#I've been going through it ever since I got to the battle of the eagle and lion in VW
mcmissileproof · 10 months
I'm still planning on playing through every throuses route but I'm going to have to go back and replay blions when I'm done. I can't take this shit otherwise man :'/
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megaphonegirlk · 6 months
give me rheagard (001) for the ask game!
when I started shipping it if I did: It's a little complicated! Probably...oh geeze. 2020? I kind of always did like it, in it's way, since the game came out...but personal exotrauma reasons kept me from admitting it out loud until we came to terms with it >_> my thoughts: They are...PERFECT, your honor! They have so much in common , but are each convinced the other's the representation of everything they hate despite them being in the exact same boat. They've got the torrid enemies to lovers angle going...two women who waged world-shattering war against one another out of a presumed hate finding out that they're far more similar than either would have ever admitted. The Flame Emperor and the War Saint Seiros clashing together, and falling in love...not to mention, the synchronicity with Edelgard's ancestor, implied to have been Seiros' lover. What makes me happy about them: They can find what they thought forever lost in one another **SOBS** , they're such perfect mirrors, and when they finally open up they're so cute together!!!. Those moments before Rhea knows Edelgard's the Flame Emperor, too...the attempts to be gentle and almost motherly, they're fantastic. What makes me sad about them: They've each lost so many people, and are only going to lose more as long as the war rages. They both fight desperately so it'll never happen again, while not understanding that it will as long as they remain locked in combat. things done in fanfic that annoys me: When they demonize Hubert or members of the holy family just to get a convenient enemy for the fic, honestly. things I look for in fanfic: Pining from opposite sides of the war, finally having to fucking talk, swordfights/battle, and i am attached to the 'dragon/Nabatean Edelgard' idea i've seen a few times. I think it'd be cute Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Edelgard: Byleth, Hubert, Jeritza, Any of the Black Eagles, Claude Rhea: Byleth, Manuela...a few other smaller ships. My happily ever after for them: The war is resolved, be it through Byleth's use of time loops or simply intervention at the right moment. The two women finally have to look one another in the eyes and see beyond the masks they'd put up. After years of reform and work fixing Fodlan's many problems, the two retire to the woods together to a cottage known to all their friends and loved ones, where they spend their days together. Rhea teaches Edelgard to properly handle the mutagenic power of the blood in her veins, and perhaps even helps her to fly. who is the big spoon/little spoon: Rhea is the big spoon on account of how tall she is, but Edelgard keeps trying to reassert herself as Big Spoon because she may love her but hell if she's going to _Yield_ what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Growing their own tea, and gossiping over teatime, I'd say!. Or... flying together
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pathetic-gamer · 3 years
I FINALLY BEAT SILVER SNOW ON MADDENING MODE I don't wanna talk about how long it took lol (the final battle took 38 turns and an embarrassing amount of time)
recap below:
Okay, it's been a WHILE since I actually finished the run - I'm updating it now (1/2023), but originally posted it in 10/2021. This is normal behavior.
so, the original post:
Ingrid best girl w her almost 800 battles lmao
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And of COURSE I used the wayseer to lock down the pair I would die for
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the update:
I decided to update this because, after giving all the other runs detailed recaps, I thought it would be fun to write down the things I remember about this one. It was my very first maddening mode run, and, despite having already played the entire game four times before this, there were some very basic mechanics I didn't know about. For example: I didn't realize you have to actually equip skills until well into part two LMAO. I basically brute forced my way through nearly the entire run, and I'm actually kind of proud of that.
This was foreshadowing for my Triangle Strategy run, where it took me five chapters to realize you could keep your EXP after losing a battle and eight chapters to realize there are mock battles you can use to level up your units.
Ingrid was, of course, the final MVP, but I don't remember who was the overall MVP because I foolishly didn't clip the recap thing.
I don't remember the majority of the final pairs, but I know I s-supported Seteth and we got netteflix and sylvgrid. I've decided that Seteth is the absolute best s-support in the game. "Courage, my love!" YES
Units and final classes:
Byleth: enlightened one
Linhardt: bishop
Petra: wyvern lord
Dorothea: dancer
Felix: assassin
Ingrid: falcon knight
Annette: dark flier
Lysithea: gremory
Balthus: war master
Constance: dark flier
I remember chapter 13 being absolutely hellish, since the only eagles I was using at the time were Petra, Dorothea as a dancer, and Linhardt (who is a lover, NOT a fighter). I made like a dozen attempts (okay fine, two attempts) at that battle before finally accepting that I wasn't going to be able to save everyone, so I let Caspar die. That was the first time I had ever actually let someone go, and I'm not gonna lie it was kind of devastating. (Whether or not I wrote a fic about it is between me and the Goddess...)
Enbarr infiltration was a nightmare and I ended up having to just have Ingrid and Petra do it alone and win by the third turn, Petra taking Hubert and Ingrid taking Jeritza. Also working on a fic about that one, but it's coming out to around 30k words, I think, and still isn't finished.
The final battle was incredibly difficult and I'm still having war flashbacks about it over a year later. Balthus was a walking disaster and i think 70% of the Divine Pulses I used were on him (and yes, you bet ur bottom dollar there's a tiny little fic about it.). By the time I got to the end of my last successful attempt, I was actually making a list of which units I was okay with sacrificing for the sake of victory (they ended up all surviving, dw). I think it took me around 12 hours to beat (failed attempts included, of course), and I believe I made a total of four tries? The final attempt took something like 34 turns.
so there's the recap from memory! It was very hard and very fun and I will remember it fondly forever lol
Anyway. Luv u bye
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experiment-000 · 4 years
My Top 10 Ships of 2020
It's been a weird year but I've seen other people doing this. Plus this year I've been way more into gen fics (love a bit of found family especially in clone wars and marvel) than anything shippy. So I genuinely don't know what imma put on here aside from two ships for sure. Sorry this post is super long idk how to do the below the cut thing and I've had this app for 5 years...
10) Viktor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki - Yuri!!! On Ice
It was a real toss up between this, supercorp, kanera and wolfstar cos they're all very integral ships to my fan heart but this son because of the Yuri on Ice fandom's rebirth this year. I've never stopped shipping this, never stopped reading fanfic of them for any extended period of time, they're still my most bookmarked ship on ao3 (although I think now star wars - all media types may have overtaken them for fandom). They were one of the first things I watched where the queer ship I loved became canon and I can't wait for the film (and hopefully someday a season 2). Heck I even made my mum watch Yuri on Ice with me so I think that says it all.
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9) Edelgard Von Hresvelg and female Byleth - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
My first fire emblem game was fates when I was like 14 (and finally gay awake lol). I was so disappointed that I had to be with a guy character because the only female option was kinda creepy and also I wouldn't get the character of kana. So when three houses came out I was so happy because finally there were beautiful incredible female characters my female byleth could romance (I'm so sorry mlm you deserved so much more than you got). I got the game as soon as it came out (had to search a lot of shops let me tell you) and started on black eagles. I was actually kinda disappointed back in 2019. I didn't like the explore the monastery bit (still find it kinda tedious) and the battle mechanics weren't quite the same as fates (no pairing up?! Aka my main battle technique for protecting the weaker units). So I got like 20 hours in and put it down. Came back to it in lockdown and finally finished it! I'm so proud of myself I virtually never finish games. And I fully fell in love with the useless lesbian edelgard in the process. When I started back playing in 2020 I was like eh I wish I'd picked a different character to romance (like shes an emperor that's morally very shady) but then the romance stuff started with edelgard and I fell the heck in love.
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8) Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter (and Topanga Lawrence) - Boy Meets World
Disney+ was released in the UK this year and I finally got the opportunity to watch boy meets world in its best quality (aka not on YouTube). I watched it back when I was like 12 or 13 and it's such a nostalgic show for me. Watching it again I still absolutely adore it (and my bi ass was low-key crushing on Shawn especially in chick like me - I'm 18 btw and I got so scared for a sec but rider strong was 18 when chick like me came out so it's fine woah). And of course now I see the possibilities of the beautiful Cory and Shawn relationship like they were so bromance it was basically romance and throw in topanga it's the perfect ot3 (but I'm also fine with just Cory and Shawn or just Cory and Topanga). Read some good fanfic for them this year. My favourite was one about Shawn stealing makeup and stuff and exploring gender (need more fics like this I'm biiii).
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7) Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes - Marvel Cinematic Universe
I rewatched all the MCU films this year too. And got really into Peter parker whump and irondad. Plus my eternal obsession with identity and relationship reveals of course led me from Spiderman identity reveals (and found family cuteness) to stucky coming out. Especially when it involves the internet and social media. Not my favourite ship but it's been significant to my year due to the sheer amount of marvel stuff I've read.
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6) Satine Kryze and Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
I rewatched clone wars in prep for season 7 and wow Satine's death was sad and sudden. She first appeared in S2 E13 I think and just the sheer sexual tension of their bickering. "The sarcasm of a soldier. The delusion of a dreamer." Just ugnnhhh my bi ass can't take much more of this. And Anakin just sipping his wine in the background grinning. And I fully believe korkie is a Kenobi.
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5) Commander Cody and Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
I am very much an Obi wan multishipper. I don't really have a favourite but I fully believe he was with satine and Quinlan in his life. I don't think be would've actually done anything with Cody because of the whole superior officer thing. And this probably isn't even my favourite Obi wan ship - that honour probably goes to quinobi or obitine. However the most popular ships in the fandom are codywan, quiobi and obikin. No offence to anyone who ships these they're just personally not to my taste, but I can't stand quiobi, and obikin I find only slightly more tolerable and I think that's just because there's so much obikin content so if I like the concept of a fic that happens to be obikin I'll read it. I'm just not a fan of the mentor/student relationships. So I generally favoured the codywan fics when there was shipping involved meaning I read a lot of them this year. Needed that nice fix it content post season 7.
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4) Zuko and Katara - Avatar: the Last Airbender
Again I am a multishipper I have nothing against zukka it's cute. But I'm a zutara shipper first and foremost because when I first watched avatar I was like 13 and denying my gayness and gayness in general so I shipped the straight things and the straight things only. Most of these ships I stopped shipping - dramione, spuffy, some my little pony ones which we don't talk about. Zutara stayed. (I have nothing against any of the things I used to ship I just stopped shipping them so much/shipped new things more). I've continuously shipped zutara since I first watched avatar even if I didn't necessarily spend that much time on it it has always been here as one of my favourite ships. It has such good fanfic I swear including my favourite ever fanfic from any fandom - love thy enemy. Plus like the black games (reread this for the millionth time this year), a delicate subterfuge (which I read for the first time this year and damn it's so good) and so many more. With the avatar resurgence this year I haven't actually rewatched avatar aside from my normal random episode every now and then when I feel like it. But there's been a lot of avatar on my dash from people I follow getting into it and people I followed for avatar returning so naturally I returned to the fandom and read quite a lot of fanfic. I also read just a lot of avatar gen fics which were great at the whole found family thing I've been so obsessed with this year.
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3) Catra and Adora - She Ra and the Princesses of Power
Catradora is canon! They kissed! What more is there to say. Arguably they should've been top but I never shipped them that much since I was always very much a multishipper when it came to she ra so yes I was very happy it became canon because we actually won for once but also I've never read much fanfic for them etc. But they are very much a dynamic I love and watching she ra all again in prep for season 5 I really enjoyed the build up of their relationship. The other two only go above because Buffy is my favourite show ever and damn there's some good fuffy fanfic and Aphra and Tolvan is both fresh in my mind and star wars owns me. Would love some catradora fic recs btw if anyone has them tho.
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2) Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I didn't realise it was last year that I got super into them but according to my ao3 bookmarks it was lol. 2020 I swear it's lasted an eternity. I got into them about a month before lockdown (which feels like another lifetime). I've loved Buffy since I first watched it when I was 13. It's arguably still my favourite TV show. I've been through a lot of ships for Buffy - bangel to spuffy and now fuffy. I still think angel and her were a beautiful ship back in season 2 and especially in the angel episode I will remember you. But faith and Buffy had so much chemistry in season 3 - she would've been a fresh start for Buffy and the amount of fix it fics I read I swear. My favourite has to be one where they met in LA during Anne and how that changed everything feat Buffy's internal homophobia.
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1) Cheili Lona Aphra and Magna Tolvan - Star Wars
I read Darth Vader (2015) and Doctor Aphra (2016) for the first time at the end of 2020 (got a comic subscription which has served me very well already I've nearly finished the star wars canon comics). Just to see canon queer ladies in star wars was so magical for me as a queer lady. I didn't think star wars would be so overt yet as to have a queer kiss in canon (even if it's in the comics) and especially not with the main character of arguably their main comic series. Now we just gotta hope that we'll get it in live action someday soon. They weren't the ship I consumed the most content of in 2020 but they were the highlight of my 2020 because star wars did that and I finally found out about it
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Honourable mentions: Vivian and Elle - Legally Blonde, Candace and Vanessa - Phineas and Ferb, Stevie and Alex - Wizards of Waverly Place, Xander and Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I actually don't ship this but damn some authors are good - this was the ship that made me realise I don't need to like a ship if the author is good enough to write it well), Eli Vanto and Mitth'raw'nuruodo - Star Wars (started reading the books last year but finished this year and only started with fanfic this year), Villanelle and Eve - Killing Eve, Kanan and Hera - Star Wars, Barriss and Ahsoka - Star Wars, Remus and Sirius - Harry Potter, Kara and Lena - Supergirl (let's hope this becomes canon next year!) (Those last four are ones I've shipped forever some of my og ships but nothing particularly big has happened for me this year with them so)
I got Disney+ this year so rewatched a fair few things from my youth and though hey my obsession with that character may have been a little gay.
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rayne-storm · 3 years
AUgust 6 - Gaming
Fandom: Hyperdrive
As always, Hyperdrive belongs to my beautiful and talented BFF @rad-infiniitum / @starburnedfarrago
This was just super fun to write, and although the logistics as presented are just absolutely whack, I hope you enjoy!!
She smiled as she hit the buttons with routine familiarity, starting her stream. She smiled gently as she addressed her followers and her little intro video played.
There was her channel name: STELLA-PY , and the letters rearranged themselves to some bubbly synth music to: LETS-PLAY and faded out to reveal the title card for the game that she was tackling today.
"Good afternoon, guys! It's me, Stella-Py!"
"Py" in this case was pronounced "Pie," and the comments she had received about the similarity mixed with her heavier frame were old news long ago. She kept herself in a small frame at the corner of the video, just because she knew she tended to make silly faces playing spookier games, and if anyone really got a sense of her size from that, she applauded their eye for detail. Any hate got pretty quickly removed from the chat thanks to a friend who maintained it, and her lovely (if few) fans.
"Today, we're doing something new and short, while I recover from the awful, awful fetus monster. This is one you guys have been telling me to try!"
She pulled up the application on her computer, and a solid wall of blue illuminated her screen. From the wall, white letters in a vintage font appeared one by one to reveal:
Stella smiled and let the elegant chiptunes that came after the letter play for a moment before starting to speak again.
"That's right, folks! Quest For The Moon Queen was published seven years ago to itch.io by an anonymous, indie developer that only called themself 'BL00 SCR33N.' It's remained relatively obscure since then, which is a shame because it looks so cute! From what I've seen, this is an adventure game where the player is this adorable little knight, trying to rescue and woo the titular Moon Queen. I'm super excited to get into it, and please make sure to put asterisks before any spoilers to hide them!"
She paused to let the chat catch up, answering a couple of questions about her day, how the baby cow was doing, and when she would do a baby cow reveal (the poll for the baby cow name was still going, Moomin being the leader by far). The chat satisfied, she hit ENTER on her keyboard, and the screen slowly darkened.
First came a little tutorial.
There was a little blue knight in front of a white screen, and little floating text walked the player through the various movements they could do. It was relatively simple, arrow keys to move, space to jump, and a couple of keys or mouse clicks to shoot a little spark.
After the tutorial came an adorable side-scrolling adventure where the little blue knight jumped over hurdles and shot sparks at bees and little black boomerang-like shapes.
Three levels of slightly increasing difficulty later, there was a boss fight.
The boss was labeled "THE DICTATOR" and a chiptune-version of ABBA's "Voulez-Vous?" played. The knight grew a little taller, and was faced suddenly by a giant black tarantula with a hundred glowing red eyes.
The sparks were ineffective, and Stella began to panic when she noticed a small sword icon. Interacting with that froze the boss and brought up an option screen:
Well, wasn't that unique?? Stella immediately chose to fight with "SPIRIT" and the scene dissolved into a cute little cutscene.
The little knight stood before THE DICTATOR, trembling only slightly in the presence of the fierce enemy.
"I must go!" The knight proclaimed in chiming little chirps
"But why?? You have served me loyally all this time!"
"I must find my own path, and you must care for your fallen kingdom."
The scene dissolved again, and the spider rolled over, defeated.
Stella felt there was more to the story, but could only really comment on how sweet that was.
"This is such a cute little game! You guys are the best, and if anyone has any idea how to get in contact with the person who developed this, please let them know that I love it so much!!"
The next levels were water-themed (of course), leading up to a new boss fight:
This boss was a massive squid, with pink tendrils that acted as hair. The blue Knight's sparks again were ineffective, and again Stella was presented a choice:
Stella again went for the softer route, and again, the screen dissolved.
Surprisingly, the squid-like creature shrunk to being smaller even than the Blue Knight.
"I am afraid, Knight."
"Why are you afraid? You have everything you could ever want, now."
"Because I am so small, and this world is so big."
The knight knelt and gently hugged the little creature.
"Take heart, EXILE, for there are many large things, but there is only one of you. Develop your skills, grow your talents, and the world will bend for you."
The EXILE bobbed happily, nodding.
"Thank you Knight! Good luck on your journey!!"
The EXILE swam away, and the Knight progressed.
So it went, with such bosses as:
THE CORINTHIAN, an eagle dressed like a glam-rocker, who the Knight could either PLUCK or APPLAUD. Applause led to the Knight clapping and giving the creature a CD to sing along to.
a giant troll THE BEAST that offered a stealth option to SNEAK around or SLAY.
THE PRETENDER, a shadowy silhouette of a woman, and the Knight could choose KILL or KINDNESS. Kindness led to the Knight patting the shadow on the back, and with each little pat more of the sprite filled in until the shadow became a dark-skinned woman in a space suit.
Finally, about two hours of play later, the knight was jumping on clouds and was faced with the final boss:
This boss was a massive metal insectoid, and Stella waited for the choice to appear, but a minute of waiting led to her health being knocked down halfway, and a message popping up:
That felt… wrong.
The chat was exploding to fight back as the monster hit the Knight, but she just couldn't.
Tears in her eyes, she removed her hands from the keyboard.
The health bar was knocked down to zero.
NOT EVERY BATTLE CAN BE WON the screen proclaimed, as it began to fade.
Suddenly, a shower of pink and green lights fluttered down.
The chat began to go crazy. This, it seemed, had never been discovered before. Everyone always fought the monster, and gained a trite little victory screen, the little Blue Knight doing a little dance.
This was something completely new.
The metal shell of the boss began to melt, and out floated a beautiful woman, pale-skinned with pink and green hair, and nearly translucent green wings that shimmered and glowed.
She floated down to the body of the little fallen Knight and kissed his head. The knight slowly stood.
"Thank you, Blue Knight, for your compassion. Thank you for setting me free. You do not have to hide yourself any longer."
The armor melted away from the knight, and an adorable little creature with blue skin, long ears, and yellow eyes remained.
The descriptions of the characters changed. The Blue Knight became THE REGRETFUL SOUL, and what once was THE DEMON became…
"Thank you, my lady," the REGRETFUL SOUL chirped, and they took each other's hands.
The MOON QUEEN scooped up the little creature, and began to fly up the screen with him. As they reached the top, they turned and faced the screen.
The screen faded to black, and Stella initially thought it had completely ended. She was about to exit out of the program (still sobbing), when a little message slowly flowed up from the bottom:
Stella couldn't help crying harder, and blubbered out her closing spiel. The chat still kept going absolutely crazy, some claiming that this was a hacked copy of the game, or that they totally knew about the secret ending. Suddenly a new kind of message began exploding:
The game was gone.
It wasn't on itch.io, or any other site that the chat could find.
What in the world…?
Stella figured that she would deal with the implications of that later, saying goodbye and logging out of her stream.
She gave herself a few more minutes to cry before she heard the soft ping of a new email.
She sighed and opened it, ready to be assaulted by some kind of anger (per usual when she streamed), and was surprised to see the sender was going by "BL00 SCR33N."
She opened the message, and it simply read:
"You saved the knight and the Moon Queen. Congratulations. Want to meet up?"
After that was a phone number.
This was a terrible idea.
She called.
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jace-the-writer-guy · 4 years
M.I.A. Part Two
"My name... is Cameron Roberts. I am a Ghost operative under the orders of Commander Riley Black," Viper, or rather Cameron, said to Auron and Shyla as she sat on one of the two couches in the Karmine family living room. Cameron had taken her gear off and was left in her pants and a sports bra, which revealed her toned and fit body along with a few viking tattoos she had on her forearms, her right hand, and her back, "In... my own world, I was on an operation to take down a private military company called Sentinel that took a company called Skell Tech hostage and forced them to create weapons and drones. After the threat of the T-800 Terminators on Auroa was neutralized with the help of another Ghost and a person from the future that warned us of them, I was ordered to investigate and destroy the portal technology that Skell was being forced to experiment on. I activated the self destruct sequence, and the portal turned on and sucked me into it. The next thing I knew... I was in the forest where you found me."
"That ain't the weirdest thing I've heard for someone from earth showin' up here. You ain't a monster hunter like the others were on their earth." Auron remarked, leaning back in the cushions of the couch.
Cameron blinked a few times. "If this is all real, then... What exactly is this world?"
Auron and Shyla both spent the next hour or so explaining to Cameron about the new world she had found herself in. They explained all the kingdoms and continents to her, along with the faunus race. And Auron had of course told her of the creatures of Grimm and told her about each type of Grimm that had been discovered, including the Beowulves that he saved her from. He also told her that they were at his home in Anima, south of the Kingdom of Mistral.
Safe to say, it was a lot to take in for Cameron and it left her just sitting in silence for several moments. Her arm had been bandaged up on the way to the house. She just didn't know what to say, let alone think. She was just suddenly thrust into a world so foreign and so much more deadly than her own. Even past the constant worry of terrorism or even war of her home, this world called Remnant and it's inhabitants were dealing with far worse with the constant battles against those monsters all over the world in a huge struggle for survival, and the Grimm were unrelenting.
Cameron began to hold her head in her hands, her elbows on her knees. "I know it's a lot to take in, but it's real," Auron said softly to her, "We'll offer our home to ya to stay in until you feel like you're ready to live in this world."
"I... a-appreciate it," Cameron replied shakily, "Where's your bathroom?"
Shyla stood up from the couch, leaving Dusk to lay next to Auron, and put her hand on Cameron's shoulder. "I'll lead you to it. I wouldn't mind taking a look at your guns if you're okay with that."
"Umm... sure." Came Cameron's quiet reply.
Shyla led Cameron through her home and eventually led her to the bathroom, where Cameron quietly closed the door after thanking Shyla. She turned the light on and went to the sink, then she turned the cold water on. She cupped her hands under the stream of water and closed her eyes, and she splashed it in her face, hoping the cold would wake her up from this dream. She opened her eyes after she did that and saw that she was still in the Karmine home. She let out a sigh before she grabbed a rag and soaked it in water, and then she started to wipe her face paint off, along with the dirt and grime that had accumulated on her face and arms. When she finished with that, she dried off with a towel and she looked at herself in the mirror.
This was real.
Cameron could feel her eyes begin to sting with tears as it completely set in for her. She would possibly never be able to return home, and never see her family or friends ever again. Her tears began to stream down her cheeks as she walked out of the bathroom and through the house, and she walked outside past Auron and Shyla. She sat on the top step and rested her arms on her knees, and she buried her face in them and she just began to sob and cry uncontrollably.
She was a trained soldier that was trained to accept the fact that on any given day, she wouldn't be able to make it home. But that was only for if she was killed in battle. Now she was so far from home and she had no way of ever returning. It was hitting her hard to say the least. Auron and Shyla could hear her cries from where they sat, but they both figured that it was best to let her be alone for right now and let out everything that she could. Her cries lasted for several long, heartbreaking minutes before they eventually softened and Cameron calmed herself down as best she could.
She raised her head up and just leaned against the post next to her. She had no more tears left to shed right now. Her eyes still stung, but Cameron didn't care. She pulled her Desert Eagle from its holster on her hip and held it in both her hands for several moments, and she held the top of the slide against her had with the barrel nowhere near pointed at herself. She closed her eyes and started muttering to herself.
"Odin... I've failed my oath to protect my home. I don't know if I can ever return so if you're listening, give my family the strength to make it through whatever news they get about me. But I'll make a new oath right here. I might not be able to protect the people of my home, but I will still give my life to protect the innocent here in this new world and honor you and my ancestors. I may never see my family again... but I won't let that break my spirit. I will keep fighting and I will do my best to protect the innocent of this world."
Cameron holstered her pistol and looked out over the treetops, and she heard the door open behind her. A second or so later, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get you some new clothes an' you can take a good shower," Auron said to her, "We'll get your aura unlocked sometime in the next couple o' days, an' maybe get you somethin' other than a knife. If you run outta ammo, you're gonna need somethin' bigger to protect yourself. Plus we gotta keep an eye out for what your semblance may be."
Cameron turned and looked at him. "My fucking what?"
"Basically a super power," Auron explained to her, "Mine lets me make metal from dirt."
Cameron let out a short breath and shook her head. "Odin give me strength..."
"You'll have to tell me who that is. But for now, come on. We gotta get you some clothes an' some food."
X x X x X
"Hmmm..." Cameron frowned a bit as she held a sword in her hand. After a week of letting the former Ghost operative grow used to being in the world of Remnant, Auron and Shyla took her out into Mistral so she can find out what type of melee weapon she could go with in case she needed it. She had her combat knife of course, but if those Grimm could be bigger than the Beowulves she had encountered, she could definitely use something a bit bigger for if and when she runs out of ammo in the field with whatever work she takes.
"This one doesn't feel that nice in my hand." Cameron finally said and put the sword back on the wall where she got it from.
"Well, we're seeing what you might want for yourself," Shyla told her, "We aren't going to make you pick one of these to use since they aren't made special for one person."
"You've been through a lot the last week an' wakin' up your aura seemed to take a lot out of ya, so I'll be makin' whatever you think you'd want after you figure it out and give me the details." Auron said as he leaned against the wall nearby.
Cameron lowered her hands to her sides and looked back up to the wall where all the weapons were. If she was going to have a melee weapon, she would definitely like a good sword. And if she was going to have a sword, she wanted one that would be something her ancestors would wield into battle. She never thought she would train to fight with a sword but this new world she found herself in was going to test her strength in more ways than one. She began to clench her fists and continued to look over the weapons with a bit more determination, and then she felt her right hand begin to clench around something. When she looked down, her eyes widened as she was now suddenly clutching the ghostly hilt of a sword. The hilt and crossguard looked very familiar to her.
"I-is this..." She watched the blade begin to form and take an ethereal glow. The sword grew to the size of a bastard sword with just enough room on the hilt for both her hands to hold if needed, "Hǫfuð?"
///A ghostly, ethereal version of this sword///
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"Ummm... what?" Shyla asked her curiously.
"Where I'm from, the movies that featured this sword called it Hofund, so you can go with that," Cameron replied and held the sword in the air, "Where did this come from? Was it a gift from Odin?"
Auron began to grin. "Seems to me like you already figured out your semblance. Guess you had some pretty strong feelin's about home. What's that sword supposed to be?"
Cameron gulped a bit and let out a slow breath. "Hǫfuð, or Hofund, is the sword used by Heimdallr to guard the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard in Norse mythology, and my heritage traces far back to the vikings that believed in the Norse gods. It took the form of the sword used in some super hero movies back home, and all my tattoos are tributes to my heritage."
She released her grip on the hilt and the sword began to vanish. "And... you said that's my semblance?"
Auron nodded. "Right. No other way to explain it, unless you wanna go with it bein' a gift from your God. Could be both, who knows."
"Well, now we know that you won't have to make her a sword," Shyla said playfully, "Now that that's settled, I think we should go get something to eat. Then we can go back home and talk about the ammo Cameron here uses for her guns."
Cameron felt herself filled with new waves of determination and she nodded. "That sounds good to me. Thank you both for everything over the last week. And please, just call me Cammie from now on."
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thousandeyesand-one · 6 years
In the name of the White Wolf & The Dragon Queen!
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So I was recovering from dumblr not allowing my posts in the jonerys tag for some reason finally it seems to have worked out smh, like I did nothing!? I badly wanted to discuss the Ghost won't like dany nonsense but I couldn't coz you know dumblr! Here It is I've been holding it forever!
"The wind was blowing wet and heavy as they crossed the valley of the Milkwater and rode singlefile through the river camp. Ghost kept close to Jon, but the scent of him went before them like a herald, and soon there were wildling dogs all around them, growling and barking. Lenyl screamed at them to be quiet, but they paid him no heed. “They don’t much care for that beast o’ yours,” Longspear Ryk said to Jon. “They’re dogs and he’s a wolf,” said Jon. “They know he’s not their kind." *No more than I am yours.*"
In the books Ghost was with Jon when he was wildling's hostage as opposed to how in the show they made ghost wander off before Jon came across ygritte. Ghost is the reason Jon could kill Halfhand when he bites his calf but in the show Jon kills him on his own, in a single combat without any help also Jon uses Ghost to keep Ygritte away from him at night & ghost even helps him because that's what Jon wants, just like ghost protects Sam & cares for him because Jon cares for him & because that's what Jon wants. Ghost is Jon's extension of his personality just like Drogon is to Daenerys. Because the entire time that Jon was beyond the wall with him While he was a hostage ghost was an extension of his inner monologue. Outwardly Jon was playing a turn cloak for the Wildlings but only ghost truly knew he never gave up on being a man of the Nights Watch.
"*There were cookfires all along the river, amongst wayns and carts and sleds. Many of the wildlings had thrown up tents, of hide and skin and felted wool. Others sheltered behind rocks in crude lean-tos, or slept beneath their wagons. At one fire Jon saw a man hardening the points of long wooden spears and tossing them in a pile. Elsewhere two bearded youths in boiled leather were sparring with staffs, leaping at each other over the flames, grunting each time one landed a blow. A dozen women sat nearby in a circle, fletching arrows. Arrows for my brothers, Jon thought. Arrows for my father’s folk, for the people of Winterfell and Deepwood Motte and the Last Hearth. Arrows for the north.*"
This is where his undying fidelity for North comes to play he doesn't respect ryk, rattleshirt, weeper or ygritte! He doesn't yet know what it's like to be a ruler, a leader, he surely has those traits in him but still at heart being as young as he was (in the books) he is a follower, of his old gods, his father's words & his home of Winterfell along with his newest allegiance to Night's Watch. Ygritte wanted to change Jon's loyalty, she wanted him to help them raid & ravage the lands of his father & his fore-fathers but jon is way too loyal to his kind for that to happen just like arya is fiercely loyal to the north. Jon's & ygritte's goals never matched, ever! But Jon still fell for ygritte nonetheless he kept his undying loyalty to the north but still fell for a Person who reminded him of arya. And in jonerys's case by the end of S07 Jon & dany's goals matched. No matter how much people deny it by saying dany is still more focused on the conquest; night king killed her child she will destroy anyone who does that & Jon feels guilty that she lost her dragon because of him, that her house sigil is now incomplete because of him, there is guilt in her too for not trusting him. She wanted to help Jon in saving the north which is & always has been his goal. And to say dany's stubborn nature, rashness, bravery & her inclination to not only understand him but also to fly to a frozen, strange corner of the world to help him on his word reminds him of arya would be an understatement!
"*But not all he saw was warlike. He saw women dancing as well, and heard a baby crying, and a little boy ran in front of his garron, all bundled up in fur and breathless from play. Sheep and goats             wandered freely, while oxen plodded along the riverbank in search of grass. The smell of roast mutton drifted from one cookflre, and at another he saw a boar turning on a wooden spit.. *"
Jon idolized King Daeron I Targaryen, the Young Dragon. He was a Bastard who was hungry for glory the likes of which he knew he won't find anywhere in the 7K but at the wall. So he joined the ancient order only to learn of it's receding ranks once honorable men of nights watch now reduced to reavers, rapers, cut-throats, thieves. Nobody as honorable as his uncle or LCMormont. But he made his peace with the situation & the First chance he got to get out there & earn some valor & make a name for himself like Qhorin Halfhand, that which he was so hungry for he took the chance! Which lead to series of events that spiralled out of his control he ended up falling for someone which he never intended & he learned that the price for glory is quite high! At this time he was a young boy who thought glory was easy that's why he looks at all the battlements & instantly villainizes the wildlings. Only to realize with ygritte's death that there was no glory in killing the Wildlings so he tried to save them hoping to see the glory in that. Maybe there was glory in it being the first LC in the known history of the watch to have done so but the watch itself didn't think so & ended up taking his life. The path to glory didn't turn out to be as promising as he thought in fact it was full of compromising crossroads. His loyalty to North never died but something else awoke him; the openess to considering all human life equal & the fact that battle has two sides of compromising crossroads. He wasn't ready for Battle of the Bastards until he saw Rickon die up until then it looked like he was just going where his new life was taking him, he doesn't like fighting unnecessary battles unless it's against the dead & for the living. He's a better leader for all that & as a LC who wasn't afraid to do what nobody has done by saving & taking Wildling's help against the dead & he wasn't faking it! Even though Wildlings have been the enemy of the North when time came they helped save his life against the watch itself; similarly he wasn't afraid of taking the Dragon Queen's help against the dead fully aware of the era-defining conflict between Starks & Targaryens & still being truthful in all his actions when time came the Dragon Queen came to his help & saved his life too. 
"*Can a bird hate? Jon had slain the wildling Orell, but some part of the man remained within the eagle. The golden eyes looked out on him with cold malevolence. “I’ll come,” he said. The blood kept running down into his right eye, and his cheek was a blaze of pain. When he touched it his black gloves came away stained with red. “Let me catch my garron.” It was not the horse he wanted so much as Ghost, but the direwolf was nowhere to be seen. He could be leagues away by now, ripping out the throat of some elk. Perhaps that was just as well.*"
In the books Jon is a warg or atleast has shown warg-like traits, by far dreaming Ghost's vision & inhabiting his mind initially he wasn't sure what this exactly means. When orell's eagle attacked him he wasn't brutally harmed but still he wanted ghost close to him similarly when he dies he called for Ghost. That was his last words "Ghost.. " 
I believe everyone is aware of this very popular theory that before dying Jon warged into ghost. Like orell left a little bit of himself in his eagle, his most immediate emotion that he felt before dying that is hate & revenge just like Jon who must've felt the same before dying & his calling was more of a defensive move since all his other defences were failing, ghost was what he needed at the very end. His "Ghost.." was just like daenerys's "dracarys".
Daenerys & Jon's journey in taming their magical beasts & properly using them as the magical mythology of the WOIAF tells of a magical beast like a Dragon or direwolf were used back in the time when both of them weren't unheard of, all Kings of Winter had a Direwolf & some even rode into battle on the back of their direwolves & most of the Starks of the Past were wargs , that's how they tamed such vicious beasts like direwolves. Once warged into a Direwolf that creates a life-long bond between the beast & the warg. Similarly all the Valyrians had dragons & they rode into battle on the back of their dragons, Daenys the dreamer was a dragon dreamer who foresaw the doom of valyria making dragon dreams a recurring aspect in the blood of Old Valyria as daenerys had dragon dreams too. Also dragons natural lifespan goes past the rider but the bond only breaks when the rider dies before that just like the wolves this bond is unbreakable too. So basically the show gave us a good view into the journey of dany taming her dragons & becoming a dragon rider just like in the books but with Jon on the other hand unfortunately the t.v. show cut major arcs of his story related to Ghost.
Apart from being Jon Snow's Loyal Albino-red eyed pal ghost is very interesting in the books..
Firstly when the Starks discover their direwolves all 5 of them belonging to the true born stark kids are huddled together but ghost was seperate from the group. His appearance is also very different to other direwolves with white fur & red eyes. There is another theory that says Bloodraven often warged into Ghost. That many' a-times he used Ghost to get to Jon. For example when ghost brought jafar flowers hand warning the watch & specifically Jon about the threat of the dead, then leading him to Jeor Mormont's chambers before the Wight attack, in the books Ghost leads Jon to cachè of dragonglass hid by the fist of the first men along with the Horn also when Jon tries to leave the Watch in the middle of the night it's ghost who gives away his position by moles town, he stops Jon from leaving the watch. Not that ghost was never himself or always warged by bloodraven or something but yeah a lot of times he was.
Apart from ghost there was another, jeor mormont's crow who is also believed to have been warged by bloodraven.
Before bran falls off the tower he used to climb there to feed corn to the crows & after his fall during his coma in his dreams bloodraven asks him "... say got any corn?" So bloodraven was basically keeping an eye on bran through one of the crows.. When jon talks about Bran's health with LCMormont his crow screams "Corn! Corn! Corn!" & when jeor mormont informs Jon that bran is awake the crow screams "Live! Live!"
"He rose & dressed in darkness as mormont's raven muttered across the room. "Corn", the bird said &, "King", &, "Snow, Jon Snow, Jon Snow." That was queer. The bird never said his full name before, as best Jon could recall" 
                                                                  -Jon AGOT
"Do you think your Uncle Benjen was the only ranger we've lost this past year?" "Ben Jen", the raven squawked, bobbing its head, bits of egg dribbling from its beak. "Ben Jen. Ben Jen."  "No", Jon said. There had been others. Too many. "Do you think your brother's war is more important than ours?" the old man barked. Jon chewed his lip. The raven flapped it's wings at him. "War, war, war, war," it sang   
                                                                  -Jon AGOT
 When Jon burns the Wight in LCMormont's room..
"Jon tried to shout, but his voice was gone. Staggering to his feet, he kicked the arm away & snatched the lamp from the Old Bear's fingers. The flame flickered & almost died. "Burn!" the raven cawed. "Burn, burn, burn!"
                                                                 -Jon AGOT
When LCMormont gives him Longclaw he initially refuses it so the crow says..
"Take it" echoed his raven, preening. "Take it, take it."
                                                                 -Jon AGOT
In the show they omitted both these aspects of Jon's storyline, wherein not just bran but also Jon has a connection to bloodraven. Him being Aegon & Bran being Brandon. Both these names have prophetic value in their respective houses. The raven stayed with Jon when he became LC in fact he is the reason Jon was elected. I was always pissed at why the tv show reduced ghost to just another 'pet'. But before getting to that, first about the journeys of both Jon & dany in taming their magical beasts.. 
Dany at first acquired the dragon eggs that were said to have turned into stone over the time but she hatched those eggs bringing dragons back into the world.
While they were infants she taught them as a pet is taught to take care of themselves, be able to gather or atleast help themselves with food & or follow commands by daenerys "Dracarys". In many ways dany trained them like she would've trained her son. 
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Whenever daenerys acts like a Valyrian or behaves like a true Targaryen & let's the Fire & Blood in her out by commanding her dragons to do what they do best. Whenever daenerys let's the dragons behave like themselves they grow closer to her. Their bond shows best at such a time.
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Again when daenerys acts like a Valyrian during the sacking of Astaphor & truly allows the greatest weapons of war in the world her Dragons to do what they do best she brings them closer to herself.
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And then as the dragons grew in age & in size their viciousness grew as well & they became harder to be tamed. While this was one of the many reasons why it was harder for dany to tame them but that isn't it. Daenerys locked them away for the sake of the safety of people of mereen like her ancestors who made the Dragon Pit to lock away their dragons. Being treated as a mere pet doesn't do well with dragons instead of being captured drogon escapes while Rhaegal & Viserion are imprisoned. When daenerys tries to be a Queen unlike the Targaryen Queen that she should be & sort of resists her Valyrian nature the dragons grow apart from her. For a long time Daenerys tried to be a different sort of queen for mereen so drogon knew he wouldn't survive the captivity like the dragons before him & he escaped. But the bond never died as long as the blood of Old Valyria flows within dany she will always have a bond with the dragons. Drogon doesn't let her touch him until he returned to Daznak's fighting pits & in a way reminds her what she is & she rides him for the first time.
Beyond the books what also happened is drogon gave her a taste of who she really is, a Dragon in her own right! After which she burns all the khals & was reborn in the fires again which gained her drogon's allegiance.
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I suppose there were elements of Jon's Targaryen heritage coming to play when drogon accepts his touch in S07. But it's not drogon who burns quentyn it's Rhaegal because quentyn tried to tame him without any blood of Old Valyria. Jon embracing his Targaryen heritage will be complete when he becomes a dragon rider himself. But before that not only does drogon accept Jon but also recognizes something in Jon, drogon already has a rider so it was just a moment of recognition. Tyrion has also touched both Rhaegal & Viserion but they didn't recognize anything in him except the fact that he isn't a foe & they didn't harm him. Apart from recognizing blood in Jon; drogon is now not only a full grown embodiment of Targaryen sigil but also an extension of daenerys's personality. That's why he is roaring while dany is roaring her bloodriders speech. They have truly become bound to one another! Quaithe's words of remembering that she is blood of dragon is complete now because she has truly become a dragon, she's owning it!
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damnthatnoise · 5 years
Darko The Super | Of Dogs & Devils | An Interview
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Hip Hop has long been about bravado, skill, and how your personality can capture and pull the listener in even further than just your skillset. There have been many an MC who’s personality sometimes outshined the lyrical prowess for better or worse, but when I sit back and think of some of my favorite MC’s growing up (Redman, Slick Rick, Kool Keith, E-40, and Del to name a few) the personality often was near cartoonish with no real effort from the MC to make it appear that way. Enter MC Darko The Super who since first coming across his music via Already Dead Tapes has oozed oddball personality, and ever evolving skills as an MC. Darko is no joke rapper though, instead he is adept at delivering some stark reality raps littered with glints of humor we often use to cope with the pain of existence. 
Fresh off delivering one of my personal favorites last year in the form of Card Tricks For Dogs, he returns with his friend Steel Tipped Dove to give us The Devil Defeated, and makes a claim as one of the indie hiphop scenes freshest, most colorful, and promising voices making music. 
You can order the digital, cassette and SUPER vinyl copies of The Devil Defeated here, as well as all Darko The Super Items. 
The Devil Defeated by Darko The Super & steel tipped dove
Damn That Noise: Darko The Super. What’s the origin of that name and what’s it come to mean to you now? 
Darko: I think Darko The Super was my gamertag on Xbox Live before it was my official artist alias. I did two albums as Evan Darko after I seen Donnie Darko in high school. It had a big impact on adolescent me. The Super comes from another big influence on me at the time, MF Doom. My favorite song my senior year was "Dead Bent". I thought the ending of Operation Doomsday was really cool. The way it let you decide between hero or villain. I was big into vigilante justice at the time. I wanted to be like my favorite superheroes. So that's where the name came from. Nowadays it's just a name. More people know me as Darko than my real name these days, so it'd be silly to change it. Name's don't define you. It doesn't matter much to me. Though I like it. 
DTN: You’ve had a pretty prolific young career given that you’ve dropped 10+ projects since 2011, but when we were taking recently you said you’ve just now started to feel like you now know your voice. What’s changed in the last couple of years to get you to that place? 
Darko: Since 2011 I may have done nearly 100 albums. Most haven't lasted. I've deleted and erased most of my material pre 2014 from the face of the internet. (If anyone has a Loser CD, please destroy it.) I put out 10 albums in 2018 alone. All better than the previous. "Watered Down Demon Fuzz" from 2017 is the album I truly found my voice on. I listened back to "Oh, No! It's Darko" for nostalgic purposes and it seems more like a comedy album than anything, and not that good of a comedy album either. I was 18 when I made the first album I put on cd and gave to everyone at shows when I was starting to go out and perform. It was called Loser, inspired by Beck. Next cd I made was a compilation, also terrible, but somehow it's going for $75 on Discogs. I personally don't like anything prior to 2016. "Carve a Happy Face  on my Tombstone" had a few good songs. Those were transformative years. My perspective on life has changed severely. It's hard to be happy with things you create when you're not even happy with who you are. I think in finding myself, I found my voice too. Life will always be a mystery. But at least I'm more comfortable in my own skin at the moment. Therefore more comfortable in my art. 
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DTN: Why erase the evidence of growth though? If anything that could show folks the rapid progression of Darko? 
Darko: I'd prefer to leave a better first impression. Maybe I'm too insecure to show people my progression. It's also just a matter of that not being the way I feel anymore as far as the way I wrote back then. 
DTN: Your style is a bit unorthodox in that you kind of dance all over the pocket of the beats, and your inflections seem to change at the drop of a hat. I know E-40 and DOOM are a couple favorites of yours but who else’s impressed a young Darko and helped give us the man we have now? Who made you say “I think this is something I want to do!!”?
Darko: Murdoc and MyGrane McNastee from Orlando, Florida were a couple of the first independent rappers I got into from watching the Wake Up Show freestyles on Youtube. They were big influences on me. From there I got into MF Doom, Madlib, and J Dilla. During the datpiff era, I got really into Charles Hamilton's mixtapes. I was a big fan of a web series around that time called Internet Celebrities. Through them I found out about Das Racist. I remember listening to them for the first time on MySpace. I saw Big Baby Gandhi in a video with them. Later on his Debut would become one of my favorite albums. I was really into going on hip hop blogs. I remember watching Open Mike Eagle rap "Qualifiers" in a laundromat and having my mind blown. He told me Serengeti was his favorite rapper which had me watching every Kenny Dennis video I could find. Dennehy became my favorite album. I got into Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire from seeing the Last Huzzah video with Das Racist, El-P, Despot, and Danny Brown. That's still my favorite posse cut. From checking out rap battles I got into Soul Khan who I remember posting about Homeboy Sandman's album The Good Sun. Blogs also got me listening to every Blu song. Her Favorite Color was something special to me. All those artists were huge in developing my approach. Nowadays my favorite rappers of all time are E-40, Serengeti, and Kool Keith
DTN: Card Tricks for Dogs feels like your most fully formed artistic statement yet and The Devil Defeated feels like the exclamation point showing folks you’re a real force. What helped bring those two records to life?
Darko: Both albums took a long time to come together, which usually isn't the case for me. I remember writing some of those Card Tricks for Dogs tracks while on vacation with my girlfriend and her family. I had tons of beats from my good friend and longtime collaborator Phil Ford aka BLKrKRT (Blacker Karat) loaded on my phone for those trips. I started it shortly after meeting Steel Tipped Dove for the first time. I released an album of his on my label and he offered to mix and master some tracks for me. So this was the first solo album of mine I let someone else do all the mixing for. I took my time with it and let it come together naturally. I believe everything happens at it's own time. As for The Devil Defeated, that album started out as a project called Contemplating Lonely Stuff, inspired by a Serengeti lyric. It was for the most part produced by Height Keech and Steel Tipped Dove. Eventually I decided to do albums with each of them separately. The album with Dove was pretty far along in the process and originally I wanted to call it "Playing Skee-Ball With Zev Love X" but we both agreed that was kinda corny and not many people would get what we were referencing. Then I heard the news of Daniel Johnston passing away, who is a hero of mine. I listened to nothing but Daniel for a few days straight and a few lyrics in particular stuck out to me. The one that landed was "The Devil Defeated" another possibility was My Yolk is Heavy. Me and Dove made over 20 songs for this album and eventually narrowed it down to the most cohesive project we could. We'll be doing a follow up of course. That's in the works now. I'm very proud of this album. My favorite track is a story I wrote based on a song called "Suzy's Face" by my favorite punk band, The Spits. I had to convince Dove on that one. There's another track I tried to convince him about too, but that will never see the light of day since I ended up agreeing with him. 
DTN: You’ve has a chance to work with a lot of interesting and well loved folks. How the hell did the tracks with Lil’B, Charles Hamilton, Denmark Vessey and others come about? 
Darko: I did an album called “Thank You BasedGod” dedicated to Lil B. I produced a track for him way back in 2014. He reached out to me after TYBG and offered to do a track together. So I sent him a couple  Steel Tipped Dove beats and he chose the one that ended up on the album. Later I saw Charles Hamilton posting about doing features. I sent him the Lil B track since that’s a dream collaboration of mine. Lil B is a big Charles Hamilton fan, and they’re both internet gurus of their eras. Charles conquered the blog era by releasing tons of free albums on his own blog, landing on all the mixtape sites. Lil B mastered social media and became a marketing genius, even transpiring music. I’m proud to say the first time they worked together was with me. As for getting Denmark Vessey on the album, he had already worked with Dove and toured with my good friends, The Difference Machine. I was the one who showed them his album Buy Muy Drugs while I was out in Atlanta for a week. That album’s my favorite of the decade. He had posted about doing features so I sent him an email and made it happen. 
DTN: You’ve released a lot of projects via Already Dead Tapes as well as starting UDDTBA. What is the connection with ADT and why start your own label? What have you learned from ADT and how has the played into how you run your label?
Darko: Already Dead Tapes taught me everything I need to know about running a record label. I met them in 2014 when I sent over my latest at the time “Oh, No! It’s Darko.” They were nice enough to release that on cassette. Soon after they invited me to play their weekend long festival in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I brought along ialive and we booked our first tour. Staying in Kalamazoo at the Knights Inn we recorded an album together and formed the now infamous duo The Hell Hole Store. From there we’ve played the Already Dead fest every year and I’ve released quite a few albums on Already Dead Tapes. U Don’t Deserve This Beautiful Art was grown out of wanting to support my friends and artists I admire. I brought on my best buds Steel Tipped Dove and Harvey Cliff to help me run things. Now the sky’s the limit. 
DTN: “Suzy” is life a very interesting record as is “lo-fi princess” off of The Devil Defeated. You mentioned the influence for “Suzy” came from another artists song...how’d this end up on your record and why? Also what’s the idea behind “Lo-Fi..”? 
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Darko: During my commute one day I listened to The Spits first self titled album. I hadn’t played it in a while and instantly remembered why they’re the best. One song in particular stuck with me throughout that ride, “Suzy’s Face”. I decided to write a song building off of their track. Almost like taking a short story and creating a movie. I tried to describe in detail about why someone would shoot Suzy in the face at a high school dance. So that’s what I came up with. Lo-fi princess 2 is a sequel to the original from “Watered Down Demon Fuzz” both love songs to my girlfriend, Alora. I liked the phrase cos it reminded me of “Bow-tie Daddy” by Frank Zappa. Now that I think of it, an actual Lo-fi princess would be an anime babe trapped in the track art of a SoundCloud beat. We’d have to defeat the chill hop brigade to save her. 
DTN: You and iAlive have a really dope chemistry and have two very different styles but similar energies that work so well off of each other. What makes that partnership work and why’d you guys want to keep it going after the one hotel infused brainstorming session?
Card Tricks For Dogs by Darko The Super & BLKrKRT
Darko: We kept it going cos there were more hotel sessions to be had. On tour you’re on the highway with a lot of time on your hands. That’s where most of our songs and ideas come from. We set up shop where ever we’re staying and start to bring these ideas to life. The people seem to like us and we enjoy performing together. That’s what keeps the hell hole going. We survive off friendship and fun times. 
DTN: Okay sir Darko. You can only eat at two fast food places for the next year because you lost a bet. Where you going??
Darko: Obviously Taco Bell is numero uno, I’m a big Taco Bell enthusiast. Next would be Wendy’s, best fast food burgers by me, and they got those spicy nuggets. Plus I heard their salads are good too, which I would need a salad every now and then. I don’t think this is too far off from my normal diet. Worst thing that could happen is I have a heart attack. But I’m on that path anyway. Maybe I’ll start exercising. Maybe. 
DTN: What are you picking if you only have Thor and Spider-Man as costumes for Halloween?!
Darko: Spider-Man of course. I could pull off a husky Spider-Man. Family Guy made it look good. I’d need the fake muscles for Thor. Fake muscles never look good. I don’t have the luxurious hair either. 
DTN: What’s the writing process like for you?! Do you let the beat decide the direction? Do you have an idea or some lyrics written and you locate a beat that fits?
Darko: Either or. Writing always comes to me. It’s second nature. If it doesn’t come to me, I don’t write. That’s all there is to it. I only write when I’m inspired. That’s an easy way to go about it. My number one thing is creativity, I don’t wanna be complex or even an intellectual. I want my lyrics to be universally understood. 
DTN: So what’s next on the horizon for Darko The Super?
Darko: Next up I’m working on an album with skits from a comedian friend of mine. He does tons of great characters and videos as Hot Talent Buffet. I think he’s a comedic genius. I’m also working on an album sampling nothing but my favorite band 10cc, titled “Strawberry Studios Jam ‘72” and another album sampling one of my favorite songwriters, Dean Friedman. The Dean and I have a 7” record on the way with my remix of his classic “McDonald’s Girl” on the B side with the original on the A side. I have a couple other collaborative albums coming along. The artist they’re with wants me to hold off announcing it until they’re ready, but I will say it’s a dream collaboration and I’m very excited for it. 
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kazlifeadventures · 5 years
Texas!! Home of cowboys...
Part 1 - Dallas... 17-21 Sept
After a nerve racking connecting flight (my first flight was landing while the second was boarding...) I made it to Dallas, and amazingly so did my bag! Well done Delta, that's twice now!
Dallas curent weather reminds me of Brisbane in summer. About 30 degrees and humid. My wonderful friends live in the suburbs near the airport. I also get to play with their dogs while I'm here - awesome! Texas BBQ for dinner!
I also did some major trip planning on my first day here, having a space to be able to do that is fantastic.
Carol and Chuck, took Thursday off work to spend it out at nearby Fort Worth stockyards with me. It's one of the original cattle sale yards, situated on the intersection of some of the major longhorn cattle runs that ran East West and North South across America back in the mid 1800's. The main one was known as the Chisholm trail. Fort worth today is the 4th largest city in Texas, it's stockyards are a major tourist drawcard. The area houses, the largest honkytonk in America, multiple shops selling, cowboy gear, gifts, and of courseTexas bbq as well as a few bars. We headed to the Stockyard hotel, the oldest hotel on the site, for a cold beer, and to take in its quirky interior. Then after more wandering it was time for the live longhorn drive along the main street. It was amazing to see these huge creatures ambling up the road metres away from the crowd. Ambling is the word! All I could think of is if they did that speed 100 years ago it would have taken the stockmen forever to get them anywhere!
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Dallas (And Texas) are proud of their cattle history, an art installation was installed in Pioneer park as a tribute to the pioneering cattlemen who ran herds through where parts of the city now stand. It, and the nearby confederate cemetery are major tourist stops for visitors to the city. It's larger than life and the detail in the sculptures is amazing.
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Friday I spent visiting the other main attractions in Dallas. The 6th floor museum created not only as a tribute to JFK, and his history but as a way of detailing the investigations that occurred into his death. An intriguing and informative way to spend a few hours, in the building where the shooting occurred. A quick walk across the road then takes you to the 'grassy knoll' and the memorial, as well as the X on the roadway marking the location where the first shots hit their mark. Nearby is the Reunion tower, one of the city's most recognisable landmarks. Built in 1978, 171m tall with 360 degree observation deck, it is visible across the city. While not the tallest structure, the views are worth the trip up! After I'd wandered around Dallas, I then headed out to the George W Bush presidential library and museum. Located on the SMU campus, it was an real introduction for me to the breadth of American politics. Apparently all the ex presidents have their own library museum's dotted around the country. They are set up as a means of immortalising their time in the top job, and, in a way, keeping their own version of events out in the public. An interesting and worthwhile experience for me to take in! I also got to sit at the replica resolute desk in the replica oval office and hear the story of how the desk was given to the country, and it's history. I was also unaware that the way the eagle faced on the US seal had been changed in 1945 immediately after WWII. Then president, Truman, had the eagles head changed to face the olive branch symbolising America as a nation of peace.
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All too soon I was off on a mad scramble to the airport on Saturday morning. All I can say is I think I was so relaxed my normal on top of it-ness failed and I got times wrong in my head! Thanks to calendar alarm, and bigger thanks to Chuck getting me to the airport in time (checked my bag about 3 mins before bag check closed then had over 20 min wait for security check, then had to catch train to other terminal...) seriously cut that one closer than I ever have!!! (Made last boarding about 10 mins before they shut the doors...)
Part 2, San Antonio...21 - 23 Sept
Anyway made it to San Antonio! It is hawt! Back to total hot and humid again... A major city in south-central Texas with a rich colonial heritage, some of the key points I've covered (apart from food...Mexican and Texas bbq are the bomb here)The Alamo, an 18th-century Spanish mission that is being preserved as a museum and marks an infamous 1836 battle for Texan independence from Mexico. This story I knew very little about, and the tiny church and grounds area didn't help me much! Asking questions did! The mission was originally founded by the Roman Catholics in the 18th Century as an education centre for the local American Indians who had converted to Christianity. It was then abandoned in 1793, to be used by the Mexican armed forces 10 years later. A bit of a to and fro of ownership ensued, with the Mexican army destroying large sections of the mission as they retreated after the battle for which the area is now known. It then took some time for it to be recognised for its historical significance and steps were taken to preserve it since 1906. It's a huge story with great significance to the people not just of Texas, but Nationwide. I now have a much greater understanding of the term "remember the Alamo!"
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The other big tourist drawcards here is following the San Antonio River. Set 1 floor below street level, the River Walk is a landmark pedestrian promenade lined with cafes and shops. The river itself has some amazing and unique engineering installed to prevent a repeat of the 1921 flood that killed 50 people. Its degrees cooler down here on a hot day, and a lovely place to explore.
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HemisFair Park’s 229m Tower of the Americas overlooks the city, and surprisingly your ticket allows you to come and go for the whole day until 11pm....nice one! Sunshine and night views! Originally built as part of the world's fair in 1968, although not the tallest structure in the city, the views are fantastic.
Texas, you go a'right, the people here are so friendly and helpful! Awesome place to visit! Had one last Mexican meal at the oldest river walk restaurant for lunch before I left... um yummm. Also they put paid to my singles get the worst table theory...check out my view!!
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All too soon (again) I'm off to New Orleans today! Replete with checking my flight time about 50 times😂😂. I am getting real good at drinking black filter coffee too... but that's a whole other story!
More photos to come!!!
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