carmsgarms · 2 months
just wanna hug you for the jkr post bc my former friends made me feel insane for not validating their continued engagement 💜
Bestie listen youve unzipped me and im about to go off. Harry Potter was my entire life until she literally couldn't shut the fuck up about trans women being perverts and infiltrators. I was a lonely neurodivergent weirdo and Harry Potter brought me solace as a kid. I read each of the books at least 7 or 8 times, that shit is INGRAINED in my brain. One of my best friends of 10+ years is my friend today because the first thing we bonded over was seeing the last HP movie. I used to be deadset on my 2nd tattoo being my pottermore wand with my hogwarts house. I wanted a fucking HP-themed wedding. The first funko pops I bought were Harry Potter ones. My first serious boyfriend told me he wanted to propose to me in front of Hogwarts castle (this was something he said to guilt trip me when i dumped his ass) ((also thank the gods that never happened he was a shithead and so is jkr)). My mom for some godforsaken reason let me help her name my youngest brother when he was born because she couldn't think of a name and my 10yo ass fuckikg picked DANIEL because of Daniel Radcliffe. I was in DEEP.
And you know what? Aside from the books I camped out to buy on release day and the DVDs that are crammed in a box somewhere in a storage unit, I have gotten rid of every single Harry potter thing I owned because I grew the fuck up and found better things to like. Sure I'll watch the DVDs again every few years to feel the nostalgia again because a good chunk of the cast are great people (we fucking stan Dan Radcliffe and David Tennant in this house ) but I'm not giving jkr another cent of my money or an inkling of my time beyond that.
You are so valid and you are allowed to be upset if your friends continue to engage with Harry potter content.
Anyone who days "uwu my nostalgia" ask them if they still sleep with their fucking baby blanket too.
My former boss wouldn't shut the fuck up about the new video game when it came out. At least once a week he'd ask me if I'd played it yet and every single time I would tell him "I'm not engaging with that franchise anymore. JKR uses money to fund anti-trans legislation." And he'd always spout some bullshit about nostalgia or "but it's SO good" or "yeah I just try to separate the art from the artist / oh but the devs who worked hard on the game! / but playing the game doesn't actually support her! (yes the fuck it does if the game does well it boosts her platform)"
And especially now that my wife has come out, I'm extra ready to fight the next grown person who tells me they ~separate the art from the artist~ like fuck off. There are better things to spend your time and energy on. I hope everything JKR makes flops hard. Everything shes done since the last movie has been a disgusting cash-grab and none of it is even good. I'm beyond thrilled that BG3 has had a wild runaway success and a longer-lasting player base than the fucking game she put out. Nothing has ever disappointed me more than JKR being the way that she is.
Oh but the lore and world building? The ability to make your own character in such a fun and magical immersion world?bDnd has better lore than Harry potter ever did and the lore adds up and makes sense. If you look at her shit beyond the surface level she is actually fucking TERRIBLE at world building especially when she tries to do it without being a fucking racist ((does anyone remember when early drafts for the American magic schools that were using Native American imagery and it was all REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVe and let's also not forget "no-maj" being the least fucking creative thing she ever came up with)
"But my hogwarts house" PLEASE choose a better Personality.
I have more nostalgia for Avatar the Last Airbender these days since i got into that when it first started airing when i was 12 (and look if you're really into the fuckin houses as your Personality you can get that with ATLA! Water tribe forever bitches)
"But the characters!!!" Please. There are better characters ALL AROUND YOU. pick up a fucking comic book. Yknow Superman actually has a similar structure, he's got the nerdy Normal friend and the love interest and it's a goddamn shame none of the movies include his bestie Jimmy because he's just as important as Lois Lane is.
"But all the strong female characters!" It is 2024 please I beg you to find other female role models (I will again point to Avatar the Last Airbender and Literally Any Comic Book Featuring A Woman. Captain Marvel is actually really good. Battlestar Galactica is also chock full of strong female characters and that came out in the early 2000s!)
Bestie i genuinely feel bad for all the fucking white people who can ignore all the bullshit JKR has done and said and all those sad saltine cracker flavor type people whose entire personalities are Watching The Office and Enjoying Harry Potter And Star Wars. Grow up. Move On.
If it's that important to you (and i mean the general you here not you specifically), please do what I did and Marie Kondo that part of your life. You don't need to hold onto the safety blankie you had as a child. You don't have to hold onto the pair of shoes that got you through high school and are out of fashion and falling apart. You give it a sendoff. Say "thanks for getting me through that part of my life but I'm moving on" and you move the fuck on.
I did something really sappy for my 30th birthday - I said goodbye to the franchise. I mourned what could have been. I went to Universal studios ((also bc Simpsons land and fast and furious ride and ET and a bunch of other stuff are there)) but I stopped into Harry potter world to do everything once and say goodbye to that part of my life since it was something I had wanted to do for most of my youth, and my friend who i became friends with because of harry potter was there with me. We drank the fucking pumpkin juice, had breakfast at the three broomsticks, appreciated all the little easter eggs around hp world, rode the hagrid ride, and ate a chocolate frog I wore my trans rights shirt and dressed gay as hell, my friend is trans so he just ~existed blissfully~ . I think every Harry potter fan needs to acknowledge that the franchise was good for them in the 90s, mourn that part of their life, and move on.
Bonus: me being Gay as Fuck in front of the castle. I hope JKR fucking rots and fades into obscurity and people come to realize she's worse than HP Lovecraft.
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kazzykatt · 3 months
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Vees sleeping together my beloved
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miquella-everywhere · 15 days
dlc vent
I literally do not not know how to describe to you all how absolutely soul crushing it is to have been working on this blog for the past two years, with the utmost love in my heart for er and miq, playing the game with over 999+ hours logged tracking down every lily and butterfly and every single hint of miquella throughout the lands between, to concoct my own theories based off of every single hint presented in the base game (the miquellas lilys and butterflies at the towers with the golden glintstone/primeval current, the mausoleum knight guarding the black knife catacombs, nokstellas disappeared moon and the eclipse, miquella gifting the bell to ranni to you and Torrent to melina to you) only for the dlc to come out and shit on everything and pull a plot twist so stupid that not even the wildest of crackshippers could have come up with and this is literally all that we're left with massive disappointment and broken lore and disappointment all around
elden ring just doesn't mean anything anymore
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why am i writing about poppy having fun with a spider while she's madly loopy while listening to broppy kiss audio on loop
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st4gg3r-mc-j4gg3r · 1 year
~|Daily Thor Post|~
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Can't get enough of this beast of a god.🥵🩵🫣 WOOOOO! FUCK! 🤤👀
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yakityyaku · 1 year
it's the subversion of expectations. the concept of lust as an insatiable and unyielding love. of being so deeply absorbed in another person that nothing could come between you, not even God. the yearning not for sex but to hold and be with your love. the acceptance of damnation. no price being too high to pay. love that even the heavens doesn't understand.
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utsuboarchive · 10 months
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check it out, if u try hard enough u can cook an egg on riddles head
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softshuji · 3 months
I am a consumer nightmare, you can slap hello kitty or Pusheen on anything ever and I'll buy it
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bakughoes · 1 year
The love of my life im-
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literaphobe · 1 year
fine FINEEEE i’ll drop another excerpt from two virgin losers (doesn’t exist on ao3 yet) THIS IS FROM CH3 AND I WANTED TO SHARE IT BC. im chinese and i like chinese food ANYWAY CORE FOUR DRINKING SOUP MARINETTE MADE (also context: they are 23 here. adrienette are exes)
“Oh my god…” Alya moans into the intake of broth her spoon holds. “This is the best liquid thing I’ve ever put in my mouth—what the hell is this, Marinette?”
Marinette grins, appreciating the rich flavors marinating her tongue as well. She thinks she did a good job, if she can say so herself.
“This is double-boiled chicken soup,” she informs them. “My uncle taught me how to make it.”
“Man, you boiled this soup twice for us? That’s real cool, Marinette.”
She chokes on Nino’s comment. “I didn’t boil it twice, just a really long time. Double-boiled chicken soup is usually made by putting a pot of soup into another pot, hence the whole uh, double-boiling thing. For me, I ditched the second pot and used a good pressure cooker instead,” she smiles. “Not that it matters, of course. Chinese soups just need loads of cooking time to work their magic. I barely did anything!”
“That’s not true,” Adrien interjects, eyes fluttering as he takes another sip. “You and I both know you only learn what ingredients to put in, not any measurements. You decided how much of everything to put in, and you did it perfectly,” he beams. “I think I like this soup better than the version your uncle made.”
Alya and Nino raise their eyebrows at each other.
“What?” Marinette laughs very bashfully. “There’s no way I made it better—my uncle’s a world renowned chef! I mean, did I make a good soup? Yeah—is it amazing? Sure! But better than him? Pfft–“ she flips her hand at him–“not in a million years.”
He isn’t even fazed. Just drinks more soup, eats a tender piece of chicken from his bowl. “Well, of course it’s possible. You’re great at everything.”
“Uh, back up a few steps,” Alya interjects, smirking with her arms crossed. Marinette does not like the look of this. “You two visited Marinette’s uncle together? All the way in China?”
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spinspoon · 2 years
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fluffy-flock · 1 year
I hate that this bullshit with the car means I can only do 1 of my essentials until next payday
I gotta pick between: Pay off overdue car taxes (and get a new license), finally get eye appointment (I have had the same glasses for almost 6 years and need new ones), get new binders for me and Stars (current 2 are years old and one is holding on by literal threads), home improvement (curtains for windows with no coverings/damaged coverings, shade for lamp that the cats broke, bedside table for Stars)
But actually groceries are also necessary so maybe none
I would like to stop living I'm late stage capitalism already thx
I'm ready to stop having crisiseseseses
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Thinking about Gaius getting to be a father and like
Being so happy he has a breakdown about it? Like very specifically imagining the FMA thing where the family photo is always shown with light glinting over Hohenheim's face, and then we suddenly get context for it through a longass backstory episode and. He's just so happy to have this family that it makes him cry?
Gaius holding cub!Gloryana and just. This is what he wants for the legions, the chance to be families and not to lose their families the way he lost his dam and devoted his life to replacing her in a machine that didn't think twice about her absence.
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luxeberries · 1 year
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st4gg3r-mc-j4gg3r · 1 year
~|Daily Thor Post|~
*High pitched squeal* I NEED. I WANT. MUST HAVE. MUST HAAAAVEE!!
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👀😳🫣🥵 Thirsting over a character that's dead is torture! Why do I do this to myself? Eh, fuck it hahaha. 😂
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flamingthespian · 2 years
I’m playing the newest archon quest and uh.
Guys I’m going fucking crazy. I literally can’t stop crying and I’m just so. I have to stop playing rn cause I have stuff to do but. This is such a mindfuck. What the FUCK is happening. I have so many questions and emotions.
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