#The whole rip and tear thing
kdd-works · 1 year
Fandom Doomguy. A guy who's in one fandom and is so sick of a specific subset of the fandom deemed cringe/annoying, problematic, or otherwise shameful to associate with in some aspect that, rather than just ignoring those people, they go completely off the rails and attack every person in that particular group simply for being part of said group, unaware that the wider fandom avoids them at any cost because of how irrationally hostile they are.
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ducks-love-peas · 1 year
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yeah, erm, spelling - not their strong point.
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carmarriage · 1 year
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been thinkin about these guys in the arc v universe. i'm sure this isn't a novel concept at this point but i'm having fun
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zaddyazula · 2 months
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nyxofdemons · 11 months
i think my official take on charlie and alastor's dynamic is that i don't particularly care for it as a ship (LOVE some of the art though), BUT i do think their relationship is going to be one of the most interesting things about the show, and definitely MY favorite part. something about the sunshine princess who's actually SUPREMELY terrifyingly powerful and the equally upbeat and ever-delighted yet equally terrifyingly powerful demon who is at the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of the morality spectrum is one that is sooooooo good. i need them to be best friends SO BADLY
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musubiki · 1 year
the thing that irritates mochi and limes enemies the most is that during a fight, if you get absolutely CLOCKED by one of their attacks, the other just starts straight up laughing (especially if the method of attack or damage they sustain is too ridiculous)
one example is when marshal came after mochi, the first attack he took when they got his res potions to run out absolutely FLOORED him, and it wasnt even that strong of an attack. que lime CRACKING UP. between laughs he giggles out a “SO EMBARASSING!!!” 
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aromanticasterisms · 2 years
the witches. investigating the irminsul. are the ones writing STORYBOOKS
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
Wanted to tell you that YES while all that happened bakugo is (even tho being held by multiple people) just laying on the ground for multiple chapters
it's incredibly funny to me bc like irl it's been. almost a year since that chapter came out. and he's been lying there the whole time. he's one of my favorite characters but tbh i really want the story to finally cut back to him and have edgeshot pop back out and go "yeah no there's nothing i can do he fuckin dead" bc it would be so freaking funny.
ofc it'd also be pretty bad writing but that's neither here nor there
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spearxwind · 2 years
I never posted this joke back when I first draw it (and i refuse to share the old art) but back when I made talas I made a horrid joke the punchline of which was him just eating a whole guy (dan) accompanied by a slide whistle noise and I thought and still think its one of the funniest things ever and i need to redraw it so bad so i can post it but my god it's definitely a lil hard to translate in the new setting bc it requires another character who is also a freak to be committing violence. But yeah basically I will be drawing that someday let this post be a warning
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aplpaca · 2 years
I am so good with words but also so bad with words. Like my brain thinks in wordless concepts and meanings and feelings and senses of spatial blobs/forms/existences that correlate to and embody the prior things, and that all has to be translated into words.
and on one hand, it lets me make connections and associations that a lot of people wouldn't make, bc the connections and associations are through pattern and feeling and abstract sense/meaning rather than words and "concrete" definitions. And it also leads to what i think is an interesting nontraditional way of speaking/explaining/conveying stuff bc a lot of times, mixing registers and sentence structures and blurring definitions just conveys what I'm thinking Better, so its what ill gravitate towards. And while it can lead to sounding Too Formal in some situations and Too Informal in others, I do like it and think it's neat.
But on the other hand, translating thoughts into words in a way that's understood and that actually accurately depicts the source thought(s) takes so much fuckin time and effort and just makes my brain lock up a lot, esp when it's not just simple casual conversation stuff.
Language is a puzzle I can be very good at but it's still a fuckign puzzle
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
if i read one more jason grace fic where he wears contacts i will SCREAM!!!!!! put those glasses back on that man! i require jason in glasses for enrichment!!!
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hyocherie · 2 years
tr277 spoilers
omg they were so happy they're so cute i can't i love them
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shinichirou stop acting like that knowing damn well how time-leaping works (or is this him on autopilot...)
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this is my favourite panel of his. too cute i wanna squish him, hug him, kiss him, please
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vampirecatboy · 2 years
"two people who hate each other's guts forced to cooperate for The Greater Good" is a great and all, but there's something even better about "two people who hate each other's guts forced to co-parent a small child"
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dteamain · 1 year
I’ll say it since no one was the swapping beanies was so gross to me I’m SORRY 😭😭 I didn’t find it cute you don’t know each other maybe it’s just me but like that techno hat Is glued to dreams head most days and who knows how clean they both are (not saying they aren’t ) but idk like dandruff and lice and idk maybe it’s a personal ick but whew swapping beanies is kinda gross also she was taking the liberty to not only track them down but to touch all over Dream 💀💀💀💀 insane behavior when put together
well dream voluntarily swapped beanies so if he wants to be gross then so be it lmao. i'm not going to shit on her for doing stuff that clearly dream had no problem with.
i will continue to say her stalking tendencies are fucking embarrassing because it's true ✌️
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
Constantly torn between "If I want to make friends I have to actually talk to people and be friendly with them" and "If I talk to them I might actually be misreading social cues and im being way too friendly with them" so I usually just end up at "reciprocating whatever they do to me but never initiating anything in case I've gotten it wrong" which I still feel bad about doing and agh
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dykeyeonjun · 2 years
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