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7nessasaryevils · 3 months
And so we begin... Gods I'm terrified... ep 7 of Wandee Goodday: how shall thee fuck me up?
- oh great we starting it right off with fucking cuddling on Yak's chest this is such normal non-boyfriend behaviour 🙄😑
- Yak my darling, if you're looking for psychiatrists, I'd recommend one that isn't a crazed Naga prince hell-bent on revenge on a reincarnated chicken... just saying 🤷🏾‍♀️ - although I am immensely in love that Dee does bring up therapy for Yak 🥹🥹
- them just comforting each other in a physical way that isn't sex... IM GOING TO KILL SOMEONE
- I have never hated a title sequence more than when it came right before I know yak was about to ask for a kiss as his reward 😤😡
- Yak being so fucking comfortable in Dee's space... I hate you both and I'm going to smush your faces together if it's the last thing I do
- WHAT PICTURE WAS THAT MY EYES SUCK!!never mind it was ter now im wishing my brain can unsee it
- yak my darling he loves you I promise!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
- not me barely taking in the fact that Dee kept the picture rather than throwing it out (which... I will shake you for Dee!!) and then getting fucking smacked in the face with the first kiss poster... P'Golf you test me today
- normally I don't condone vandalism but today... YEAH YAK RIP IT
- Kao our king asking the important questions as always! (Psst shake him harder Kao please and thanks)
- Ter... I swear to god you try some shit I will snap you in half (though the sunlight is doing ✨fabulous ✨ things for Pod!) edit: in retrospect that sunlight is literally turning his eyes red P'Golf you actual fucking genius
- me as soon as ter starts speaking
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- pfft Cher you absolute king ♥️♥️
-uhhh... is this the weight training equivalent of that pottery scene from Ghost??
- ohhh they're so stupid i wanna die
- Cher and Yak are the mother son relationship I never knew I needed ♥️
- ohhhh i have a bad feeling about this... but also Dee.. you dumbass put on pants at the very least when you're entering a snake's house!
- this sequence of events is most horrific and terrible and I do not like it
- I'm going to kill Ter. Anyone who stops me... beware my wrath. Yak should've broken his fucking nose.
- also the fact that Ter lives in room 666. HE IS THE DEVIL YOU ARE SO RIGHT
- nooooo yak! Baby!!
- Kao. sir. I'm going to conquer empires in your name! MY KING!!
- the break up episode is meant to be #11 not # 8 what is this?!??
- not the necklace... no please not the necklace
- I hate everything nobody talk to me
- oh cool yak made it hurt even more im going to rip out my eyeballs thanks
- the worst the worst the worst I'm in pain
- that's it. That's fucking it. Someone get me Vegas Therapanyakul on the phone right now, I need to order a fucking hi- never mind the idiot doctor fell asleep. My sincerest wish is that Dee knees Ter in the balls as he gets up.
- Taem baby girl what was that??? 😦😦🤨🤨🤨
- sassy english my beloved 🤣🤣
- oh... ohhh no no no no no no- oh what the fuck what the fuck YAK CONCENTRATE BABY
- did i fucking expect the grim reaper? No. And neither did Yak if that right hook was any indication ouch!
- yak and yei fighting... this epsiode really said how can i hurt Nessie today....
- ohhhh fucking fuckity fuck why won't this epsiode let me BREATHE
- yak's face when he see Dee!!!! His teary eyes!!! I ACHE THANKS
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- also throwback to The Sign and their bolster light effect I have never been the same again
- I 'm just gonna die in a corner bye don't look for me I do not exist to any of you
This episode has finally culminated in the kiss we all have been waiting for and I don't know about any of you but I feel the same as I did three years ago watching Bad Buddy. The absolute joy and heartache in me as these boys who so clearly love and care for each other finally acknowledge their feelings.
Next episode is also coming for my existence and I shall keep myself alive until then to regale you all with my incoherent screams ♥️
Until next time! 🥊🩺
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that-starry-freak · 19 days
Starry please
i’m turning notifs on for you
ramble to me more about MoonChips /nf /silly
i’m so normal i swear
-💥 (i swear everyone knows who i am when i sign off as this but idc, you know who i am, others don’t lmao)
I know who you are what when??? I was under the assumption I was the only one who didnt-
Oh my goodddd. I didn't like the ship very much before because of Moon being aroace, but what he said in the episode today completley changed my mind. Not only am I more interest in expiremntally shopping him with more characters, but eccpecially Eclipse!!! With how Moon said he'd want to try dating someone sarcastic and sadistic, a lot like him. And the way he described it fit Eclipse perfectlt!!!
And oh my god did that idea just open up so many possibilities to me. Eclipse si a lot more dry in his sarcasm, and Moon is a lot more sassy in it, and I feel liek thatd clash and compliment in such a cool way.
The way theyd make small comments to each other. Theyd be such asses but it wouldn't be in bad faith (at least not too much, but there would always be a bit of underlying emotion there)
There's the opportunity for comedy and interest and emotion with how it'd be new for both of them. Neither of them have ever dated before, and I doubt either (eccpecialy moon) would know if they would like it. I can see them figuring out what tkijd of dates they like, and both realizing they prefer secluded and at home dates because they can't stand people. They probably wouldn't want to kiss or anything, and the one time they did they probably promised never to do it again (though maybe as time goes on and they heal and become closer they become more welcome to it?? Maybe??). It would just be shocking to the family and im sure Solar would have plenty of comments about it (and im sure someone would make a joke about if Solar was going to date Nexus now and they'd have 2 Moon x Eclipse pairs lmao).
Eclipse would be such a tsundere and Moon would just find it funny and be having none of his bullshit. Like if Eclipse wanted to hold his hand and kept glancing at it and looking away and grumbling Moon would just take it and call him a dumbass. Like they'd insult each other so much but it'd be almost affectionate most of the time.
It would also be SO toxic tho. Like oh my god?? Moon is literally who caused 85% of his trauma (bm and a few others get the rest of that credit, tho bm exists because Moon put his code into Sun-). Moon still is rude to him even if he literally has done nothing wrong. (I almost started ranting about how unfair that was but I have to stop myself and backspace cause I was getting off track lmao) they HATE each other and yet I feel like they could heal. Moon could prove that he'd changed and Eclipse could prove that he's not the same person. They could learn to move past their biases of the other and heal!! And it wouldn't be perfect, maybe not even healthy ever. There would always be underlying hatred and regret and apprehension and distrust. But it would at least be kind of functional, it'd work well enough.
There's just so many opportunities for comedy and fluff and angst
And ohbmy God don't even get me started on what happened if it happened from the beginning! If Eclipse started resenting them and then Moon made a deal with him. And he got a new body and there was a lot less angst and stuff. But possible still unhealthy caus eomg what if Eclipse looked up to Moon?? And moon was kind of using him??? Idk im tired
And also V2 Eclipse x Old Moon cause they already had a deal. Imagine if Moon had made him a body and they'd gotten closer during the deal and started experimenting together- snsusnshnaa
There's probably more that I missed that I'll think of later, but yeah!!!
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evevoli · 2 years
Hey Ev! Sorry to pester you again, but I came across your Hunter playlist on Spotify and it is very good!! I was wondering if you would be willing to kinda share yout thoughts on it, or like behind it? Why you chose the songs you chose for it and in that specific order and stuff, it'd be cool to hear! Also just,,, the three last verses of Dear Wormwood after Thanks To Them.... oh.... Oof, even... Anycase have a nice day! 🌻
oh boy howdy i have been waiting to hear these words all my life
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i promise you are not pestering me at all bdjfjdjfks i am frothing at the MOUTH at the opportunity to talk about this damn thing lol. this stupid playlist is my magnum opus my baby i have spent like 2 hours meticulously organizing it yes im normal why do you ask
the hunter playlist in question for everyone else
the playlist's structure is generally meant to follow hunter's growth as a person, starting from pre-canon childhood to the present, and is at times loosely based on the five stages of grief. (this "grief" being the revelation that his entire life has been a lie.) to split it into sections, the first 20 songs are meant to catalogue hunter's experience being raised by belos and rise to the position of the golden guard. 21-27 is his gradually expanding worldview through hunting palismen to any sport in a storm, after he meets flapjack and the hexsquad and starts slowly questioning his beliefs. 28-42 is hollow mind and the direct fallout of that—with 33-45 centering around the "anger" stage of grief—and 43-48 is his feelings between labyrinth runners and king's tide. 49-58 is firmly in the "depression" stage, with everything after 59 being when he reaches acceptance and is able to truly start to recover.
putting this under a cut because i swear it is longer than the damn bible, but below you will find a more in-depth song-by-song breakdown. never underestimate the power of a very exhausted college student who drank too much soda's ability to think about one particular fictional character ig.
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to start, i put dear wormwood at the very beginning to act as a sort of "prologue" to the playlist and set the stage for what's to come, and also because it is THE Hunter Song(tm) and i need to make sure everyone knows it. that song has had a flashing neon sign with hunter’s name on it in my brain since eclipse lake at least.
bumblebees are out, because it's so short and blatantly "oh this is hunter and belos", acts as a clear divider between dear wormwood and the rest of the playlist, with fish in a birdcage being the official "start" to the narrative. this song and helplessness blues after it then act to sort of sum up hunter's general feelings growing up isolated in the coven.
english house through you're a useless child (君はできない子) is actually from belos's perspective indoctrinating him, and then love me love me love me (愛して愛して愛して) onward is back to hunter. the next several songs detail hunter's experience as the golden guard. life itself is a recent addition mostly just there for vibes and because the first verse fits lol (thanks skit) and honey i'm home and saint bernard are the two obligatory Religious Trauma Bops i hope to make animatics for eventually. icarus (Bird Symbolism #1) through stonewall stone fence is meant to be from the perspective of an outsider looking in (aka the audience) and going "oh this kid is Not Well" it is Necessary. (silhouettes particularly fucks me up lol i need to make a dadrius playlist)
with that all being said there beneath is where his character arc in the show proper actually kicks in. it acts as a divider between the prior songs to say "oh he is Thinking about Things." [insert that shot of him looking out his window at the end of hunting palismen] the songs from notos don't really fit in chronologically—torches would actually fit better earlier, and the other two later—but they flowed better here lol. bad blood is mostly vibes i don't even remember why it's in there, something something it being about god creating man paralleling belos creating the grimwalkers, but i like it too much to take it off lmao. this section is basically all of hunter's beliefs slowly slowly starting to crack throughout his Field Trips With The Good Guys.
uso janai is where shit gets Real; this one is actually from luz's perspective after half-befriending hunter in hunting palismen and then wanting to get him away from belos after You Know. escapism is back to hunter—more questioning, and the line "i'd rather be free" calling back to his desire to choose his own future—before shit goes down.
pale white horse and where is your rider happen specifically during the confrontation with belos in hollow mind. the actual songs are about uhhh,, an abuse victim being approached by the personification of death itself (when the other three horsemen failed to rattle them) and being scared shitless before realizing death had been their abuser disguised the entire time which fits with. well the last 5 minutes of the episode.
the next songs until around whisper encompass the time between hollow mind and labyrinth runners where hunter is alone to process things. the extra oh hellos songs there are him thinking back on his life and all the harm he'd caused working under belos as everything is recontextualized. (plus passerine has that extra bird symbolism fuck yeah)
(if you think there's a lot of the oh hellos in this beast oh my god. i think i had to physically restrain myself from adding like 70% of their entire discography at first im pretty sure the entirety of dear wormwood was on there for a little bit. it's all hunter. i am deranged.)
from this point onward starting with james picard, the playlist structure really kicks into the 5 stages of grief high gear, with everything before pale white horse generally being denial and these next several songs shifting into anger. this section until time to move on is what i like to call hunter's Religious Trauma Breakdown Arc where he's just thinking things through and gradually becoming angrier and angrier at the universe as it all sets in no im not projecting
(also i should note that the order from here on is a little fucky and songs are mostly chosen by what flows best sound-wise; if we're going just by lyrics it'd be something like where is your rider > the garden > dear god > let it burn > dream with everything else tacked on afterward)
sweet sacrifice specifically gives me mad "angry at your shitty parent for years of Nonsense" vibes no im not projecting and obsolete is. bro come on just listen to the lyrics. "you bring me back to life so you can watch me die" it's out of my hands at this point bsjfkfkd
the Our Last Night Trifecta is meant to be hunter's thoughts upon realizing he's effectively out of the coven after labyrinth runners. sunrise would actually fit better lower in the playlist but i wanted to keep them together in order for the flow bshfksk. lie to me is the Oh He Has Friends To Help Him Through This song and more than this stands as hunter and the hexsquad both vowing to protect each other from belos,, ,, oh he has friends to help him through this,,,,,, arsonist's lullaby is there to sort of say "you're not outta the woods yet kiddo" but it's also mostly there because. philip notably has a fire motif going on with him and im a huge slut for symbolism X)
starting with bird song, we have officially entered Hunter's Depression Era after king's tide. bird song is mostly there because Oops! All Bird Symbolism. the moon will sing grabbed me by the throat with Sad Boy Vibes it's sort of there as a retrospective "wow that whole thing was fucked up" on hunter's part, and unraveling is literally only there because the first verse reminded me of darius but it's got that post-hollow mind "shit ive lost literally everything" feel going for it so in it goes. lyrically these both fit better during the initial anger pain spiral (around where the garden is) but again, flow.
(note that ive barely touched this section moving forward since thanks to them so the songs here are a lot more vague, predictive Being Sad And Healing type shit; i will probably do an overhaul after season 3 is over and his canon character arc is actually complete. i havent added anything with the events of thanks to them in mind because i don't want to disrupt the flow i have, however i am actually planning to add who am i by cami-cat eventually; it gives off MASSIVE post-hollow mind hunter and luz vibes)
welcome home, son gives off a very specific emotion i cannot describe you're just gonna have to trust me on why it's there but let the river in is peak "lmao fuck my dad" energy he needs this . uneven odds is more vibes (+ camila going is anyone gonna parent this and not waiting for a response) but you understand right. He Needs This.
lost in paradise sort of represents a low point during the timeskip in thanks to them; that lingering feeling of "everything is (comparatively) fine now so why can't i be happy and feel like i deserve to be" that will no doubt be haunting him for years. glow is straight-up about grief and i put it there initially looking at it from a "healing from non death-related trauma" angle but after uh. You Know. i am seeing it differently,,,, kokoronashi + can i believe you build off of the thing i said about lost in paradise with that "why can't i feel like i deserve to be happy" thing plus my favorite, "feeling inherently unlovable what do you even see in me."
eight through soap is him clawing out of that mindset and deciding maybe kindness and trust is Good, Actually (said through tears). love like you is love like you and wanderer's lullaby is Me Specifically reaching into the screen and giving him a hug /j (it's actually his like 5 parental figures telling him they love him <3 i have a lot of feelings about this song okay) the author once again plays off hunter's desire to choose his own future with him finally being allowed to do so, and ready now is exactly what it says on the tin. that he's going to be okay.
finally, FINALLY, thus always to tyrants finishes things off with a bookend to dear wormwood. this song ends the dear wormwood album with the victim staying firm in their decision to leave their abuser with a hope that they become a better person someday; hunter is now on the road to recovery away from belos, closing up his character arc while still leaving the path ahead relatively open-ended. (i chose make this one last since it feels less "final" than the prior two songs—signaling that his journey is far from over—and, y'know, bookending.)
this is quite possibly the longest post i have ever written but!! thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this abomination lol i worked. way too hard on it bhsgsdkh hope that answers your questions and lmk if you have any other thoughts!!! <3
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firstkokon0is · 3 years
tokrev characters when you did the “i told you to look good today” prank to them
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lol this trend is quite old but its been on my mind lately but yall can request sum goods to me😁👍
tw: heavy swear words and grammar errors
characters: draken, mikey, mitsuya, baji, chifuyu, hakkai, takemichi.
gn reader
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the moment those words came out of your mouth he just stared at you
while you’re smiling idiot
he will literally just stare at you
“yea same to you” showing a annoying smile
you guys just laugh it off, you didn’t even told him that it was just a prank because he already knew it but will still ask you in the middle of your date
“hey is my style in clothes really aint that good? were you serious? i mean its not that bad…..” he said while looking himself up through his phone camera
“nope, i thought you get the joke but oh well……ken, you look so good everytime yk even if u wear nothing u still can pull it off” you told him and smack his bald head playfully
“yea yeaa i would’ve gone feral if u went and bash my hair instead of my clothes so thats a relief” he respond with a smile
“ken why this hair-”
“aight im leaving”
“no hakahajwlwbsha”
took the joke very well
he spent hours looking for good clothes for this date, there’s clothes everywhere in his room and still “damn…..there’s nothing to wear”
he just pout, told you that he’s sorry, and he spent hours looking for something to wear to match your style and many more reasons
pls apologize to him
but when you told him that its a prank he just pout and said “not a good joke y/n i know you were lying because i really look good, i knew its was a prank”
just agree with him lol
will think of pranks that he could do to you for revenge, literally stressing about it while on the date with you
he wants to say the same thing to you but he can’t because you look beautiful today, just for him, and will smile just looking at you
while walking to the park he will even ask himself “does my style really match them?” “should i be the one to adjust and put my taste on clothes higher?” “i should ask mitsuya about fashion things” his mind is just filled with questions
“mikeyyyyyyy, you look good today i was just doing a silly prank im sorry if that made you feel bad, not gonna lie you’re drippy as fuck”
“i know i know im gonna prank you next time real hard” he said “if i catch you we’re gnna switch wardrobes” he said as he started to chase you around the park
in the end he came over to your place and explore your wardrobe and tried your clothes, he even stole some of your hoodies and shirts.
this mf thinks he looks good no matter what
duh he’s a designer
“well y/n i think you’re right, and i should style you sometimes dont you think?”
your hand went to your mouth so fast
he laughed at your reaction and hug you
“just kidding you look good, we look good i know that trend damn thats old” he said
you smack him playfully for that, his reaction is normal but because of that he wants to be more stylish
he can take a joke yk
after a lot of overthinking he suggests to shopping with you
even though he have some knowledge about designing and how to look good he thinks your taste in clothes is so good
will think that he’s right for you and you’re right for him
he’s your 4lyferss😩
he will give you that “excuse me” face with a hand oh his chest because he’s offended as fuck.
“babe stop fooling people, and yourself we both know i look good”
“you dare to bash my drip hell no baby”
will brag his clothes for like 15 minutes just to prove what you’re saying is wrong
“this shirt i brought this online with a nice fabric its not cheap mf”
“my pants, you see this huh? see those sutffs on tiktoks where they style their own pants i did this shit its so cool”
“now now, baby see this shoes? oh dont even get me started but hey you look nice today hehe can i take you on our date now?”
he went from being defensive and screaming proving his shit right to his signature smile
by just that he already made your day, you really cant out keisuke baji
because he is baji, he will look good for you, and you look good for him, he will joke you around, tease you a lot, you will also do the same to him.
100% can take a fucking joke. and it will be like a competition to him.
confused baby
im sure you feel a lot of guilt rn
because baby panicked
will suggest to go back to his house and change his clothes if you want
pls apologize 😭
almost cried because he thinks he’s a bad boyfriend again lol
will spat a lot if reason like, he’s in hurry, he’s been overthinking this date since last night.
but boy he look good actually he has drip
“nononono baby, you look good i just saw the thing on tiktok so i thought it will be funny but damn im sorry i-” you didn’t even finish when he laughed
“ohhhhhh yeaaaa that trend fuck, how could i forget, nice one you got me there god dammit ill take revenge sometimes” he said laughing slightly
well he’s always on tiktok, have some few vid too, actually some went viral bc of takemichi being dumb
just like mitsuya too, will suggest to just go shopping with him and tell him what kind of clothes that you’re interested in
would love to buy your clothes for you but he’s just a broke middle schooler but he promised you that both of you will shopping someday
he took that prank seriously but when he knew that it was a joke its fine
life goes on for him
oh my god please y/n why
you always complement his style because its true he has some style
after you told him that he will just scratch the back of his neck and said
“my other clothes are still wet haha…..i mean i dont look bad i mean……”
apologize, drop on your knees and do it.
nah jk
u gave in a small laugh and said sorry to him
he know about this trend actually but he never actually expect you to have the guts to do that to him
he knew about his shy personality and he knew that you know about this
he’s not offended just taken by surprise that you actually did that to him
“well anyways i dont care about me you look good today y/n”
you immediately regret saying those stuffs to him bc he’s sweet hot and respectful
but its a joke anyways he enjoyed the silly joke
he knew he look good lmao
yuzuha will be hearing this
she will prolly scold you for doing that
are you gnna repeat the silly prank again?
he will run
run back to his home attack his wardrobe and find a good clothes
ofc you feel bad so you followed him
you saw him looking for a new clothes to wear
you told him its a prank but he still didn’t want to go out looking like that
so you just decided to style him yourself
he thinks you’re right
he looks bad, his style is not it
but overall happy for pranking him and making him realize that he need to be as your same style
“takemichi, look i dont care…..whoever told you that you look bad i will kick their face, to me what ever you wear your fun personality and the reason that i fell inlove with you wont disappear” you put a hand on the top of his head and he just
“im sowwyyy- i- i cant look good- fuck ughhghuh- please dont leave me i-” he’s crying mess on your chest
you will never prank him again
no pls dont do it again
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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yayeetsonny · 3 years
Always Tell The Truth Part 2 ~ USWNT x Reader
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Okay so if you haven’t read the first part of this, which I will put here. Always tell the truth part 1 I suggest you do that, otherwise this one will make no sense. Also sorry... again for being gone so long. I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much. :)
“Those bruises, Y/N, where’d you get them?” 
“I. Don’t. Know.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fine then, don’t believe me. First Alex, then Christen and now you. This is just great, my teammates think I’m a liar. Well I’m not and I’m telling you the truth.”
I brushed by her and stormed out of the room, now determined to avoid my teammates so they’d stop asking questions and questioning my honesty.
“I’m not a liar. I don’t know where I got the bruises, I don’t know why they won’t believe me.”
After I stormed out of the room I share with Ali I ran... yes literally ran out of the hotel and out into the street. Well okay it was more like the sidewalk but whatever, I’m going for dramatic story telling here. I was angry, hurt and confused as to why my teammates couldn’t just believe me. I’ve never lied to them before, not ever. If something was going on I would have told them. And I genuinely have no clue where these bruises came from, I don’t remember hurting myself badly in practices or games and I don’t do any other crazy activities that would warrant the sudden appearance of severe looking injuries. I knew I just needed to clear my head so I started walking in a random direction hoping to get my thoughts together.
After a while I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and knew it was probably one of my teammates looking for me so I ignored it. My phone stopped ringing only for a short time before it stared up again. This went on for several long minutes before it finally stopped. After each attempt from whoever was trying reach me there was a separate single vibrate indicating they left a message. I felt a little guilty for disappearing and probably worrying everyone but they shouldn’t have assumed or accused me of lying. Thinking they finally got the message that I didn’t want to speak to them I continued walking god knows where trying to think of what to say when I finally decided to go back. I was really deep in thought, trying to remember if and when I got the bruises. Obviously they don’t just appear like magic. They have to be caused by something, but... what? All the sudden I was hit with a vague memory
“Huh?... Wha- where am I?”
“You fell asleep on the couch dear. Don’t you remember? It was really adorable actually. My mom said super sweetly.
That’s weird, she’s never overly sweet with me, like ever.
“No, I don’t remember doing that.”
I looked around and the tv was on, which is also rare. It was playing a random comedy movie. Comedy? My parents don’t even like comedy movies.
“Oh well you did. Right after dinner, you dragged your feet over to the couch and was out like a light before we knew it.” She said casually.
My dad waltzed in like everything was totally normal. What the fuck is going on. Why don’t I even remember eating dinner? How long have I been here? Why does my body hurt so much?
I came back to the present feeling slightly uneasy. I remembered now a little bit of what happened when I got to my parents house and a little bit of what happened after I woke up from my nap. They managed to convince me everything was fine after that and I left assuming they were telling me the truth because I was too tired and too annoyed to argue. But the more I thought about it the more I wondered just how much of what they said is true. Why were there huge gaps in my time with them? And why do I get the feeling that the weird gut feeling I have isn’t a coincidence? I got lost in thought again but it was peaceful this time and quiet which I was relishing in.
Unfortunately the peace and quiet only lasted for a few minutes when I started to get what I assumed were dozens of texts. I finally got fed up and decided to silence my phone completely. When I unlocked it I saw a glimpse of some of the worried texts from the team. They all pretty much said the same thing;
“Y/N please come back. I’m sorry for saying I didn’t believe you. I’m just concerned about you. I want to talk and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. Just please come back.”- Ali
“Hey kid, heard what happened. Wanna talk?”- T
“Y/n where are you? I heard what happened and that you left?? please come back, we’re worried.”- Christen
“Bruh what the hell? let’s talk?”- Ash
“where r u?”- Mal
“It’s not safe for you to be out by yourself. Ali told us about the other bruises. Whatever this is we’ll help you. We’re gonna start searching for you if you don’t get your ass back here soon. We love you.”- Alex
And it went on like that as every single member of the team texted me some variation of that and the voicemails they all left were much the same. I started to feel more guilty but let my anger keep me from replying to them. They can stew a little longer.
Meanwhile back at the Hotel...
“Okay, so tell us exactly what happened.”
“I saw the bruises when she was changing, which I happened to walk in on. I don’t think she was expecting me. I asked her what happened and she said that nothing had happened and I asked her about the bruises I saw on her arm, shoulder and spine and she continued to tell me she has no idea where they came from. I told her I didn’t believe her and then she got upset and she just... left.”
“Just like that? She didn’t say where she was going?”
“No, she was so angry she just stormed out and when I tried to follow after her she was already gone.”
“And she’s still not answering her phone. Damnit kid come on, where are you?”
“She’s not safe out there on her own, we have to go look for her.”
“And how are we supposed to find her when she doesn’t have her location on and is doing everything she can’t to ignore us?”
“I have no idea but we have to try.”
“We will, but we should give her a little more time. It’s possible she’s just around the corner cooling off. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
“You’re right.”
“Guys I hate to steer us back into more serious topics but shouldn’t we be talking about the bruises she has that started all of this?”
“What do you guys think they’re from?” Megan asked.
“I want to believe her when she says she doesn’t know but I mean how can you just not know about bruises as severe as those?” Ash said.
“I mean... I’ve had some pretty bad ones I don’t remember getting from anywhere.” Mal said off-handily.
I saw some of the rest of the team nod silently, indicating that they too had, had the same thing happen to them. And I had to admit that I had my fair share of bumps and bruises that I couldn’t explain because they just seemed to appear but I was still concerned for our youngest teammate as it was getting pretty late and it was already dark outside.
“Oh god, you don’t think it’s her parents do you?” Tobin asked no one in particular.
We all paused for a moment to process what she was implying and I know we were silently hoping, praying that they wouldn’t do that to her. That they wouldn’t beat their own child.
“No, there’s no way. She’s told us that they love and support her and that even though they aren’t around much they still care about her.”
“Right, you’re right.”
“It has to be them though, I mean there’s no other explanation. She didn’t have them before or after practice right?” Alex asked.
“No, she didn’t.” Lindsey said solemnly.
“Do you really think parents can just flip a switch? Just like that? Be caring and supportive one minute and violent then next?”
“It’s possible.”
“No, just don’t even go there. I refuse to believe they would do that.”
“We would have seen the bruises if she had them before, since we all change in the same locker room together for practices and games remember?” I said
“Fuck. When I get my hands on them I swear to god...”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence because Y/n walked into the dining hall where we were all gathered.
“Get your hands on who?” She asked quietly
“Y/n holy shit, thank god.”
“And she lives!... not the time? Got it.”
“Y/N... we need to talk.”
“Why? There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what Ali told you, but I don’t know where these fucking bruises came from okay? I don’t know. I’m sorry, I know that probably isn’t what you wanted to hear but it’s the truth. If you don’t believe me that’s fine but i’m not talking about it anymore.”
“Sweetie please just hear us out okay? We’re worried about you and getting defensive about them isn’t helping your case.” I said, trying to reach out for her but she backed away from me.
“Defensive? I’m just upset because you all still don’t seem to get it.”
“We want to get it, please just talk to us.”
“Y/N, please just...”
“No! Okay, just no. I said we weren’t talking about it again and that’s final. What happened to “I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Huh, Ali? Good to know that was complete bullshit.”
“I’m sorry baby, please believe me, we just...”
“Oh believe you? For what? You clearly still don’t believe me so why should I give you that courtesy? You know what, this is all just fucking stupid anyways. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
And with that she disappeared up to the room she’s sharing with Ali. Leaving us all more confused and concerned than ever.
“Well... that went well.”
“Shut up Emily, so not the time.”
Okay so yes that is yet another cliffhanger of sorts, I’m sorry but I thought that was a good place to end it. Just know that Y/N genuinely doesn’t remember a lot of what’s going on, just like she says. Her parents are definitely sus asf.
I’m actually writing part 3 rn so that should be up within the next day or so. I know I keep disappearing but my life is totally a mess rn lol. I’m back now tho and am excited to finally get to all the requests I have. Im so sorry for those waiting I haven’t forgotten. Promise.
Not edited.
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lexwritess · 4 years
hii! i saw that your requests were open and wondered if you could do like an angsty xavier x reader? with the prompts 38. and 19? thank you <3 !
why’d you only call me when your high? [x.p.]
pairing: xavier plymton x reader
warnings: dr*g ab*use, fighting, angst, smut, swearing, cheating, both y/n and xavier are assholes, it’s a fucking lot okay? it’s good tho promise!
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college au!
italics is flashbacks
normal text is present time
xavier fucking plymton.
you had some sort of an idea what you were getting into once you befriended the gorgeous blonde hair idiot but you never imagined this.
“xav, get over here!” montana shouted among the loud music and drunk students.
“meet my friend y/n! she’s super chill, i think i’m gonna make her join the group.” montana smiles.
“make me?” you raise and eyebrow at the blonde.
“oh yeah, montana isn’t to keen on asking people if they want to do things. you’ll end up doing it anyway.” xavier jokes.
“i guess i just got that kind of charm. i’m gonna go fill my drink!” montana walks away.
“xavier.” xavier introduces himself and extends his arm out to you.
“y/n.” you reply and meet his hand to shake it.
“you go to school here?” you asks xavier.
“no, i do go to the improv classes after school hours though.” he replies, leaning in closer to you.
“oh really that’s cool! what’s your interest in that?” you ask.
“i’m going to be a famous actor!” he says cockily.
“oh yeah?” you ask with an amused smirk on your face.
“yeah, i’m already in tons of commercials.” he gives a smile back to you.
you giggle and look around the cramped frat house.
“you wanna get out of here? there’s a really good pizza place down a couple blocks.” you ask xavier, hoping he agrees.
“hell yeah, this place sucks ass.” xavier says happily and grabs his jacket.
“wait wait wait, you’re telling me you did a commercial for some weird ass dildo in japan?” you laugh loudly.
“shhhh!” xavier laughs and pushes his finger against your slightly chapped lips.
“i didn’t know! it was before i had an agent and i was desperate for a gig.” xavier exclaims.
“mmm, japaneseeee dildoooo.” you giggle abruptly.
“oh my god y/n keep it down! are you sure you’re not drunk?” xavier quirks an eyebrow at you.
“i was just at a frat house for three hours with montana fucking duke as my tour guide...i’m drunk.” you giggle again.
“good point there.” xavier laughs at you.
“you can’t act innocent. you’re just as drunk as me!” you cross your arms and look at him.
“well yes, but i never said i wasn’t.” xavier gives you a smug look and takes a drink of his soda.
“yeah yeah whatever.” you playfully roll your eyes and take the drink out of his hand to take a sip.
“do you have a bucket list?” xavier asks.
“no, i don’t think so? i mean there’s things i wanna do but i don’t have them all sorted out.” you reply, shrugging your shoulders.
“well what’s one thing, anything in the world, you want to do and we’ll go do it?” xavier smiles.
“well...i’ve always wanted to hook up with a famous actor.”
“fuck xav!” you moan out as xavier thrusts increase in speed.
“shit y/n.” xaviers eyes roll back as he breathes deeply.
xavier moves your legs so they’re above his shoulders. making him go deeper, causing you both to moan loudly.
“fuck y/n you’re so fucking tight for me. so fucking tight.” xavier grunts, pining your hands above your head.
“shittt, xavier! i’m going to cum!” you moan into his ear.
“i’m almost there.” xavier says in a breathy voice.
“fuck xavier please!” you plead, tightening around him.
“shit shit...go ahead cum for me!” xavier’s thrusts get sloppy as he gets closer to his peak.
your walls clench around him one last time before you both finish.
“fuck that was good.” you giggle and xavier pulls out with a big smirk on his face.
“glad i could cross that off on your bucket list.” he smiles and gets under the covers.
“goodnight x.” you say sleepily and scoot closer.
“night y/n/n.” xavier says softly and wraps his arms around you before falling asleep.
that’s the night you thought you found your perfect person, but nothings ever perfect.
“we’ve just been on a few dates mon, it’s nothing serious!” you explain to montana.
she had found out about you and xaviers “relationship” you don’t think it’s a big deal. you’re just friends.
“what about all the hot dirty sex i’ve heard about?” montana looks at you with her eyebrows raised.
you rolls your eyes at her.
maybe you and xavier aren’t exactly just friends.
“keep your eyes on the road.” you tell her, avoiding the question.
it was her turn to roll her eyes at you.
“okay, you’re still not answering the question.” montana points out.
“okay! maybe we have sex sometimes but it’s normal! a little...” you give her a sheepish smile and she just laughs at your stupidity.
“don’t tell him but i kind of really like him. i like the way his eyes widen when he talks about acting or the way he gives side comments that fly right over chets head, or the way he has to remake his sandwich when we go out to eat because he has this very specific order-.” you rant while montana cuts you off.
“okay, you’re in love with him! why don’t you date him already!” montana shouts.
“he’s just been distant i don��t know...he’s only been calling me over to hook up i think somethings wrong.” you say glumly.
“you should go over and check on him, his apartment isn’t far away from aaron’s. want me to drop you off?” montana offers.
you debate her offer. you don’t just wanna show up uninvited but you did talk about coming over earlier.
“yeah sure if you don’t mind.”
you knock on the door of the apartment complex waiting for your favorite blonde bimbo.
when there was no answer you turn the handle to see if the door was locked.
you open the door and walk into the house a little.
“xavier?” you call out.
no answer.
“xav?” you ask again walking towards his room.
you smile when you see the sight of xavier sleeping soundly in his bed, little snores leaving his mouth once in a while.
you walk around his room admiring the many polaroids of him and his friends.
you grin when you find the one of the night you met.
you take it off the wall to take a closer took at it but you knock something over.
“oops.” you mutter to yourself and bend down to pick it up.
you pick up a small orange bottle with the words oxycodone written on it.
not prescribed to xavier.
you look at the location it fell and found another bottle of pills.
you don’t bother to look at the lable of it and put the other one back.
“what the hell?” you say quietly, tears brimming your eyes.
“y/n?” a groggy voice fills your ears.
you don’t say anything and walk out of his bedroom out to the kitchen.
“wait y/n where are you going?” xavier asks rushes out to stop you from leaving.
“you didn’t tell me you were an addict.” you say just above a whisper.
xaviers face goes white and he runs a hand through his hair.
“you weren’t suppose to find out like this.” he says quietly.
“were you ever going to tell me?” you ask louder this time, making contact with his icy blue eyes.
“of course i was going to tell you.” xavier grabs you wrist pulling you close to him.
“were you high all the times we hung out?”
“no! not all of them...” xavier looks away uneasy.
“the past couple times we fucked?” you ask him with an attitude.
xavier looks at you and a tear runs down his face.
you scoff and continue to put your shoes on.
“y/n, please don’t go! i’ll stop! i’ll drop the pills.” xavier pleads.
“why do you even want me to stay? you won’t commit to me, you don’t wanna hang out with me normally anymore, and you only call me over when you’re high! im fucking tired xavier!” you shout, tears streaming down your face.
“please, i love you. i’ll stop for you.” xavier pleads again.
“you love me?” you ask him with wide eyes.
“yeah.” xavier breathes, his face inches from yours.
“you promise you’ll stop with the pills?” you ask xavier, extending your pinky finger towards him.
“promise.” xavier whispers and intertwines his pinky with yours.
he technically never did break that promise.
“remind me again why we’re getting ice cream ten o’clock at night?” you ask your group of friends with a smile.
“because we’re fucking cool.” montana replies.
“i wish we would of took a car, it’s freezing out.” brooke shivers.
“here! take my jacket.” chet removes his jacket and places it around brookes shoulders.
“you guys are disgusting.” you laugh, taking a bite of your ice cream.
“oh c’mon y/n/n, let them enjoy being in love!” ray jokes, nudging your shoulder.
“yeah, you’re just mad xavier didn’t show.” chet says while shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
“wait you told me xavier had an audition?” montana asks you confused.
“i know...i’m sorry i lied. i’m just worried and i didn’t want to think about it.” you say quietly.
the group looks at you with remorse and ray wraps a comforting arm around you.
“guys be careful going around this corner, lots of junkies.” chet says distastefully.
everyone picks up the pace a little walking down the alleyway to get back to the main street.
you turn your head to look towards a group of people when you recognize someone familiar.
“holy shit.” you say with tears brimming your eyes.
“guys be quiet and fast now.” you say urgently and you quickly get back to the main road.
“y/n what’s wrong?” brooke asks.
“xav-xavier was back there.” you say with a shaky breath.
“i think i’m going to head out...i’ll see you at home tana. thanks for ice cream.” you say quickly, walking past them to haul down a cab.
you got and the cab and told the driver to go to Arrow street.
which is not where your apartment is, but xaviers.
you had a key to his apartment so you just let yourself in and sat on the couch waiting for him to come home.
that’s until you saw a glimpse of orange in the garbage.
you didn’t want it to be true you did everything you could to try to convince yourself it was for something medical, but the more you looked around the apartment and saw the scattered needles in his bedroom you couldn’t.
“y/n, shit you scared me!” xavier laughs nervously.
“you disgust me.” you say say standing up, turning around to face him.
“what?” xavier knots his eyes brows in confusion.
“listen, you don’t think i know but i fucking know. i know you xavier. you’re not secretive i know when you’re not yourself, but heroin! seriously?” you ask the boy you love with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“no! don’t do that shit! you’re in deep shit now. you know that? i do everything for you and you don’t make me feel like it’s worth it...you make me feel worthless! you lie to me, you’re high every time we’re together, and you blow me off to go buy dirty needles off junkies! it fucking hurts!” you scream, finally telling xavier how you feel.
“is it all worth it? is being high all the time worth it? it is worth to lose me?” you ask bitterly.
“no, no it’s not...” xavier says quietly as a tear rolls down his face.
“then why don’t you get help!” you say with anger.
“i will! i will please, one more chance just give me one more chance please!” xavier sobs.
you direct your gaze towards the floor as xavier steps closer to you.
“one more chance.” xavier says again, grabbing the side of your face, tilting your head up to look at him.
“are you high right now?” your voice hoarse from the fighting earlier.
“no, and i’ll flush the rest of them down the toilet right now.”
and you gave him another chance, and another chance, and another fucking chance.
always luring you with the dates, his jokes, the sex, his charm, the i love yous, and you would forgive him every time.
almost every time.
“how could you?” you say with a shaky voice, tears threatening to spill.
xavier told you that he wanted to have a movie night later that night, but when 8 o’clock rolled around and you walked into his room, you wish you never would of went.
seeing a girl on her knees in front of your boyfriend and him enjoying it killed you.
“you need to leave now.” you tell the girl.
she muttered a sorry and left the apartment.
xavier opened his mouth to say something but you didn’t want to hear it.
“don’t fucking lie to me right now, is this the first time?” you ask.
“no, i’ll never do it again please-.”
“xavier!” you say sternly.
xavier inhales sharply. “no this isn’t the first time, i’m sorry.” he sighs.
“you’re always sorry aren’t you? did you guys fuck?” you ask, clearly irritated with xavier.
“yes.” you can barely hear him.
“i fucking hate you xavier plymton...you ruined me!” you shout, letting all your emotions wash over you.
“you know it’s not like you’ve been fucking perfect either!” xavier yells, he’s never yelled at you like this before.
“i didn’t fucking cheat on you!”
“you’ve been distant. when i need you, you’re not here. you’re out drinking, or hanging out with fucking ray! i needed someone so sorry i was fucking that bitch but you weren’t here.” xavier shoots back.
“are you fucking blaming me? the only reason i’m drinking and hanging out with ray is because you choose drugs over everyone! you’re not the same guy i fell in love with. you say you love me xavier but it doesn’t feel like it...” your sentence trails off at the end, you’re not sure you can argue much longer you’re feeling yourself breaking.
“well maybe it’s because i don’t love you! you’re always on my back and you never shut the fuck up!” xavier hisses.
you’re speechless.
xavier doesn’t love you?
you can see the regret in his face after the words leave his mouth.
“don’t talk to me ever again, i swear to god xavier. never again.” you say as calm as possible, leaving the apartment building.
you go outside and let all your emotions out. your back slides against the wall as you bury yourself in your knees and start sobbing.
you pull out your phone and try your best to see through your teary vision for montana’s contact.
“y/n what’s up?” she asks.
“mon, i, i really need you to come pick me up.” you hiccup.
“shit, of course. where are you?” montana asks with concern.
you hear her sigh on the other side of the phone.
“be there in 5.”
“that son of a bitch! i’m so sorry y/n, this is my fault.” montana rubs your back for comfort.
“it’s not your fault, he changed.” you say, your voice raspy from all the screaming and crying.
“i just, i don’t think i can see him for a long time.” you say quietly, burying your face into your pillows.
“fuck, y/n my works calling, i’ll be back im going to call off.” montana starts walking out of your room.
“no, i’ll be fine. don’t call off.” you tell her.
“no, y/n it’s fine.”
“mon you call off all the time, they’ll fire you.” you give a little laugh.
“are you sure?” she sighs heavily.
“yes! now go i’ll see you later.” you shoo her away.
you never thought that day could of got worse.
you groan at the noise of someone knocking at your door.
“montana you have a key!” you complain, going to open the door.
you’re taken a back when you open the door to see two police officers.
“can i help you?” you ask nervously.
“you are y/n y/l/n, correct?” the one on the left asks.
“yes, am i in trouble?” you ask confused.
“no of course not, you’re number one in xavier plymtons emergency contacts so we decided to come to you.” the other answers.
you blood runs cold as a million possibilities rack through your brain.
“we regret to inform you that xavier has passed.”
you swear your vision went black for a second.
he’s not gone.
he can’t be gone.
“what, what happened? i-i just saw him two hours.” you stutter.
“he was found outside his apartment, needle in his arm-.” the woman officer cuts her partner off and mumbles something about being to blunt.
“he overdosed, heroin. i’m so sorry baby.” she looks at you with pitty.
“thanks for telling me...” you say so quiet you’re surprised they heard you.
they say goodbye again and you shut the door.
“no,no,no,no!” you scream falling to the ground.
“why the fuck would you do that? why why why why?” you tell again, tugging at your hair.
you let out a loud, heartbreaking sob and fall onto your knees.
“i didn’t mean what i said...i didn’t mean it i wanted you to talk to me i was just angry. you were angry. fuck fuck!” you wail out again.
xavier fucking plymton .
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
Unhealthy Competition Transcript: 8/4/21
Heres the transcript on a google doc if thats easier!
W: What do we want?
R: Burgers!
W: When- When, when do we want the burgers?
R: When they're cooked because if we get them now wait they are actually cooked right now but it would be raw if we immediately gave them out to the customers which is why we DO cook our food.
W: Wh-a what are you on there! They are cooked! Look! Does that not look cooked?
R: I- I mean.. Ah it looks fine it looks fine
W: I’ve never tried one of our own burgers before
R: Oh yeah we should've done that before- a while ago
W: Leme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it leme do it right, I need to get hungry first
R: mhm
W: Let me just quickly slap a Wilburger in there, leme leme just
R: there we go
W: I’m gonna get hungry
R: Alright let's get hungry
W: Wooh wooh wooh, how’ve you been Ranboo?!
R: I’ve been doing good!
W: Have you been vibing?
R: I’ve been doing alright! Yeah! I had a good rest, I’ve had a good day
W: Mhm, mhm
R: So far you know i'm excited to get to working the nine to five, it's a dream.
W: Wait, I don’t make you work nine to five- you just have to work when we run out of burgers man. You’re free to do what you want, this is your- you’re working part time for wilburger- oh it's the horse! We need that
R: OH yeah we should probably, we should probably,
W: I want that horse, aye! Do you know what quackity’s horse is called? Okay I’m hungry now, I’m hungry now, are you ready for this?
R: okay, alright
W: Bread first, burger, mmmm Ranboo… we gotta to better than that
R: Oh, okay
W: Ranboo that's the best burger I’ve ever had
R: Nice!
W: But we gotta do better than that
R: Okay, then to volume two.
W: WE are taking down an entire nation with this burger van- oh sorry competing peacefully outside of this burger van, we can't have just the best burgers I've ever had- they have to be the best burgers anyones ever eaten in their entire lives
R: In any universe!
W: In any universe in any universe at all, at all. You’ve done a really good job of this I know I’ve already said that but yeah
R: Thank you thank you, yeah
W: this is fun, I like this little toy you’ve made, I like this, i'm a big fan
R: I like it too, thank you.
W: I’m a big fan of a lot of things we have done Ranboo. Do you remember they um, boom boy?
R: yeah.. I do remember that.
W: Yeah?
R: Yeah.. I hope it didn't I hope it didn't, it wasn't, hopefully it wasn't too much, I don’t think it was too much
W: Oh I thought it was great I thought it was great man, when you smashed the window and blew up the wall- I’d be pissed
R: Mhmm
W: And I bet that was the right stick it to the man that he needed
R: But, butm you, you wanted that for competition, for business and all that, right?
W:... yeah
R: Yeahhhh
W: Yeahh, hmm, Ranboo I think you’ve taken a side here which feels like a change for you. I’m not used to this, you’re mister not choosing a side you know?
R: Yeah, yeah, because when I looked back especially when- especially after, your talks about Lmanburg and everything I realised
W: Look back on what?
R: You know, when you looked back on like Lmanburg and everything
W: Oh like life and all that
R: Yeah I decided to take a look back on my life and everything and I realised that I mean I’ve been involved in things, but, I haven't really done anything, I haven't really done anything
W: What do you mean?
R: I haven't made anything like, I haven't really, I haven't really done much to alter history, now if you were to write a history book, I wouldn't really be that much you know…
W: Whatttt
R: Involved in it
W: I don’t think, I don’t know what you’ve done, I don't..
R: Exactly, that proves my point
W: But you don’t need to have an impact on the world Ranboo to matter you know? You don’t need to go out, you don’t need to build a fucking effile tower just to be, just to mean something.
R: Yeahh
W: Ranboo, Ranboo don’t get me wrong
R: Yeah
W: You’re talking to me here I think it could be that you, you know, are going out and doing stuff. Look at this bozo
R: What he's doing here?
W: I think it could be that you decided to go out and change you know change this, I think change things for the better.
R: You know it's -
W: Don’t don’t start go out and breaking windows and blowing up walls just because you,
R: Oh no I won’t probably not too much
W: Just because you want to make something
R: This is why I like our little, little burger shop, you know it's small but at least it's something, you know I’ve always I’ve always wanted to go and make something that's gonna outlive me a little bit so I think this, I think this is a good start to something.
W: Mhm mhm
R: It’s a nice little burger shop you know?
W: And man? Honestly, I’m proud of you bro. I know, I know I don't know you very well man and I haven't known you for very long but you’ve done a really good job here and tell you what tell you what?
R: Thank you
W: Have you ever seen the phrase “fruits of your labor”?
R: Yeees, I- I think! I think so
W: Shall we see the fruits of our labour? Cause Quackity, quackitys online
R: I mean
W: Quackitys online, Quackitys here man
R: Oh!
W: We can go, we can go and see and chat with him about what we did. By the way after you blew it up I know you didn't see but I gave him back all the materials because
R: That's good
W: I gave him back all the materials for the wall and I also, I also left him a diamond or two just to say like you know no hard feelings you know?
R: Mhm
W: That it was just for, just you know, to prove a point but um yeah Quackitys here, and I wanna see. Do you want to ride a horse? Here, get on the horse.
R: You want me to uh?
W: Yeah yeah, it's Quackity’s its quackitys horse just a disclaimer
R: It’s quackitys? Oh oh okay,
W: Normally when I come to the las nevadas sign as im not allowed in las nevadas, normally when I come to the las nevadas sign Quackity is the first one to come and tell me to fuck off so lets see, lets go up to the las nevadas sign.
R: Alright
W: Yeah man its half the fun of making something and doing cool things is that moment where um, where you get to see what everyone feels about it now that we are here I promise wait here, I promise you
R: Wait.. wait here? Okay
W: Just you wait… Ready?
R: Alright, i'm ready
W: Um um “boy las nevadas sure is big from up here” just hold on
R: Okay um okay
W: Just give it a second, maybe from this level, hmmm maybe if I take another step, ooh what's that?
R: Oh yeah OH do you remember the cookie outpost thing?
W: Yeah yeah the little thing you built with tubbo
R: Yeah so basically right he got really upset so then I- I tried to apologise and everything because we- there was a little bit of dispute with it but we honestly just decided to really just give up.
W: I mean he hasn't accepted it… look its all in there
R: He hasn't accepted it?
W: Yeah, it's all in there….
R: Oh he said he liked it at least…
W: Is- did I just lie? This guy, Ranboo I swear to god I feel like I understand him, how his brain works, how he how his mind go and then he just, just proves that he doesn't give a shit.
R: Yeahh
W: Which is why I can’t wait to show off what I’ve done, but he's just nowhere to be seen. So this cookie shop thing? What was your intention of it? How would how you don’t pick sides usually but what was your intention with it? When you built this?
R: To give out cookies to people
W: And that was it? And that was your be all and end all hah?
R: Yep
W: Right, well how did you feel about Tubbo doing what he did then?
R: Doing what he did… What do you mean?
W: Well he.. He I heard the stories man I heard about how it turned into more than what it was supposed to be you know?
R: Well I mean that's- he kind of goes above and beyond on a lot of things, you can’t really blame him into make it a castle. That's, that's just you know, you can’t be TOO careful. Especially when you know, he has all the right to be nervous about something going wrong, so no wonder he put all those defenses and everything.
W: Why would he have the right to be nervous?
R: I mean just a lot of things, a lot of bad things have happened to him that haven't really come from his actions
W: Oh so youre talking about.. oHHHH LOOK WHO'S HERE!
Q: Hellloooooo
W: Quackity!! It's lovely to see you man, it's been awhile. How have you been?
Q: How- how long have you guys been here for?
W: I-I just arrived you know I just- Quackity you think I would wait for you? You know you know I’m just a
R: Yeahh
Q: Well I didn't even notice you guys were here. I um have been busy with uh much more important things… so, but hey I mean it's great to see you guys it's really great to see you guys, Wilbur and Ranboo together this is uh
W: It’s good to see you man
Q: What's this?
W: Oh uh Ranboo was just looking after your horse that I um
R: Mhm!
W: That I took a little bit of a joyride, it's a good horse look at it, look how high it jumps man! You got a good horse man
Q: Yeahhh who told you that's my horse?
W: Well it was tied up in your nation
Q: haha no no that's not my horse you just got someones random horse, i think you should probably put it back, I have no idea whose it is That- this is really awkward Wilbur, you should, you should probably put it back
W: Let's go! Let's go dude. I wanted- I wanted to come and ask you a question.
Q: Yeah, yeah what's up?
W: So I don’t know if you saw this? Uh you can’t actually see it, but behind this we built a burger van quackity!
Q: Really???
W: Competition, competition
Q: You built a burger van? Is that what you’ve been up to wilbur?
W: Yeah yeah!
Q: You know all this time you’ve been settled next to me and this- this is uh your big ceration? A burger van?
W: Hey man
Q: Hahah,
W: Rome wasn't built in a day. Small steps
Q: That's true, that's true. Leme take a look. Can you order anything yet?
W: No no, wait lemme- actually let me cook you up something real quick
R: Oh yeah oh yeah, you'll love this
Q: I don’t know if i trust anything coming from you Wilbur, but I’ll I’ll, give it a shot i'll give it a shot
W: Doo doot doo quackity you are so nice to me doot doo doot you never bring up my past doot doo doot Here you go, one volume one wilburger. Take a bite of that!
Q: Volume one?
W: Take a bite! It’s like an NFT Quackity
Q: An NFT?
W: Yeah no one, no ones gonna be copying that!
Q: Why would I bite it if its an NFT, then if it goes away it wouldn’t be worth anything,
W: Exactly Quackity, you can keep hold of it OR you get a bit peckish, eat the bread anyway! The bread is not bad
Q: I’m not hungry, I’m not that hungry right now but hey, I’ll keep it with me
W: At least keep it to appreciate the value, it's my NFT, but Quackity anyway I did want to ask, you have a little restaurant in your town I saw, from a distance obviously.
Q: Do you guys want to take a look? I didn’t want to mention it as I felt like it would have been awkward given that you have your own restaurant- I have my own restaurant, that's the only thing that would make it a little awkward but, you know you brought me to your restaurant and I want to bring you to mine. Can, can I do that?
W: Yeah, yeah man I just want, I just wanted to say sorry if you notice if you notice a bit of superficial damage, I left you a little gift as well, afterwards I sure that's okay. It was Ranboo and I that did that to your restaurant actually.
Q: Yeah yeah I saw it in the signs you, you guys
W: Yeah Ranboo and I did it
Q: Yeah the signs no no
W: I just thought- it it was a little bit of a you could say a misclick
Q: It doesn't seem to be like a misclick. You said MY restaurant was wank
W: I did I did I forgot about the signs, I was talking more about the window- oh
Q: But its fine its fine actually and I actually want to take this moment to thank you guys actually because uh that little destruction you did made me realise that the non tinted glass it just wasn't a good fit for the restaurant so I went with the kind of you know neon look and oh oh yeah the explosion! Right, I uh thank you guys again I was just finishing up this fish tank.
(The fish tank has salmon in it)
This nice little fish tank in the restaurant I think it gives a nice little look, a nice touch you know a nice family touch so thank you guys- this made me realise this needed a little bit of work haha so I appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot um actually you know what?
W: what?
Q: You know what Wilbur? Your little game here whatever you did, it made me realise another thing, that my country needs a source of passive income, so I decided to assign a workforce to this restaurant, I decided to hire an employee…
T: Hello!!
Q: Haha! Hey Tubbo!
T: Hey
Q: Tubbo look who came to visit look who came to visit
W: Tubbo!! Man it's good to see you!
T: Hey man this is my new job!
W: Tubbo aww it's nice to see you here man, I thought you were with your, your little snowy town
T: Oh I decided that you know I needed you know a job somewhere to work
W: Tubbo… what the fuck?
Q: Ha ha yep!
W: Fuck tubbo! Why are you, why? Why? Why did you get employed at the restaurant?
T: Why well eh I mean you know? Job?
Q: Tubbo is an excellent employee
T: I- I didn’t know you guys did burgers! I didn't know…
W: I mean, I mean it's - I just dude I offered for you to come and work at my burger van, it was uh hh hh hhhh hugh I told you yesterday- I told you yesterday in the Lmanburg crater and said you should come and hang out and make burgers at my burger van and now your at another burger restaurant after turning down my burger restaurant. Quackity… What did you tell him? Quackity what did you tell him? What did you say man?
Q: Listen listen, I’m gonna tell you this right now, tubbo is one of the best employees I’ve ever had. Me and tubbo had a little talk and we realised he has really great aspirations in life, and he really wants to do a lot
W: mhm
Q: and I told tubbo I would offer him maybe one of the best jobs anyone can have
W: best job
Q: one of the only jobs in las nevadas- tubbo is actually not only an employee but he is managing this place
W: mhm mhmm
T: This is my establishment
Q: Yeah, yeah and tubbo, tubbo now owns it
(note ranboo now has a grass block and is holding it along with placing and picking it up and it pacing during all of this)
Q: Tubbo tubbo now manages this place and he cooks here and makes a great deal of economic prosperity as well for las nevadas uh you should try his food, you NEED to try his food he makes these burgers kind of NFTS wait what a coincidence, it's NTFS as well and he makes burgers, and I like to call it the tubburger
T: The tubburger joint.
Q: The funny thing is we called it the tubburger volume one as well! It's really weird haha our plates are the exact same
W: Shh shh shh, quackity… tubbo, are you? Are you aware we are in competition now? Like this, this, tubbo we have always been on the same side man, we have always been together… your head to head with me now
T: Well I don’t look at it like that, it's not like complicated competition.. .Competition is good for the consumers, it helps everyone!
Q: W- Wilbur you’re taking this a little too far man, I feel like
W: Wai-twait no no I am perfectly
Q: I think you’re taking it too far man!
W: I am perfectly happy with mr tubbo
Q: At the end of the day we are all friends
W: Where did you get the NFT idea from??! Where did ya get that idea from?
T: Fazeclan?
Q: Fazeclan
T: Fazeclan
Q: Fazeclan, wilbur listen I told you this once and I am gonna tell it to you again, thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes that whole renovation came to do because I’m assuming it was a kind of renovation it really made me realise it has more potential then I thought
W: MHmm
Q: And at the end of the day that's what we all need. That's what we need, we thrive, we thrive through competition…. Healthy competition you're gonna make your burgers better and i'm gonna make my whole restaurant better and with the help of seriously one of the greatest people I’ve met in a business like this
T: Aww thank you man
Q: of course, of course tubbo
W: So,
Q: Wilbur, don’t take it the wrong way
W: I- I’m not does it look like im-
Q: to be mad about it, it's good for us it's gonna be happy for everyone
W: I’m happy, I’m really happy for tubbo, I’m happy tubbo’s got a job
Q: Really?
W: Yeah, I’m happy for him. Tubbo you were telling me yesterday how you were, how you felt like you lacked direction, you lacked purpose
T: Yeah I finally have a goal
W: Bro!
Q: That's true
W: How could I be angry about that man?
R: Yeah… that's good
W: Just you know I was just wondering why you chose that over the burger van but I get it Quackity, Quackity is a hard man to refuse.
Q: Mhmm
W: And
Q: And tubbo, tubbo is just constantly looking for whats next whats gonna happen now, and me and tubbo we think alike, very much alike actually, and I don’t know if you remember this but me and tubbo, you remember lmanburg?
T: Yeah
Q: Me and Tubbo, Tubbo was president and I was vice president, this is like lmanburg all over again isn't it?
T: Well- I mean-
Q: This is all a working- work in progress
W: It’s giving me lmanburg vibes
Q: Mhm- sorry?
W: I said yes I agree its giving me Lmanburg vibes
Q: Yeahh. Well listen uh all i'm gonna say is wilbur we are doing our own thing, you guys are doing your own thing and be healthy competition and you know….
T: Well the best burgers win!
Q: Haha- there you go there you go tubbo I agree with that yes!
W: we- yeah Ranboo you agree with that may the best burgers- say it say it
R: yeah yeah, may the best burgers win… yep
W: Wilburger vs tuburger… match match partners against crime
T: Together!
R: No-t not crime we hate crime
Q: Tubbo tubbo you gotta try their burgers sometime
W: Well, well we gotta go we gotta go
T: oh?
R: Yeahh yeah
W: It was lovely, it was lovely hanging out with you guys I - I am just thrilled with the renovations. What should we do next time we hang out?
Q: Yeah yeah
W: Do you wanna we- like
Q: I think I think we should yeah let's set some time apart and talk you and me
W: Yeah let's have a little run through a little run through
Q: Yeah yeah absolutely, and ranboo wilbur, you guys are welcome in the restaurant, las nevadas anytime
W: Wait-
Q: Anytime you guys like
W: Wait, I'm allowed in Las nevadas?
Q: Wilbur, you’re not, you’re taking this the wrong way
W: You told me I couldn't come in
Q: What kind of person would I be to tell you to leave my country. What kind of person would I be to not allow you in my premises? I wouldmt be a good person would I? Wilbur, you are my friend … I would never do that to you. I’m very welcoming, Ranboo come ahead, come inside as well ah this is all this is all healthy competition alright?
W: You’re a good man, you’re a good man Quackity, I’ll I’ll give you that. We got some burgers to flip so we will
Q: We do too we do too
T: Bye guys!
W: thanks for coming, thanks for coming down
Q: Cya guys
W: Cya guys
Q: Bye!
W:Ranboo.. Ranboo lets go
R: Yeah…. Let's go….
W: ooooOOOHHHHH boy ha- ha… ha ahhh ohhh this is good, this is what I want dude dude Ranboo did you see he was trying to act like I didn’t get to him?
R: Mhmm mhmm
W: You see the WHOLE time ohh it's not my horse
R: Geeh I mean yeah I mean he did I’m pretty sure
W: Dude he made an NFT burgers
R: He made an NFT burger- that is true
W: He cares so much he cares so much
R: That was your idea yeah
W: He cares aww man- How did you feel about this Ranboo? I mean dude!
R: I mean it's just burgers and everything so I think it's okay.
W: Eh it's “just burgers”
R: Its okay you know
W: I feel alive Ranboo, I feel alive! Someone is looking at me and talking to me!
R: Yeah yeah!
W: I’m alive I’m alive this is great!
R: Yeah, yeah I mean yeah, I again don’t I have to get used to competition and everything and be out there more with it all
W: I feel you Ranboo I feel you its scary its scary man, especially when we have a long way to go, bridges to cross and one day grab it by the horns and ride it
R: Yeah yeah,
W: And not it's just, it's just you and me against the world. The world being tubbo and quackity.
R: mhm mhmm
W: I mean why would you be against being against tubbo and quackity anywhere? I mean how well do you know Quackity?
R: I- I mean I don’t really know Quackity- Quackity all too well
W: Yeah yeah and I mean what do you and tubbo have you know going on that would block this?
R: I mean…
W: Sounds great to me
R: I mean… yeah yeah I - we kind of had like that cookie outpost we did together and everything it's fine I don’t have to get to it too much I dont um really wanna
W: You’re both businessmen
R: I don’t really ah want to get into it all too much
W: And that's fine. Ranboo I wanted to ask you man
R: Mhm?
W: You’ve had this cookie outpost right?
R: Yeahh
W: Did you like to get up to anything at the cookie outpost? Is there anything…?
R: Ahh, not at the cookie outpost but I do have something else actually… follow me I do- I do have something else…
W: Is it a secret?
R: It's a secret , yes.
W: Should we sneak?
R: Yeah um I think we can just get far enough away I think we'll be fine
W: Where are we going?
R: Into the strip club
W: heh-sh haha haha
R: Comeon, come on let's go
W: ahhaa sorry say that again
R: Into the strip club- we are going in!
W: Lets go
R: I have- I have my little hole in the strip club
W: You got a strip hole?
R: Yes!
W: I’ve never been in here before
R: Well I mean for logs, I mean look at those spruce logs over there, those are stripped. Alright ah perfect it's still, it's still here
W: This doesn't look very hidden
R: Oh its hidden trust me
W: it's very cozy
R: Oh it's very cozy and well if you need to use this for something we can definitely expand a little bit, but probably not too much though because we don’t want to infringe on everything
W: I like this, I mean we can do a little bit now! How about what we do? I like this. I like the wherewithal, maybe we can build a tunnel from here to the burger van. It can be our way in sneaking in from the burger van. aH okay okay you got your finger in a few espionage spies, I appreciate that and no one knows about this?
R: Yeah no one knows about it, yeah I think- to the best of my memory no one knows about it.. There's like a 85% chance that's right
W: That's cool that's cool because at the end of the day we’re- going right now we are the good guys Ranboo, we are the good guys, we-
R: You sure?
W: We-.... yeah! I mean we haven't done anything wrong you know?
R: Yeah
W: we haven't done anything wrong and quackity, quackity done a few things wrong…
R: Yeah yeah
W: hmm hmm is tubbo working full time? What's tubbos deal you know with the burger place?
R: I don’t know I have no idea actually
W: We don’t know we just don't know
R: I Don't know anything about that.
W: It's like how good of an employer is quackity? So I wanted to make sure before I go knowing you have already done a little act of espionage with the strip hole and other things I just
R: Mmmhmm
W: I just wanna, I just wanna say in any case of an emergency right?
R: mhm
W: When we are head to head, you know when- not head to head with each other uh when we are head to head with tubbo and big q and stuff
R: mhm
W: and maybe shits ya know hitting the fan and stuff- I need to know, that we have a saviour card to save the innocent people in this city like tubbo
R: mhm
W: Like fundy and these innocent people
R: So yeah.. So like a plan B just in case anything goes wrong we can save them?
W: Yeah, plan B
R:Okay I'm down for that. What is this- (Wilbur gives Ranboo thirteen TNT)
W: I want you to make yourself useful and..
R: oh
W:Set that up somewhere in las nevadas. I have more, I have more I have another stack if you need it but I think that should be enough to do a marketable amount of damage if you- okay so the problem essentially is that TNT as you know TNT doesnt detonate in water and as you know las nevadas is quite a large majority of water bound. However, quackity really seems to care about the inside of the casino which I’ve peaked in and there's no water in and the outsides of this restaurant section of this spire right? So what you could do is easily make a section in the casino that has a chain reaction under a button somewhere and each one of those detoniates the next consecutive one. It would take a little bit of work, I know quite a bit about TNT, I could help you.
R: Mhmm
W: So
R: o-okay
W: Look dude I’m just letting you know that's what I want you to do. PArt of working-
R: But in most cases and everything it would never see the light of day right?
W: In most cases yeah 100% most of the time maybe it won't happen, BUT if we need to protect the innocent thats what its fore
R: Yeah yeah
W: Yeah you want to protect like fundy, slimecicle, tubbo?
R: Yeah! Yeah
W: So that's, so that's what it's for and Ranboo! I shall bid you adieu, it was a pleasure, thank you for coming
R: Yeah of course!
W: and thank you for being a good co worker, you know?
R: Yeah
W: You’ve done a good job and I can’t-
R: Thank you
W: I trust you will do good work with that TNT I gave you but remember, make it safe!
R: Yeah
W: We don’t want it going off by accident we don't want it
R: Yeah I’ll maybe it very safe
W: Promise?
R: Promise, yeah
W: And you’re gonna tell me where you put the button and you’re gonna tell me where it's set up and-
R: Yep!
W: Okay. Alright, thanks Ranboo
R: Yeah, thanks, I’ll see ya, buh bye
W: I’ll see you around Ranboo. What a nice guy!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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15. “No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.”
24. “Behave.”
notes; wax play, restraints/blindfold, minghao takin pics if ykwim, dirty talk, ok but u kno whats scary? Idr when u sent this in(it was just a couple days ago) but i kid u not i was thinking about this the day before you sent this in so im like??? Scared af that we literally had a telepathic moment right there LOL, BUT ALSO THANK YOU?? BC I WAS WANTING TO WRITE IT AFTER I THOUGHT ABT IT, hdfhdj ok rly I swear this is the last ‘normal’ drabble before halloween-y ones, i just needed to answer this bc it was wild that this came the day after i was thinking about it myself 😭😭 LOL anyway, thank you for requesting! enjoy! 💕
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Your whimpers of his name go unheard as he round the bed for the third time, lighting another candle before he sits by your side. You can only hear his movements due to the blindfold tied precariously around your head; hands tangled into the necktie that secures your wrists to the bedpost.
His eyes twinkle in the dimmed room; a soft smile on his lips when he tilts the candle until the wax runs off of the side and onto your skin. “Mmh…” Your back arches off the bed when it drips down onto your sternum, squirming when it dribbles down your sides and onto the silk sheets underneath you. “‘A-ah… ‘Hao c-can you take my arms down, I--I wanna--”
“No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good. Just relax, baby.”
Minghao mutters under his breath, eyes fixated on the way the wax dries on your skin. “Aren’t you feeling good, sweetheart?” You nod in return, thighs rubbing together when the urge to cum again starts to build.
This time, he sets the candle onto the nightstand just before reaching for his film camera. “Just a few for my portfolio, okay?” His cool and collected voice has you nodding furiously, spreading your legs when he taps on your thigh to give him space. “Hmm~ Your pretty ‘lil cunt is so wet already too. Should we take some pictures of it filled with my cock?” His breathy laugh has you whimpering, soft pleads of his name tumbling off of your lips at the suggestion.
You hear the camera shutter go off a few times as you attempt to stay still for him; thighs locked tight around his waist. “Are you done yet~?” You whine.
“Behave.” He snaps a few more photos; changing his angles a few more times before he decides he’s taken enough and sets his camera down onto the sheets.
The stillness is unnerving and has you on edge; unsure of Minghao’s next moves. “Minghao, are you---”
His hands are on your thighs in a split second, prying them further apart before you feel the shaft of his cock pressed snug against your soaking folds. “Oh, I--mmh!” Your words are cut short when you feel him grinding against you, coating his cock in your wetness. “Fuck, you look so pretty like this…” He groans; letting the head of his cock nudge your clit a few times as your thighs squeeze his waist. 
“God, ‘Hao, please~”
He takes mercy, positioning himself at your entrance. “Promise you’ll be good?”
“Yes, yes, I promise!” You cry, tugging on your restraints.
Minghao slides his cock in slowly as the two of you share a moan. His fingertips dig into your skin, brows furrowed in concentration. “Shit, your pussy looks so good stretched around my cock like this, sweetheart.”
A slew of jumbled words roll off your tongue at the pleasure that washes over your body the second he bottoms out; the head of his cock already grazing your g-spot. “Oh, M---Minghao, fuh--fuck you f-feel so goooood~” You cry, toes curling behind his back.
He takes the moment to reach for a smaller candle and a lighter he kept on the bed; the clicking of the lighter already making you clench around his cock.
Minghao chuckles under his breath, letting the flame settle into a steady burn before he tilts the candle over your body; small trails of wax coating your skin. “Oh, f-fuck, Minghao!” You sob, pussy clenching around him as he lets the candle drip dangerously close to your folds.  
“Oh--oh my g-god, I--mmh!”
The sensations prove to be too much when your orgasm washes over you unexpectedly; chest heaving as he continues to let the wax drip onto your skin. He watches in adoration as your body arches off the bed and your lips fall into a silent scream, blowing out the candle before haphazardly tossing it onto the nightstand.
“You’re so good for me, baby.” He praises as he reaches for the camera one more time.
You can vaguely hear the film in his camera turning before the shutter sounds come back, soft cries spilling from your lips as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm.
“You look so pretty, sweetheart. Pussy full of my cock and wax covering your pretty skin. You even came without me even having to do anything.”
“Ngh… Mi--Minghao… ‘m sorry I c-came without p-permission...”
The camera clicks a few more times before he sets it down again, his fingertips pressing into the dried wax when he leans over you.
“It’s okay, baby. You were so good for me. But now it’s my turn to cum, right? I can feel you sucking me in deeper so I take it that you wanna cum again too?” Minghao smirks as he reaches for the blindfold; tugging on the loose bow knot before he lets it slip from your face.
Your eyes blink to adjust to the dimmed room, licking your lips when Minghao’s blurry form becomes clearer. “Y-yeah… I--I wanna cum with y-you…”
Minghao smiles, flicking off a piece of wax on your skin. “Promise you’ll be good for me? I wanna take pictures of your pretty ‘lil cunt filled with my cum too.”
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I swear to God im working on the next after story, so much has gotten in the way. Everytime I sit down to write something comes up and I won't be able to access my computer this weekend more than likely because I'll be flooded out of my house. So to make it up to you guys who have been patiently waiting (especially @ibest14 who requested this fix) im posting what I do have written as a lil preview (and so you guys can say yea or nay to the premise)
It was a normal Saturday afternoon when the Winters family got a very strange package.  It was addressed to the whole family and had no return address.
“What the heck is this?” Rose wondered aloud carrying the small package inside, “Hey mom! Did you order something online?”
“Not that I remember, why?” Mia asked curious why her daughter was asking about the mail, “Who is it addressed to? Maybe your dad ordered something.” She went and stood next to Rose to look at the package.
“Hmm, I think we should wait for dad to get home to open it, I mean it is addressed to all of us.” Mia agreed with her daughter and went to continue making dinner.
Ethan got home a few hours later and was greeted by his daughter with a warm hug, “Haha, hey there kid how was your day?” He asked returning the hug and picking Rose up.
“It was good! We got a weird package in the mail, mom and I decided to wait for you before opening it.” Rose said leading him into the kitchen after he put her down.
“Welcome home, Hon!  How was work?” Mia asked kissing Ethan on the cheek.
“Ugh, Williams was an absolute pain again.  He somehow unplugged all of his equipment and disconnected his computer from the ethernet cable again.” Ethan complained sitting down at the dinner table next to Rose. “Chris somehow changed his computer to Arabic and Sal’s computer was changed to have wingdings as the default language and it bricked the whole thing, he said it was an accident, but I think it was one of the dicks that keep harassing him.  I told Chris and he’s looking into it.” Ethan picked up the package and looked at the outside.
“Ugh why can’t these douchebags see that Sal is way better than them.  Probably just jealous of him.” Rose said frustrated at the harassment her uncle was receiving.
“We should invite him over for dinner sometime, lift his spirits some!” Mia suggested placing a glass of juice down for Ethan.  He agreed and thanked her for the juice.
Ethan handed the package back to Rose who tore into the packaging.  Inside was a video game box, “Resident Evil? Isn’t that a game from the nineties?” Rose asked confused.
Ethan leaned over to get a better look, “Yeah it is, I played almost all of them, but I’ve never seen that one.  It looks like its supposed to be the seventh one, but they only made six that I know of.” Ethan became confused taking the box from Rose studying it, it strangely didn’t have a back cover.
“Weird, maybe they are rebooting the series, but why wouldn’t there be a lot of news about it?” Rose asked.  Ethan’s face lit up at the possibility of a reboot of his favorite childhood series.
“Man, I hope so, I always loved Craig Bluemarsh and Leo C. Harrison.  They were the best!  The whole M.O.O.N.S squad from Badger City.  Special Ops turned paranormal investigators was the twist of the decade!  And the whole thing with Egbert Walberk and how he possessed himself with countless demons to become basically a god.” Ethan sighs as he reminisces.
“You clearly have bad taste honey because Julie Easter was the best character in the series.  The ace of the M.O.O.N.S squad, the one that Walberk kidnapped to force demons into her with a mind control amulet.  Oh, and don’t forget Chloe Bluemarsh, college kid turned aid worker for those affected by the demons.” Mia added as she chopped vegetables for dinner.
“Ahh yes, how could I forget! Anyway, this looks like a cheap bootleg or fake.  Probably just a prank from Dani or Angie.”  Ethan said tossing the case further on the table looking upset.
“Aw man…. That’s lame dad.” Rose says dramatically throwing herself over the back of the chair.  “I’m keeping it anyway; the box looks cool.”
A month after the whole package incident, Rose bursts into the house beaming.  “Dad, Uncle Chris just told me that we are having a meeting with the whole gang! We should totally bring that janky game we got and show it off!”
“Whoa, slow down Rose! You’re gonna hurt yourself running around like that.” Ethan says watching his daughter bounce in place.  “Why do you think we should bring that thing anyway? I doubt there will be anytime to just sit around and play a game, if it’s even real.”  Rose rolls her eyes at him.
“Dad, I’m sure Uncle Chris can pull some strings so we can have a little get together.  We never get to see each other all at once!” Rose states, putting on her best puppy dog eyes, “Don’t you want to see the gang, Dad.  It would be so much fun.  You know how much I miss them all.” She begs.
Ethan can physically feel his resolve crumbling at his begging daughter, always caving into her once she pulls out the puppy eyes, “Fine, I’ll talk with Chris and we can bring the game with us, but you are responsible for the PlayStation and if it gets damaged or broken you have to buy the new one.” He says in his dad voice, trying to be stern.  Rose squeals and jumps into his arms hugging him.
“You’re the best dad ever!”  She says running off to prepare for their long weekend at Blue Umbrella.
“Ok, is everyone comfy, I’m about to start the game!” Rose said excitedly setting up the PS4 in the Blue Umbrella lounge room.  Everyone was present, Rose even convinced Miranda and Elena to join them after Milena was put to bed.
“I am unsure of what we are even doing sweet thing.” Alcina said settling into her chair near Mia and Donna.
“Well, I’m gonna play this weird game I got, maybe Dani can take over if I get tired.  We are just gonna check it out, if its good, Great! If not, we can make fun of how bad it is!” Rose explained sitting down on the couch wedged between Daniela, Angie, and Heisenberg with Bela and Cassandra on the floor in front of them.  Alcina wasn’t convinced that it would be fun, but she couldn’t deny Rose’s request considering how excited she looked.  She sighed and pulled out her reading glasses seeing the small text on the screen.
“Psh, what are you a grandma?” Heisenberg teased. Alcina growled at him.
“Oh, please grow up you child.” She replied trying to de-escalate the situation knowing Rose and her daughters hated when they argued.
“I see making your head bigger didn’t help your eyesight.” He continued to tease sensing her anger.
“I grew proportionally you ignoramus, becoming larger would not fix my farsightedness.” She growled out becoming angrier.
“Guys….” Rose said sadly at the two arguing.  Heisenberg immediately stopped his next sentence and turned to give Rose a side hug.
“Sorry kiddo, I forgot you hate it when we fight.  I’ll stop, I promise.”  He says sincerely as Alcina nods looking guilty, Rose smiles accepting their apologies.
“No more sappiness get to the action I’m getting bored!” Angie cried out from Daniela’s lap.  Rose rolls her eyes at the doll’s bratty attitude and begins the game.
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adowbaldwin · 3 years
Baldwins secret - part 23
It was rare, almost unheard of Baldwin acting without thinking but this situation did not call for a master strategist. It called for a Galdiator beating.
Matthew had never seen him move so quick, but before he had a moment to reconcile the information the table shuffled and Baldwin had Jack to the floor, stradling his body and bloodying his face with a heavy fist.
"Oh bloody Christ" Phoebe gasped, scooping up the children and moving far away "DO SOMETHING MARCUS"
Nothing. Absolutely nothing tore him away. Matthew tried pulling him back, arms locked around his neck in a bid to stop him from his quest to kill Jack but he couldnt.
It took Marcus, Matthew, Diana's magic and Boudicca to hold him back "Baldwin you need to calm down" Matthew was trying to hold back his own emotions but could sympathise with the Devil. If he had found out Becca had mated in the same way, he would go on a killing spree. Its just something about the women you love that make you insane.
"I swear to everything on this Earth i will make you wish you had died a poor orphan" Baldwin snarled struggling in their grip.
Augusta stood infront of Jack "youll have to get through me first you piece of shit" her face enraged, nostrills flairing "you got lucky, caught me off guard but you wont get another cheap shot"
"YOU" he carried on as though she hadnt spoken "i open my home to you, my life and THIS is how you repay me?" He kicked his legs flailing in the tight hold "i will burn you"
Jack snarled, squeezing his eyes shut but he couldnt. It wouldnt stop. His blood boiled, brain fogged. He had one target.
He launched forward, teeth snapping as he went hurtling toward Baldwin, but the blow never came. A dark barricade, smoke swirling held him back "You need to cool down" Sienna came between the two parties chanting under her breathe
Baldwin was looking between Sienna and Jack, heart pounding "Sienna, dont go near him"
She flickered him a glance, venomous look emanating her evident hatred "Augusta, a little help please" her spell was weakening, fading and Jack was not calming quick enough
Augusta slowly, tentatively laced her fingers with Jack "Come back to me" she urged him softly. His eyes battled between normal and dark, his lip turned up into a snarl as he teetered on the edge of sanity and impulse. He pressed his forehead to Augusta allowing her scent to flood his senses home she smelt like home.
Sienna took a calming breathe then turned to Baldwin. She took slow steps to him, now no longer writhing under the harsh constraints "let him go"
Marcus crossed his brows in confusion "Are you mad? He will kill Jack"
Matthew looked at her, certanty and determination plastered on her face. He loosend his grip, coming to hold Diana "Let Baldwin go, its alright Mon Coeur"
"Have you ALL gone mad?" Marcus yelled
Diana sniffled, fire burning in her eyes as fresh tears spilled "how about i do to him what he did to our son"
Matthew placed a finger under her chin tilting her face up to his "drop the spell. Marcus, leave his arm, thats an order"
Diana watched his face, intently focoused on Sienna. He had not even noticed he was no longer being held back, the pair were sharing an unspoken conversation, one that made Diana think.
It felt like decades before anything happened "You made me a promise" she whispered softly "you broke that promise"
Regret washed over him, seeing her face and everyone around. Flo looked ashamed, as though she didnt want to be related to him in that moment. Phoebe stunned, disgusted and his darling Cara cowering behind Phoebe. Seeing Sienna though, tears filling in her eyes he couldn't bare it "Im sorry, Si"
"Its not me you have to apologise to" her voice was hoarse
He looked over her shoulder to Augusta and Jack and his jaw tightened. A new wave of awareness washed over him "im sorry you bore witness to that, but like fuck am i sorry for hitting him" he directed his attention back to her
"Oh Dear God" Fabiana snarled smashing her wine glass to the table. She had watched the fight like it was a TV broadcasting of boxing and had remained a silent spectator "They get younger every fucking time" she exclaimed
Augusta looked back at her sister then between her father and Sienna with curiosity. It did not take her much longer to piece it together "You dare berate me for mating with Jack and yet here you are fucking your sisters best friend? You disgust me"
Tears slipped from Sienna's eyes turning to see the look of betrayal on Dianas face "You two?" She pointed between them both "get out"
"Diana, come on" she didnt want it to come out this way, especially since she wasnt even sure what her and Baldwin were. She risked friendship for what? Dick?
"No, no. Leave. I dont want to see you here again" she heaved "Im going to bed and hopefully when i wake tomorrow everyone called Baldwin or Sienna will have dropped dead" she chocked on tears, waddling storming angrily away from the mess.
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AAhh I really like 45 it pushed the story along while also being just hilarious and touching and it was just so good!! 46 was just pokemon battles...
At breakfast the most of the brothers crowd around MC and ask them how different appliances work, Asmo apologizes for them and then immediately asks MC something as well and well Belphie calls him out on it he says he hasn't been in the human world for a really long time and things have changed. Beel says that the human world progresses so fast that it makes him dizzy and Asmo says maybe it feels like that since the devildom doesn't progress. Lucifer tells MC to get ready to leave once they're done eating (still on the white couches is2g this pisses me off so much) and when MC asks him wtf he says oh yeah forgot you nearly died while Solomon told you about getting a sorcerer's license. MC's got a meeting with Solomon and Beel & Lucifer were asked to come along. Mammon & Asmo protest cause they can't tag along.  Belphie says that Beel and Lucifer were probably chosen cause they'll at least appear as mature functioning adults.
They meet up with Solomon in front of the Sorcerer's Society HQ, which according to Solomon is filled with "Pompous Uptight Bureaucrats". It provides assistance to sorcerer's living in the human world and provides them with first a provisional license and then a full license that'll allow them to practice magic as they pls more or less. Lucifer's like; that's great and all but why the fuck are we here. And Solomon tells him that he'll understand when they get inside. Lucifer says that sounds exactly like something someone who was seconds away from causing problems would say and he tells MC to brace themself.
The backgrounds for both these lessons are really good! Right so when they walk in sorcerers start ooing and awing over Beel and Lucifer - they've never seen them irl before, one even wants their autographs. Apparently Solomon's apprentice taming the 7 rulers was believed to be an urban legend?????????? I dunno imagine going from being a normal human to becoming an urban legend amongst sorcerers? Lucifer thinks Solomon brought them along just to boost MC's reputation (ohhh the poor man). Solomon reveals that he isn't on good terms with the society (is it even a surprise?) and being his apprentice would just make things harder for MC and that he established the society with his previous apprentice long ago but they had a falling out and now that apprentice runs the society (is it sad that there's a huge possibility that the falling out could be food related?). Solomon says he brought the brothers as bodyguards for his cute apprentice/charming apprentice/favourite pupil (If he keeps talking like that whoever runs this place is gonna deck MC) since back in the Celestial Realm the two of the were known as "the two greatest champions and protectors of the CR". Beel gets pissed off cause he thinks this means Solomon is putting MC in danger and Solomon says 'lol that's definitely not who I'm putting in danger' and when Lucifer picks up on that and questions Solomon on it he goes 'man look at the time we really gotta go get MC registered WOW'. The dude at the reception uses his staff to etch a magic seal that's the society's crest on to the back of MC's hand (I really feel like you should tell someone beforehand that you're gonna give them what is basically a tattoo? Also cant wait for that butcher to see this and the rest of MC's harem and come to the conclusion that they're in a cult) which consists of  3 staves and 7 stars signifying the 3 Magis who are believed to have invented magical arts and the 7 virtues (is it bad that before i even started om i knew what the 7 sins were but only had a vague knowledge about the 7 virtues? I wouldn't have been able to name them all without this lesson :/ anyway they're humility, generosity, gratitude, patience, chastity, temperance and diligence. Something i really like is that the brothers have all displayed the virtues that directly oppose their sins on a semi regular to regular basis).  To get their license apprentuces must earn the seven stars via passing 7 trials with the first of the trials being set and judged by their master. (ok so I assumed each test would focus on a brother and MC'd earn the star that opposes each brother's sin and would pass the test by learning and displaying the virtue of that star. But that isn't what happened here? If anything the test was there to teach Lucifer humility? Is that how it will go? will each test somehow focus on MC helping the brothers learn and display their opposing virtue even though all of them have already displayed this virtue to some extent?  I mean I guess the main point of the tests were to show that MC could control the brothers so that makes sense? but even though this test did focus on making Lucifer let go of his pride, the test was about MC learning to control Beel's power and these two lessons are very much focused on Beel so was the star they earned actually temperance? Even though the test didn't have anything to do with that virtue? Ahh i have so many questions about how the stars are earned and neither lesson really clarify it and if anyone wants to come debate about this???)
ANYway Solomon uses a spell to bind Lucifer in place, which pisses Beel off, tho when MC stays calm and just observes what happens Solomon is pleased assessing a situation before taking action is important (Ive had this HC for a while now but solomon is definitely the kinda teacher who throws you into the deep end with just a cryptic warning and watches with a smile as you try to figure out how to not die, if you do something particularly amusing while struggling he'll give you another cryptic hint, occasionally he'll yell out praise with that smile of his even if it looks like you're actively drowning and dying and failing). They start to get an audience while Lucifer threatens Solomon and shifts into his demon form and goes also im still fucking pissed off about that lunch so/ Beel also shifts and threatens Solomon, tho lucifer tells him to stand down cause he wants to murder solomon on his own and that a mere binding spell won't hold him down, Solomon's like Jeez chill it's for MC's exam you fucknugget and Lucifer's like oh shit yeah but you know i'll actually kill you for this later and Solomon's like yeah that's cool and also imma use my powers to make you into the size of a barbie doll and lucifer's like what-  MC then proceeds to lose their shit over a tiny blushing Lucifer. MC's test is to keep lucifer safe for 24 hours which would be fine if they you know didn't live with the other 5.  which is actually what lucifer says when Beel says it'll be easy if they just stay at home cause home according to lucifer also contains his '5 greatest enemies'. MC's job is to protect Lucifer from them without using any commands on anyone other than beel, and the goal is for them to be able to fully command beel like they did with Asmo in S1 against Henry 1.0. Beel is not allowed to act on his own to protect lucifer and can only act on MC's commands.  Beel agrees, Lucifer swears and Solomon asks MC about their confidence levels. MC can promise one of the three of them that they won't mess up.  Solomon says he'll stay in the house with them so that he can judge and Lucifer's more or less like; you're having fun aren't you and solomon says Duh.
So they end up at the café where predictably Luke & Simeon end up screaming and laughing at a blushing pissed off mini Luci, Simeon tells him they physically cannot laugh cause of course big scary Lucifer is now in Simeon’s words ‘Teeny-Tiny” & how he’s so cute he wants to keep him in a jar as a pet (God I love this lesson).  He says Michael would love to see this and when Lucifer yells at him he completely ignores him to poke his cheek (V Relatable). Luke also wants to join in on the fun but Lucifer is a little bitch to him and as retaliation for scaring their son MC pokes luci on the cheek too. Beel laments about wanting to poke luci on the cheek too and when Solomon tells the others to stop teasing lucifer, luci goes, EXCUSE ME WHOSE FUCKING FAULT IS THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Beel notes that luci now smells human. When luke asks about the smelling thing beel says that all 3 species? races? Smell different. Simeon marvels at how much humiliation PrideTM is willing to take cause he’s simping for MC. Luci tells them to shut tf up cause unless they come up with a plan to deal with his hell children they’re probably going to kill him the second he steps foot inside the house. Beel tells MC to use his powers. Luci says they should be able to draw out Beel’s powers like they did Asmo’s in S1. Solomon says since he gave them a power up in S1 simply saying the incantation won’t work this time around and they must first fully understand Beel and his nature to be able to do that. MC has a flashback to the Butcher and his relationship advice and then asks Beel what he thinks they should do to be able to better understand him (while I do think ideally this is the right choice, in context with the other two choices, to me, this is the ONLY choice cause the other two come off as slightly yandere on mc’s part). Beel chooses spending time together via sleepover. But obviously Luci will have to come along and Solomon invites himself along too cause he’s still the judge.  Simeon’s sad about not being able to join in and luke is TOTALLY NOT JEALOUS OKAY!?!?
Outside the house Luci, Beel and MC all make pledges like they’re invading enemy territory; Lucifer: Swear you won’t let your guard down. Beel: Swear to protect Lucifer with your life. MC, 100% seriously: I Swear. Solomon: Are yall fucking serious??? These are your fucking brothers???? You practically raised them??? Lucifer: Have you ever actually met my brothers???? Beel: You legit think they won’t give up their lives just to fuck with lucifer for a day? When Solomon asks what lucifer ever did to make them hate him so much he says he doesn’t know. And look while “locking me up in the fucking attic for a whole year”, “not acknowledging that you’re actually my father and taking some fucking responsibility” and “blaming every minor inconvenience in your life on my very existence” are all very valid reasons none of them actually hate him right, cause I mean using every chance you get to fuck with your siblings is just part of being a sibling?  Which is what Beel and MC both tell Lucifer. Lucifer doesn’t believe them and actually seems sad about it. Solomon said “while I do find the complicated interpersonal dynamics of your family fascinating” my ass is freezing out here. …Do you think they’re like solomon’s favourite show??? I mean Solomon’s old as shit and probably doesn’t remember what it’s like to have a family, and before MC, Simeon and the student exchange he didn’t really have anybody so do you think he just watches the brothers + MC like ‘damn, this shit is wild’????????????????? The instant they enter the house, someone casts a spell and they’re pulled into a portal. The fuck did you say about everyone loving Lucifer, says Solomon while making direct eye contact with Beel. They fall through endless darkness and MC tells them to chill cause it only feels like they’re falling. They end up in a weird ballroom/royal courtroom kinda place, which Solomon marvels. Beel & MC recognize the place as a location from one of levi’s games and meet Levi in his TSL clothes who welcomes MC as the ‘hero’.
Beel, Luci & Sol kinda just wordlessly stare at levi with tired expressions and MC being the bro they are plays along with levi by asking if he is who they think he is. He introduces himself as The Lord of Shadows, the ruler of all 7 lands. Lucifer: WTF. Beel says they don’t have time for games and Levi gets upset that they’re making him look pathetic. Levi gives MC their mission – to save the world by defeating the demon lord satan. Lucifer tells Solomon to get the fuck out of there. Solomon says he can’t considering he has no idea where the fuck they are in the first place. Beel politely asks ‘his majesty’ the way to pantry and Levi yells at them to take it seriously. Beel says well ok and explains the whole test thing to levi as a way to explain why they can’t play. Levi says satan already knows this. After that there’s a flash and black smoke starts curling up around the room and satan turns up in his demon form. And LOOK I hate satan’s demon form outfit but it actually looks really good in this context??? The feather boa and ribbon bow thing really works with the curling black smoke, evil demon lord look. It probably helps that you can’t see his bottom half. Anyway Satan turns out to just be a magical projection and he says, well you’ll have to come to me cause I kidnapped your boyfriend, while Diavolo calls out to Lucifer and MC from off screen. Diavolo had run away from the devildom to surprise the brothers. While Lucifer scolds Diavolo and while Diavolo apologizes, Satan tells they must all come to him along with the “obnoxious talking doll”. Lucifer: the fuck did you just say. Ok this part is really cute; Satan: “I’ll be seeing you MC.” Diavolo, still off screen: Can’t wait to see you MC! Luicfer has a migraine. When Beel tries to say they should head off, Levi tells them they forgot something in RPGs. MC, still dutifully in character, asks the lord of shadows to give them aid. Levi gives them 100 grimm and just anekfnsndfjn the fuck can they do with just 100 grimm. Which is what both Beel and Luci say. Solomon says, well maybe they’re just fucking poor around here so everything here is cheap. Levi gives them a talisman to protect themselves with, Lucifer says cool, but once this is over I’m gonna beat your ass :) Levi says he just bought a new game that lets you create your own story and he just wanted to play it with them :(
So they end up in a cute lil’ game village & beel wants to go to a tavern but lucifer says they need to buy equipment first. If MC asks a NPC they just repeat the same line about how great life is under levi’s rule over and over again, if they search in the grass they find some medicinal herbs but beel immediately eats them, if they break a barrel Solomon starts breaking open barrels too and they get yelled at by lucifer. They end up in No. 2’s armoury. Lucifer’s fed up with life. Solomon says the gear looks like shit and Beel says it makes sense since this is only the first town. When Beel tries to ask 2 for food he repeats his introductory dialogue over and over again. With the money they have they’re able to buy gear for Solomon and MC and the only thing that fits Lucifer is the fairy outfit,,,, I’m NOT fucking wearing that says lucifer off screen and God I love this lesson. Solomon and MC are both little shits and can you just imagine them trying to convince lucifer to wear it just to test it out? Fucking amazing. MC tries to haggle/talk with 2 so they could get armour for beel but he says buddy I’m running a business here BUT there’s a monster in the casino that cheats ppl of their mone– Lucifer & Beel simultaneously: Oh, Mammon. So basically, if they can get 2’s money back he’ll offer them a huge discount on the lord of flies armour.  They decide to find an inn for the night before they face Mammon.
Lucifer finds it hard to eat food. Solomon: Cause you’re tiny ^.^   Beel: Wonder whose fault that is :I  MC can either offer to cut it for him (He thanks MC and tells them to feed him too. Entitled Fuck. Solomon & Beel also want to be fed but Lucifer tells them to fuck off) or tell him to just open wide and take a bite (Lucifer says if he gets too close to the food Beel would probably accidentally eat him). Beel says the food is a lot like devildom food and MC asks him if he likes devildom food or human food, Beel says all food is good. Since they don’t have much money MC & beel and Solomon & Lucifer end up sharing beds with Lucifer telling Solomon to use a spell to keep himself still during the night to avoid accidentally killing lucifer in his sleep. There isn’t a spell for that. At night, Beel asks lucifer if he thinks Satan still hates him and gets “…” in response. Assuming Lucifer is asleep he asks MC what they think. MC says they think Satan just can’t admit that he likes Lucifer. Beel says if that’s what they think then it’s okay cause he just wants Satan to love lucifer like the rest of them do. MC asks Beel if he’s worried about lucifer (Beel says Lucifer wouldn’t want him to worry but… and that he wants to be there when lucifer needs help) or says that Beel really loves Lucifer (Beel happily agrees that he does). Beel then tells MC about how he and Lucifer first met: So back when Beel was an angel, according to him the only thing good about him was that he was strong so he decided to become a soldier except he couldn’t control his strength and always ended up breaking things which led to Raphael always saying something sarcastic to him. The whole thing was depressing for him until one day lucifer came over, sat beside him and talked with him. Lucifer was always really busy and spent most of his days deep inside the palace (places where Beel has never even been to before). He told beel that a soldier was not about attacking but instead about protecting, that protecting was what was most important. He’d told beel that he was special cause he had the power to protect everyone and keep them safe (this shit is the sweetest and it has me sobbing but also that must have hit like a bullet when Lilith died…). Lucifer had told Beel if he learnt to control his powers then Lucifer would recommend him as a Cherubim, gatekeeper. Lucifer had given Beel confidence and his post as a gatekeeper. Which is why Beel wants to protect him, cause he loves and respects Lucifer. He says all his brothers love Lucifer cause if they didn’t they never would have considered leaving the celestial realm. He says that even though Satan’s situation is different he isn’t the same as he was before MC came around and that Beel likes the new satan better. And that he actually likes all his brothers more since MC came around, which is why he likes MC so much too. MC gets to either kiss, hug or thank him. Beel says his powers are there so that he can protect both Lucifer and MC. And FUCK I love this backstory so much????? And I desperately need all the other backstories?
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
A.R| Just cry Already
Summary: did arvin take you on a date- oop.
Warning: slight sexual tension, just a little tense, NOT SEXUAL- terrible flirt, and of course unedited
Chapters -> one ✨ two 🤠 three ✨ four 🤠 five
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Arvin isnt a stalker, he just wanted to know where you live, turns out just across the woods. Lenora called him ‘freakin crazy’ while his grandmother called him ‘in love’. He wants to sneak you out so he does, he grabs his coat and nicer pants, he cleaned himself up, brushed his hair back with some water and brushrd his teeth.
“She is gonna love you man” he says to himself in the mirror, after checking himself out. He grabbed his keys and headed out.
You on the other hnd were right awake, thinking about the preacher and how disrespectful he was. “God he just seems-“ you cut yourself off, you were honestly having the second hand embarrassment, how it is to be in his place.
“Im not falling in fucking love, hes a white boy god dammit” you murmured, the room dark and the door closed while you placed your hands under your ear, closing your eyes.
Until you heard a light knock.
You jumped as you looked out your window, a hat appearing as hands start to open the window, you quickly got up and grabbed your heel. You grabbed the foot of it and held the heel up.
“Oh shit- how hard can it be to open a damn window?” You hear youre guessing a man groan, you walk up to the window and see white hands, your first instinct is to pierce it but you soon realize who it is.
“Shit arvin you scared me! I almost put a whole in your hand!” You whisper yelled as you put down the heel softly to not wake anyone up. You grab his hands and let him inside, softly planting his feet on the ground and looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes that the moon shone on.
“Hey” he let out a chuckle as he looked at you. “My dad is gonna kill me and you, what do you want arvin?” You ask seriously, placing your hands on your hips and honestly missing your bed.
“I-uh wanted to take you on a date- as i said theres a drive through and a movie is playing” “is this your ticket to makeout with me?” “I mean no- but that would be nice” you sigh, then you hear wood creak. “Shit! In the closet- NOW” you whisper yell, pushing him to the closet and closing it, throwing yourself on the bed and under the sheets.
Your door opens as your eyes are wide open, your father entering. “Why are you up? And why is your window open?” “Its hot and my head hurts a bit” “not sneakin boys in here are ya?” He switches on the light looking around in your room. “Now why would i do that, dad?” You let out a giggle. “I dont know, i hope you know your my little girl and your never leaving, ever” he lets out rather harshly. Arvin crinkled his eyebrows and mentally added notes about your father, now understanding what you meant earlier.
You gulp and nod, not wanting to answer. He smiles and turns off the light, closing your door all the way shut before stepping off. Sooner or later the closet door opened with a smiling arvin.
“Get changed! We gotta go!” He whisper yells, you smack your lips and sigh in defeat before getting up and walking over to your closet. “Well you gotta get out!” You say, he raises an eyebrow in confusion “of my closet?” He lets out an ‘ohh’ before standing up and dusting his pants off.
You take out some of your brothers jeans, a tank top and some 2 inch black heels. “Arent women not aloud to wear pants?” “So you arent a feminist?” Arvin lets out a ‘pffft’ “of course i am, Especially for you” “oh shut up and let me change” it became awkward of course as you had to hide yourself from arvin.
Of course you didnt have a bra on, so when you took off your night gown your breats slapped on your stomach, arvin just leaning against the window seal with his arm as he watchs you without hesitation “you are such a creep, i can feel you staring at me” you comment. He only giggles as he watches your back move, your glowing back move to put your black tank top on.
You turn to him and meet his eyes “turn around arvin” “why?” “So i can take off i pants?” “O-oh yeah” you give a smile while he turns around, dropping your pants still facing him you grab the jeans and slide them on.
Arvin really wanted to see you, he knows you arent shapped like these others, he wants to touch and admire you everywhere, every flaw would be his favorite part, he just needed his fingers on you. “You almsot done-“ “look?” You ask, he immediately turns around and meets your dressed body, well you didnt button your pants all the way, he smiled as he looked at you up and down “gorgeous” he licks his lips. “Havent took me on the first date” you remind him making him roll his eyes silently.
You both sat in the car, music distantly playing as he had his hand on your thigh, looking at you for some moments while you looked straight ahead. He looked again and you caught him “what?” You giggle, making him smile and blush “your like, really beautiful- i hope you believe me” you bite your lip and shrug “i dont know just yet”.
He bought you the famous pineapple upside down cake and some Bees Knees, as you guys pulled up in the drive through. “Scary movie, classic move arvin” you rolled your eyes. He only laughed as he continued to look for a spot “do like them?” “Yeah i do, which one is this?” “Only the famous Nosferatu” “cool” he chuckled as he parked his Chevrolet Bel Air in one of the best spots.
“I hope you dont think your getting me tonight” you look at him while he sios his drink, he only shrugs “you dont know” he winks. You smirk but turn away from him as you turn on the radio to the right channel, hearing the movie you grabbed a fork and took a bite out of the pineapple-cake.
About an hour in he tried his best to flirt with you. “Hey y/n” he said, you turned to him as he picked up the same fork you had and took a bite, sexually. You sucked in your lower lip to keep you from laughing as he continued to eat it and make eye contact with you. And then he wasn’t expecting it, you started cackling.
He didn’t understand why as he made sure to lick the fork clean. You were out of breath as he rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. “I-im so-sorry” you only started to laugh harder “b-but that! I cant-“ “whatever” “dont get mad at me, im sorry” you sucked in your laughs and patted his shoulder, giving a playful frown as he looked back at you with his lips tucked to the side.
“Im not mad, no need to apologize hun” “oh we’re doing pet names?” “I mean, yeah” “alright sweetcheeks” you said as he smacked his lips and couldnt fight the urge smile.
He turned off the radio and turned to you, you had your heels off showing your pretty piggies that arvin laughed at, he looked up at you and seen you smiling at him. “What?” He asks, his cheeks slowly heating up. “Youre beautiful arvin” you complement as his cheeks become scarlet. “Your too sweet” he says back, biting his lip to stop himself from grinning more “well tell me about yourself, will ya?”
“What do you wanna know?” You ask as you lean back, your lower lip popping out over your top. “Your favorite color, movie something like that?” “Well, i like F/C my favorite movie is F/M my favorite food is F/F and i love rainy and cloudy days” “how come?” “My little brother, and because they are relaxing” you sigh and give a small smile.
“Well i like red, i dont really have a favorite movie? I love my grandmas cooking so i also dont have one, but i like sunny days- even though we rarely get those” he chuckles, you place your hand on top of his “how nice” you grin.
“I-i feel so embarrassed- about in church- god” he groans. “Dont be arvin- i dont care and nobdy else does- well i dont mean it like that but you know-“ “yeah” he sighs, relaxing a bit as his legs slightly open, his elbow on the ontop of the closed window as he rested his head on his cheek.
You felt happy but sad, you dont want him to feel that way at all, nobody deserves it, not even the racists deserve it. “Look let go of it, it was a moment and you are moving on” “you say that like it was a week ago” “oh well, arvin”
“So you snuck out last night?” Cloudy asks again for clarification, you look at him annoyed but nodded. He chukcled as he shuck his head “ what?!” You ask, slapping his arm as you guys walked down to the lake for a bit.
“Dad is gonna fucking kill you, do you even like this boy?” “We went in one date! And it was nice, we actually have an emotional connection” “how much?” He asks looking at you. “We talked the whole movie through” “i swear if he-“ “calm the hell down cloudy” you giggle, he only rolls his eyes as he huffs.
“I hope you know no one is gonna be happy” “well I guess im thankful for you” you wrap your arm around his arms, holding his shoulder in your hand and rubbing it some as he chukles. “How was school by the way?” You ask suddenly, he only shrugs as he looks at his moving feet “talk to me cloud”. “I seen lenora around and stuff” “did you talk to her?” “No” you sigh as you shake your head in disappointment.
“Well get out of your comfort zone- do something” you raise your eyebrow at him, slightly annoyed. “And who are you to tell me what to do?” He says, cocking the same eyebrow. “I am your sister, your older sister- the one who-“ “changed my diapers” cloudy mocks, already knowing what you were gonna say.
“Exactly, although we might not be able to do a whole lot of things that doesnt mean we cant bend the rules just a bit, right?” You give him a small smile as he chuckles “you are the exact opposite of dad” “i know- thats why you love me so much” you giggle as you take your hand from his shoulder and start walking normally side by side.
“Hey y/n?” Cloudy asked after a few minutes of silence, he looked at you as you hummed and told him to continue,” you know how you promise me and mom that youre gonna take us out of here?” You looked at him and nodded.
“Do you ever rethink it? Or even think about leaving us?” He hesitated. “Well- i dont pray, i dont work, and i barely help anyone. So sometimes i do think about it- think about if we do get stuck here, if we dont leave and if we are gonna stay miserable” “so yes?” You nod and poke your lower lip out.
“But when you saved lenora- do you think that god seen that as a good sign for you?- like arvin is a good sign?” He asks curiously, you only shrug and bite the side of your lip. “Are you telling me your believing in god now cloud?” You ask him. “I mean- he did make this earth right?”
You stop dead in your tracks and he follows turning to you as you put your hands on his shoulders and gives them a squeeze, making cloudy groan but pay attention. “Look here- i dont care that you belive in god- but what you wont do is put faith in that god damn preacher, ya hear?” You say sternly.
You were never really serious when you talked with cloud, you had no reason to be hard or hate him. Hes your younger brother after all right? But he knew when you gave him those talks he needed to agree, he always puts faith in you and believes what you say because your really all he has.
Dad is manipulative- whatever mom said to him was because dad told her to. When you were young you barely listened so he kinda gave up on you, so when cloudy was born you took him under your wing because you utterly refused for him to be brain washed by the asshole of a dad. Why did your mother even get with your dad? Because she was desperate and vulnerable.
She killed her brother, on purpose. Your uncle is sick- was sick. He tried to touch your mom also- to all the black folks she was the prettiest girl in the small town- and your father took advantage of it. Your mother was always a free woman and doesnt like to be trapped, but as she got older she grew tired and just gave up- just listened- it meant less work for her anyway.
He nodded “yes ma’am”. You give him a weak smile as you find yourself next to the river already. You heard giggles and the water waves as pictures flashed, then a strong punch. You silently slapped your brother as you told him to get down, both crouching knowing you had to get out of there.
“I want you to go the car cloud” you whisper at him, crawling ahead and turning to the bushes, slightly getting a view of the people- of course white people.
“Im not leaving you y/n-“
Shots fired.
“Get your dumbass to to the fuckin car NOW!” You whisper yell, cloud stunned but quickly taking the keys from you and running to the car. You start crawling more and see an old man, well mid-30s with a camera around his neck and a women fixing herself- and of course a dead man bare naked with bloody coming from between his legs.
You sat there, shaking, your hand making its way up to cover your mouth, your eyes widening with shock as they started to take care of it.
Now you knew better then to report it because it only meant bad for you, but what happend- what you just saw is absolutley horrible. You only froze and continued to watch almost forgetting about cloudy, you look back at the parked cars and back at the couple your guessing- but they’ve disappeared.
You took your chance now to run back to the car, lifting your pink dress and running in those combat boots. You saw cloudy basically mesmerized- paying no attention as he just looked ahead- the keys already in and the car started as you just drove away.
Taggie! @jeyramarie
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Okay so... I'm gonna ramble another idea and I need people to add onto this
Yes its another soulmate AU. Read the username and weep baby
SuZukka this time
Alright so, everybody has charm in their hair. Dont ask how they get there, if you have an idea please share. But basicallt the charms are beads until one of the soulmates turn 13 then the beads become charms representing the nation and weapon (or something identifies them) that your soulmate uses. Basically Sokka, Suki, and Zuko all have two beads.
When Sokka was younger his mom made him swear on his wolf tail honor (a cute thing in the family) that no matter which nation the soulmates were from, he would love them unconditionally.
Quick note, the hair the charm is on cant be cut off or burnt off. And the charm is kind of like Katara's hair charms or Hakodas hair ?accessories? They aren't gaudy in any way.
Anyways, on Zuko's 13th birthday, the day that his charms changed and the day of his fated Agni Kai. His dad was already furious with him for the fact that he had a water tribe charm with a boomerang and an earth kingdom charm with a fan. He absolutely disapproved, and the fact that it couldn't be cut off made him LIVID. So he baited Zuko with the war meeting, and he banished him after taking his rage out on him in the Agni Kai.
Also I said they can't be cut off because boy oh boy do I love having Zuko incapable of having that ugly ponytail oh my god.
Anyways. On Suki's 13th birthday the charms change and she adores both of them. Sure she is a bit worried about the fire nation, but with the dual weilding swords that she knows are a rarity she knows that they are special. She looks at them often, and day dreams of what they might be like.
When Sokka's change on his 12th birthday he fears the fire with dual swords and loves the earth with fans. And while he does fear the fire one he made a promise to his mom that he would love them unconditionally. So he keeps that in mind the entire time.
When Katara's bead changes to an airbending charm she is distraught, the airbenders are extinct, they all know this. But then when she's 14 and Sokka is 16 they find him.
Also yes, Aang does in fact have a single bit of hair with a water tribe charm that has a glowing hand. Its right by his right ear, if you want a visual.
When Zuko gets to the northpole nobody has time to be looking at beads or even caring about them. So nobody notices the green and blue on either side of his face.
It takes the entirety of them running from him until the episode with June for them to realize, because while sokka is paralyzed and carried by Zuko he shouts "your water charm has my boomerang!" Which seemingly makes Zuko freeze as he slowly processes what he said
"Your... your charm, the water one, it has my boomerang, and I have the same earth one too, it belongs to Suki, I can't move right now but I have a fire one with dual swords"
And Zuko just stands there with Sokka on his shoulder for a solid minute before setting him down and helping Iroh off of June's animal. "What about my gold princey?"
"You'll get it, just hold on" he snaps before turning to Sokka "let me see your charms really quick"
He then takes a while looking at the fire charm "okay, so you're telling me, that I've been literally chasing you guys for at least a month and I've found both of my soulmates without realizing it?"
"Well, I dont mean to push this information on you, but the fact my soulmates aren't firenation is the reason I have this scar" his voice slowly losing the edge it normally has.
"Forget the gold, im loving this show" June snips from her animal earning a booming laugh from Iroh
And just. Id like to add that if you find your soulmate and reject them both of you will die, if there's a group, all of you will die. So yeah, Zuko won't reject them because while he is a chaotic baby he isn't out to kill anyone, we see that from the very first episode when he leave the village alone while other fire benders would have still destroyed the village.
Anyways, they make their way back to the (i dont remember the name) ?perfume place? And meet up with Aang before he leaves and at first he's confused but then he's like "oh, cool, soulmates." And of course they fly to the north pole and train and yes Zuko gets angry at Pakku because fuck pakku, but Sokka manages to calm him down.
Oh and BTW Kanna (Gran Gran)has a fire charm in her hair and thats why she had an arranged marraige and guess who her match is. IROH! Who lovingly stares at the water charm in his hair all the time. And when they meet, oh lets just say thar you're never too old to find your soulmate
>if yall wanna add to this please do
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
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pairing: vampire!hawks x gn!reader
genre: angst w/ nsfw themes 
word count: 2.8k 
warnings: swearing, mentions of dead animals, mentions of nudity, main character death 
a/n: so~ im back from my break! i decided i’d only come back once i had content to post :) this one shot was originally going to be smut but angst fit better with the plotline so heres some sad shit for y’all :’) the song for this fic is ‘samson’ by regina spectre, linked here <3 i hope y’all like this cause angst isnt really my thing asfjkhld 
✁  𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖈𝖑𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗  ✃
“We all have wings, but they have not been of any avail to us and if we could tear them off, we would do so.”  Franz Kafka
It was a quote you knew by heart. After all, it was sitting neatly framed on your desk. It was a graduation gift, but you don’t remember from who. Years of schooling behind you, you were finally an expert in your field. Animal locomotion, volant insects- it was all the same to you. Creatures with wings were your life and passion. As you looked at the mounted glass boxes that held a variety of pinned butterflies that lined the walls of your office, you were brought out of your daze by a familiar ringing.  
You sighed, picking up the telephone, wrapping the old cord around your finger as you awaited the greeting at the other end.  
“Hello, is this Dr. L/N?”  
The familiar voice brought a smile to your face. Izuku Midoriya was you best friend, the both of you working towards doctorate in animal studies. You specialized in wings, he specialized in secrets. More specifically, mythical creatures, a secret that zoologists and the government held from the public as to keep chaos from ensuing.  
“Ah Y/N! Yes, it's me! How are you?”  
“Good, how-”  
“I’m fine, thank you, I just- I need your help.”  
“Oh? Is there a situation?”  
“Well, yes and no... we’ve been told there’s been a spike in livestock and animals going missing, along with carcasses being found at an alarming rate. So, we’ve been conducting research and taking in recent sightings into consideration. We think there's a vampire in the Aokigahara forest.”  
“A vampire? Midoriya you know that’s your expertise not mine. I know nothing about vampires, isn't there anyone else that can help you? I wouldn’t be of any use-”  
“No no Y/N, you don’t understand. This vampire, it-it has wings.”  
The line went silent, the ringing of the tone slowly becoming too much to bare.  
“Are you sure-”
“We have photos, they're not great, but we’re certain its him.”  
“It's a guess, but yes, a him.”  
Another deafening pause.  
“Do you have a plan?”  
“Yes actually!”
The sudden confidence transmitted from Midoriya’s end of the phone made you chuckle.  
“We’d like you to camp out in the woods, film what you can for us as well as observe anything you find or witness.”  
“Midoriya, that sounds really dangerous, this is a vampire, right? I’m not baiting myself for science-”  
“I promise it's not like that! You’d always have a walkie talkie running the entire time and have contact with me and the team. Nothing will happen to you, I promise.”  
“Promise. And besides, you’d get to keep his wings.”  
That caught your attention. Like a puppy, your ears perked up at the magic w-word.  
“Once we complete the research, we’d have to put him in captivity, and we’re not taking any chances on letting him escape, so we’ll extract them and give them to you.”  
You bit your lip, imagining whatever possible large pair of wings could adorn your walls next.  
“I’m in.”  
You laughed as Midoriya cheered on the other line. Research and new discoveries always made him bounce with glee, and despite not being able to physically see him, you knew he was bouncing around his office like a baby bunny learning to leap.  
“When do we start?”  
“Huh? Oh, do you think you could come to the northwest research building tomorrow? I’ll pay for your bus ticket and everything.”  
“No no, it’s fine, I can make it over by noon.”  
“Perfect! I’ll see you then!”  
Before you could say goodbye, Midoriya hung up the phone, probably dashing around his office to prepare as much as he could for the upcoming events.  
You chuckled and sighed, putting the phone down. You were going to be in the woods for God knows how long studying a vampire that could potentially kill you and suck you dry- all for a pair of wings.  
You later received a text from Midoriya instructing you to pack a bag with at least a months' worth of clothing and your own personal items. He said that his team would bring all the other needs- food, water purifier, stationary and a walkie talkie. You would be set for the entire month to study the elusive winged vampire. All that was left now was go to Aokigahara. But nothing could have prepared you for what was to come in the next month.  
As you trekked the hills of the Aokigahara forest that faithful day, all you could think of was the words Midoriya had said to you that morning.  
“Our hope is that you actually meet him?”  
“Meet him? The vampire? Midoriya you are trying to get me killed, aren’t you!”  
“But the best research is done when you’re close to the primary source!”  
You heaved a sigh and wiped the beads of sweat falling down your forehead with the back of your palm. You were entering the forest with the faux appearance an overwhelmed camper, seeking solace in the forest through self-reflection and meditation. Thus, everything had to look realistic, as to not make the vampire subject suspicious. The immense weight of the hiking backpack resting on your shoulders was unbearable, but you knew you still had to go further into the forest. You had to find the perfect spot. And finally, after several more exhausting hours, there it was.  
The lake.  
You beamed at the crystal-like water, ripping softly from the wind. Without hesitation, you dropped your backpack and began to set up camp. You had a fairly large tent, a cot and sleeping bag, and all your items, plus the ones promised by Midoriya’s team. Once you were happy with the setup of your tent, you deemed it was time to bathe. You were drenched in sweat and your muscles ached and you wanted nothing more than to engulf yourself in the lake’s cool waters.  
Once you rid yourself of your sticky clothes, you stepped into the water, sighing happily. You soon submerged your whole body in the water, humming as you scrubbed the grime off your skin. The sky above was shifting from pink to orange, the sun quickly beginning to set. You could see the outline of the moon too.  
“Pretty isn’t it?”  
You jumped at the unexpected voice, quickly covering what you could of your naked body. You looked around anxiously, fearful of who or what had been watching you. You narrowed your eyes at a tree looming over the water, a figure seated on one of its branches. You clung to your chest tightly as the branch shook, the figure hopping off with ease.  
Infront of you stood a blonde-haired man, incredibly fit, which was easy to see since he was shirtless. It seemed his only clothes appeared to be a pair of dirtied linen pants and a pair of poots. But that’s not what caught your attention- no, it was the enormous pair of bright crimson wings that stemmed from his back. They were breathtaking.  
He chuckled lowly at your frozen stance.  
“I meant the moon.”  
You nodded slowly.  
“O-oh,” was all you managed to say as it occurred to you that that man, creature, vampire, would be your subject of research for the next month.  
His brows furrowed as he looked down at your toiletry bag that sat on the shore.  
“Shit, is that soap?”  
“Uh, yeah?”  
What was happening? He was so normal? So calm? Were you not in his territory, invading his space? Or was he being kind, as to not scare off his next meal?  
“I haven’t been able to use soap in a while. My parents visit me sometimes and bring me soap and shit, but they haven't in a while...can I use yours?”  
Parents. He had a family. Did they have wings too? No, he was exiled, his wings made him an outlier. He was alone.  
“Uh, yeah...” you mumbled, shyly gesturing to the toiletry bag with your chin. The man beamed and dug through your bag.  
“Holy shit, you have hair soap too? Fancy,” he purred. Hair soap- did he mean shampoo?  
You watched curiously as he tossed out item from your bag and set them on the shore. You found your cheeks burning with heat as you looked away while he undressed. You looked down at the water, ripples appearing as he stepped into the lake. You gulped and peered over your shoulder.  
“What's your name?” You asked shyly.  
“Keigo, you?”  
You blinked at his unexpected friendliness.  
He gave you a nodded before picking up one of the bottles he placed in the water that began to float away.  
“So, which hair soap do I use first?”  
“Uh, the one that says shampoo.”  
Keigo looked down at the floating bottles before him.  
“I can’t read,” He mumbled.  
You gaped, he must’ve been exiled at a young age, with neither of his parents willing to take the time to educate him.  
You stepped towards him carefully, we’ll aware of the danger he could pose. You picked up the shampoo bottle and handed it to him.  
“Here, use this one first.”  
He grinned, two large fangs appearing. It was obvious they caught you off guard, since he began to laugh.  
“Scared of my fangs but not my wings? Interesting.”  
You scoffed as he poured the shampoo in his palm.  
“I’m not scared.”  
“Right,” He chuckled, before putting the shampoo in his hair. Which he did a terrible job at, since it all began to drip down his face and into his eyes. “Ah fuck- this shit stings! Are you trying to poison me?”  
You laughed and covered your mouth. 
This was the dangerous vampire Midoriya had summoned you to research? He seemed helpless, and frankly a bit pathetic.  
“Well it’s just for your hair, not your eyes.”  
Keigo growled and plunged his face in the water, washing the shampoo out of his eyes. He flung his head back up and shook the water off, similarly to a dog. You winced at the water droplets that hit you.  
“Do you- do you want help?”  
Keigo raised a brow and crossed his arms over his chest.  
“Why are you here?”  
You froze, not expecting the question.  
“Uh well, I needed a break from work. Just time to be alone and meditate, you know?”  
“No, I wouldn’t know,” He frowned. You bit your lip and looked down.  
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you-”  
You were caught off by his laugh once more.  
“You’re fine Y/N, it’ll take more than that to offend me. Besides,” He said, a sharp taloned hand wrapping around your neck and pulling you close, “I could kill you if you ever did.”  
He smirked, feeling you gulp in fear against his palm. You stood still in his grasp as leaned close into your ear.  
“So, you’ll help me with the hair soap?”  
In the following weeks, you developed an unexpected closeness to Keigo. He hung around your tent day and night, occasionally leaving when he got hungry. In those moments alone, you updated Midoriya and wrote in your journal. By the end of the second week, you found yourself realizing how close you had truly gotten to the vampire when he finally let you shave off his rugged beard.  
“Look at you!” You beamed, holding his face in your hand. He rolled his eyes and swiftly scooped you up, walking you both out of the water.  
He set you down gently and handed you your towel. He on the other hand, used his wings and flapped himself dry, fluffy feathers flying everywhere. You wrapped the towel around your body and smiled up at him, trying to cover up the sinking feeling in your chest. You were beginning to see Keigo as a person rather than a specimen. And when the month ended, he’d be transported to a facility and have his wings clipped and handed to you on a silver platter for decoration. You shook the thoughts away and flashed Keigo another smile.  
“Its getting late.”  
He nodded and slipped on his pants, which he now also allowed you to wash. You bit your lip.  
“Where do you sleep Keigo?”  
He adjusted his waistband and looked to you.  
“A treehouse.”  
Your eyes widened.  
“Really? Why haven’t you told me?”  
He chuckled and ruffled your hair with taloned hand.  
“Didn’t think it mattered. Wanna check it out?”  
You nodded eagerly and scrambled to put your clothes on.  
Keigo rolled his eyes and extended his hand out to you, which you took once you were dressed. He picked you up and cradled you in his harms before taking to the skies, protecting you from the branches above with his wings. This moment was your paradise, seeing his wings in action. You looked at the trees below you, looking miniature as you glided through the air. The air was thin yet crisp, you couldn’t help but give Keigo a grin.  
He soon swooped down and gently landed on the ground, helping you to your feet.  
“Keigo that was so cool!” You beamed up at him, jumping up and giving him a thankful hug. He blushed and hugged back, not expecting the affectionate contact. You looked up at the large well-built tree house that sat in the tree. With ease, Keigo helped you climb up the tree and inside his home.  
Your eyes widened at the sight. The home was scattered with crimson feathers, blankets, pillows, and old blood stains on the wood.  
“So uh, this is where I sleep,” He said gesturing to the nest-like pile of plush. You nodded and looked up at him.  
“This is really cool Keigo, thanks for showing me!”  
He grinned proudly at his home, despite its emptiness, you understood the sense of coziness it held.  
He looked down at you and seemed to contemplate his next words.  
“Would you, uh, like to stay here with me tonight?”  
You looked up at him curiously.  
“Promise not to kill me?”  
He chuckled and nodded.  
“Yes, I promise.”  
“Then yes.”  
It was already nighttime and you and Keigo had already eaten. All that was left was to rest. Keigo turned on the lamp and stepped into his “nest”, you follow his lead. You step into the softness of his fluffy nest and sink into it. As if by instinct, Keigo wraps you in his arms and pulls you to his chest, your breath hitching when you feel the warmth emitting from it. His wings wrapped around the both of you tightly in a secure fashion. You looked up at the silent blonde.  
He hummed in response.  
“Why haven’t you killed me?”  
Keigo scrunched up his face at the question.  
“I’m not a killer Y/N, I don’t kill humans.”  
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just- you’re a- and you know,” you trailed off.  
Keigo stayed silent, his large hands pressed against your back as he helped you. After what seemed like eternity he spoke.  
“What does love feel like?”  
You smiled softly and looked up at him, his eyes peering down at you under his long eyelashes.  
“Well, love is when you really care about someone, and would do anything for them and you always want to be around them and-”  
“Then I love you.”  
Your mouth gaped at the confession.  
“Everything you said, I feel it for you.”  
You gave him a weak smile and ran your fingers through his hair. A familiar story came to mind: Samson and Delilah. Samon loved Delilah so intensely he let her shave his head and take away his strength, leaving him weak. You found yourself in the same position, using Keigo’s love to let you clip his wings to give to the Philistines, well, in this case Midoriya.  
“I love you too Keigo.”  
His face broke out in a wide smile, but he had no clue what to do next. He had never been in this position before.  
You chuckled softly and gently stroked his cheek, “Do you want to kiss me?”  
He nodded, a shy blush creeping onto his cheeks. You giggled lightly before snuggling closer to him and pressing a soft kiss against his lips, feeling him melt at the touch.  
You really did love him.  
And you remembered it every day.  
You remembered him every day.  
You remembered the angry cusses he spewed at you when you watch him get captured by Midoriya’s team.  
You remembered his screams of agony as you watched him wake up from his surgery, only to realize his wings were gone.  
You remembered his sulking, deteriorating body when you visited him, only to learn he hadn’t eaten in days.  
And you remembered your heart breaking when you woke up at 2am to a phone call from Midoriya to learn that Keigo had died.  
As you stared at the crimson wings propped up on your office wall, you couldn’t help but curse yourself. Were a pair of wings worth learning that a vampire with wings had the capacity to love?  
taglist: @oikawaplssteponme @kac-chowsballs @mixfi @melaninmedia @strawberry-ice  @therainroguefanfiction  @johariameil  @katsushimaa @xizimagines @lunabby010 @ecao @bnhainthewoo @v-vpluto @iiminibattlehero  @cellotonin @mythiccheroacademia (dm to be added or removed <3) 
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