#I've been called a femboy by The Enby before.
beebisbeeble 7 months
all of my (irl) friends are women, nonbianary, transmasc, or get called a twink by the enbys. how does this happen.
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aego-weaver 3 months
AAAAAA - An Identity Update
So, there's over 50 of you people following me now. I'm sure at least one of you will care about this.
It feels like I've been running this blog forever now... it's been 4 months. In those 4 months, I've learned a few things about myself, just hanging out in the community here.
When I made this blog, I called myself an aroace, aegosexual, cassgender guy. All of that is still true, but with some expanding in order. So, this is an identity update post.
Some of these have been mentioned in posts on this blog before while others are brand new things I've finally admitted to myself.
When I made this blog, I'd never heard the term aplatonic before. Once I did, it stuck to me hard and fast. Honestly, this label and the community around it helped me understand myself a lot.
Agender... ish
As I said in my essay about it, my experience with gender is very loose and defined by a lot of apathy. The more I think about it, the less it's there. I'm not fully agender, but I'm on that spectrum somewhere, specifically libramasculine.
Oriented AroAce
While I'm aroace, I do still experience some forms of tertiary attraction, mainly aesthetic attraction. In that regard, I'm attracted to anything feminine enough. That can be girls, some enbys, and even the occasional femboy or the like. Don't ask me to define that more precisely, cuz it's a mess.
Autistic + ADHD
So, this isn't so much discovered as rediscovered. I was formally diagnosed roughly 20 years ago and mostly forgot about both until I started researching the conditions for my writing. That sparked some memories that a conversation with my sibling proved weren't made up, so I'm actually adopting the labels now.
In summary, when I started this blog, I was a AA battery. Now, I have attained true power: AAAAAA!
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steamworkscogstone 3 months
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HEART THIS BEFORE YOU FOLLOW ME, PLEASE! It helps me to know who has and has not read this so I may direct their attention to it.
DNI: 18+ ONLY BLOG, No terfs and swerfs, no transmed truscum, no ageless blogs, Nothing Illegal, NO MINORS, Nobody who openly and actively hates, especially on the transgender community (which includes my non-binary siblings) DO NOT SELL ME SHIT, AND DO NOT SEND ME STUFF TO SIGNAL BOOST! I CANNOT HANDLE THAT STUFF MENTALLY, ANYMORE..
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Ayyo, check these links before following and interacting, too!!:
So first up, I've put my goofy ass on the hellsite, and did a fun little selfie dump! (Maybe some tummy Tuesdays in the near future?)
Secound is an important thread of consciousness, please read with discretion and understand that I do not tag triggers (because I struggle with tagging as is. Anyway, so this is the bit ya wanna read before interacting with me)
Alright, so I have yet another link that is dealing with an answer to an anon, but it is extremely important as it gives better context to the post/s linked above: more Steamworks lore, yay..
(I apologize about the long winded text, but that's just how I do things. I'm a writer, at least in a texting format. 馃槄)
Warnings: I am a pro-shipper and anti-censorship, I love using the word queer and I identify as such, while also enjoying identifying the people I text with as such. I enjoy what I enjoy and I have heavy kinks. If any of these warnings are in your DNI or makes you uncomfortable, then please block me and do not report me.
I AM A HARRY POTTER MOVIE ENJOYER! I UNDERSTAND JK ROWLING IS A DEVILOUS PIECE OF SHIT AND EVEN THAT IS TOO KIND OF AN INSULT FOR HER! I WATCH THE MOVIES THRU 3RD PARTY MEANS, AND I REFUSE TO PAY FOR ANYTHING HARRY POTTER THAT IS NEW WHILE SHE IS ALIVE, AND WILL FIND ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO PLAY THE NEW GAMES BECAUSE THEY GENUINELY LOOK FUN. Please, please ask yourself why you decide to attack those, ESPECIALLY IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY, over something they grew up with and actively love as an adult? We are all just trying to get through this life, and all have our own things that help us escape; we are already so divided and splintered, and so you actively hating your trans brothers and sisters, and nonbinary siblings (who barely make up 1 million on the United States' population already) is simply hurting too many people.
Peace, love, acceptance, and alternative means of coming to a peaceful resolution is what I desire in this world. A world that is already so painfully divided, whether that be by a screen or you actively choosing to hate, is just such a burden on those who will be trying so hard to make a name for themselves. Yes, I just pulled a "think of the children" because, seriously stating that seems so obvious and yet, too many people are dismissive of it when they are literally the future.
Do NOT come after me for my existence, and if you see I am following you and decide against the things I enjoy and my personal beliefs and message, then just block me. PLEASE DON'T REPORT ME.. 馃槚
Okay, so this is going to be my pinned post, and it's going to be a heavy work in Progress. I've gotten some feedback from a couple people, and well I don't like how stiff and forced my first pin seems to people. Especially when it's obvious and I'm hiding more of myself than I would like to be. I know I can write something better and can
Name: prefer Lace online, please. Elven is a title, and I will not respond if you use that to address me.
Age: Currently 23 at the time of this edit. (2024)
Gender: Femboy/Tomgirl transfem mess of an existing baby enby. I have also physically transitioned with whoremones and, I've been on a bumpy journey with them since 2018. I do lean more to feminine than masculine, and only really enjoy being called a boy and even then it's only really in a sexual way (not a detrans fetish. PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME THAT) I have been on my gender journey since 2016 when I started socially transitioning at 15, and even to today I am still heavily exploring it.
I do have limits to my kinks and fetishes, but I will list those another time.
Tags will also be added later.
Yeah, more to add later.
(List of things to add: Mutuals list, Kink limits list, tags, stuff)
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fangirlingoverrwby 3 years
maybe I should properly reintroduce myself. or maybe not, i'm doing it either way tho
hi, my name is fangirlingoverrwby, but that name is too big of a bite, so please call me faenn, or anything else tbh it's not a name I have much attachment to, at least any more, it's been a long time
i've been on this site for many years, but kinda, faded away from it a few years ago. no reason in particular, I only joined here at first to be closer to the RWBY community as this was where it all was way back when. i'm not so sure where it even is any more, the glory days of the FNDM, after the ship wars were over and before the purge
anyway, me. i'm faenn as I said, but I will go by anything that sticks, so call me whatever. i've updated my bio, i'm consider my gender identity to be femboy, i fall somewhere within the enby community, i'm poly and bi, in a relationship with the two most wonderful people ever. i don't deserve them, but i guess in life we get much that we don't deserve, but they make me so happy and i couldn't bare to be without them
i go by any (non-neo) pronouns, so he/she/they, but i have a slight preference for he/him if it's in a fem way, if that makes any sense. probably not
i'm a young adult, going (hopefully) into uni soon, i'm a small streamer on twitch, adore plants and love dressing fem.
my mental health is about as functional as my country's government and i'm very very tired
i guess i'm back for the time being, see you around
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