phone from its holder. He opens his car door and steps out, walking up to your door and opening it too, “After you,” he sings sarcastically, waving his arm in a polite way.
You sit still with your arms crossed, refusing to move.
Kurt rolls his eyes, “Come on, get out of the car.”
He moves closer to you, reaching his arm over your chest to find the seatbelt, “Come on-”
You push his arms away from you, “No, I’m not getting out!”
He insists, reaching again for the seatbelt, fighting you to get it off. The seat belt clicks, and he starts pulling you out of the car.
“No!” you yell, “Let go of me!”
He’s surprisingly strong and manages to pull you out of the car. You hit your head on the concrete, hard, and you barely have enough time to recover before he picks you up bridal style.
He moves toward the front door with you in his arms and spends a solid minute trying to unlock it without setting you down. He pushes his front door open and carries you to his room. You lay helplessly in his arms, barely conscious.
You hate to admit it, but this is something you’ve fantasized about over and over. Your weird obsession with psychotic characters has corrupted how you think, and you feel almost turned on by this.
“Kurt,” you mutter under your breath, “Kurt, where are we?”
He sets you gently on his bed and kneels next to your helpless body, “We’re in my room.” You see what you think is a smile creep onto his face.
He stands up and walks toward a tripod set up in the center of the room. He places his phone in it and rambles to the camera.
He looks back at you and starts to walk over. He kneels next to his bed to look at you and places a gentle hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb, “You’re so beautiful.” He brushes your hair off of your forehead and presses a kiss to it. He gives you a different smile than usual. A smile with eyes coated in intimacy and eyebrows pressed together with desire. Nothing like that little boy smile you thought was so unique.
He studies you through narrow lids, his hand moving from your cheeks to the deep indent in your waist. The sudden heat on that sensitive spot sends a shock down your legs, and you let out a soft whimper. You squeeze your legs closer together at the sudden heat forming in your pants. Kurt notices, shifting his gaze to your lower half. He looks up at his ceiling, chewing on his lip.
“I was going to kill you,” he looks back down at your face and looks you in your eyes, “but that was before I knew I could make use of you.”
You turn away from him and bury your face in his sheets, letting out a quiet whimper. A single tear leaves your eye and absorbs into the fabric.
Kurt shushes you and caresses the top of your head with his hand. He plants a small kiss on the top of your head and grabs your face violently, that action directly contrasting his gentle kiss. He forces you to look at him in his eyes. You feel another tear forming in the corner of your eye. It falls slowly down your cheek, and Kurt sticks his tongue out to lick it away.
“Salty,” he purrs.
A sudden need for him washes over you, your clit tingling at the thought of your walls wrapped warmly around his erection. You barely even know the guy, but somehow he’s got you wrapped tightly around his finger.
“Fuck me, Kurt,” you whisper in a low, raspy tone.
Kurt flinches backward slightly at your sudden submission and smiles. His hand travels down your stomach and into the opening of your skirt. Two of his fingers slowly massage your clit on top of your panties. You bite back a moan and throw your head back slightly into his pillows. His fingers push their way under the hem of your panties and slowly press themselves through your entrance. A soft moan manages to escape your lips.
“Like that?” he breathes.
You nod shakily and practically beg him on top of you with your eyes. You grab onto his shoulder for support and grind into his curling fingers, pushing yourself in and out hungrily. Breathy moans escape your mouth every time you feel the shockwaves from Kurt’s fingertips curling inside your walls.
He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and you give him a quiet whimper. He pushes you away and stands up, sucking your juices off of his fingers.
“You taste so good,” he coos.
You stare up at Kurt and watch him take his shirt off, throwing it carelessly across the room. He steps back toward his bed and mounts himself on top of you, his legs on either side of your hips and his arms pinning your wrists to the mattress.
Kurt presses your lips together softly. He quickly pulls away, leaving you leaning in, begging for more. Kurt starts moving his lips down your body. He sucks the teary flavor from your cheeks and leaves dark hickies along your neck and collarbone. He pulls your shirt down and sucks on each breast hard. His tongue swirls around each nipple, the wet warmth of his mouth sending a twitch to your legs. Each breast is left with a dark magenta spot where his mouth had just been. He leaves gentle kisses down your stomach and stops at the hem of your skirt.
Kurt flips your skirt up and kisses each of your thighs. You push your hips up slightly, and he kisses the wet spot on your panties. A gentle finger caresses your clit, teasing you.
He slides your panties off your body and sets each of your legs on his shoulders to get perfect access to his meal. He flicks the tip of his tongue teasingly on your clit, causing you to flinch. He licked his lips and soon Kurt had his face buried between your thighs. 
His tongue made laps around your entrance, going in and out slowly. He flicked at your clit causing you to moan his name every time. He kissed and sucked at the fleshy pink and slurped at your juices. Your back arched every time he found your sweet spot, and eventually, he was only going over that spot. Shockwaves sent down your thighs causing you to press your hips closer into his face.
Kurt stops with one last kiss on your clit and crawls back up to your face. He presses his lips onto yours and lets you taste yourself in his mouth. He starts grinding his hips into your body, and you quickly attempt to pull off his belt. You throw his belt across the room and tear off his jeans. Kurt slides his boxers off and frees his growing erection, precum already shining on the tip. You grab his dick and start slowly pumping. Kurt groans into your mouth, sending vibrations down your throat.
“Oh God, please just put it in,” you beg breathlessly. You let go of his cock, and he slowly presses himself through your entrance.
You let out a breathy moan at the first insertion, and he starts slowly setting a pace. You feel yourself sinking into his cock. You bang your hips together and you moan Kurt’s name every time he finds your g-spot. Your nails dig into his back, and you pull his hips down harder, swearing and moaning his name desperately.
The both of you are panting and whining by the time he says he’s close.
“Oh god, baby I think I’m close,” he moans, “F-fuck. Keep going, just like that.” He stammers and stutters, barely able to form sentences.
“Me too baby, keep going, please.” You desperately try to press him into you deeper each time, but his thrusts are getting sloppy. Your wetness squelches every time he sinks his dick into you. 
“F-fuuck, that’s it,” he cries out, his chest heaving heavily, “Oh my god, I’m about to cum.”
He thrusts faster and faster, getting closer every time. You feel the tingle crawling up your thighs, signaling you’re close.
You throw your head back into the pillows, craving the sweet release. His last thrust hit the spot perfectly, and you’re engulfed in an all-consuming orgasm, your entire vision going white and your vocal cords almost bursting from your last moan.
You feel Kurt’s warm cum fill you up, and the moan he lets out nearly gives you a second orgasm.
His muscles barely hold him up over your body and you can see sweat daring to drip off his chin and splatter on your chest. One does manage to drip off and land right in your cleavage. It almost burns.
He pants heavily over you, not daring to make eye contact. You see strands of hair stuck to his forehead and you push them away revealing his eyes. He fixes his gaze on you, his pupils dilating entirely, and he presses himself into you giving you a sloppy kiss.
He pulls away and lets his head dangle, a hot breath finding its way on your neck. “Fuck, that was good,” he rasped. You manage a weak hum in response.
He slowly slides himself out of you. He can barely balance himself as he stands up and hobbles weakly to his camera. You hear him speak to his audience, but it’s all muffled. Your head still hurts and you’re still experiencing the after-shock of it all.
Kurt turns his camera off and stands over you.
“Want a water?” He asks.
“You look exhausted, do you want some water.”
“Okay, sure.”
He goes to the other side of his room and retrieves a bottle of water from a corner of his room. He hands it to you and you drink it slowly.
Huh, it tastes kind of funny.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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Pairing: Yandere gojo x Reader
Summary: You don't like gojo Satoru .....and you made it quite clear.
Warning ⚠️: Dark themes , Yandere theme, stalking.
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You were Shoko's friend . You knew about gojo Satoru shoko told you about the man.
And you just decided that you don't like him. It's not unusual... you've always hated those Rich , good lookin' people who can get whatever they want from their birth . They do not have to suffer life problems, they do not have to cry for a toy , they do not have to ask for new clothes. They get anything they want just by touching it.
And you hated that because you couldn't.
But nevermind that it's not like you've actually met the guy or something .
Now a Little something about you. Well... you're not normal. You're neither a sorcerer nor a normal human. You can't see curses but you do see black smokey void instead . So you simply do not belong anywhere nor in the jujutsu world neither in the normal one .
But you've lived through it yet so that's not a problem.
Shoko is your best friend because she was the first person who believed you. Your mom thinks you're mental , your dad don't give a single shit , and other people who you've told ......they just want to send you to the mental hospital. You were tired of explaining people that you see black smokes sometimes but they don not believe. Shoko did . And here you were .
Standing infront of a cafe , you can make Shoko's figure but not the person she was sitting with . It was a man , sure. But his back was turned .
And like any best friend would think and do......you concluded that it was a date and decided to crash it.
Giggling evil you made your way in the cafe and stand behind the man's back and smirked at shoko.
"Well well i didn't thought my workaholic bestie would actually find a date~" you said giggling slightly but stopped at Shoko's unimpressed face .
Upon another one's appearance the man turned.....(and so was your life about too)
Snow white hairs, shiny lips , and oh those beautiful eyes that holds the ocean in them......you hate ocean.
The male smiled at you , a charming one . 'Fake'
You immediately thought. You know that fake, charming, and getting all the girls n boys smile . You have already mastered it. You smiled back. And did that eye thing to shoko.
"Well y/n i would've said it's nice to see you, but it's not -"
"ouch, my heart~"
"- this is gojo Satoru btw, gojo , this is y/n"
Shoko said um impressed.
Gojo turned to you and stand up , hold his hand out to shake hands with you . 'well damn that's tall' you yourself aren't short with the height of 5.6 you consider yourself tall and intimidating but this guy was a whole different case. "Hello y/n san~ it's very nice to meet you~".
You didn't took his hand . You'd not. You despise people like him .... everything's just so easy for them . " It's nice to meet you too, gojo-san, and i would prefer L/n San, if you would " you said with a cold tone.
Gojo seems shocked for a moment and retreated his hand back.
'hah , bitch really thought he had me swooning on the looks!'
You smirked victoriously in mind . "Y-yeah ofcourse,um I'm gojo Satoru and I'm a teacher!" He said recovering quick and smiled again.
"yeah i know you're a jujutsu teacher" he was shocked again. This girl was really putting him on time off. "I've heard a lot about you" you finished.
"All good i hope~" he said . "Hmm can't make any promises ~" you replied giving a smile of yours. You sure were giving gojo a hard time conversing .
"Ahem so...." Shoko started . "Oh yeah sorry I'll be going home i need to make dinner, bye shoko my love~" you said . "Ugh Don call me that" shoko said irritated but still smiled at your childish inact.
You got out the cafe and head for home walking with you groceries in hand.....well it was mostly instant noodles so....
"I'll head home too" gojo said and wore his jacked and cap.
You went your way walking and holding all you're things. Tap tap tap tap
'Huh' you thought and stopped right away . But you didn't dare look back. ' i heard footsteps and I'm sure of it . I'm not gonna neglect it thinking I'm paranoid ' you thought and continued to walk away planning to suddenly turn and found the stalker and you did turn away but there was no one there.
You huffed and locked your door not worrying anymore.
Though someone's else was worried, their heart was beating so loud in their chest because they were about to get caught following you.
' She's too smart, You intrigue me Y/N L/N' thought the sorcerer.
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Yo ok so legosi (from Beastars) has been turning my mind into mush so pretty pls
head cannons of legosi w/ a himbo! Human bf who's super clingy
You can ignore this if ya want dw ab it 🤞
-Legoshi with super clingy! Human Himbo BF-
A/N: Hello!! I'm so sorry about the wait I've been very inactive lately promise I'm not ignoring you. I love this request btw it is so so cute--
I really hope this is okay!! Please have an amazing day ♡
☆ Oh my lord he loves how clingy you are...Your need for closeness, your need to know hes still there is the perfect foil for his insecure, logical self.
☆ He can never spiral too far while overthinking either with you around...He'll be having a whole ass panic attack about something little he did thinking he upset you and then you'll just come up like :))
And everything is okay ♡
☆ He also loves...The fact that you aren't as stressed or uptight as him. It really helps get him out of his shell...And he also finds it just really adorable. Your full of life- a little dumb yeah, a little reckless...More so...But you live life with a smile and it makes him really happy. He would fight the sun if it meant you'd be okay.
☆ Walks you home from class. As soon as he sees you...Tails wagging, dopey smile upon his face.
☆ Not exactly...A PDA guy but you'll notice how he always is full of pride whenever your around in front of his friends. He'll have his arm loosely tangled around you, smiling and be like "This is my boyfriend. Hurt him and you die."
☆ Very protective...Its quite subtle but....Oh lord does he care about you. If you're sick for instance...He will keep everyone away from your room until you are better. Make you soup (try to make you soup actually haha...Hes a bad cook), put on your favorite shows. God forbid someone Hurt you either or hell bother you for being a human...They would have to deal with a very irritated wolf.
☆ With legoshi...He shows his love in little ways. Merch from your favorite shows placed on your bed when you get back from school, waking up cradled in his sweater because you were shuddering in your sleep...You ending up tucked warmly in bed after passing out on the couch.
His hand finding yours whenever your stressed.
☆Hes very reassuring and...He wants you to know he loves you. Deeply. And no matter what anyone says, he'll always be your partner ♡
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