yeyayeya · 10 months
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babyblueetbaemonster · 9 months
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"If your Nord friend jump into cold water, would you?!"
"Yeah man."
"No! Don't jump into the cold water!!!"
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honeydots · 11 months
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( version w/o text under the cut!)
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Going to do Skyrim tonight playing as Lambert from the Witcher. I’ve got my mods all in order.
Planned companions:
Caryalind Thallery
Kaidan (just 2, not Extended)
Lucien Flavius
Inigo the Brave
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Taliesin: *laying face down on the road*
Khash: what’s wrong with him?
Kaidan: what isn’t wrong with him?
Lucien: it’d be shorter to list what’s right with him.
Caryalind: He just laid down and started whining! I don’t know how to help him!
Inigo: so far he’s complained about his ankles hurting, his knees hurting, the pollen count, the sun, the rain, the snow, and now he’s doing- what I can only describe as a very poor impression of a slug.
Sylas: *walks over to Taliesin and kneels down gently lifting his face to look at him* what’s wrong?…
Taliesin: *just whines and smooshes his face into his hand* hhnnnn…
Sylas: *smiles and just lifts him up putting him over his shoulder rolling his eyes* okay fine I’ll carry you.
Taliesin: Yay~!
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isamajor · 4 months
June of Doom : Day 1 to 5
Yay, @juneofdoom is here ! Time to write more whump drabble with Skyrim Custom-voiced Followers ! ♥
1 . “Help me.” 
A squad of Thalmor was after them and they had separated to better outrun them. Gore had headed towards Peak Shade's Tower, hoping to camouflage himself in the dense vegetation. A trap was also hidden here and it was only when his foot landed on it, that he realized too late what was happening to him. Then the intense pain of the jaw closing on his calf. He fell and curled into fetal position, biting the ground so as not to scream and be spotted by his pursuers.
Shortly after, footsteps approached him. It wasn't a Thalmor. Gore whispered “Help me.” (102)
2 . “It didn’t have to be this way.” 
It had been stronger than him. Set foot again at the embassy, without consulting the Dragonborn infiltrating there, nor his other companions who were waiting in the rocks not far from the building.
Although Taliesin knew every nook and cranny, he was still flushed out by his former colleague, the chief torturer, Rulindil. When the Dragonborn saw them talking, they have the vehement feeling of having been utterly double-crossed and betrayed. They confronted the two Thalmors.
“It didn’t have to be this way.” , pleaded Taliesin. He was trembling, torn between affection for his old and new comrades. (99)
3 . “Well, well, well…”  
Having hidden his camp between the lake and forest, Kaidan sat by his campfire, oblivious to the danger that awaited him. The sound of a spell startled him, and before he could react, a powerful paralysis spell struck him, causing him to fall motionless. As Kaidan struggled against the invisible force that held him captive, a voice echoed through the trees, cold and mocking.
"Well, well, well... We finally got you.", taunted the Thalmor wizard leading the ambush. Trapped, Kaidan's heart was beating with anger at being ambushed by the Thalmor, who must have been tracking him for a long time. (102)
4 . “Does that hurt?”     
Lucien's breath caught as his foot pressed on the pressure plate. He barely had time to react when iron spikes burst from the ground, impaling his leg. A strangled yelp escaped his lips as he collapsed.Inigo rushed to his side, eyes wide with worry.
"Does it hurt, my friend? How much?"
Lucien panted, trying to control his breathing and tears, unable to answer. Inigo's expression hardened and he began to examine the injured leg.
“Our friend must have some healing potions in their bag.”
Lucien nodded weakly, hiccupping, squeezing Inigo's hand as he tried to focus on something other than the pain. (105)
5 . “It’s not as bad as it looks.”    
Remiel winced as Xelzaz gently cleaned the wound on her face. The bite from the skeever had started to swell, turning an angry red and oozing pus. She felt tears prick at her eyes, not just from the pain but from the fear of disfiguration.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”, Xelzaz said softly. He applied a poultice to the bite, the coolness providing some relief.
“The swelling will go down soon. This poultice will draw out the infection.”
Remiel sniffed, trying to muster a smile. “You’re sure?”
Xelzaz nodded firmly. “I promise. Just rest and let me take care of you.” (100)
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
SAW THE POST AND IMMEDIATELY SHUFFLED IN HERE,,,, haiii haiiii my friend pik :]]] i have a little Question™. if your little beasts (pick any of them and as many as you want) were to be pokemon trainers specialized in a specific type and had their own ace pokemon, what would be their signature type and their ace mon?? i am currently pokemon brainstorming rn so wwwwww i had to,,
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immediately fuckig personally targetted TWICE skdjgbdjf i actually have this in my notes doc already!! :D (one of my favorite chardev uquizzes to do is a gymleader typing one and i went n did it w all of them awhile back hehe ^_^) SO !! ill answer all of these together since theyre . ykno. :] just kinda taking from my notes where applicable etc etc Here We Go ! ^_^ uuuunder the cut bc this got Long As Fuck !!!! yaaaaaaa--
(honestly idk if any of them would actually be leaders but thats th context were working with and also Its Fun Yay!! ^_^ in no particular order.)
Wolfe: Fire Type just kinda works here? she takes battling very seriously, but is a bit awkward with the social mess. shes a bit prickly on the outside, but does tend to care a lot about how things are outside. she Does need to be dragged into doing things sometimes though. she seems outwardly bothered by her job, but there is a bit of pride buried underneath all that. TEAM: P!Tauros - Flareon - Houndoom - Magmortar - Incineroar (Signature is Incineroar-- though ive also considered having her be a Dark Type main. the-- Yeah Shes The Mightyena Haver. Yeah Its A Whole Thing.)
Rose: Psychic Type a gym in a large, sprawling atrium/garden. she lies in the middle of a convoluted maze, under a gazebo with a rope swing. she takes it very seriously, despite her outwardly flowery demeanor. she intends to Really test any challengers, and does not hold back. she gives very good advice, and does want to help people get stronger but uh... shes not immune to having a little fun, yknow? TEAM: G!Slowbro - Indeedee - Delphox - Meowstic - Gardevoir/Malamar (Signature is G!Slowbro! she also has a budew, but she doesn't talk about it much. she's had it for a while.)
Lilli: Flying Type oh she is having FUN with this gym leader thing. probably has a fun costume and everything :] id like to believe she has a little bit of contest influence to her deal, shes the one who loves her job most. loves training her team, loves seeing challenger teams, loves hearing challenger stories! thriving. Also She Will Fucking Obliterate You. despite her sillyfun outlook she does Not play around. but she is having fun! :D TEAM: Oricorio / Archeops / Swellow / Salamence / Minior (Signature is Salamence! but she loves her whole team so so dearly.)
Inigo: Ice Type probably one of the most formal of the group. 'normal.' honestly hes just kinda new to the whole thing and figuring it all out. he does his best, but honestly seems kinda distracted sometimes. its a role passed along his family, and he can do it well, but, well, um... um, anyway, really impressive team you have, good job, heres your badge. good luck. :] TEAM: A!Sandslash - Avalugg - Aurorus - Mr. Rime - Lapras (Signature is Avalugg, but the lapras is very important to him too.)
Cocoa: Steel Type most arent even sure shes a gym leader. she just fucking disappears sometimes. shes odd, but very dedicated. rarely speaks, but does what she needs to. she seems almost distracted most times, unless someone actually poses a challenge. ...and then she disappears again. a mystery. (she doesnt have a gym challenge. formally, at least. just fucking finding her is challenge enough-- she just goes around her business not making a big fuss of herself, so people mostly just have to... track her down. she lives in the city though, so uh. good luck. its mostly word of mouth that helps challengers get around and recognize her. she isnt Trying to avoid people, it just... happens. oops ^_^) TEAM: Bronzong / Scizor / Corviknight / Tinkaton / Aggron (Signature is Aggron! though her tinkaton is a fucking Menace on its own too. unrelated, but she also has a spinda she doesnt use for battling that she keeps with her. important :])
Magpie: Normal Type should honestly be a professor… hes just some guy. he helps around a lot, and you only really realize hes the leader once he gets there. he like… actively buries the lead by not mentioning it. he has his “haha im just some lackadaisical guy :)” demeanor on most times, but hes Very skilled at strategizing and quick thinking. …but hes so silly!! ^w^ (he honestly really likes how little people tend to pay mind to normal types. he tends to act like hes not a trainer at all, just a guy who Hears Some Tips Here And There. all fun and games until Silk Scarf STAB Hyper Beam.) TEAM: Porygon2 - Smeargle - Farigaraf - Staraptor/Braviary - H!Zoroark (he has a smeargle out and about most of the time, but his true signature is porygon2.)
Luci: Poison Type she takes rose’s brand of annoying and dials it up to 11. she leads challengers on with ridiculous challenges and puzzles and tricks– just to see what happens :) oh no getting tired?? what a shame! here she was excited to see an interesting match… her team has Incredible synergy, and some fairly good coverage. she takes control and keeps it. she doesnt lose often, but when she does, she Remembers. she is, as they say, A Bit Petty. TEAM: Toxapex/Glimmora - Salazzle - Crobat - Toxicroak - Gengar (Her signature is either Toxapex or Glimmora. whichever i eventually decide fits th bill better. gengar is a pretty close runner-up though.)
[i dont talk about him much because he's still figuring it out, but additionally... Lark is a dark-type user! is technically the first of the bunch. Team including: Weavile, Absol, Cacturne, and Tyranitar-- still a wip, but signature is Tyranitar. the absol is with him more often than not, though.]
A LITTLE SHORTER THAN THAT THOUGH its hard picking just one for everyone but iwill waffle on as i always have... these r all kinda instant gut reactions bc ive already been here like an hour and a half and i will stay here longer SO--
Wolfe: MIGHTYENA HAVER. pretty pangoro/mabosstiff coded too though... Rose: i put her down as roserade but every day she makes decisions and honestly i have no fucking idea rightnow djfgndkf Lilli: oricorio codedddd... also associate her with emolga. latias coded also. Inigo: H!Zorua coded lil thang... my heart also says swablu and or minccino but come back to me later abt that. latios coded also. Cocoa: this ones HARDDDD. honestly tinkaton isnt a bad gut pick for her though. magpie: meowth coded somehow? hes some sort of small mammal. i believe this in my heart of hearts. luci: for lore reasons i have to mention vulpix but my heart says h!sneasel. she just has the vibe. trust
BUT ILL!!! PROBABLY ROTATE THESE OVER A LOT imjust trying t scoot along bc iwill again . be here all day otherwise KJSNFDHBGJ ANYWAY . yay yippy ^_^
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orangenuggets · 3 months
yay 5 favorite characters pick one
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
@ha-youwish tagged almost everyone i wouldve when they tagged me & someone else tagged the others so. im not doing that
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soft-serve-soymilk · 9 months
yay time for art talk again!!! :D I wanna hear about 5, 22, and 23
Hello my wife, mám tě moc ráda ;) You bring me questions?? Just for me??? I will oblige, of course :3
5. favourite little detail in an artwork HHHHHH there’s so many!! How can I choose?!? That’s right, I’m not going to. You’re getting a compliation <3
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Dism and Inigo handholding for QPR cuteness :D
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Pippin hidden in the background of ‘Sweet Cream :3 I was looking at a photo for reference but I don’t think I adequately captured this queen’s likeness </3
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Colour is a mindset
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Grief is a mindset
Asdjksjks this is not a small detail but I still love the swing as a symbol for Archie and with the sheer disarray, it all comes together to open up the path for the sunset (the end of an era) and for melancholy. 10/10 use of composition. Good thing I got an award for it <3
22. The thing I think I do best! Aw c’mon I know you are totally jealous of my chiaroscuro-esque melodramatic lighting and sensuous, delicate colours :P Like look at this!!
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There’s SECRET colours in the BLUE stripe :O :O :O AND IN RICHARD’S NECKERCHIEF TOO (+ sword)
I love doing this it adds so much when it comes to cohesiveness and it makes me feel like Erk 😈 I am committing art crimes!!! 😂 Anyways if you want to know where I ✨ acquired the knowledge that I then took in my own direction, Marco Bucci’s 10 Minutes to Better Painting series on youtube has so much goodness in it I can’t believe it’s free! And I think there’s definitely stuff there that’s applicable to all art styles :>
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Kid Icarus Uprising (2012) was a bad influence on me 😌 I have had an obsession with ✌️✌️✌️ever since ✨ This duo, likewise, form the V for Victory club!! (They are the only ones in the V for Victory club)
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ask-obt · 2 years
Given the previous topics at hand, I got another point of debate: do chips/crisps belong in sandwiches; yay or nay?
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Malachi: Yeah, sounds good to me!
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Inigo: Of course you would.
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Malachi: What do you mean?
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Inigo: I bet you also like fries in ice cream. Pineapples on a meat dish. Any other awful texture or flavor combination.
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Malachi: Well it's better than somebody's preference for hot sauce and milk.
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Dielle: They're just jealous of my refined palate!
// referenced post
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FE asks 29 and 31!
29. Avatars: yay or nay?
I'm fine with it either way! I do prefer avatars who have slightly more personality than your average crumpled paper bag blowing across the playground after lunch (hi, Corrin), but otherwise all good.
(Honestly, Corrin's position could have been used to make really interesting contrast in their growth and development across whatever path the player chose, but... they didn't. By those standards, Byleth is sort of a letdown too. I like Byleth more though, because the Three Houses script wasn't written by a bunch of monkeys banging on typewriters, which is the only valid excuse for Fates.)
I've never found them egregious (and I haven't experienced Kris and the notorious stealing of victories across FE12), but I'm also happy to play games without them. I quite liked Robin, Corrin and Byleth both had interesting roles within their stories, and Shez and Alear have strong, developed personalities. But on the last... why even have an avatar, if there's little the player can customize? Are they serving a deeper purpose in the story, or are they just a stand-in for the player and hardly relevant to the overall plot? Robin, honestly, I think was the best-handled avatar, but I also haven't hated any of them. I'm just unsure what function they serve, if there's no customization besides form and name. Alear seems likely to have Robin-like relevance to the plot, so it will be interesting to see where the game goes with them! Shez was also a fun contrast to Byleth. That was fun. It's also always amusing to see one of the lords just going completely 😍😍😍 I WANT THAT ONE the moment they see the avatar. Poor Frederick and Hubert!
31. Some moments of Fire Emblem you keep thinking of?
Definitely love very much the cutscene after the final battle in Crimson Flower (especially since CF was robbed of cutscenes otherwise). The contrast between the presentation of the Battle of Eagle and Lion versus Gronder Field (on the routes that have it). The end cutscene in Awakening, especially the first time I played. The conversation between Laslow and Silas in Soleil's paralogue. Finishing FE7 for the first time and realizing there was more to play now. The first time I got everyone in Awakening married off before the chapter where the truth about Lucina comes out, and watching all the paralogues start opening up across the map.
And if I can bring up some out-of-game moments: seeing the shield at the Nintendo Direct that introduced the first Warriors game. Beating Apotheosis for the first time (July 15, 2016). Finishing Future Past with the good ending. The 2017 direct just for Fire Emblem. The first time Edelgard was revealed. Happening to go to Gamestop just as they took down the Three Houses poster and then taking it home with me. Getting up at 4am to play FEH the day Inigo was released AND FINALLY GOT TO BE A DANCER. Handing over a ring on the second anniversary of the game's release. And every single time a new trailer debuts.
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riceballoon · 8 months
oh thank you for the tag for this get to know me meme @troutsoup and @thatkorka !! \o/
last song: good riddance by darren korb ft ashley barrett (learning it on guitar yay)
favourite color: dark green, but for some reason when drawing i'm really fixated on this color in between blue and purple
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last tv show: solitary gourmet
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury
comfort characters: gale (bg3), inigo (fe:a), aerith (ff7), piranesi (piranesi), my ocs hehe
last google: "barre chord wrist pain"
current obsession: gale, vax'ildan from the legend of vox machina :]
i tag @soundlessroom if you wanna do it! hehe this was fun
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dishtothedeath · 1 year
A Match Made in Heaven (Or Hell…) [CH 4 COOKING CHALLENGE]
To say things are tense after the execution of Inigo and the beheading of Emil would have been an understatement. But the introduction of the farm and holograms of your past friends allows some of you to have a chance of rest and healing during the past week. Whether you forgive and forget, or hold on tightly to your grudges will be key as you head into your next cooking challenge… 
Literally herded by the chaperone bots wearing cowboy hats and lassos on their hips, you are all escorted to the farm. Only half of the cast remain. You knew that joining this show would mean parts of the cast would be eliminated, but… the fact that it was their life that was forfeit makes it particularly hollow. Is your life next? Before you can think of this moral conundrum, Skull-kun greets you. He is also wearing a cowboy hat. 
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“Howdy chefs! Welcome back to the farm! I hope you have had the opportunity to take a good look around the place, because that would probably be very useful today.” 
“If you look behind me, you can see we have set up your cooking stations here. We’ve also set them up in a peculiar way… two of them together!” 
Sure enough, the kitchen benches have been moved into a horseshoe shape outside the barn, appropriately decorated to look like little produce stands. Hay bales dot the area, along with aesthetically placed straw baskets, an old wagon wheel, gingham hand towels—the whole thing screams farmer’s market. 
Both Ides and BB spring up from behind a set of doubled up counters—Ides has swapped out their usual scarf for a bandana and Biscuit Beastie’s feet jingle with a brand new set of spurred boots. 
“You’ve gotta work together! As a team of two!! Isn’t that exciting? And the two of you have to cook us something tasty using things you find on the farm! Teamwork! Make a plan!” 
BB chuckles darkly under its breath.
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“Or… ya can work against each other, we ain’t gonna force ya t’ make friends. Maybe it’ll be even more rewardin’ to look out fer jus’ y’self.” 
The pair of judges come around from the counter and join Skull at his sides, as Skull continues to address you all.
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“Don’t worry, you don’t have to do the awkward ‘pick a project partner’ thing, we’ve picked your partner for you! Ides, if you could–”
And Ides quickly interrupts Skull, all too excited for this development in the Cooking Challenge. Yay friendship!
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“Right, right the pairs! Listen up! Alfie and Yukari! Castella and Haruki! Fergus and Sunako! Giselle and Morgan! Jun’ya and Manqian! And Yuzuki and… me! Wait, it’s me—do I really get to cook??” 
Ides does a double take towards Skull, who nods back.
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“Well, we didn’t think there’d be two double murders so soon in the series, so… numbers are a little skewed. So Ides, you can stand in on behalf of the dead contestants, in their honour!” 
Ides looks very proud of themselves, straightening up with their metal hands on their hips. Skull-kun claps his hands. 
“Very good. Is everything clear? Are we ready? It’s too late to say anything anyways, because we’re starting now. You’ll have two minutes to discuss with your partner before you need to gather your ingredients. Ready, set, go!”
0 notes
So two things.
My new glasses should be getting to me by Tuesday, so. Yay for vision!
And uh. Well, after reading all the weird things people have done with your name, I feel like I owe you an apology. The very first time I ever read your name was before I heard anyone say it out loud and I misread it as “Inigo.” Which I thought was super neat because hey, that’s the best character in The Princess Bride! It took me about a week to read it again and realize I’d fucked up. 😅 But at least I never said it to your face?
-Goth Anon
Bravo! Goth Anon! I'm happy for you!
As for the name, I'm certainly glad you did not call me Inigo.
I do not need a six fingered man threatening my family.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
*team dragonborn making camp outside of Alftand*
Henwen: *built them a shelter out of their tents and the abandoned cabin left behind by whoever was here last, shuffles inside covered in frost after blocking any gaps with snow* Okay, the fire can only do so much to keep us warm, I can survive the cold, you all can’t so we’re going to have to buddy up bedrolls. Inigo and Lucien? You two good sharing?
Inigo: yes, do not worry my friend I got rid of my fleas!
Lucien: *visibly shaking from the cold as he climbs into the bedroll* y-yay-
Henwen: *tosses them an extra blanket before looking to the others* Taliesin and C-
Taliesin: *thought he was about to say Kaidan* no thanks I’d rather freeze than share a bedroll with that brute.
Henwen: …I wouldn’t exactly call Caryalind brutish, but okay he can buddy up with Kai and myself then and we’ll bury your frozen remains in the morning.
Caryalind: 🥺
Taliesin: NO WAIT HOLD ON!!!
*a few hours later*
Inigo: *purring in his sleep*
Lucien: *snuggled into his fur snoring*
Henwen: *fits perfectly in his giant fiancés arms, snug as a snow bug*
Kaidan: *holding onto his living heat pack of a fiancé like his life depends on it*
Taliesin: *can’t sleep, neon red, whole body on fire being this close to his prince*
Caryalind: *can’t sleep, literally melting, pushes back the covers and rolls out onto the cold floor*
Taliesin: your highness?!
Caryalind: *face down on the floor* I’ve met flame atronachs that radiate less heat then you. Give me a minute to cool down.
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isamajor · 2 years
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The way to High Hrothgar with Team Dragonborn (3/3)
1 - 2 - 3
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