#ty again!! <3
How about Terumob with an overjoyed hug?
(thank you for the prompt!! <3 I went with an airport reunion because Feelings <3) - terumob airport reunion, fluff, future fic (think like 6-7 years post canon, no spoilers)
Teruki's feet hurt from pacing. He must've walked the whole airport at least twice--grabbed a coffee from one shop, canned melon juice from another, a handful of snacks he thought Shigeo would enjoy, another coffee... reasonably he could be doing something more productive with his time, but he's not been known for rationality when it comes to Shigeo.
Shigeo profusely encouraged Teruki to go home when he realized his flight had been delayed, but Teruki's having none of that. It's only been a week but he's missed Shigeo, and he'd rather pace the airport for five extra hours than be five minutes late whenever his plane finally lands.
As far as he's concerned, it's not that unreasonable.
He stops by a vending machine near baggage claim to check his phone. 11:37pm. Either Shigeo's fallen asleep on the plane or he forgot that Teruki paid for him to have in-air service, because Teruki hasn't heard from him since he boarded. He checks Shigeo's plane on his flight tracking app. He's supposed to be landing in ten minutes. He buys Shigeo a coffee and goes back to waiting.
Seven minutes later:
[Shige <3] we just landed! are you still waiting? I hope you went home :( I'm sorry it took so long
[Teru <3] welcome home!! <3 I'm at baggage claim, I'll keep an eye out for you. I got you coffee :D
[Shige <3] :( you didn't go home
[Teru <3] your coffee's getting cold love seriously I wouldn't have done anything productive at home. I brought my ipad and graded a couple papers while I've been waiting
[Shige <3] :( I guess that's not so bad the row ahead of me just stood up. i'll see you in a few minutes! <3
[Teru <3] !!! <3
Teruki shoves his phone in his pocket and takes another lap around the baggage claim. The airport is startlingly busy this time of night, but that makes sense. A lot of flights were delayed at the same time as Shigeo's, and the godawful storm that's been rocking Seasoning City earlier today. Every time a group of people exits the hall Teruki's on them at once, combing through them for any sight of his husband. He isn't the only person waiting, either: he watches several people get their reunions, families and couples and friends. He's let down each time it isn't Shigeo.
Teruki snaps around. Shigeo waves at him from the other side of the airport, beaming. He looks exhausted and he's standing a little lopsidedly, but it's absolutely Shigeo, wearing a scarf over one of Teruki's tye-dyed hoodies and washed denim jeans.
Teruki kind of forgets about not sloshing the coffee around. He guns it, heels slamming, and Shigeo half-runs, half-jogs to meet him there.
Teruki captures him in a hug so fierce his heart nearly flies out of his chest. He lets his aura take care of the coffee and squeezes Shigeo for all he's worth, and doesn't realize he's picked Shigeo's feet off the ground until Shigeo's laughter fills his senses and Shigeo's arms wrap around his head.
Shigeo's always swept him off his feet, and it's so gratifying to be able to do the same. Even if Shigeo is heavy and deadweight from exhaustion over a day of stressful travel. Shigeo's fingers curl into his hair and his forehead bonks the crown of Teruki's head. He smells like burnt plastic and he is so, so warm.
"I missed you," Teruki stresses. "I missed you, I missed you, I missed you--"
They probably look ridiculous, Shigeo wrapped around his head laughing while Teruki's knees tremble under the weight and a paper cup of coffee hovers on its own beside them. And yeah, Teruki's still got his vain streak about him--along with the rest of his reservations. God, he’s smitten.
Shigeo squirms and Teruki doesn’t want to set him down, but he can’t see Shigeo like this, either, so he obliges. Shigeo’s smile eradicates any clinging trace of anxious energy in the back of Teruki’s mind.
“I was only gone for a week,” Shigeo says, out of breath. He grabs his coffee out of the air and Teruki loosens his aura from around it. “Thank you for picking me up.”
“Of course!” Teruki squeezes his hand. “Come on, let’s grab your suitcase and get out of here before the storm kicks up again.” 
Shigeo lets Teruki lead him forward, familiar hand in familiar hand.
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🔪🌈🪨 for your wardens!!!
[ask game]
Hiya, thank you for the ask!! :]
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
Well, tbh p much all of them expect to die in battle and/or from the taint post-joining lol Kala specifically wants to make sure she makes it to her calling, or Alistair's calling. In both cases they will go to the Deep Roads together and make sure to make a proper last stand together.
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
Neira: Nor really </3 She picks up some words and phrases in Antivan from Zev, she knows bits of old Tevene through spells, but that's about it.
Kala: Common and.. Orzammarian i think it's called? And whatever the Carta version of thieves' cant is. Her Common is kinda broken though before coming to the surface and learning it properly.
Noya: Common but with a heavy Denerim dialect, and the Dialect that's specific to the Alienage. Learns some bits of Qunlat from Sten
Var'Renan: Common, and their clan's/region's dialect of modern Elvish
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Neira: Keep it and put it somehwere safe but will probably forget about it
Kala: Admire it and add it to her collection :]
Noya: Keep it for a bit but probably forget about it and/or flick it into a body of water at some point. Kinda depends on who gifted it though
Renan: Keep it, with the intention of using it to decorate something. Weave it into jewellery, maybe.
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florbelles · 1 year
if you're still accepting these, maybe gen 8 & 10, and romance 2 & 11 for sile? <33
tysm nico!! i am always accepting and am very happy to receive them i simply have the worst turnaround time known to man :'') <3
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gen viii. do they have comments on who the player character chooses to spend the night with?
she is a dirty dirty gossip above all else and always has been—sure, it's an excellent way to gather intel on your political allies and rivals, but it's also good fun—so yes. yes she does. not necessarily overly tailored to the specific companion upfront, but she will make a few coy allusions to it and then demand the player promise to tell her everything later. "tell me how that goes," etc. (sober she will not hold them to this, but she will follow up.)
gen x. how do they react if the pc licks the dead spider in the gauntlet of shar?
"we all have our vices, i suppose. some more than others."
romance ii. does your tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the pc themselves if approval is high enough?
she'll flirt with everyone as good-natured ribbing, so she will flirt with the player character, but she will never initiate the romance. it's not that she's not interested, it's simply that she has never had to initiate a relationship in her life and it would not occur to her to do so.
romance xi. what are tav’s plans for the future? do they propose to the pc, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
well! this is technically the first time in ten years she's had an open-ended future with her name and status restored. it takes very very little to persuade her to run off adventuring instead of playing politics. would like to bring the player back to her home—her real home, her family seat down the coast way—to see it for the first time since the massacre, though she's unsure if she could ever live there again (something something "i believe i could live anywhere with you"). she will not propose marriage, as if she's committed to the player she's already accepted them as her life partner, but it's not something she's opposed to (she was, once, vehemently, when it could have left her a pawn in political machinations she wished to control, not be controlled by; that's no longer a concern. she is the last of her kind. that means whatever the fuck she wants it to mean, now, and she could be easily swayed to be the marrying sort, if her partner wished, though she won't be the one to bring it up in the post-battle chat).
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bobmckenzie · 11 months
🫶 + ❤️‍🔥 for bob? :D
AHHH tysm for the ask!! :'D
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
i'm gonna be self indulgent here and say BOB for both of these lol!! It's canon that he falls for people REALLY fast, so I think it's fair to say 🤭
❤️‍🔥: Who tends to take the lead with showing affection?
BOB especially when it comes to physical affection!! He's a very touchy guy and that's for sure his #1 love language. He's always reaching for my hand to hold, cuddling up next to me on the couch, slinking an arm around my waist, etc. I'm much shyer than he is and I'm not the best at expressing myself or how I feel; sometimes I psych myself out of saying/doing things. I don't think Bob really has that type of thought process--even if he's nervous to do something, he's usually already started doing it by the time he's processed the initial thought lol 😆 I do think as I get more and more accustomed to the idea of my feelings being reciprocated, this starts to become more equal and I get a lot more comfortable with showing affection, especially once I see how much he enjoys it! :')
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glowingplant · 1 year
music game!
tysm to @gift-of-astralaria for tagging me for the music post!! I'm generally active in bursts rather than consistently, so I'm glad someone still tagged me ;o; <3
RULES: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
I have a lot of playlists, so I went for my big 'every track I've ever liked' style playlist! (but I have monthly faves and stuff as well)
I’m Like a Lawyer with the Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off by Fall Out Boy
In the Androgynous Dark by Brambles (instrumental)
Obsessed with you by The Orion Experience
Last Words of a Shooting Star by Mitski
Angelfire by Lemon Demon (instrumental)
Worlds End Dancehall by Wowaka (+ vocaloids Miku and Luka!)
Oleander by Mother Mother
My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon (Acoustic) by Fall Out Boy
Reptile by Citizens
Come into the Water by Mitski
I think everyone has done this at this point? I feel? I don't want to bother anyone with a doubletag! Other than my lovely bf @tyrianrambling >:3
I also want to say if you WANT to do it again, you can use this as an excuse, to do round 2! Also, feel free anyone, to tag me for round 2, I'll use my monthly playlist instead!
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quaxorascal · 2 years
1, 15, 25 , 27!
Ty Dagger!! // Send me a number between 1-100 and I’ll give you my favorite lyric from that song on my wrapped
1 is "Everything Moves" by Bronze Radio Return! This one is a Kole song and it always makes me think of Kole training in the art of Monk Shit with their mentor
So lately I Wonder why We rely On the sure thing, it's too damn comforting Stay alive Overdrive 'Til we find Something new to keep the pulse alive in you
15 is "Real Good Feeling" by Oh The Larceny. This one is Also a Kole song and fun fact: I found it on one of those YouTube videos that presents a themed playlist. I think this one was from an antihero playlist?
I got a real good feeling, got a real good feeling Like there is lightning deep in my bones
25 is "Dust Bowl Dance" by Mumford and Sons. It was a contender on the Kole playlist but I did eventually cut it lmao. The thing is the song is still really good and I Love the vibes
I've been kicked off my land at the age of sixteen And I have no idea where else my heart could have been I placed all my trust at the foot of this hill And now I am sure my heart could never be still
27 is "Run Boy Run" by Woodkid. You will never fucking guess whose playlist this one is on!!! It's also a Capella song though, specifically of them as a hunter who isn't accepted in polite society as a result
Tomorrow is another day And when the night fades away You'll be a man, boy But for now it's time to run, it's time to run
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strayklds · 2 months
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240712 / cr. @huiracha
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caemidraws · 10 months
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Ombria for @serranodebergerac .。.:*☆
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essential rosquez quotes from @moonshynecybin's post here (ty!!)
the "accidental contact" can be found here, please tell me ur opinion!
@pgaslys makes an endless list of motogp things found here (its great)
other motogp primers found here, here, and here (kind of). they rly helped when i was getting into motogp so ty sm to their creators.
and in general to anyone trying to get into motogp- everyone on motogpblr is super nice and helpful! i've sent so many anons and i've always gotten lovely answers!
im always happy to chat so feel free to shoot me an ask w any q's or corrections x
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hinamie · 3 months
hhmmmmm uh im dusting the cobwebs off my brain trying 2 come up w something interestinf uhh.......anything non spoiler-y you can discuss w regards to geto in the atla au perchance?
hi rin !!!!! tysm fr sending i hope u r doing well <3
atla geto lore fr u courtesy of sam:
he's a waterbender from the northern water tribe. he can bloodbend but finds it distasteful
he gave gojo the betrothal necklace/proposed to him when they were 20 (all of the adult characters are aged up in the fic vs jjk canon ages)
all of his decisions are driven by a desire to lighten the burden placed on gojo's shoulders
aaaaand atla geto draws fr u courtesy of Me :3
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jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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silkythewriter · 4 months
Hello! Can I request alastor x reader where the two were married while they were alive, but reader died via illness or something and went to hell (though they never partaked in the cannibalism) and the reunite in hell?
“I'll love you 'til I'm dead”
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Warning!: Angst, but eventually fluff! A bit of OOC since I haven’t written in awhile.. (.,.)💧
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Author note: LONGGGGG TIME NO SEE, HIYA! IM SO SORRY FOR MY HIATUS OF SORTS BUT I FELT LIKE WRITING SUM SMALL ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ I apologize!, I hope you guys enjoy and I’m so sorry for disagreeing yet again!.
Summary!: Spouse! Reader dying via sickness, but reuniting with alastor in hell.
Louise (Louise)
I'll love you 'til I'm dead
Louise (Louise)
Not even if she likes the way you dance
First of all, he cherished you to the fullest content. As stuck up as he seems to be smile and all, he was in desperate need of support and attention. And you supplying both of those was all he needed even if he didn’t say out loud the tender touches and moments you both shared alone was enough to tell you everything.
Your relationship was nothing less then sweet and tender, and depending if you knew of his..ahem..little side hobby, it was innocent as well!
He cared for you so deeply, so desperately, to the point where you became his tie to humanity. Of course he knew how to play a role of a sane man, but even then he needed you to tie him to the small humanity and sanity he had.
Although not a big fan of physical affection himself he would in private of course, indulge in your soft touches, and hold. He and there he may quietly slip next to you just so you could softly run you fingers across his skin.
But of course the unviable happen, as the world ripped him of what he held so dear. Maybe as a punishment for his sins and misdeeds, or simply because it could.
Of course in the 30’s medicine was far from advanced, not only that but expensive. So when the news arrived of your newly found sickness all he could do was smile and nod at the doctor as if he wasn’t receiving the most dreadful news.
At first, he genuinely did hope for a recovery, he believed you would get better. Sure a tiny voice in his head was feeding him scary thoughts, and his gut twisted and turned. He felt something was off but surely it was nothing!, right?.
But as your health deteriorated so did his mental state and sanity, even worse then it once was. He put up a front though, for your sake and his, comforting you and saying how you’ll be fine soon, and recover then both of you could go off and do something you always wanted to do.
At some points of repeating this it really turned into him assuring himself. That your not leaving him, no, not anytime soon.
The more you fell ill the more you watched him spiral infront of you. And all you really could do was stare at him with sadden eyes as you gave comforting touches against his cheek or holding him close, even if you could barely pull yourself up from the bed you laid.
You felt your time coming close to ending, and somehow so did he. But unlike you he denied it to the fullest extent.
“Please dear don’t speak of such things, don’t worry yourself. You’ll be fine you’ll see!, now just rest my dear”
He wanted to believe it’ll pass over anytime now, ignoring the doctors he spent fortunes on. And sometimes he does blame them even if they just told the truth. He hated how they couldn’t help you, how he couldn’t help you.
So the day of you passing was the day he lost his final tie to humanity. If not for you, why give such a nasty world mercy?.
The minute they lowered your casket and buried you with the dirt is also the day he decided to amp up his murders.
He’s not sloppy with his murders their always calculated and tidy but grossem. Even with this, losing you he couldn’t concentrate which didn’t help his case as his blood lust grew and grew.
Each and every murder his mind went blank, thoughts of you kept flooding in that he desperately wanted to rip from his mind.
If a woman that wore you same fragrant passed him. She would be gone in a matter of days.
Nights were colder, harsher, he always assumed karma would catch up to him, but to him not you.
He often questioned what happened how did it happen. How did you even get such a illness?, and why did it have to be you?. We’re you in heaven watching him in his pitiful state? Was there even such a thing?. If there was…he surely wasn’t going to see you he knew where he was damned to go, but you?, he was sure you deserved the Pearl-ist set of wings.
Depending on the days, months or years following your death, he’s like a ticking time bomb.
He yearns for you in such a way he’s humiliated at it in a way. He misses you desperately, widowed too soon, he always assumed it would be you to be in this position, but he assumed wrong.
Even then he couldn’t tell if he could subject you to the twist of his heart and guts. He would beg to die before you, but the pain he feels now is something he would never want you to feel.
Following thoughts of your death was also his. Would he get to see you soon?, one last glance before being damned?.
He never truly moved on, cause you were his only love. Loving someone for him atleast, was rare in a romantic sense.
At some point he genuinely does just continue his murders till his death, maybe it was your passing that truly killed him. After your passing he was a bit hasty, maybe that’s what lead him to be shot in the woods. But who truly knows?
Now, after his death is where everything truly came together.
His rise to power was fairly quick killing overloads one by one gaining more voices on his radio.
But the lingering feeling of hope stayed in him…maybe you were here? Waiting for him?, But at the same time he hated this life for you, in such a miserable and disgusting yet admittedly amusing place(at least to him)
Now depending on how you found him maybe the minute his radio debuted. Or maybe by a game of telephone by the residents in hell whispering rumors and describing someone all to familiar to you.
Either way! You guys do eventually find each other. By chance or destiny is up to you
The minute he spots you, hears you, even senses you, he freezes. His smile never flattering but static surrounding the area as he processes what’s happening. Is this some sort of trick?, how..how did you end up here?
In a matter a seconds though he’s in front of you, looming as his shadow grows in suspense.
He holds his appearance and self image very important but in this tiny moment of silence. He lets it slip even if just a bit, smile never faltering but I’m his eyes a glimpse of renewed joy. Genuine joy, not form the harms of others but from something warm…something bitter sweet.
Maybe it’s you who pipes up snapping him from observing you like a painting in a museum.
“See?” You said softly grabbing his hand gently like you used to do, as you softly brought it to your face and softly planted it on your cheek. “I’m real” you said with a soft smile (SILENT HILL REFERENCE!!¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Depending on where you are he’s quick to whisk you away to somewhere secluded.
Despite the questions on his mind all he can do is silently stare at you taking in ever detail, even if some changes here and there, you were still you. The you that he missed so desperately for all too long.
Even if not one for physical affection he’s quick with holding you, scared of you being taken from him again, taking in all he can.
Your so much more precious then he leads on, and he’ll be damned to second hell if he loses you again.
In the period of first meeting you again he is keen on keeping an eye one you 24/7, doesn’t matter what powers or how long you survived without him in hell. He can’t risk it, especially not now as he started accumulating enemies so quickly.
He’ll treat you like it’s your first time dating, of course in his old time-y way, but either surprising you with flowers at random times of the day, or watching you get giddy when he kisses the crown of your head.
Now that he knows, and felt the pain of losing you, every moment you have together form than on is cherished more than before. He remembers every day with you like the back of his hand, what you ate, what you said, what you wore, and more!
He know’s…he knows he’s a messed up, and vail man. He understands the gruesome things he’s done with little to no regret. But if he did in somehow and some way do good, something good to earn you back in his afterlife man is he greatful for it.
Some nights he does just stare at you. He’s scared, he will never show it but he is. If he loses you again, for eternity, he’s not sure what’d he do with himself. And that, the fact you weight so heavily on him is the second scariest thing, first being losing you.
Over all, he’s taken aback having you back, but he gets use to it very quickly, your soft comforting touches and your voice that brings back a flood of memories is something he will never forget nor let ago, he isn’t losing you this time, and he’ll do anything to make sure of that.
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deoidesign · 9 days
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Thinking about vampires, death, life, and the space they occupy in between
#to be or not to be. that is the question#ty adam for being my model for dramatic vampire moment#musings on the thinkings about:#when to live you are required to hurt others. you must repeatedly ask yourself what the value of your life is#To sleep... perchance to dream...#ah. THERES THE RUB.#ok I actually couldnt come up with too many thoughts. I had a lot more while I was drawing this but I guess I put them in the painting LOL#reading that soliloquy and being like damn this is just like vampires#the reality of course is that the soliloquy is a debate over suicide and ultimately making the choice to live#even if just out of fear of the unknown#and vampires are about dying and then in undeath choosing to continue to live#despite the fear of eternity and loneliness and hurting others#theyre not the same. but like let me thiiink come onnnn I'm allowed to thiiink and have incomplete thoughts#I would have to write like a proper essay about this to organize my thoughts. this is the tags on a tumblr post.#anyways finished episode 79#working on patreon stickers for this month (and next month soon)#and working on book 4. taking a pause from episodes cause I've got 3 weeks of buffer now... UGH#I'm so mad that they changed it. it would have been 5 weeks before but it's fine it's whatever#anyways yeah taking a break from episodes to make my book now!#its good stuff.#and this painting is good stuff#banger after banger from me tbh#this was a little relaxing giving myself a couple hours to muse#it's necessary for my health and I always forget that til I do a painting...#I loved doing the little landscape in the background too I should do that more! I love how plants are just like whatever shape you want#like you can make up any plant you want and not only does that plant PROBABLY exist somewhere#a weirder plant exists somewhere too. so. literally whatever you want#ok bye again for a few days while I get back to work
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deerspherestudios · 6 months
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Cheea☺️☺️ I apologize for the interruption, but I saw in your recent posts that you’ll be graduating soon. I wanted to congratulate you, so I drew this picture. I hope it’s not too late to send this to you and that it doesn’t trouble you. Additionally, I wasn’t sure about your major, so I used just the white gown for the bachelor’s attire (I hope this doesn’t offend you). 🙇🙇🙇Anyway, I’m glad to have met you and experienced the games you’ve created. 🥰🥰Congratulations on your graduation, and I wish you all the best!💗💗💗
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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And there we go, first companion quest we officially finished! Neil's performance was just as good as everyone said it was.
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kyoshi-lesbians · 8 months
Ty Lee | all-american bitch
I know my place and this is it
[video description: an amv centered on Ty Lee set to “all-american bitch” by Olivia Rodrigo. The video focuses on Ty Lee's dynamic with Azula throughout the years, and juxtaposes Ty Lee's bubbly flirty persona with her extremely efficient chi-blocking fighting style and shrewd observations. end description.]
cw for flashing. extended video description under the cut
First verse contrasts scenes of Ty Lee, Azula, and Mai as children with scenes of Azula threatening Ty Lee in Return to Omashu, and from then on being a weapon for Azula in her mission. Scenes mainly pull from the trio’s early book 2 action as they chase Aang. 
First chorus: on “Forgive and I forget”: Ty Lee mid-air doing a flip cuts to young Ty Lee landing a flip. young Azula pushes young Ty Lee to the ground and laughs. Ty Lee chi-blocks a kyoshi warrior on "And I act like it. She flirts with Sokka on “Got what you can’t resist” and chi-blocks Katara on “perfect all-american”
Second verse features mainly scenes from the end of book 2 when Ty Lee, Azula, and Mai are in Ba Sing Se disguised as Kyoshi warriors. Many of the scenes show Ty Lee being undignified, contrasting with the lyrics (but fitting the ironic tone of the song). These scenes include Ty Lee jumping into the sludge during The Drill, her covered in mud, and flying through the air with Mai after Appa flaps his tail at them. 
Second chorus: “Forgive and forget”: Ty Lee after her circus performance agreeing to join Azula. Other clips juxtapose Ty Lee during The Beach with Ty Lee fighting during The Boiling Rock. 
“I know my place”: Rapid cuts of Ty Lee and Mai beside Azula, cut to Ty Lee anxiously looking side to side during The Boiling Rock confrontation. On the second “I know my place”: Rapid cuts of Ty Lee hugging Mai, and Mai and Azula preparing to fight. 
“And this is it”: Ty Lee chi-blocks Azula. 
Bridge: Scenes from the fallout of Ty Lee betraying Azula - Mai and Ty Lee being arrested −  cut together with Ty Lee’s emotional outburst during The Beach campfire scenes. During the screaming and fast-paced music, there are rapid cuts of Ty Lee fighting and moments beside Azula, in between cuts shots of Ty Lee crying. 
Outro: Ty Lee bowing to Azula during Return to Omashu. Then Ty Lee crying during The Beach party, and Azula apologizing to her. 
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ineed-to-sleep · 3 months
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Commission for @cozykacey of her Oathbreaker Paladin !💕✌🏻
✨️ Commission info | Art tag ✨️
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