#I've tried and I failed so much
cerealboxlore · 1 year
Billy Batson my son you deserve more attention
Quick post bc my family is celebrating a relative's birthday, but I've been thinking about the Teen Titans show again. The good one, the original one, in case there's any misunderstandings 👍
And since this is a Billy Batson blog, y'all know where I'm going with this. It would have been nice if had there been another season, we could have gotten an episode featuring Captain Marvel, aka Billy Batson, interacting with the Teen Titans, but it's just Billy actively trying to get the Teen Titans out of the Rock of Eternity because they accidentally got inside. Billy is younger than the Teen Titans, but yet he's secretly a member of the Justice League, a Co worker of Batman. This could lead to interesting conversations and scenes.
I also really want to see Billy Batson in the original Teen Titans art style, even if it's just a quick cameo.
Maybe the episode could talk about the ethics of children and teens becoming superheroes and the morals of all that junk.
The season that we didn't get was supposed to be about starfire, maybe it could focus on Billy and his position as the Champion of Magic as a child and how Starfire is a princess of Tamaran (I can't remember how it's spelled). Being a guardian of magic and the ruler of a planet (not currently reining/on the throne at the moment but you know what I mean) could bring forth a lot of issues to the surface.
Or, you know, maybe it's a babysitting episode. Where a Justice League member stops by Titan's Tower and just drops Billy off because they found out he's a kid and not an adult, and they need to make sure he won't transform into Captain Marvel until further notice. That could be fun.
Sorry if my thoughts are incoherent, but I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts on this! What do y'all think? What other DC shows should Billy had a cameo or episode in? Billy deserves his own animated show tbh
Bonus: It is a firm belief of mine that if we ever got that last season, we should have gotten a brief cameo of Superman at the finale of that final season. Just as a treat not as anything important. Maybe the Titans save Metropolis while Superman is away and they get thanked for it. With free pizza 🍕
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navree · 2 months
Incorrect, the fact that Biden has dropped out and a candidate with history of supporting medicare for all and being more receptive to a ceasefire in the I/P conflict has made me go from "I cannot morally support the Democratic nominee" to "I am voting for the Democratic nominee despite the fact she isn't perfect in every respect." I'm really happy this played out. The Dems for the most part abandoned the old Obama platform and it feels like its possible an actual progressive agenda could come to pass in my lifetime.
Kamala 2024!
If you weren't going to vote Democratic in this election before Biden dropped out you're a dorkass loser who does not care about any of the issues you're yammering about here and also a fundamentally bad person, and I hope you get run over by a bus.
But you got one thing right in all of this gibberish, Kamala 2024.
#personal#answered#anonymous#i mean let's be clear here no president is gonna attempt to be progressive ever again within my lifetime#because joe biden tried to do like 25% of that and got ZERO fucking credit#he did so much on healthcare on reform on loans on so many social issues and for all his litany of failings on i/p#he has been distinctly harsher on netanyahu than a good chunk of dems and certainly the entire republican party#for the first time since i was four we are not involved in any wars as americans and that is thanks to joe biden#but the thing is that he gets no credit for any of it!#him pulling out of afghanistan caused his approvals to tank in a way that never recovered#and leftists gave him FUCK ALL for it#they gave him nothing they just continued whining that even tho he cancelled a bajillion in student loans#he didn't actually cancel a QUADRILLION dollars so both parties are the same and voting is the most arduous task known to man#no democrat who is running is going to forget that catering to leftist/progressive policies gets them zero leeway with those supporters#that it not only tanks numbers but you still get constant haranguing about it anyway#so they're not gonna do it#we are gonna get fuckall for at least a good fifty years#and anything we get will be utterly in SPITE of people like you anon it will happen in spite of everything you've done#mostly because of people like me and mine who understand that voting is the bare minimum#and that for the democratic process to work the way you want it to you need to participate and not pitch a fucking fit#like a four year old who was told they can't go to disney this weekend#like i know you ratfuckers are happy this played out because this is all a game to you and you don't actually care#but that's why i've got zero faith in you people and why i'm glad it's my kind of folks#actual die hard democrats who have always been hardliners for supporting democrats in every possible election#who are picking up the slack and donating to harris and supporting her agenda#which is the exact same as biden's because she's his vice president and they share they same platform#because that's what they were both running on! twice!#anyway fuck you please feel free to find a necktie and test how tall your doorframe is
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
I have a germ of a theory that good Christian fiction has stories that are less about shaving down your personality to meet some specific mold of what a good Christian looks like, and more about "how gloriously different are all the saints."
Not that the Christian life doesn't involve fighting against our own sinful nature and conforming ourselves to Christ-like behavior, but I think it makes for better, more realistic, and more universal stories when you also recognize that people have different gifts and flaws and they're going to be called to use their unique personalities to serve the kingdom of God in their own unique way, instead of assuming everyone has to conform themselves to a very specific (often secular-culturally based) image of good behavior. It makes for a much more vibrant story.
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astralflows · 3 months
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a more vanilla look
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tassodelmiele · 5 months
Noisy little mess
Hi sweetie ⁓
I swear to god i'm dreaming about the future plot lately, and I chukle in my sleep since it's so funny dealing with (stalking) the Task Force even if i shouldn't laugh about the things i'm thinking about and i'm so happy to see you've got the same problem as me.
Send hugs to wherever you are ⁓
DISCLAIMERS: clean from smut, but a lot of ignoring feelings and responsabilities; GhostxReader and his will to pretend she doesn't exist (spoiler, he fails); how-to-not-doing-a-mission-safely; a sprinkle of paternal chat; Task Force being misterious about their Lt.; ghosts scared of gnomes.
Third part here:
You don't know how you've managed to come back safely to your room.
What you do know is that, since yesterday, your Lt is nowhere to be found.
Oh, and you've finally got menstruations. Soap is the first one who gets aware of this, welcoming you at the breakfast table with the sweetest:
«Ye're finally bleeding, aren't ye?»
Gaz throws him a bunch of towels before Price manages to save the few left, hiding them under his plate.
You sit next to Johnny. It is so rare to have the Captain at breakfast, and it is even…suspicious. You swallow your oatmeal silently, gazing at Price till he murmurs: «What is it?» that smells like coffee and late night work.
He sighs, finally raising his sight at you.
«Spit it out. What's wrong?» 
He sips his black coffee while exchanging a sight war with you, who're looking at him through the spoonful of chocolate oatmeal, eyes sharpened as a knife. Price leans toward you, willing to win the challenge, when Gaz suddenly asks:
«Have someone seen the Lt? I need to give him a-»
«Speaking of him-» you suddenly burst, breaking the eye contact with Price just to make him sighs for the second times in five minutes. He raises an hand toward your face.
«If you're seeking revenge for your injury-»
«I'm not» you reply almost immediately. «Even if he was a dick»
Price scolds you immediately with a threatening: «language, rookie»
You scroll your shoulders, knowing well you can push yourself so far just 'cause they don't really care about discipline towards each other. At least not at breakfast. 
«He's disappeared. So: either he really is a ghost, and he vanished; or he's hiding from me»
Gaz was about to make a joke on your words, but he suddenly stops, with his fork still stuck on the omelet.
«…what? Why from you?»
«Ye'r not that scary»
«I bet i am»
«Hold on, hold on» 
Price makes his way through the speech, raising his hands to gain silence. Then he looks at you like he's watching a child trying to convince an ice cream he's not about to eat it.
«So that's what it's going on» and murmurs to himself: «that bloody liar…»
You gasp in surprise, just to make some drama, and Johnny follows your move like a Victorian damoiselle. You slam your hands on the table before Price could speak again, or try to run away from his own words, and you suddenly remember about your elbow. Painful moans are choked in your guts as you spit out a too loud:
And Price answer with an abrupt:
And Johnny puts out his best puppy eyes, leaning on the table toward his Captain:
«Please! We need to know!»
«We?» John looks at him like he's surrounded by chatty widows. «Why in the bloody hell would you like to know somethin' you're not even involved in?»
«At this point 's a matter of principle»
«A what?»
«We're a team, secrets can't tear us apart»
«That's not a secret»
«Than speak»
«Is it about the fact that Ghost is either tryna kill or getting acquainted with her?»
Three pairs of eyes suddenly glare toward Gaz, who once again freezes with his fork balanced toward his mouth. He smiles nervously.
«…am I allowed to feel in danger?»
Johnny answer with a too sudden: «yes»
Price takes out a cigar with nonchalance, pointing it at Garryk « So you've noticed. At least one brain in my team is not totally burnt»
«Waitwaitwait» you bring back to you the attention, raising an hand to take the floor. «Is he really scared of me? That's why I haven't seen him around in 24 hours?»
«He told me he needed to figure something out 'cause of a problem you've made». Price gives you a look. «I've thought of talking to you about it, but… I'm not blind, rookie. And now that you've speak about him fearing you…i kinda understand what it's passing through his mind»
Gaz nods in agreement. Johnny takes his time to think about it, and after ten seconds of the other two staring at him he eventually realizes something.
Something that you're not getting.
Your eyes jump on their faces with the urge of the only gamer in the team who doesn't know how to cheat. Your fingers dig deeper in the cuticles as you see the three men stand up and make their way out of the dining hall.
«Hey! You can't leave with the secret all to yourself!»
«Sorry kid»
Price pat your head before waving at you, leaving you with what's left of your oatmeal and a few, terse words:
«If he'll feels like it, he'll tell you»
He stops. He suddenly turns serious.
«Do you think you're ready to show us how reliable you are?»
You falter, mumbling: «…yeah…?»
«Good. I've got a work for you, rookie»
Documents are on his desk. Not just any pile of paper: the pile of paper, the intel they were waiting for, the information they've searched for for almost three months.
Ghost is reading the sheets again and again. Yeah, there's no doubt: it's what they've needed, and it is there, on his desk, spawned out of nowhere when he was away for a…mission. Let's call it a mission.
He should be pleased. Happy to say the least, since this kinda intel's like food from heaven for the task force.
But he's…kinda lost in his thoughts. Almost annoyed. 
«Who in the bloody hell…» he murmurs as he takes a look at the sheets, not even realizing that someone else has entered the room. 
«your fav rookie» 
Price's voice makes him fall from his thought's tree. Ghost glares at him through the mask, inspecting his Cap who's clinging on the door frame with a lot of nonchalance, arms crossed and an amused smile on his face. 
«…ya'r not meaning-»
«I am»
«surprised? She did an hell of a job, in a good way» he comes in, shutting the door. «She's a good one»
«That's all you've got?»
Ghost almost stops to breath; his gaze at Price's like laser beam, and he has to collect enough air to blow out a stern:
«Do ya need something else? 'Ve got work to do»
And Price waste no time to smile back a:
«Old demons eat your tongue?»
To what Ghost' s answer's a growl: «mh»
Price shakes his shoulders, approaching the door to go out. «Just an impression of mine»
Ghost's voice stops him at the door knob: 
«Ya'r wrong»
«Mmm, yeah? About what?»
«Stop thinking about it, i know you are»
«Tell me what to think then»
«She's not like that»
«Oh, so there is a "she" in your brain»
«Don't read into it»
«You know what's fun?» the Captain comes back, taking a seat in front of Ghost, pointing at him with his judgmental finger «You're dealing with her like she's blackmailing you, or something. Nervous smiles, stupid revenges…»
«'S that so? And how do ya call the little problem during training session?»
«A problem. That's all»
He stands, turning his back at the Captain. And that, for him, was the end of the chat. 
But not for Price.
«Is not a shame falling for someone»
And the Lt. gives him the coldest glare, jerking his sight at his Cap.
«I'm not» he spit with a harsh voice.
Price doesn't move. He checks his pocket, taking his first cigar of the day just to put it through his lips and chewing the tip lightly, eyes glued to Ghost's. The Cap. nods.
«Good to know» he murmurs. 
That was the end of the story. Or at least Ghost has hoped so.
Three days later, he can't help but walk through the base with his eyes fixed on every rookie who stands in his way. He had searched the dining room every morning, checked the training field, the goddamn gym in the evening, even waited for a few minutes every time he passed by her room.
No sign of aggressive gnomes around. 
Ghost sips his black coffee in complete silence, glaring at everyone for no apparent reason. He needed to end that odd feeling, those annoying jumps of adrenaline, the bad sensation that something hostile was growing within his stern, cold behavior, breaking it from the inside, scratching away the metal wrap he had built to better control every inch of himself.
And he needed to have her in front of him, speaking out loud the reasons why she was eating his insides like a virus, and asking her, gently or not, to try her best and pretend the two of them do not know each other. 
Feeling things for others, either bad or good…it wasn't for him. 
«Bloody little idiot…»
«Hope ye'r not talking 'bout me»
Ghost's gaze raises as Johnny joins his solitary coffee-sipping ritual. He put his mug on the table, spreading around chocolate aroma.
The Lt. recognizes it immediately: «That's her goddamn pudding»
«I'm addicted»
Breakfast brings back silent eating and mumbling on caffeine. Soap devours his oatmeal, waiting. 
'Cause he knows he just has to wait.
It takes Ghost just one minute and a half to burst out a pretended unselfish:
«Maybe she has eaten that much chocolate that she's become one bar»
«She's nowhere to be found in person, it seems»
«Are ye searching for her?»
«'Cause of the intel she'd collected» he rushes a justification that Soap doesn't really buy. Johnny almost absorbs his last spoonful, chewing out words mixed with chocolate:
«Price's sent her on a mission. Confidential» he adds. «Dunno 'bout details»
That was unexpected; so unexpected that Ghost bites his tongue after rushing out a too fast:
The spoon falls in the mug with a metal tingle; Soap's side eyes reach Ghost.
«…are ye worried?»
«No» he bursts. 
«Well, we are. Me and Gaz»
That doesn't sound like a lie, and Simon has to lower his shield made of pretending-not-to-think-about-her stuff. Soap keeps on, his eyes wandering around the crowded room:
«Maybe Price's overestimated her skills, dunno…or maybe she's just not ready. 'S strange not having news after three days»
«You two do like her»
Soap sighs, shaking away from his shoulders the morning stiffness.
«She's a good one. She's fun. But she's not so skilled on the field»
«You don't get worried about every rookie's first time. Sooner or later they'll have to be kicked out of the nest»
«If the one that's been kicked out 's ma fav sparrow chick, at least i hope that it'll fall on something soft»
«She's no chick, and not my fav» he rushes again, eagerly to end the conversation and get the fuck out of there. He stands, with a chuckling Soap next to him, who knows his Lt. too well and knows he just has to wait a little more, to give him time to elaborate his thoughts in a more sensible way.
Ghost's first impulse is always imposing himself as a threatening and leading figure. It's an habit. 
But this time he doesn't have time to retry his answer.
A worried Gaz appears in the dining room, rushing toward them in some sort of urgency. 
«You two» he breathes out, clinging on the table while regaining some air in his lungs «Do you want the good news, or the it-could-be-better news?»
«Were ye runnin' a bloody marathon at the fucking six in the morning?» 
«Good new» Ghost answer, still holding his empty coffee mug. «Always good news first»
Gaz gazes at them, elaborating his words as best as he could: «…do ya remember the no-one's-going-to-do-that-mission topic in our last meeting?»
«That sort of suicidal duty 'bout sneaking alone in a mafia boss dirty party?»
Gaz nods. «That one»
«With none to cover your arse?»
«That one Laswell was tryna to figure out so bad 'cause the goddamn boss had valuable infos 'bout big weapons traffic?»
«But none was that stupid to try it?»
«Soap». Ghost stops his Sergeant's stream of thoughts with a glare through the balaclava. «Cut it. What's the bloody good news 'bout it Garryk?»
«Mission's been accomplished» he spits, with neither a smile nor optimism, and a strange, worried look. Soap's eyes get wider.
«Are ye fucking kidding? Who's the idiot who tried it in the first place?»
Gaz sighs.
«'S our idiot»
It takes a bunch of seconds to link the description with a face, but your silly little smile rushes through their brain almost immediately. Soap stands up so fast the chair almost falls.
«The other news » Ghost's harsh voice talks over him, with a hint of hurriness, an almost audible tip of concern that he swallows.
And Gaz wastes no time:
«Now she can drain pasta with her arm»
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codacheetah · 2 months
I keep thinking of how I want to taxonomize Siffrin and Loop bc it feels significant to me that Loop and Siffrin both have inherently diverged from the same Traveler Mold they came from. But because I am like a 7 year old I keep sagely nodding to myself going "ah yes... just like mega mewtwo"
#do u understand me. do u understand my vision#they're both siffrins they are just two pathways of how the same one guy develops through their experiences in timeloops#that are the same in basic structure but different in how they affected them#so like siffrin and loop are distinct people. but they're also just branches of preloops siffrin. much like mega mewtwo x and y are distinc#but they are also mewtwo#<-(said like this is somehow profound and not stupid)#liek do you guys get me... i think loop and siffrin are very much in sync#to the point where as seen in canon it's pretty easy for loop to divine what siffrin's thinking down to the phrasing#it's really striking how much loop talks and siffrin fullass does not reply but loop keeps on rollin just fine#but fundamentally they don't think the exact same way when it comes to bigger things#like how loop never fully accepts the idea of talking to the king as something reasonable to do#or how act 4 siffrin is in their own damn world while loop is left going. Stardust what the hell are you on (morose edition)#i think it's fun to find the gaps between them#i've always thought it would be fun. in a postcanon timeskip scenario#for loop to be. flatly worse at reading siffrin than they expect to be. because siffrin has been healing and trying to get better#while loop has been becoming steadily bitter as they tried and failed to cut the rope on their own attachments as some kind of last measure#of self defense against the pain of paving over their old relationship with the party with a new name new role new personality new stardust#to exist alongsides#likewise i think it's fun if siffrin overextends his new understanding of loop as being another self and the feeling of recognition for loo#is simultaneously comforting and Tremendously grating coming from Fucking Stardust#especially if siffrin just assumes shit wrong cuz for as much as hes the only guy who can relate 2 being trapped in a timeloop for months i#was not exactly the same now was it.#isat spoilers#Sorry this is a lot of thinking outloud on a post where i call loop and siffrin mega mewtwo x and y
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thegreatdivide · 5 months
This is going to be a really rough month...
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foxett · 3 months
So im pretty sure this is no regular flu im pretty sure I have pertussis 🤯 (I don't have a diagnosis or a doctor but boy am i showing symptoms)
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doctorweebmd · 4 months
so there's this post floating around about like, feeling like an outsider even in a group of outsiders and i almost reblogged it being like
'aha i do that'
except. like. i know exactly why that happens, and its 100% my fault
i just have trouble maintaining relationships because i'm a poor communicator. that's been the case since high school. i dont really initiate conversations or remember to text or call people. its not from a place of indifference or anything like that - i'm sincerely an 'out of sight out of mind' kind of person.
i can not talk to and not see someone for months or years but my feelings for them don't change. it doesn't bother me if people dont check in on me or don't hang out with me or don't text me. i still like them. unfortunately that is not how 99% of the population communicates. people (rightfully) assume that when someone doesn't initiate conversation or hang-outs or doesn't check in on you, that they don't care about you. for me, thats not the case at all. like if i like you and consider you my friend, you are ALWAYS my friend. i would do anything for you and would be more than happy to talk/see each other/support you/etc. its just the day-to-day communication that i really struggle with. but thats how most relationships form - regular, consistent communication.
i've gone through periods of extreme guilt for this where i sincerely try, and make new friends, and re-connect with texting and phone calls and hanging out more often but inevitably something happens, i get busy or i forget and suddenly all this time passes and people think i dont care anymore. unfortunately that's not the case whatsoever - time is kind of abstract to me and i dont understand that while my feelings don't change, others feel more distant or abandoned.
and i've really hurt people in my life like that. friends that i've known for many years from high school/college are a LITTLE more forgiving because they know i'm just 'like that' but still. it does hurt people. like i haven't spoken to my dad in probably at least a year - not because i dont love him, but because of that same reason. he doesn't reach out and i forget and it just steamrolls because he gets hurt, doesn't reach out because he thinks i'm intentionally 'ignoring' him, and i continue to forget, and its just this viscous cycle. i haven't talked to my grandparents in months. my mom knows better and texts me every week or so, but it still hurts her that she has to reach out so regularly. she also plays these games where she sees how 'long' it takes for me to remember to reach out. a lot of people in my life have done that. its like i'm being tested on something without ever being told its a standard test, ya know? i'm always destined to fail it because i dont know how long is too long. at which point will the time and distance be unacceptable? i still dont know the answer.
and i think it makes me come off as a really heartless and callous person. its made me kind of keep people at arms-length because i know i'm not capable of being a part of most people's lives. i have perfectly normal and pleasant relationships with my coworkers and all that, but i'm generally not close with them. and i can see the confusion, because we hang out and i'm pretty normal or whatever and we have fun and then they don't hear from me for months and they're like 'uhhhh.... okay? so i guess you don't like me?'
i do. i just have different relationship maintenance standards than others i guess. so i just overall avoid being around others just because i know i'll disappoint them. it is what it is but it really is sad, in a way.
#i've been meaning to write this out for a while.... hmmm#personal#it really bothers me that i'm like this#and i've tried to change and fix it but again inevitably i go back to how i've always been and it only hurts people more#i'm an outsider because i choose to make myself that way#obviously also i'm very very forgetful (...which now i know is probably an adhd thing)#so like people say its not because i dont remember WHEN your birthday is#i just didn't realize thats the day it was.#it makes me seem really callous and uncaring#which is kinda a bummer#but. i am what i am. its been like this for 15+ years and i dont think its going to change#its just... i used to be really normal about stuff like that. loved talking with my friends on the phone every night#and hanging out and inviting people to things. it was effortless. something changed for me in high school and like... i never got that back#and i'm fine with being a casual acquaintance with people forever#i just dont want to let anyone down or make them feel unloved#sometimes i think thats why i love writing and ao3 so much#you're communicating parts of yourselves and your thoughts and feelings#and you form a connection with others without the standard regular convos#just reading each other's works and supporting each other and enjoying little snippets of their lives#but also.... i AM too freaky for the normies#and too normie for the freaks#i'm kind of a nothing person tbh#there will never be a 'community' for me because i'm not capable of being part of a 'community'#thats my fault. and its ok.#i do feel a little jealous. my partner has his friend groups and just randomly calls people or texts people and like... just does that#i dont get it. i dont know how to do that. even when i try i fail miserably.#what low social intelligence does to a mf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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i've been thinking about simon heap a Lot during this reread
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koa-z · 4 months
not me reading bnha in Japanese and tearing up at the part in chapter 1 where All Might says "You too can be a hero!" bc I read it!
I can read and understand the whole manga! I know that my ability to speak and read Japanese is still worse than most native-speaking preschoolers, but it's been a dream of mine to learn the language literally since I was twelve. I had to wait until college to take any classes, because there just weren't options before then (I tried to self teach, but only got so far on my own).
Throughout my studies, I struggled a lot with self-deprication. Even as I passed tests, I was still beating myself up in my head. I was still thoroughly convinced that I could never read it since I've got some learning disabilities and the number of unique Kanji was daunting. Ultimately, I didn't really try to learn to read because I convinced myself that I could never do it. I did it enough to pass tests, but it never really stuck because my brain dumps info that it learns when stressed. I've since graduated, and I decided to study it again, because I want so badly to be able to read it-
And I can! I can do it! I can read this entire manga in its native language! This is the most amazing feeling on the planet! I'm literally crying in sync with Midoriya Izuku, bc my dreams are being realized on the page where All Might is telling him that his dreams can be made a reality. You guys.
(For reference, linguistics are my special interest).
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archiveofyearning · 1 year
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stolenlandsshitposts · 11 months
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Happy Halloween to all who celebrate!
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sparkwithinme · 2 years
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Apparently, I started this a few weeks after I’d finished ShB and it’s patches, which was sometime like... fall 2021... so this has only taken me... 16 months to finally finish...ish. Good enough anyways. lol ^^; At that point I was so full of ShB brainworms... This in particular is 5.0.
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nexus-nebulae · 2 months
Have you considered using Quizlet to learn hiragana and katakana? /gen
I've never used Quizlet before! I'll have to check out how it teaches to see if I like the style any better than Duolingo
The main reason I'm using Duolingo specifically is just because of its streak feature- I want to track whether or not I'm able to keep up with lessons over a long period of time with no real outside influences (no teachers to tell me what to do, no school schedule that forces me to go to classes at the same time every day) so that I can see if going back to school could be an option for me. Don't want to pay for classes if I'm not entirely sure I'm going to be taking them, lol
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tonyglowheart · 7 months
following up on this post though where I pinned down that by Chap 23/24, Shen Qiao already exhibits a shift in attitude wrt Yan Wushi. Which isn't to say he still doesn't rise to Yan Wushi's provocation, lol, because he very much does. But clearly by Chap 24... like, if he wanted to leave... he could? (Yes maybe Yan Wushi would stalk him and pop up wherever he went like :3 owo did you miss me? :3c) But he doesn't
And so that begs the question for me of like... why. Why doesn't he just leave? There's that line later in the chap about how if it were just a few days earlier, then he'd be uncomfortable all over (with Yan Wushi's provocation), but stuff like the goosebumps (he got), they decreased bit by bit until they were gone. - so yes he got used to it, but by early chap 24, he hadn't yet gotten to the point of, like... habituating to Yan Wushi's provocations?
so. really. I can only conclude that actually.... Shen Qiao likes it, lmao. Cuz, like, sure if Shen Qiao gives an inch then Yan Wushi will take a mile, but I also don't get the feeling that Yan Wushi really crosses any boundaries that Shen Qiao ultimately doesn't concede.
It's not like with Bai Rong - who he sets very clear boundaries with and doesn't really yield on them - or with like Huo Xijing or Sang Jingxing or the rest of Huanhe, who I think we can all agree are on another level of Bad, and who clearly SQ also sees as a different breed than Bai Rong (and tbh I think he sees Yan Wushi as being more akin to Bai Rong than like Yuan Xiuxiu or Sang Jingxing etc.)
With Yan Wushi, it's like... clearly Yan Wushi pushes his buttons and pushes his boundaries, but so far anyway, YWS doesn't seem to have done any pushes that are just a step too far beyond what Shen Qiao can tolerate.
So. Where does this leave us. Shen Qiao finds Yan Wushi irritating and but also stimulating I would guess? And at least tolerates his provocations if not continues to tacitly encourage it by being so permissive to Yan Wushi's antics. But also it gets his blood going and gives him jitters... hm why does this sound familiar........
Is. Yan Wushi. like a caffeine high that Shen Qiao is chasing lmao?? *insert all of the coffee memes of like it's so good but at what cost, sometimes it gives you accelerated exhaustion etc* i've connected the two dots dot.jpg
Which also means that, any time anyone asks Shen Qiao about Yan Wushi and like, what the heck clearly he just pushes your buttons and tries to get a rise out of you, why are you even sticking with this old man,. this is him:
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#qian qiu#yanshen#shen qiao#yan wushi#i've connected the two dots dot jpg#cuz it's easy to be like well what does yws get out of yanshen - yan wushi likes being provocative and also in a way he bonsais sq into#being on his level - like his whole thing about are you even a rival to me. but like if you think about it a rival is also a peer#and yws is so peerless in the world that his ego aside it must be hard for him to make friends#it's sort of like... yes make intergenerational friendships. but if the only ppl you could make friends w are high schoolers....#then that's kind of awk as a like. working adult of many years. like the martial world goes by disciple generations sure and there are ppl#in his generation... but it also goes by skill level and there are very few if like. no one other than potentially sq on his level lmao#(clearly. as five (five!) dudes tried to kill him and FAILED)#(and even qi fengge himself was like. this guy has the potential to exceed me)#I do think that for yws sq goes from like. a curiosity to an experiment to like. blooming into his potential as a full peer#but the equation is a bit more difficult from sq's side#the like 'abandon trying to intepret sq as a normal guy and see the padme amidala post abt her being a freak and that applies here'#only rly goes so far. it got me part of the way there of like. okay you're thinking of this wrong you have to open your mind#but still it was like... so clearly at some point. he does in fact stick with/around yws (and must like it?? if he doesn't why would he?)#but... WHY#I was sort of halfway there of like. as much as yws sees sq as a curiosity so too does sq see yws as a curiosity?#as far as like... well I have my worldview widen it by showing my an almost ostensibly diametrically opposed one#like sq is very... unworldly? that's not quite it. like. otherworldly? very detached from the 红尘 (mortal world/human society)#the normie world ig? like he's been immersed in the Daoist/cultivation world since a young child#he really is very much close to the ideal of being/embodying 仙#but he does also suffer from the. if you're so removed from the world that you don't know what you're removed from#you're not really doing it on purpose. you kind of are sure but you aren't really being#and yan wushi on the other hand is a very worldly guy. he's very much about worldly affairs and worldly things and worldly pleasures#and worldly emotions. etc. so they are similar in that they each are fleshed out in a way that embodies their ideal but they're two sides#of the same coin. two sides of the yin-yang equation#but on a more personalized note lol. like why does sq go along with this other than he a freak and he must like it?
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