#I'm working on the other drabble prompts i got and uh
How about Terumob with an overjoyed hug?
(thank you for the prompt!! <3 I went with an airport reunion because Feelings <3) - terumob airport reunion, fluff, future fic (think like 6-7 years post canon, no spoilers)
Teruki's feet hurt from pacing. He must've walked the whole airport at least twice--grabbed a coffee from one shop, canned melon juice from another, a handful of snacks he thought Shigeo would enjoy, another coffee... reasonably he could be doing something more productive with his time, but he's not been known for rationality when it comes to Shigeo.
Shigeo profusely encouraged Teruki to go home when he realized his flight had been delayed, but Teruki's having none of that. It's only been a week but he's missed Shigeo, and he'd rather pace the airport for five extra hours than be five minutes late whenever his plane finally lands.
As far as he's concerned, it's not that unreasonable.
He stops by a vending machine near baggage claim to check his phone. 11:37pm. Either Shigeo's fallen asleep on the plane or he forgot that Teruki paid for him to have in-air service, because Teruki hasn't heard from him since he boarded. He checks Shigeo's plane on his flight tracking app. He's supposed to be landing in ten minutes. He buys Shigeo a coffee and goes back to waiting.
Seven minutes later:
[Shige <3] we just landed! are you still waiting? I hope you went home :( I'm sorry it took so long
[Teru <3] welcome home!! <3 I'm at baggage claim, I'll keep an eye out for you. I got you coffee :D
[Shige <3] :( you didn't go home
[Teru <3] your coffee's getting cold love seriously I wouldn't have done anything productive at home. I brought my ipad and graded a couple papers while I've been waiting
[Shige <3] :( I guess that's not so bad the row ahead of me just stood up. i'll see you in a few minutes! <3
[Teru <3] !!! <3
Teruki shoves his phone in his pocket and takes another lap around the baggage claim. The airport is startlingly busy this time of night, but that makes sense. A lot of flights were delayed at the same time as Shigeo's, and the godawful storm that's been rocking Seasoning City earlier today. Every time a group of people exits the hall Teruki's on them at once, combing through them for any sight of his husband. He isn't the only person waiting, either: he watches several people get their reunions, families and couples and friends. He's let down each time it isn't Shigeo.
Teruki snaps around. Shigeo waves at him from the other side of the airport, beaming. He looks exhausted and he's standing a little lopsidedly, but it's absolutely Shigeo, wearing a scarf over one of Teruki's tye-dyed hoodies and washed denim jeans.
Teruki kind of forgets about not sloshing the coffee around. He guns it, heels slamming, and Shigeo half-runs, half-jogs to meet him there.
Teruki captures him in a hug so fierce his heart nearly flies out of his chest. He lets his aura take care of the coffee and squeezes Shigeo for all he's worth, and doesn't realize he's picked Shigeo's feet off the ground until Shigeo's laughter fills his senses and Shigeo's arms wrap around his head.
Shigeo's always swept him off his feet, and it's so gratifying to be able to do the same. Even if Shigeo is heavy and deadweight from exhaustion over a day of stressful travel. Shigeo's fingers curl into his hair and his forehead bonks the crown of Teruki's head. He smells like burnt plastic and he is so, so warm.
"I missed you," Teruki stresses. "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you--"
They probably look ridiculous, Shigeo wrapped around his head laughing while Teruki's knees tremble under the weight and a paper cup of coffee hovers on its own beside them. And yeah, Teruki's still got his vain streak about him--along with the rest of his reservations. God, he’s smitten.
Shigeo squirms and Teruki doesn’t want to set him down, but he can’t see Shigeo like this, either, so he obliges. Shigeo’s smile eradicates any clinging trace of anxious energy in the back of Teruki’s mind.
“I was only gone for a week,” Shigeo says, out of breath. He grabs his coffee out of the air and Teruki loosens his aura from around it. “Thank you for picking me up.”
“Of course!” Teruki squeezes his hand. “Come on, let’s grab your suitcase and get out of here before the storm kicks up again.” 
Shigeo lets Teruki lead him forward, familiar hand in familiar hand.
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hbyrde36 · 11 months
STWG Daily Drabble 11/7/2023
Prompt: Unexpected conversation
Eddie didn’t know what to think when Max approached him out in the field just as everyone was wrapping up their preparations for going after Vecna. Dustin had just gone off to talk to Steve about something when the, frankly intimidating, redhead made a beeline for him. 
“Hey Munson, we need to talk.” She said. 
He was taken aback. Sure they were neighbor’s and all but they didn’t really know each other that well, and she was surrounded by friends here. He couldn’t imagine what she would need him for, but who was he to deny the girl who’d been cursed by Vecna himself. 
“Sure, Red. What’s, uh... what’s up?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him an honest-to-god once over. Suddenly he felt like he was being picked apart by an adversary and being studied for weaknesses. Which was weird considering they were on the same side here. He was so confused. 
She cleared her throat and held piercing eye contact as she hit him with her question. “What’s going on with you and Steve? I mean, what are your intentions?”
Eddie couldn’t help but burst out laughing. There was no way she could possibly know he was gay, and obviously Steve wasn’t. So it had to be some kind of joke.
One look at Max’s face silenced him abruptly. 
For some reason, she looked pissed. “Well that’s about as clear an answer as I could have asked for. Is this a fucking joke to you?”
Eddie glanced around, hoping someone, anyone, would come and rescue him from the scary teenager, but everyone was busy with their own taks. 
“Wait, what do you mean? Are you serious?” He said finally.
“As a heart attack, dickhead. I know I don't always show it, but Steve means a lot to me, okay? I don’t want to see him get hurt again.” She looked off briefly in the direction she’d come from. Where Nancy was still working on her sawed off shotgun and making sure she had enough ammunition. 
“I don't understand.”
He really didn’t.
Eddie got the Nancy thing. He’d had a nearly front row seat to the show the night their relationship had imploded in the bathroom of Tina’s Halloween party. He'd been dealing just across the hall and couldn’t help but overhear, but he didn’t know what he had to do with any of that. 
“The boys might all be blind but I'm not,” Max began. “I was watching you guys on the boat through the binoculars.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. 
“Okay fine, I was watching Steve take his shirt off through the binoculars. Sue me, have you seen him? Whatever, I saw the way you were looking at him and-”
Eddie cut her off. “Max… that’s… you can’t just say that shit, alright?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not trying to out you, Munson. Trust me, I don’t care if you’re gay. I’m not gonna, like, tell anybody.”
Good to know. 
“Okay fine, good, I guess. Thanks. But, what’s all this shit about me and Steve?”
She furrowed her brows for a moment and then something seemed to click in her head. “Oh. So you are as stupid as you look.”
“Just calling ‘em how I see ‘em.” She shrugged.
“Jesus christ, all you kids and you’re fucking tones I swear to god.” He muttered.
“Look, I'm just gonna say it. Usually I wouldn't get involved, but since no one can blame the dying girl for meddling, I- ”
Eddie softened. “Max...”
He knew she didn't like sympathy, she's made that abundantly clear, but he coudn't help it. She shut it down immedietely though.
“I’m fine, just listen. Steve clearly likes you.”
“I mean, we did have a little talk in the weird freaky woods, and we definitely don’t hate each other anymore, but I…”
Max snorted. “See? Stupid.”
Eddie gaped at her. “Dude, what did I ever do to you?”
She pointedly ignored his outburst. 
“Like I said. I saw the way you looked at him on the boat and then I saw the way he looked at you when you got back. Then there was that whole thing in the RV." She shuddered. "I don’t know what happened in between, and I don't want to, I just want to make sure you know that if you hurt him we will all collectively kick your ass. You might be one of us now, but Steve's been there from the beginning. He’s saved all of our lives, more than once. He deserves to be happy.”
Eddie took a deep breath. He could appreciate what she was saying, and yeah maybe he had started to develop a small crush on the guy. Anyone would after seeing him rip that demobat apart with his bare hands… and mouth. 
Jesus Christ, Eddie stop thinking about his mouth!
“Listen, Red. I think it’s sweet, what you're trying to do here, but I cannot stress to you how unnecessary this is. Nothing is going on between Steve and I. Even if I wanted that– and I'm not saying I do!” He was quick to add. “He is literally the straightest guy I've ever seen.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“He didn't have to.”
“There you go again, putting people in boxes!” Max scrunched her nose in disgust. “Isn’t that against your whole thing?” She asked, gesturing at the general, everything, about him.
“Technically, yes. But…”
“But nothing! You shouldn’t assume things about people. You should talk to him.”
“There is no way in hell I'm asking Steve Harrington if he’s gay!”
“Not that dip shit. Just, i don't know, tell him you like him!”
“Why do I have to put myself out there?!” Eddie shouted, a touch too loud. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t just denied it.
Max sighed deeply. “Because Steve won’t. He’s probably scared and he’ll just keep flirting with you until you get the hint and I gotta be honest, I don't have a lot of faith in you on that front after this conversation. So I'm gonna need you to bite the bullet on this one.”
Eddie chewed his lip. He couldn't believe this girl actually had him considering this. 
Was it worth the risk if she was wrong? 
What did he have to lose it anyway if it went badly?
“Okay. Fine. If we all survive this I promise I'll talk to him. Happy?”
And then Eddie wasn’t an idiot and he didn’t go after the demobats alone and he didn’t die. Steve however did wind up in the hopistal, because how could he fucking not have gotten an infection with that many open wounds running around in a fucking hell dimension. Eddie sat by his bedside and one night confessed his crush. And then they kissed and lived happily ever after. The end.
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bamsara · 2 years
20: "How long did you think that you could hide that?"
Sun Centric | Wordcount: 1,338 | AO3 Version
I pulled another Solar Lunacy bullet draft out for this prompt, so this is more of a SL crumb than it is a stand-alone drabble. Expect to see this scene again in SL, but maybe written better (and a different beginning and ending, some details more fitting, ect)
To be fair, you had done an excellent job hiding the limp you had so far.
It happened this morning. Routine schedule with a list of tasks and chores that required a cleaning cart's assistance to lug around all the tools and trash, except you got your wheel caught in the small gap at the entrance of the elevator, and your attempt to free it consisted of you pulling and pushing and praying to whatever was out there to dislodge the damn thing while profusly apologizing to the Pizzaplex goers behind you waiting impatiently for use of the elevator while you struggle.
Eventually, you get it dislodged. Yay! Unfortunatly, you twist your ankle when it pops out and you have to do some sort of ninja type of move to prevent from accidently being rolled over on. Only, you were a terrible acrobat, and now your ankle was throbbing and you didn't even have ibeprofen to help with it.
So! Power through it. You'll ice it when you get home. These paychecks won't earn themselves.
You don't allow yourself to limp because you don't want to get any stares or complaints from the families roaming the pizzaplex, or have any of the animatronics send you a concerned look (which makes you act particularly casual when Freddy comes around to say hi. The last thing you want to do is have the busy bear worry about you.) which means you're gritting your teeth and blowing air through your nose, but faking it until you make it seems to work.
That is, until you arrive at the daycare.
You bring a cart full of diapers, wipes and other important items for stock, the heavy lifting the last chore for the day but the one you were dreading the most. Sun greets you at the door, and behind him is a chorus of small voices that yell out greetings to you as soon as you walk in.
Friendly bunch, they are. You're glad the Daycare Attendant has his hands busy with the kids, so if you needed to lean on the desk for a moment, you probably wouldn't look suspisious. Rolling the cart in, you wave to the gaggle of children that sitting on the floor, gathered for story time probably, before wheeling the cart towards the shelves-
Metal hands come around your shoulders, stopping you in place. "My, my! You've brought us so many presents!"
You crane your head back. Sun's smile beams down at you, and you smile back. "Yeah! Hope you like diapers."
"I sure do! Keeps all the messy bits easy for quick cleaning." He jests, and as if on cue a couple of children give a very cute 'eewwwwww' in the background as you snort. Sun's head rotates completely, in full-jester mode. "Oh, you'll be joining us for story time, won't you? Won't you?"
You wave him off, forcing your face to remain plain and chipper despite the pain that was swelling up your leg at the moment. "Sorry, no can do. I gotta get these boxes sorted first-"
"Oh, but I think you can, and you will!" Suddenly, the hands on your shoulders are gripping a little bit tighter. You are all but guided (more like half-dragged) to where the gaggle of children are sitting in a circle and plopped in the middle. "In fact, you should take over! I've been telling the same fairy tales, all princesses and monsters and bears and rabbits-" Sun pats you on the back, non-chalant. "Why don't you tell a story, something new? I'm sure you have it in you friend."
As nice as it was to be sitting down on the mat where there wasn't a weight constant on your ankle, the several pairs of wide anticipating eyes of children was a little unerving. "Uh-"
"Good!" Sun reels back, hands on his hips. In one swift motion, his legs swivel around to start walking towards the cart and boxes, while his head and torso stay facing you and the children. "I'll take care of these gifts! Better this way, I have a very particular way of organizing things you know."
He leaves you there, and now you're stuck entertaining children until he's finished.
...Honestly? Not the worst thing he's done, and there's a sense of reflief since you're not standing anymore, so you'll play right into the game.
You tell the children stories about the horrors of what happens if you don't brush your teeth enough, of a boy that ate so many greens he became the strongest being in the world, of a dog that learned how to play basketball, of aliens that crashed into hawaii and made friends and a family there. Anything you can pull off the topc of your head, really, and lucky enough for you; they were eating the stories out of the palm of your hand.
Sun is quicker than you would have been putting away the boxes, and is at the ready for checkout when some of the first parents arrive to pick up their children. You continue to tell the stories even as your audience dwindles, answering questions when they raise their hands and resisting the urge to laugh when a little boy with glasses too big asks you if Santa Clause was an alien.
Sun finishes the stocking rather quickly, and instead retaking his spot, sits cross legged and joins the circle of children easgly waiting to hear your story. He even goes as far as to lightly clap when you're finished with one, the other children joining in just to mimick him. It's actaully really cute.
The last boy is checked out by his parents. You wave from your spot on the floor mat, not moving because you don't feel like it and uncaring if you looked a little silly to the mother. Sighing, you let relief out of your lungs as Sun closes and locks the Daycare doors behind them.
Sun literally cartwheels back to you, spinning on one heel before plopping down right in front of you. His height makes him tower over you even as you're both sitting down, and you're currently thinking about an excuse to say or mustering up the strength to stand on that leg again.
Sun leans forwards, head resting in his hands and smiling widly. "Looks like you've become quite the favorite around here!"
You return the smile, and move to get up. "Yeah, yeah. Just promote me at this rate and I can take your job all the time-"
A hand clasps around your knee and you wince. The preassure is genlte, not huritng, but heavy enough it forces you back down to the ground where you sit and stare at the Daycare Attendant's grip on your leg, and his thoughtful face as he hums. "And how long did you think you could hide that?"
A tug from your leg to free yourself, his grip doesn't budge. You almost pout. "...hide what?"
Fingers lessen around your pants leg, trail lower down to your ankle and hook underneath the fabric, pushing it up. There's a definate swollenness to your ankle now, more so than the last time you checked. Sun tuts at the sight of it. "This, friend."
Aw rats, you've been caught. "It's fine, I'm not a wuss."
"We never said you were!" Sun gasps, offended. A pause. "Well, I never said you were. Still a terrible idea, though."
Your shrug is half-hearted. "So? I can't exactly slack off, here. I'm already in hot water with managment and bills don't pay themselves."
"You are very lucky I was programmed with much patience!" Sun sounds like a mixture of frusteration, exasperation, and affection. It's a comforting tone of voice, so it doesn't alarm you right away until the animatronic's hands are reaching forwards, hooking underneath your knees and against your lower back before you can protest. "Onwards, to the first aid corner!"
"...Does this mean you've gotten a doctor's license yet?"
"I am not legally required to answer that question!"
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Could you write boyfriend young Tony Stark annoying the reader with his antics while she's trying to work on her assignments with prompt 71. “you’re so annoying” - “would I still be annoying eating you out?”. And then she puts his mouth to good work lol 😋
Delicious Distraction
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PAIRING || Boyfriend!Young!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || Tony should be studying for an upcoming exam, but he can't focus when you're in his dorm room, looking beautiful in your short summer dress and your tattoo's on display. How could he not get distracted when his favorite person is only a few feet away from him, looking like a snack he could devour for hours?
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. Established relationship. Reader is described as tattooed. Explicit sexual content.
SMUT || Referenced/implied somnophilia. Daddy kink. Hair pulling. Praise. Begging. Teasing. Fingering. Oral (F receiving). Squirting. Cumming untouched. Aftercare.
A/N || This is written for my Summer of Drabbles. Nonnie, I cannot thank you enough for inspiring this (not so little) story, as it has quickly turned into one of my favorites! This is not proofread; any and all mistakes are my own. I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for drooling over this with me, as writing it wouldn't have been the same without your endless support and love! 🤍
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Photo: Source || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark || Young!Tony Stark || Summer of Drabbles
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Ever since you woke up this morning - with Tony's head buried between your thighs, no less - he has not been able to stop looking at you. It has gotten to the point where it feels like he's burning a hole into the back of your head with his staring.
While you're more than okay with it on any other day, the stress you're experiencing has you on edge. You're studying for one of your worst subjects, and it's not going well while Tony's sitting there and staring at you.
"I think we should take a break, Sunshine. Maybe I could give you a back massage to relieve some of your tension and then relieve some other tension, too, if you catch my drift," Tony says, readjusting himself in his pants.
"I really need to study for this, Tony, so there's no way I'm taking a break anytime soon. If I don't get through this exam, I will fail, and I cannot fail this class!" you tell him, annoyance slipping into your tone. You don't mean for it to happen, but it's out before you can stop yourself.
"Well, I could help you study if you ask nicely. I will even let you sit on my lap if you want," he tells you teasingly, and while you're trying not to fall for his words and charm, you can't help it as you smile, but you quickly turn your back so he doesn't see it - you do not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he's right.
"You're so annoying," you tell him, though there's no annoyance in your voice this time. Tony chuckles at your words, knowing he has you right where he wants you.
"Hmm, would I still be annoying eating you out?"
The words slipped off his tongue as casually as if he were discussing the weather. Goosebumps rise on your skin, and your interest is piqued right away. After a short consideration, you consider your boyfriend's question, seeing how you need some much-needed stress relief.
It doesn't take long for Tony to be lying on his stomach between your spread thighs, his hands tracing over the intricate inks covering them as he places a trail of soft kisses over your inner thighs.
"I can't believe I got so lucky with you, Sunshine. You're such a beautiful, smart, loving, and amazing girl that I'm proud to call mine. Love you so fucking much," he tells you between the kisses until his warm breath is ghosting over your wet core.
"T-Tony," you whimper, needing some friction of any kind. No matter if it's from his tongue, fingers, or otherwise, it feels like you're about to explode if he doesn't relieve some of your building tension soon.
"Nuh-uh, that's not what I want you to call me, Sunshine. You know better than that," he tells you, and another whimper leaves your lips, impatience starting to show through.
"Daddy, please!"
This time, a satisfied hum leaves your boyfriend's lips, and he decides to give in to your pleas. His tongue darts out to lick a stripe from your entrance to your clit, making you moan loudly while your back arches into his face.
Your eyes roll back into your head as his lips wrap around your sensitive bundle of nerves, sucking on it as incoherent moans and sounds fall from your lips as your hands are looking to grab anything to hold onto.
While one of your hands is fisted into the sheets, your other is holding on tightly to your boyfriend's hair, pulling him closer. While his mouth is being put to good use, he suddenly wraps his arms around your thighs from underneath, lifting your legs and pulling you closer once more while your hips are at a much better angle.
"Daddy, please, 'm c-close!" you beg. The current angle has his tongue going even deeper as his nose nudges your clit, the pleasure building inside you as if it's about to burst with the smallest of movements.
His hips are also moving over the sheets, the fabric giving him the right amount of pressure and relief he needs on the underside of his thick, veiny cock as he's chasing his orgasm as well as yours.
He lets one of your thighs go, instead using his fingers to work you even higher, and the moment he slips two of his firm, thick fingers into your dripping, soaked pussy, you're falling over the edge.
With a loud moan and a tug at your boyfriend's hair, you're trembling in his hold as he drinks all the fluids that are squirting from you, the force of your orgasm making you go limp in his arms while Tony rides out his orgasm, too.
While you squirted all over the bed and his face, he came too, his seed being pumped onto the sheets as he moaned into your pussy. The pleasure is overwhelming, yet not enough at the same time while Tony takes care of you, ensuring you're not dropping suddenly from your high.
"Welcome back, Sunshine," you hear as your sight is back into focus, and for a moment, you're not sure what happened. He's lying by your side, his fingers trailing over your cheek as he looks lovingly at you.
"Shall we take a bath together before ordering dinner and doing some studying together? I'm happy to help you understand the material," he offers, and you nod, a small smile on your lips as he kisses your temple.
It doesn't take long for the bath to be drawn, and Tony gently helps you get into the warm water before taking his place behind you. His hand lies on your belly while he feeds you some raspberries with the other one.
"Ti amo, mio ​​Sole. Sei la cosa migliore che mi sia mai capitata," Tony whispers, and a rush of warmth spreads through your cheeks. You have a soft spot for him speaking in Italian and cannot get enough of it.
"Ti amo, Mi Amore," you whisper before pecking his lips a few times. The stress you felt earlier has melted away as you're comfortable in the warm water and in your boyfriend's arms.
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amongsnot · 1 month
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template by @/le__lex on twitter!
anyways i want to reread some of my favorite nu fics, so i figured i would do it while simultaneously recommending them at the same time :)
[DISCLAIMER] some of these fics are locked to guests! please keep that in mind when clicking a link :)
The Neutron-Turner Family Memory Book by TheBlossomingFox (teen | oneshot ) : this fic is adorable! it’s an aged up jt fic where the author explores their dynamic as parents. it’s adorable and funny and one of the best slice of life fics i’ve read :)
2. Another Day in the Future by JesterJazz (gen | oneshot ) : this fic is definitely one of the funniest fics i’ve read in this fandom. following jimmy and timmy when they accidentally time travel to the future, landing in the house of their future married selves. it's jimmytimmy focused, but it highlights their friendship and fun bickering really well.
3. twin fantasy by nousernamesorry (teen | 4/? ) : jimmy receives a message telling him that he's needed in space, and he quickly leaves. only, he doesn't come back, and timmy has to learn to heal. i'm going to be completely and fully honest when i say that this is the fic that got me into writing for the nicktoons team. op has a writing style that is incredibly heartwrenching, and the small amount of fluff before the latter chapters completely breaks me everytime i read it.
4. more than cartoons; battle of the bands by anonymous (gen | oneshot) : spongebob squarepants is putting together a band for the annual school contest! with his makeshift team of muscians, he has to beat the syndicate before they win the tournament! this fic is SO fun! it's definitely my favorite of the author's oneshots, and it's amusing and charming and just aljewfwabkfd
5. only have a moment before it's all over (a burning desire that cries again) by whisper_into_my_heart (teen | 14/50 ) : i have to be completely honest, i was REALLY late to the party with this fic!! mpreg (and preg in general) really is not my jam, but i instantly fell in love with op's oc hannah, and the dynamic between the girl andher parents. im not exactly caught up with the story (no spoilers please :3) but i am SO excited to finish the next few chapters and then for the rest of the story to be completed!!
6. We're Perfect Punting Height by CrystalMarbles (teen | drabble ) : this fic is a drabble, but i think it's pretty funny!! it's about the gang having a conversation with each other discussing the syndicates less than evil traits. like plankton's height, or crocker's obsession with finding fairies. definitely a good short funny read!
7. Rewinding the clock by Pastacurls (not rated | 7/? ) : (grabbing onto your shoulders and shaking you) SECOND PERSON!! I LOVE SECOND PERSON. anyways there's barely any three word fics in this fandom that i could find. i know this is hypocritical of me but im going to say it anyways. this fic is my JAM though. amnesiac timmy after his eighteenth birthday, stumbling through the remains of his life as he loses his fairies and his friends. i could talk about this for hours.
8. new phone who dis by rbt_lvr ( teen | 9/? ) : the old fandom is rottmnt. unapologetically. they're technically nicktoons so it counts in my book. plus, this is genuinely my favorite fic that ive read like uh ever. it's a silly chat fic where all of the turtles are gaslighting each other into thinking that they are normal people. donnie makes a mom joke that never fails to make me laugh. leonardo's raised by the gay hippo and worm. they treat lou jitsu like taylor swift fans treat taylor swift. it's absolutely insane. 10/10.
9. lead single by nousernamesorry (teen | 2/2 ) : if nousernamesorry has 100 fans im one of them. if they have 10 fans im one of them. if they have no fans im dead. i love all of their works and every single one makes me swoon. lead single is KIND of cheating with this prompt because most of the setting takes place on a beach. and it's also kind of during the summer. but it's about jimmy and timmy spending their birthday's apart, and the setting makes me wild. like the vending machine intro and the beach ending to the first chapter. like all of that screams summer to me idc idc.
10. The Art of Cooking and Cleaning by AbsoluteFooling (gen | 1/1 ) : GUYS IM SO EXCITED TO SHARE THIS FIC WITH YOU!! i love this fic so muchh oh my god. i had the priviledge of reading it before it was put on ao3 and oh my goddddd. makes me insane. it has spongebob and timmy dynamic (which we need MORE of) and its just. its just glorious i cant explain it in words. its about timmy questioning his self worth, and spongebob helps him. and its OUGH cant even put it into words. please go read it. if theres a fic i want you to read on this list its this one.
11. Are you Satisfied with an Average Life? by Anonymous (not rated | 3/? ) : i was really surprised by the lack of fics with lyrics as their titles... guess ill have to write more in order to continue doing my part. OKAY but this fic is REALLY GOOD. i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE anything that relates to timmy's amnesia. this fic focuses on the main nicktoons as they help timmy recollect his memory, and timmy immediately hits sbsp in the head with a baseball bat and it is GREAT and the writing style is GREAT and i do think this is a necessary read. i really hope the author updates, but it has been a while, so i'll treasure the chapter's we have!!
12. Bad at Flirting by ShippingMyWorld (teen | 1/1 ) : because im cool and unique and whatever the kids are talking about with that demure stuff the other ship is tigerghost. which i KNOW is cheating considering i wrote a tigerghost fic, but i main jimmytimmy and its important to me that you know that. this fic is a fluffy, silly little fic where danny and manny talk about manny's love for cheap and cheesy pick-up lines (established relationship). shippingmyworld ALSO has a really cool tumblr account AND a bunch of other cool ao3 tigerghost fics so this is my absolutely desperate plea for you to go check them out.
13. but he's got a gun in his hands, and a burden in his heart. by Anonymous (teen | 1/1 ) : hi yes its me hello. totally anonymous user here. why havent you guys yelled at me to make my fic titles shorter omfg that's like an entire essay within itself. it's REALLY hard for me to choose one of my fics, because they all hold a special place in my heart for a different reason, but specifically the ending of this fic makes me break everytime. i won't spoil it but i love the metaphors. anyways this fic is BASICALLY just a bunch of timmy and (sort of) danny whump. check it out if you're interested :D
14. Of Memory Loss and Manipulation by EepyTheSleepy and @c0dydoesntknow (teen | 4/? ) : hello YES this fic is really great and it definiely falls right in line with my other interests. as soon as somebody says timmy amnesia fic i am GONE. the plotline in this fic is great, and the characterization is even BETTER. like you guys need to go support these two because they are amazing people and even amazinger authors!! their story is about the evil nu gang gaslighting timmy into thinking that the og nu gang is evil, which is GREAT because timmy just ends up being really confused the whole time
15. When rain falls, love blooms by 23ster (gen | 1/1 ) : kissing in the rain is SO romantic guys when is some girly gonna come and do it with me? this is a friend to lovers fic by the all time BEST person ever 23ster, and it perfectly conveys the idiots that are our favorite characters jimmy and timmy. from the trope of there is only one bed, to the all best ROOMMATES, and then the romantic yearning love confession(slash argument) in the rain. this fic ruins you, but its so so so great i swear.
16. So... Zinnias? by suluswife (gen | 1/4 ) : guys idk what kind of fics you want from me for this one i gotta be honest,, i love nala and all that he does (and i know the second chapters in production!! it also writes ninjago fics please for the life of me go check them out) and this fic just. IT JUST FITS THE PROMPT!! i read this at 3am!! it has the conversation at midnight and that writing that just FLOWS you know?? it's a platonic jt fic (im trying really hard to find nicktoon fics in general, i pinkie promise) with a soulmate au! jimmy and timmy are both idiots in this, but they have a conversation on the roof while staring at the stars so its a great fic by all standards.
17. best two out of three by dhe20 (gen | 1/1 ) : theyre so funny in this fic i love them so much.. if youve looked at my reblogs you know that i love it when they say just the stupidest shit ever, and this fic DEFINITELY fits the bill. it's so funny it kills me every time! plus the way the author writes converys the battle scene well, and im so happy that this fic has a number in the title so that i could convey my love for it here!
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suebswrites · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers Game
Thank you for tagging me, @yanny-77 and @caeli0306!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 14! Plus a bunch on fanfiction.net from back in the day...*checks* 23. 23 works on FF.net that I will not share with you unless you are my friend, lol.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 114,162 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? The Empyrean (Fourth Wing) is the only fandom I currently write for, including one crossover with Bridgerton. All of my back-in-the-day fanfiction was for Harry Potter, but I don't write for anything other than the Empyrean anymore.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Just Ask - 1,087 Xaden POV: At Samara - 350 Throne Scene: Xaden POV Microfiction - 170 Dear Brennan - 117 Bridgegiath - 110
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! At least, I try to. Though when I get an influx of a lot of comments at a time, I get overwhelmed and a little anxious about wanting to respond to them all, and then I get avoidant, heh. So it may not be right away, but I try to respond to as many comments as I can, and often will go back weeks later and then respond to them once I'm less anxious. As any writer will tell you, comments absolutely make my day and I read them over and over again, even going back and reading them days or weeks (or months) later.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Happy Birthday, Violet, which is a drabble I wrote for the "birthday" prompt from the RQ War Games events in June. It's not necessarily angsty so much as sad. (I was hurting again about Liam at the time, lol.) It's tiny and short, you'll be fine.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I have no idea how to answer this. Almost all of them are happy! I think. Uh. Okay @yanny-77 tells me that the answer is Ridoc Talks To The Dragon, and I believe her.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nope! Well, never on AO3 or Reddit. I got, like...three negative comments on my biggest HP fic on FF.net years ago, but they were only three comments among over 400, so whatever, lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! I have written M/F and M/F/M. I only want to write sex if there are feelings involved, though, so I don't write any pwp. I don't know that I could, to be honest. The only fic I've written that had smut, outside of Just Ask, is canon-compliant TO Just Ask, and leans on the context built in the main longfic, heh. So...therrrrrre you have it!
10. Do you write crossovers? Yes! But only one. Bridgegiath is a Bridgerton-Empyrean crossover fic where all the characters from Fourth Wing are in a Bridgerton-world, more or less following the plot from Bridgerton Season 1. The most common comment type I've gotten on it is "the crossover I didn't know I needed AND I NEED IT SO MUCH", lol. It's hilarious and delightful and I plan to get back to it once the summer is over and I have more time to write again!
Bridgegiath - a Riorgail, Bodoc, Immrick, Jesiam fic, featuring (among all the others), Lady Durranbury as Lady Danbury. It's a blast.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I will steal @yanny-77's answer and say that I am not cool enough for that. Lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hell yes. Co-writing has become my love language. I've co-written with @yanny-77 and @sarahydeart and all four times were fucking awesome.
Dear Brennan The Book Cat Garrick's Snorkel Ridoc Talks To The Dragon
14. What is your all-time favorite ship? My favourite ship is Liam/Violet/Xaden, for many reasons, which I will list now lol.
I adore each of the dynamics in this triad: the obvious friends-to-lovers, protect-you-with-my-life, slow burn fall of Violet and Liam; the explosive chemistry between Violet and Xaden; and the love that would grow between Xaden and Liam, born of being fostered together after the trauma of losing their parents, being separated for two years when Xaden went to Basgiath, and then meeting again once Liam gets there--and then they both fall for the same person.
I think Liam balances out a lot of Xaden's dark-and-broody energy, and could bring out a more relaxed version of him. And I think Xaden could bring out a harder edge to Liam that would be incredibly sexy. Liam and Violet's dynamic I obviously adore, and I think the way they take care of each other is fucking delightful and healthy and sweet. I think there's such an easy likelihood that both Xaden and Liam would fall for Violet.
I genuinely don't consider either Liam or Xaden to be bisexual, but I think they could fall for each other in this specific scenario, because of the unique dynamic of trust they have with each other.
All of this to say...Liam/Violet/Xaden is my One True Polypairing, heh, and one day I might write it. But that is a very distant, very pipe-dreamy one day.
Shoutout to Harry/Hermione, though. I'll die on that hill to this day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oof. I absolutely intend to continue Bridgegiath once I'm less busy, this summer has been absolutely bananas, and I'm REALLY hoping I'll be able to take it to a satisfying conclusion eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths? I have been told, and I think I agree and hope that it's true, that I'm able to wring quite a wide range of emotions out of my readers. I have it on good authority that I can bring you from thrilling tension to desperately turned on to heart-stopping angst without missing a beat, and have a decent eye for knowing when to insert a funny little exchange to ease tension before diving back in.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I hope I won't lose my fanbase if I honestly say "finishing", heh. Though looking back at my history, I actually did finish both longfics that I wrote for Harry Potter, and I'm on track to finish Just Ask in a timely manner. I'm not too worried about Bridgegiath, because I know I'm much more likely to be invested in it again once I'm done Just Ask. It's just my original stuff that I struggle with I guess...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I would rely entirely on Google translate if I ever did this, and thus would probably butcher any attempt.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter, waaaaay back in 2007, two days after Deathly Hallows came out. I couldn't accept that Harry and Hermione didn't get together. (And I still can't.)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Just Ask. It's probably the best thing I've ever written. I started writing it to deal with my intense book hangover after Iron Flame, I'm still writing it, and it will be finished before the release of Onyx Storm. I am fiercely proud of it.
Tagging: @taumoebaa and @ubiquitouslyme and @copperfirebird
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
Already There
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Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x plus size!fem!reader
cw: slight angst, 950 words
a/n: a short follow up to my fic Ooey Gooey after Bucky leaves with Sam. I've had this 2/3rds written for like 5 or 6 months now 🙃 finished up the rest of it for @the-slumberparty 's week two prompt: Write a drabble/one shot as a continuation to one of your previous works. Based on the song "I'm Already There" by Lonestar. divider by @/firefly-graphics
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Bucky can't sleep. Anxiety seeping through his bones. His body isn't used to being on the road for this long anymore.
Sitting at the edge of the too soft, too small bed in just his boxers. Even though the room is cool he's covered in sweat from a night of tossing and turning.
Bucky runs his hands through his hair and thinks of you. How your warm smile can wipe away all his worries. It's why he starts every day with you at the general store. And why he feels your absence so strongly now.
He wants to see you.
It's been days but it feels like years. His phone is a brick, built for making emergency calls out in the middle of nowhere, not video calls like Sam's fancy new iPhone. It still has an antenna for fuck's sake. Until you, Bucky didn't have a reason for a real cell phone. He knows Sam wouldn't mind Bucky using his but Bucky's not waking him up so he can tease him about giving his sort of girlfriend a call at one am.
So Bucky sits there, contemplating. He scratches his stubbled jaw, worrying at his lower lip. Would you even pick up this late at night? You said you'd answer no matter what, but this is different from his usual 9am calls when you're already up and most likely at work.
Sam stirs behind him on the other bed but doesn't wake. Bucky throws on a pair of sweats and heads for the door to the balcony, grabbing the brick on his way out.
The cool night air wraps around Bucky his sweat slick skin feeling tight as he closes the sliding glass door. There's not much of a view, just the parking lot of this old motel and the fog dense trees beyond.
But the moon, she's nearly full and so, so bright.
Bucky takes a deep breath and dials your number, pushing away thoughts of whether or not he deserves to hear your voice right now. It doesn't matter, he can be selfish for a moment.
The phone rings twice and in those short seconds Bucky's heart rate skyrockets almost painfully until, finally, you answer.
The breathy way you whisper his name makes his stomach tighten. It's a moment too long before he responds.
"Everything okay?"
Bucky can hear your sheets rustling, the switch to your lamp clicking on as you presumably sit up in bed.
"Yeah...yeah I'm sorry for waking you. Just couldn't sleep."
He hesitates, the frayed drawstring hanging from his sweats unraveling even more as Bucky plays with it while he takes a deep, shaking breath.
"I -- uh, I wanted to hear your voice."
You sound surprised. Bucky hesitates.
"I'm sorry, it's late I'll let you get back to sleep."
"No! No, it's okay. I'm glad you called."
"Of course, Bucky," your giggle makes Bucky smile, feel that warmth spread through his chest again like it did the last time he saw you. Filling him to burst with that one sound.
"God I miss you, sugar. Sam's keeping me up all night with his snoring."
"Oh, no. Is it that bad?," you gasp in mock horror.
Bucky smirks as one of Sam's snores rattles through the glass door behind him.
"The worst, sugar. He could wake the dead."
"Should'a sent you off with ear plugs, huh?"
"Mm, you'll have to remind me next time."
Bucky pauses at the prospect of a "next time", of leaving you again when he's just got started loving you like he's wanted to for what feels like forever.
"I miss you, sugar."
"I miss you too, Buck," he can hear your sweet smile. It makes his heart ache.
Bucky's throat feels tight. He didn't know how much he needed to see your beautiful face every day until he left.
"Is it silly to feel this way? Like I can't breathe without you here."
"It's not silly," you sniffle on the other end of the line and Bucky almost regrets saying anything.
"I can't wait to feel you again. Take you in my arms and not let you go."
You laugh into the receiver and Bucky can't stop from smiling.
"Sam will have to pry me off you with a crowbar to get you off me and back to the Mill."
"He's welcome to try," Bucky practically snarls.
"I love you, Bucky."
He swallows the lump in his throat, taken aback by your sudden admission.
"I know you're having a hard time, but I'm right there with you, sleeping under the same moonlight and wishing you were right here with me. It's not silly. You're not asking for too much. And I miss you way more than you miss me."
Bucky scoffs at your teasing and wipes at his eyes. "No way, sugar.
"Prove it to me when you get back, then. Show me how much you missed me when you see me again and we'll decide then."
"I love you, sugar."
"I know. Make it back home safe so I can have you all to myself."
Bucky adjusts his sleep pants, imagining all the ways he can have you just how he wants to.
"Get some sleep, Buck. I need to know you'll be safe out there on the road."
"I will. I promise."
"Good. Good night, handsome.
"Goodnight, sugar."
Bucky hangs up, giving the antenna a satisfying click shut. He takes one last look at the moon before heading back inside and crawling under the covers. For the first time since before his accident, Bucky falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. And he dreams of you, bathed in moonlight.
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steddiejudas · 1 year
STWG Daily Drabble 9/25/23
prompt: making a meal
Eddie never really learned to cook. With the salary he and Wayne live on, he’s used to heating up cans of soup, Spaghettios, maybe some toast if he’s feeling like a gourmet. But Steve, damn, the man can make a meal. The first time Steve cooked for him, Eddie thought he’d died and gone to food heaven, promptly passing out on the couch with his boyfriend and a full belly as soon as they finished eating. Eddie wishes he could return the favor, but he’s pretty sure canned tomato soup and burnt grilled cheese sandwiches don’t equate to braised pork chops, rosemary roast potatoes, and homemade rolls. 
Tonight Steve is making Eddie’s favorite. Penne alla vodka with homemade garlic bread. Eddie doesn’t typically consider himself an overly emotional person, but as he sits in the kitchen watching Steve hum to himself and grate fresh parmesan, he could cry. 
“What’s wrong babe?” Steve asks, concern lacing his beautiful features. 
“Nothing, angel. I just love you.”
“I love you too, Eds.” Steve sets the cheese grater down and walks around the island to curl into Eddie’s embrace, leaving little kisses on the sensitive spot behind Eddie’s ear. Steve loves to kiss that spot, teasing giggles out of Eddie’s pretty lips. “But seriously,” he whispers, “You’ve got your thinking face on.”
Eddie sighs, easing into the warmth of Steve. “You always spend so much time cooking for me while I just sit here and watch. I feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad! I love cooking for you, I thought you knew that.”
“I did! I mean, I do. I just wish I could return the favor.”
“You return other favors,” Steve says with a wink. 
Eddie groans. “Steve, that was horrible.”
“Sorry.” Steve leaves one last kiss, featherlight and promising on Eddie’s cheek before pulling away. “If you want to help, I can show you some things.”
A splitting smile erupts over Eddie’s features, nodding enthusiastically as he jumps up to help. 
“Alright, I'm almost done with the sauce, but you can get the bread ready. Can you mince up some garlic while I melt the butter in a saucepan?”
“Yes chef,” Eddie quips, giving Steve a little two finger salute. He makes quick work of chopping up the garlic the way he’s seen Steve do it countless times and throws it in with the melted butter. “Okay, now what?” 
“Now we turn the heat down and let the flavor infuse for a couple minutes. Like making edibles.”
“Alright,” Eddie says. “Like edibles then.”
It only takes about 20 minutes after Eddie adds in his own ingredient and pushes the concoction through a cheesecloth for the butter to firm back up to spreadable over the still soft loaf of french bread Steve was keeping in the warming drawer. They plate up their meal and eat at the table, smiling at each other through flickering candlelight, conversation flowing easily between them. They finish and Eddie gets up to clear their plates. 
“Uh, Eddie?” Steve asks from his seat at the table. 
“Yes my love?”
“I think I’m high? No, definitely high. Why am I high?”
“Stevie you said… like edibles? Was that not? Did you not mean to add weed to the butter?”
“Eddie… no.”
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” And then it hits Eddie too and, oh shit, yeah, he added wayyy too much. Which means it’s only a matter of time before Steve–
“It’s okay. You can make it up to me right now. Upstairs.”
“You frisky little freak.”
“What can I say?” Steve winks, running towards his bedroom. “I learned from the best.”
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lotus0kid · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hello! Hm, well, let's see...
Self, Job/Work: I don't post anything identifiable, but I don't mind discussing relatable/weird bits of my life as long as it's not too specific.
Fandoms: Bagginshield, for sure. I'm starting to think I should just go ahead and read LOTR, but I haven't yet. I suggest you do engage with the canons for Good Omens and Stranger Things, because they're pretty good canons (despite current revelations regarding the co-creator and showrunner of the former).
OC's (I don't have OCs- well, none that didn't just serve their purpose in whatever fic I need them for), art/drawing (I've done some of that- tagged "lotus0kid art" if you're interested, there might be new stuff coming since I leaped bodily on that steep Clip Studio sale a bit ago), their writing (sure, I can probably yammer all day about writing, my own or the concept), blog specific only (I'm not sure what this means)
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Argh... uh... I'm going to have to say no, I really don't need any more distractions from the ideas I already have. Though, I dunno, maybe one-word prompts where I can write a drabble response, just to get the wheels moving? That could be nice.
Pets: Ain't got 'em. -_-. Unless you count the spiders in my windowsill.
Garden and Hobbies: My current icon is a picture of my itty bitty succulent that budded off a bigger succulent a while ago. Another bud is coming off that bigger succulent- I'm waiting for the stem to be long enough to cut so I can plant it on its own. That's all the gardening I do currently. And fanfiction is basically my main hobby, aside from occasional art stuff (*eyes stalled embroidery project guiltily*). Maybe cooking too, I think certain aspects transcend the "chore" category, like the opposite of the way my art pursuits can feel a bit chore-ish.
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eightlightstar · 1 year
The First Real Chance
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pairing: seungcheol x jeonghan genre: angst with a happy ending, drabble warning(s): mentions of anxiety, insecure!seungcheol, yelling. word count: 2.5k
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A/N: Below is an attempt to write an angsty and fluffy fic with a happy ending based on the following prompt by @whygodohgodwhy: “Why did you save me? Why did you give me a second chance?” “Because… honestly? I don’t think you ever had a real chance at all.”
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3 Years Ago:
"Are you okay?", Jeonghan asks while bending his head down as far the as the table in front of him allowed, to try and get a better look at his date's face.
"Huh? Oh uhm...yeah! I'm totally fine. I was just thinking about how well this date is going", Seungcheol answered with a small smile even as a wave of anxiety hit him.
"Is it though? I mean, we haven't talked much except when you asked me what I wanted to eat", Jeonghan shrugged nonchalantly while picking at his noodles.
Jeonghan's head shoots up to stare at him.
"I mean, yes!! I- I guess I'm just nervous. Because...you're...so pretty", he whispers the last two words to himself.
"I'm what?", asks Jeonghan curiously while leaning over the table, noodles long forgotten.
'I should be able to do this, this is the bare minimum. I do not want to disappoint a pretty and kind boy like him', Seungcheol thinks to himself.
He takes a deep breath and musters up all the courage he has when he says, "You're...pretty", and smiles to himself shyly.
Jeonghan is thoroughly endeared and replies, "Why, thank you! You're not so bad yourself!", and chuckles when he sees Seungcheol turn a deep red.
When they get up after paying and walk out of the restaurant, Jeonghan slides his hand into Seungcheol's, which makes Seungcheol turn more redder than ever and makes Jeonghan feel more giddier than ever he felt on this date.
---Time Skip---
Cheol : Han! Where are you? Hannie : Heyy! Just left the salon. You're already at the Han River? Cheol : Yes! Logged out of work a little early! A rookie designer took some of the work load. Hannie : Oh that's cool. See you in 15 then! Cheol : See you!
It had been 15 minutes but there was still no sign of Jeonghan. Seungcheol started thinking about how much he's had to go through to get this far with Jeonghan because every date before this 5th one had been him silently battling his anxiety and Jeonghan being unaware but always shining bright in Seungcheol's eyes. While he was lost in thought, he suddenly realized that it had been more than 25 minutes and Jeonghan still hadn't arrived. He immediately called Jeonghan.
"Jeonghan? Are you okay? Where are you? Are you on your way?", asked Seungcheol while panic kept rising in him.
"Hey! Got called by the manager as I was leaving. He wants me to come in this Saturday for one of our very rich regulars. I'm almost there. Reaching in 5.", Jeonghan answered without minding Seungcheol's tirade of questions as he was driving.
"Oh okay. Uh...can you send me your location? I can come to you while you park your car...?" Seungcheol asked unsurely.
"Huh? But I'm really close by...?" reasoned Jeonghan.
"It's okay! The parking lot is a huge place haha, and it will be difficult for you to find me..." trailed off Seungcheol.
This was the first time Jeonghan noticed something.
"Uh...okay then. I'll send the location. Bye!", Jeonghan said and hung up.
'He hasn't always been like this though? Why is he so anxious about a little delay? Did I do something that made him think I wasn't reliable?'
Jeonghan's thoughts were a mess as he sent his location and tried to find a spot to park.
The moment they spot each other, all anxiety and worry is immediately replaced by a feeling of joy for Seungcheol. Even Jeonghan's mess of thoughts couldn't resist his shy smile. They have a nice time walking along the riverside and catching up and all is forgotten. Until, Jeonghan remembers it again.
---Time Skip---
Seungcheol's anxiety about messing it up with Jeonghan has been well under control since they grew close enough to spend the night at each other's places. And also because they've never had a fight. Ever. While happily reminiscing about all this, Seungcheol puts in the code for Jeonghan's door. But he's met with an empty home and no sign of Jeonghan. An familiar feelings starts invading Seungcheol's senses as he texts Jeonghan:
Cheolie : Hannie! You said you were at home? Where are you? Cheolie : Han? Are you okay? Hannie : Cheolie, hi! And yes, I'm okay. I forgot to mention because I was in a hurry. I had to come in for a client who requested me by name. Cheolie : Oh okay! Should I stay here or...? How long will it take you to come back? It seems rude to stay at your place without you? Idk... Hannie : I don't know how long it'll take...I'm not sure if you should stay back
Seungcheol feels like he's been punched in the gut. Because why did this hurt so much? Why doesn't Jeonghan want him to stay? Was it because...his thoughts ran a mile a minute as he typed:
Cheolie : Oh. Okay. Uh, I'll go home then. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me. Hannie : Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you? And why are you sorry, baby? Cheolie : I thought you told me not to stay because you're mad at me... :( You're not? Hannie : Why would you think that? Of course I'm not mad at you. Listen, I have to go. I'll come over in the morning, yeah? Cheolie : Thank you! <3 See you tomorrow!
Back at the Salon, Jeonghan thinks about Seungcheol's behaviour just now and suddenly remembers their date that night at the Han river when he got the same uneasy feeling. Only this time, he has the time to sort through the mess in his head. So he has anxiety huh. How come I only noticed it then and now? Had he developed it before the Han River date? Or did he always had it?
As he keeps thinking, his mind goes as far as their first date and suddenly, all the puzzle pieces fall into place and Jeonghan bitterly muses: So SeungcheoI has anxiety and has been trying to desperately hide it from me? Who's gonna tell him that I love him and that I'm ready to be there for him through not just his anxiety, but throughout the rest of our life?
The answer to this rhetorical question comes soon enough, and Jeonghan does not handle well the fact that it was he that had to break it to Seungcheol.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME KNOW!? I'M LITERALLY YOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT!? Seungcheol's yells ring out in the squeaky clean private room of a hospital, where Jeonghan is sitting on the bed with a bandaged arm and a weary expression.
"Cheol, baby, I'm sorry? Okay? There was no time to call you from the salon. I'm fiiine!", responded Jeonghan. The word "fine" didn't even feel like a word anymore because he'd reassured Seungcheol so many times with same word in the past hour, for the most part of which, Seungcheol was yelling.
"BUT YOU'RE NOT THOUGH? THAT'S WHY YOU'RE IN A HOSPITAL! WITH BANDAGES ON YOUR ARMS!!" Seungcheol cried out. "Okay okay fine I agree. I may not be exactly fine seeing that a significant amount of very hot wax fell right on my arm, causing blisters to erupt almost immediately", Jeonghan gave in, crestfallen. "OH MY GOD!? YOU ONLY TOLD ME IT WAS A SMALL ACCIDENT!? THIS ISN'T SMALL HAN OH MY GOD", Seungcheol was frantic now, which made Jeonghan rethink his decision to tell Seungcheol about it in the first place.
Jeonghan sighed. "Cheolie, my baby, please. Okay, it's not a 'small' accident, I know. I'm sorry for worrying you. I didn't want you to panic and that's why I told you after I got treated".
Jeonghan had had enough. He was trying his best knowing that it was not his Cheolie, but his anxiety that was yelling at him. But how much could be bear when all he was trying to do was prevent this very thing that was unfolding in front of him? It did not help that his own anger was also rising by the minute. He spat angrily, "Cheol, get the fuck out if you're going to keep yelling. I didn't know it was wrong to try to not worry one's partner, especially when the said partner has anxiety!" Seungcheol froze. "Y-you knew? All this time?", his voice trembled as he asked. "Yes, all this time. And how could I not when it was very obvious right from the first date? I never saw it as an issue! I noticed and I decided that to never give you a reason to be anxious when it came to me! But looks like I decided wrong", snarled Jeonghan Seungcheol gulped. 'Any minute now, it's all over', he thought.
"Get out Cheol. And don't come back. I can't talk to you right because I feel like I'm about to pass out from the pain. I'll let you know after I'm discharged. Just...I need some space right now" stated Jeonghan, as he lay down and turned away from Seungcheol.
It was like Jeonghan had confirmed his worst suspicions.
"I-I'm so sorry Jeonghan. I was scared and that's why I was yelling. I see now that it was not the best of reactions. And now that you know, I hope you can forgive me for not telling you. This is the reason I didn't tell any of my previous partners about my anxiety. I wish it wasn't like that but it looks like you've made your decision. It was nice knowing you Jeonghan. For what it's worth, you're the only one I ever felt safe with", Seungcheol murmured sadly, with tears in his eyes.
He turned away and left with a heavy heart, thinking that his anxiety had once again rendered him lonely, not realizing that Jeonghan hadn't heard his apology and adieu because he had indeed passed out from the pain.
Seungcheol's anxiety was replaced with grief since the moment he stepped out of Jeonghan's hospital room and he had been grieving for over 48 hours now, if the wall-clock in the living room was an indication. He hadn't done anything in that time except for drinking some water which was not quenching his thirst (and hunger) but only replenishing his tear ducts.
This wasn't new to him - he had gone without eating for more than 48 hours when his anxiety had taken a hit for the worse one day. But it was first time doing the same due to grief. He hadn't had much to grieve for in his previous relationships seeing as they ended before he had time to get attached. But with Jeonghan, he hadn't just gotten attached, he had fallen head-over-heels in love with him. But none of that mattered right now, because it was all over.
As fresh tears started rolling down his cheeks, his door opened. His hungry, thirsty, and sleep-deprived brain couldn't comprehend it immediately but slowly caught up to the fact that a very bewildered Jeonghan was standing in front of him right now. "Cheol, what happened? Why have you been crying?", asks Jeonghan while shaking him a little.
When Seungcheol stumbles and fall on the couch as a result of the little shaking, Jeonghan is alarmed.
"What in the world? Cheolie? Have you even eaten today? Why do you look so pale and weak? And your eyes!? Why do you look like you haven't slept in two days?!?", Jeonghan goes on as he starts to panic. "It's because...I haven't slept in two days Jeonghan. I have done absolutely nothing since I sat on this couch after coming back from the hospital", Seungcheol replies quietly. "CHEOL WHAT THE FUCK!? Thankfully, I got food! Please eat first, then you can tell me what happened", Jeonghan said as he tried to compose himself. Seungcheol sees that his arm was fine except for fading circular scars where the blisters used to be.
"But why are you here Jeonghan? I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?", questioned Seungcheol.
"Ah yes. I was about to get to that. I was angry and I was in pain. I lashed out and I'm very sorry. I know that you were yelling because you were worried. But, really, I was in no position to take that and that was the reason why I asked you to leave", Jeonghan explained.
"But you didn't call me after getting discharged. So I thought...you know...that we were broken up", Seungcheol uttered sorrowfully. And then added, "You do remember what I said when I left, right?"
"Huh? You said something before leaving? I'm not sure, I passed out right after I asked you to leave and lied down. Was it something important?", Jeonghan asked sheepishly.
Seungcheol was flabbergasted that his woeful monologue went unheard but he shrugged it off as he said, "No, it was nothing important. Don't worry about it."
Jeonghan continued, "See, I know it looked like that - both from what I said and the fact that I didn't call. But, truthfully, the thought about wanting to end things did cross my mind. But only for a fleeting second because I was feeling vulnerable then. And then I decided against it because it was the easy way out". "Why decide against it when it was easy, Jeonghan?", Seungcheol interrupted.
"Because I don't want the 'easy' Cheol, I want you", declared Jeonghan. "I knew it wasn't easy when I chose to go on the 6th date, after I wondered if you had anxiety. I knew it wasn't going to be easy at all after the 8th date when I realized that you had anxiety. So yes Seungcheol, I choose you, the you who may not be easy, but are so easy to love", whispered Jeonghan, while looking tearfully at Seungcheol.
Seungcheol, albeit happy, whispered miserably, "But why did you choose me over and over again? Why give me a second chance after the thought of breaking up had crossed your mind?"
"Because… honestly? I don’t think you ever had a real chance at all. What with the anxiety, I believe you were not able to show your true self", said Jeonghan wistfully.
"I love you, Han. I'm sorry I put you through this. Now that you're here and you know, I feel more confident about dealing with my anxiety. And it wasn't as bad anyway after the 8th date you know?", Seungcheol chuckled wetly.
"I love you too, Cheol. And no, don't be sorry. It's not your fault. And it's true that it wasn't that bad after the 8th date. I saw that too. See, if you need any help, as in therapy or something else, we'll look into that too, okay? You don't ever have to feel like you're alone in this. We're in this together okay?", promised Jeonghan as he kissed the top of Seungcheol's forehead.
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A/N: It's my first fic here on tumblr. I don't usually write angst but I tried something because the prompt caught my eye. And it took me so long to finish it because I was so busy T_T. Anyway, it's over so that's that. And I'll add a header and all that pizzazz later.
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Thanks for reading! <3
Consider buying me a coffee if you liked it!
Comments and Feedback are appreciated.
Send me an ask if you have any fic/au/imagines/reaction requests!
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here4kpopfics · 2 years
Kelly! Congrats on the milestone! I wanted to put in a drabble request with this prompt [ 89. “YOU SENT ME PICTURES OF YOU NAKED WHILE I WAS IN A WORK MEETING!”. ] Could we do this with LTDO!jk and oc? 😂🫢 You can choose if they'll get smutty or not 😘
you, my love, get a short one. only bc the ltdo couple already has two full fledged things in the works. 😉 we'll just match this to THIS character ask...for reasons. completely unedited bc i'm lazy.
Masterlist | AskBox | Coffee?
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ltdo!jjk x reader | mentions of smut | 747 words | 18+ | it's the LTDO couple, you know they're just filthy little shits.
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You’re gonna kill Jungkook. 
Namjoon brought you, Jeongyeon, and Jimin to some big business expo or something. He barely gave any details. And you somehow got roped into a meeting about the pros and cons of selling thrifted goods. At least, that’s what you think it was about. You can’t remember. 
Because your boyfriend is a needy brat. And just spammed you with eight, yes EIGHT, varying photos of himself in extremely nsfw situations. From him in your goddamn lingerie to him with his painfully hard cock in his hand as his fingers smear his pre-cum, to him completely naked on your shared bed, his legs spread to show the sparkling butt plug you gave him for Christmas. 
You nearly sputtered the water you had just taken a large sip of all over some pretty important business people. You quickly excuse yourself, storming out of the little room and finding an empty conference hall, thumb slamming down on your boyfriend’s name. 
“What the actual fuck was that, Jungkook?” You hiss into your phone.
“What? You said you were bored. I thought I’d help out…”
“Baby, why are you in a meeting? You don’t do meetings.”
“I have no fucking clue, Kookie. Namjoon just threw me to the wolves and suddenly I’m arguing the pros of thrifting and— nuh-uh. We are not getting off topic here, you brat.”
“Oh, call me a brat again.” He chuckles and you hear a faint whimper on the other end. 
“Are you touching yourself right now, Kookie?” 
“Mhmm…” you can tell he’s put you on speaker, laying the phone on his abs close enough to hear him fucking his hand. 
“You better fucking stop touching yourself right now.”
“Can’t. Feels too good, Sparkles.”
“You stop yourself right now, Kookie. Or I swear to god, I won’t fuck you into oblivion when I get home. You’ll just have that damn plug in and you’re only choice will be to fuck your hand and nothing else.” 
The whine he lets out makes you want to leave and rush home to have your way with him. 
“Baby, please.”
“No. Either edge yourself or stop touching yourself completely and I’ll reward you. Don’t do either and you get an added week of abstinence from me.” 
“Fuck. Okay. Okay. I’ll stop. Please hurry home, Sparkles. I need you.”
“I’ll be home as soon as I can.”  You promise, listening to him edge himself until he cried over the phone. You hung up with him, promising to be home within a few hours. 
You lied. You didn’t get home until almost midnight. Jeongyeon and Jimin wanted to go out and drink while Namjoon left to spend time with his husband who was running the shop. 
When you enter your room, your boyfriend is curled up on the bed, back in baggy lounge pants and a giant shirt. His hair’s a mess across his face and you can’t help but smile at how soft he looks. 
You crawl on the bed, body hovering over him as you lean down to kiss his cheek.
“Kooooooookie. Wake up, baby.” You whisper in his ear, suppressing the urge to laugh when he whines, subconsciously moving onto his back to accommodate you straddling him. When he opens his eyes, his hands find their way to your hips. 
“You said you’d rush home…liar.” He mumbles half asleep. 
“I know, baby. But you deserved to be punished for sending me photos while I was with fancy important people.” 
“I’m sure they would’ve liked them and completely understood and let you leave early to come tend to your needy boyfriend.” You snicker as his hands move to your ass, massaging the soft flesh. 
“If by letting me leave early, you mean banished me from the exhibit and banned from every convention ever, then yes, I should’ve.” You grin, lips meeting his. 
“Whatever it takes to get you back to me.” He mumbles against your lips, his hands bringing your hips down to roll against him and swallowing the moan he knew you’d let out.
“Still, baby?” He mewls when you press your hips down on his again. “You look so sleepy, though.” 
“No,” he shakes his head, hips pushing up to meet yours, “not sleepy. Please, Sparkles. Please.” 
The second you say okay, you're flipped over onto your back, fully accepting it’s going to be a long night.  
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aclosetfan · 1 year
No. 5 "this marriage was supposed to be a scam but, but listen" im sorry, but this prompt screams greens, and no, i won't change my mind (but also: pretty pls????? ily and i miss your writing) (totally understand that real life can be overwhelming and it's totally cool)(hope you're doing well ❤️)
OPE, anon, you've unlocked a super secret drabble regarding a future!domestic fic I'll never have the time to write :)
prompt 5: this marriage was supposed to be a scam but, but listen
Background summary: After losing a bus full of kids to a horrible accident, Buttercup's having a crisis of self. She's not the hero she once thought she'd be, but when she finds Butch half dead in a ditch, she thinks maybe if she can just do this one thing, save this one person, she can prove to herself she's a hero after all. In a way, they end up saving each other. Again. And again. And again.
Buttercup poured over the tax forms before looking up at him with a deep sigh, "I literally don't know what I'm doing. Why don't they teach us this shit in school!" She grabbed a random form and shook it at him, "Do you get any of this?"
He shook his head as he continued to shovel spoon full after spoon full of cereal into his mouth. After swallowing, he said, "The only thing I know about taxes is how to evade it, but Bryan Davis—" he smirked, referring to his alter ego, "—is of the straight and narrow variety, so that's off the table."
"Har. Har." She rolled her eyes, turning back to the tax documents, "I think I'll just call my dad. He's good with numbers. Or maybe, uh, turbo tax? We can't afford an accountant."
At the mere mention of money (and, thus, by extension, their late bills), Butch looked at the time and jumped up with a hiss, "Shit, I'm late!"
"How late are you going to be tonight?" She asked him, watching as he rinsed out his cereal bowl and shoved on his work boots. "We've got to figure this tax stuff out."
"I don't know. They got me doing a job out in the counties for the next few weeks. Traffic's going to be hell. And then there's gas going up, and—"
"Butch, we have to figure this shit out at one point, for real. Tonight." She glared at him, "We can't keep putting it off."
"If I could fly home right after, Buttercup, I would," He huffed back, throwing his lunch together, "but Bryan Davis can't fly, remember? He sits in traffic."
She tsked, "He never fails to remind me, but could you please remind Bryan Davis he also has to fill out a Form 1040? Because if he doesn't, the IRS is on our ass, and they're worse than Blossom."
"And why can't Brittany Davis just do it for the both of them? Don't married people get to do shit like that?"
"Yeah, sure, if Brittany Davis was a real person and not actually Buttercup Utonium, who is not actually married to Bryan Davis." She deadpanned, shuffling a pile of papers together. "Just when you get home, we gotta do this, okay? And I'm not getting suckered into doing it by myself again."
"Yeah, yeah," He rolled his eyes, opening the door and then pausing across the threshold.
"Have a good day," She said over her shoulder, attention more on the tax documents than on him.
Butch stared at the back of her head with a smile. Her bedhead was horrible, and she wore an oversized, stained shirt; it made him think of his last girlfriend, who had been just as strung out as he had been. His last girlfriend, whatever her name was, he really only just remembered her being there, hadn't given two shits about taxes or when he'd be home. Outside of Boomer and maybe Brick, he couldn't think of anyone else who had.
It was nice.
Being with Buttercup was nice. Homey. He liked homey, and despite living together for a while now, he hadn't realized how much he liked it until now, watching her balance her cereal bowl over their pile of taxes.
"Hey," She snapped at him, turning in her chair to glare, "shut the door, will you? You're letting all the air conditioning out."
His smile stretched further across his face, "What if Buttercup Utonium really was married to Bryan Davis? Would we be able to file together then?"
One of her eyebrows quirked up in question, "Well, yeah, I guess? Probably get more on our return, too."
"Then, why not?"
"Why not what?"
He let the door fall shut behind him as he stepped back into the room. "Why not get married, then?"
"Wait, what?"
"For real, this time." He dropped to his knee in front of her, and her eyes practically bugged out of her head. He took her hand and shrugged, "I mean, I ain't gotta ring yet or anything, but tax day's like a month away. We're working under a time constraint."
"Y-ou're asking me to marry you right now?" Buttercup stuttered, "Over our taxes? At five in the morning? Right before you go to work? With no ring?"
Butch laughed, "Yeah, I guess I am. Whaddya say?"
She let out a short laugh, blinking away her surprise as she leaned in for a kiss, "You're just lucky I'm not much of a jewelry person."
"I am," He agreed, laughing breathlessly into the kiss.
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hii teehee i just saw ppl asking for this and since im sick of the yangyang drought in here could you pls do ❛ i know how to keep my life and my crown. and i will. ❜ with yangyang?
[Choose a prompt and send me an idol! I’ll write a drabble for it]
"(Y/N)!" Yangyang ran up to you as soon as you'd closed the balcony doors and, likewise, you were quick to pull him into a hug long overdue. "God, I've been so worried about you, Highness," he lets his head fall into the crook of your neck and you held him tighter.
"I missed you too," you gave him one more squeeze before pushing him back at arm's length. "But, look at you! Wow, you really shaped up," you complimented him, though you weren't too used to the new knight's build on him. "Who would've thought two street rats would find their way into a castle, huh?"
"Oh, pardon me, I greet the star of the Empire, their highness the Crown Royal," Yangyang exaggerates his bow and you laughed and rolled your eyes.
"So... why risk your head to come see me?" You ask.
"I need an official reason to see my best friend?" Yangyang asks with a quirked brow. You eyed him suspiciously while his eyes slanted toward the door that was firmly shut and, in a quiet voice, he answered, "you're in danger, (Y/N)."
"Of course I am, huh?" You shook your head.
"The Rebellion, they're targetting you next, you're the last remaining bloodline of the Royal family," he says. All things you already knew. He checked the door again. "The King asked me to take you somewhere far from the kingdom. You have to survive," he says. You shook your head.
"I can take care of myself," you said, but Yangyang didn't look convinced. "I know how to keep my life and my crown. and I will," you said sternly. Yangyang sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I don't think you do, (Y/N)," he shook his head.
"I do!" You shot back.
"Do you?" He asked again. You nodded your head and Yangyang held your crown in his hand. "You sure about that?" He smiles and you rolled your eyes while slumping your shoulders, not even bothering to feel the space at the top of your head.
"You're insufferable, give that back. How did you even grab it with all the pins?"
"These ones?" Yangyang held the numerous pins in his other hand. "Child's play, (Y/N), even you could do this," he shrugs.
"Dare I ask when you grabbed it?
"You know when," he scoffs. You thought back.
"I thought that hug was a little too tight."
"There you are! The (Y/N) I remember, anyway, we gotta go now."
"Where are we going?"
"Dunno, somewhere far, at least until I get a letter from your rich dad telling me to bring you back," his smile grows and, naturally, you felt much safer. "But, uh, don't tell anyone. This is some top secret stuff, yeah?"
"Got it, I know how this works," you tapped your head with your finger and smiled, trying your best to alleviate the obvious worry Yangyang tried to hide, "see you in a bit?"
"See you in a bit and," Yangyang leans toward you, securing the crown on your head with gentle hands, "be safe," he opens the door and gestures for you to leave first and, once you were gone, he shuts the door and leans against it, covering his face with his hands. Then, as he brought his hands up to brush the hair out of his face, the obvious grin appeared before he brought his hands back down and again the worry was there. Then, he left the room, immediately being stopped by the last person he wanted to see.
"You, there, knight!" Dejun stops him.
"Your Highness," Yangyang greeted him with a bow. Dejun, the prince from a neighboring country and, distastefully, your fiancé.
"Have you seen (Y/N)? I haven't seen them all night and I'm supposed to bring them back with me."
"Nope, haven't seen them all night, sir," he says with a small smile.
"I'll keep looking around, let me or my men know if you find them," he rushes off and Yangyang waits until he's gone before walking off toward your room.
Tag List:
General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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italeean · 2 years
Helloooo! Congrats on your milestone!
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Can I request prompt 1 with the band tickling Uenoyama from Given? Thank you and congratulations once again!!
A/N: Why hello there, how're you doing? <333 Thanks for congratulating with me, it means a lot 🌸🍡 Anyway, here's your drabble, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing it. Buona lettura e abbi cura di te (Have a nice reading and take care) 💚🤍❤️
Drabble Event Day 11
It was a normal day; the band was halfway through the practice session and everyone was taking a break. Mafuyu was napping, making everyone wonder how he managed to fall asleep so quickly, while the others were eating a snack and looking through their phones.
But suddenly a noise broke the peaceful atmosphere. It was something between a scream and a squeal and it came from Uenoyama Ritsuka.
"Uh oh... ticklish, are we?" Akihiko, who had poked his side with one of his drumsticks to get his attention, asked while getting up and walking towards him. "Ummm... no, not at all..!" The guitarist said with a defensive tone while slowly backing away "You just surprised me... and poked me too hard!" He snarled, trying to keep the situation under control.
"Are you sure? It didn't sound like you were feeling pain..." Haruki joined the conversation, wanting to see where it would've brought them. "Yes... that's... that's just my way of saying ouch... that's all!" The blue-haired guy tried to convince them.
"If you say so, sorry man." Akihiko apologized and gave him a pat on his shoulder. It had worked?? Uenoyama was pretty surprising himself, it looked like his secret was still saf-
"He's lying."
Everyone faced Mafuyu, who had just woken up, probably disturbed by the noise everyone was making. "His ears are red, it means he's lying." He explained. The guitarist tried to find an excuse for his red ears, but his lover cut him off immediately "Plus, I've already tickled him... more than once." He added casually, while his boyfriend was staring at him in utter betrayal.
How could he throw him under the bus like that? Was he still half-asleep and couldn't understand what he had done? Uenoyama didn't have time to ask himself those questions, let alone answer them, because the older members of his bands were looking at him in a way he didn't really like.
He tired to run towards the door, but before he reached it, the drummer managed to grab him by his arm and stop him. Then he got a firmer grip on his wrist and raised up his arm. In the meanwhile, Haruki had reached them as well, already cracking his knuckles.
"So, where did Akihiko poke you?" The long-haired man asked, making Uenoyama's eyes become as wide as saucers "You said he poked you too hard, so I gotta make sure you aren't hurt." He said calmly, in such a sympathetic tone that everyone would've thought he was genuinely concerned.
"Nowhere... nohowhere!!" The blue-haired guy pulled on his arm as strongly as he could to get it free, but to no avail. "Stop playing tough and let me check your side now. Was it around here?" Haruki asked casually while delicately poking the poor guitarist's side multiple times without stopping.
"Nohohohooo!! Cohohomehe ohohohon!!" Uenoyama giggled loudly, intensifying his struggle to escape the playful torment. "Oh my... I'm just poking you..." the blond said, actually surprised this time "Imagine how bad it'd be if I were to use both my hands to squeeze righr here..." He said while doing exactly that.
"GAH- Okahay Ihihi'm tihihicklihish youhuhu wihihin!! Nohohohow lehehet mehehehe gohohohoho!" the blue-haired guy squealed. "Well that was obvious by now," Akihiko told him "but now you gotta learn what happens to those who lie." He scribbled on his neck and down his spine, watching his friend wiggle around.
"WAAAAHAHAHA WHO- OHOHOH NOHOHOHOHOT YOHOU TOOHOHO" Just when Uenoyama thought things couldn't have gotten any worse, he felt another hand, one that he knew way too well, caressing his palm and scratching a bit between every finger. "Oh? So his hands are the spot? Thanks Mafuyu!" The drummer grinned as he reached up with the hand that was tickling the guitarist's back to get his hand.
After a while, Uenoyama's laughter went silent, and everyone took it as their cue to stop. The blue-haired guy stumbled towards the wall and leaned on it, letting himself slide down slowly, then he noticed someone offering him a bottle of water. He glared at his boyfriend, snatched said bottle from him, chugged it down and glared at him some more.
Noticing how late it was, the musicians decided to pack up and leave. Haruki and Akihiko went on a direction, Mafuyu and Uenoyama on the opposite one.
While they were walking, the latter made sure to scold the orange-haired boy and teach him the meaning of 'betrayal' and why it was wrong, but Mafuyu decided it was enough of that angry muttering. He reached for the taller guy's hand, squeezed it, got on the tips of his toes to place a tender kiss on his partner's nose and said "I like your laughter, it's really cute. I just wanted everyone to hear it."
That compliment and that affectionate gesture stopped Uenoyama's rambling for the whole night.
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scummy-writes · 2 years
I'm making a lot of posts today but I did want an Opinion.
There's an Isaac/Mc/Arthur fic I've been having on the backburner for a few years now. Like...Two by now, I think.
The original plan was to have this as a multichaptered fanfic that tackled a possible version of how this trio got together, like. In this fic, Arthur and Mc are already a couple, and it was going to feature in like a bunch of scenes that would show how Isaac got entangled with them.
I've posted some snippets before as previews, but in truth I am fucking awful at multichaptered fics since my anxiety will talk me out of working on them, and I'll prioritize oneshots and requests and anything else first. (Brain is evil! Who knew). If it isn't the anxiety, it's that I can't stop adding scenes or ideas for scenes and making the thing too huge with ideas to fully ever finish.
What I wanted an opinion on is that I wrote an end to this fic pretty much before anything else, and I like the end of it *a lot*. But it's been collecting dust for a couple of years now.
So for Isaac Week, I was considering posting the ending I enjoyed for one of the prompts.
Of course I would be sprucing it up a little, making a proper intro to it so you can easily know what happened before the 'ending' happens and trying to make it all flow well. But I don't know if that's something folks would be interested in, especially since it's not really going to be like. Straight up smut. It's a heavy focus on Isaac and his emotions.
If I did that, at some point once I'm done with the requests I have now and some smaller wips, I'd heavily consider just having a 'series' of drabbles/oneshots set in the same uh...au? universe? as this ending, so that way I could finally put some other scenes out from this fanfic without having to make everything flow continuously and whatnot.
Yay? Nay? Bad idea? Good idea? Please let me know if you guys would be gucci with that
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moccahobi · 2 years
Soon You'll Get Better
Summary: Something mysterious is effecting Hoseok. One terrifying night and many stressful days at doctors offices revealed a cyst that could change his life forever. Soon he'll get better. That's you both kept saying.
Pairings: Hoseok x Gn Reader
Rating: 16+
Warnings: mentions of blood, medical stuff (talk of medications, MRIs, passive doctors), crying.
Genre: angst (with a hopeful ending), hurt comfort
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: this was intended to be a drabble but here we are! This is part of @kpopwritingbingo. The prompt is Jung Hoseok and I also loosely used Soon You'll Get Better by Taylor Swift for inspiration!
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The front door closed with a loud bang. Hoseok was finally home after a long day of proctoring dances and grading his students. It was one of his least favorite parts of his work at the dance studio, but it wasn't something he could skip. You knew he'd be tired and wanting to shut down for the night. Which is why you'd set up the office space with all his favorite goodies and games. He'd get the night to himself and with little work to do all he loves.
"Y/n-ah? Where are you?" He called out, more loud clamor happening from the main space of your shared apartment.
"I'm here!" You said back with a laugh. You were so excited to pamper him tonight.
It was silent for a bit, "Where's here?"
Rolling your eyes, you said, "Guess!"
"Uh... The bedroom?"
The bedroom was on the other side of the apartment. With a sigh, you got up and went to him, "No, silly. I'm in the office. I've set it up for you to relax. Your job for tonight is just to take care of yourself."
Hoseok apologized for not finding you, his ears growing red and mouth twisted in a frown, but you just laughed it off. He was tired. It was understandable.
That night, you'd taken care of his needs and cleaned up around him when he fell asleep on the couch in the office. He needed the rest, but it seemed couches weren't good places to sleep because the next day he looked more tired and stressed.
"One more day of exams." You told him with a hug when he left.
That night, he came back late. Too late to enjoy the games and goodies you'd set up for him again, instead he washed up and went to bed. You joined him a little later, snuggling up against him for warmth as a dreamless sleep took you.
"Y/n-ah," The worry in Hoseok's voice stole you from your sleep as he gently shook you awake.
"Mmmh?" You grumbled, rubbing your face against the pillow as you tried to get your bearings.
What time was it?
"I... I don't know what's happening. I just woke up and my ear it's..." You shot up as he kept rambling, his eyes shining with unshed tears, "It hurts so much. It's probably the worst pain e-"
His voice broke off and you surged forward to hold him close, rocking him back and forth as he cried in your arms. His body shook against yours, begging you to keep steady until he could be steady.
What could you do?
He needed you here with him but he also needed to go to the hospital. He needed help you had no idea how to give.
You whispered sweet nothings in his ear until he stopped crying and pulled back to look at you. Heartbreak shown in his eyes and in that moment you wanted to do anything to take the pain away from him.
"Hobi-ya, do you think you will manage a drive to the hospital? I'll be as fast as possible."
He sighed and nodded, looking up at the door. He was shaking the entire walk to the car, your heart breaking as he tried to hold back tears in the drive.
What was wrong?
What was causing this pain?
"Y-Y-Y/n-ah," He started when you finally parked at the hospital, "I-I'm... Blood."
You whipped over to look at him, blood on his hands, on his clothes, drip drip dripping from his ear. It glistened in the dark and your heart sank.
Something was wrong. Something was up.
"Come on. We're at the hospital now."
Hoseok looked like was was about to faint as he got out and you quickly went around the car to support him as the two of you entered the hospital.
"It looks like your ear drum burst, Hoseok-ssi." The doctor said after looking in Hoseok's ears.
"Huh? Why?" Hoseok asked, squeezing your hand as he looked up at the doctor.
The doctor shrugged, "Ear drums burst when there is an uneven amount of pressure behind and infront of the ear drum. That'll be why the pain stopped when you started bleeding. As for why the pressure was uneven, I don't know. I will refer you to an ENT, they will know. For now, use the ear drops I prescribed."
With that the doctor left, his words hanging around the small space heavily. You wanted to cry but one look at Hoseok and you knew you had to stay strong. He was crying, his lip quivering as he tried to keep silent. Pulling him into a hug, you tried to comfort him. But what kind of comfort could you give him?
He took the next few days off before the ENT appointment, laying in bed and staring at his phone all day. Your heart ached as you left for work but you didn't have enough days to take off and Hoseok said he'd be ok. After work, you tried to get Hoseok to do stuff with you but the normally bubbly man was void of all energy.
By the time the appointment came, the two of you sat in the office waiting room nervously together. Your pulse was screaming in your ears and you wanted to cry but you didn't. You couldn't.
Hoseok needed you. He was leaning against you, eyes closed as he tried to stay calm.
After a painfully long wait, the two of you were guided back to a private room... Where you waited some more.
Finally someone came, the two of you perking up expectantly.
A nurse.
He asked Hoseok the basic questions. Medications. Height. Weight. Past medical history.
Then he left and the two of you were alone once again.
Another knock after even longer came.
Finally the doctor came... And immediately walked you all to a new room, his assistant following behind closely.
Hoseok laid down on a table, a large magnifying glass zeroing in on his ear. You got close to Hoseok, holding his hand for support as the doctor started poking around in his ear. With each new poke, Hoseok's face screwed up in even more pain.
There was a TV behind Hoseok that you could look at, Hoseok deprived of that right. You could see and had to hold back winces and gasps. There was a big hole in his ear and behind it, a pearly white ghost waving at you. More tears welled up in you eyes and one look at Hoseok reminded you why you were here.
He was silent on the drive back. The doctor wanted an MRI scan but he was fairly positive of what had caused the issue. A cyst.
You gave Hoseok space to be in the bedroom, getting him games and goodies to take his mind off of the situation.
The hole would heal but the cyst would need surgery... And for the cyst to have caused a rupture, the surgery would be major and the lasting effects might be as well. In the shelter of the office, you broke down for the first time, hot tears hugging your face.
The door cracked open, Hoseok shuffled in and wrapped you in a big, crushing hug.
"Don't cry, Y/n-ah. It'll be ok."
"I should be telling you that." You said with a bitter laugh, returning his tight hug.
The two of you stayed close together the whole night. Getting into bed was hard but being wrapped up in Hoseok's embrace made it all better.
Even if he refused to sleep on his left side. Apparently it was less painful to sleep on his right, his hurt ear pressed tight against the pillow as if to protect it from any more damage.
One MRI and another ENT appointment and the two of you were once again snuggled together for support.
His surgery was scheduled a month from now.
The cyst and his body had been eroding away at his conductive hearing bones and there was worry about the ear canal walls. Together, your hearts ached and tears mingled together. Something was playing in the background, tea long forgotten as you tried to make sense of all that was happening.
When the tears finally subsided and your lungs ached less, you whispered more sweet nothings, more empty promises, and more salves of comfort.
It would be ok.
Before the surgery, Hoseok started therapy. He'd been contemplating it for a while but with the nearing operation, he needed it more than ever. He also got a prescription to help with his nerves on the day of the operation and each night you found yourself hoping that the medicine would take away his anxiety.
Soon he'll get better.
That's what you told yourself each time you drove him to therapy. Each night when he refused to sleep on his left side despite the clear discomfort he was in. The morning of the operation as he nervously fiddled with your hand.
Soon he'll get better.
That's what you told him as he relearned balance and spacing. That's what you told him as he got the packaging removed from his ear. That's what you told him as you held him at night as he cried.
It's been a month since the surgery and though he is still recovering and not allowed to dance, he's gotten back to work. The children needed him Hoseok said but you knew that in reality, he needed the children.
As expected, he worked late and you had time to get some small things for him. Goodies and games mostly to help him recover after a long day... Or well long two months. Set it all up in the bedroom, knowing that once Hoseok showed, he wouldn't want to move for the whole night.
The front door closed with a loud bang when he finally came home and a bitter smile bloomed on your face.
"Y/n-ah? Where are you?" He shouted as he slowly set his stuff down and entered the apartment.
"I'm here!" You said out of habit and winced immediately. He couldn't place where sounds were coming from.
It was silent for a bit, "Where's here?"
"Sorry. The bedroom."
He laughed and rushed in, wrapping you in a big hug, "Thank you."
Gently kissing your head, he left to wash up, before joining you once again for the night.
He was recovering. He was getting better. He was adapting.
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