#I'm still on that wild west story you're teasing me with
luimagines 1 year
*walks on in tiredly, hands you a mug of hot chocolate and a basket filled with cake to match, does not elaborate* Hey there, just passing on by to wish you a nice day, hopefully things have been well for you and if not, may your days brighten soon for you surely brighten a lot of people's days ^^
Not really much to say today because my brain is too tired and sleep deprived but yelling about your writing shall come eventually xD, as for assumptions, hm...
Likes The Legend of Zelda obviously, favorite game is probably a tie between Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time and or Majora's Mask and Skyward Sword, possibly one of them was your first game too.
Really kind and patient person, though quite clever too and talented given your merch, you have a lot of asks and presumably a lot on your plate but still manage to answer as many as possible and don't mind people rambling here about different concepts or series and also write with a good degree of frequency, also quite firm to put your foot down when you're not okay with something, not in a bad way! More in a fair sense, and willing to offer an ear or empathy if someone's having a hard time, not many people can do that while keeping a level head.
Very cozy? The type of person who's very comfortable to be around in a sense, the type you think is really cool even if you only interacted once, but definitely the type someone might feel shy when actually approaching to interact or who might not go through with talking with as a result of said ahyness, plus your writing really makes my day some times, specially during bad ones, nothing better than suddenly find out you posted and reading through it with a mug of coffee or a cup of tea while my dog is curled up nearby, specially after some tiring days. Like a warm cappuccino cup with a book on an autumn afternoon if you will.
So over all someone who's doing their best and who anyone would be lucky to be friends with really ^^
Also Twilight is definitely one of your favorite Links, I have no idea who the runner up to him could be (possibly Time, because we all are simply Circe and Calypso when in the face of that man who'd give Odysseus a run for his money), but you can definitely talk about him for a long time and as a Twilight enjoyer that delights me a lot XD
Anyway, not really much to say besides that which likely has not been said before, so once again, thank you for all your work in the fandom, for inspiring me a d of course I hope you have many nice days and nights ahead of you!
-Just a Tired Anon on a Stroll/WintertimeStoryteller 馃悮
Actually nope on the game guess. XD
I've been in the fandom for a while, but I've only played my first LoZ game back in 2020 and it was Breath of the Wild. ^.^*
My merch?..... My merch!??!... Like my shop? XD
Goodness, I've associated that word with like... youtubers and stuff with their own brands and such. It hit me like a truck until I remembered the full meaning of the word. Whoops-
(I do try to patient no matter the person/circumstance DX I'm glad it comes off that way.)
Cozy is the probably the highest compliment I've ever received from anyone ever. I gotta hang that up somewhere.
Twilight is one of my favorites, yes.... and also very quickly followed by Time. -.-
I realize that I am not subtle in that at all. XD
And you're an incredible individual as well. <3
I hope your days and nights are pleasant and darling. I love your rambles and long asks XD
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d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n 1 year
Still be here in the morning?
Nikolai Lantsov x F!Reader
Summary: You drive Nikolai wild. You want him to see you, to see you, but you're scared. If you give in to your desires and you let yourself fall, will he still be there in the morning?
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: SMUTTY SMUT, LOTS OF SMUT, lots of teasing, a lil bit of angst, and some fluff. Also the reader's nickname is Mouse - but it's not a size thing, it's an occupation thing *thumbs up emoji*
Author's Note: This started off as a smut thing but became a whole story thing so enjoy ;D
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It was safe to say you drove Nikolai wild. You hardly listened to his rules, questioning your Captain in his every decision and driving him crazy with your constant bickering. You knew that you could, you were Nikolai's star crewmate and he would never risk firing you. No one was a better diplomat, marksman, or sailor - except perhaps Nikolai himself. You were a good detective too - you were the only one of his crew to have figured out his true identity.
You had teased him about it on a brief visit to West Ravka - an old family painting had given it all away.
"You'll never guess what I found, Cap." You said, waltzing into his quarters and jumping up onto his desk. He tilted his face up to you - indicating that he was listening - but kept his eyes focused on the maps laid in front of him, studying new routes out west. You were only docked in Os Kervo to collect a round of new supplies - enough to keep you afloat to Novyi Zem or even further.
"Tell me, Mouse. What have you found that is so worth sharing that you break into my quarters?" He used the affectionate nickname you had picked up since joining the crew - you were quiet, almost undetectable when need by. Of course, Nikolai knew how annoying and boisterous you could get when you were comfortable. Still, the nickname had stuck. In fact, you were almost certain that aside from Nikolai, and the twins, no one could remember your true name. It didn't matter. You had moved on from that life.
"Well, Tolya and I spent most of our afternoon in the galleries in Os Kervo-"
"-leaving Tamar to collect the supplies? Yes, I heard about that. Just because you keep us out of trouble with the law does not mean that you get to delegate all your duties to someone else. We work together, Mouse, you'd do well to remember it."
"Yes, yes, she said she was fine with it. Something about getting Tolya's poetic arse off her back for a few hours," Nikolai chuckled at that, "And anyway, the interesting thing is what I found in the galleries. You see, despite the Fold, West Ravka is still a united nation-"
"I'm aware."
"Stop interrupting me!" You swatted him with a loose piece of paper on his desk, "It's rude. You'd have thought that you had some manners - what with your pretentious nature."
"Is there a point to this, Mouse? Because I suggest you get there soon."
"Well, what I was saying was, I came across a portrait. A new one - well, sort of. It had the King - Pyotr, that is - and his wife, and their sons. Did you know that they had 2? I had simply forgotten." A cheeky grin had snuck onto your face and Nikolai was now looking directly at you. You leaned in close to his ear, "I'd say they did the younger son a disservice, wouldn't you? Your Highness?"
Nikolai moved swiftly, clamping his hand down over your mouth. "Does Tolya know?"
You move his hand off your mouth, "Of course not. I'm not one to be going around spreading rumours that are not mine to spread."
"Good. And you're going to keep it that way. Especially if you want to stay on this ship."
"Oh, Nikolai. You're not going to fire me. You won't risk having the biggest threat to your secret not on your side. I'm a diplomat - I know how intimidation works," Nikolai fixes you with a stare, "Ok, I was a diplomat, whatever. Semantics. Point is, you're not going to fire me. Your secrecy depends on it."
After that day, your teasing had increased ten-fold and Nikolai's patience with you had decreased just as much. He hardly spoke to you if he didn't have orders to give you. And it pissed you off.
To be perfectly honest, you made his blood boil. Nikolai didn't know what it was about you, but you knowing who he was had tipped him over the edge. He thought that he was untraceable - a new persona, a new look. He'd made a point to never dock in Ravka - but needs must and there was no way they'd survive a trip to Kerch. They'd been running on fumes. To be honest, the trip had gone better than expected. But of all the people to find out, it just had to be you. He stewed alone in his chambers. They were currently in Novyi Zem, planning to head further west. Ravka had no power further west than Novyi Zem, a notion which many - including you - were grateful for.
He'd never taken the time to understand what you were running from - almost everyone in his crew was running from some demon, but you had never once let slip who you were before you joined Sturmhond's crew. He knew that you were a diplomat of some kind and that you were half-Ravkan, but beyond that, you were a mystery to him. Perhaps that's what pissed him off. That you knew exactly who he was and who he had been and he knew nothing about you.
A knock came at his door. Who the fuck could that be? To his knowledge, everyone was out partying in the taverns. Who could resist a peaceful night out when you spent every other night on a ship sailing in the middle of an ocean? Nikolai could. And so could this mystery person apparently. Nikolai opened his door before the guest knock again, groaning when he caught sight of who it was. You were standing at his door - coat and boots discarded and your shirt haphazardly untied. You pushed past him and made yourself comfortable in his chair, smiling as he ran a hand over his face.
"Awhh, don't look too happy to see me, Sturmhond. Or should I say, Nikolai?" You'd taken to teasing him in the privacy of his room, where you were sure no one could hear you.
"What do you want, Mouse?"
"I just wanted to see how my dear Majesty was holding up. It has been a rough week for us all."
"Cut the bullshit. I know you're here to piss me off. Not tonight, Mouse. Please."
"Ooh. I like it when you beg. Do it again." You grinned at him. You knew you were getting under his skin.
"I said not tonight. Get out, Mouse. Go piss off some drunkard in a tavern." Nikolai said, nearly pushing you out of the door. "Maybe he can fuck the attitude out of you," he whispered under his breath.
"Make me."
"I'm sorry, what?" Nikolai said, turning around to face you again.
"I said, make me, Lantsov."
"I told you to stop fucking using that name," Nikolai growled, pushing you up against the wall, his arm pushing under your boob. You flushed pink, heat pooling in your stomach.
Nikolai grinned, "Oh, I see." He looked you up and down, scanning your figure. You could feel your underwear soak with every second of his gaze.
"What do you see, Captain? Need me to get you a spyglass. Could help you-" You were cut off by Nikolai's lips on yours. They were soft, gentle, and yet demanding at the same time. It was nice. This was nice.
"Is that what you wanted, Mouse? Attention from your Captain?" The honourific felt dirty coming from his mouth. You felt the desire to push him further - to piss him off until he gave you what you wanted. What you needed.
"Are you sure it's not what you wanted Captain? You seem to be a lot more excited by this than I am."
Nikolai nearly growled at that, attaching his lips to yours again, before slipping your belt off. He slipped his hands down to your core, feeling the wetness and smirking.
"Not as excited as me, huh?" He rubbed a circle around your clit and watched your defenses crumble. You grabbed a fistful of his jacket in your hand as your hips bucked away from him.
Nikolai lifted you up easily, depositing you on his desk, "I wanted to fuck you that day. When you hopped up on this desk and threatened me the first time. Should've done it. Should've shown you exactly who the boss is around here."
He grabbed the small knife he kept in his breast pocket off the desk and flicked it open. You gasped. Nikolai grazed the knife against the outside of your hip, slicing cleanly through your underwear. You were glad you'd taken off your stays earlier - you weren't sure if you could survive him ruining your most comfortable stays.
He placed a gentle kiss on your throat before pulling your shirt off. He gazed at you, momentarily starstruck, before latching his mouth onto your nipple. A hand came up to toy with the other, and you dissolved into a moaning mess.
He pulled away from your nipple to grin at your state. You looked at him breathlessly, grinning, "Is that all you've got, Lantsov."
His stare turned dark. He dove down and buried himself in your pussy. He licked and nipped, flicking your clit with his tongue. He played you like a well-tuned instrument. He fucked your hole with his tongue - alternating between stroking your walls with his tongue and sucking on your clit.
Your orgasm washed over you unexpectedly, sending waves of pleasure through your veins. You clamped your thighs around Nikolai's head, throwing your head back as you cried out.
Nikolai lifted his head up, eyes glinting dangerously, wetness smeared all around his lips. He looked devious. In that moment, he was not Nikolai Lantsov, spare to the Lantsov name, but Sturmhond, masterful privateer, Captain of Volkvolny. You loved him for it.
"You've caused me a lot of trouble, Mouse."
"What are you going to do about it?" You bit your lip, hiding a smirk.
He threw his coat off, carrying you towards his bed. You were lucky that no one else was on board - if they heard what was going on you'd never live it down.
Nikolai laid you on the bed, stripping his clothes off at extraordinary speed. He was quickly inside you, eliciting whimpers from you at every movement. He gave you a moment to adjust before he started to thrust. His hips snapped into you at an ungodly pace and it was all that you could do to not fall apart on his cock.
Nikolai grinned at your silence, his eyes scanning over you. Your face was blissed out, eyes rolling to the back of your head every so often. Sweat glistened on your skin, as you rocked forwards at the force of his every thrust. He couldn't help the small praises that fell from his lips as you moaned lowly.
"Look at you, so fucking beautiful under me, spread out for me like a whore. That's what you are, my beautiful little whore." You moaned at the filth dripping out of his mouth, "What's wrong, sweetheart? Have I fucked the little mouse stupid? No words left to taunt me now, huh?" You moaned softly, your mouth almost stuck in the shape of an 'O'. "Maybe I should do this more often, keep you quiet for longer." You nodded your head, head too foggy to come up with another smart-ass response.
Your second and third orgasms crashed over you in quick succession - Nikolai clamped his hand over your mouth as you screamed 'Nikolai' over and over again. He promised that next time he'd fuck that name out of your brain, before pulling out and cumming all over your chest.
You lay on his bed - dazed from the intense fucking you just received. You were surprised to find yourself alone in Nikolai's bed - he'd disappeared moments after cumming. He'd said something but you were still coming down from your last high when he moved away. You began to spiral. Of course, he was only fucking you to teach you a lesson - why else would he be interested in you? You idiot! He's the prince of fucking Ravka and the Captain of this ship. What do you have that would interest him, apart from your bratty mouth and attitude? He said it himself - the attitude pissed him off.
You were startled when something cold made contact with your chest. You looked up to find Nikolai with something in his hand - a wet washcloth, maybe? - and a sheepish grin on his face. He was still naked, his hair still tousled and his face still flushed. An involuntary beam broke out across your face. He didn't leave you after all.
Nikolai was taken by surprise at the tears that gathered on your lash line. He pulled you up into his chest when you were clean, sitting on the edge of his bed with you held tightly in his arms.
"Hey, hey, hey." He said, drawing mindless shapes on your back as tears streamed down your face, "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He was confused - surely, if he hurt you, you wouldn't be seeking comfort in him.
His heart slowed slightly when you shook your head, but the confusion remained.
"Talk to me, Mouse. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
"It's stupid."
"It's not. If it matters to you, then it matters to me. Tell me, whatever it is, I'll fix it." Another wave of emotion washed over you. You climbed into his lap and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
"I thought you were mad." You whispered quietly, almost hoping he wouldn't hear you and that he would let it go.
"Why would I be mad?"
"You left." You shrugged, "You left and I thought you were gone for good." He pressed a kiss to your temple and pulled your head into his chest.
"Oh, Mouse. For all your genius, you are oblivious." You looked up at him, confused. "I love you, Mouse. I always have." You shook your head, "What?"
"You're just saying that." You said, tears filling your lash line again as you tried to pull away, "You're just saying that 'cause you fucked me and you don't want me to leave." You tried to move out of his arms but he held you firmly. You hit his chest, trying to force yourself off him, but he stood his ground. Eventually, you just melted into his arms - he held you as you cried, hands stroking your hair soothingly.
You calmed down slowly, chest heaving as you tried to replenish your lungs. You stayed relaxed in his arms. He laid his head on top of yours. "Wanna tell me what that was about?"
You shook your head.
"Do you trust me?"
You nodded your head.
"Do you trust me enough to believe me when I say I love you?"
You hesitated.
"Well, we've found our problem."
"You don't love me."
"How do you know? You been inside my head? Pretty sure even Grisha can't do that." You chuckled.
"You hate me. You can't even look at me - let alone talk to me for long enough to fall in love with me."
"I can't look at you because if I start looking I'll never look away. I can't talk to you because I look like a fool every time I try and string two words together in front of you. Ask Tolya - he'll tell you how hopelessly in love with you I am. And for someone who's not interested in romance, he's a fucking hopeless romantic." His words involuntarily brought a smile onto your face.
You looked into his eyes, "You're sure you love me?"
"Honey, you drive me wild."
You nestled into his arms, and he leaned you both back onto the bed. Your head hit his pillow and suddenly you're surrounded by him. His arms wrap around you tightly, his pillow smells like him, his face is right next to yours. It's nice. Comforting.
You looked up into his face, studying his features while he slept. He was pretty - objectively. His face was long - pointy. Someone had done a terrible job of fixing his broken nose - but it seemed off at a second glance. He seemed so different than the paintings in the gallery - more difference than age alone could bring. His eyes were the giveaway - they were muddy green at first glance but under the right light and if you stared long enough, they were the same hazel green as the ones in the painting. You reached up to stroke his face. How long would this all last? How long until he wouldn't be able to play pretend anymore? How long until he had to go back to being Prince Nikolai Lantsov of Ravka? How long did you have with him in this beautiful bubble that you had created? You could already hear the rest of the crew filtering in from their nights out.
A hand came up to wrap around yours, "Sleep, Mouse. I'll still be here in the morning."
You smiled. He'd still be here in the morning.
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theinconveniencing 4 months
1, 6, and 12 for the ask game pls
what are three shows in your watchlist that you've been meaning to get to?
only three. well freaks and geeks has been there for literal years. succession and I'm not just saying that because it's you I've been meaning to I promise. and the bachelor season 24. which is next on my list and I don't care I love trashy reality tv sue me
what do you use to keep your place when you're reading a book?
well I mean anything really. generally a sticky note but I do have an actual painted bookmark I got from somewhere for free. the other day I was straight up using a hair tie tho it's the wild wild west
what's something about your best friend that you love?
im not just gonna say one thing that's criminal and insulting to her. I met her in senior year english class and we happened to be in the same choir class and she was new to the school because of some truly insane circumstances and there are a million different universes where we didn't meet but I'm so beyond fucking happy we live in this one. I've had best friends before but nobody has truly been here for me like she has. no matter what you say to her she handles it with grace. she doesn't make me feel judged for anything I say or do. I say this with love but she's an absolute ditz but she doesn't take herself seriously so we can just laugh and laugh about the things she says. she's one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life. her instagram stories are some of my favorite things ever. she's always willing to give people a second chance. but somehow she still talks shit with the best of them. she's such a generous person and has amazing tastes in movies and she can bring up the same joke twenty times in a day but still manages to make it funny. she's always down for some ridiculous bullshit adventure we decide to do on a whim. she loves live music and has this hilarious intense one sided beef with dua lipa. she manages to tease me in a way that doesn't ever feel insulting. she cuts hair and is really fucking good at it even though she only goes to class when she has to. she's the most talented makeup artist (that makes it sound like she's licensed or something) I've ever known in my life like I'm serious. she's incredible. she's so confident and never afraid to just be the most honest embarrassing version of herself possible. she literally has a five nights at freddy's themed car. even in the face of the most dire circumstances she always has the faith that everything is gonna work out. and it does. she has a lifetime of ridiculous anecdotes and she attracts weird people and always has some new story to tell of some completely bullshit thing somebody said to her the other day. she got hit by a car one time before we even met but she always laughs when we talk about it. she loves metal music but her favorite song is no hands. she has a beautiful voice and she isn't afraid at all to scream songs in the car. she's obsessed with hummus. she has great style I'm always obsessed with every outfit she wears. and well I could go on but I love her a lot馃
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frogmanfae 1 year
Okay so I'm currently working on a college au Newsies fic (Javid) inspired by this post in which Davey is married to Oscar Delancey, Oscar is (predictably) abusive, and Davey ends up cheating on him with his best good friend Jack Kelly. I recently finished writing a scene that just feels far too chaotic to properly mesh with the rest of the story and there is no making it any less chaotic, so here it is as a stand alone drabble. I might try to salvage bits and pieces of it, but it just doesn't work as it's written. This is before Davey cheats and he is currently trying to convince himself and everyone else that he is happy in his relationship.
Below the cut
Davy stiffens. He didn't tell Oscar he wouldn't be home because he thought he would be back and asleep before Oscar came back. This couldn't be him, it's only seven thirty. No way is he home-
"Oh, it's my sister." Relief washes through him. "My little brother wants to video chat." He glances over at Jack. "You in?"
"In what?" Jack pushes himself to a sitting position.
"Do you want to call my siblings? If not I can always call them tomorrow-"
"No way man I'm so in!" He smiles and takes the blanket he was laying on and wraps it around his upper body. "You wanna go inside for better lighting?"
"Nah, I like it up here." Davey smiles, typing a quick response to Sarah. "They can see fine enough... Probably." He moves so he's sitting next to Jack and nudges him so he can fit under the blanket he has wrapped around his shoulders. They're really close, but it's just for warmth. Of course it is. Warmth and nothing else. So what if the way Jack's body presses against his own makes his head swim just a little bit? He's on a rooftop of a building in New York City, of course he's bound to get a little bit of vertigo. The blanket is small and Jack is warm. It only makes sense to be so close together in the chill of late November after dark.
Davey hesitates for a moment before pressing the call button. "Please don't flirt with my sister."
"What do you take me for, a strumpet?"
Davey blinks. "Yes."
"Yeah that's fair." Jack nods. "You have my word, I don't wanna make 'er uncomfortable or nothin."
"Thank you." Davey smiles as he hits the call button, almost immediately being connected to his siblings.
"Hi David!" Sarah smiles into the camera.
"Where the hell are you?"
"Leshem!" Davey scolds. "Sarah what have you been teaching him?"
"It's not me! I promise!" Sarah holds her hands up. "He asked a good question, though. Where are you? It's so dark that it looks like there are two of you."
"Oh there are two of us." Davey leans closer into Jack's body. For warmth. "This is Jack."
"He likes cowboys."
"Love me some wild wild west!" Jack fakes a country accent, making Davey snort.
"Oh so that's the guy who's totally upped your mood?" Sarah teases.
"Shut up he has not!" Davey barks, thankful for the darkness concealing the pink dusting on his face.
"Ouch!" Jack leans away from Davey, effectively taking away both the heat of his body and the blanket.
"Oh my god no!" Davey whines. "No come back! It's too cold!"
"Well clearly if I don't mean nothin to ya-" Jack smirks, barely visible in the lack of illumination.
"No! No you mean the world to me! I take it back!" He laughs, reaching put to grab the blanket.
Jack moves it out of the way. "I'm deeply hurt, Dave."
"Jackie!" He pouts, still smiling. "Come on! I'm sorry! I'm gonna freeze to death!"
"Ugh you're so dramatic." Jack lifts the blanket to wrap it around Davey's shoulders and pull him closer to him anyway. "You're lucky I have a heart."
Davey just about melts into Jack's side, smiling up at him. "Yeah, I am." He focuses back on the screen in his hand. "How have you guys been?"
"Oh my god Sarah has been such a bitch lately!" Les whines.
"Leshem! She's taking care of you! Be nice!" Davey scolds.
"No, he's right I've definitely been a bitch." Sarah nods. "I'm just really tired with midterms and finals and cooking and-"
"And Katherine!" Les shouts.
"Katherine?" Davey raises his eyebrow, though not visible.
"Yeah you remember that girl that she-" Sarah puts her hand over Les's mouth.
"Oh my god, Sarah! You have to tell me these things! I'm your twin! It's like-" Davey hesitates, looking for the right term. "I don't know! The law! Or something!"
"Nothing has happened!" Sarah assures.
Les breaks free from her grasp. "That's not true! I saw them kissing!"
Davey gasps, Sarah waves her hands around. "No no it's not like that! I mean- okay yeah we kissed like one time!"
"I told you about every single time I did anything with Oscar in high school!"
"That's different- I... No that's totally different! Jack do you have a twin?"
"Uhh... Kinda? I got a brother the same age as me but-"
"Good enough. You can agree that kissing someone and not saying anything to your brother is different than having sex and not saying anything?"
"Oh that's not even fair!" Davey gasps. "I told you about our first like twenty kisses too!"
"Gross!" Les exclaims, earning a small shove from Sarah.
"You can go into the other room until we switch topics." She steers him away, knowing full well he'll still listen in.
"I don't tell Crutch when I have sex." Jack contributes. "Just for the record."
"Okay but the first time you have sex with someone you've been crushing on for a while?"
"Nah. That hasn't ever happened to me. My only serious relationship was with this girl in ninth grade and we never made it that far. The only people I've actually really liked since then have been unavailable in some way."
"What about your first first time then?"
"I didn't even know my brother yet. We didn't meet til two or three years after I lost the card."
"You guys are talking about this way too comfortably for two people who have never met." Davey comments.
"Well you hear all about my experiences nowadays, she looks a little too much like you, I guess." Jack smiles.
"Yeah I hear about way more than I'd prefer." Davey shudders.
"Oh, Davey! You don't mean that! You love hearin about when I-"
"Ahhh I'm not listening! I can't hear you!" He curls further into Jack's side in an attempt to muffle the sound since he can't cover his ears and hold the phone at the same time.
"Davey!" Jack laughs.
"Davey?" Sarah arches an eyebrow. "What happened to only letting people call you David or else?"
"Oh?" Jack gasps. "Ooh! Am I special? Do I get special nickname privileges, Dave?"
"No! You just wouldn't stop calling me that when I told you not to!"
"Oh but you introduced yourself to Buttons as Davey!" Jack bellows, way too excited about this. "Oh this is great."
"Sarah why did you have to say anything?" Davey groans.
"You didn't even let Oscar call you Dave that's why!"
"Oh!" Jack gasps. "Oh I've got privileges even the husband don't got!"
"Your grammar makes me want to jump off of this roof."
"You're on a roof?" Les nearly explodes. Davey isn't sure how long he's been there.
"Why are you on a roof?" Sarah questions.
"Because it's fun?" Davey says.
"That's it? Just because it's fun?" Davey can't quite find the words to describe her expression.
"Since when do you do anything just for fun?" Les asks so seriously that it almost hurts.
"Hey!" Davey frowns. "I'm fun!"
"Yeah and Les is allowed to stay up past ten." Sarah rolls her eyes.
"Ouch!" He leans into Jack's chest. "I'm fun, aren't I, Jackie?"
"Sure are, I don't know what they're talkin about." He smiles down at Davey.
Davey frowns more. "The sarcastic tone you're using wounds me."
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sebstanseabass 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 5
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Previous chapter links:
Afterglow chapters Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader CHAPTER FIVE
Sometimes, the universe works in different dumb ways. You're one of the few lucky people if you get what you want, and one of those who aren't; the ones who run out of luck every damn time. There's nothing more miserable than finding what you're not looking for, meeting the right person at the wrong time (or vice versa), getting the wrong take out food, or riding the wrong cab.
Unlike your first cab ride, this one was different. There was no loud music, no speeding, no overtaking, and no yelling -- definitely not what you needed right now. See how the universe works in different dumb ways?
If Bucky wasn't hungover right now, you would've ran all the way from White Wolf to the bar. God, how much did he drink last night? After thirty minutes, the cab finally stopped in front of the bar. Bucky paid a generous amount. "Keep the change." He said casually before stepping out of the cab.
Without second thoughts, you walked the steps down that lead to the door of the bar. In front of it were sealed boxes and cases of different kinds of liquor -- beer, champagne, wine, whiskey, vodka; you name it. Luckily, you always had the bar keys in your pockets in case of emergencies. Lucky for Steve, one of his employees just lived right above the bar and had the freedom to come down any time she wanted. Steve lived all the way in Brooklyn. Why he chose to work in the Upper West Side, you might never know. He was a pretty secretive person. No one from the bar staff knew anything about his personal life -- except that his family was from Rhode Island (perhaps).
"That's a lot of boxes." Bucky caught up with you. "Good thing I'm here."
"Please." You scoffed. "You're still hungover." I bet he couldn't even carry one small box, and even if he could, he'd just spill them all over the floor. But you didn't really know Bucky. You just knew him from Peter's stories. So, when he carried two big boxes at the same time right before you opened the door, the shock came over you. You wondered, spending all his time partying and drinking, where he stores all the alcohol he consumes.
"Where do you want me to put this?" Bucky asked.
"Just right behind the counter." You replied. "If you need some help, let me know."
"I got it all, doll, don't you worry." He chuckled, placing the boxes on top of the counter then jumping over it to reach the other side. You rolled your eyes and got more of the boxes that were sitting lonely outside. You put a stopper right between the small gap between the floor and the door. "Nice place you got here!" You heard Bucky yell amidst the city noises. "Different kind of bar."
"You mean not like the kind of bar you go to?"
You heard him chuckle. "Yeah, that. This one's kind of vintage."
"Yeah." You replied, sticking your head out by the door frame. "Like you!"
He gave you a small chuckle. The bar did give off some vintage mood -- that was why it was a bar for everyone. The kids were now discovering and loving all kinds of vintage stuff, people in their fifties come here 'cause it reminded them of their time, and some are just curious.
On the inside of the bar, everyone was completely shut out from the outside. There were no windows, only color-stained glasses on the wooden walls near the ceiling. You can never tell day from night inside unless you look at the wall clock.
You pushed some of the boxes on the floor. You didn't have enough upper body strength to carry them all the way to the counter. By the time you reached Bucky, you carried the boxes one by one and placed them on the counter, then he carried them over to the other side.
"So vintage." He commented once again. "You even got a jukebox. Does that even work?" He motioned towards the jukebox.
You sensed he wanted to try it for himself so you told him he could give it a little push. He smiled and jumped over the counter once more. "You don't always have to jump, Bucky." You showed him the wooden counter pass-through he could easily open but his focus was set on the jukebox. He found the plug and waited for it to light up.
"Cool. Just like they do in the movies."
"Of course. What did you expect when you plugged that in?" You carried one box to the counter and stopped near the jukebox, leaning over it. "Besides, didn't you guys have this during your time?"
"You make it sound like I came from the fifties."
You raised your eyebrows, crossing your arms. "So, what did you guys have?"
"Cassettes." He mumbled.
"We had iPods. But at some point I think we did have cassettes, then the CD, then the iPods. Still doesn't change the fact that you're basically a dinosaur." Then you made a roaring sound which you thought was the sound of dinosaurs.
"That's not how a dinosaur sounds like, Aria."
"Of course, you'd know." You teased before going back to get some more boxes.
Bucky started to push some buttons until a mellow song played. "It's been a long, long time." He mumbled.
"What?" You asked and stopped pushing the boxes.
"The song. It's named 'It's been a long, long time.' A buddy of mine's favorite song. He and his girlfriend used to dance to it. Haven't heard this song for a long time. Quite nice."
"It is nice." You commented. "But it's too dramatic. Put some Beatles on!"
He chuckled and pushed more buttons until a song from The Beatles played.
You resumed moving all the things inside. As the boxes got heavier, assuming they were mostly the new plates and glasses, Bucky removed his polo shirt and dropped it somewhere. He was still wearing the tank top he had yesterday. "Remind me to buy Peter some new clothes."
"You're really gonna buy him new clothes?" You grunted, carrying a heavy box on the counter, passing it to Bucky.
"Yeah." He made a face, clearly struggling with the box. "I kinda destroyed what was half in his closet."
"I heard, yeah." You replied while walking to the front door to get the cases.
"You got some more back there?" Bucky yelled.
"It's the last one. I got it."
For the next hour, you and Bucky spent unpacking and placing everything where they were supposed to be. You had a few phone calls from Peter, most were just him checking up on Bucky. You promised to tell him you'd tell the whole fiasco at the White Wolf when he gets here in the bar.
"I'll be there as fast as I can." Peter replied before hanging up. You told Bucky about the phone call and he mumbled something under his breath you couldn't quite decipher. You decided to leave him be as he unloaded the last box.
Before you could even ask about the mean drink he was supposed to make, he emerged from behind the counter, holding up two bottles in his hand. "You up for some drinks?"
"As long as you pay for it."
On his hands were two expensive unopened bottles. As long as they were still half full and paid by Bucky, you wouldn't get in any kind of trouble with Steve.
"I got you, doll. Don't worry." He popped both of them open and grabbed two cups and a shaker as you sat down one of the stools, shaking off the nickname he'd been giving you ever since you arrived here at the bar.
You barely paid attention to the song still playing on the jukebox as you watched Bucky make his supposedly mean drink. He started to tell a story about how he learned to make his own drinks. Unlike Peter, he didn't bother to beat around the bush. He kept everything short and precise: A bartender friend of his taught him how to make drinks then experimented on his own in his penthouse where he had a mini bar just for himself, which was inside his own office. Odd, you thought. Most people would have them on the corner of the living room, with wine glasses dangling on hanging wine holders and shelves full of liquor. Bucky's mind worked in a different way.
Bucky's very short story made you wonder of all the other classic Bucky stories you've been told -- the long ones Peter would tell you. You wondered if they were only adventurous and wild in Peter's words. Would they have been different if you'd heard them from Bucky?
"I'm gonna name this drink after you." Bucky snapped you out of your train of thought.
"This one." He carefully聽 handed me the drink. "I made it based on your personality."
"Bucky." You chuckled, gazing at the drink before me. Then returned it to him. "You don't even know me."
"And to think we were just engaged a while ago." He pursed his lips and leaned on the bar counter, then licked his lower lip. You tried your hardest not to give a quick glance at it but you obviously failed, so you stared at the drink in front of you once again.
"This drink is basically your judgement about me." You replied.
"It's a good judgement." He retorted. "Trust me."
"You're gonna pay, right?"
"Yeah, yeah." He playfully rolled his eyes. "Go on, try it."
Before you could even take a small sip, someone came in the door and your instinct was to say: "Sorry, we're closed right now" but it turned out to be Steve wearing denim on denim and a cap.
"Steve!" Quickly, you gave Bucky the drink he made you, then he hid it behind the counter where Steve could not take even a small peak. "Hey, I thought you were with your family."
Steve managed to catch his breath, leaning against the wall while keeping his eyes on you. "I have been calling you for the past few minutes. I thought you didn't make it here."
Your eyes widened, taking a quick glance at your phone which was on top of the bar counter. On the bright screen were a bunch of missed calls from Steve. You gave him an apologetic look and he just sighed as he walked towards the counter. Then, he caught a glimpse of Bucky who was right behind you.
"Right, right." You shook my head. "Bucky, this is Steve. He's my boss. And Steve, this is Bucky. He's Peter's stepbrother. He's just helping me out with the boxes."
There was an odd exchange between the two for a second or three. A knowing look. But you shrugged it off when Steve shook Bucky's hand over the counter. "Bucky. Nice to meet you."
Steve nodded. "Aren't you the owner of White Wolf?"
"That's me." Bucky chuckled, withdrawing his hand back after the friendly handshake.
Steve focused his attention back to you. "You could've called me y'know."
"It's okay. Bucky came to help. Besides," you gave Bucky a side glance, "he owes me."
"Zip it, doll."
You laughed, looking at Steve. "Aren't you supposed to be at your family gathering?" you asked, practically shooing Steve away, not wanting him to see Bucky making drinks behind the counter.
"Yeah, well I thought -- "
"Go, Steve. We're basically finished." You stood up and walked Steve out the door. Bucky yelled a simple goodbye as we walked.
"So," Steve whispered once we were at the door, "are you two..."
You gave him a look of disbelief. "What? No, no, no, no, no. We're not. We just met."
"That's what they all say."
"Rogers." You grunted as you opened the door. "Go."
"Wow, so eager to get me out of here. Are you gonna have sex on the floor?"
"Please, don't have sex on the floor."
"No, we won't. Now go."
Steve laughed as he walked up the steps and hailed for a cab. "You say that now, Aria. Just remember to clean up afterwards."
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xbellaxcarolinax 4 years
Forging A Heart (Ivar the Boneless) 22- Queen
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: Ivar x Artemis
Word Count: 3816
Warnings: Corny fluff.
AN: As always, thanks for reading.
21- The Seer
Beads of gold and small pearls were threaded into her hair, weaved into one large plait perfected by Geirdis's thin fingers.
"You look lovely, my lady." She says, placing the pendant of Mj枚lnir over Artemis鈥檚 collarbone, securing it at the nape of her neck.
The lady in question did not recognize herself. The lavender water in the large bronze bowl ripples at the slight touch of her small fingers, her distorted reflection revealing kohl lined eyes and rouge colored lips.
"She's quite right, dear sister-in-law, as lovely as Frejya herself." Hvitserk smiles as he walks in past the leather divider, hands clasped behind his back. Artemis turns around to look at him, smiling happily at his arrival.
He too was dressed extremely well. His golden hair was braided neatly in an intricate style, pulled back into one singular braid. The silken green shirt brought out his eyes and his dark breeches looked soft to the touch. He steps closer, pulling from behind his back a thin silver coronet shaped as vined hollies with small rubies in between.
A traditional northern bride was to wear a crown of wild flowers. A summer wedding meant an abundance of beautiful flowers, but with the coming of winter, they were dying with the slow passage of the winds. There was nothing traditional about this particular wedding.
"It was our mothers. Ivar would like you to have it." Her eyes focus on the shining coronet, a delicate symbol of power.
"Would you not like to give this to your woman someday?" She questions.
"Ivar is king, and these are his wishes. He was always the closest to our mother, and besides," Hvitserk shrugs, "I've no interest in such things. Today you become Kattegat's queen, it is only right for you to wear a queen's crown." She takes the thin coronet from Hvitserk's outstretched hands, the delicate silver feeling heavy in her hands. It was a thing of beauty with remarkable detail despite its simplistic design.
"I cannot accept this." She says suddenly, catching the way Geirdis's eyes followed the shining metal in admiration. Artemis stubbornly gives back the crown, waiting for Hvitserk to grasp it, but he never does. He only smiles, shaking his head as if dealing with a rowdy child.
"It is rude to deny something as significant as a family heirloom," He jokes, moving forward to grasp the coronet, "I've never known a woman to deny jewels." Carefully taking it in both hands, he gently places it atop her dark hair, sinking it into place. He then steps back, smiling bashfully.
"If anyone is to wear my mother's crown, it should be you." He says warmly, adjusting a piece of hair over her still healing ear, "And Ivar wouldn't have it any other way."
She smiles back just as warmly, turning back towards the bronze bowl to scan her eyes over her reflection once more. The silver coronet gleamed in the natural light coming from the window, and the rubies sparkled vividly, like the reddest roses on a fair spring day.
"Thank you, Hvitserk." He nods with a smile, head turning back when he hears the guard call for him.
"Prince Hvitserk, My Lady," Dafi steps in with a slight bow, "Heahmund has informed me that the king is ready."
"Very well," Hvitserk replies, looking back at the nervous bride, "It is time. Let's go show Kattegat its new queen." He stretches out a hand for her to take, and she does, albeit very nervously. She gives Geirdis a quick glance, and the girl waste no time in offering her mistress a smile. Artemis smiles back, standing up, and linking her arm with Hvitserk.
"You're shaking." She could hear the teasing his voice, whispering for only her to hear.
"I'm nervous, do not tease me." She whispers back, swallowing the lump in her throat.
They step out from the great hall and into the sunlight. Already the people crowded round the entrance, waiting to see the bride and their future queen. There were so many eyes on her, and all she wanted to do was shrink away from the attention. Gripping the side of her blue dress she intakes a harsh breath, willing her feet to guide her.
"Hold your head high." Hvitserk says, patting her arm with his other hand in reassurance. Releasing the breath, she squares her shoulders as if readying her bow, and slowly raises her head, directly meeting the gazes of many onlookers. Some looks were kind and warm, some were indifferent, but she did her best to pay them no mind.
Ravens cawed from up above, and Artemis looks at the sky to see a small cluster of the black creatures, perching themselves in the trees nearby as if to watch the procession. One tilted its head, gazing at her knowingly before cawing and taking flight. Its black wings soared ahead of them as if leading the way.
They walked farther away from the great hall and closer to the center of the city where the crowd was even larger. The people part to make way for the bride, her head now held up in confidence. Her eyes searched the crowd, and what a relief it was for her to see familiar faces. Aria's fiery hair was unmistakable, peeking out through the sea of town folk, and beside her was her master dressed in all his finery.
Heahmund comes into view, tall and a bit less brooding, nodding at her. He struggles to grasp tightly onto a leather cord holding back her massive beast who longed to be by her side.
King Harald steps forward, surrounded by his Vestfold men, taking Artemis's hand and placing a chaste kiss on her lavender coated skin.
"How far you have come, little Artemis." He says to her, his eyes sparkling in the way they used to before so much misfortune had befallen him.
"I shall miss your mirth, King Harald."
"We will see each other again, young Queen."
"You keep her from her husband," Hvitserk interjects, "You know he hates to be kept waiting," He smirks, a glint in his green eyes as they turn to look at her.
"Quite right." Harald chuckles in agreement, moving his large form away from the bride to give her a perfect view of the figure behind him. Suddenly, nothing else mattered. Not her nervousness, not the people waiting for the ceremony, not even Hvitserk who stood close beside her.
Whatever anxiousness she felt had completely melted away, replaced by the warmth of Ivar's eyes, like twinkling stars gazing at her.
He smiles, his eyes falling to his mother's coronet placed upon her hair, right where he intended it to be. It was fitting, really. He holds his crutch tightly in his hand, extending the other for her to take her place beside him, and she does so with no hesitation. Ivar pulls her away from Hvitserk's light grasp, bringing her to his side in a fluid motion. He places a tender kiss to her hand, placing his brow against her and breathing in her lavender scent.
Her eyes move over his handsome features, taking note of his nicely braided hair and silk shirt the very color of her own dress, the blue catching the gleam of the sun and the silver embroidery shining as brightly as his own eyes. She smiles at him happily, feeling how her heart pounded profusely. She thought it would beat right out her chest.
"You shake like a leaf in the wind." Ivar chuckles.
"I am nervous." She says to him, "This is unreal."
"Of course this is real, baby bird. Just look at me," Ivar says to her, "Nothing else matters but you and I, hmm?" He nudges her nose lightly with his own, emitting a laugh from her before she nods.
"The ceremony!" Hvitserk speaks out, reminding them of the affair. Heracles barks at the outburst, and the people murmur in anticipation.
"Are you ready?" Ivar asks. It did not show, but he too was apprehensive, looking down at her with the eyes of a child. Artemis takes a breath and nods, gripping his hand tightly.
"I am ready."
They both turn to face the gothi, and Ivar motions for the ceremony to begin. A goat was brought once a dagger was produced from somewhere in the gothi's robes. She closes her eyes, awaiting the cry from the animal and the sprinkling of warm blood over her face, something she was still unaccustomed to. She felt Ivar squeeze her hand, knowing exactly of her thoughts and fears, and the action alone gave her comfort. She didn't catch him grinning despite the ache in his legs from standing far too long.
He would suffer through the worst of pains just for her.
And now she would finally be his queen.
A Viking wedding was to last a minimum of 3 days, and the festivities were only just beginning. The music was lively, the food in abundance, and the mead flowing.
Wild chatter filled the great hall, along with boisterous story telling of lands farther than the West, and the shining cities of the East. There was dancing and performances to entertain the mass crowd, already too intoxicated to focus on anything but the drink in their hands.
The fire was roaring in the center, its flames licking at the juicy meats that hung above them. Thralls walked about, handing out dried fruits and foreign wine for all to taste.
Ivar sits in his throne, content to rest his legs, a grin on his face as he hears the stories told by Hvitserk of his adventures in Spain. Hvitserk, always an animated speaker, uses his hands, already drunk off whatever was in his cup. Harald jokes and laughs along with the rest of the men, the tattoos on his face creasing with the lines of his aged face. Heahmund too bore a smile, his lips stained with wine.
Ivar turns to gaze at his newly crowned queen, finally sitting beside him in her designated throne for the first time. In her lap was an oud, a gift to her from Hvitserk. It was beautifully crafted, with dark blue spiraled designs painted on its light brown surface. Her fingers pluck at the stings, a smile on her face as she creates the smallest of tunes from her homeland.
Her hair was now loose from its plait, the long strands hanging carelessly down her back, falling over her shoulder as she bent forward to watch the clumsy movements of her small fingers.
In that moment Artemis reminded Ivar so much of his past. He imagined Sigurd, plucking at his oud as enthusiastically as she did. There was a fleeting ache in his heart, but it passed as he reached over to brush his fingers softly against her arm. She turns to him, his mother's coronet gleaming in the fire light. She looked just as beautiful as his mother did when she wore it. That aching feeling returned, pulling at his heart strings whenever he thought of both his mother and Sigurd, but his queen's eyes had him coming back to their reality as her face twisted in concern.
"My love," Artemis says to him sweetly, "Are you unwell?" Her obedient beast lay between them, his floppy ears perking up at the sound of her voice, but his alerted eyes watched the meats being passed about by the thralls to feed the hungry guests.
"I was just admiring you. You look beautiful, just as a queen should," Ivar replies, reaching over to grip her hand most lovingly. She smiles at him shyly, rubbing her thumb gently over the surface of his hand.
"I have a gift for you." He announces suddenly, motioning for Geirdis to fetch whatever it was that he had waiting for her.
"More gifts? You've already given me enough."
"Yes, well, jewels and a new quiver seem silly now. You can make them yourself." Ivar mutters. He scratches the back of his neck as if he had committed some form of crime and Artemis rolls her eyes.
Geirdis returns with a large basket, its contents covered by a white linen sheet. The young thrall holds it over her queen who had a questioning look on her face. She glances at Ivar, who motions for her to look inside.
Peeling back the linen, she grins at the sight of four mewling kittens, all in different shades of white, black and brown.
"Forest cats. It is important for any Viking bride to have kittens in her household." Ivar tells her, smiling in satisfaction as Artemis reaches over immediately to cradle a kitten in her hands. It was a tiny thing, big eyes and large tufts of hair on its pointy ears. Its tiny teeth barely pierced the skin of her hand as it bites down in a weak attack.
"Now you have your own little cats as Frejya does." Ivar continues, watching in content as she coddles the mewling thing. His hand goes to scratch at Heracles ears, the jealous mastiff now sitting to attention, his nose detecting the smell of the tiny things.
"Thank you." She lowers her head with a smile, informing Geirdis to attend the kittens in their chambers. The young blonde girl bows, waiting for Artemis to place the kitten back in the basket with the others before hauling them towards the back of the great hall.
"Are you enjoying the festivities?" Ivar asks, bringing his drinking horn to his lips and taking a large swig of the bitter liquid. She nods, her fingers going back to pluck at the strings of the oud, and Ivar makes a mental note to hire a suitable instructor for her in the future.
"Very much, husband." The term makes him swell in pride, his chest puffing out and a smile breaking out on his lips. He had finally accomplished what no one thought he could, and now here he sat, a king with a beautiful wife on his arm.
Many men moved forward to pay their respects to their new queen with gifts of scented oils, rich fabrics, and shining gold. The women bow, offering precious trinkets and jewels, as well as their rouge colored smiles.
Ivar could already tell Artemis was overwhelmed, unaccustomed to praise, gifts, and attention. In time she would gain familiarity, but until then, he took quiet joy at the reddening of her cheeks and her fluttering lashes as she shyly thanked all who offered their best wishes, as well as allegiance to their new queen.
When all gifts were collected and put away, Artemis puts her oud down, motioning for Heahmund to come forward, who now held in his hands a large object wrapped in similar white linen placed over the basket of kittens.
"Your gift." She says, watching Heahmund place the large object in Ivar's waiting hands.
By the shape, Ivar immediately knew what it was. A sword, and a large one by the looks of it. Pulling at the linen his eyes meet with a beautifully crafted war sword, heavy yet powerful in his hands. The handle was slim, with a decorated pommel at the end in the style of the northerners. The steel shined so brightly it hurt his eyes for a moment, reflecting the vivid colors of the flames. What was unfamiliar to him was that the sword was curved.
"It's called a paramerion, used by soldiers of the Byzantine army," Artemis explains as if reading his thoughts, "Sharp and deadly in battle, you should have no problem cutting an enemy down." Ivar ran his thumb over the edge, and it was indeed sharp to the touch. Its sleek design intrigued the king, as it was nothing like the swords he's seen or owned.
"So this is what kept you for weeks, hmm?" He smiles, gripping Artemis's hand to place a soft kiss upon her sweetly smelling skin. "Such talent you have, my love."
She hums in agreement, smiling tiredly as she watches Hvitserk grab the sword, inspecting it with glittering eyes.
"Use it well." She tells Ivar, grabbing at her oud again and playing the soft tune she had been practicing moments before. The festivities continued well into the night until morning when the birds sang their song and the sun began its journey across the sky.
She awakens in comfortable warmth, the furs beneath her creating a cocoon of comfort. The mewling of the kittens and Heracles's soft whines for his breakfast could be heard in the distance beyond the leather divider. She turns over, eyes still closed, burrowing further into the worn out bedding. Gentle touches fall upon her cheek, and her eyes flutter open to see Ivar's equally tired features. He continues to stroke her cheek, his sleepy gaze focused on her despite the lateness of the day. She breathes out a content sigh and leans into his touch.
Quiet mornings such as these were Ivar's favorite. The comfortable silence and their sleepy haze was all he could want. He yawns, draping an arm over her waist, pulling her closer to him so that he may bury his face into her messy hair. She giggles, feeling him grip her tighter.
"Good morning, my love." Ivar says, muttering into her hair as he places repeated kisses over it.
"Good morning."
"How is the Queen?"
"Very content," She says to him, reaching up to place a kiss under his jaw, "And the King?"
"Mmm, I'd like it if we could stay right here for the rest of the day." She snorts, pushing at his tattooed chest. She sits up, stretching her limbs and yawning the sleepiness away.
"You have a kingdom to rule." She says to him as if he were unaware of his duties, and he in turn snorts back, resting his weight on one arm while the other traces the planes of her shoulders exposed by her nightdress with the tip of his pointer finger.
"The people can wait."
"Then who will they petition their grievances to?"
"The dog, of course." He says, almost sounding serious.
"You speak too much nonsense."
"And you speak very little," He counters back, moving to sit up, "Why haven't you told me of the seer?" He did not have to see her to know she pulled a face.
"Because I did not want to dampen the mood of our wedding." His brows furrowed in confusion.
"Has he given you ill words?" She flops back down against the furs, curling her body against his. She waited a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking.
"He said a child is to be born."
The silence that followed after wasn't long, but it was enough for her to peer up at him, his expression beyond what shock could be. His eyes were blown wide and his brow wrinkled further into confusion.
"Ivar?" She says his name tentatively, wondering if perhaps the subject was far too sudden to be discussed.
"A child." He repeats, his mind already drifting off at the prospect. Artemis watches the emotions flicker across his eyes. She herself never thought of producing a child, let alone marrying. The idea of bringing a child into the world frightened her, it always had. She had known many women in her village that had passed due to the struggles of labor and birth, and she did not envy such a fate.
She watches him for a moment more, not sure of what his reaction would be.
The rumors had always eaten Ivar alive, the ones that ridiculed him. Impotency was what the people whispered and Artemis herself had heard it time and time again. She never cared for such talk, of course, why should she let something of such irrelevance affect her?
One night of passion was enough to dispel such idle talk.
"Is that what you want?" She asks him softly.
Ivar suddenly let's out a short laugh, grabbing Artemis into a tight embrace. She rests her head in the crook of his neck, smiling against his skin as he let's out his rare little bursts of joy.
"A child!" He says again, pushing her back at arms length to look directly into her eyes, "A child born of our union is a wonderful blessing. Of course it is what I want." Ivar pauses, the look of emotion passing through his eyes again as his mind filled with thoughts. Ivar was always so sure of himself, but for once it was he who was the pensive one.
"A child should have been conceived by now," He says, "We've had so many nights together..." Ivar pauses, looking away from her to gather his thoughts.
"I thought it was impossible." He says finally, looking back at her with glassy eyes.
"Perhaps it will take time. Perhaps...we must invoke the gods," Her words were spoken so softly, Ivar just barely made them out. There it was again, that small hesitation he saw in her whenever she spoke of the gods. It made him smile, because he knew she was making an effort.
"I do not know whether to trust the words of such a man," She continues, "But the seer foresees danger, and if a child is born, then it will be at risk," Ivar's joyous smile dropped into a tight line.
"What do you mean?"
"He said a shadow looms over me but was unable to detect whether it is good or bad." Ivar frowns, scratching at his lengthy hair before dropping his hand to his lap.
"A child shall be born, the eye of the raven. Winter draws near and so will the enemy, lurking like a pack of wolves in the dark night. They wait for S貌l to set," Artemis recites the words of the seer, she could not forget them, "Lagertha may be dead, but her spirit lives on."
Ivar let out a frustrated breath.
"I've always believed she'd come back to haunt us." He mutters.
"How am I to bring a child into this world and already worry for its safety when I can scarcely protect myself?"
"The gods will protect you. I will protect you," Ivar speaks gently, "I will always protect you, baby bird."
"I know." She says, "I know you will, but it still does not keep my worry at bay."
"If our love produces a child, I will fight to protect you both, do you hear me? No one will dare hurt you." There was so much emotion behind his words, Artemis thought he could cry. His eyes shone with determination and perhaps, a bit of hope. She nods, drawing back to rest her head against him again. It was a promise she hoped didn't need to come into fruition, but she knew it was a promise he'd keep.
@heavenly1927 @didiintheblog @rastakami23 @inforapound @leilabeaux @a-mess-of-fandoms @ostra814 @zumzum96
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acefeather2002 2 years
7 & 12 for the voice ask meme? Hope you're having a good day!
These were some good ones to answer!
7) Favorite book series and/or just singular book and why?
My favorite book would have to be a graphic novel called Rapunzel's Revenge by Dean Hale and Shannon Hale. It's essentially a Wild West adaptation of the story of Rapunzel, except instead of being a frail and helpless blonde damsel in distress, she's a hardcore, redheaded cowgirl and uses her hair as lasso ropes to save herself. It's a great story. I highly recommend it!
12) Talk about a crazy memory you have?
(I had to do some thinking for this one but realized I have one from just a couple of weeks ago馃槀)
So here's what's going on: I recently started working at a Wendy's about five minutes away from where I live. Well, one of the ares that I work on is called "Back Cash." This is where when the car pulls around from the speaker, they pull up to the first window to make the payment before reaching the second window to pick up their food. The first window is what I'm referring to mainly.
Anyway, the problem is that when working on back cash, you're also in charge of doing the dishes that come to the sink that's right across a small hallway from that area, but when you step away from the computer to do the dishes, the customer sees no one at the window, so they automatically assume to move on to the next one. This, of course, is very frustrating to the person working that area. Well, that day, I was working back cash, and that same scenario played out.
Well, the person at the second window came back to me with the customer's card so they could make the payment. However, when I came back up the second window to return the card, the customer just drove off. So, I did what any sane and honest person would do and booked it out of the building and across the parking lot. I almost made it to the street, but they were too far ahead. My manager called me back inside and said that they'd just call back for it later. It was kept in the office after that. To this day I still don't know if they ever came back for it...馃槄 After that, people kept laughing but also complimenting me on trying to catch up. There was even another customer at the back cash window that was being taken care of by one of my coworkers, and even he was all like, "We saw you going. Too bad you couldn't catch up. Good form though!"
The cherry on top is the fact that the hiring manager found out about it a few hours later. I was still on back cash when she came in. She walked in and greeted everyone in her usual welcoming tone until this one dude (let's call him Ian), came up with a huge smile on his face and excitedly told her what happened through his laughter. She looked at me with humored shock on her face and I embarrassedly confessed that I didn't make it with my face basically being this emoji: 馃槄. Of course she cracked up at that. Admittedly, though, the whole thing was kinda hilarious.
It's because of that moment did a couple of people start teasing me about being a track star. (Which is kinda funny considering that I considered doing track but never went for it.) Anyway, it was a funny moment.
Thanks for asking, sweet petal! These were fun to answer!
If anyone else wants to ask questions,聽here鈥檚 the list! Knock yourselves out!
Along with this one, in a recent post I said I was gonna start clearing my ask box and reblogging my work, so let me know what you want me to pull back up! Love you guys! See you soon!
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