#I've never played DOOM so sorry if this makes no sense
kdd-works · 1 year
Fandom Doomguy. A guy who's in one fandom and is so sick of a specific subset of the fandom deemed cringe/annoying, problematic, or otherwise shameful to associate with in some aspect that, rather than just ignoring those people, they go completely off the rails and attack every person in that particular group simply for being part of said group, unaware that the wider fandom avoids them at any cost because of how irrationally hostile they are.
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
If you're still looking for billy angst ideas I got something what if he got heavily injured got close to powering off and muttered something like "I don't wanna die." Or something like that
Or he actually did die/power off but by some miracle powered on again and then insert everyone's reactions
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE -> the way i shot up out of my bed and ran to my computer to write this is genuinely insane considering my athleticism abilities [which is to say none]
i don't get a lot of asks, so when i do it always makes me kick my lil feetsies
TRIGGER WARNINGS: robot dismemberment, murder [implied], brief suicide idealization [doesn't finish the thought], kidnapping [i don't write it but he's clearly not there willingly], dehumanization [referring to Billy as an 'it' in a derogatory sense]
She chokes on nothing but air and nearly drops her phone in the process. What the hell, why did Anby feel the need to do this her. Appearing from the shadows like some sort of cheesy apparition was only funny when other people got spooked! She'd been texting the Proxy!
Anby, at least, waits for her older sister to settle down again before continuing:
"Where's Billy?"
Why would I know!? Nicole narrows her eyes at the smaller girl, pursing her lips in thinly veiled indignance. It wasn't her job to track her teammate's whereabouts off of missions. Or even on missions. They were capable people.
"Huh? I don't know. Why?"
Something about Anby's appearance throws her off.
Her white bangs are looser, tickling her chin and shoulder and out of that itty bitty braid that kept it out of her face. Come to think of it, Nicole hadn't seen her with that braid since yesterday morning...
"I wanted him to redo my hair," she answers, placid as ever as she rolls the little green cap between her fingers, "Nekomata hasn't seen him either."
"Oh- Well, I can redo it for you, Anb-" "No thanks, I know how to do it."
Nicole can feel a vein twitching somewhere in her forehead. She loved her sister, she loved her sister, she loved her sister, she loved-
"Then why ask."
There's a sort of tentative silence that follows as the smaller girl fidgets, almost suffocating and sticky and wrong- Anby was uneasy about something... and that never boded well.
"...he's been sad lately. Like a dog that can't go outside when it rains."
Odd comparison, but I suppose it's fitting.
Nicole hadn't noticed anything particularly different about the android. He had been a little less energetic, maybe, more content to just... sit quietly in the company of the other Hares..
Oh god, he'd totally been acting like a sad dog.
"I thought doing my hair again might cheer him up," Anby continues, like she hadn't just made the older Demara feel slightly guilty for not noticing sooner. They all lived together.
"When was the last time you saw him?" Nicole decides to ask, despite the cloying sense of dread settling in her stomach like cement. "Did he go somewhere recently?"
A voice throws in her two cents in her other ear, "I saw him heading out yesterday, around 12!"
"Ack- Nekomata!"
Why was everyone trying to give her a heart attack today!?
"Oops.. Sorry, Nicole! But Billy promised he'd bring me back mackerel! And then he never came back."
"Billy wouldn't break a promise."
The sword wielder says it matter-of-factly, in the same tone she would use to insist that a boss theme was about to play. Or like how someone would say the sky is blue.
She wasn't wrong, though, Billy didn't break promises. Not the ones he makes to them.
An awful feeling of impending doom washes over the three.
Nicole clears her throat. Time to be the boss:
"Let's think about this, did he mention where he was going at all? Or when he'd be back?"
They all check their messages. Nothing.
Call history. Blank.
…emails? All spam.
Of course.
Don't panic, Nicole reminds herself, He could just be... hanging with Wise! Or that wolf guy.. uh.. Von something?
Anby was getting antsier with each failed clue, her fingers twitching and curling into intermittent fists by her sides. Nekomata was trying to act unaffected, but her ears were tilted back just slightly too far.
"Urgh... OK!" the two smallest members of the Hares jolt at the sudden exclamation, but the boss is too busy dialing Billy's cell number to care, "if he won't come to us, we'll go to him!"
The number rings, and rings, and rings- the android always answered on the fifth- and rings, and rings, and-
"Well, well~ You sure called faster than I expected. Has it even been 24 hours yet?"
That... was not Billy.
-><-. . .-><-
He didn't know how this happened.
Or- scratch that, he did, but... why? He thought-
"I thought we were friends," the android shouts to the retreating figure, his arms captured by two giant mechanical palms "Really? I mean- seriously? Oh, that's hilarious. And sad." Billy can feel his energy draining, but he doesn't go quick enough to miss the final parting words. "You're the least missed Hare, man, and the cat's only been there a week."
Was that.. true?
No. Nekomata had- Nicole cared- Anby would miss..
Would they? He was still trying to formally befriend the Thiren girl, Anby could do her own hair now, and the Boss- would she even notice?
If he wasn't so sure coming online would cause a spike of pain to ram through his throat, he'd shake the thought away. Nicole would notice! At mission time... probably. Or when she needed him.
How long would that be, though?
Unfortunately, Billy's not allowed to spiral any further when an insistent tap-tap-tap scratches at his face plate. He fizzles into painful consciousness with a groan-
With a groan.
...why wasn't he making any noise?
Any attempts made to speak- to vocalize this awful sparking in his throat- end in silence. Billy 's eyes widen, and from his peripheral he can catch the odd glimpse of wiring sticking out under his chin.
...No- no, no, no- no no.
Raucous laughter breaches his sensors, and suddenly his face is pulled up to see the same man that had betrayed him- grinning and amused.
"What's the matter, android," he jeers, releasing his face to drop something on the ground, "Cat got your tongue?"
That 'something' bounces once before landing in a sizzling, unassuming lump right before Billy's glitching eyes.
...his voice box.
-><- . . . -><-
Anby snatches the phone out of Nicole's hand.
"Where's Billy," she demands, shocking the other two Hares silent
She can't bring herself to care at the moment, the way rage is boiling under her skin. Her voice has never been particularly emotive, neither has her face, this she knew intrinsically. A fact of her life that she didn't care to fix.
But Billy was her friend.
Billy understood her. He did her hair whenever she asked, tried to protect her when she didn't need it- not because he didn't think Anby was capable but because he wanted to. Billy explained things she didn't want to, gave her an in to conversations-
"You really care about this thing?" "Billy's not a thing. Where is he." Anby would not ask a third time.
The voice on the other end snickers, amused for some unfathomable reason. And it's like Nicole can sense her impending neurosis, because she pries her phone out of the smaller girl's hand.
"We won't ask again," she emphasizes, fully in Boss mode now, "Why do you have Billy's phone?"
"Calm your tits, ladies."
Nekomata hastily pries the phone out Nicole's hand before it can be crushed.
"What I mean is- relax! Look.. if it'll make you feel better, I'll return it to you. Er- it's parts anyway. Hah!"
It. He was calling Billy... an it.
Something dark poisons the room.
"Just kidding! Anyway- Keep better track of your things, Hares! Finders keepers, you know?"
"Anby. Nekomata."
The girls stand at attention, awaiting the instructions sure to follow their stormy faced Boss.
"We're going to Random Play."
-><- . . . -><-
...everything hurt.
His throat, what was left of his right arm, what was left of his left leg, his torso where red wire hung out like streamers.. The traitor- because it brought some sort of vindicative relief to call his tormentor that- hadn't been joking about selling him for parts. At all.
Pieces of prior 'conversations' looped themselves over and over again like a broken record- a snake eating it's own tail- and at this point Billy couldn't tell if it was his own busted thoughts or if the man had taken his mind too.
"Wow~ an android with a pain threshold.. that's rare. You can feel all of this then?" Billy, of course, couldn't answer with any more than a twitch as pliers hacked away at his wiring. "Bet we'll get a pretty penny off you then."
"I don't really get the point of androids, you know? This tech could be so much better utilized for prosthetics."
"Called your buddies earlier." That had sparked the most reaction out of him so far, that got him to raise his head with worried eyes. "Oh-ho! What'd you get excited for? They're not looking for you."
His voice box still sat on the ground in front of him, mocking as it hissed out sparks from time to time. At least that could still make a sound.
Were the Hares... really not coming for him? Would there be anything left to find if they did?
Billy could hardly open his eyes as it was, even if the Hares could find him in this Hollow- would they even want him around if he couldn't do anything?
Maybe... it would be better if he just-
The metal doors screech open again.
-><- . . . -><-
The tacky feeling of blood, whether caked under her nails or smeared over her cheek, would normally bother her.
This she wears as a badge of honor.
They had been lucky, all things considered, to have connections to the former Phaethon siblings. It still took too long, in Anby's opinion, but Belle and Wise had found the seller that had listed- for a lack of better phrasing- Billy's parts.
"'Ethically sourced' my fine ass!" Nicole had shouted at the monitor, barely restraining herself from grabbing it and shaking.
Anby flicks her blade to the side, watching disinterestedly as blood splatters against the scorched pavement.
"Alright, you guys," Belle- in Eous' body- piped up, "Billy should be behind this door."
What's left of him, goes painfully unsaid.
None of them want to open the door, not when it could confirm a truth they've blatantly ignored the possibility of. Billy could be nothing but wires and lost data behind these doors.
Schrödinger's Android.
Anby takes the plunge and shoulders the creaky metal open.
At first, she's worried that they had the wrong warehouse. The inside is dark- quiet- and she can't immediately see anything with the rubble blocking the way further inside.
That was fine, Nekomata was the only Hare that could marginally compete with her in speed anyway. Sooner than she could really blink- or think about it- the smaller Demara finds herself atop the rubble pile.
There he is.
Billy is in the center of the warehouse, powered off and forced to his remaining knee by robot palms clamped around what's left of his limbs. The wires in his torso hang out like entrails, frayed and stripped at the ends and wrong.
Anby trips over herself to get to him, uncharacteristically uncoordinated as she finally- finally reunites with the android.
"Billy," she breathes out, watery and insistent as she presses her bloodied hands to his cold face, "Billy, wake up. We're here."
Please wake up, please don't let this be for nothing-
Familiar, warm, yellow eyes finally flicker open. It's a struggle, both to watch and to experience probably, as the Hares' big brother reluctantly comes back online.
Reluctantly. Billy shouldn't be reluctant.
There's no talking, no glitchy recall of her name, not even a whisper of pain- or any sound- as his eyes widen disbelievingly at her. Billy shouldn't be quiet.
This was wrong.
Something sparks in the corner of Anby's eye, and the realization that comes with it makes her wish she had done more than dull her blade. Billy's voice box, crudely ripped out and left in plain sight...
"Anby, did you find him?"
The android's warm yellow eyes somehow widen even further at the sound of Nicole's voice and Nekomata's footsteps. When the two come into view, the faceplate under the smaller Demara's hands trembles.
Anby recounts what she learned, making sure to keep her hands on Billy at all times as the reunited Hares' get their metal teammate free. Obviously, he can't walk- he can barely support himself- and they should really wait to celebrate until they're out of the Hollow, but...
"Billlly," Nicole all but sobs as she pulls the android into a hug he can't reciprocate, "you idiot. We were worried sick about you! You're never leaving the base without telling one of us ever again!"
Nekomata joins in from behind, wrapping her thin arms with exceeding amounts of care around Billy's torn neck. She doesn't say anything, but the way the Thiren girl buries her face into his synthetic hair says enough.
Anby hadn't re-braided her fringe since noting his disappearance and the loose hair sticks uncomfortably to the blood on her cheek as she bullies her way under his remaining arm. Belle stands off just slightly to the side, touched by the family reunion but unwilling to interfere with the tender moment.
The Cunning Hares' had missed their resident big brother deeply; now that he was back, they weren't ever letting him go again.
AND THERE SHE IS!! FINITO, EL FIN, FINIE! sorry if the ending was kinda rushed, but i hope you enjoyed! lmk what you thought and, of course, if there's anything else you want to see me write or elaborate on!
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heavyhitterheaux · 6 months
Got Me Thinking
Part 8: When I Needed You Most
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Synopsis: This is supposed to be a time of healing, so you let Jack know what you had been feeling since the last time the two of you spoke despite how difficult it is. You feel like he failed you, but unexpectedly, a piece of paper is about to change both of your lives forever.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Series Masterlist 💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
As hard as it was for Jack to walk away from you that night, he knew if he had wavered for a second then he would have instantly changed his mind and went right back to you. It was a difficult decision for him to make, but when he really sat down and thought about it, it made the most sense. A lot had occurred within the last six months and knew that your anxiety was probably getting the best of you and instead of putting pressure on you by being in the situation, he decided to take a step back in order for both of you to begin to properly heal.
He didn't leave until you fell asleep and made sure you were safe at this point, he was praying that you didn't run off again.
He drove back to his house in silence and was surprised to walk in to see Kelsey gathering all of her things. Or what was left of them for that matter. Ever since he had gotten back from Paris and being with you, of course an argument took place about the paparazzi pictures when Kelsey finally confronted him and he owned up to it.
He loved you and didn't love her and didn't want to be with her anymore.
“Oh, I thought that you would be with her. I was trying to be gone before you got back.” She quietly said as she was zipping one of her suitcases.
“I was earlier.”
“Can we just talk for a second? No bullshit.” She asked and Jack slowly nodded before shrugging, because at this point what did he have to lose?
“I knew. I knew and I didn't want to believe it. From the moment you brought her to your show and I saw how everyone gravitated towards her, I instantly got jealous because I couldn't even remember the last time you looked at me like how you looked at her. Actually, you never have. Not even on our wedding day. Since then, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to compete and when Clay told me that you and her were just friends, I highly doubted it.”
“Just let me finish. Please. I'm sorry for what I did to you and I'm sorry for how I've treated you overall for these last few months.”
“Hmm, more so an entire two years, but go on.”
“I deserved that. I'm realizing how bad I've hurt you and I started pushing you away so you going back to your ex is not surprising and I should have seen it coming. I just want you to be happy at the end of the day and I now know that Y/N is the one who brings you happiness and not me. I should have been able to realize this on my own, but it took me talking to my therapist and my sister to see how wrong I was. I mean I cheated first so I guess this is my karma.”
“At one point in time, I did see myself being with you for the rest of my life, but Kelsey, you changed and it wasn't for the better.”
“That's fair and I agree. I wasn't the nicest person. I just…. want this divorce to go as smoothly as possible so whatever you want me to sign, I'll do it. Here's your key back. And I wish the best for you and Y/N, jealousy aside, she seems like an amazing girl who loves and cares about you a lot. I'm sorry that I took you for granted. I know now that we were kinda doomed from the beginning because of what I did. Take care of yourself and take care of Y/N.” Kelsey placed the house key in Jack’s hand before grabbing her suitcase and making her way towards the front door.
Once the door shut, Jack had sat down on the couch playing with the key in his hands and trying to make sense of what had just happened. If circumstances were different, you would be the first person that he told, but figured that it was best to give you your space.
You didn’t bother moving when you heard the front door open knowing that it was Tania who just got done her shift and had the rest of the day to herself which meant that she would be all up under you and not letting you out of her sight.
“Y/N, are you watching White Men Can't Jump again? This is the fourth time today and maybe the fifteenth time this week.” Tania said as she came into your bedroom to see you surrounded by snacks and Jack's face on the TV.
“I miss him and he hates me.” You quietly responded before stuffing another cheese puff into your mouth.
You were back in Calabasas in your house and Tania had been staying with you because everyone just knew that you were probably going to make a run for it again, even though you had said that you weren't.
“He does not hate you and I'm sure he misses you too. But you damn near gave all of us a heart attack…. again. I got on the first flight I could find to come and look for your ass.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Stop it. Stop apologizing. What's done is done. Now you have to start healing. Did you call that therapist that my cousin had recommended?”
When you were quiet, she grabbed the remote to press pause.
“How are you supposed to heal if you won't even try? This is not what you do to start to heal.”
“I'll do it tomorrow.”
“And I'm going to keep bothering you until you do.”
“Tania, I literally uprooted the life that I've known for like the past 5 years for him all to be like we need to work on ourselves before we be together how we want to be. Like what the fuck? You couldn't have figured that out before? In that regard, I'm pissed at him.”
“And I see why because I would be too. However, look at it from this perspective. He loves you enough to be honest and tell you that because he wants the relationship to be successful. We are all literally rooting for the two of you. I'm going to be here with you every step of the way. You can always call him, because what's stopping you? But… what the hell are you eating? Did you just dip your cheese puff in cream cheese and peanut butter?”
“What? I'm hungry?”
“No, that is the diet of someone who is pregnant.”
You looked over at her and rolled your eyes as you grabbed another one.
“You are literally so dramatic. I can't be. Already took a test when I was with Jack and it was negative. I'm just hungry like I said. Stop making a big deal out of everything.”
“Y/N, you have never eaten that when you're hungry so cut the bullshit.”
All of a sudden, a wave of nausea hit you and you then hopped up to run into the bathroom emptying the contents of your stomach with Tania right behind you.
Once you were finished, you stood up and brushed your teeth before splashing cold water on your face and Tania was eyeing you through the mirror.
“There’s a baby in there.”
“No there isn't and stop wishing that on me. I can't have a baby right now because that is only going to complicate things. It's not like me and Jack are exactly talking to one another.”
“Let's just take another one and see. I'll go buy it.”
All you did was let out a groan before rolling your eyes at her.
“Auntie Tania reporting for duty.”
“I can still kick you out of my house.”
Jack had been pacing back and forth in the studio while staring at his phone debating on if he was going to call you. It had been a few weeks and he wanted to check in on you and make sure that you were okay, but he wasn't quite sure if you would be willing to talk to him.
A few people came with him to Nashville to start working on new music, but truth be told, he did it to get out of Louisville and to hopefully get his mind off of you.
And his plan was failing…. Miserably. He couldn't focus for more than thirty minutes at a time.
“Will you just call her already?” Clay asked while glancing at his older brother.
“If you keep this up, you’re going to run a hole in the floor and I'm not paying for it.” Neelam said from behind him as she walked into the room.
“I'll call her for you!” 2fo yelled from the corner as he had just opened a bag of cheetos.
“I don't understand why you're acting like this when you were the one who broke it off with Y/N in the first place.” Urban quietly said and Jack shot him a look.
“I didn't break it off! We're taking a break. Hiatus if you will.”
“Why are you yelling at us? We didn't tell you to do that. It seems like you're more miserable now then you were when you and Kelsey were a thing. If you could call it that.”
“Ew, I just got chills and not the good kind.” Clay confessed and Urban stifled a laugh.
“We needed to. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think it was important. She literally had all of us looking for her for hours and didn't even think to let anyone know that she was okay.”
“Still better than Kelsey in my book.”
“URBAN!” Neelam scolded and he held his hands up in defense.
“Just call her.” Clay said as he picked up Jack's phone and handed it to him.
“She probably doesn't want to talk to me.”
“Hmm, I wouldn't either after I left my husband, quit my job, and moved back home to be with you and then you break up with me.”
“But yall are not together though.” Clay said while taking a long sip of his smoothie as he was backing up Urban and Jack sighed.
“Not too much on my mans now! He fumbled a baddie though.” 2fo piped up with cheeto stained fingers as Jack shook his head.
“Jack…. I don't know who allowed you to be an adult because the math is NOT mathing when it comes to you and making decisions regarding relationships. Y/N is EVERYTHING you want! And you have your opportunity right in front of you! Go and call your girl.”
Jack didn't have a chance to respond as his phone vibrated in his hand to see that it was a facetime call from you.
“Look at his face, it's her!”
Once your face popped up on the screen, Jack could tell that you had been crying and immediately asked why you were upset.
“Buttercup, what's going on?”
“Are you by yourself? Because this can't wait.”
“Give me a minute.” Jack responded as he left the room to walk down the hallway.
Once he was in a secluded corner, he asked you to tell him what was going on.
In response you simply switched the camera view to show a piece of paper and the section that was highlighted on it.
Jack's jaw had now hit the floor.
He had to read it multiple times to make sure he had read it right.
“Is that? Is that real?” He quietly asked and you got a dumbfounded look on your face as you turned the camera back to you.
“That was a dumb question. I'm sorry, but how?”
“She's saying that when I did it the first time, it's possible that it was too early and that's why.”
“That's all you have to say?” You asked catching a slight attitude because you were growing increasingly annoyed.
“I just… I'm surprised that's all and I definitely wasn't expecting this.” Jack said, attempting to plead his case.
“And I was?”
“Y/N, please. The last thing I want to do is fight with you. We're going to get through this.”
“There is no we in this unless we're together and last time I checked, we weren't. And keep in mind that was your choice. You left when I needed you the most and didn't even think twice about it. You saw that I was hurting and what did you do? Decide that it wasn't the best idea for us to be together even though you knew how bad I wanted to be.”
“I'll talk to you later I guess.”
Before he could get another word in, you hung up the phone.
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gumbaigumbai · 3 months
Ramblings on Modern AU Ogata
Modern AU Ogata has so much potential when it comes to the different ways his mental instability could be displayed, along with his living situation as well.. so I'll write down some thoughts I've had/collected below (& I'm well aware Noda mentioned he'd be a dentist but I wanna explore other possibilities)
^ to preface I've read a couple works on ao3 abt this as well so some ideas are heavily inspired
Work: I think a job as a photographer would translate over his sniper skills very well, links such as steady hands and a good eye, staying still in a required position, "shooting", and freelance of course.. Though I don't think this would pay well enough for him to maintain a decent living, so he would primarily work as a morgue attendant for a couple reasons; respect given when needed, no customer interactions (or if so, very few), most talking is between co-workers which I don't imagine there's plenty of, he wouldn't be opposed to being in the space w. all the corpses, it could worsen his mental state (🤤), to an extent links back to his "canon" modern job via medical field
As for the home life; small apartment, can't imagine him caring about upkeeping the place or getting "fashionable" furniture so most items inside are just necessities. while he was only doing photography he used to sleep on a mattress but after the attendant job he upgraded to a simple bed. Definitely has a computer setup that he saved up for, used for editing/organizing his pictures and doom scrolling. I like to think he has some interest that he researches in his spare time, could be really into the history & different types of guns, or if we want to be less on-the-nose he'd enjoy deep sea creatures - just reading up on them or watching videos, maybe those informational documentaries. Also has a small amount of fondness towards Hello Kitty (bc ofc I have to add this), though it's something he's embarrassed to admit (Usami found this out & never let him hear the end of it)
Relationship w. ppl
I think he'd be pretty good at coming off as collected while working (outside of home) but when he's not required to talk with others he's contrived in public, says the bare minimum and leaves. He'd keep in touch with Usami and Tsukishima - they always have to reach out first but in his better moods sometimes he starts talking w. Usami. He used to have some sort of relationship with Tsurumi (relationship not used in a romantic sense here) but they fell out and he doesn't have contact with him anymore. Yuusaku has his # and tries inviting him over for the holidays but he declines most of the time, another instance where you must catch him while he's prone to social gatherings..
Mental state 😻
Okay this is where I take a lot of liberty so I apologize if ppl don't like this… I think he would definitely be depressed to some extent, falling into episodes where he's more of an active suicide risk, but it's not often enough to become debilitating to carry on normally. He wouldn't reach out for help, and would over time get much worse before he ever gets better (I'd like to think in the modern world he'd have a real chance at reformation though). Usami would unintentionally worsen Ogata's mental state by affirming his negative thoughts, though as an avid Usao shipper I have to give myself a treat and pretend Usami would take care of him during his worst times… And wouldn't make fun of his attempt at getting better if he ever enters therapy (delusion works in mysterious ways). Ogata would engage in self-destructive behavior; taking light drugs at a younger age but as he got older he resorted to sh. The first step towards rehab however would be a holiday dinner with Yuu where he actually showed up, and they entered a genuine conversation over his issues after Yuu grilled him enough about his worries.
Anyway, sorry this was so long & I didn't include many other characters, & if you just don't really see this as plausible for him - I like to play with him like a Lalaloopsy in my head
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beloved-daydreams · 1 year
Y'all we actually NEED to talk about how loving and caring Wren actually is. Like, from her flashbacks with Bex (Rebecca) we know that she was the emotional shy kid. That her sister would bring her to hang-out with her friends (maybe because Wren didn't have any or too little.) And how she would always play the role her sister would give her.
Flash forward to the present, Wren:
Breaks into the house of her family at night only to eat food from their garbage and maybe do the dishes sometimes. Like???? That's SO unnecessarily nice. Imagine thinking a monster is downstairs only to find out in the morning that the dishes are clean, the laundry has been folded, the place has been cleaned... like what??
She would practice by reading Bex's textbooks to try to educate herself on her own
Breaks the curses put on humans to spite the Faeries (but also I bet she wants to protect humans and be useful to them, like she wishes someone would've been to her) not to mention she's been doing that for YEARS without anyone's thanks. They just get scared and run away
Collects purely sentimental stuff, never does she steal many things that could make her life easier, never does she glamour humans for malicious reasons (and besides, like she said, she's not good at it because her education both in the human world and in the fae world has been lacking)
Again: always eats from garbage, never or rarely fresh stuff she could easily snatch from anyone she wants
Freed some prisoners because she felt like it wasn't right to keep them locked (and well, other more logical reasons BUT I believe 80% of the time Wren is purely acting on her feelings) like, "oh?? I kissed Oak but now he's dancing with other girls? Okay Hyacinthe must be right then, Oak is just a manipulative whore >:( how dare he play with my feeling??"
Felt happy for having Gwen care about her despite them never interacting much to begin with. Just getting those text messages was enough
Probably lots of other stuff I forgot
Anyway, the point is that: Wren is sweet and sentimental and emotional and she knows it. It makes so much sense that she's scared shitless of loving Oak because she KNOWS her feelings are strong. It's what she acts upon most of the time, it's what leads her decisions.
And now she just gave in to some of her "darker" feelings. That feeling of destruction she talked about.
Anyway. Sorry but I'm FERAL over the fact that Wren is just SO full of love yet she receives so little. We need to change that real quick cause now she got everything. Mellith's heart, Mab's bones and Greenbriar blood (Oak). Girlie could literally make anything happen so if we don't want Elfhame's doom, please give her lots of cuddles and appreciation and love. Thank you.
On a side note: I am actually SO scared for Wren's story to end badly. I suppose not but I've only read The Folk of The Air trilogy from Holly Black so I'm not sure how she usually writes her other stories. Please someone reassure me haha :')
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simslegacy5083 · 1 month
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (8/23/2024) Episode: Gaming and Goodbyes
As everyone settled down for dinner after Skye aged up, Luigi snagged a seat across from Jade and wasted no time launching into 20 questions. 
"I'm one of the only sims around here who believes in The Watcher" he told her, "other than some real crackpots on the internet anyway." He shuddered. "So, what's it like for you, living under their direct influence? My Papa always said The Watcher could control just about anything but if that's true the one around here has a sick sense of humor!"
He then went on to describe some of the many misfortunes that had befallen him and Noemi in the past.
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"Oh…my…that's a lot " was all Jade could think to say when he'd finally wound down. Well, Isra did warn me… she thought before responding.
"I don't think our Watcher controls everything. For example, my mom's friend Summer died quite unexpectedly recently, it was really hard on her. Being a legacy family may mean The Watcher keeps a closer eye on us, but in general more crazy things happen when we're around, not less!" 
"Do you know the legacy family here?" she asked "Isra and Par haven’t heard of one, but I thought The Watcher had favorites in every nation.”
"Well, actually…" Luigi began, before Noemi cut him off. "No. We've never heard anyone even mention a legacy family." she said, glaring at him. 
Jade could tell she'd stepped in something with her question, though she wasn't sure what. Now more ready than ever to extract herself from the awkward conversation she rose "It was nice chatting with you, but I think I'm going to go inside and get out of this heat for awhile."
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"Hey! If we’re going inside, I’ll fire up the gaming console and start the real fun.” Rhys said. "Anyone else ready to join us?”
“You know that’s my jam." Luigi stood too, causing Jade to suppress a groan. At least if we’re playing he’ll stop talking so much! she thought.
“My foot has a prior appointment with Darth’s ass," Beau chimed in “Just give me a minute to visit the bathroom for the hundredth time today first." 
After a great session of gaming with the chatty e-sports pros Jade was almost sorry to see them off at the end of the night. “It was great to meet you, kid” Luigi told her. “Sorry about all that doom and gloom earlier. I have a tendency to get wrapped up in myself, but you were a trooper about it, and a pretty good video gamer to boot! If you decide to explore a career in E-Sports look me up, I can introduce you to some people.”
“I’ll do that” Jade fibbed, trying to be nice despite having no interest in becoming a professional nerd herself. “It was nice to meet you too.”
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“Luigi, I know you believe yourself to be a legacy heir the same as Jade's sister and mother do, but we both know that isn't a "thing" here." Noemi reminded him once they’d returned home. "I thought we agreed we were going to keep that little piece of Lawbourne lore to ourselves." 
Luigi sighed "I know. I just got so excited meeting someone from another legacy; I got carried away. Thank you for reining me in, as usual."
"Happy to do it" she chuckled “now, how about you get Skye to bed while I get started on my latest side project? This one wants all their phone icons updated to penguins! The things sims come up with to do with technology…"
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"Thank you again, so much, for having me. I had a blast!" Jade gushed the following morning. "I've got the pictures we took, the gifts you made for everyone, and your donation for Sims United in my inventory. I'm sure everyone will love them." 
"It was so wonderful to see you again" Wren smiled "I'll be stalking you on social media; I can't wait to see those graduation photos!"
Isra chimed in, “All Elyse wanted to talk about this morning was how much she loved hanging with "silly Auntie J!“, making Jade blush happily.
"I'll be sure to send along any fun kid appropriate memes I find for you to share with my little nieces and nephew.“ After one final hug and kiss she headed towards the teleporter that would take her home, her family watching her retreating back until she blinked out of sight.
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Once Jade had disappeared back to her homeland Isra’s quietly weeping par buried their face in her shoulder and whispered, “It was wonderful to see her, but so hard to watch her go.”
“I know” Isra agreed “You want to come home with me and give your grandbabies a snuggle?"
Wren nodded, grateful for Isra’s loving support as they stepped out into the warm paradise of a sunny Sulani day.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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sloshys · 1 year
I just think that Daan has this kinda like. Need to be towered over? I think thats why he interacts with the people who are kinda cold/uncaring/powerful most. I mean. He's found himself almost in every aspect of his life in a position where someone was constantly telling him what to do, and I feel like strong characters (like O'saa or karin) kinda fill that niche of "I need someone to boss me around and tell me what to do because I've lived my life at others whims and while I can hold my own for a good bit after a while I'm not sure what to do but asking for help would be too vulnerable so having someone be a higher up towards me gives me a sense of security but i will also kinda be a little shit about it so it doesnt seem so vulnerable" and with O'saa he's super blunt. Very much "I will do things my way wether you like it or not and you will follow my lead or get out my way." and I mean, hell he was a leader! He very much outwardly has control and leadership tendencies, even if inside he doesn't feel like he can ever truly fit the bill. Which is what Daan is looking for yknow? And O'saa, i just kinda think for O'saa its one of those things of he cant for the life of him figure out why he likes him so much, but then Daan starts talking to him about scholarly topics and they have discussions of religion, medicine, science, war, and other things and theres this draw of Daan's Intellegence paired with this strange need of "i want to see him happy, because his whole life hes been miserable and part of it reminds me of me and if i cant be happy then perhaps i can make someone else happy to fill the void" (touching on the whole joking between the two) but being as O'saa has an enlightened soul, i feel like he would be incredibly interested in what Daan has to say. If the two ever got the chance i feel theyd definitely debate between eachother. Imagine that one reaction meme image of the two scholars talking to eachother. Thats them i think. I feel like the two compliment eachother but in a way of like. They fill a niche the other is searching for. Neither are good with words, much less pda, but alone? I feel like if there ever was time alone in a different time in a different place their intimacy would be intense, passionate, and wordless. Nothing would really need to be said, just intimacy, a smoke on the balcony, and dinner in a perfect world. Other people may find their relationship seemingly loveless, but they just couldn't understand the wordless display of trust, of closeness, and of tenderness. How could they? The two have only ever really been truly vulnerable with the other, and I feel if conflict was to arise, they may argue, take a heated break, and then come back with a wordless apology and cook for eachother. Acts of service, cooking, and gift giving i feel would be something that again, if given the chance, the two would indulge in regularly. I feel if O'saa was being particularly sappy he'd maybe get Daan some expensive alcohol he'd been eyeing. As for Daan, I feel he'd get O'saa a nice clothing piece the other had been admiring. But that's in a life they'd never get, I suppose... sorry for rambling in your inbox, I care for them dearly PFT
Anon rn:
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I put my thoughts down there i hope i was able to cover everything
Im going to start off in a daan analysis tangent real quick
Daan has been neglected by his cultist parents ever since he was a baby. He probably never got the proper feeling of security or personal growth as a child because he was always living to survive. Which worsened even more after the death of his parents, and was doomed to child labour very young. Im sure he never got to properly play or express himself as a kid until he got closer to Elise. But The only thing about himself he found worth talking about were his insane cultist parents. His life at the Baron’s mansion was everything he had, as were his studies of modern medicine. That's why he feels attracted to powerful and determined people like O'saa and Karin (and Marcoh too, I believe), who seem to know exactly what their own goals are and think they still have control over what is happening. Despite trying to do things on his own, he still craves company. He also wants to protect the younger ones, like Levi and Marina, because his ass is projecting! But the sad thing is that Daan can't be too dependent on these people and doesn't want to share too much of his past with them because it's very traumatic for him.
If the discussion had taken place, I think O’saa would have been very interested in Daan and his upbringing. Daan never followed the religions and cults of Europa and is aware of their danger. He prays to Sylvian not as an act of worship but to help those who are sick. He also ran away from Pocketcat his whole life and never wanted to give himself to him until depression hit him harder than before. This makes Daan rational, smart, and inquisitive. Which seem to be attractive traits for someone who possesses an enlightened soul.
TOTALLY AGREE ALSO ABOUT THESE TWO HAVING BIG BRAINED DISCUSSIONS O'saa proves himself to be a good listener to others feelings in the booth; Daan can be a very open-minded person; and they both have similar views about the use of magic. I agree that the way they show affection is when they’re both very intimate with each other. O’saa does not trust people lightly because, in his case, his greatest fear is manipulation due to the fact that his country is being invaded and controlled by Europa's religions, wars, and cults. So he only ever relied on himself, which is why he chose to be a yellow mage. I imagine it might take a great deal of time and trust for him to share his vulnerability and feelings with Daan. But they seem to both crave social interaction since they're both lonely at heart, so there might be a chance (we’re winning, girlies!). Either way, I agree with sappy O'saa, that's such an adorable concept and somehow fitting since he finds his own jokes funny. I hc that he’s very genuine when he talks about his emotions, and no matter how embarrassing they are, he always says them with a straight face. But Daan is so sappy too. They would write each other love letters; you cannot tell me otherwise.
Also, I thought of an ending for these two surviving the festival: Daan confessing to O’saa that he doesn’t have anything that waits for him and O’saa noticing the true meaning of those words. He feels a tinge of sympathy because Daan has lost everything to war and religion, and he can't bear to see him give up after surviving the gruesome festival. So O’saa proposes to make a deal to be his personal doctor because he plans to travel dangerously, defy the authority in his country to establish his own teachings, and rise to the top. Since Daan doesn’t have anything to lose, he agrees to it. I think that it is during those travels that they will slowly fall for each other. They might also find some closure on their pasts during those trips.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
Re your Bran ask. The amount of Key Five stans that think GRRM's intention is to make those five the Heroes of the Series and it's gonna be some found family-esque MCU dramedy where they all come together to defeat the others and then go on to plan Jon and Dany's wedding before having some double coronation among the cheering masses and everyone in Westeros falls at the feet of the Targ Regime is honestly fucking hilarious and baffling. This goes hand in hand with the Dany-Jon-Tyrion three heads of the dragon nonsense lmao.
They constantly praise GRRM for subverting tropes, but think he's going to play the Azor Ahai prophecy straight and think Dany and Jon will be unironic messianic figures/heroes. But for the other bitches and houses (especially Sansa or Aegon or Jaime, etc. who they hate) it's gonna be grimdark doom and gloom. Uhhh, yeah sure. Honestly these people should be happy these books never getting published because the meltdowns would be insane.
Imagine thinking GRRM isn't going to make these characters come into conflict with one another. It's not even about being an anti of any of these characters, it's about knowing basic storytelling narratives and what we've seen in the past five books, if you think there won't be angst, conflict, betrayals, etc. I genuinely don't know what to say.
the way this ask just got LOST in my inbox oh my god. anon if you're still around i'm so sorry lmao i do not know what happened.
but YES, i think i've used the word "naive" before as in, I think people are really banking on the sweet and not the bitter part of "bittersweet ending." I've seen people say that the later books are likely to be more "typical" or "straightforward" fantasy and it's like...why on earth would you think that? Everything he has said is pointing to continuing to do his shocking but well foreshadowed twists and turns and continuing to subvert tropes and expectations.
And yes, there's definitely like certain characters that the Key Five/Targ restoration/DJT Three Heads people will put all the "bitter" onand it's always so baffling and a lil telling that they just don't have the imagination to see a happier ending for Sansa, Bran, Brienne, Arianne, or Theon. I certainly have a tendency to dwell on the more "sweet" side of things for characters like Sansa, Arya, Brienne but a lot of that is because I'm just unsure of what the "bitter" aspect will be whereas I'm much more confident about the "bitter" aspect of characters like Dany, Bran, or Jon but I am fully confident that even with Sansa, Arya, and Brienne having some sort of power at the end, there will be a twinge of bitterness - I tend to go with "separated from their brothers" because that hits me right in heart but I'm sure George is gonna pull off something to make me insane and I will like it!! They will all have aspects of this one way or the other, not just a few characters! Sansa is not getting her head chopped off (WHY would this even happen. "Oh she committed treason" shut the hell your mouth she's not getting executed for Joffrey's death and she's not getting executed for *checks notes* giving a vague answer after she's pulled out of bed hungover and stressed out and asked to contradict the fucking crown prince can we be serious) because that's just objectively all bitter. Or that Aegon's death will be like, fine, no consequences, good even because he's just a pretender and nevermind that like, if the Blackfyre thing is true the kid's just been gaslit his entire life so how is any of this his fault?? It's why I waffle a lot on Dany's ending - I do think there will be something sweet for her there, if only for a moment, before her crown is taken from her but because that's so tied to politics, I'm a bit shaky on what it's going to be simply because the magical aspects make more sense to me.
I read fantasy not political thrillers or even a lot of historical fiction and I know I've bitched about all the "bran is annoying i hate magic" takes but at the same time that I find it annoying when the political fans will undersell the magic aspect or refuse to factor it into their theories, it's just as annoying when people insist that "the real enemy is the Others, politics is a distraction" it's not though! The political and the magical are intertwined and both of these aspects of the story will be subverted and played with in the end, it's not going to be a straightforward ending where Jon and Dany are both Azor Ahai and the Prince That Was Promised and this is indisputably a good thing and then they rule the seven kingdoms and it's all perfect. That is just not happening! We have it repeated over and over that magic and prophecy is tricky at best and untrustworthy at worst and Dany is spending all her time neck deep in prophecies and blood magic and yet this is somehow not going to have any affect on her psyche whatsoever and never mind that prophecy is what drove half her relatives crazy AND is actively driving Cersei, Stannis, and Melisandre insane. Arya has spent two full books in BRAAVOS of all places and yeah I DO in fact think that Arya living in the Free City known for rebelling against the Valyrians, serving the assassins guild that is heavily implied to have helped kick off the Doom of Valyria because of their hatred for slavery is in fact going to be relevant when she comes face to face with a Valyrian claimant who used blood magic and killed a slave in order to hatch her dragons.
Also cannot reiterate enough that George himself was deeply annoyed about the original outline getting leaked because his story has diverged massively from there and this "key five" thing is NOT APPLICABLE TO THIS STORY. It's no longer the story he's writing folks!!!
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hyerinrose · 2 years
Hello, can I make a request for soft yandere Mermaid OC x Female Pirate Captain Reader?
In this scenario, Female Pirate Captain Reader has been mutinied against by her own crew, who force her to walk the plank.
She falls into the ocean, but before she could drown, she finds herself in a giant air bubble, that she finds out won’t pop. It turns out she was rescued by a mermaid reader, who saved actually been following her ship for months, curious about her. So, the mermaid pushes her bubble to take her to her underwater home, to take care of her.
However, trouble rises, when the mermaid loses the bubble in a sudden underwater whirlpool, which sends the reader’s bubble spinning to it gets lost. Then the reader’s bubble gets played around like a ball by a school of dolphins.
Eventually, the mermaid finds the captain and apologizes for losing her. They continue their journey, until they reach the mermaid’s home: a beautiful underwater reef
《Yandere! F Mermaid X Pirate Captain! F Reader》
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A/N : Apologies for the late response :) Thank you again for the request! I don't know what gender you wanted the OC to be so I assumed it's a female, I'm sorry if I got it wrong T_T
P.s send more request!! I love your ideas a lot :DD
T/W : soft yandere, fem reader, yandere fem, implied death, implied murder, mentions of drowning, death, this is too soft to be yandere, but we have to recover from the yan from Anti hero.
The journey towards Zenith Kingdom has been a disastrous one with the countless of troubles that arose.
Somehow [Name] and her crew managed to pull it through the bumps on the road, or in this case the violent waves. However, unknown to the pirate captain at the time, her crew was grewing anxious day by day as their supplies decreased.
Their destination was still far from their reach and with the added stress of tragedies and losses that occured throughout the journey, they were losing their trust in their captain.
With the influence of a crook who had garnered respects among his peers, they all collectively made the decision to turn their back against Captain [Name].
[Name] never had thought there would be a day she'd stare into the dark and murky ocean in a state she's in. Being a pirate, [Name] had known the ocean could be serene and beautiful while also being dangerous and terrifiying at times.
With her vision now blindfolded and her arms tied at her sides by a piece of cloth, she nervously steps into her eventual doom. The plank creaking with each steps she took only fueling the sense of dread building in her.
'I can't believe this will be my end, I've tried my best but I'm afraid it was not enough. I was never built for this..' [Name] felt like tearing up at her predicament. She had never intended to become a pirate, but after her Mother passing she took over the ship to honour her mother last wish.
Her breath catches in her throat as she reaches the end of the plank, the end of her life.
The cheering of her former crew, who she had thought she could trusted were drowned out by the sounds of the crashing waves. The [H/C] pirate took another step and she felt herself falling into her watery grave.
There is no chance of her surviving with her limbs immobilised other than waiting her slow painful death. She gasped for air as waters enters her nostrils.
When suddenly, the feeling of suffocating were gone as oxygens fills her lungs once more. [Name] opens her [E/C] orbs and observed the giant air bubble she was engulfed in after she had regulated her breathing.
Out of curiosity [Name] tried to pop the bubble by poking it when she realized it's her only lifeline.
'Why did I even try to pop it in the first place?! Now I'm going to die in an even more humiliating death' She scolded her action in her mind.
Thankfully much to [Name] reliefs, the air bubble remains intact and didn't popped and possibly lead to her drowning. It is only then did the former pirate noticed a pair of blue eyes staring at her outside of the bubble.
"Oh, Hello? Are you the one who created this to save me?" [Name] asked in a gentle manner as the person(?) moves closer to her.
"Yes.. It is only natural that I helped you after you had rescued me from those fish net I was trapped in" Once they were closer only now did [Name] noticed the beautiful blue-white scales on the figure's flapping tail.
'A Mermaid? If I recall..' As [Name] were trying to recall her memories of aiding a mermaid, she felt the bubble lurges forward and began moving.
"Apologies for scaring you! but it's best we get going. The waters gets dangerous around here and I dont want you to be hurt" The mermaid's long white strands of hair flows behind her as she were pushing the bubble towards her home.
"O-oh okay. Uhm hey uh-"
"It's Arran, You may call me Arran from now on as you'll be residing with me from now on" Arran spoke in a gentle voice with a smile on her face.
"My name is [Name] and uh why are we going to your home?" The former pirate asked as she comfortably sat in the bubble.
"The world is unsafe for you, those pirates whom you call comrades will capture and torture you if I were to return you back to the surface. I shall protects you like how you did to me, [Name]" Arran face grew gloom as she remembers the day she met the female former Pirate Captain.
Tears gathered in her sky coloured eyes as she tries to free herself off of the net she was tangled in. Arran had been warned by her peers and mothers of the danger swimming off alone but she had never listened.
She's aware of the fishermen's nets around the area and often swims there to frees the creatures that would be caught in it. Arran had never thought it would be her trapped in it one day.
Her hope was losing as the more she struggled, the more deeper grave she's digging for herself. Until [Name] appears. Thinking that the woman was there to harm and capture her, Arran hisses and barred her sharp fangs at the Pirate.
"Woah woah easy there, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm going to help you out of that, okay? Please don't bite or scratch me!" [Name] tries to assure the mermaid as she got closer and pulled her pocket knife to try and free the creature out of.
Once she was free, Arran submerged herself in the water and only peeks her head out to observe the human female in front of her.
"Thank you" Is all she says before swimming off to her home. While [Name] thought nothing of the encounter, the same couldn't be said for Arran as it stays in her mind.
From then on Arran began trailing after [Name]'s ship for months, curious of the act of kindness the human had given her. Arran discovered that the Pirate were to kind for her good and began drowning the bad apples who she surrounds her at every chances. She had always wanted to take [Name] away but never wanting to kidnap her, it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth at the thought.
Which is why when she saw [Name] falling off the plank, she hurriedly created the air bubble to ensure [Name] safety.
"I see.. I'm sorry that I have forgotten about you, Arran" [Name] scratched at her head as she couldn't recall a memory of that day.
"Mm it's okay. What matter now is that we're togeth-- Oh no-!" Arran stops midway speaking as a whirlpool formed. She should've known the weather was windy that day!
"What is happening--" Unfortunately for [Name], the bubble drifted too close towards the vortex and was pulled in it.
"[Name]!" Arran yelled out for her and tried to rescue her but she was far too late as the [H/C] were sucked into the whirlpool.
"Where am I-- WH--WHY AM I BEING TOSSED AROUND??" The female pirate were horrified to find herself in an unknown location and having her bubble used as a ball by a group of dolphins.
The cetaceans were enjoying themselves while [Name] were suffering through her mini earthquake when she was finally rescued by Arran.
"Oh [Name].. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sor--" Arran kept apologizing to her in a rushed manner as she kept pushing the bubble towards her home. The whirlpool had taken [Name] down to the seabed and the dolphins had thankfully brought her close enough to the underwater reefs.
"Arran, Arran, please calm down! How many times are you going to apologizes?" [Name] tries to calm down the mermaid who looked at her guiltily. Curses her and her otherworldly beauty, [Name] thought.
"As much as it take for me to forgive myself for being so careless with you" She pouted but lightened up, seeing as they were close to her home.
"Does me forgiving you, helps alleviate your guilt?"
"Yes but it's not enough. I.. I almost though I had lost you forever, [Name]. I love you too much to let you go now that I have you in my grasp" Arran gazes all of sudden turned sharp, her blue eyes boring into [Name] [E/C]'s with adoration in them.
The female pirate was too stunned to utter a word from Arran's confession and opting to stay silent. Their journey continues in silence between the two until they finally reached their destination.
"Arran.. about what you just said--" [Name] finally spoke but the mermaid cut herself short, knowing what the woman is about to say.
"I know. But what matter to me the most is you being with here with me. After all,"
"Finally, we can be together forever, my pearl"
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croakings · 11 months
breaking my loz silence to be a hater but also, here's how totk can still win
i will preface this with the thesis but also bear with me, ok, so: let it be known that in most circumstances, like most people probably, i hate when stories go "And It Was All A Dream!!!"
however. under some certain conditions. it is So Tasty. and i think totk is like. i'm sorry i think this is the only thing that can redeem the story of that game even somewhat. to me. this is all obviously just going to be my own personal opinion if you liked totk you are valid etc and so on and so forth but this is probably not the post for you
a minor point i want to start off with is that we were promised majora's mask vibes and they did not (imo)(this will be the last qualifier/clarification as far as that goes just stick "imo" everywhere in your brain for me please. thanks) deliver on that so much...... UNLESS MY UPCOMING TINFOIL HAT/COPING "THEORY" APPLIES! (there is absolutely no evidence or support for any of this whatsoever.)
i know people have come up with theories and Themes Analyses as to why the totk ending is good and makes sense and i did like a lot of those, and those people are very smart, however what they do not take into account is that i do not like it. if there's one thing i hate more than It Was Never Real In The First Place, it's And Actually None Of That Mattered That Much At All!..........
unless! It Was Never Real In The First Place!!!!!!!!! (<- IWNRITFP)
SO many of my personal gripes with totk are solved by making "the primary impact of these events is just like. emotional there aren't a lot of other consequences if any" follow the caveat of Because IWNRITFP!!!
"but bug" you might say, "what the fuck are you talking about". that's fair despite all those paragraphs i've said very little. i understand.
i am team "pissed off about the arm". team "ZONAI??????? AAAAAAAGGHHHH". team "AND WHY DOES IT ALL DISAPPEAR IN THE END ANYWAY COME O—". team hater. if you will. zelda doesn't even get to have any dragon features stick around like come. ON. ok anyway
also. we have the Monarchy Good Let's Keep Doing That Actually. despite. gestures at all of botw and the info we get of link and zelda post-botw pre-totk. where they're like. really not so much doing the monarchy. is the thing. and that seems really great for them in fact. and this seems really kind of silly outside of it really being needed to continue The Cycle. of loz games. and in loz games. which is that there is a princess and link punches things. and monarchies are a little necessary for point one. there.
but also some of you know me. you know what my favorite activity is. it's Making Up Lore To Explain Mechanics/Whatever i know this is not mechanics it's like. Video Game more broadly. franchise continuity. and that too. put that after the slash idk how to phrase that. so here's the thing.
they go down to the castle murder basement. right. gloom is there. it's spooky. things Go Wrong. tale as old as time.
this is a reach but cope with me. bear with me. what if. the murder basement. is the last real thing that actually happens. (until the ganon fight)(i think)(disclaimer: i have played only like 35 hrs of totk and the greater portion of that was mapping out the depths. so please understand i hate this game and this essay is based on information i gathered trying not to be doomed to hate this game/attempting to gain motivation to like. actually play it.)(if you notice i barely succeeded. if at all. rip)(one of the first things i did was collect the dragon tear memories and that INSTANTLY made me tap out. iykyk y'know.)
here's the story of totk: link and zelda go down to the catacombs. neither of them come out. like. link does. sort of. i guess. if you ask some people. but like. nothing he does seems to matter or affect people. or. most things. with a few direct Plot Related exceptions. no one recognizes him the famous Savior Of Hyrule (the sword one)(not the princess the other one) who has spent literal multiple years scurrying around speaking to without hyperbole every single person in the country probably multiple times in insane circumstances pretty much every time. everyone is just Have You Heard The Legend Of Press Down B To Slash Fancy AND I SOLVE THIS TOO. with Game Theory.
WHAT IF. what if. ganon's last hurrah. ganon who like. constantly loses. and is repeatedly killed by teenagers at best and children not infrequently. is to see these guys who pretty well won. because they lost. who have a pretty good chance of doing things differently. where he can't. and/or won't. who can set hyrule in a different direction, if they're allowed to continue on. and not let them continue on. "lol they're traumatized young adults," he might say, "i am The Scourge Of Millennia and HERE. is how i can still win." (<- loses)(inevitably)(of course)(BUT HE CAN TAKE THEM DOWN WITH HIM.)
what. if IWNRITFP. maybe we can say the zonai in some capacity WERE real idk. this is irrelevant to my essay but i do like the thought they're just Early Hyrule and we know nothing more about them that's true than we did in botw. i think it would be incredibly good soup if ganon just made EVERYTHING about zonai and the Ancient Times that we see and learn of in totk. just. completely up. this also solves how ganondorf (and also rauru and sonia like character-wise) kind of sucks in this game tbh: because he's The Villain. he's MADE himself THE villain. what are his motivations? you may ask. what the hell is he trying to do? what on earth is even going on with zelda and co in the past? irrelevant. you see if he is as cartoonishly evil as possible. and makes zelda and co (The Good Guys)(So Good Guys Wouldn't It Suck If Something Like Killed Them Mercilessly Or Whatever) completely miserable and sets up the perfect, most unassailable dichotomy in her mind of Me Evil, Monarchy (You)(plural)(The Royal You, even) Good, then zelda and link who are already traumatized can just be pushed more firmly into The Cycle. all of this if he just. makes them live out a nightmarish reality he constructs of "nothing that they are or have been matters and they have to cast it all aside to be The Princess and The Hero". and convinces them keep that going forever. because without them(The Princess and The Hero) there is only Him (The Villain). they HAVE to be in the cycle to keep him from winning the cycle by default. don't they. right. sure they do don't look at the man behind the curtain what man. who said that.
also the sages!!!! Bloodlines!!! Of Course It's About Bloodlines!!!!!! it's the cycle!!
and see the thing is link and zelda come out of the catacombs with Dragon Ganon Defeated and that can be real. that's the story. link and zelda finally do come out of the catacombs. they have experienced once again a bunch of things that no one else had anything to do with or could be reasonably aware of and there is nothing they can do to involve these other people. they can try to talk about it but everyone else really truly it cannot be emphasized enough was just doing other things. everything makes sense if it's about the isolation. The Role. idk ig parts of the surface stuff ought to be "real" or at least "interacted" with, but that wouldn't be very hard for a magical rage beast probably. the whole kingdom experiences a brief extended nightmare but link and zelda as usual get the brunt of the cosmic horrors. this makes sense to me.
also!!!! this makes the depths like. less. [picture so-so gesture here.]
i mean. they're still like. more should have been done with the depths. more (or less) should have been done with all of totk but i'm exhibiting favoritism here. the depths make sense if IWNRITFP. the yiga are down in an empty inverted-ish Ghost Monster Hyrule doing loony toons. they are also. cartoonishly. evil(?). do the yiga have a point in totk? like. really? do they. (other than Mechanics.) well. i raise you: do they NEED one? link loots stuff and knowledge from them. as in: you have to know things in dreams. somehow. sometimes. what i'm trying to get at here is aren't the depths and the yiga so much more funny if ganon is literally just making them up. like "here is Evil hyrule (look at the ghosts of all those you've failed) with my Evil minions (evil)(like me)(cartoonishly evil and bumbling)(this is a dry joke sarcasm HUMOR. if you will.)(what if ganon is like "oh yeah the yiga my doomsday death cult in botw what was going on with— did link throw that guy down a hole. that's hilarious. i'm going to make a whole thing about that.) and my Evil loot here have relics of past heroes. this doesn't mean anything btw don't worry about it just put them on. yes Put The Tunic On no don't think about it i'm not even here. what. who said that"
like. OH of COURSE no one recognizes you or says much of anything that doesn't somehow give you instructions or tasks to do if IWNRITFP. like. ganon doesn't care. link doesn't care!!! that's something people do. when he is running around trying to save the world. that makes sense..... DREAM SENSE. nightmare sense. this is me coping with the complete lack of character interaction and whimsy i like from loz background guys the totk npcs are SO BORING. and if they're cardboard cutouts. right. of course they are. duh. no friends in the hater zone.
do you all see my vision. is this anything. had i played more than 5% of the game or read more stuff i could probably expand on this or be at all coherent but DO YOU GET IT. am i communicating. please take this and run with it THIS is how we can still get majora's mask and. COSMIC DOOM AND HORROR also again justice for ganondorf (and zelda)(and link) on this one WHAT IF. he was evil. what if he was FUNNY. what if totk were good.
ganon with the last vestiges of his Evil Power from his corpse under the castle sealed for reasons of There Can Still Be A Good Story There: if two guys were on the moon and one guy killed another guy with a rock would that be fucked up or what. also wouldn't it be cool if i were a dragon. i’d like to be a dragon. i can make that happen and sort of kind of make sense. as a treat. while also doing that to the princess while tormenting her with (More) Visions.
welcome to his twisted mind...... mine.......... minecraft server. hey gamers have you ever THE CYCLE THE CYCLE GET BACK IN THE CYCLE
life could be a dream. IT COULD BE A DREAM
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cyvonix · 2 months
(this is a copy paste of a youtube comment I tried to make on one of your epilogue videos but got auto-deleted for IDFK what reason sorry I'm so rambly lol) You seem confused about the canonicity of Caliborn sucking those four into the juju remember: we saw what happened in Caliborn's masterpiece. we already know that John, Rose, Dave, and Jade are the four ancient heroes that are trapped within the house since we saw it happen it is "canon" (aka a page on homestuck dot com) Just because it is an interpretation of the future from Caliborn's perspective doesn't make any less true, relevant or, essential it's just played through a weird medium since he is an unreliable narrator. Whereas whats happening here with adult John taking the kids from the doomed timeline and showing us exactly what happened, sure it's true and maybe even relevant but it is far from essential to understanding the story and themes of Homestuck making it a part of the "dubious canon" (kind of like how the Star Wars expanded universe does a lot with bit characters expanding their backstories to create a lore but in the end Greedo exists to be shot by Han Solo and that is his Role) the ending of Homestuck was all about rejecting your assigned role and living your life in peace to spite whatever entity wants you to be your "alpha timeline self" in this case Lord English. This is why his death isn't on screen, by killing him you give him what he wants as Lord of All time and therefore predestination. IDK if this is making sense anymore but this is close to how I conceptualize the use of canon and stories in Homestuck and hopefully sheds some light on why the epilogues are "dubious" and why Homestuck had a purposefully unsatisfying ending.
Oh it absolutely does make sense, I think that's a very interesting analysis. I don't always feel fully equipped to think of it on that level but I adore how much meaty shit one can pull from just about any aspect of HS on both a textual and metatextual level
(also I have no idea why that would've happened to the YT comment ??? I've certainly never enabled anything to do that so I'll have to check it out)
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sunset-peril · 5 months
You know, sometimes I worry...
When I write about Ganondorf. Admittedly, part of it is due to me seeing him as attractive.
However, his association with Demise gives me pause.
I want to treat others' religions with a degree of respect. Not because they are true, nor because I think they are good. But more so, because I view them as expressions of a culture's values.
So, while I know in my heart that they are wrong, I see value in acknowledging their existence. Which is why I don't like it when people try to fit other religions into the shape of Christianity, because, simply put, they aren't Christianity.
And we shouldn't try to treat them as if they are. For one, it's an insult to God.
So, while I can definitely see the Christian overtones in LoZ, at its core, I see it as its own thing. A wonderful story, but still just a story.
At the same time, I suppose that, subconsciously, I want to portray Ganondorf as a person who as been raised astray. But, at the same time, someone who can still be saved. From Demise.
Perhaps, I see it as a symbol of how far redemption can reach? Or, at least, I think that's what I'm going for. Because I don't see Ganondorf as Demise. Not even really, as Demise's hatred reborn.
More so as a man unfortunate enough to act as Demise's pawn.
And maybe I use a tiny amount of elements from my own real-world beliefs, but I don't want this to be an outright... allusion.
Like, if it were, then I think that Ganondorf would already be doomed. Period. End of story.
I guess my problem is that I see the parallels & the implications. Like, even though the closest thing the games have to an actual devil allegory is Demise & I never intend to redeem him, I still sometimes worry that I'm playing a dangerous game.
Perhaps... perhaps I can make it an allegory for Jesus' victory? Subtextually, I mean.
I dunno, I'm struggling because the closer I get to Him, the more I want to live in a way that will do right by Him. But sometimes I look at the things I write & worry a bit about if the things I write are wrong.
Like, obviously, some of the subject matters are wrong, but like I said before, I try to acknowledge that such things are wrong.
Try being the key word, I'm afraid that I don't always succeed.
It's somewhat like the struggle you were having earlier, but with a much more important Judge.
Do you sometimes worry the same?
I'm sorry to put this on you, but I suppose that I've been thinking lately is all.
Or today, at least.
Hmm, that's a tricky one. I'd phone in C.S. Lewis if I could.
Allow my to ramble my rambles and pray they make any sense/are helpful.
Personally I feel like I'm always going to be more inclined to produce that more allegory-like material, so I tend to be real careful with religiously bound figures. Zelda's also an interesting one because the Book of Magic was literally the Bible in the Japanese version and Link to the Past has an official artwork of Link literally praying at a crucifix and it appears that Nintendo America's "no real religions" policy was what threw it into... whatever we have now. So I feel it definitely depends on which game you're directly spitting at. Personally, I've only played the Three "Breath" games, Skyward Sword, and a liiitttlleee of Twilight. And Skyward especially I feel is one of the closest we got to having an allegory like that, with Breath's Gerudo deviating from Hylia to the Heroines (as the old lady mentioned) reminding me of modern times. I've always kinda seen Nayru, Din and Farore/the Triforce as kind of a Holy Trinity reference that they had to split out from Hylia due to the No Real Religions thing, but that could be me being... optimistic might be the word? I know Japan is not a Christian country, but Miyamoto was obviously making a point with the first couple of Zelda games having those very overt themes and so a lot of me wants to believe he's continued to sneak those in.
I've been that way too, recently. I've noticed I've collected a lot of spirits that I'm... not sure if I want to keep in there. Saint-like characters? Sure. But I'm talking more like Egyptian gods kinda thing. Which I definitely don't want. Quite a bit of the Hateno Village stuff is loosely based or inspired off the big ol mess that's called my life so I think I'm more comfortable putting that in there because to me that is redemption. Link's story there, from the tragic story of his parents to him breaking that "curse" of inbreeding by marrying Zelda who is 100% not related to him because all of the 'worldly' ways Link, his family, his tribe, try to fix it just blow up even further, but the journey he (and later Zelda) takes through faith ends up being better than the solution they crafted with their own force (ah let's not cry here).
However, I think it's good to remember that we're sucky little humans who are really good at "Hey, don't do the thing!" *does the thing* (and I can laugh while saying that because my Xanax is still active haha.) That's literally the whole point of Jesus coming here in the first place and while definitely don't discount that or use it as an excuse, it's good to keep in mind.
What I also try to do is I try to always look for my 'why'. Do I want this because its trendy currently? Am I looking for shock value? Do I need to stick my face in cold water and come back to this concept in a week or two when I'm less hormonal? (This happens often when I'm fooling with those darn Wolfbred, I have to be really careful who I bounce ideas off of with them, because their story can very easily tumble into a dumpster fire of Bad if I'm not being very careful, which is why I currently don't permit myself to write any fics where an important part of the main premise is Wolfbred in the Spring because that's been a problem in the past). Usually I require myself to hold new lore for a week so I can take a good long look at it outside of whatever influence I may be under. I have done absolutely 0 holding of lore recently and I have been telling myself off about it for a while because I should be. Especially with those Wolfbred, who I am the worst about holding lore for!
And there's definitely different types of "putting God in the story".
Allow me to quote from this video
There's the Complete Allegory (Aslan - Narnia)
Partial Allegory where some parts of God are represented, but not Him in His entirety (Gandalf's defeat of the Balrog - Lord of the Rings)
Different World/Different Name - Same God; where its very clear that characters worship God simply under a different name (God being named "The Maker" in Wingfeather Saga, and I've actually played with this one before in an original concept where He is called "The Protector" and the major village where His people are located is "Ecclesia" (Named after the Greek city from Ecclesiastes because apparently Past Me is clever)... I think it will work better as a children's book because I cannot think of any coherent young adult/new adult concepts for it. It would also help if I didn't leave myself SUCH CRYPTIC NOTES)
Ahem. Anyways
There's also the Biblical Retelling, self explanatory (a fantasy take on Ruth's story in A Bond of Briar's... or a massive chunk of VeggieTales)
Themes - Biblical messages and values are passed on without God's explicit mention (I throw this one around a lottttt)
Symbolism - Baby allegory. No one character symbolizes God, but objects or situations reflect Him
I don't think I've really gotten to the point. I think I've just run my mouth.
But yeah, I think maybe stopping yourself and really getting a look at why you include what you include/why you want to write that specific thing is a nice place to start! Maybe I'm too much of an old stickler for this one but I try not to let myself play with other religions. I've seen a lot of good people get stuck to Greek/Roman/Egyptian gods out of what was originally a good intention of cultural awareness or simply scholarly intrigue. Although I am a former furry/therian so I hold myself to very rigid standards about how I interact with non-Christian materials, especially ones without humans or with extremely humanized animals, and this probably isn't a necessary standard for everyone. (Don't get me started on my conspiracy regarding Warrior Cats and Wings of Fire being a pipeline to this. I'll never go to bed and I have to be awake in 6.5 hours.)
But ooh! Allegories and shenanigans! The Pride Wars is a good read while I'm thinking of Narnia/Lord of the Rings/etc. Anti-Religion-Only-Science Kingdom meets Very Religious Kingdom. Anti-Religion kingdom's heir turns out to be able to tell magic parables/fables. It's got a lot of Hebrew woven in as well, and follows that Different World, Same God setting. (God is named Alayah)
I'm fond of this proverb from the second book (which I still need to finish... I should really just buy them). I think it's a paraphrase of a Bible verse, but if so, the verse it paraphrases escapes me
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lilyrachelcassidy · 2 years
Hello dear- I love the idea of spooktober 🎃🎃 but I can't for the life of me think of a written prompt so I shall send you a gif instead:
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I hope you have fun with it
xx Val
A/N: Thank you Val so much for sending in the request. I love the GIF and as soon as I saw it, I instantly knew what to do with it. Wishing you a happy happy Halloween today, have fun (also with reading hehe)!
Summery: reviving Thomas Shelby back to life (quite literally). 
WC: 1.3k
Warnings: supernatural themes (dark magic)
Somewhere in a distinct part of the house, the sound of motion and animation had been made, setting your nerves even more ablaze. Must have been Polly, or Arthur, you weren't sure. Jitteriness and dismay accompanied you the whole time. Today, on this very day, everything was supposed to change; change back to how things had been in the past.
The sudden knock came on your bedroom door, causing you to jump lightly at the abrupt sound. You looked over in the direction, contemplating your decision, and perhaps the entire sense of existence, until you concluded there was no way out of the situation no more. The verdicts had befallen like a hapless dice of kismet.
"Come in," you said, utterly contradicting your state of mind. You wanted everyone to be gone, the entire assembly of people downstairs, although you had been the one who had come up with the initiative of commencing such a gathering. You wanted to muster that previously owned courage right now.
"You ready, gal?" Arthur's head peaked through the slim gap of the opened door. He looked at you as if already knowing the answer to his question.
"Ummm... yeah, I think. I just have to put on the cloak and then... yeah, give me two more minutes." While saying so, you made sure to feign a smile, try as might to convince yourself in the utter lie of being prepared for the upcoming.
Something in your expression must have crumpled, however, because Arthur frowned at your weak attempts. "You know, the whole ordeal still can be postponed or canceled, if you don't want-"
"No! I want to! So badly. It's just that..." Subconsciously, your fingers started fidgeting again and you twisted your hands in nervousness, try as might to obscure your emotions.
Arthur was no longer leaning on the door frame but decided to enter the room after all, and made his way over to the bed, settling himself just next to you. From that distance you could also detect the rapidness of his breaths; he was brittle too, you noted shrewdly.
Somehow feeling that position more obliging to spill the truth, you looked away, rather focusing your gaze on the floor, and rambled on: "I'm sorry. I'm distressed, that's all. I've never... bewitched anyone before. Or played with dark magic. I'm just scared that if something should go wrong, we might be doomed, you know."
The sinewy hand covered your knee in a conciliatory manner. Sometimes you wondered whether you have fallen in love with the right person - it could have been someone of a sensitive nature as yours, preferring to move on with a tranquil lifestyle you would have loved to lead. Instead, there was a man who had killed and terrorized people for his bread and butter as if it had been a social standard. The man who was dead at this point in his life.
But not for long.
"If that makes you happy, there have been only two administered cases of failed dark magic in history."
"And what were the consequences of that?"
"Well... they have been overruled by the dark spirits-"
"Oi, Arthur!" You hid your face in your hands, shaking your head. Was that supposed to be fortifying?
"But that's beside the point. It only proves how rare the complications are!”
Glancing over at him, knowingly, you couldn’t help the smile that ensued on your lips at his attempts of appeasement. There were many circulating opinions about Arthur in the vicinity, but the real him was standing just here, in front of you - honorable and amicable.
After that, you merely thanked him for his uplift to which he smiled, and then still making sure that you were sure of your resolutions and still standing on your ground, he excused himself from the room, letting you change back into the appropriate garments for the occasion.
Briskly, you grabbed the ink black cloak which had been loosely handing the chair, then quickly pulled it through your head, and eyed yourself critically in the mirror.
‘Tasteful, at least,’ you thought to yourself, just before fetching the last item to complete the outfit - the macabre mask which, apparently - as Polly has instructed you - was a necessity during the ritual. In mere seconds, dashing down the stairs, you were standing in front of the living room and entering it with the impetus. As quickly as the door swung ajar, you beheld an already-encircled, bemasked group of figures, their outlines irradiated by a waning flicker of the candles in, apart from that, dark room. The only one without the mask was Polly, who sent you a light, motherly smile before extending her hand and mutely asking you to join the group. With the final exhale, so you did: you seized the palms of people beside you - one of Polly, the second one, callous, of the unknown owner.
The enchantments and whisperings commenced and, with intertwined fingers, you closed your eyes and joined. The few, first seconds abounded in nothingness, incoherent murmurs merely filling up the room; but that was only for one minute until the scenery started to evolve rapidly. The previous murmurs were no longer quiet but now changed almost into shouts in your ears as if somebody had been just beside you, screaming; the tension in the room was almost palpable and could be almost literally cut with a bayonet, so thick and unbearably suffocating it was; the waining flicker of candles transformed into blinding whiteness and even with your eyelids closed, you could perceive its intensity.
Still deciding to risk it all, you opened your eyes in the little slits, and as you had assumed previously, not much could have been seen. In the wholistic blur, one particular thing that caught your attention was a sumptuous, long-necked vase in the middle of the circle you could have sworn hadn't been there. The thick, muddy substance was oozing out of it, soon excluding all over the floor, and to your surprise, forming a human-like shape.
First starting from the feet, it gradually evolved to the full human figure, and you, caught totally off guard, stared at the whole phenomena, not daring to glance away nor effuse any kind of sound. No one besides you seemed to be affected by the occurrence because the chants sustained and even picked up on the pace.
But then suddenly something happened, something you very not even sure how to describe - the mud-person (or so you liked to call that) converted into a more human-resembling form; the lineaments slowly started carving, the body shape becoming more and more pronounced, and the murky texture changed into a sallow skin.
Unwittingly, you emitted a gasp - no longer was a mud mass standing in front of you, but Thomas fucking Shelby himself. His eyes were closed, his mouth pursed, and he was standing in the middle of the circle in the nudest form. As if feeling the intensity of your stare on him, his eyelids flew open, revealing the bloodshot whites juxtaposing with the blackness of his orbs.
You found yourself startled at his grisly appearance; he still looked like Thomas Shelby, handsome in the way, but also as if owned by some dark spirits at the same time.
Tommy ogled you, never tearing his gaze away to other participants of the ritual; he appeared positively possessive, wild even, and for a moment you got scared he might throw himself at you. But none of that happened, and instead, he grinned, menacingly, like a madman to their victim. When he spoke up, his voice was hoarse and deemed amused:
“Missed me much?”
A/N: okay, so the thing I should have mentioned in the first a/n was that I started reading too much E.A.Poe and that... reflects my writing rn I think (especially the ‘the premature burial’ like...). So here, let’s put it truthfully, we get in touch with a tad necromancy-like theme which I hope works perfectly for setting a Halloween-ish atmosphere. Yet I hoped you enjoyed Val! and the happy happy start of November!<3
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iturbide · 1 year

oh for sure i can share!! 5k old grima anon again, and honestly i feel like my math might even be off since i based this mostly off the timeline laid out on this wiki page in a single fevered afternoon (https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Archanea,_Valentia,_and_Jugdral) so if it doesnt make sense uhhhh do take me with a grain of salt x'D ill summarize it down into bare bulletpoints for better reading, and im using the arcahnaen calender for the dates
sometime between -4000 and -2794 (i use -2894(ish) specifically): rough estimate for creation, sinces thabes has to exist to have forneus create him before duma sets the place on fire
-1000: beginning of the dragons decline, naga's war w the earth dragons happens about ~350 years later
607: (yes, no more negatives) alm and celica go into the labyrinth, weakening the seal and thus (to me) being the first instance where grima can Leave the labyrinth and is likely his first contact with real, alive humans besides forneus (rip,,)
(this is more of a heacanon, but i usually put the grimleal faith coming into being sometime around 900-1000, even tho the countries as awakening shows us are said to be founded proper much later bc i like slower developments)
1609: grima is sealed by the first exalt/the mysterious schism is here now in which we know nothing about how anything was created except whoops theres countries now lookit that!!
2585(ish): grima is reborn as/awakens into robin's body!
and because of one more headcanon, i see grima as following lucina to the past in the year 2633, which means the non-amnesiac robin timelines take a bit Longer to "complete" than the awakening we play through, because of all the added grima threat involved and other major events which are changed (emm's death, chrom's injury, there was something about ferox too i think?)
SORRY I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD BE THIS LONG STILL... i hope it was entertaining and makes sense!!
OHOHOHO I HAD NEVER SEEN THIS TIMELINE BREAKDOWN BEFORE I've been trying to puzzle my way around correlating the Valentia and Archanea calendars from the Accordion, this is FANTASTIC!! It looks like your math is pretty much spot on using that timeline as a basis -- plus, I deeply appreciate that you account for Lucina's Doomed Timeline taking more time than the Revised Timeline we see in Awakening, because I hold to the exact same theory.
Even with this timeline, though, the biggest point of logical dissonance for me remains in Naga giving Duma the Falchion before his exile. According to the Wiki's timeline, it states that Naga gave Duma the Kingsfang (aka Falchion) "in the inevitable event that they degenerate into madness" -- but it's not until almost 3,000 years later that degeneration becomes a recognized phenomenon and the Divine Dragon Tribe seal their powers and become manaketes. To my knowledge, Naga's not gifted with precognition -- if she were, I suspect she'd have dealt with Grima a lot earlier than she did. That's not on you! That's on my brain rioting at how the events don't make sense in this order.
If degeneration was a known issue and enough of a risk that Naga gave Duma a weapon that would end his and Mila's suffering should they be afflicted by the condition, that makes me think that they've seen how bad it can be -- which would mean that they've seen the Earth Dragons degenerate and likely gone through the Dragon War. And considering that Naga's death is recorded in the timeline about 500 years after dragon degeneration becomes a known condition and a mere ~250 years after the end of the Dragon War and the sealing of the Earth Dragons at the Dragon's Table, Duma and Mila only making it about a millennium after their exile doesn't seem that unreasonable.
No, I don't know why my brain is like this. I want to be able to take the timeline at face value, but every time I see events ordered with Duma and Mila's exile first and the discovery of degeneration second I start gnashing my teeth.
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staysafedontdie · 11 months
I thought I was free of BG3, but I was not.
(sorry Im not using the real app so it's not letting me edit correctly)
So, I made another Redeemed!Durge playthrough.
While my first one was narratively and cognitively dissonant, story-wise (an unusual looking Githyanki Bard, doing serial murdering in Baldur's Gate? Brushing elbows with powerful people? And no one noticed???) I decided to chalk that up to Bhaal being incredibly cocky. He has the old man voice and is much more tired than my current PC.
My goal with this updated playthrough was two-fold:
Make the ultimate Durge - constantly underestimated, can go anywhere, no one bats an eyelash at their presence.
Get Astarion as the first and only companion and using a specific guide (https://reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/visFK1mKzl - top comment), get the scenes that I initially missed. (Most of the companion scenes are tiered/have priority, I think it's a combination of specific character and approval. Most often Astarion's scenes get overwritten by Shadowheart, Lae'zel, or Gale.)
So, my new character is a Female Half-Elf Bard (Sword Bard OP), with more traditionally Elven features, tanned skin, freckles, and light brown hair with a bit of blonde from sun-bleaching. She looks like the personification of the sun. Someone who's never gone a day without.
But she's also pretty, and forgettable -which is the important part. Other than the shattered dagger throat tattoo, a scar over her lips and the dagger earrings, she's just the girl next door. And since she's slight in build, she's constantly underestimated. It made for quick work to lure people to their doom.
the WORST part is that I've been writing blurbs between playing.
I've written over /16,000/ words. On my phone. Mostly idling in game, headphones on, listening to the ambient music. Or laying in bed. It's not even edited, it's just terrible stream of consciousness stuff.
I call the story collection 'Brief Moments in Time' and one of them involves my Half-Elf, Lysithea, having a core memory unlocked when Astarion is spouting lines at her during the Tiefling Party. Turns out she not only LIKES pick up lines, but also COLLECTS them. They were very useful for luring people to their deaths - like a less sexy version of what Astarion used to do for Cazador.
Here's the little memory flashback I have for her. The ending lines are meant to invoke that moment with the dying Mind Flayer you find at the crash site in Act 1. (Compassion??)
The settings are vague, but the bustling environment must be a local tavern. She’s sipping ale quietly from a table that has a strategic vantage point. The occasional scratching of a quill in a book accompanies her gaze, making sure to take notes on would be targets.
But just over by the bar, she hears a drunken man say a fun pick-up line a little too loudly. Like Astarion she used whatever means she had to lure people away to their doom, and she pays attention to the honeyed words to try and see if they’ll be of some use to her.
“Are you a Gelatinous Cube? Because I feel like this encounter is going to end up with me inside you.”
Past the rage and the darkness that consume her, there’s a small bubble of… joy.
And then she spends the next little bit spouting lines at Astarion, which he rather likes because she calls him beautiful. And it's nice to be on the receiving end of such attention every now and again.
She's also aware the entire time he's using her, but doesn't care. She's got no sense of who she is, beyond a few small things, so she's using him as well for companionship and to help curb the urge and build new memories. After all, they're a lot alike.
...In the future I want to do a Wyll run where I romance Karlach because I heard he goes with her at the end to Avernus anyway and they're so sweet to each other 🥹
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apoptoses · 1 year
"the most out of pocket headcanons I've ever had to come up with" lmfao DA here and I'M SORRY. It was past midnight and I had just finished the first episode of the second season of YJ and was like WAIT WHAT IF... and ran to @hekateinhell's inbox. Needless to say I am over the MOON with your cannibalistic au headcanons (I guess that's what we're calling it now?)!!! "literally giving yourself to someone to consume" exactly, it's extremely overwhelming to me as a concept, but I can't quite shake it off and I think the show is exploring it un such a unique way. "and another about how fucking haunted he's going to be over cooking nicki" oh absolutely, he'd be detached enough to eat without seemlingly having second thoughts because survival is survival, but he's lost sleep over it. He'd never admit it but he had a soft spot for Nicki even though he often belittled him and rolled his eyes at him him whenever he started ranting about their impending doom. And I also hc that his first taste of human flesh was actually Riccardo, shortly after he perished in the woods (he was one of the first), and he didn't really do it out of necessity (they weren't at that point yet and he didn't consume him fully), but to keep a part of him with him forever. And it completely makes sense for Lestat and Nicky as well 😭 😭 "Turns dinner prep and feeding Daniel into a psychosexual game in order to cope" jesus christ they totally would, they'd get so many side eyes (and rather envious looks from Lestat ia) whenever they act like they're actually enjoying it/getting off on it, but it's literally how they cope. Daniel would totally be the guy who thinks he's up for anything but when it's time to start eating organs, he'd be the first one to bolt and Armand would have to literally drag him back to the fire. "Eventually shocks everyone by silently eating dinner and looking totally unbothered by it" that's my boy!!! The most Louis thing ever lmao, it would get to a point after weeks/months of having extistential crisis after existential crisis where he would just get down to it without a word, and Lestat would cry at the sight (out of pride but also at the realization that Louis is far braver than he is). Honestly in love with all of this, tysm, and I truly can't wait for the medical kink one shot, you get it you truly do 🥹
hahaha, i never expected anyone to be this thrilled over those thoughts, i'm so delighted!
but riccardo?? how dare you, i'm gonna cry over that one all night because you're right, armand would be so fucked up over losing him that he'd be desperate to keep some part of him forever!!
it would become armand's personal challenge to make these meals palatable so he could see what he could get daniel to eat. like yeah they're stranded but they've still got some condiments left in the plane from the food service cart, and louis weirdly knows a lot about identifying plants. so he could definitely come up with some garnishes and ways to ~present~ things that look really nice, and play some fucked up game where he watches daniel have dinner and doesn't tell him what it was until he's finished.
(weirdly this ends up helping everyone because the nicer things look the easier it is to disassociate and just treat what's on the plate like it's peking duck and not, you know, nicki ala king)
also like. thinking about them getting rescued and armand and daniel continuing this little hannibal lecter larp even after they're back in the regular world because it's so weirdly hot to share that kind of taboo act.
ANYWAYS god now i'm gonna be known as the cannibal headcanon person lmao
I'm editing the medical fic as we speak, expect to see it this weekend ♥
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