#IOM News
petnews2day · 5 months
Cat lands man in court over ammo offences
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/p5uWy
Cat lands man in court over ammo offences
Thursday, 18 April 2024 06:52 A businessman has found himself in court after a cat triggered an alarm at his home. Property developer and food waste company owner Michael Osborne of the Ballamodha Straight in Ballasalla appeared before Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood at Douglas Courthouse. The 75-year-old admitted two counts of illegally possessing ammunition. […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/p5uWy #CatsNews #8216More8217, #Iom, #Manxradio, #3FM, #3Fm, #3Fm, #3Fmradio, #BenSowrey, #ClubClassics, #CommonwealthYouthGames, #Cyg, #Cyg2011, #Cyg2011, #DerekRichardson, #EnergyFm, #GeorgeFerguson, #IOMNews, #Iomradio, #IsleOfDeals, #IsleOfMan, #IsleOfManAdvertising, #IsleOfManAndroid, #IsleOfManDeals, #IsleOfManFacebook, #IsleOfManMarketing, #IsleOfManMedia, #IsleOfManNews, #IsleOfManOnline, #IsleOfManRadio, #IsleOfManRadioAdvertising, #IsleOfManRadioStation, #IsleOfManRadioStations, #IsleOfManSchoolClosures, #IsleOfManTelevision, #IsleOfManTv, #IsleOfManTwitter, #Isleofdeals, #Isleofmandeals, #JasonQuinn, #KevinFord, #LateNightLoveSongs, #Manx, #ManxRadio, #MattFletcher, #MoreMusicOnAirOnlineOnIPadAndOnIPhone, #Moremusic, #MorningCrew, #MorningCrew3FMMorningCrew, #Music, #NjWilliams, #RadioPlayer, #Radio3Fm, #Radioplayer, #RadioplayerCoUk, #RonBerry, #SchoolClosures, #TheMorningCrew, #ThreeFm, #Threedotfm, #Threefm, #TonyJames, #Tt, #TtRace, #TtRaces, #Ukradioplayer
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ittybittybumblebee · 2 years
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Oughfhrgrhhgh bigtop burg
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matoitech · 2 years
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hes so bisexuyal swag
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uk07 · 6 months
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photos for my roblox healer wolf guy
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simplydnp · 9 months
we usually get some kind of something from dnp over the holidays so the fact that we haven't means every single theory we have is right and occuring all at the same time. they got married. dan accidently bleached his hair and now he's blond and curl-less. they adopted a cat. they haven't seen each other in a week and a half and the universe ripped in half. they've gone into a post-gamingmas coma. they vlogged iom and lost the footage. they drank so much on new years they forgot to kiss and have been passed out since. the builders moved into their home when they were away for the holidays and they're too socially awkward to say anything. they're getting engaged and dan lost the ring. they've decided to do gamingmas 2 in february and are prepping those videos (wait til you see what they post on the 14th!). phil broke their computer by spilling coffee on it and he knocked it over with his ass. the reindeer decoration is enacting his revenge. they got invited to a red carpet and are playing possum so they have a reason not to go. phivorce part 3 (the sequel to phivorce 2: happily phoreverafter). they've gone to japan to film the devan japan honeymoon.
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ahappydnp · 11 months
I am sort of new here.... What are the xmas 2017 instastories?
dec 22nd 2017- basically there we some theories dan could be on IOM with the lesters and then cornelia ~conveniently~ did an instastory from IOM where dan was directly in frame.
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but the thing is...she's known them for years and would never post dan 1) without his consent 2) knowing he didn't publicly announce he was there himself. but the weird thing is it started a trend of corn posting the boys in the background of stories or front and center, especially for things they didn't post (like her 40th birthday party in 2018) so it felt like there was some kind of conversation there?? or maybe they just said do whatever we don't care but like...idk it felt pointed you know?
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Family Included (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
a matched set (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: “Mum,” he says, and his voice sounds like a balloon about to burst from happiness. “Mum, would you do me a favor.”
(a mother's view of the christmas adventure)
Air Hockey (ao3) - philsmeatylegss
Summary: Christmas fic where neko!dan, who has a horrific past, faces his greatest challenge yet: meeting his fiancé’s family…
An Alternative Bahamas Incident (ao3) - Do_it_with_the_Howell_Lesters
Summary: Phil is set to be the best man at his brother's wedding, but his mother insists on him bringing a real date. So obviously he asks Dan to be his fake boyfriend for the week. But can Phil’s heart really take that? Can Dan’s?
And I know the yearning will always remain (ao3) - Kavat
Summary: Kathryn drops off Phil and Dan at the train station.
antisocial (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: normally Phil loves when Martyn comes over, but right now he just wants to talk to Dan
Bear (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: As a child, Dan was easily frightened and needed comfort; that was when his Nana first gave him his Pooh Bear plush, as something that could keep him safe. Over the years, the plush became his absolute comfort, even into adulthood. When Phil comes into the picture, he makes Dan even more comfortable; through the good times and bad.
bundle up, baby (ao3) - angelmichelangelo
Summary: dnp taking their little kid for the first time to the iom for christmas
there's nothing more exciting than a child's first christmas
Christmas Coming Out (ao3) - FandomFeels17
Summary: He didn't intend to come out to his mum in his future mother in law's kitchen at Christmas... But here he was, doing exactly that.
clouds parting (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Phil’s never been good at thinking things over while in motion, not the way that Dan is. But the first pieces of the decision happen then, making his way down rain-soaked pavements, everything a steely, soggy gray.
(secret holiday, autumn ‘21)
growing up or just going down (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Phil is 15 years old today. He's going to have the best birthday of his life, to kick off the best year of his life.
Happiness Without Followup Questions (ao3) - Bandom_Squirrel
Summary: Dan is having a hard time accepting that he is happy. A late-night chat with Phil’s mum might be all he needs.
home for christmas (ao3) - danhoweiis
Summary: kath and dan have a chat on christmas day
ice is slowly melting (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: Dan's mum brings Colin on a visit.
It's going to be fine. (ao3) - Septic84
Summary: Scared out of his mind, Dan takes Phil home to meet his family.
I've got you, brother (ao3) - Findus26
Summary: Dan is visiting his family and as always, things turn sour quickly.
Dan wants to run back to Phil, but somehow, he finds himself in his brother’s room for what might be their first ever honest conversation.
In the Light of the Moon (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: Dan Howell’s never had any friends. Why? Because he has a superpower. One that he can’t control. Luckily, the new kid at his school doesn’t mind.
Leave it to stew (ao3) - chiridotalaevis
Summary: They weren’t, you know, hiding that Dan was here, but perhaps Kath didn’t need to see slightly slobbery faces (don’t judge, Phil is just a very enthusiastic kisser), Dan’s bright red cheeks and Phil’s slightly untucked pants. They just were not exactly Kath presentable at this moment.
maybe this christmas (ao3) - blackbirddan
Summary: In all the years they've known each other, Dan and Phil have never been able to spend Christmas Day together. And it's looking like they still can't, even with how much things have changed this year. Unless...
a.k.a. Dan’s family spend Christmas in the Isle of Man.
meeting the parents (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: Dan is ready to meet Phil's parents.
My Happily Ever After (ao3) - tol_but_smol
Summary: Royalty AU! Phil is a prince and Dan's his servant
reconnect (ao3) - Rawritsamehh
Summary: Dan reconnects with his mother after a very big email.
sometime, stranger (ao3) - dieofthatroar
Summary: Karen's thoughts on a little boy she thought she knew
transparency (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: Dan and his parents have about as honest a conversation possible when none of them are quite willing to tell the full truth.
we're like two halves of one heart (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: dan's grandma might not have understood what being gay meant, but she's here for dan now in an important moment of his life.
Weight on my Shoulders (ao3) - ByTheFire
Summary: When Phil starts getting some unexpected gifts from his dad he starts to worry if he knows something he is not ready to share. Thankfully Dan is there to make it all a bit less scary. All Phil can hope is his dad doesn't want to change who he truly is.
welcome, love (ao3) - angelmichelangelo
Summary: coming out isn't easy, but it's a little less shit when you're surrounded with family
What a great year to be a mum (ao3) - WhatsNew
Summary: Karen reminisces in the year of big revelations, regret, happiness and new chapters. Year 2019 through proud mum's eyes.
What We Are to Each Other (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: So maybe they both suck at communication. Maybe Dan needs to talk to Phil about what they are to each other. And maybe Phil needs to sit his parents down and tell them that big, slightly scary thing about himself. But maybe it'll all work itself out, one way or another.
when it feels like nothing else matter, will you put your arms around me? (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: “Sorry.” Phil says.
His father wraps his arms around him, and the embrace feels warm. It’s an embrace that he hasn’t felt in a long time. It’s like when he was a kid and something scary happened and his father just held him like nothing could ever hurt him because his father was there protecting him.
“It’s okay.” His father quietly whispers into his hairline. “It’s okay.”
He didn’t know how to tell him all the things that he wanted to say, like: I don’t know how to stop my thoughts from spiralling out of control. What if the medicine makes it worse? What do we do if things don’t get better? How do I live in a world that doesn’t have my dad in it?
“Let’s just enjoy right now.” His father says, and he doesn’t let go of him.
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wkakadrac · 1 year
Crossposting some Night Lords musings
Some rambling in relation to 40K / 30K [Predominantly around the Night Lords Legion] below the cut-off.
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Art from 3rd Edition Chaos Space Marines Codex / Index Astartes.
Something I have come to consider a disappointment of sorts is the missed potential when it comes to the Night Lords Legion.
On one hand, they fill a niche that is absolutely needed to drive home the horrors of the Imperium of Man. Even with the most generous interpretations of the Emperor and his Great Crusade, you have an unsightly blemish in the form of the Night Lords being a useful bunch of self-serving monsters that the Emperor tolerated / was willing to entertain a blindspot for as long as he could pretend Curze wasn't That Bad and they got results. And again that's with the most generous interpretations: The Emperor unintentionally making a Leopards Eating People's Faces While The People Are Still Alive Legion and and tolerating it out of pragmatism. The more common / neutral implication being that he absolutely knew what they were doing [wanted them doing it, no less!] and signed off on it because they shaved a couple years off the Crusade atrocities be damned. The worst that he didn't care whatsoever about it and the only reason the Night Lords were abnormal was that they merely didn't pretend to be what they aren't.
This is a vital niche to fill when it comes to displaying the fucked up society that is the IoM and how even in its "Golden Age" there was stinking shit beneath that veneer of gold. You just... don't get it, for most of the other Legions. Especially in newer lore. GW has spent a bunch of effort to try and make the other Legio more 'human' [despite them being post-human galactic conquerors]. Especially with GW reducing so many other baddies into "lol it was Chaos / possession / insanity". The IoM needs something to have been a terrible blemish that cannot be conveniently blamed on Chaos or One Bad Apple Spoiling The Rest [Curze, quite explicitly, hates his Legion, and in many cases the feeling's mutual outside a respect for his capacity to do and enabling of Horrible Things].
But on the other hand. On the other hand. It writes itself: Really? Really? We are supposed to take it at face value that Nostramans are just built different, pay no mind to the sheer coincidence the moment Curze ceded Nostramo to the Emperor's Great Crusade they slid immediately back into the same lopsided government he had overthrown, and that The Administratum Couldn't Do Anything About It the inequalities just rapidly reasserted themselves crime magically skyrocketed after the removal of one single person, and on top of this the Societal Undesirables just coincidentally kept filtering into the Legion?
You have a world - no, I apologize: Explicitly an entire system: Night Lord lore explicitly mentioned in the old Index Astartes how he found out from a system's prosperity soaring - that in the span of a singular generation had its inequalities removed by the removal of every single despot that Curze didn't think he could press his thumb down on hard enough to play nice in the new system, and with Curze's removal the Administratum... magically couldn't do the same job as one person to keep at least one star system from falling back into the same groups' hands? And for that matter practically everyone that system recruited after the first generation was a bunch of horrific baby-eating self-serving murdering societal rejects who had no concern for anyone beyond He Himself And Him?
While 40K absolutely needs somebody to show that the Great Crusade's shit stunk too, that it was an interstellar bunch of murderers and ne'erdowells draped in the legitimacy and glory of a gilded despot, there was just as much potential to use them as a stepping stone of "Gee. It sure is convenient that the Imperium Did Its Best but Some People Are Just So Bad that despite giving them everything they could have ever wanted they still bit the hand that fed them". Or, for that matter, to introduce Traitor Marines who are just. Like. People who grew up watching their star system abolish economic and social inequalities. Dared to buy into the hype of such spreading through the galaxy. And then watched everything crumble around them. With stark division between those whom this broke, those who in desperation [for better or worse] threw their lot in with the Chaotic Powers... and those who just keep the legend of the original Night Haunter alive. Astartes who prowl the edges of Imperial Space and just.... topple the Noble Houses. Convince planets to throw off the yoke of Imperial Rule, whether in good faith or even just to try and make ever more fires for the IoM to have to put out [and thus increasing the odds of something slipping through the cracks or the inadequacies of the system catching up with it].
Adding onto this with some musings from other posts I fully understand that Curze's brutality was brought about by excessive and violent terror. Even the most benign interpretations of his rule over Nostramo pitch him as a murderous vigilante prone to violent fits. But that's fine! There's layers to how somebody like Curze could still call out the Emperor and other Great Crusade's architects / 'greatest' participants precisely and accurately. How Corax seemingly [in newer lore] likewise abandoned their revolutionary leans and within a matter of generations was actively reinforcing Deliverance's former system of exploitation, the two really being mirrors / foils for one another. Works have already established that Curze hates what he and his Legion have become [that the feeling is mutual] and that whatever noble intentions he might have had at any one point he's just as deserving of an executioner's blade well before the Heresy.
I guess I'm just disappointed that the Night Lords were reduced to a singular, unironic and straight-faced hat while every other Legion is given kiddy gloves to go "And that's why Chaos ruined everything". It diminishes the horrors of the Great Crusade, goes uncomfortable places with the idea of Some People Are Just Born Criminal And It Can Be Measurably Tracked In The Genome, and removes the potential for several thematic hooks.
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studioboner · 1 year
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AND YOU CAN CREATE UR OWN LIL ROBOT IN SURPERSTARS THATS SO NEAT IOM GONNA SCREAM, like teh forces character creation but this time for robots YIPPEEEEEE. also yo new super form to sonic? or at least the uh eye things
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goldenpinof · 7 months
i think most of the issues with irl lies with martyn. he's always come across as way too laid back and kinda a coattail rider to me. and working with family is always tough like there's no way phil would ever stand up to martyn about issues and it put dan in an awkward position too. when dnp were on hiatus he started a new influencer company and seems to have turned all his attention to that (and whatever crypto bs is on trend atm) plus he and corn live on iom now which must make it difficult to make in person business connections.
i don't think dnp are involved in running irl merch at all. when Cornelia was an employee i think most decisions were made by Martyn and her together. but after Freja was born + moving to IoM, i don't think Cornelia even has time to get updates. officially she isn't working for/with irl merch anymore, and i don't think she is involved on a family level much either. Sarah was basically a senior manager, and i think she knew more than Martyn, mostly because she was actually involved in everything. and after she left (and Martyn let her go, which is bizarre to me. like, i would fight for someone like that. salary? conditions? give her everything, bro), i'm not sure there's a senior manager who could replace her. if Matryn found a replacement for Ryann (an account manager), good for him, but it's clearly not enough.
"i don't think dnp are involved in running irl merch" that being said, i think they should be involved. it's their business just as Martyn's. only they are also the faces of it, which kinda adds some responsibility. if anything actually bad happens with irl, dnp's public image can be damaged. Martyn's? not so much. (me, trying to explain the correlation)
anon, i agree with you, btw. Martyn can be a problem. he is a managing director with the lack of managing skills (allegedly, in my opinion. don't sue me).
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shiyorin · 7 months
okay so ive been having major wh40k brain rot and i wanted to know your thoughts: say the primarchs have a child, but that child ends up become a heretic somehow, like maybe tinkering with necron technology or interacting with some peaceful xenos and got caught by one of the astartes. how do you think the primarchs would react to that (or maybe they have a pet tyranid in the back, idk)?
i think some of the more "stern" primarchs like dorn or lion might consider doing the ol' chop chop on the child but others like sanguinius or guilliman might try to cover all of it up while the inquisition is on their ass (or high lords of terra if we're talking 41st).
im kinda new to the 40k fandom (literally joined in jan) so im not 100% confident on the personality of the primarchs.
Welcome to warhammer 40K. Hope you will have a good time here.
And it depends on the timing. If in M30, people are quite open to this. But with M40, things are bad. But basically primarchs are pragmatic so as long as it has benefits they will be fine with it (look at IH, DA, IW,...)
And if they have a child and that child researches xenotech or has a Tyranid as a pet (it's somehow disconnected from the Hivemind) it's not exactly heresy either. That child is the child of a primarch, they can do anything they want except making friends with chaos.
And if we look at IoM, they do not prohibit the use of xenotech or 'making friends' with xenos (It isn't uncommon for radical Inquisitors to incorporate xenos into their retinue for as long as they can contain them or at least follow them around.) Broadly speaking the practice is looked down upon because the Mechanicus considers Xenotech to be unclean due to their beliefs. You just don't tell anyone or become powerful enough to not care so this will be fine. After all, religion is one thing, but they do possess a certain level of pragmatism as well.
TLDR: Primarchs are pragmatic so as long as it has benefits they will be fine with it. Your primarchs's child can did anything they want except making friends with chaos. But it is your fanfic, you can do anything with it if you want.
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petnews2day · 6 months
DEFA to consider making cat microchipping compulsory
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/awzSz
DEFA to consider making cat microchipping compulsory
Friday, 22 March 2024 10:40 The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture will consider making microchipping compulsory for cats. It comes after responses to a consultation have been published, asking for views on the welfare code for the animals.  Following suggestions, DEFA says it will possibly consult on cat microchipping in the future, but it […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/awzSz #CatsNews #8216More8217, #Iom, #Manxradio, #3FM, #3Fm, #3Fm, #3Fmradio, #BenSowrey, #ClubClassics, #CommonwealthYouthGames, #Cyg, #Cyg2011, #Cyg2011, #DerekRichardson, #EnergyFm, #GeorgeFerguson, #IOMNews, #Iomradio, #IsleOfDeals, #IsleOfMan, #IsleOfManAdvertising, #IsleOfManAndroid, #IsleOfManDeals, #IsleOfManFacebook, #IsleOfManMarketing, #IsleOfManMedia, #IsleOfManNews, #IsleOfManOnline, #IsleOfManRadio, #IsleOfManRadioAdvertising, #IsleOfManRadioStation, #IsleOfManRadioStations, #IsleOfManSchoolClosures, #IsleOfManTelevision, #IsleOfManTv, #IsleOfManTwitter, #Isleofdeals, #Isleofmandeals, #JasonQuinn, #KevinFord, #LateNightLoveSongs, #Manx, #ManxRadio, #MattFletcher, #MoreMusicOnAirOnlineOnIPadAndOnIPhone, #Moremusic, #MorningCrew, #MorningCrew3FMMorningCrew, #Music, #NjWilliams, #RadioPlayer, #Radio3Fm, #Radioplayer, #RadioplayerCoUk, #RonBerry, #SchoolClosures, #TheMorningCrew, #ThreeFm, #Threedotfm, #Threefm, #TonyJames, #Tt, #TtRace, #TtRaces, #Ukradioplayer
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magz · 3 months
Haiti, Social : 578,074 displaced people increase of 60% in 3 months
Article Date: June 11, 2024
Article Blurb:
"A report in early March 2024 from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) indicated that 362,551 people were internally displaced (IDPs) in Haiti due to the escalation of violence by armed groups. The new report at the beginning of June reveals that the number of IDPs has now reached 578,074 people, an increase of almost 60% compared to March.
In the latest report on the emergency situation in Haiti No. 26 (period from June 1 to 7) the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Haiti in collaboration with humanitarian partners reveals that the World Food Program (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have classified Haiti as a "famine or famine risk hotspot", requiring urgent attention."
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roboe1 · 7 months
News and Headlines: 2/16/2024.
In The News Today: U.S. and UN Funding Linked to Increase in Migrant Journey to Southern Border The United States government, under the Biden administration, has significantly increased its financial contributions to the United Nations’ migration-focused agencies, notably the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with allocations nearing $1.3 billion in 2023. This funding, aimed at…
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
A landslide that struck a remote part of Papua New Guinea on Friday may have killed more than 2,000 people.
The death toll was reported in a letter seen byThe Associated Press that was sent by National Disaster Center Acting Director Luseta Laso Mana to the United Nations resident coordinator on Sunday.
"The landslide buried more than 2,000 people alive and caused major destruction to buildings, food gardens, and caused major impact on the economic lifeline of the country," Mana wrote.
The landslide buried the village of Yambali in Enga Province beneath 20-26 feet of earth, according to U.N. News. It took place at around 3:00 am local time on Friday, May 24.
"It has occurred when people were still asleep in the early hours and the entire village has gone down," Elizabeth Laruma, the president of the Porgera Women in Business Association, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).
Laruma said the entire face of the mountain collapsed, squashing homes. Images showed rescue workers moving around downed trees and boulders. Some of the stones unleashed were larger than shipping containers.
"I have 18 of my family members being buried under the debris and soil that I am standing on, and a lot more family members in the village I cannot count," resident Evit Kambu told Reuters. "But I cannot retrieve the bodies, so I am standing here helplessly."
Initial reports put the death toll at around 100. Then, on Sunday, Serhan Aktoprak, country head of the U.N.'s International Organization for Migration (IOM), said that approximately 670 people were thought to be buried under the debris and that "hopes of finding them alive are shrinking."
It is not clear how the government reached its figure of more than 2,000 dead, and IOM has not altered its figures.
"We are not able to dispute what the government suggests but we are not able to comment on it," Aktoprak told AP, adding, "As time goes in such a massive undertaking, the number will remain fluid."
The landslide covered 150 homes and displaced around 1,250 people, according to IOM. It also blocked off the only highway traveling into the affected province, making rescue operations more difficult. So far, only five bodies have been pulled from the debris, according to AP. Rescue workers and survivors had been attempting to dig people out of the earth with shovels and farm equipment until the first excavator was donated by a local construction business on Sunday.
In the letter to the U.N., Mana said the ground was still shifting, making the situation "unstable" and posing "ongoing danger to both the rescue teams and survivors alike."
There have also been challenges delivering aid to the survivors: a Saturday delivery brought tarps and water but no food, while the local government gathered food and water on Sunday for only 600 people, The New York Times reported.
"This situation necessitates immediate action and international support to mitigate further losses and provide essential aid to those affected," IOM spokesperson Anne Mandal told the Times.
The cause of Friday's landslide is under investigation, according toThe Washington Post, but some people in the area have attributed it to a lightning strike or a month of heavy rainfall. The mountain was also already unstable because of a previous landslide, according to U.S. Geological Survey geologist Kate Allstadt.
Papua New Guinea is often struck by fatal landslides, according to ABC. Partly this is because it is a mountainous, tropical country on the Ring of Fire, where both heavy rainstorms and seismic events can destabilize hillsides. It also has a poor, rural population who are more likely to live in a landslide's path.
However, human activities also increase the risk, with industries such as mining, logging, and liquefied natural gas destabilizing terrain or contributing to deforestation. The climate crisis also makes extreme weather events that trigger landslides more likely.
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thoughtlessarse · 4 months
The EU supports, finances and is involved in clandestine operations in North African countries to dump tens of thousands of Black people in the desert or remote areas each year to prevent them from coming to Europe, according to an investigative report published on Tuesday. The year-long investigation was carried out by Lighthouse Reports, an investigative consortium, in collaboration with among others Washington Post, Der Spiegel, El Pais and Le Monde. The investigation focused on migrants in Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia trying to reach Europe. In a previous investigation published in December 2023, Lighthouse reported that the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) had been sharing coordinates of migrant boats in distress in the Mediterranean Sea with a vessel run by a militia in eastern Libya. In the new investigation, the Lighthouse team interviewed survivors and spoke with current and former EU staff members, as well as sources within national police forces and international organisations with a presence in the countries where the dumps are taking place. Using freedom of information laws, Lighthouses was also able to obtain internal documents. According to Lighthouse, the team established that the EU is well aware of the dump operations and sometimes directly involved. Two senior EU sources said it was “impossible” to fully account for the way in which European funding was used. The International Organization of Migration (IOM) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) are also aware of the operations. The internal documents obtained by Lighthouse show that EU officials had held internal discussions on some of the abusive practices since at least 2019. Crucially, the team matched vehicles used during the round-up and expulsions to vehicles provided by European countries by identifying tenders and carrying out visual analyses. “When they see a black guy, they come,” said 25-year-old Lamine from Guinea who was detained, beaten and dumped in the desert by Moroccan forces despite having refugee papers from UNHCR. In many cases the dump sites are rife with organised crime and trafficking rings, and victims are enslaved and tortured.
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