#I've been to a marvellous queue
freezegirl · 1 month
Hi! Deadpool here, call me Wade. What's it like at the increeeeedibly secular Sky U? My step-daughter (she doesn't know she's my step-daughter) is entertaining the totally style-crampin' Xavier's for her mutant future which-- okay, I get it, best school for well off white folk, but come on.
If any minor character can have a brand new life at this university, it's gotta be the bomb-dot-com, right?
new money, revelled, reviled / @disneybucks
"sky high as well as sky u was founded by theodore stronghold and his wife ann-marie but nowadays, principal penthesilea powers runs the show - you may or may not know her as powerhouse. turns into a comet. turns into a lot of other astronomical objects, too. each with their own innate power set. hence, powerhouse. she's kind of like our wonder woman." and easily khione's favorite person.
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"my parents actually wanted to send me to xavier's, believe it or not. i had to sell them on sky high and sky u. don't ask me how i did it. to this day, i still don't know. i'm glad i managed, though."
actually, she does. she did it by appearing on her mom's reality tv show: the famous lives of superhero wives, now streaming on netflix and paramount plus and hulu and a plethora of other streaming services (that do not delete their ip off of said platforms)!
he's actually her favorite and everyone is always so surprised when she reveals that. he's right up there, right next to cloak and dagger because she loves a good duo with contrasting powers, as well as rogue because, well, she knows what it's like when you hurt people when you touch them. and storm because she's storm. khione doesn't trust anyone who doesn't like storm. it's just on principle, you know?
"i would ask how it's possible that she's unaware about being your stepdaughter when she's your stepdaughter, but i'll finish the sales pitch first before we dive into that: so, our p.e. teacher is named tommy boomowski, alias sonic boom. everyone just calls him boomer, though, 'cause that's what he is. his voice is loud but other than that, he's pretty harmless. a bit of a himbo, really. um, we've got professor jeannie elast - stretches herself too thin all the time." is that a power pun? yes. "rumor has it she's got a crush on boomer but she hasn't given us a yes or a no so i'd have to get back to you on that."
maybe she should have drawn him a flow-chart. "then there's mister medulla, he's basically our xavier. except he does mad science. i don't think mister xavier does mad science. mad science is really fun, actually. it's just the lessons on telepathy that trip me up all the time." that is to say, khione's good at making sure her environment doesn't get turned into a winter wonderland but keeping out telepaths? (even when it's an exercise in class?) that's something else entirely, and what it is is headache inducing.
her friends will probably not believe her when she tells them this. which reminds her that she's gotta ask for a selfie before this conversation's over. (not an autograph, those can be faked. though, these days, there's a whole bunch of things people can fake. selfies included.)
"there's this one youtuber i follow - not a figure skater, for once, just one of those uplift-y people - and she was like: we're all major characters of our own life or something like that and i know that's a cheese-fest and a half but i also don't think she's wrong about that. not really." which is the warmest, gentlest and the most pointed way of saying: hey, don't be like that, calling someone a minor character is not the compliment you think it is. that's a lot, coming from this hydro-cryokinetic.
"in the interest of being totally honest because i think that your stepdaughter who doesn't know she's your stepdaughter needs to know the ins and outs before she commits - not every student will be cool." case in point: gwen grayson. "just last week, i turned one of my classmates into an icicle on the school lawn. again. he was being inappropriate. also, they're still working on updating the mental health part of the curriculum so you're screwed if you get, say, kidnapped by barron battle---" ethan bank. "---or katie baxter." khione herself. "so she's gotta have a good support system in place."
then, the coldest girl in maxville gives the merc with the mouth a warm smile and says, sincerely: "i think she's got that covered, though."
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megalony · 5 months
Stress Levels- Part 2
This is a follow up to my Eddie Diaz imagine, requested by anon. I hope you will all like it. Feedback is always appreciated.
Let me know if you'd like me to make this into a series.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: After a harsh argument, Eddie and (Y/n)'s eldest daughter runs off. And they have to go and find her, scaring (Y/n) and the rest of the kids.
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"Okay, ready?"
Tilting her head back, (Y/n) tried to force herself to smile and when Eddie held his hands out in front of her, she reached out for him. She let him help her out the car and as soon as she was on her feet, his left arm swooped around her waist, holding her into his chest like he thought someone was going to snatch her away.
Her head fell on Eddie's shoulder and she moved to press a kiss against his neck while his fingers ran up and down the side of her stomach. She could feel his right hand on her hip and his lips pressed to the top of her head as they walked slowly towards the emergency room.
(Y/n) didn't like this.
In all of their other four pregnancies, (Y/n) had only been down to the emergency room twice. They had a running streak of having easy, uncomplicated pregnancies. (Y/n) didn't want to start having complications now with baby number five.
Eddie's lips stayed meshed against her hair and he moved his right hand up from her hip to hold her shoulder. One of the many nerves sparking through his chest dulled down a little when he felt (Y/n) hold his left wrist and give a small squeeze.
It was a relief when they walked into reception and noted that there weren't many other people here tonight. Although it was only early into the evening, the emergency room usually livened up after nine o'clock.
"Do you wanna sit down and I'll tell them we're here," Eddie moved his hands down to (Y/n)'s hips and waited until she was sat down before he dared let her go.
He didn't like the tension he could see on (Y/n)'s face or how uncomfy she looked as she began smoothing her hand across her abdomen as if it would take away the contractions.
His eyes couldn't tear away from her even as he walked across to the reception desk that was thankfully vacant of a queue. He leaned his left elbow down on the desk and dragged his free hand through his hair. Eddie knew his smile wasn't convincing. The worry was evident on his face.
His family was the only thing that could get Eddie panicked like this.
"How can I help?"
"Hi, uh I've brought my wife, (Y/n) Diaz. She's only thirty weeks pregnant but she's started having contractions over the last hour or two. They're not going away."
"Her waters haven't broken yet? No falls or straining or accidents today?"
"No, none of that, just stress."
In the back of his mind, Eddie was waiting for (Y/n)'s water to break. The rational part of his mind knew that wasn't likely, she had only just started getting the contractions and if they got (Y/n) calmed down and looked at by a doctor, the contractions might stop. But Eddie felt like it would be just their luck to go and have this baby now.
He'd never looked after a preemie before, none of their babies had ever been this early. Eddie didn't want to have to think about having one of his babies in the neonatal unit, having to see them in an incubator rather than hold them and cuddle them and take them home.
Eddie had held every one of their kids after they were born and he cut all the umbilical cords, he wanted to keep that tradition with this baby.
"Take a seat and someone will call you in soon."
"Thanks." His fingers continued to card through his hair as he walked away from the desk and slumped down in the seat next to (Y/n).
At least this had happened after they found Liv. They weren't out combing the streets or sat crying, wondering where she was. That would definitely have pushed (Y/n) into early labour. But all the kids were safe with Bobby and Athena for the night and they were all happy to be with their grandparents for the night.
Reaching his hand across, Eddie curled his fingers around (Y/n)'s thigh and tried to smile when she leaned her cheek on his shoulder.
They stayed quiet for a few moments but (Y/n)couldn't help but wince and curl into Eddie when she felt another contraction.
She opened her eyes and looked up at him when his hand moved from her thigh to cup her stomach. He kissed the top of her head and started moving his hand around the lower part of her stomach for a while, trying to distract himself and take (Y/n)'s mind of the dull aching pain.
"Do you think I'll go into labour?" (Y/n) kept her voice quiet and turned to the left so she could push into Eddie's side a little more. Her hands moved to his arm that was draped across her chest and she curled her hands tightly around his bicep. Holding him against her as if he would dare let her go.
"I don't think so. They should be able to stop the contractions before that happens, mi amor. Don't worry."
"I hope so." (Y/n) murmured against his shoulder. She didn't want to have their baby now. They'd never had an early birth especially not this early on.
"You'll both be fine." Eddie moved his free hand to cup (Y/n)'s jaw so he could kiss her temple, gliding his thumb up and down her cheek for a few seconds.
"(Y/n) Diaz?"
They were both glad they didn't have to wait long. Neither of them were fans of waiting, it only made them both panic more and Eddie couldn't be doing with anymore panic. Not tonight. Not for the next few months.
He weaved his arm around (Y/n)'s waist and helped her up, gluing his chest into her back as they made a steady, slow walk down the corridor after the nurse that called them over. (Y/n) kept hold of his wrist and tried to take deep breaths and calm her system down. They followed her down into one of the cubicles and when she kindly pointed towards the bed, (Y/n) walked over.
Her teeth sank down into her lower lip and her hand tightened around Eddie's wrist while her other hand pressed into the bed and she leaned forward. A deep, shuddering breath escaped her lips and she closed her eyes, wishing away the contraction.
With each one that hit, (Y/n) suddenly feared she was going to look down and see her waters break and trickle down her legs. But it hadn't happened yet. That had to be a good sign.
"Okay, how far along are you, (Y/n)?"
When she sat down on the bed, (Y/n) reached back out for Eddie's hand, relieved when he moved closer and stood beside her. His other hand tangled in her hair and he leaned down to kiss her temple, momentairely taking her mind off her discomfort.
"Thirty weeks."
"And it's just contractions that came on tonight, no other problems or symptoms? No fluids or bleeding?"
"Nothing like that." (Y/n) lifted her shirt up and tucked it beneath her bra while she shook her head. Her hand deadlocked around Eddie's and she tried to focus on him instead. He had his left hand tangled in hers and his right arm was now bound in front of his chest so tightly he was barely breathing. His chin tilted down and his eyes were intently focused on (Y/n)'s stomach as if he wished to see through her skin and check on the baby himself.
He watched the nurse press the heel of her hands down on (Y/n)'s stomach and move around but he could see the way (Y/n) twitched and held her breath when it hurt.
"Well baby feels quite high up from the pelvis which is a good sign, and contractions don't seem close together. Let's do a scan and see baby's heartbeat."
Moving her hand, (Y/n) bit down on her thumb and watched the nurse move the ultrasound over.
What would they do if something was wrong? What if the baby was distressed or (Y/n) really did have to go and have the baby tonight? Would the baby be alright? They'd have to call Athena and Bobby and see if the kids could stay with them. They'd have to get things changed and sorted out if the baby was coming now.
They didn't even have the crib down from the attic yet. This baby hadn't exactly been planned, but after having Lilah, they kept the crib in the attic in case they had any more kids down the line. It wasn't so surprising to find out they were having another baby; there was only one year separating Trixie and Lilah, after all.
"Is this your first?" The nurse smiled softly while she moved the sonogram around (Y/n)'s stomach. She was clearly trying to keep them both calm and relaxed and stop them from panicking.
Eddie managed a smile and gave (Y/n)'s hand a squeeze before he shook his head. "No… no this is number five."
Eddie could still hear the team teasing him amidst their congratulations when he told them (Y/n) was pregnant again. He was by far the one in the team with the most kids which everyone loved to point out. It was something Eddie was proud of.
"Oh, you're experts at this then." She smiled kindly before she turned the monitor so they could both see. "Okay, baby's head isn't near the pelvis, they've stayed in the usual position thus far. Fluid levels look good, placenta is in place and blood flow is all okay."
Relief swarmed through (Y/n) as she looked between Eddie and the monitor. They could see their baby up there on the screen, just the same as they had been last week at their routine scan. If that all sounded okay then they had a big chance of walking out of here in a few hours with their baby right where they should be.
"You shouldn't have started to dilate yet which is good for us… I'd like to check your blood pressure and temperature and if all looks okay, I'll go fetch a doctor. We can give you an injection to relax your muscles and stop the contractions."
She took a quick picture of the scan before she handed (Y/n) some towels to clean the gel from her stomach.
That sounded good.
Their baby wasn't moving or engaging ready to be born, (Y/n)'s body was just getting confused and panicked. But she wasn't showing signs of fully going into labour and her body clearly wasn't ready if her waters hadn't broken and the baby wasn't moving down yet.
(Y/n) held out her arm and waited patiently for the band to tighten around her upper arm below her shoulder. She watched Eddie lean over to look at the results and he nodded. Her blood pressure was within the normal range which was as surprising as it was reassuring.
"Temperature is good, I'll go get everything ready."
"Thank you." Once she left the room, Eddie leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of (Y/n)'s head while she gave his hand a squeeze. "See? Our girl's not going anywhere."
"It might be another boy." (Y/n) smiled tiredly and tilted her head back, trying to dampen down her smile when Eddie kissed her. He kissed her again and a third time and he smirked when (Y/n) gave a sharp tug on his hand when he pulled away.
Her eyes followed him as he leaned over and grazed his fingers across her stomach and kissed the top of her bump.
"It's a girl, trust me."
They never found out the gender during each pregnancy, they waited until the birth to find out and so far, every time Eddie said they were having a girl, he was right. (Y/n) had been right when they had Chris, she just knew they would have a boy. And she thought this time they might be having another little boy, but Eddie was dead set on a fourth girl.
The guys at the station were all placing bets about the baby and only Hen and Athena thought it would be a boy, the same as (Y/n). Everyone else was betting on a girl. With Eddie's track history of three daughters, guessing on a girl seemed the safest bet.
"This is Doctor Menon," The nurse smiled and came back into the room with a metal trolley that (Y/n) didn't dare look at. She didn't want to see any needles. She wasn't queasy when the kids were having their vaccinations but anything for (Y/n) herself, made her feel faint. Which wasn't good with the amount of blood tests she had to have each time she was pregnant.
"Hi there. Let's see if we can get you and baby settled again, shall we?"
"Oh God," (Y/n) looked over at Eddie when she caught sight of the needle. That didn't look good.
"Are you not good with needles?" The doctor's voice was soothing and she had a calm smile. She must see a lot of patients who weren't the best when it came to having injections or getting bloods taken.
(Y/n) shook her head wordlessly and kept her eyes on Eddie who only smiled and kissed her temple. At least she was lying down. Eddie wouldn't have to reach out and catch (Y/n). When she'd had a vitamin injection three months ago she blacked out so fast Eddie had to lean forward and catch her before she crumpled down to the floor.
This way if she felt sick or fainted or just blacked out, she was lying down and wouldn't hurt herself.
"It's just one injection but it's in your tummy I'm afraid."
"How long until we know if it's worked?" Eddie pulled (Y/n)'s hand so he could kiss the back of her hand and hold it against his lips.
"We'll do the injection, set up the monitors to watch over the baby and keep you here in observation. If the contractions stop and all vitals look good, we can send you home later on tonight."
The doctor could see her words made (Y/n) feel a lot better. She wanted to go home. She thought coming here would mean getting checked over and possibly be admitted onto a ward. The worst case scenario was being shipped across to the maternity ward and having this baby now or within the next few days. But everything had to be okay if they were willing to send (Y/n) home tonight.
"Try and hold still, it won't take long."
(Y/n) pressed her face into Eddie's hip and felt his fingers tangling through her hair. She pushed as close to him as she could while he held her hand against his lips and watched the doctor. A shiver tore through (Y/n)'s stomach at the antiseptic wipe across her stomach and Eddie clenched his jaw when he looked at the needle. He could feel his heart breaking for (Y/n).
The moment the needle punctured into her stomach, (Y/n) whimpered and tried to tense up and stay still. She could feel her head clouding over and the baby twisted as the needle went right into her muscles.
Her head felt fuzzy and her heartbeat pulsed through her temple so loud (Y/n) didn't hear the doctor telling her it was all done. She stayed still and silent, huddling close to Eddie when monitoring stickers were placed around her stomach and a pulse clip was placed on her index finger.
"We'll leave you be for a while and we'll do checks every twenty minutes. If the contractions don't stop in the next ten minutes, page for a nurse and we can try another injection."
"Thank you. See, mi amor, you're both gonna be fine."
"Everything's okay then? I won't- I won't start having anymore contractions again, will I?"
(Y/n) bit down on her thumb and looked over at the nurse before she looked across at Eddie. She always seemed to look for validation from Eddie rather than from the doctors. It was as if Eddie's medical knowledge was better or more advanced. But (Y/n) knew it was because he knew just how to calm her down and if Eddie thought everything was okay, (Y/n) would too.
She was glad the doctor was doing an ultrasound now that the contractions had stopped, just to put everyone's mind at ease.
"Contractions haven't come back in three hours, your vitals are fine and baby is very settled. I'm happy to discharge you and I'll make a note for you to see a midwife in two days just to be safe."
(Y/n) nodded and sat up, relieved to have the annoying, itching monitoring stickers removed from her stomach.
The contractions had come to a stop almost five minutes after the injection and they hadn't started since. It left (Y/n) and Eddie to sit and chat and almost drift off to sleep if it weren't for the checks the nurse made every twenty minutes.
"For the next two weeks you need to be on bed rest, though. No heavy lifting, no straining or stress. If you lose any fluid or have any kind of pains or contractions, come straight back. Okay?"
"Thank you."
(Y/n) would take that. She would go on bed rest- and not just because she knew Eddie and the kids would all enforce it. She had been on bed rest when they had Lilah for the last month when she got sick and her blood pressure rose. All the kids had loved it because they stayed in bed with (Y/n) and brought her drinks and baked her cookies and made her presents. She had never felt so loved.
She would stay in bed and take it easy if it meant keeping the baby safe and sound where they were. They couldn't have the baby yet, the contractions couldn't come back.
Eddie took the folded discharge papers and put them in his back pocket, securing his arm around (Y/n)'s waist when she stood up. He could tell from the way she leaned against him that her legs had turned to jelly from how long they had been sat in here, but it was more than worth it. It was worth the back ache and the numb, stuff legs if it meant (Y/n) and the baby were okay.
With a gentle smile, (Y/n) wrapped both her arms around Eddie's waist and buried her face in his chest as they walked out the cubicle and headed back down to reception to leave.
As soon as they were outside and Eddie had a signal back on his phone, he scrolled through his messages.
Bobby must have told Evan the situation because he had at least three messages and a missed call from Evan. Asking if everything was alright, if he needed Evan to have the kids tonight or tomorrow for them and to call him when he had news.
But Eddie felt his heart spasming when he realised he had a few messages off Liv too.
*Is mum okay? x *Are you having the baby? Is it my fault? x *Dad are you and mum mad with me? x *Dad I can't sleep. Can't I come down to the hospital and stay with you and mum? Please. Please. Please. x
"Okay?" (Y/n) mumbled softly into Eddie's shirt when he stopped walking and started scrolling through his phone.
"Yeah, just gonna call your dad, make sure the kids are okay." Eddie clicked on Bobby's contact and carried on guiding them towards the car.
He knew if he showed (Y/n) the messages from Liv she would only get upset and start to get worried again. He would talk to Bobby and see how all of the kids were but it was past eleven at night now so chances were they were all asleep. Although Liv's last message had been forty-five minutes ago so Eddie wasn't sure if she would be asleep or not.
"Eddie, how's everything going? Is she okay?"
There was no hint of tiredness in Bobby's voice and Eddie figured his father n law wouldn't go to sleep until he had heard about (Y/n) and knew what was happening. He was a worrier, just like Eddie, the only difference being Bobby knew how to remain calm.
Eddie kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head and helped her down into the car before he shut the door and leaned up against the bonnet.
"They're both okay, contractions have stopped, thank God. I'm taking her home now and as long as she's on bed rest she should be fine. Are the kids okay?"
"Oh that's a relief. All of them are fine, Chris didn't want to sleep he was a bit excited but the three of them are fast off now. Liv was still worried though, so we're having a hot chocolate."
That was what Eddie was expecting. Chris wouldn't have been settled at a surprise sleepover but since it was with his grandparents, Eddie wasn't expecting a meltdown. Chris had been hyper at the thought of staying over on a school night, something that only happened if his parents were away or unwell but he had been reassured they were both fine.
Now Chris and Trixie were fast asleep in the back room and Lilah was asleep with Athena. It was only Liv who refused to go to bed and Bobby couldn't blame her so he said he would stay awake with her and try to get her to go to sleep soon.
"You take (Y/n) home, I'm not on shift tomorrow so I'll sort the kids and take them to school."
"Thanks Bobby. Can you put Liv on for me?"
He waited patiently and heard a shuffling sound as Bobby handed the phone over to his eldest granddaughter. Her voice was timid on the other end and it made Eddie's heart break. He didn't know how many times he would have to reassure her that he wasn't angry with her, but Eddie would tell her a million times if he had to if it would calm her down.
"Liv, baby why are you still up, you okay?"
"I can't sleep, I wanted to go with you. Is mum okay?" Her voice gave away the fact that she was close to tears. And Eddie didn't want to speculate how much Liv had cried tonight, all because of him.
"She's fine I promise. I can take her home now on bed rest, the contractions have stopped."
"So- so the baby's not coming?"
"No births today… baby do you want us to come and pick you up? We're going home, we can stop by and get you and you can stay home with us tonight."
Eddie sighed and smiled to himself as he rounded the bonnet and climbed in the driver's seat. He could see what would happen if he didn't go and get Liv. Their daughter wouldn't sleep, (Y/n) would panic and Eddie would stay up all night wondering if Liv was okay and he would end up messaging her to check on her.
If the rest of the kids were fine and fast asleep, they could stay with Bobby and Athena for the night. It wouldn't be right or fair to wake them up and drag them out of bed in the middle of the night when they had school in the morning.
But if Liv was panicked and she wasn't going to settle, Eddie would rather bring her home where she would feel safe. Then, if she didn't sleep at home, Liv would at least be somewhere she was comfortable and she would be with her parents.
"You'll come get me? Just me?"
"Yeah, just you baby. Go tell grandad that I'll be fifteen minutes, okay?"
Turning her head to the right, (Y/n) tiredly opened her eyes and looked across at Eddie. "What are we doing?" She mumbled softly, giving Eddie's thigh a squeeze as he put his phone back in his pocket and started the car.
"We're gonna go get Liv and go home, mi amor."
A quiet groan vibrated at the back of Eddie's throat and he tiredly opened his eyes, trying to look around and take in his surroundings.
He pulled his head away from (Y/n)'s neck that he had been tucked into while he was sleeping and he slowly lifted his head and looked around. While his hand twitched and moved across (Y/n)'s stomach.
Eddie could barely feel his left shoulder from laying on his side for so long. His chest was moulded up into (Y/n)'s back with his right leg wedged between her thighs and his right arm protectively over her waist. He'd had a hand glued to her stomach since they'd left the hospital, even in his sleep he seemed attached to her and the baby.
He blinked through the darkness and looked around before his gaze locked on the doorway.
The bedroom door was open. Liv was stood in the doorway.
The eldest girl was stood there, a small halo of light from the hallway cast around her like a luminous glow. She had her arms folded and her hand anxiously rubbing up and down her arms, but she didn't move from the doorway.
It was what she always used to do as a child. Whenever she had a nightmare or she was worried about something and she knew she should be asleep, Liv would wait in the doorway. She would wait until her parents smiled or beckoned her over. They never told her off but she always feared being in trouble for being up late.
"What's up baby?" Eddie's voice was thick and groggy as he slowly unravelled his arm from (Y/n)'s waist and pulled his leg free from the clutches of her thighs.
He flopped over onto his back and sat up to look over at her. It was past two in the morning and they had gotten home just after midnight. Eddie had hoped Liv would feel more comfortable back in her own bed and would of managed to get some sleep.
He and (Y/n) had already agreed that Liv didn't have to go to school tomorrow. She'd had a shock tonight and she was upset, not to mention she wasn't going to get much sleep. They didn't want her feeling horrid and going to school where she wouldn't be able to concentrate and would just feel upset.
"I can't sleep."
Liv continued to rub her hands up and down her arms, despite the twinge of pain in her right wrist that her grandad had graciously bandaged up for her when her dad confirmed it was only sprained.
She had tried to sleep, she tried everything. But she kept waking up. Her mind was too wired to go to sleep and she didn't know what to do. All Liv wanted was to sit with her parents. This was the first night in weeks where she had been alone with them without the younger kids and Liv wanted their comfort.
She wasn't at school in the morning so she would be home all day with both parents while her siblings were at school. But she couldn't sleep. She didn't know what to do.
"Do- do you want in?"
Without thinking twice, Eddie lifted the cover and motioned to the bed while his mind drew a blank.
He couldn't remember the last time Liv had climbed into bed with them. She was fourteen now, she was growing up and that hurt. But if she wanted to stay with them tonight, neither he or (Y/n) would have a problem with that.
They were used to Chris getting in bed with them, especially when he'd had a nightmare. And Lilah was almost always sneaking in because she didn't like sleeping alone. Sharing a room with Trixie wasn't enough, Lilah loved being cuddled and comforted. But it had been a long time since Liv had crawled into bed with them for a hug and a good night's sleep.
Eddie could feel his lips quirking into a smile when Liv hurried over to the bed in a split second. She didn't think, contemplate, frown or look indecisive. She took the offer straight away.
She crawled onto the end of the bed and scurried up the middle and when Eddie shuffled over, she slid beneath the covers in the middle of the bed.
Liv smiled and burrowed down beneath the cover, feeling her heart jump free from her chest when Eddie kissed the top of her head and moved his pillow towards her. She laid on her back and held her breath, unsure which way to lie or how to snuggle down. But she stayed still when her mum started to move.
(Y/n) tiredly turned over to face the other way but her eyes shot open when she moved her arm and realised Eddie was no longer right behind her. When she realised who it was, (Y/n)'s tired expression softened and she leaned forward to kiss Liv's cheek. Her left arm looped around Liv's waist and she cuddled up to her, relieved when Liv held her arm and stayed tucked up in the embrace.
"Hi sweetie,"
Liv stayed lying on her back with (Y/n)'s arm over her chest and she closed her eyes when she felt Eddie curve his arm around her too and press another sloppy kiss to the top of her head.
"You know we love you, don't you, sweetie?" (Y/n) could feel sleep ebbing away at her and clawing at the back of her mind, but she wanted to talk to Liv first. They hadn't spoken much in the car; all three of them had been tired but now clearly Liv was wide awake.
"I know, I just… you're always so happy when you have a new baby, I don't- I don't want you to forget me."
Her eyes stayed closed so she wouldn't have to look at either parent and see their expressions. But when she felt both of them inch closer to her and wrap around her, she felt like crying. This is what she wanted. Liv wanted to feel like the younger kids, like she was the centre of their world and nothing else mattered.
She knew she had to share her parent's attention, Liv was the eldest so she understood this more than any of them. And she loved her sisters and her little brother.
But it didn't stop her from wanting her parent's attention or from worrying that with another baby in the house, she might be forgotten.
Liv could do more than her siblings. She could make her own food if she wanted to, she could clean and go out on her own and walk home from school by herself. She was more independent but she didn't want that to mean she had to stop feeling loved or that she had to do things by herself or look after her siblings. She worried a new baby meant there wouldn't be enough attention and that she wouldn't be as important anymore.
"Baby girl we could never forget you or push you away. You're our first baby, you're just as important. We don't have favourites you know, we really don't, you're all special and we love all of you."
Eddie spoke quietly against the top of her head while his hand cradled her face and his thumb brushed up and down her cheekbone. He closed his eyes and continued to kiss her head, keeping her as close as he could without suffocating her.
"This baby won't replace you or push you away, sweetie. You, are so special."
"Plus, being the eldest means you're the one we brag about the most." Eddie's voice lowered as he felt himself on the verge of sleep.
But his heart picked up the pace and he cracked an eye open when Liv gripped his wrist and tilted her head back so she could look up at him. They locked eyes in the darkness and Eddie could see traces of a smile on her face as she shimmied closer to him beneath the cover.
"You brag about me?"
He grinned and let out a low chuckle, moving closer until Liv was cuddled into his chest and he could stretch his arm across both of his girls. This was how they used to lay when it was just the three of them. This was how they cuddled up when Liv was little.
This was a memory that Eddie was so, so happy to relive and go through again.
"Of course we brag about you. I tell everyone at work what a smart-ass girl you are and how proud we are of you."
It made him think back to the time when Liv was nine, back in Texas. She'd started getting bad nightmares to the point she wouldn't sleep on her own. At first, she had dragged Eddie from his bed every single night and made him stay in her room with her until she fell asleep.
But then when Liv used to wake up and realise Eddie was no longer there, she would scream.
For over three months straight, Liv had come into Eddie and (Y/n)'s room and slept with them each night to feel safe. Even with Trixie being a toddler in the cot in the corner of the room and (Y/n) being pregnant with Lilah, they had still had Liv in bed with them every night to make her feel safe. And when Chris would come and find them, they had all their kids in the same room with them.
But this was different; this was better. It wasn't Liv being too frightened to sleep alone or waking with nightmares and staying with them every night.
It was Liv wanting comfort and attention while they were all alone together, and Eddie and (Y/n) were more than happy to oblige.
"Get some sleep, baby. We'll talk more in the morning. Love you."
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atlasxspeaks · 2 years
I've been stalking the #spidersocorro tag since January, and I love everything I see, so here's me throwing my two cents in.
After the final battle (where Neteyam is only wounded, not killed), Spider tells Jake that he saved Quaritch and explains why. Why he felt like he owed the man a second chance when he saved Spider so many times. Save him from Ardmore's torture, from the Bridgehead scientists' experiments, and saved him from Neytiri.
I genuinely believe they would have experimented on the kid; he's taller and stronger than all their human soldiers at 16. That Pandorian air is doing something to him.
But while Spider is giving his tearful confession, Neytiri overhears them. She hears everything and immediately feels a rush of anger and uncomfortable conviction. She looks back on all her years of harsh treatment towards Spider and realizes just why he truly believed she'd harm him. Neytiri is then struck with the horrific thought that she is to Spider what humans and his father are to her - a monster, a demon that haunts him, someone who only brings pain. Neytiri vows then and there to do better by Spider - she doesn't see him as her child, nor is she obligated to - but she starts treating him with more respect.
Now, bringing Spider back to the Metkayina clan got mixed reviews. Most ignore him post-battle, while others are interested because they've never seen a human up close. Ronal is absolutely against it until Jake makes Spider tell her and Tonowari about his time in captivity and why he saved Quaritch.
Jake, ever the well-intentioned idiot, does it to get them to fight beside them against the humans and to get them to see the Spider is on their side. "He went through torture, guys and still didn't give us up, he's on our side!"
Ronal, however, does not see a warrior, but a child, prompting her to ask Spider how old he is, to which Jake replies 16, only for Spider to say 17 (he had his birthday in captivity because I love angst). To Ronal and Tonowari, he's still too young, and they argue with Jake over why a child was even put in a position to be kidnapped as a war prisoner in the first place. While they argue, Neytiri is silent, slowly realizing that Spider is almost an adult now by human standards. By Na'vi standards, he is one.
The Na'vi mature between the ages of 15 and 17, which is why we see Neteyam wearing the warrior's waistband in the movie because he is now an adult in the clan.
She reasons that if Spider were Na'vi, he'd be a warrior now, one of the people looking to make his own bow from home tree wood and make his place with a mate by his side.
This realization makes Neytiri vow to find Spider a good mate, someone to care for him since she can't anymore. Queue the hijinks of Neytiri vetting (terrifying) every eligible bachelor and bachelorette in Awa'atlu while simultaneously trying to see Spider more clearly to know which one will be right for him. Imagine Spider's confusion with her sudden interest as well as the sudden increase in the attention he's getting from the Metkayina, who regard him as a fine swimmer and diver thanks to his mask.
Another headcanon I have is that Spider is physically different from humans on Earth, just in ways you can't perceive without scientific testing. He has denser bones, larger lungs & organs in general, tougher skin, better eyesight, etc. The Metkayina people marvel at his differences more than the Omaticaya do because they've never seen humans before, so most of the things he does impress them.
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lactating · 3 months
The wizard carries on in that way for some time, having been "so lost in the poetry zone. it was flowing out of me like a ballet". NG: so good luck - ; as a spell i cast to your pluck UP: Oh fuck yes, more spells for me? NG: "do whatever you want forever"; advice a true treasure UP: Okay, lest we get too giddy. You've started dreading the adventure ahead. You decide you ought to get it over with. UP: I bid you adieu; I've stuff to do. NG: til we meet again, friend ^_^ You, still smarting, stand and walk out to your railing and fix your vision far away. You look out over your hated Meat City. The unsightly skyline, filled with an lust of reverence to rebar and concrete. Each building full of working drones, sitting, standing, making small talk, eating a cold tuna sandwich by a buzzing florescent light. They raised the prices of tuna again. You've had to start eating half an ounce less each day. In the middle stands a vast and perpetually unfinished trunk of stone, praising you're-not-quite-sure which Ozymandias. It leaves you, at the end of your pondering, with one nagging question. Why? This is profoundly unscientific, even for contemporary equations. What actor or actant could possibly stand to benefit from this display? It towers, twice as high as every other crooked tooth. You fix your vision a bit closer. Not that the middle distance fares much better from the lust. The odd outlier, some hospital or over-eager office building breaks up the horrific monoculture of One-Fives. [4] These noble exercises of cost-optimization overpopulate these great and level valley floors. As much as you ideologically oppose the cogency and soundness of their construction, you admit that the top story of every single one is almost always lousy with blindspots, and railings that rattle whenever some busybody happens to walk nearby. You review your previously explored paths, making note of which ones have had their HEAT INDEX raised recently, and hypothesizing which ones will have their HEAT INDEX raised soon. Some of the paths stop, bortie'd to soon despite their promise. These paths have challenging PHYSICS-A! manipulations that have you stumped. Despite the robustness of biomechanics , some of them are simply too taxing on your physica; others too taxing on your robustness. You fix your vision a bit closer. You look down upon the street from your current One-FIve. Located eight thousand three hundred and seventy meters south and two thousand five hundred and four meters west from Ozymandias. Though you call it "Zero, Zero" internally. The street forms an unbroke, unmoving mass of cars, some parked, others allege to be in traffic from their occasional frenzy of honks. [6] Being without both car and phone, you prefer to travel by alternative means. You fix your vision a bit closer. You gaze upon your hands. You marvel a while at their callouses, miniature testaments to the fourier transform, lusty with their reverence to pain and repetition. Ah, the heart line, keeping watch over the bottom edge of your row of phalangial callousness. Ah, friction. Where would you be without it? At the bottom of each and every wall, unable to physica your way up it. You fix your vision a bit closer, and remember your efflorenscia has a 'scia called "Tome of S.K." Fuck, that's going to take a while to clear out of your queue. You break down the very first task, leaving your room, into its component steps.
#19: >
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laurajameskinney · 1 year
Hi I'm Gayle! 19, he/they. tme white gentile. description quote from wildcats #30.
Blog primarily runs on queue and I post about comics, primarily X-Men. I've been trying to get into DC - feel free to hit me up with recommendations!
My askbox/DMs are always open if you want to chat, I love making new friends :)
this is my ao3 (text is a link)
this is my comics discord server (dc + marvel + indie) (text is a link) (server is 15+)
I am currently reading through all of Wildstorm and the Krakoa era of X-Men. You can see me discuss this in my wildstorm project and krakoa readthrough tags, respectively.
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spaceorphan18 · 6 months
I'm just thinking out loud about things, please don't mind me.
I have a tendency to only blog about my life when it's going badly, and I mean it makes sense - in that sometimes you want to have a space to kind of think out loud and let it out. I'm sure most sane people journal or talk to a bff. I vent to an audience of strangers on the internet. Because I'm weird like that.
But, here's the thing, I'm not doing badly this time! Really, this is the sanest I've felt in a long time, and it's probably due to the fact that I've actually let myself rest (and got one part of my living space picked up). But I do have a lot of things on my mind, so this is me just kind of word vomiting about things kind of as an update as to where my life is at.
On Health: I think the tricky thing this year has been more my physical health than the mental. I'm mentally in a much better place than I was a year ago, and that's great. Now I have to get the physical side back in shape. I've had to run through different kinds of medication lately, and I think things might be straightened out? Also, I was sick most of last week, which didn't help. But I feel decent now - and I'm really hoping it'll stay that way, because I'm just so tired of not feeling well.
On Work: Work as been a lot. We fired the woman who was giving us problems - for anyone who wondered how that whole thing turned out. There's a lot of change happening, and some drama - which I've been grateful I have not been a part of. It's a lot. It's always a lot a lot a lot, but it's not Indiana. As hard and stressful as things can get here... it's not Indiana.
On Glee Things: Now that I'm kind of in a better mental space about it -- I think it'll be best if I just take a step back from any kind of community related thing. I think the thing I keep coming back to me is that Glee is just a part of me now. It's been with me for so long that it's very personal and between the weird up rising of fans who really are only seeing things in Black and White and the obtuse-ness of K and J's podcast sometimes I just can't with it anymore.
The tournament is going to play out quickly and then I'm done with that. Yes, I'm still writing. Yes, I'll still say my thoughts about the things Darren said. No, I'm never really going to go anywhere.
But I don't really want to be a part of the large fandom anymore.
That said -- I think what else has been bothering me is the fact that I miss so many people. The community that I was a part of just doesn't seem to be there anymore. And, I mean, I get it -- lots of people move on. Lots of people are busy. And there are a few of you that have been around and aren't going anywhere, either, and I do see you! But sometimes I wonder if I've come full circle in that I'm talking into an empty void again.
On X-Men things: Meanwhile, guys. I have a lot of thoughts. Marvel has always had a yo-yo effect on me, and I just have gone down the rabbit hole again. It's making me happy, and breaking my heart in the best possible way, and still making me happy. I apologize up front, because there are going to be a lot of X-Men things coming. (As usual, i'll tag it all)
On Reading: Idk, I just want to read more. I have a huge pile of things to read. And I just want to be more consistent about it.
On taking a freakin' break: My vacation is two weeks away. I'm going to take the pressure off myself and just let myself have a break, because I think that's what I really need.
Thankfully, it's spring, and this is my absolute favorite time of year as it gets warmer out.
Don't be a stranger, guys, I do love talking to all of you.
(And eventually, i'll get that queue going again.)
<3 <3
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gorgeousundertow · 7 months
Fandom Trumps Hate
Heyyyyyyyy soooooo
I signed up!
CorvidCordelia - FTH 2024 Contributor Page
Feb. 27th, 2024 10:07 am
See CorvidCordelia's works here and here!
Questions for the creator? Reach out to them via Discord (corvidcordelia_47921)!
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it's best to contact the creator before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
CorvidCordelia's offerings:
CorvidCordelia Auction #1
Organizations this auction benefits: Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center *, Middle East Children's Alliance *, Sherlock's Homes Foundation *, Environmental Org: Coral Restoration Foundation * (See full list. * denotes an organization that accepts international donations.), Kahea Environmental Fund
Type of fanwork: Written fanwork Subtype(s): fan fiction (new) Fandom(s): HBOwar, Sherlock: BBC Sherlock, Marvel: Doctor Strange Highest rating: E Length/scope: More than 50k words. Minimum Bid: $5
Especially interested in: For Sherlock, I'm interested in writing an action/adventure AU. For Marvel, I'm interested in Iron/Strange. For HBOwar, Winnix, Brad/Nate. I tend to write fairly character-exploring fics, with some humor, heavy on the feeeeelings (not that any of these guys like to actually talk about their feelings).
Unwilling to address: General squicks include watersports, noncon (dubcon okay). No underage.
Other notes: I'm happy to try and meet your needs as much as possible! If there's something specific you'd like to see, let me know, and we can work as closely as you like! Alternatively, if you're feeling uninspired, I have a list of fic ideas I've been playing with in the queue...
Auctions run from 8:00AM EST, 5 March 2024, to 8:00PM EST, 9 March 2024. Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted. If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the creator's bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! We will NOT notify you if someone outbids you. If you would like to track changes to this bidding sheet, select Tools -> Notification Settings. Email notifications may not be immediate, so we do not recommend relying on them near the end of the auction period. Bookmark this sheet so you can check it manually. FTH will only notify you if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
fandom: hbo war,
fanwork: written,
fanwork: written: fanfiction,
rating: e,
username: corvidcordelia
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bi4bihankking · 1 month
I feel bad. I've been making assumptions about you, you run @do-you-ship-this-comic-ship and @haveyoureadthiscomic-poll yes? If so, would now be an ok time to submit something? I wouldn't want to add to an potentially overwhelming pile of submissions and deprive the world of your Hank posts.
Thank you my beloved mutual for your time.
Lol it's fine I just put a Hal ship (that I'm worried will annoy Captain Atom fans in the queue), so you can submit if you want to. I actually probably do need more.
Linking here in the hopes that I can summon more people :)
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theinfiknight · 2 months
1, (post a pic of ur current favourite blorb) 4, 7, 11, 27, 35, 40, 49, aaaaaaaaaaaaand 56!
Ok ok I've put this off long enough
1) Selfie of me:
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Me with the pals (the post never specified the selfie had to be irl)
4) What are you looking forward to
Weeerrllll, I might eat some real nice spicy korean noodles tomorrow and even better, I might get to read the Avatar Roku novel next week! Yippee!
7) What was your life like last year
Hmmmmmm, kinda bad actually. I had taken a gap year from college to try and start HRT but couldn't find a single psychiatrist willing to take me seriously. I was basically just rotting away in my room while also running around the city humoring people who were trying to psychoanalyse me with an archiac and invalidating framework. Things are a lot better now in comparison.
11) Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah! It's Keiran's theme from Pokemon scarlet violet. My favourite pokemon rival since N
27) Things I hate
Hoo ok. Brace yourself.
Power outages. Hot food that's gone cold. People who are thoughtlessly mean, people hating on something you like after you told them you like it. People who live entirely inside their own heads. Random old men for some reason being allowed to decide your life. The inevitability of entropy. The fragility of human existence. Stupidly low catch rates on pokemon (whyyyyyy does magby or mantyke or sudowoodo need to be nigh uncatchable). The after effects of colonisation that define my life. Planned obsolescence. Vanilla ice cream. The fact that anything you can think of has been done better by others before you. People who spread hate and fear on an industrial scale for personal gain. Stories that treat characters as archetypes or plot devices instead of people. Random old men for some reason deciding that people on the other side of the earth need to die and then directly causing their deaths and facing no consequences for it. Comphet. The way Fushiguro is being treated in jjk. The way Sasuke and Sakura were treated in Naruto. The trivialisation of super Saiyan god immediately after it was introduced. Wasted potential. Random chance. The lack of any sort of higher justice. The fact that you have to pay separately to access Nintendo online services. Paid dlc that costs more than the base game. The short lifespan of hard drives. Too much nutmeg. The fact that you can randomly lose abilities you've had all your life. The Police. JKR. The power parents have over children. The anime pervert trope. Gender essentialism. What the main continuity Marvel comic writers have been doing to Spiderman for the last few years. The inevitable enshittification to the point of unusability of every company we rely on for society to function. The stock market. The intricacies of punctuation. The desecration and reanimation of long beloved works of art for the sake of short term profit. Monopolies. Teachers who do not see students as people. Generative AI. The incredible height of the skill ceiling of today's industry standards. The power shareholders wield over public utilities. Authors who cannot or more often do not bother to write female characters as people. People who treat real world problems like thought experiments. The fact that scissors get gradually less usable with time. Doctors who can no longer see humans as anything but cases. The disproportionate power of the USA. Having to 2D animate. Guns(sorry, I know you like those). The oversaturation of absolutely everything. Surveillance cameras. Visas. The trend of making characters who had bad parents also end up as bad parents to their kids. People's egos. Games with chairs and benches that do not allow the player character to ever sit. Organised religion. The pokemon diamond and pearl remakes. Songs that require more than two hands to properly play on the piano. Airport security. Gender segregated queues. Things that were once free, now costing money. Social media algorithms. Myself.
So yeah. You asked.
35) Favourite subject
Mildly embarrassing because I don't have very much in depth knowledge on any one subject but I have surface level knowledge of many. So my favourite subject would be maybe Pokemon or well done high fantasy. Or really just any engaging story with characters that feel organic. Bonus points for a well thought out magic system, more points if the story actually has a message, and even more points if the writing is smart, funny and well thought out. Needless to say I consider Terry Pratchett to be the absolute peak of literature.
40) Favourite memory
Ooh this is a tough one. Hmmm.
The exact moment when you defeat Giratina in Pokemon Legends Arceus and you think the battle is over and then the flatline plays and the music changes into its Pokemon Platinum theme and it turns into its Origin Form and you're just there staring at the screen and physically yelling with excitement.
Apart from that I had some pretty good times back when I lived in hostel, staying up overnight playing smash bros with my two then best friends. I miss those guys and those times.
49) Where I want to be right now
Honestly I'd be entirely satisfied being exactly where I am now, only without the uncertainty ruling my life.
56) Favourite foods:
Buldak noodles, naan and paneer butter masala, a good spicy burger with spicy mayo and jalapenos, anything chocolate based that's well thought out, chilli chipotle chicken rice bowl, nachos with salsa, a nice spicy paneer or chicken wrap, chilli mushrooms or baby corn, Lotus stem when it's prepared dry, underbaked chocolate cake with ice cream, a nice spicy salad, just chilli paneer/chicken in general. Also a decent pizza. Or a good spicy vegetable sandwich.
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catboykilljoy97 · 2 months
Hi there! I've been meaning to redo my pinned post and do some restructuring, so this seemed as good a time as any.
Welcome to my tumblr! This is a multifandom blog, primarily Sims 2 (and the assorted handheld spinoffs), Pokemon, Star Trek, and Marvel (although I'm really only there for Bruce Banner). I also post sometimes about mental-health related topics, either reblogs from people I think made good points, or my own things I've learned from the last 20 years navigating life with mental illness and also life within the mental health treatment system. There's some stuff I've had to learn the hard way, and my hope is that I can make it somewhat worthwhile by passing those lessons to someone else.
I mostly rely on the queue to post, and I'm trying to use social media more wisely this year, so I may only be here sporadically. However, I'm also trying to be more social this year, so if I see you in my notes a lot, I might send a quick message just to say hi 😸 and you can always feel free to do the same!
Here's some tags you might find useful 'round these parts:
Sims: #ts2 #cool cc #sims handheld #sims 2 ds #sims 2 gba #sims 2 psp
Pokemon: #pokemon #galactic leader cyrus #gym leader volkner #elite four flint #ignitionshipping #perfectworldshipping
Marvel: #bruce banner #betty ross #the incredible hulk #mcu phase 1
Misc. Fandom: #star trek #ds9 #taylor swift #romeo + juliet #bees #always rb bees
(...bees are a fandom, right?)
#mh tag , for all mental health related posts
#may this mean something to anyone , for my original musings/ramblings/resources
#psych critical , for posts which touch on the flaws and failings of the mental health treatment system. This is a topic I have quite a few opinions about-- I'm not anti-therapy or anti-medication, but I've seem enough of those aforementioned flaws that I think it's a conversation we need to be having, for the sake of both clients and clinicians (because it fails them, too!). If this is something you've got any questions about, my inbox is always open!
#cbkj speaks , for all original posts.
#cbkj gifs, for gifs I make
#my fic for, well, my fic. Currently the main one I'm working on is my exceedingly overambitious tankjohnny fic, Something Beautiful. Gods willing, it may get finished sometime this century.
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foundfamilyhq · 1 year
Brief Submissions Open!
OKAY so with 64 blorbos left on the form, we've officially reached the point where every fandom in the queue already has an active poll. So, I've decided to open submissions again for a short time. I'm not sure how long for, since this is the first time they've been open since the blog began and this is mostly to test the waters. It might only be for an hour or so this time, so don't wait around to submit those blorbos
If you have a blorbo in the queue that's not been posted: don't fret! They will be posted. I'd just rather stick to the "one poll per fandom a week" rule I set to not overload with any single fandom
With that in mind, these are the fandoms that currently have a backlog of blorbos to be posted (you can still submit blorbos from these fandoms, but it'll take longer for them to be posted):
LEGO franchise (Monkie Kid and Ninjago)
Chicago PD/Med/Fire/etc.
Transformers: Rescue Bots
Sonic the Hedgehog
Wild Kratts
Legend of Zelda
Spider-Man (Spiderverse movies)
a3! act! addict! actors!
Kingdom Hearts
The Adventure Zone
Avatar: The Last Airbender (but literally only one character, Zuko, so this one won't have you waiting that long)
Various Marvel/MCU
Our Flag Means Death
Warrior Cats
Inanimate Insanity
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
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prospectivehero · 1 year
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I am SO EXCITED to add this to my collection, and I can't wait to read this second volume of WORLD'S FINEST. I'm most excited to see more of Dan Mora's artwork. I am obsessed with figuring out why I like his design for Superman more than any other rendition (aside from MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN). There is something so human and charming about his style and I love it!
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Unfortunately, I can't read it immediately. If anyone was curious about my system for choosing my next comic from my "unread" pile, here's a snapshot of the process. I have a lot of unread comics in my collection. Some of them I bought on my first "treat yo self" comic shopping spree three years ago.
These aren't all of them, of course. These are just the ones I wanted to read next, along with volumes of Manga that I've been itching to read. I balance my reading of Marvel and DC and anything else. I'm aware I gravitate to Detective Comics more these days, but I still want to diversify my superhero stories and their sources if I can. I'll rotate between a (probably) American comic, then a Manga, Manhwa, or Manhua, and then back to a "Western" comic.
I'm rotating my reading of Yona of the Dawn, Ouran High School Host Club, and Perfect World. I'm almost done with the latter two series, so I'll have to choose new ones. After nearly finishing Ouran, Bisco Hatori has piqued my interest, so I'll move on to one of her other stories. Spy X Family and My Hero Academia are in the queue as well.
Does it seem overly complicated? Probably. But it allows me to try new things while I make progress through books that have been waiting for me, some for years.
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sward-iak · 1 year
Intro Post!
Hello! Some of you may know me from somewhere else, and to that (unless you're a super close friend of years now) I say nay! You do not!
I am a in my 20s concept art/writer hobbyist. I work a full 40 hours with week, sometimes with overtime (so if I'm MIA, that's why!). When I'm not at work though I thoroughly enjoy reading, writing, drawing, playing video games, and hanging out with my family/friends!
Writeblr/Main: @sqeedledob
Request Info
I've been getting some DMs about my requests so hopefully this will clear things up! Commissions are always more of a priority than requests, and people who Donate to my Ko-Fi are my second priority. Requests will be completed at my leisure.
Primary Requests: CLOSED
Primary requests are in my typical style and can range from concept art to simple illustrations. These requests are actually colored and finished to varying stages just depending on how I'm feeling. I try not to spend more than a week on a request but if I'm really vibing with it, I'll probably finish it
Examples of what you can expect for a primary request
Sketch/Ask Box Requests: OPEN
Sketch requests take me a max of 20 minutes and I usually use them as a means of warming up. So if you'd rather quick art of an OC or character instead of something that could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, this is the way to go! These are only accepted through the Ask Box and MUST include a reference!
Examples of what you can expect for a Sketch/Ask Box
Below the cut are rules/expectations for requests, thank you guys for reading!
Also because a few people had asked for this, I am going to link my Ko-fi. There's no pressure to tip, I do all of this for fun, but if you want to I won't stop u! xD [Click here for da Ko-Fi]
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This is a request, not a commission. I will take the requester's input in mind when drawing, but I will not do revisions
Any fandom, cross over, and oc is welcome. I will do my best to characterize/draw them even if I'm not into the fandom myself, and you might just introduce me to my new favorite show/book!
NSFW requests are allowed, however keep in mind:
- I WILL NOT draw beastiality/Zoophilia - I WILL NOT draw Loli/Lolita or anything related to CP - I WILL NOT draw Furry NSFW. I have nothing against furries, furry NSFW just personally makes me uncomfortable and I do not like looking at it much less drawing it (this includes Ponies) - I WILL NOT draw anything for a franchise that is directed toward younger audiences, ie: anything rated PG or TV Y7 (PG-13 is Acceptable, DEPENDING ON THE FRANCHISE. ie: Marvel) - I WILL NOT draw Non/Dub Con, or anything that would cause someone to use the Dead Dove tag - I WILL NOT draw irl people in NSFW situations, ie Youtubers, Streamers, etc. Fictional Characters only IF A REQUEST SHOULD MAKE ME UNCOMORTABLE I fully reserve the right to Deny it, even if it is not on this list
If you do make an NSFW request, I will make a SFW version to post and send you the NSFW privately. I try to limit how much NSFW I share on this account
I can draw anything from landscapes to robots, humans to creatures. (Just cause I won't draw NSFW of furries or Ponies doesn't mean I won't do SFW art of them!) I fully enjoy testing the bounds of my artistic abilities and I invite people to help me challenge them!
Humans, robots, furries, dragons, anything. Put anything in here.
And to reiterate: Primary requests can take a while, especially since my queue is pretty long right now! I will make another post when my Queue opens up a bit!
In progress (Commissions): Tank (Color Picking) Simon (Line Art Clean Up) Wolfie (Sketch) Surplus (Sketch) Beth (Sketch) In Queue, not started (in order): @frlituj @jessica199616 @we-dont-talk-about-potato-nonono @lovablenatsume @princeasimdiya12 @airfriedfruitcake @hallwriteblr
Sketch/Ask Box Requests
This is a quick request to help me warm up and will usually take max 20 minutes. So it'll be fast/messy!
Any fandom, cross over, and oc is welcome. I will do my best to characterize/draw them even if I'm not into the fandom myself, and you might just introduce me to my new favorite show/book!
NSFW requests are not allowed for this one, just so I can keep it simple and quick without having to put too much thought into it
Humans, robots, furries, dragons, anything. Put anything in here.
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joonistheuniverse · 1 year
Chapter 4 - Not just a meeting
It was one of those where the creative team would sit together for a brainstorming session for BTS' comeback concept. You, two other writers, strategists, and the designers - were in a  discussion to bring out the best idea. That's when your phone went off with messages from Samantha. 'Why is she messaging me at this time?' you checked the time; it was just 2 pm. You remember a meeting with her today, but you made a mental note to meet her after the meeting. 
After some time, she phones you. Now this is weird. You excuse yourself and step out of the conference room. "Hello, Samantha. What happened?", you ask her. On the other side of the call, Samantha answers in a much-excited voice, "Oh, you have to meet Namjoon and me at 4 pm. Make time and see you soon". "But why-" The line went blank; it seemed like she disconnected the call. Nevertheless, you shrug and step into the meeting again. 
After the meeting, you check the time; there are still another 15 minutes left to strike for 4 pm. To kill time, you think of grabbing a cup of cold coffee to cool your mind after a long meeting. While standing in the queue, you feel someone tap you from behind, and it's none other than Namjoon. "Umm, Hi! Namjoon-shi". He gives a dimpled smile and greets you back. He taps you again and says, "Y/N-shi, I was told by my manager that you have a great interest in art. I have seen it in your work over this year. So, I've been wanting to ask you if you could accompany me after work to this art display happening this weekend". This request has left you surprised, "I don't mind, I'll just check my schedule for the weekend and get back to you". You pay the cashier and wait for your drink alongside Namjoon. "Is there any specific reason you want me to be there?" "Oh, it's nothing 'serious' I want to discuss art with someone who loves and understands it. Do you mind if I get your phone number?" You look at him awkwardly, "Umm, I'm not sure if we can share our phone numbers. But I'll ask your point of contact for the common number. They have mine, so I don't think that could be an issue". 
Your phone chimes reminding you about your 4 O'clock meeting. "We have to meet Samantha right now. See you in the conference room. Bye". He waves back with a smile leaving you in deep thought about this unexpected conversation. Once you reach the conference room, you see Samantha on her phone. You make your presence known. She sets her phone aside. "You won't believe what happened! Namjoon spoke to me", you said in disbelief. "What's new about that? Namjoon always speaks to you" "No! It's not that. He spoke to me and asked me for my phone number". She shrugs off saying, "My dearest YN, I have been telling you for almost six months Namjoon seems to be interested in you. But you don't seem to understand or get his signals. Anyways, he'll be coming at any moment for the meeting". "But why would he be interested in someone like me?", you say in confusion with a hint of sadness. 
Before Samantha could reply, Namjoon enters the room. "Hi, Samantha. Hi, YN-shi. Let's begin with our meeting. Before we begin, let me tell you, this meet-up is just to discuss the proposed storyboard for my MV". "I'm impressed by the script, YN-shi. You did a great job". You thank him. The meeting goes for another 2 hours, during which he discusses the changes he'd like to see in the script and gives his input. 
You are just marvelled to see how he speaks, with such certainty in his words. After the meeting, he looks at Samantha and says, "Samantha, since you're one of my points of contact; could you please share YN-shi's phone number and give her mine?" You stand there shocked to hear those words. From your peripheral vision, you can see Samantha laughing and Namjoon smiling at you. It strikes you that Namjoon probably told Samantha everything. 
6 Days later, you're standing in the underground lobby waiting for Namjoon; as he promised he'd come down at 9:30 pm. Samantha's words from today ring in your ears, 'I'm telling you, it's a date. It's Namjoon's way to know more about you.' You try your best to keep these words at bay. To distract yourself, you scroll through Instagram; without realising Namjoon is approaching you. He looks at you with admiration (you don't have to know that).  
He calls you, gaining your attention. You can't fail but fall for his dimpled smile. He looks cosy in his outfit. "Hi, Namjoon-shi. I hope you had a good day", you feel your cheeks heat up. "Namjoon. Call me Namjoon and not Namjoon-shi. It's too formal after work hours", he says. "And, yes I did have a good day at work. I hope yours was pleasant". You nod and reply with a small 'yea, it was'. 
"Namjoon, is someone else joining us too?" he looks at you puzzled. "Yes, it's just you and me". Your mind freezes realising this could be a date. 
Once his car arrives, both of you get in and head to the location. You'll have a great time at the Art House, after which you'll go for dinner. By the end of your outing, Namjoon drops you at your apartment. Before leaving, he says, "I hope you had a great time. Hope to see you some other day". "Yes! I had an amazing evening. See you, Namjoon". You bid farewell, still in a daze of the events that occurred. You immediately phone Samantha and scream in excitement like a teenage girl over her first crush. 
100 Days and 9 official dates later, you and Namjoon find yourselves kissing in the back of his car. The moment is heated with his hand cupping your jaw and deepening the kiss. While your hands pull him closer. Both of you can't keep control of your actions in a moving vehicle. Luckily, the car divider curtains were drawn for privacy. "Namjoon-shi, we are reaching YN-shi's apartment", you hear his driver and bodyguard Mr. Choi speak from the other side of the curtain. With Namjoon's neck buried into your neck, sucking your skin, he replies 'Yes' and he sits up straight looking into your eyes. "Babe, come to my house". 
"Umm, I wish I could. But I can't because it's a big day for my clients. It's their comeback". 
"Your clients always have a comeback and are so busy. They should let you rest someday". "Umm… Let me see if I could speak to their leader, you know RM right? The tall, smart, and handsome leader", you giggle and check your outfit. "Yes, I'll speak and ask him to give me my girlfriend". You laugh looking at Namjoon's antics, and kiss him before saying goodbye and stepping out of the car. 
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kuwdora · 1 year
My brain continues to be waterlogged from burnout/PTSD and late stage capitalism. I either have two speeds: zooming everywhere like I'm golden Sonic and vibrating with New Ideas. Or I'm stuck in molasses and I'm having a hard time following through with my current tasks and responsibilities. It's still an uphill battle navigating the dysregulation and dysfunction since all of this is manifesting slightly differently than what I'm used to dealing with. I was telling a friend the other day that I have a TON of fucking spoons, they're all just melted into the most useless shapes and abstract renderings that kind of hypnotize me. Like...what am I supposed to do with these things? Gonna try to melt them back into a proper shape with habit stacking, accountability and continuing to be gentle to myself in the face of uncertainty and things outside my control. I am doing a lot, even when it doesn't feel that way. Anyway, thank you friends for tagging me in all the fun tag games and sharing pretty pictures or sending me delightful DMs. I have approximately 29 blog posts about all the randomness and fannishness bouncing around in my head that I'll b shoving into my queue. Oh, my queue which is actually almost maxed out because I had gone on a queue-stuffing frenzy in December since I couldn't stand having my drafts folder so large anymore and I've only just been adding since then. And now it's like 900 posts long? So maybe you'll see a random reblog of your post in six to eight months into your future. Sorry? I ought to make some sort of mini "about me" post or something since I'd gotten a lot of new witcher folks followin' me in the last few months. And now all my vidding and multi-fandom friends are tricklin' in over from Twitter. I just have to let you all know that I am so fannishly all over the board with my interests that I will just keep trying to over-tag things for people's filters. I am 1 half witcher fixation, one quarter vidding, one quarter all my other media interests. yeah, yeah, this has been an actual post. what a marvel. I keep telling myself I used to blog more but that was probably like a decade ago now. But the desire is still there. I was more chatty on Twitter in the last few years (until recently). I have more than enough to say about this or that when rolling around in DMs. Just gotta try to let myself noodle in my own tumblr space some more.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
sfw | siebold | siebold is cooking dinner for after u come home from an 12 hour shift
Aight, not gonna lie uh...I barely know Siebold's character. I've done some research on his voice lines and personality, so hopefully this does him a bit of justice. If not then uh...you didn't see anything.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Siebold: Stirred Feelings
Today, truly and utterly, managed to kick your butt. You were tired and sore from everything that happened and all you wanted to do was go home and relax for the night. Maybe curl up with your boyfriend and watch a movie so you'd have an excuse to fall asleep in his arms. Seriously...who the hell thought a 12 hour shift was okay to schedule?
You opened the door to the small apartment you called your own and immediately were hit with a delicious scent wafting through the home. Seibold did tell you he would be over, but you weren't expecting him to be there before you even got home...then again you did give him a key for a reason.
You found yourself following your nose into the kitchen, where you saw Siebold in more casual clothes and one of your aprons, cooking up some stir-fry. Your mouth watered at the scent of it and you slowly made your way into the kitchen.
"Sie?" You asked, letting out a small yawn. The blond man perked up at hearing you call his name and turned over to you. He smiled and motioned you over.
"Wonderful, glad to see you made it in one piece." He said as you approached him. He put down the wok (that he totally brought himself because you were certain you couldn't afford one that looked that nice). You held out your arms and made a grabby motion for him to give you a hug. Seibold just laughed, opening his arms for you to go into them.
"I never want to go back." You groaned into his chest, noticing how nice he smelt with his cologne. He was perfect in every way and you had no idea how lucky you were to be with him. His arms came to wrap around you as he swayed with you in the kitchen.
"I'm sure you fought marvelously today." he said, grabbing one of your hands and bringing them up to his lips. He placed gentle kisses along your knuckles before letting your hand down, "Now go get cleaned; by the time you finish, dinner should be done." he said and you sighed.
"You're wonderful...did you work today?" You asked, letting out another yawn.
"Of course; but today didn't feel like much work since it was fun." he admitted, making you curious, "We had an interesting challenger in today. They agreed about battling being art; it's the first time in a while I heard such an honest response. I couldn't help but give it my all."
"That's wonderful, how did the battle go?" You asked, causing him to chuckle.
"I beat them mercilessly." He admitted, causing you to laugh.
"Of course, such a fleeting moment, but it made its mark on your mood, huh?" You pointed out.
"You're right about that...now hurry along. I'm sure you're hungry." He said and, as if on queue, you felt your stomach want to rumble. You hummed and decided you'd do just that. Today might've been long, but if you got to come home to Siebold's cooking every night, it would be worth it.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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