#I'm working on the abbreviation
buzzzzleeebeeee · 1 year
More for my NTU Spider AU
I'm still working on the acronym because I don't want to spell it out every time, ntusau is still a lot tho.
Going back to my previous idea with Danny having a symbiote instead of spider powers, I imagine it would play out like this:
We start somewhere in the middle of Timmy's story and at the beginning of Danny's, Timmy has already been bitten by the spider and Danny has no ghost powers.
Danny is visiting his aunt and uncle (Cosmo and Wanda) for a little while because his family's house had been over run by ghost and now it needs to be spiritually fumigated, so he's staying with them in the meantime.
He's excited to see his cousin Timmy because they haven't talked in a few years, however Timmy is very flighty and doesn't stick around them for too long before he jets off to do whatever secretive business he's got going on. While his parents and his family chock it up to him being a teenager and wanting to be by himself, Danny thinks it's a little weird and follows him the next time he runs off.
Danny loses him but he does find the local Spider Man fighting Doc.Oct, they're both playing tug-a-war with a vile of black goo. It falls and smashes at Dany's feet, but the two don't seem to notice that they don't have the vile in their hands anymore.
Queue scene of Danny fighting with the symbiote suit.
The next time Spidey and Oct are set to duke it out, our beloved Spider man doesn't show up but Venom does. Doc Oct recognizes the symbiote and thinks it would be interesting to see how it functions now that it has a host and puts a tracker on him, Danny rips him a new one.
Eventually through something funny or something heartbreaking Timmy finds out his cousin took in the symbiote, and once their house is done being spiritually cleansed he leaves with the symbiote in hand to use against the ghosts that plague his home.
I think this would be a good origin story for ghost Danny in this universe, instead of having 2 spiders he just has the symbiote.
I don't think it would be fair to have Danny's symbiote be full on Venom like how he is in the movies, I think his symbiote just influences him instead of talking and persuading him to do things. While the regular Venom is a fully sentient being that talks to Edie, Danny's Venom is more like a dog he can understand the thought process of. They transform the same tho, because I think it would be really cool to have the ghost form morph around him.
Danny calls his symbiote ghost, and the suit his ghost form :]
And @little-pilot-dog thank you for your comment, you have no idea how happy it made me <3
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causenessus · 3 months
he's so pretty
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casiavium · 10 months
Hi ghiralink fans I know people on this site don't like twitter but you are missing out and I think everyone should know about pisu_1107 and fu_akane's art so here are their pixiv and twitter accounts ❤️ I won't repost any of their work (though I see pisu's get reposted a lot unfortunately, and they specifically ask for it not to be 😔) but they are AMAZING and you should know about them
pisu_1107 pixiv twitter
fu_akane pixiv twitter
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misc-catgirl-anatomy · 9 months
ao3's tagging system has me so spoiled bc i go basically anywhere else (like tunglr) and it's like you can execute a burnt-dogshit-quality search along a single term
so i'm sitting over here dying from lack of good f/f omegaverse stuff because nobody tags shit consistently and i can only search via tag and the ''omegaverse'' tag is mostly m/m by volume which is fine there's a market for that but it's not what i wanna read
i'd be interested to read more original (ie non-fanfic) f/f AOB but it's hard to find so.... i don't.
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softgrungeprophet · 6 months
kaine wip 60k and it only covers like 2 months' worth of events
the power of... *checks document* describing kaine taking a bath for half a page, and all these scenes of him half conscious in the hospital... 3 page dream sequence... buying a $400k car... etc...
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coquelicoq · 2 years
currently riding the high of having told my sibling's bandmate my dorky little merch idea and him telling me it's awesome and he's going to pitch it to the band immediately 😊
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gettothestabbing · 11 months
What does a Christian Science Nurse do and how do you get qualified as one? Asking as someone with a lifelong interest in religion.
Hi, thanks for asking! A Christian Science Nurse takes care of patients who are receiving Christian Science treatment. It is specific to the Christian Science denomination.
The major requirements are that you: be a member in good standing of both a branch and the Mother Church of Christ Scientist; take Primary class instruction; receive training from an accredited Christian Science nursing facility across four levels (not including an assistantship which is not required at all facilities but was how I started); participate in regular Bible study and be a spiritual help and comfort to your patients; and embody the qualities in the 'Aids in sickness' passage:
Prayers, in which God is not asked to heal but is besought to take the patient to Himself, do not benefit the sick. An ill-tempered, complaining, or deceitful person should not be a nurse. The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, — receptive to Truth and Love. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 395:15) [Truth and Love are one of the seven synonym-names we use for God.]
I began working in this field in 2018 as an assistant. I am now a Level 4 apprentice. I work full-time on the floor and so my final level is going slowly, but I should be done by the end of next year! The highest level of education is to be Journal-listed. This means you advertise your name in the back of the Christian Science Journal, a monthly church periodical that also has names of churches, practitioners, and nursing facilities after about 40-50 pages of spiritual articles. Only as a JL could I, for example, be head of the floor or eventually a Director of Christian Science Nursing. I did a stint of care in private homes in 2020-2021, and let me tell you, if you're not a JL, you are not given almost any respect. I would not work in a private home again unless I was a JL.
Usually patients have been Christian Scientists for a number of years and rely wholly on this treatment. Although I believe that being a church member is not a strict requirement to be a patient, the vast majority of people receiving this treatment are in the church already. Patients are also free to stop care at any time and be transferred to a regular nursing home or a hospital. I have seen patients leave to treat an urgent issue medically and return within a week to continue with us.
(There is no stigma related to doing this in the vast majority of branch churches. My own father had such an experience after a stroke several years ago. The love and support our family had from fellow church-members did not waver or change at all when he decided to pursue medical treatment.)
Someone undergoing a Christian Science treatment will not simultaneously be taking medication for the condition being treated. So I do not administer medication, nor do I have a medical degree. A patient has also never asked me for such medication or tried to get me to sneak any in. We do, however, use mobility aids, bandages, and some lotions to soothe irritated skin. In the Christian Science nursing facility I work at, and in almost all the accredited ones we have, hospital-style beds are used for ease of care and to allow patients to shift positions more comfortably. We've also used mattresses that circulate air inside, and some very creative pillow arrangements, to increase a patient's comfort.
Patients choose a Christian Science practitioner pray for and with them. Practitioners have taken an adult religious class called Primary class instruction (taught by a practitioner with decades of experience and approved by the Mother Church). Almost all CS adults take this class, and it is also one of the first requirements for becoming a Level 1 Christian Science Nurse. But most adults have careers in non-religious fields; a practitioner solely works to pray with and treat other Christian Scientists. We have no clergy in our church, but Christian Science practitioners/nurses/teachers are accorded a similar level of respect within the church.
A Christian Science Nurse is the person providing physical care, while the practitioner usually gives spiritual care remotely over the phone. We work together with patients and their practitioners, making sure that the patient is not misleading the practitioner as to their actual state of health and that we as Christian Science Nurses can give the patient spiritual support consistent with the themes the practitioner is presenting to them.
In practical terms, I am a non-medical nurse. I clean and bandage wounds and swollen limbs. I give showers and sponge baths, sometimes while the person remains in bed. I wheel people places in wheelchairs or walk them there with a walker or cane. I change their clothes, help style their hair, and change out briefs and pads as necessary. I use lifters and slings to transport patients from bed to wheelchair to recliner and back again. I read, sing to, and play hymns for my patients and other patients at the nursing facility. We have lots of conversations, and I help them call their loved ones. I also feed and make snacks for them every day.
These are all tasks quite similar to those performed by most employees of most nursing homes. The spiritual dimension of care is what sets us apart from other workers and from other facilities. Some CS people prefer to have injuries bandaged and tended to by a Christian Science Nurse after an initial hospital visit. The preference is a result of our spiritual care: we witness to the patient before, during, and after physically caring for them.
While many patients are senior citizens, this is not a requirement. Children, teenagers, and younger adults have received short and long term treatment in our facilities. Hence why we call them nursing facilities, not nursing homes.
It's so nice to be asked about this, so thank you! I hope I provided sufficient context. There may be similar roles in other churches, but I haven't heard of any and couldn't speak to them. I originally planned to be a lawyer, but God called me to this work instead, and I'm very happy and fulfilled to do it :)
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unenomainen · 1 year
The other day at work a customer came to check in and started the conversation in finnish so i, naturally, replied in finnish, asking to see an id, specifically using the word henkkari (short for henkilöllisyystodistus.... you can see why it gets abbreviated 😭). The customer looked at me for a few seconds and then asked if we could continue in english
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iri-vail · 2 years
Hey so I saw in your tags on a recent post a comment that you think "some peace and quiet" is something that JC and WN could give each other, and that's something I honestly kind of struggle to see for them so I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you see that happening if you're up for sharing! (no pressure though)
Oh god oh no I knew my nonsensical tag rambling was gonna get me caught out one day lol. I am up for sharing though, under the caveat that my chengning feelings tend to veer pretty heavily into fanfic dreamland, don't take this too seriously...
Anyway, if we're talking immediate post-canon or even some imagined future canon where jc has a normal lifespan, I don't think they could give each other a peaceful and quiet life, but I do think that they are uniquely positioned to give each other some closure, bc 1) post-canon, their (non-)relationship to each other is probably one of if not the most emotionally fraught connection they still have and 2) involved in trauma and feelings they can't really express with anyone else. YMMV depending on how you think about the core transfer, but what I mean is: they are both in some sense walking medical miracles created by wwx and wq. Now, neither of them really want to be angry at wwx or wq by the end, but I do think they both have Feelings about having a core transplanted/being made into a walking corpse, respectively. And, and this is my favorite part about all this, they have both truly very clearly demonstrated that they have absolutely no qualms about unfairly taking their anger out on each other (jc has no good grace about wn saving and protecting him, wn blames jc for the core transfer when he knew fuck-all about it).
So honestly, I think a post-canon confrontation between wn and jc would be hilariously awful, and I don't think they'll get to the peace and quiet stage in this life or the next, as they are both carrying their ancestors' feud and I don't see them overcoming that even if they are able to lay their personal beef aside.
However, given a couple hundred years, as the post in question put it? I think they could get to a point where they are able to overcome their differences, recognize the self in the other, reinforce each other's personhood and reconcile their bloodlines lol. They also both care deeply about a small circle of people that has some overlap, they are younger brothers, they are loyal and feel deeply responsible towards their families... Fanfic dreamland, I told you.
Anyway, sorry for whatever this is! All of this has been said by people smarter than me before and there is some truly astounding fanfiction for these two out there! I'm not even that involved in chengning, I just think they're neat, y'know?
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i told my parents I got an interview at my dream company (not a dream job, but I can move around once I'm in) and my dad congratulated me by sending this
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friedno · 1 year
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OKAY not my usual stuff but but i saw across the spiderverse yesterday and went a little insane so spidersona moments!!! he doesn't have a name yet but im SO obsessed with her lmao (the cake says "sorry about your nephew" btw in case its hard to read👍👍)
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gillianthecat · 1 year
Why are so many people so bad at explaining energy transfers? It's already complicated enough, why ya gotta make it even more confusing?
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funny how the only two games in ds to use sliding are love lab n love lizards. both of which have love in the name n can be abbreviated to ll. very funny to me.
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amalgamgooze · 3 months
reading scientfic papers is hard
Now that I'm back in my lab, I get to do one of my favorite things again:
decipher scientific papers!
One of the best feelings in the world has to be banging your head against the wall because you literally cannot comprehend the convoluted language and topic-specific jargon they use in scientific writing.
What's an inflammatory state in relation to the glial cells of the brain?
Hell if I know, but everybody writing papers on it seems pretty confident that their audience is also super familiar with the concept, so it must be something super simple!
I do get to do brain research though, so I suppose that's somewhat nifty.
This internship elicits mixed emotions--even though it's my second year in this program.
Oh well.
I'll see it through to the end and reap the benefits of ambling through a miasma of confusion to happen upon a coherent project in the end.
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superfluouskeys · 4 months
hour-long workout is asking a LOT when i just want to sit and do nothing
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magratpudifoot · 4 months
It's been a week, and I think I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I am going to have to watch Videodrome before I try to give a paper about I Saw the TV Glow at a lit conference.
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