#I've been negative nancy for a few posts
nanierose · 1 year
To counteract all the negativity I've been seeing I wanted to make a post of all the wonderful Orym moments. I'll start and then, if people want to add to it, reblog with your additions :)
•Every time Orym uses flowers as a love language
•The spectacular kill in the final episode of EXU
•Leaping towards a raccoon dog because he knows it's Fearne
•Playing along with Opal's Nancy ruse
These are just a few, please add on anything you love.
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lovelylukaaa · 1 year
Townie Makeover #4 | Landgraab Family
It's time for another townie makeover!
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Nancy Landgraab, knows how to get what she wants and WILL find a way to get it Geoffrey Langraab, a kindhearted man whos only negative trait is that he is too nice Johnny Zest, began pursuing a career in comedy after being diowned by his family. Currently lives in a trailer. Malcom Langraab, everyone's favorite spoiled rich kid who has a soft spot for his mother
I changed Geoffrey and Nancy's careers back to their sims 3 careers (doctor and politician) cause tbh i hated the whole "She's a criminal and he works in law oh no what's gonna happen!?" thing, I thought it was kinda stupid. I like the idea of Nancy being a politician and the head of the household but also like still a huge dick lol.
It's been a hot minute since I've posted but I think i'm back in action now. Since we're onto Oasis Springs now redoing the Landgraab's was the FIRST thing I had to do. They are way too iconic to be left out of my save.
I think i'm done posting a lot of the stories I have attached to my families unless they're ones I REALLY like. It's too time consuming to write lengthy storie for EVERY character (every character of mine has a basic story but I tend to add a ton of stuff and make them 10x lengthier for tumblr posts). I'll probably still be doing stories for most families but for some of them, I probably won't add them. That or they'll be really short like the last few I posted.
I'll probably end up wriiting Johnny's story in a separate post since he's a pretty interesting character to me
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marypsue · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you had any fic recs for Stranger Things? Or honestly just any good fics that can act as a complete narrative without knowing the source material?
Thank youuuuu
*gleefully rubs my hot little hands together*
Yes, I have recommendations! The second part of this request is unfortunately gonna be a toughie, because I tend to like fic that is strongly in conversation with the source material, but I'm sure there are a few things I liked that you could enjoy without knowing the show! I'll mark them out with an asterisk. I'll also mention prominent ships, but you may notice that I skew towards Steve/Nancy/Jonathan. 
Sadly I don’t have anything post-Season 4 to recommend, since I still haven’t finished it (spooky season goals?), but there should still be plenty of good stuff in here. 
(Side note, I'm not going to recommend anything that I haven't actually read yet, myself, for obvious reasons, but I've heard the Fandom Classic is In A Strange Land, by MrsEvadneCake. And I've read their oneshot The Wolves In The Walls and can vouch for that their writing is amazing, so. Check that one out.)
just being in your arms (underneath the mistletoe) by quirkily (2,988 words) is a super sweet Stoncy oneshot that just struck exactly the right chord between coziness, pining, and mutual understanding. Also, poses a fun question if you (like me) care way too much about slasher movies.
break them right by scoutshonour (aka @trulyalpha) (20 chapters, complete, 143,404 words) also has Steve/Nancy/Jonathan, but it's not the only focus. I feel like to describe this one as 'plotty' might give the impression that there's another world-ending threat that the characters have to fight, which isn't quite right, but there is significant meat on its bones, story-wise. It follows Jonathan Byers after the events of Season 3 (in an AU where Hopper survived and he and El both had to move in with the Byers) trying to figure out how to handle his overwhelming survivor's guilt, the ways his family is changing, and his feelings toward both Nancy and Steve - both positive and negative. This one made me tear up in a few places and left me with a warm feeling in my chest, the writing's so thoughtful and full of great imagery and symbolism, the characterisation is 10/10, and the author's a gem of a human being. I haven't read all of her stuff, yet, but I'd say it's a good bet that it's all worth a read.
*Speaking of which, we have the time also by scoutshonour (11 chapters, complete, 124,371 words) is one of those ones that you could probably read with no familiarity with the source material! Nancy and Jonathan are vampires, and have been since 1983. Steve's a human, and has been since about 2000(?). Will Byers is missing, presumed dead since the late eighties, but recent events are making it look like that might not be the case... (This one is an earlier fic and it shows in places, but it's also a fun romp and I love the author's sense of humour and character. Also this concept.)
A Stumble by sarcastical (10 chapters, ongoing, 25,948 words) is a diamond in the rough that I'm going to take every opportunity to plug because it is criminally underrated. It diverges from canon at the end of Season 1, and instead of having El on the run, it asks what might have happened if she'd been found by the people from the lab instead. This author nails down a unique narrative voice for El that rings so true and has so many unexpected funny and heartbreaking elements that I'm desperately envious. There's a lot of thought in this one, and places where things I'd never considered get highlighted in a very deft and effective way. The focus is much more on plot than romantic relationships, but it looks like they're going with the canon pairings.
the night so black (that the darkness hummed) by meliebee (15,983 words) is a post-Season 2 meditation on trauma in the aftermath of supernatural bullshit, through the lens of Steve Harrington and more supernatural bullshit. There is a plot, but it's very strongly tied to the emotional fallout, which is my favourite kind of plot. This fic implies that it could end up becoming Steve/Nancy/Jonathan in the future, but you can read it as platonic if you prefer.
*Jackrabbit Underneath by Grey_Lark (31 chapters, ongoing, 210,614 words) does not need my help reaching an audience, but, well, you asked. Steve Harrington has superpowers he doesn't realise are superpowers. It changes everything and nothing about how the story plays out. Again, the focus is more on plot than romantic relationships.
all these acts of violence by bixxelated (aka @bixxelated) (13 chapters, ongoing, 48,970 words) is another one that I feel is severely underrated. Canon divergence AU of Season 3 where, instead of El, it’s Mike who gets bitten by the Mind Flayer’s weapon. Everything goes horribly wrong from there, in the most entertaining way possible. bixx has such a grasp of these characters and how best to hurt them, and makes some points that cast things that really frustrated me in canon in a new and more interesting light. Also, the climactic scene really spoke to the Terry Pratchett fan in me. The final chapter is still yet to come, but where it ends is a satisfying (if sad) jumping-off point. Mostly plot-focused, but Mike/El is a big part of that plot, so it’s a big part of this fic, too. 
the tune of coffee by Patricia_Sage (1,549 words) is going on here because I am going to drag as many people as I possibly can down into the Bob/Joyce/Hopper hole with me. Cute, sweet, funny fic focusing entirely on these three trying to work out a romantic relationship around their respective kids. 
Best Laid Plans by pterawaters (11,190 words) is another one where the romances take a backseat to the plot. And in this case, a very, very funny plot. Dustin Henderson is convinced that Steve has some kind of supernatural sixth sense to be able to turn up just at the right moment and save the day so often, and he’ll go to ridiculous lengths to prove it. 
kids are dying out in the snow. by ghostshaming (2,876 words) is a mid-canon snippet of character study focused on Nancy Wheeler in the last few episodes of Season 3. Her relationship with Mike is really at the heart of this one and it got me good. 
*this must be the place. by dickovny (6 chapters, complete, 13,416 words) is the only purely Joyce/Hopper fic on this list, and one of my favourite versions of their relationship that I’ve seen in fic or onscreen. Jim and Joyce have a lovely domestic life as a childless married couple with fulfilling artistic careers in a charming house which may be trying to kill them. All is definitely not what it seems. 
Firestarter by echovalley26809 (3 chapters, ongoing, 23,796 words) appears to be abandoned, which is a crying shame, because it was amazing. Another one that has El as a POV character and does brilliant things with her narrative voice. Post-Season 3 canon-divergence AU where Hopper lives and doesn’t end up in Russia (are we starting to see a pattern here?), where El’s powers come back...different. (And as one huge metaphor for trauma.)
Better Than Aspic by Sholio (2,520 words) is a conversation that I badly needed to see between Joyce and Karen Wheeler. Funny and sad in turns, and I love the sense of a shared history between them. 
Purple Haze by Sholio (1,936 words) is a very, very silly, very cute Nancy/Kali fic that has dinosaurs. What more do you need?
*the other side of the coin by younglegends (9,186 words) Role reversal fic where it’s Mike who gets snatched up by a Demogorgon and goes missing for a week, instead of Will. There’s a significant splash of Steve/Nancy/Jonathan, but the real draw in this one is how the different characters being in each other’s places changes the story. Does a very clever thing with Mike being a DM that I appreciated. 
What About A Threeway? by gala_apples (3,105 words) I will drag you all down into the Joyce/Bob/Hopper hole with me. This was the first fic I read for them, and remains possibly the best AO3 has to offer. Also convinced me that a Big Unexpected Kiss That Reveals Feelings is the way to go for this ship. (It’s also, IIRC, the steamiest entry on this list. Heed the tags.)
*Let's Stop the World by Sholio (5,339 words) AU where Steve and Jonathan become friends prior to the events of Season 1, and the pool party goes...very differently. This one’s also Steve/Nancy/Jonathan-flavoured.
Nought by Anonymous (2 chapters, ongoing, 10,000 words) also appears to be abandoned, and I hope the author is okay, whoever and wherever they are, because they mentioned being a healthcare worker at the beginning of the pandemic. This is, hands down, the single best fic I’ve ever come across in the ‘Steve Harrington Has Powers’ tag. And I’ve read most of said tag. (And written one!)
*The Very Best People by scioscribe (18,150 words), on the other hand, is one of the best fics I’ve read in this fandom. Steve and Robin go undercover in an evil suburb as a newly married couple. It’s exactly as awkward as you’d think it’d be. The power of friendship is on full display in this one, and I still think about how the author described the pinks of the house exteriors whenever I’m driving through certain late-eighties-early-nineties suburbs. 
Mourners by Rosie447 (1,716 words) Hawkins holds a funeral for Jim Hopper. Nancy Wheeler remembers another couple of funerals she attended, not so long ago. Mike is a pain in the ass until he isn’t. I really love Nancy and Mike’s sibling relationship, and it’s strongly in focus here. 
So This Is The Aftermath by nyctanthes (3,404 words) This one’s restricted to logged-in AO3 users only. Will Byers questions everything in the aftermath of Season 2. This one hurts in the best possible way.
The Unquiet Gate by scribefindegil (8 chapters, abandoned, 17,468 words) is a crossover with Gravity Falls, where post-Season 1, both Barb and El end up in 1983 Gravity Falls. One of the big complaints I had about Hopper on my first watch (and, honestly, still do) is that he’s just...not Stan Pines, so seeing El get adopted by Stan was everything I needed. Sadly abandoned, but still well worth a read. 
the light (had too much to dream last night) by palmviolet (33 chapters, complete, 86,430 words) has such a fun concept and some absolutely fantastic imagery. Joyce Byers has more of a personal connection to the happenings at the Hawkins Lab than anyone realised. I have also heard good things about this author’s fic view from a bridge, but again, haven’t read it myself yet so I can’t put my personal seal of approval on it. 
*now I am the violence, I am the sickness. by poisonquiver (14 chapters, complete, 35,537 words) AU where Jonathan Byers is the child who was stolen at birth and raised as a psychic experiment. Robin is in it! Everything is horrible and painful! It looks like the author intended to turn it into a series, but that doesn’t seem to have happened. Still, it stands well on its own. 
smoke signals by plastiswafers (2,359 words) Steve and Robin watch movies together. Steve has a best friend now and doesn’t know how to feel about this. Heartfelt and hilarious. 
sea legs by plastiswafers (2,066 words) Steve is dealing with the aftermath of Season 2. Not well, maybe, but. He’s dealing. 
The Steve Harrington, Demogorgon-Whisperer series by RadScavver (4 works, 17,023 words) was actually part of the inspiration for the road goes ever on (I’m not plugging my own work on a reclist, you’re plugging your own work on a reclist!). I didn’t find it until I was already well into planning the road goes ever on, but it definitely worked its way in there when I was writing the scenes with Gizmo at the Harringtons’. So. If that was something you liked, you will like this, also. 
*The Right-Side Up AU series by midas_touch_of_angst (3 works, 199,070 words) is a role-reversal AU where El and Max are the kids who find an escaped psychic kid in the woods. Good fun if just to see how the author changes everybody’s roles, and how that plays with their canon personalities. 
*And finally, Black Christmas by daddygrandpaandthebeaver (aka @daddygrandpaandthebeaver​) (687 words), which I love unreasonably. Steve asks Robin to show him her favourite Christmas movie. Courtney’s grasp on the characters is impeccable, and I laughed real laughter until she unexpectedly punched me in the gut. 
...and now that I’ve come to the bottom of this list, it occurs to me that you might have been asking for fic from fandoms that aren’t Stranger Things which could be read with no knowledge of the source material. Oops. Well, if that’s the case, I have to plug:
*A Draught of Light by GretchenSinister (32 chapters, complete, 200,099 words) This is a high fantasy novel about the immortal avatars of darkness and light, their tragic history, their forbidden love, and their attempts to restore balance to a world that has all but lost it. It also uses characters inspired by the 2012 animated movie Rise of the Guardians, which you do not need to know literally anything about in order to read this. In fact, I’d recommend it even more strongly if you don’t. 
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
🧍‍♀️😨 👁
🧍‍♀️what fic is begging for your attention right now but you refuse to give it?
Timeless Nonesense. And I might just wind up giving in a bit so that I can get the part of it nagging me out of the way.
It's the story where Barry wakes up in the pilot episode, but with memories from multiple timelines and realities due to how the Speed Force sent him back in time to prevent a future disaster in the Speed Force's personal timeline. It's intended to be a crack fic, at times parodying the show and at times taking the premise seriously.
I've got three story arcs lined up in my head thus far. The first is where Barry wakes up and is very much not the Barry that Eobard was expecting. Despite himself, Eobard comes to trust that this version of Barry really is telling the truth and genuinely wants to be allies with him.
The second arc is set in the future where Eobard is from where Barry proves Eobard is actually Malcolm Thawne's descendant, not Eddie Thawne (reusing an explanation I've used/am using in other places) and convinces him to destroy the Negative Speed Force before it can become a threat to the real Speed Force. It's not what Barry came back in time to do, but not having to worry about the NSF is one less problem to deal with later.
Third arc is when the Eobarry finally starts. They return to the past to start setting up the reputation of the Flash in order to start attracting more Speedsters notice as part of the long game to protect the Speed Force. They take advantage of events Barry knows are coming to plausibly 'pass' on Barry's abilities to Eobard to make it look like Harrison Wells is now a Speedster too.
It's the first arc that's nagging at me. And I do see this as being a really fun series to work on. But of my Eobarry fic ideas, the one with Herobard is the one I like better. So I'm determined to get part 3 done before I start posting this series. (We'll see how that goes, though.)
😨 describe in FULL detail the first fic you wrote (yes I'm talking the wattpad shit we all did it).
Well, if we're talking the first ever fanfic I wrote, not the first I posted, then... I was... ten? maybe? And my parents had just okayed putting the old Windows 3.1 computer in my room as long as I was responsible and didn't stay up late playing The Black Cauldron or the Kings Quest games.
I started writing Star Trek Voyager fanfic pretty much immediately. I don't remember the plot details, but I know it was about Seven of Nine and Captain Janeway because they were my favorites and Seven in particular was just so cool.
TBH, I basically wanted to be Naomi Wildman. (Captain's Assistant and friends with Seven of Nine? Sign me up, please.)
It was not a self-insert or use an OC for the main character - though I did toy around with those later on. I do remember that much. It was something of a bad things happen and the crew reacts to save the day type plot.
Much as I wish I still had the story I was working on back then just for nostalgia reasons, the computer crashed after only a few months and my parents decided it wasn't worth the price to repair. My fanfic was lost and I started using the hall computer for games instead. I was a bit devastated by the loss of my fanfic, so I didn't start over in a notebook and instead tried my hand at an original mystery that was very Nancy Drew and A Wrinkle in Time inspired, though I don't think that made it past the first chapter. It was a few years later when i was... fourteen? that I was introduced to fanfiction.net, however, and my fanfic obsession truly began.
👁 have you ever accidentally foreshadowed something you fully didn't intend to happen?
I'm pretty sure I did that in an old Harry Potter fic I wrote back in high school. It was a Draco/Harry fic that I took down when I got concerned by the idea of my parents looking up my ffnet account and finding it... and it's since been lost entirely. It was a pretty innocent fic, but between some of the nastier comments that had started heading my way (ffnet was going through a wave of people leaving flames, or very rude reviews) and not really knowing how my mom in particular would react to me writing two boys kissing and holding hands... *shrugs* it was easier to just take down the fic entirely.
It was among the first fics I'd ever posted and my first attempt at a long fic. So it's not really surprising that sometimes I'd write things intending to indicate the fic was going in one direction without realizing that it was actually meandering into the weeds in a different direction. The whole thing was a fun learning experience and ffnet had a very critique friendly atmosphere at the time, so getting feedback was helpful in fixing some of the more egregious errors and foreshadowing failures. I do wish I could have finished it, but... I don't regret losing it the way I do the Voyager fic because stopping work on it was my choice. And I think it helps that while Star Trek continues to grow in new directions and promote inclusive narratives, JKR has since gone off the terf deep end. So losing a fanfic based off her writing is more relief than bother at this point.
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
On the topic of actor opinion, I absolutely agree with what you guys said. People pick and choose what actors say and what they think is then canon. Like Natalia mentioned countless times that Nancy can be cruel but it gets ignored. Same with her saying Steve was Nancy's first love, while I personally also don't agree with that given how in the show Nancy emotionally cheated from the beginning, people also ignore her because it shatters their illusion that Steve was good to Nancy at one point, so much that he couldn't surpress her emotions for a year or so.
I also hate how Dacre denied in interviews that Billy was racist and that he simply was protective of Max. It just gave people an excuse to ignore the whole racism argument when it's clearly there in the show. They also ignore Caleb when he says Billy was racist towards Lucas. Like two actore two opinions what should you believe now? If you play a questionable character you should own up to it. I don't mind actors giving inside to their characters, I know Dacre fought hard to try to humanize Billy and he related to him on the abuse level but he shouldn't have downplayed Billy's obvious faults. You can acknowledge both. And I get why you're so anti Billy if his stans harassed you at one point. Like the other anon said there are extreme people on both sides. I've seen people wish death on others, calling them names just for liking Billy and the other way around. Both sides fuel this war which just escalates. You should be able to put your opinions on Billy in the tag, without getting harassed as an anti when you analyze his behavior. But because his stans get bullied and also harassed, they are extremely hostile towards anything negative even if it's written in a respectful way. This is just an observation I made the past few months. I had two friends being harassed by Billy stans who purposefully go in the anti tag to argue. But there are also Billy stans who keep it respectful. There should be a way to discuss his character in a way that's respectful. Like I find him interesting with how Billy reacts to abuse and what it does to him, while still being able to recognize his actions hurt other people and should be discussed as such.
sorry about the late answer. anyway yeah people really be picky about the actor interviews and it’s soo weird to me. ngl i don’t really know what natalia says about nancy cuz nancy isn’t a character i think that much about except when i’m discussing her with other people (also i don’t really watch those interviews) but yeah people just pick and choose.
honestly anything that dacre says about billy annoys me and it’s just him giving the advantage to billy stan’s despite him saying/going harmful shit. to me dacre is just weird about this whole thing. the fact that billy’s racism is just throw under the rug annoys me soo much especially cuz billy stan’s just always ignore that shit and when you bring it up they’re like ‘well his father was like that’ BUT BILLY IS THE ONE DOING THE ACTIONS ON SCREEN! like bro they need common sense and need to stop harassing people who don’t like billy (yes i’m glaring at that one person who purposely goes into anti billy tags and argues with people about billy’s horrible actions). lol typed this out before fully reading bjt yeahhhh exactly everything that you said! i never would go send hate to billy stan’s i’ve only lashed out when they’ve been mean to me like constantly replying in my posts about how billy wasn’t obviously going to run over the boys because what was he going to do leave their bodies there like he would have gotten caught and he had to think about getting arrested like it’s such a weird thing to say. yeahhh anyway point is people are so weird about billy and it’s just weird and annoying at this point
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caithyra · 4 years
Cousin in the North?
So, GRRM has said that the characters will end up more or less in the same positions in ASoIaF as they did in GoT. If you’ve seen me in other fandoms you know what that means...
Random Theory Time! (Or: How Sansa ends up ruling most of Westeros in the books, maybe?)
So, when Robb is looking at the chain of inheritance, Catelyn suggests distant cousins in the Vale of Arryn. Anyway, turns out Lord Frey is the biggest FoBzilla there ever was and now Sansa Stark is considered the only legitimate Stark alive (no one in the North believes Jeyne is Arya ffs, they watched these girls grow up! All that’s needed is for the Starks’ bannermen to be called and they take one look at Jeyne, who is the wrong age and presumably not with a long “horse-face” or she wouldn’t have thrown so many stones in that glasshouse, and boom).
Here’s the thing: Sansa Stark is not just the last legitimate Stark. She is also first cousins with the young and sickly Lord of the Vale and the niece of the dethroned Lord of the Riverlands, which is currently going through a famine in a ten-year winter, while the Vale’s granaries and larders are so full they might burst.
Yes, Edmure has a baby, but this is Westeros; if grown women like Minisa, Joanna, Lyarra and rest are dropping like damselflies, I fully expect kids under the age of 3 to drop even faster, and Edmure was probably traumatized over the whole Red Wedding thing and not in the mood to lay with his Frey wife (if the High Septon doesn’t go “weddings are not massacres!” and annuls it for a tidy sum that may or may not have the prints of “small” fingers on it). Alternatively, if Edmure dies and baby dies after him, Sansa would inherit from a cousin in the Riverlands as well.
Things Catelyn says/wants sometimes comes true (see wanting to keep Bran in the North before his fall, and then he even goes further north!). She talks about inheritance, cousins, the North and the Vale.
And the gods, whether they’re the Seven or Old, listen to Sansa’s wishes/curses at times, and Sansa wanted Harry the Heir thrown by his horse (depending on when it happens, that’s a guaranteed trampling, maybe even by several horses, sometimes not very survivable, it could also happen on the side of a mountain on a trail, even, and, well, the Moon Door is a death sentence for a reason).
What if Sansa wont be Queen in the North?
What if she will become the Queen of the Northern Kingdoms? The North, the Vale and the Riverlands?
Heck, we have the “Younger, more beautiful, Queen”-prophecy and Jaime’s quest for honor, so lets thrown in the Westerlands as well by the Western bannermen abandoning Cersei after Tommen/Myrcella’s deaths (maybe she flees King’s Landing for Casterly Rock and opens the gates to Greyjoy in exchange for becoming his wife and instead ends up a saltwife?), and going to swear fealty to Jaime, because by now the world is upside-down enough and they don’t care about some silly Kingsguard vows he already broke in the most spectacular way possible (also, they all seem to like him, so...).
Except, he pledges his sword and shield to Sansa Stark. Basically becoming her bannerman. Which makes his bannermen, her bannermen, too.
Tywin: “Muhahaha! I shall steal the North via Sansa Stark by forcing her to marry my most hated child!”
Sansa: *Yoinks the Westerlands and his favorite child from underneath his most successful child’s feet by playing much fairer than him.*
"Queen you shall be . . . until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."
“Dear” -> Jaime’s loyalty, the adoration and fealty of the kingdoms, queen in her own right without having to marry, is called beautiful the most in the books, would get Casterly Rock through either her marriage to Tyrion or by Jaime’s vow, as well as under the tutelage of Littlefinger becomes the Queen of the Chessboard of the Game of Thrones.
Heck, with Brienne of Tarth and the Baratheons dying out, lets add the Stormlands as well!
Though those are an even longer shot, since it wouldn’t have poetic justice behind it (on the other hand, Joffrey Baratheon abused her and Stannis Baratheon wants to steal her birthright, hm...).
Basically, we don’t know who Brienne’s mother is, but she could be a Baratheon aunt, which would make Brienne next in line! ^_^ How fun! Okay, we’ve got 5/7 kingdoms now...
The Reach will probably devolve into civil war because the War of the Five Kings is pretty much half-exported from the Reach (Hightowers/Tyrells supports Renly and Joffrey and Tommen, while the Florents support Stannis, via their queens, Selyse and Margaery). Depending on how destroyed the Tyrells are, and how busy the Hightowers will be with the Greyjoys, it might end up becoming a three-way within the Reach’s borders alone.
The Iron Islands might end up swearing fealty to Sansa to pay for their transgressions through Theon and Asha, or this will be the conflict that finally gets rid of the cockroaches that should never have survived this long with their stupid culture...
Dorne will probably remain independent.
The Crownlands will burn with wildfire, but from the ashes the shoots of a new spring might grow...
Okay, so Iron Islands and the Crownlands! There, Seven Kingdoms of the North (of the Reach and Dorne). Okay, so those were a reach, but eh! This is Random Theory Time! Strict logic and accuracy need not apply!
And so you have witnessed the birth of The Queen of the Northern Kingdoms Theory. Move over BoltOn, Varys the Little Mermaid, Septa Lemore and the rest! There’s a new Queen in the North! Lol.
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thedeviljudges · 2 years
am i right in assuming you watched all of st4? if you have what are you thoughts/feelings now that you watched it? i just finished it last night and already feel behind on 'fandom thinking points'. i'm really interested in how you viewed things/characters.
i didn't watch all of it. i skimmed through it, and mainly only watched the hawkins storyline. if you asked me what happened with el or byers, i couldn't tell ya, lmao.
that said, i did have some thoughts of what i did watch. but ig you can take it with a grain of salt bc i didn't watch it all the way through. also, this is kinda negative. i've never been positive about stranger things tbqh so please keep that in mind.
i didn't think it was that bad story-wise. but i'm so tired of the dbags adding in new characters and not giving the ones they have the room to grow. for example (and removing my billy bias), they introduced erica as a prominent character in st3 and then... sidelined her in st4?? she's in the know. why wouldn't she help?
i really understand the continuity to make steve a little himbo, but i know someone on here mentioned, and i agree, that steve had some good ideas this season, and everyone else just thought he was crazy. like there's on part he talks about looking for that one dude bc he's most likely been arrested and might have a police history. that's... not a bad idea. but then robin gets the idea to look him up in the video store data base. who the hell is to say he'd ever be in there??? video rentals were big back then, yeah, but i'm sure there were a lot of people who didn't use it/couldn't afford it.
stancy. jfc i don't even want to talk about this bc it just makes me.... so annoyed. SO annoyed on this one. steve and nancy are better friends. they have both moved on, and when you part from someone, you grow up, but that doesn't mean you're compatible any longer. i don't understand the love triangle thing at all, especially bc it's an overused trope, and they were pushing it hard in nearly every scene with steve and nancy to the point of it being nauseating. like having robin hint at it? gross. robin should be the first one telling steve it's a sailed ship and it would be better for him to find someone better suited to who he is now. also, but why spend so much narrative convincing audiences that jonathan is better suited for nancy and then... undo all of that just bc nancy finds steve nice. like??????
i think the acting was very sub-par. it's actually even funnier when you skip scenes and you stop in the middle and you realize just how cringe the dialogue actually is.
i genuinely don't mind eddie. i think he's a nice balance and could actually be a good friend for steve (and even moreso for billy). as i was thinking about him, he's slightly an older version of dustin?? a little more out there, but that's what he reminds me of. i genuinely enjoyed his scene with chrissy. i've seen ppl on about how they disliked the possible path of them liking each other, but actually i saw that whole scene as eddie just... being a good dude and helping when he noticed something was wrong. like truthfully, that's how men should be without asking for anything in return, and i did appreciate that scene of trying to make her feel better.
the one part i did watch with el, and not the entire thing so maybe i missed some backstory, but the entire storyline of how vecna was created is so... boring. it's so typical, and i think as @aeon-of-neon put it in one of their posts a few days back, it's kinda ableist to go the 'autistic child is evil' narrative. like i was genuinely hoping for a much cooler story about the upside down and the creation of all the creatures, and it's that? ok.
i think that's all the main thoughts i have at this moment or that i can think of right now.
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qlownbun · 3 years
where did i disappear to?
so, i'm going to start this off by saying: hello! happy holidays. i know this is a weird time to sort of do a come back as some people are celebrating the festivities, but that's exactly why i decided to come back on this day. as it's one of my favorite holidays, i felt i would be in the best mental state to return!
so, that leads to the question: where did i run off to?
well, a lot - and i mean a LOT - went down in my personal life. tldr; my entire irl friend group vanished out of my life and i was essentially left alone to question my entire existence and purpose on this planet.
instead of allowing myself, someone who self-pities whenever a small bad thing happens, self-pity and be a negative nancy all over the place over a BIG bad thing that happened, i decided to step away from everything.
tumblr, social media, they're all very exciting places, and i love the people i've met and will continue to meet. that is why i want to put my best self forward. so i took a break.
it's been at least a few months, i believe. and i wanna say hello! lot's has changed in my personal life. i'm moving to a new, bigger city on my own, pursuing a career that has no set path laid out for me. i'm basically "starting over," although there never is a true way to "start over." so i suppose this is my chance to grow.
i've grown a lot as a person - mentally and emotionally - and i feel like now is the time where i can come back to the online world and put the positive foot forward. so, i guess all that's left to say is - i hope you'll have me back! wow, i can finally post on here without fear. it feels really freeing, honestly.
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oh! and before i forget - happy holidays and merry christmas if you celebrate from luck and genesis (me) :) big announcement to come in the next big post! <3
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ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
for the ask meme! C, D, F, G, M, N, O, Q, R (oKAy i'm sorry that was a lot, you don't have to do all of those you can just choose if you want :') )
Buckle up, Rose, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride! C: A ship you have never liked and probably never will: Kreese/Johnny. No offense to anyone who likes it, but it's not something I can get behind. Probably never will. D: A pairing you wish you liked but just can't. Steve & Nancy, from Stranger Things. I like both characters, but I prefer them with other people than with each other. They just don't click, for me. F: What's the longest you've ever been in a fandom? 14+ years and still going (wrestling fandom) G: Do you remember your favorite OTP, if so who was in it? My first ever OTP was Tommy and Kimberly from the Power Rangers. M: Say something genuinely nice about a ship you don't ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you) I love the CK/TKK fandom. I have only been in the fandom a few months (but a fan of The Karate Kid movies since childhood), but everyone has been so kind and welcoming. I think it's because it's such a small fandom. Honestly, I like that it's small. Mega fandoms just aren't for me. And the creativity blows me away! There are so many AUs and fic tropes that I love reading about, and everyone puts their own unique twist on them. I don't feel like a weirdo or an outlier in this fandom, unlike with previous ones. And @camptriplepine, you share the same love for summer camp stories that I do, so that makes me happy. I love seeing your posts on my dash! N: Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or fandom of choice) Well, I'm not really an active member of the S*pernatural fandom anymore, and the reasons I'm going to list are a big part of why I'm not. Number one, I never saw a sense of community or family within the fandom. They liked to call themselves a "family", but I never felt more alienated when I was in that fandom than any other fandom I've been in. Number two, the infighting. The fandom was full of toxic behavior, from content policing to death threats, purity culture, harassment, and callouts. People just could not ship and let ship, OR allow people to enjoy the content and character headcanons they had. It was so negative, even when I filtered content and blocked, I still saw awful behavior. And number three, I wish I had seen more fun things. O: Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of? "Voices Carry" by 'Til Tuesday reminds me of a teen Lawrusso AU where Daniel and Johnny are fooling around, and Daniel is falling head over heels for Johnny, but Johnny is afraid to admit that he's queer (mostly because of his mom, Sid, and Kreese), so he tells Daniel that they have to keep their relationship hidden. Wowwww, I made myself sad. Q: A ship you've abandoned and why Dean/Cas (aka D*stiel) from SPN. I don't want to get too much into it, because I don't want to get a ton of hate, but I will say that a big part of why I abandoned it was due to the hardcore shippers. If you'd like to know more about why, I'll tell you. Just message me :) R: A pairing you ship that you don't think anyone else ships Hmm. I'm not sure that I have any odd ships. I'm a pretty boring bitch, LOL. Thanks for these, Rose! I enjoyed answering them.
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swiftiephobe · 3 years
fuck it i'm posting these now okay okay here are some thoughts (this covers the whole album so like. if you are still listening and don't want spoilers then don't read i guess?):
first of all: i'm very happy to essentially be back in the red era <3 this is a very special album to me and it was a very special time.
atw 10 min is pretty good for what it is, the lyrics were very obviously written specifically for this rerelease (i do not believe for a second these were the original lyrics, what is "fuck the patriarchy" doing here girl you know 2011/2012 taylor is not writing that) BUT aside from that it all sounds pretty good!! some of the newer melodies are very reminiscent of august. think she could have tried harder to actually channel red era taylor in the lyrics so it kept up the legend of "this is the original version of all too well!" but it is what it is. don't think i'll listen to it very often since i don't think it does enough more than the og to justify the 10 min runtime, i can see it being tiresome to listen to
i'm not as immediately sold on this as i was on fearless tv. i felt like fearless tv benefited a lot from updated vocals and production but still kept really faithful to the original for the most part. i think the only one that was a bit iffy was you belong with me? here there are a few more eh moments, maybe because i just love red a LOT so i'm going to be more picky with these songs, but also because there wasn't really much room for improvement with the vocals and stuff like there was for fearless so any changes that are there are more likely to feel unnecessary? idk, some of these songs i'm going have a very hard time replacing the old versions with tv because they just aren't as good
songs that i pretty much have no complaints about compared to the originals, just to prove i'm not being a negative nancy: red, treacherous, ikywt (the snippet had some dodgy vocals but it sounds better with all the production), all too well (original version), i almost do, stay stay stay, the last time, holy ground, sad beautiful tragic, the lucky one, everything has changed, starlight, begin again, come back be here
now for the ones i have issues with...
the state of grace background vocals are so muted :/ look how they massacred my boy. a shame because otherwise this version is great.
what the fuck are the "WEEEEEE"s in wanegbt. why do they sound like that. also the spoken word part is off but i think it would have been impossible to replicate it perfectly. i'm not sure i can listen to this new version over the original honestly
the chorus of 22... also sounds bad. it sounds almost off-key and is weirdly echoey. i hated the snippet we got way back when and the whole song does at least sound better than that snippet had me fearing. but that chorus...
i'm not a massive fan of the mixing on the moment i knew... i adore this song and the vocals and production on tv are both excellent individually but i think the production overpowers the vocals sometimes? i feel the vocals were very prominent on the original but they seem a bit more buried here and it bothers me
GIRL AT HOME NOW AN ELECTROPOP BANGER?? i remember she knows that people hate it (note that i don't say *WE* hate it because *I* am not included in this group!!!) so i guess she wanted to "upgrade it"?? i liked the original, i like this one too but i hate making such drastic changes on principle when i thought the point was to keep it faithful to the original (and yes now i am afraid for certain other songs because if she was willing to change something as inconsequential as girl at home what else will she change if she perceives it as being disliked?)
i never really cared much about better man and babe and can probably count on my fingers how many times i've listened to both of them. taylor's versions are nice though, i'll probably listen to them more often now.
anyway now thoughts on the vault tracks (the actual new ones not like babe/better man) overall i can see why these were rejects, while i generally like them and i'm glad we have them, i don't think i would replace any song on the original red with these:
nothing new: not as good as i was hoping. i like the subject matter of the song, i think it's an interesting and fairly heartbreaking insight into taylor's headspace back then. it's lyrically very on the nose though, to a fault. phoebe got a good chunk of the song though! so let's celebrate that.
message in a bottle: interesting that this was apparently the first song she wrote with max + shellback because this feels very 1989 rather than red. it's cute! but it's not amazing
i bet you think about me: return of the country drawl i- also the whole "you grew up in a silver spoon gated estate and i grew up in a farm not a mansion" part (paraphrasing lyrics) has me a bit 💀 and not in a good way
forever winter: i like it <3
run: feels a bit ed by the numbers. which isn't necessarily a bad thing. the better collab was chosen for the album
the very first night: I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE!! i like how upbeat it is, this kinda feels like starlight except more closely tied with the story of the album so it's interesting it didn't make the cut. but i guess she wanted most of the "previous relationship" songs on red to be heartbreak songs with the happier songs being more about new love so i'm guessing that's why it was dropped!! again nitpicking but just before the chorus she sings "you" in a way that annoys me because it would rhyme way better if she sang it more like "ya" sdhfsgfs idk if that makes sense.
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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With all the negative attacks on President Trump I found this interesting FROM a Democrat..
This is something I’m asking you to read. It’s not for aggravation, debate or comment. If you comment I won’t answer. I’m just asking you to read what someone else wrote but I agree with mostly...
I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given,
let's move on from that...
How about the division of America..
Do you really blame Trump for that?
How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?
How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?
How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?
How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 Democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...? Was THAT when Trump divided America?
I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...
Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...
Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?
It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive win Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...
I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.
Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?
Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...
What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?
What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?
What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?
What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?
Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?
It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...
If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:
Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that:
Were the KKK?
That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?
Let me ask you this as well.
Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? Don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..
President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...
Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him or tried to work with him to help make America the best it can be?
WHY? They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...
Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!
How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence,and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...
DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it? Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!
Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..
What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..
What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...
JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.
When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.
Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???
If you haven't started asking yourselves those questions, maybe you should..
As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....
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onisionhurtspeople · 6 years
I'm a newcomer and I have to ask: what is the story behind Sarah, Billie, Haylee, Lane, ect? I've seen it I just don't understand
I’m going to give just a brief summary for each, and then try to include links for supplemental reading. (I say that, but let’s be real, I’m probably gonna end up typing a fucking short story.) At this point I’m dedicated to banging out this fucking novel, so prepare yourself for what may end up being the longest tl;dr I’ve ever written.
The Girls Who Peeled The Onion Skin 
Sorry if that was creepy, I just wanted it to sound like “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” or “The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest”. 
It all started with Billie. 
In 2015, Lainey came out as bisexual, and Greg convinced her to explore her sexuality by getting a girlfriend. The girlfriend that they chose was Billie, an 18-year-old influencer who had a large Instagram following. Greg flew Billie down for Lainey under the guise that she would have a chance to explore herself and her sexual orientation, but when Billie got there, his ulterior motives became clear, and Greg began moving in on this 18-year-old girl who was supposed to be his wife’s girlfriend. This did not go unnoticed by Lainey, who was pregnant with their second child at the time and was quick to express her discomfort with the situation - but Greg didn’t listen to her, and one day when Lainey was out with a friend, he gave Billie a massage in the nude, after which they cuddled while watching a movie. Lainey was hurt and felt cheated on and betrayed, and moved out to stay with a friend that day while they discussed getting a divorce. 
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At the time, the plan was for Lainey and Greg to divorce, for Greg to sign away his parental rights over Troy (and the baby that Lainey was currently pregnant with), for him to set her up in her own place with child support payments, and for him to move Billie down from her own state to live with him as his new girlfriend. The only reason this did not end up going through was because Billie didn’t feel comfortable about the way everything had gone down, and didn’t think what Greg was planning to do was right. She didn’t want to be the reason why a family with young children and a pregnant wife split up, and decided to go back to her own state. The next day, Greg and Lainey talked and agreed to give their marriage another chance. 
The next year, for whatever reason, they suddenly decided that it would be a fantastic fucking idea to bring Billie back into their home; and having browbeaten Lainey into this choice, he then declared that he, Lainey, and Billie were now in a polyamorous triad. (One important thing to note here (for the sake of explaining another aspect of this story later on) is that during this time that Billie was living with them again, Greg and Lainey also had another house guest - a 15-year-old girl named Sarah who Lainey had met and befriended online, and over whom Lainey had legal guardianship of at the time. More on this later.) Lainey accepted this passively, though she was still uncomfortable with it; and she asked that Greg and Billie not do anything sexual together unless she was there to participate too. At one point, Lainey and Sarah even went so far as to sit Billie down privately and ask her not to sleep with Greg if he made advances on her. 
To no one’s surprise, just a few weeks later - again, while Lainey was out with a friend - Greg took Billie aside and manipulated her into sleeping with him. Billie protested that she thought Lainey would be hurt by this and didn’t think it was okay, but Greg reassured her that it was all okay, because he had already told Lainey that there would be no more jealousy in the relationship, that Greg would do what he wanted with Billie when he wanted to do it, and that she would have to either just get over it or find herself divorced. A quote from one of Greg’s YouTube videos at the time:
“Regardless, it is important to note that Billie did tell me that she thought Lainey might be upset if she and I slept together, but every time she indicated she was worried, I would remind her of the conversation I had with Lainey where I repeatedly told her there would be no more boundaries, we would all have balanced relationships, and that there would be no jealousy.”
Lainey was hurt and enraged, but she had no power or control over the situation: if she tried to stop Greg from doing what he wanted, then he’d simply divorce her - he’d already begun sewing the seeds of discord among his viewers that Lainey was a Negative Nancy who was insecure and dramatic, and always causing unnecessary strife in the relationship. Who wouldn’t understand his struggle, the long-suffering man of an insecure wife who he just couldn’t make happy, no matter how hard he tried? Who could have blamed him, really?
But then, Greg and Lainey fucked up big time. 
After yet another break-up with Billie, during which Greg blamed the entire thing on her (by arguing that he and Lainey had broken up with her because she had smoked weed without their permission, though they later retconned this to say that it was because she smoked weed at all) and released a ton of private information about her personal life that he had no business repeating, Billie decided that she had had enough. She was sick of being blamed and harassed by Greg’s hundreds of thousands of rabid followers - and so she released a series of text messages between them that revealed an alarmingly abusive side to him that, up until then, he had been extremely good at hiding. 
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The current downward spiral that you’re witnessing Greg spinning around aimlessly in was all triggered by Billie’s choice to release these text messages. For the people who have just jumped on the anti-O train within the past two years: the thing you have to understand is that before this happened back in late 2016 - although most of YouTube knew by this point that the entity named Onision was a complete asshole - very few people who were not familiar with his personal life (or who couldn’t see through him, or discern the subtly abusive patterns in his relationships and personal conduct) knew how abusive he was in private. Most people were still under the impression that he was just a very douchey online personality, and the people who did know about what a piece of shit he was were too scared to come forward about it, because this all happened during a time when he still had a considerably large and dedicated fan base. His videos were still getting 100,000+ views per video, his tweets had hundreds of likes per post, and he was making nearly $5000 per month on Patreon - and Billie’s choice to come forward with these text messages as proof completely change all of that. They got a ton of harassment for it at first (to the point where Ayallah - Billie’s best friend, and the ex-girlfriend of Social Repose - caught so much flack for her involvement that she ended up having a complete mental break-down where she had to beg Greg to leave her and Billie alone). I’m sure a lot of people disagree with me, but personally, I consider Billie to essentially be the Petyr Baelish of the anti-O community - she was the first fallen domino that triggered the chain reaction that has ultimately resulted in the final fall of Onision. 
Now, moving on to Haylee (who you may see occasionally be referred to as “Luxymoo”). 
After Greg and Lainey broke up with Billie, Greg was still pushing hard for Lainey to try having a girlfriend to ~explore her bisexuality~ (although by this point, it was more than clear what his ulterior motives for doing this were). I’ll let Haylee tell this story in her own words, since she did us all a favor by writing out this account for us, and I wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to let somebody tell their own story. 
I tweeted a picture of myself to Lainey wearing their merch. They retweeted it and then followed me immediately after. I was in shock, excited, I think i even screamed. Then, out of no where, Lainey messaged me. I was so stoked. I thought, “This can’t be real.” We talked for awhile on twitter, they asked if I was interested in girls and I told them I felt like I was heteroflexible. That I liked certain girls, that I had a type. Lainey said they didn’t know if they were my type or not. I said that they were. Soon after that, Lainey said it would be easier for us to text. I gave them my number, and they started texting me the next day. We were flirty with each other. We got to know each other on a more personal level and I ended up liking them.. a lot. Greg messaged me telling me that if I was not serious about Lainey, to not lead them on. I told Greg that I wasn’t that kind of person, and that I really liked Lainey. At the time, I still thought this is what I wanted. Lainey and I continued to talk for a few more days when greg messaged me again, pitching the three way relationship. I told myself that I would not be Billie. I would not be with Greg AND Lainey. That if this were to continue, I would only be interested in Lainey. However, when Greg pitched the idea to me, I had already started liking Lainey a lot more than I expected. I told him I wanted to try. After that I started doing research on what it meant to be in a three way relationship. I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t for me. Which killed me, because all I wanted to do was be with Lainey. I wanted to try for them, but at the end of the day, I had to consider my personal feelings on the matter. I knew I couldn’t be what they wanted, because I wanted Lainey. I told Lainey as soon as I came to that conclusion. I wanted to be honest. I didn’t want to drag it out. Lainey didn’t respond to me.. but Greg did. He said that if he were in  my position, he would do whatever it takes to be with Lainey. He said that I didn’t really care about Lainey, that all i was looking for was friendship. He said that he thought my mind was broken. He said he thought I may be sexually dormant. He then would say that he thinks i’m a good person and that i’m the safer alternative. He called me a good distraction. He wanted me to still come up. But that was a fleeting thought. He said friendship would be hard, and that I was doing everything I could to avoid a relationship with Lainey. Then he pitched the idea of me being with Lainey exclusively, while he’s with Lainey exclusively. Like we wouldn’t be doing sexual things together. I still declined because 1. he had spent so much time invalidating MY feelings on the matter, attacking my personality, pressuring me, etc. and 2. I also knew that that wasn’t what they wanted, and I told him that we would still hit that road block of me wanting exclusiveness. He had said in a previous conversation that it was like him and Lainey were on an island and I had a boat, but I wouldn’t throw them a life line because I wasn’t the right boat. Said that they didn’t know what they were going to do about Billie, because Lainey was talking about bringing her back I guess at that time? He told me to stop responding, because I was just making it worse.All while I’m feeling like a shitty person, like I really did hurt them. I felt so terrible about myself over the whole situation. Not shortly after, Greg posts a video with Billie. I was immediately enraged. I felt so used. Lainey then texted me, but only to say hey. We didn’t talk about the situation. They would stop texting me randomly and then text me again randomly. Now I’m blocked, and all of this has come to light. I didn’t know people knew it was me. I didn’t know there was a tumblr with people talking about me. I thought only a select few people knew. But I was wrong, and now it’s all out in the open. 
You’ve probably seen me mentioning Haylee’s name again today, and that is because this morning - along with Ayallah (Billie’s best friend) and Lane (whose story I will explain to you next) - Haylee came forward to expose more of the disgusting things that Greg said and did to her during their association. This was the screenshot that she released today:
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Now, to explain this last part about Lane and Sarah. This is a bit complicated and interwoven, so I’m going to explain about both of them at the same time. I already wrote a super long post explaining Sarah’s origin story the other day, so I’m just going to copypaste the relevant parts of that, explain how Lane is part of it, and then tie all of this together with the relevance of how this info about Sarah involves Lane, Billie, Ayallah, and Haylee. 
Lainey met Sarah online about four years ago, when Lainey was 20 and Sarah was 14. People started speaking up out of concern right away after perusing some of the public conversations between the two on Twitter and realizing how much of it was sexual in nature, such as Lainey joking about how Sarah’s grooming was coming along nicely. The two of them seemed to be flirting (or, at the very least, having conversations that were not normal for a 20-year-old woman to be having with a 14-year-old girl), and given Greg’s past history with having a clear sexual preference for teenage girls, people were rightfully concerned about what could be going on between them. 
The drama surrounding this relationship exploded when Sarah, now 15, began popping up in videos with Greg, Lainey, Billie, and Ayallah. The Avaroes began catching a lot of flack for this online - I remember the time very well; in between the period of Greg’s tumultuous and highly dramatic public relationship with Shiloh in 2011, and the period in late 2015 when an online journalist wrote an article about Greg rating the bodies of underage girls (which predated all of their drama with Billie), I don’t think I can recall any other incident in that time that they caught more criticism for. Lainey specified repeatedly in YouNow livestreams that she had parental guardianship over Sarah at the time - not Greg, not Sarah’s mother or father, but Lainey herself. Click here if you want to watch that stream.
Sometime in 2016, a couple of really creepy things happened in very quick succession that eventually led to the very dramatic events that transpired earlier today. At this point, Greg and Lainey had a whole host of people living in their home: aside from themselves and their young son (Lainey was heavily pregnant with their daughter at the time), they were also playing host to Billie (their polyamorous girlfriend), Ayallah (Billie’s best friend), and Sarah (Lainey’s 15-year-old best friend, whom she also had legal guardianship over at the time). Just for the curious, here’s a picture of the four of them together, minus Lainey (who would’ve been cooking/cleaning/taking care of their kid at the time). From left to right is Sarah, Billie, Greg, and Ayallah. 
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The first big thing that happened was that, towards the end of this year - after being mistreated by Greg and Lainey for so long - Billie (with the support of her friend Ayallah) decided to come forward about Greg, and released their text messages to the public. As I explained earlier, this had a cascading effect where he suddenly lost enormous swaths of fans, and his popularity has never recovered to this day. 
The second big thing that happened was that one of Lainey’s most dedicated superfans, a 16-year-old girl named Lane, saw what Greg had done and was currently doing to Billie, and decided to come out in her support. Greg, Lainey, and Sarah were extremely angry about this, and felt that she’d “betrayed” them; and so Greg fucked up once again by making a series of tweets talking about how Lane was “stalking” and “harassing” Lainey and Sarah, in a transparent attempt to sicc his fans on her. Lane, hurt that Greg was going to such lengths to sabotage her (and after being wrongly told that Lainey and Sarah were on a YouNow livestream talking shit about her), Lane decided to come forward with some of the information she knew about what had transpired in the Avaroe household, and dropped the bombshell that everyone had suspected but didn’t have any way to prove: that Sarah had told Lane that she was in love with Lainey, that Greg had told her repeatedly that he thought she and Lainey should date, and that Sarah had expressed repeated interest in becoming a member of the triad (as in, she wanted to be included during the times when Greg, Lainey, and Billie were having sexual trysts together). Sarah did admit that she remembered Greg telling her that he thought she should date Lainey, but Greg threw her under the bus and denied it all, claiming that he had told Sarah repeatedly that there would never be any romantic or sexual interest between herself and Sarah. 
A couple of months ago, right before Sarah turned 18, she had been sitting in their living on a yoga ball when Greg walked past her and made a sexual comment that creeped her out: “Dat booty doe.” I’m not sure why it creeped her out so much considering how much interest she expressed in becoming a member of the triad, but she was disturbed enough to go to Lainey about it, and told her how uncomfortable it made her feel. 
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Instead of defending her 17-year-old best friend from her sexual predator of a husband Lainey instead tattled on her, and told Greg what Sarah had said: and just a few days later she was given a plane ticket and sent back home, never to return to the Avaroes’ house again.. until last week. 
Now 18 years old and fully legal, there was a lot of speculation about the nature of Sarah and Lainey’s relationship, especially now that Greg is seemingly incapable of finding a new trinity member now that he’s been outed so thoroughly as an abusive predator with hebephilic tendencies. None of it was confirmed until earlier today when Ayallah and Lane confirmed without a doubt everything that the anti-O community has suspected all along about the nature Greg and Lainey’s relationship with Sarah: which is that, to one extent or another, they have been grooming this 14-year-old to one day be primed to enter a sexual relationship with two grown adults who at one point acted as her legal guardians, and who hold an enormous amount of psychological and financial power over her. While they were rescuing her from an abusive home life where she was being sexually abused and neglected by drug-abusing parents, feeding and housing her and clothing her and pretending to care, they were also taking advantage of her feelings of gratitude and friendship and inability to correctly interpret those as a confused teenage abuse victim with a mental illness (borderline personality disorder), leaving her in a position to be highly susceptible to emotional manipulation on their part, and primed to one day be ripe to benefit themselves and their own perverted sexual needs.
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Here’s what Ayallah said about it: 
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I hope all of this answers some of your questions about who Sarah, Billie, Ayallah, Lane, and Haylee are. There are a lot of other peripheral characters in Greg and Lainey’s life too (like Madison and Maya), but these are the main ones right now. Feel free to message me if you feel like you need more clarification, I’d be happy to explain. 
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omegarising · 5 years
Nagative Nancy
I've been writing my posts like a mad negative Nancy here for past few days. It's been that kind of time and that kind of mood. But I don't want to be that. I don't like being that. There will always be negative things around me and it's up to me to focus on the positive things.
Humid today. And that's about it. I can live through this.
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
I know I've brought it up a thousand times but I was watching season 4 and Nancy lying to Wayne is so painful. This man has found a dead body in his home, his nephew is missing and possibly committed a murder and he says he doesn't want to talk to reporters and Nancy Wheeler just comes in, lies, says her paper is small and doesn't have the staff to keep up with the big ones and she's just looking for something, anything about what happened last night. And then after Wayne says that she probably has it all figured out and she counters with "You've been talking to the post, yeah, Chuck Bailey, he doesn't know his ass from his elbow." AND THEN SHE FREAKING SAYS LET ME TELL YOUR SIDE OF THE STORY. And oh my god, it makes me so mad because she lied to this man who again just found a dead body and his nephew is missing and said that I'll tell your side of the story when it comes across that she'll never write it, especially later in the season and Nancy just uses him for information. Does she want to sell it to a bigger paper? Does she intend on publishing it in the school paper? Does she intend on writing it at all? It doesn't matter because she freaking lied to get her information, showing a lack of integrity. If she just lied once to see Victor Creel or they show her having some doubts, I would be fine. My problem isn't with Nancy doing bad things, it's about the narrative twists them into good things or ignores the bad things. Like and Nancy isn't the only character who gets the whole narrative is on their side thing, but she's never been on the opposite end. The show never shows her as wrong. Like with Robin in the library and at Pennhurst is the closest we get to Nancy realizing that she's wrong but she doesn't learn from it. She doesn't see Robin as having her own strengths, she looks annoyed when Robin makes the point that a mystical journal could have the answers they are looking for. And that's fine, but she doesn't value Robin's perspective at Pennhurst, she doesn't learn, I guarantee if they hadn't gotten in, Nancy would have blamed it on Robin's interuption, despite the fact that Nancy's approach wasn't working anyways. Anyways feel free to ignore this, this is just me venting and I have not verified a lot of the information in here except for the Nancy Wayne conversation.
lol this was a few days ago - sorry i haven’t been keeping up. anyway YES seeing nancy and wayne interact is painful! and the narrative doesn’t even fully set it in the painful manner it is- i believe it only has something sinister going on because of what is happening with fred in the background. Wayne seriously has gone through so much and the one person who he thinks is on his side: uses an agenda to get info out of him. someone who also doesn’t fully end up believing him anyway. Wayne doesn’t want to talk to anyone but then gets comforted by nancy’s words in a way with saying that she’ll post his side of the story which in grief and pain: you most likely would turn to that because you want someone to hear your side.
okay but nancy saying that fr shows me that she hasn’t learned a thing from season 3! with the elbow comment like now she’s trashing someone else professionally all to get Wayne to side with her. she’s using her personal bias of someone to get Wayne to talk about something that is traumatic to him. yeah her lying does show a lack of integrity ! it’s also like she specifically used someone’s pain to get some info (and while it did help her out in figuring this shit out- it’s like she very much used this tragedy to her advantage- hell she even lies about why she’s in the trailer park which she lies about checking up on max. which is something that she NEVER did!) same like it’s no the fact that nancy is lying - it’s more of how the narrative goes about it! they just never address it being a negative trait - it’s seen as some heroic act. it’s not! and it would be so wonderful to make it seem as some growth with her but it’s never used in that way.
yeah like nancy isn’t the only one that gets this treatment from the narrative but it’s so present with nancy! i totally agree with that about how nancy would probs blame robin for her blurt out moment if it didn’t work not realizing that her plan was bound to fail anyway like sorry but their plan was so half baked and nothing solid was coming out of that. honestly robin is the true mvp of that pennhurst trip!
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rwood2477 · 4 years
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This is long but well worth the time to read.
I am not a Democrat, but I found this interesting. This is an open letter to all Democrats from a former Democrat. I did not write this, but it needs to be shared...
I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given, SO
let's move on from that...
How about the division of America....
Do you really blame Trump for that?
How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?
How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?
How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?
How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...?
Was THAT when Trump divided America?
I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...
Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...
DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...
Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?
It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive when Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...
I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.
Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?
Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...
What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?
What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?
What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?
What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?
Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, our burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?
It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...
If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:
Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that were the KKK?
That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?
Let me ask you this as well.
Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? I don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..
President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...
Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him to make America the best it can be? WHY?
They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...
Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!
How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence, and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...
DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it?
Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!
Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..
What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..
What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...
JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.
When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.
Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???
If you haven't started askinxxfcg yourselves those questions, maybe you should..
As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....
I didn't write this, but I could have and I wish I had !!
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