I said this in the comments of one of my posts earlier but it deserves to be seen and have its own post cuz this logic here is completely absent.
White women have an extensive history of weaponizing misogyny to harm MoC.
This is a fact that we can agree on considering Karens and BBQ Becky, yes?
And it never occurred to anybody that the weaponization of their white privilege and role as Victims in the patriarchy should mean that they no longer have a right to talk about misogyny. Right?
By that I mean there wasn't a campaign of Black and brown women commenting, "White women can't talk about misogyny until they stop being racist. Besides what they have to say about their experience as women is no different from my experience. And if anything it's less valuable than what I have to say anyway cuz their views on gender are inherently racist. Listening to white women is a waste of time when you could listen to Black and brown women."
Literally nobody did this, right?
So how are y'all using the same exact logic to say that transmen can't talk about transandrophobia? "Their experiences are different from ours but they shouldn't talk about them cuz we're the ones doing the worthwhile work of dismantling transphobia with our more valuable experiences as the Hated Gender."
Because respectfully if that's the logic we as a queer community are gonna start using then that logic eventually says that the Only people with a right to speak on Anything in Any community Ever... are Black women.
"If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression."
Now ask yourself why this campaign against WW doesn't exist. Ask yourself why you stopped at telling transmen to shut up, but didn't follow that logic all the way to it's conclusion.
Now ask yourself if that changes your right to speak on your own experiences with people like you when you ALL could be speaking out of ignorance. What changes? Why or why not?
How do you feel right now?
Do you feel closer to your community? Do you feel spoken for or heard? Do you feel like your experiences matter to the people who it should matter the most to when I say your experiences are less relevant to our movement than someone else's?
Yeah. I didn't think so.
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