#I've tried changing methods eh
menshusband · 1 month
What does a man have to do not to live in constant dread
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Hero Vision Vol.14 (2004/Spring) ft. Kamen Rider Blade Cast Interviews Ryoji Moromoto x Makoto Ito (Suit Actor) Segment (translation below)
Publication: May 20, 2004 (between episodes 17-18) Ryoji Moromoto (Hajime Aikawa) x Makoto Ito (Chalice Suit Actor)
"When did you two first meet?"
Ito: When? (laughs)
Moromoto: When we first met? I'm pretty sure it was before filming started. My first impression of Ito-san was that he was, "A kind big bro."
Ito: He made me think, "This year's also going to turn out cool" (laughs).
Moromoto: We talked alot about Chalice back then. You said, "Chalice has existed for 10,000 years, so I want to show you 10,000 years worth of my career." What were some of the other things you said again?
Ito:……not much, I really don't remember (laughs).
Moromoto: Ahaha! One thing we have in common, is that we have similar bikes, don't we? We've talked about how we want to go (motorcycle) touring together after the show ends. I ride a Yamaha SR400 and, ah...I'm sorry……(Note: The bikes used in Kamen Rider are provided by Honda)
Ito:…Sorry, but I'm also a WR250F (Yamaha) rider~, but before that, it's always been a Honda! I'd love to see Moromoto-kun's rumored SR. I've heard that they're loud and rather slow……
Moromoto: That's right! I actually modified it too much, and now it can only go about 80kph (50mph) (laughs). Right now, I'm too busy to work on it. I feel like my love for it is fading~!
"What were your first impressions of Chalice?"
Moromoto: I received a call from my agency, saying I passed the audition with, "You're Heart." "Eh?! You mean Momorenger?!," I was so surprised and alittle bit intimidated (laughs), but when I saw the design in person, it was cool and I liked it alot because it was something I had never seen before.
Ito: When I was first told about it, I jokingly thought, "Heart……(sinking in)…ah, alright then, I'll just act like a gay guy……" But, after seeing the design, I was relieved and thought about what kind of pose would suit this Rider. My first thought when I read his setup, was that it would be nice to have something wild and different from the other Riders. Compared to G3-X in "Kamen Rider Agito" and Knight in "Kamen Rider Ryuki," this is the wildest work I've ever done. Even with Kaixa in "Kamen Rider 555," I tried to keep martial arts like movements in mind, and to avoid any unnecessary movements. But with Chalice, there's just so many unnecessary movements…(laughs).
Moromoto: That's why I also tried to make the movements bigger in that fight scene (episode 9).
"Morimoto-san, "Hajime Aikawa is not a normal human being," what do you pay attention to when playing such a role?"
Moromoto: When my heart is closer to the human side, it's not so different, but when it's closer to Chalice's side, I try not to blink as much as possible, and when I talk to people, I try to give subtle pauses in my responses. It's almost like a foreigner hearing Japanese and interpreting it in their head before replying. In general, when I'm on Chalice's side, I don't think with my mind, but instead, try to act with my feelings
"Do you have any techniques for the dubbing process?"
Moromoto: I have a high pitched voice, so it can be difficult for me to make Chalice sound intimidating or violent. That's why I'm trying to lower the tone of my voice. I also did research by studying "monsters" such as the Hulk, Akuma from "Street Fighter II" and King Piccolo from "Dragon Ball Z." One time I even played the videos, and would try to voice the characters myself with the sound off, but there was still something wrong. What could it be…I don't know what Chalice's true form is yet, so my image may not be perfect. (Note: The actors have not been told where the story is going at this time.)
Ito: When it's my turn to "Henshin!," I'm trying to decide if it's better to change or to fight and further develop myself. Essentially, Chalice is supposed to be used to fighting, so I want to keep my methods in check. I'm so focused that I feel like I can see my opponent's movements, even when they've stopped. However, the tension is still high.
Moromoto: The way I say "Transformation" is different depending on if I'm fighting to protect Amane-chan or with my natural emotions. For Amane-chan, it's, "Henshin!" but naturally it's, "…Henshin" (lower tone).
"Did you face any challenges during filming?"
Ito: I'm not good when it comes to cold weather, so I almost cried during the snowy mountain shoot.
Moromoto: It was -15C (5F)! And when the sun went down, they brought out one of those giant fans! It kept spraying us with cold water! Man, I remember my face being scrunched up with anger (laughs).
Ito: When I did a test shot without the mask on, my hair ended up freezing. It wouldn't even melt when I put my head over the space heater, so I just had to keep it as is.
Moromoto: There was also the scene where Amane-chan's father gives Hajime the photo, with it being so cold I thought, "This guy, is he really going to die?!"
Ito: I'm bad with Winter, but I'm also bad with Summer too. When I wear a suit, my body temperature rises and my face turns bright red. My heart starts to race too and I think, "Ah, my life is getting shorter…"
Moromoto: It's good for Chalice though, isn't it? Blood rushing, a fast pulse, it's like an unleashing of the instincts.
Ito: But, when I get like that, I become quiet. In the Summer, Chalice becomes more like a domesticated cat (laughs).
Moromoto: Please keep doing your best~, I'm also prepared to risk my life for this role!
Ito: I also want to play the role of a Rider who will continue to remain in everyone's heart. Personally, it's frustrating to often hear people say, "Chalice looks like Gills (Agito)" (laughs), regardless, please continue to watch us in the future. We're going to give it our all!
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Hi Squiggly! I’m so excited for the Candy Hearts! Could I possibly request Asahi and Suga (Haikyuu), with lee Suga and Hot Stuff? Can be either platonic or romantic, I just think those two would be so fun together!
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
Oo, yes! These two are so fun holy jkajkekjarkjeajkr I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
Hot Stuff: "Come over here and make me!"
“Heh..hehe..man bun.” Suga was giggling to himself, much to Asahi’s frustration.
Well- he wasn’t entirely frustrated; the reason for the setter’s giggles was a good one. They had a practice match today and Asahi nailed a solid play. Everyone had yelled his name but Tanaka and Noya- who opted to scream at the top of their lungs: “MAN BUN!”
Looking back, it was rather funny. Still- that didn’t mean Asahi had to admit to it.
“Stop bringing that up-it’s not that funny.” Asahi tried for the time and true method of sounding like a sad puppy. Usually that got Suga to shut up in moments like this.
Instead, the silver haired teen giggled harder; barely hiding his snort as he doubled over. “Ihiihihh’m shohohohorry! Iiihih’m sohohohoohry- just- pfffffft gehahhahah!”
“Suga…” Asahi groaned, changing methods. “If you don’t stop laughing at me, I’ll make you.”
“Oh?” Suga perked up at the challenge, starting to grin. “Well then- come over here and make me!”
Silence. Suga started to regret his challenge near instantly.
“Wait- wait I take it ba-AHH!” The setter squawked as he was shoved onto his back, bursting into giggles the minute fingers touched his sides. “Ahahahhahahshahahhahai!”
“I warned you! I told you I’d make you stop laughing at me!” Asahi growled in mock anger, starting to crack in his facade as Suga thrashed and squealed beneath him, kicking his feet in an attempt to escape. “See, you’re still laughing at me! I’m gonna have to work harder.”
“Iihihiihih’m ohohoohonly lauhuhuhuhghing cahahahhause yoohoohohohur tihihihiickling mehehehehehe-EHEHHE!” Suga all but flailed when his hips were grabbed, thumbs kneading into the tickly pockets. “OHOHOOHKAY IHIIHIH’M SHAHHAHAHARRY!”
“Really sorry?” Asahi raised a brow, fully laughing when Suga nodded rapidly, cheeks pink. “Okay okay.” He released him, watching Suga collapse like an exhausted starfish across the gym floor. “I should change my hairstyle though…”
“Noohohoho, keheheep it…ihihihit lohoohoks good.” Suga gasped out reassuringly, patting Asahi’s knee. “Really.”
“Well…if you think so, I guess I can keep it longer.” Asahi got up before Suga could process what he said, all but running to the water fountain. “I’m gonna get something to drink!”
“Ehe..yeah.” Suga called back, cheeks hot for an entirely new reason.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Silver Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 2
"I feel uneasy."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
―After school
Silver: Hello, Kalim, and Jamil, too. I'm grateful you came all this way.
Kalim: Of course I'd come, especially for a friend! Right, Jamil?
Jamil: What do you mean, "right"? You're the one who dragged me here.
Jamil: …Well, whatever. So, I heard you had a favor to ask of Kalim. What is it about?
Silver: I just have this request. I want…
Silver: I want you to teach me how to have more facial expressions.
Jamil/Kalim: Huh?/Eh?
Jamil: Umm, why do you want to do such a thing?
Silver: You see―
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Jamil: …I understand now. Your classmates said that it was difficult to approach you because they couldn't read your facial expressions, hm.
Jamil: Well, I guess it can't be said that your expressions are easy to read, honestly.
Silver: So, you think so too.
Silver: Due to my lack of facial expressions, it seems I've been unknowingly a bother to those around me.
Silver: That is why I'd like to better myself. Would you help me?
Kalim: You're a good guy, Silver, and I don't think you're hard to approach at all, but…
Kalim: If you're wanting help, then I'll help. And of course, Jamil will too!
Jamil: Really… Kalim won't listen at all once he gets started. Fine, I'll help too, but don't expect too much out of me.
Silver: Kalim, Jamil… Thank you both.
Silver: I'll get right down to it. How does Kalim always show his feelings?
Kalim: Eh, even if you ask me how…
Kalim: Hmm, show my feelings… show my feelings… The thing I always keep in mind is…
Silver: What you keep in mind is…?
Kalim: ―I tried to think up something, but there's not really anything in particular! Ahahah!
Jamil: You've always been then that kind of guy…
Silver: I see. So that means that Kalim's face moves naturally without having to think about it.
Silver: It would be great if I could reach his level…
Kalim: Don't you think you're thinking too hard, Silver?
Kalim: When you're happy or sad… As long as you know how you feel in that moment, it'll show on your face.
Silver: I see… So, that means I have to focus on "how I feel in that moment."
Silver: Thank you for the useful advice, Kalim. I'll attempt it right away.
Kalim: Yeah! So, how are you feeling right now?
Silver: I feel uneasy, thinking of whether I will be to change my facial expression well.
Jamil: Yeah, that'll happen. Okay, so try to show that emotion.
Kalim: Try to change your expression, thinking, "This sucks~!"
Silver: Right. Then, here I go.
Silver: An uneasy feeling, an uneasy feeling...
Silver: …
Jamil/Kalim: …
Silver: How was that?
Jamil/Kalim: Eh?
Jamil: Oh, were you going for a troubled look just now?
Kalim: I thought you hadn't even started yet. Ahahah, it didn't change at all!
Silver: I felt I was actually doing it, though… This is harder than I expected.
Kalim: I thought that'd work, too~ Jamil, you got any other ideas?
Jamil: Hm, let me think… What about if you practice moving your fascial muscles?
Jamil: For example, try keeping a smile on your face.
Silver: I see. Muscles will weaken if not used constantly.
Silver: Perhaps my facial muscles have not gone through enough training, that is why they don't move well…
Silver: However, I was not able to move my facial muscles the way I wanted earlier, either. How am I supposed to train them up…?
Jamil: Maybe you should start by pulling up your cheeks with your fingers and making a smile?
Silver: I suppose I could try that method. Alright, let me try it.
Silver: Pull up my cheeks with my fingers, make a smile…
Silver: …...
Silver: …Urk!
Kalim: Eh, Silver? Why're you contorting your face like that all of a sudden!?
Silver: It felt I was about to pull a cheek muscle…
Jamil: You really don't use your facial muscles that much, do you…
Sebek: ―Hey, Silver. Why are you doing?
Silver: Hm? Oh, Sebek.
Jamil: It looks like the other Diasomnia students have returned…
Jamil: We shouldn't overstay our welcome and be a bother. Kalim, we should start heading back to our dorm now.
Kalim: Eh, but Silver hasn't been able to express his feelings yet though.
Silver: No, I've taken more of your time than I thought. You've helped me enough, Kalim.
Silver: Thanks to you two, I can start to unravel this issue. I will do my best on my own from here on out.
Kalim: Great, I'm glad I could help! Then, we'll head out, but if you need our help again, let me know!
Silver: Right. I'm grateful for both of your assistance.
Sebek: Why were those Scarabia students here in Diasomnia? What were you guys doing?
Silver: You see―
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Sebek: Hah, nonsense! There's no need to worry about what those humans say to you.
Silver: I disagree.
Silver: I am Malleus-sama's bodyguard. Would not the reputation of the bodyguard have an effect on the reputation of our master?
Sebek: Humph, as if such a thing would diminish the Young Master's greatness!
Sebek: …Yet I would not be able to stand it if there were even one blemish on his reputation.
Sebek: It can't be helped. I'll help you this one time.
Silver: Really?
Sebek: I won't repeat myself. And also, you don't need to do anything so idiotic as training your facial muscles.
Silver: Why not? It seems to be an effective method to develop my expressions.
Sebek: Because you don't need it.
Sebek: Let's train in the school courtyard today, instead of here at the dorm. Let's head there now.
Silver: I don't mind, but… What are you saying all of a sudden?
Silver: You said you would help me earlier. Are you saying this will solve my woes?
Sebek: You'll understand when the time comes. So shut up and come with me.
Silver: Hm. Alright.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
We’re you always the queen of writing smut or did it take a lot of practice?
I can’t write it. I’m terrible at it. It all feels too fake and porny when I’m writing it. But reading yours is like… damn, so good chefs kiss gimme more
Any tips? Guidance, sensei?
Akshdljkf oh oof baby. First of all, thank you for having that kind of faith in me or at the very least thinking any thing of the sort about my writing🥴 I have to graciously say that I don't think I am in any way a queen of anything, much less smut, much less for this fandom. I think that crown is securely shared by a few other far more talented writers than me who time and again knock it out of the park. I am but a humble reader and fan of theirs as much as anyone. But still, I appreciate the kind message and the thought behind it, I honestly do.
That being said, eh I mean 🤷‍♀️. I'm no expert, I had never written fiction of any kind before CoA, my first fic. I've kinda just tried my best and winged it and written what I like to read and what I see in my head. As silly as it sounds considering we're talking about smut, I think reading a lot of the kind of work you're trying to write helps. Different stories from different authors who you know are good at the genre you want for your own work. Seeing the different methods they use to go about tackling sce es, integrating styles and things you like and changing things don't like until you find what inspires you. Evaluating scenes from works you like and seeing what you find hot and what doesn't, what flows and gives feelings and what feels like it dosen't, all things to help you create your own style. I read A Lot of smutty fanfic before ever dipping my toe into the writers pool, so when I did take the jump it was after having seen a multitude of different stuff and just internalizing the stuff that was enjoyable for me and then using those tools to create my own voice.
Idk what to say to make you feel better about your own work because obvs idk what it is, but I can say don't always trust your own evaluation or reaction of your work. You've read it a million times so it'll always feel flat and predictable, but to someone else it's new so they're not gonna read it the same way you do. If it still feels stilted, take a step back. Question yourself on what is happening that's making it feel that way. Are there any emotions going on? What are the characters thinking and feeling? Are you focusing too hard on mechanics? You don't want sex to read like an IKEA instruction manual lol so maybe what you have to do is reroute yourself to get away from that. Try and write a sex scene without any technical sex jargon. Try and do it through some prose and verbiage of sensuality, using indirect imagery that lets the reader create the rest of the picture in their own mind.
So for example instead of just "Clarke nipped and sucked Lexa's nipples until they were hard", it becomes "each scrape of Clarke's teeth over the bud of Lexa's breast drew out a sinful moan, feeling her writhe against her mouth as she soothed the ache with a wet suck of her lips. She lapped at the pebbled skin, nipples pulling taut beneath her tongue as she licked circles—" yada yada yada, whatever. But see what I mean? You're basically saying the exact same thing in each case, but the first one just flatly says what they're doing, the other is speaking in actions which paints a picture for the reader to fill in in their head. That's the only even sort-of advice I can give on that. Smut is something people don't wanna just read, they wanna imagine it (no matter how much they may try to lie about that😐) and having a scene that they can immerse themselves in and mental create a picture tends to be what works. In my most humble of opinions at least.
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
12, carrying to bed, from one of the asks games you reblogged with any Volteccers you like !
Thank you very much for sending this prompt! I've been thinking on how I wanted to go about it before this idea came to mind! This is based on HZ008, a sort of what-if scene hehe.
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Captain Pikachu, Roy
While it's a shame that Murdock's latest batch of doughnuts hasn't borne fruit in enticing their resident tech-wiz to eat, Friede and Cap are all too happy to munch on the 'failures'. Reason 45 (he's continuously updating his mental list) on why Murdock's such an awesome cook; he just has a way with sweets that beats even some specialty shops. Mollie keeps a watchful eye on their budget so he doesn't get much opportunity to satisfy his sweet tooth when they head out to restock.
Thus when Murdock requests for his help in tweaking his doughnut recipe, Friede eagerly rises to the challenge.
So far they're into their second week of tests. Murdock goes at it pretty thoroughly, trying out different dough recipes, cooking methods and the glazes he puts on top. Every time the trio sneak into the kitchen to find an untouched plate, they'll munch on the leftovers so there's no evidence left behind about their nightly snacking. Friede then bounce around ideas with his friend until Murdock has an idea on what to change for tomorrow's batch.
Friede knows that Murdock worries deep down. Sure, Mollie's assured him that at the very least, Dot's getting her daily vitamin needs but as someone who's joy come from feeding others, it must be tearing him up on the inside. That's why he tries to lift his spirits by praising every single doughnut he and Cap munch on because they're genuinely that good. Friede hopes that Dot too will be tempted to try it out herself.
Until then, he'd be a liar if he claims not to enjoy the late night snacking. The sugar helps keep him awake when it's his turn to navigate the ship through the night, which just so happens to be today.
After giving his honest feedback, Friede bids Murdock goodnight before exiting the kitchen, Cap situated comfortably on his shoulder. He quietly walks down the small corridor (mindful of the spots that creak when stepped on) until he's back out on the deck.
Friede takes a moment to breathe in the cool air. It's a peaceful night with barely any clouds and the moon shining bright, perfect for navigation. Cap too mimics his action so Friede rubs his chin with a finger, grinning from the content sound his partner makes.
"Time to get to work, eh Cap?" he says, earning him a soft Pika! in return. Friede starts to make his way towards the captain's deck but pauses about halfway through. He stares for a moment, even briefly rubbing his eyes to make sure he's not seeing things. Nope. That's definitely Roy and Fuecoco fast asleep by the stairs leading up to his destination.
"Honestly, what on earth...?" Friede mutters, rubbing the back of his head before making his way over. Cap hops off his shoulder to reach the boy first.
Somehow, Roy's curled up with Fuecoco snugly in his arms, his back against the wooden wall. He looks like he's on slip away from tipping over and hitting his head against the edge of the stairs yet they're both snoring away, dead asleep.
Friede has many questions. After he gently steer Roy away from the kitchen, he thought that the he'll return back to bed. The captain's deck isn't near to his room so why he's here is a mystery, on top of how he appears to be deeply asleep in that uncomfortable position. Sometimes Friede sleeps in the captain's chair and it's awful for his back so he can't imagine how Roy manages it.
Nevertheless, Friede can't let him stay asleep here. If anything, being out in this cold air all night might get him sick (which sucks in his personal opinion cause then Mollie will insist on bedrest, something that he picture Roy and his boundless energy won't like).
Cap's trying to rouse the kid by gently poking his shoulder but aside from an initial twitch, it doesn't seem to cut it. Before his partner decides on a more electrifying awakening, Friede crouches down in front of Roy and gives his shoulder a gentle shake.
"Hey Roy, you're not supposed to sleep here," he says. Instead of waking up, Friede suddenly finds himself with Roy slump in his arms, still fast asleep. He stares down at the kid then sighs deeply. Really, is he this hard to wake up usually?
Friede thinks briefly before coming to a decision. Carefully, he slips an arm around Roy's shoulders and another slides underneath his knees. In one swift moment, Friede rises to his feet, taking a moment to adjust so the kid is secured in his arms. Roy's not too heavy even with Fuecoco still snoring away on his chest.
Quietly, Friede makes the short trip to Roy's room. Cap helps him open the door before he carefully enters, taking care not to bump the edges. Friede then gently sets Roy down on his bed while Cap pulls up the blanket to cover them up.
Roy simply nuzzles deeper into his pillow, tugging the blanket closer around himself and Fuecoco. If not for the way he smacks his lips prior to more snoring, Friede might have thought Roy's been awake all this time and is just pretending to be asleep so he can get a free carry back to his room.
Friede snorts at the thought, lightly shaking his head. Yeah right, Roy's not that kind of person. Kid doesn't have a mean bone in his body to pull off something like this. It does make him wonder if he's just accustom in sleeping at odd, uncomfortable places. Food for thought.
Cap scampers up his back to settle on his shoulder again. Well, he suppose that's that. Time to make his way towards the captain's deck again.
"Goodnight Roy," he utters, sporting a small, fond smile before closing the door behind him.
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captainhysunstuff · 7 months
The Chain - Date: Alley Transcript
The Chain - Date: Alley comic
*Light and L walk away from the gallery and turn into an alleyway. Light drops his bag and leans against the wall. L glances around before entering with him.*
Light: *runs a hand through his hair and sighs*
L: Maybe we should find a cleaner place to rest?
Light: ...Why?
L: Because that stack looks quite precarious--
Light: Why are you here?
L: ...Because you asked me to come and bring you here. A "date" as you called it?
Light: Why did you agree? What were you hoping for? Be honest with me. Or, at least as honest as you think you are with me.
L: Long answer?
Light: Long answer.
L: Well, there's no risk in saying yes. Kira's been quiet, and if I were spotted by someone who's made "the deal," it would be a shoe in to call you guilty for luring me out. You're the one who asked me to leave headquarters alone with you. It'd be quite the coincidence if I were targeted during this outing. *shrugs* And, of course, I just wanted to. It sounded fun to not be the third wheel on someone else's date. See what the big deal is. *smirks* Why would I turn down the chance to hang out with you away from the investigation?
Light: *wry laugh* You didn't get enough of me there; you need to have me everywhere else?
L: I've basically told you as much. Remember?
Light: That hasn't changed, huh?
L: Did you expect it to?
Light: Hm. I guess not.
L: Clearly. You wouldn't have asked me out if you thought I'd say no.
Light: *crosses arms* Since we're alone, why not tell me your terms already?
L: Terms?
Light: You know what I mean. Well?
L: ...That 1% of doubt is still there.
Light: *tilts head* Why?
L: Because even now, I can't dismiss the slim possibility that you are merely working for Kira and not actually him.
Light: So, you believe that I'm at least an accomplice?
L: Yes, no doubt. All the circumstantial evidence firmly points to you being involved in my eyes. It's no coincidence that Higuchi died while you were holding the notebook. I'm 100% sure you killed him, but I can't prove it. Even so, there isn't any documented instances of you using the notebook itself. For all we know, you could be the mastermind, but--
Light: What do you gain by not telling me?
L: Eh?
Light: Why keep your terms secret from me? Telling your suspect the terms of a lighter sentence in exchange for a confession is a tried-and-true strategy. Why wait for the confession beforehand if you're so sure?
L: *thinks* I suppose it doesn't make much sense, but it is information only for Kira's ears.
Light: What do you think Light Yagami will do with that information if he isn't Kira? If I were working with Kira, you could use me as a go-between. Pass that info to him.
L: Possibly...
Light: Or do you think I'd tattle on you? How childish.
L: *leans on nearby crate* Blackmail isn't impossible. With you and Amane being "proven" innocent, the task force barely respects me anymore. They've made their biases clear. They'd believe anything you told them.
Light: *smiles and shrugs*
L: In any case, I don't want a confession that way. It's... cheap.
Light: *shocked* "Cheap?!"
L: I always make sure someone is 100% guilty before making any offers.
Light: *shakes head and smiles* Ugh. So childish.
L: If accurate convictions are childish, I guess so.
Light: Please... *approaches* You aren't above torture and death threats. What would you consider a "fair" confession, then?
L: *straightens up*
Light: You're unbelievable. That you'd prefer messier methods over a clean plea bargain. What is wrong with you?
L: ...
Light: *leers in L's face* No. Wait. I get it now. You do that because when faced with a guaranteed guilty sentence, anything sounds like a good deal. They'd be left with no room to refuse any offer for mercy. Saying no would only be a matter of pride at that point. How devious, L.
L: *looks away* I never claimed to be a good person.
Light: *unzips L's jacket* So? What would you consider a fair confession from Light Yagami now? He already knows that you're willing to show Kira mercy. Maybe even help him. That alone is enough to give him hope. *grabs L's chin to make him look at him* Withholding the details is only making everyone's lives harder. Are they that personal? *looms closer* What exactly is it that you want from Kira? Why are you so tight-lipped about it?
*Light embraces L, causing him to sharply inhale when he feels Light's hands slip inside his open jacket*
Light: It's not something criminal, is it? Or maybe it's something... *slips leg between L's legs* …nasty?
L: *clutches Light and gasps*
Light: *leans closer and whispers in his ear* What do you want from me, Ryuzaki?
L: N-no. Nothing like--
Light: *nips his ear*
L: NNG! Nothing like that. I would never--
Light: "Never?" Well, if the idea's that repulsive--
L: *clutches harder* NO! Not what I meant.
Light: Oh?
L: I... would never ask for sexual favors in exchange for freedom.
Light: *backs up a little and looks L in the face* ...And yet it's fine to ask me to seduce someone else for the sake of your investigation?
L: ...
Light: Your moral boundaries are strange. I may never understand them. *lightly cradles L's face* But don't worry. If you ever want a "favor" from me, all you have to do... *brings lips very close to L's* ...is ask.
L: ...Please...
*L and Light kiss. Light slams L against the alley wall.*
L: Mmph~
*To L's surprise, Light then lifts and places him onto the nearby crate. Then he grasps the back of L's neck and pulls him back into the kiss, causing them to lean back slightly.*
Both: Mmn~
*They part, both panting, looking into each other's eyes. A string of saliva connects them.*
Light: This is no place for this.
L: It isn't.
Light: *embraces closer* I want you.
L: ...Want you...
Light: *into his ear* No. You need me. SAY IT.
L: I... need you...?
Light: And therein lies the difference. I don't need you. I could have you killed whenever I so wish. You're only alive right now because I'm allowing it.
L: *side eyes Light* ...
Light: *looks L in the face* You get one chance. One. Do you understand me?
L: *a little shocked* Yes.
Light: Good. *picks up his bag* Let's go.
*They leave the alley, Light grabbing L's upper arm and pulling him along.*
L: *holding his motorcycle helmet* Where are we going?
Light: *putting his helmet on* I'll direct you.
*They ride off to their next destination.*
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doodle17 · 1 year
Writing prompts eh? *Cracks knuckles* got the perfect one for ya.
Ellie Tronix (hah) teaching Gisu a dangerous yet powerful Electrokinesis move but Otto catches Ellie and they get into a fight. Otto prob being protective of Gisu cause he doesn't want her to get hurt and said Electrokinesis attack/move can harm the user severely
Ellie bounced around excitedly, clapping her rubber gloved hands together. "Well done, Nerumen!" She said approaching the small pile of rubble. Gisu wiped a strand of hair that fell in front of her face. "Really?" She said. Ellie nodded, she held her hand over the rubble, small strands of electricity weaved through her fingers. "Really really." She replied. A huge grin on her face.
"I'm proud of you, Gisu. You'll be as good as me in no time!" Gisu smiled, looking at her hands thoughtfully. "Hey, could we be done now?" She looked to Ellie. She just realized how tired she felt. "My hands feel like they're vibrating, and I'm not sure if that's normal..." She wiggled her fingers.
Ellie lifted her goggles. "Hold on, I've got one more trick to show you." She waved her hand, gesturing for Gisu to come closer. She looked at her hands again, and unsure expression on her face. She took a step forward towards Ellie.
"Stop right there Nerumen!" Both girls froze. Gisu quickly turned around to see her mentor, Otto Mentalis. Ellie clenched her fists. "Mentalis..." She said through gritted teeth. Gisu looked between the two of them. She walked to Otto nervously, but before she could say a word, Otto grabbed her face and examined her.
"Hmm... Good. No signs of mind control. Now..." He turned to Ellie, who was glaring daggers at him. The air was so tense. "Gisu, get back to the Motherlobe, rest your hands and mind." Gisu nodded. She looked at Ellie, who stared back at her with a look of betrayal. She mouthed "I'm sorry" before hopping on her board and speeding away.
Ellie put her hands on her hips and sighed, frustrated. "Way to go, Otto. You ruined my chance." Otto pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. "I don't want to fight with you about this. I already told you to stay away from her."
Ellie rolled her eyes dramatically. "You and those brain-hippies you work with know nothing on teaching electrokenisis." She chuckled to herself and smirked. "But I do." She zapped a small stream of electricity between her hands, passing it back and forth. Otto folded his arms, shaking his head slowly.
"You were going to teach her that- dangerous trick of yours, weren't you?" Otto barked. Ellie groaned. "You haven't changed a bit. Still afraid of power, eh?"
"I'm not afraid of power. I'm afraid of you using your power to hurt others."
"I've been perfecting this method for years, Otto! And she's stronger than any of you think!"
"It doesn't matter how strong she is, she still would've gotten hurt!"
Ellie groaned again. She clawed at her face in frustration. "Why are you like this? You're so afraid of change! And- and ideas! You never experiment anymore!" She scoffed. "You're just a coward. You have no idea what the full potential of Psychic elemental control can be."
Otto took a step forward but hesitated. "Ellie, I used to be just like you. But these kinds of experiments, pushing yourself like this.... It's dangerous, Tronix." He tried to sound understanding. But Ellie, she was as stubborn as a mule. She stared at him with a look in her eyes, you would've thought she'd burn a hole in Ottos head. He turned his back away from her. He rested his hands on his hips. "I just don't understand you, Ellie. After all this time? You're still this way?"
Ellie laughed. "You're the same too. You're still trying to hold me back." She lowered her goggles.
Otto quickly turned, his fingers pressed against his temples. But she was gone.
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birdantlers · 3 years
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I know the phrase "super namekian" gets thrown around here and there throughout DBZ but like.... what if. I've wondered this for a while,, I mean Saiyans and Arcosians and whoever else get cool alt forms, so
Anyway this wasn't super planned or anything but I wanted to go off of Toriyama's usual method of making alternate forms which oftentimes is not changing too much abt the base form as it is adding onto it.
I feel like the whole "dragon" aspect of namekians isn't played with as much as I think it could be, and I tried to nod to it. I didn't want to lean too far into draconic though? overall I tried to get a good balance between
I also thought yellow eyes looked better but I really wanted them to have red eyes like the Dragons. Their skin is a bit closer to like. Gold? Also but the lighting I chose doesn't show it very well lol,, one thing I would go back and change is to make the lines on their arms resemble scales like this but it was 3am:
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And maybe they can flare out the scales on the other parts of their limbs too to do more damage on a hit idk
I feel like super-namekians would have your run of the mill increased strength and speed, but also smth like telekinesis or mind reading as an extension of their base telepathy, just to give them a little edge. @ toriyama please make namekians relevant again smh
Idk if I wake up and hate this I may revamp it haha,, I feel like the silhouette isn't too drastically altered but eh DBZ already has some pretty goofy character design so
Also alt color:
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Toriyama make them OP please... I need it..
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thebonggirll · 4 years
chapter nine
< previous: chapter eight
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Following the previous assassin, a second assassin transfer student to arrived at Class 3-E named Itona Horibe. He was apparently Koro's brother and here to kill him. A match took place and Koro kind of won. That wasn't so weird though. The weird thing was that the guy had tentacles coming out from his head - tentacles like Koro did. Koro's win angered Itona, causing his tentacles to turn black and he began to attack only to be stopped by Shiro, who shot him with a tranquilizer dart. He picked him up and left stating that Itona will be allowed to return to school soon enough.
They had a whole different problem now. The next day, Koro got a notice from school.
"Aha! A friendly class versus class baseball tournament, eh? A healthy body promotes a healthy mind. Approved!" Koro said but then his tone changed a bit hesitant, "Except....I don't think E class is included in the tournament bracket."
"They leave us out to keep things out and even. It's hard to have a tournament with odd number of teams. We get to play the exhibition game in the end though," Mimura said.
Some students, specifically Terasaka and his friends left after saying, "If you tweebs wanna be a laughing stock then fine. Me and the boys got too much self respect. We're out."
"We should ask Sugino for some pointers. He's the baseball guy," Maehara said turning to him, "What do you say man? Any tips?"
Sugino frowned and looked down. He said, "Not to be negative but we're screwed, like royally. The Kanugigaoka team has Shindo as their captain. He's good and colleges are already scouting him. It's not even fair! Not gonna lie though, I'd give anything to beat him. And not just to put up a good fight, but to beat that arrogant in his own game."
This was the start of their baseball practice and Koro taught them every method he knew. Well, the students couldn't keep up but tried their best. He treated the practice like an assassination lesson. While the boys were busy training with Koro, the girls also tried their best. But from the looks of it, many of them lacked in strength and the bat was heavy for some. It was a very busy week.
And it helped Y/N to think about Karma and what she was going to tell him. The day before the exhibition game, she watched the boys take their turns and train with Koro.
"Hey your practice is over?" Sugino asked, and she snapped out of the daze.
"Oh, when did you get here?" Y/N asked as he started drinking some water.
"Just now...you didn't see me?"
Y/N blushed and said, "Uh no. It's just that I've been thinking a lot."
"About Karma?"
"Don't be mad but...you're kinda transparent when it comes to him. And we've all seen how you've become different. I mean, you don't exactly avoid him but it feels like you're pushing him away and maintaining some distance."
"Well.." Y/N sighed and said, "Can you blame me? I know he finds it funny to tease me."
"But you like him, don't you?"
"Yeah, I think so? I don't know. He's good at what he does and I guess his 'flirting' worked on me."
"I mean, don't be so sure about him. He can surprise people too."
"Ofcourse, you guys would know about it. Okuda, right?"
"I didn't mean it that way. When I said he's surprising as in...we actually never saw him this restless before."
"Just talk to him. Besides, he didn't actually mean Okuda, I'm sure. With her chemistry knowledge, it would be a match made in heaven according to him."  Sugino sat down beside her and wiped his sweat, "It's purely based on his ideas of evil pranks and tricks."
Y/N stared at him and blushed, "What?"
"Hey, I entered with him that day in the room. I know."
She cleared her throat and looked down at her fingers, "Um, thank you Sugino."
"Trust me, it's just so weird to see him restless around you when he's calm in most dangerous situations. He's clearly bothered by it."
"I didn't avoid him though. I mean...he shouldn't be bothered."
"Yeah, but you're not talking to him like you used to. You're kind of faking your conversations." Sugino got up and fixed his gloves, "Talk to him today cause we have a match tomorrow. Do it for all of us."
"Okay," Y/N said as Sugino ran towards the field, "Best of luck for tomorrow!"
Karma wasn't blind. He saw the smile on Y/N's face as soon as Sugino left. It wasn't that he was jealous. Ofcourse, he wasn't. He knew she was only interested in him. But what actually made him a bit mad was that in this whole time, she didn't smile like that once in front of him. Usually he was the reason for her laughter, most of the time, accompanied with a flushed face as a reward. All he received this whole time was a fake smile.
But Karma got his grin back on his face soon. At the end of the day, Y/N was waiting near the gates. For him, obviously.
"Hello cherry," he put his hands in his pockets and titled his head, "waiting for me?"
"Oh, uh yeah-" Y/N blushed and stuttered, "I- uh, I think I owe you an explanation."
"Damn right, you do. I expect it with interest, though."
"With interest?"
"Economics? An extra something for being late."
"Then I'll deduct some for hurting me," Y/N pouted, muttering.
"Louder cherry," he said staring at her face, "I like it loud."
"Shut up!" Y/N blushed harder, "Anyways, I just....I thought..." She found it difficult to say it. It would be like a confession too right? She couldn't just say 'hey i was mad that you didn't return my feelings'.
"Ahem," she cleared her throat and continued, "Sorry. It's just that I heard you say during the field trip that you...liked Okuda. I mean, it isn't that I'm not fine with it. I'm absolutely okay with it, but I just-"
"-felt jealous?" Karma asked.
Y/N frowned and stuttered, "A-As if! Shut up! We're friends and I felt someone was taking something away!"
"Woah cherry," Karma leaned closer to her, "You are good in finding excuses."
"I'm not-"
"It's fine," he smiled, "You're cute."
Y/N stared at him doe-eyed and blushed, a small smile forming on her face. Karma leant closer to her face, their noses touching. He whispered, "But I've still got to get the interest from you." She closed her eyes and her hands formed into a fists.
Karma chuckled and moved away. He got the reaction he wanted. Well, this time he got more. He also got to see how Y/N was when she felt jealous. It was...cute. The way she fumbled while speaking, trying to maintain the eye contact. She's way too irresistible. How can someone not just tease her after they get to see all these parts of her?
"Okay so, let's go to the movies tomorrow after the match."
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next: chapter ten >
ms. misfit
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That is a Red Hat Dress Society Dress Saved.
That is what Mattheiu and I wanted you all to know about this collection. All people were threatened to be MURDERED AND SLICED TO PEICES FOR THEIR CLOTHES.
Idk who but the president at the time said "that sounds a little troomey capooty. You guys are getting a big ole bootie and a pirates boats full of that captain Jack snack the booty."
And yall said they were pirate black men from senaguall and then we took the good ole man Captain J Depp Johnny Depp to that pirate guy for Pirate of the Caribbean 123 and 3 in 3 days. Matt called it the fat scale end scale.
Thrasher daddy that is what you have missed.
Thrasher daddy wants his ranch back.
Thrasher daddy also only accepts true Supreme bought from communication method in store. Thrasher daddy got his ears peirced. OJ daddy I think don't know but Thrasher daddy might have kept some PERSONAL EARRINGS of mine from leaving them at Thrasger daddy's for nap times. Thrasher daddy would say they were next to his record player.
Thrasher daddy is not a player.
Thrasher daddy only accepts self given numbers dragon ball z earrings. For each ear Thrasher daddy has a number.
That's Thrasher baby right here eBaby.
eBaddie Baddie thats a double negative to actually mean Goodie in the hizzle.
Tumblr roll call carry out I'll change to Thrasher baby now.
Then therealsarkat for recognition for the FBI.
We got a steveo out if it.
SteveO Michael was a hero that day. He hid us in the floor boards that day!!!! The day we got there floor boards IMMEDIATELY. A little angry SteveO Michael. He put his little skinny SteveO body on the floor boards after putting kids in them.
What the fuck. And did he not say "they WILL NOT NOT BE ABLE TO FIND THAT PLANE. THAT WILL BE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION START 3. That specific plane then will be A NEW TECHNOLOGY PLANE, and then I slept two doors away from LINEAL BLOOD FAMILY THAT NIGHT.
Once more why don't you believe the FBI??? They even leave you little outside crumble and this MUSEUM PEICE WAS WIZARD AT THE STONEHENDGE LEAD BY MATTHEIU AND I TO MAKE THE SABALA KLAN CULT THAT TRIED TO FUCK WITH NATURAL BIRTH ETHANS FACE DRESS ALL OF THE WORLD TRAVELING MANNEQUINS after what they did to our not n word but friend Ethan. We love our not n word but friend Ethan. Ethans on our side now. I said Ethans on our side.
There's your "hey it will be just like a little traveling history museum but it's in mannequins instead if dead body's eh???"
"IS that Justin Trudeau with that hand standing Mattheiu stand."
"ThonmeTom I don't like Justin he's a LITERAL BABY I've just been trying to teach him how to to the Mattheiu hand stand!!!!!!"
"He just did his first all alone baby hand stand!!!!!!"
"Is that right well you pump that baby Justin Trudeau up honey the best you know how."
"There ain't gonna be two ThonmeToms u am a bougie man. That day Thommy gets all fag at school, that's thommys cousin and you aren't gonna like it. That's right little sugarboo we would never lead you stray after that fucked up shit back home."
Well we've bought tamale ladies tamales now. Everyone else at the Austin Metropolis was sending her away even in 2022. Thrasher daddy I got some tamaletamales.
Back at OJs funnel. Not getting lead around anywhere with a gun.
Didn't Lance Armstrong brother guy say he was folding in Texas French Bread 2021. Did he not say he was folding then we went into Rainier and said he said he was folding???
And they said they didn't believe it.
"@brielarsondaily do you hear this shit????"
Yall didnt know where that line came from????
And that's a hard vans stop in front of the NO Trespass daddies. *machine gun* *pistol whip* *pistol whip* *roller derby shimmer booty fake slap paddy slap*
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0 notes
theskaldsagas · 5 years
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Inigo and I finally reached the hold of Haafingar. We made our way down toward Dragon Bridge (after clearing out a bandit fort that had been set up as an ambush point for weary travelers - as we passed I had a bad feeling and tried to avoid them, but then I saw one of the Khajiit caravans getting ambushed and felt I needed to help); turns out there's a nice small town at the crossroads before you reach Dragonbridge - it held a blacksmith, where I sold many of the things I liberated from the bandits that had been weighing me and my horses' saddlebags down. The smith seemed glad of the coin, if not the interruption to his work, which he resumed even despite the pouring rain outside. What a dedicated man, eh?
On the way out of this small town I even discovered a brewery - Frost something-or-other Brewery. They make mead with snowberries which was interesting; Inigo and I needed to get out of the rain and warm ourselves, so we went inside the brewery and even tried some of the mead.
I quite enjoyed it, but Inigo seemed indifferent; it was just alcohol to him it seems.
On the way back out, warmed up and warm-feeling, a woman in the fields answered some of my questions about the mead and tasked me with delivering a small keg of it to Winterhold. Seeing as I'm heading back there after our adventures in the hold of Haafingar, I agreed and placed the keg in my horses' saddlebags, for now. Seems quite fitting to sell something so warming in such a cold place as Winterhold. It will be a nice change of pace when I go back there.
After that we crossed the crossroads and rode through Dragonbridge, where we took a short rest at the inn, the Four Shields. I even decided to perform at the inn, though there were not many patrons in at that hour - spell tomes are expensive and I am in much need of the septims!
After that short stop we rode our horses to Solitude, leaving our mounts at the stables and combined farm - called Katla's Farm. Inigo had to chase after me then because I caught sight of the beautiful view from the docks - and the sight of Solitude itself, up on the rock. I must have run through the docks and across the bridge a few times, just enjoying the view.
Finally we went into the city proper, where we were greeted by an execution.
As a Nord and believer in Talos, but as one that is still a loyal citizen of the Empire - or as loyal as a believer can be, I had mixed feelings on this man Roggvir's death.
In the end, I felt at least I could bear witness and pray to Stendarr for mercy on his soul. After everyone had left the stage of this gruesome sight, I went and retrieved his Talos amulet. I'm not sure what possessed me then, other then that I felt someone who appreciates it's meaning and believes in Talos should have it. That it should not have been disposed of so easily.
After this, Inigo and I went to the notice board by the inn to collect some paying odd jobs to do. We also went by the Bards College, a place both Inigo and I wished to go to and honestly the main reason we came to Solitude.
I also spoke to a local war vet now beggar who asked me to get his helmet back. I said I would see what I could do.
After shopping - and I must say this is one thing Solitude does well, it has many great shops - I stopped in at the clothing shop, one of its only like in Skyrim. I was asked in a not so nice way by one of the High Elf shopkeepers there to model this outfit for Elenwen, current Jarl and possibly future High Queen, of Solitude. If I had not been on my way to the Blue Palace anyway (to speak to Falk Firebeard about some local kidnappings I'd heard of from the notice board) and if I hadn't have looked so wonderful in the outfit I wouldn't have done it. But that's how it was so I did.
I was paid well by the High Elf lady and I received a nice outfit to perform songs in for my trouble.
While I was there I heard tell of some trouble at Wolfskull Cave back by Dragonbridge. It sounded of a magical nature and being the curious type I am about these things, I volunteered to go.
But before that Inigo and I relaxed at the Winking Skeever, the local inn, and I performed for the crowded place in my new outfit. It was wonderful and I was paid well. I seem to slowly be getting better at writing songs, it seems! The crowd really seemed to enjoy it.
After that I enjoyed some of the local Spiced Wine and my dinner and went off to sleep.
The next morning Inigo and I left Solitude to complete some various tasks assigned to us. Of course on the way to Dragonbridge, a Nether Dragon began circling us. That's what I get for leaving so early at 5 am - these things love to use the darkness for cover, after all!
It fell quickly between Inigo, myself, and even a female Mercenary in heavy Orcish armor with a bald head who slung Fireballs at the Dovah with the speed of one long practiced. Quite a sight to behold, that was. Toward the tail end the beast swung toward a hidden Stormcloak camp in the woods by the road, and that was when two of them joined in with arrows and sword and shield to help out. I may have sides in both stances of this civil war, but I must say having two of the fiercest fighters in Skyrim on my side was a good feeling, though one of my kinsmen made his way to Sovngarde during the battle. May his soul enjoy the everlasting celebrations of this fight between soldier and dragon!
After the battle was won, the remaining Stormcloak made his way back to the camp which I took the liberty of following him to. I haven't picked a side yet as I mentioned, so they welcomed me to sell the loot from the dragon to their smith and rest a minute by the fire (I tire easily these days - this is due to a type of magic casting I'm currently studying. It lets me cast spells with no Magicka cost so long as I go into a trance before I sleep and attune myself to certain energies; though this casting gets stronger as my magical talent does, it's still limited to a certain number of times to use it before I tire and must rely on other methods to defend myself. Someday I hope this type of casting can bring my kinsmen back to casting spells again without worry; but first I must master it myself, or retire this method and move on - for now I stick to the latter).
During this interlude I borrowed their Alchemy Table and brewed a few simple health potions and a few more complex magicka poisons - the latter having proven to be most useful in the past against enemy mages, who we would be facing shortly.
At long last I made my way to Wolfskull Cave where I found a strange mix of necromancers and draugr. Some of which even fought each other before I was spotted by either one.
Toward the end I stumbled upon a ritual of sorts - and I could feel in my gut that it was dark magic. Inigo and I defeated the necromancers before they could finish the ritual, but not before I caught a glimpse of a female figure floating above the indoor tower where the mages were gathered. As we were finishing the last of them I heard the figure say, "I will not be bound!" and seemingly dissipate. This of course coincided with the defeat of the mage leading the ritual however, so whether this was the spirit they were attempting to raise refusing to play along or elsewise I'm unsure. I get the feeling this won't be the last I hear of these necromancers nor this spirit..
After exiting Wolfskull Cave, we went down toward the shoreline behind Solitude proper - this was where the kidnapped farmers were last seen. I tracked bloodstains to a cave full of Hagravens and found a note on one of the farmers bodies; apparently the fools were hoping to find treasure in this cave. I say fools because they came unarmored with nothing more than a woodsmans' axe to gain this treasure.
On the way back to Solitude, Inigo and I found the next body - in the middle of the road. I can imagine what happened here was a fight between the two for the "treasure". Still, I found one last note directing them to a cave closer to Morthal than Solitude.
On the way toward Morthal, a snowstorm started up. It was so bad I could hardly see the road in front of me, even with my lantern. I tried to go by foot to see better, but the snow had piled up so much it slowed me down more, so we went on horseback slowly, but carefully.
We were attacked by bandits and wolves - hoping to take us unaware in the storm I assume. Quickly dispatched; we took a break to warm up at the bandits fire and continued onward, but by then the snowstorm had worsened.
I find the road toward Morthal by luck, though that seemed to be the end of said luck. I finally realize we will have to break camp or stumble around blind though, so I search for a flat piece of land - and Frost, my horse, gets lost as well.
We end up so lost that I ride straight into the Temple of Meridia - which I was purposefully avoiding. I've never trusted or liked Daedric princes much and I never intended to take this one back it's beacon.
I know this is our location because Meridia speaks to me in such a way that I can not block out her voice.
Thinking I will return this beacon and be done with the whole thing - and also thinking she lead me here knowing I did not wish to do her bidding - Inigo and I hop off our horses and I go up the steps to her statue.
I place the beacon - only to be teleported up thousands of feet into the sky. I scream for Inigo but he looks on helplessly.
I come face to face with the glowing light that claims Meridia's name and she tells me her task: and lets me know she will kill me if I don't do it. Looking down, I grudgingly agree.
She lets me down unharmed and, after claiming the Word Wall next to her statue, Inigo and I tether the horses and enter the Temple.
As we make our way in, Inigo quips, "I hope the reward is worth it. This is quite a task Meridia has assigned us."
I laughingly agree. May that make it worth our while.
So we fulfill this task and during it we enter onto a platform of sorts that looks down onto the shoreline and trees of Solitude proper. Inigo points out the view and I take a moment to etch it into my mind; he's right, it's beautiful, and so I include it (and some etchings of Inigo and myself of course!) above, with an etching of the inside of the Temple for good measure, where I sat upon one of the thrones with Inigo and we laughed about her holiness.
It helped soothe my ego a bit - and the Herbane's Courage set I received was a nice touch, though I felt sorrow and pity finding a Legionaries' body on that platform. I wish I could have buried him. I left a blue mountain flower as a token of thanks instead.
I fear no Daedric princes. I am just wary of them. This man is a good example as to why - there were no enemies on this platform. What killed him if not Meridia? Who can know the inner workings of princes, after all?
Finally by the skin of our teeth (and the help of those poisons I brewed at the Stormcloak camp as well as a Flame Atronach to burn up his undead minions), we defeated Malkoran - and his shade.
Meridia teleported me out of the Temple after that, and back into the sky, where she tried to convince me to be her Champion.
I refused, but said I'd enjoy the sword.
When I came back down from Her Holiness, that was when I saw she'd teleported me out, but not Inigo. Thankfully we have a spell from a crazy old mage to use for that! So I teleported him myself.
He wasn't thrilled to say the least and asked me where I'd gone - I sighed and with a grimace, pointed to the Statue of Meridia above us. He calmed down after that.
The snowstorm has at least died down some, but not enough to go as far as we need. Inigo and I, pulling out the map, made a plan: we'd stop in at Solitude for the night, update our taskmasters on what had happened, possibly collect coin for some of the completed jobs and make our way onward to finish the rest of them after re-stocking a bit.
So, this is where I leave off - in Solitude, at the Winking Skeever.
Soon enough I will have to dismiss Inigo for a time. I dread to do it, but I need to complete the last task the Greybeards assigned me as Dragonborn and for this I feel I need to do it alone. As Dragonborn.
Inigo has his own destiny.
This is another reason I took us to Haafingar Hold and Solitude; I thought we'd enjoy the Bards' College and some local adventuring before I send him off with that crazy old mage in the mountains for a time.
Though I offered to let Inigo stay at my place or even to take over my Riften house, Honeyside. I rarely use Honeyside now that I have Breezehome; I'd have gladly gifted it to him. After all in an odd way it was with his help I made the coin to buy Honeyside.
But he refused, saying even he needs his space. He said it in his trademark Inigo way, completely non-offensively, but I still was a bit hurt. Not to mention I will worry every second he's with that old hermit mage.
But I suppose he can defend himself, and it won't be for long.
Well, on toward Morthal and a few last tasks in Haafingar Hold before then.
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