#another Lucina alt?
yeyayeya · 10 months
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months
ohhh i j remember i pulled arcane ophelia when she dropped and just never fuckin used her… i ALMOST gave her tome to odin to fix him up, but…. hehewgahehe laurentttttt i have some shiny new toy for youuuuu come home baby girl come HOME!
#ann cries about feh#arcane devourer for inigo and arcane whatever for laurent my boys are SO IN IT#hopefully severas prf is good but. its severa. of course its good.#you know im kind of winning with most of the awakening kids#i’d say most of them are actually really fucking solid units with their refines#my owains kind of bad but thats probably my fault… i put all my investment into odin instead cuz he was easier to merge#but like kjelle yarne cynthia nah lucina m!morgan all got solid refines#kjelle especially shes one of my crutches for her#geromes was kind of mid but he makes up for it by being a walking ball of attack and def stats#and if i get lucina (WHICH I WILL. SHES COMING HOME. IM NOT MISSING ANOTHER LUCI) he can take her axe#also yeah im still missing legendary lucina and spring lucina#i have the worst legendary banner luck… i always get something but never what im looking for#and spring lucina… WHY IS SHE COLOR SHARING WITH FUCKING XANDER#SPRING FUCKING XANDER GET AWAY FROM MEEE#ugh. anyways. what was i talking about#oh my noire sucks. i pulled a -atk one and didnt build her cuz i was convinced she’d be on the eventual second gen banner#she’ll almost definitely be on the next awakening banner now but who knows when thatll be#time to give in and build her but i REALLY hate her summer alt… i really do#and its like. the art isnt BAD. it looks good. and it looks like noire. but its like. she looks so scared and uncomfortable#like not my girl why would u do this to my girl….#ANYWAYS THO LAURENT IS WHO I WAS TALKING ABOUT YES NEW TOME FOR HIM WOOO
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sentofight · 9 months
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"Yuletide, huh ..."
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feh-alt-battle · 6 months
Request Poll - Lucina
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Maiponpon, Himukai Yuji, Tomioka Jiro, Maiponpon, Kozaki Yusuke, Akka, Yamada Kotaro, RIZ3, Gesoking
Notes: Marthcina is included because Marthcina has no alts. Marthcina is a backpack to one, but because they are a backpack, they aren't included
Also, babygirl where are your pants
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Alright, I need to talk to the fandom.
I have been seeing people claiming F!Alear is the canon one because she got a legendary and other upset that she beats M!Alear to this because they fear it means she is canon, so I feel the need to say it and I will repeat it again and again and again and again and again and again and again until people finally learn.
Neither gender of the Avatar is canon. That's the whole point, choosing you avatar. Why do you think IS still market the Robin and Corrin as "default" rather then canon ? To not invalidate the customization.
M!Robin isn't the canon one, he is simply used much more because he is more popular. IS cannot throw away F!Robin's existence because 1)it means invalidating one of the Morgan's existence 2)it means invalidating one of the several Chrom ships 3) IS doesn't like to confirm anything canon these day. The reason why he is featured in Engage was because of gender balance and because IS is careful of Robin's intereaction with Lucina since she calls F!Robin "mother" when she is her mother.
F!Kamui isn't canon either. She is the represent of the Nohr route which is more popular among fans and F!Corrin is also more popular but M!Corrin represent the Hoshidan route and is used for marketing Birthright. Scrapping M!Corrin's existence would mean scrapping Birthright and there is no way IS would do that, and it also means scrapping one gender of Kana.
Now the bits about Byleth because it's the perfect example of how dumb this whole discourse is. F!Byleth is the most popular out of the two and was claimmed to be "canon" and when Hopes released, fans deduced she was canon because she was featured in the trailer. But the only reason why was because they choose M!Shez for the advertissement. So now that M!Byleth was choosen for Engage guess what ? Now people believe he is the canon one when not so long ago people though his female alter ego was the canon one.
And now Alear's turn. F!Alear got a legendary earlier because she was in the game much longer then M!Alear. If you recall, each time an Avatar gets an alt in heroes, said avatar's counterpart gets one too : F!Robin got a summer alt and M!Robin a winter alt; both Corrin appears in the ninja banner and the Halloween banner, both Byleth got a legendary alt. Now, both Alear are featured in FEh and while F!Alear got a legendary first, M!Alear is likely to get an alt soon to balance things up. And while both Alear are very popular, they are both used equally in terms of advertissement. The Engage trailers used more M!Alear for the advertissement, both are featured in the Engage tutorial, both are in Heroes and M!Alear is used in the Engage manga. Both appeared in the freaking opening.
All I am saying is that IS may favor an avatar over an other due to popularity but not because one is canon over another, if that was the case, you couldn't even choose their gender ! IS has no reason to make an avatar canon because 1/ either gender of the Avatar have 0 impact on the story, save for the Robin since F!Robin can be Lucina's mother while M!Robin can marry Lucina, 2/ IS hates making things canon these days, whether it be ships or anything. They can infer stuff some ships (in Engage case, they ship tease Alfred/Alear and Nel/Alear) but they never confirm any ships ever since the end of the Kaga era.
There is no canon gender for the Avatar.
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godly-feh-edits · 9 months
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(Mod Toto) Lucina and Chrom wish you a Merry Christmas! 🥰✨
I got to design a Winter alt for Lucina in another Secret Santa, and of course had to accompany Santa Chrom to deliver more presents 😆✨
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kimium · 1 year
I’d love to hear your favourite headcanons for Chrom/Robin in Fire Emblem 👀💜
Hello friend! Thanks for this ask! As many know, my favourite ship from Fire Emblem Awakening (and probably the entire franchise) is Chrobin! Male or female Robin, it doesn't matter to me. Sadly, I don't have many head canons for them. However, I have some individual character head canons for them. M34GS said it's fine for me to talk about those in place.
Also, I'm going to talk both canon ideas and modern AU ideas.
My head canons about Chrobin + some character head canons
Chrom and Robin are an Adorable Couple / Sickeningly Sweet
Chrom is already a himbo (see: him canonically eating an unpeeled orange) and a fantastic leader. Couple that with Robin's tactical mind and thoughtfulness, and I think these two are an adorable couple. They're the kind who are always thinking of one another, checking up on their well-being, and offering to help. Acts of service are probably their go-to ways to show affection as both are busy people.
This also ties into a joke I had with ObscureReference where if this is modern AU, Chrom is the one live tweeting at some sort of gala how much he misses Robin and wants to leave to be with them. They accidentally spawn the internet Screaming about "Relationship Goals" and "Get yourself a spouse who -insert whatever Chrom and Robin are doing to publicly display their love and affection to one another-" memes.
(Also, the way they interacted in Engage?? Just staring into one another's eyes the entire flipping time?? Their cut scene with Lucina? We get it, you're in LOVE. And speaking of spin off series, I am STILL screaming over their Valentine Alt. Duo Chrom? More like Married Couple Chrobin LOL.)
Chrom and Robin are Super Devoted parents
Due to both of their upbringings being less than ideal (Chrom relying on Emmeryn as a guiding figure rather than their dad. Robin's father being... yeah you know... a worshipper of Grima), I think they fear being bad parents. Especially with the knowledge of the bad timeline. Anyways, I think this means Chrom and Robin try their best to be great parents to Lucina and Morgan. Canonically this means making sure they have the childhood they were denied in the bad timeline. In a modern AU this means being involved in their lives, such as taking them to Lucina's soccer games or Morgan's science fairs, etc.
Modern AU idea only: Robin is lowkey possessed by Grima
Another joke I have with ObscureReference, we are both loving the idea of Robin being possessed by Grima. They share a body in a similar style to Itadori and Sukuna from JJK. Except in this joke, Grima is like a surly cat who Demands Worship and Attention, so basically a mild inconvenience. Robin is possessed by Grima? Yeah, old news to everyone. They just take Robin spewing black miasma out of his mouth with a shrug.
Chrom runs warm
There isn't too much to this one. I think Chrom runs very warm and is perfect for Robin to snuggle and cuddle.
And that's about it, sorry! I don't want to just make things up on the spot to pad this out, but I had fun talking about my favourite couple!
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spectraeevee · 10 months
Vaike is officially the only playable character in Awakening who isn't in Heroes and that makes me sad because I like him
Lucina gets another alt because Intsys can't imagine a new heroes banner without an alt on it nowadays. Inigo and Severa also join the cast. VALIDAR !
Book time : I am so glad that Kozaki is back because those designs are so much better than what we got in Book 7. The characters are the Yggdrasil critters with Ratatoskr (Who was teased in one of the books I don't remember which) being our free OC. Her sisters are Nidhogg whose design I really like but why is the villainous girl dark skinned ? Intsys ? And Hraesvelgr the eagle girl. We also have a tiny glimpse of two new characters : a grey haired girl who seems to be Heidrun and a hot guy (Who is going to have a lifespan of 2 chapters) who I 100% believe is Eikthyrnir.
We also get yet another "omg are they going to die" moment with Veronica and with Henriette. And while I don't believe Intsys would kill Veronica... Henriette is a queen and is Alfonse and Sharena's only parent. It's a 50/50
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bowserinthesky · 10 months
Ok feh talk! IntSys give a free male OC challenge difficulty: Impossible...
Tbh I kinda like the new designs, definetely more varied than last book "v-tuber waifus with giant boobs" design used for most characters... But still sad that the guys are getting more shafted every year!
The two mysterious characters are my favorite designs (probably based in the yggdrasill's goat and stag) but I know IntSys gonna make the guy have the tiniest role possible or be the books main villain... I REALLY want they at least make him summonable, his design is so cool and I don't want to wait, like, 2 years for his base form get in the game :c
Also, talking of guys shafted... L for Inigo! He joins Sylvain in the fan favorite guys that become a shitty demote gang (Inigo at least has better stats, but he is a infantry sword... The most bloated and usually powercrept class)!
About the banner, nothing much else to say... Lucina gets another alt but now with probably the fast oriented rearmed axe, severa is a godsword and the we also heve free OC that shuts down one of the most annoying mechanics of the game: teleportation (Sorry gatekeeper you definetely lost your niche and also flier stonks definetely sinking). A rant about the demote tho, everybody knew Laurent would be a demote when getting in feh, but what bothers me is that IntSys insists in giving repeated shitty skills in the 4-star pool! Seriously? Atk/Res ideal and rouse atk/res? That's the exact same kit as Hilda which was released what? 2 years ago? There are 3 grail units with that ideal skill while 2 have rouse! We have some of the most busted tier 4 skills but then can't even get us some decend bridge fodder...
New game mode can't say much, IntSys always focusing in the PvP instead of PvE, but this time auto-battles for you so you can pretend you don't care when your team loses against the most bullshit whale team you can find... Also, the mode rewards looks really bad...
Anyways, I know I'm focusing more in the negative, but at least OCs looks cool... I Hope Veronica do something in this book and I'm curious about the book showing some focus in the askr Queen! I always expect nothing about feh story, but It would be funny If Sharena's mom got more development than sharena herself in this book (also, I'm definetely more interested in this book and last one)
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friedfriedchicken · 1 year
1.) I've seen people begging for this alt since forever, even before I actually got into FE proper!!! Y'all won!!! As far as I know, this is spun-off of a card from the FE TTCG since the armor is different but the whole vibe is still intact! Man looks so beautiful omg
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2.) He's doing the Chrom™ pose!!!
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3.) The Mark of Grima is really easy to find in this design and Chrom's bow looks like Grima's horns. He wears a crown like Aversa's/Gangrel's and, as another person pointed out to me, the place where he was stabbed by Robin glows! Nintendo, that is vile!!!
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4.) It's a bit hard to tell but I think this is also another Chrom pose reference, I hope! You can see his Brand peeking out from under his broken sleeve and it ACTIVATES MY BRAIN. This man lost everything and covered up the symbol of his family and duty but he can't escape it, just like fate 😭. The whole theme of FE13 is that you can decide your fate but Fallen Exalt Chrom's voice lines are just about how you/he can't change fate- ouch
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5.) You can kinda see it in the other sprites but here you can see the hilt for Falchion really well. Despite having an entire wardrobe change Chrom still wears Falchion's hilt even though he doesn't have it- Lucina probably does and this hurts my soul so much oml
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6.) Litol guy 🥺
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shreedle · 1 year
Hey friend! Besides seasonal themes we already have in game, what would be your top five most wanted seasonal banners in FEH? 👀
(For those unaware, FEH is referring to Fire Emblem Heroes. <3)
Thank you for the Ask! I took some time to think about it because while I immediately decided on the first three, the latter two definitely took a bit more time for me to come up with.
1) Redeemed Heroes
This would be a reverse of the Fallen Heroes theme that FEH does each year -- instead of having "evil" versions of "good" characters, we would have the "good" versions of characters portrayed as "evil" in Fire Emblem (so we would have good Garon, good Ashnard, good Anankos, etc.).
2) Musicians
Refresher banner with musical instruments. This really seems more like an offshoot of the Dancer banners that we've had, but honestly, I really want a Brady alt that plays his violin as a refresher unit. I would honestly, also, REALLY like a higher tier inheritable version of Dance/Sing/Play that varies depending on which one was the base skill.
3) Father's/Mother's Day
…I think we all want a version of our favorite child units with our favorite parent combinations confirmed for them, hair color and skills and dialogue and everything, don't we? For example, Arthur or Coipre on this banner could wield the Forseti tome, or kids like Inigo/Cynthia/Morgan with Chrom's blue hair. Until then, I will just stare at my fics that gently puts them all into one giant universe and has them just accepting that fate.
4) Harvest Festival
I don't THINK we have one that is a harvest festival, do we? At least not that falls around that time, because I know we have the Halloween banner and the Christmas banner, but this would fall in between. It'd be another food-oriented banner, but I rather like the aesthetics of the food-oriented banners.
5) In the Future
This is basically the opposite of the Child banners that we get. Instead of pulling kid versions of adult Heroes, we'd pull older versions of younger characters (like, for example, an older, post-Awakening Lucina or a post-Fates Shigure).
Bonus: Valla-Themed (Dream Redux)
Didn't include this as one of the five since we already had a Dream banner, but I absolutely adored the aesthetics and the concept and really wish that there had been more, with characters such as Arete, Shigure, Kana, Anankos, the Awakening Trio, the other Hoshidan/Nohrian siblings.
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sieglinde-freud · 1 month
I don’t CARE how many alt scenarios it would requires at least include lucinas sibling and/or her cousin… bare minimum
YEAH SERIOUSLY and its like. they limited chrom’s support options for a reason. he can only have potentially five other kids anyways. would it be that hard to write a mildly different one off line for each of them just so lucina can bounce off of someone? or just like. owain. hell, you could push tiki’s recruit earlier and let her fill that role instead. its just so weird to start valm’s arc with lucina introducing her character and incredibly tragic storyline only for her to get shoved into the background and just be around for a couple of lines that add nothing to the story. and its like, i understand why the valm arc had to happen, it’s a necessary development for chrom and a decent middle point in the game but i feel like it just wasnt executed as well as it could be. lucina being a big part of that. and i mean, yes i am a big lucina fan so maybe this is just me having personal beef that my favorite character doesnt do much here but its also like… shes pushed as the third main character of the game and yet?? ugh idk. plus if theyre gonna make time travel a huge plot point, maybe show us more perspectives on that like… making another time traveler part of the story so its not just lucina expositioning all over the place when she finally gets to talk
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owainbradys · 2 years
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I legit can't decide who to get with my free pull. I do like Lucina more as a character and this alt of hers is Gorgeous, though I do like Corrin too and that alt is based on one of my favorite Cipher cards, plus Halloween is like, my entire brand...
Logically, I know Valentines banners will run again next month already so that's another shot at Lucina, buuut... I have very few orbs rn (trying to spark Askr-Embla duo) so I don't even think I can build up a huge cache by February.
On the other hand, October is very far away and I probably won't get another shot at Corrin until then (unless she's featured in a Double Summoning Event, but those tend to be flaky). But that might also give me more time to save up knowing she's coming...? Though what will I do if this year's Halloween banner is one I end up liking a lot and want to summon on... decisions, decisions...
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yandere-daze · 1 year
Fire Emblem Masterlist
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✨ Who are the best and worst yandere! royals to be stuck with? ✨
General Yandere! Alcryst headcanons
How are the 12 base emblems like as yanderes? (Marth, Celica, Sigurd, Leif, Roy, Lyn, Eirika and Ephraim, Ike, Micaiah, Lucina, Corrin, Byleth)
Fell Xenologue
Yandere! Alt Royals meeting their darling from another world that is dating a different version of them
Thoughts on how Yandere Alt! Diamant, Alcryst and Fogado feel about their counterparts
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dancerladyaqua · 1 year
There’s a couple reasons IS pushes MChrobin and not FChrobin
1) MRobin like FCorrin is the more popular version therefore he gets more focus, they are balancing a lot better now however and I suspect FRobin is getting a wedding alt next year
2) FRobin well…FGrima now exists to sell fanservice alts to cater to the straight male base, that rearmed one is disgusting we probably will get an MGrima version in the future that won’t be as sexual similar to the differences between their Halloween alts driving this point even further. Personally I think FRobin should get a real legendary now that MRobin did or an ascendent with her grandmaster outfit it’s not very fair they’d rather fanservice her first but alas
3) And this is the biggest reason FChrobin is a M/F pairing. they can tease M/M all they want because it means less than any M/F pairing to them. I guarantee that’s how they see it after all M/M can never be canon and it’s “safer” to focus on. By virtue of being a heterosexual ship FRobin can’t get the same treatment. Which frankly is stupid but I’m not going to deny it’s a huge reason either, I’d say it’s pretty obvious.
Finally this is just a guess but I think IS knows how popular Chrobin is and they’re just baiting people because it sells another form of fanservice more want Robin tied to Chrom for their ship then want him to be his own person and they go hard for that
Oh, I totally get all these points--you bring up good ones. They also have to be careful not to "canonize" Lucina's mother (even if they can use the excuse of it being only in one timeline).
All the same, I just get annoyed when I see so much favoritism on the whole. It's a reason why I got tired of fCorrin, for example. I try not to be so bothered by it but I can't help it.
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meggannn · 8 months
fire emblem heroes rambling
i am so delighted that frobin is getting a brave unit in heroes, not only to round out the brave mrobin+chrom+lucina bird family but because in general it seems like she plays second fiddle to mrobin in fe stuff and that makes me sad. when she does get attention so many of her alts are just grima
this is a tangent but the fire emblem avatars i like the most, from the games i've played thus far, are robin and byleth. the other avatar i've played with, corrin, has a different vibe and isn't really taken as seriously from what i've seen in my admittedly limited time in this fandom
but the semi-official decisions of which versions of the avatars are "canon" actually kind of bothers me because robin and byleth are emphasized to be great tacticians and i like seeing stoic, intelligent women in leading roles who are taken seriously. contrast that with corrin who imo is canonically a bit of an idiot no matter their gender, and doubly so if they take the nohr path. female byleth gets a lot of attention for fanservice reasons, but in general what i've seen is intsys largely treats byleth and robin's male avatars as canon and female corrin as canon; and i believe female corrin takes the nohr path in intys's world, where it's implied they're making continent-shattering decisions based on emotion and naivete, so you can imagine why that bothers me.
for their character, i don't mind corrin making bad decisions, because it makes sense given their sheltered background and desperation for acceptance from their adopted father even though he's obviously capital-e Evil. that's reasonable for anyone of any gender. but i do feel feel in selecting which version is "canon," fire emblem is leaning into old tropes of "(boy avatars) are smart, reserved, tactical" and "(girl avatars) are chipper, more outwardly emotional, etc." and FE fans do accept and defend this, because i have seen a fair share of comments saying that mbyleth "makes more sense" since the protagonist is meant to be "logical and emotionless." :| as if frobin isn't just as good a tactician as mrobin, or like fbyleth is more in tune with her emotions than mbyleth? lol
(but i have noticed female shez and female alear have more alts than their male counterparts. not sure if they've picked a "canon" version of either and i haven't played engage so can't comment on alear's characterization. but both shezes are idiots tbf and i wonder which they'll "go" with because imo an "they beat me, i now will dedicate my life to killing them" rivalry sort does tend to be more of a guy's attitude a la shonen anime. mshez is on hopes's cover, but so is fbyleth, so i'm not taking that as official word.)
anyway. i don't take "the number of alts in a gatcha game" as strict word on which avatar intsys views as canon because i know intsys prefers to make alts of female characters for male fanservice, which bloats the women's popularity a bit. i've mostly been making assumptions based on which versions show up in other media, e.g. engage, where mbyleth, mrobin, and fcorrin show up. but i do try to look at the way alts are used in heroes, e.g. frobin not being available at all in the general pool. which is why i'm glad she'll have a brave unit now! that i hope to fuck is not also just another version of grima!!!
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