#I've fallen in love with this au
theoutlawfaleena · 2 years
Congrats on finishing your finals!! 🥳
Man, I do not miss school based on the stress it's given me, 🙄 thus hope you relax before starting your requests / finishing them in a hurry. 😷
Your pinned post looks also very pretty!! 😊 I think it even fits your overall blog-vibe / aesthetic. 😌
And I believe I should mention that my quirk is much toned down for today (maybe forever 😶) as I'm tired and my city looks absolutely horrendous during winter. 😪
Other than that the only news I have about my Zombie AU are reorganizing the doc and finally knowing how to introduce (still a WIP) König to the main part of the story which, at the moment, is still just surviving. 🥲
So König would be part of an antagonistic survival group, who would absolutely dominate those resource stations from the other countries. Maybe the 141 gets asked by other Survival Groups or the Main Character does it by themselves but yea, the 141 attacks the antagonistic survival group, forcing them all to leave besides König who gets left behind. 😈
Singing off, 🧟-Anon (trying a new goodbye phrase ✨)
AAAAAAA 🧟ANON UPDATE!! i live for these!!
i am so obsessed with this!! them leaving könig behind whaaaat 🥺 I Will Protect Him. but in all seriousness i am so excited to hear more about the au! i love it so much! i'm already so invested 😭
also thank u for liking my new pinned i tried . kind of hard on it BEHDHDB
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
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y'all got me all hyped to do more merfolk AU art so I finished the Love's Lights scene
#I GIVE YOU: MORE FUN MERFOLK AU FACTS THAT NOBODY ASKED FOR!!!#Ezra grew up on his own without the benefit of other merfolk to learn from and he's kinda out of touch with his merfolk instincts#so ezra THINKS he's bringing sabine to a pretty underwater light show that he thinks she'll think is cool#and telling himself ''i'm getting a good grade in platonic friendship; something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve!''#...except his mer-instinct is actually prompting him to bring The Love Of His Life to the site of the Annual Merfolk Love Festival#and merfolk bioluminescent patterns reflect their mood and communicate with other merfolk#BUT Ezra can't really control his markings#so he's putting on an involuntary light show that translates to#''SABINE!! HI!! LOOK AT ME!! I'M GLOWING REALLY BRIGHT!! IS THAT IMPRESSIVE OR WHAT?? P.S. I'VE FALLEN IRREVOCABLY IN LOVE WITH YOU''#also the pattern of Ezra's markings is inspired by Sabine's starbird!#mythical creatures au#jessica's art#sabezra#sabezra fanart#not 100% loving sabine's outfit in this tbh#I tried to do something simple that went with what the fic described her wearing but it turned out kinda boring...#and ezra's tail turned out weird too... sighhhh...#oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#OOH WAIT I THOUGHT OF ANOTHER FUN FACT#the shell necklace Sabine is wearing is one that Ezra gave to her when he was 15#and for adult merfolk the gift of a handmade shell necklace is basically a marriage proposal#but he was a kid then so it's more equivalent to the time my best friend proposed to her crush with a ring pop
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signed-sapphire · 28 days
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crawls on hands and knees and holds this up to you. you stare at my gift. tis but a crumb of my story. yet you accept the nourishment nonetheless.
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mochiwrites · 3 days
Would Grian and Scar in the secret husbands au ever want to have/adopt a kid/kids or are they more of “we are exclusively cat dads and nothing else”?
oh my god okay. okay.
so I am so very soft and wibbly over the thought of secret husbands adopting a kid. do I think they'd be responsible parents? considering who they are.... there'd certainly be a lot of chaos in the goodtimes household
a conversation I can see them having:
"scar... where's the kid?"
"the kid? huh?" "oh shoot they were just there a second ago!"
cue the chaos as they try to find their toddler child
but.... I don't know, I'm kind of tempted to say that they do end up adopting a kid.... I really love the thought of them having this small child and absolutely showering this kid in love. if I were to give them a kid in secret husbands, I think it'd go something like this:
xisuma calls a server meeting because he's detected some sort of anomaly that got past the server's protection. everyone goes searching for said anomaly, and it's scar and grian who actually find it. they find this kid who's scared and shaking and maybe... maybe their eyes flash purple and grian immediately knows what's going on. especially since he did the same exact thing himself a few years ago.
scar is the one who manages to reach out to the kid because he's scar and while he's working on calming the kid down, grian's messaging the server to explain the situation. they head back to spawn, scar holding a shaking child in his arms and everyone has. no idea what to do with this development
grian is, well, not quite hovering but he's certainly keeping his eyes focused on this kid, and he's the first to speak up in favor of keeping the kid on the server. scar of course agrees, and grian is determined to get everyone to agree to let the kid stay. and well. everyone agrees it's best for the kid to stay with scar and grian since they're the most... equipped to help
.....having written that out, yeah. yeah I want this to be canon to the au, scar and grian are in their parenthood arc !!!!!!
now, if this happens before or after the server finds out they're married.... that's the question...... it'd be really funny if part of the reasoning for giving scar and grian the kid is like "oh if they're acting as a little family then surely scar and grian will finally get together!!!" also bonus points if the kid at a later points asks the two of them why other people on the server think they're not together and scar and grian get the kid in on their plan LMAO
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kenziedrawz · 8 months
cookie art dump
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Pre- Corruption Shadow Milk design
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Meringue Cult AU Design / Blueberry Milkshake Cookie
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Meringue Cookie, my favurite girlboss cult leader.( i both love and loath her)
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finally a random scene from the Bride of the Shadows au (oc/self insert x canon au)
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pinksilvace · 1 year
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@levshany: Caleb is also a bird
Me: [instant fear]
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griseldabanks · 5 months
34 for Al and Hawkeye, please?
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Prompt: "I'll keep you safe."
Maybe they shouldn't have stopped for burgers and shakes. It was pouring rain out there, and the temperature was dropping fast. Might turn into freezing rain before too long.
But Five Guys was their tradition. Riza drove Al to speech therapy, and as long as he didn't drag his feet or have a bad attitude about it, they would stop for a late lunch on their way home. They even had a little ritual they ran through each time, just for fun. “Hmm, where should we go for lunch?” Riza would ask, pretending to think. Then Al would hold up one hand, grinning along with the joke, and Riza would say, “Five Guys?” as if she never would have thought of it on her own. Then they would both laugh like it was the best joke they'd ever heard.
The only time Riza got to hear her foster son's voice was when he laughed. It was worth it.
“Got your scarf and gloves?” Riza asked, opening her umbrella before putting one hand on the door.
Woolen blue fingers wrapped around her arm. She glanced down and saw Al huddling close to her as if for warmth, eyeing the door with trepidation. Riza tugged the hood of his blue coat over his head, then wrapped her arm around his shoulders. “Don't worry, Al,” she murmured. “I'll keep you safe. Let's just run, and it'll be over in five seconds, okay?”
Slowly, Al nodded.
It was more of a huddling jog than a run, and it took more than five seconds because Riza had to juggle both the umbrella and the key fob, but they both made it into the car relatively dry. With a relieved sigh, Riza tossed the sopping umbrella to the floor on the passenger side and turned on the car, cranking up the heat all the way. She swiped her damp bangs out of her face and checked on Al in the rearview mirror. He was buckled in and shivering hard, hugging himself and rocking slightly. He looked like he wanted nothing more than to be instantly transported home. How she wished she could spare him the drive.
Riza decided the best thing would be to get home as fast as possible, so she didn't say anything more to him, just started the windshield wipers and eased back out of their parking space. “These wipers are useless in the rain,” she muttered, squinting through the smeared windshield and turning on the defroster. She needed to text Roy and see if he could pick up some replacements on the way home.
As she headed for the highway, Riza mentally ran through her to-do list. Once they got home, she needed to call the phone company to see if the issue with the bills had gotten sorted out. She should peek into the boys' bathroom and make sure they'd cleaned it like they were supposed to, and then she needed to clean her and Roy's bathroom. By then it would probably be time to start on supper, and oh, was today a karate day and had Roy said he could drive the boys or—
The loud blare of a horn startled Riza out of her thoughts. A semi, slipping out of control from the left. Moving on pure instinct, Riza slammed her foot on the gas and aimed for the shoulder. The semi slipped and slid on its way, and they jostled and bumped over the muddy grass. Riza managed to stop before the ground fell away into the ditch. Hands shaking, she pulled the parking brake and turned on the hazard lights before letting out a long, slow breath of relief.
She looked over her shoulder to find Al hunched over in his seat, his gloved hands clawing at his face as he drew in shaky, shuddering breaths. “Al? Are you okay?” No, that was a stupid question. “Are you hurt?” she amended. “Alphonse!”
The twelve-year-old boy peeked over his hands at her, but she could tell that he didn't see her. It was like he was looking through her, to another rainy day in another car with another woman sitting behind the wheel as a truck came out of nowhere....
“Al....” Riza unfastened her seatbelt and clambered over the center console, squeezing between the front seats to get to the back. It was difficult and inelegant, but she managed. Better than opening the door and letting in all that cold wind and rain.
As she settled into the seat next to Al, she listened to his frantic, choked breaths that came faster and faster with every passing minute. He wasn't looking at her, just staring fixedly at the driver's seat. Occasionally, his eyes slid over to the front passenger seat as well.
Riza's heart clenched tightly as she imagined what he must be seeing. Trisha Elric, forehead resting on the steering wheel, blood trickling down the side of her face, her vacant eyes staring into nothing. Ed, trapped under the twisted metal, blood spreading up his left leg. Still breathing, but so shallow, so erratic, eyes closed. No response to Al's screams. The last words Al had ever spoken, a desperate plea for his family to not leave him alone.
She hadn't been there. She'd only read reports from after the fact, and talked to Mrs. Rockbell and the boys' therapists. And yet, she could see it all as clearly as if she'd lived it herself. She could almost hear those screams.
Wait. That voice, ragged and faint, wasn't just in her imagination. Tears sprang to her eyes as she heard that one word whispered in wheezing gasps muffled behind blue gloves.
She could have listened to that voice for hours, but Al was shaking so hard she actually thought she could feel the car rocking slightly. So Riza scooted a little closer, saying as gently as she could, “Al? Can you listen to me, sweetie? I need you to breathe with me.”
His eyes latched onto hers, and for the first time since they'd swerved off the road, he actually seemed to see her.
“That's right,” Riza said, reaching for his hands. “Just like we always do, okay?”
He let her take his hands in hers and pull them away from his face. Riza led him in a deep breathing exercise, and found that her own heart rate eased as well. The adrenaline from their near miss was beginning to wear off, leaving her feeling exhausted and limp. She almost wished she'd brought Hayate with them after all. They both could have used the soothing comfort of his soft fur and warm, wet tongue.
“We're okay,” she whispered, reassuring herself as much as Al. “You're safe now. We're both safe.”
Just like every time thunder and lightning put Ed on edge and sent Al skittering into their bedroom to crawl under the covers. Roy would get up to make everyone hot chocolate, Ed would crank up his music so they could hear it faintly through his headphones, and Al would curl up like one of his cats against her side, and they would all cram into the king-sized bed to wait out the storm.
“Mom,” Al croaked again, his voice rough from disuse. “Mom....”
Tears spilled over his cheeks, and Riza reached over to gently brush them away. “I know, honey, I know.” Hot tears stung her own eyes. “I'm so sorry.”
“Mom....” Al raised one gloved hand and placed it on her cheek. He was looking at her so intently, so earnestly, like there was so much he wanted to say, but he was stuck on that one word, choking on the sobs that shook him head to foot. He put his other hand on her other cheek, as if to hold her in place. “Mom....”
A thought occurred to her, as sudden and shocking as the semi that had nearly hit them: He's calling me Mom.
Tears blurred her eyes till she couldn't even see him. “I'm here,” she whispered.
He flung his arms around her, squeezing so hard it took her breath away. She hugged him back, held him tight, squeezed her eyes shut against the tears. She rocked them back and forth, patting him on the back.
Riza had always known motherhood would be strange for her, who had never known the gentle touch of a mother. When she and Roy had first talked about starting a family, she had been plagued with doubts about whether she would be able to manage it. A thousand times, she'd tried to imagine herself rocking a baby to sleep, kissing the skinned knees and bumped foreheads of a toddler or two...and she'd always drawn a blank, since she'd never had that herself. What if she could never get the hang of it? She was a soldier, not a mother.
And yet, sitting in this car on the side of the road, holding a twelve-year-old boy sobbing his heart out...it didn't matter that she hadn't given birth to him. It didn't matter that they'd only known each other for a little over a year. It didn't matter that they'd never once had a normal conversation.
This was her son. She loved him so much she thought her chest might split open with the force of it. And judging from the way Al kept sobbing that name over and over again, clutching at her like his life depended on it...he felt the same.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
hi GT!
Lionheart had me the moment you kicked it off with “it’s a nice day to start again.” Might i ask why you chose that particular line?
And, if you havent already answered to this emoji:
P.s: you have my eternal gratitude for creating the most brilliant piece of writing i’ll ever read. I shout about it from the rooftops, share it on my socials, requested my spouse to read it so we may discuss it together (in lieu of a present for my 30th birthday), et cetera.
I see from your URL you are a fellow lad of taste.
There's a couple things going on in the epigraph for Book 1. On one level, it's a lyric from the first muggle song I picture Draco listening to on his walkman at the end of the book, so there's a cute full-circle thing there. The second layer is the theme of change and redemption, which, in Lionheart, doesn't so much come from major moments or self-sacrifice, but from the slow, grueling, everyday work of living, and living better. It's a nice day to start again because every day is. You always have the opportunity to start making better choices, no matter what lies behind you. That's the thesis of any Draco redemption arc, right? You have to imagine that he could have chosen to be better.
And then thirdly, there's the audacity of doing a full Hogwarts canon rewrite, a good 30 years after the original books came out, millions upon millions of words of fanfic later, and basically asking everyone to read the same story they did the first time around, only different. So it's a kind of winking entreaty. It's saying to readers, many of whom are understandably wary of doing it over, zeroing out the characters to starting positions, and starting from the beginning with 11-year-olds all over again. It's going: "hey. That was fun, right? Why not do it again?"
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
I love how HotD has Aegon just be as pathetic as a wet cat (he didn't need to be raping the maids) but the idea that he is a dragon dreamer a la Daeron the Drunk will not stop leaving my head. And his grand plan to stop the Dance, marry someone completely unsuitable and have legitimate children and plug up the succession line while Dad is still kicking it.
Not sure if wife is A) sweet peasant girl B) Dornish acknowledged bastard or C) daughter of a minor minor castle guard. Either way, the vows were said and scandal happens. Crisis not averted by hijinks.
I am one of the few people that actually thought all the more fucked up writing decisions were a good idea alsdfj (the ones everyone seems to have an issue with are Aegon being a rapist, Viserys having a child bride, and Daemon choking Rhaenyra but. Gaemon Palehair came from somewhere, the Targaryen look is uncommon in canon!, also Viserys literally has a child bride in the books, and I think establishing that Daemyra is starting this war irrevocably broken is a fun turn). I do think Aegon (and all the kids) suffered from only being in like two episodes as an adult, and while Ty Tennant is an amazing young Aegon, they don't let him do anything besides be a joke or get slapped around by his parents. They needed to stretch the timeline out so we got several episodes with Ty!Aegon, and have the penultimate slaughter be the Harrenhal fire/Laena's death, and the last episode be the Driftmark fight. We could get a final scene with the boys and the twins in their final form (lmao) to introduce them if they really wanted!!
BUT. TO YOUR AU BEFORE I START RANTING EVEN MORE. I love the idea of an Aegon-As-Dragon-Dreamer AU, that's a really fun one! Aegon being a dreamer and deciding the way out of the Dance is to make himself unsuitable as an heir by marrying scandalously and having a million kids so they can't annul his marriage is honestly exactly the sort of hare brained scheme I can see a depressed, neglected, drunken idiot coming up with, hah (respectfully to this man but he is a mess).
Now if we're talking what he can get away with...he's never gonna be able to marry a sweet peasant girl. Otto will have that girl killed so fucking fast it's not even funny - I know Jenny of Oldstones was able to marry Duncan the Small, but Egg was someone who actually saw the smallfolk as people and I am confident Otto is not that enlightened! More likely, a peasant girl would face Tysha's fate - something violent and gendered for not knowing her place. If she's lucky, she's pressed into the faith like Meg was. Possible Aegon realizes this and abandons the idea of a peasant girl for a wife but I think it's possible he tries to elope, gets caught, and the girl is punished. Regardless of how it happens, Aegon will eventually realize he needs someone who is not just unsuitable but also has a family that will protect her from his own, and maybe even has their own castle that he can hide out in (out of sight, out of mind, right?).
This means an acknowledged Dornish bastard is his best route (or any acknowledged bastard, but Dornish will piss a lot of people off so it's the safest bet). If he really wants to go for unsuitable, he's looking to the Dornish Marchers for a bastard girl to marry because of the bad blood between all the Marcher Lords in the area - Blackmont (the Vulture King was rumored to be a Blackmont bastard), Fowler, Manwoody, Yronwood, or Wyl (the Wyls are responsible for the brutal massacre at an Oakheart wedding), plus there's the Daynes who are close by and known for being menaces and the Ullers who are powerful and known for being insane (Ellaria's father is an Uller). If there's a suitable Blackmont, Wyl, Dayne, or Uller bastard girl, I would say that is his best chance. Any Dornish girl and Dornish ruling lord who agrees to this is likely to be someone with a strong will, understanding they're about to get thrown into a wild political scene. Because as you said, crucially, he's trying to get himself effectively disinherited while forcing Aemond so far down in the line of succession that there's no hope of crowning him. Whatever girl he marries has to understand she will never be Queen, his family will be hostile to her and her children, but he will protect them, with Sunfyre if need be. I think Sunfyre will factor a lot into this courtship actually; being told that you'll be protected by the most beautiful dragon who is known to have a particularly close bond with your suitor is probably convincing enough that she'd be willing to risk the danger for a chance at having legitimate children with someone incredibly high born.
There is the risk of people at Court feeling the Targaryens are getting ~too Dornish~ which is honestly really funny and may be a point Aegon can use in his favor - if his father is insisting on some sort of dornish, absolute primogeniture, why not just go for broke and marry a dornish bastard? He could use the marriage to gain an in with Rhaenyra or Jacaerys if he wants, or simply avoid them all together so as to not tip Otto and Alicent off that he's actively sabotaging his own rule.
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yellow-faerie · 1 year
Immortality AU
There’s a woman standing at the edge of the cantina. She has a drink in her hand – something the colour of a Felucian flower – and is smiling, softly, as she taps her foot to the beat of the music. Her eyes are a pale blue – so pale that it is noticeable in the dingy lighting and from such a distance – with laugh lines creasing at their edges as she keeps her avid attention focused on the singer.
It would be difficult to tell how old she is, just from looking. She’s almost definitely human, so the wrinkles and her almost-white hair would put her on the older end of the spectrum, but there’s still the soft curve of early adulthood to her.
So late thirties, maybe early forties.
Her name is Meetra Surik and though she does not look it, she is nearly four thousand years old.
None of this does Qui-Gon Jinn tell Padmé, the young handmaiden who had insisted (on the Queen’s demand) to accompany him on this mission, for he had told her they were coming here to see if they could source an alternative form of transport if they couldn’t fix the ship.
And in a way, they were, but Qui-Gon was never sure how Surik and her less agreeable companion worked. There was every chance that they would make vague conversation until Qui-Gon admitted defeat and they had to work out another solution to their problem.
Damn immortals.
“Master Qui-Gon,” Surik greets as he gets close enough to hear her, although she doesn’t take her eyes from the singer, “aren’t you meant to be orbiting Naboo? Negotiations with the Trade Federation, wasn’t it?”
Qui-Gon can feel Padmé’s surprise in the Force, likely that he knew anyone on this Force forsaken rock. “Do you keep tabs on everyone, or is it just me?”
“Can you blame a woman for looking out for her lineage?”
“You know each other?” Padmé asks, intervening. Either it is her diplomatic skills coming out, breaking up a potential argument before it starts, or – and this was much more likely in Qui-Gon’s opinion – she was curious and couldn’t help herself.
“I trained his Master’s Jedi Master,” Surik says pleasantly and finally takes her eyes away from the performer. “Master Meetra Surik, at your service.”
“Padmé Naberrie.”
There’s a flash of amusement in her eyes. “I take it that you have got caught up in whatever went wrong with Master Jinn’s recent mission?”
“I’m the Queen of Naboo’s handmaiden. And it wasn’t Master Jinn’s fault, the Trade Federation didn’t even let the negotiations for our planet begin before they tried to kill him and Padawan Kenobi, and invade our planet.”
Surik’s smile falls into something more serious. “A planetary invasion? That’s a bold move.”
“It is,” Qui-Gon agrees quickly, not feeling quite comfortable to discuss the issue so publicly. “The escape was not kind on our ship, we need a way off planet so that the Queen may speak in the senate.”
At that, Surik’s smile returns in all it’s slightly lopsided glory. “Luckily for you, we have a ship.”
“And what about ours?” Padmé asks. “The one we came in?”
Meetra shrugs. “Do what you want with it: sell it, leave it for scrap, find a way to repair it. Just comm us when you’re ready, we’ll do a pick up.”
The singer has stopped now, to muted applause from the otherwise self-absorbed clientele of the cantina, and stepped down from the stage to get her money from the bartender.
“Then we shall meet you then,” Qui-Gon says quickly and Meetra’s smile grows.
“Are you sure I cannot tempt you to a drink?”
Qui-Gon looks at the singer, returning a few credits for a drink an even brighter colour than Meetra’s, and thinks that now is not a time to talk to Revan.
In fact, it is never a time to talk to Revan, but especially not when Obi-Wan is not there to be a buffer.
“Another time, perhaps,” he says smoothly, putting a hand on Padmé’s back to gently guide her out of the cantina, “we have a ship to sell.”
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lemon-tea-art · 5 months
boom shadowsoul sans ref sheet
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i love his outfit sm,,
also tried smth a little different! i saw a tweet saying that noise overlay can help make it hard for ai to replicate your art, so i used one of the overlays they provided
no clue if it'll actually work though
man i really need to get an actual professional thing
hey im getting a computer soon so thats good
i might be able to use one of those things that messes with ai and makes it impossible to train a generative ai with or smth idk
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dizaryswrites · 3 months
bc of your mer!au I immediately think “selkie!jason 🥺” whenever i see a picture/clip of a seal now lol
The brain rot is spreading! My evil plan is working!!
Honestly I do too and now half of my brainstorming is just sending pics of seals back and forth with @cephalog0d like "this is Jason begging Bruce to let him stay up an extra hour" "dick took this terrible photo of Jason" "baby!! Jay!!"
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fansids · 1 year
Welp, I've finished the season 4 special...
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darkpoisonouslove · 10 months
I couldn’t decide whether to put these in alphabetical of numerical order, so I chose neither! Anyway, 11 for reluctant allies, 2 for CoL breakfast my beloved, 5 for domme AU, 9 for GxF enemies to lovers, and 10 for a WIP of your choosing 😊
Whatever works for you :D
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why? - reluctant allies AU
I'm going to have to go through a couple other scenes briefly first to explain the context of the one.
It's the portion of the story where Griffin is working with the Company but things are shaky with them because she and Valtor do have the habit of disappearing together (to make out) and things are shaky with Valtor because he feels that she's trying to earn the Company's trust way too hard. They are for once present in a battle with all of the other Company members and Valtor seizes his opportunity to kill Faragonda but Griffin saves her life and gets injured in the process. The Company extracts from there before anyone has a chance to react and Griffin heals slowly. The big development is that the Company now trust her because they are sure Valtor will never forgive her for what she did and she recognizes that fact as well so she has incentive to remain faithful to them and their cause.
Griffin sneaks out to meet Valtor and do damage control there. She explains to him that what she did wasn't out of remaining feelings of friendship for Faragonda but out of the necessity to earn the Company's trust. It's less trust in her than it is trust in his vindictiveness but if he remains mad at her now, he'll be doing exactly what they all expect of him. This is the perfect opportunity for him and Griffin to act without anyone suspecting them. Valtor concedes to her point but she can tell there's still indignation in him about her failing his plans to kill Faragonda. Still, they are on track with their plan so she'll have to deal with that later, when they've gotten what they're after.
However, when Griffin comes back to the Domino royal palace, Faragonda is waiting for her, fully aware of where exactly Griffin was. She is not fooled like the others and asks Griffin to leave. The argument pokes at Griffin's insecurities about her relationship with Valtor but she also figures out that Faragonda is hoping Griffin will leave because she herself cannot make herself expose her to the others and possibly put Griffin's life in danger. She still clings to her love for Griffin. Griffin uses that against Faragonda by pointing out (indirectly) that the situation with her and Valtor is the same. She challenges Faragonda to choose Hagen over her so as to lead by example. But if she does choose him and gives up on Griffin, how can she ask Griffin to choose her with a clean conscience? It's a Catch 22.
I can't wait to see people reacting to this purely for the angst factor. There's just so much juicy drama going on here and I want the readers to suffer with me. XD But this is also a really good representation of the balancing act Griffin (and Valtor but to a lesser degree) has to do to keep control of the situation. Plus, I feel that it really outlines the problems in Griffin and Valtor's relationship that will not be solved by them getting rid of the Company and the Coven, that they will have to consciously acknowledge first and work on to fix (not that I have any idea how I'm supposed to get them there but that is a hot topic in Griffin's mind).
2. How did you get the idea to write this? - CoL trying to have one normal breakfast
Because of this post that was in turn inspired by SotLK (I've written some context in the tags there). I just started thinking about the last line of the post and how they probably never had one single normal breakfast and I decided that it would be really funny if I wrote a fic about the guaranteed chaos that these people would cause while simply trying to eat breakfast and that's how the idea was born. And then I tried to figure out what would be best as chapter 1 and, of course, my brain turned to the gold mine of angst that Griffin's first breakfast with the Company has to be.
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing? - Domme AU
All of them? This would be so much easier to answer if I had one single scene completely fleshed out in my head but as it is, there are still bits and pieces missing from the story as a whole and the characterization.
Anyway, to answer this, I am definitely excited about the scene where they discuss Griffin moving in with him because it's a complete accident. They were not trying to discuss that in the least bit. Valtor was being an ass by challenging her to "commit" to being the Domme by spending even more time with him at his apartment, which is causing some technical difficulties for Griffin. They have a fight about which one of them is more unwilling to spend their time together at her apartment and Griffin blurts out that it would be much more convenient if she were living with him. Before she can take it back, he invites her to actually do it (which she practically already has). He had reasons for not asking her himself but if she's the one suggesting it? He'll totally grab the opportunity. Griffin is not entirely sure this is a great idea but she'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it (obsessively). They are so stupid, Your Honor.
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing? - Griffin x Faragonda Enemies to Lovers AU
If we don't count the fact that I'm still mad this is even a WiP and we don't count all the stuff that I have yet to come up with in order to actually complete the storyline, it'd have to be the transition between chapters 1 and 2. It's pretty much the beginning of ch 2 that's the problem because I have to summarize what's happening and at the same time I have to convey the emotional impact of that time so I don't love this mix. Especially because the end of ch 1 is supposed to be somewhat cathartic but that still doesn't change the fact that the circumstances are very much working against Griffin here and her emotions are conflicting at best if not downright depressing at worst despite the relief she might be feeling as well. I didn't really spend much time thinking that through when outlining it, though, so it might just be that I wasn't paying close attention to what emotional payoff/buildup needs to happen there. I'll definitely have to revise it.
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written?
Fallen Love is the only WiP that has any text not formatted like a script so I'm going to give you an excerpt from that. I have actually added more to it since last time!
She had forgotten there was another side to his power. Only the taste of his volatile spells that singed and curdled the breath in her lungs lay heavy and bitter like ash on her tongue, prickled her nose and eyes like acrid smoke. But his Dragon Fire caressed her skin from inside now like sun rays, light and warmth infusing her flesh to repair all damage. She moaned into his mouth, appreciation and greed tangled into the sound.
Valtor felt generous enough to reward her for it. His fingertips mapped out a path for the magic – all the way to another hidden bruise at her shoulder blade. He’d gleaned its existence from her movements alone.
A gasp broke her away from his lips. Her eyes snapped open to find his locked on them. There was a hair’s breadth of space separating them and it hurt worse than the brute force of a spell-charged body plowing into her but he wasn’t in a hurry to remedy that.
Instead, his thumb brushed over her lips to erase even the cracks the cold had carved into them. A single blemish left on her–from the most indirect of spells the Coven had cast–was yet another reminder that she’d left his side. They wouldn’t have dared to touch her otherwise. He would have killed all of them for simply looking at her wrong.
She could let herself be flattered, leave herself to the arousal of being worshiped in blood – like a goddess. Now that she was dry again, the slickness dripping down her thighs was cutting, a flood that would have swept her away if not for the tear stains on her cheeks he’d missed. It would have cost him nothing to sacrifice the whole world to her but the blood she had spilled, the blood that had stained her hands and the inside of her mind had meant something. She could fight her own battles.
She reached for his vest, unsteady hands feeling up the way to the clasps. The metal yielded instantaneously, practically breaking under her touch. It would have easily melted in the whirl of swift, sizzling spells that he’d known he’d be walking into. It was too frail to be anything but a mockery.
Battles between them had been more frantic–lethal–during the last months, with more blood shed and more scars left that time and magic couldn’t erase. Enchanted armor had become daily wear, a habit even he had adopted. He had changed before he’d come to find her, when the threat had been neutralized, and it hadn’t been enough. He had to twist the knife further, make a show of how untouchable he was to her magic and any desire she kindled inside him. He could afford to help her when she wasn’t in the state of mind to make use of either.
Her fingers curled, hooked themselves into the silk of his shirt and phased right through it. Her nails dug flaming scratches into the skin underneath, revealed further by the fraying fabric. Strips of it shed off his torso and withered into nothing midfall. The raining buttons never hit the floor, instead dissolved into the waves of her magic splashing against the walls. Any other piece of clothing obstructing her access to his naked body would share the same fate. Nothing would come between their skin until she allowed it.
She had assumed he’d heal the angry red lines she left in her wake. A strangled grunt escaped her when his power lodged itself between her ribs, burrowed into the scar tissue there to stitch the old wound anew until there was no trace left of it.
She could have done that herself. It had been a deep but not fatal injury. Received in a battle entirely removed from Valtor and the Coven. Sometimes the seemingly unconnected thefts over the dimension happened to be just that – independent magic users seeing an opportunity in the rising panic and finger pointing. The sorceress she’d faced had breached her armor and had paid for her overzealousness with a life sentence. Griffin had kept the scar as a reminder of the change not just in her affiliations, but in her purpose as well.
In the blink of an eye, it was gone and Valtor’s fingers traced the next one.
P.S. I am going to include this here for absolutely no reason at all:
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So far Exoskeleton has been killed three times duelling the same person. Ze will do it again.
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justsalpals · 1 year
okay but picture this
one of those fantastic concept art hobies as an older alternate universe prowler version of him
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